House of the future made of paper. Do-it-yourself paper house layout with diagrams and photos. Building a cat house

Many people, seeing the beautiful and neat models of buildings made by architects, dream of learning how to create the same small copies of beautiful houses. It is difficult to learn how to make real difficult layouts, but it is in your power and probabilities to assemble a decorative model of a house on a scale of 1:50, having previously drawn on paper the silhouettes of the details and facades of the house, as well as the roof and frame.


1. To create a layout, you will need plywood 6-8 mm thick, as well as materials for facades, partitions and roofs. Make the frame of the house out of plywood and place it on a flat surface.

2. Separately prepare the facades cut out according to the drawings, and cut door and window openings into them. After that, sand the cuts and joints.

3. Make the base of the house from wide slats, gluing them onto the finished box of the house, and also separately make a porch with stairs from solid wood bars.

4. From thin plywood, cut out the doors and window casings separately, sand them with sandpaper, paste over the silhouette with thin slats and glue them tightly to the frame of the house in the openings. Instead of glass, insert plexiglass of millimeter thickness into the windows with plastic or wood frames glued on the outside.

5. Take a separate sheet of plywood and saw out a gable roof for the house, and then roofs for individual buildings if you want to complement the house with a yard. Solder downspouts and gutters from thin tin, and then fix them on the roof slopes. Chimneys are made from small pieces of wood.

6. Later, after the small details are ready, start assembling the house. First, assemble the box of the house, then place the roof on it, then fix the porches at the outer doors.

7. Carve individual beautiful posts or slats with which you close the joints of plywood sheets so that the house looks more beautiful. Sand the surface of the building, cover it with stain and varnish or paint it with paint.

8. Start production of building models with primitive models - say, small huts or barns. After that, you can improve your knowledge and move on to building more difficult layouts.

When people are planning to build their own house, it is cooler for everyone to make its layout first. This will allow potential owners to visually look at their future home and, for example, make some adjustments before construction.

You will need

  • - a special mock-up knife with replaceable blades. It can be either plastic or metal. The final one is better because it is more durable and will not break when pressed.
  • - thick cardboard It is allowed to buy it in special stores for artists, designers. But the best option for making a house layout would be corrugated cardboard. Where is it allowed to be taken? For example, if there are obscene shoe boxes, then it is permissible to use them bravely to create a model of a building. The thickness of corrugated cardboard is different, and what will be applied depends on the scale of the model of the house. For example, at a house scale of 1:50, it’s better to take cardboard at least 5 mm, and at 1:100, corrugated cardboard 2-3 mm thick will perfectly fit. That is, the smaller the scale of the house, the thinner the cardboard.
  • - glue. More often than not, PVA glue is recommended, but this is by no means the best option. Because it requires high accuracy and the presence of practice in its application. In order to make the layout of the house more excellent, Globus glue and other types with a similar composition are suitable.
  • - a dense board (fiberboard, chipboard). It will be used to cool the cardboard on it, so as not to damage the surface of other coatings.


1. The first thing that begins with the production of a layout is the choice of a building plan, from which in the future it will be necessary to make a model of a house.

2. Later, after choosing the necessary house, we proceed to its manufacture. To begin with, we draw a plan and facades of the building on paper. We paste the drawn plan onto prepared corrugated or ordinary, pressed cardboard, and cut it out according to the silhouette. Thus, we will have a ready-made basis for the future building model.

3. We proceed to the manufacture of facades and their assembly. To begin with, we produce two facades. They certainly must be located each other, on the contrary. Say, two side, or main and courtyard facades.

4. After that, two selected opposite facades are glued onto the plan. We install a stiffener between them along a length equal to the length of the building. We do the same with the other two side walls of the house. The device of stiffening ribs is necessary so that the walls of the layout hold tightly and do not collapse.

5. Manufacture of the roof layout of the house. Say, if the roof is gable, then we cut out two plates of cardboard equal to the required dimensions of the roof, remembering that any roof should have a small overhang.

6. In conclusion, it is permissible to note that pastel paper is better than anyone for facing the facades and roof of a house model, but it is also possible to paint with acrylic paint or gouache, in which case extreme accuracy is needed.

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Beautiful architectural models often attract admiring glances, but few people dare to repeat the object they like and make a model on their own - working on a model is caring and requires a lot of time and physical expenses. However, the finished model can please your eyes and the eyes of your friends for a long time, so you can try to make a model of a simple building with your own hands. In this article, we will show you how to make a simple rural house layout from plywood and wooden slats.


1. First, draw all the elements and details of the upcoming layout on paper. The drawing must be in 1:50 scale and its measurements must be accurate. Calculate the dimensions of the roof, walls, facade, platform on which the building stands, and other fragments of the layout.

2. Transfer the drawings to thin plywood and carefully cut out the details. After that, cut window and door openings in the finished parts, and then sand the edges and cuts with sandpaper.

3. Glue the wide slats for the base onto the base, and then sand and clean it. Saw the doors out of thin plywood and paste over with thin wooden slats, adjusting the size of the door leaf so that it fits snugly into the opening.

4. For windows, take thin plexiglass and cut it to the shape and size of the window openings. Make window frames from thin wooden slats, and then make ebbs and trims.

5. Make the frame of the roof and galleries out of plywood, and bend downspouts and gutters out of thin sheet metal. Attach them to the roof, and then make a chimney and a dormer window in the attic wall. The porch can be made from wide blocks of wood.

6. Start assembling the layout later after all the elements are installed - doors, windows, and the like. Fix the roof frame on the box of the house, install the porches, stick decorative rails covering the frame gluing points.

7. If desired, saw out balusters for the porch and balconies. Bring the shape of the logs to life with the support of a needle file and a file. Sand all the fragments of the layout and cover it with decorative impregnation or varnish. Also, the model can be painted with acrylic or oil paint.

8. Start by making models of light construction and continue to improve your knowledge on more difficult buildings.

The art of diorama - military simulation and re-creation on a scaled-down picture of combat, thought out to the smallest detail - is an exciting, difficult and costly hobby, which, nevertheless, gives rise to spectacular paintings that attract both the owner and creator, and other people. In a diorama, in order to correspond to reality, not only figures of soldiers and military equipment are significant, but also the environment - a forest, a field, a relief, a river or a waterfall, and of course, trees and shrubs. About how to do trees in layouts, you will learn from our article.


1. In order to make a birch layout on a scale of 72 with your own hands, prepare a number of tools: a clerical knife, a flat hard brush, a thin spatula and a mini hand drill.

2. You will also need painter's tape, superglue, tile putty, a small birch twig, dried moss, green powder that resembles tree foliage (it can be made from crushed painted paper or tea leaves), black and white paint for models, swamp green paint and matt varnish.

3. Sharpen the tip of the birch branch with a knife. Wrap the branch with paint tape in several layers. At the base of the future trunk, wind more layers of adhesive tape in order to make a thickening.

4. With a tile grout diluted in white paint, process a branch wrapped with adhesive tape, with the support of a spatula or brush. The grout should be diluted evenly so that lumps do not spoil the texture of the trunk. Wait for the surface of the coming birch to dry.

5. Dip a thin brush into black paint and apply black dots to the birch trunk. Dilute the greenish paint and lightly paint the base of the tree.

6. As birch branches, use moss branches, which must be painted with black paint. Coat the especially branchy part of the branch with varnish, and then sprinkle with a mixture that imitates the small foliage of a tree.

7. Prepare a whole set of branches in this way. To install them with a mini hand drill, drill holes in the trunk for branches, directing the drill at an angle from top to bottom. The upper branches will, unlike the lower and middle ones, be attached severely perpendicular to the trunk.

8. Put a little glue on the tip of the prepared branch and place it in the prepared hole. Do the same with the rest of the branches, holding each of them with your fingers in the desired location until the glue dries.

9. Thus, you have a realistic birch on a scale of 72. Based on this method, you will be able to make any deciduous tree.

Every person should have their own hobby. With his help, it is allowed to be distracted and it is gratifying to spend your free time. Modeling has become one of the most popular hobbies in recent years. Moreover, it is unconditionally allowed to make models from any material. Modeling will not only help to occupy your free time, but will also bring a lot of joy to your child.

You will need

  • drawing accessories, wooden blocks, tools, PVA glue, paints or varnish.


1. Before everyone, decide on the type of the upcoming aircraft. allowed to do layout a genuine aircraft, but you are allowed to come up with your own model. It all depends on your imagination. First you need to make a sketch of the upcoming layout, that is, make a freehand drawing, one that will show the upcoming approximate view of the aircraft. After making a sketch, you need to start making an accurate drawing. This is one of the most significant steps, which should be taken with special care, since a positively executed drawing is the key to a good layout. The drawing is better than everyone to execute on thick paper.

2. Now it is necessary to prefer the material from which the layout will be made. The choice is huge. The most primitive option is paper or not very thick cardboard. They are cool in that they are easily fastened with glue and are easy to process. Virtually any model can be made from paper and cardboard. However, it is worth remembering that these materials are short-lived and can easily deteriorate from the influence of external factors. You can also take foam. It is hefty easy to cut, giving the desired shape, however, the foam plastic crumbles powerfully and can become a source of debris, only if a child plays with the finished model. It is better than everyone to make a model of an airplane out of wood. Wood is also easy to work with and extremely durable.

3. You need to pick up a few blanks for the upcoming layout. Of course, it is allowed to make a layout from a single piece of wood, but it is not so easy, and then there will be a bunch of obscene trimmings. It makes more sense to take a few smaller bars. Take three main blocks, from which you will make the fuselage and two wings. You will also need small pieces of wood from which the tail and other small parts will be made. Mark the tree according to the drawing. After this, you need to carefully cut out all the blanks. When they're ready, try them on beforehand. Make sure that all parts fit snugly against each other and that there are no cracks or gaps.

4. Now it is allowed to collect all the details together. To connect, use either small cloves or PVA glue. Use glue very carefully so as not to leave dirty spots on the surface of the layout. After connecting all the parts, make sure that they fit exactly together. If irregularities and distortions are found, they must be eliminated. After that, let the model dry thoroughly.

5. Now the final moment remains - decorating your model. Here you need to give freedom to your own imagination. The model can be scrupulously sanded and varnished. You are allowed to color it. Also, the fuselage of the aircraft can be decorated with burnt inscriptions or patterns.

Useful advice
Carry out all procedures in a specially prepared room so as not to litter the floor and furniture with sawdust.

If you decide to independently develop a plan for your future home, then you need to carefully think through all the details. In particular, it is necessary to make a model of the future building in order to clearly see what will happen. Also, the layout will help calculate all the costs of building material. Later, the construction of the house, its reduced copy can be a wonderful interior decoration.

You will need

  • Drawing supplies, plywood sheet, wooden blocks of various sizes, woodworking tools, PVA glue, cotton gloves.


1. Draw a rough sketch of your future home on paper. This will help you decide on the type of building you want, to understand what exactly you want to do. It is better than everyone to make a sketch in 3 parts: two sketches of 2 sides of the house and a sketch of the house in section. The implementation of the sketch does not require special care, however, all the main details must be present on it.

2. After completing the sketch, proceed to the manufacture of a detailed drawing. Be very observant about this, because the layout drawing is the basis of the drawing for a life-size house. Use a scale of 1:100 to make the layout. Carefully calculate all the smallest details. The furor of your construction site will depend on the quality and reliability of the drawing.

3. Now it's time to decide on the material from which you will produce your layout. There are many options, but it is better to use cardboard, foam or wood. Plastic is also occasionally used, but it is very problematic to process at home. Making a mock-up out of cardboard is very easy, but a cardboard mock-up can be easily ruined by an unwittingly spilled liquid. Styrofoam is also easy to process, but during the manufacturing process it will crumble powerfully. It is worth making a layout out of it only if the future product will not be exposed to external factors. A tree is better than everyone, it is easy to process. It is strong and durable.

4. Take a large sheet of plywood of medium thickness. This will be the stand for the upcoming layout. It is even allowed to supplement the layout with a design or an approximate layout of buildings in the surrounding area. Now make all the parts according to the drawing you developed. Make sure that all the details are of exact dimensions. Also, as you make it, do an advance fitting. If some details do not clearly fit with each other, then you need to correct the error.

5. Start putting together the layout. Use PVA glue to connect the parts. Use it very carefully so as not to leave traces of glue on the surface of the layout. Particularly large parts should be connected with small nails or staples. After complete assembly, let the layout dry. After that, decorate it to your taste. A clearly executed and beautifully designed drawing will be an amazing addition to the layout.

Useful advice
Carry out all work with wood in a deliberately prepared room, so as not to spoil the interior items with chips. All work is done in cotton gloves, so as not to damage your hands.

The durability of the structure and the comfort of living in it directly depend on a solid, faithful roof. In modern construction, different types of roofs are used. The types of building materials used for coating are also diverse.

Roof structure

By type of roof construction, there are single-pitched, double-pitched, hip (four-pitched), mansard (crushed), multi-pitched. The most economical and simple design is a pitched roof. But it has an unattractive appearance and therefore is rarely used in residential construction. Shed roofs are made on garages, sheds, outbuildings. The most common in the construction of houses are gable roofs. It is primitive in construction, it is allowed to use all kinds of roofing materials to cover it. The design of a gable roof consists of the following elements: racks and braces; mauerlats and rafters;? crate; roof;? ridge run. The truss system (truss) consists of 2 legs, interconnected and reinforced with braces, and there are 2 types - hanging and layered. When building a roof, both types of trusses are often used. Metal can serve as a material for rafters and battens, but wood is more often used due to availability, ease of processing and installation, and low cost. The cross section of the beam used for the elements of the truss structure is 15x15 or 20x20 cm. If the rafters are rarely installed (a step is larger than 1.5 m), then the section should be larger.

Roof installation

As usual, the angle of the slope is made within 15? 50 degrees, in many respects it depends on the roofing material. The ratio of roofing material and slope in degrees: - slate - 30? 50; - corrugated board - 16? 30; - metal tile - 30? 45; - soft roof - 15? 30. Roof construction begins with the installation of roof trusses. A waterproofing material is laid along the perimeter of the building frame - roofing material, Mauerlats are placed and fixed on it. Now truss structures are being installed, it is allowed to assemble them on the ground and lift them up, and it is allowed to make the assembly at ease on the spot. Later, the installation of rafters, they begin to create a multilayer cake, the one that will protect the building, save heat in it. The pie is made up of the following layers: waterproofing; vapor barrier; thermal insulation. Waterproofing from membranes is laid on top of the rafters from the bottom up with an overlap of 10 × 15 cm, and fastened with slats - this will be a counter-lattice. The next step is the installation of the lathing from the boards, which are nailed perpendicular to the rafters. Under a soft coating, a continuous crate is made. Under the slate, corrugated board, metal tiles, the boards are stuffed into a stretch. After that, there is a layer of insulation - polystyrene foam, fiberglass or mineral wool. A vapor barrier is laid on top of the insulation, and the final touch is the laying of roofing material.

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Today we publish paper house plans for beginners. This is a very simple and lightweight paper house model. Even a novice modeler will be able to glue it. You can implement the acquired skills when gluing more complex models, for example, "".

We glue the house out of paper

  1. To glue the paper house model, print it on two sheets of plain thin office paper.
  2. Cut out the diagrams of the details of the house.
  3. Transfer their contours to a sheet of whatman paper or other thick paper.
  4. Cut out the pieces and glue them together. This will make the parts more durable.
  5. Use sharp scissors to cut.
  6. Using a drawing metal ruler and a pen or toothpick, make straight lines of bends.
  7. Glue the parts into a house model. When gluing, use transparent types of adhesives designed to work with paper. Try to apply glue in moderation.
  8. Use paper towels to wipe dirty fingers, this will keep the model neat.
  9. When the model of the house is glued together, with the help of paints, paint it.

Schemes of details of a house made of paper

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How are you not glued yet? Well, it's useless...

What could be more interesting and exciting than making some crafts to decorate your home with your own hands? After all, what you can think of and do yourself, you can not buy in any store!

Such products serve not only as decorative elements in any apartment, creating a cozy atmosphere and mood, but also are the reason for the most exciting pastime during their creation. After all, children so love to cut and glue toys from multi-colored paper - houses, animals, rockets and ships! Adults often help them in this entertaining business and *a paper house for children* will be a universal decor for a children's room or a subject for games. At the same time, a fairly simple and very original craft - a paper house with your own hands, which you can easily make with your child, will serve as a bright decoration for the holiday and bring many pleasant moments when creating it.

It can be a snow-covered hut with a Christmas tree for the New Year or a mystical castle with ghosts and bats for a fun Halloween, a multi-colored house for dolls with bows and ruffles or an impregnable fortress for knights, or maybe a rural house with a fence and flowers, comfortably nestled on the windowsill of your kitchens. After all, creating * a paper house with your own hands * you are completely immersed in the world of fantasy and become the creator of the most unthinkable ideas! Well, * how to make a paper house * so that it is unusual, bright and pleasing to the eye, we will tell you in our article.

How to make a paper house

Materials and tools:

  • scheme
  • cardboard (white and color)
  • colored paper
  • gift paper
  • paints
  • scissors
  • pencil

Decorative elements:

  • ribbons
  • beads
  • artificial flowers
  • cones
  • berries
  • twigs
  • moss, etc.

1. First, let's choose a scheme for the future house

The template you like can be printed on a printer or simply gently, without pressure, transferred through the monitor screen onto thin paper, after enlarging the image to the desired size. The template obtained in this way is cut out, superimposed on cardboard for the future house and completely outlined with a pencil. After the diagram is drawn, it should be carefully cut out and prepared for gluing. To do this, you need to draw the blunt side of the scissors along the fold line of the walls so that the cardboard can be easily bent and cut out doors and windows. If you have never made a paper house before, then we advise you not to be smart with complex schemes and small details, but to choose an easier option. Your paper house scheme to which is simple and understandable has every chance to turn out beautiful and original the first time. Some types of schemes for paper houses are presented below. Click to enlarge:

2. Cut out doors and windows

Doors can be opened if the opening is not completely cut or fully arched. It is the same with windows: the shutters in them can open or the window will be, according to the plan, without shutters. The finished window made of colored cardboard can also be glued separately to the wall of the house without cutting an opening. Everything here will depend on the scheme that you have chosen or made amendments to the design of the house at your own discretion. After all the necessary details are cut out, you can glue the house, giving it a square shape.

3. We make a roof

The roof is glued separately. It is cut out of white or colored cardboard, folded in half and attached to the walls of the house. You can pre-decorate it: draw a tile or make it from individual strips of colored paper, cover it with velvet paper. If a pipe is provided in the scheme, then it is also cut out, folded at the bend and glued to the roof. Smoke can be attached to the pipe. To do this, a wavy smoke is drawn on cardboard, cut out and glued at the base to the inside of the pipe.

4. We make a stand

The finished house can be glued to any stand made of cardboard, wood or plastic, pre-cut to the size of the house and decorated with a fence made of strips of colored cardboard, green paper grass, dry flowers, berries, leaves, moss. You can attach a twig to the stand with plasticine, and hang beads on it and glue flowers. It will turn out a very elegant version of the summer house.

5. Decorate the house

We bring the house, already ready and fixed on the stand, to the final. To do this, we decorate and decorate the walls, windows, roof and base of the house. If this is a New Year's option, then the roof with a chimney can be strewn with snow - with foam crumbs, having previously smeared the places with glue, cover with cotton wool, paint with white paint, depict snowflakes, make snow-covered windows. Decorate the house itself with colored tinsel and beads, attach a paper silhouette of a snowman and a Christmas tree next to it. You can use ready-made pictures for decoration or cut out figures from gift paper.

The Halloween house is made of dark cardboard, with the addition of silhouettes of ghosts and bats. Windows can be made from bright yellow or orange paper, creating the effect of light in the house. Nearby, on a stand, you can glue trees and a cardboard fence, put a black cat on the fence. You can be sure that your child with great interest and enthusiasm will help you cut out creepy characters of a fun holiday from paper!

The creation of miniature models (models) of buildings is usually done by architects. Before you start building a house or an entire residential complex, you first need to make a sample of it on a scale (photo). Real architects make models from PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and cut out details for future buildings on a special milling machine, which is given a specific computer program.

In your future home, you will definitely need a waste disposal system. This is where slurry pumps come in handy. We did not write about this, not quite our profile, but we found an excellent article with reviews of the best manufacturers of slurry pumps. Read for health!

Such a machine is able not only to cut out microscopic details with jeweler's precision, but also to apply a section on their surface that imitates brickwork or other coating. Due to this, the maximum reliability of the layout is achieved. The machine cuts tiny windows, doors and other details. After that, the architect connects them together using a solvent that melts the edges of the PVC plates and tightly fastens them to each other.

All the same can be done at home, but only without a milling machine, PVC and solvent, but with the help of cardboard, paper, PVA glue and scissors. The production technology is very similar to that used by the pros. The difference lies only in the materials and, of course, the quality of the layout produced in this way.

But if you really try hard, you can make a paper building no worse than what an architect creates with a high-tech milling machine. So, how to make a do-it-yourself home layout using a basic set of stationery?

What do you need to work

To make a house layout, you will need the following tools:
thick white / color paper A4 (several sheets);
cardboard of the same size;
a sharp construction knife (it is convenient for them to cut the walls of the building, and then cut small windows and doors into them);
brush for glue;
PVA glue;
a wooden or plastic board for modeling (it is convenient to cut out details on it so as not to damage the table);

You can also use a regular household hair dryer to quickly dry the glued parts. You can cut a building out of both paper and cardboard. The latter option is more reliable, but a little more difficult to work with. You can cut the entire layout out of paper, and then fix it on several “bearing” cardboard walls (photo). This will strengthen the entire structure and give it more stability.

Creating a scheme of the future building

There are two ways to create the walls of a future building. For the first, such a scheme is used, as in the photo below. This is literally the whole building completely, but in a turn. The adjacent walls can be made together and not cut. They will just need to be bent later, forming the corners of the building.

Immediately mark the location of future windows. They must be on the same level. Do not forget to leave small indents on the sides and bottom of the walls, as in the diagram. After that, with their help, it will be possible to connect the parts of the structure to each other. The whole building should be made to scale so that in the future the walls, roof and other parts of the house are proportional.

Making a layout: method 1

After the whole scheme is drawn on paper, all that remains is to cut out the future building, bend the lines marked with a blue dotted line and cut through the windows with a construction knife. Use a modeling board. On it, cut out parts from cardboard, and then glue them much more conveniently.
The scheme shown in the photo above is suitable for the production of the simplest houses. A more complex design will literally have to be made up of several parts. By the way, the layout can also be made opening (so that you can see the interior of the house). It is by this principle that children's houses for dolls are made, which can be purchased at the store.

To make such a layout (photo), it is advisable to use the thickest cardboard that you can find. In order for part of the wall to open, an appropriate mount is used (this can be found in old Soviet-made caskets) or simply a piece of cardboard bent in half. In the same way, you can make doors open.

Method 2

The second method is suitable for the production of building models of more complex configurations (photo).

First, a sheet of paper needs to be folded with an accordion, as in the photo. The more folds, the more walls will turn out, but their width will be, accordingly, less. On one fold, you need to draw ½ of the facade of the building. We draw very carefully, with a thick line outlining the places of the cut, and with a thin line, outlining the places of the fold of the paper.

Then cut along the thick lines and unfold the accordion. The result is a whole facade, absolutely proportional and even as in a mirror image. We bend the paper holders as in the photo and cut through the windows with a construction knife.

After that, the parts of the structure are assembled together, smeared with glue at the joints and glued together. From cardboard we make the base for the layout. When the whole building is ready, you can paint it with paints or stick some images (as in the photo).

Making trees and grass

To make the layout look more authentic and to be able to visually assess its scale, it is advisable to decorate the cardboard stand with greenery: grass and trees. This will require:
can of green paint;
acrylic paint of several green shades;
dried twigs (dead wood);
a piece of foam rubber;
paint brush.

First, in any unnecessary container, several tones of green acrylic paint (dark and light to achieve the maximum authenticity effect) should be mixed. After that, you need to cut the foam rubber into small pieces and soak them properly with this paint. When the foam is colored, leave it to dry for a day.

We cut the dried foam rubber into such small pieces that they literally resemble crumbs. She will be our herb. After that, we paint the cardboard stand well several times with greenery, and when the paint dries, cover it with a thick layer of glue. Pour green foam crumbs on wet glue in random order. The grass is ready.

When the glue is completely dry, several holes need to be made in the cardboard base with an awl. Be very careful not to damage the entire layout. We paint dry branches with green spray paint and stick them into the holes in the stand. Now the trees have taken their place. Thanks to all this vegetation, our paper building model looks more realistic.

To color sawdust, ultramarine blue is taken, diluted in hot water, where wood powder is immersed, stained before the eyes to the degree of the desired color. Removed from the paint, it is wrung out and placed in a thin layer on a baking sheet to dry.

Wood powder can be used to cover models instead of paint, but for this it is harvested in a wide variety of colors, dried and folded into jars. The best dye for this is aniline, sold in bags for dyeing cotton fabrics. The powder is applied in a thin layer to hot carpentry glue and pressed down. After drying, its excess is poured into a jar and stored for the next work.

The snow surface is made as follows: the desired part is smeared with glue and sprinkled with borax with an admixture of boric acid to give shine. You can also make a surface of cotton wool (hygroscopic), which spreads evenly and thinly over white paper. Cotton wool is sprinkled on top with boric acid.
When the glued parts dry, they are covered with a putty made from chalk (tooth powder) and glue. Depending on the color that the soil should have, various paints are added to the chalk. Putty is applied in a thin layer, and in those places where required, it takes the form of the necessary bulges, relief, ledges, banks, etc.

Putty coating aims to fasten the layout, smooth out irregularities or create them, make it dense and monolithic. Pebbles, roots imitating one or another object can be interspersed in the putty when it is applied.

The background of the layout can be painted with brown paint or sprinkled with wood powder over glue, or pasted over with dark paper. The whole layout after finishing, while it is damp, sprinkled with diamond mounds, from which it comes to life, especially in the evening light.

The inscriptions are made on drawing paper with ink and placed under glass, like labels, and the layout is ready.
Let's turn to the manufacture of some details of the layouts.

The forest and bushes conditionally depict green deciduous mosses. They are going ahead. You need to choose the greenest, brightest and not very juicy, dry them in a draft, but not in the sun. Very dense bouquets are tied from mosses, which are inserted into the holes made in the layout with an awl.

Grass layout

The grassy surface on the models can also be depicted with moss. The surface is pasted over with matte green paper or painted with green paint. The green background is smeared with glue and sprinkled with finely trimmed moss. You can replace the moss with green-colored small sawdust. If it is necessary to present a part of the vegetation in its natural form, then one has to take real plants or parts of them dried in the sand.

Surface irregularities, pits, small elevations, etc. do this: moisten a lump of thin paper in liquid carpentry glue of the desired size and stick it on the surface of the stand. Wet another piece of colored paper in glue. When it becomes soft, put it on a lump and press the edges around the lump to the surface of the stand. Coat the irregularities made with glue and sprinkle with sheared moss or earth.

Simulation of the earth's surface. The easiest way is to arrange a flat surface of the soil. It is enough to grease a piece of cardboard and sprinkle it with earth or sand. The cardboard must be painted in the color that the prepared soil has.

"Earth" is done like this. Take thin cardboard and black matte paper. Cut out a piece of cardboard of the desired size, paste over it with matte black paper, paste over the back of the cardboard immediately with paper, otherwise it will warp. In the absence of paper, cardboard can be successfully painted with soot on glue. Apply carpenter's glue to the black side of the cardboard, cover it with earth in an even layer, let it dry for half an hour and only then shake off excess earth.

Dry earth is not black, but gray, and therefore, in order for it to remain black, it must be colored. This is done before the sticker. Take black mineral paint, dilute it on a saucer and pour earth into it. Dry the soil soaked with paint in the sun or in an oven.

The sandy surface is made with exactly the same methods, it is only necessary to take yellow instead of black paper, best of all ordinary wrapping paper. Occasionally it is necessary to paint the background with watercolors if the prepared “breed” has a shade of a different color.

For sandy landscapes, artificial sand is prepared. It is made up of 20% natural sand and 80% ocher. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

From natural pebbles, it is best to use pebbles extracted from a stream, as well as fine gravel. In order to attach pebbles, sticks or any objects to the cardboard, they are smeared with very thick wood glue and lowered to their intended places. When cooking lei, a little sugar is added for strength.

Creek layout

The brook is decorated with paints, and its bed is covered with a specially applied blue putty with blue mound powder, which emits shine, and the shore is covered with earth and pebbles.

Animals to enliven the landscape can be sawn out of plywood, painted and attached to the appropriate places on the layout. Also foreground plants. Stones must be prepared from paper pulp, and then painted. You can also use the corresponding drawings for this purpose by cutting and pasting them on cardboard, and then attaching them to the layout.

High slopes and cliffs. A box of the desired size is bent and glued from cardboard. Bottom up, it is glued to a piece of cardboard. This will be the skeleton of the mountain. On all or some sides, you can stick a sheet of thick paper so that with one edge it is attached to the edge of the bottom of the box, and with the other to the cardboard, you get a slope of the desired steepness. The paper is taken in the appropriate color, depending on whether it is an earthen, sandy or grassy slope. When the model is completed, this slope is smeared with glue and sprinkled with sand, earth or sheared moss.

For a break, thin gray wrapping paper is taken. Cut off the desired piece, soak it in liquid wood glue and apply in the same way as the “slope”, but, of course, lower it much steeper. The glue will dry soon, and you can easily collect the paper into any folds and folds. When the glue dries and the paper hardens, coat again with glue and, holding the "cliff" up, sprinkle with sand. Then the assemblies and folds will resemble potholes washed with water on the slope of a ravine. You can sprinkle the "cliff" not only with sand. Having collected multi-colored clays, pour them on the glue in horizontal stripes and visualize the layering of the earth's crust.

Such models of mountains, cliffs, coasts and even ravines can be easily made from nature if you have drawings and maps of the area.

If you are assembling a rock collection from a cliff, then an accurate, proportionate model of the cliff, made (sprinkled with glue) from authentic, locally sourced materials, will greatly enhance the value of your collection.

The construction of models of dwellings or villages develops in students resourcefulness and creative initiative. And the made such models will serve as valuable aids for the geographical office. You can use pictures, drawings, etc., as well as descriptions in magazines and books for guidance. Let's take a description of one layout as an example.

A man sits by a fire in front of the entrance to the cave. All the inhabitants of the cave went hunting. The rest must protect the dwelling and maintain the "eternal fire".

A well-executed model of a primitive man's cave will help you imagine the life of our ancient ancestors. The size of the mock-up is 40 X 40 cm. The height of the back wall is 40 cm. Model a model of a mountain with a cave from clay. Paste the model with layers of paper. Pre-tear the paper into pieces 150 × 150 mm. You will get a cast of the mountain from papier-mâché. Sew the mountain to the underlay and to the back wall of the layout.

Cover the area around the mountain with earth and green sawdust. Color the mountain so that it looks like it is made of stone. Animal skins are well obtained from pieces of an old shaggy towel. Color the "skins" and glue them inside the cave. There are stone tools in the cave. Model the stone parts of the ax and spear from plasticine or other material. Make a fire out of tissue paper dyed red and yellow. For the figure of a primitive man, make a frame of soft thin wire, then apply plasticine to it. Dress the person in a piece of animal skin.