Scientific library - abstracts - methods of preventing drug addiction and substance abuse in a secondary school. Substance abuse Drug addiction and substance abuse addiction prevention

Drug addiction is a painful condition caused by the use of psychoactive substances. A type of disease is substance abuse, in which substances that are not prohibited by law (gasoline, acetone, construction glue) are used as drugs. Treatment of drug addiction and substance abuse is a priority task of specialized drug treatment centers.

A drug is a substance that in one way or another affects the nervous system, stimulating the release of neurotransmitters (dopamine) and causing pleasant sensations in the person who used it. Most drugs known today are addictive and are included in the state register of prohibited substances.

Some household substances, most often cyanoacrylate glue and gasoline, can cause hallucinations. This makes them in demand among socially disadvantaged segments of the population.

These substances do not cause addiction, but they have an extremely negative effect on both the functioning of the brain and the body as a whole. Such materials, of course, are not included in the list of prohibited or restricted distribution. Alcoholism, substance abuse, and drug addiction are the main causes of mortality among young people.

The most common drugs and hallucinogenic substances

In the modern world there are a huge number of narcotic substances of natural and synthetic origin. Some of them are officially used in medicine as a strong pain reliever. However, most drugs are produced illegally and secretly distributed among drug addicts.

The most common drugs include the following:

  1. Heroin is a popular semi-synthetic drug, characterized by its low price and pronounced effect. Produced illegally from poppy straw. Not used in medicine. It is used parenterally or by rubbing into the mucous membranes. Dependence occurs after 2-3 injections.
  2. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is a narcotic substance that has limited distribution. As part of alcoholic beverages, it is not sold to persons under 18 years of age (beer) or 21 years of age (vodka, cognac). In its pure (96%) form it is available by prescription. The narcotic effect is pronounced, but dependence develops only with long-term regular use. It is actively used in medicine for antiseptic treatment and as an antidote to methyl alcohol. Due to the availability of ethanol, the prevention of alcoholism (drug addiction caused by alcoholic beverages) occupies a special place among preventive measures.
  3. Methadone is a synthetic injectable drug used in some countries as heroin replacement therapy. On the territory of the Russian Federation it is considered a substance prohibited for distribution and use. Causes addiction, has a narcotic effect. It costs more than heroin, but lasts longer. The effect can last for more than 3 days.
  4. Cocaine is a plant drug that is widespread among the financially secure population. Expensive, has a pronounced narcotic effect, and is administered through the mucous membranes of the nose or gums. It only causes psychological dependence. No physical dependence is formed. Previously used as a local anesthetic, it is now listed as a banned substance. It is not officially applied on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  5. Hemp (marijuana, plan) is a plant drug that contains tetrahydrocannabinol. Has a psychostimulating effect. Used by inhalation (smoking) or by mouth. Long-term use causes psychological and, in 10% of cases, physiological dependence. Due to its low price, it is widely used among young people.
  6. Club drugs (LSD, GABA, ecstasy) are synthetic drugs, most often distributed in tablet form. They have a stimulating effect, eliminate the need for rest for 12-24 hours, and increase libido (sodium hydroxybutyrate). Causes strong psychological dependence.

As mentioned above, drugs are prohibited for free distribution. In turn, substances used by substance abusers can be purchased freely.

In order to achieve a hallucinogenic effect, they usually use:

  1. Gasoline - the hallucinogenic effect is provided by benzene and toluene included in the fuel. Causes hallucinations and may provoke delirium. It is used by placing a rag soaked in gasoline on the respiratory tract or inhaling vapors from a plastic bottle.
  2. Solvent - active substance - toluene. The effects and method of application are similar to gasoline.
  3. Glue “moment” - the narcotic effect develops due to the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons in it. It causes vivid hallucinations and is used by inhalation by placing a bag on the head, stained with glue on the inside.

Please note: using glue to produce hallucinations is associated with a direct risk to the life of the drug addict. The fact is that in a state of intoxication, a person is often unable to remove the bag and dies from hypoxia.

From the above, it became clear how drug addiction differs from substance abuse and what drugs are used most often. However, how exactly do psychoactive substances affect a person?

Table of correspondence between the type of drug and the strength of physiological dependence:

Pharmacological effects of drugs

The main pharmacological effect of any drug is its psychoactive effect. Depending on the type of drug used, a person may experience vivid emotions, see hallucinations, and perceive music and creativity more acutely. As a rule, people under the influence of hard drugs see the world in bright colors, forget about real problems and plunge into the world of their own fantasies.

After a period of euphoria, which lasts from several minutes to several hours, drug intoxication manifests itself on the negative side. Heavy injection drugs cause physical withdrawal, which requires a new dose of the drug to relieve.

At the same time, a drug addict experiences mental oppression and perceives the world around him in a negative light. A doctor is usually needed to manage withdrawal symptoms without taking a new dose of the drug.

When using inhaled drugs, the exit from the state of euphoria is characterized by some mental depression. The person wants to return to an altered state of consciousness. There is no physical “withdrawal”.

When using toxicogenic household materials, signs of intoxication and hypoxia come to the fore. A few minutes after achieving the desired effect, a person experiences a headache, weakness, apathy, dry mouth, and a desire to again achieve a state of euphoria.

Overdose of drugs and toxic substances

As a rule, an overdose of opioid drugs leads to central respiratory failure due to inhibition of the function of the respiratory center of the brain (see). Without medical care, such patients die.

When using cannabis and its derivatives, death rarely occurs, since the lethal dose is many times higher than necessary to achieve the effect. Overdose is characterized by the development of persistent delirium, which can persist for 7-14 days.

In substance abuse, the clinical picture depends on the type of substance used. Most often, posthypoxic encephalopathy comes to the fore.

To make a diagnosis and establish the substance used, a chemical-toxicological test of urine for drugs and toxic substances is used. In specialized hospitals, this study is done within 40 minutes, after which the patient is prescribed etiotropic treatment.

Note: Many patients and their families do not see the difference between overdose detoxification and drug addiction treatment. In reality, this difference is huge. In the first case, treatment is aimed only at restoring vital functions, in the second - at eliminating drug addiction.

Drug addiction in the long term

Long-term use of “hard” drugs leads to the development of increasingly severe addiction. In this case, the patient develops multiple changes in the body.

The production of your own dopamine stops, the functioning of the central nervous system, liver, kidneys, and circulatory system is disrupted. So-called veins are formed on the veins into which injections are made. “paths” are areas of sclerosis.

Bloodborne infections (HIV, viral hepatitis) are widespread among drug addicts. This is a consequence of the fact that one syringe is often used to give injections to several people.

The death of such patients usually occurs from an overdose. The fact is that in order to achieve the desired effect, the drug addict is forced to constantly increase the dose. At the same time, the body's adaptive abilities are very limited. At some point, the required dose coincides with the lethal dose and respiratory arrest occurs.

Club drugs cause exhaustion and dehydration. In this case, higher nervous activity is disrupted, thinking abilities and the ability to adapt are reduced. Narcotic plants (hemp) act in a similar way, but over a longer period of time.

The harm of drug addiction and substance abuse lies not only in the direct pharmacological effect of psychoactive substances. Being in an altered state of consciousness, such people often commit crimes and end up in the dock. In addition, drug addicts often die under the wheels of cars, falling from the roofs of houses, or while trying to commit theft or robbery.

Drug addiction treatment

Unified methods of combating drug addiction and substance abuse have not been fully developed. Today, most experts are inclined to a scheme consisting of two stages:

  • Removal of drug intoxication;
  • Psychological work aimed at final drug cessation.

Removal of intoxication is carried out using pharmacological techniques. They are based on infusion therapy, antidote therapy, and hemodialysis.

During the treatment process, the body is cleansed of the drug and the production of its own neurotransmitters is restored. This improves the patient's well-being and facilitates withdrawal. However, real conscious drug withdrawal is possible only during the second stage of treatment.

After drug intoxication has been removed, psychologists begin working with the patient. The goal of psychotherapy is the formation of new life values ​​and convincing the patient that a drug is not needed for a happy life.

The patient is given instructions for a healthy lifestyle. Often such work is carried out in rural areas, where former drug addicts take a break from the eternal search for heroin or methadone, put their nervous system in order, work and relax in pristine nature.

Note: in some countries, substitution therapy is still used, with the patient prescribed methadone instead of heroin. In the Russian Federation, such treatment methods are not used, since their ineffectiveness was proven back in the mid-twentieth century. The patient simply switches from one drug to another.

Causes of drug addiction

The main causes of drug addiction and substance abuse can be divided into two large groups:

  • Physiological reasons

    Diseases and conditions accompanied by insufficient production of natural neurotransmitters. In this case, the person experiences a constant feeling of anxiety and discomfort, which can be eliminated with the help of narcotic substances.

  • Psychological factors

    consist of a feeling of dissatisfaction with life, the people around you, and work. In addition, signs of substance abuse and drug addiction are often detected in adolescents at the stage of “difficult” age. Their desire to try drugs is driven by curiosity and some kind of personal rebellion against society (“I don’t obey other people’s prohibitions”).

The current state of the problem of drug addiction and substance abuse is also due to the widespread propaganda of drugs in Western and some domestic films popular among young people. Often the main character does not mind smoking a marijuana cigarette or snorting cocaine.

Drug addiction prevention

Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse should be carried out both at the state level and at the family level.

State prevention

At the state level, prevention is carried out in two directions:

  • restriction of drug distribution;
  • decreasing popularity of drugs.

Activities under the first point are carried out by the legislative branch and internal affairs bodies. New psychoactive substances that are beginning to appear on the black market are added to the list of narcotic drugs, bans are introduced on the appearance of drugs in books and films, and penalties are established for the distribution of narcotic substances.

Measures to prevent drug addiction and substance abuse at the level of law enforcement agencies consist of timely catching and punishing people involved in drug distribution. In addition, the police children's rooms actively work with “difficult” teenagers and children. In some cases, it becomes necessary to influence the child’s parents.

Prevention at the family level

Prevention of drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism should primarily be carried out by the child’s parents, starting from a young age. The child must know for sure that psychoactive substances will not make him stronger or smarter, or allow him to rise above his peers. On the contrary, drugs will make him weak and infirm.

Schools should also teach about the dangers of drug addiction and substance abuse. It is better if such lectures are conducted using visual aids and photographs. At the same time, both teachers and parents should know the main signs of drug addiction and substance abuse, the presence of which in a child indicates the need to seek medical help.


Drug addiction is the scourge of our time, the fight against which should be carried out by every adequate person. The price of indifference in this matter is the life and health of younger generations. More detailed information about drug addiction, substance abuse and other addictions is present in the video in this article.

There are well-established organizational approaches to carrying out preventive interventions around the world [6;32].

Chemical dependence (drug addiction, substance abuse) is a manifestation of addictive (dependent) behavior caused by the use of psychoactive substances. Prevention of various types of chemical dependency includes diagnosis; collection and analysis of information; informing; education; assistance in solving social and psychological problems; control (current, stage-by-stage).

Diagnostics. When engaged in the prevention of chemical dependence in minors, a social teacher diagnoses and determines the presence and level of development of the following risk factors:

Objective living conditions (economic condition of the family, living conditions);

Health of family members (drug addiction, alcoholism, disability), family composition, education of a teenager.

The level of mental development of a teenager, his social intelligence (level of involvement in the system of social relations), as well as basic individual psychological characteristics.

As a specialist who has the opportunity to observe the interaction of family members in everyday conditions, a social teacher draws conclusions about the methods and quality of parenting of their children.

Collection and analysis of information. The social educator, together with other specialists, needs to answer a number of questions: “What is happening?”, “Where is it happening?”, “Why is it happening?” “What needs to be done?”, “What will happen next if...?”

Informing. Awareness is an integral part of chemical dependency prevention. He suggests identifying factors in the formation of chemical dependence, establishing the characteristics of parents with children; places to seek help.

The social teacher organizes information events, determines the frequency and location of their holding, determines the content of such events, invites specialists (PDN inspectors, medical workers, narcologists, lawyers, psychologists).

Education. In the course of socio-pedagogical interaction, the social teacher ensures that minors acquire the necessary social knowledge, skills, and abilities [18;109].

Training is organized taking into account the personal development of adolescents (if necessary, the social teacher recommends placing the young person in a rehabilitation center and invites him to participate in relevant programs). He can conduct educational games and trainings to develop one or more social skills.

Solving social and psychological problems. The social teacher provides patronage, which includes direct assistance in solving specific problems, mediation activities (contact with social protection authorities, PDN, courts, labor exchanges, administrations) and monitoring the implementation of decisions made at various levels in relation to minors and their parents .

Control. Control can be either ongoing or stage-by-stage. It is based on recording (including special diagnostics) changes occurring in the minor and his environment.

Drug addiction prevention can be effective only when it is carried out comprehensively and systematically, and does not represent disparate programs that differ in conceptual basis and structure.

Therefore, the first and main preventive strategy is the development of a conceptual systems approach to prevention. The second strategy is the development and testing of the proposed prevention model. The third is the development and implementation of a set of prevention training programs. The fourth is the development of a network of specialists and leaders in the field of prevention from among doctors, psychologists, secondary school teachers, inspectors for juvenile affairs, adolescents and their parents. Fifth - development of mechanisms for the development of a social system of preventive anti-drug influence, training of groups of specialists and volunteers who organize and carry out work to prevent the use of drugs and other psychoactive substances.

The general structure of preventive activity, united by the main conceptual program of prevention, includes specific private subprograms. These include, first of all, special programs for preschool children, schoolchildren of early, middle and senior adolescence, programs for training leaders among schoolchildren, programs for increasing anti-drug competence for school teachers and parents, programs for medical and psychological work with parents as part of primary prevention substance use and, finally, training programs for primary prevention specialists. These are different programs in terms of duration and intensity, but they must be implemented comprehensively, although they will have to be developed in stages, taking into account the results of the scientific and practical research necessary for this[23;66].

We list the existing prevention programs:

1 Programs for developing motivation to change behavior.

2 Training and development programs for the formation of protective personality resources and behavioral strategies.

3 Corrective, modification programs.

4 Training programs for specialists and sub-specialists in the field of prevention.

Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse is one of the most important areas in the prevention of non-infectious pathologies. The main conceptual model for preventing addiction to drug addiction and other psychoactive substances is preventive approaches. Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse can be primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary prevention technologies include: Social and pedagogical - the purpose of the technology is to provide objective information and motivation for a healthy lifestyle, to create a social support network. The methods are carried out through the influence of the media, programs for children, adolescents and youth activities, and general technologies that are alternative to drug use.

Medical and psychological - the goal is to overcome socio-psychological stress, adequate psychological adaptation to the demands of the social environment. The methods are carried out by the development of personal resources, the formation of social and personal competence, the formation of a functional family.

Medical and biological - the purpose of the technology is to determine genetic and biological risk factors. Methods for implementing risk correction technology at the medical level [15;150].

Secondary prevention technologies include: Social technology is the goal of preventing the development of addiction, psychological and social adaptation. Methods of implementing technology: creating motivation to completely stop using drugs, creating motivation to change behavior [12;36].

Medical and psychological technology is the goal of developing motivation to change life patterns and overcome emerging addiction. Methods for implementing technology to overcome barriers to awareness of emotional states, analysis, awareness and development of personal qualities and environmental resources to overcome the problem of formative dependence on psychoactive substances.

Medico-biological technology - the goal is the normalization of physical and mental development, bio-chemical and physiological homeostasis. Methods of pharmacotherapy technology, health-improving activities.

Tertiary prevention technology: Medical, psychological and psychotherapeutic - the goal of the technology is relapse prevention, awareness, change, development of behavior patterns to be more active. Methods for implementing the technology include relapse prevention training, empathy training, communicative and social competence, and cognitive development training.

Social and pedagogical - the goal is to create a socially supportive environment. Methods of implementing technologies: therapeutic communities, social programs, alternative to drug use.

Medical - biological technology - the goal is to normalize biological functioning, physical and mental development. The method of implementing the technology is psychopharmacotherapy.

Revealing the main methods and technologies for the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse, we have revealed that based on them, developed and tested

programs for children and adolescents, programs for increasing anti-drug competence for school teachers and parents, programs for medical and psychological training of school teachers for the prevention of drug addiction and other psychosocial disorders. The programs are adapted to modern conditions.

Substance abuse, which among ordinary people is often considered simply an unhealthy habit, belongs to the same category of diseases as drug addiction. As a result of the use of toxic substances for the purpose of pleasure, persistent addiction and dependence develops. And the consequences of substance abuse are terrible.

Unlike drug addicts, substance abusers use non-narcotic substances, but this does not make addiction any less dangerous.

A toxic compound that causes addiction can be paint products (varnishes, paints, solvents), household and industrial chemical products, fuel mixtures, gases (butane, propane, etc.). Also, substance abuse can be caused by pharmacological products, which, while not being a narcotic drug, in case of overdose have a toxic effect on the central nervous system (drugs from the group of antihistamines, tranquilizers, anticholinergics, etc.).

Since substance abuse is widespread, and its effect on all aspects of a person’s life is truly destructive, detailed information about it can not only be useful in the abstract, but also save the life and health of a loved one.

Reasons for the development of substance abuse

The reasons for involvement in substance abuse and the development of sustainable addiction can be divided into several categories:

  • Personal immaturity. In the vast majority of cases, substance abuse is diagnosed in children and adolescents aged 10-16 years. In this age category, there is traditionally a desire to conform to the standards set by older friends or stronger peers. When a teenager is involved in an unfavorable environment in which tobacco smoking and the use of medicinal and toxic substances are accepted, the likelihood of developing substance abuse increases sharply.
  • Psycho-emotional stress. Chronic or acute stress, post-traumatic shock, dramatic changes in life (divorce of parents, separation from a spouse, death of a loved one, loss of a job, moving to a new place of residence, etc.) can become an indirect cause of addiction. In this case, medications intended to alleviate neurotic conditions or stimulate the nervous system may be taken in excess of the dosage, which gradually leads to dependence.
  • Low social/intellectual status. Children growing up in dysfunctional families, with insufficient levels of education and spirituality, are significantly more likely to develop substance abuse and other types of addiction.
  • Adult example with whom the teenager often or constantly interacts (parents, older brothers and sisters, other family or community members), and who abuse alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances, also contributes to the development of addictions.
  • Specific personality traits. People who are prone to demonstrative and hysterical behavior, childish, and who refuse to take on any responsibility are more likely to become addicted.

Mechanisms of development of substance abuse

The effect of all substances used by substance abusers is based on poisoning of the central nervous system. Regardless of how chemical compounds enter the body - through the respiratory system, digestive tract or bloodstream - they all affect brain cells, causing vivid and unusual sensations in the drug addict.

The most common dependence is on inhaled substances, since the effect occurs almost instantly, and the products that cause toxic effects are not very expensive and are available everywhere. Thus, when inhaling vapors from paint products, gasoline, solvents, glue, etc., a person experiences dizziness and tinnitus, which the drug addict himself describes as pleasant.

After this, there is a loss of spatial orientation, the so-called “feeling of floating,” and euphoria. The longest period is occupied by hallucinations, which last for 10-15 minutes, after which the effect of toxins weakens and the person stimulates a repeated cycle of sensations by again inhaling a certain chemical substance.

Fastest mental dependence develops- the feeling of euphoria experienced by a substance abuser seems extremely attractive to him, and life outside of this feeling looks gray and gloomy. This forces the inhalation of toxic substances to be repeated many times, and a persistent addiction, especially in children and adolescents, can develop after only 2-3 uses.

Development of physical dependence takes about 3-4 months of regular use of substances, but the exact timing varies depending on the toxicity class of the product used, the regularity of its use, the personal characteristics of the person and the characteristics of his central nervous system. With physical dependence, the body's reaction to toxins becomes less pronounced, which forces the drug addict to constantly increase the dose, and the initial frequency of substance use (once every 2-4 days) is no longer relevant: the need for intoxication arises at least 1-2 times a day.

At this stage we are talking about irreversible changes in all systems and organs; a person is rarely able to resist addiction - lesions of the central nervous system reduce the manifestations of will almost to zero, and it is impossible to do without qualified help.

Signs of substance abuse

Manifestations of substance abuse can vary significantly, as they depend on the type of chemical compounds affecting the central nervous system, the frequency of use of toxic substances and how long the abuse lasts, and the extent to which they have affected the person’s personality and health.

But if several of the following signs are present, it makes sense to consider substance abuse as one of the likely causes of these symptoms.

Physical manifestations

  • inflammation and redness of the conjunctiva and lacrimation, which, over time, can transform into chronic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis and other diseases of the conjunctiva and mucous membrane of the eyelids;
  • nasal discharge - frequent or constant, watery at the initial stage of substance abuse and acquiring a bloody or purulent appearance with a long course of addiction;
  • changes in appetite, which may be practically absent or take on the character of unhealthy hunger;
  • motor and vestibular disorders (unsteadiness of gait, excessively sudden movements, abnormal gestures, trembling of hands, impaired coordination of movements);
  • complaints of nausea or vomiting, which are most often observed immediately after consuming toxic substances;
  • in case of substance abuse with inhalation of chemicals, a specific smell is heard from a person (gasoline, acetone, glue, etc.);
  • with prolonged course of substance abuse, symptoms of chronic hypoxia and impaired blood supply to tissues appear - the face acquires pronounced pallor or sallowness, thinning and hair loss and brittle nails are observed, the person looks excessively thin and emaciated.

Manifestations from the central nervous system

  • speech disorders (incoherence, slurring, “swallowing” of individual syllables or words, excessively fast or, conversely, inhibited speech);
  • excitability previously unusual for humans, which is replaced by periods of complete apathy and drowsiness;
  • extreme degree of irritability, reaching the point of attacks of aggression in the absence of the opportunity to use the toxic substance that has caused addiction;
  • decreased ability to remember, learn, and concentrate;
  • the appearance of hallucinations of a different nature - from olfactory, to visual and auditory - which can be both pleasant and disturbing.

Personality changes

  • disregard for generally accepted rules of behavior;
  • lack of attention to one's own appearance, including failure to comply with basic requirements for personal hygiene;
  • a gradual shift in moral values ​​(family and friends move into the background, “like-minded people” come to the fore - people who support and approve of addiction; the importance of honor and dignity is lost; a person begins to be amused and entertained by scenes of violence and cruelty, manifestations of immorality are observed, etc.) .

The listed signs can help relatives and friends of a substance abuser identify the source of the problem and take timely measures. But A medical diagnosis of substance abuse is made when the following symptoms are present::

  • dependence of a physical and mental nature (subjective improvement in the use of toxic substances and withdrawal syndrome with long-term abstinence from them);
  • the need to take a toxic substance, which borders on an irresistible physical need;
  • a gradual decrease in the effect of the usual dose, which entails a desire to regularly increase the amount/volume of the substance consumed.

The main, but not the only consequence of using toxic substances is the formation of a stable addiction, which “cuts off” a person from a full life. A substance abuser exists within the framework of his own addiction, erasing from his world family, friends, study, work, personal relationships and everything that is the main life values ​​for a healthy person.

The health consequences are no less sad: internal organs, being constantly exposed to toxins, gradually fail. Most often, chronic respiratory diseases, impaired renal and liver function, and pathological changes in the cardiovascular system develop.

But the most terrible processes occur in the brain. Chronic hypoxia and the toxic effect of chemical compounds cause the death of nerve cells, disrupt the coordination of all brain functions, which leads to dementia of varying severity.

Prevention of addiction of any kind should begin before the threat of addiction becomes real. Considering that children and adolescents are most often involved in substance abuse, preventive measures must be taken starting from early childhood. The basic preventive complex includes:

  • formation of correct ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
  • Explaining to the child the consequences of bad habits and addictions (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and narcotic/toxic substances);
  • developing a child’s interest in sports, healthy family recreation, work and creative activities;
  • showing interest in all aspects of the child’s life, including his social circle, success at school, leisure, etc.;
  • joint work of psychologists, teachers and parents to eliminate risk factors (family problems, difficult puberty, contacts with people suffering from any addictions, etc.).

But the most important thing is to create a trusting and warm atmosphere in the family. This will allow the child to address his difficulties to close people, and not to those who will offer to solve the problems with a sip of alcohol, an injection of a drug or a few breaths of a solvent and will force the teenager to take the first step towards self-destruction.

Treatment of substance abuse is a task that must be addressed without delay, and even a slight delay is unacceptable. Such categoricalness is due to the consequences of substance abuse, in particular, irreversible changes in brain tissue, after which restoration of its intellectual activity is impossible.

During the therapy process, a sequential solution to several problems is used:

  • Detoxification. In an outpatient or inpatient setting (depending on the severity of the clinical case), the patient is administered drugs that bind and remove toxins from the bloodstream. This allows you to alleviate withdrawal symptoms or prevent its development, and avoid the negative consequences of withdrawal from toxic substances.
  • Treatment of complications of substance abuse(disorders of the liver, kidneys, respiratory organs, etc.).
  • Stabilization of mental state. A wide range of methods and means are used for this, including medication, individual or group psychotherapy sessions.
  • Development of a negative attitude towards toxic substances in the patient. This is the most critical stage of treatment, which largely determines the likelihood of relapse.
  • Rehabilitation programs. In addition to curing physical and mental addiction, it is imperative to adapt the person to life in society, which will reduce the likelihood of the addiction returning. This can be done using a variety of methods, from occupational therapy to teaching the patient how to manage stress.

Of great importance for success in the treatment of substance abuse is the patient’s environment - the behavior and attitude of relatives and friends towards the problems of a substance abuser. Therefore, special classes can be held for family members, during which they receive information on how to determine the approach of a relapse, how to behave in this case, when to contact a specialist, etc.

Substance abuse is one of the forms of psychophysical dependence on drugs and a number of chemical substances that do not belong to the class of drugs in the legal and legal sense, but cause similar effects in the body. Substance abusers use chemicals with intoxicating and hallucinogenic effects, which are not officially classified as drugs by the Ministry of Health.

At the beginning of 2017, in Russian treatment and preventive institutions, on average, there were 33 times fewer people registered with a diagnosis of “substance abuse” (compared to a diagnosis of “drug addiction”) - only 5-6 people. per 100 thousand population (that’s 8.9 thousand people), but this in no way diminishes the seriousness of the situation. The social dangers associated with substance abuse lie in the fact that this type of addiction has become widespread among children and adolescents.

The peculiarity of substance abuse is that a psychoactive toxic substance, unlike drugs administered in various ways, enters the body primarily by inhalation (with the exception of drug substance abuse). The goal of substance abusers is the same as that of drug addicts - inhaling chemicals to achieve euphoria, relaxation and intoxication.

Reasons for the development of substance abuse in children and adults

  • Psycho-emotional immaturity of the child’s personality.

The general availability of chemical industry products, low prices, a huge range of glues and paints and varnishes, and the absence of a ban on purchases lead to abuse specifically by children and adolescents. The state cannot impose a ban on their sale - after all, they are produced for other purposes. In addition, to purchase the necessary compound, a prescription is not required, as in the case of drug addiction.

Lack of control on the part of adults, unemployment, emotional instability, lack of formed goals, children's curiosity and the desire to imitate adults encourage children to seek entertainment by inhaling fumes of toxic substances. A growing, incompletely formed child’s body poisons itself at the very beginning of life, and it will be almost impossible to restore complete health in the future.

Among the abused children there are many street children and children from orphanages. Teenagers gather in a group, within it they focus on “authoritative” comrades and strive to imitate them. A teenager may not always understand the severity of the consequences of substance abuse in a timely manner - not everyone has the perseverance and strength, and there is no one to follow as an example.

Drug and substance abuse can also affect a prosperous family. The motivation for the abuse of toxic substances in such children is curiosity, the need for new vivid sensations, and the lack of an inner core.

  • Difficult life situations, stress.

Among mature adults, substance abuse occurs during the treatment of any mental disorders after stressful situations (death of loved ones, unexpected diagnosis of a serious diagnosis, divorce, moving, etc.). Drugs that cause addiction in the body include drugs from the group of sleeping pills, psychostimulants and tranquilizers.

Prolonged inhalation gradually leads to addiction, the liver metabolizes the drug faster, and there is a tendency to increase the initial dose to obtain an effect.

Stages of substance abuse

Substance abuse, like other types of addictions, damages the body at the physical and spiritual levels, and deaths from overdoses are not uncommon. The stages of the disease do not differ from drug addiction: the development of mental, physical dependence and withdrawal syndrome. First of all, the brain suffers from intoxication, psychoorganic and emotional-volitional disorders develop.

Psychological dependence in adolescents develops after several episodes of inhalation of the substance. Under the influence of pleasant feelings of lightness, flight, and indifference to everything around you, a desire arises to repeat the use. Initially, inhalation of vapors of a toxic compound occurs several times a week, then the need increases to daily.

The episode of euphoria gradually decreases, which leads to an increase in frequency throughout the day. Physical dependence develops after several months of regular use of the toxin.

Stages of substance abuse

Phase 1 is characterized by a feeling of relaxation, dizziness, warmth spreading throughout the body, lacrimation, salivation, decreased ability to concentrate, lethargy and lasts about 15 minutes. If the access of the toxic component is stopped at this stage, the body will return to normal activity.

Phase 2 occurs with prolonged inhalation of a chemical compound and is accompanied by an increase in mood, causeless fun, loss of control over one’s actions, and psychomotor agitation.

Phase 3 is accompanied by vivid auditory and visual hallucinations, sometimes in the form of “cartoons” and lasts about 2 hours at the beginning of use; with frequent use it decreases.

Phase 4 – exhaustion of the body, symptoms of intoxication: lethargy, lethargy, dry mouth, thirst, decreased blood pressure. If exposure to a toxic compound continues, stupor, coma, and death may occur.

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Types of substance abuse depending on the substance inhaled

  1. medicinal (caused by long-term use and addiction to analgesics, psychostimulants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antihistamines, antiparkinsonian, anticholinergic and sedatives). An example would be cyclodol, phenobarbital, phenazepam and a number of other drugs
  2. chemical (inhalation of industrial and household chemicals): - gasoline (the intoxicating effect is caused by benzene, xylene and toluene included in its composition)
  • inhalation of esters
  • chloroform
  • toluene (when addicts use glue, varnishes and solvents)
  • toxicomania with household gas (propane, butane, isobutane) contained in lighters and cylinders for refilling them
  • Pathogenesis

    Poisoning of the body occurs as a result of inhaling vapors of a toxic substance through a bag or plastic bottle. The toxic effect on the nervous system and internal organs is due to the effect of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons on the cells of organs that are part of the above substances. Their entry into the body entails the death of nerve cells, toxic encephalopathy, decreased intelligence, the development of psychoorganic syndrome, and damage to internal organs.

    Symptoms of toxic addiction

    Symptoms of substance abuse vary depending on the causative factor and duration of abuse. But all are characterized primarily by a toxic effect on the central nervous system, the possibility of death from suffocation, cerebral edema, arrhythmia or cardiac arrest.

    Gasoline poisoning

    Gasoline poisoning is characterized by: dryness and sore throat, hacking cough from irritation with vapors at the beginning of inhalation, redness of the skin of the face, conjunctiva of the eyes, lacrimation, runny nose. Then the pupils dilate, the pulse quickens, the gait becomes unsteady, movements are uncoordinated, tremors of the limbs and slurred speech are observed. Later, delirium and hallucinations appear, lasting about half an hour, which are replaced by headache, nausea due to intoxication of the body, lethargy and irritability.

    In the withdrawal phase, indifference to the environment and lethargy sets in. Long-term intoxication leads to antisocial behavior, sloppiness, substance abusers are distinguished by immoral behavior, the circle of interests and friends is narrowed to communication only among like-minded people.

    Toxic addiction to glue and its consequences

    Addicts use glue for inhalation by placing a small amount of liquid substance in a plastic bag, which is then pressed tightly to the face or placed on the head. In the initial phase of vapor inhalation, a state of euphoria and relaxation develops, followed by hallucinations. As in the case of gasoline, at the final stage lethargy, lethargy, dizziness, headache and vomiting develop. The use of glue by drug addicts and poisoning with it leads to death from suffocation.

    Inhalation of solvents

    Inhalation of solvent vapors leads to hyperactivity, sudden mood swings, attacks of aggression, visual and auditory hallucinations, and the poisoning process ends in the classic way - weakness, vomiting, and intense headaches.

    Inhalation of household gases

    Most often, drug addicts inhale vapors of butane, propane and nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”), used as a flammable substance in lighters and various cans. Nitrous oxide was previously used for induction of anesthesia and was even sold near nightclubs and discos, as well as via the Internet in the form of inflatable balloons. Inhalation of gases can lead to hypoxia, cerebral and pulmonary edema.

    Consequences of drug addiction and substance abuse

    • toxic encephalopathy - non-inflammatory brain damage due to chronic intoxication with a chemical agent (diffuse edema, hemorrhage, hypoxia and death of tissue areas) with a decrease in intelligence, memory, ability to concentrate and learn
    • astheno-vegetative manifestations (fluctuations in pressure, heart rate, sleep disturbances, sweating, weakness, irritability, anxiety)
    • peripheral polyneuropathy (impaired sensitivity, motor sphere, changes in muscle tone, disappearance of reflexes)
    • dryness, premature aging, pallor, sallow skin tone due to chronic hypoxia
    • brittle nails and hair
    • puffiness of the face
    • destruction of tooth enamel
    • weight loss
    • chronic respiratory diseases
    • toxic effect on the liver and kidneys with the development of toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis and nephritis


    Diagnosing substance abuse is difficult. The diagnosis is made in the presence of the classic triad of symptoms of addiction and a history of inhalation of toxic substances. When making a diagnosis, clinical manifestations are taken into account; the presence of the smell of solvent or varnish from the patient is important (in case of household gas poisoning, the smell is usually absent).

    Signs of substance abuse:

    • pathological craving for a toxic substance, subjective improvement after an episode of inhalation and withdrawal symptoms in case of withdrawal
    • increase the dose if the effect weakens
    • the formation of mental and then physical dependence


    Treatment of drug addiction and substance abuse consists of several stages:

    At the 1st stage, detoxification, infusion therapy is carried out, in severe cases - if necessary, normalization of blood gas composition, electrolyte balance, acid-base status, oxygen therapy, correction of disorders in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, liver and kidneys, hemodialysis, use of drugs , improve microcirculation, antihypoxants, neuroprotectors.

    At the 2nd stage - relief of withdrawal symptoms. At this stage, infusion therapy is also used; in the case of non-drug substance abuse, antipsychotics are prescribed for aggression and irritability; antidepressants - for apathy, depression; tranquilizers - for increased anxiety, as well as nootropics, vitamins.

    On the 3rd - psychotherapeutic correction with medications, classes with psychologists, psychotherapists individually and in groups.

    At the 4th stage, medical and social rehabilitation is carried out - an important stage, without which the individual’s complete restoration and return to society is impossible. It includes: labor rehabilitation, integration into society, restoration of family, friendship and work ties.

    Of great importance in terms of recovery is the cessation of contacts with persons who are potentially dangerous in terms of relapse, as well as work with codependents (relatives of a substance abuser) to develop in them a correct understanding of the essence of the disease and the mechanisms of influence on the patient. Treatment of substance abuse is carried out on the basis of state psychiatric and drug treatment hospitals and dispensaries, as well as private medical and rehabilitation centers.

    Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse

    Bad habits and addictions most often come from childhood, when children, following the example of their parents or peers, are introduced to harmful things without understanding the consequences. The problem is especially relevant for large cities, where there are many temptations.

    For children, taking drugs or substance abuse at first seems like fun, a demonstration of their maturity. Involvement in drug addiction is often dictated by the fear of appearing “inferior” against the background of “authoritative peers,” and awareness of the problems comes later. In such cases, even warning conversations between parents are often ineffective.

    As for children from disadvantaged families, they initially have nowhere to draw ideals of behavior from. If possible, everyone who sees a problem should make their contribution to the education of children and adolescents.

    Prevention of the disease consists of:

    • in conducting informational conversations explaining the consequences of substance abuse
    • in developing a healthy lifestyle and thinking in a child
    • helping the child find hobbies (filling children’s free time with useful creative activities, sports)
    • close trusting relationships in the family
    • assistance from psychologists and teachers working with children from disadvantaged families
    • in the absence of a family, the education of children and awareness of the dangers of substance abuse should be carried out by employees of orphanages, boarding schools, social workers, and educational institutions

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    Practice diary

    1. The problem of drug addiction among minors

    1.1 The essence and content of the concept of drug addiction

    1.2 Social and pedagogical activities to prevent drug addiction among adolescents

    2. Developed measures for drug addiction prevention in educational institutions

    Practice report




    I completed an educational internship at the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School of the Nizhnetambov settlement.

    Familiarized yourself with the regulatory documents

    Attended classes of three different development groups

    I carried out a number of techniques, analyzed the results and selected correctional and developmental exercises.

    Attended a parent meeting

    The work was carried out according to a special comprehensive program for the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse among adolescents

    Rationale for the Program

    Prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse - a system of measures aimed at stopping the growth, reducing the level and preventing the consumption of narcotic, toxic, psychotropic drugs; preventing the commission of offenses by persons who use narcotic, toxic, psychotropic drugs, providing them with the necessary medical and rehabilitation assistance;

    Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable category of our society, susceptible to the influence of addictions. And if we, adults, cannot influence the formation of teenage behavior in time, then every day we will face the horrors of drug addiction more and more.

    The media often publishes content that heightens curiosity and increases the desire of young people to try drugs that have become readily available. As a result of the sharp increase in the number of drug addicts, there has been an acute shortage of specialists such as social workers, social educators, social psychologists, etc.

    This program is necessary as a way to form a value-semantic unity in relation to drugs among teenagers. Organization of the child’s social environment, ensuring his anti-drug safety. The content of the program reflects pedagogical prevention of drug addiction. The content of the events is determined depending on the age group: primary schoolchildren and teenagers. Preventive measures are proactive in nature, i.e. Children should be trained before the moment when drug addiction becomes a reality. Preventive work is associated not only with the prohibition of certain behavioral forms, but mainly it is aimed at creating conditions that ensure successful social adaptation of a child and adolescent. When organizing events, the principle of prohibition is stipulated: the inadmissibility of using information that can arouse interest in drugs.


    Federal Law “On Education” No. 3266-1 of July 10, 1992.

    - “Concepts for the prevention of substance abuse in an educational environment” (adopted by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2000)

    Federal target program “Comprehensive measures to combat drug use”

    Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency

    Main goals and objectives of the Program implementation

    Formation in students

    Personal properties and qualities that allow them to avoid involvement with psychoactive substances and ensure their successful social adaptation;

    Conscious attitude towards your physical health;

    A mindset aimed at achieving one's life goals through the optimal use of one's health resources.

    Preserving children's health.

    Forming in children an idea of ​​the value of their health and the need to take care of it.

    Forming an idea about the characteristics of your body, character, skills to manage your behavior, and emotional state.

    Development of communication skills.

    Developing the ability to resist negative pressure from others.

    Ensuring the effectiveness of classes in the system of additional education for difficult teenagers; attracting teenagers to classes in clubs and sections.

    Formation of a system of sports and recreational work

    Educating parents on the development of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of bad habits.

    Involvement of interested departments in cooperation.

    Methods: observation, conversation, testing, discussions, disputes.

    Practice diary


    Getting to know the school, documentation, teaching and administrative staff

    Class hour "Guys, let's live together"

    Classic hand

    Game "A healthy body - a healthy mind"

    Class. Hand.

    Conversation “I have feelings”

    Class. Hand.

    Conversation “Necessary and harmful drugs”

    Class hour “Bad language and health”


    Conversation “Your family”


    Parental meeting. Lecture “Organizing leisure time for children”

    Parents of students in grades 1-4

    Deputy Educational Director

    Class hour “Be able to say NO!”



    Press conference “Smoking: pros and cons”

    Class. hands, deputy director for HF

    Conversation “Drugs and my plans”


    Health day at school

    Classroom manager, nurse

    Self-training about information processing


    Smoking and alcohol trial


    Class hour “Alcohol”


    Conversation “On the edge of the abyss”


    Conversation “Don’t Stumble”


    Round table “How to stay healthy”

    Class hour "My rights"


    Parent meeting “Prevention of addictions”

    Parents of 8th grade students

    Parent meeting “Early identification of children and youth abusing psychoactive substances”

    Parents of 9th grade students

    Class manager, deputy RF Directors

    Class hour “Family in modern society”

    Class. hands

    Class hour “Drugs: how to say no”

    Class. hands

    Class hour “AIDS and HIV: fantasies and reality”

    Class. hands

    Training “How to deal with boredom”

    Class. hands

    Questionnaire for studying attitudes towards drugs

    Class. hands

    Cool hour.

    Topic: “Drugs and drug addiction.”

    Class. hands

    Test “Your attitude towards drugs and drug addicts”

    Class. hands

    Self-preparation and information processing

    1. The problem of drug addiction among minors

    1.1 The essence and content of the concept of drug addiction

    Drugs entered the life of human society several thousand years ago. Drug use was initially associated with religious and everyday customs in places where plants containing them grew - the so-called zones, hotbeds of natural drug addiction. These areas are: Asia, where the opium poppy (containing opium, then converted to morphine) and hashish-producing hemp grow; South and Latin America (coca plant (kat), from which cocaine is extracted); North Africa (Indian hemp - from the pollen of which hashish, marijuana, anasha are obtained).

    The term “drug addiction” comes from the Greek words narke - numbness, numbness and mania - madness, passion, attraction, addiction to drug use, leading to severe impairment of physical and mental functions.

    Drug addiction is a group of diseases that are manifested by an attraction to constant use of increasing amounts of narcotic drugs due to persistent mental or physical dependence on them with the development of abstinence after stopping their use. Drug addiction refers to addiction to substances that, according to the list of the permanent drug control committee approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, are classified as narcotic substances.

    Drugs are chemical substances of synthetic or plant origin, medicines that have a special, specific effect on the nervous system and the entire human body.

    The Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) defines drug addiction as a condition characterized by an inevitable need for a drug, obtaining it by all possible means, the desire to constantly increase doses, leading to physical and moral degradation of the individual and harmful social consequences for society.

    Drugs are recognized as narcotic drugs only if they meet three criteria, namely: 1. Medical, if the specific effect of a given drug is the reason for its non-medical consumption; 2. Social, if this non-medical consumption takes on such a scale that it acquires social significance;3. Legal, if, based on these two premises, the relevant authority (Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation), authorized to do so, officially recognized this drug as a narcotic and included it in a special list.

    Along with drug addiction, there is substance abuse. The term “substance abuse” is used to define a disease in cases where it is caused by the abuse of any substances (chemical, herbal and medicinal) that are not currently officially classified as drugs. Substances that cause substance abuse include some household drugs: all kinds of solvents, varnishes, ethyl alcohol and others.

    If we consider the term “drug addiction” in a social and pedagogical aspect, we can define that drug addiction is a form of deviant behavior, which is expressed in physical or mental dependence on drugs, gradually leading the child’s body to physical and mental exhaustion and social maladaptation of the individual.

    The main danger of drug addiction is not so much in causing physiological harm to the body, but in the subsequent degradation of personality, which occurs 10-20 times faster than with alcoholism. Drug addicts stop being interested in studies, school, and then leave it altogether. Useful social connections with friends, school staff, and teachers are gradually weakened and terminated, difficult relationships arise in the family, selfish character traits, hypocrisy, and deceit develop; attention is focused only on the problem of drug acquisition.

    The issues of the formation of drug addiction in adolescence are attracting increasingly close attention from specialists in various fields, as the number of adolescents involved in drug addiction increases every year. In addition, it is a known fact that only a small proportion of minors suffering from drug addiction seek help on their own, while 5-7% of all adolescents already have experience of drug use at least once.

    The effectiveness of preventive measures for teenage drug addiction is extremely low, and one of the reasons for this is insufficient knowledge of the specifics of adolescence.

    Adolescence, as noted above, has its own characteristics; it is difficult in socio-psychological terms. Adolescents have pronounced cognitive activity and at the same time high social conflict. There is significant neuropsychic instability, disharmonious personality development, and low self-control. At the same time, there is a high activity of the body against the background of insufficiently formed protective forces. At this age there is no attention to one's health. Teenagers strive for self-affirmation and independence, actively achieving this in various ways.

    One of the most important factors influencing the formation of a teenager’s personality is teenage behavioral reactions:

    Grouping with peers;

    Emancipation - the desire to leave the care of adults;

    A feeling of protest and opposition - when, in response to excessive “adult pressure,” a teenager demonstratively begins to smoke and use psychoactive substances, including drugs and alcohol;

    Imitation is teenagers copying the behavior of adults without due criticality to some of its manifestations.

    Drug use has become a serious youth problem, and over the past decade it has already been classified as a child and adolescent problem, which is characterized by:

    A massive increase in drug abuse among children and adolescents, and in adolescents the attraction to drugs remains mental for a very long time;

    - “rejuvenation” of the population of drug users up to the age of 13-14 years;

    The transition from “readily available” psychoactive substances, such as tranquilizers, barbiturates, and cannabis preparations in the 80s, to such expensive and prestigious drugs as cocaine, heroin, and “ecstasy,” which have a more destructive effect on the body of adolescents and cause rapid addiction to drugs and leading to personality degradation, although there is a certain group of teenagers who, due to lack of funds, use cheap, “dirty” drugs. But in both cases, unlike adults who, having become addicted to drugs, usually try to use softer drugs (marijuana, alcohol), young people strive for strong drugs, when drug intoxication does not relax, but has a motor active coloration;

    The spread of more dangerous forms of drug use (for example, intravenous injections) in the group; a symptom of drug addiction in a teenager is taking the drug alone;

    Satisfying a teenager’s curiosity about the effects of a narcotic substance; experiencing a pleasurable, new, exciting and dangerous experience, achieving a feeling of complete relaxation, and sometimes “clarity of thinking” and “creative inspiration”. Adult drug use is rarely driven by curiosity. Other motives appear here - the desire to achieve calmness, lightness, and peace of mind. The emergence of a feeling of curiosity in relation to drugs indicates the wide spread of “drug culture” in Russia, which fuels this curiosity (after all, no one has the desire to try water from a street puddle out of curiosity), and the insufficient fight against it by state and public institutions;

    Changes in the social status of adolescents who start using drugs. If five years ago these were children from dysfunctional families, where the leading factors were such asocial factors as drunkenness or criminality of parents, cruel intra-family relationships, today the number of drug addicts is replenished by teenagers from prosperous families with high incomes. The financial freedom of teenagers in these families, the abundance of money, and low moral and ethical standards lead to the formation of a special youth subculture in which free time becomes the leading value, and drugs are an attribute of a certain lifestyle. Prestigious discos, concerts of rock stars, youth “parties” become those “drug-dangerous” places where drugs are freely sold and taken.

    Today, the use of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy tablets poses a particular danger. The stage of the first trials is replaced by the stage of “polydrug addiction,” when the teenager begins to repeatedly and systematically take various narcotic drugs. After trying different drugs, the teenager makes a choice when those psychoactive substances that facilitate thoughtless communication are preferable. Here we can already talk about the transition of deviant behavior into a disease, where the selection stage is followed by first mental and then physical dependence on any drug;

    Following youth fashion. Thus, night discos are becoming a popular type of youth entertainment, which assume that young people will dance without a break for 10 hours. In order to withstand such physical activity, young people must be well prepared: have good dance, physical, and strength condition. But not all boys and girls are able to withstand this night marathon to deafening music. Therefore, psychoactive substances “for unbridled fun” began to spread very quickly among young people, for example, the drug “ecstasy”, when under the influence of only one tablet you can dance without a break, without feeling tired, for 10-12 hours. Or another trend in fashion - a passion for music. To heighten the perception of fashionable music and sexual disinhibition, young people begin to take psychostimulants and psychedelic substances;

    Spreading myths about drug addiction: the first myth is “I’ll just try, it’s not scary or dangerous” (children tend to feel immortal and fearless); myth two - “I can quit at any time, I’m not a drug addict”; myth three - “alcohol and tobacco are also drugs, but a person takes them and this is socially approved, so there is nothing wrong with taking soft drugs.” The danger of these myths lies in the underestimation of drugs, after the first use of which all components of health deteriorate - physical (biological, environmental), genetic, social, mental (mental and spiritual), and this process of rapid decline does not stop.

    In the specialized literature, another name for the reality under consideration has recently become increasingly common - addictive behavior. Translated from English, “addiction” is a tendency to do something (usually bad), a bad habit.

    Studies have shown that the proportion of drug samples occurs during adolescence. The motives for using psychoactive substances in most cases are: the desire to experience new sensations, to “escape” from reality (protracted conflict with parents, teachers, prolonged nervous tension), protest against “obsessive norms of behavior.”

    The particular danger of drug addiction to society is as follows. People who use drugs quickly develop severe medical consequences of chronic poisoning of the body: damage to internal organs, the nervous system, and the brain. Hence - a variety of mental disorders and increasing degradation of personality, gradual complete disability, and high mortality. Drug addicts destroy themselves not only physically, but also spiritually. They are characterized by mental changes such as mental emptiness, callousness, coldness, loss of the ability to empathize, to make emotional contact, and deep selfishness. All drives and needs fade away, teenagers lose interest in learning, new knowledge is difficult for them to assimilate, and the knowledge gained is lost. Indifference to loved ones and an inability to critically evaluate one’s behavior develop.

    Drug addiction poses a significant social danger from the point of view of criminogenicity, that is, as a factor that generates crime. The criminal behavior of drug addicts is caused by the personality changes described above. In addition, socially dangerous actions are committed in connection with psychosis, for example, for delusional reasons or under the influence of frightening hallucinations.

    Teenagers are increasingly involved in adult criminal groups: the use of minors in criminal activities allows criminal groups to avoid criminal liability, and this leads to even greater involvement of adolescents in this area.

    The most common crime is robbery. This type of “activity” has emerged as extortion of schoolchildren from schoolchildren. In recent years, a new trend has emerged. Previously, crimes were committed by children from dysfunctional, asocial families. Now they are among the prosperous ones. The first robbed kiosks, the second committed serious crimes, robberies, and sold drugs, that is, the external well-being of families can be deceiving.

    Thus, drug addiction is a disease that manifests itself in the desire to constantly take drugs called narcotic drugs, the inevitable need for a drug, obtaining it by all possible means, the desire to constantly increase doses, leading to physical and moral degradation of the individual and harmful social consequences for society. This is a form of deviant behavior, which is expressed in physical or mental dependence on drugs, gradually leading the child’s body to physical and mental exhaustion and social maladjustment of the individual.

    1.2 Social and pedagogical activities for the prevention of drug addiction among adolescents

    The progressive trend of continuous growth of various manifestations of deviant behavior, their objectivity and inevitability poses as the main tasks for society, specific social services and social educators the search for forms, methods and technologies of working with maladapted adolescents, the concentration of efforts aimed at both the rehabilitation of the child and, what is more necessary is the prevention of deviations from social norms, that is, the elimination of conditions that directly or indirectly have a negative impact on the actions and actions of a minor. Therefore, two main technologies for working with adolescents with deviant behavior have become widespread in science and practice - preventive and rehabilitation.

    Prevention is a set of state, public, socio-medical and organizational and educational measures aimed at preventing, eliminating or neutralizing the main causes and conditions that cause various kinds of social deviations in the behavior of adolescents.

    Prevention in social pedagogy means, first of all, scientifically based and timely actions taken aimed at:

    Prevention of possible physical, psychological or sociocultural circumstances in an individual child or minors at social risk;

    Preservation, maintenance and protection of the normal standard of living and health of the child;

    Assisting the child in achieving socially significant goals and revealing his internal potential.

    The term “prevention” itself is usually associated with the planned prevention of some unfavorable event, that is, with the elimination of causes that can cause undesirable consequences.

    Since social deviations can be caused by various reasons and circumstances, several types of preventive measures can be distinguished:

    Neutralizing; - compensating;

    Preventing the occurrence of circumstances conducive to social deviations;

    Eliminating these circumstances;

    Monitoring the preventive work carried out and its results.

    The effectiveness of preventive measures can only be ensured if the following components are necessarily included:

    Aims at eradicating sources of discomfort, both in the child himself and in the social and natural environment, and at the same time creating conditions for minors to acquire the necessary experience to solve the problems they face;

    Teaching your child new skills that help them achieve their goals or maintain health;

    Solving problems that have not yet arisen, preventing their occurrence.

    Conceptually, preventive technologies highlight, first of all, the information approach. It is based on the fact that deviations in the behavior of adolescents from social norms occur because minors simply do not know them. And, therefore, the main direction of work should be informing minors about their rights and responsibilities, about the requirements imposed by the state and society to fulfill the social norms established for this age group. This can be done through the media (print, radio, television), cinema, theater, fiction and other cultural works, as well as through the system of social education in order to form the legal consciousness of a teenager, increase his education, and assimilate moral standards of behavior in society.

    The social preventive approach considers the identification, elimination and neutralization of the causes and conditions that cause various kinds of negative phenomena as the main goal. The essence of this approach is a system of socio-economic, socio-political, organizational, legal and educational measures that are carried out by the state, society, a specific socio-pedagogical institution, a social teacher to eliminate or minimize the causes of deviant behavior.

    Thus, the lack of targeted information about the consequences of drug use leads minors who use them to criminal liability, since almost everyone is sure that drug use is a personal matter for everyone, and they can only be prosecuted for their distribution, not knowing that in connection With the adoption of a new law on narcotic and psychotropic substances, criminal liability comes even for their use.

    Among the main directions of prevention of deviant behavior, a special place, along with informational and social-preventive approaches, is occupied by the medical-biological approach. Its essence is to prevent possible deviations from social norms by targeted measures of a therapeutic and preventive nature in relation to persons suffering from various mental anomalies, i.e. pathology at the biological level.

    The next approach is social and pedagogical, which consists in restoring or correcting the personality traits of a teenager with deviant behavior, especially his moral and volitional personality traits.

    Will always manifests itself in conscious and purposefully regulated activity. There is an assessment of the current situation, and the selection of ways to achieve the goal, and the struggle of motives, and decision-making, and its implementation. All this has a direct impact on the legality of behavior and its moral value.

    To be free means to have a developed will. It is no coincidence that adolescents and young men who commit immoral acts, misdeeds and crimes lack developed volitional qualities. These defects usually arise at an early school age and only then, having become entrenched, act as negative volitional character traits, manifested to one degree or another in actions and actions.

    The development of positive volitional qualities in adolescents should begin with the formation of a correct idea of ​​will. This process includes a number of steps.

    The first stage is the disclosure of the essence of individual volitional qualities, their correct illustration with examples.

    The second stage is the development of generalized ideas about the will and strong-willed appearance of a teenager, establishing the relationship between courage and arrogance; persistence and stubbornness; independence and disrespect for other people's opinions.

    The third stage is systematic self-education, searching for one’s shortcomings and ways to correct them. At this stage, the social teacher must help the teenager develop correct self-esteem and awaken in him intolerance towards his own shortcomings.

    The fourth stage is mature self-education, i.e., the realization of the need for self-improvement.

    Consecutive passage of all stages allows the formation of a socially approved role of a teenager as a law-abiding citizen.

    There is another approach related to the use of sanctions. Its essence is the punishment of a person who has committed an offense on the basis of criminal laws. “So that it doesn’t happen to others,” says popular wisdom. However, all world experience shows the ineffectiveness of only harsh sanctions from society, therefore punishment should be considered only as an auxiliary means, the main thing is to identify and eliminate the causes of social deviations.

    Existing technologies for working with maladjusted children are aimed at putting deviant behavior under social control, which includes: firstly, replacement, crowding out the most dangerous forms of deviant behavior with socially useful or neutral ones; secondly, the direction of the child’s social activity in a socially approved or neutral direction; thirdly, refusal of criminal or administrative prosecution of teenagers involved in drug addiction, fourthly, the creation of a special drug treatment service for social assistance.

    Primary prevention is carried out in relation to persons who have no experience of consuming narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, as well as those who allow irregular consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and toxic substances.

    Primary prevention includes:

    Anti-drug propaganda and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

    Identification at an early stage of persons who use narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances at an early stage and carrying out preventive work with them;

    Anti-drug education of citizens and training them in skills to counter the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and toxic substances;

    Reliable and systematic informing of citizens about the current situation with the spread of drug addiction and substance abuse, their causes and negative medical and social consequences;

    Preventive work with persons at risk;

    Preventive work with families;

    Organization of leisure time for youth.

    It is important to note that, according to the modern understanding of the nature of drug addiction, the “gateway” to drug addiction is drinking alcohol and smoking. Therefore, preventive work should begin with the prevention of alcohol consumption and smoking.

    Secondary prevention of substance abuse is aimed at preventing the formation of dependence on psychoactive substances, and involves working with people who use drugs, but do not show signs of drug addiction as a disease. In other words, this is work with those who abuse drugs, but without formed physical dependence.

    Tertiary prevention is carried out in relation to persons who have undergone treatment for drug addiction or substance abuse in the form of rehabilitation measures, and is aimed at restoring the personal and social status of the patient with drug addiction or substance abuse.

    Thus, the main directions of prevention of deviant behavior are: medical-biological approach, social-pedagogical approach, informational, social-preventive and the use of sanctions.

    The drug and substance abuse prevention system includes: primary, secondary, tertiary prevention.

    In this work, we examined the concept of “drug addiction” in psychological and pedagogical literature. Drug addiction is a disease that manifests itself in the desire to constantly take drugs called narcotic drugs, the inevitable need for the drug, obtaining it by all possible means, the desire to constantly increase doses, leading to physical and moral degradation of the individual and harmful social consequences for society. This is a form of deviant behavior, which is expressed in physical or mental dependence on drugs, gradually leading the child’s body to physical and mental exhaustion and social maladjustment of the individual.

    The factors and causes of drug addiction among adolescents were characterized. Biological, psychological, social, socio-pedagogical, socio-cultural factors were identified.

    Biological factors include: the degree of initial tolerance to the drug; the nature of the drug and the need for its use.

    Psychological factors include: attractiveness at the psychological level of emerging relationships; desire for self-affirmation; lack of stable social interests and characteristics of a teenager’s personal accentuation.

    Social factors include: fashion and the influence of the reference group. Social and pedagogical factors include: raising a child in the family and adaptation in the school community. And socio-cultural factors include: the influence of the subculture on the teenager; the collapse of ideological and social institutions; availability of drugs.

    We described social and pedagogical activities to prevent drug addiction among adolescents. The main directions of prevention of deviant behavior are: medical-biological approach, social-pedagogical approach, informational, social-preventive and application of sanctions. According to the classification, prevention can be divided into primary, secondary, tertiary prevention.

    In general, having studied the main areas of activity for the prevention of drug addiction among adolescents, we can conclude that in preventive work it is necessary to use an integrated approach, to work not only with teenagers, but also with their close circle.

    2. Developed activities forcarrying outdrug addiction preventionin an educational institution

    Class hour "Guys, let's live together!"

    The relevance of the chosen topic: friendship mutually enriches children: it expands children's interests, they have a desire to help each other, to experience joy and sorrow together. Therefore, this topic is relevant in elementary school.

    During the lesson it is necessary to adhere to the following principles: respect and accept the world of others; treat students with absolute confidence; focus on the child’s positive behavior; avoid value judgments in relation to children; unconditional acceptance of the child.

    Goal: to reveal the essence of the concept of “friendship”, to show what qualities a true friend should have, what role friends play in our lives; develop a desire to be friends with others.

    Form of work: conversation-reasoning.


    I. Class organization. Emotional mood

    II. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson:

    Good afternoon, dear guys!

    Today we will find out what friendship is, who can be called a true friend, define the laws of friendship and become even more friendly!

    III. Introduction to the concept of "friendship".

    How do you understand the word “friendship”? (children’s answers)

    Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust.

    A friend is a person who is connected with someone through friendship.

    Comrade - a person close to someone in views, activities, living conditions; friendly towards someone.

    (S.I. Ozhegov “Dictionary of the Russian Language”)

    Guys, raise your hands if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

    Fine! I had no doubt that you all have friends!

    Guys, there are a lot of proverbs about friendship, and we all know that proverbs contain folk wisdom. I wanted to introduce you to them, but last night, when I was compiling them, my son Vlad mixed up all the words in the proverbs...

    Can you help me collect them?

    I suggest you work in groups.

    You have envelopes on each row, you need to assemble the correct proverb from individual words and choose the one who will read it.

    1st group “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”

    2nd group “An old friend is better than two new ones”

    Well done!

    Read the proverbs again in chorus and tell me how you understand them?

    VI. Reasoning. Teacher - Now let's watch the skit “Identical”. Think and say what Sonya did towards her friend in this story.

    There lived two inseparable first-grader friends. They were both small, pink-cheeked, fair-haired, they looked very much alike. Both mothers dressed the same, both studied only with straight A's.

    We are the same in everything! - the girls said proudly.

    But one day Sonya, that was the name of one of the girls, ran home and boasted to her mother:

    I got an A in arithmetic, but Vera only got a C. We are no longer the same...

    Mom looked at Sonya carefully. Then she said sadly:

    Yes, you have become worse...

    I? - the girl was surprised. - But it wasn’t me who got the C!

    Teacher - Why did mom condemn Sonya?

    What would you tell Sonya?

    7. Quiz “Who is friends with whom?”

    1. Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka)

    2. Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina)

    3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet)

    4. A boy named Baby and... (Carlson)

    X. Continuation of the conversation: - Who are you friends with? - Do you think you can only be friends with people? Are you friends with animals, nature, books? - Are you friends with your parents? - How do you understand the phrase “childhood friends”?

    8. Making a flower of “Friendship” from the qualities of a true friend. So, guys, today we read so many poems with you, looked at so many situations where the heroes behaved like real friends, and sometimes vice versa. What qualities should a true friend have?

    Now we will play with you. I will offer you the qualities of a person’s character, and you must listen carefully, if the proposed qualities suit a real friend, you clap your hands, and if not, then stomp your feet. (or Yes/No). During the game, from the positive qualities of a true friend, we will make a flower of “Friendship”. Our flower has no petals, the petals lie on the table: honesty, lies, kindness, loyalty, rudeness, mutual assistance, betrayal, pugnacity, justice, bullying; responsibility, compassion.

    Look, guys, the good qualities of a true friend have turned into a beautiful flower. - Do you like it?

    Conclusion: A person who possesses such qualities is beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

    9. Definition of the “Laws of Friendship”

    Now you are just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws. There are many laws of friendship. Here are some of them. 1. One for all and all for one. 2. Respect each other and help each other.3. Rejoice with your friends. 4. Don't offend your friends and everyone around you. 5. Don’t leave your friends in trouble, don’t let them down, don’t betray them, don’t deceive them, don’t break your promises. 6. Take care of your friends, because it’s easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.

    Do you agree with these laws? (children's answers)

    Do we accept? (Yes.)

    If you follow these rules, you will become true friends.

    And in conclusion, guys, on your tables is the text of the poem “What is friendship?” Read it to yourself. Now let's all read it together in chorus!

    What is friendship? - I asked the bird. - This is when the kite flies with the tit. I asked the beast: What is friendship? - This is when the hare does not need to be afraid of the Fox. And then she asked the girl: “Friendship - what is it?” - This is something huge, joyful, big. This is when the guys all play together at once. This is when boys don’t offend girls. Everyone in the world should be friends: animals, birds, and children.

    So, guys, now you know what true friendship is, and who a real friend is! Our class hour has come to an end. Let's stand up and tell each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold: - Guys, let's live together! Thank you for your work, you worked very well, and friendship helped us with this! All the best to you! Good and loyal friends to you!

    Lesson-game “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

    Goal: to develop healthy lifestyle skills in students; develop responsibility for your health, attention, ability to express your thoughts, skills of a tolerant attitude; foster team cohesion.

    Jury: parents or subject teachers.



    1. Emotional attunement of students.

    The bell rings - Let's start our lesson.

    You and I are not wasting time, let's begin our health lesson.

    2. Draw.

    Dividing students into teams by lot. Each student draws a chip of a certain color and takes his place at the table of the corresponding color.

    II. LESSON TOPIC MESSAGE.- Guys, read the note on the board. Think about what we will talk about today.

    (Children take turns thinking about the saying.)

    Yes, indeed, we will talk about health. We will conduct a lesson-journey with you under the slogan “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.” We will move according to the route sheet, at each station you will have an envelope with a task. You will complete the task and receive points. The team that scores the most points in the end will be the winning team.

    I wish you good luck, let's get started!


    1. Stop “Business Card”.

    Teams must introduce their captain, show and explain their emblem (preparation time 8 minutes).

    2. Stop “Warm-up for the mind.”

    Guess the riddles. For each riddle you solve, you get points.

    Let's gather a team at school. And we will find a large field. We take the corner - We score with our head. And the fifth goal is in the goal! We love very much... (football)

    In this sport, the players are all agile and tall. They love to play with the ball and throw it into the hoop. The ball hits the floor loudly, which means it's... (basketball)

    On Olympus in the ancient world, the Greeks lifted weights, competed in running, strength, and carried heavy loads. And gave them rewards. Summer... (Olympiad)

    Both boys and girls.

    They love us very much in winter,

    They cut the ice into a thin pattern,

    They don't want to go home.

    We are graceful and light

    We are figure skaters... (skates)

    With a stick I glide on the ice.

    I move the puck forward.

    I'll go to the gate now,

    I'll score a goal from a turn! (hockey player)

    I'm not wandering through forests,

    And by my mustache and hair, and my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears. (Comb)

    I silently look at everyone, And everyone looks at me. The cheerful ones see laughter, I cry with the sad ones. Deep as a river, I'm at home on your wall. The old man will see the old man, The child will see the child in me. (Mirror)

    Smooth, fragrant, washes clean, everyone should have it. What is this, guys? (Soap)

    Hairy head.

    It fits into the mouth deftly.

    And counts our teeth in the mornings and evenings. (Toothbrush)

    He lay down in his pocket and kept watch. A roarer, a crybaby and a dirty one, He will wipe away streams of tears, He will not forget about his nose. (Handkerchief)

    The jury sums up the results. Each guessed riddle is worth 1 point.

    3. Stop “Our food”.

    As everyone knows, to be healthy you need to eat right. Your task is to assemble a puzzle picture with the proposed images and explain whether the category of products that you have is useful.

    Students can express their thoughts in prose or a skit of their choice. The jury evaluates the performance of the participants. The maximum score is 5 points, speed and ability to express your thoughts are assessed.

    4. Stop “Daily Mode”.

    Teams receive an envelope with a task, which contains images of some episodes of the daily routine. Their task is to put them in order and explain their point of view.

    The jury sums up the results of the competition. The maximum score is 5 points, assessing speed, ability to express one's thoughts and ability to work in a team.


    So let's summarize.

    According to the points scored, the team “…..” won.

    I would also like to commend the team “…..” for their resourcefulness.

    I would also like to note the team “…..” for their activity.

    I would also like to commend the “…..” team for their creative approach.

    Conversation “Necessary and harmful drugs”

    Objectives: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about medicines and vitamins; give an idea of ​​caution when using medications and vitamins; reinforce confidence in the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Educator: We talked a lot about health and we know that health is one of the main values ​​of human life. Tell me, why does a person need to be healthy so much? (When a person is healthy, he is cheerful, energetic, enjoys working and playing.) What should a person do in order to maintain his health? (He must follow a daily routine, exercise, be in the fresh air more often, eat right.) Unfortunately, people still get sick, some more often, some less often. There are very serious diseases that take a long time to be treated and only in a hospital. But today we will talk about colds and viral diseases that people suffer from most often. What kind of diseases are these? (Sore throat, flu, common cold.) These diseases can be defeated at home, but most often with the help of doctors.

    Let's remember what to do if someone gets sick. (Call a doctor at home or go to a doctor’s appointment at a clinic.) How does a doctor treat a sick person? (He prescribes medicine for him.) Medicines come in different forms. In what forms are medications produced? Do you know what medications you have at home and where they are stored? (Children's answers.) Many of you could not answer this question. And that's good. Adults should always keep medications out of the reach of children. Many medicines look attractive and taste good. But this does not mean that they are always harmless to everyone. Medicines are intended for treatment only. They can only be treated under the guidance of a doctor or experienced adults. One beautiful tablet can cause irreparable harm to human health. That is why it is better for children not to know where the medicines are at all. After all, children should not use medications on their own.

    The teacher shows bright packages of vitamins. What is this? (Vitamins.) What are they for? Is it possible to recover by taking only vitamins? Do you think vitamins are more like medicine or candy? Neither one nor the other is correct. Vitamins do not treat the body like medicine, but only strengthen it, helping to resist disease. And although vitamins are sweet and tasty, you cannot eat them like candy. Vitamins eaten in large quantities will harm your health. Remember - children cannot eat vitamins whenever they want.

    Class hour “Bad language and health”

    “You can’t buy health - your mind gives it”

    Goal: Formation of healthy lifestyle skills

    Objectives: To expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about bad habits. Foster a negative attitude towards the vices of humanity. Encourage moral self-improvement.

    Teacher: Hello, guys! Today we will talk to you about the dangers of foul language. Think about the facts! Over the past 20 years, the number of children with mental and physical developmental delays has increased 10 times, more than 80% of newborns are sick, only every 10 school graduates are healthy, the number of girls with chronic diseases has increased, and these are future mothers, carriers of the nation’s gene pool; The daily mortality rate of the Russian population is more than 2,500 people per day. In terms of overall life expectancy, Russia ranks 133rd in the world among men and 100th among women; 54% of young people born in the 80s are not able to graduate from high school. There are many reasons for this misfortune, but our verbal promiscuity plays not the least role among them. Today, schoolchildren, young people, adult men and women use swear words. “Checkmate” comes from the TV screens. Is this bad habit really so harmless? We will talk about this today.

    Man, as a part of the Cosmos, lives the same life as the cosmos. For example, it is a source of energy. And a person’s word is also energy. And this energy spreads in space, Space. If the word is good, the space is saturated with good energies, and it helps someone. If a word is obscene, dirty, it clogs up space. A person can get sick after coming into contact with this energy. In the book by S.S. Orbeliani “The Wisdom of Fiction” in one parable it is said that a hunter invited a friend - a bear. The owner did not like the spirit of the bear, and she said it out loud, the bear was offended and left.

    Time passed, he meets a hunter and says: “Hit him on the head with an ax so that there is a wound.” No matter how the hunter refused, his friend insisted on his own, and the hunter struck the bear, causing a wound. Time passed, the bear met the hunter in the forest and said: “Look - the wound that you inflicted on me has healed, but the wound from the words of your wife still hurts my heart.”

    A little history. Swear words were not introduced into our speech by the Mongol-Tatars, as many claim; they, unfortunately, have original Russian roots.

    In ancient Rus', swearing was nothing more than a spell, a formula against evil spirits. Through swearing, people entered into communication with evil spirits, as if tuning into their wave, calling them into their lives. But everyone knew that it was impossible to scold children with obscenities, they would be tormented by demons. You cannot swear in the house: demons will live in this home. It was also forbidden to swear in the forest: a goblin might be offended; on the banks of a river or lake, a merman might be offended. Where could a person swear and throw out all the anger? There was only one place left - the field. Hence the expression “battlefield”. Without knowing the origin of this phrase, many people think that it is a battlefield. However, the meaning of the phrase is different - it is a field of obscene swearing. If you look at the history of the origin and meaning of the word “mate” in its original version, it means “cry”, a loud voice in an onomatopoeic meaning. And the imitation was the sounds of animals - “ma” and “me” - during the mating season. In ancient Rus', it was considered indecent to become like cattle and yell obscenities about something that belonged to the sphere of intimate relationships. The most important and scientifically confirmed fact is that swearing is dangerous to health, it not only contributes to a decrease in intelligence, provokes crimes, creating the illusion of permissiveness, robs us spiritually, humiliates and insults, but also, by absorbing verbal dirt, cripples people’s destinies, leads to early aging and premature death.

    A group of scientists led by Candidate of Biological Sciences P.P. Garyaeva came to the stunning conclusion that with the help of verbal mental images, a person creates or destroys his genetic apparatus. Researchers have proven that swear words seem to explode in the human genetic apparatus, as a result of which mutations occur, which with each generation lead to human degeneration.

    Researchers have invented a device that translates human words into electromagnetic waves. They are known to influence DNA molecules (heredity).

    A person swears, and his chromosomes warp and bend, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs. This is how the program of self-destruction is gradually passed on to the offspring. Scientists have recorded that swear words cause a mutagenic effect, similar to that produced by radioactive radiation with a power of thousands of roentgens. The communication experiment was carried out for many years on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant, almost all of them died. And those that survived became genetic monsters. It is interesting that the mutagenic effect does not depend on the strength of the word; they could be pronounced either loudly or in a whisper.

    On this basis, scientists concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA, i.e. DNA perceives human speech.


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