Inexpensive but high quality house. What material can you build the cheapest house from? Foam concrete is the cheapest way to build a house

Individual construction has long gained a lot of fans not only outside our country, and a lot of experience in this area has been accumulated. New materials and technologies have appeared, many of which we openly “copy” from abroad. It is impossible to say that they are bad. But are they all suitable for our harsh climate? Let’s try to figure out what is best to build “budget” housing from and how you can save money wisely, without sacrificing quality.

Let's start with planning. All subsequent expenses depend on this. But first, it’s worth noting that there cannot be a single recommendation for choosing the cheapest materials for your home, and here’s why.

What is taken into account

  • The climate in the region and the location of the building on the ground. It depends on this how thick the walls should be and to what extent additional insulation is necessary.
  • Soil characteristics. They determine not only the method of waterproofing, primarily the recessed part of the house, but also the choice.

Consequently, a cheap building material that is ideal for one climate zone will be completely unsuitable for another. In addition, any product has its pros and cons. Therefore, you will have to choose which of its properties are most important for a particular home, and which can be neglected or minimized by carrying out a number of additional measures.

And one more the most important moment- any specialist will say that up to 40% of all costs fall on the construction of the foundation. And here we have to look best option its construction with the selection of cheaper materials.

For example, it will not be possible to lay brick walls on a foundation made of foam blocks - such a house will not last long. But since the costs for its lower part are the most significant, you need to focus on it first - here you can save a lot and build a house cheaper.

What determines the final cost of construction?

There is no point in being distracted by building materials such as, for example, polystyrene foam blocks. There are also recommendations for the construction of buildings, with a description of the many advantages of such construction.

You can, of course, build from them, but only a small one country house. It’s somehow impossible to take such advice seriously in relation to a full-fledged residential building. And it’s not worth it, because then there are unlikely to be buyers for such a building.

Let us consider the main, most used materials from the point of view of the feasibility of their use, as well as the specifics of the construction of the building and the features of such structures. Let us denote the final cost of the work (approximate), taking into account all additional measures (insulation, etc.) in rubles per 1 m² total area(without “finishing” finishing).



  • Insulation is minimal, since wood “holds” heat well.
  • Possibility of construction on “lightweight” types of foundations.
  • Excellent microclimate.
  • You can choose a cheap option for blanks (timber,).


  • Long-term shrinkage. You won’t be able to do the finishing touches and move in right away.
  • The need for regular caulking and material treatment (fire retardants, antiseptics).
  • It is difficult to build an entire house on your own. For fastening lower crown and for some other operations it is better to invite a specialist.
  • Wood is attacked by insects (wood borers) and is also susceptible to thermal effects.

Construction cost (from pine):

  • timber - from 11,800 rub/m2; glued – from 33,000 rub/m2 ();
  • log (rounded) – from 15,400 rubles/m².



  • As interfloor ceilings You can use reinforced concrete slabs.
  • Strength.
  • Unlike wood, it is not subject to rotting.


  • High-quality insulation is required.
  • A “powerful” foundation is required.
  • Long construction times.
  • Few people can make high-quality masonry on their own - they will have to pay specialists.

The cost of construction is from 21,500 rubles/m².

Cellular concrete

This includes gas and foam blocks (read more about the construction of such a house)


  • Warmer than brick. You can do without thermal insulation, but the walls must be thicker.
  • They don't rot.
  • Short construction time.
  • Lightweight foundation.
  • The ability to do without hired workers, since installation is quite simple.


  • Waterproofing must be of high quality, especially for aerated concrete.
  • Limitation in the possible number of storeys of the building due to the insufficient strength of such walls.
  • Features of installation (compliance with the methodology for arranging joints of products and reinforcing the structure).
  • The complexity of finishing, especially for foam concrete due to its fragility.

The cost of construction is from 15,500 rubles/m².

Frame houses


  • The ability to do everything yourself. But to install panel structures you will need a crane.
  • Foundation of any type, lightweight.
  • The house “breathes”.
  • Construction ends in a short time.


Just like wood, because it is from such building materials that the frame is constructed.

The cost of construction is from 11,000 rubles/m².

Prices are conditional, since much depends on the cost of the selected finishing materials. By the way, very often thoughtless savings on them lead to the fact that the home turns out to be insufficiently warm, damp, and it has to be heated more intensively. And this entails an increase in costs. Why?

Firstly, directly – energy consumption increases, and as a result, utility bills increase.

Secondly, indirectly, the time between repairs for such a building is significantly reduced, since due to poor waterproofing and insulation, any thing deteriorates faster. And any reconstruction (repair) is not a cheap undertaking. And “heating” equipment wears out more intensively, which also requires the investment of material resources for its repair.

  • When planning the construction of a house, you need to focus, first of all, on such criteria as convenience, sufficient free space and durability. There is no point in doing construction if you have to live in cramped quarters and change your lifestyle in order to meet the budget.
  • Significant savings can be achieved if you do some (if not all) of the work yourself. Payment for the services of hired workers is comparable to the cost of materials.
  • It is much more profitable to purchase the latter yourself, rather than entrust it to the masters. And all at once (if possible) in one “point”. In such cases, Sellers make quite significant discounts (considered as a large “wholesale”). In addition, in winter prices are much lower, so purchases should be made in advance.
  • If you really had to hire craftsmen, then it is better to negotiate with them not in words, but on “paper”, in the form of an Agreement. If they are “universal”, that is, they do all types of work, then a separate document is required for each (foundation, walls, roofing, finishing). This will allow (if they work poorly) to refuse their services at any stage, and to recover through the court -.
  • In principle, when outsiders work, they should feel constant control from the owner, preferably daily. Most of the “hackwork” is done in the process of so-called “hidden” work. For example, waterproofing, foundation insulation, screed installation. Such shortcomings, or even outright defects, will appear only after some time, but it will be too late!
  • If you plan to have any utility rooms in the house, unheated premises(extensions), then it is better to place them around the perimeter. This will significantly reduce heat loss from residential and internal rooms.
  • Quantity and sizes window openings should be optimal. It is through them that the most heat “leaves” from the house. The criterion is this: the total area of ​​all windows in the room should not exceed 1/8 of the floor.

The construction of a capital building requires considerable financial investment. Money issue pushes many developers to look for alternative solutions on how to inexpensively build a house with their own hands, but at the same time ensure its strength, reliability and thermal efficiency. Do you doubt that this option is possible?

We will tell you what rules should be followed when designing, which foundation and wall material is better to give preference, and also describe the optimal solutions for arranging the roof. The presented material will help reduce construction costs without losing quality.

Ways to reduce the cost of construction - project development

Simplicity of design- one of the main conditions that must be met in order to build a house cheaply and quickly. There is no point in taking on an architecturally complex multi-storey mansion with a limited budget and the desire to do most of the work yourself.

The project must be initially affordable. Economical layouts are characterized by:

  1. One floor. With this option, you won’t have to spend money on installing expensive floors or staircases.
  2. Compact structure. It is quite enough to provide 11 sq. m for each household plus the area of ​​bathrooms, corridors, common rooms.
  3. Simple form. Optimal solutionrectangular building without bay windows, projections. The width of the house of 6 m will allow the installation of floor slabs without erecting an additional load-bearing wall.
  4. Typical gable roof. From complex multi-slope structures and roofs with round skylights will have to refuse.
  5. Smart planning. You should not place bathrooms at different ends of the house, so as not to spend money on laying pipes later. The absence of differences in floor heights, non-functional niches, as well as the even geometry of the walls will give up to 20% savings.

If you want to build a house with your own hands inexpensively, it is better to abandon the basement. Activities for digging, pouring, waterproofing and finishing such a room will add about 20% to the estimate.

Choosing a budget foundation

The average cost of foundation construction is 20-30% of construction cost. You cannot save on the foundation, but knowing the characteristics of the soil on the site, you can choose the most rational decision.

Accurately determine soil characteristics, freezing depth and level groundwater(UGV) can only be done by specialists who have carried out engineering and geological surveys.

To build a house inexpensively, you can use the following foundation options:

  1. Columnar. Can be used concrete pillars or build supports yourself from brick, foundation or rubble blocks. This base is suitable for houses with light walls – wooden or frame buildings. Columnar foundation cannot be erected on weak-bearing soils (clayey, peat), on sites with a significant difference in elevation and high groundwater level.
  2. Shallow tape. Instead of the standard depth of 1.5-1.8 m the foundation is laid 0.5-0.7 m underground. Suitable for most soil types, except excessively heaving ones.
  3. Pile. Such a foundation is 40% cheaper than a slab or traditional strip foundation. Major savings are achieved due to the lack of large volume earthworks , the need to attract expensive equipment. It can be used in difficult conditions– in the coastal strip, on a slope. Pile-screw foundation will withstand frame, wood, brick and block buildings. In the last two cases, installation will be required monolithic slabs on stilts.

What material is cheaper to build a house from?

In the matter of choosing building materials for the construction of a box, it is not enough to evaluate the financial side - it is imperative compare the construction budget with the characteristics of the future home.

Aerated concrete blocks

When thinking about how to build a house inexpensively, you should take a closer look at block materials. Houses made of gas block and foam block not inferior in strength brick buildings.

Additional advantages include:

  • breathability of the material - a favorable microclimate is formed in the room;
  • construction speed;
  • good sound insulation;
  • no shrinkage;
  • light weight and the ability to use a lightweight foundation;
  • environmental friendliness.

The downside of blocks is porosity and hygroscopicity. Walls require high-quality waterproofing to avoid excessive humidity in the room and damage to building materials.

Frame technology

One of advanced technologies how to build a house cheaply. There are two possible construction methods:

  1. Frame-panel technology. Great solution For self-construction Houses. First, a wooden frame is built, and then it is covered with thermal insulation panels.
  2. Frame-panel method. The house is being assembled as a designer from ready-made insulated panels.

To build frame house inexpensive,It’s better to use the first option - it’s quite possible to do the assembly, cladding, thermal insulation and finishing yourself.

Advantages of frame technology:

  • efficiency;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • no shrinkage;
  • construction speed;
  • ease of construction.

The disadvantages include:

  • need for processing wooden elements means fire and biological protection;
  • during construction, it is better to enlist the support of an experienced craftsman;
  • The tightness of the building disrupts natural air exchange - forced ventilation is required.

Timber buildings

To build is often chosen. The material consists of dried and glued beams.

Advantages of houses made of timber:

  • efficiency;
  • speed of construction;
  • ease of processing building materials;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • ease of construction;
  • comfortable microclimate.
  • susceptibility to fire;
  • sensitivity to moisture - walls need periodic treatment with antiseptic compounds.

Alternative materials

Except traditional technologies some craftsmen have adapted to using cheap building materials.

Interesting options:

  1. The walls are made of straw with clay coating. The house demonstrates excellent thermal insulation, but over time requires repairs due to damage to walls by pests– rodents can live in the thickness of the wall.
  2. Sawdust concrete or wood concrete. Material hygroscopic Therefore, they try to build the house as quickly as possible and protect the walls with a waterproofing barrier.
  3. Corwood. The box is built from dry logs - they are laid across the wall for clay mortar. To prevent the ends of the wood from deteriorating from moisture, they are treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Backfilling with expanded clay or sawdust. Built on a frame permanent formwork from boards, and then covered with insulation.

The main advantage of the above technologies is the cost-effectiveness of construction. But such houses cannot boast of durability and visual appeal.

Budget options for arranging a roof

The optimal solution is a gable roof without decorative elements and wide gables. The roof must be insulated - this will reduce heating costs in winter period.

Available roofing materials:

  1. Ruberoid. The cheapest and easiest to install material. However, it has a number of disadvantages: short service life, poor defense roofing pie , unattractiveness.
  2. Slate. The material is weather resistant and affordable. Cons: heavy weight, fragility, difficulty of installation, toxicity.
  3. Profiled sheeting. Budget solution with good performance characteristics. Disadvantages: need to comply installation technology, careful sealing of joints, noisy when it rains, danger of injury during installation.

The prototype of corrugated sheeting and tiles is metal tiles. The characteristics of the material are similar to profiled sheets, but purchasing them will cost more. Advantage – beautiful appearance finished roof.

There are quite a lot of solutions on how to build a house cheaply and quickly yourself. However, in any case, before starting construction of housing, it is necessary to draw up detailed plan, take into account natural features region, calculate the consumption of materials and think through. The project of a private house requires prior approval from the relevant authorities.

Typically, the category of economy-class housing includes houses that have a minimum cost per square meter and an insignificant living space. Often such houses are considered as holiday homes, weekend homes or second homes. The project of such housing is in demand by young families and people with low incomes who want to improve their housing opportunities.

Layout of two floors of a small two-story summer house economy class

These include cottages that are located on relatively small area, most often either . They allow maximum use of available land.

Despite the apparent simplicity caused by physical limitations, good project economy class houses are very difficult task. Achieving a balance between conflicting requirements in conditions of extremely limited space reserves requires the highest qualifications of the architect and extensive experience.

Ready project small house with attic

However, not always budget house is synonymous with small. Some technological solutions and techniques can significantly reduce construction costs while remaining within a fairly large area.

Such solutions include the installation of screw and bored foundations, the installation of frame, log or block wall fences and partitions. Thus, economy class houses made of different materials and different technologies, can be in one price category, but differ significantly in living space.

Zoning of premises

All houses consist of premises for various purposes. implies a functional combination of areas with common features. For example, the entrance node, corridor and kitchen-dining room are considered “noisy” spaces with shared access.

Zoning plan for premises in the house

And the bedrooms and office belong to “quiet” recreation areas. Correct zoning is the most important reserve, especially relevant when there is a shortage of space. The chaotic placement of premises, due to a subjective opinion of expediency, increases the area required to move between zones.

The passage to the bedroom through the kitchen-dining room significantly reduces the area common room, it is required to maintain the required passage.

Access to office premises through the daytime zone of residents, leads to the same result. As a result, the limited area of ​​the common room turns into an intersection between service and sleeping areas and loses the ability to be used for its intended purpose.

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Project and layout wooden house 10x13

Correct zoning means that in each functional area can be accessed through a common node that does not interfere with the planned functioning of the premises.
When choosing or ordering a project for a future home, you should be extremely careful about understanding these features.

Combination of functions

An economy-class house is demanding not only in terms of zoning, but also in terms of combining or functionally combining general purpose premises. For example, a children's room can be divided into a sleeping area and a play area. To do this, it is not necessary to break up the room with a wall. The same result can be achieved correct configuration, placement of furniture or installation of sliding fences.

In a similar way, you can combine a bedroom and an office or a workplace, a bathroom and a boudoir.

An example of a room layout with a combination of functions

The corridor or hall combines well with the dressing room, which allows you to rid other rooms of built-in or floor cabinets and shelves.

It has already become commonplace for architects and their clients. Indeed, this is a very convenient and rational solution that allows you to avoid creating a corridor between rooms, inexpensively save the space required to open the door, and obtain a relatively large space even in small apartment. The layout of houses in an economical niche with such a solution can only be welcomed, since it facilitates the organization of movement in the apartment and creates a dominant feature that connects all other rooms.

Reducing non-functional area

Corridors and passages are the least functional areas in the home. The longer they are, the more space lost. Any dead-end corridors that end at one or two doors should be considered downright wasteful. When developing or choosing a project, you need to pay attention to this.

A properly organized unit in front of the entrances to the rooms should provide an area spacious enough so as not to create interference when the doors are opened at the same time. Despite its large width, such a site will take up less space than the corridor and will perform its functions better.

Interior of a small studio house

Sometimes it is more profitable, on the contrary, to increase the width of the passage, arrange a closet in it or install shelves for temporary storage of things.

Read also

Original layout of a small two-story house

What rooms should be in such a house?

What should be provided in such a house? First of all, of course, minimum required premises - kitchen or kitchen-dining room, bedrooms, bathroom, bath. If not available central heating It is necessary to provide for the placement of a boiler room in the house or attached room. Auxiliary premises are placed and planned at will - these include a dressing room, pantry and others.

Example of a small layout one-story house economy class size 6x6

Since the area of ​​an economy class house usually does not exceed 150 square meters. m., then the arrangement of rooms and zoning must be approached especially carefully. It is possible to provide either a basement floor, where utility rooms and a boiler room can be located, or a basement floor. On the ground floor, as a rule, there is an entrance hall, a kitchen or kitchen-dining room, a living room, and a bathroom with a bathtub.

One or two floors

When choosing, you need to decide which option is preferable. Two-story house, at first glance seems more profitable than a one-story one. It has a smaller building area and lower costs for foundations and roofing.

In fact, this is not always the case. A two-story house will require a staircase to move between floors. At limited area ground floor, this causes critical degradation of planning solutions.

Example functional layout one-story country house

The total area of ​​the entrance node, staircase, minimum set of utility and hygienic premises, together with the necessary corridors and passages, will be almost equal area floors. Most likely, in an economy-class house, the first floor will be completely unsuitable for long-term stay.

Typically, designers try to reduce the width stair steps, increase their height, abandon the platforms and give the stairs the steepest possible angle. This is a very bad solution, or rather, its imitation. Living with such a staircase will be painfully inconvenient. Difficult to use. As a result, the relatively large free area of ​​the second floor will not be in demand, and on the first floor there will be constant hustle and bustle.

Interested in which house is cheaper to build? large number task owners, since everyone is interested in saving cash. It is worth considering that buildings of the same size can be erected at completely different costs. The cost factor is influenced by a large number of indicators. For example, building a house can be done cheaply by correct calculation own strengths, knowledge, energy and talents. In our article we will look at the most basic options, what is best to build a house from and how, so that the price is minimal.

Ways to save

The first option, which will help you save money, concerns the features of the selected project. Such a plan must be calculated rationally and practically. In this case, remember that it is important for architects to submit the scheme to you beautiful packaging, but will not reduce your costs in any way. In most cases, specialists offer beautiful large buildings with bright facades, and many are fascinated by the design picture. But our task is to build a house cheaper.

You can build an inexpensive house by adhering to the following requirements, namely buildings with one floor, a gable roof, floors on the ground and on a shallow foundation. Optimal indicator area should not exceed 120 sq. m. You can eliminate the installation of internal load-bearing walls and attic covering. A high-quality and economic object should not be like this:

Today there are such inexpensive project plans:

  • You can make a plan rectangular shape with a gable roof;
  • Build a one-story building without expensive floors, a large number of windows and stairs. This scheme will save a lot of money.
  • Construction can be done without a basement or basement; this rule saves on average about 30% of costs.
  • The price can be reduced by laying a shallow recessed base with a plinth and floor covering by soil.
  • You can eliminate the creation of unusual and original elements on the facade, for example, arches, bay windows, columns.
  • To reduce roof installation costs by 40%, you can create two or five slopes.
  • Finish walls using the simplest methods.
  • Plastering the facade should be done with a mixture of cement and lime.

Attention! Take the time to choose a project that will help you save on construction work.

This is not the only way reduce construction costs. You can save at all stages, for example you can do the following:

  • Use traditional wall decoration, which is easier to do, so you can do the work yourself.
  • What material should the building be made of? The total price of the entire building will depend on your choice. In order to further reduce costs, you should make the purchase yourself, without the help of intermediaries.
  • You can also not use the services of construction companies, but carry out the construction yourself.

Features of materials

According to SNiP the owner construction project is obliged to perform correct calculations and optimize the shell of the house regarding the payback of thermal insulation products. One building may have different structural elements, so the cost is calculated per cubic meter. The next step is to calculate the heating consumption. It is worth noting that every detail pays off in different quantities time, so they need to be approached individually.

Attention! Each region of the country has its own payback period for construction projects.

Practice many years showed that for harsh climatic zones, you will spend more economically on high-quality insulation, which will reduce heating costs in the winter. For example, you can create walls in two layers with an inexpensive thin load-bearing layer. Thus, the masonry can have a thickness of 25 cm, and the insulation can be up to 30 cm. For harsh conditions, it is more profitable to use energy-saving material, for example, aerated concrete, polystyrene foam, gas silicate.

A square meter of frame wall contains the highest quantity effective insulation. This design pays for itself the fastest, as it requires little investment. construction process. Buildings with a frame are optimally erected in moderate climatic zone, since the savings will be rational.

For mild climates, building a house is the cheapest. In this situation, you can build houses with one layer of lightweight concrete walls. It is worth noting that you can do without additional thermal insulation, since it is not necessary. Next, let's clarify the construction options and determine what is cheaper to build from.

Making walls from bricks

This masonry has proven itself to be the most effective in terms of price and costs physical strength. This design is most often created from ceramic bricks, for example brand M 100. It is worth noting that this is the cheapest option for brick buildings. So for 1 sq. m. requires the following amount of tools:

  • Bricks, 20 pcs., will cost you less than 2 thousand rubles.
  • 26 liters of solution – approximately 60 rubles;
  • A reinforced concrete support belt costs about 200 rubles;
  • The cheapest plaster can be bought for 200 rubles.

That is, to build a cubic meter of brick wall you will spend an average of 2,300 rubles. Of course, this amount may vary depending on the pricing policy of the store where you will buy the materials.

Aerated concrete walls

The most optimal replacement brickwork can be considered blocks of aerated concrete. This technology helps achieve the following indicators:

  • Reduce overall weight;
  • Ensure low heat conductivity;
  • Increases the level of noise insulation.

Such a small load on the base reduces construction costs. In order for the built house to be cheap, it is best to use D500 blocks, 40 cm thick. The rationality of such material can be confirmed by the following calculation data per 1 sq. m.:

  • 7 block cubes will cost you 1100 rubles;
  • Special masonry adhesive weighing 10 kg – 85 rubles;
  • A reinforced concrete mesh costs about 200 rubles;
  • Cube support belt. m. - approximately 200 rubles;
  • Columns of the monolith frame – 150 rubles;
  • Plastering agent – ​​280 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that a cubic meter will cost you approximately 1,700 rubles. As you can see, the price is relatively the same as the previous option. But, in this situation, the process requires a sufficient amount of physical effort, so you will have to spend money on hired workers, and the cost will increase by 1,500 rubles.

Timber walls

This type of structure is made from natural ingredients who betray the material best indicator ability to conserve heat. Now we will try to find out which house is the cheapest to build. So one more economical option- this is a building made of 20 cm timber, with 10 cm insulation and 2 cm plaster. To create such a square meter you need to spend the following:

  • Basic material - approximately 1500 rubles;
  • Insulating wool or means for pair insulation – 400 rubles;
  • Plastering agent consumption is approximately 70 rubles.

Such square meter costs approximately 1,900 rubles, and on average you need to pay 1,800 rubles for its implementation. It is worth noting that such construction is optimally used for the construction of a small country or mountain house.

Frame type of construction

How to build a house using this method must be done with wooden frame, thermal insulation and softboard, that is, sheathing. In order to build frame structure better with a dry block. Such a square meter will cost the following:

  • Material consumption per 1 sq. m. – 400 rub.;
  • Thermal insulation agent – ​​270 RUR;
  • The cladding will cost about 300 rubles.

That is, this type of construction does not exceed the cost per square meter of 1000 rubles.

Having examined the results of the calculations, we can say with confidence that timber beams are the most expensive method of construction. So, what to build a house from? If you want to keep your budget as tight as possible, then choose frame type buildings. However, this does not mean that timber construction is now the most expensive, since the price can be changed by different indicators. The pricing policy for all types of buildings is approximately in the same range; the savings mainly lie in labor services.

As you know, building an individual residential building requires a huge amount of effort, time and money. The process is quite lengthy and involves constant financial costs for the purchase of a construction project, materials, rental of machinery, labor costs for the team and foreman. All this can make a significant hole in the family budget. This state of affairs often stops customers from implementing the construction idea, because no one wants to overpay. Therefore, future owners are looking for opportunities to realize their dream without being left in huge debts. Some decide to carry out construction on their own. In this situation, developers are not insured against loss of quality of the house or violation of construction technology, because they cannot take into account all the nuances.

Other developers are building large houses of complex architecture with expensive finishes. At the same time, they save on materials, workers, and supervision. But all these actions are as illogical as purchasing a Rolls-Royce on credit and servicing it in your neighbor’s garage.

In this article, we have collected the most effective ways to save money when building houses that do not affect the quality of the final product, which will help both categories of individual developers save significantly on construction. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Stage one: land for construction

Plots of irregular shape, relief, located near ravines are cheaper, and thus attract the attention of inexperienced developers. Please take into account that, as a rule, only non-standard house designs are suitable for such areas, the development of which is much more expensive standard project cottage

  • give preference to the even, regular shape of the site;
  • and also, purchase a plot of the required area without overpaying for hundreds of dollars for future use;
  • make sure there are communications.

It is forbidden:

  • plan a purchase in winter time, because snow hides many surface imperfections;
  • purchase land with an existing foundation, since it can be built without following technology and is not designed for the required load. Its dismantling will require significant financial resources.

Stage two: a successful project is the key to success

Before starting construction, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. Need to calculate usable area cottage and not plan a house of impressive size, because the construction of additional squares will require a considerable amount.

  • Determine the purpose of housing: seasonal or permanent;
  • Consider the quantity and necessity of each room, its reasonable area.
  • Look for a suitable project among ready-made ones, because it is more profitable than creating it from scratch according to individual wishes.
  • Give preference standard solutions, which, in addition to being cheaper, are also time-tested, tested by operation, and do not contain errors or violations of construction technology.

Not worth it:

  • Select a house project that does not fully meet the required purpose and has few functional premises.
  • Select projects with a complex cascade roof for use. Simplifying the design to a classic one gable roof You can reduce the cost of roofing work by up to two times.

By giving up a couple of dozen square meters and architectural excesses, you can significantly reduce the cost of building a house.


Stage three: a solid foundation is the basis for peace of mind

The foundation is, of course, the most important part of the structure of the cottage, and it must be reliable. But taking large reserves of thickness and strength is not effective. It is worth considering a middle ground.

  • Conduct geological surveys in the spring;
  • Based on the data obtained, find out what type foundation will do for a given type of soil and load.
  • The optimal solution for the main types of soil would be to install a strip foundation and avoid basements.

Not worth it:

implement the idea of ​​burying the base into the ground and constructing a basement. This will save money on foundation materials, drainage construction, and heating the basement.

Thus, preliminary soil studies and a well-calculated foundation can provide up to 20% savings on the cost of its construction.

Stage four: bargain purchases

A considerable part of the benefits can be obtained by purchasing the materials specified in the specifications for promotions, preferably in the off-season. It would be best to purchase everything from one supplier, because by placing a bulk order you can count on a discount and save on delivery.


  • Replace the main material of the box construction. So blocks made of foam and aerated concrete will be much cheaper than brick or timber. Projects of houses made of foam blocks can be found in our catalog. It is important to provide reliable waterproofing, since porous lightweight block materials have increased hygroscopicity.
  • Provide for the construction of partitions from blocks, regardless of the material of the external walls, and the laying of wooden interfloor ceilings instead of reinforced concrete ones.

It is forbidden:

  • When replacing materials from the project specification with more economical ones, it is not recommended to choose cheap varieties of the same material. By holding back funds for good quality aerated concrete from a trusted manufacturer, you can significantly lose in the reliability of the entire structure. Projects of houses made of aerated concrete are designed for materials that have the best quality and technical indicators.

Stage five: planning delivery

As a rule, the cost of delivery of materials is up to 20% of the price of the order itself. You can save on such a significant issue by following these recommendations:

  • Choose a supplier located at a minimum distance from the construction site, avoiding manufacturers operating in another region.
  • Try to plan purchases by ordering goods in large quantities in order to completely fill the volume of transport provided for delivery. This will reduce the number of trips and reduce costs.

Stage six: select a contractor

Professional builders and people with experience can build a house on their own. great experience in this matter. In all other cases, it is better to entrust this work to hired professionals.


  • Choose a company that provides a full range of services: will provide a choice of projects economical houses, will carry out the necessary surveys, carry out a complex of construction and installation works from laying out the axes of the building to erecting the roof. This will help avoid defects and rework, and if they occur, it will speed up the process. In addition, ordering large volumes from the company provides for bonuses and discounts.
It is forbidden:
  • Hire different foremen for each type of construction and installation work. This will increase the risk of defects and allow employees to avoid liability.

Stage seven: ready-made standard units

When implementing projects of economy class houses, preference should be given to the installation of ready-made standard structures. Welding, assembly and production of components at construction site– this is a considerable labor effort that requires additional money.


  • For low-rise buildings, it is more profitable to make the roof structure from factory-made trusses than to assemble a conventional truss frame on site. In this case, customers will receive the following significant benefits:

1. Low need for materials, because it costs almost twice as much to make trusses less materials than for the production of a traditional attic-rafter system. Hence the more favorable cost of farms due to its low material consumption.

2. Reduced installation time for trusses, taking from two to three days. The result is savings on workers' wages.

3.Quality ready farm, produced at the enterprise, does not require modifications and immediately goes into installation. At the same time, the manufacturer guarantees its reliability with quality certificates.

4. The ability to implement floors with a span of up to 12 meters, which is technologically impossible to implement using a rafter system.

If possible not worth it:

  • trust the assembly typical units workers on site, it will cost more, moreover, they will not be able to guarantee the required quality of construction and will not provide a guarantee for the work performed.

Stage eight method: savings in operation

When choosing designs for inexpensive houses, it is important to consider their cost-effectiveness in future use, because the characteristics of our climate zone include severe winters and hot summers, and therefore expensive heating and the need for air conditioning.


  • Carefully select a project that involves effective system heating and energy saving technologies.
  • Choose the right thickness of insulation for external walls, taking into account the characteristics of the climate zone, so that the house is warmer in winter.
  • Install the following methods in your home to reduce energy consumption in your home:

1.Systems automatic regulation heating systems in the house, which, in order to maintain the specified parameters, choose methods of regulating operation.

2. Selection of efficient boiler equipment with the highest possible efficiency. Combination of heating and hot water supply circuits in one boiler.

3.Ways to save energy: a system for controlling the switching off of lighting devices based on signals from presence or motion sensors, as well as the use of energy-saving light bulbs.

The costs of installing such energy saving systems are fully recouped over time of their use.

It is forbidden:

  • Let this issue take its course, since an incorrectly chosen heating system can become a big cost item.
  • Completely trust your home modern technology“zero house”, a house that receives heat from natural sources: wind, sun, people in the room and household appliances. In our climatic conditions, such a zero-emission house will still be a little cold in winter; it will have to be supported by a traditional heating system.

Stage nine: saving time

The construction process is associated with the costs of paying workers and renting machinery. Increasing the lead time for work entails unjustified costs.


  • Draw up a schedule for completing construction and installation work and strictly adhere to it.

It is forbidden:

  • Allow delays in the supply of materials and downtime of the construction team. This entails additional cash expenses.

Stage ten: choosing the environment

As a rule, choosing equipment, furniture and interior items for the home is an expensive task associated with large financial investments and a significant investment of time. Not everyone enjoys spending hours shopping.


  • Use specialized online stores to order all the necessary furnishings for your home. This will help you save time and also buy goods at a reduced cost, since the seller does not include the cost of renting a showroom and paying for consultants in their price.

It is forbidden:

  • Order goods on the sites of little-known online stores. You should use only trusted sources that can issue all the necessary documents and the manufacturer’s warranty for the product.

Having considered the above methods of saving money, we can conclude that making your dream of construction come true own home actually real. If you build a house according to all the rules of economy - build it on a flat, clean plot according to a competent economical design with an adapted foundation, with the provided energy efficient systems in it, under the leadership of one foreman for the entire construction cycle; You can get a good quality home and considerable benefits by saving money!