Production of interroom doors from the massif. Production of interior wooden doors from solid wood (alder, ash, oak, rosewood) to order. Why buy natural wood doors

Production of Belarusian doors

Production of blind doors

Production of doors for the house

Japanese style doors

Our door production:

Speaking about the quality of doors, first of all it is worth considering where and how they are made. The production of doors is a complex and painstaking work of more than a dozen professionals. After all, not only the appearance depends on this, but also how long the doors will serve you, retaining their original qualities.

Production of interior doors from solid wood: the initial stage

The process of manufacturing interior doors to order begins with the selection of high-quality wood of alder, ash, oak, birch and other valuable woods, depending on the price range. The very first stage of door production is sawing and drying wood. For each type of wood, optimal drying conditions are selected, which ensures a high percentage of preservation of useful properties and guarantees the high quality of the material. Already finished boards are sawn into lamellas and carefully sorted. Lamellas with defects, such as knots, sapwood, etc., are excluded from the assembly.

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In the future, the selected product of the highest grade enters the splicing line. Since the internal doors are filled with 100% solid wood and lamella - it is the “jointed timber” technology that allows avoiding deformation of the doors, giving them resistance to mechanical damage, temperature fluctuations and humidity.

The next stage in the production of wooden doors

After sawing and drying, the lamella enters the gluing line into a furniture board. Next, the door leaf of the panel-frame structure is assembled. Ready-made timber for standing and transverse elements of the door leaf, at the request of the customer, can be lined with high-quality MDF 3 mm. Also, paneled elements of canvases and platbands can, at the choice of the customer, be faced with sheet MDF 12-16 mm.

But this is not the whole component of such a process as the production of interior doors from solid wood. The art of artistic wood carving, grinding and finishing make a real masterpiece out of ordinary high-quality wooden doors. The production of doors to order is the painstaking work of many skilled craftsmen.

The whole process of work, processing raw materials and working with the finished product, is carried out exclusively on expensive equipment. The latest developments and Italian technologies are used allowing to reach a new level in the manufacture of wooden interior non-standard doors. Thanks to all this, our doors have a number of advantages. The collapsible design makes it possible to make a glazed door out of a blank door at home. In addition, this design guarantees the perfect symmetry of the door and its increased resistance to mechanical damage.

It is also very important that any door made of solid wood will always look exclusive. Since natural wood always has an individual structure, the lamellas will not be identical. In combination with figured baguettes and frames - the door acquires a unique charm, the warmth of natural wood and emphasizes your aesthetic taste.

Production of wooden doors - the last stage of production: painting

Finishing painting of the door is also carried out on special equipment. A variety of shades will satisfy even the most demanding customers. Refined bleached oak, exquisite mahogany, elegant wenge combined with patination and brushing create a noble effect of antiquity. For all this variety in the manufacture of wooden doors, only high-quality acrylic paints, polyurethane German and Italian varnishes Barpimo, Ica are used.
An important highlight in the manufacture of wooden interior doors is high-quality accessories from the Italian Melodia, Forme etc.

First-class equipment, classic methods of wood processing, many years of experience in the production and manufacture of custom-made interior doors, the latest fashion trends - all this is offered to you by our carpentry workshop to fulfill your wildest fantasies.

Production of wooden doors to order is possible with us. You only need to write or call, and our managers will contact you.

Production of doors by individual order or a choice of ready-made options

When you approach any building or room, the first thing that catches your eye is the front door. Making repairs, choosing a door can be quite a hassle. The question arises, which is better? Ready made or custom order? The answer is simple, regardless of the option, the door should always be of high quality and with reliable locks.

Doors to order - the solution to all problems

There are many custom doors available. The flat door is a modern solution. It merges with the panels. Doors with a reinforced security function will help you reduce the risk of unauthorized entry into your home. A door with a decorative finish will perfectly fit into a non-standard opening. The decor of the panel will favorably emphasize the door on both sides. A steel door with shockproof glass is a powerful protection for your home. Practical and aesthetic.

Making an entrance door to order means solving a complex problem, starting from the choice of a door and ending with the final cost of the entire work.

What's good about a custom order?

What if the market does not have what you need? Your doorway is non-standard, the interior is completely non-classical? In such cases, when buying a finished door, you have to sacrifice important characteristics, such as security, degree of fit or interesting design. To avoid these troubles, modern companies use the latest innovative technologies and offer an individual approach in the manufacture of doors.

Door features

If you still decide on a door made according to an individual layout, then be sure to think it over. Every little thing matters. Material of manufacture, dimensions, style of fittings, number of hinges and sashes. For advice on all parameters, you can contact a consultant who will clarify if you have questions. In addition, sellers have a set of basic models that can serve as the basis for your future door. Also, when ordering a door, you need to know whether the manufacturing technology will allow you to fulfill everything that you order. The term of the order depends on its complexity and individual characteristics, but usually does not exceed two weeks.

You should know that when choosing a door to order, it should open outward. This option is safer when trying to hack. A door that opens inwards can be pushed out with tools such as a jack.

How to order?

When choosing a company, pay attention to the features of its work. It is very important when the company is a manufacturer, this will help to avoid markups in price. The reputation of the company plays a big role. This is where the Internet can be of great help. Usually large manufacturers have a website with reviews. You can also chat with friends and acquaintances, for sure there will be someone who has recently done repairs and can advise a good company. In Moscow, there are approximately 70 companies working on individual orders for entrance doors. In the northern capital, their number tends to 50. In other regions and small towns, there are around 10 such firms. Even if you are not satisfied with the options offered by local manufacturers, you can always contact a non-resident company.

An individual order has its advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.

Positive sides of a custom door

The most important advantage of an individual order is its accuracy. If the size of the door and the opening do not match, drafts occur, the room cools down faster and, as a result, colds occur in autumn and winter. Also, the skew of the web due to temperature differences and the wrong size can lead to breakage of the hinges, which will significantly reduce the safety of the structure. Another plus, a properly selected door can become part of your interior, as well as a very good protection.

Negative sides

Of the minuses, one stands out very strongly. Production time. The finished door can be delivered to you on the same day, or within the next two, and an individual order takes time to manufacture. Most often it takes about two weeks. This option is not always convenient, especially if the door is needed urgently.

What to expect from buying a finished door?

In general, buyers consider a finished door to be the best option. By default, it is provided that the finished door is of high quality and meets all the requirements of the client. But is it?

Why choose prefabricated doors?

There are a lot of ready-made doors on the market, different from each other in color, fittings, model and prices. The finished version is convenient for classic doorways and if the buyer is not particularly picky about the characteristics of the door. Also, ready-made designs are much cheaper than custom-made ones. Therefore, the finished design is often the best option if the budget for repairs is not too large.

Door manufacturing

Release doors put on stream. They are made according to a specific layout developed for all manufactured models. The difference will be due to handles and fasteners. Although in this matter the client most often resorts to the directory. The advantage of such a door is the delivery and installation time - 2-3 days.

You should be aware that according to GOST, entrance doors must comply with burglary resistance classes. There are thirteen such classes. 4 are suitable for entrance models, others go to safe and armored canvases.


The cost of a finished door is significantly lower than that of a door made according to a unique layout. This is due to the fact that the equipment is already set up for the production of a standard sheet and does not need to be reconfigured. The cost of custom doors also increases due to the development of an individual layout and design. Each complicating or decorative element added at the request of the client increases the final cost.

Where to buy?

There are a lot of stores with ready-made doors for sale. There are thousands of them throughout Russia. It is important to choose a reliable store with quality products and not overpriced. It is best to opt for a store that works directly with the factory. In such stores, the cost is lower than that of resellers.

Pros and cons of the product

A ready-made door is the best option for those who care about the speed of delivery and installation, as well as a low price. Also, you will not need to coordinate your requests with the manufacturer, constantly being in touch. You just need to place an order and wait for delivery.

The downside is the quality of the product. It differs significantly from a personal order. Call a specialist. It will help to avoid unnecessary inconsistencies and premature wear of products. Another negative point may be the color. Ready-made options do not have a wide palette.


The front door is the first thing we see when we go somewhere. Doors carry not only a decorative function, decorating the entrance, but also make the room safe. If you have the time and financial resources, stop at an individual door to order. Such a door will last longer due to quality work.

Custom made doors in the capital

In Moscow, there is a large selection of shops, factories for the manufacture and sale of doors for individual orders. There are even those factories that work according to world standards. Foust Interior is one such company. 15 years on the market, cooperation with Italian masters. They produce doors of the European type under the order. These doors have a double adjustable box. When installing them, experts use the Italian installation method. Instead of a retractable threshold - a classic hard one. The result is an excellent fit of the door to the box. To select a model layout, you can familiarize yourself with the catalog or order a home visit from a specialist. He will take measurements, paint all the work, determine the cost. Usually the cost of doors starts from 70,000 rubles, which is much lower than the cost of doors from Italy. By ordering from Foust Interior, you will receive a quality door at an affordable price.

To date, there are many different technologies for the manufacture of doors, but, no doubt, solid wood doors are the elite. This type of doors consists entirely of natural and environmentally friendly wood. Solid wood doors are expensive, but the benefits they provide will pay off. More important is the aesthetic value of the paintings, the beauty of textures and, of course, the varied color palette. For this kind of canvases, such qualities as strength, long service life, sound insulation are characteristic. Solid wood doors are very well tolerated by climate changes, and are not afraid of moisture.

Advantages of solid wood doors

It doesn’t matter if you buy exclusive or inexpensive door panels for your home, in any case, their advantages are obvious:

  • First of all, it is necessary to note the extraordinary practicality of such a door leaf. Solid wood doors are famous for their reliability and durability, good strength;
  • Increased resistance to deformation, high wear resistance;
  • Guarantee of a high level of sound insulation, good absorption of possible noise;
  • Wood is the most environmentally friendly material, it is absolutely safe for human health, which, of course, parents who have small children will think about.

Why buy natural wood doors

When a person opts for a classic and luxurious option, this does not mean that he wants to emphasize his status as a wealthy person, but simply strives to be more traditional. Natural doors will give housing an aesthetic look, fill it with the aristocracy of the last century and give a feeling of ecological comfort. Installing solid wood doors in doorways will add a number of positive aspects:

  1. visual enjoyment;
  2. Cozy climatic comfort;
  3. Durability for centuries;
  4. Refined design solution.

In Moscow, it is customary to surround yourself and your guests with elements of prestige and high-quality interior design. Solid wood doors will perfectly decorate your home, create a dehumidification of comfort, and betray a unique shape to the renovated interior. Environmentally friendly material will serve you for many years and create favorable conditions in everyday life.

The best wooden doors and types of wood

The individual features of different types of wood differ both in aesthetic terms and in their performance. Each type of wood is good in its own way and it is always difficult to choose the best from the best.


The main component of buyers tends to buy solid pine doors. Coniferous forests are very common in Russia - this gives manufacturers a low cost of raw materials for the manufacture of door arrays. Pine wood is inherently very beautiful, it has a beautiful cut and light color, so pine products look really great. Nevertheless, inexpensive pine solid wood can only be used as interior doors. Pine wood actively absorbs moisture and is afraid of temperature changes. Without special treatment, it is not recommended to put such doors in bathrooms where there is a lot of moisture, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid deformation of the canvas.


An inexpensive species of wood, but with an excellent aesthetic property that will decorate any room with its elegant look. Alder when freshly sawn has an orange tint, but when exposed to light, the wood darkens. Interior doors made of solid alder can have several shades ranging from light orange to dark brown. Alder wood is very well processed, it is varnished without problems, staining and polishing are also not alien to this type of wood. Alder very well imitates expensive tree species. With high-quality processing, alder wood can be passed off as mahogany or ebony. To achieve a similar effect, various pigments are used, and the wood becomes similar to more expensive varieties.


Walnut interior doors boast an affordable price, they are in the middle segment between expensive wood species and cheap ones. Walnut is quite well processed, it is not prone to decay and is not subject to destruction by various types of insects and microorganisms. This type of wood has a specific pattern and can have various brown shades.


In a special place, as a rule, stands the most popular and most expensive type of wood, in our case it is oak. Oak is very difficult to process, but this type of wood is worth it. Interior doors made of solid oak are characterized by a high price. However, oak is high performance, it is very strong, dense and hard, the wood is very durable and will last for many years. Oak wood does not rot and retains moisture very well, so the price is commensurate with the quality. Of the advantages can be called - a very beautiful wood texture and color palette.

Are there any downsides to solid wood doors?

Some door leafs can be attributed to disadvantages, in fact, not at all obvious disadvantages. For example, it is sensitive to humidity. But timely treatment with substances that increase moisture resistance will completely protect against such problems. Also, this door leaf is relatively heavy and therefore a real noise barrier. The need for periodic maintenance cannot be considered a disadvantage, since tightening the hinges is not such a difficult problem. There is an opinion that solid wood interior doors are too expensive. Actually this is a delusion. The cost depends on the type of wood, but elite varieties and inexpensive ones last an equal amount of time, so you can choose a more affordable option and get all the advantages!

Privileges of cooperation with us

Manufacturers pay special attention to the manufacture of solid wood doors, factories in Russia and Belarus are no exception. A large flow of specialists is involved in design work to make perfectly beautiful doors. Manufacturers of wooden arrays want to emphasize the natural beauty of the manufactured canvases, for this they use modern equipment and innovative processing methods. In the RF Doors online store, you can buy canvases from door manufacturers in Belarus and Russia at an attractive price. Our catalog contains the best wooden doors of brands that have earned great popularity among buyers. In our catalog, buyers can evaluate any door from the photo and find out all the operational data from the product description. We offer to everyone, in Moscow and other regions of Russia.

Our company will deliver the goods you have chosen as soon as possible and to any address specified in the application . Doors can be selected according to the following criteria:

  • style;
  • color spectrum;
  • canvas size;
  • brand of wood;
  • for home and office;
  • price value;
  • choice by manufacturer;
  • design specifics;
  • originality of the decor;
  • choice of modifications;
  • additional items.

The consultants of our store will help you with the choice of goods, advise on all your questions. To order goods, you need to leave a request on the site or contact us at the contact number listed on the site. Our range includes various types of trees, these are oak, ash, pine, alder and more. Wood surfaces can be processed in different ways, it all depends on the brand of wood. A common trait of character and quality is the certified products of the company RF Doors. All our products are sold without intermediaries and are supplied exclusively from the manufacturer. Our company works according to the basic principle, to each client an individual approach. We will help you choose both ordinary doors and specific ones for your decor, from classics to modern models.

One of the most popular solutions for decorating openings between rooms in a residential, office space, in an educational, medical and other institution, as well as in private houses, are doors made of solid wood of different species. Such canvases are presented in a wide price range, in a large design and stylistic variety.

Advantages of natural wood doors

Solid wood interior doors appreciate:

  • for safety. Such canvases consist of solid or jointed wood coated with non-toxic paintwork materials, which means that the release of formaldehydes and other harmful substances into the air is excluded;
  • aesthetic appeal. The unique structure and texture of natural wood will fill even the most modest interior with nobility;
  • durability. Canvases made of some types of wood are able to withstand severe loads and strong mechanical stress without compromising their appearance and functionality. Cheaper models, for example, from, are less stable, but if necessary, can be restored;
  • heat and sound insulation. The high density of the material contributes to reliable protection against extraneous sounds and prevents heat loss. To improve these qualities, doors are equipped with seals and door closers.

Solid wood doors range

For true admirers of eco-materials and noble interiors, the catalog contains models from the best Russian and foreign manufacturers.

  • Deaf and glazed structures. In the production of the latter, various types of glass are used - lacobel, satin, triplex. To decorate the inserts, sandblasting, stained glass, etc. are used.
  • Panel and panel canvases.
  • Models covered with varnishes, stains, decorated with enamel.

Doors from the array have no analogues in other parameters, including:

  • sound and heat insulation. There are no voids in massive canvases, so they better protect against noise and cold;
  • durability. Doors made of durable solid wood are almost impossible to damage. And if it turned out, defects are easily eliminated by grinding;
  • versatility in terms of style. Solid wood room doors are appropriate in every direction, from classic to minimalism.

Are there any downsides to solid wood doors?

According to many, there is only one minus for products - it is impossible to buy a solid wood canvas cheaply. The Msk Centrum online store refutes this claim. We have established partnerships with factories producing glued and solid wood products, and we sell Russian and foreign products without intermediaries. Thanks to official cooperation, prices are lower and the range is wider - in the catalog you will find all the offers of companies:

  • glued, solid array;
  • classic, modern design;
  • glazed solid wood doors.

All models are in stock - you can order goods of the selected manufacturer both wholesale and retail (when buying more than 30,000 rubles, there are discounts). Special offer in Moscow and the region - entrance groups on a turnkey basis, with inexpensive delivery and installation. Store managers will help you calculate how much it costs to ship to your area.