What to put in the dacha for floor level. DIY country floor. Methods for insulating a wooden floor

Currently, many people not only want to have apartments in big cities, but also want to purchase real estate outside the city. Dachas are once again becoming more widespread and popular. Here you can raise children fresh air, grow natural vegetables and fruits in your own garden and enjoy unity with nature. Everyone has their own country house. For some it’s a whole cottage, for others it’s a small one. wooden frame or brick building.

For owners country houses The pressing problem is the choice of flooring. Despite the abundance of materials that the construction market offers today, consumers are tormented by the question: “How to cover the floor in the country house? How to choose the right one flooring to ensure the quality and durability of the repairs made in a private home?

The article provides an overview of the most common types of building materials for flooring, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each type of coating, and its scope.

Types of flooring for a private home

In any private home there are different types premises depending on their areas of operation. To determine which material is best to cover the floor in a particular room, you need to know all the factors that are typical for this area (temperature, humidity, influence aggressive environments, proximity to heat sources and others).

The main types of flooring for a summer residence:

  • concrete screed;
  • linoleum;
  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • wooden floor.

Let's look at each material in more detail and determine the areas where the coating will most effectively perform its main functions.

Concrete screed

If you paint a concrete floor with paint in any color, you can get rid of an important drawback of this type of coating - the formation of cement dust. Painting concrete will help fill the pores of the material and give the surface additional abrasion resistance and favorable appearance.

The main disadvantage concrete covering the fact that the floor remains cold at any time of the year was considered. Because of this, concrete floors were not used in living rooms buildings. Modern technologies made it possible to correct this feature of the material by introducing the concept of “warm floor” into construction. Now lay on the prepared base heating elements and fill the surface with concrete. Having hardened, the floor covering forms a monolithic structure, the temperature of which is regulated by the owner. Even in an unheated room, “warm floor” is an effective solution.

Concrete flooring is the base for other floor coverings, such as laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc.

However, it must be taken into account that it is difficult to lay a concrete screed evenly. Such a coating is almost never smooth. You can correct unevenness while spending a minimum of money and time by laying plywood on the base. Linoleum and parquet are laid directly on plywood, and a backing is first laid under the laminate.


There are several varieties of linoleum. This material can be single-layer or multi-layer, smooth and textured, thin and dense. The price of linoleum varies from 150 to 800 rubles per square meter. The color of the material is varied, often the coating imitates wooden parquet or laminate.

Linoleum – great solution for flooring in private country house, since the material has a low cost, aesthetic design and is moisture resistant. This type of flooring can be used in living rooms, hallways, kitchens, covered verandas, and even in the cottage bathroom. Linoleum laid on plywood or other leveling coating forms a flat, smooth and aesthetically pleasing floor.

The disadvantages of linoleum include the softness of the material; under the influence of loads, the coating bends, forming creases, preserving traces of furniture.

Attention! It is not recommended to cover wooden floors with linoleum. Through roll material no air penetrates. Wood can deform, collapse and rot under the influence of condensation that forms under the linoleum layer.


A coating of this material will improve the appearance of any surface. The color of the laminate and shade may vary, as well as its price category. However, to use such a coating it is necessary to take into account the positive and negative aspects material.

In a private house, laminate flooring is laid in living and dry rooms. The material is abrasion resistant and is very difficult to push through furniture. The panels are easily laid on the prepared surface. Laminate is an environmentally friendly material without chemicals or other toxic components, and is resistant to fungus and mold. Regular wet cleaning and careful use will preserve the original appearance of the floor for 7–10 years.

When laying laminate flooring, special requirements are placed on the horizontal and even surface of the flooring, since even minor deformations lock connections slats affect not only the appearance of the floor, but also its performance characteristics. You can properly prepare the floor by laying plywood on the base and then using a laminate underlay.

Another feature of laminate is negative impact moisture on it. And what? cheaper material, the worse it reacts to the humid environment of the room. Swelling of the laminate and creaking of floorboards can occur if the coating is used incorrectly.

When laying laminate flooring, it is better to choose more quality class products that are close in cost to parquet. Of course, do not install this flooring in rooms with high humidity.


Wooden flooring made from selected planks existed back in the 13th–14th centuries in noble houses in Europe. And now parquet is an expensive material, because it is formed of piece products with grooves made of wood hard rocks: oak, ash, beech, wenge, mahogany, etc.

The advantages of parquet include:

  • environmentally friendly natural material;
  • durable, there are ways to update and repair decking;
  • exquisite appearance, it is possible to lay the boards in the form of an artistic ornament.

The disadvantages of parquet include the following:

  • high cost of coverage;
  • complexity of installation;
  • sensitivity to moisture;
  • requires constant care.

To extend the life of the parquet, it is necessary to paint it with several layers of varnish. Painting is carried out with a brush and roller, controlling the thickness of the layer. Keeping natural color wood, painting the parquet with varnish will make the floor covering moisture resistant and protect the surface from abrasion.

Ceramic tiles

In a private home you cannot do without ceramic tiles. This material is used to decorate the floors and walls of bathrooms, toilets, work surfaces and kitchen areas; it can be used on the veranda. You can choose absolutely any color and pattern of the tiles. There are glossy and matte ceramic surfaces.

Ceramic tiles are an environmentally friendly, hard and durable material that will last for many years. Ceramics are not afraid of moisture, aggressive environments and temperature effects. When laying tiles, you can independently regulate the evenness of the surface using an adhesive composition.

The only drawback is the fragility of ceramic tiles. If you drop a hard object on the surface, the tile may break.

Wooden floor

The most common floor covering in a private country house is a wooden floor. As a rule, such coating meets the price-quality ratio. The board is often inexpensive, and painting the material gives the wood a number of advantageous properties and allows you to create any interior design.

Initially wooden board has a number of disadvantages:

  • susceptible to fungus and mold;
  • may dry out and become deformed over time;
  • moisture negatively affects the material.

You can protect your new wood floor by painting it with varnish or paint.

Attention! Before painting a wooden floor with varnish or paint, it is necessary to prepare the surface: level the base by sanding the wood using grinding machine, apply a primer to the surface.

To save natural look and the natural color of wood is better to paint the boards with a special varnish. However, it should be noted that the varnished floor must be used carefully, without scratching the coating with heels or furniture.

Often, wooden floors and plywood are painted to ensure durability of the coating, protect it from deformation and the effects of fungus and mold. The question arises: “What paint is best to paint wooden flooring in a private home?”

To determine how to make a floor in a country house the most optimal and in an inexpensive way, you need to know some nuances. After all, there are differences between the dachas, and there are also many options between the genders:

1. For a small house, which is used only in the summer for relaxation after working in the garden beds, an ordinary one without insulation is suitable. In this case, it is enough to pour a thin layer of expanded clay into the subfloor and seal the cracks in the floor well.

2. For a home that is used all year round, But from time to time When you come on holiday on weekends, you will have to make a more reliable floor with insulation. This is necessary in order to winter time heat from the house was not blown out through the uninsulated floor.

3. The third option is a dacha where they live all year without leaving. In this case, you will need to make a two-layer heated floor with thick boards. You can, of course, install a concrete screed and lay insulation on top, but this is a more labor-intensive process, although its result will not disappoint expectations - the house will be warm, dry and not dusty, since the soil will be covered with a screed.

4. A large country mansion, which serves not only as a summer house, but also as permanent housing, requires a solid floor, not only insulated with appropriate materials, but possibly also with the installation of electric or water heating.

So we need to consider different types floors that can be installed in a country house, based on its intended purpose

It’s not at all difficult to make a regular plank floor on joists, the main thing is to purchase quality material. Depending on general design foundation, the choice of supports for flooring the boards will be determined.

  • If the rooms in the house have small area, and the house is set on strip foundation, then the floor joists can be embedded in the base, having previously wrapped them with waterproofing material, for example, roofing felt. In this case, you should not save on the thickness of the logs - they can serve as logs of medium thickness, hewn on one side in the required way.
  • If the rooms are large, then to install the log, one way or another, it will be necessary to install retaining pillars.

Whether the floors are single or double, it is recommended to cover the underground with a 15-20 cm layer of expanded clay. This material will not allow cold and moisture to penetrate from the ground to the floors, which means it can serve as an additional natural insulation. In addition, there will be much less dust in the house, since it will be covered with expanded clay.

Wooden flooring has many advantages, but the main thing is its environmental friendliness. In addition, it fits perfectly into the interior country house.

The material for flooring must be chosen of high quality, having the necessary moisture content, since the wood should not be either overdried or damp. Floor boards must not be damaged or cracked or large quantity knots. The material, before laying it, needs to be prepared and covered antiseptics, which will protect against damage by insects, mold, from dampness and rotting.

Preparation for installation

If floors are to be made in an already built house, instead of old ones, then first of all, the existing covering must be dismantled.

Having lifted the old boards and discovered that the logs are lying on the ground, the owner will be forced to correct this, since the tree, which does not have the opportunity to be ventilated from below, quickly deteriorates and rot appears on it.

In order for the logs to serve for a long time, it is necessary that they are located at a height of 15-20 centimeters above ground level.

If the height of the ceiling allows, then new logs can be raised above the surface of the underground by installing them on brick columns. To do this, holes are placed at a distance of a meter or one and a half from each other, which will serve as pits for the foundation of the columns. The depth of the pits should be at least 40-50 centimeters.

The bottom is compacted and a ten-meter sand cushion is poured onto it, which is also compacted. Then, medium-fraction crushed stone, also 10 cm thick, is laid on top of the sand, and it also needs to be compacted.

The next stage of work can be structured in different ways:

Waterproofing made of thick polyethylene film is laid in the pit and installed wooden formwork- a kind of box.

On prepared waterproofing material install reinforcement, sinking it into the ground, it should rise to the height of the pit, to its upper edge. Rough material is poured into the formwork concrete mortar from gravel and cement at the very top. The concrete is leveled and left to dry - this will become the foundation for the brick columns. When the base is ready, a piece of roofing felt is laid on it - this is additional waterproofing for the brickwork.

Foundation "spots" for posts

A column is laid out on top of the finished concrete “patch” required height. The top edge of all columns must be at the same height, so they are adjusted according to level.

Another option would be a post made entirely of concrete. In this case, the bottom of the pit is compacted in the same way as in the first case, but the reinforcement is placed over the entire height of the column. When the concrete has hardened in the formwork installed in the pit, it is raised above the ground to its full height future support. To prevent concrete from flowing out through the gaps between the boards, they can be sealed with clay or plastic film secured inside the box. Next, concrete is poured into the box and left until completely mature. Before laying the logs on the posts, you will need to lay pieces of roofing felt.

If the ceiling is low and it is undesirable to raise the floors, you will have to carry out the following work:

It is necessary to loosen and select the soil to a depth of 30-40 centimeters, and only then holes for the posts are dug in this pit to bring their height to the previous floor level.

When the posts are ready, it is recommended to completely cover the underground with roofing felt waterproofing, and it is better to lay the sheets with an overlap of 10-15 centimeters and glue them together using tar or sealant. The roofing felt should extend 15-20 centimeters onto the walls, and it should also be sealed tightly in the corners.

Expanded clay can be poured onto this base, which will create an insulating cushion.

Floor construction

Fastenings for the logs are installed on the posts, then the guides themselves are laid. If they are made of massive bars, then they can only be fixed to the walls, since due to their heaviness, they are unlikely to budge.

If a single floor is being laid, then most often a counter-lattice is placed on the joists, and only then the flooring is made from boards.

If the coating is planned to be insulated and made double, then settles down first rough floor

To do this, bars measuring 5 × 5 cm are attached to the bottom of the side surfaces of the logs, on which the subfloor boards will be laid.

The boards can also be secured to the bottom edge of the joists, but this is not always convenient simply due to the cramped nature of the subfloor.

If you want to make the floor warm and reliable, then better board nail it solidly, as shown in the photo. It is recommended to seal all cracks with clay mortar.

You can do it differently - fasten the boards at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from each other, and cover the top with sheets of vapor barrier material, which is secured to the joists with staples using a construction stapler.

  • On top of it, 5 × 3 cm bars are attached to the logs, on which the floorboards will be mounted.
  • It is very important when laying the floorboard to retreat from the walls by 5-7 millimeters for air circulation. When the board is laid, a plinth is installed around the perimeter.

Concrete floor

Another option for installing a floor in a dacha could be a concrete screed. Concrete is cold material, so the floor will require mandatory insulation if you plan to use the country house all year round.

A concrete screed can have several schemes according to which this work is done. The picture shows more complex circuit, which is used mainly for installation in country houses, where living is carried out all year round. In this case, a rough screed is provided, which can be dispensed with if the house is used only in the summer. But it’s worth considering both flooring options.

Preparation for laying a concrete floor is carried out in the same way:

Leveling and compacting soil in the underground;

Arranging and compacting a sand cushion in a layer of 10 centimeters.

Concrete floor with rough screed

A rough screed is laid on the sand layer, the solution for which is made from gravel mixture and cement. The screed should not have a perfectly smooth surface structure, but it should be leveled quite well.

Next, the screed should dry very well. Since the rough screed is laid with a thickness of 12-15 centimeters, its preliminary maturation will take up to fifteen days - this period will depend on temperature and humidity.

Ready rough screed a vapor barrier film is laid.

The insulation is covered or laid on a vapor barrier. For these purposes, it is best to choose extruded polystyrene foam, as it has a fairly solid base. Natural materials can also be used for insulation - middle fraction expanded clay or slag.

If loose insulation is used, it is advisable to compact it as tightly as possible.

Placed on top of the insulation polyethylene film, which will act as waterproofing for the top, final screed. The film must be glued with waterproof tape and raised to the walls by 15-20 centimeters.

Along the bottom of the wall, along the entire perimeter of the room, a damper tape is glued, which preserves the screed from destruction when temperature conditions change.

Placed on film metal mesh to reinforce the screed, and beacons are installed - from reinforcement or galvanized metal profile. They are leveled to the ideal level, since they will determine how even the floor will be.

A semi-dry mixture or liquid concrete solution is laid out on the prepared surface. The volume of the solution should be such that its thickness is slightly higher than the installed beacons.

Then, using the rule, the laid cement mixture is leveled.

After leveling and drying the screed and, if necessary, hardening and removing dust from the surface with impregnating compounds, you can lay a decorative coating or logs for installing a wooden floor. In the case where raising the floor with joists is unacceptable, but it is necessary to insulate the floor, then you can use electric infrared film heaters, which will very quickly heat the rooms after the owners arrive at the dacha.

Simplified version of the posture

  • As mentioned above, the first two preparatory stage– soil compaction and laying sand and gravel cushion, are the same for both cases. Next, in a simplified version of the screed, expanded clay is poured onto the compacted base and well leveled
  • Waterproofing made of thick polyethylene film is spread on top of it. It is arranged with an overlap of 15-20 cm and glued with special tape. On the walls, the waterproofing should also extend at least 15-20 cm. In the corners, the film must be glued with waterproof tape so that there are no cavities left in which moisture can accumulate.
  • Next, pouring the screed differs little from the method described above - the same principle of reinforcement and gluing damper tape, placing beacons, laying out and leveling concrete mortar.
  • The finished floor, which has gained the necessary strength, can be additionally leveled using self-leveling bulk composition.

It is often most beneficial to install a wooden deck on top of a concrete base.

Wooden flooring on concrete base

There are two options for fixing the logs to the concrete surface: fixing them directly to the concrete, or raising them above the base by 10-15 centimeters.

The ability to raise the logs above the concrete surface will depend on the height of the ceiling and on the height at which the heating radiators are located if they are installed in the country house.

  • If the joists are laid directly on concrete, a polyethylene film is first laid out for waterproofing and protection from cement dust.

Then the logs are fixed in place (to the walls, or with anchors - directly to the base) with a distance of 60 cm (standard width insulation) from each other, and at a distance of the thickness of the insulation - from the walls.

Along the perimeter, between the wall and the joists, strips cut from mineral wool or foam plastic are laid - they should be higher than the joists by the thickness of the board or plywood.

On top of the vapor barrier you can lay a massive floorboard or thick plywood. Plywood is laid faster, but it usually requires additional decorative covering, such as linoleum or laminate. The floors are made of solid wood you can simply coat it with tinting varnish, preserving the textured pattern.

  • If you decide to raise the logs above the concrete floor by a few centimeters, then you will have to make an additional effort and set the logs to the level - this can be done using bars or special adjustable threaded connection stands.

To level the bars with them, you simply need to tighten the legs, pre-installed on the logs, in certain places, relying on the level readings. The advantage of this option is that under wood covering you can install thicker insulation without spending money on solid lumber. In addition, this approach eliminates the need to straighten the screed curve. The legs of the stands have special holes through which they can be secured to the concrete surface.

Video: a good practical guide to flooring in a country house

Since there are several ways to install floors in country house or a mansion, and you can choose the one that is more suitable for a particular house and will not particularly burden the homeowner’s pocket.

Wood is a material valued for its environmental friendliness, aesthetics and durability, and therefore it is not surprising that dacha owners choose wood as a construction resource for constructing floors. Coating from natural material They are laid not only in the countryside - in small summer houses; wooden floors can be laid in a brick cottage or a foam concrete structure. How to lay a wooden floor in a country house and whether it can be done with your own hands - we’ll figure it out together.

Wood flooring installation process

In the process of constructing a wooden floor covering, whether in a country house or in a brick cottage, there is nothing complicated: the work can be done with your own hands. However, in order to obtain a beautiful, strong and durable coating as a result of the work, it is necessary to take into account many nuances when performing it, and also to study well the theory of laying out floors.

IN brick house, cottage or small wooden building floors can be arranged with your own hands in different ways. Let's look at the two most popular options:

  • A floor covering created on a rough layer and with an additional layer of insulation (sound insulation), located on a base of soil or on overlapping beams;
  • The floor is made of wood, built on a concrete base with an insulating layer.

In country houses, the first option is more often used. Moreover, this method creates floors on the first floor or basement, and it can also be used when arranging floor coverings on different floors of the building.

In the second option, the flooring structure is built completely differently and can be modified and modified to reduce costs. More often, this method is used to make floors in brick cottages and apartments; it makes sense to lay floors in the kitchen on a concrete base.

The indicated methods for laying a wooden floor differ significantly from each other, but some points will be common for any type of base made of natural material. We will get acquainted with these general points in the next section of the article.

General principles for arranging wooden floors

When planning to install floors made of natural materials in your country house, plan the work for the end of spring. This is important because in specified period the wood will absorb less moisture. If the assembly of floors in a cottage or house cannot be rescheduled for the recommended time and the work must be done in the summer, choose a dry, hot period, without heavy rains and dew.

Regardless of the method used to install floors, it is extremely important to pay maximum attention to the quality of the lumber. tree in mandatory must be treated with special agents against rotting, moisture, insects, as well as a fire retardant compound.

Types of materials used in floor assembly

For the construction of floors from natural building materials in the countryside, the following options are most often used:

  • Sheet type building material. This variety includes plywood, chipboard and OSB;
  • Uncut board;
  • Lumber from laminated veneer lumber;
  • The boards are folded.

The first two types of material are used in the construction of a rough foundation. In the future, a top decorative covering will be laid on the subfloor of the basement or first floor, which can be formed from boards, laminated veneer lumber or seamed lumber. Decorative coating subsequently painted or varnished as shown in the photo.

In order for the floors to be not only beautiful, but also durable, it is important to choose quality wood the right breeds. You can find out which wood species is best suited for assembling a floor by watching the detailed video review attached to the article.

Arrangement of covering on beams and on an earthen base

Typically, floors are laid on a soil base when installing on the first floor or in the basement of a building. In this case, it is extremely important to strengthen the logs as reliably as possible, as well as create waterproofing and heat-insulating layers (sound insulation layer). For these purposes, a special foundation is built:

  • A layer of soil of such thickness is removed over the entire area of ​​the room that it is possible to go deeper into the soil twenty to twenty-five centimeters lower than the ground level around the building;
  • A layer of crushed stone is poured into the resulting depression and another layer of sand is created on top;
  • Each layer is spilled and carefully compacted and leveled;
  • On sand layer brick columns are being built on which the logs will rest. The average width of a support column is two bricks, height is from twenty to forty centimeters. Bricks in columns are laid out on cement mixture and are displayed one level at the top. To avoid missing a level, you can use a special measuring tool (laser level) or stretch the grid along the walls;
  • The number of columns, as well as their location, can be calculated using the following formula: to support each log, at least two tables are required from the edges. If the lag is too long, be sure to make another column in the center. The distance between the pillars is calculated based on the size of the elements and the amount of load that will fall on the logs. Without certain knowledge, it is not easy to perform such calculations, so it is better to entrust them to professionals, that is, seek help from a design organization.

Attention! If the floors are country house building or cottage you do not in the basement and not on the first floor and not on soil foundation, and on the overlapping beams - the installation of joists can begin without preparatory work.

At the next stage of work, a layer of waterproofing material must be laid on the columns or overlapping beams. To protect the floor from moisture, sheet roofing felt is usually used. Insulation from moisture in bathrooms and kitchens should be especially reliable! It is worth paying attention to the quality of waterproofing and soundproofing work when building a floor from scratch (from the basement). Next, the logs themselves are installed - they are laid out on special plates, the width of which must be at least two centimeters. The elements are firmly fixed with anchors.

Important! First, you will need to lay a log on one side of the room, then on the other (opposite) side and bring them to the same level with dies. After making sure that the elements are positioned perfectly evenly, you can begin installing the remaining joists.

Along the lower edge of the base elements, bars are packed (the width of the bars is 50x50 millimeters). These bars are necessary to complete the work of assembling the subfloor. If the floor is built on a soil foundation (in the basement), and you will lay the logs on support columns, the beams will need to be nailed across the base element and maintain a distance of forty to sixty centimeters between them. If the floor covering is assembled on overlapping beams, the beams are nailed to the side of the joists, from below, on both sides (photo). The bars are fastened with nails or self-tapping screws.

At the next stage, elements of the subfloor are cut from lumber. These parts are laid out on the bars. Next you need to make a layer of thermal insulation (sound insulation). At making the right choice material for these works, the thermal insulation layer will also serve as sound insulation. Experts recommend using rolled mineral wool or basalt slabs. Minvata – perfect material when constructing a floor in the kitchen, because it not only has the ability to retain heat well in the room, but also has increased vapor permeability.

The insulation is laid out so that there are no cracks or gaps anywhere. However, the height of the insulating layer is chosen in such a way that there is a small ventilation gap between the insulating layer and the height of the joist boards. Next, you need to lay the membrane material for vapor barrier. The membrane strips are laid overlapping, and all joints are carefully taped with special tape or tape. Let us dwell on the moment of arranging waterproofing of the floor in a country house or cottage in more detail.

Waterproofing of floors made from eco-friendly materials must be carried out without fail: proper waterproofing in kitchens, bathrooms, verandas, and basements in the country is especially important. How to do it correctly?

There are several ways to make proper waterproofing in a wooden country house, but the most popular is the method of creating a moisture-protecting layer from rolled materials.

The essence of the work will be as follows:

  • The rough coating in the bathroom, kitchen, or any other room of a country house is carefully cleaned of debris, and it is also advisable to level the surface;
  • Then bitumen mastic is applied to the coating prepared in the above manner. The substance should be applied in a dense layer to the floors in the kitchen, bathroom or other room of the house, without leaving any gaps. The mastic must dry completely and form a rough coating film;
  • After the mastic layer has dried, roll material is rolled out on the coating. The material usually used is roofing felt or thick polyethylene film. The material is strengthened on the surface and covered with another layer of mastic on top. If insulation from moisture is carried out in the kitchen, basement, or other room of the dacha, it is advisable to make several layers, but their number must be odd.

It is also important to know that this type of moisture insulation is only possible in rooms where the air temperature does not rise above 25 degrees Celsius. If your kitchen has a poor hood or no ventilation at all, it is better to do waterproofing differently.

In addition to waterproofing and thermal insulation work, a high-quality sound insulation layer must be installed in a house with a wooden floor. Protection from noise is needed because eco-friendly material conducts sound well and without soundproofing, you will hear any rustle from the street in your home.

He will tell you how to choose materials for sound insulation and how to carry out work on its arrangement. detailed video instructions from professionals:

Now let's look at the stages of work on constructing wooden floors on a concrete base.

Assembling floors on a concrete base

On concrete base floors are assembled and installed much easier. There is no need to prepare the base, and the logs themselves can be laid with extreme frequency to effectively reduce the load and prevent the appearance of deflections in the structure.

It’s not difficult to make a wooden floor in your dacha with your own hands. With the right choice of materials and compliance with installation technology, this floor covering will serve you for a long time without overhaul. And our advice will help you with this.

Flooring options

Paul in wooden house(at the dacha, in summer house) is usually made of wood. This choice is determined by the following reasons:

  • The foundation of such a structure is most often lightweight: columnar or screw;
  • At the dacha they try to use inexpensive building materials and simplified construction methods, if possible, do the work yourself;
  • Wood is a lightweight, natural material that retains heat well and provides ventilation to the house.

The simplest and inexpensive option- make a cold single floor on the ground at the dacha. In this case, the logs are recessed into pre-compacted layers of sand or clay.

If the lift level groundwater is high enough, and the soil under the house is stable and inactive, it is better to make the floor on support posts. This type of floor is not connected to the frame of the house, which is why it is called “floating”.

Laying the floor in the country house is carried out in accordance with instructions BCH-9-94 DS “Installation of wood floor coverings”. Following it, correctly laying a wooden floor with your own hands is not so difficult.

Cold single floor on the ground

The logs of the future floor are sunk into the sand. To do this, after removing the top layer of earth, arrange a cushion of compacted calcined sand.

However, most often, in order to avoid rapid rotting of the floor wood, a multi-layer base is made. It's not difficult to make it yourself. To do this:

  • a pit is dug over the entire floor area;
  • a layer of compacted river sand is placed at the bottom;
  • a layer of dry sand 30-50 cm thick is poured;
  • a layer of clay 20 cm thick is compacted;
  • The depth of the pit is reached using dry slag.

Support posts

First you need to mark the grid of support posts for the logs. Depending on the size of the building, they are placed either around the perimeter of the room or across the entire area with a step selected for laying the logs. The distances between them along the direction of the log are 90-120 cm.

After this, foundations are laid for the columns. To do this:

  • remove the soil to a depth of 40-50 cm;
  • fill with gravel or crushed stone;
  • The layers are shed with water and compacted with tampers.

Ultimately, the height of the foundations under support posts should be 15-20 cm above the ground level near the house.

Columns can be made of brick or concrete. The cross-section of structures depends on their height. Columns up to 250 mm high are laid out in one and a half bricks. If above 250 mm, then two. Concrete columns have the form of cubes with sides of 40x40 or 50x50 cm.

2-3 layers of waterproofing (for example, roofing felt) are laid on the posts, wooden spacers thickness of at least 25 mm and wedges impregnated with antiseptic, used to level the joists.


For floor joists in a dacha (summer house), antiseptic timber of 2 or 3 grades of wood is used coniferous trees or soft hardwoods, except linden and poplar. Wood moisture content should not exceed 18%. Log thickness 25-40 mm, width 80-100 mm. If they are supposed to be laid on support posts, then their width should be 100-120 mm, thickness 40-60 m. Sometimes it is possible to replace the timber with two paired boards laid on edge.

The order of laying the logs is as follows:

  1. First, the outermost logs are laid at the opposite walls. The gap at the wall along the length of the lag is 20-30 mm. They are laid perpendicular to the direction of light propagation in the room or across the prevailing direction of movement (for example, in corridors, toilets).
  2. The following logs are laid in increments of 400-500 mm. Short logs are joined on posts using the half-tree method or at the ends. The joints are located on adjacent joists no closer than 50 cm.
  3. A wide joist is placed in the door openings so that it protrudes on both sides of the opening by more than 50 mm.
  4. The joists are leveled using shims and wedges. Alignment is checked in all directions using a two-meter level. In this case, the level should touch all the joists without gaps.
  5. The subfloor is cleared of shavings and construction debris.

tongue and groove boards

Grooved boards for flooring in a country house must comply with GOST 8242-88. Their thickness must be at least 27 mm (DP-27 board).

They are made from coniferous wood and soft hardwood, except poplar and linden. Permissible humidity boards - no more than 12%. Before installation, they must be treated with an antiseptic solution from below and at the ends.

If you plan to level the floor with sheets of plywood, then instead of a tongue and groove board, you can use cement bonded particle board(DSP). If in the future you decide to put in the toilet tiles, such a replacement will greatly simplify installation.

Installation procedure:

  1. The boards are laid perpendicular to the joists. The permissible gap between them when laying should be no more than 1 mm.
  2. They are secured to the joists with nails. For tongue-and-groove boards 27 mm thick, nails 70 mm long are suitable. It is important to drive the nails correctly - at an angle, recessing the heads.
  3. The lengthening of the boards at the ends is carried out on the logs.

The permissible overhang of the boards is no more than 10 cm. Otherwise, an additional log of at least 600 mm in length is installed under them. The gap at the ends of the boards near the walls is no more than 15 mm. After installation, it is covered with a plinth.

The baseboard is attached to the wall, but not to the floor boards.

  1. The last board is planed to size (taking into account the gap) and nailed to the joist.
  2. Uneven floors after installation are eliminated using an electric planer.
  3. The boards are primed with drying oil. After drying, the potholes and places where knots have fallen out are filled with five percent oil putty. The surface is finally cleaned sandpaper. Then 2 layers of floor paint are applied to the surface.

If necessary, linoleum, carpet, etc. are laid on the boards. The floor in the toilet can be tiled.

A dacha is a country estate in which we spend time, but do not live. As a rule, we go to the dacha for relaxation purposes. summer time. Well, those who are interested in growing plants can spend a much wider period of time there during the year. In any case, we would really like to provide there highest level comfort. And the choice of material for the floor in the country house is one of the aspects of creating such comfort. Today we will look not only at flooring options, but will try to determine their advantages from the point of view of the possibility of installation with our own hands.

Of course, the dacha can be different. This definition includes: small house, built during Soviet times, and large-scale modern building, richly furnished and decorated according to upper class. In the case of the latter, it is pointless to give any advice, since everything depends solely on imagination and willingness to spend money. However, in most cases, the first option still takes place, and the floors here must be judged for reasons of practicality.

So, floors for a summer house should be unpretentious and durable. It is unlikely that we would want to do repairs there instead of relaxing in the summer. At the same time, it is usually not customary to spend a lot of money on a dacha, since it can be empty for most of the year, which means it can be susceptible to theft. Of course, no one will remove your floors, although in our life anything is possible. But the very fact of having expensive floors can become an additional attractive factor for criminals.

Concrete option

When talking about strength, concrete comes to mind first. A high-quality concrete screed will give odds to all other types of finishing in terms of durability. Cement flooring has the following advantages:

  • Service life of 50 years or more;
  • Easy to maintain. Concrete is unpretentious and strong. At the same time technical specifications such floors are not greatly reduced even under severe external influences;
  • Pouring such floors is quite profitable. At the same time, you can fill the screed without any special knowledge, just by reading the instructions.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Concrete itself is a source of dust. No amount of sweeping will correct the situation and will only provide a temporary effect. Therefore, such a floor necessarily needs to be coated with varnish or paint. And these are additional costs and labor;
  • Concrete is a cold material, so it is not very comfortable even in summer. If we are talking about rooms where you will always be during your visit to the dacha, then you need to lay at least carpets, carpet or linoleum, as a very inexpensive option. In general, linoleum, based on its characteristics, is rightfully considered one of the best options.

How to make a country floor in a bathroom

Modern dachas provide not only the notorious “conveniences in the yard”, but much more civilized types of comfort. And if you have a bathtub in your dacha, then finishing its walls and floor is one of the first tasks that needs to be solved. The rules for a bathroom in a country house are, in general, similar to those that apply to any other house or apartment. AND ideal solution there will be tiles here.

However, if you use the device at the dacha heated floors, then you can lay not only tiles in the bathtub. After all, in this case the floor will dry out and will not rot or collapse. However, it is necessary to make insulation in the form of two layers of bitumen and waterproofing material. At the same time, not only the floor, but also the walls need to be treated in this way. After this, heated floor tubes are laid on the floor surface, and finally a screed is poured, followed by finishing with any moisture-resistant floor covering.

Wood is an ideal option

Most often, a wooden floor is chosen for a dacha. The latter is environmentally friendly, durable, does not conduct temperature well and looks good. Not to mention that wooden floors perfectly regulate the movement of moisture and air. So, if we do everything correctly and treat the floor in the right way, we will get a very durable structure that will not cause inconvenience for decades. Below we will look at the process of creating such a floor, as they say, from scratch. It should be noted that before work it is better to treat all elements with an antiseptic composition. And so, the sequence of actions:

  • First of all, we must understand that a wooden floor cannot be laid directly on the ground. It is necessary to create a cushion, which usually consists of 20 centimeters of sand and 10 centimeters of crushed stone located on top. Each layer must be compacted, and, ideally, pour screed on top;
  • Ventilation plays an important role in creating a floor. And in order to ensure air movement, there must be holes in the foundation;
  • Roofing felt is laid, preferably in several layers. Brick columns are mounted on it, which will support the floor joists. The height should be approximately 3-5 bricks, and the width should be 40x40 centimeters. The distance between the cabinets, in turn, should be approximately 60 centimeters;
  • Lags are being laid, minimum dimensions which should be 10x10 centimeters. The logs must be parallel to each other, in an ideal way adjusted so as not to tilt. Use modern models levels;
  • Insulation must be placed in the resulting boxes between the joists. Foam plastic is often used, but it is best to use mineral wool for these purposes, which is much more resistant to mold, rotting, and is also unsuitable for insects and rodents;
  • We begin laying the rough flooring. Typically, boards with a thickness of 20 millimeters are selected for it. However, you can also choose plywood that is resistant to moisture. If you install such a floor using a screwdriver, then it will be easier to remove it if necessary;
  • Finally it happens finishing installation floor. In this case, we start from the wall and gradually move towards the opposite part of the room. It is necessary to try to fix the boards so that they fit as tightly as possible to each other. If necessary, secure with metal staples. Once all the boards are laid, all that remains is to level the surface and clean it using a sanding machine;
  • Skirting boards are installed around the perimeter of the room, improving the visual quality of the floor and hiding flaws in places where they abut the wall, if any;
  • If necessary, such a floor can be painted or varnished to improve visual qualities and provide additional protection.