Polyurethane - harmful synthetics or high-tech material? Why are polyurethane mattresses dangerous to health What is polyurethane dangerous to health

Polyurethane foam insulation of rooms - their popularity is growing from year to year. Over the past few years, the amount used in construction, and specifically for room insulation, has grown tenfold. Such popularity is once again confirmed by excellent thermal insulation characteristics. However, with the increase in the use of this insulation, disputes around the environmental friendliness of this material are growing in direct proportion.

If a lot has been said and written about the merits of polyurethane foam insulation, then how does this heat-insulating material affect health:

In order to understand how safe polyurethane foam insulation is for health, you need to understand the composition of this material. Polyurethane foam consists of a mixture of complex chemicals - polyester and polyisocyanate. A mixture of these substances is sprayed from special equipment onto the surface to be insulated. When interacting with oxygen, the mixture hardens, penetrating into all areas of the heat-insulated surface. Today, the use of toxic ether fractions is excluded in the production of polyurethane. In its composition, polyurethane does not contain freon, formaldehyde and other products of the chemical industry that are harmful to health. Many skeptics argue that when applying a mixture of polyurethane foam, chemical compounds that are harmful to health are formed in the air. Indeed, when spraying the mixture, polyurethane emits harmful chemicals, but after hardening, there is no threat to life and health. This is confirmed by numerous studies - after carrying out work in a heat-insulated room, no traces of the presence of harmful toxic substances were found. And this is unconvincing, many will say.

Then let's make a comparison with the main competitor of polyurethane foam - mineral wool. Its use is like thermal insulation material, have long been banned in children's and medical institutions. And it's not just that. It turns out that it contains mineral wool, a chemical compound, emits toxic fumes. Also, this type of insulation is an allergen. All these circumstances can cause irreparable harm to our health. Polyurethane foam, unlike its competitor, is non-flammable and non-allergenic. Its thermal conductivity is low enough to exclude the smoldering process even with a short-term ignition.

"Why isn't mold growing?" - Skeptics do not calm down.

Here we need to remember what harm is done to our health molds. And just thanks to polyurethane foam insulation, it is possible to create an ideal microclimate of the room - without humidity, mold and dust. Is this not a guarantee of the health of our and future generations? Given the low thermal conductivity of this material, you can save a lot on space heating, thereby maintaining our Natural resources and ecology. All these qualities, combined with the price of the material, have undoubtedly made polyurethane foam heaters leaders in thermal insulation for more than one year.

5 years!

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Only high quality

work experience
12 years!

Is polyurethane foam really harmful?

Polyurethane foam is most often positioned as a "green" building material due to its energy-saving properties. It insulates better than fiberglass or cellulose, as well as many other materials. However, when evaluating environmental friendliness, it is important to consider whether polyurethane foam in liquid or solid form is harmful to health. When considering materials such as polyurethane foam, health damage is assessed by analysis side effects, which can cause chemicals in its composition. When dried, a correctly applied PPU layer does not emit any substances into the atmosphere, harmful fumes are possible only with unprofessional handling. Let's look at the worst case.

Harmful properties of polyurethane foam components

The components of the polyurethane foam mixture in liquid form create potentially dangerous fumes, which cause possible harm from polyurethane foam. Therefore, personnel directly spraying PU foam, as well as people in the vicinity of the spraying site, must use appropriate protective equipment. Subject to all safety measures, even in liquid form, the mixture is not hazardous to health. Manufacturers rightly claim that dried polyurethane foam is not harmful to health if the ingredients of both phases are properly mixed and reacted to the end. If correct chemical reaction does not occur, the components of the mixture may give off toxic fumes. Consider the harmfulness of polyurethane foam in this case:

  • Isocyanates found in paints, PU foams and other foam materials can cause asthma as an occupational disease in workers who come into direct contact with these substances without protection.
  • Amine catalysts can cause hypersensitivity and irritation resulting in blurred vision. Is liquid PUF harmful when constantly inhaled? Such contact can cause severe irritation, ulcers, and burns to the mouth, throat, and esophagus.
  • Polyol manifests itself only in direct contact with the body (for example, when swallowed), provoking vomiting, spasms and intoxication of the central nervous system
  • Flame retardants can accumulate in the body, causing chronic poisoning even at low doses of evaporation.

You need to understand that polyurethane is harmful only if used incorrectly, using low-quality sprayers and lacking special protection when working with this material. Sprayed polyurethane foam is harmful only if safety rules are not followed.

Is polyurethane foam insulation harmful for residential premises?

This question worries the vast majority of amateur builders, since very often special additives are a secret of production, and it is not possible to find out how harmful polyurethane foam is. Every blend produced is subjected to the most stringent testing to ensure it is non-toxic at different conditions operation. So the actual harm of PPU is zero if you use a mixture from a trusted manufacturer that has all the necessary quality and safety certificates.

Polyurethane foam and harm to health: how to avoid negative consequences?

Three main mistakes are made in working with PPU:

  • Non-compliance with operating requirements
  • Ignoring protective equipment in direct contact with liquid mixtures PPU
  • Use of poor quality atomizers

Advice from a professional

To minimize inhalation of vapors during spraying or deposition on internal surfaces, it is recommended to provide good ventilation processed premises.

Our article on polyurethane foam spraying technology will help you avoid the first two mistakes. Regarding the atomizer, it is preferable to use devices high pressure, which ensure uniform mixing of both phases of the mixture with 100% completion of the chemical reaction, so that the question of whether polyurethane foam components are harmful disappears. In addition, such spraying provides a guaranteed quality of the coating.

One of the materials widely used in the construction industry is polyurethane foam.

Among the main areas of its application should be highlighted:

  • insulation of refrigeration chambers;
  • insulation of residential premises;
  • thermal insulation of commercial buildings;
  • thermal insulation of pipelines.

Polyurethane foam has many advantages, which determines its widespread use: it is a lightweight and durable material with increased adhesion to many materials. How polyurethane foam is harmful to health, with all its other advantages, we will consider in the article.

Receipt of material

It is obtained from the components in liquid state, their dosage and mixing are not particularly difficult. Based on this, the material is produced on industrial enterprises, also at the place of its use.

The process of foaming and curing occurs instantly: it does not take even a few minutes for the product to be ready for use.

The use of polyurethane foam indoors: how justified is it?

Is polyurethane foam harmful? This question began to be asked by builders and those citizens who want to build Vacation home or commercial premises for living or working in them. Material sales have increased several times in recent times. First of all, this is due to the affordable pricing policy.

In connection with its fame, polyurethane foam and everything connected with it have acquired conjectures and legends. First of all, they are associated with the harmfulness of polyurethane foam to the health of citizens.

Disadvantages of polyurethane foam affecting human health

  • It is believed that the material is not suitable for residential premises due to its combustibility. In the process of fire, it is capable of emitting toxic gases that are harmful to health.
  • Under the influence ultraviolet rays the insulation decomposes into products of monomeric properties, which will negatively affect the health of the person living in the house.
  • The material does not have sufficient resistance to moisture, which causes the release of harmful vapors from the material. Regular poisoning with these vapors leads to pathologies in the work of the human body. In particular, this is due to the work of the immune and cardiovascular systems.

The unique thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam: how true is it?

Manufacturers say that the material has low thermal conductivity. In practice, over time (after about 10 years), the thermal conductivity of the material increases and the owners will need more heating for the living space. And in this sense, there is no need to talk about savings.

The lack of truthfulness in the description and properties of the product can lead buyers into a depressed state, which can also negatively affect people's health.

Are there new developments of insulation that can not harm people?

Currently, manufacturers claim that the use of the material excludes the inclusion of various ether fractions in its composition.

In particular, new modern material which differs in quality and environmental safety, does not contain:

  • asbestos;
  • freon;
  • ethereal fractions of highly volatile composition;
  • formaldehyde.

If we consider high-quality insulation, then the harm of polyurethane foam for a person will not only be minimized: it simply does not exist. After work on the spraying of insulation in the room are not detected harmful substances. BUT quality material, which meets all safety requirements, is used increasingly in various buildings: industrial, administrative and residential.

    orthopedic qualities. Perhaps this is the most important quality for a mattress. Mattresses made of highly elastic high-density polyurethane foam Roll Schaum have good orthopedic properties, thanks to which they ideally repeat the anatomy of the human body and at the same time provide the necessary support to the spine.

    Like all materials, polyurethane foam has its drawbacks. Among them, a short service life. Over time, PPU may begin to loosen, which leads to the unsuitability of the product. However, it is worth noting that any mattress, no matter how much it costs, on average has a shelf life of five to ten years (depending on the content), after this period the mattress must be replaced. In addition, PPU mattresses have a fairly low cost, and therefore their short service life is completely leveled.

    Useful related products:

    Mattress Vita Baltic FRAU WILMA (FRAU WILMA)

    The combination of two monoblocks of Euro - foam Vita Foam of different density allows you to choose your side of comfort: one side of the mattress is medium soft, the other is moderately hard. Removable knitted cover to choose from: ADAPTIVE cover with ADAPTIVE thermoregulating impregnation or SILVER DREAM ANTISTRESS cover with silver ion treatment using ARGENTANO technology.

Polyurethane foam, otherwise - a foam mattress, is still quite common. At first glance, it seems that the foam rubber is dense enough, and quite suitable for sleeping on it. However, experts are of the opposite opinion and do not recommend mattresses filled with polyurethane foam for sleeping.

Polyurethane foam, foam rubber or ppu, what is it? - let's figure it out. The material was invented in 1937 by a group of German scientists. The rapid growth of PPU consumption among the population began in the 60s of the last century.

It is possible to talk about the benefits or harms of PPU only by studying its properties. The material with foam structure has artificial origin, which is already initially not in his favor. The chemical components included in its composition do not like moisture, do not like open Sun rays- under their influence, the foam rubber is destroyed.

O positive properties PPUs say a lot:

  • not combustible;
  • does not lose shape mechanical action restores it quickly)
  • It has high level vapor and water permeability, due to which it is used as a moisture and heat insulating material.

In addition, foam rubber is very cheap, so it is often used as a filler for mattresses. Foam rubber itself is very light due to its soft, porous structure, it can be easily bent, twisted and transported.

However, it is too early to fall into euphoria, because PPU contains active chemical components, among which phenol is the most dangerous. In addition, it contains resins, catalysts, solvents. During combustion (and foam rubber burns in the presence of a direct source of fire), toxic components - formaldehydes - are released into the air.

The most dangerous component of PPU is phenol. Dangerous fumes can last for years, with fumes from new material being more dangerous. Phenol has a destructive effect on critical systems human body: cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory. That is why it is worth thinking 100 times before giving a child a toy stuffed with foam rubber or laying it on a foam mattress.

Phenol vapor can cause serious health problems:

  • allergic reactions;
  • lung pathologies.

Dangerous consequences of harmful fumes are frequent headaches, loss of coordination of movements up to loss of consciousness, and possible violation of the functions of the liver and kidneys.

When using polyurethane foam as the basis for a mattress, up to 30 volatiles are released into the air. chemical compounds and phenol is not the only one that can harm a person.

Orthopedists insist that you need to sleep on a sufficiently rigid base so that the spine is in a level position during sleep. Such a state of his is capable of providing orthopedic mattresses with coconut coir filler, independent spring blocks.

If you press on the thick foam rubber and release your hand, it seems that it is quite dense and hard. However, under the weight of the body, the foam rubber easily bends and the spine is in the wrong, curved position during sleep, which over time will lead to its curvature. If you sleep for a long time foam mattress, this can lead to dangerous degenerative changes.

Yes, sleeping on it may seem comfortable, soft, but in the morning you will be met headache, numbness of the extremities, tingling in the muscles. This is due to the foam mattress.

A mattress with PPU-filler is especially dangerous for children's health, an unformed spine of a crumb. Hazardous Substances emitted by the mattress are inhaled by the child, causing chronic diseases respiratory system, therefore, you should not buy a sofa or a mattress for a bed filled with foam rubber for a child.