What does a cat mean in a dream? Dream interpretation of a cat, why a cat dreams, a cat in a dream. Why do you dream about an angry cat?

A cat in a dream portends unpredictability of situations in reality, bad luck. To prevent the “black streak” from occurring, you need to drive the animal away. This interpretation is offered to us by the dream book according to Felomen, but it is not the only one. The rest of the dream books will tell you and describe all possible combinations with cats in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

To clearly understand why you are dreaming about a cat, you need to remember the details of the dream, they will answer the question.

What color is the cat?

    White. Reports strange situations at work. You may have to make a choice in favor of money or a clear conscience. If a white cat comes to you in a dream, the dream symbolizes participation in situations with complex consequences.

    Black. Talks about an enemy or evil present within yourself. Associated with a deceitful, treacherous woman. Do not participate in scams and dubious transactions.

  • Redhead. A harbinger of unpleasant situations, failures, situations requiring immediate solutions.

    Gray. Symbolizes fatigue from life, moral exhaustion, and the onset of depression. Perhaps the situation in your life has taken you out of control.

    Tricolor. For a woman, this is a sign of a rival.

    Black and white. Be careful when working with household appliances, on roads, etc.

    A multi-colored one is a harbinger of trouble, and a striped one is a sign of unexpected luck or meeting a strange person.

  • Blue is a symbol of strong energy and extrasensory abilities. Most likely, if it makes sense to develop in this direction.

Decoding the details of a dream according to Felomen

If you dreamed about fleas on a cat, the dream book interprets this as the beginning of disagreements and quarrels with friends. Fleas jumping on fur - you do not know how to rationally distribute your time and energy.

If you dreamed of three cats, beware of envious people.

A wounded animal means someone needs your help.

Why do you dream of a cat that is near death? She warns that you will be able to solve all problems in one fell swoop. In addition, it is worth paying attention to your pet.

Seeing a bloody cat is a symbol of an obstinate person who is not accustomed to obeying even his superiors.

Beating a cat in a dream means that in reality you will learn about the betrayal of a person dear to you, and strangling it means getting out from under unpleasant influence. Drowning a cat means seeing your opponent in the face.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

According to Meridian’s dream book, dead cats in a dream are interpreted differently: if a loved one’s pet dies in a dream, you should break off relations with him. If you are holding an animal in your arms, and your significant other is beating it, this person has been wanting to break up with you for a long time, but cannot say so. The corpse of a cat placed in a box means they are going to disgrace you.

The dream book interprets a pregnant cat as gossip and conspiracies around you, reconsider your social circle. If you have a cat at home, perhaps she will give birth. If there are no animals in the house, most likely a pet will appear soon. For a woman, a dream can mean hidden resentment, complexes associated with oneself.

Modern dream book of the 21st century

    Seeing a cat in a dream means big quarrels in the house; kittens mean unexpected profits.

    Petting a cat means you have doubts and mistrust in your soul towards a loved one.

    Crossed the road - get ready to meet the enemy, a crafty person.

    Rubbing against your legs - misfortune in the house.

    Hearing a loud meow is a false confession; seeing it is a call for help.

    A cat bit and scratched - slander, slander on the part of its owners.

    Cat games mean trouble on the personal front.

    Seeing a squashed cat means the lifestyle you lead has disastrous consequences.

    To offend an animal is to have a stone on your heart.

    A cat came to a man in a dream - he is the center of female attention; Such a vision warns a woman about her rival.

    Catching mice with cats promises wealth.

Miller's Dream Book

What to expect if you see a cat in a dream:

This animal is a harbinger of failure, but by driving it away, you will easily overcome obstacles. If she rushes at you, wanting to bite or scratch, get ready to meet ill-wishers, possibly enemies. Faced with a skinny, exhausted cat - one of your friends/colleagues is sick; in order for the disease to recede, the animal must be driven away. An unkempt, dirty or sick animal - expect bad news, and if it drags its hind leg - sadness will settle in your soul and your health will deteriorate. Hearing but not seeing a cat's squealing and meowing means your imaginary friend is preparing to give you an unpleasant surprise.

If you are scratched by a cat, get ready for ill-wishers to deprive you of a large part of your profit.

For a girl, holding a cat in her arms means she will soon be involved in unpleasant things. A snow-white cat means confusion in business, which will lead to grief. For a person working in trade, a cat means that you need to work honestly, with full dedication.

Summing up

To understand why cats dream, pay attention to the day of the week and the date of sleep. Try to remember as many details as possible. After all, even the mood of the animal affects the interpretation. So, aggressive cats in a dream are a symbol of enemies, harm, and evil ones - you use all means to achieve material wealth.

Mad cat - get ready to fight an obsessive female. If a cat shits in a dream, be prepared to come face to face with a person who annoys you. Such a cat’s dream also speaks of minor quarrels and omissions. But if a cat drowned in a dream, an attempt by rivals/rivals to discord your relationship will fail.

Cats have lived alongside humans since ancient times. But everyone who is at least a little familiar with these animals knows that it is completely impossible to tame them: they are always on their own mind and have a proud and dignified character. What if we saw this purring, but at the same time, painfully scratching creature in a dream? Let's turn for interpretation to several of the most complete and largest dream books of our time.

Why do cats dream?: Dream Interpretation from A to Z

This source interprets cats in your dream as a symbol of impending deception on the part of people you completely trusted. Also, such a dream may portend discord in the family due to the machinations of cunning and deceitful imaginary friends and girlfriends. If you dream of being attacked by hissing and scratching cats, then in reality you risk being subjected to violence from juvenile hooligans. A hissing cat with raised fur and arched back warns of the possibility of theft or robbery. A large number of sleeping cats and cats foretells that you will complete the work you started, but success will be incomplete. If in a dream you are surrounded by several meowing cats, then in real life there are traitors among your surroundings who are ready to do anything for the sake of profit. If you dream that you are feeding or petting a cat, then in return for your good deed you will receive black ingratitude. Killing a cat symbolizes adultery. A black cat predicts various misfortunes, a white cat predicts the danger of being caught in someone's trap. If you dream of a fight between a cat and a dog, then failures await you in the love field. A homeless kitten means that enemies plotting various intrigues against you will ultimately only harm themselves. Cheerful and fluffy kittens symbolize quick joy and good luck, while sickly and thin ones foreshadow minor problems and troubles.

Why do cats dream?: Russian dream book

If a woman dreams of a cat, then such a dream may symbolize the appearance of a man in her life who is prone to going “to the left.” If a man sees such a dream, then he will meet an independent and independent woman. If you dreamed of a cat being chased by a dog, then think several times before deceiving someone close to you. If in your dream a cat is guarding a mouse near its hole, then one of your relatives will deceive you. Fighting cats predict a series of quarrels and troubles. If you dream that a cat caresses you and purrs, then one of your new acquaintances will try to take advantage of your kindness and gullibility for selfish purposes.

Why do cats dream?: Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

A dream about a cat is a symbol that someone is deceiving you. If you are bitten or scratched by a cat, you will have to endure some trouble. If you feed or caress this meowing creature, you will face cruel ingratitude. Being among a large number of cats symbolizes the presence of unfaithful people and traitors among your surroundings.

Why do cats dream?: Dream Book of David Loff

This source connects the image of a cat in a dream with magical powers attributed to cats. So, if you dreamed of this purring creature, then in the near future you should rely more on your own intuition in solving problems and making decisions.

Healthy dream book: black cat

This dream book, like most others, considers the appearance of a black cat in a dream a symbol of future troubles and problems.

The cat is the most popular pet. Basically, only positive ones are associated with him, so seeing him in a dream, few people expect any troubles. Now we will figure out whether this is correct and what to expect in the future. To do this, you need to remember the emotional load and other details of the plot, for example, what the animal looked like, what it and you did, etc.

Why do you dream about a cat?

Many dream books consider such an animal to be a warning that you should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, since there are insincere people nearby who can betray at any time. You should be on alert, as the risk of dangerous situations arising in the near future is increased. To see a large number of cats surrounding you means that many friends are actually insincere and are simply using you. If the cat was wounded, this is a positive sign, which indicates that the enemies will soon retreat. Seeing an animal covered in blood means that soon one of the relatives will suffer due to the actions of enemies. A dream featuring a cat without a tail warns of a loss of independence.

An animal with fleas for a woman is a warning that she should be on guard, as a rival can significantly harm existing relationships. A wet cat indicates the emergence of a situation that will anger and cause serious discontent. Seeing a dead animal means that you may be deceived in the near future.

Why do you dream about a big cat?

Such a dream indicates that the enemies are strengthening their positions, so you will have to spend a lot of effort to deal with them. A large animal is a symbol of the fear you feel in front of competitors, but with perseverance, you can overcome all problems.

Why do you dream about a sick cat?

A skinny, dirty and sick cat is a harbinger of bad news. Such a dream can also be a sign of an unrealistic dream. The dream book says that serious problems may arise in work and business.

Why do you dream of petting a cat?

Such a dream indicates that you will soon be able to get rid of a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. It can also be a symbol of mistrust and doubt. In another dream book, a night vision where you were petting a cat indicates that you should be more attentive to the people around you. For people in relationships, a dream can serve as a warning about conflicts.

Why do you dream about a domestic cat?

A pet showing affection indicates that there is a person next to you who wants to gain favor in order to use this for his own purposes in the future. For married women, such a dream is a warning that the spouse is thinking about cheating.

Why do you dream about an angry cat?

Such night vision indicates that due to the excessive activity of enemies, you will not be able to achieve your goal. The dream book says that it is worth preparing for troubles that will arise due to the actions of a loved one; this will become completely unexpected. There is also information according to which an angry cat is a sign of meanness and provocation.

Why do you dream about a beautiful cat?

A beautiful animal is a symbol of an insidious seducer. Women should not trust a new admirer, as he is insincere. Another dream book interprets a beautiful cat as a sign of uncertainty, and numerous minor troubles may soon arise.

Why do you dream about a fat cat?

For people in relationships, such a dream is a warning that a loved one is thinking about cheating. This can also be taken as a recommendation that you should not underestimate your enemies, as they are actively developing a plan of attack.

According to the dream book, a cat in a dream represents unpredictability, cunning, lust and voluptuousness. Predictions about what an animal dreams about remind you that such qualities can be a source of trouble. At the same time, a dream gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with your dark side, intuition, and the ability to read the signs of fate.

Interpretations for men and women

Interpretations of men's dreams about what a cat dreams about promise bitter disappointment: the risk of annoying oneself is too high. Excessive consumption of strong drinks at a festive event is fraught with morning sickness. Bragging will attract unnecessary attention from envious people. Adversity will fade against the background of a meeting with the femme fatale.

The interpretation of why a girl dreams of a cat is associated with doubts about her chosen one and hints at amorous adventures on the side. The symbol calls for prudence: stay away from dubious acquaintances.

Miller's forecast

Miller's dream book warns the fair sex about impending disappointment. The intersection of business and personal interests will create confusion. Confusion can lead to material losses and psychological trauma.

For a businessman, the cat in Miller’s dream book represents a dishonest competitor capable of dealing a crushing blow to the business. White animals are the most dangerous.

According to Freud and Vanga

Interpreting what the cat is dreaming about, Freud’s dream book emphasizes the dreamer’s forced secrecy. Maybe stop deceiving your loved one and yourself? Sigmund Freud recommends that men be more decisive when dealing with ladies.

The clairvoyant Vanga sees nostalgia in the symbol. A cat in a cage represents loneliness. An attempt to free a captive foreshadows a destructive relationship.

Islamic dream book

The predictions of the Muslim dream book take into account the moods prevailing in a dream. A cute, affectionate kitty indicates secret admirers. A sick animal reflects a willingness to overcome difficulties.

The Islamic dream interpreter regards many tailed animals as a harbinger of theft; the thief will be one of his own. A wild animal is a sign of extreme fatigue.

What do cat sounds mean?

The cat can purr and organize March concerts. Dream books will help you decipher what a particular sound in a cat’s language means in dreams:

  • If Murzik screams heart-rendingly, it means that the new friend is a hypocrite;
  • When it purrs peacefully, a scandal is brewing;
  • Purring in a dream speaks of the calm before the storm;
  • If it rumbles, uninvited guests will provoke a family quarrel;
  • Persistent meowing means that litigation is approaching;
  • The cat whines in anticipation of vulgar gestures towards the lady;
  • The cry of an invisible cat promises deception.

Beloved pet warns

If you have a dream about your beloved pet, it’s time to take a closer look at those around you: among them you may find mercantile individuals. Flattering speech hides dishonest behavior.

The actions of enemies threaten to damage your reputation and material well-being. Accept business offers with caution; dubious undertakings will not bring benefits.

The lunar dream book foretells a long cry caused by robbery or absent-minded losses. Jewelry in the form of a ribbon or collar neutralizes the negative prediction.

The cat is being caressed

The dream books do not present the most positive forecast, why dream that a four-legged friend is being caressed. If this is your own pet, falling in love can cause trouble.

A strange cat reminds us of the treachery of strangers. If you've never actually owned a cat, your suspicions about your new partner's sincerity are justified.

It's better not to kiss

In dream books there are explanations of why you dream of hugging and kissing an animal. If you kissed in a fit of tenderness, the oracle of Catherine the Second is horrified by your methods of taming the obstinate in romantic or family relationships.

If you hugged a fluffy in a dream, in reality, harmful passions can lead to a dead end.

Condition and special features

The appearance of the cat will help you figure out what the sign is about in your dreams. Dream Interpretation Enigma considers the following signs to be the most significant:

  1. The health status of the tailed animal;
  2. How well-groomed and well-fed he is;
  3. Exquisite breed or typical mouser;
  4. Sizes and color.

Often, appearance is interpreted as a shapeshifter: the more attractive the cat in a dream, the more serious the warning associated with it.

Suspiciously bright, unnatural colors should be taken as an alarming signal. Such images in a dream warn of unpleasant surprises. The human factor poses an increased danger: others can cause harm, intentionally or unintentionally.

Freak in a dream

The Eastern dream book explains in detail why a cat dreams in its worst manifestations. Dirty, homeless precedes bad news from family or friends. In a farmer's dream, the dirty guy predicts the death of livestock.

A beaten cat lets you know that your loved ones need help. Flea calls on people to take care of their health. Thin and hungry means that for the sake of profit one will have to sacrifice principles.

What do injuries mean?

The summer dream book contains many explanations of what a disabled cat means. If a cat's paw was torn off in a dream, incorrect prioritization prevents success. A headless person promises disapproval from society.

The one-eyed man represents confusion among enemies. The absence of both eyes calls for vigilance: falling into euphoria, you risk causing trouble with your own hands.

Have you seen a purebred

Why do you dream of seeing a purebred cat:

  • The large Maine Coon reflects secret fears;
  • The Siamese is identified with selfish buddies;
  • The bald sphinx symbolizes impracticality;
  • If you saw a wild one, you are a quarrelsome neighbor.

The dream book of Nostradamus offers an intriguing explanation of why a large representative of any cat breed was dreamed of. The dreamer struggles with timidity and the desire to dominate. It remains to be seen which character trait will win.

Inconceivable color

When cats of incredible colors appear in a dream, in reality the situation will completely get out of control. You have to adapt to unexpected circumstances that quickly replace one another. With the help of dream books, some events can be predicted by the color of the animals:

  1. Pink portends a cooling of feelings;
  2. Red wool symbolizes fire;
  3. Purple promises separation or widowhood;
  4. Blue represents revenge, blood feud.

Familiar color

Dream interpreters will tell you why you dream of cats of different familiar colors. Smoky symbolizes a well-worn rut, from which it is impossible to fly out, but it is still problematic to intentionally turn off. A multi-colored cat foreshadows rivalry, a striped cat foretells outright enmity.

Bright red promises love affairs, sandy yellow warns of the likelihood of deception. The dark red color reflects the combat readiness to storm the career ladder.

Aggressive cat

Dream interpreters contain explanations of why you saw an aggressive hissing cat, ready to attack. If an aggressor hisses loudly in a dream, in reality beware of robbers and scammers; the likelihood of meeting such individuals is now high.

When a cat growls, popularity can suddenly overtake him. For those who are not ready for fame, fame will bring sheer trouble. If you manage to drive the enemy away before he has time to grab hold of you, you can easily defeat real enemies. If you have caused damage, there will be a serious struggle in reality.

Vaska rushes

A cat attack foreshadows the emergence of a new enemy. When a small predator rushes at you unsuccessfully in a dream, the confrontation will not cause harm. If you manage to scratch until it bleeds when you pounce, the damage will be significant.

The evil Vaska throws himself at your feet? The Wanderer's Dream Book advises to refrain from amorous adventures for a while. When he throws himself on his chest, he is overcome by causeless melancholy. If a cat attacks, there is a risk of illness and slander.

Bites and scratches

This is what the injuries inflicted by the mustachioed striped bear testify to:

  • If a cat scratches in a dream, in reality you will give a beautiful rebuff;
  • You dream of an intimate relationship with a scratched person;
  • A cat bite on a friend promises disappointment in him;
  • If you are bitten, be picky about who you meet;
  • Pay attention to areas where marks were left in the dream.

Saw a lot of cats

Sometimes in a dream you can see several cats. The numerological dream book will tell you why this or that quantity is dreamed of. The more cats, the higher the likelihood of facing betrayal. When a huge flock runs in panic, a natural disaster is possible.

Seeing a great many cats fighting happens on the eve of an international conflict. If only two people fight, it will be limited to a minor domestic brawl. The peaceful behavior of animals reflects the relationship with your passion, clarifying the situation in your personal life.

Gave me a bag of adventures

Interpreting why a cat dreams, dream books clarify what happened to him in a dream:

  1. If given as a gift, in reality the relationship with the donor will deteriorate;
  2. The purchase promises troubles at the mercy of a third party;
  3. Stole someone else's leopard - you risk taking on someone else's problems;
  4. Loss foreshadows deliverance from a painful obligation;
  5. The cat got lost and returned - the past will remind you of itself;
  6. I had to run after the fidget - to gossip behind my back;
  7. If found, there is serious competition ahead.


The dream book clarifies how you managed to get a cat in a dream. If you happen to buy, a new acquaintance will turn out to be a source of problems.

If the cat sleeps curled up in a ball, the result of the work will seem unsatisfactory. The image also signifies the calm before the storm.

Past the tray

The cat is not averse to marking its territory even in its sleep. If he peed on the floor, shame is coming. When urinating on furniture, scammers are preparing to attack.

Urine or poop in the kitchen promises illness. If you described the bed, sexual discord is possible. Cats peeing in the hallway indicate family troubles and mark the threshold for betrayal.

Sick, urgent treatment

The Birthday Dream Book explains in detail why one dreams of treating a sick cat. The sign encourages you not to regret the recently missed chance. Some news will make you worry. The symbol reflects an unstable psychological state, a loss of self-confidence.

A sick animal promises a quick capitulation of ill-wishers. Refusal to provide help symbolizes getting rid of a terrible danger.

According to the Esoteric Interpreter, a crying cat personifies a defeated enemy for whom you have ambivalent feelings. During the period of tough confrontation, you managed to develop respect for the enemy and even some sympathy.

The cat is shaking

Why did you dream that the cat was shaking its whole body, twitching its paws and tail, or shaking its head? It is premature to call such behavior a symptom of a disease.

Nevertheless, it characterizes the psychological and physical state of the sleeper himself. You should pay attention to the cardiovascular system, be prepared for a competitor’s attack, and overcome fear.

Other symptoms

When a mustachioed patient looks clearly unhealthy: he breathes quickly, wheezes, coughs, he will soon hear extraordinary news. All that remains is to decide how to use the information.

You can count on the support of others, although not unselfishly. Popularity will increase in certain circles.

Killing a cat

Dream books consider killing a cat to be a multi-valued symbol. If a deceased person with signs of violent death is discovered by chance, it will be possible to break the destructive relationship. A killed cat represents superiority over competitors in business and rivals in personal life.

If you are involved in an incident, the Chinese Oracle gives you the right to dispense justice at your discretion. True, responsibility for the decisions made also rests with you. Every step will be made public.

Fell out of the window

If in a dream a cat fell out of a window, be smart and uncover the conspiracy of ill-wishers. Kittens fall from heights during periods of forced isolation.

If you manage to eat a cat, Veles’s dream book promises the return of the loss. A hanging body has an alarming meaning: someone seriously wishes you death.

Sink or swim?

When a cat drowns in a dream, there is a high probability of finding itself in an uncertain situation, not being prepared for such a turn of events. If you had to drown yourself, you will tarnish someone’s reputation.

Blind kittens have to be drowned during periods of delusion. If the dream hero knows how to swim, and you happen to observe his rescue, an influential patron will appear.

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Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    11-Sep-2019 Irina:

    I dreamed of a cat (cat), fluffy, of different colors: white (most of all), red and a little grayish. It looks like he was like a street puppy, but clean, as if he had returned, did not behave aggressively, walked around and went to bed, and then a black puppy appeared, also like a street puppy, clean, cheerful, affectionate, and I fiddle with the puppy more, but the cat somehow It seems to be there, but it seems not.

    • You have very powerful protection! Someone nearby - a friend or girlfriend. A cheerful, cheerful person. He protects you from evil glances and does not offend anyone. Recently this person again took trouble away from you.

      11-Sep-2019 Denis:

      I saw many cats of more than thirty different colors and ages without signs of violent death, each separately in the ground in its own hole, among them my favorite cat, who was hit by a car a month ago and a man standing with his back with a shovel, who had already begun to cover them with earth.

      • You masterfully deal with enemies, without pity or remorse. This is a wonderful skill for a business person! If you have not yet started a business, the dream foretells you success in this area.

        10-Sep-2019 Lisa:

        I dreamed that I found a cat at home and he was very affectionate towards me, constantly followed on my heels and I had such a feeling of love for him.

This animal in a dream hints at flattery, attractiveness and sexuality, and also warns of possible conflicts if representatives of the cat world attack and bite you.

Cats may indicate the appearance in your environment of charming, but rather selfish individuals who can bring both benefit and harm.

If you want to understand why you are dreaming about a cat, pay attention to its coloring, who exactly the animal belonged to in the dream, what breed it was and how it behaved towards you.

This is how the modern dream book interprets the appearance of a representative of the cat family in the dreams of various people.

Children's night paintings

Children may dream of them when there is a lack of love and affection from adults, but in some cases they can indicate cunning enemies or flattering words and false promises that should not be believed.

If you don't want to get into trouble, pay attention to what exactly you did with them in your dream.

If a child or toddler dreams of a yard cat that exists in reality, then soon you will meet a very beautiful, well-groomed, attractive, but insincere person who may pursue selfish goals regarding your parents or relatives. So you need to give him as little information about yourself as possible if you don’t want to become a victim of scammers or robbers.

Why do you dream about a domestic cat? Most often, such a plot indicates a lack of affection or love. The modern dream book writes that you may be very worried about this, and also need protection and tenderness.

Usually, such night scenes are seen only by those to whom their parents do not pay enough attention and warmth. Especially if you dream that the cat was caressing you, lying on the bed with you, or purring.

If he ran away, got lost or got sick, there is no need to worry too much.

The dream reflects your worries about your pet and your worries so that nothing happens to it. Such visions literally come true extremely rarely. But if the cat begins to attack and bite you, beware of the aggressiveness of your parents and domestic quarrels.

Teenage dreams

For teenagers, cats in a dream can indicate not only the need for affection or the appearance of flatterers and cunning people on the path of life, but also the awakening of the maternal instinct or the need for beauty and the expression of one’s own thirst for tenderness, already more mature than that of a child.

A cat for boys and girls in a dream can indicate different needs and problems. Young boys most often dream of it to awaken the need for the love and affection of a woman, and its color shows what type of chosen one you will like. However, for those who have already begun sexual activity, if you dream of a cat with kittens, this may hint at the unwanted motherhood of a person you like.

The dream book writes that it can be indicated by the color of the animal, which can indicate the hair color of your friend or chosen one.

Girls, if they have visions of beautiful purebred cats, this indicates a need for beauty and female self-realization. If the color of a representative of the cat world matches the main shade of your clothes or hair color, then the cat, playful, fluffy and spoiled, indicates a pleasant surprise, a need for male care, affection and admiration.

If you dreamed of an animal that is sick, tired and bald, then the dream book writes that your self-pity will become stronger and stronger lately. Such night scenes are often seen by girls deprived of attention, affection and care, in whose lives there are too many different prohibitions and problems. A cat that is pregnant or has already given birth to kittens indicates a surprise or early and unwanted motherhood.

What does the cat predict for girls?

If you know for sure that this is a cat and not a kitty, then beware of the seducer, a cunning and deceitful person. An affectionate cat, even if it’s not yours, indicates that someone sympathizes with you and is ready to embark on a romantic swim in the sea of ​​love.

However, his words should not be taken seriously, since this seducer may turn out to be a big egoist and he has his own life and a certain kind of game with women’s hearts. Although some people dream of cats communicating with cunning and deceitful people who can easily deceive you in some matter, even an insignificant one.

To see in a dream a street cat screaming on the roof in search of a cat - why does a girl dream? This dream may predict that she will meet a man “in active search” who will do a lot to win the dreamer’s heart.

If your friend or classmate caressed him, most likely such a person will soon appear in her life. Very often, such a dream predicts that you will soon become a witness to someone else’s deception and lies. Therefore, you need to try to expose the enemy if you want to help a loved one.

An angry cat usually dreams of a quarrel. If you dreamed that two cats were fighting on the roof and one was displacing the other, then soon you may witness some kind of quarrel or fight. It is possible that two guys will look after the girl at once and compete with each other. A sick and wounded cat in a dream predicts great shock, tears and grief. Although some books write that a friend will turn to you for help.

Dreams of adults

The interpretation of such night pictures depends on how you feel about these animals. Usually, seeing your cat, beautiful and important, indicates that in some life situation you will be forced to show your character and behave selfishly.

For other people, especially those who do not like cats, the appearance of an important and arrogant cat in a dream indicates a meeting with a charming, but cunning and wayward person, often a swindler.

If you had such a vision, then expect disagreements in communication with friends and partners. For girls and women, the dream book indicates that a cat is most often a seducer or flatterer who should not be trusted. Most likely, he has many partners, and he is only capable of loving himself.

If you dreamed of a beautiful and well-groomed pet, expect a pleasant guest and prosperity in the house. A cat in such a dream indicates that you will be happy, satisfied with your life, good luck. And you will soon have joy and a reason for love.

A cat stealing something from the table warns you of petty theft or fraud that will not cause you much harm. However, some books write that such a dream predicts health and well-being for you and your pet.

If a homeless cat asks to come into your house or apartment, then soon a person who needs to provide some help will contact you. Modern books also indicate that you yourself will ask someone for something.

If the cat fawned over you and purred in its sleep, then you will be thanked for some service. Picking up a street cat means good luck and strong friendship. Drive away and leave on the street - soon someone will refuse your help or request.

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