How to glue liquid wallpaper: mixture preparation, application principle, recommendations. How to glue liquid wallpaper - a description of the workflow from start to finish What is liquid wallpaper and how to glue it

Most developers do not know how to apply liquid wallpaper and find the process very difficult. In fact, the process is quite simple, and with the knowledge of technology, anyone can handle the job. In this article, we'll go over how to properly prepare the surface and apply the coating, you just need to repeat all the steps to guarantee a perfect result.

This is also liquid wallpaper - how to glue them to get a real picture, we'll figure it out below

Workflow steps

The technology can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Surface preparation;
  2. Preparation of the composition;
  3. Application of liquid wallpaper.

Remember that the coating is recommended to be done only in dry rooms. The disadvantages of liquid wallpaper are few, and the most important of them is poor resistance to moisture. But there is one way to protect the finish, which allows you to use it even in bathrooms and on, I will talk about it below.

Stage 1 - surface preparation

For work, you will need a certain set of materials, the list of which is indicated in the table.

Material Description
Liquid wallpaper One package is enough for 2.5-5 square meters, depending on the layer thickness and surface texture. All information is indicated on the label, so it is not difficult to calculate the required amount.

As practice shows, the actual consumption is always a little higher, so purchase the composition with a margin of 20%. The price of the package is from 500 to 2000 rubles

putty It is best to take Vetonit, as it retains plasticity for a long time, is easy to apply and rubs off quickly. The cost of the bag is about 550 rubles
Primer With its help, the surface is strengthened. Also, the primer serves as a barrier to moisture and improves the adhesion of the decorative coating. Use acrylic-based deep penetration compounds, their cost is approximately 50-100 rubles per liter, depending on the manufacturer. For wet rooms, it is best to use formulations with antiseptic additives.

If your walls are not white, then it is better to additionally purchase inexpensive water-based paint to make the base light. You can even paint the walls to match the liquid wallpaper used.

From the tool you need the following:

  • Two spatulas - wide and narrow, for applying putty;
  • Brush or roller for priming surfaces;
  • Container for preparation of the composition;
  • Special trowel for applying liquid wallpaper. It is made of plastic, it is better to choose a transparent version, so you will see how the composition is leveled.

The preparation of walls and ceilings is not difficult.

Just select the items that apply to your case and follow the steps described there:

  • If there are old coatings on the surface, then they must be removed. Wallpaper is removed using special compounds, whitewash is removed with a spatula. If the plaster or putty layer is cracked in places, then all unreliable areas must be removed. The work is done with an ordinary chisel and hammer;

  • The plane of the cleaned surface is checked by a level or a rule. If there are a lot of irregularities and significant differences on it, then the easiest way is to putty the wall completely. If the level differences do not exceed a few millimeters, then individual sections are puttied, plus all the places where the old finish was removed are sealed. The composition is distributed with a layer of no more than 3 mm, if the irregularities are large, then the application is carried out in several stages;

  • The putty dries for about a day, after which it is necessary to finally level the surface with a sanding bar with sandpaper or a mesh (grain size 150 or less). An ideal result is not needed here, small scratches will be covered with liquid wallpaper, the main thing is to bring out the main plane. To control the work, a light bulb or flashlight is used, the light shows all the flaws;

  • After grinding, you need to clean the walls of dust. For this, a vacuum cleaner or a brush is used, it is important to remove the bulk of the dirt, which is formed a lot during grinding;
  • The prepared base is treated with a primer. Everything is simple here: the composition is applied to the surface in an even layer without smudges, special attention is paid to corners and other difficult areas. The second layer can be applied after the first has dried, usually it takes several hours. If the finish is porous, then it is better to process it with a third layer for maximum effect;

  • The white surface of the putty may not be painted, as this is a good base for liquid wallpaper. If the walls are gray, then it is better to paint them either white or the color of the decorative coating that will be applied. Such preparation allows you to achieve the best effect, because a dark base will not show through from under the coating.

Stage 2 - preparation of a decorative coating

The use of this finishing material involves its self-preparation. The ease of application and the strength of the coating depend on how correctly the process is carried out.

The work instructions look like this:

  • First of all, you need to read the information on the label. There are always recommendations from the manufacturer, which must be taken into account;
  • For work, it is best to use a large plastic container. First, the right amount of water is poured there (the volume is indicated on the package) at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. It is impossible to take too hot liquid, from this the glue in the composition can simply curl up;
  • If glitter or other additives are used during work, then they must be added to the water immediately and mixed thoroughly. So you can achieve a uniform distribution of these elements throughout the mass;

  • The contents of one or more bags are poured into the water. Mixing is done manually, it is impossible to use a power tool, as it damages the fibers and crushes the mass. It is necessary to interfere with the composition until the mass becomes homogeneous, the lumps are simply crushed by hand;

  • The mixed mass should be left for a certain period, most often it is 12 hours. But some compounds gain the necessary properties faster. Again, all information is indicated on the packaging;

If you need to use a lot of the composition, then after preparing the mass, it can be folded back into the bag and left to settle. This will allow you to get by with a small capacity.

  • After the required time has passed, the composition is mixed again. If it was settled in several containers, then you need to mix everything together, this will eliminate the differences in shade on the surface. Naturally, if the colors are different, then they must be prepared separately. It is important to mix the mass well and check again if there are any lumps in it.

Stage 3 - coating the surface

Now I will explain whether it is easy to glue liquid wallpaper. When compared with other coating options, this type of composition is the easiest to apply. That is why I recommend it for those who have no experience in construction.

You do not need special skills, just be careful and follow all the recommendations below:

  • If a drawing will be applied to the wall, then first of all, its contours should be applied to the surface. You can make patterns or draw by hand, it all depends on what you need to portray. The main thing is that the markup is clear and clearly visible, since it is on it that you will navigate in the future;

  • To prevent the composition from falling off the surface, you need to check its adhesion in advance. To do this, the mass is distributed over a small area, if it does not hold, then it is worth adding water. Water is added at the rate of 500-700 grams per package. After thorough mixing, you can get to work;

If the composition turned out to be very liquid, then it should be left for about half a day in a dry, warm place, excess moisture will evaporate.

  • Work begins with any section of the wall. If the coating is monophonic, then the easiest way is to go from the corner, but if you have a drawing, then first of all you need to apply the background. Everything is simple here: with the help of a grater, the mass is distributed in a layer of about 2 mm, the tool is held at an angle of 15 degrees to the surface. It is not necessary to press the ironer strongly, as this can damage the fibers, and the texture will turn out to be not very attractive;

  • If a drawing is applied, then liquid wallpaper on the wall is applied along the contours. In order for the lines to be clear, they must be trimmed and compacted with a rubber spatula. With it, you simply pull the mass along the line and press it. Naturally, the second color is applied after the first has completely dried, that is, the more complex the composition, the longer its implementation will take;

Remember an important rule - the composition must be applied to the surface in one go. That is, if you have a monophonic coating, then each wall is finished from beginning to end. No need to leave a piece of the surface and finish it later, the junction can be noticeable.

  • When smoothing, you should drive the tool in different directions so that the fibers are not located in one direction;
  • After application, no longer than an hour and a half later, you need to finally level the surface. To do this, use a wide spatula or trowel. The tool is wetted in water, and the surface is smoothed. This allows you to achieve maximum uniformity of coverage;

  • If the composition was applied in a room with high humidity, then you need to treat the surface with acrylic varnish. It strengthens the finish and makes it resistant to moisture. Applying varnish with your own hands is not difficult, a brush is used for work, since you need to very carefully process all the bumps. The only disadvantage of this treatment is that it will not be possible to repair the coating if it is damaged.

If you have damaged a separate section of the decorative coating, then fixing the problem is not difficult. Liquid wallpaper can be removed from the wall in the damaged area, soaked with water and reapplied, everything is very simple.


After reading this review, you can easily figure out how to glue liquid wallpaper and how to properly prepare the base and the composition itself. Everything is very simple if you know all the nuances of the technology and follow clear recommendations. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if you still have questions, write them in the comments below.

In place of traditional paper coatings, liquid wallpaper (decorative plaster) quickly burst into the trading rows of building materials - this is undoubtedly a beautiful, convenient and environmentally friendly material. They will perfectly fit into the interior of absolutely any room, and further care for them will not be difficult.

In order to understand how to glue liquid wallpaper correctly, first you need to find out the composition of this unique type of building material, which has won a well-deserved place in the hearts of many housewives.

Pasting liquid wallpaper (click to enlarge)

Components of liquid wallpaper

This unique material, after final drying, feels similar to foam in its texture to the touch. In building materials stores, their usual form is packaged dry mix per kilogram in one bag.

Their main composition includes:

  • cotton threads;
  • natural cellulose;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • dyes;
  • acrylic components.

Also, for variety and decoration, sequins, decorative mica, silk or silver and gold threads, quartz chips, etc. are added to the powder. According to their composition, they are divided into:

  • silk. The most reliable option that does not lose its properties when exposed to sunlight, but they have the highest cost;
  • cellulose type. Short-lived and tend to fade in the sun, have a fairly reasonable cost;
  • mixed silk-pulp. Sufficiently durable and appropriate in any moisture-resistant room.

Watch the video about the composition:

Decorative plaster is so multifunctional that it will suit the interior of any room, but more often this material is used in the hallway, living room and bathroom. A relatively new design style of decoration is also practiced - gluing liquid wallpaper to the ceiling.

Why this choice is the best

  • Due to its composition, this material has an antistatic and anti-magnetic effect, that is, it favorably repels dust from itself and is therefore well suited for people with allergic diseases.
  • Decorative plaster (another name for liquid wallpaper) is convenient to use because it does not take up much space when repairing a room, it does not need to be measured and rolled out on the floor, cut and smeared with glue, as with ordinary wall pasting. A basin, a bucket of water, a special plastic trowel for application and a grater for smoothing on the prepared wall are enough.
  • This type of finishing material perfectly copes with possible wall irregularities, favorably hiding their defects, due to the fine structure of the components.
  • Beneficial pasting with such wallpaper in new buildings, because they do not shrink and do not deform after some time.

    Liquid wallpaper can even be gold (click to enlarge)

  • These wallpapers match and stick to almost all surfaces: plaster, MDF, paint, metal, drywall, wood, concrete. If necessary, they can even be glued to plywood!
  • To replace part of the wallpaper (redecoration), there is no need to completely remove it from the wall. It is enough just to wet the repaired area with plenty of water and clean it with a spatula, then put a new coating, leveling it and the wall will be flawless!
  • Liquid wallpaper does not release heat, creates sound insulation, while they are perfectly breathable.
  • The only drawback is their poor liquid tolerance, meaning they are easily washed out by water. The price of this charm is not cheap at all, when compared with the cost of ordinary paper or vinyl wallpaper.

    Proper pasting of liquid wallpaper

    Like any repair, applying decorative plaster requires some preparation.

    Wall preparation

    From the surface, of course, it is necessary to remove the remnants of past wallpaper, nail heads, screws and bolts, either remove it or drive it deeper and tint it with light paint. Bright saturated shades of the walls also need to be whitewashed with enamel or a special primer. If the walls or ceiling are puttied, then after drying it is reasonable to treat them with a water-based emulsion to avoid soaking while sticking liquid wallpaper.

    Watch the video to learn how to prepare the walls:

    Wooden walls also absorb too much dampness, therefore, before gluing liquid wallpaper on plywood or a wood surface, it is necessary to use oil paint (you can FG) coated in several layers, then paint over with a water-based emulsion. Homogeneous, ideally prepared (before gluing liquid wallpaper) surface, with a minimum moisture absorption capacity - this is a guarantee of excellent application and quality of material adhesion!

    Preparing a mixture of wallpaper

    As a rule, the dry mixture visually resembles sawdust packaged in a bag with instructions for use. The contents of the package must be poured into a container and diluted with warm water (not higher than 40 degrees) until a homogeneous mass, but not quite thick. As practice shows, you will need about six liters of water per packet of dry powder. The proportions must be strictly observed, adhering to the instructions!

    Important! It is necessary to mix the mass manually, without using electric tools, so the structure of the mixture will not change and the tiny elements of the wallpaper will retain the correct shape!

    The resulting mass is infused for about 15 minutes, then, if necessary, a dye is added. Immediately before gluing liquid wallpaper, the resulting mass must be infused for at least 12 hours, after which it must be thoroughly mixed.

    Watch the video to find out more:

    Liquid wallpaper on the wall

    Having previously studied the technology of how to properly glue liquid wallpaper, it is not difficult to do it yourself! The pre-prepared mass is applied in small portions with a plastic trowel (or float), at the recommended angle (15 degrees) to the material, observing the maximum thickness of the applied layer - 2 mm. It is recommended to apply in a circular motion, but long-term smoothing in one place can spoil the appearance of the finished canvas.

    The time of complete drying of the applied mass is approximately 48 hours, varying depending on the climate of the room. With excellent ventilation in a warm room, the drying time is reduced significantly, while drafts do not affect the appearance of the wallpaper in any way. The finished surface can be coated with acrylic lacquer for durability and strength, and possible contamination is easily removed with a conventional stain remover.

    Watch the video:

    For applying wallpaper, a special gun - a hopper is very convenient to use, for which almost all types of finished material are suitable.

    Applying to the ceiling

    Modern designers, in addition to the already familiar options for finishing the room, have added pasting liquid wallpaper to the ceiling. To create the perfect interior, it is reasonable to use liquid wallpaper on the ceiling and wall at the same time, or to finely select the edge of the combination of colors in the room. But if you stick them on the kitchen ceiling without covering them with a special composition (varnish), then they will actively absorb all odors and fumes.

    Previously, how to glue liquid wallpaper on top, preparation similar to the walls is also necessary. Since the presence of lighting fixtures provides a clear view of any tubercle or depression, you need to thoroughly level the surface.

    Important! To prevent crumbling of the plaster, it is necessary to properly prime the surface of the ceiling, it will be more reliable in three layers!

    We put on the ceiling on the video:

    Apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling in the same way as the wall was processed.

    Features of liquid wallpaper

    Many people, starting repair work, are wondering: is it possible to glue liquid wallpaper in the bathroom? Due to constant dampness and moisture, pasting liquid wallpaper in the bathroom is not recommended, because under the influence of water they will not last long (maximum six months).

December 11, 2016
Specialization: a professional in the field of construction and repair (a full cycle of finishing work, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrics and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Understanding how to apply liquid wallpaper on a wall is quite simple. But the final result depends not only on the application technique, but also on the quality of the preparation of the material and the surface to be treated. In the article I will tell you how to prepare both the walls themselves and the decorative composition for decoration, describe the working method, and also give tips on the care and repair of the decorative coating.

What is a material?

Liquid wallpaper is a decorative composition that is applied to the wall, forming a uniform coating with good performance and aesthetic characteristics. One of the key advantages of the material is the ability to apply it on surfaces at home without the involvement of specialists and without the use of sophisticated equipment.

Liquid wallpaper consists of the following components:

  1. Adhesive base - responsible for fixing the material on the wall. As a basis, dry CMC glue (or its analogues) is used, which swells upon contact with water.
  2. The binder is acrylic or latex-acrylic complex. The material provides hardening of the applied coating and gives it elasticity. If the wallpaper, after drying, begins to crumble and crumble, it means that the manufacturer did not maintain the proportion and added less acrylic to the composition than necessary.

  1. Fibrous filler is the main material that forms the coating. Cotton, cellulose, linen, wool, synthetic fiber, etc. are used as a filler. The most durable and most beautiful will be wallpaper with silk thread - but they are also the most expensive.

Naturally, silk usually refers to materials with a high content of silk in a linen or cotton base.

  1. Dye - responsible for the color of the material.

In addition to the main components, the composition of the material may include additional ones:

  • reinforcing threads made of synthetic fibers;
  • sequins (glitters) from mica or foil polymer film;
  • antiseptics - bactericidal (antimicrobial) and fungicidal (antifungal) additives;
  • hardeners, plasticizers, antistatic additives, etc.

Preparation for work


The technology of applying liquid wallpaper is good because it does not require the use of complex and expensive equipment. For surface finishing can be used:

  • spray gun (for professional processing of large areas);
  • spatulas with a width of 20 to 60 cm;
  • trowels;
  • painting knives.

And yet, more often when decorating walls with your own hands using this material, graters are used - metal or plastic. And the best tool is a transparent grater made of plastic or plexiglass: its surface allows you to control the quality of the formed coating and quickly make adjustments.

In addition to hand tools, we need:

  • containers for soaking liquid wallpaper;
  • spray gun for moistening surfaces;
  • rack, scaffold or table for working at height.

As for overalls, you can limit yourself to a headdress (so that you do not have to wash your hair from glue) and gloves. The composition of liquid wallpaper does not include volatile toxins, so working with them will be completely safe.


Before starting work, you need to prepare the base for applying liquid wallpaper. This material will stick firmly only on a dry and clean surface that is not prone to flaking. That's why even a first inspection of the wall will tell you if it can be coated - or if it needs to be cleaned / puttied / primed.

The technology of preparatory work will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, we dismantle all the objects installed on it from the wall - shelves, brackets, cornices, etc.
  2. Those structural elements that cannot be dismantled (window sills, moldings, etc.) are sealed with masking tape or covered with polyethylene. This will prevent the adhesive from getting in.

  1. We remove wallpaper and other decorative coatings from the wall. Liquid wallpaper cannot be applied to paint or whitewash - they will peel off along with the decorative layer.
  2. We tap the plaster to detect defects. We clean the identified areas with a weakly adhering coating to the ground, after which we perform their re-alignment.
  3. The areas affected by the fungus are treated with antiseptics.

To understand what this decorative material can be applied to and how to prepare different bases, study the following table:

Where do we put? How do we cook?
For plaster or concrete
  • we process with a transparent or white penetrating primer;
  • level with starting putty;
  • re-priming.
On drywall
  • we embroider the seams between the sheets of GKL and glue them with a sickle;
  • primed drywall;
  • fill the seams with putty and eliminate other irregularities, including attachment points;
  • we process the surface with a penetrating primer (white / colorless).
On a wooden wall or partition made of chipboard / MDF / OSB
  • we sand the surface of the wall to remove large fibers, splinters and burrs;
  • we process wood with alkyd enamel (PF-115 or equivalent);
  • instead of enamel, several layers of water-dispersed paint can be applied.
On metal surfaces
  • we clean metal surfaces from rust and oxides;
  • if necessary, we treat the metal with a rust inhibitor / converter;
  • We open the surface with alkyd enamel PF - 115.

The question of whether it is necessary to putty walls under liquid wallpaper is debatable. The need for this operation depends on the condition of the surface. For this decorative material, a perfectly even base is not needed, so if the irregularities do not exceed 1 - 1.5 mm, then puttying can be abandoned. A layer of fibrous coating perfectly masks all defects.

It is necessary to putty with high quality, but “without fanaticism” - minor defects will be hidden by finishing

Primer is another matter. The fact is that the most effective method of applying liquid wallpaper involves the introduction of a large amount of water into their composition (up to 2 liters per 1 m2).

If you do not protect the base with penetrating soil, then as a result of moisture there is a risk of peeling of putty or plaster. And walls made of wood, wood-based panels or drywall can simply swell as a result of soaking.

It is very important that the primer is white or transparent. The use of tinted primers can lead to undesirable coloring of the liquid wallpaper base.

Composition for application

If you plan to do the finishing yourself, then it is worth studying how the volume of material is determined and how to prepare the composition for wall treatment yourself. Let's start with the first point:

  1. We determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball surfaces that need to be decorated. To do this, we multiply the perimeter of the room by its height, and subtract the area of ​​window and door openings from the obtained value.

  1. We divide the calculated area by the material consumption (this value may differ depending on the specific brand of coating). On average, to finish one square meter, you need from 200 to 400 grams of dry matter, so a standard kilogram package is enough for 3-4 squares.
  2. Having determined the mass, we buy the amount of dry material we need. I strongly recommend taking one package more than you need according to the calculations - and there will be a margin in case of marriage, and if necessary, there will be something to repair the damaged area.

Now - preparing the material for application:

  1. We spread a clean sheet of polyethylene on the floor. We pour a dry base onto polyethylene, including an adhesive component, polymers and a fibrous filler. Mix until completely homogeneous.

This work is best done with gloves. As additional protection, use a respirator (at least a primitive "Petal" and goggles).

  1. Pour clean water into a container with a wide mouth (bucket, trough). The optimum water temperature is 40 - 500C. We fall asleep dry component and mix by hand until the lumps with a dry core completely disappear.

It is desirable to mix some brands of liquid wallpaper with a drill with a mixer attachment. For others, such intense exposure is undesirable - the color structure may be disturbed. To figure out how to do it right, carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer.

  1. We cover the container with the mixed composition with polyethylene and leave the glue to swell. Soaking time for different brands varies and can range from 2 to 8 hours.

  1. The swollen composition under the film retains its working qualities for at least a day, a maximum of 4-5 days. Re-soaking is undesirable, because due to the partial curing of the adhesive and polymers, the adhesion strength to the surface will be greatly reduced.

Wall finishing technology

Drawing on a plane

In this section, I will tell you how to glue liquid wallpaper on a pre-prepared base:

  1. With a spatula or just with your hand (preferably with a glove), we collect a small amount of material and apply it to the wall in the right place.
  2. We distribute the composition with a layer about 4-5 mm thick.
  3. We take a tool for smoothing - a spatula or a grater - and level the surface. In this case, the plane of the tool should be at an angle to the wall: so its edge will move the excess adhesive mass to the edge of the stain.

  1. The optimal layer is about 2 mm. After drying, it will decrease to 1 - 1.5 mm due to shrinkage.
  2. We continue to apply the material until we process approximately 1 - 1.5 m2. After that, we wet the grater, apply the plane to the surface and smooth the wallpaper in a circular motion.

  1. When smoothing down, it must be borne in mind that gluing liquid wallpaper allows you to lay the filler fibers in one direction or another. To do this, we perform the final movements at the right angle: where the grater “goes”, the fibers will fall there.
  2. The edges of the treated areas should be made uneven and not smoothed. This will allow joining adjacent sections without butt lines and noticeable seams.

  1. After processing the planes with an angular spatula, we additionally smooth out the inner and outer corners. This will compact the material and reduce the risk of delamination.

  1. In the kitchen, in the corridor and in other rooms, the walls of which are under increased stress, after drying, we process the wallpaper with varnish. A water-based polymer coating after polymerization will protect the decorative layer from moisture, dust and abrasion.

Pattern formation

The technology of wall decoration with liquid wallpaper allows not only applying monochromatic coatings, but also alternating areas with different colors, and even forming patterns. How to do it correctly - I will tell in this section:

  1. First, we transfer the drawing to the prepared wall, marking its boundaries with a pencil. To obtain a large number of the same type of drawings, you can make a stencil from cardboard or thick paper.

  1. Then we apply a mixture of the same color in such a way that the material goes beyond the contour by about 1.5 - 3 mm. We smooth the wallpaper, achieving the optimal thickness.
  2. We take a narrow spatula and from the inside of the contour we shift or carefully cut off part of the material until we see a line on the base.

  1. We smooth the edges with a grater.
  2. After the initial drying of one color, we apply another, actions according to the same scheme.
  3. Additionally, we iron the lines of the junction of colors, moving the grater exactly along the contour. So we will avoid mixing the fibers, and the borders will turn out to be clear, not blurry.

Care and repair

Caring for liquid wallpaper is quite simple:

  1. The unvarnished surface is simply vacuumed - this is enough to remove dust and minor contaminants.
  2. Lacquered coating can be subjected to wet cleaning. At least regular wiping with a sponge moistened with soapy water, the wallpaper can withstand without consequences.

  1. Severe dirt and other defects can be corrected by removing the damaged area and masking the hole with new material. Before applying liquid wallpaper to liquid wallpaper, we clean the coating at the defect site with a painter or spatula, capturing a little from the “whole” surface.

  1. Then we prime the wall and the remnants of the wallpaper, knead the composition thicker than with conventional application, and carry out repairs. After careful smoothing with a grater and drying, nothing should be visible!

  1. Another common problem is the change in shade in certain areas of the coating. If yellow spots appear after applying liquid wallpaper, it is most likely due to metal mortgages or moisture seeping through the plaster / putty.

  1. In this case, we remove the decorative coating on the problem area, dry the base and treat the wall several times with a white primer. The soil will not only become a barrier to moisture, but also create a uniform background for the decor. After polymerization of the primer, we restore the liquid wallpaper.

If the yellowing is slight, then light coatings can be restored by treating the spots with whiteness. So that the wallpaper itself does not discolor, we dilute the whiteness with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

  1. You will have to do the same if the coating is swollen and exfoliated from the base. We clean the damaged area, reprime or putty it again and then apply the decorative composition again.


The article describes the preparation of walls for finishing and the method of working with a decorative composition. Following these tips, you will be able to apply liquid wallpaper yourself, properly care for them, and, if necessary, effectively repair almost any damage. You can get advice on this topic by asking a question in the comments.

Modern realities make an increasing number of people think that it is quite possible to carry out finishing work on their own. One of the most significant questions is how to glue liquid wallpaper on various materials. Indeed, this variety is significantly different from its paper or non-woven counterparts and requires a special approach.

First of all, you need to understand that working with liquid wallpaper is significantly different from sticking rolled options. The process is much more reminiscent of wall cladding with plaster or putty. There is a simple explanation for this: the material is a set of components, including crushed fibers of cellulose, cotton and silk. The binding elements are various environmentally friendly additives. Distinctive decorative effects are achieved through all sorts of inclusions.

Thus, a mixture of amazing properties is obtained, which makes it very popular. The only significant drawback is the high price, which is largely due to the complexity of production.

sticker or application

Currently, there is a lot of debate about whether it is worth doing the work completely on your own. Many masters insist that only professionals who are well acquainted with the application technique can perform this work qualitatively. This leads to the fact that for gluing liquid wallpaper, many turn to specialists.

In fact, there are no restrictions, you can stick such wallpapers yourself. Technological features of the product do not require special experience and the use of special tools. The main thing is to clearly follow the necessary order of work, which includes several interrelated stages.

The technology for applying liquid wallpaper is quite simple and, with proper skill, you can do the work yourself.

It is also worth mentioning that the term “glue” is more understandable for perception, but does not characterize this procedure at all, the concept of “application” or “laying” will be more accurate.

On a note! Such products are sold in the form of a dry mix, packed in plastic bags. Each of them contains instructions for use, which must be read in order to understand what conditions must be observed in the process of work.

The feasibility of high-quality wall preparation

Of course, this material can be glued to any surface, but it looks more advantageous on the walls. After spending a little time and making an effort, you can get an effect that will exceed all expectations, because there are many options for the manifestation of fantasy.

But sticking liquid wallpaper involves careful preparation, which depends on the base material. It will be a mistake to take into account the frequently encountered advice that the prepared solution will hide all existing defects.

It is best to apply decorative material on pre-prepared walls.

Working with old or plastered walls

This option occurs in most cases. The wall is a surface that has already been finished many times. Therefore, you should do the following:

  1. Completely remove the previous decorative coating. Particular attention should be paid to the painted areas, they cannot be left, so the only right solution is a complete cleaning.
  2. Check the quality of the plaster or putty. In view of the fact that defects and shedding are unacceptable, all defects are eliminated. If required, complete finishing is done.
  3. Obligatory impregnate the surface with a primer. It must have deep penetration.

GKL surfaces

Drywall is increasingly being used to level walls, so it's not surprising that it will serve as the basis for decorative cladding. But it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • Much attention is paid to the joints. This is the most problematic area. The fact is that liquid wallpaper creates a solid canvas, so cracks will immediately be reflected on the front side of the coating. To avoid such troubles, all seams must be reinforced with reinforced tape.
  • Difficulties may arise with an untreated cardboard surface. This will lead to two problems. First, the water will soak in too quickly, causing bumps and shrinkage. Secondly, if you need to remove the decorative layer, then the plate itself will suffer. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the plates with putty.
  • We must not forget about the use of a primer, this is a mandatory procedure.

A similar scenario of work with wooden surfaces that were previously lined with plywood or OSB.

The technology of applying liquid wallpaper

First of all, it is worth clarifying how to work with liquid wallpaper during the preparation of the mixture. This step can have a significant impact on the final result. It is important to remember the basic rule: stirring must be very careful, so it is carried out by hand, this will avoid damage to the base.

Hand kneading of silk plaster

Required tools:

  • A set of spatulas. This tool must have sufficient plasticity.
  • Trowel. It will be needed to distribute the mixture in a given area.
  • Grater. With its help, it is possible to form the necessary texture, so it is better to choose transparent options.

On a note! In view of the fact that some tool may have been previously used, it is advisable to make sure that its working surfaces are completely clean.

Although the work itself is not difficult, applying the composition will require concentration and care. This will help you avoid mistakes.

VIDEO: how to glue liquid wallpaper on the wall

Step-by-step instruction:

Summarizing the above, it becomes clear how to glue liquid wallpaper yourself and get the desired texture. The main thing is to practice a little to understand the basic principles. And then in the process of work there will be no unforeseen difficulties.

Your walls can be silk! Those who are now looking for ideas for a new renovation in their home and certainly want to do it themselves, should pay attention to the relatively unhackneyed version of decorating walls and ceilings with liquid wallpaper. They also have a different name - silk decorative plaster, not to be confused with ordinary plaster, which always includes sand.

This unusual wall covering has a number of advantages both when used in new buildings and when decorating battered walls. Liquid wallpaper is not afraid of shrinkage and does not crack, they do not need perfectly smooth walls, since gluing liquid wallpaper is quite simple. There is always a lot of room for creativity. Depending on the constituent fibers, liquid wallpaper can be: cellulose, silk-cellulose, silk.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper

What can we hide, we love to start repairs with our own hands. Here you have both savings and free time to do. Liquid wallpaper for such a “hobby” is ideal. Their price is relatively democratic: for Russian coating you will have to pay from 80 to 500 rubles per square meter, in the case of imported material, one square will cost between 400-2000 rubles.

At the same time, Russian manufacturers prefer packaging per kilogram and suffice for 4-5 square meters, while imported liquid wallpaper is packed with less weight and their consumption is slightly higher. The wallpaper differs in the thickness of the layer. One is enough 2 millimeters to look perfect, others suggest a thickness of application up to 4.5 millimeters.

In addition to the already mentioned advantages of the material itself, we can mention the soundproofing function of liquid wallpaper. They are fireproof, have a variety of color and texture solutions, and due to the antistatic features of the components they repel dust.

In terms of design, the material can also look “rich” by adding gold threads, sparkles and other decorative elements. And you can make the wallpaper a neutral background, but due to the texture and color combinations, you can achieve extreme pretentiousness.

Cotton or silk?

It is also an environmentally friendly material, since it is based on cotton, cellulose or silk fibers. Most often, the coating is sold in dry form and consists of the already mentioned fibers, adhesive base and dyes.

All diluted with water, odorless, safe for humans and animals.

By and large, which fibers are used in wallpaper does not really matter. But if you are a meticulous lover of natural, then it is better to prefer cotton and cellulose, because the silk in this wall covering is, of course, artificial. But all three types are equally warm and pleasant to the touch, and in terms of consumer characteristics they are also not inferior to each other.

Liquid wallpaper containing silk is more durable and has better decorative properties than cellulose. What awaits us if we choose liquid wallpaper?


Having chosen the finish with liquid wallpaper, we will deal with a dry, environmentally friendly mixture placed by the manufacturer in a plastic bag. The mixture contains cellulose, silk fibers, special dyes, adhesive binder and decorative elements such as sequins. There is no smell.

Ease of wallpapering

Walls or ceilings before covering with liquid wallpaper do not have to be perfectly even, it is enough to apply primer in 2 layers - along and across.

As a primer, you can use matte white oil paint - one layer is enough. The mixture in bags is already ready for use. It should be shaken to mix the components, poured into a suitable container, mixed thoroughly with your hands (absolutely safe for the skin) and put back into the bag for 12 hours for “aging”. The amount of water is always indicated on the package with the mixture.

Repair without problems

The application process is easy even for a non-professional, you can work alone, you just need to adapt to working with a trowel (plastic grout is suitable) so that the wet mixture does not slip or fall off. If the mixture gets on the furniture or floor, it is easily removed. No dirt or foreign smells. You can stop at any time, the shelf life of the prepared mixture is 14 days. No need to worry about the joints, as with roll wallpaper. Wall roughness? Decorating with liquid wallpaper perfectly masks irregularities. At any stage, it is permissible to ventilate the room - this does not harm liquid wallpaper.


It is easy to fix any flaws during the initial application or in the future, even from an already dried wall, just sprinkle water on the place you want to fix, carefully remove the soaked material and reapply it. This is one of the main conveniences and properties of liquid wallpaper: repeatedly remove and apply the coating. The remaining wet mixture should not be thrown away, it must be dried at room temperature, it will not lose its properties and may be useful in the future.

Creative potential

For people who are inclined to their own design, working with liquid wallpaper is an opening for creativity. With the help of mixtures that differ in color or texture, it is possible to carry out a combined application of the material, to impose contrasting stripes, geometry or patterns. The ornament can be invented and applied to the surface even after finishing. From the small remnants of the mixture, you can easily make some crafts, which will make the children very happy. Products are dried, covered with additional decor with glue, varnished. Decor can be pebbles, pieces of amber, buttons.

economical repair

Dressing the walls in silk is quite an affordable pleasure, given both the cost of the material itself and the opportunity not to resort to the services of professionals. At the same time, you will get environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch, surprisingly warm, beautiful and not “like everyone else” walls.

Minus one: Liquid wallpaper should not be applied in wet areas. But you will not cover the walls of the bathroom with them, will you?

Where will we paste

This coating is ideal for uneven walls with complex terrain: it hides imperfections and is easy to apply. In principle, it is possible to glue liquid wallpaper in residential, and in unheated, and in wet rooms. But in the bathroom or in the kitchen, they will have to be covered with a protective varnish, which increases the cost of repairs and deprives the material of one of the main properties - a microporous structure that allows it to "breathe". It is more logical to use other wall coverings in such rooms.

As for surfaces, such wallpapers fit well on almost any of them: from brick to metal. But manufacturers recommend that you use special primers to avoid defects in work. Please note that for light wallpapers it is worth using light primers, and for dark ones - dark ones. Otherwise, the final appearance of the coating may be distorted.

The big advantage is the absence of seams, it is convenient to mask small wall defects with liquid wallpaper, they easily eliminate gaps around sockets, switches, and allow you to eliminate the loose fit of skirting boards and platbands.

How to care

In order for the color and texture of liquid wallpaper to be the same, on one wall you need to use a portion prepared at a time. Because the components are hand-blended, subtle distinctive nuances are possible. At the same time, they will not be noticeable on different walls.

Liquid wallpaper is easily "repaired". It is enough to remove the damaged or contaminated fragment and apply a new one in its place. But if the original coating was applied a long time ago, or cigarette smoke or kitchen soot got on it, then the color of a brand new patch may differ significantly. Think about it ahead of time.

By the way, divorced wallpaper can be stored in the freezer. Just in case. This type of wallpaper is removed from the wall in the same way as the most ordinary ones.

Do-it-yourself application master class

The services of third-party construction companies are now not cheap, but you want to save money, and so that the result is pleasing to the eye, then you have no choice, learn the rules for applying liquid wallpaper. How to glue liquid wallpaper without skills, read the detailed step-by-step action plan.

So, let's start drawing. First you need to prepare the wall - remove dirt, old coating, if any. Next, the walls need to be treated with special primers. Liquid wallpaper has the ability to draw out excess moisture from the walls, old paintwork components, which may cause stains. The primer will prevent this.

Wallpaper is usually glued in the warm season, or in a heated room.
First you need to pour a sufficient amount of water into the container, the necessary information should be indicated on the package. Then dry sparkles are poured into the water, which further allows you to distribute them evenly. A dry mixture of fibers is also poured there. Let it absorb some water and stir. You can directly with your hands, as we remember, the mixture is harmless.

This can be done with an ordinary spatula or a professional gun, from where the mixture is sprayed under high pressure. Sometimes sellers of material give such pistols for rent. In any case, it is important that the mixture is applied evenly, without gaps.
As for the surface topography, as planned, it can be smooth, then the mixture is simply leveled with a spatula. After 1-2 hours, small defects can be easily eliminated with a spatula dipped in water.

For more complex terrain, special rollers are sold. They imitate the structure of matting, wood, stone. You can also achieve an interesting texture manually by applying chaotic or meaningful pressing movements with a spatula. If you do not understand some of the steps, watch the video on how to glue liquid wallpaper with your own hands using the classic method.

As a result, you will get beautiful walls, and you will feel like a real jack of all trades.

Video: glue yourself