Cognac at home with coffee. Isolation of cognac alcohol. Recipe for homemade cognac with coffee

Cognac is a type of alcoholic beverage that is produced using special technologies kept in strict secrecy by the manufacturer. It is reliably known that real cognac is produced on the basis of grape alcohol. France is the birthplace of cognac. Only an alcoholic drink produced in this country has the right to be called cognac.

Considering that there are quite a lot of cognac lovers, and there are also plenty of people who want to try making this wonderful alcoholic drink on their own, recipes have been compiled on the basis of which you can get a drink that is very reminiscent of cognac in taste.

Recipe No. 1

Using the express method, instant cognac can be prepared using homemade moonshine. This recipe is ideal when there are only a few days left before a festive event, and you really want to surprise your guests with a magical drink.


  • moonshine (you can also use vodka) – 3 liters;
  • granulated sugar – 3 tablespoons;
  • black tea (preferably premium) – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • mint – 1 tablespoon;
  • allspice – 4 – 5 peas;
  • hot pepper – 1 piece;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

To prepare instant cognac that will have an amazing taste and aroma, you need to follow a number of simple steps. It is only important not to change anything, but to strictly follow all the instructions prescribed in the recipe.

Cooking technology:

Initially, you should prepare a glass container of suitable volume. It is very good if this container is made of dark glass.

First, all the components indicated in the recipe are placed in a prepared container, then everything is filled with moonshine or vodka, and stirred thoroughly. The container is transferred to a dark place and left there for ten days.

After the specified period, the composition is filtered through gauze. Homemade cognac should be served at room temperature. Guests will appreciate the homemade cognac masterpiece.

Recipe No. 2

There is also a second recipe that allows you to get instant cognac. It differs from the first in the composition of the ingredients and in the fact that its preparation requires much less time.


  • moonshine (vodka) – 1 liter;
  • bay leaf – 1 piece;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • loose leaf black tea – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • black allspice – 1 pea;
  • baking soda – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • vanillin – 1 stick.

Cooking process:

Recipe No. 3

Another recipe allows you to prepare instant cognac, while the time is reduced to three days.

To obtain this cognac you will need:

  • moonshine – 3 l;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • internal partitions of walnut – 1 tablespoon;
  • potassium permanganate - on the tip of the knife;
  • black tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • cloves – 7 buds;
  • vanilla sugar, cumin - a pinch.

Cooking steps:

  1. Moonshine is poured into a glass container, potassium permanganate is added to it and left for a day. This procedure allows you to get rid of fusel oils.
  2. The next day, the moonshine is filtered and all the ingredients are added to it. It is important that citric acid is added last.
  3. The contents are placed in a dark place where the temperature should be at room temperature.
  4. After three days, you can taste homemade cognac. This cognac tastes great, but it is not recommended to store it for a long time; it is best to consume it within a few days.

Making homemade cognac is not at all difficult; if you wish, you can make your own adjustments, add a new suitable component, thereby obtaining a new unique drink, a real analogue of French cognac.

Making cognac at home simply opens up the widest possibilities for producing a variety of alcoholic beverages. These include both medicinal tinctures that can seriously improve your health, as well as just drinks for friendly get-togethers. In addition, when using a product of your own production, you can be 100% sure that it contains only natural products.

So, today we will look at cognac at home from vodka and its recipes. Moreover, in this case it is absolutely not necessary to take store-bought vodka. It will be much better if you use your own vodka. But, if there is none, then store-bought goods will do just fine. So, let's go. Below we will tell you how to make cognac.

This has been the case since ancient times...

Cognac is a drink that we rarely do without at feasts. But buying good Armenian or French cognac is sometimes quite difficult. And their prices are very steep: from 5 thousand rubles per bottle. Therefore, folk craftsmen learned to make homemade cognac from vodka. Moreover, if you adhere to some recipes, you can get very decent results, which in terms of taste are no different from expensive vintage cognacs.

Classic recipe for cognac with vodka

In order to make cognac from vodka, you need to prepare a base. It is always necessary to use 40-proof vodka. You should not take a drink of higher strength - it will not lead to anything good. But a lower strength of the original base is also useless. It is 40 degrees that is the “golden mean” for cognac made from vodka. Another point is various additives. There is no need to use vodka with eggs, birch buds or pepper. The result will be very disappointing. Of course, there are recipes when they are used, but there are very few of them.

So, the recipe itself:

  • Pour 3 liters of vodka into a larger container (for example, a 5-liter bottle);
  • Melt 2 teaspoons of sugar in a frying pan and pour into a bottle;
  • 3 tablespoons of oak bark are also sent to the bottle (if the pieces are large, break them);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of nutmeg there;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 3 cloves of cloves.

Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly - that’s why we needed a larger bottle, so that the components could be mixed intensively and well. Now we hide the bottle away and be patient. In order to protect yourself from stupidity and quick tasting, read below. Oak bark should give vodka its color, taste and smell. Moreover, as everyone knows, the longer the cognac is aged, the higher the quality of the final product. You can use the method that is often used by owners of their own plots or village residents: the bottle is simply buried deeper. You will be too lazy to dig it up, and when you remember the drink in a few years, there will be more excitement. And the cognac, when you drink it, will turn out to be very tasty and rich!

Fragrant cognac recipe

This homemade cognac recipe has a mind-blowing aroma of the final product. Let's not languish for long:

  1. The same 3 liters of vodka are poured into the bottle.
  2. Walnut partitions are also added there. In total you need to crack 15 nuts. After 3 days, you need to drain the workpiece and filter out the nut partitions.

This cognac recipe also involves adding the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of oak bark;
  • 0.5 spoons of lemon balm;
  • 0.5 spoons of tarragon;
  • 0.5 spoons of high-quality loose-leaf tea;
  • 3 peppercorns;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest.

Now you need to wait at least 2 weeks. But even here the rule applies that the older the cognac, the tastier it is to drink.

For the fair sex

Surprisingly, even women can like homemade cognac (we are not talking about those who drink vodka without snacking, but about the truly better half of humanity). The recipe for this drink is incredibly simple, but the end result is something really tasty, despite its strength.

  • as usual, take 3 liters of vodka;
  • Grind the lemon (pulp with zest) in a medium-sized meat grinder, after removing the seeds. Pour the pulp into vodka and leave for 3 days;
  • after the specified period, strain the lemon vodka;
  • now add 0.3 tablespoons of caramel (burnt sugar) to the bottle;
  • 0.3 spoons of instant coffee (take it to your taste, the main thing is a pleasant aroma);
  • Well, where would we be without oak bark? We need 1 tablespoon of it.

Preparation and infusion time is at least 2 weeks. Believe me, when the ladies drink it, they will unanimously say that this is the best drink made with their own hands. When you drink it, you get the impression that the glass contains a very expensive branded drink.

Vodka coffee recipe

The pronounced coffee flavor is what sets this recipe apart from all others. Here you can evaluate which is better – this recipe or cognac in its pure form.

  • 3 liters of vodka;
  • 6 pcs. prunes (crush);
  • 10 cloves of carnations;
  • 2 teaspoons of quality tea;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

All this is mixed and infused for 3 days. After the specified period, the resulting cognac can be consumed. It is important to vigorously shake the container in which it is stored every day. The drink will leave very pleasant memories. By the way, women will appreciate this recipe just like the previous one.

French cognac recipe

To begin with, let’s immediately make a reservation that vodka will not work here. You will need alcohol. After it is prepared, take the grapes and squeeze the juice out of it. It should be exactly a liter. Under no circumstances should you use store-bought juice for this recipe - the chemicals it contains can negatively affect the quality of the drink. Also a few words about the grapes themselves: give preference to black varieties. White grapes will not show themselves in such beauty as black ones.

  • The squeezed juice is poured into the bottle;
  • 250 ml medical alcohol;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 100 grams of yeast;
  • 0.5 cups of granulated coffee;
  • oak bark, which will make this drink cognac.

Ready time – 3 weeks. After this time, you will receive an excellent French cognac that you can drink with pleasure. In order to understand that it is time to filter and bottle, watch the moment when bubbles stop appearing. This is a sure sign that it's time to taste. But try to protect yourself from taking the sample too quickly, otherwise you risk being very disappointed!

Attention, TODAY only!

A source of pride for the French, cognac has caught the fancy of the whole world, in some countries it has become a household name, and the recipe contains its own nuances in preparation. A similar drink is made anywhere in the world where white grape varieties are grown (what cognac is made from), but the name of the French masterpiece has become more beloved and firmly rooted. Using old recipes for cognac and cognac liqueurs, masters prepare homemade cognac. It’s worth taking a closer look at what recipes for making cognac at home are used by amateur winemakers, and how to get closer in taste to the original drink.

Making cognac from grapes at home

The general technology for preparing the drink will tell you how to make cognac at home. The cognac recipe contains technical white grape varieties. The most common in Russia is Rkatsiteli and its varietal varieties. It is distinguished by thin skin, juicy pulp, large cluster, good acidity, as well as a special aroma of aromatic herbs and citrus fruits. Muscat varieties are also good. And if you want to create your own “author’s” cognac, you can use any grapes grown in your own garden or dacha. However, varieties with a high content of tannins: Saperavi, Cabernet and Kakhet will not work, as they will give the drink an undesirable degree of hardness. The grapes must be fully ripe, with sufficient sugar.

The technology used to prepare real cognac (briefly):

  1. October harvest of ripe white grapes (Ugny Blanc / Colombard / Semillon / Folle Blanche - varieties are arranged in descending order of popularity of use). Cognac can be varietal (one grape variety is used) or blended (several varieties are used).
  2. Squeezing berries using pneumatic presses with crushing seeds.
  3. Juice fermentation (2-3 weeks), without adding sugar, during which young dry wine is prepared with a strength of 10 degrees.
  4. Double distillation (distillation of dry wine into alcohol). It takes place in Charente stills (alambics) with a heating lid (hood), which has an outlet pipe, an additional container for heating the supplied wine and a cooling coil. Such a useful apparatus, along with the name “alambik,” was borrowed by the French from the Arabs in the Middle Ages, during the colonization of Arab countries, and was later brought to perfection.
  5. Aging of the resulting cognac spirit in handmade oak barrels from Limousin/Tronsay old oak (named after the forest). Before filling, the barrels are fired. This softens the wood, and the oak releases tannins faster. Young wine absorbs color and aroma. The drink “ages” for from two to seventy years in special cognac cellars. With air humidity from 40% to 60%, evaporation occurs better, and the future cognac gets rid of water, retaining alcohol. And with a humidity of 90%-100%, almost no evaporation occurs. In some cognac houses, barrels are moved around the cellars to achieve optimal strength.
  6. Filling into glass containers after the planned holding time and storage until required. The strength of the drink is from 40 degrees.

This is how classic cognac is prepared. If possible, you can try to get as close to these conditions as possible. In the absence of one, a good cognac drink will be obtained with minor deviations. And by improvising, home distillers generally work wonders.

You will need:

  • Ripe grapes: 30 kg;
  • Granulated sugar: 2.5 kg (in case the grapes did not have time to ripen due to bad weather);
  • Pure (filtered) water: 4 l;
  • Prepared oak pegs (thickness - 5-10 mm; length - according to the height of the container). It is placed in containers at the rate of 15-20 pegs per three liters of grape alcohol.

Proportions are calculated based on the weight of the berries. If everything is prepared, proceed to the first stage.

Fermentation of grape raw materials

Cognac production begins with dry white wine. Quality depends on well-prepared wine materials.

  1. Preparing berries.

Unwashed grapes are picked from the bunches, placed in a deep bowl, and crushed well with the seeds. The berries are not washed, since natural yeast (microorganisms that live on the skin of all fruits) is washed off from the surface. After washing off such bacteria, you will have to add baker's yeast to start fermentation, which is not advisable. The dirt is wiped off with a dry cloth, the dust is not touched.

  1. Adding sugar.

Experts do not recommend adding it, but without it there will be no fermentation process. In France, grape terraces are located towards the rising sun, warm up well during the day, and weather conditions allow grapes to ripen in the sun until October. Such climatic conditions are not everywhere and, in general, grapes do not have time to ripen by the beginning of frost. Sugar is added precisely in such cases in the form of lukewarm invert syrup. You can simply stir the sugar and water well, but in this case the process of dissolving the sugar will be slower. If the acid content is not critical, following the steps in this recipe, you should avoid sugar.

  1. Preparation of wort.

The dishes are covered with gauze/thin cloth and left in a dark, warm place. The wine begins to “play” and pulp appears. It needs to be stirred periodically.

  1. Wort filtering.

If the rules are followed, fermentation begins after three days. A large amount of foam with a wine smell will indicate the need for filtration. To do this, use gauze/sieve. The liquid is filtered from the pulp and the remaining grape “cake” is squeezed out.

  1. Pouring into containers.

The resulting mash is poured into a glass bottle for fermentation. Leave in a warm, dark place at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Close with a water seal (a special nylon cap on the cylinder) or use an inflatable ball/rubber glove, which is carefully pierced in one place to allow air to escape.

  1. Fermentation.

Lasts from three to eight weeks. If the water seal stops “gurgling”, the ball or glove is deflated, it means that the mash has stopped foaming, and sediment has appeared at the bottom of the bottle.

  1. Final filtration.

Straining through cheesecloth/filter cloth is carried out as many times as necessary to get rid of sediment.

Young dry wine with a strength of 10-12 degrees is ready, but if the goal is to make cognac, move on to the next stage.


Preparation of cognac in the second stage requires double distillation. Both young and aged wines are suitable for distillation. The apparatus used is an alambic or a moonshine still. In design, these two devices are practically no different. You can buy both on the open market.

  1. The filtered and strained wine is poured into a distillation cube. The first distillation takes place at maximum power and is not divided into fractions. At the same time, you can save the time of heating the yeast and reduce the appearance of harmful impurities. It is important to carry out the first distillation quickly. After reaching the strength values ​​below 25 degrees (using an alcohol meter), the selection is stopped.
  2. The strength of the alcohol obtained together with the fraction is measured and diluted with clean (filtered) water to a strength of 10 degrees. In this case, moonshine is poured into water, and not vice versa.
  3. During the second distillation (minimum power), the first portion is taken: 15% of the total volume and poured out. The so-called "head". Next, the “clean” body is selected until the strength is reduced to 45 degrees. The remainder is taken at maximum power. Below this strength threshold, the so-called “tails” remain, which contain a large amount of fusel oils that are harmful to health.

Making high-quality cognac at home requires careful preparation and patience. To obtain a better result, you can distill the resulting product again by diluting it with clean (filtered) water to 20 degrees and following the recommendations of the second distillation.


The best infusion will be in oak barrels. These are sold at markets, fairs in manufacturers' stores and can be easily ordered online. A convenient, simple and cheap way is to infuse it with oak chips, bark or pegs.

Cognac can be prepared from grape alcohol obtained by distillation by pouring the product into glass containers with oak pegs. The drink is pre-diluted to the desired strength, or remains in its original form. The prepared pegs are kept in boiling water for 10 minutes, then in cold water for 20 minutes and placed in clean glass jars. Closed jars are left in a cool place, such as a basement/cellar, for a period of at least 6 months.


The cognac drink can be imitated. It's quick and doesn't require much time or effort. Recipes for cognac, which is prepared “in a hurry,” are varied. Everyone is interested in knowing how to quickly make imitation cognac yourself and surprise guests with a delicious drink. Production is not complicated. It is prepared by mixing various ingredients.

Vodka on oak bark

Making cognac at home is a great way to get an elegant and noble drink. Homemade cognac allows for improvisation with ingredients and infusion times.

Preparation method 1:

  • 2 liters of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 4 tsp. spoons of oak bark (pharmaceutical);

The bark is poured with vodka, left for two weeks, then filtered.

  • 2.5 l. vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 1 tsp. a spoonful of large-leaf black tea;
  • 1 tsp. spoon of vanilla sugar;
  • 5 pcs. dry clove buds;
  • Citric acid on the tip of the tea. spoons.

Mix everything except citric acid and add vodka. Add acid and stir. Leave for three days, strain. In this recipe oak is replaced with tea. It will give the drink a beautiful color, aroma and add soft tannins and tannins.

Coffee cognac recipe at home

If you don’t have oak pegs, wood chips, bark or powder in stock, it’s also possible to make cognac at home. Ground coffee is used for this noble drink.

You will need for cooking:

  • 3 tsp. spoons of ground coffee;
  • 1/2 cup water;
  • 1 liter of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine.

Coffee is stirred in boiling water and left for a day. Pour into a container, add vodka/alcohol/moonshine. The mixture is infused for 25 days. After filtering, add sugar/berry syrup if desired. The drink turns out soft with the aroma of coffee and berries.

Homemade cognac with orange zest

Making homemade cognac allows the addition of fruit. For preparation use:

  • 1.5 liters of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 0.5 table. spoon of sugar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. ground cinnamon;
  • ½ orange zest;
  • 2 pcs. dry clove buds;
  • Vanillin at the tip of the tea. spoons;
  • 1/2 table. a spoonful of black loose leaf tea;

The tea used is of good quality, without additives.

The zest is grated. Place everything in a dry, clean jar, pour in vodka/alcohol/moonshine. Stir, cover with a lid and darken. Strain the tincture after three weeks using gauze/filter cloth. The drink is ready. Any amateur winemaker knows how to make homemade cognac, tasty and healthy with fruit.

How to make cognac at home from prunes

Strong fruit drinks are popular not only among gourmets. A recipe will help you figure out how to make fruit cognac.

  • 2 liters of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 5 pcs. dried prunes;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of oak bark (pharmaceutical);
  • 3 pcs. dry clove buds;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • nutmeg on the tip of a teaspoon.

This tincture tones and has beneficial properties. The homemade plum cognac recipe is widespread and easy to use.

Oak bark is poured with hot boiling water for 10 minutes. Place everything except sugar in a dry, clean jar and pour it in. Cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for three weeks. Sugar is melted in a frying pan until it becomes viscous, and before it has cooled completely, the “caramel” is added to the drink. After three days, filter and serve.

Express recipe for homemade cognac

Any housewife will take note of a quick recipe for making homemade cognac.

You will need:

  • 1.5 l of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 3 table. spoons of sugar for caramel;
  • Strong brew (1 tablespoon of large-leaf black tea per 100 g of boiling water);
  • vanillin on the tip of the tea. spoons.

The brew is filtered, seasoned with caramel and vanilla, and placed in a dry, clean container. Pour vodka/alcohol/moonshine and stir. Filter through gauze/filter cloth. Pour into a decanter and serve.

There are many recipes for making cognac drink. Each home distiller has his own “signature”, the main ingredients of which are desire, imagination and good mood.

A long time ago, people learned to make moonshine. It didn’t take long to make cognac at home. The name of this alcoholic drink comes from one French city, where this drink was born, and the city is called Cognac.


Recipes for making homemade cognac are very diverse. A very interesting fact is that this fairly strong alcoholic drink can even be prepared from ground coffee. To do this, you need to take 170 g of coffee, pour a little water into it until completely dissolved and leave to brew for 24 hours. After the required period of time has passed, the coffee should be topped with vodka. The resulting mixture will need to be mixed thoroughly and left to infuse for 20 days.

Cognac made from coffee beans

It is very important that both ingredients are tightly connected to each other. When the required period of time has passed, the mixture will need to be filtered and sugar syrup, which must be prepared in advance, added to it. For this you will need only 0.5 kg of sugar and 150 ml of water.

Mix the mixture and sugar syrup and leave for another 2-3 days. After it has settled, it will need to be properly filtered. That's all, you can safely pour the prepared cognac into bottles and start drinking it.

Important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


There are also more complex cooking recipes. You need ingredients such as 3 liters of homemade moonshine, vanillin on the tip of a knife, 1 pc. bay leaf and orange peel, 10 black peppercorns and 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon and dry tea.

All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly and placed in a dark place for 5 days. It is very important that the temperature of the room where the cognac will be infused is not lower than room temperature. Strain the infusion. This is best done with gauze folded in several layers.

If desired, you can add beer and juice. In order to get cognac based on these products, you need to take 6 bottles of beer with a capacity of 0.5 liters and grape juice. All this needs to be mixed with alcohol. You will need only 250 ml of alcohol, you will also need to add 0.5 instant coffee, 100 g of yeast and 1 kg of sugar. The resulting mixture must be infused for 21 days. The cognac is ready. You just need to strain it thoroughly.

Cognac in a glass

You can prepare the following options.

  1. Extreme cognac. In order to prepare this option, you will need 3 tbsp. oak bark, nutmeg powder, vanillin, 2 cloves and 2.5 liters of vodka. The whole point of the extreme nature of such a drink is that if you exaggerate the dosage of the combination of vanillin and cloves, then instead of cognac you risk getting a real cologne. In addition, it should be infused for no more than 31 days.
  2. Based on rose hips. For berry lovers, you can make homemade cognac from rose hips. You only need 5 black peppercorns, 80 rose hips, 1 tsp. dry tea, 50 g of oak bark, 1 small branch of St. John's wort, 3 liters of diluted alcohol and 2 tbsp. Sahara. It is best to infuse this alcoholic drink for 40 days. If you want to try it much earlier, remember that the minimum time for infusion is at least 15 days.
  1. Economical. If you are used to saving money, this cooking recipe is just for you. You will need to take only 0.5 liters of 95% alcohol, 350 ml of boiled cooled water, 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 cup chopped rose hips. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave to infuse for 1 week.

After this period of time, the entire mixture must be filtered and you can safely start using it.

The next recipe is probably one of the most difficult to prepare and the largest in terms of the number of ingredients used. Preparing homemade cognac from moonshine according to this recipe will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it.

Take 3 liters of purified homemade moonshine, 1 tsp. oak bark, 1 tsp. dry tea, 1 tsp. instant coffee, 1 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. soda, vanillin (the amount of this product should be only a few crystals), 3 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, 2 cloves, 5 raisins, 1 prune, 0.5 g of nutmeg (more precisely, its powder) and 4 coriander grains.

Rose hip cognac

In order to prepare such a drink, you need to take a fairly large stainless steel pan and gradually place all the ingredients into it. Leave the moonshine for last.

After this, pour the entire mixture with homemade purified moonshine and place the pan with the ingredients on low heat.

It is important not to miss the moment of boiling of the mixture.

It is very difficult to measure the required amount of vanillin at home. But you have to try. Place vanillin into the composition at the tip of a knife. If there is too much vanillin, it will not be cognac, but brandy.

If the entire composition, which is placed on the fire, is covered with a glass lid, it is necessary to tightly close the hole in it. This should be done so that the degrees do not evaporate.

The moment the liquid begins to boil, it must be immediately removed from the heat and allowed to cool. Remember: boiling this alcoholic drink is strictly prohibited.

This is one of the most difficult and very important moments in the process of preparing homemade cognac according to this recipe.

When the entire composition has cooled, it will need to be carefully filtered. This can be done using special towels or gauze. After this, you can safely bottle it and start drinking.

The taste, of course, will not resemble Armenian or French, but if you follow the recipe it will turn out no worse. The color will be appropriate thanks to tea and cinnamon.


Cognac is the most difficult drink to make at home. It is quite difficult and almost impossible to comply with all the norms of the classical technology of its preparation. In order to prepare another option, you need to take the following ingredients in the following proportions: 1 liter of purified vodka, 4 tsp. oak bark, 0.3 tsp. nutmeg powder, 5 pcs. cloves, 0.3 tsp. vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp. regular sugar and 3 tsp. black dry tea.

Cognac made from nuts

To prepare such a drink, you need to take high-quality vodka or ordinary ethyl alcohol, diluted with water to 40-45 degrees.

The first step on the path to obtaining such a noble drink is the processing of sugar. It needs to be burned so that during consumption you can feel the caramel taste and shade.

You need to take an aluminum dish with fairly dense and massive walls and pour sugar into it, after which the dish will need to be placed on low heat. As the sugar melts, it must be constantly stirred to prevent it from burning. Once caramel is obtained from this product, remove the dishes from the stove.

After this, mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a separate bottle. After combining them, the entire composition will need to be mixed thoroughly. For 3-4 weeks, let the drink brew in a dark place.

Cognac needs to be strained and bottled. The alcoholic drink is ready to drink. But it is worth remembering that the abuse of any alcoholic beverages is harmful to health.

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Cognac is a wonderful alcoholic drink with an ancient history and millions of admirers around the world. This excellent drink, which is a type of brandy, is made using the most complex technology, which is difficult to replicate not only at home, but also in many industries.

Despite all of the above, we will tell you how to make cognac from moonshine. Of course, homemade cognac from moonshine will not be prepared using French technology, but an alcoholic drink made according to one of our recipes will pleasantly surprise even experienced cognac lovers with its taste and aroma, and your family will also appreciate it.

Cognac made from moonshine with your own hands at home is obtained by carefully following the recipe at home. Nevertheless, anyone who wants to enrich their range of alcoholic beverages with one more (or more) wonderful copy can start producing cognac at home.

In order to make good cognac at home from moonshine, the moonshine added to the components must be of good quality, preferably having undergone additional purification. Almost ideal homemade cognacs can be made from grape alcohol or grape moonshine - chacha. Making cognac at home , is actually quite common and is a good tradition in many families.

Home Recipes

Below we have listed several recipes for making your own cognac from moonshine. These recipes are varied, and you will certainly be able to choose the moonshine cognac recipe that will suit you based on the available ingredients and production method.

Recipe No. 1: “Rustic”

Producing this cognac at home will require a certain amount of endurance and patience from you, however, as a rule, liqueurs made according to this recipe are obtained with an incredibly rich taste, a deep cognac hue and a captivating aroma.


  1. The result of cleaning or already existing high-quality moonshine in a volume of 6 liters.
  2. Chopped and burnt logs from oak logs, the recommended cross-section of the logs is 5 by 5 millimeters.
  3. Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
  4. 30 rose hips.
  5. Black pepper - 30 peas.
  6. Black tea - 1 tablespoon.
  7. Ground St. John's wort - 1 tablespoon.


  1. We make caramel syrup that is slightly brownish in color. Pour 4 tablespoons of sugar into a container and add approximately the same volume of water, stirring thoroughly, bring the syrup to a boil, and then, without stopping stirring, reduce the heating temperature of the container and cook until we have a substance of the desired color and consistency.
  2. Pour all of the above components into six liters of moonshine, not forgetting to add caramel syrup. Then securely seal the container.
  3. We place the container in a dark place where our homemade cognac will need to steep for a month. The container will need to be shaken occasionally.
  4. After the time has passed, we end up with a cognac-colored liquid in the container. This liquid should be carefully filtered through a gauze filter and then a cotton filter.
  5. Make a short “exposure”. Place our container to settle in a dark, cool place so that in 3 - 4 months you can get cognac from our moonshine tincture. During aging, the aroma and taste of the components placed in our tincture will intertwine harmoniously, becoming softer and deeper. If sediment appears after aging, the filtration procedure must be repeated.

Recipe No. 2: “Cedar”

The simplest of the described recipes for cognac with moonshine, if, of course, you have a sufficient number of pine nuts.


  1. The result of cleaning or already existing high-quality moonshine in the amount of 3 liters.
  2. 1 kilogram of pine nuts.


  1. Pour three liters of moonshine over the pine nuts.
  2. “Maintain” our homemade cognac in a dark, cool room for 14 to 30 days.
  3. Strain the resulting cognac using moonshine through a gauze filter, and then through a cotton wool filter.

Recipe No. 3: “Koktebel”

Homemade cognac made according to this recipe, as you undoubtedly already understood from its name, in its taste resembles the well-known Koktebel cognac, produced on the southern coast of Crimea, the pleasant aroma and aftertaste of which you can repeat in the cognac liqueur made. The original drink has a brownish-golden hue, a taste of vanilla, chocolate, ether and dried fruits. We can get all this by simply adding the following components to moonshine.


  1. Pre-purified moonshine - 6 l.
  2. Walnut shell partitions - 4 tablespoons.
  3. 12 carnations without stems (flowers).
  4. Allspice 12 peas.
  5. One tablespoon of caraway seeds.
  6. Vanilla sugar 2 tablespoons.
  7. Four grams of citric acid.
  8. One kilogram of raisins.


  1. Place the above components in a container and fill with six liters of moonshine.
  2. Seal the container securely and place it in a cool, dark place for one month; shake the bottle periodically, shaking the contents.
  3. Filter thoroughly through a gauze filter.
  4. Seal and leave to infuse for another 2 months.
  5. After the period has passed, filter first with gauze and then with cotton wool.

Recipe No. 4: with spices

This homemade cognac differs from its “colleagues” by the addition of hot capsicum and a mixture of allspice and black. These spices give it a special, unique aroma and rich taste. The result obtained can pleasantly surprise even experienced moonshiners.


  1. 6 liters of our moonshine, previously purified from harmful impurities and fusel oils.
  2. Black tea 2 tablespoons.
  3. Sugar 6 tablespoons.
  4. Allspice 10 peas.
  5. Mint two tablespoons.
  6. 12 bay leaves.
  7. Nutmeg two thirds.
  8. A small piece of hot pepper (the exact amount is not important, as long as you don’t overdo it).
  9. Black pepper 14 peas.
  10. Chocks, chopped from an oak log and lightly burned - 2 handfuls.
  11. Vanillin 1 gram.


  1. Place the prepared ingredients in a container and pour in the previously prepared moonshine.
  2. Place in a dark place to infuse for two weeks.
  3. At the end of the infusion period, filter the product.

Recipe No. 5: homemade

One of the best recipes for making cognac at home. The recipe is distinguished by its high taste, which is apparently due to the use in it, unlike other recipes, of both dried oak bark and at the same time burnt oak chicks, which gives this alcoholic drink a special, enchanting taste and aroma. Apparently, this is due to the fact that such a combination of oak ingredients saturates cognacs made according to this recipe with the same substances that are obtained in drinks that can only be made by aging in real oak barrels.


  1. 6 liters of wonderful filtered moonshine.
  2. Walnut 24 partitions.
  3. 4 dried citrus peels.
  4. Black pepper 4 peas.
  5. 4 bay leaves.
  6. Dried oak bark 4 tablespoons.
  7. 60 grams of good black tea.
  8. St. John's wort 2 teaspoons.
  9. Tarragon 2 teaspoons.
  10. Vanillin 1 gram.
  11. Burnt oak logs - 6 pieces.


  1. Pour the above components with moonshine.
  2. Place in a dark place for at least twenty days.
  3. After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to filter this drink.

Recipe No. 6: “Complicated”

To make this cognac at home, according to the author’s recommendation, you will need moonshine with a strength of at least 55% as a raw material. There is no need to be afraid that the moonshine for cognac is too strong; upon completion of production, the cognac we make will have a strength within 47-49%.


  1. Purified moonshine or chacha.
  2. Dried zest of two tangerines.
  3. Bay leaf 2 pieces.
  4. Sugar two teaspoons.
  5. 3 teaspoons loose leaf tea.
  6. 2 teaspoons cinnamon.
  7. Black pepper 10 peas.
  8. Carnations 4 buds.
  9. Vanilla sugar 4 grams.


  1. Pour the existing components with moonshine, mix thoroughly until the instant ingredients - sugar, vanilla sugar - are completely dissolved.
  2. Place the container in a cool, dark place, never sealing it tightly! Please pay attention to this point, it is radically different from previous descriptions of how to make cognac from moonshine.
  3. Do not stir the contents of the container under any circumstances after you have left it to settle; this will negatively affect the preparation of cognac.
  4. Leave in a dark, cool place for one week.
  5. Strain the contents of the container through flannel cloth or cheesecloth.

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