How to make a house cheaper. How is an inexpensive private house built? Installation of rafters and roofs

For most people, building their own home is an unattainable dream. The reason is that any construction is very, very expensive. Take a look at the real estate listings - few people can afford the prices of houses. Therefore, many do not even think about the possibility of solving the housing problem in this way.

However, today there are many modern technologies and building materials, the use of which can dispel such pessimism. Increasingly, we have the opportunity to make sure that a house built with our own hands is quite capable of being reliable, aesthetic and, most importantly, inexpensive!

The cheapest houses - what are they?

Let's try to understand what common features are inherent in budget new buildings. Are there really cheap houses? After all, no one has canceled the prices for materials and services of contractors. But if certain conditions are correctly observed, construction costs can be reduced by almost a third.

So, signs of cheap housing. These are, first of all, such houses (cottages), which are optimally planned. They can be not only modern, but also functional, thoughtful, compact. Useful area should occupy as large a share as possible (ideally up to 90 - 95%). Having successfully planned the house, we will achieve at least 20% cost savings.

Another "trick" is the use of modern economical building materials and the construction process with new high-tech methods. This will give us a savings of about 40% of our budget.

Country house cheap

Both the external and internal design of the house should be as functional as possible, simple, not containing any frills. This will actually save another 10% of the budget. The roof should be made either gable or five-slope. There must be only one floor. Luxurious cottages with balconies and columns are not our option. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling should initially be provided for a small one with the possibility of transformation, that is, adding additional premises in the future.

We don't need a basement. The foundation should not be deepened very much. If geological and climatic conditions allow, it is better to make it lightweight. Finishing, both internal and external, should be chosen as uncomplicated as possible. For the facade, the option of cement-lime plaster is quite suitable. Believe me, and with her the house can look just wonderful.

The presence of numerous windows (especially of non-standard shape), a multi-pitched roof with a complex relief, several floors, a large number of partitions, and an abundance of decorative external elements "weights" the construction estimate significantly. All this eats up a huge amount of money. It is quite possible to avoid unnecessary expenses while retaining the main functionality. In addition, a country house, built succinctly without an abundance of "bells and whistles", looks elegant and stylish.

With a mustache!

Another serious article of economy is the use of one's own labor. Theoretically, a private house can be built by yourself. Almost anyone can do about 90% of all construction work with their own hands. It makes sense to hire people from outside only for complex types of work, to do it yourself, which the skill level does not allow. Or those that a non-specialist, in principle, can not do.

A prerequisite for keeping the budget "within the limits" is strict and constant control over the quality of the work performed (if we are talking about a hired team). You will definitely need to check and track both the prices of purchased materials and the process of acquiring them. This, again, is about the fact that the supply will be engaged in the involved workers.

It will fully justify the cost of attracting a specialist engineer who will help you adapt the standard project you have chosen to your specific wishes, taking into account climatic conditions. In any "type model" you can make budget-friendly changes. For example, to replace part of building materials with cheaper analogues. The project itself is quite realistic to modify for specific requirements. In this sense, a private house is an unplowed field for creativity.

What else can we save on?

In addition, it is possible to optimize the system of engineering equipment incorporated in the project, which will provide further savings in maintenance and heating during operation. The cheapest houses are well managed with domestic equipment, which in a number of parameters is in no way inferior to imported ones. Plumbing and other elements should also be chosen as simple as possible.

When buying building materials, it should be remembered that the purchase of a large batch implies a good discount. But still, before you go to the market or to the store, it is best to carefully study the prices, taking into account seasonal fluctuations, the range of products available (both imported and domestic), read reviews, find out about currently available promotions and in As a result, choose the option that is optimal in terms of price-quality ratio.

With any choice, being too carried away by the process of saving, you risk acquiring low-quality materials. Even the cheapest houses should look aesthetically pleasing and have a margin of safety. Do not forget that housing is built several decades in advance. Therefore, the "components" should be bought as good as possible, as far as your wallet allows. Otherwise, the need for additional costs for reworking the marriage and an early repair "shines".

The best option is to use seasonal discounts. In winter, due to falling demand for building materials, prices can be significantly reduced. In addition, you can save on self-delivery of the purchased to the construction site.

Human factor

If you categorically cannot or do not want to do the work with your own hands, you will have to "pay your respects" to specialists. It is best to invite the brigade right away. Her choice should be approached as seriously as possible. Do not be too lazy to ask all the applicants in detail, talk to those who hired them shortly before you, study the reviews. This will subsequently save you not only a decent amount of money, but also time and priceless nerves.

Involving specialists, it is necessary to conclude a written contract with them. It should be drawn up in the most detailed way, indicating the smallest nuances: the timing of the work, their volume and quality, the full cost. The contract must specify such points as the type and amount of the penalty for violation of its terms and conditions, as well as all other obligations of both parties. These include the provision of workers with accommodation, tools, amenities and, if necessary, food.

For non-compliance with the stated conditions, a fine should be stipulated. If the contract was violated by the brigade, it is best to terminate the contract and hire other people, or complete everything on your own. It will be much more expensive to redo low-quality work.

What is your home worth

How to save on the foundation? If the project is small (with an area of ​​​​less than 40 sq. M. Or is it a country house), it can be made piled. This is the most economical, although not the most reliable option. A larger dwelling with heavy load-bearing structures will require a strip foundation. It is the most durable, but it is also the most costly.

The solution may be an intermediate option with a combination of both types, which may be a reasonable compromise while maintaining all the advantages. We repeat: as at any stage of construction, carrying out the maximum possible number of works yourself when laying the foundation can save a lot of money. On your own, it is quite possible to dig a pit or a trench, mount formwork or dig holes for piles.

Must be carried out with particular care. The width of its tape or the number of piles must be sufficient to securely support the entire structure. At the same time, it should not be unnecessarily weighted - again, in order to save money.

Look above

Let's move on to the walls. How can you save on a box at home? It is easier to achieve this by taking cheap building materials - timber, logs, foam blocks. One of the most budget options is prefabricated houses. To purchase and mount a frame house on your site cheaply and without much hassle, we are called upon by numerous supplier companies. Such ready-made buildings (Canadian type) have recently gained immense popularity due to the combination of price and the ability to quickly assemble.

This option is not the most durable in our climatic conditions. But with careful assembly, such a house can last for a number of decades. Since it resembles a Russian one, inexpensive prefabricated houses made using local technology do not require special refinement. It is only important to pay attention to which walls will be made out. In general, a frame house will cost you cheaply and can be an excellent solution for those who are not prone to "long-term construction".

When purchasing roofing material, pay attention to shingles, corrugated steel or metal tiles. Of course, you can choose any material, having carefully studied and compared all the advantages and disadvantages. It is clear that it is being built taking into account the requirements that are not as stringent as in the case of housing for permanent residence.

What can't be saved?

First of all, do not try to do this at the expense of the quality of the materials you buy. After all, it directly depends on how your house will turn out. It will also not work to "cheat" on paperwork (documentation and receipt). Unfortunately, this procedure will require a lot of personal time and certain costs.

All clearance should be done before you start building anything. Otherwise, at the end of the work, you will have to have an equally painful procedure for legalizing your unauthorized construction. In addition, correctly and timely executed documents are a guarantee of installation and connection of engineering communications in the optimal time frame.

Reliability is at the forefront

It will also not work to save on pouring a high-quality foundation. This is the case when the quality factor and reliability are fundamentally more important than any economy. The roof frame is also not the most suitable article for saving. It is best and most reliable if it is made of wooden beams.

Materials for the supply of engineering communications should initially be chosen high-quality and modern (plastic pipes, reliable electrical cables) and not save on their professional connection. Technical supervision will be required during the implementation of the project. It should be carried out by an invited engineer, in extreme cases - by an experienced familiar builder. Even the cheapest homes require this kind of oversight. It is especially necessary in case of independent performance of work or disagreements with a hired team. With an experienced eye, a specialist will be able to instantly identify shortcomings and regulate relations with contractors.

Thus, it is quite possible to build a cheap house, and how quickly you do it is up to you.

Thoughts about a country or private house visit, probably, any person. For some, this remains a dream, while others take action. Building a house is a serious step that requires solving many issues both before the start of work and during construction. In order to build a house that meets all the requirements cheaply, it is necessary to study each stage of construction and identify opportunities for cost savings.

Comfortable accommodation for little money - what is the most important thing?

Site selection is one of the important steps. The cost, comfort and much more depends on where the house will be located. For a city dweller, it is important that the place of residence is in an ecologically clean place surrounded by green spaces. A big plus would be the presence of a reservoir. These conditions are important for health and aesthetic enjoyment. Infrastructure and communications are important for comfortable living. The cost of the house includes not only the cost of its construction, but also further maintenance during operation. This implies the importance of the availability of transport, the proximity of central communications to which you can connect.

A great influence on the cost of construction is exerted by the terrain and geographical conditions. If the site is uneven, then you may have to invest additional funds to level it. This also applies to flooded areas, which may require reclamation work to drain. If groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth, you will either have to abandon the basement or make additional waterproofing. The relief also affects the laying of communications.

To build a house with as little money as possible, you need a dry and flat area.

As for the direct construction of a house, the following factors affect its cost:

  • the layout and size of the dwelling;
  • foundation (depth, material, type);
  • material for floors, walls, roofs and other elements;
  • Decoration Materials;
  • installation of doors and windows;
  • warming;
  • communication systems (water supply, sewerage, gas, heating, electricity).

We start construction with the creation of a project. It is at this stage that we calculate the preliminary estimate.

The impact of size and layout on the value of a home

To build a house inexpensively will allow choosing the optimal size and a good layout. It is better to entrust the project to specialists in order to correctly calculate the loads and perform an economically beneficial layout. When developing a project, one should take into account how many people will live in it. When designing, one should strive to ensure that the external dimensions of the house are close to a square. Thus, with the same area, the perimeter of the walls will be minimal, which means that the length of the walls and, accordingly, the foundation will be minimal. This will make it possible to save on building materials.

When choosing a layout, you need to focus on a functional option that is convenient for living. Residential and utility rooms should be compactly located on the smallest possible area. The possibility of future redevelopment with the least losses should also be taken into account. Therefore, internal walls should not be load-bearing or their number should be minimal.

The most economical option for floors is the construction of a one-story house. You can build a one-story house with your own hands, without resorting to hired labor. When building a multi-storey building, you have to bear additional costs for interfloor ceilings, stairs, and a large number of windows. Under the stairs it is necessary to allocate space, which reduces the usable area. If you build an attic, we save money on building walls, but we increase the cost of building a roof.

To build a budget house with your own hands, it is better to choose a roof with a simple design, for example, a gable roof. To save material, the angle of elevation should be made small, then less wood will go to the roof, and its area will decrease. When choosing a roof of complex construction, you will have to spend money on valleys, corners, lucarnes, windows in the attic and various tin elements - such a roof will increase the cost of construction by 40%.

The cheapest roof coverings:

  • ondulin;
  • metal tile:
  • slate;
  • soft roofing materials;
  • corrugated board.

From natural materials, you can use straw, reeds, wood. Any roof requires insulation, hydro and vapor barrier.

How to save on foundation and have a solid foundation

The foundation takes up to 30% of the total cost. It depends on the depth of the foundation being laid and the materials used. On the one hand, I want to save on the foundation and make it lighter. But it is the foundation of the house and the future operation of the building depends on it. If the foundation does not meet the load, then uneven shrinkage is possible, cracks may appear on the walls and ceilings, all this threatens with destruction.

If a basement is planned, then it will not be possible to save on the basis, since you will have to make a recessed tape version, which uses a lot of material. When choosing a foundation, one should take into account the characteristics of the soil, the material of the walls, the number of storeys, the future weight of the building with communications and furniture. Cost-effective options are the following types:

  • shallow-deep;
  • unburied;
  • pile;
  • columnar;
  • column-grillage.

These types of foundations make it possible to save on materials and labor. If the soil is sandy, clayey or rocky, there is no water when deepening a meter, then you can arrange a strip foundation with a depth of about 70-80 cm. In the presence of water, the depth should exceed a meter. When arranging the base, you can save money by preparing a concrete solution with your own hands. To do this, you need gravel, crushed stone and sand and cement of the desired brand. You can knead the solution manually in a trough or on a metal sheet. Better concrete will be obtained by using a concrete mixer, which can be rented.

The width of the foundation is made according to the thickness of the walls. In order for it to serve for a long time, it should be reinforced, as well as waterproofing, which will prevent moisture from entering and extend its service life. For waterproofing, you can take the cheapest material - roofing material. Before laying the walls, you need to wait for the foundation to stand and gain strength. It should take at least a month.

What to choose for the walls - timber, logs or shell rock?

The choice of wall material is influenced by local conditions. In a wooded area, a cheap tree. If there are deposits of natural stone nearby, then it is cheaper to build from it. This also applies to manufacturing plants - the closer they are, the cheaper the delivery, etc. When choosing a wall material, consider the following factors:

  • climatic conditions;
  • price;
  • convenience of delivery;
  • simplicity and speed of construction;
  • the need for additional equipment.

When choosing what is cheaper to build a house from, study the thermal insulation qualities of the material. For harsh winters, good insulation may be required, which in turn will increase the cost of construction. In this case, sometimes it will be cheaper to buy a more expensive material with a high thermal insulation index than to bear the cost of insulation. When choosing wooden walls, you need to decide on their design. They can be solid from timber or logs or framed with insulation inside. Building a cheap house with your own hands from timber or wood is quite difficult. To do this, you need to have knowledge and experience in laying logs. It makes sense to build a solid wooden house where wood is cheap.

A more economical option is a frame or frame-panel house. Such houses are widespread in Canada and the United States. They are light, so inexpensive foundation options can be used for them: pile, shallow or columnar.

Thanks to the insulation, which is placed in the interior of the frame walls, the houses are obtained with good thermal insulation, which makes it possible to save on heating. Frame buildings are built very quickly. For the frame, boards or timber are used, followed by sheathing. If the frame option scares off with its unreliability, you can build a house from artificial or natural stone materials. But at the same time, it must be remembered that the thermal insulation of such a house is possible in three ways:

  1. 1. Make the walls thick enough, but it's not cheap.
  2. 2. Insulate the walls with a heat insulator.
  3. 3. Use modern building materials with a porous structure: foam concrete, aerated concrete.

The first option turns out to be expensive, since, in addition to the fact that a lot of material goes to the walls, a reliable foundation is needed that can withstand the weight of stone walls. Which option will be cheaper - from porous material or stone walls with insulation, you need to calculate taking into account masonry and distant exterior finishes. You can use shell rock for walls. This is a cheap natural material, with it the walls "breathe". True, the openings of doors and windows need to be strengthened with metal corners.

Cob is one of the cheapest options

One of the cheapest is an adobe house. For walls, dried blocks are used, consisting of clay and straw, which are formed in special forms. The advantage of an adobe house is that you can make blocks with your own hands from inexpensive materials. The speed of construction depends on the size of the blocks. If the dimensions of the elements are large, then few blocks will go away. Adobe blocks can be used as a heater in.

Communications - comfort that can be cheap

Before the floor is installed, it is necessary to lay engineering systems. To build a house cheaply with your own hands, you need to correctly calculate and arrange communication systems:

  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • heating.

To save money, it is better to install. It will allow in the future during operation to save on heating the underfloor heating device. To do this, lay plastic pipes and fill them with cement mortar. Thus, the whole house can be heated. If necessary, a main heating system can be installed. It is important to properly make the ventilation system so that the house is well ventilated to prevent the accumulation of moisture, which can cause mold and mildew. Also, there should be no drafts in the house. If you insulate the walls, install the heating and ventilation system correctly, you can build a warm and comfortable home.

When installing sewerage and water supply, you need to accurately calculate the amount of material, using the plan of the house, in order to lay pipes with maximum benefit. When planning a dwelling, the premises to which it will be necessary to supply sewerage and water supply should be placed close to each other in order to save on pipes. Pipes are better to use plastic. They are easy to install and durable.

If there is a central water supply and sewerage system, this will significantly reduce the cost of installing a water and sewer system. In their absence, it is necessary to install at least a small septic tank, which can be built from concrete rings or eurocubes. The cheapest option for obtaining water is on a site with walls made of concrete rings. The second option is more expensive -. Its value depends on the depth. The owner has the right to choose which water horizon to use. Electricity and gas supply should be done by specialists.

What decoration will make the house beautiful - several options

The cheapest way to finish the facade is siding or decorative plaster. You can sheathe your home with siding yourself, for this you do not need to have extensive experience in repair work. There are many color schemes, which allows you to choose the lamellas to your taste. If you buy high-quality material, then a house finished with siding will last a long time. With the help of textured plaster, you can choose almost any color of the facade. It is important that the color of the walls of the house is in harmony with the color of the roof. With the right combination of colors, you can ensure that even a small house of a simple shape will look beautiful and attract attention.

Interior finishing includes wall, ceiling and floor finishing. After the installation of communications, a concrete floor screed should be made. Choose the flooring according to the purpose of the premises. In living rooms it is better to use linoleum or laminate. For rooms with high humidity and in the kitchen, take tiles. It is practical, easy to clean, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. When installing a thermal floor, it will not be so cold.

In order not to spend money on leveling the surface and hide imperfections, a PVC or fabric stretch ceiling would be a cheap option. If you take a glossy finish, it will visually expand the space. Matte ceilings do not give reflections, have a deep color. Drywall allows you to create a ceiling of any configuration using halogen bulbs. You can make a ceiling of plastic panels. A bleached or painted ceiling will be economically advantageous. If you follow the technology, you can make yourself a perfectly even white ceiling. To do this, you must first wash, level and primer, and then apply whitewash. A budget way to update will be a coating with water-based paint.

To decorate the walls of wooden houses, it is better to use lining, it harmoniously looks with wooden structures. When sheathing with drywall, you can save on leveling surfaces, increase sound insulation in living rooms. A cheap way to decorate is painting, but it requires careful preliminary preparation. The cheapest option is wallpapering.

Having no financial opportunities to attract professional builders, you can, armed with special literature and patience, build a house on your own. In practice, this requires effort, but allows you to save up to half the cost of construction.

Many independent builders offer others to get acquainted with their projects and provide detailed reports, accompanying the process of building a house with detailed photographs.

Features of the layout of the house

Through the efforts of two men, a cheap house for permanent residence was built with an attached garage. Initially, the garage was not provided for in the project and was added after the completion of the house.

In general, the project, as the discussion progressed, changed on the advice of other builders and the requests of the wife. Initially, the layout of the house included 6 rooms on two floors.

During construction, it was decided to equip two bathrooms, while on the ground floor the toilet and bath should be separate. The area of ​​the living room and the location of the stairs have also changed. Relative to the initial project, the living room was too narrow and elongated. The stairs were also planned to be uncomfortable and steep. After the changes, these shortcomings are eliminated.

The cost of building a house with your own hands

In May 2010, the father of a small family planned to cheaply build a house with his own hands in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. This amount included the cost not only for materials, but also for connecting gas and electricity. The following expenses were incurred according to the budget:

  1. Concrete - 20 700.
  2. Edged and unedged timber - 70,000.
  3. Styrofoam - 31 200.
  4. Plywood - 8023.
  5. Metal profile - 16 200.
  6. Siding - 22 052.
  7. Used windows - 4000.
  8. Nails, screws, etc. — 15,000.
  9. Delivery of material and excavator services - 5200.
  10. Septic tank - 10000.
  11. Plumbing, radiators - 35 660.
  12. GKL and finishing costs - 21280.
  13. Design and installation of a gas pipeline, connection fee - 37,000.
  14. Gas equipment (stove, boiler) - 29,000.
  15. Electricity connection with materials - 3000.
  16. Water connection - 2000.

According to the builder himself, a certain number of items on the little things are missing in the estimate. However, this also requires additional costs. It should also be noted that some of the windows were received from friends and did not require financial costs. In total, 327,315 rubles were spent on building a house without trifles. This amount does not include the attached garage. He was attached later on a separate estimate. In addition, the construction of the garage required an amount of about 34,000 rubles. Taking into account unspecified expenses, the house cost no more than 400 thousand rubles.

Installation of a shallow strip foundation

A pre-planned foundation is 35 cm wide and 25 cm above the ground and 20 cm below the ground. A cutting section of 2.5x100 mm was chosen as a reinforcing element. The reinforcement of the tape was planned in 2 layers, top and bottom, with three connected die-cut sheets in each.

On the advice of experienced builders, vertical elements were added, and the number of sheets to be connected was increased to 5 pieces. Additionally, the height of the foundation above the ground increased and amounted to 45 cm.

notch reinforcement - you can’t do that!

After pouring the foundation into concrete, 20 anchor bolts were installed for mounting the lower trim.

Construction of the first floor

Before the installation of the walls of the first floor, a platform was installed and insulated and pipes for sewerage were laid. The bottom of the platform is left open, the insulation is fixed due to the fixed trimmings of the boards. As a platform insulation, 3 layers of foam plastic, 15 cm thick, were used. The draft floor is made of a board 150x50 mm.

The walls were mounted in a horizontal position. Styrofoam was laid between the posts and protection with 8 mm plywood, windows were also installed. The windows in the project were used second-hand. The installation of the assembled wall in a vertical position was carried out by two men. In the construction of the walls, it was decided to abandon the installation of jibs. The builder assumed that the rigidity of the frame would be sufficient due to the plywood sheathing.

After assembling the walls of the first floor, the installation of internal partitions was carried out. Styrofoam was also used as a heater.

The principle of assembling the second floor

After the installation of the piping, a temporary floor was partially laid from unedged boards and the horizontal assembly of the walls and their vertical installation were carried out. Second floor windows were also used.

To increase sound insulation in the interfloor ceiling, non-woven cloth was laid on the floor logs under the boards. This allows you to partially dampen the vibration from steps.

Installation of rafters and roofs

At the end of the assembly of the walls of the attic floor, a truss system was installed. The overhangs of the rafters were not lengthened. An inch board was used as a crate. The roof was covered with a profiled sheet 4 m long.

Exterior finish of the building

Siding was used for the exterior of the building. It was mounted with a ventilation gap of 25 mm. Also at the stage of exterior decoration, an extension of the vestibule was completed. The foundation for the vestibule was not mounted, the structure was installed on pieces of concrete laid on the ground and sidewalk curbs.

Features of the stairs and its installation

The location of the stairs in the project caused a lot of controversy. Initially, its location suggested excessive emphasis on the attic ceiling. After changing the location and design of the stairs, it was made without a platform with a slight turn.

The staircase is made of boards 50x150 mm, the width of the step is 30 cm. Under the upper span, a place was left for equipping a toilet there. According to personal feelings, the staircase turned out to be comfortable and compact.

Interior decoration of the house

Before the start of finishing the premises, the insulation of the interfloor ceiling and the flooring of the second floor were completed. Felt is nailed between the joists and floor boards to increase the level of sound insulation. After that, a rough finish of the interior of both floors of a cheap house was completed.

The rough finish included three items:

  1. Installation of fiberboard as a windscreen.
  2. GVL installation.
  3. Putty joints and chips GVL.

In the fine finish, staining with a water-based emulsion was mainly used. Living room, kitchen and bedrooms are painted in different colors. The floor in the rooms is covered with linoleum, the ceilings are finished with expanded polystyrene tiles.

Typically, the category of economy-class housing includes houses that have a minimum cost per square meter and a small living area. Often such houses are considered as country houses, weekend dwellings or second homes. The project of such a dwelling is in demand by young families and people with a low level of income who want to improve their housing opportunities.

Layout of two floors of a small two-story summer house economy class

These include cottages that are located on a relatively small area, most often either. They make the most of the available land.

Despite the apparent simplicity caused by physical limitations, a good economy class home design is a very difficult task. Achieving a balance between conflicting requirements in the face of extremely limited space reserves requires the highest qualifications of an architect and rich experience.

Ready-made project of a small house with an attic

However, not always a budget house is synonymous with a small one. Some technological solutions and techniques can significantly reduce the cost of construction, while remaining within a fairly large area.

Such solutions include the installation of screw and bored foundations, the installation of frame, log or block wall fences and partitions. Thus, economy-class houses, made of different materials and using different technologies, can be in the same price category, but differ significantly in terms of living space.

Zoning of premises

All houses consist of premises for various purposes. implies a functional association of areas with common features. For example, the entrance node, corridor and kitchen-dining room are considered "noisy" spaces with common access.

House zoning plan

And the bedrooms and the office belong to the "quiet" recreation areas. Proper zoning is the most important reserve, especially relevant when there is a shortage of space. The chaotic placement of premises, due to the subjective opinion of expediency, increases the area required to move between zones.

The passage to the bedroom through the kitchen-dining room significantly reduces the area of ​​​​the common room, it is required to save the necessary passage.

Access to office space through the occupant day area leads to the same result. As a result, the limited area of ​​​​the common room turns into a crossroads between office and sleeping quarters, and loses the possibility of using it for its intended purpose.

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Project and layout of a wooden house 10x13

Proper zoning implies that each functional area can be accessed through a common node that does not interfere with the planned functioning of the premises.
When choosing or ordering a project for a future home, you should be extremely careful about understanding these features.

Combination of functions

An economy class house is demanding not only in terms of zoning, but also in terms of combining or functional combination of general premises. For example, a children's room can be divided into a sleeping part and a playroom. To do this, it is not necessary to break the room with a wall. The same result can be achieved with the right configuration, furniture placement or sliding railings.

Similarly, you can combine a bedroom and an office or workplace, a bathroom and a boudoir.

An example of a room layout with a combination of functions

The corridor or hall is well combined with a dressing room, which allows you to save other rooms from built-in or floor cabinets and shelves.

It has already become familiar to architects and their customers. Indeed, this is a very convenient and rational solution that allows you to avoid the construction of a corridor between rooms, inexpensively save the area that goes to open the door, and get a relatively large space even in a small apartment. The layout of houses of an economical niche with such a solution can only be welcomed, since it facilitates the organization of movement in the apartment and creates a dominant linking all other premises.

Reduction of non-functional area

Corridors and aisles are the least functional areas in a home. The longer they are, the more space is lost. Any dead-end corridors that abut one or two doors should be considered direct waste. When developing or choosing a project, you need to pay attention to this.

A properly organized node in front of the entrances to the rooms should represent an area spacious enough not to interfere with the simultaneous opening of doors. Despite the large width, such a platform will take up less space than a corridor and will perform its functions better.

Interior of a small studio house

Sometimes it is more profitable, on the contrary, by increasing the width of the passage, to arrange a closet in it or install shelves for temporary storage of things.

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The original layout of a small two-story house

What rooms should be in such a house

What should be provided in such a house? First of all, of course, the necessary minimum of premises - a kitchen or a kitchen-dining room, bedrooms, a bathroom, a bath. If there is no central heating, it is necessary to provide accommodation in the house or an attached boiler room. Auxiliary premises are placed and planned at will - these include a dressing room, storage room and others.

An example of the layout of a small one-story economy class house 6x6 in size

Since the area of ​​an economy class house usually does not exceed 150 sq. m., then the arrangement of rooms and zoning should be approached especially carefully. It is possible to provide either a basement floor, where utility rooms and a boiler room can be taken out, or a basement. On the ground floor, as a rule, there are - an entrance hall, a kitchen or a kitchen-dining room, a living room, a bathroom with a bathtub.

One or two floors

When choosing, you need to decide which option is preferable. A two-story house, at first glance, seems more profitable than a one-story house. It has a smaller building area, lower costs for foundations and roofing.

In fact, this is not always the case. A two-story house will require a ladder assembly to move between floors. With a limited area of ​​the first floor, this causes a critical degradation of planning solutions.

An example of the functional layout of a one-story country house

The total area of ​​the entrance node, stairs, the minimum set of utility and hygienic premises, together with the necessary corridors and passages, will be almost equal to the floor area. Most likely, in an economy-class house, the first floor will be completely unsuitable for a long stay.

Usually, designers try to reduce the width of the stair steps, increase their height, refuse platforms and give the stairs the steepest possible angle. This is a very bad way out, more precisely, its imitation. Living with such a ladder will be excruciatingly uncomfortable. Difficult to use. As a result, a relatively large free area on the second floor will not be in demand, and on the first floor there will be constant hustle and bustle.

Every person wants to build their own own house, but even if there is a land plot or the opportunity to purchase it relatively inexpensively, many consider this a pipe dream. But in vain!

Construction of a 3-room individual residential building "turnkey" for little money- this is real!!!

So, how is it anyway build the cheapest house?

Three main indicators influence the cost of building a residential building:

    Architectural and planning solution.

    The layout of the house should be compact, functional, modern and as convenient as possible. (Save up to 20%)

    constructive solution.

    The constructive solution should be simple, rational and without architectural excesses. (Saving up to 10%)

    Applied material and work.

    Building materials must be modern, and work must be high-tech. (Saving up to 40%)

The project of the cheapest residential building with an increase of up to 6 rooms.

We propose to consider together the project of a residential building, which will help solve the main problem - this is to significantly reduce its cost during construction.

A simple constructive solution, using modern building technologies, allows you to perform a significant amount of work yourself. As the saying goes: “It’s not the gods who burn the pots,” but even with the use of hired workers, the house that will be discussed is built by a team of 2 people, which slightly increases its cost.

All of the above reduces the cost of building a house by almost half.

In addition, over time, such a house, if desired, can be transformed (enlarged) to 4, 5 or 6 rooms, while not violating the main functional planning solutions.

The cost of building a house directly depends on the total area, so despite the small size of the house (6 x 9m), it has three living rooms, and the area of ​​​​the living room (in which we spend most of the time) is 25.75 sq.m.

Let's look at the process of building the cheapest house in more detail.

Architectural and planning solution

The main principle of planning solutions for all residential buildings is based on the minimum ratio of the total area to the usable area, while the layout should be modern and comfortable for living, in other words, you need to extract maximum amenities from the total area.

The total area of ​​this 3-room house is only 54 sq.m.! However, the useful area, which includes all living rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, an entrance hall, is 52 sq.m. or 96.3% of the total area, while in ordinary houses and apartments this figure ranges from 70%.

Yes, in this house the vestibule is combined with the hallway, but since it is warm, which is acceptable for any climatic zone of Russia.

There is not a single pantry in the house, but in the garden you will eventually have a garage, households. building or sauna, which will fill this gap.

A combined bathroom for apartments is an undesirable thing, however, in a private house it is possible, because. at the host buildings you will also have a bathroom

The project of such a residential building is considered in more detail in this article. In the same place, you can also download a project of a residential building for free, or rather, its planning and architectural solutions.

Structural solution

A simple constructive solution of the house allows you to further reduce construction costs.

  1. The width of the house is 6 m clean - which is quite normal for the ceiling and does not require the construction of an additional main wall (respectively, the foundation and basement).
  2. The planning decision of the combined living room according to generally accepted traditional world standards (in Russia it was a room) allows you to save on the absence of partitions and doors between the dining room kitchen and the hall.
  3. The width of the walls of the house is 30 cm (heat resistance, depending on the climatic zone, is regulated when facing with "siding" the thickness of the additional insulation), respectively, the width of the basement is reduced to 25 cm, i.e. into brick.
  4. All partitions in the house are plasterboard, which does not require additional foundations for them, and they are made using a simplified technology (more details in the working draft).
  5. The roof is gable, without architectural and structural excesses.

The exterior of the cheapest house - option number 1

Appearance of the cheapest house with the option of transformation (increasing the area)

The exterior of the cheapest house - option number 2

The appearance of the cheapest house with the option of transformation - option number 2

Work and building materials

Everyone knows that the "lion's share" in the cost of building a house is the cost of work (about 50%), so it is necessary to use modern high-tech materials. Why?

This will allow almost 90% of the work to be done independently (because all new technologies are designed for the layman) and save a significant part of the money.

Moreover, you can spend money (on building materials) as they become available. But if they are available or you managed to get a loan, then you can build this house yourself (you and an assistant).

Of course, when performing certain types of work, you cannot do without specialists, but as already mentioned, this will be approximately 10%.

Basic building materials and their cost (on average in Russia)

  1. Foundations - monolithic reinforced concrete - 35000r.
  2. Basement and concrete pavement - brickwork in 1 brick (250mm) - 12000r.
  3. Walls (300mm) - foam concrete, aerated concrete, gas silicate, etc. - 43700r.
  4. Exterior wall cladding - vinyl siding with insulation and lathing - 26520r.
  5. Roofing and ceiling - wooden trusses coated with a metal profile along the crate, insulation, vapor barrier, plasterboard - 54250r.
  6. Windows - metal-plastic with installation - 30100r.
  7. Partitions, door blocks and interior decoration - GKL (plasterboard sheets) with sound insulation, wallpapering, plastic panels - 28500r.
  8. Floors - concrete preparation, laminate, carpet and ceramic tiles - 29430r.
  9. Water supply and sewerage - plumbing equipment, PVC pipes - 10000r.
  10. Heating - wall-mounted double-circuit boiler; plastic pipes for hot water supply and heating, aluminum radiators - 45500r.
  11. Electricity supply - 11000 rub.

TOTAL: 315000r. Taking into account contingencies (10% of the total), the total cost of building materials is 347000 R.

IMPORTANT! The above prices for the construction of a residential building were calculated in 2010 and are not relevant today. The information provided will be updated shortly.

Schedule of construction work (team of 2 people)

  1. Foundation installation - 3 days
  2. Construction of the basement and draft floors - 3 days
  3. External wall laying - 5 days
  4. Production, installation of trusses, roofing - 3 days
  5. Installation of door and window blocks in the outer walls - 1 day
  6. Facing with siding - 3 days
  7. Installation of electrical wiring - 1 day
  8. Facing load-bearing walls and filing the ceiling with plasterboard sheets - 2 days
  9. Installation of partitions - 2 days
  10. Puttying seams - 1 day
  11. Wallpapering - 2 days
  12. Installation of door blocks - 1 day
  13. Floor installation - 3 days
  14. Arrangement of internal engineering networks and installation of plumbing fixtures - 3 days

Total 32 working days.

Taking into account unforeseen work, the construction time is 1.5 months.


Total: the total cost of building the cheapest house will be 350 tr.

But even if we use fully hired labor, the cost of the house will increase slightly, i.e. exactly for a month and a half salary of 2 workers, which in the end will be much lower than the cost of a similar 3-room apartment.

Make yourself respect - make the dream a reality!

This material is posted on the site for informational and educational purposes.
The design organization is not engaged in the construction of residential buildings.