How to build a house inexpensively - reasonable savings at every stage of construction. What material can you build the cheapest house from? The key to savings: simplicity of design

Every person wants to build their own own house, but even if there is land plot or the opportunity to purchase it relatively inexpensively, many consider this a pipe dream. But in vain!

Construction of a 3-room individual residential house on a turnkey basis for little money- it's real!!!

So, how is it possible build the cheapest house?

The cost of building a residential building is influenced by three main indicators:

    Architectural and planning solution.

    The layout of the house should be compact, functional, modern and as comfortable as possible. (Save up to 20%)

    Constructive solution.

    The constructive solution should be simple, rational and without architectural frills. (Save up to 10%)

    Material used and work.

    Construction materials must be modern, and work must be high-tech. (Save up to 40%)

Project of the cheapest residential building with an increase to 6 rooms.

We propose to consider together a residential building project that will help solve the main problem - it will significantly reduce its cost during construction.

A simple design solution using modern construction technologies, allows you to do a significant amount of work yourself. As they say: “It’s not the gods who burn the pots,” but even when hired workers are used, the house in question is built by a team of 2 people, which slightly increases its cost.

All of the above reduces the cost of building a house by almost half.

In addition, over time, if desired, such a house can be transformed (enlarged) to 4, 5 or 6 rooms, without disturbing the main functional planning solutions.

The cost of building a house directly depends on the total area, so despite the small size of the house (6 x 9 m), it contains three living rooms, and the area of ​​the living room (in which we spend most of the time) is 25.75 sq.m.

Let's look at the process of building the cheapest house in more detail.

Architectural and planning solution

The main principle of all planning decisions residential buildings is based on the minimum ratio of total area to usable space, while the layout must be modern and comfortable for living; in other words, maximum amenities must be extracted from the total area.

The total area of ​​this 3 room house is only 54 sq.m.! However, the usable area, which includes all living rooms, kitchen, bathroom, hallway, is 52 m/sq.m. or 96.3% of the total area, whereas in ordinary houses and in apartments this figure fluctuates around 70%.

Yes, in this house the vestibule is combined with the hallway, but... he's warm, it's acceptable for anyone climate zone Russia.

There is not a single storage room in the house, but personal plot Over time, you will have a garage, utility room. building or sauna, which will fill this gap.

A combined bathroom for apartments is undesirable, however, in a private house it is possible, because... at household buildings you will also have a bathroom

The project of such a residential building is discussed in more detail in this article. There you can also download for free the project of a residential building, or rather its planning and architectural solutions.

Constructive solution

A simple design solution for the house allows you to further reduce construction costs.

  1. The net width of the house is 6 m - which is quite normal for the ceiling and does not require the construction of an additional main wall (respectively, the foundation and plinth).
  2. The planning solution of the combined living room according to generally accepted traditional world standards (in Rus' it was an upper room) allows saving on the absence of partitions and doors between the kitchen, dining room and living room.
  3. The width of the walls of the house is 30 cm (heat resistance, depending on the climate zone, is adjusted when facing with “siding” thickness additional insulation), accordingly, the width of the base is reduced to 25 cm, i.e., a brick.
  4. All the partitions in the house are plasterboard, which does not require additional foundations, and they are made using simplified technology (more details in the detailed design).
  5. The roof is gable, without architectural and structural excesses.

Exterior of the cheapest house - option No. 1

Exterior view of the cheapest house with the option of transformation (increasing the area)

Exterior view of the cheapest house - option No. 2

Exterior view of the cheapest house with transformation option - option No. 2

Work and building materials

Everyone knows that the “lion’s share” in the cost of building a house is the cost of work (approximately 50%), so it is necessary to use modern high-tech materials. Why?

This will allow you to do almost 90% of the work yourself (since all new technologies are designed for the average person) and save a significant portion of money.

Moreover, you can spend the money (on building materials) as they become available. But if they are available or you managed to take out a loan, then you can build this house yourself (you and an assistant).

Of course, when performing some types of work you cannot do without specialists, but as already mentioned, this will be approximately 10%.

Basic building materials and their cost (Russian average)

  1. Foundations - monolithic reinforced concrete - 35,000 rub.
  2. Basement and concrete blind area - brickwork for 1 brick (250mm) - 12,000 rub.
  3. Walls (300mm) – foam concrete, aerated concrete, gas silicate, etc. – 43,700 rub.
  4. External wall cladding - vinyl siding with insulation and sheathing - RUB 26,520.
  5. Roofing and ceiling – wooden trusses coated with metal profiles on the sheathing, insulation, steam and waterproofing, gypsum plasterboard - 54,250 rub.
  6. Windows - metal-plastic with installation - 30,100 rubles.
  7. Partitions, door blocks and interior finishing - gypsum plasterboard (plasterboard sheets) with sound insulation, wallpapering, plastic panels - 28,500 rub.
  8. Floors - concrete preparation, laminate, carpet and ceramic tiles - 29,430 rubles.
  9. Water supply and sewerage – plumbing equipment, PVC pipes - 10,000 rub.
  10. Heating – wall-mounted double-circuit boiler; plastic pipes for hot water supply and heating, aluminum radiators - 45,500 rub.
  11. Electricity supply – 11000 rub.

TOTAL: 315,000 rub. Taking into account unforeseen costs (10% of total amount) total cost building materials amounts to 347000 r.

IMPORTANT! The above prices for the construction of a residential building were calculated in 2010 and are not relevant today. The information provided will be updated shortly.

Calendar schedule of construction work (team of 2 people)

  1. Foundation installation – 3 days
  2. Construction of the basement and subfloors – 3 days
  3. Masonry of external walls – 5 days
  4. Manufacturing, installation of trusses, roofing – 3 days
  5. Installation of door and window blocks in external walls – 1 day
  6. Siding – 3 days
  7. Electrical wiring installation – 1 day
  8. Cladding of load-bearing walls and ceiling lining plasterboard sheets– 2 days
  9. Installation of partitions – 2 days
  10. Puttying joints – 1 day
  11. Wallpapering - 2 days
  12. Installation of door blocks – 1 day
  13. Installation of floors – 3 days
  14. Installation of internal engineering networks and installation of plumbing fixtures – 3 days

Total 32 working days.

Taking into account unforeseen work, the construction time is 1.5 months.


Total: the total cost of building the cheapest house will be 350 rubles.

But even if we use a completely hired labor, then the cost of the house will increase slightly, i.e. exactly one and a half months' salary for 2 workers, which in the end will be much lower than the cost of a similar 3-room apartment.

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The design organization is not engaged in the construction of residential buildings.

At home quick construction - German invention- are now highly popular all over the world as an alternative to traditional construction. And the point here is not only the speed of construction of such housing (5-8 weeks), but also the significantly lower costs compared to the construction of a “classic” cottage.

There are several types of prefabricated houses, differing in construction technology, cost and living conditions. Now we will look at the main types of these houses and compare their prices, based on the total area of ​​the cottage of 120 square meters. m, as well as installation of windows and roof.

Frame technology for the construction of “fast” family cottages is widespread in Europe, the USA and Japan. It allows you to build two types of buildings - the so-called "Canadian" And panel frame houses.

The construction of “Canadian” houses (or simply “Canadians”, as they are called in our country) begins with the assembly of a durable frame made of wooden beams. Then the finished frame is sheathed on both sides: with OSB board on the outside and plasterboard on the inside. The resulting interior space the walls are filled with insulation - foam plastic or basalt wool. This insulation allows you to obtain thermal insulation similar to the properties of a two-meter brick wall. The necessary communications are also laid there, within the walls.

Panel-frame houses are assembled from ready-made factory wall panels consisting of OSB boards (internal and external). Such slabs are already equipped with an internal insulating layer, as well as film moisture and vapor protection.

On factory production“boxes” for a panel-frame house of 120 sq. m takes 2-3 weeks. Up to four weeks are spent pouring the foundation, which can begin simultaneously. The actual installation of the structures will take about 1-2 weeks. That is, in total The construction of such a cottage will require no more than 6 weeks- this is approximately half of the construction period of the “box” of a traditional brick house. Of course, it will take some time to insulate and finalize the walls with plasterboard or plaster.

PROS AND CONS. An undoubted advantage of frame cottages is not only the record speed of their construction, but also their relatively low cost. The cost of a house with a total area of ​​120 sq. m will be from $25 thousand. The benefit is obvious, especially if you compare the already mentioned “brick option”, 1 sq. m which will cost approximately $400, and the whole house, respectively, will cost $48 thousand. And this does not take into account the costs of insulation and final finishing of the walls! Also, the advantages of a frame house include its property of not shrinking, thanks to which finishing can begin immediately after installation. These houses retain heat well and can also withstand significant dynamic loads, including earthquakes up to magnitude 9.

The disadvantages are not very good sound insulation home and its tightness, due to which you should take care of the correct ventilation system.

OWNER'S ADVICE. Alexander, the “Canadian” owner of the house, is quite satisfied with the comfort of life in his home. However, he notes that Hanging anything on the walls here is only possible in places specially provided for this, according to the rules of house operation, and do not drive nails anywhere in plasterboard walls- they are not intended for this.

Wood is used as a building material lately has become very popular again. For the construction of log houses, wood is used in the form of logs (solid or rounded) and timber (chopped or glued).

DATES AND PRICES A log for building a cottage with an area of ​​120 “squares” is prepared within about 3 weeks - the same amount of time will be required for pouring and “standing” the foundation, so these processes can be combined. Assembling the “box” of the house and equipping the roof will take 3-4 weeks. Total “everything about everything” from the future owner wooden house will leave 6-7 weeks. As for the price of such a house, the “box” of simple timber will cost approximately $300 per 1 sq. m (about $36 thousand for a house with an area of ​​120 sq. m). Accordingly, a house made of laminated veneer lumber will cost $48-54 thousand, with a price per square meter of $400-450.

PROS AND CONS. The low thermal conductivity of wooden houses can certainly be considered one of their main advantages. A log wall 20 centimeters thick serves as the same reliable protection from the cold, like a meter-long brick. Houses made of simple timber retain heat especially well. Cobblestone walls, unlike brick ones, can withstand almost unlimited quantity cycles of external temperature changes from “plus” to “minus” and back. In addition, the tree “breathes”, due to which vapors are removed and filtered outside air- these properties allow you to maintain an optimal microclimate inside the house. Wooden log houses are quick to assemble, especially houses made of laminated veneer lumber. The aesthetic component is also obvious - beautiful wooden houses do without final finishing walls (for example, cottages made of rounded logs).

One of the main disadvantages of wood as a building material is its flammability and tendency to significant shrinkage (up to 10%). The shrinkage process can take 1-1.5 years, and for rounded logs even more - from 2 to 3 years. Therefore, if the owners of a wooden house are still going to carry out finishing work, they will have to postpone finishing until the end of shrinkage. Also a disadvantage wooden log houses we can mention the possible appearance of gaps between beams or logs (especially in cases where the house was erected by not particularly qualified builders). The appearance of cracks and gaps in the future may lead to cracks in the logs. Let us note that these disadvantages do not apply to houses made of laminated veneer lumber, but another misfortune may await you here: laminated veneer lumber has a tendency to rot and be eaten by insects. To avoid these troubles, you need to treat the walls with special substances every 3-5 years or cover them with bioprotective paint (the cost of these safety measures can reach up to 20 thousand UAH).

OWNER'S ADVICE. Natalya, a resident of a house made of chopped timber, shares her impressions of the winter she experienced there. According to her, the heat inside the house was retained perfectly, but at the same time the heating system operated at maximum power, which led to severe drying of the air. Then Natalia was advised to additionally humidify the air in the house, since dry air is a common problem in wooden houses that do not have stove heating.

The technology for constructing modular houses is one of the most modern trends in low-rise construction. Such houses can consist of just one module, or a certain number of them. The module itself is part finished house, as if cut out of it by analogy with a slice of cake. That is, such a structure consists of a base, walls and ceiling, being a full-fledged fragment of a residential building. The modules are manufactured fully equipped: they contain engineering structures, there is an internal and external finishing, doors and windows are equipped. Moreover, there are modules with plumbing fixtures and furniture already installed inside.

The module is manufactured entirely in the factory, and construction site They are already being assembled on a finished foundation. Modular construction can be used for most house designs common in our country - this technology has a minimum of restrictions regarding architectural diversity.

The dimensions of the modules may vary from company to company, in accordance with the technological equipment of production: 4.5x12 m, 3x12 m, 3x8 m. Sometimes base panels, ceilings and wall panels made from cold-formed steel rolled profile and sheathed on the outside with a profiled sheet with a polymer coating. For other manufacturers, the basis of the structure is wooden beams, which are then sheathed with OSB boards, similar to frame houses. In both of these cases, the walls of the structure are insulated like “Canadian” houses.

DEADLINE AND PRICE. Modules required to build a house with an area of ​​120 square meters. m, will be manufactured at the factory in 2-4 weeks - preparation of the foundation will also take place at the same time. A house from one common module can be assembled within 40 minutes (!). If the building consists of several modules, then its installation will take from 1 to 7 days. Total - maximum 5 weeks. And the price starts from $220 per 1 sq. m (from $26.4 thousand for 120-meter modular cottage) and depends on the contents of the house and its interior decoration.

PROS AND CONS. A very convenient difference between modular houses is that virtually the entire process of their construction is carried out at the factory, and only the installation of finished structures takes place “on site”. This technology allows you to reduce production time and has a beneficial effect on the cost of a modular house compared to other technologies. low-rise construction. As disadvantages, we can note some restrictions that apply to the height of the house - it should not exceed 2 floors. Problematic aspects also include the mandatory availability of access roads for delivery of modules to the customer’s site, as well as sufficient space for special equipment.

In our country modular technology the building is not yet very popular, so we were unable to find a resident of such a house to share his experience.

Foam and gas blocks are blocks made of hardened concrete foam - a lightweight porous building material, its hardness reminiscent of wood, which makes it easy to process with a cutting tool.

DEADLINE AND PRICE. The construction period is reduced due to the fact that aerated concrete blocks, despite their large dimensions, have a relatively low weight. This property of foam and gas blocks allows you to build a “box” of a house of 120 square meters. m on average for 8 weeks. The price of such a “box” together with the roof and foundation will be about $250-300 per 1 sq. m. m ($30-36 thousand for the whole house).

PROS AND CONS. Houses made of foam and aerated concrete retain heat well. It will take 3-4 times to heat a 120-meter cottage less costs than for a brick house of the same area. In terms of environmental friendliness, foam concrete is second only to wood. It’s also very easy to drive nails into cellular foam concrete walls for installing hanging shelves. The absolute disadvantage of aerated concrete is its high hygroscopicity. Considering this property of aerated concrete blocks, it is necessary to protect the walls from atmospheric precipitation. And one more “weak point” is the strength of the material, lower than that of brick or ordinary concrete.

OWNER'S ADVICE. One of the owners foam concrete house on the Internet he warns that in such a house you should be careful with the walls because of their fragility, and tells how he himself accidentally broke off a piece of the wall with a hammer.

The walls of thermal houses are mounted from hollow thermoblocks made of polystyrene foam, which act as permanent formwork. These blocks are then filled with concrete, forming a monolithic wall 150 mm thick. The wall is insulated from the inside and outside with polystyrene foam boards 50 mm thick. The dimensions of the thermoblock are 100x25x25 cm. The design of such blocks resembles LEGO parts, so they can be connected to each other quickly and accurately.

DEADLINE AND PRICE. Construction of a thermal house with an area of ​​120 square meters. m lasts maximum 8 weeks, including preparing the foundation, erecting walls and installing the roof. Every square meter costs about $300-350, taking into account the cost of the foundation and roof. That is, the whole cottage will cost from $36 to $42 thousand.

PROS AND CONS. Positive point in the construction of a thermal house - fast construction its walls, without the use of lifting mechanisms. The installation of walls does not require the services of a qualified mason - the main thing is that the worker knows how to prepare concrete and use a level. That is, most men can build such a house on their own. Another plus is the low cost of heating a thermal house (compared to brick building, heating here will cost 2-3 times cheaper). By the way, the thermohouse does not need to be heated at all until the external air temperature drops to 0-5 o C. Walls made from good quality thermoblocks turn out absolutely smooth, which allows you to start finishing work without additional leveling of wall surfaces.

The disadvantage of thermal houses is the weak vapor permeability of their walls, as a result of which the humidity inside the room increases. It should also be remembered that polystyrene foam has low resistance to various mechanical damage.

OWNER'S ADVICE. The owner of a house made of thermoblocks shared his experience on one of the thematic forums. He advises not to skimp on the ventilation system, since in winter the air conditioner cannot cope with the already mentioned high humidity indoors. The owner of the thermal house also notes that if you need to hang a shelf on the wall, you will have to punch a whole tunnel in the concrete, since it is impossible to simply attach it to polystyrene foam.

Any construction always involves expenses, and considerable ones at that. But even if your budget is small, you should not give up trying to get your own home, because you can always build a house inexpensively if you know where and how you can save. However, it is worth understanding that any savings should not be at the expense of the strength, comfort, beauty and durability of the home. In our article we will tell you how to quickly build a house with your own hands and at the same time get by on a minimal budget.

Ways to save

Let's start with the fact that it is, of course, possible to build a house cheaply, but since you and your family will live in it, the quality of the construction should not suffer. Moreover, the completed house should not be:

  • Too small. Usable area buildings should meet the needs of your family.
  • Inconvenient. It is necessary to choose a layout option in which all family members will feel comfortable and cozy in such a house. It is equally important to provide for zoning of the house, separating the sleeping (quiet) area from the living room, kitchen and hallway.
  • A well-built home does not have to be expensive. To build a cheap house, you can use inexpensive but high-quality materials, economical construction technologies and simple installation methods.

To make your home quickly and inexpensively, you can save money in the following ways:

  1. Actually initial stage You can save on choosing a project. Moreover, we are talking not only about using a standard project instead of developments made according to individual order, but also about economical planning solutions, as well as the selection of durable and inexpensive structures.
  2. To build a house cheaper, you can save on finishing work. That is, you should use the simplest and most inexpensive finishing materials for walls, floors and ceilings, and inexpensive plumbing fixtures. This will not reduce the comfort of living in the house, but the savings are obvious.
  3. It is better to carry out the purchase and delivery of materials yourself, rather than entrusting them to a contractor. This way you can control everything and choose less expensive materials.
  4. It is much cheaper to build your own house than to hire a team of workers. But this option can be implemented if building houses is at least a little familiar to you.

This is not worth saving on

If you decide to build the cheapest house, but want it to be warm and economical, then you should under no circumstances skimp on the following things:

  1. If you entrust the construction process to a team of workers, then you should not skimp on technical supervision. Even having at least some knowledge about construction process and materials, you still won’t be able to fully control the quality and correct execution of all construction work. And the strength and durability of the entire building depends on this.
  2. Even if you buy standard project at home, it is worth ordering it in relation to your area and climatic conditions. So you can build inexpensive house, constructive solutions which will be adapted to your climatic conditions, soil characteristics, standing level groundwater. It would also be useful to do thermotechnical calculation the thickness of the enclosing structures so that the house is warm in winter, and there is also no waste of materials on excessively thick walls and insulation.
  3. If you decide to build an inexpensive house, then you should not save on engineering systems and communications, because the comfort of your stay in the house depends on it. Electricity, water, sewerage and good heating– all this must be of high quality and work properly for a long time.

Economical housing construction options

To build a house inexpensively, you need to choose the optimal construction technology. Today, several technologies are known that allow you to build a house quickly and inexpensively:

  • frame-panel housing construction;
  • frame-panel houses;
  • construction of a house from timber;
  • use of aerated concrete blocks.

The construction of prefabricated houses using each of the above technologies has its pros and cons. So that you can choose the best construction option, which will allow you to build a house relatively inexpensively and quickly, it is worth studying the advantages and disadvantages of each technology.

Frame house construction

The construction speed using this technology is the highest. A house can be built even in a few weeks. The resulting structure will be quite warm, durable and weather resistant. The service life of a frame house can reach up to 75 years.

A house can be built cheaply using one of two frame technologies:

  • Frame and panel construction in first place in terms of installation speed. To build a house, ready-made or home-made sandwich panels and a timber frame are used. The construction technology is so simple that the structure can be erected independently.
  • For the construction of a house frame-panel technology it will take a little longer, but the cost of construction will be cheaper than the previous installation method. In this case, a wooden frame of the house is first erected at the construction site, then it is sheathed with wood sheet material. Heat-insulating material is placed in the gap between the frame posts, then the walls are lined with OSB or moisture-resistant plywood from the inside. A wind and water barrier must be used in the construction of the walls.

The advantages of the technology include the following:

  1. Thanks to the light weight of the building, you can save on the manufacture of the foundation and volumes earthworks. Moreover, the cost of the walls themselves is cheaper than building a house from brick or concrete.
  2. Such a house warms up very quickly and retains heat well. Walls 20 cm thick protect against the cold in winter no worse than a brick wall 0.5 m thick.
  3. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, you can significantly save on heating your home in winter.
  4. Such buildings do not shrink, so finishing work and moving into the house can be done immediately after the construction of the box.
  5. Since there are no wet processes during construction, the installation of the house can be carried out even in winter.

Disadvantages of frame technology:

  1. The high tightness of a frame house is its main disadvantage, because for a comfortable stay in the house you will have to equip high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation.
  2. The environmental friendliness of such a building is questionable, because OSB contains synthetic resins, and the polystyrene foam itself, used to insulate the house, cannot be called an environmentally friendly material.
  3. Increased flammability. Moreover, expanded polystyrene releases toxic components during combustion.
  4. The durability and safety of such a house is questionable, because if desired, you can cut a hole in the wall with an ax.

Houses made of aerated concrete

You can quickly build a house from aerated concrete blocks. Building a house frame from this material is much more profitable than building from brick for several reasons:

  1. If you are looking for how to build a house cheaply and quickly yourself, then aerated concrete is exactly the material that will allow you to achieve what you want three times faster than using traditional bricks.
  2. The completed house practically does not shrink, so after installing the windows and doors, you can immediately begin finishing and moving into the home. This is especially important if it is important to you to get your home as quickly as possible.
  3. The low thermal conductivity of the material helps retain heat in the house. As a result, in winter you will be able to save on heating. Moreover, the walls are 1/3 thinner than brick structures and retain heat in the house just as well.
  4. Due to the small specific weight and significant dimensions of one block, a house can be built with your own hands without the use of construction equipment in the shortest possible time.
  5. The porous structure of aerated concrete allows the walls to breathe. Thanks to this, a microclimate favorable for humans is formed in the room.
  6. Aerated blocks provide a flat, smooth surface that does not require additional leveling before finishing.

Important: when building such a house, it is better to use not an ordinary mortar, which will contribute to the formation of “cold bridges,” but a special glue that produces a tight and thin seam.

When deciding what is cheaper to build a house from, it is worth considering the disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  1. Due to its high porosity, the material is very hygroscopic, so it must be carefully protected from moisture with special finishes outside and inside the premises. A damp gas block loses its thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. Aerated concrete walls cannot be left unfinished, so you will not be able to save on finishing materials.
  3. To support the truss structure and floor slabs on aerated concrete blocks, it is necessary to install a monolithic reinforced belt, and this entails additional costs of money and time.

Timber houses

When choosing what to build a cheaper house from, you should pay attention to profiled and laminated timber. Of course, laminated veneer lumber is not such a cheap material, but profiled products chamber drying no worse in performance characteristics and at the same time have an affordable price.

Among the advantages of timber houses, it is worth noting the following points:

  1. High thermal insulation characteristics. A wall made of timber 22 cm thick has the same thermal conductivity as a brick wall 0.6 m thick.
  2. Walls made of profiled and laminated timber look so attractive outside and inside that they do not require any finishing.
  3. Due to the lightness of the material, a shallow, lightweight foundation can be made for the structure.
  4. The construction technology from timber is quite simple, so you can build a house with your own hands.
  5. The building made of wood is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and a special favorable microclimate.
  6. The speed of construction is another plus in favor of this technology.
  7. A house made of timber can be built even in winter.

Among the disadvantages of the technology it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Wood is susceptible to rot, mold and damage by insects, so periodically you will have to renew the protective antiseptic impregnation.
  2. A house made of wood shrinks, so you won’t be able to move in immediately after the box is built.

Attention: shrinkage of a house made of wood with natural moisture can take from 6 to 12 months. The construction of kiln-dried glued and profiled timber will shrink within 3 months.

  1. Wood is a flammable material, so all elements must be treated with fire retardants.
  2. It is necessary to strictly follow the construction technology and use interventional insulation so that the house is warm and comfortable, and the structure itself lasts a long time.

Construction country house This is a multi-stage process that involves the coordinated work of craftsmen from various disciplines, from architects to finishing craftsmen. The final result depends on the quality of each stage of work and the selected materials. But the question often arises: how to build a house cheaply and quickly yourself, and is this possible?

Contrary to popular belief, building a country house can cost a small amount of money. To do this, it is enough to competently approach each of the stages of construction, reducing its cost without losing quality. Let's try to figure out how to build a house cheaply, what you can save on, and what you absolutely cannot, in our article.

Each element of a country house can be reduced in price Source

Savings start with project creation

As a rule, ready-made projects have complex layouts and are expensive to implement. The final result looks good in the picture, but they do not solve the main problem: how to build a house yourself cheaply, because many additional architectural structures will cost a considerable amount of money.

Affordable architectural projects characterized by:

  • A simple rectangular shape without protrusions, bay windows and other expensive elements.
  • One floor. The absence of expensive floors and stairs will reduce the final cost of the home.
  • Shallow foundation - concrete structure, dug under the foundation of the house. Installation of this type of foundation does not require thorough preparatory work, so it will cost a reasonable price.
  • Standard form roofs with two slopes. Complex designs with round skylights and many slopes increase construction costs.

The simpler the box at home, the more reliable and cheaper it is Source

    Traditional window shape. As a rule, rectangular double-hung windows are much less expensive than any custom modifications.

    Laconic finish interior spaces. The most budget-friendly and functional construction option is a house in Scandinavian style with a minimum of intricate decorative elements.

    Easy to implement exterior decoration. For example, finishing a façade with plaster is a durable and aesthetic method of decoration that does not require lengthy and expensive construction work.

Which foundation is more economical?

The type and depth of the foundation are determined by the final weight of the house, the quality of the soil, and the proximity of the reservoir. Foundation costs account for an average of 40% of the cost of all work. It is generally accepted that it is impossible to save on the foundation and it is really stupid to dispute this statement. But, nevertheless, there are ways to build a house inexpensively, without losing quality, and saving on the foundation. True, in this case you need to know exactly what kind of soil is on the site, and for this you will have to order geological exploration. Based on its results, the following options can be considered:

    If most often for country houses If a strip foundation is used, laid to the depth of soil freezing, then in some cases you can get by with its shallow variety. As a rule, such a structure “sits” 0.5-0.7 meters into the ground, which significantly reduces the amount of concrete required for pouring.

Traditional strip foundation for suburban construction Source

    Also, in addition to the characteristics of the soil, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the future house and the topography of the site. If the design allows you to install the house on a pile foundation, then this will significantly reduce the burden on the budget.

    A compromise option is a pile-grillage foundation. This combines technologies for laying shallow and pile foundations. First it is dug shallow foundation, and then holes are dug or drilled at reference points to the depth of soil freezing. After installing the formwork, everything is poured with concrete and the result is a shallow foundation, which support pillars stands below the freezing point of the soil.

    In some cases, it is possible not to pour the foundation, but to lay it out of ready-made reinforced concrete slabs.

    Additional savings There may be a refusal to order concrete from a factory, but it must be taken into account that preparing it yourself in a concrete mixer will take an order of magnitude more time and effort. As a result, everyone must decide for themselves what is more important - time or money.

We must always remember that all methods of saving on the foundation must be carefully calculated and approved by specialists. Otherwise, there is a risk of confirming the proverb about the miser who pays twice.

Pile and pile-grillage foundations Source

Choosing materials for walls - which is cheaper and better

The largest amount of building material is spent on the construction of walls, so you should carefully choose what is cheaper to build a house from.

    A brick house is the most durable, reliable construction option. Properly made buildings made of this material last for hundreds of years without requiring any repairs or maintenance of facades. The brick wall is environmentally friendly, creates good air exchange and is not susceptible to moisture, fire and temperature changes. The main disadvantage of brick is its heavy weight, which requires the construction of a durable and expensive foundation. The next feature of a brick structure is the need for careful thermal insulation of the house, especially in harsh northern climatic conditions.

    Modern wooden dwellings are made from laminated veneer lumber, which consists of small dried blocks glued together. This material provides good thermal insulation, is quick to install, and also creates a favorable indoor microclimate. The disadvantage of the material is its susceptibility to moisture and fire. Therefore, it is necessary to thoughtfully design electrical and heating systems. In addition, after several years of operation, walls made of laminated veneer lumber may require additional impregnation with antiseptic compounds.

House made of laminated veneer lumber with two floors and a small terrace Source

    Frame houses are structures assembled from ready-made insulated blocks. Construction takes a minimum amount of time, but at the same time requires significant financial costs. The main advantage of the technology is the absence of shrinkage finished building, therefore finishing work is carried out immediately after the walls are erected. The disadvantage of constructing a frame is the complexity of the technological process. Thus, it is necessary to pay for the services of qualified builders in order to ultimately get reliable design. When building a spacious house, the design of an air exchange system is also necessary, since artificial materials blocks do not allow air to pass through well.

Classical frame house– strict and original architecture Source

    A building made of aerated concrete blocks weighs significantly less than a brick one, while its thermal insulation properties similar. The porous material allows air to pass through well, provides sound insulation, is easy to install, and does not shrink. Thus, budget houses They are built from aerated blocks quite quickly, a good microclimate is formed indoors, and no additional ventilation is required. On the other hand, blocks also allow water to pass through well, so high-quality waterproofing– the main condition for a durable aerated concrete structure. For durable construction, it is also necessary to select a qualified work team to build the house in compliance with the technology of fastening and waterproofing the blocks. Otherwise, the structure may easily blow out or have increased level humidity.

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Visually about the pros and cons of aerated concrete in the video:

Comparison of prices per square meter of construction from different materials

Pricing when building a house depends not only on the materials chosen, but also on the condition of the soil, necessary expenses to ensure thermal insulation, as well as the level of qualifications of the team involved in the construction of the building.

For example, erecting a brick building will cost an average of 2,300 rubles per square meter, but this does not take into account the costs of thermal insulation and the construction of a reliable foundation.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber will cost 1,900 rubles per meter of finished structure, and the quality of the wood and communications is of decisive importance.

The most affordable option is frame houses, the cost of which is 875 rubles per meter of finished housing. But if there is no desire or opportunity to build a house yourself, then you will need to hire a qualified team of builders, whose services are quite expensive.

Buildings made of aerated concrete will cost customers 2,000 rubles per square meter, and it is necessary to use special adhesives to create robust construction, resistant to moisture. Also, the porous material of aerated blocks requires careful waterproofing.

Pricing depends on many factors Source

Budget options for building a roof

The most affordable price is gable roof without wide gables and additional decorative elements. The structure is installed on wooden beams, for strengthening it is supplemented with metal rods (reinforcement). On the basis of an insulated roof, full-fledged attics or attic spaces are constructed.

Slate, metal tiles or corrugated sheets are used to cover the outer surface of the roof. The latter material is the best option for roofing due to its low cost, lightness and strength. The only drawback of corrugated sheeting is the need for thorough sound insulation in order to protect the residents of the house from the noise of rain and similar sounds. Classic slate is expensive to operate and not an environmentally friendly material; in addition, it requires lengthy installation. Aesthetic durable metal tiles – good option to create a roof, but such material will require significant financial investments from the owners.

A simple roof design is the key to saving money on construction Source

Is it worth saving on a vapor-permeable membrane?

Many owners are thinking about reducing their construction budget. The desire to save money is reasonable, and the calculation is obvious: you can purchase middle-class materials, since a roof made of corrugated sheets, slate or metal tiles will reliably protect the interior space. The truth is that high-quality materials are the key to the reliability of the design, and the result of such a strategy is unplanned expenses.

For example, to ensure the economic benefits of using a high-quality membrane, it is enough to carry out comparative analysis using the example of a house with a classic pitched roof with an area of ​​150 m2. For such an area you will need 3 rolls of hydro-windproof membrane. Material cost from various manufacturers will be:

Tyvek® Soft,
DuPont™, Luxembourg
Izospan AM (“Gexa”),
Yutafol N110 (JUTA),
Czech Republic
Price/roll, per roll 7000 rub.,
75 m2
From 2700 rub.,
70 m2
From 7000 rub.,
75 m2
From 3800 rub., 75 m2
Total price 21000 rub. 10500 rub. From 21,000 rub. From 11,400 rub.


If we take into account only the financial side of the issue, then the choice is obvious. But the primary task of the diffusion membrane is to preserve the properties of the insulation and under-roof structures. Vapor permeability non-woven fabric(the ability to release steam in a timely manner) not only protects the underlying layers. It directly affects the likelihood that major repairs to the roof structure will have to be made within the first ten years.

Analysis of two tables shows that materials have different ratios price/permeability, respectively: 12-13.1-50.6-12.7. The lower the coefficient, the less likely it is to carry out major repairs in the first 5-10 years of roof operation (in the worst cases, the probability increases to 60-79%.).

Based on the totality of their characteristics, the highest quality products considered were Tyvek and Yutafol. In addition, Tyvek® membranes from DuPont, which meet all the requirements of SNIP and SP, are the only ones that have a manufacturer’s warranty for 10 years, which means they will not cause repairs during this period.


Dismantling the vapor barrier can be done in two ways. The first, most financially intensive, is replacement with outside roofing of the house (in fact, a complete overhaul); it includes:

    Removal of roofing. From 100 rub./m2 (depending on the material).

    Dismantling the insulation. From 45 rub./m2.

    Replacing a damaged membrane. From 50 rub./m2.

    Garbage removal. 1.5 t - from 2800 rub.

    Installation of new insulation. From 60 rub./m2.

    Installation of a new roofing material . Slate - from 180 rub./m2, soft tiles- from 380 rub./m2.

The cost of the work will be comparable to twice the cost of a new roof; in most cases it is easier to demolish the old one roofing pie, replacing the entire roof.

The cost of replacing the diffusion membrane using the second method, from inside the house, consists of the following operations:

    Removing the ceiling trim(attic, attic, etc.). Wallpaper, plaster - from 70 rub./m2.

    Dismantling of floors. From 450 rub./m2.

    Replacing the membrane itself. From 50 rub./m2.

    Garbage removal. From 360 rub./m3.

    Installation of new floors and partitions. From 270 rub./m2.

    Installation and finishing of new interior trim(ceiling repair). From 250 rub./m2.


This option is less expensive, but in this case the new membrane will not be installed using the same technology. Violation of SNIP and SP standards means incorrect operation, and, as a result, another repair ahead of schedule. As a result, short-term savings of a maximum of 10 thousand rubles. the difference in prices of different membranes will result in significant financial expenses and loss of time. Thus, the acquisition quality materials allows you not only to protect your home, but also to avoid unplanned expenses.

Construction of internal partitions

The construction of a budget home involves the use of thin plasterboard partitions, as well as soundproofing materials. Such walls are quickly installed, look aesthetically pleasing, but do not provide additional strength to the structure.

For owners of plots with silty soil near water bodies or in hilly areas, it is recommended to build internal load-bearing walls. Thus, the structure will be more stable and, when choosing a buried foundation, will not succumb to adverse influences (for example, soil displacement).

Internal partitions made of any materials can be easily strengthened using metal profiles installed in places with the greatest load on the walls.

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Experience shows that there are moments in the construction of a house where it is absolutely not worth saving, but there are nuances where you can not only save, but rationally spend the budget (which is a kind of reasonable saving).

Window options

The most budget-friendly and durable option is metal-plastic windows. Ready-made or made to order, such structures can be of any size and modification, are perfectly adapted to harsh climatic conditions, and look aesthetically pleasing. The main advantage of PVC windows is ease of installation and maintenance. Unlike expensive wooden windows, metal-plastic ones do not require periodic restoration and are less susceptible to moisture and temperature changes. Modern designs are equipped with several tilt-and-turn structures to provide ongoing ventilation.

Classic double-glazed windows in a country house - reliable and inexpensive Source

Will it be possible to save on utilities?

Contrary to popular belief, even the cheapest house functions well if its utilities work properly. On the other side, budget options installation of electrical and water supply networks lead to additional costs in the future. For example, cheap wires, as well as distribution boxes with poor insulation coating in a wooden house can lead to a fire and the need to restore the entire structure. Plumbing systems, installed without following the technology, can be destroyed under the influence of harsh weather conditions, which will affect not only the comfort of the owners, but also future repair costs.

Installation of utilities is the basis of a comfortable life in a country house, so the opportunity to save on this aspect should be confirmed by careful calculations. This stage of work should be entrusted only to professionals in order to avoid extra costs, as well as unpleasant situations during operation.

Interior decoration

A good way to save your budget is to choose a concise, simple interior decoration country house. A wide variety of finishing materials will allow you to equip cozy rooms With minimal costs. To save money, it is recommended to choose a laconic interior style and a minimum number of decorative elements.

A laconic interior means a minimum cost of finishing materials Source

Popular furniture from natural materials looks aesthetically pleasing, but will cost more composite materials and also requires careful care.

Tips for saving on building a house: what you can and cannot save on

When thinking about how to save on building a house, you should not forget about the guarantee of its quality. Professional supervision of a technical engineer over the construction process is a guarantee of compliance with the technology of all work, so you should not skimp on these procedures.

Attractive ready-made country house projects - beautiful picture, which can turn into impractical, expensive housing to operate. It is recommended to save on external decorative elements and order a house project with simple and clear architecture.

The foundation and communications are the “skeleton” of a durable home in which you will live comfortably, so it is worth spending the maximum amount of money on these aspects in order to use the services of professionals with many years of experience.

Finishing materials and additional lighting inside the house there are more decorative than functional elements. Therefore, it is possible to reduce costs to a minimum using the principle of sufficiency.

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Is it worth ordering technical supervision for construction? This question interests almost everyone who builds a house, makes repairs, etc. Today we will look at how to control construction company? What should you pay attention to? Where can I find independent technical supervision and what is the essence of this service? Let’s also consider how much technical supervision will cost you and what are the advantages of this service?


Construction of a country house for permanent residence involves a consistent, thoughtful approach to all aspects of construction. In general, the answer to the question of how to build a house inexpensively, and which house is cheaper to build, will be the competent allocation of the budget and the use of the services of professionals, where possible, to select materials and carry out work. We must always remember that illiterate savings here and now often manifest themselves in a negative way during the further use of the house.

Building a new home is never an easy task. Not many people can afford to build mansions without paying attention to the costs. And if the budget is limited, then you need to calculate everything in advance and find out what is cheaper to build a house from without losing quality. But despite a limited budget, you need to save wisely.

Preparing for work

Before starting construction, you need to choose a project. If the project contains complex architectural solutions, then construction will cost more. It is unwise to choose an expensive project and then try to cut costs on workers and low-quality materials.

It is better to decide in advance on the necessary housing, without depriving family members, but also without allowing excesses in the form of arches, columns, bay windows and other things.

By approaching construction in this way, you can build a comfortable, dry and inexpensive home.

You can significantly save money when building a foundation if you purchase lightweight building materials. Plus, you can make formwork from fiberboard.

The main thing you shouldn’t skimp on is cement. You need to buy a quality product, otherwise it threatens the safety of the entire house. You also need to dig a trench of appropriate depth so that the building does not settle.

The main materials used in construction: brick, gas block, timber.

Brick house

If the task is how to quickly build a house, then brick is not the case.

Brick is a traditional material for the construction of buildings. It can hardly be called cheap. But it has many other advantages: environmental friendliness, durability, reliability and fire resistance.

If a person has a plot of land and a building permit, then he can begin planning the project, but if he does not have a permit, he will have to obtain it from the district administration, and for this he needs to collect a whole package of documents.

Project planning

You can find it in hardware stores different types bricks, but the most popular are silicate and red clay. They have quite a lot of weight, so a solid foundation will need to be poured; a strip foundation is best.

You can’t start construction without thinking through all the stages in advance. Since this will be a residential building, it must be built either with one brick or one and a half, depending on whether there will be a second floor or not. If the house has only one floor, then you can save money by making partitions from plasterboard.

Markings on the ground

To avoid shortcomings during the construction process, it is important to mark the ground, corresponding to the house design. This is done in a similar way: take iron rods or pegs and drive them in around the perimeter where the corners will be. Then the ropes are pulled along all the pegs. This design will help guide you when preparing a trench for the foundation. The last stage All that remains is to dig the trench itself according to the landmarks. It will be difficult for one person to dig a trench, so you can call friends or family members.

Pouring the foundation

The foundation of the house should be 15 cm above ground level, so When pouring, you need to install formwork, which it is advisable to make from boards.

The foundation is poured in several stages:

  1. A “cushion” of crushed stone, sand or stones is placed at the bottom of the trench. The pillow is compacted.
  2. Then a frame of reinforcement is laid around the perimeter of the trench: the more massive the building, the more it needs to be laid.
  3. Filling. The most important stage, at which outside help is needed, one cannot cope with such work. The foundation must be poured in one go; if this is not done, cracks may form at the joint.


Before erecting walls, it is necessary to make a solution of sand and cement. How to do this correctly will be indicated on the cement packaging.

After preparing the solution, you can begin laying. The first thing you need to do is draw the corners. The first bricks must be laid as carefully as possible, because all subsequent masonry depends on them. It may seem like a simple matter, but it is difficult for inexperienced builders to build a wall. So you need to be patient.

The next step is to check the horizon level and pull the rope along the top brick. This must be done after each laid row of bricks.

After erecting the frame, you need to start building the roof. But it will be difficult to carry out such work on your own, so it is better to hire a team of professionals.

Frame housing

If a builder is puzzled by how to build a house cheaply, then help will come frame structure.

Frame housing has become increasingly popular lately. This is high-quality housing that can be built quickly and at minimal cost. The construction of such a house can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the number of workers and their experience.

Frame-panel construction

It's quite expensive and reliable option , requiring less effort. The factory produces panels of one-piece construction, which will then form the frame of the house. They are sold already insulated and ready for use.

Frame-panel option

If we compare this option with the frame-panel option, it will cost less. You can assemble a frame-panel structure with a little skill and tools yourself. The frame is made of wood and covered with sandwich panels.

Each structural detail is assembled separately, which affects the time and labor intensity of housing construction.

Advantages of frame houses:

  • Low cost. The construction of a frame house does not require a significant investment.
  • Construction time. The construction of such a house takes, on average, 1 month.
  • Service. A frame house does not require constant repairs and maintenance.
  • Shrinkage. When building a frame house, you don’t have to wait for it to settle down.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material. Since the material is made from wood, it is absolutely harmless to the human body.
  • Thermal conductivity. A frame house has low thermal conductivity, which means that it is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Disadvantages of a frame type house:

  • Flammability of the material. As you know, wood burns well, but this problem can be solved by using special compounds.
  • Experience required. To build such a house you need appropriate qualifications.

You can choose any foundation for a frame house - tiled, strip or columnar.

House frame:

  • Metal. Made from thermoprofile. The advantages include non-flammability, low weight and protection against corrosion; it is also not afraid of fungus and mold.
  • Wood. It can be processed special solutions, but still this does not guarantee complete protection from moisture and microorganisms. Its service life ranges from 55 to 60 years.

House made of gas blocks

A house made of aerated concrete blocks is an excellent alternative to brick housing. The material is known for its durability, reliability and thermal insulation qualities.

The technology of building a house is the same as that of a brick house. Building a house in general looks like this:

Timber - reliability and quality

Another increasingly popular material is timber. Housing made of timber can provide all the necessary conditions for comfortable living. This material is also inexpensive and very common.

The construction of such a house does not require special knowledge or special equipment. This allows even a novice builder to build a home from timber.

The timber structure is distinguished by its expressive appearance, which fits perfectly into the natural landscape. Depending on the material chosen, the cost may vary. But as a rule, a structure made of spruce with a thickness of 220 mm is chosen. Then it is insulated with 100 mm of material and finished with 20 mm of plaster.

Material advantages

The timber is durable and environmentally friendly pure material. The aroma of wood helps create a favorable microclimate in the house. Another advantage of the material is its practicality. It, unlike a log, has a rectangular shape, which greatly simplifies the process of building a house. The walls turn out smooth without any processing, which allows you to immediately proceed to finishing.

Disadvantages of timber

A house made of timber is a fire hazard. To reduce risks, wood is additionally treated with special compounds. But there are also strict requirements for heating system and to the wiring. They are needed in mandatory comply, otherwise you will not be able to register your home.

You should know before building a house that wood is subject to rotting processes. Insects and fungus can spoil the material. Therefore it is necessary to purchase special means to protect wood.

Housing made of timber can shrink, so when carrying out finishing work, the builder must have certain knowledge. Typically, shrinkage of a house occurs in the first couple of years of operation.

Price comparison

To find out how to build a house cheaply, you can compare prices per square meter, under standard conditions. They will be like this:

  • Frame house - 900 rubles.
  • Timber - 2 thousand rubles.
  • Gas blocks - 2200 rubles.
  • Brick - 2500 rubles.

Based on these figures, you can understand that a frame house will cost the least. But the final price will always depend on the specifics of the project.