Presentation "Teaching literacy (writing) by L.F. Klimanova (UMK "Perspective"). School guide Workbook "Write beautifully"

Literacy work program

(writing lessons)

1st grade UMK "Perspective".

Explanatory note

The work program for teaching literacy for grade 1 was developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard for primary general education, the concept of spiritual and moral development and personal development of a citizen of Russia, the planned results of primary general education, the Concept of the educational complex “Perspective”, the author’s program of L. F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina “Russian language”, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of the Federal component of the state standard of primary education.

Place of the subject in the curriculum

The work program is designed for 206 hours (94 hours for teaching basic reading and 114 hours for teaching writing) per year.

Number of hours per year: 206.

Number of hours per week: 9 (literacy 4 hours, writing 5 hours).

Goals and objectives of the course

Teaching literacy is an organic part of the academic subject “Russian language” and has a common communicative and cognitive basis with it. The course meets the goals of the humanistic school, the interests and needs of the child; it is designed to form a high culture of verbal communication, develop the creative abilities of students, and introduce them to spiritual and moral values.

The goal of the “Teaching Literacy” course is to master initial knowledge of vocabulary, phonetics, and grammar of the Russian language.

The course content and teaching methods are focused on solving the following problems:

    develop the ability to write and read, listen and speak, and freely use the native language in various communication situations;

    ensure the conscious acquisition of language as the most important means of communication and mutual understanding of people;

    to ensure the relationship between the literacy teaching system and the development of communication and speech skills, literary and creative abilities of students, and the formation of their spiritual and moral values;

    to develop imaginative and logical thinking in every child, to instill the skills of speech culture of communication as an integral part of a person’s general culture.

This literacy teaching system is based on three main principles:



    semiotic (sign).

1. The communicative focus of the course allows you to:

    to form the processes of reading and writing as types of written speech, and not just as simple skills;

    give an idea of ​​the text as a product of speech activity;

    understand language as a means of communication;

    to develop the ability to navigate a communication situation: adequately perceive the interlocutor’s speech, correctly construct your statement, control and correct it depending on the communication situation.

2. The cognitive orientation of the course allows you to:

    study language as a cultural and historical process - from oral forms of communication to written ones, i.e. from games, gestures, drawings, pictography to alphabetic sound-letter writing, etc.;

    master language as a means of mutual understanding, a means of cognition;

    to form the linguistic thinking of students, developing figurative and abstract logical thinking, intuition;

    to ensure the gradual assimilation of basic language and speech concepts on an illustrative and figurative basis, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s cognitive activity through the development of all types of thinking (visual-practical, figurative-symbolic and abstract-logical);

    develop linguistic thinking, which is based on the child’s ability to recognize and harmoniously combine the form and content of speech, the ability to reproduce its meaning and meaning in various forms, the ability to see the general meaning behind various forms of its expression.

3. The semiotic principle makes it possible:

    reveal language as a sign system, in which only two-sided units of language, such as a word, morpheme, etc. (and not a letter, as is often believed), can be classified as linguistic signs;

    realize the specificity of the word as a linguistic sign, as a “substitute” for reality;

    highlight the initial concepts and relationships that would help the child understand the meaning of a linguistic sign: sign - meaning, meaning - sound (content - form);

    introduce children to various sign systems and means of communication: facial expressions and gestures (as one of the oldest types of communication that continue to function today, accompanying oral speech), sign-signals, sign-symbols, the language of art, etc.

General characteristics of the course

During the period of learning to read and write, children receive initial ideas about various forms of communication: real (people with each other) and conventional (with the world of nature and things), verbal and non-verbal forms of communication are compared. Attention is drawn to the meaning of gestures, facial expressions, expressive movements, intonation of communication, drawings, and the role of signs in communication is comprehended.

The main attention is given to teaching reading and writing as written norms of speech communication. At the same time, oral forms of communication, listening and speaking skills are being improved.

The period of learning to read and write includes three stages:

1. Preparatory training period (45 hours)

Students begin working with the material from the first section, which is called “Let's get acquainted!” Its goal is to introduce children to the world of communication, help establish contacts between them, and create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual assistance and love in the classroom. Communicative speech situations stimulate the development of students’ speech and encourage children to express their opinions and judgments.
In lessons, in parallel with oral speech, written speech begins to form: from its subject-practical level (gestures, facial expressions, pictograms, etc.) to iconic-symbolic and alphabetic, sound-letter writing. Language acquisition begins with specific ideas about the word and its nominative function, about the word as the name of a person, as the name of objects in the surrounding world (“We recognize the world by names”). Children make up sentences and texts from words written using pictograms. Gradually, the word, which first appears to the child from the side of meaning (meaning), is revealed to him from the side of sound (sound form). Models of words are introduced that provide a visual representation of the relationship between the sound form and the meaning of the word. Rhymes, counting rhymes, and poems with elements of onomatopoeia that focus attention on the sound side of the word help to attract children's attention to the sound of a word. Sound analysis is carried out on the entire range of sounds of the Russian language. The depiction of sounds in the diagrams is motivated - it captures the articulatory and pronunciation features of speech sounds: the circle symbolizes the free passage of air when pronouncing vowels, and the crossbar and wavy line in the circle indicate obstacles that arise when pronouncing consonants. Along with this, an acrophonic method of writing words is used: each sound is indicated by a picture. Children develop their ability to communicate by studying micro-topics such as “Communication in the human world”, “Communication in the natural world”, “Communication using intermediary signs”. Children learn to distinguish between oral and written forms of communication, pay attention to words as a means of communication between people, learn to solve not only speech, but also moral problems in the process of communication.
Simultaneously with the alphabet, children work in the “Draw, Think, Tell” Workbook, which prepares the child’s hand for writing, teaches how to navigate the work line, and exercises in the development of logical and associative thinking.

2. Basic (literary) training period (144 hours)

During this period, sound-letter writing is mastered as the most effective way of recording thoughts, reading and writing are mastered as types of speech activity, a culture of verbal communication develops, and communication and speech skills are improved.

Students work with material from the second section of the alphabet, which is called “The Country of ABCD. The development of children's phonemic hearing continues, the sound analysis of words and the ability to denote sounds with letters are formed. Schoolchildren learn basic reading and writing, consolidate knowledge about words and sentences, their structure. When teaching initial reading, a whole variety of analytical and synthetic exercises are used, presented in a playful visual-figurative form. The focus on reading with words is implemented in materials selected taking into account the universal principles of distinguishing and recognizing the letter composition of a word and aimed at simultaneously holistic and differentiated perception of the word. Different forms of reading are actively used: syllable-by-syllable, whole words, tempo, intonation, expressive. The structure and content of the alphabet suggest the use of variable methods of teaching literacy, up to self-learning (independent “discovery” by students of any elementary language patterns, etc.). This is not difficult to do, since the content of the alphabet is built in the logic of the development of the child’s cognitive processes as he masters literacy. The development of creative independence of students is facilitated by a variety of communicative and speech tasks that put children in the situation of choosing educational material and tasks for it. This suits the child's nature and develops a positive attitude towards learning. Work in pairs (constant and variable composition) is being introduced, which provides assistance in reading to lagging children from more prepared ones. In the lessons, conditions are created for mutual learning and intensive advancement of each student. "ABVGDeyka" ensures active participation of all students with different levels of preparation for school. At the very beginning of the textbook, reading children are offered texts to read. The children's interest in reading and books is supported in every possible way: on the pages of the alphabet, the child meets his favorite characters from children's books and gets acquainted with new works.
The vocabulary of "ABVGDeyki" is focused on large and varied work with words. Using the simplest models, students become familiar with polysemantic words, synonyms, antonyms and homonyms, and phraseological expressions. A significant place is given to the development of speech skills when composing sentences and texts. Systematic work with words creates conditions for the formation of spelling skills and comprehension of the figurative language of literary texts. When teaching writing, a printed font is introduced, the mastery of which helps children create a visual-motor image of the letter and has a beneficial effect on its assimilation. However, the main focus is on mastering the written word. Children master the rules of Russian graphics and are actively developing their initial spelling skills.

During the main (letter) period, they practice writing and spelling skills in copybooks No. 1 and No. 2 “My Alphabet.”

3. Post-primary training period (18 hours)

The generalizing (post-letter) stage is based on the material of the third section of the alphabet “About everything in the world.” The main task of this period is to consolidate conscious reading skills and ensure the transition from syllable reading to reading in words.

However, the literary part of the alphabet is focused not only on developing reading skills, but also on developing the ability to understand texts of various types: scientific and artistic. Comparison of these texts allows children to conduct independent observations of the language of works of art and the use of words in literary texts. “Literary Secrets,” presented in visual and figurative form, help children feel the rhythm, melody and figurative language of works of art. There are tasks that stimulate children's literary creativity, help the teacher build dialogue lessons, and reader communication lessons

with the writer, the book, its characters.

In parallel with the literary part of the alphabet, work is going on in the Workbook “I Write Beautifully.” The main purpose of the manual is to consolidate calligraphic and spelling skills.

The system of tasks and selection of material ensure the development of literary and artistic abilities of schoolchildren.

Subject content

Phonetics. Speech sounds, their characteristics. Awareness of the unity of the sound composition of a word and its meaning.

Isolating individual sounds in a word. Establishing the number and sequence of sounds in a word, fixing them in sound and figurative-symbolic schemes. Matching words that differ in one or more sounds.

Distinguishing between vowels and consonants. Understanding phonemic oppositions: hard and soft phonemes, their symbolic designation. Distinguishing between hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless.

A syllable as a minimal pronunciation unit. Dividing words into syllables, open and closed syllables. Emphasis. Determining the place of stress in a word, distinguishing between stressed and unstressed syllables, stressed and unstressed vowels.

Graphics. Distinguishing between sounds and letters: a letter as a sign of sound. Mastering the positional method of denoting sounds with letters. The letters ъ, ь, which do not denote sounds. Vowel letters e, e, yu, i; their double role (depending on the place in the word). Indication in writing of the softness of consonant sounds using the letters i, e, e, yu, i. Soft sign as an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds. Using ъ and ь as dividing marks.

Introducing the Russian alphabet as a sequence of letters. Alphabet meaning. Comparison of alphabetic writing (indicating sounds with letters) and writing using pictures and symbols (pictography). Understanding the value of modern writing.

Reading. Formation of the skill of syllabic reading (orientation to the letter denoting a vowel sound) as a type of speech activity. Smooth syllabic and whole word reading at a speed that matches the child's individual pace. Conscious reading of words, phrases, sentences and short texts. Reading with intonation and pauses in accordance with punctuation marks. Development of awareness and expressiveness of reading based on short texts and poems. Reproduction of the read text based on questions from the teacher and independently.

Introducing orthoepic reading (when moving to reading whole words). Orthographic reading (pronunciation) as a means of self-control when writing from dictation and when copying.

Word and sentence. Perception of the word as an object of study, material for analysis. Observation of the meaning of a word. Practical distinction between the meaning and sound of a word. The role of the word as a mediator in communication, its nominative function. Correct use in speech of words naming individual objects (rose, lily of the valley, sedge) and words with a general meaning (flowers, plants).

Distinguishing between words and sentences. Working with sentences: highlighting words, changing their order.

Spelling and punctuation. Introduction to spelling rules and their application:

separate spelling of words;

designation of vowels after hissing ones (cha-sha, chu-shu, zhi-shi);

the use of ь to indicate in writing the softness of consonants;

the use of ъ and ь as dividing marks;

a capital (capital) letter at the beginning of a sentence, in proper names;

transferring words into syllables without consonant clusters;

punctuation marks at the end of a sentence.

Speech development. Initial idea of ​​the text as a speech work. Highlighting sentences in the text. Combining sentences into text. Comprehension of the text read when independently reading aloud and when listening to it.

Initial understanding of speech using visual-figurative models. Dividing speech into semantic parts (sentences) using drawings and diagrams. Composing a coherent text from sentences and writing it down.

Compiling short stories of a narrative nature based on a series of plot pictures, based on materials from one’s own games, activities, and observations.

Culture of verbal communication. Mastering a positive model of verbal communication based on goodwill, peacefulness and respect for the interlocutor.

Thematic plan

"ABC". Part 1.

"Let's get acquainted"



"Draw, think, tell"


Letter period (144 hours)

"ABC". Part 1, part 2.

"Country ABVGDeyka"



"My alphabet" Part 1, Part 2.


Post-letter period (18 hours)

"ABC". Part 2. “About everything in the world”, “Reader”



114 hours


206 hours

92 hours

Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students

Students should know:

    all the sounds and letters of the Russian language, be aware of their main differences (we hear and pronounce sounds, we see and write letters).

Students should be able to:

    isolate individual sounds in words, determine their sequence;

    distinguish between vowels and consonants and the letters that represent them;

    correctly name soft and hard sounds in a word and outside a word;

    know the ways of their letter designation;

    indicate in writing the softness of consonant sounds with vowels (e, ё, yu, ya, i)

and a soft sign;

    determine the place of stress in a word;

    extract words from sentences;

    clearly, without distortion, write lowercase and capital letters, their combinations in syllables and words;

    correctly copy words and sentences written in printed and handwritten letters;

    write words and sentences of 3-5 words correctly (without omissions or distortions of letters) from dictation, the spelling of which does not differ from the pronunciation;

    use a capital letter at the beginning, a period at the end of the sentence;

    orally compose 3-5 sentences on a specific topic;

    know the hygienic rules of writing;

    write letter shapes and connections between them correctly;

    be able to read a word orthographically and orthoepicically and on this basis establish whether the word is spelled correctly, how it is pronounced, in which part of the word the letter or letters denoting a mismatch are located.

Exercises in calligraphy and coherent speech are carried out during Russian language lessons in the process of studying all program material.
Reading skills.

1st half year e. Smooth syllabic reading of words, sentences, short texts with learned sounds and letters denoting them.
II half of the year. Correct, smooth syllabic reading with elements of reading whole words of small texts with all the letters of the alphabet. The approximate rate of reading an unfamiliar text is not lower than 25-30 words per minute. Observe pauses separating one sentence from another. Continuation of work on the sound culture of speech, on the word, sentence and coherent speech begun in the primer period.

Results of studying the subject

The program ensures the achievement of the following personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal results:

formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia; awareness of one’s ethnic and national identity, the values ​​of the multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student; development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards;

development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding of other people and empathy for their feelings; understanding the importance of a positive communication style based on peacefulness, patience, restraint and goodwill;

formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

developing skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find a way out of controversial situations.

Meta-subject results:

the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, to find means of its implementation;

the ability to engage in discussions of creative and exploratory problems, to learn ways to solve them;

the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

mastering the initial forms of self-observation in the process of cognitive activity;

the ability to create and use sign-symbolic models to solve educational and practical problems;

mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with goals and objectives; consciously constructing a speech utterance in accordance with the objectives of communication, composing texts in oral and written form;

mastery of the following logical actions: comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification and generalization according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; the ability to express one’s opinion and argue one’s point of view and assessment of events; the ability to actively use dialogue and monologue as speech means to solve communicative and cognitive problems;

determining the common goal of joint activities and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles, exercise mutual control, and adequately assess one’s own behavior;

willingness to resolve conflicts constructively, taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation.

Subject results:

the formation of initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the linguistic and cultural space of Russia, about language as the basis of national identity;

students’ understanding that language is a phenomenon of national culture and the main means of human communication and mutual understanding; awareness of the importance of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the language of interethnic communication;

initial mastery of the main concepts of the Russian language course (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), representing the basic units of the language and reflecting essential connections, relationships and functions;

understanding the word as a two-way unit of language, as the relationship between meaning and sound. Practical mastery of the substitutive (sign) function of language;

mastering initial ideas about the norms of the Russian and native literary languages ​​(orthoepic, lexical, grammatical) and the rules of speech etiquette; the ability to navigate the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication, to choose adequate language means to successfully solve communicative problems;

the formation of a positive attitude towards correct oral and written speech as indicators of a person’s general culture and civic position;

mastery of educational activities with language units and the ability to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive, practical and communicative problems.

Material and technical support of the educational subject

To implement program content, the following is used for students:

2. ABC. 1st grade. Electronic supplement to the textbook by L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva. Moscow: - Enlightenment, 2012

To implement program content, it is used for the teacher:

1. L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva. ABC. 1st grade. At 2 o'clock. Moscow: Education, 2012.

2. ABC. 1st grade. Electronic supplement to the textbook by L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva. Moscow: - Education, 2012.

3. L. F. Klimanova, A. V. Abramov, L. N. Boreyko. Draw, think, tell. Workbook. 1st grade. M.: Education, 2013.

4. L. F. Klimanova, A. V. Abramov. My alphabet. Copybooks. 1st grade. At 2 o'clock. Moscow: Education, 2012.

5. L. F. Klimanova, A. V. Abramov. Write beautifully. Workbook. . 1st grade. M.: Education, 2012.

6. L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva. Literacy training. Methodological manual with lesson developments. M.: Education, 2012.

8. Collection of work programs. System of textbooks "Perspective". 1-4 grades. M.: Education, 2013.

Calendar-thematic lesson planning

(learning to write)

Letter period (80 hours)

Copybooks “My alphabet” (parts 1 and 2)

Sound analysis of words with sound a. Letters Aa.

Sound o. Letters Oo.

Small letter u.

Capital letter U.

Test work.

Letters Ii.

Letter s.

Small letter e.

Capital letter E.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Letter mosaic.

Write and don’t rush!

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Test work.

Letters Mm.

Letters Ss.

Letters Nn.

Letters Ll.


Consolidation of what has been learned.

Letters Tt.

Letters Kk.

Word riddles.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Letter mosaic. Walk, don't rush.

Letters Rr.

Letters Vv.

Letters Pp.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Letters Gg.


Consolidation of what has been learned.

Letters Her.

Test work.

Letters Yoyo.

Writing words with letters e, e.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Letter mosaic.

Letters Bb. Spelling of words with paired consonants according to deafness-voicing b – p.

Letters Zz.


Spelling of words with paired consonants according to deafness-voicing s – z.

Consolidation of what has been learned.

Letters Dd.

Small letter g.

Capital letter J.

Spelling words with the letter combination zh.





Letter mosaic.



Letters Yaya.



Consolidation of what has been learned.



Small letter x.



Capital letter X.



Letter b. Spelling words with ь is an indicator of softness.



Letters Yy.



Letters Yuyu.



Indication of softness of consonants by the letter yu.



Test work.



Consolidation of what has been learned.



Letters Shsh.



Letters Hch.



Letters Shch.



Exercises in spelling words with cha - sha, chu - schu.



Consolidation of what has been learned.



Letters Ts.



Letters Ff.



Letter ъ. Spelling words with separator ъ.



Consolidation of what has been learned.



Test work.





Practicing writing elements of letters - smooth lines with a dot.



Straight lines with one and two curves and smooth lines.



Straight lines with a loop at the bottom.



Straight lines with a loop at the bottom and top.



Writing ovals and semi-ovals.



Practicing writing letter elements. Crossword.



Exercises in writing letters.


104 - 105

Practicing writing letter elements.


Post-letter period (9 hours)

Workbook “Write beautifully”


Practicing writing letter elements.



Spelling of proper names.



Spelling of proper names, combinations chk.



Exercises in writing letters. Indication of softness of consonants by vowels.



Soft sign, separating ь, letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha. chu-chu.



Spelling words with separator ъ.






Verbal creativity.


Sections: Primary school

Class: 1

Key words: educational complex "Perspective", writing lesson

Hatching, tracing continuous lines. Preliminary sound orientation in a word, tracing the elements of printed letters.

Goals and objectives:

  • learn to trace object drawings along the contour;
  • write continuously on dotted lines; write straight lines according to the model and elements of block letters;
  • develop phonemic awareness, classify words into topics and groups;
  • prepare for sound analysis of words; develop oral speech; expand your vocabulary of words.

Lesson type: ONZ.


  • workbook “Draw, think, tell” p. 32-33
  • presentation,


  • Methodological manual with lesson developments “Teaching literacy” 1st grade: L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva. Enlightenment 2012.
  • The lesson material is copyrighted.
  • Lesson progress

    1. Class organization (1-2 min)

    Read the motto of our lesson.

    “If you know, speak, if you don’t know, listen.”

    How do you understand these words?

    What other rules of conduct in class do you know? Slide 1.

    2. Updating knowledge (3-4 min)

    The characters stand in a circle (bunny, bear, cat) and have a backpack in their hands.

    What kind of object is the bunny holding? (backpack)

    What is it for?

    Who uses a backpack? (tourists)

    Where are our friends going? (On a hike) and we will go on a hike with them.

    3. Lesson topic

    A) - Name what you need to put in Bunny’s backpack. (compass, mug, camera, map)

    What things don't belong in a backpack? Cross them out.

    Is it possible to go hiking alone? Why?

    Who will Bunny invite with him? (Teddy bear and cat)

    What did the tourists encounter on their way? (mountains)

    What mountains are there in our Chelyabinsk region? What are they called? (Ural Mountains) Slides 2,3

    What grows in the mountains of the Urals? (deciduous and coniferous trees)

    B) Hatching of mountains and trees.

    Let's help our friends. Hatching trees.

    Where do we write the lines from? (Top or Bottom?)

    4. Development of phonemic hearing

    Who will tourists see in the forest? (Insects, animals, birds)

    Drawing a beetle (show by teacher, in the air, in a notebook)

    5. Preparing children for sound analysis of words

    Say the word beetle. Count the sounds (fingers)

    On the bottom line is the diagram (000)

    A story about the rules of conduct in the forest. (pincers - inspection of each other)

    6. Physical exercise

    (The deer has a big house,
    He looks out his window,
    A hare runs through the forest,
    There's a knock on his door...)

    7. Riddle

    There are bellies, there are also hats -
    Cheerful guys!
    And they live on oak branches!
    You don't have to think too much here!
    The pig loves them very much.
    And I admire them.
    Dark yellow in color

    Answer: Acorn.

    What tree do they grow on? Who's eating? (wild pigs live in the forest)

    Word scheme (000000)

    8. Composing and writing printed letters "zh"

    What is the same sound in the words? (AND)

    Denoted by what letter? Name this letter. Show its place in the alphabet

    Work according to instructions.


    a) look at the sample,

    b) highlight the elements of which it consists, reproduce the sample on the line and check it with the given sample, correct errors,

    c) write the elements of the letters according to the sample two or three more times and again check them with this sample,

    d) evaluate your work.

    9. Physical exercise 10. Speech development

    Our heroes were tired and stopped to rest. (halt)

    What are the animals doing? What do they say to each other? How do they communicate?

    Why do they have scarves? (it's getting colder)

    Determine which scarf belongs to whom? The arrows were drawn.

    What are they sitting on?

    Outlining the border of bushes, chairs.

    Rules for handling a fire (Fill with water, that is, extinguish)

    11. Preliminary sound orientation in a word

    • riddles Slide 4.5.
    • drawing (umbrella, castle).

    Select the same sound. Find in the alphabet.

    What item is the odd one out on a hike? Why?

    12. Writing the block letter “z” according to instructions 13. Lesson summary

    Returning home

    What will the animals tell their parents?

    "Rules of conduct on a hike." Slide 6

    Thematic planning
    Educational and thematic planning
    Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
    Universal learning activities
    Software and educational materials

    Literacy training. Letter (115 h)

    Preparatory stage of training. Letter – 30 hours
    Copy 1. “Draw, think, tell”

    "Your new friends." "The Road to School"
    "First task"
    Orientation on the sheet: center, left, right. Spatial arrangement in the working strip (working line): above, below, left, right; hatching. Parallel lines. Coloring.
    Straight and slanted lines. Tracing objects along a contour (silhouette), border. Elements of printed and written letters. Looped lines. Continuous lines.

    Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet; hatching, tracing shapes along the contour; write elements of printed and written letters.
    form an algorithm of your action, transfer external speech to the internal plane.
    master methods of orientation in space (textbook, notebook) and methods of comparison.
    Cognitive: systematize knowledge about the shape of objects, mastering the elements of written letters.
    Communicative: develop the ability to explain your choice.
    3 – 5

    “At the lesson”, “What is in the center of the circle”

    "Big and small." “Compare.”

    “Compare”, “Which colors are there more”

    "Direction", "Find a shortcut"

    “How are they similar”, “Where is whose house?”

    "Loto" "Find a Pair"

    “By the river” “How much? So many"

    “On the computer” “The whole and the part.”

    "Part and Whole", "Whole of Parts"

    "Puzzle". "Oval"

    "In the apartment." "Merry transformations."

    "Compare houses." "In a clothing store."

    "On a hike." "On vacation."

    "Skating." "Outlines and Silhouettes"

    "On the waves." "Sea Voyage".

    "In the meadow." "We are drawing."

    "Under the mushroom." "Compare and think"

    "We are athletes." "Choose"

    “Who built the houses?” "Compare and think"

    “Look and tell.” "Visiting grandma"

    “Sign the dishes” “Crossbands”

    “Embroidered towels” “Patchwork quilt”

    "A walk in the park." "Signs in the City"

    “Match a match” “Uncover the secret”

    "Think and compare"

    "In the gym" "Guess"

    "On bicycles." "Assemble the car"

    “Test yourself” “Think and compare”

    "Test yourself"

    The main stage of training. Letter – 70 hours
    Copybook 2. “My alphabet”, part one
    “Writing the vowels Aa, Oo, Uu, Ii, y, Ee” (7 hours)

    Letter Aa
    Elements of written letters - lowercase and uppercase.
    Continuous letter: upper and lower connection.
    The ability to correctly write the vowels Aa, Oo, Uu, Ii, s, Ee, the ability to write letters together.
    be aware of the algorithm of your action; translate external speech to the internal plane.
    Cognitive: comprehend the correspondence of sound to letter; understand the difference between printed and written fonts.
    master ways of writing and connecting written letters.

    3 – 5

    Letter Oo

    Letter Uu

    Letters Ii; s

    Writing learned letters

    Letter E

    , “Write, but don’t rush”

    “Writing letters, syllables, words, sentences” (63 hours)

    Letter Mm
    Writing letters representing vowel sounds. A continuous connection of letters, a continuous letter with an upper and lower connection. Elements of letters of the Russian alphabet - lowercase and uppercase; syllabary writing of words. Rules for writing proposals. Spelling zhi - shi, cha - sha, chu - schu.
    Develop the ability to write written letters and correctly connect letters.
    be aware of the algorithm of your action; translate external speech to the internal plane.
    master ways of writing and connecting written letters of the Russian alphabet.
    master the ability to write and copy words and sentences in written form.
    be able to explain your actions (way of writing).
    20 – 21

    Letter Ss

    Repetition of lowercase letters m, s. Capital letters letter M, S

    Letter Nn

    Letter Ll

    Repetition of learned letters.

    Letter T,t

    Repetition of learned letters.

    Letter K, k.

    Repetition of learned letters.


    Letter of small letter r.

    Letter of capital letter R.

    Letter B,v.

    Letter P, p.

    Small letter letter g.

    Letter of capital letter G.

    Reinforcing the learned letters (r, p, g, k)

    Reinforcing the studied letters (P, P, G, K)

    Letter of lowercase letter e and words with it.

    Letter writing: lowercase е and capital E, Ё

    Capital letters E, E.

    Repetition of learned letters e, e

    Repetition of the studied letters E, E.

    Repetition of the studied letters: P, V, P, G, E, E.

    Small letter letter b.

    "My alphabet", part two.
    Page 4

    Letter Z, z.

    Capital letter B letter.

    Reinforcing the studied letters Z, B.

    Reinforcing learned letters

    Small letter letter d.

    Capital letter D letter.

    Letter Dd.

    Small letter letter g.

    Capital letter letter J.

    The combination of "zhi"


    Repetition. "Letter mosaic"

    Letter I, I.

    Writing words with the letter I.

    Writing sentences with the letter I.

    Letter X,x

    Reinforcing learned letters

    Letter of words s ь

    Letter Y,y.

    Consolidating the writing of the letter Y,y.

    Small letter letter yu.

    Letter of capital letter Y.

    Miracles with words

    Repetition. "Letter mosaic"

    Writing words and sentences with learned letters.

    Small letter letter sh.

    Letter of capital letter Sh.

    Combinations “zhi - shi”

    Letter Ch, ch. Combinations “cha”, “chu”.

    Letter Ш, Ш. Combinations “sha”, “schu”.


    Combinations “chu – schu”, “cha – sha”

    Letter C, c.

    Letter F, f.

    Writing words and sentences with the letter F, f.


    Separating soft (b) and hard (b) signs.

    Generalization stage of training. Letter – 15:00
    Workbook “Write beautifully”

    Repetition. "Letter mosaic"
    Calligraphic writing of studied letters, syllables, words.
    Develop the ability to write legibly and follow spelling rules.
    form a positive attitude towards one’s activities (be able to see merit in one’s own and in others’ work).
    master ways to compare your work with a standard, ways to find and correct errors.
    master the norms and rules of writing.
    be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of your own and others’ work.

    Alphabet. Repetition of learned letters. The letters e, ё, i, yu, i are indicators of the softness of the preceding consonant.

    Formulation of proposals in the text.

    Exercises in writing words and sentences with learned letters. Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants.

    Words that have the same part (root). Unstressed vowels at the root of the word.

    Words that answer the questions “Who?”, “What?”.

    Spelling words with zhi-shi combinations.

    Exercises in writing words and sentences with learned letters.

    Spelling words with separating signs ь and ъ. Capital letter in proper names. Unstressed vowels at the root of the word.

    Words that answer the questions “What to do?”, “What to do?”. Spelling words with combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu.

    Words that answer the questions “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “What to do?”, “What to do?”

    Spelling of proper names.

    Spelling words with combinations chk, chn. The letters e, ё, i, yu, i are indicators of the softness of the preceding consonant.

    Spelling of hard and soft consonants. Indication in writing of the softness of a consonant. Spelling of sibilant consonants.

    Spelling words with separating signs ь and ъ. Formulation of proposals in the text. Capital letter in proper names.

    Russian language (50 hours)

    “In the world of communication. The Word" (6 hours)

    Introductory lesson on the Russian language course.
    The purpose, forms, conditions and result of communication (at a specific subject level). Communication as the ability to speak and listen, read and write. Precise words as a means of expressing thoughts.
    To develop the ability to be attentive to the word as a means of communication and expression of attitude towards the environment.
    Enriching students' vocabulary.
    to develop communication skills such as the ability to speak and listen, read and write.
    master methods of verbal communication.
    Cognitive: systematize knowledge about language as a means of reflecting reality; about the word as a two-way linguistic unit.
    Communicative: to form a culture of verbal communication, speech etiquette.
    Textbook (work. te.)2 – 3 (2 – 3)

    In the world of communication. Goals and forms of communication.

    4 – 6 (4 – 8)

    In the world of communication. Mother tongue is a means of communication.

    7 – 9 (4 – 8)

    In the world of communication. The semantic side of Russian speech.

    10 – 11 (4 – 8)

    The word, its role in our speech.

    The word and its meaning.

    15 – 17 (9 – 12)

    “Proper name” (4 hours)

    Speech development lesson. The word as a means of creating an image.
    Spelling of proper names using the example of first and last names of people; names of cities, rivers, villages; animal names. Noun (without definition); proper name; common noun; polysemantic words, homonyms (without definition); rules for spelling proper names.
    Formation of the ability to distinguish and correctly write proper and common nouns.
    understand the algorithm of your action.
    learn how to write proper names.
    Cognitive: comprehend the differences between proper names and common nouns.
    Communicative: develop the ability to argue.
    18 – 20 (9 – 12)

    Introduction to proper names. The difference between a proper name and a common noun.

    21 – 23 (13 – 18)


    24 – 25 (13 – 18)

    Proper name. Spelling of proper names.

    26 – 28 (13 – 18)

    “The Word and its Meaning” (3 hours)

    Words with multiple meanings.
    Words with multiple meanings. Words that are close and opposite in meaning.
    Develop the ability to determine the meaning of a word, select words that are close and opposite in meaning. Enrich students' vocabulary.
    build vocabulary.
    be able to regulate activities in accordance with a given pattern and algorithm.
    Cognitive: systematize knowledge about the meaning of words in the Russian language.
    Communicative: to form a value-based attitude towards the Russian language - as rich and expressive.
    29 - 30

    Words similar in meaning (synonyms).

    Words with opposite meanings (antonyms).

    “Groups of words” (4 hours)


    Distribution of words into groups: words - names of objects, their characteristics and actions.
    To develop the ability to distinguish between an object and a word as the name of an object, words as the names of the characteristics and actions of objects.

    Personal: be aware of the algorithm of your action; translate external speech onto the internal plane.
    Regulatory: master ways of classifying words into groups: words are the names of objects, their characteristics and actions.
    Cognitive: master the ability to pose questions to words.

    35 – 36 (19 – 21)

    Introducing different groups of words. Subject and word as the name of the subject.

    37 – 38 (19 – 21)

    Words answering the questions who? What?

    39 – 41 (19 – 21)

    Introducing different groups of words. Words are names of objects. Words are signs. Action words. Getting to know old textbooks.

    “Sounds and letters, syllables and hyphenation, stress” (13 hours)

    Sounds and letters.
    Sound and letter (consolidating the idea of ​​a letter as a sound icon). Consonant and vowel sounds and letters. Dividing a word into syllables. Transferring words into syllables.
    Develop the ability to distinguish between sounds and letters; find a stressed syllable in a word and transfer words syllable by syllable; give an idea of ​​the practical application of the alphabet.
    Expand students' vocabulary.

    Regulatory: master ways of classifying words by sounds and number of syllables.
    Cognitive: master the ability to divide words into syllables, find a stressed syllable and divide words for transfer.
    Communicative: be able to explain your actions.
    45 – 46

    Sounds and letters.

    47 – 49 (22 – 23)


    Vowel sounds. Designating them with letters.

    52 – 55 (25 – 27)


    56 – 60 (28 – 29)

    Consonant sounds. Designating them with letters.

    56 – 60 (28 – 29)


    61 – 63 (30 – 31)

    Dividing words into syllables.

    64 – 66 (32 – 34)

    Word wrapping.

    67 – 70 (30 – 34)

    Word wrapping.

    67 – 70 (30 – 34)


    71 – 74 (35 – 38)


    71 – 74 (35 – 38)

    Orthoepic norm of language. Dictionary "Speak correctly."

    “Russian language spellings – our first acquaintance” (13 hours)

    Stressed and unstressed vowel sounds. Designating them with letters.
    Discrepancy between the pronunciation and spelling of a word. Hard and soft consonants in the middle of a word. Traditional spelling of combinations zhi - shi, cha - sha, chu - schu and words with the separator ь.
    Develop the ability to select test words for words with an unstressed vowel and a paired consonant; write words with ь - an indicator of softness and dividing.
    Expand students' vocabulary.
    Personal: be aware of the algorithm of your action; translate external speech to the internal plane.
    Regulatory: master the rules of writing words.
    Cognitive: master the ability to select test words with the desired spelling.
    Communicative: be able to explain your actions.
    77 – 79 (39 – 42)


    80 – 82 (43 – 48)

    Indication of the softness of consonant sounds in writing.

    83 – 84 (43 – 48)


    85 – 87 (43 – 48)

    Indication of the softness of consonant sounds using the letters e, e, i, yu, i.

    88 – 90 (43 – 48)

    Hissing consonant sounds.

    91 – 93 (49 – 51)

    Spelling of letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu.

    94 – 96 (49 – 51)

    Spelling of letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu.

    97 – 98 (49 – 51)

    Separating soft sign.

    99 – 102 (52 – 54)

    Separating soft sign.

    99 – 102 (52 – 54)

    Solid dividing sign.

    103 – 105 (52 – 54)


    106 – 111 (55 – 57)

    Voiced and voiceless consonants. Designating them with letters.

    106 – 111 (55 – 57)

    “From word to sentence, from sentence to text” (7 hours)


    Analysis of sentences and text. Correspondence between sentences and the purpose of the utterance. Submitting an offer in writing. Create your own text.
    Develop the ability to distinguish between words, sentences and text; identify the topic, main idea and keywords; compose a sentence and text; use punctuation at the end of sentences.
    Personal: be aware of the algorithm of your action; translate external speech to the internal plane.
    Regulatory: master ways of classifying sentences depending on the purpose of the statement and emotional coloring.
    Cognitive: master the ability to compose sentences and text.
    Communicative: be able to explain your actions.
    112 – 115 (58 – 59)

    Offer. The difference between a word and a sentence.

    112 – 115 (58 – 59)

    Punctuation marks at the end of sentences.


    120 – 124 (60 – 63)

    Text. The difference between a sentence and a text.

    120 – 124 (60 – 63)


    Generalization and consolidation of knowledge

    The section includes all the textbooks with ready-made homework assignments for the Perspective program for grades 1, 2, 3, 4.

    • GDZ Mathematics textbook, grade 1, part 2 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Solver, ready-made answers to tasks 📚

      We continue to publish answers to the mathematics textbook for the first grade for children who study under the Perspective program. GDZ (ready-made homework) for part 2 of the mathematics textbook for grade 1, authors Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka.

    • GDZ Russian language workbook grade 3, part 2 Klimanova, Babushkina

      Here you are holding in your hands the second part of the workbook on the Russian language, authors Klimanova and Babushkina. You probably need answers to assignments for her? We all understand that there is a lot of homework, and there is not much time left to complete assignments in a printed workbook, especially if you take into account clubs, sections, outdoor walks that are mandatory for children, and so on. To make life easier for students and

    • GDZ Mathematics 4th grade workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚✍

      On this page is the GDZ for the second part of the mathematics workbook for grade 4, the authors of which are Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Answers to the 7th edition. This is the “Perspective” program, the style of the notebook is already well known to everyone who studies with it. In the same way as in the previous ones, problems and examples are given, and you need to write the answers in the boxes or in the empty spaces. Unlike the textbook, the tasks in the workbook are much simpler;

    • GDZ Russian language textbook 4th grade, part 1 Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

      Those who study from a perspective are familiar with this series of textbooks on the subject of the Russian language, the authors of which are Klimanova and Babushkina. The fourth grade was no exception, the same authors are with us again and give us new tasks. But we are also with you - GDZ for 7 gurus, so doing exercises in the Russian language will be much easier. We only have the correct answers to the tasks. Answers to the 3rd edition.

    • GDZ Russian language workbook grade 3, part 1 Klimanova, Babushkina

      Again and again, I will start with the fact that even though these printed Russian language notebooks are provided by the Perspective program, the school is not allocated money for them and parents are forced to buy notebooks at their own expense. They cost a lot, 250-300 rubles for 1 part, but they don’t make much sense. Therefore, parents, together with the teacher, often decide not to buy workbooks by the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. In this case, the teacher

    • GDZ Mathematics 4th grade textbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚

      Answers to the 4th edition of the textbook. Those schoolchildren who continue or for some reason began studying the “Perspective” program in the fourth grade again encounter textbooks by authors with the already well-known names of Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. The program becomes more complicated, but not too much. The textbook begins with a repetition of what was covered in the third grade within the framework of operations with numbers from 100 to 1000. Half of the textbook is spent studying

    • GDZ Mathematics grade 4 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚✍

      Answers to the 7th edition. If you continue to study under the “Perspective” program in the current academic year, then we have a joyful prospect for you: check your homework with our correct GDZ. Dear parents, this is for you, if you are still checking your child’s homework, and for you, fourth grade students, if you are already so independent that you do your homework and check

    • GDZ Mathematics 3rd grade textbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to assignments, solution book

      Ready-made homework for the textbook Mathematics 3rd grade, its first part, according to the Perspective program. The authors of the textbook are Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. What we will go through in the textbook: these are again numbers from 0 to 100. There will be addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children will review quantities and how to convert them into each other, and practice solving problems.

    • GDZ Literary reading 2nd grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti ✍

      GDZ "Literary reading" 2nd grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti. The creative notebook “Literary Reading” for grade 2, authors Klimanova, Koti, keeps pace with the textbooks for the Perspective program. The tasks are mostly creative, and the answers must be creative - these are your own thoughts, proverbs, sayings. You can take from our GDZ on 7 gurus, so as not to rummage through the Internet in search of the necessary statements.

    • GDZ Literary reading 4th grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti ✍

      GDZ "Literary reading" 4th grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti.

    • GDZ Russian language 2nd grade textbook part 2. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to tasks ✍

      In the "Perspective" program of the elementary school, the reference book for students in the subject Russian is the textbook by the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. We continue to work with textbooks and workbooks by these authors. The program is becoming more and more complex, in the second part you will increasingly look into our State Database. We hope you quickly

    • GDZ "Mathematics 3rd grade". Workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚✍

      Math workbook for the Perspective program for 3rd grade. These are ready-made homework assignments in mathematics for the workbook for grade 3, the second part of the workbook, its authors, like the first, are G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova, T.B. Buka. Workbook for the current academic year. All answers have been checked and approved by a primary school teacher.

    • GDZ "Mathematics 2nd grade". Workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚

      We continue to study mathematics using the Perspective program, textbooks and workbooks by authors Dorofeev, Mirakov, Buk. This semester we will learn to count by tens, learn what round numbers are, go through the topic of forming numbers greater than twenty, and learn how to easily operate with two-digit numbers. Regular for

    • GDZ "The world around us, grade 4". Workbook part 2. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

      Answers to the 5th edition. The second part of the workbook for grade 4 on the subject “The World Around us” by Pleshakov, Novitskaya (Perspective program) is quite complex, but the children are no longer small, capable of understanding both history and archeology.

    • GDZ "Russian language grade 3". Textbook part 1. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

      Ready-made homework assignments on the subject "Russian language grade 3" for part 1 of the textbook (authors of the textbook Klimanova, Babushkina) continue the series of GDZ according to the "Perspective" program. The textbook for the third grade contains both repetition and deepening of knowledge for the 2nd grade, as well as new material, new rules and exercises to consolidate them. Quests

    • GDZ "Russian language 2nd grade". Textbook part 1. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

      A Russian language textbook is an integral part of any school curriculum. In the elementary school "Perspective" program, this is a textbook by the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. We became acquainted with the textbooks and workbooks of these authors back in the first grade, and in the second, accordingly, there will be a logical continuation, repetition and consolidation

    • Write down on a separate sheet of paper a fairy tale about animals, plants or a folk legend about the origin of the name of a natural object - this is one of the creative tasks in the subject “The World Around You”, grade 4, using Pleshakov’s textbook. And if everything is clear with the first part of the task, namely, you can write any fairy tale involving

    • Essay description based on Shishkin’s painting “Winter in the Forest, Frost”

      Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is rightfully considered a great landscape painter. He, like no one else, managed to convey through his canvases the beauty of the pristine forest, the endless expanses of fields, and the cold of harsh winter. His works of art are so realistic that, looking at the picture, it is as if you are surrounded by nature. It looks like it's about to blow

    • GDZ Russian language grade 2 workbook part 2. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

      The second part of the Russian language workbook for grade 2 by Klimanov and Babushkin is no different in complexity from the first. The tasks are quite simple, but sometimes creative, which confuses parents involved in preparing and checking their child’s homework. Sometimes you just need to check in and make sure you're on

    • GDZ Russian language workbook grade 4 part 1 Klimanova, Babushkina ✍

      We have already written a lot of words about workbooks in the Russian language on the printed basis of the “Perspective” program, authors Klimanova, Babushkina, we never tire of repeating that another workbook, now for the fourth grade, is a waste of time for the student and parents. It would be nice if they were given out at school for free, but you also need to buy them, and they don’t cost a penny. The tasks are simple, but, as usual, there are some

    • GDZ Mathematics textbook 1st grade, part 1 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Solver, ready-made answers to tasks 📚✍

      Let’s immediately say that this textbook is suitable for children who are not at all familiar with numbers and have little knowledge of counting, and such children are, frankly speaking, rare in our time. Of course, those parents who are for “that very Soviet education system”, which gave everything from scratch and at school the child really learned to read, will be happy.

    • GDZ Mathematics textbook, grade 2, part 1 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Solver, ready-made answers to tasks 📚

      So we finally made it to second grade safely. Lessons have started again and again they are homework. To make doing homework with your child and checking answers much easier, you can use our ready-made math homework in the form of a workbook. GDZ in this section of the site

    • GDZ Mathematics grade 3 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚

      At numerous requests from students and their parents, we are publishing a math worksheet for the Perspective program for grade 3. These are ready-made homework assignments in mathematics for the workbook for grade 3, or rather the first part of it, the authors of which are G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova, T.B. Buka. Workbook for the current academic year. All answers are checked and approved

    • GDZ Russian language grade 2 workbook part 1. Klimanova, Babushkina. Answers to assignments

      Ready-made homework assignments in the subject Russian language for grade 2 for the first part of the workbook according to the perspective program, authors L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina for the current school year will help check the child’s answers without spending a lot of time on busy parents.

    • Belov, Chernov and Ryzhov... Determine the hair color of Ryzhov (or each)

      Three friends met in a cafe: Belov, Chernov and Ryzhov. “It’s amazing that one of us is blond, the other is a brunette, the third is red, and yet none of us has a hair color that matches our surname,” the black-haired man noted. “You’re right,” said Belov. Determine the color of Ryzhov's hair.

    • GDZ Mathematics grade 2 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, solution book 📚

      Our students have now entered second grade. We continue to study the mathematics course using the Perspective program, textbooks and workbooks by the authors Dorofeev, Mirakov, Buk, and those who suddenly switched to this program for some reason will become familiar with them. The tasks are quite simple, except for a few inappropriate ones.

    • This is a rather stupid creative notebook in the opinion of many elementary school teachers, and therefore most do not even buy them for textbooks. Absolutely the same material and almost the same questions are in the textbook, and therefore we will also go through this creative notebook briefly, without stopping or special explanations. Let us clarify that this creative notebook is for a textbook on

    • GDZ "The world around us, grade 4". Workbook part 1. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

      Answers to the 5th edition. By tradition, we continue to publish a series of high-quality ready-made homework assignments for the Perspective program. This time, the solution book on the subject of the world around us for 4th grade will be in view.

    • GDZ "Literary reading" 1st grade. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti 📚

      Literary reading begins for children already in the first grade and the study of this subject continues until the 11th grade. Students enrolled in the Perspective program at school begin their immersion in the world of literature with the textbook Literary Reading and Creative

    • GDZ Mathematics textbook 2nd grade, part 2 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Solver, ready-made answers to tasks...
    • GDZ "Write beautifully" workbook 1st grade Klimanova, Abramov. Answers to tasks 📚

      Ready-made homework for the workbook on the subject Russian language “Write beautifully” for 1st grade. Authors L.F. Klimanova, A.V. Abramov. It is known how difficult writing is for children. So, the children have already learned the alphabet and finished the “My Alphabet” notebooks. Interesting and

    • GDZ "The world around us, grade 3". Workbook part 2. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

      Ready-made homework assignments with answers for the second part of the workbook on the subject The world around us, 3rd grade. The authors of the notebook are Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Perspective program. The workbook will be useful to every student

    • GDZ "The world around us, grade 3". Workbook part 1. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

      Answers to assignments in the workbook on the subject The world around us for grade 3, part 1 of the workbook, authors Pleshakov and Novitskaya, Perspective program. The workbook will help you with your homework.

    • Workbook "The world around us" for the second grade, part two, educational complex "Perspective", authors of the notebook - A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya. If the first part was entirely dedicated to autumn, it is logical that

    • GDZ "The world around us, 1st grade". Workbook part two. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

      The second part of Pleshakov’s workbook on the world around him for first grade, the Perspective program is a continuation of the first part. The notebook harmoniously complements the first one. Quests

    • GDZ "My alphabet" copybook 1st grade Klimanova, Abramov, Pudikova. Answers to tasks 📚

      "My alphabet" copybook 1st grade Klimanova, Abramov, Pudikova. Let me start by saying that the recipes are good. Not without its shortcomings, of course, but in general, handwriting is good if used correctly. In the first part we practice writing

    There are many bugs in this program. Here is a review I found: “In a set of textbooks, children are taught to incorrectly divide words into syllables. Moreover, in the “ABC” on the adjacent pages there is both a correct division (p. 53 of the 1st part: ka-pu-sta, you-kvy) and incorrect (p. 56: lap-ti, tuf-li)."
    These are opinions from other sites:
    “On September 1 of this year, my child went to the first grade of a regular district school. We were looking forward to the moment when they would give us textbooks. And it happened! We were given a complete set, purchased with our own money, and we started studying. I, as an inquisitive person, I decided to look through the ABC of respected authors - L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva. After reading, I had two questions. The first one arose on page 98 after reading the lines at the bottom of the page. The composition of the family of geese is listed. their AUNT - the caterpillar - appears. After this, my faith in Sir Charles Darwin’s theory and confidence in my knowledge of biology collapsed. The first question somehow popped up in my head without my volitional participation: “How to explain to a child in the first grade that the caterpillar is a close relative. goose in the female or male line?" Unfortunately, there is no link to the author who wrote this, so I have to turn directly to the Authors of the ABC for help in finding the answer to my question.
    The second difficulty arose after reading the fragment on page 100 about how Roma and Vova helped their mother and bought CHEESE. At first I didn’t understand who CHEESE was, but then I decided that we were talking about CHEESE, a fermented milk product. I have a secondary education in the Russian language, so I don’t dare argue with the author of programs and textbooks on the Russian language, and I just want to find out for myself whether such a use of the ending of a word is possible and in which dictionary this can be clarified. To summarize all of the above, I would like to encourage everyone who had the temerity to choose this program should be vigilant. After all, from the first grade, a child will develop in his head some kind of incorrect, in my opinion, understanding of the Russian language, and I also feel sorry for our teachers, who have a very difficult time instilling the basics of knowledge in a child throughout his entire life. life according to such textbooks. This is my personal opinion."

    Here's another review:
    “Well, we’re going to study Perspective. I’m worried more and more. They scared me that in the 1st grade they ask so many questions. Where are they asked what? In mathematics, 2 problems in which you just write the solution and the answer , even “given” is not necessary. Well, or 4 examples. To complete what was not done in class - 3 lines. And in class they don’t even count 1 page as a lesson. I open it, and there it is. There are huge pictures on both pages and 1 line to read. Since September we have learned 1 quatrain and 1 verse - a spoon is a spoon, they eat soup with a spoon... My daughter is reading worse now than in August. I’m already lying to her. , what else should I write and read here? I don’t like this situation. The children relaxed, and so did the parents. They didn’t practice writing like we used to do at school. Well, at least writing a line of numbers in a notebook. The same problem with letters. The parallel class mainly consists of children who speak poorly. And they have a Russian School, and our class is like a Progymnasium (wow!) So they learn poems every week, or even several per week. They taught the white birch, but ours did nothing. They practice writing both letters and numbers carefully, they already read 2 full pages of text. It wasn’t Mom who washed Mila, but full-fledged stories. We have the same math workbooks - Peterson, so they are already 10 lessons ahead of us. Ugh. My child will soon become completely stupid. Maybe the program is designed to get children started first, and then, God willing, 1st of the class will be able to somehow correspond to the level of knowledge, say 4th grade, and this 1st will be a genius, and the rest are fools who did not follow the “strong” program. We just finished the ABCs, I really hope that there will be at least something more serious next. Girls, who have prospects, do you have the same debauchery?"
    “I’m in the second grade....studying according to the Perspective program. I don’t like this program at all. In the first grade there was relaxation... the year flew by unnoticed. My daughter used her old knowledge all year. In the second grade, tension began. The mathematics program uneven. The table for multiplication and division had to be learned in two weeks. The world around us is our scourge. I have never read such nonsense. The text is clearly not for 8-year-old children. I have to memorize it by heart since the child does not yet understand some words and phrases .My studies are very good, but I have to strain constantly. English is also nonsense. The children did not really know the alphabet yet, but according to the Spotlight program, the textbook required reading. There is no transcription and there will not be until the 5th grade, the child must memorize words aurally and visually. It’s good that I cheat a little, but what if my parents taught me a different language? In short, I’m not happy, but we have no choice. We’ll continue to learn from it.”
    Others write that nothing. Strong enough. 02/10/2013 00:20:45, Yuffie

    1 0 -1 0

    Explain to me, please, what is the mistake when dividing into syllables in the way the words are divided in your example?
    The person whose opinion you quoted may be inquisitive, but he certainly doesn’t read very carefully, since the story about “your aunt caterpillar” is placed in textbooks precisely for this purpose, to teach children to distinguish words with the same root from words that sound similar .
    Well, “I have a secondary education in the Russian language, so I don’t dare argue with the author of programs and textbooks on the Russian language, and I just want to find out for myself whether such a use of the ending of a word is possible and in which dictionary I can clarify this” - please, if a person still doesn’t know this, then let him discover something new for himself: [link-1]

    And it’s strange, my word, when a seemingly professional cites as an argument the opinion of the first person he comes across, who is completely incompetent in either the subject or the methodology...

    02/10/2013 01:23:58, Musenka

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