Methods of warming the house with ecowool and their characteristics. Ecowool insulation - blowing and application methods, video Installation technology

When building a private house, its owner must decide on the heat-insulating material used and the technology of work to protect the premises from the cold. At present, customers are offered a variety of heat insulating materials, which differ in their characteristics and cost. In this article we will tell you about such a popular thermal insulation material today as ecowool.

common data

Ecowool is an environmentally friendly natural insulation from cellulose. This material has excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics. Ecowool:

  • durable;
  • economical;
  • biostable;
  • fireproof.

The production of heat-insulating material is carried out from natural components that are completely safe for humans.

Ecowool is based on recycled newsprint. When recycled, paper turns into an elastic, lightweight fiber. gray color. Due to special additives, excellent antiseptic and fire-fighting properties are provided.

The material, during operation, does not emit any odors and harmful substances. The unique structure of the fibers, even when compressed, allows ventilation of the room without cooling the air. This guarantees always fresh and fresh air inside wooden house.

Currently, there are several varieties of this insulation, which can be mounted using special devices or fall asleep in cracks and voids. This allows for excellent thermal insulation performance.

It is possible to use ecowool to insulate structures that have complex geometric shapes with closed niches and cavities. In the latter case, you need to special box, inside which the laying of heat-insulating material is made. After the ecowool hardens, the protective structure can be dismantled, and the compacted heat insulator is covered with plaster and primer on top.

Material Specifications

Before proceeding directly to the choice of this heat-insulating material and working with it, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the insulation. This will allow you to compare it with other thermal insulation materials and make the right choice of one or another type of ecowool.
First of all, you must take into account the fact that the thermal conductivity depends on the installation method. The wet method allows you to get improved indicators of the heat protection of the room than with dry backfill.

There are several classes of ecowool depending on the flammability indicators. We recommend using insulation with class B2, which has average smoke generation and flammability.
The service life is about 75 years. We also note the excellent indicators of frost resistance and the complete absence of shrinkage. Ecowool is vapor-tight, which saves the room from the formation of condensate.

Benefits of using material

One of the advantages of thermal insulation with ecowool is the affordable cost. This is facilitated by the use of secondary raw materials in the production cycle. In combination with excellent thermal insulation performance, significant savings are visible.

Long service life allows you to completely solve the problem of room insulation. Actual term operation of the heat insulator corresponds to the operational life of the building itself.

The material has excellent soundproofing effect. This will be appreciated by homeowners who are bothered by street noise.

Due to the presence of boric acid, ecowool is completely resistant to mold and prevents the development of fungi on the surface of the material. The presence in the composition of the drill, increases resistance to high temperatures.

As a rule, this material is used to work with walls and floors. AT individual cases insulate the ecowool ceiling. What is relevant for attic floors when the living room is located directly under the roof.

One of the advantages of using ecowool is the excellent cost-effectiveness of the material. When working with a heater, there are practically no unnecessary scraps and residues. This fact makes it possible to reduce the cost of repair work in the house.

Note the versatility of the heat-insulating material. With equal success it is possible to use this heater for work:

  • with the walls of the house;
  • with basement;
  • attic;
  • attic.

No complex preparatory work is required, which saves the homeowner from extra spending. Warming frame house ecowool can be carried out according to a simplified technology of work.

Among the shortcomings in the use of ecowool as a heater, we can only single out the need to use special equipment when performing installation work. This somewhat limits the possibility of self-assembly.

Installation technology

Installation of a heater both outside, so from within is possible. The most popular today is internal insulation houses with ecowool, followed by wall decoration.

The installation technology of ecowool depends on its variety. It is possible to insulate by spraying the material in dry and wet form. The choice of this or that technology of work depends on the type of insulation and the material from which the walls of the house are built.

Wet application of insulation is used for both internal and external works. When wet method application, the material is diluted with glue and water. Then, using spray equipment, under high pressure mass is sprayed onto the wall.

One of the advantages of this method is the high speed. Literally 10-12 hours after the installation work, you can proceed to further finishing the room.

Properly laid heat insulator is characterized by increased strength to deformation and durability. After the insulation has cooled, excess material is removed, for which an electric scraper is used. The use of such a scraper allows you to provide ideal flat surface. Subsequently, finishing decorative compositions or materials.

If it is necessary to carry out internal thermal insulation use the dry method, which is simple and economical material. AT this case manually or with special tools the cavity is filled with ecowool granules. It is necessary to mount a special box that is attached to the wall surface. Inside it, as in the formwork, material is laid. There are no difficulties with the performance of this work, so we can easily carry out self-insulation ecowool walls.

Self-insulation with ecowool

We will immediately stipulate that it is somewhat difficult to insulate a house with ecowool with your own hands. Complicating the process is the obligatory availability of special equipment. It is economically expedient to independently perform ecowool insulation of small rooms. To make this work you will need:

  • drill;
  • nozzle mixer;
  • capacity of 20-40 liters.

The pressed ecowool is realized. Therefore, before proceeding with the installation, you need to loosen the material:

  • we place the material in a bucket for mixing or, in the appropriate dimensions, a box;
  • loosening the composition is carried out with a mixer or electric mixer;
  • the volume of the material is tripled.

After the procedure, the product is completely ready for use. It can be applied to insulated surfaces. It should be remembered that the required density in this case is about 70 kg/m3.

It is somewhat easier to insulate the floor with ecowool. The material is placed on rough screed and then compacted with the help of improvised tools.

This work must begin from the far corner of the room, gradually moving towards the exit. After 12-24 hours, the insulation hardens and you can proceed to continue repair work with the floor.

Features of insulation with ecowool wooden houses

The considered type of insulation found wide application during construction wooden houses. The material is completely environmentally friendly. Due to its unique ability to breathe, ecowool allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate inside a wooden house.

As mentioned above, installation of ecowool is possible on various coatings, including on wooden base. At the same time, experts recommend pre-coating wooden surfaces primer. This will improve the adhesion between the wood and the insulation.

Subject to all the technology of work, the insulation of a wooden house with ecowool will allow you to get warm and cozy house. It is necessary to take into account the fact that when applying ecowool to rounded and glued beams, the consumption of insulation will be different. Ecowool is applied to a perfectly flat surface of glued timber and easily rammed to the required density.

Warming a house from a timber with ecowool implies a greater consumption of material. In some cases, an increase in material consumption can be 15-20%.

After application and tamping, it is necessary to wait for its complete solidification. Only after that you can proceed to the final stage of work on leveling the coating. From above, the insulation is covered with special kraft paper. You can use such wrapping paper for dry and wet insulation.

From above, a layer of sulfate cellulose, which is the croft base, is plastered. Finishing is mounted directly on the plaster decorative coating. Insulation of the attic with ecowool is carried out using a similar technology.

At first glance, it may seem that there is no difficulty in working with ecowool when insulating a private wooden house. However, in reality, this material certain features in use, which can only be calculated by an experienced professional. Therefore, we do not recommend that you save on the quality of finishing works and entrust the insulation to specialists.

The cost of brigade services today is not too high. And when right choice performers, you can get a warm and comfortable room to use.

What is ecowool? This is the collective name for thermal insulation materials that are manufactured according to special technology often made from recycled materials. The material cannot be called new: it has been used since about the middle of the last century and competes with modern views thermal insulation.

Manufacturers position ecowool as an environmentally friendly material with high performance, which is located in the affordable segment of the construction market. How relevant these statements are, we will understand together.

The composition and properties of the insulation

In the manufacture of ecowool, the following components are usually used:

This composition is due to low price thermal insulation and its environmental safety. In fact, there is no toxic component here, however, relatively good specifications.

Now let's talk about properties. Performance characteristics ecowools look like this:

    Flammability class - G2. Under the influence of high temperatures, a crystallized liquid is released from the fibers of the material; accordingly, the insulation ignites poorly and does not support combustion processes.

    Biostability - high. The composition contains boric acid and borax, which neutralize almost any external factors and aggressive environment make the material unsuitable for consumption by rodents and other pests.

    Thermal conductivity values: 0.032–0.041. The material protects interior spaces from drafts and cold wind, reduces heat loss, helps to save on heating in winter time of the year.

    Density - up to 75 kg / m3. This provides reliable sound insulation of the building, forms a reliable moisture insulating layer.

In addition, ecowool is not produced in sheets or rolls, therefore, during installation, a monolithic thermal insulation is formed, which completely excludes cold bridges, seams and joints.

Advantages and disadvantages of insulating material

Despite the assurances of manufacturers that ecowool is the standard among thermal insulation materials, these statements should not be fully trusted. This is a common marketing ploy designed to increase sales.

The material has a lot of undeniable advantages, but, like analogues, it is not without serious drawbacks. Let's start with the merits.

The advantages of ecowool are the following characteristics:

    Low moisture permeability. The capillary structure of the material allows water to be absorbed without loss useful qualities. For example, if mineral insulation moisturize everything by 1%, heat loss will increase by almost 10 times. If ecowool is moistened by 25%, decrease in thermal conductivity will not exceed 5%. This is a very good indicator.

    Seamless isolation. The loose mass of the filler fills all the voids, completely excluding cold bridges. To achieve a similar result with rolled or sheet insulation, the material must be laid in 2-3 layers which increases the overall cost of the work.

    High level noise reduction. Ecowool is great way insulation of buildings located on busy streets, near federal highways, railway lines and airports.

In addition, an undeniable advantage is the affordable price, which elevates ecowool to the rank of the most popular insulation for private construction.

Let's move on to problems. Serious disadvantages of thermal insulation include the following points:

    gradual decline thermal insulation properties , increased heat loss. This is due to the fact that the material is reduced in volume or supersaturated with moisture. You can avoid problems by laying insulation with a margin in 20-30% from the calculated volume and making the layer ventilated so that moisture can evaporate into the atmosphere.

    Difficulties in installation. In order for the insulation to fully meet the technical specifications, special installation equipment will be required. This means that you will have to hire a team of professionals, and these are additional costs.

    Loss of time. Ecowool can be laid in two ways: dry and wet installation. The first option creates a lot of dust during the work and does not guarantee high-quality compaction. The second - creates a high-quality layer of thermal insulation, but the material will dry about 3 days, which is not always possible with the pace of modern construction.

    Relatively low stiffness. If we compare ecowool with other types of insulation, for example, foam boards, its rigidity will be noticeably lower, which makes it impossible to use the material for frameless insulation.

    Material shrinkage. Occurs when vertical insulation for the second year already. This problem cannot be avoided.

    Burning speed up to 30 seconds. This means that the material does not burn, but slowly smolders. As a result, there is a risk of ignition of adjacent materials and high smoke.

As you can see, ecowool is not a perfect thermal insulation. This is a rather specific material with a limited scope and a peculiar installation technology. In addition, doubts are also raised by assurances of environmental safety: boric acid and borax can hardly be called fillers that are safe for humans.

Comparison table

Material Composition Density
capacity W/m*K
security Filling
voidsEcowool cellulose, mineral anipirent and antiseptic 35-75 0.032-0.041 walls "breathe" flame retardant
replaceable, no smoke, combustion products are harmless fills all gapsCork cork tree bark 104-120 0.037-0.040 walls "breathe" flammable gaps remainExpanded clay clay 250-600 0.180 walls "breathe" non-combustible does not fill cracksMineral wool fiberglass, phenol-containing binder 30-70 0.048 forms condensate binder burns, combustion products are poisonous cracks may formURSA glass fiber, phenol-containing binder 10-20 0.045 forms condensate binder burns, combustion products are poisonous cracks may formROCKWOOL basalt, phenol-containing binder 30-40 0.045 forms condensate binder burns, combustion products are poisonous crack formation possiblePolyfoam styrene 15-40 0.045 forms condensate highly flammable, combustion products are poisonous, voids remainStyrodur styrene 25-45 0.025-0.035 forms condensate highly flammable, combustion products are toxic leaving voidsPolyurethane foam diisocyanate, polyester 20-30 0.039 forms condensation highly flammable, poisonous products of combustion fills all cracks
Processed natural materials
Artificial insulation containing adhesives
Synthetic polymers

What is the difference between ecowool and basalt insulation

To answer this question, a little clarification is required. In the production of basalt insulation, the following components are used:

Considering that the main component is basalt, it is customary to unite the entire heater of the stone-basalt group under the term "basalt wool".

In fact, basalt insulation is insulation that is completely made of this rock. Such material is not used in residential construction. Its intended use: insulation of equipment and pipelines.

If we compare ecowool and heaters of the stone-basalt group, we can see a lot in common. In particular, both materials have similar thermal insulation performance. However, basalt wool has a higher density, which requires a reliable frame.

Ecowool has light structure, respectively, does not increase the load on bearing structures. Besides, basalt insulation is produced in the form of plates, which leads to the formation of voids at the joints.

Life time basalt wool does not exceed 40 years- the material is gradually destroyed under the influence of pathogenic microflora. Ecowool serves up to 70 years without losing the original properties.

Real consumer reviews that we found on the Internet

To better understand the feasibility of ecowool insulation, you can refer to the reviews of people who have already used this material in construction.


I bought ecowool for insulation country house. The workers who were involved in the construction advised this particular material. For insulation, additional layers of vapor and waterproofing are not needed, which was the decisive argument. The house stands 3 years already, I have no complaints about the insulation, only positive emotions.


I do not recommend ecowool. 5 years lived in a house insulated with this insulation and was constantly treated for allergies. When I changed my place of residence, the problems disappeared. The doctor said that the body's reaction was provoked by cellulose (an allergy to paper and library dust).

Note that there may be a case of individual intolerance to the components, therefore, before choosing thermal insulation, it makes sense to consult a doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.


Very happy with ecowool. The material fully complies with the declared characteristics, provides reliable insulation easy to use and eye catching affordable price. Found only one drawback: compliance with storage conditions. When exposed to a humid environment, the material becomes covered with a hard crust, which complicates further use.

Also, many users express concern about the content of borax and boric acid in the composition of the insulation. In addition, the use of special equipment causes dissatisfaction, but this required condition quality installation, which cannot be excluded.

TOP-3 verified manufacturers

    ISOFLOC. A German brand offering quality ecowool for multi-purpose use. Isolation deserved positive reviews professional builders around the world.

    TERMEX. Finnish company supplying insulating materials to Russian market since 1988. The manufacturer carefully controls the quality of products, adheres to a reasonable pricing policy.

    "Equator". Russian company manufacturer of insulation since 2007. Production Line fully automated, high-tech equipment is used. Currently, it is one of the largest domestic manufacturers ecowool.

In addition, the company's insulation is trusted by consumers. "Nanovata" and EKOVILLA.

After construction, a timber house stands for about a year until it completely shrinks. When drying, cracks appear on the walls, which at first they try to pierce, and later the millet insulates the entire wall. When choosing a material for insulation, you may encounter a problem. A larger assortment and various user reviews make the choice difficult. Among the most discussed in various forums is ecowool. Warming a house with ecowool is not difficult. And the variety: laying by hand or spraying makes this insulation convenient for a construction from a bar of any complexity. We will talk more about the insulation of a house from a timber with ecowool in this article.

Ecowool was invented by the Finns, who have been using it for more than 20 years to insulate houses inside and out. Structurally, it is a loose material. Ecowool is produced from cellulose (81%) and various impurities (19%). Impurities consist of an antiseptic (boric acid 7% and borax 12%). Because of these compounds, ecowool plays a protective role for wooden wall or overlays. And the natural salts included in the composition make the material non-combustible and not susceptible to rodents and fungi. This is the only insulation that helps fight black mold, so it is used to insulate old and new wooden houses, as well as saunas and garages inside and out.

For ceilings, ecowool is mounted outside with a damp adhesive method, all inclined or vertical surfaces are blown. For walls, in order to avoid subsidence and the occurrence of voids, it is recommended to use adhesive method. But even he does not give a full guarantee that the fibrous texture will not settle. To prevent errors in insulation technology, it is better to hire specialists who use wet blowing. See more about ecowool mono on the video:

The advantages of ecowool insulation include:

  1. Due to the application technology, the insulation layer is monolithic, without cracks and gaps.
  2. Ecowool fibers are hollow, which makes it possible to provide sound insulation.
  3. Ecowool easily absorbs and releases moisture, which provides a natural microclimate inside log house.
  4. Ecowool is considered a heater European quality, does not cause allergies and is completely environmentally friendly.
  5. Minimal dust generation during installation.
  6. Accepts any shape and is convenient for mounting on any surface.
  7. Rodents and mold do not like insulation.
  8. Smoldering, but not burning (G1).
  9. During installation, it is not necessary to use a vapor barrier.

Comparison of ecowool with other heaters

To create a more complete picture of the qualities of ecowool, consider its characteristics compared with mineral and glass wool:

Characteristic Ecowool glass wool stone wool
Compound Cellulose + antiseptics (boric acid and borax). Made from wood fibers. Natural material. Particles of glass and quartz sand. Half artificial insulation. Lava rock particles, mostly mining waste.
Chemical binders Only borax and boric acid to prevent rot and mold. Dyes. No additives to prevent mold.
fire resistance Does not burn, does not support combustion. Does not burn, but high temperature melt, exude toxic substances. It does not burn, but melts at high temperatures and releases toxic substances.
Shrinkage Shrinkage, subject to technology, is minimal. Slight shrinkage. No shrinkage.
moisture resistance Absorbs moisture, but also dries quickly. It does not absorb moisture, but when wet, it dries for a long time. Does not absorb moisture, but dries for more than 1 week.
Soundproofing high low high
Resistant to fungi and rodents high low Low
thermal insulation High, no gaps Low At correct installation high
Price, m2 From 250 From 150 From 250

A similar comparison of materials is presented in the video:

Reviews about ecowool are different, negative ones are mainly associated with myths:

  1. They are made from recycled newsprint, so the insulation is not durable and harmful.
  2. Produced by passing paper through a shredder in the state of dust.
  3. Unreasonably overpriced.
  4. Borax and boric acid more which is harmful to health.
  5. If you burn it, it supports combustion.
  6. It absorbs moisture well due to the cellulose component.

All these reviews have nothing to do with high-quality insulation made on modern equipment.

Types of installation of ecowool in a wooden house

According to the technology, ecowool insulation is divided into two types:

  1. Installation by hand. It is done on horizontal surfaces from the outside ( wooden floors, floor and ceiling, etc.).
  2. Mounting with a blower. They are used to insulate the walls of a timber house from the inside and outside, the roof.

Each is worth talking about in more detail.

How to lay ecowool manually

The whole installation process can be done without the involvement of specialists, with your own hands. Installation consists of the following processes:

  1. Fluffing (grinding).
  2. Laying outside the ceiling.
  3. Rammers.

You can fluff ecowool with a simple construction mixer. Mix dry insulation with water-adhesive composition as indicated on the package ½. To insulate the floor or ceiling from the inside, a film is laid between the beams. You need to fix it with a construction stapler with 10 mm staples. Ecowool is laid on top in layers, carefully tamping and leveling each. It is convenient to do this with a sheet of plywood or a wide board. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the corners and joints with the walls. It is necessary to compact the layer in these places more carefully.

On the proposed video you can see the manual installation of insulation:

Material consumption per 1 m 3 - 35 kg (2-3 packs). With this calculation, a layer of 10-15 cm is obtained. This is enough to insulate a log house in which they constantly live. To the ceiling country house enough for 1 m 3 - 25 kg (2 packs).

Complete drying occurs in 2-3 days at temperatures above 15 0 C and humidity less than 50%.

Blowing on vertical surfaces

Do-it-yourself blowing is impossible, as this requires special equipment and skill. Specialists with the help of a compressor device under the influence of compressed air splash ecowool walls and roofing. The spray height reaches 30 m. attic floors heat loss can be kept to a minimum.

To process the walls from the timber, formwork is made in increments of 50-60 cm. Then the walls are covered with a special thick film and attached with a stapler to the crate. There are such preparatory work from 70 rubles / m 2. But you can save money and do the preparatory work yourself.

Judging by the reviews, the work of specialists needs to be checked, since the hose does not reach in the corners, and voids may remain there. It is possible to disperse ecowool in the future, but it is laborious. Based on the experience of some craftsmen, wall insulation can be done without a compressor with your own hands. To do this, use a wide plywood. A sheet of plywood is screwed onto the crate and a cell is formed between it and the wall, into which ecowool is poured. The solution must be made the consistency of thick sour cream. Let it dry and unscrew the plywood. Then the sheet is lifted higher and the operation is repeated. In such a simple way, you can save from 350 rubles / m 2. But do-it-yourself warming will be laborious and will take more than one week. You can see this process in more detail in the video above. Specialists will complete this work in 1-2 hours.

They sell ecowool in the form of mats, which are mounted in the same way as mineral wool. But a monolithic structure will no longer work.

Ecowool consumption for pitched roof- 50 kg / m 3 (3 - 3.5 packs), for walls - 60 kg / m 3 (4.5 packs). Suggestions to consider blowing on the video:

The price of material and work in various cities

The price for installing ecowool is different and is related to the density of insulation. For example, in St. Petersburg, prices for warming a house from a bar range from 750 to 1500 per m 2, in Moscow from 800 to 2000 per m 2. But do not forget that the quality of the work of specialists will determine how many years the insulation will last, and how the house will keep warm. It is not worth saving on work, and if you hire, then only highly qualified workers.

Big cities Price per pack, rub. (Russian production) Price for work, rub./m 2
Insulation of horizontal surfaces Insulation of inclined and vertical surfaces
Moscow From 1500 From 250 From 300
St. Petersburg From 1300 From 190 From 270
Ufa From 1900 From 350 From 450
Kazan From 1800 From 290 From 350
Novosibirsk From 1650 From 270 From 320

As can be seen from the table, the cheapest insulation can be purchased in St. Petersburg, but if you order it to neighboring regions, delivery will cost from 15 rubles / km, and no one will be lucky with 1-2 packages. The easiest way is to buy ecowool in your city in large hardware stores.

If the insulation with ecowool does not scare you with its laboriousness, and there is enough free time, then you can do all the work yourself. This is how you save your

Ecological material ecowool or cellulose insulation is excellent for wall insulation. It consists of wood fibers that are impregnated with boric and boric acid, antiseptics harmless to humans. This composition gives good thermal insulation characteristics, long service life, safety of use and a rare filling characteristic. Today we will consider the characteristics of ecowool, do-it-yourself ecowool wall insulation by dry blowing and wet insulation.

Contents of the article about do-it-yourself ecowool wall insulation

Technical characteristics of ecowool

To get started, familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of ecowool, this will help you understand how suitable this material is for you. You can also compare it with other wall insulation materials by reading.

Table of characteristics of cellulose insulation

Thermal conductivity Depends on installation method. 0.033-0.04 W/ms
Insulation density 30-58 kg/m3
hygiene There are no toxic substances in the material. He is not allergic.
pH value It is a chemically passive environment. pH 7.8 to 8.3.
Frost resistance About 75 years old
Flammability classes Several classes G2, V2, D1. The former is moderately flammable, then moderately flammable, and the latter has a moderate smoke generating capacity.
Manufacturability Seamless thermal insulation. Quick and easy installation.
Material shrinkage There is absolutely no shrinkage
fire resistance Approximately 0.6 h
Soundproofing Good sound absorption, from 62 dB!
Vapor permeability 0.31 mg/(m h Pa)
Sorption humidification For 72 hours is approximately 17%
Environmental friendliness Waste paper acts as a raw material, and the manufacturing process does not pollute the environment.

The main advantages of wall insulation with ecowool

Wall insulation with ecowool has many advantages for homeowners:

  • low cost of thermal insulation;
  • long service life of such insulation;
  • harmlessness, ecological purity of ecowool;
  • high-quality insulation along with sound insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • this insulation is easy to apply, because it is well attached to all surfaces;
  • does not allow the development of fungi and mold.

But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that special equipment will be needed to insulate the walls with ecowool, and you need to be careful when laying, due to a small proportion of chemical additives.

Ways to insulate walls with ecowool

With the help of ecowool, you can both insulate the walls from the inside and insulate the outer walls with ecowool, so ecowool has become a good find for builders.

The technique of ecowool insulation differs from other methods of thermal insulation, and is applied to the surface by spraying in a wet or dry form. The method of thermal insulation also depends on the material of the wall itself. Read about the types of thermal insulation of brick, concrete, wooden and other walls in another article.

Wall insulation from the outside with ecowool and wet application of ecowool

For external wall insulation with ecowool, the wet application method is widely used, but only in cases where the facade is planned to be finished.

With wet insulation of walls outside with ecowool, the material is laid on the surface along with water or glue addition. With this method, special units and nozzles are used to supply fluid under pressure. Such styling dries quickly enough, and after 12 hours finishing robots can be carried out.

Such insulation is carried out by teams of specialists, to call them, you can contact the insulation company in Moscow, they will pick you up the right people and equipment.

Dry blowing method for insulating walls from the inside with ecowool

To insulate walls from the inside with ecowool, the dry blowing method is often used, but it is suitable for both internal and external thermal insulation. Regarding wall insulation, the method of dry blowing ecowool into the cavity is used here. If there is a cavity in your house, then this method suits you, if not, you can refer to the previous one - wet blowing.

Application of ecowool by dry blowing is carried out by specialists with equipment:

  • Before the start of wall insulation from the inside, ecowool in structures is made required amount technological holes.
  • The equipment works like a mixer - fluffs and loosens cotton wool. Then compressor unit compressed air delivers material through a hose.
  • In turn, insert a rotary nozzle or hose into the holes.

  • While the ecowool passes through the hose, the fibers of the material “open up” due to excess air.
  • fluffy thermal insulation material along with the air enters the cavity. There it penetrates into all the cracks and coals and completely fills the insulated volume, leaving no voids at all.
  • At the end of blowing, the holes are hermetically sealed.

Such blowing can be carried out at any time of the year, and it is unnecessary to wait until the material dries. And in another article, you can see what materials are still used for internal thermal insulation of walls.

Do-it-yourself wall insulation with ecowool

Manual wall insulation with ecowool is a laborious process that requires a lot of attention. It is cost-effective to use this method only for small volumes. Manual insulation with ecowool is used only for backfilling in ceilings or for warming walls with a dry backfill.

When insulating the walls with your own hands, the material from the briquette is laid out in a suitable container. You can take a large construction bucket or a box of equipment. Ecowool is transported compressed, so it needs to be fluffed a little. Loosen the material with a construction mixer, electric mixer or drill with a nozzle for mixing paint. After that, the material will become much larger - about three times. Now the ecowool is ready, and it can be placed on the insulated surface. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the required density; for wall insulation with your own hands, it is 65-70 kg / m3.

Manual installation of ecowool - video

Wall insulation with ecowool video

You can see all the details of wall insulation with ecowool with your own eyes, so it will be more clear. Also, the video "Insulation of walls with ecowool" will help you not to miss the small details in the robot.

Ecowool is a material used for insulation of houses, buildings and building structures, is fluffed cellulose fibers. Made from recycled cellulose with the addition of natural materials antiseptic and non-volatile flame retardants. In terms of its characteristics and properties, this insulation is in many ways superior to other heat-insulating materials.

When insulating a house, it is important to know that the composition of ecowool differs from other materials in its good thermal conductivity. It is based on wood fibers impregnated with harmless antiseptics: brown and boric acid. Schematically, the process of warming by professional teams looks like this.

The advantage of this insulation over other materials is characterized by a mass of positive qualities:

  • European quality;
  • Affordable price;
  • Long-term operation;
  • Seamless insulation;
  • Safety for human health;
  • Simplicity and easy installation;
  • Minimal dust formation during blowing;
  • No shrinkage;
  • fire resistance;
  • Excellent sound insulator;
  • Restriction in the formation of dampness and fungi on the facade of the house;
  • No additional vapor barrier layer is required;
  • Easily disposed and transported;
  • Suitable for multiple use;
  • The material is unacceptable for food by rodents.

Other characteristics

The presence of the above qualities and the absence of shortcomings made ecowool a real find for builders.

Ways to insulate the facade with ecowool

Ecowool is insulated at home both from the inside and outside. Unlike other insulation methods, this species thermal insulation is applied to the walls by spraying: dry or wet.

The choice of wall insulation method with ecowool depends on building material surfaces:

  • brick,
  • wood,
  • concrete.

Dry blow method

In order to insulate the house from the outside by the method of dry blowing, many homeowners most often turn to professionals; this time-consuming process requires certain skills and special equipment. If, nevertheless, a decision is made to insulate your home with ecowool on your own, you need to know the basic rules for installing insulation.

Dry blowing can be done at any time of the year, in any weather.

  1. Before proceeding with the insulation of the facade in this way, a frame, a crate is made on the walls outside.
  2. A windproof film is attached to the frame, in which technological holes are made for blowing insulation.
  3. With the help of special equipment that works like a mixer, ecowool is loosened and fluffed up.
  4. The filling of the created closed cavities is carried out using a rotary nozzle or a hose of the injection machine.
  5. Ecowool completely fills all cavities, leaving no voids.
  6. Holes in the windproof film are hermetically sealed and you can proceed to outdoor decoration walls.

The method of dry blowing ecowool is more often used for facade insulation than for thermal insulation and soundproofing of walls from the inside.

Warming the house outside with ecowool in a wet way

The method of wet application is used before finishing the facade. Ecowool with water or with the addition of glue enters through a hose and fits into the prepared cavities on the frame. Such insulation involves the use of special units and nozzles for supplying water under pressure.

The material is laid on the surface in an even layer and is not prone to deformation. long years. When moisture gets in, ecowool has the property fast drying, without signs of violation of the layer: it does not rot, does not grow moldy and allows the house to "breathe". Shrink-free laying dries quickly, which allows finishing work to begin after 12 hours.

Excess material is not garbage; the pieces of insulation collected at the end of the work are reused or stored for other work, for example, wall insulation from the inside. The dense adhesion of the material is due to the presence of lignin in its structural composition, which, when interacting with water, gives ecowool the necessary stickiness.

Do-it-yourself ecowool installation

In order to insulate the house with your own hands, you will need a certain set of tools:

  1. Ecowool
  2. Beam for the frame.
  3. Windproof film.
  4. Adhesive tape or oilcloth for sealing technological holes.
  5. Garden vacuum cleaner. Enough power 2 thousand. Watt.
  6. Corrugated hose of the desired length, with a diameter of at least 7 mm.
  7. Cloth ring on the diameter of the hose to limit dust emissions.
  8. Drill with a nozzle for stirring.
  9. A trough, basin, box or other capacious container for fluffing ecowool.
  10. Electric cutting roller, to remove excess pulp.
    Required tools can be purchased from hardware store or rent from a company providing this type of service to the population.

Warming and its main stages

Warming the facade on your own will require compliance phased implementation actions.

  • Before starting the installation of ecowool, you need to choose one of the ways to insulate the walls with ecowool.
  • The house is “sheathed” with a wooden or metal frame.
  • A windproof film is fixed on the frame if the intended laying layer is large 7-10 cm or more. With a thin layer of 3-5 cm, the material can be laid without a film.
  • In a film, or other building material, such as OSB, holes are made along the diameter of the corrugated hose.
  • Cellulose is supplied from the manufacturer in pressed form, so before laying it must be "fluffed" - broken into fibers. To do this, cellulose is poured into a special container from a bag and thoroughly mixed with a drill with a nozzle - a mixer.

It's important to know

When fluffing, the volume of cellulose increases two to three times.

  • On a garden vacuum cleaner, one part is removed and the terminals from it are moved to another part. Otherwise, the vacuum cleaner will not turn on, and the long trunk will not have enough suction power.
  • The opening of the dust collector is connected to a corrugated hose and fixed with adhesive tape at the junction of the connection.
  • A ring of any material is put on the other end of the hose. During operation, it will serve as a limiter for dust emissions.
  • The vacuum cleaner is connected to the 3-4th speed, the vacuum cleaner trunk is lowered into the hole, and the ecowool is carefully sucked up.
  • As the cavity fills with material, the vacuum cleaner stops and the pulp is compacted by hand.
  • The final stage is sealing the holes and removing excess ecowool.

Warming without a vacuum cleaner

It is possible to insulate the house without a vacuum cleaner. This will take longer and the process of laying the material will be more labor intensive. It is good to insulate in this way with a small volume of the insulated surface.

Prepared containers are gradually “sheathed” with a self-tapping screw with building material: for walls from the bottom up. Then, each container is manually filled with composition from the container and the pulp is rammed. In the upper level of the walls, ecowool is laid by hand and the holes are closed.

When choosing ecowool as a home insulation, trust shops and companies with a good reputation. When buying pulp, ask for a quality certificate. Beware of fakes. Some unscrupulous manufacturers make money on sales of fake building materials.
A house insulated with ecowool will meet all the requirements of a modern building:

  • high-quality heat and sound insulation,
  • reliable protection of housing from cold, heat, dampness and drying,
  • great breathability,
  • comfort and cleanliness in the house
  • saving electricity and fuel resources.

Ecowool has been used in Russia relatively recently, since 1993. The pioneers of the environmentally friendly building material "Ecowool" were the British, who in 1983 patented the technology for the production of thermal insulation from recycled paper.