Steam generator for a bath - factory-made and do-it-yourself. Making a steam generator for a bath with your own hands Do-it-yourself steam generator for a Russian bath

Types of steam generators for steam rooms

In our online store you can purchase modern steam generators from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers.

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All steam generators can be divided into two types:

  • Electrical. Available in two types:
    • First type: They are installed mainly in technical rooms; only steam is supplied to the steam room.
    • Second type: steam generators that complement electric sauna stoves, or stoves with a built-in steam generator.
  • Gas. If you have access to gas, they are more economical to operate than electric ones.

What parameters to choose?

Regardless of whether you choose a device for a Turkish bath or a Finnish sauna, you must consider the main parameters when choosing a steam generator:

  • Power. Depends on the size of the steam room - the larger the steam room, the more powerful the device you need to purchase.
  • Fuel used. In the vast majority of cases these are electric models. If you have access to gas, it is better to use a gas steam generator, because this will reduce operating costs.
  • Device dimensions. The external size matters when choosing where to install the device.
  • Manufacturer. There are quite a few manufacturers on the market, mainly German (EOS, Hygromatik), Finnish (Harvia, Sawo, Helo) and Russian manufacturers(Paromax, Tula Sauna).
  • Control. Some models come complete with control panels; for others, the remote control must be purchased separately.
  • Additional options. There are models available for sale equipped with a pleasant steam aromatization function. For this purpose, the design provides a special container for pouring flavoring. You can choose the aroma to suit your taste - pine, eucalyptus, citrus, etc.

Operating principle

Connection options

The installation would be better done by a professional technician, but no special permits are required, so if you have certain skills, you can handle it yourself.

  • In the sauna:

Can be installed as an alternative or in addition to a conventional stove.

This will create an optimal microclimate in the steam room and fill the room with light, soft steam.

  • In the hamam:

Installed in an adjacent technical room.

The generated steam is supplied through tubes to the steam room.

The control panel allows you to regulate temperature, humidity, lighting, ventilation, aromas, etc.

If you need more power, you can combine several steam generators in series to one control panel.

The main attribute of any bathhouse is the stove, with which you can not only create the required temperature, but also “let in steam.” If it is impossible to install the original heater, modern technologies allow you to do without it. For example, you can use a gas steam generator for a bath, with which you can create the necessary conditions for a steam room in an ordinary city apartment.

What does the bathhouse give us? Not only an opportunity to put the body in order, but also to remove various toxins and poisons from the body through profuse sweating. The best way to achieve this is to use a broom combined with steam. Even a short visit to the steam room followed by a dip in a pool of cool water will help restore the energy spent during the day.

Sauna stoves with a steam generator make it possible to reduce water consumption and completely abandon synthetic detergents. And even more, they can successfully replace a standard sauna stove.

What is a steam generator

A device that turns water into steam is called a steam generator. It allows you to expand the capabilities of the bath and revive the traditions of ancient Roman baths. With the help of the device you can make wet and dry steam, it all depends on your wishes.

Steam generators for baths do not take up much space, they are compact, which is why they differ from. Therefore, it can be placed even in a modest-sized bathhouse.

The weight of the device is small, one person can easily handle it. It is not necessary to invite specialists to install it; there is nothing complicated about it.

Tip: you can use the device not only as an additional unit, but also as an independent unit.

What does a steam generator consist of?

The design resembles a rectangle or a shape close to it.

The device consists of:

  • steam generator;
  • water treatment unit;
  • a pump that ensures the movement of steam and water;
  • water tank;
  • control unit;
  • security sensors.

On the outside of the device are placed:

  • a pipe for supplying water to it;
  • valve for backup drain;
  • sensor connectors;
  • control Panel;
  • steam pipeline connecting outlets.

Technical capabilities

The steam generator is programmed for several modes and functions. For example, it can produce softer steam, which differs in its structure from that produced by splashing water on hot stones. Parameters are set on the control panel.

The device maintains the set steam temperature within the range of 35-95˚C. Using sensors, you can adjust it and work time intervals.

In addition, the automation can maintain the required room temperature in the range from + 20˚С to + 90˚С. Modern devices are often equipped with a hand-held remote control that controls the steam generator from a distance.

Many models can simulate modes different baths. And also, you can create the necessary aromas in the steam room. Steam generators for baths are equipped with a device into the hole of which you just need to drop a phyto-preparation and you will get the required steam smell at the output. The most expensive devices have a built-in block in their design that protects them from scale.

Device types

There are two options for steam generators on the market:

  • autonomous, where you have to manually pour water;
  • automatic ones that collect water on their own.

The vast majority of devices of these types operate in automatic mode, controlling the amount of water in.


There is a certain relationship between the volume of the steam room and the power of the device. For domestic needs, steam generators with a capacity of 4 - 16 kW are sufficient. At the same time, industrial devices that are installed in public saunas can be much more powerful.

With a steam room volume of 4-5 m 3, a power of 4-5 kW will be sufficient. For a room of 10-13 m3, you should prepare an 8-9 kW device. A steam room of 15-18 m3 should be equipped with a steam generator with a power of 12 kW or more.

Before you learn how to make such a device yourself, you should understand that electrical equipment operating in wet environments must meet the highest requirements. Therefore, devices are manufactured with a large margin of safety, which affects their final cost. For example, the price of a household steam generator will be around $1000.

How to make your own steam generator

Below step by step instructions will tell you about one of the options.

When using it, remember that a lot of pressure is created inside the structure, so be sure to take safety measures.

  1. Prepare gas cylinder from propane.
    The volume of future steam will depend on its size:
    • release all the gas;
    • unscrew the brass valve;
    • wash inner part water and dishwashing detergent (until the gas smell goes away);
    • dry the case.
  2. Install heating elements in the lower part of the cylinder. Please note that their fastening will have to withstand a pressure of 6 atm, in addition, it should allow you to change failed heating elements. Calculation – 3 kW per 10 liters of water.
  3. Secure 4 threaded tubes by welding to the top of the cylinder. They will be used for metering devices, under the pressure relief valve and the filling tap. Weld a tube with a ball valve on the side below, 100 mm from the top point, to control the liquid level.
  4. Saw the brass valve from the cylinder in half. Cut the top rod and make a hole to Ø15 mm. Cut the thread and install the ball valve for steam extraction.
  5. Conventional dial pressure gauges can serve as devices for the steam generator. One is for pressure control, the second is for temperature. Connect the devices in series so that when a limitation on any of the parameters is triggered, the heating is turned off. Use the magnetic starter coil as a load.
  6. Place the steam generator in separate room, but in close proximity to the steam room. The remote control must be in your hands. The room with the device must be dry and well ventilated.

Tip: Avoid water pockets when laying the steam line.


An interesting way to get a steam room in an apartment, using, of course, industrial steam generator. From the article you learned how to make a steam generator for a bathhouse with your own hands. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Hello, dear readers!

Very little time has passed since I shared with you interesting information on how to make gutters from plastic bottles. And, quite recently, my old friend and I realized an old idea - a steam generator for a bathhouse with our own hands! And, imagine, we succeeded!

From my own experience, I know that bringing an idea to life, no matter how complex it may seem, seems difficult only until you understand everything thoroughly and take action. And as soon as the activity begins, the process starts by itself.

This is exactly what happened with our hand-made phyto-barrel. By the way, you can read more about a real phyto-barrel here. Having mastered the principle of operation and structure of the steam generator in theory, we set about making it in practice, right at a friend’s dacha! It turned out that it is not difficult at all! Well, are you interested?! Then I begin my detailed story on the topic!

From this article you will learn:

Where to start?

What kind of steam generator is needed for a phyto-barrel and a hammam and do they have anything in common? Of course there is, because both of these “steaming” objects (let’s call them that if you don’t mind) are structured almost identically. Warm steam comes from the steam generator into the hammam room or into the barrel capacity, saturating them with warm and humid steam, the temperature of which, as it is pumped, only increases, giving comfort and relaxation to the steam room visitor!

So how to build a steam generator for a phyto-barrel with your own hands? To do this, just cook following materials: a flexible metal hose, it is sold in plumbing stores (regular connection to a faucet). It will take approximately 1.5 - 2 meters. Plastic canister with a lid, capacity 5-10 liters.

Metallo plastic pipe with a diameter of 20-32 mm and a length slightly less than the perimeter of the barrel, insulating tape, metal adapter-splitter (fitting-tee) for the tap. Thermometer with external electronic display, wooden barrel with an openable door of the desired size, sealant, screwdriver, drills, heating elements - heating elements, connecting electrical wire with a fork. And don’t forget to have a little patience, as working for results encourages this.

What to do with all this?

The tens need to be strengthened in the canister, or rather, placed inside it. And to do this, holes of the appropriate diameter should be drilled in the canister body. WITH inside canisters (through a large lid), insert a heating element into them, seal them and secure them well. In a word, we remember a boiler immersed in water and do it by analogy!

After the heating elements are inside, you need to connect their electrical terminals to the wire outside, and the contacts should be securely wrapped with electrical tape and protected from accidental touch. One stage of the work has been completed, congratulations, you did it!

What's next?

And then - even more interesting! We need to drill a hole in the lid of the polyethylene canister with a diameter suitable for a fitting for a flexible connection. A flange with a threaded connection must be inserted into this hole, onto which our hose will then be screwed. The junction of the flange with the hole in the lid should also be sealed.

After this, a flexible metal hose must be connected to this flange. Another stage of work has been completed.

We perforate a metal-plastic water pipe with a drill or screwdriver. The holes should be a maximum of 5 millimeters in diameter, and the distance between them should preferably be 5-8 cm. Then the plastic pipe must be rolled into a ring corresponding to a slightly smaller diameter than the diameter of the bottom wooden barrel. We place the pipe blank inside the barrel, on its bottom, with the holes facing up.

Almost everything! We have reached the final stage of work. Now you need to drill a hole inside the barrel that matches the diameter of the flexible metal hose. Pass the hose into this hole and connect it through a tee fitting with a metal-plastic water pipe. That’s almost all, all that remains is to fix the thermometer inside the barrel and install the electronic thermometer display outside.

When can you start enjoying?

Patience! Just a little left! Our design is 99% ready, all that remains is to pour water into the canister, plug in the plug, wait for the water to boil and steam to enter the barrel. Then climb inside, close it with a special shelf on top and a door on the side.

Now enjoy! Just remember to keep an eye on the thermometer so as not to overheat. And be sure to monitor the water level in the canister. Otherwise, there will be no luck! Let me note that this is the most basic way to make a homemade sauna steam generator, which can be done without straining.

This is the kind of country mini-hamam we got. And what? We can safely call the phyto-barrel that way. After all steam baths, including the Turkish bath, are all built according to a similar principle - their design is based on a closed room and steam supply through a steam generator!

What about the sauna, is it not popular now?

Well why? To each his own! Some people prefer dry steam, others prefer wet steam. Most saunas are powered by an electric stove with an internal and external heating element - stones! And steam from such bath stones will only be produced if you use liquid for steam generation. Most often this plain water with oils diluted in it. But such steam quickly disappears due to high temperatures in the steam room itself.

You can also use a more modernized bathhouse solution by installing a multifunctional installation in the steam room using a stove with a steam generator. Or you can buy a ready-made cool unit from HARVIA and “keep your head warm,” but that’s a completely different story.

Comment, criticize, like. In a word, everything is as usual. Have a nice steam!

Wisdom Quote: Years teach many things that days do not know.

How to make a steam generator for a bath with your own hands: the simplest and most obvious option
We make a steam generator for the bathhouse with our own hands. We are considering the simplest option for a phyto-barrel and a mini bath.

The main purpose of a steam generator for a bath is to turn the water previously poured into the tank into high-quality steam. The most common types of steam generators are electrode, with heating element and induction. Depending on what type of steam generator is used in the steam room, you can achieve a different microclimate in the steam room and ensure the optimal temperature for yourself.

Types of steam generators for baths

Steam generators are also called steam generators for a bath; they are designed to turn the room into a full-fledged steam room, filled with light or damp steam. Depending on its quality and density, you can create the microclimate of a Turkish hammam or a traditional Russian steam room.

Installing a massive stove-heater is a troublesome task. But if you hang a steam generator in the bathhouse, you can do without it. Electrical devices allow you to provide the room with steam, which does not fly out into the chimney, but remains completely in the steam room, bringing maximum benefit. The steam generator does not require firewood.

The main task of a steam generator is the need to convert the water poured into its tank into steam. There are several types of steam generators:

  • electrode: current flows through the water from electrode to electrode, and as a result it heats up,
  • equipped with heating elements- heaters with different power,
  • induction- works on the principle of a microwave oven.

Steam of various consistencies has different humidity and temperature. The steam generator is capable of producing steam at temperatures from 35 °C to 95 °C. You can easily set the desired one using the control panel. As a result, in one steam room you can create the atmosphere of a Russian bath, hammam or sauna, which is very convenient.

A sauna steam generator consists of a water tank, a block for its preparation, a pump for water movement, as well as a steam generator, a pump for steam movement, safety sensors and a control unit.

On outside The device has a pipe with which the steam generator can be connected to the water supply system, drain valve, sensor connectors, steam line connecting outputs and control panel.

The microprocessor, as well as temperature sensors, allow you to regulate the intensity of the steam supply.

Steam generator for steam room: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of steam generators for steam rooms are full automation of control, organization of a continuous process of steam formation without surges in air humidity and temperature, low power. It is not necessary to equip the stove additionally. It will be enough to install an electric heater or install hidden heating. In addition, steam generators have stylish design and compact sizes.

But such equipment also has disadvantages. The steam generator in the bathhouse may break down, and repairs will be expensive; in addition, the device will require a powerful electrical input. The unit is dependent on power outages and has a high cost.

When choosing a high-quality steam generator for a bathhouse, you need to pay attention to its power, the amount of steam it can produce per hour, and whether its performance matches the dimensions of the steam room.

For example, for a steam room of 5-6 m3, a steam generator with a power of 4-5 kW will be sufficient. If the room has dimensions of 10-12 m3, the power of the device should fluctuate between 8-10 kW. Large steam rooms of about 18 m3 require the purchase of a steam generator with a power of at least 12 kW.

Modern steam generators are automatic or autonomous. The former are connected to the water supply system, while the latter need to be filled with water yourself.

At first glance, it seems that an automatic steam generator is better in all respects. But the fact is that pipes often contain a large amount of impurities, and water passing through them causes scale to form. Therefore, many people think that it is much more advisable to independently fill the unit with clean purchased water or water brought from a well.

Do-it-yourself sauna stove steam generator

Some people prefer to make a steam generator for a sauna stove with their own hands, in which case it is not separated from the stove. The result is really good steam without the use of electrical energy.

First you need to increase the inertia of the steam room. To do this, you need to either increase the number of stones in the oven or, if such a mass does not fit in it, provide an additional trough made of galvanized mesh for them. It is installed directly on the heater.

First you need to take an empty propane gas cylinder, release the remaining gas from it and carefully remove the valve from the brass. After this, you need to thoroughly wash the inside of it, taking detergent for dishes. The procedure must be performed until the smell of gas disappears completely. Now the cylinder needs to be thoroughly dried and the heating elements inserted into its lower part. For every 10 liters of water there should be 3 kW of power.

The mounting of heating elements must withstand at least 6 atmospheres. But there is no need to tighten them tightly: when they burn out, they can be easily replaced.

IN top part cylinder, it is necessary to install 4 tubes equipped with threads for automation devices. Here you also need to install a valve for filling the cylinder with water and a valve that allows you to relieve pressure. On the side of the cylinder you need to weld a tube equipped with a ball valve - it will need to be opened when the steam generator is filled with water. It should be located at a distance of 10 cm from its highest point. When water flows from the tap, this will indicate that its level has reached its maximum.

After this, the brass valve from the cylinder must be sawed in half, the top rod removed and holes drilled with a diameter of 15 mm. After this, you need to cut the thread and screw the ball valve onto the valve to extract steam. Pointer pressure gauges for monitoring temperature and pressure, purchased in advance, must be connected in series so that in case of danger the heating is turned off. When all the devices are connected to the cylinder, you will need to place the completed steam generator near the steam room in a separate dry room. To avoid the formation of condensation, you need to minimize the length of the steam line from the unit to the steam room.

During the installation of steam generators, it is necessary to provide for them automatic shutdown if there are at least minimal deviations from the norm. If you are attentive and careful, then it is quite possible to correctly install the steam generator yourself, without resorting to the help of professionals.

Types of steam generators for baths
What are the different types of bath steam generators, what is their difference and how to make a steam generator yourself | Online magazine about construction “Build a House!” —, only reliable information.

Steam generator for saunas

What is needed for have a good rest in the bath? Of course light steam! It’s not in vain that the wish “ light steam“has long become a classic for those who go to the bathhouse or have barely left the steam room. Dry or wet, such healing light steam is not visible, but at the same time it is felt by the whole body, has a beneficial effect on the human body, relieves stress, invigorates and at the same time promotes relaxation. And you can get such good and healthy steam very simply with the help of a special device - an electric steam generator. Today steam generators for baths and saunas Produced by many sauna equipment manufacturers.

Steam generator for sauna, hammam and Russian bath

An electric steam generator for a sauna can be a good alternative or addition to a heater. It should be borne in mind that even a high-quality stove from a reliable manufacturer can be difficult to manage: the ability to create an ideal microclimate in a steam room requires certain experience and skills. At the same time, a steam generator for a bath is ideal for beginners: it quickly fills the steam room with light steam, and all you have to do is enjoy a relaxing holiday without being distracted by settings. Installing such a device is quite simple - after all, it does not need a chimney or any additional pipes. And thanks to their small dimensions, these structures easily fit even in modest-sized rooms, where it can be difficult to squeeze a traditional heater. In this case, a steam generator for a mini sauna is ideal.

Use electrical appliances to create steam is also easy: to get best couple the desired temperature, just select the required operating mode: the device will do the rest itself. The great advantage of such devices is that they are completely safe: not only will they never lead to a fire, but they will also not harm health, creating steam only optimal temperature and humidity.

With their help, you can create dry hot steam for a sauna, and abundant wet steam for a Russian bath, and for a Turkish bath it will allow you to recreate in the steam room the atmosphere of oriental bliss that makes the hammam so attractive. The soft steam at a comfortable temperature produced by such a device delicately envelops the body, relaxing the muscles and soothing the soul.

Choosing an electric steam generator for a bath

Regardless of whether you want to use a steam generator for a Turkish bath, for a Russian or for a Finnish sauna, it is advisable to purchase equipment only best quality. When choosing these products, as when choosing stoves for a bath, you should pay attention to the brand. Well-known and reliable manufacturers of various sauna stoves also produce the highest quality steam generators for saunas. A steam unit for a sauna from a well-established Finnish brand (such as Harvia or Helo) is ideal in terms of price and quality ratio, easy to use and high-tech. The same can be said about the Swedish company Tylo, another leader in the market of equipment for baths and saunas. Ergonomic and compact devices from Scandinavian manufacturers are made from materials from the most high quality, their thoughtful, safe design allows you to enjoy different types of light vapor. Thanks to the temperature sensor that each steam generator for sauna, in the steam room it is convenient to create any temperature regime to your liking.

Also, when choosing this device, you need to pay attention to its power, which should correspond to the size of the steam room (that is, the larger the volume of the steam room, the more powerful the steam generator should be preferred). The material that was used to cover the walls in the room also matters. Moreover, even powerful steam generators for baths are usually very compact. Many devices from reputable manufacturers have a pleasant steam aromatization function: for this, aromatic substances (for example, with the smell of pine needles, eucalyptus or herbs) are poured into special containers, as a result of which the steam becomes fragrant.

Steam generator for saunas
Steam generator for saunas What is necessary for a good relaxation in a sauna? Light steam, of course! It’s not for nothing that the wish for “light steam” has long become a classic for those who go to the bathhouse or barely

Steam generator for a bath often included in the mandatory list of sauna equipment. True connoisseurs know that soft, thick steam gives a special pleasure from vaping. It allows you to create the desired level of humidity and steam even at low temperatures or in a stove that dries the air very much, and is indispensable for equipping a hammam - a traditional Turkish bath. But, first things first, below.

Steam generator catalog

Types of steam generators for baths and saunas

Today there are two types of steam generators for steam rooms. The first type is installed in Turkish baths, which, unlike Finnish saunas, are characterized by a temperature of about 35-50 ° C and humidity from 80% to 100%. In such conditions steam generator for sauna saturates the room with moist steam, replacing boilers with boiling water, which coped with this task in the classic hammam. And it should be noted that for this type of steam generators, it is necessary to allocate a separate technical room and complex plumbing connections.

The second type of steam generator serves as an addition to the electric furnace. It allows you to expand the capabilities of the Finnish sauna, if desired, turning it into a Russian bath. Here the steam generator for the sauna has a special role: it softens dry air with moist steam, radically changing the feeling of visiting the steam room.

Features of placement and operation of a steam generator for a bath

Steam generators for baths and saunas differ in the installation method. In the hammam, as noted earlier, they are placed in a separate utility room. In this case, steam is supplied through special tubes, and the steam generator is controlled from a separate control panel, with the help of which not only temperature and humidity are set, but also lighting and ventilation are controlled.

There are models of electric heaters with built-in steam generators that are installed in the steam room and have compact sizes, which saves free space. Regardless of the model, each steam generator works the same: when turned on, water fills the built-in tank and is heated by heating elements. The resulting steam is fed into the steam room. When the water level in the tank drops, the solenoid valve opens and the tank is replenished.

It is not difficult to purchase a steam generator designed for a bathhouse with a volume from 2 to 21 m³. But there are solutions for larger steam rooms: they can be equipped with several steam generators, which are connected in parallel and controlled from a single panel.

Important things and nice little things

You can expand functionality that a steam generator for a bath has, buy optional equipment that makes using the steam generator easier and steaming more enjoyable. For example, a steam nozzle, a drain valve that automatically flushes the steam generator and removes limescale.

Also, a steam generator for a sauna allows you to take a bath with aromatic liquids and essential oils. Steam generators, which are in addition to electric heaters, have special stone bowls for liquid flavors, and packaged ones are laid out on a steam grate. The steam generator for the Turkish bath can also be equipped with additional device for supplying aromatic liquid, which is sold in our store.

Steam generators for baths and saunas - the right solution
Steam generators for air humidification in baths and saunas, catalog with prices for steam generators for baths and saunas, buy steam generators at an affordable price.

A steam gun (or steam generator for a bath) can be used as additional equipment or be a separate unit. This device is most often used to produce therapeutic soft steam due to the addition of aromatic herbs. The unit can be purchased at specialized retail networks or assemble it yourself and save money.

Make your relaxation in the sauna more intense with steam generators

Description of the unit

The healing properties of steam can occur under certain conditions. This is why many people use a steam generator for a sauna stove.

Design Features

A classic steam generator for a bath is a unit in which an electric heating element is installed. Its operating principle is reminiscent of an electric kettle - water is poured into the device, the heating element is turned on, which leads to the formation of steam. A valve is mounted on the lid of the device to regulate the pressure. This way you can create steam at the required temperature and humidity.

In this video we will look at which steam generator for a bath is better:

When the device is used in conjunction with a stove, steam is additionally supplied to the stones. This scheme allows you to extend the life of the furnace and also save energy. If you use a steam generator for a steam room as independent device, then there will be no need to build a furnace, but in such a situation you will have to pay more for electrical energy.

The design of the factory unit assumes the presence of the following elements:

  • security sensor;
  • container for liquid;
  • water treatment unit;
  • steam generator;
  • pump;
  • control panel.

The steam generator is equipped with a display that displays various information about the operation of the unit.

Main types

Water can be poured into the device manually or automatically. In the second case, a homemade steam generator for a bath needs to be connected to the water supply. Today, most models are equipped automatic system room temperature control.

Types of steam generators:

  1. Industrial used in public baths and saunas.
  2. Household They are characterized by low power and are intended for use at home.

If the steam room area does not exceed 5 m2, then it is enough to install a 5 kW unit. An 8-9 kW steam gun is designed for installation in a steam room with an area of ​​10 to 13 m2. For large premises you need to use a unit with a power of at least 12 kW. All devices with a power of 9 kW or more are designed to operate in a three-phase network.

Depending on the method of heating water, devices can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Electrode - the liquid heats an electric current passing through the electrodes.
  2. Heating element - water is heated using special devices - heating elements.
  3. Induction - the operating principle is similar to a microwave oven.

Electrode steam generators have the simplest design.

At the stage of developing a drawing of a homemade unit, it is necessary to ensure that the stove comes into maximum contact with the stones. large area metal outlets for water. To do this, the pipes must be located at a minimum distance from the stones.

The simplest device

Even when using a simple steam generator, the bathhouse will have the maximum comfortable temperature. Home handyman will be able to produce an effective unit with minimum investment. For this, in addition to the heater, you will need the following materials:

  • 2 corrugated pipes larger section;
  • porcelain balls that are placed in the stove;
  • 2 corrugated pipes of smaller diameter.

First, it is necessary to make holes equidistant from each other with a diameter of 8 to 10 mm in two pipes of a larger cross-section. You will also need to bend both ends of the pipe towards the small holes. These structural elements are placed with the holes facing up on the bottom of the stove opposite each other. Then you need to insert liquid supply pipes with funnels into their bent ends. Having completed these steps, all that remains is to completely fill all the free space of the oven with porcelain balls.

Finnish sauna

Since in an electric furnace the space at the bottom does not heat up very much, a vessel with holes can be placed there, for heating which heating elements are used. However, if the stove has small dimensions, then it is better to use a copper tube with holes instead of a container.

The stones located around the pipe will heat up to approximately +130...+180°, and the liquid will evaporate, forming a sufficient amount of steam. Since the steam will take a certain time to overcome the layer of stones, its temperature will become optimal for the steam room.

Mount in such a unit check valve no need. This is due to the fact that copper tube small cross-section has a small heated mass in comparison with the volume of liquid passing through it. It is water that will serve as a safety device.

A distribution pipe with holes can be purchased or made independently. Then you need to solder a long tube of smaller diameter, also made of copper, to one end. The connection must be of the highest quality, since the device will be placed at the bottom of a hot stove.

A funnel is attached to the second end of the long tube into which the liquid will be poured. At this point, the process of manufacturing a steam gun can be considered almost complete. All that remains is to lay the distribution pipe on the bottom of the furnace and then fill it with stones.

If the bathhouse owner does not require various additional features, which factory products have, then it is quite possible to independently make a simple steam generator for a bath with your own hands. With its help you can achieve maximum comfort in the steam room without attachment large quantities funds.

A steam generator for a bath is a compact device installed next to the steam room. Its task is to create steam at a given temperature, density, and adjust the humidity in the room. The type of steam depends on the type of device: for a Russian bath, dry sauna, Turkish hammam. It is worth considering the features of the devices and their advantages.

Why is a steam generator better than a stove?

The stove-heater has become traditional for the Russian bath. It produces the “correct” steam, which creates moist heat in the steam room. Installing a stove in a bathhouse involves large financial and time costs. For a heater, you need to lay a foundation, design it correctly, and build a chimney. When laying a furnace, all rules must be followed fire safety. Another disadvantage of the heater is the need to heat it for a long time to get good steam.

Steam generators for baths and saunas do not have such disadvantages. The devices are easy to install, they are safe during operation, and quickly heat the steam to the set temperature. On average, a standard device needs 15 minutes to create air at an acceptable temperature and sufficient humidity in the room.

Steam generator options and operating principle

Steam generators in a bathhouse can provide the room with steam of varying humidity, density and temperature. Parameters are set using the remote control remote control. The principle of operation of the devices is to convert water from a tank into steam. The device can operate on different types fuels: gas, electricity, solid and liquid fuels. For household suitable for use electricity. Electric steam generators are equipped with heating elements of the heating element type.

Design and principle of operation of electric steam generators

Regardless of the type of device, all steam generators are similar in design. They have a water tank, water and steam pumps, heating element, control panel and safety sensors. Any unit can be adjusted during operation. Temperature, humidity, and steam injection intensity change.

Electric steam generators operate from the network. They regulate the temperature from 35 to 95 degrees. The power of a household appliance varies from 14 kW to 18 kW. TO electric models increased safety requirements are imposed. Since operation occurs during damp room, if the slightest malfunction occurs, it stops working.

For metal sauna stoves

A type of steam generator is considered to be structures placed in metal sauna stoves. They can be built into the oven during production or purchased separately. The devices differ in their design. Here are the most popular options for such stoves:

  • a system of metal plates located on the furnace body, the metal quickly heats up to a temperature of 650 degrees, when water hits the surface, light hot steam is formed;
  • a stainless steel cylinder into which heavy shot and metal leaves are poured, a metal funnel is welded to it, after water enters the unit, light transparent steam is formed; The advantages of the design are its low cost and the absence of water contact with the furnace body.

The use of a steam gun for a bath is popular among bathhouse attendants. Simple design looks like pipes lined with stones. It is placed directly on the heat source. Popularly, such a device is called a Magol cannon. You can install it yourself or order work from specialists. The gun-type steam generator is suitable for traditional “Russian steam”. An image of a steam gun for a bath can be seen in the photographs.

Minus metal sauna stoves can be called the smell formed from heated metal.

Gas steam generator for baths

Compact gas steam generators for baths are a new product on the domestic market. Previously, gas was used for industrial purposes. Gas steam generators are often used to create the microclimate of a Turkish bath or hammam. The main difference between this unit and traditional models is the type of fuel used: natural gas low pressure. You can also use propane or butane.

The device produces light, soft steam. It is economical to use, easy to install and has the ability to connect to a centralized gas pipeline.

Selecting a steam generator for a bath according to the type of water supply

Based on the type of water supply, steam generators are divided into two types:

  1. Autonomous.
  2. Automatic.

They differ from each other in design. Autonomous devices must be filled with water independently, while automatic ones receive liquid without human intervention. Using automatic models is convenient. But they have several significant disadvantages:

  • design complexity;
  • the need to regularly clean the system of scale and dirt, but the problem can be solved by installing a cleaning system;
  • additions complicate the design and increase its cost;

There are no such problems with autonomous devices. You can independently fill purified or distilled water into a separate tank. Thanks to its simple design, such a model will cost much less.

Selection by type of heating element

There are three types of heating elements:

  1. Heating elements are electric heating elements of different power.
  2. Electrodes - heating occurs due to metal rods with operating current.
  3. Induction – heating is provided by waves, similar to a microwave oven.

IN household appliances heating elements are used. The heating element allows you to instantly turn water into steam. The most commonly used elements are single-terminal and double-terminal. For steam generators, the heating element is equipped with mounting hardware or a nut. Thanks to the fasteners, you can easily replace a damaged element.

Material for production heating element are carbon or stainless steel.

Attention! When choosing the material from which the heating element is made, preference should be given to stainless steel. The products are more reliable and last longer.

Differences between steam generators for baths, saunas and hammams

The main differences between the traditional Russian bath, Finnish sauna and Turkish hammam are based on steam density, humidity level and temperature.

The Finnish sauna has low humidity. It is forbidden to pour water on stones or hit each other with brooms. In this case, a steam generator is only needed to create comfortable conditions. It should not create abundant humid steam, but only maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room.

For a Russian bath, the steam generator creates a humid environment from 70 to 100 degrees. Steam is created more actively than in a sauna. The Turkish hammam is characterized by light, transparent steam. But the room temperature is less high. It ranges from 40 to 80 degrees. Another requirement for devices in Turkish bath- the ability to hide them. They are faced with tiles and stone, they look elegant without attracting attention to themselves.

Pros and cons of installing steam generators

Modern steam generators can completely replace wood-burning heaters. They are ergonomic. Goes well with any interior. Adjusting the steam does not require additional effort; you just need to set the parameters using the remote control. However, they are not without some disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • possibility of breakdown;
  • sensitivity to voltage surges in the electrical network.

Before purchasing, you should make sure that this is the best option.

How to choose a quality steam generator

To choose a high-quality steam generator, you should pay attention to several details:

  • reliability of design;
  • power;
  • price ( good device cannot cost less than the market average);
  • functions.

Important! When choosing the power of the device, you need to take into account the size of the steam room. For small room A 6 kW device is quite sufficient. Premises with an area of ​​13 cubic meters or more will require a power of 9 kW, 16 cubic meters - 13 kW, and so on.

Rules for installing steam generators

In order for the steam generator to serve for a long time and please its owners, it must be installed correctly. The device must be installed in the steam room or as close to it as possible. To avoid the formation of condensation, it is necessary to minimize the length of the steam outlet. The device itself is installed above or below the level of the entrance of the steam exhaust pipe into the steam room. This avoids pipe kinks.

Steam generator care

It is important to properly care for your steam generator. It's easy to do. It is necessary to remove scale from the parts of the generator and heating element in a timely manner. This will help avoid overheating and damage to the device. You can remove limescale using regular household chemicals. To prevent scale formation, it is better to use softening agents or install additional filters. This problem applies to devices that take water directly from the water supply. To fill the tank yourself, it is better to use distilled water. This will help extend the life of the steam generator.


Today there are many models of steam generators for baths on the market. They have different options, features and prices. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, preference should be given to large manufacturers. This guarantees the quality of the steam generator, the availability service and opportunity in short terms solve any problem. Lovers of steam in the bath will appreciate the device. It will give you the opportunity to enjoy a real bathhouse, reducing the effort to melt it to a minimum.