Make a log house from timber with your own hands. Technology for assembling the walls of a house or bathhouse from building timber. Loghouse installation technology

Due to the growing popularity of wood as a building material, many are interested in how to build a house from timber with their own hands. Despite the rather significant scale of such an event, this task is quite realistic. Naturally, you will need to purchase quality material, master the technology and attract help - but in the end it is quite possible to build a residential building without the involvement of third-party specialists.

We will tell you how to do this below. In addition to everything, the video in this article below will also highlight some of the nuances.

Features of choice

Before talking about how to lay timber to form the walls of a residential building or bathhouse, you need to understand the material itself.

  • The timber used for construction is a quadrangular piece (rectangular or square), sawn from a single tree trunk or glued together from several boards.

  • According to the configuration, the timber can be flat or profiled. Profiled models are much more convenient to install. In addition, protrusions and recesses on the planes of profiled parts make it possible to create an almost hermetic joint between the elements.

To improve performance characteristics The joint between the beams should use special insulating materials.
The most popular today is the jute roll seal.

  • Solid timber is more affordable, but it is more prone to deformation and shrinkage when drying. The price of glued varieties is much higher, but such blanks practically do not warp, and shrinkage of the structure will be minimal.

  • Also, when purchasing a material, it is very important to pay attention to its moisture content: wood natural humidity it is cheaper, but a log house made of such material must stand for at least a year before finishing, otherwise shrinkage of the walls will lead to deformation of the internal and external cladding.
  • Chamber drying significantly increases the cost of building materials, but allows you to minimize the percentage of bound moisture in wood fibers. Such timber practically does not shrink.

To summarize, it can be noted that the answer to the question of how much it costs to build a log frame directly depends on the material you choose. Glued profiled timber that has been pre-dried will cost more, but you can handle the construction easily and quickly. Well, most budget option– smooth, massive material with natural moisture. But, of course, you will have to tinker with it.

Wall length


Wall width


Wall height


Beam section

150x150 mm. 180x180 mm. 200x200 mm.

Beam length

5 m. 6 m. 7 m. 8 m. 9 m. 10 m. 11 m. 12 m.

Loghouse installation technology

Lower junction to the foundation

After the material has been selected, purchased and delivered to the site, you can figure out how to build a log frame. And we will start work from the foundation - installation of the casing crown.

What do the instructions from experts in working with wood advise us to do?

  • Before laying the first crown of timber, it is necessary to perform high-quality waterproofing grounds. Whatever our foundation may be, on it upper plane We lay either two layers of roofing material or a special waterproofing membrane.

If construction is carried out in a humid area, then it is advisable to carry out comprehensive protection against moisture, including both laying membrane materials and treating the foundation with water-repellent mastics.

  • We lay a lining beam on top of the waterproofing layer around the perimeter of the entire base. To make this, this tree is characterized by maximum resistance to moisture.
  • The thickness of the lining beam must be at least 100 mm, and the width must be at least not less than the width of the main wall beam.

  • Sometimes a profiled beam is used as a lining, cut in such a way that it rests on the base not with the tenons of the castle, but with a plane. In this case, installation of an additional lining is not required, but the waterproofing properties of the structure will suffer somewhat.
  • At the corners of the structure wooden beams we connect “half a tree”. This allows you to achieve maximum joint strength.

Pay attention!
All the following crowns can be connected according to another scheme, for example, “in a paw”.

We thoroughly impregnate the backing beam or the first profiled workpiece antiseptic(Tikkurila, Senezh, etc.). In principle, if finances allow, it will definitely not be possible before installation begins.

We lay it on top of the timber sealing tape from jute. If you are choosing how to lay the timber, you should keep in mind that too thick material is just as ineffective as too thin: in both cases, the risk of blowing increases. For flat timber A tape thickness of 10 mm is sufficient, and for glued profiled tape - 5 mm.

To avoid displacement, we fix the jute on the beam using a construction stapler.

Pay attention!
laid in one layer, without bends.

To the inside lower crown We attach the brackets on which we lay the floor joists. The lower plane of the logs should rest on foundation elements or special cranial bars.

In principle, logs can be embedded into the crown, but if we are talking about how to build a bathhouse from timber or build a house on relatively moist soils, then it is better to act according to the first option. This will make it easier to replace a rotten log with a new one.

Timber fastening technologies

After the first crown has been erected, you can begin laying the beams for the set of walls.

There are several nuances to consider:

  • In principle, high-quality dried laminated laminated timber can be mounted without any connecting elements at all, fastening it into a lock only at the corners (we will talk about corner connection technology a little later). But, nevertheless, to increase strength it is better to connect the workpieces.

  • For connections, dowels are used - metal, wooden or plastic pins. It is best to use wooden walls, and even those with the same humidity as the wood itself.
  • A hole for the dowel is drilled to connect no more than two beams: the upper beam is “stitched” through, and a nest of half its thickness is formed in the lower one.
  • The hole diameter should be equal to diameter dowel - so that fastener with little effort he was driven into the tree by blows of a mallet.

The length of the dowel should be 25-30 mm less than the depth of the hole - this will compensate for shrinkage.

  • Fasteners are installed in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between them should not exceed 1500 mm.

Cutting corners

Corner connections of timber can be made in several ways.

Some of them provide for the protrusion of the workpiece beyond the plane of the wall (connection with the remainder), others do not.

  • The parts are connected to the rest by cutting out a recess in the workpiece - a bowl. A second beam is placed in this bowl, which can be either solid or with a corresponding cutout. The most popular connection schemes with the remainder are “into the bowl” and “into the bowl”.
  • The most common technology for joining without residue is the “half-tree” joining. In this case, protrusions are formed at the ends of the beams, the thickness of which is equal to half the thickness of the parts being connected.

  • Another method of corner connection is the so-called “ warm corner" This technology involves cutting a vertical groove on the side surface of the beam, into which a corresponding sized tenon is inserted at the end of another element.

Pay attention! The corner cutting technology largely determines the labor intensity of the process, and if you ask how much it costs to build a house from timber with different options angles, they will give you numbers that will differ quite a lot.

Windows and doors

Speaking about the construction of walls, do not forget about window and door openings:

  • The openings themselves are either cut out in already laid walls, or are provided for in advance by the design (if we purchase the material as part of the so-called house kit).
  • In order to maintain the shape of the openings during shrinkage, we cut special strips into their side surfaces - the so-called ribs.
  • Above the windows and door frames V mandatory leave a shrinkage gap of at least 50 mm.


After completing all the activities described above and laying the roof, the log house must stand until it shrinks completely. The standing time ranges from one and a half years (for raw, even timber) to six months (if glued dried raw materials were used).

After the required time has passed, you can begin finishing:

  • Houses made of profiled material do not require cladding either inside or outside. To ensure their durability, it is enough to treat the walls with an antiseptic or paint them with a composition for external use.
  • In buildings made of even timber, cracks inevitably form during the shrinkage process. These cracks must be sealed, after which it is necessary to provide cladding that protects against blowing.

In our time, as in all times, even those distant times when there were no cinder blocks, bricks, foam blocks, the construction of structures from logs is very well known and quite popular. Any such structure can recreate the atmosphere of Ancient Rus'.

Material for assembling a log house with your own hands

It is not possible to create this type of house from every type of tree. If you want this structure to stand for many decades, you need to select tree species that are especially durable and not very expensive. Trees have such standards coniferous species, such as pine, larch, as well as linden, willow, oak, aspen and birch.

When building a house from timber with your own hands, you need to remember such an important factor as the dimensions of the logs for the frame.

Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the construction of the log house will be carried out from logs whose diameter is not less than 20 cm, but not more than 26 cm. You must use even logs, of the same thickness along the entire length and without cracks.

You can make a log house from timber from 2 materials:

  • profiled timber;
  • rounded logs.

These two materials have a number of advantages. Profiled timber has a square or rectangular section. It is processed on a special machine. After which the sides of the beam, located on the sides, turn out to be flat, and the bottom and top are embossed, in the form of grooves.

The creation of a rounded log is made by processing an ordinary log into a shape in the form of an ideal cylinder. In this case, a special machine is used. It is capable of removing the topmost, not very durable layer of the log.

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Log house made of timber and its advantages

A log house made of timber has many advantages. The most significant are considered:

  • use for construction environmentally pure material– wood;
  • high strength;
  • increased heat capacity;
  • aesthetic appeal.

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Types of timber assembly

It is really possible to build a log house with your own hands. This job does not require significant woodworking knowledge. Construction begins with an advance drawing of the structure diagram, this will be the basis for the choice of fastening options between each other.

Has several classifications:

  • depending on the processing of the logs;
  • on the method of fastening the logs together;
  • depending on the layout.

This has to do with planning. It should be noted that the structure can be four-walled, that is, rectangular or square, figured, that is, semicircular, hexagonal, etc. You can make a log house using the five-wall assembly option. It consists in the presence in the layout of an intermediate wall (pier), for the manufacture of which timber is also used.

2 most stand out known variants fixing logs:

  • in the paw;
  • into the bowl.

You can install such a house using ordinary wood or laminated veneer lumber. However, they are rarely used in construction. There is also the option of building a house from ordinary logs and from laminated veneer lumber, but they are rarely used in construction.

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Tools for building a log house

Before making a log house, you need to prepare a tool for the job:

  • carpenter's axe;
  • chisel;
  • plumb line;
  • hacksaw;
  • bracket;
  • shovel;
  • pencil.

Don't forget to take measuring tools:

  • ruler;
  • level;
  • roulette

To make a log house, you will need logs that will be used for future exterior walls. Their thickness should be more than 22 cm. Logs for internal walls should have a thickness of 19 cm.

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Loghouse construction technology

In order to build such a house yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of its construction:

  1. Before you make a log house, you need to decide where it will be located. It is necessary that about construction site there was a decent amount of unoccupied space where installation could be carried out components log house Then you need to mark the future structure using pegs and rope. The corners must be straight.
  2. Next comes the installation of the temporary foundation. It is made using meter-long aspen logs.
  3. Installation of a log house is main part work. The structure will be stable if you are more careful and careful in connecting the longitudinal and transverse walls, as well as the logs with each other. To prevent the house from cracking in the future, it is necessary to make a cut along the entire length of the log.
  4. Before making a log house, you need to start laying the frame crown logs. They are located opposite each other. The side of the house located inside and the other side that is in contact with the foundation must first be hewn. The notches should have a width of more than 15 cm. Then sufficient stability of the crown and walls of the entire house will be ensured.
  5. Before you start laying logs under the foundation, you need to lay down boards that have already been treated with bitumen. The lining must have a thickness of more than 5 cm. A heat-insulating layer is placed on top, for example, it can be felt or tow.
  6. Next comes the turn of installing the walls. They are placed in horizontal rows - crowns. A home built from timber with your own hands should not have any skewing of the walls, so alternating tops and butts is performed. Grooves are made in the logs in their lower parts, through which the rows are connected to each other.
  7. If you decide to make a beam with your own hands, then do not forget that wood shrinks when it dries, so you need to make a rough version. The frame needs to be marked and disassembled. Put the logs in dry room. Final assembly construction must begin after 1 year. When you carry out the draft version, do not forget to make the holes for the tenons 2 cm deeper than the designed values, and the log house itself 10 cm higher. You need to leave gaps above the openings of windows and doors, which will then be hidden with thermal insulation material.
  8. Having erected the walls, caulk all the seams from the outside and inside structures along its entire perimeter. You cannot caulk the entire wall at once: this can lead to the house being skewed. After a year, it is advisable to repeat the caulking. Near windows and doors thermal insulation material replace with wooden blocks.

Timber is used quite often in the construction of private houses. This is due to its environmental friendliness and versatility. This material is also quite easy to use and install. The technology of building houses is simple and does not require much time. To understand how to assemble a log house yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the process in more detail.

General information

The timber is made from whole tree trunks. They are cut on 4 sides, resulting in rectangular building elements.

There are several types of timber:

  • glued - consists of lamellas connected together;
  • profiled timber - has grooves, due to which it reliably adheres to adjacent structural elements;
  • regular - has a rectangular or square shape.

Advice! Raw timber is cheaper than other types of material.

Particular attention should be paid to profiled timber. It is usually equipped with special grooves on both sides. Thanks to this solution, the joining of various elements occurs easily and quickly. At the same time, cracks and distortions do not form in the timber.

It is also worth mentioning the features of laminated veneer lumber. This material is made from different elements, which are glued to each other using special staff. Such timber does not dry out over time. Also, there are no cracks in it.


To install a log frame with your own hands, you will need good preparation. In any case, construction begins with a project. It should reflect the dimensions of the building, the materials used, as well as a drawing of the building with detailed description. This will allow you to build just such a house from timber that will meet all the customer’s requests. In addition, with the help of design, you can quite accurately calculate the amount of materials used.

At the stage of designing a house made of timber, it is worth thinking through many little things that you will have to face in the future:

  • it is necessary to decide where the material will be purchased, as well as where it will be stored until construction begins;
  • what communications will be carried out to the site, and which have already been carried out;
  • it is also necessary to apply to a local architectural bureau for permission before starting work;
  • budgeting - important stage creating a house made of timber.

Attention! When calculating the dimensions of a building, the cross-section of the timber should be taken into account. The standard parameters are 100x100 and 200x200 mm.

Also quite a popular option is 15x15cm timber. After completion preparatory stage construction can begin.


In the process of building a house from timber, a number of subsequent stages will need to be completed, starting with pouring the foundation and ending with building the roof. Each of them will require the most responsible approach to work.


The durability of a timber house depends on the quality of the poured foundation. This type of work is one of the most important when building a house. In addition, building the foundation is the most difficult stage. However, if all the subtleties are observed, such work can be done independently.

First, you should decide what type of foundation to choose for a house made of timber. Particularly popular among private developers strip foundation. It is usually built for multi-level buildings. You can also install a pile or monolithic foundation. In the latter case, the cost of pouring the base will be significant. In addition, such foundations are usually not built for timber - wooden structures are light in weight.

What type of foundation will be chosen for a house made of timber depends on the landscape features of the site. The cost of the foundation is equal to 30% of the budget of the entire structure. The filling process is quite complicated, so you will have to be patient.

Advice! To make the installation of a timber house foundation faster and more convenient, you can purchase screw piles. They are installed in 1 day.

Laying the first crown

First, the bottom trim is laid. This structural element is more exposed to bad weather and insects than others. The foundation should be as level as possible. The first crown is always treated with an antiseptic. This will ensure its full protection from various negative influences.

Important! When laying the external walls of a house made of timber, you should use 150x150 mm timber. When installing internal partitions and floor beams, it is better to choose 100x50 mm timber.

Flooring and walls

After installing the bottom trim, the timber flooring logs of the house are laid. It is better if they are mounted on an edge. The joists are covered with a subfloor. It should be made from boards 25x150 mm. The flooring work ends with the flooring finishing coating. It is usually made from tongue and groove boards.


The walls are quite simple to build. In the process of work, you just need to lay the beams on top of each other. The main thing is to carry out correct installation first crown. To fasten the rows vertically, special elements are used - dowels. They prevent the beam from twisting or moving. Wood or metal can be used as a material for dowels.

When choosing wooden pins, they are made from the type of wood from which the timber itself is made. Metal dowels are more reliable and more expensive.

The pins are driven in as in the case of brickwork. The dowels are driven through several rows, one at a time. Holes of the appropriate diameter should be pre-drilled for the pins. The pins must be inserted effortlessly. They are installed every one and a half meters.

Important! To insulate the walls and give them greater strength, a sealant should be laid between the rows. Tow should be used as a material.

Best done gusset"warm corner" type. The corners are not blown through with this connection. Partitions must be embedded into main walls. Their installation is carried out after the construction of the frame.

Window openings are cut out after laying the timber. Then the house must be left for 1-2 years to shrink. Only after this can the doors and windows themselves be installed.


Beams ceiling, and also rafter system and sheathing are laid according to the design. The drawings must indicate all materials used and the dimensions of each element. After the walls are built, it is necessary to lay logs protruding 50 cm beyond the base.

To make the roof as reliable as possible, you should choose a beam of 150x100 mm. Wooden elements mounted on edge. There should be 90 cm between them. After this, it is necessary to assemble the rafter system. For it, it is better to choose 5x15 cm boards. This structure will be the basis of the roof, so it should be strengthened with crossbars, braces and racks.

After the frame is installed, you can start laying out the fronts. Their frame is made of 150x150 mm timber. Boards or siding are used as cladding. At the last stage, it is necessary to nail down the sheathing from 2.5x15 cm boards. The sheathing should be done in increments of no more than 400 mm.

The roof covering is made of various materials:

  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • ondulin;
  • roofing felt

Usually along with the house suburban area They immediately arrange a bathhouse. That is why its construction is worth considering in more detail.

Log bathhouse

Construction technology in this case is not much different from the method of constructing a house from timber. However, several features should be taken into account during the construction process. There are specific instructions for building a bathhouse:

First the foundation is done. More optimal options- pile or strip type of foundation. Their choice depends on the characteristics of the soil.

Then the material is selected. Most to build baths will do glued or profiled timber 150x150 mm, made of softwood.

The first crown is placed on top of it, as well as logs for flooring and partitions inside the building. The floor must be sloping towards the drain. The drain should be equipped with a water lock to prevent the flow of cold air.

After this, it is necessary to lay the wall beams in the “end tongue” or in the “foot”. As during the construction of a house, pins can be used to fasten the crowns.

When installing a stove, it should be taken into account that the firebox is located in the steam room, and the water tank is in washing department. If you have experience in building a log house, installing a bathhouse will not be difficult.


As you can see, creating a log house from timber is not very difficult. Even with little construction experience you can do all the work yourself. The result will be a reliable and durable house that will be built in the shortest possible time.

If the house has complex design, before construction you should consult with professionals. It is also better to prepare all the tools and materials before work.

A house made of timber is assembled in stages. First you need to pour the foundation. The choice of foundation type depends on the characteristics of the soil and the number of storeys of the building. It is better to choose tape or pile foundation. After this, walls are erected. They must have the most accurate geometry. The crowns are fastened using dowels.

Every family should have a place where they can feel safe. For many this is own house, spacious and bright. Within its walls you can gather with all your relatives and friends, spend time together and enjoy every moment. In any home there is something special, cozy atmosphere that you don't want to leave.

For all these reasons, people want to have their own home, and it doesn’t matter what it will be - small or large, one-story or two-story. IN lately Houses made of timber are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the environmental friendliness of the material, its beautiful texture and qualities that protect against cold and wind. A log house built with your own hands will become the real pride of the family and will last for a long time.

The first step with which you need to start building a house from timber or a bathhouse with your own hands is developing a project. This is the most interesting stage of construction, during which you can give free rein to your imagination and ingenuity. Developing a project from scratch in a special office will require a lot of expenses, so it is better to spend a few days on the planning yourself.

So, the project must include a diagram of the future house with all the details. You need to indicate where it will be located, what materials will be used for construction, where they will be purchased, at what cost, and much more. All, even unimportant aspects of construction must be indicated in it.

The foundation is the key to durability

The foundation is the basis of any house or bathhouse. The reliability of the building will directly depend on its quality. The foundation is the support of the house, which consists of:

  1. Sand pillow;
  2. Ground;
  3. Frame made of reinforced structure;
  4. Concrete;
  5. Holes for ventilation;
  6. Waterproofing.

There are several types of foundation:

  • A strip foundation is a reinforced concrete strip that stretches along the entire perimeter of the house. This tape is laid under all walls of the building;
  • A columnar foundation is erected in the form of pillars located at all intersections of walls and at points where there is a large load. It is economical and reliable option, which can only be used for houses with low weight, for example, the construction of a house from laminated veneer lumber is often carried out on this;
  • Pile foundation is a structure consisting of piles. Most suitable for large buildings.

Laying the foundation requires a lot of attention, as this is one of the main processes in the construction of a log house or bathhouse made of timber.

Wall assembly

Beams for walls usually have cuts at the corners for correct installation. Building the walls of a log house from 150x150 timber is not so easy, but on the Internet you can watch a video from professionals that shows everything. So, laying the walls begins with the first crown, which needs to be given a lot of attention.

Firstly, be sure to take care of waterproofing. If it was not laid during the construction of the foundation, then you should think about it before laying the beams. It is necessary to lay roofing material on top of the base in two layers, and then lay longitudinal boards treated with bitumen. Only after this can the first crown be laid.

Options for assembling the walls of a log house 150x150 or a bathhouse made of timber:

Roof of the house

After the height of the walls has been brought to the desired level, you can begin to cut the roof with your own hands. This is a difficult process, which you can see with your own eyes in the video. The roof structure for a log house or bathhouse can be of any type. The most the best option, and is considered widespread gable roof. It consists of two elements - truss structure and roofs.

The rafter structure is the basis of the roof. Rafters are its constituent components, the fastening of which is carried out using staples and nails. If you plan to install heating or gas in the house, then you need to provide holes for the pipes.

The next step is styling vapor barrier film, on top of which you need to sew counter batten slats, after which the sheathing is installed. Afterwards, the material from which the roof will be made is selected, and then the process of laying it begins.

Floor installation

Building a log house with your own hands is not an easy task, and you need to be careful. Otherwise, living in the building will be inconvenient and uncomfortable. So, you should definitely consider installing the floor. Most often they are made double, with a heat-insulating layer placed between them. In the process of making the floor, edged boards are used.

It is hemmed from the bottom. When hemming, all stitches must be carried out evenly and accurately, otherwise after a short use, the boards will begin to tear off. Also, to install the floor, a cranial beam is used, which will be attached to the joists.

To install the floor you can use modern coatings. They will cost a little more, but they can change the interior and design of the entire house.

Ceiling installation

The ceiling is an important element of any home. IN timber log house it will consist of several elements (arranged from top to bottom):

  • Binder. This is a decorative element that every person will admire;
  • Vapor barrier layer. Thanks to it, moist air from the room will not reach the beams. Thanks to the vapor barrier, the rafters will not begin to rot;
  • Insulation. This is a layer of insulation with which warm air will not leave the house through the roof.

Door and window openings in a log house

To future home a person could enter; doors need to be installed. To allow light to enter a building, windows are needed. However, it is not possible to simply install both windows and doors - special openings are required.

Openings can be made in two ways:

  1. In the process of making a log house or bathhouse. This complex technique, since it is necessary to calculate in advance correct location windows The beams are selected in a special size and laid so that there is an opening;
  2. After the construction of the log house. This cutting method must be carried out with a plumb line to mark the places where the sawing will take place. The process is completed using a chainsaw. In a specialized video you can see all the nuances of the work;

The next step in designing door and window openings- pigtail. Thanks to it, you can strengthen the opening and ensure the free placement of the beams. The main purpose of the casing is to preserve the shape of the openings after shrinkage.

Finishing a timber house

Finishing a house or bathhouse from a log house is an essential part of the DIY construction process. In total, there are two options for the development of events - leave the outer walls unchanged, treating them only protective varnish or cover decorative elements. This difficult choice, because the texture of the wood looks beautiful and attractive, but also modern options I want to try the finishes. For decoration, you can use clapboard, siding or block house.

The interior decoration of a log house comes down to two processes - mandatory and additional. The first option includes flooring, as well as installation of windows and doors. Additional features include the design of a certain interior and style in the house.

Plumbing, electricity and heating

If you wish, you can take care of all the benefits modern world. The first of these is water supply. It can be of several varieties - autonomous or centralized. Centralized water supply will come from one main pipe. The advantages of this connection are ease installation work, the downside is the dependence on the central water utility. The autonomous option has several advantages, including the fact that water is supplied at will.

An important point that includes the construction of a house from profiled timber or another type, as well as a bathhouse from timber, is heating. It can be presented in different types– do-it-yourself heating installation, use portable equipment or underfloor heating. There are several options from which you can choose the one that suits your taste and budget.

Today it is impossible to do without electricity. Laying the wiring will not leave any difficulty, as well as installing switches and sockets. However, when carrying out this work, do not forget about fire safety rules.

Making a log house with your own hands is considered a difficult task, the execution of which will require a lot of effort and time. It will be more difficult to build a comfortable and convenient log house without special skills or little experience. It is recommended to use the help of specialists and always be prepared for additional costs.

The timber is universal and environmentally friendly building material om, which is also easy to use and accessible. As a result of these qualities, timber is often used in the construction of houses.

The technology for building houses is quite simple, not requiring high costs time. Next, we will look step by step at how to assemble a log house with your own hands.

General information

I make timber by trimming a tree trunk on four sides. The result is a solid, even building material with rectangular shape. Since the thickness of the timber is the same along its entire length, it is convenient to build walls from it.

Today there are several types of timber:

  • Profiled;
  • Ordinary;
  • Glued.

The most low price on raw timber, however, after erecting walls from this material, you will have to wait about a year for the frame to shrink before erecting the roof.

The profiled timber, which has grooves on both or one side, deserves special attention. Thanks to this, the beams easily fit together and no cracks form.

Glued laminated timber is made from many boards that are pre-processed and glued together. The advantage of this material is that it does not dry out or crack, unlike ordinary timber.

To calculate the amount of timber during construction, use the calculator:

Wall length


Wall width


Wall height


Beam section

150x150 mm. 180x180 mm. 200x200 mm.

Beam length

5 m. 6 m. 7 m. 8 m. 9 m. 10 m. 11 m. 12 m.


Like any other construction, the construction of a log house begins with the creation. This will allow you to create exactly the home you dream of. In addition, design will allow you to select necessary materials and calculate their number.

At this stage, it is necessary to think through everything, even the smallest nuances of future construction:

  • Where will you purchase the material and where will it be stored;
  • What communications are already present on the site, and which ones need to be installed;
  • Calculate costs;
  • Obtain a building permit.

Pay attention!
When calculating the dimensions of a building, it is necessary to take into account the cross-section of the timber.
The standard parameters of this material range from 100x100 mm to 200x200 mm.
The most common is timber with a section of 150x150 mm.

After completing this work, you can begin construction.



The foundation is the basis of any home. The durability of your structure depends on its quality. Despite the fact that building a foundation is one of the most labor-intensive tasks when building a log house, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

First of all, you should determine what type of foundation your log house will have.

It could be:

  • Tape;
  • Prefabricated;
  • Pile;
  • Solid design;
  • Screw.

The choice of foundation depends on the geological and landscape conditions of the site. As a rule, 30 percent of the entire construction budget is spent on building the foundation. The process itself is very labor-intensive and therefore requires patience and diligence..

You can simplify and speed up the construction of the foundation using screw piles.
As a rule, their installation is completed in one day.

Crown and floor installation

The construction of a log house begins with the completion of the lower frame, the so-called crown, which is laid out on a waterproofed and level foundation. The first crown after installation must be treated with an antiseptic, since this part of the structure is most susceptible to the development of wood defects.

Pay attention!
For the construction of external walls, timber with a section of 150x150 mm is usually used, and internal partitions and genitals with a cross section of 100x50 mm.

Then the floor joists are installed; it is best to lay them on edge. A subfloor is mounted on the joists, which must be covered with thermal insulation on both sides.

For the subfloor, boards with a section of 25x150 mm are suitable. The work is completed by laying the final floor, for example, from 36 or 28 mm tongue and groove boards.


The construction of the walls of a log house comes down to alternately laying rows of timber, therefore, the main thing is to figure out how to assemble the first row. Each crown or row is fastened together using a dowel - a special pin for vertical connection.

Dowels prevent the beam from shifting and twisting. Such pins can be metal or wood.

If wooden ones are used, then they are made from the same species as the house. Metal pins tighten the timber more reliably, however, they are more expensive than wooden ones.

Installation of dowels is carried out according to the principle brickwork, i.e. through several rows through one. For the pins, it is necessary to drill holes with a diameter of several centimeters so that they are inserted without force. The dowels are installed at a distance of one and a half meters from each other.

A compactor should be laid between the rows of timber.
For these purposes, you can use tow or flax-jute fabric.

At the junction of external walls, it is advisable to use a “warm corner” type lock. The essence of this method is as follows: a tenon is made in one beam, and a groove of the appropriate size is cut out in the other.

Layers of timber must be alternated with tenons and grooves. Thanks to this connection method, the most rigid structure is obtained and the corners are not blown through.

The partitions of the house crash into the main walls. Their installation is carried out only after the construction of the frame of the log house. If the dimensions of the building exceed 6x6m and there is a second floor, then it is necessary to have at least one partition on the first floor, which will be an additional support for the second floor.

To reduce the construction budget, interior walls can be made into frames.
In this case, the frame is made of bars with a section of 40x40 or 50x50 mm.
Then it is sheathed with some material, for example, clapboard.

In places where windows should be located, it is necessary to cut out technological openings. After the final shrinkage of the frame, the windows and doors themselves are installed.

Erection of the roof

Ceiling beams, lathing and rafters are installed in accordance with the project future roof. After the walls are built, logs are laid, which protrude 50 cm beyond the base of the wall.

For logs, a beam with a cross section of 150x100 mm is suitable. They are installed on the edge with a pitch of 90 cm. Then the rafter system is assembled; for this you can use boards with a section of 50x150 mm.

This structure will be the skeleton of the roof, so it must be strengthened with crossbars, racks and braces. The rafters must be installed in increments not exceeding 1 m.

After installing the frame, it is necessary to lay out the fronts. They can be made from timber with a cross-section of 150x150 mm, siding, or simply boarded with a 25x150 mm board. Last stage consists of nailing down a sheathing with a cross-section of 25x150 mm. The sheathing pitch should be no more than 400 mm.

Various materials can be used to cover the roof:

  • Metal tiles;
  • Ruberoid;
  • Ondulin;
  • Corrugated sheeting, etc.

As a rule, when building a house, a bathhouse is also erected immediately. Therefore, next we looked at how to make log cabins for baths from timber with your own hands.

Construction of a bathhouse from a log house

The technology for building a bathhouse is not much different from building a house, but there are some peculiarities.

The instructions for performing the work look like this:

  1. First of all, the foundation is made. Depending on the soil conditions, it is best to use a strip or pile type.
  2. The material is selected. It is best to use profiled or glued coniferous trees with dimensions of 150x150 and 50x180 mm.
  3. A brick or concrete plinth, which must be covered with a layer of waterproofing.
  4. Then the first crown, floor joists and beams of internal partitions are laid. The floor should be sloping towards the water drain, equipped with a water lock or sewer, so that cold air does not enter from the street.
  5. Next, the wall beams are laid in a “foot” or “end tongue.” You can also use pins, as in construction.
  6. The heater stove, which is an important part of the bathhouse, should be installed as follows: the firebox is installed in the steam room, and the water tank is installed in the washing room.