Bleach old tulle at home effectively. How to bleach tulle without special household chemicals. Laundry soap and starch

always looks more elegant if it is tulle, it makes the room comfortable and airy. But, unfortunately, over time, like all white canvases, it loses its original purity and acquires a dirty shade. The sources of such transformations are dust, urban smog. Unfortunately, no powders will save the situation, but there are folk methods that have helped us out more than once in many difficult situations. Today, the editors of the site will share the secrets of home recipes from our grandmothers, we will learn about the most effective methods for whitening tulle at home.

Folk techniques will help restore the snow-whiteness of the canvas

First of all, you need to evaluate the degree of color change in order to apply a more effective one. Before bleaching the old tulle at home, you need to shake off the dust from the settled dust and wash it with detergent.

The best folk methods for whitening tulle at home

For washed tulle, you can apply one of the following recipes.

Whitening blue

Whitening tulle at home with the help of blue has its positive and negative sides. The advantages include:

  • the whole process will take a few minutes;
  • the result will indeed be the effect of cold whiteness.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Dilute half a teaspoon of blue in 10 liters of water.
  2. Rinse the cloth first in the solution, then in clean water.

Salt whitening

Dissolve 60-80 g of coarse salt in a container of water, add a little detergent and leave to soak overnight. Then overwrite them.

How to bleach tulle at home with green or potassium permanganate

Pharmacy brilliant green also showed itself from an unexpected side as a bleach in the home. It is enough to dilute just 10 drops in 250 ml of water and let it brew for about half an hour. Dilute the concentrate with a bucket of water and rinse in it, constantly turning for a quarter of an hour, then hang it up.

Important! It is necessary to thoroughly stir the concentrate before combining it with water so that undissolved sediment does not get into the container.

Another pharmacy remedy also acts as a good helper: potassium permanganate, or ordinary potassium permanganate. In this case, the recipe for making bleach is somewhat more complicated:

  1. Grate half a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Soak it in 250 ml of water.
  3. Dilute potassium permanganate in a small amount of liquid, the concentration should be pronounced.
  4. Combine both compositions, mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Dilute the solution in 6 liters of warm water.
  6. Soak the fabric, leave for ¾ hours, then rewash and rinse.

How to whiten tulle with soda at home - the first assistant in all situations

Soda is used before the main wash. To do this, perform the following algorithm:

  1. Dilute 100 g of any powder and 40 g of soda in 10 liters of warm liquid.
  2. Leave the canvas in the composition for ¾ hours.
  3. After that, it is desirable to rewash in the machine with a double rinse.

How to whiten tulle from yellowness - hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help

There are a few more tips on how to whiten yellowed at home: this is a combination of ammonia with hydrogen peroxide.

It is important! This method cannot be used on artificial materials.

Whitening sequence:

  1. Add 20 g of ammonia and 40 g of peroxide 3% to 5 liters of water at about 60°C.
  2. Soak the curtains for a quarter of an hour.
  3. The hostess should put on rubber gloves, rinse the tulle thoroughly, take it out, wring it out a little and hang it up to dry.

Starch and citric acid in the fight against yellowness

Potato starch will not only act as a bleach, but will also help give the fabric a beautiful shape, it will be much more interesting to drape on. The sequence of the recipe is as follows:

  1. 1 st. starch diluted in 1 tbsp. warm water, introduce gradually, avoiding the formation of lumps.
  2. Dilute the concentrate in 6 liters of warm water.
  3. Soak in it for 6 hours.
  4. After that, squeeze them lightly and hang them to dry.

Lemon acid

Before bleaching white tulle at home with the help, the canvas is preliminarily soaped and soaked in warm water. At the same time, you need to pour lemon into the composition at the rate of 60 g per 4 liters of liquid. After half an hour, weave, rinse and hang. For heavy soiling, it may take up to 4 attempts until the issue is resolved.

How to whiten tulle from dullness from household chemicals: are they effective

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of household chemicals for bleaching tulle, designed for different types and having a different composition and principle of action. When buying, you need to carefully read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer, in addition, strictly adhere to the dosage in order to avoid negative consequences.

Chlorine-containing compounds: benefit or harm

The group of chlorine-containing household chemicals are caustic compounds; they often cannot be used due to accelerated deterioration.

This should be known! After using "Whiteness", the canvas does not react to more gentle formulations.

What tissues are oxygenated products used for?

What are optical means with microparticles of luminescent dyes

Another type of whitening products is optical, they include microparticles of luminescent dyes. during application, particles of dyes settle, due to this the impression of a snow-white structure is created. Such bleaches for tulle include:

  • "OV-1";
  • "SVS-X".

The second life of the old tulle

If it is a pity to part with your beloved tulle, but its appearance has long been gray or yellowish, you can try to carry out resuscitation in a combined way. To do this, use the following recipes.

For old material, the use of household chemicals is undesirable, it will quickly destroy the fibers. In addition, chlorine-containing compounds can give the canvas a yellowish tint.

How to whiten delicate tulle at home

Airy tulle requires special treatment. If you are the owner of such a fabric, the following recommendations are for you.

Gentle whitening of veils and microveils

The veil is a dense mesh. The maximum allowable water temperature for it is 30 ° C. For whitening, you can use any sparing components.

The microveil stands between the organza and the veil in terms of stiffness. There is also a temperature limit for it, and all folk methods can be used as whitening recipes.

Temperature limit for organza and polyester

Organza is made from silk, polyester and viscose, for this the threads are twisted in a special way. It is strictly forbidden to use hot water and aggressive household chemicals when washing. For bleaching, you can use:

  • salt;
  • brilliant green;
  • blue.

Polyester has a denser and softer composition, but hot water is not recommended for it, as well as aggressive household chemicals.

The most gentle way to whiten nylon tulle at home

Kapron is made of polyester, so the recommendations for it are similar: the maximum temperature regime is 30 ° C and no aggressive environments. If you are thinking about how to whiten nylon tulle, you can try the compositions using the following tools:

  • salt / soda solution;
  • blue:
  • potassium permanganate;
  • brilliant green;
  • starch.

How to bleach tulle in a washing machine

As you can use special oxygen compositions or the following popular method:

  1. Load the product into the machine.
  2. Pour the powder into the cell intended for it.
  3. Add 1 sachet of baking powder and 20 g of salt/soda to the powder.
  4. Select gentle mode with temperatures up to 30°C, no more than 400 revolutions and double rinsing.

If you are thinking about how to properly whiten tulle at home, then the editors of the site suggest listening to the following tips and tricks:

  • always shake out the canvas from dust deposits;
  • before laying in them, they must be carefully folded;
  • a heavily soiled curtain should traditionally be soaked in a detergent composition for 8-10 hours;
  • hang the canvases, practically without squeezing.


Snow-white tulle and a holiday, filling it with additional comfort. There are different ways to restore the original purity of the fabric, it is important to regularly clean and bleach it. Fresh dirt is easier to remove than old, and it will be much cleaner. But if you become the owner of expensive tulle, it is better to entrust its cleaning to specialists.

And what secrets do you know how to whiten tulle? Share your family tricks with our readers in the comments. And as a bonus, we suggest you watch the experiment: how to quickly bleach tulle and iron it without an iron.

Air curtains made of white sheer tulle have been a classic in window decoration for many years. Regardless of the material of manufacture, window curtains lose their whiteness over time under the influence of the sun, dust, rust and salts of washing water. Buying new quality curtains is not cheap, as is washing them in dry cleaning conditions.

You should not be upset, there are many inexpensive home remedies that will help you cope with the task without spending much money and time. Experienced housewives are happy to share secrets on how to whiten tulle from dullness at home.

Chemical bleaches

The first word is about whitening products, which can be purchased without problems in any department of household chemicals. This method can be used no more than once and that is not desirable. The fact is that such preparations destroy the delicate structure of tulle, especially from natural fibers, and soon lead to strong yellowing, which is very difficult to remove.


Any washing powder or liquid laundry detergent is diluted in warm water, and three to five tablespoons of ordinary kitchen salt are added to the solution. The tulle is soaked for a period of at least 3 hours, ideally overnight. If desired, you can still stretch the curtain in the car as usual, or rinse immediately after soaking. D To fix the result, salt can also be added to the water for rinsing from the powder.

The only drawback of this method is the long soaking time.


Already pre-washed tulle is blued in such images. The procedure can be carried out both manually and in an automatic machine.

With manual rinsing, after washing, the curtain is dipped into the prepared bluing solution. Proportion: half a teaspoon of the product to a bucket of water. Second rinse - no bluing. The curtain is immediately shaken and hung up.

When washing in an automatic machine, a small amount of blue is added to the conditioner section.

Minus the method- Blue particles that are not thoroughly mixed can form streaks or stains. For this reason, manual rinsing is more reliable.


To prepare a solution, 5-10 drops of brilliant green are settled in a glass of water, then carefully filtered through cheesecloth and mixed with 10 liters of warm water. Pure tulle is soaked in the prepared liquid for 5 minutes, constantly turning the fabric over.

Minus: an improperly prepared solution with sediment can ruin the fabric with green spots.

Peroxide and ammonia

This method works very well, but only for tulle made from natural fabrics. The proportions of the mixture for bleaching: 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 2-3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in a bucket of hot (50 - 60o) water. A clean curtain is soaked in a basin for 30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed and wringed out easily.


Starching not only makes delicate curtains whiter, but also adds shine and long-lasting shape to them.

For starching, a paste is brewed like jelly, based on each liter of water - 1 tablespoon of starch.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no lumps in the resulting solution. After washing, the tulle is soaked in starch water for 5-6 hours, dried without wringing.

Potassium permanganate and laundry soap

These products combined provide unexpectedly brilliant and long-lasting results. Tulle curtains are washed in a soapy solution with the addition of potassium permanganate, after soaking for half an hour.


For whitening, it is enough to dissolve 4 tablets of ordinary aspirin in 5 liters of warm water. Soak the curtains for at least 3 hours and wash in the usual way.

Attention! Effervescent aspirin is not suitable for this purpose, it contains additives that only add yellowness.


This is a grandmother's method, in which fabrics were bleached by boiling them in a bowl of soap or powder for at least an hour. With manual boiling, such a “brew” must be constantly monitored.

Modern technology comes to the rescue in this case too: in automatic type washing machines there is a washing function at high temperatures - this is the very digestion.

Minus the method- undesirable for kapron curtains.

Strong grayness on the curtains

You can bleach tulle, which has turned gray from time to time for a long time, in several stages: boiling with the addition of citric acid, soaking and washing with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, soaking in salt, starching and bluing.

Light, elegant white tulle adds more light and air to the space, and visually expands it. Whatever the current trends in interior design, the classics remain timeless. However, the white color has a “capricious” character - over time, yellowness or grayness appears on it, which do not disappear after normal washing. What to do in such a situation and how to whiten tulle at home - read our article.

Before washing and bleaching, be sure to read the label - each type of fabric has its own bleaching method.

home remedies

Today, stores offer a huge selection of various bleaches and stain removers, however, most of them contain chlorine, which is harmful to certain types of fabric and, in addition, is a strong allergen. What to do if, for some reason, the finished product is not available or does not suit you? In this case, simple and effective home remedies that are always at hand will help out.

If there is a small child in the house or someone from the family suffers from allergies, the use of aggressive chemical bleaches is highly undesirable. Better to use home remedies

Whiteness is often used to bleach fabrics. However, for thin tulle, this method is not recommended. Whiteness quickly destroys the delicate fabric and after 2-3 bleaching procedures, the tulle will tear from any careless movement.


Regular salt will help to quickly whiten tulle. In a bowl of warm water, dissolve coarse salt (in the ratio: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) and a standard amount of washing powder. Mix thoroughly and immerse the tulle in the saline solution. Leave to soak for 3-4 hours (if heavily soiled - overnight). Then wash the tulle by hand, or using the delicate cycle of the washing machine. To enhance the effect, the washed tulle can be rinsed in fresh saline for another 5-10 minutes.

Use large salt crystals. Refined fine or iodized salt is not suitable for bleaching.

Salt is harmless to tissues, has an antibacterial effect and does not cause allergies. Rinse the tulle in a saline solution after each wash - this will help prevent dullness and yellowness.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

You can quickly and easily bleach tulle with ammonia and peroxide. In a bowl of hot water (about +60 ℃), dissolve 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide (proportions are indicated for a basin with a capacity of 3-5 liters). Mix the solution thoroughly, and soak the tulle for 30 minutes. After a while, rinse the tulle and hang to dry. The fabric will dry naturally and smooth out under its own weight. In no case do not wring out the tulle by twisting! It is better to put it in a sheet and gently wring it out.

Control the water temperature according to the type of fabric. Hot water is suitable for cotton products, for delicate fabrics, the temperature should not exceed +35 ℃.


You can bleach tulle with starch (potato, corn or rice). Dilute 250 g of starch in a basin with warm water and soak the pre-washed tulle in the resulting solution for 5-6 hours. After the time has elapsed, hang the tulle to dry. It is not necessary to wring out the fabric.

Thanks to starch, the fabric will not only become snow-white, but will also keep its shape well.

Potassium permanganate

Rub soap on a fine grater (best of all household 72%) and dissolve in a basin of water. Dilute a few crystals of manganese in a glass of warm water (you should get a pale pink solution) and wait for the potassium permanganate to dissolve completely, without sediment. Pour the resulting solution into soapy water, mix thoroughly and soak the tulle for 30 minutes. After the procedure, wash the tulle in the usual way.

Using potassium permanganate for whitening, the main thing is not to overdo it. The solution should turn out to be weak, pale pink in color and without sediment.


No matter how strange it may sound, but a weak solution of brilliant green really does a good job of whitening. Here it is important to observe the proportions and carefully stir the solution, and to be sure, it is better to strain it.

Stir 5-7 drops of brilliant green in a glass of very warm water. Wait for the precipitate to dissolve. If the particles of brilliant green do not disperse, strain the solution through gauze folded several times. Pour the solution into a bowl of warm water, stir and soak the pre-washed tulle for 3-5 minutes. During this time, turn over and shake the fabric with your hands several times. Then rinse the tulle, let the water drain and hang to dry.

If you stir the brilliant green badly, the tulle will not acquire a snow-white, but a light green tint.


You can bleach the old tulle with blue. First, wash the tulle in the usual way, then:

  • for hand washing. Dilute 0.5 tsp. bruises in 7-10 liters of warm water, mix the solution thoroughly and rinse the tulle in it for several minutes. After the procedure, rinse the fabric in clean water and hang to dry;
  • for machine wash. Add 1-1.5 caps of blue to the rinse aid compartment and wash the tulle in a delicate mode (no spin cycle).
Be sure to thoroughly dissolve the blue, otherwise difficult-to-remove stains may remain on the fabric.

curdled milk

Soak the tulle in curdled milk for 24 hours and rinse with conditioner to get rid of the sour smell. Let the water drain and hang the tulle to dry. Do not use fat-free kefir or sour store milk instead of yogurt.


Pound aspirin into crumbs, dissolve in water at the rate of: 1 tablet per 1 liter of water and soak the pre-washed tulle in the resulting solution for 3-4 hours. Rinse the fabric, let the water drain and hang to dry.

Use only regular aspirin - effervescent tablets contain additives that can adversely affect whitening


Soak the pre-washed tulle in a soda solution (proportions: 1 tsp of soda per 1 liter of water) with the addition of a small amount of washing powder. Wait 30 minutes and wash normally.

Soda will help get rid of dullness on white tulle

Lemon acid

Citric acid can bleach nylon tulle. Dilute 1 sachet of citric acid (25 g) in a bowl of water (3-5 l), stir and rinse the pre-washed tulle in the resulting solution. This method is also suitable for other fabrics.

Citric acid will help bleach sun-bleached tulle

How to bleach tulle with boiling

This method was used by our grandmothers. Of course, the method is outdated, moreover, from the minuses it is immediately worth noting the laboriousness of the process and the fact that it is suitable only for products made of cotton and linen (white and natural colors). But since the efficiency of digestion has been verified by many years of experience, we will not discount this method.

Dissolve washing powder or finely grated soap (preferably household soap) in an enameled bucket, soak the tulle and put the container on fire. Wait until the solution boils and boil for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Rinse the tulle thoroughly after the procedure.

How to bleach tulle in the washing machine without soaking

If you do not have time for soaking, and the material from which the tulle is made is machine washable, use the following method.

In the detergent drawer, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. coarse salt and 1 sachet of baking powder. Pour 1 tbsp into the conditioner compartment. l. vinegar and wash the tulle in a delicate mode without spinning. Do not load tulle into the drum of a washing machine without additional protection: place a neatly folded fabric in a special laundry bag or use a pillowcase.

Before you start bleaching or washing, carefully fold the tulle. If you soak or load a crumpled fabric into the drum of the washing machine, creases will remain on it, which are difficult to smooth out.

It is quite difficult to restore the whiteness of old fabric, often 1-2 bleaching methods are not enough and an integrated approach is required. Use the following diagram:

  • wash the tulle in the usual way;
  • use the digestion method (if the fabric allows);
  • soak the tulle in hydrogen peroxide with ammonia;
  • rinse in a strong saline solution;
  • fix the result by rinsing in starch.

For old contaminants, use an integrated approach

  • be sure to wash the tulle before bleaching. Many housewives make the mistake of bleaching dirty fabrics. As a result, dust penetrates deeper into the fabric and aggravates the situation;
  • remove grease stains from the fabric before bleaching. Dilute 50 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water, add 3-5 drops of dishwashing detergent, soak, wash the tulle and start bleaching;
  • control the temperature. For delicate fabrics it is +30…+35 ℃. When washing tulle in the washing machine, set the speed to no more than 400 revolutions.
  • to make the curtains shimmer in the sun, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. This amount will not leave an unpleasant odor, but it will add shine;
  • do not wring out the tulle, especially when twisting. Just let the water drain;
  • no need to iron the tulle. The fabric will dry out under its own weight.

Airy white tulle gives the space a special lightness and chic

Please note that different bleaching methods are suitable for each type of fabric.

Zelenka helps well from yellowness, blue from dullness, ammonia, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide relieve greasy spots on tulle.

Using these methods, you can restore the freshness and sparkling whiteness of the fabric. And what methods of whitening tulle do you use? Share your experience with us in the comments.


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Do you know that:

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Every housewife at least once in her life noticed that her favorite tulle in the bedroom, nursery or kitchen has become gray or has acquired an unpleasant yellowish color. And one simple question appeared in my head: how to quickly whiten your favorite curtains? In this article, we will talk about how you can do this easily and cost-effectively.

There are two ways to whiten tulle at home:

  1. With the help of household chemicals;
  2. With the help of folk recipes.

First, let's talk about household chemicals. On the shelves of stores, a lot of space is occupied by a large number of various bottles and vials, which are able to return the tulle to its former whiteness. The most common of these are whiteness and stain remover.

Whitening with whiteness

The standard way to update curtains to bring them back to a radiant white hue is to use white.

When using, do not forget the basic rules:

  1. Read the labels on the product carefully. Not all fabrics can be bleached.
  2. Do not regularly use bleach, as it negatively affects the structure of the fabric.
  3. Having used bleach once, the likelihood that you will have to do it again and again increases. Since even simple pollution will not be removed without bleach.

Applying white is easy. Pour warm water into a container (bucket or basin). Dissolve the required amount of bleaching agent (the exact number of caps is indicated in the instructions for use). Place the tulle in a basin or bucket so that the prepared mixture covers the tulle completely, and soak for an hour. Rinse the curtains well afterwards. But in addition to whiteness, bleach also gives a persistent smell of chlorine. Fabric softener, which can be added to the water when rinsing, will help eliminate it.

Wonderful stain remover

The stain remover differs from bleaching in two significant pluses:

  • First, the place of application. The stain remover is used in areas where there is pollution;
  • secondly, a pleasant aroma. Thanks to this, extra rinsing is not required to eliminate unpleasant odors.

The method of use is similar to the method of using bleach:

  1. Dissolve the stain remover in a container with warm water, in the amount indicated in the instructions. If the stains are present directly on the product, then it is worth treating them.
  2. Soak the tulle for an hour. If the stains are strong, then you can leave it to soak for 3-5 hours.
  3. Remove the product, rinse thoroughly, squeeze without twisting and send to dry.

This is how you can easily and simply whiten tulle curtains with the help of household chemicals.

The main thing to remember when working with bleach or stain remover is to perform all manipulations with gloves so that aggressive substances do not damage the delicate skin of the hands.

Folk ways

Now let's talk about folk recipes that will give tulle products a blinding white color. Assistants in this matter are in the kitchen. These include:

  • salt;
  • starch;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • ammonia and hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap;
  • manganese;
  • soda;
  • a bucket for digestion;
  • lemon acid.

Let's talk about each tool in more detail.


  1. Take 3-5 tablespoons of ordinary coarse table salt and 100 grams of washing powder, which is available at home.
  2. Dissolve the mixture in 5 liters of water.
  3. Soak the product in the prepared solution for at least 3-4 hours, for best results.
  4. If the dirt is strong, it is better to wash the curtains in a washing machine. If the pollution is small, it will be enough just to rinse the cloth.

Salt solution is used simply for rinsing to bleach and starch the product a little.. With this solution, you can bleach the fabric in the children's room, since salt is not an allergen and is absolutely safe. As you can see, bleaching tulle at home is quite simple.


An inexpensive and high-quality assistant in the fight against yellowness is starch, which is found in any kitchen. You need to do the following:

  1. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of starch in hot water.
  2. After washing, soak the product for a couple of minutes in the solution prepared in advance.
  3. Then rinse well and send the fabric to dry.

This method is similar to starching a product. After such a procedure, the curtains retain their shape well and are covered with a so-called protective layer. Dirt settles on starch particles. This allows the tulle to remain clean for a long time. With the next wash, the dirt is easily washed off.


An ordinary solution of brilliant green can be an effective help in the difficult struggle for the original freshness of tulle. To do this, you need Zelenka, a glass and a basin.

  1. Dissolve 10-15 drops of brilliant green solution in a glass of warm water.
  2. Let stand for 5-10 minutes. If there is no sediment, and the brilliant green is completely dissolved, you need to pour the mixture into a bucket with 7-10 liters of warm water. If, however, a precipitate is observed, it is necessary to mix thoroughly again.
  3. After washing, lower the tulle into a container with the resulting product for 5 minutes, while constantly turning the tulle over.
  4. Slightly wring out and send the product to dry.

When preparing the solution, you should pay attention to the fact that the brilliant green should dissolve completely. Otherwise, instead of whiteness, you can get light green stains, which will be difficult to get rid of in the future.


A long-known bleaching agent is blue. Nice and efficient way. But now it is very rare to find blue on shop windows.

The whitening algorithm is as follows:

  1. When washing the product by hand, half the measuring cup must be diluted in water. The liquid temperature is not more than 30°C.
  2. Immerse the product in the prepared mixture.
  3. Rinse the fabric in clean water.

When machine washing, blue (1 measuring cup) is added to the rinse aid compartment. But it is better to rinse the product by hand. And make sure that the blue is completely dissolved in water.. Otherwise, there is a possibility that new stubborn stains will appear on the product. In this case, there is nothing to save the tulle.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

These two assistants will cope with yellowness without any problems, but only on cotton curtains. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. Pour the mixture into a container with water (water temperature approx. 60°C).
  3. Place the tissue in the solution for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Rinse the tulle well in clean water 2 times.
  5. Hang to dry, no need to wring.

Laundry soap

Action algorithm:

  1. Grate soap on a coarse grater.
  2. Dip the soap chips into a bowl of water and bring to a boil. Remove from fire immediately.
  3. Add cool water to the prepared soap solution. You will get a warm mixture.
  4. Soak the product in this mixture. Leave to soak for 5-7 hours.
  5. Then wash and rinse the tulle.

Potassium permanganate

Another effective tool in the fight for the whiteness of tulle is manganese. True, getting potassium permanganate has recently become more difficult. What do we have to do:

  1. Dilute manganese in half a glass and pour into a bowl of warm water. Mix well.
  2. Soap tulle with laundry soap.
  3. Dip the product in a container with a solution of manganese for half an hour.
  4. Then everything is as always: wash, rinse, dry, and then enjoy the whiteness of the curtains.


Whitening tulle curtains with ordinary baking soda is quick and easy. The recipe for use is simple:

  1. 1 tablespoon of soda mixed with 50 gr. washing powder. Dilute the resulting mixture in 4-5 liters of water.
  2. Soak the curtains in the solution for 20 minutes before washing.
  3. Wash and rinse the item.


An old way of bleaching things that our grandmothers used.

Boiling should be used if the curtains are made of natural fabric: linen or cotton.

For this method, you will need an enameled container, or a stainless steel container. This is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the curtains may acquire an ugly shade of rust. To boil fabric:

  1. Grate laundry soap, add washing powder to it.
  2. Dissolve the resulting mixture in a bucket of cool water and mix well.
  3. Dip the tulle into a bucket or pan so that the resulting mixture completely covers the fabric.
  4. Put the container with the soaked curtains on the fire, bring to a boil.
  5. Reduce heat and simmer for an hour, stirring constantly with a long wooden stick.
  6. Take out the curtains, rinse and send them to dry.

There is nothing complicated. A little time, and the tulle will shine with dazzling whiteness.

Lemon acid

Citric acid will also help renew soiled and discolored fabric over time. For this you need:

  1. Lather the tulle with laundry soap and soak for half an hour in hot water. If there are traces of burning on the product (for example, tulle from the kitchen), you can add 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. After that, rinse the product in warm water, adding a bag of citric acid there.

The tulle will again acquire a bright white shade and pristine freshness.

A little about fabrics

How to bleach old tulle depends on the fabric from which it is sewn. Common fabrics for sewing curtains are kapron and organza.

Organza is a shiny and very thin fabric, while being rigid in its structure. Requires delicate handling. Such a fabric is afraid of household chemicals. But it can be bleached with folk remedies: saline, blue, ammonia and peroxide.

Kapron is a soft synthetic material. Folk methods will also help whiten nylon tulle. Kapron will shine white after saline solution, brilliant green solution and manganese solution. The main thing is to perform all manipulations in cool water.

  1. Shake well before soaking the tulle.
  2. It is always worth soaking the product before washing.
  3. Do not use hot water (except where indicated). It is better to wash the curtains at a temperature of 30 ° C, while turning off the rinse cycle. If the machine does not provide for such an opportunity, then set the minimum speed for spinning.
  4. Before soaking the product, you need to carefully and compactly fold it. Make sure that there are no creases on the curtains, as they are very difficult to iron. If you need to wash the product in the washing machine, it is better to use a special bag for washing delicate items.
  5. If you add 1 tablespoon of table vinegar during washing, the curtains will play with beautiful highlights in the sunlight.
  6. needs to be done very carefully. You must first wring out (the main thing is without twisting), let the water drain. You can immediately hang on the eaves. Under the weight of its weight, the tulle will straighten faster.
  7. If it is not possible to wash the tulle by hand, then when machine washing it is worth using the program: "Delicate wash" or "Manual mode".

Here are some simple ways to give your favorite product a new life.

Beautifully designed windows add completeness and style to the room. But only if the window tulle has retained its whiteness and a feeling of freshness. Unfortunately, under the influence of the sun, as well as due to dust and other pollution, the curtains often take on a grayish or yellowish tint. Do not immediately revise the budget to allocate funds for new window decorations. Tulle can be bleached, returning it to its original whiteness.

Methods for bleaching curtains

There are several ways to help make tulle snow-white again. A good result is given by both hand washing and using a washing machine. As a laundry detergent, you can use not only synthetic detergents, but also proven folk methods. Many housewives have already chosen "their" remedy, effective and reliable.

Important! Before bleaching, you must first shake the fabric thoroughly to remove dust. Bleaching of dusty fabrics will be uneven, and stains will appear on the curtains.

If you have not tried bleaching curtains at home yet, we will tell you how to do it so that you will be pleased with the result.

Bleach curtains in the washing machine

The thin and delicate fabric that is used when sewing tulle curtains does not preclude the use of a washing machine to wash and bleach them. In order for the procedure to return whiteness, but not to spoil the fabric, you need to choose the right mode and detergent.


The washing result will not disappoint if the curtains are pre-soaked. First, shake the dust off the curtains well. Then they are immersed in a basin of warm soapy water and left for several hours or overnight.


After soaking, the tulle can be washed. For delicate fabrics, only the delicate wash mode with a minimum temperature (30 °), double rinse, a small number of revolutions (400) is suitable.

Important! To avoid creases on the material and facilitate its smoothing, you need to carefully fold the tulle before sending it to the drum of the washing machine.

Chemical means

An important point for achieving the result is the choice of detergent. You can use any chemical suitable for your car, but only under one condition: the substance must not contain chlorine. In this case, by washing, you can clean the material without damage.

Whitening by hand

You can also wash the tulle by hand. With the right choice of the right tool, this is easy to do. For this, not only special synthetics are suitable, but also simple substances that every housewife has.

Simple means


Table salt is able to bleach different materials well, so experienced housewives often use it when washing. Salt will also not harm the delicate fabric of window curtains if it is properly diluted in warm water. Proportions of the solution: salt - 1-2 tbsp. l., water - 5 l. Curtains are immersed in water with salt and left there for 0.5 hours. Do not rub the fabric, you can gently turn it over, trying to keep all the material under water. Then the curtains are rinsed in cool water and dried.


Rinsing in blued water will return the curtains to their former whiteness.

Important! When using blue, the curtains are first washed. Blueing fabric that has not been washed can leave stains on it.

Washed curtains can be rinsed in a special solution. Blue (1 cap) is poured into cold water (8–10 l), thoroughly stirred so that the water turns blue. Immerse curtains in water and rinse them thoroughly. After that, it remains to dry the tulle and hang it on the windows.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

In many first aid kits there is such a disinfectant as hydrogen peroxide. It can also be successfully used for household purposes, for bleaching curtains. Peroxide is especially effective in combination with ammonia. Method of application of preparations: peroxide (2 tablespoons) and ammonia (1 tablespoon) are added to 5 liters of cold water. Everything is stirred until smooth, after which the tulle is lowered into the solution. After the tissue is completely immersed in the liquid, the material is kept for half an hour. During this time, the fabric is bleached, it remains only to rinse it.


Another remedy from the first aid kit is a solution of brilliant green. Zelenka will also do a good job and make the curtains snow-white. You should be careful when breeding greenery. First, the substance is diluted in a small amount of water: 10 to 15 drops of brilliant green are enough for 1 glass. Thoroughly mix the green and water, and then leave the glass for 5-10 minutes to check if a precipitate appears in the liquid.

Important! If the drops of brilliant green did not completely dissolve during the initial mixing, you need to stir the liquid again or strain it.

A glass with completely dissolved brilliant green is added to a laundry container (basin, bucket) with a sufficient amount (8–10 l) of warm water and thoroughly stirred again. Now curtains are immersed in a green liquid, which must be pre-washed. It is not necessary to leave the fabric in the green solution for a long time, 3-5 minutes is enough. During this time, it will be useful to carefully turn the material over several times. When using greenery, additional rinsing of curtains is not required.

store funds

Modern industry produces various synthetic products that can be used to bleach tulle curtains.


When choosing a bleach, you need to be attentive to its composition and properties. The use of chlorine-containing substances is not recommended: they can lead to rapid wear of the delicate material. But the use of oxygen bleach will return the material to a white color, and at the same time will not harm the structure of the fabric. A good result will be obtained when using an optical brightener.

Important! Optical brightener is not recommended for patterned fabrics, it is most suitable for smooth materials.

The way to use bleach is simple. Bleaching can be combined with washing. In this case, bleach is added to the machine, like detergent, only in a different compartment. Or you can dilute the bleach in water and soak the washed curtain. In any case, you must strictly follow the instructions for use of a particular substance. So it will be possible to safely restore freshness to the tissue.


Whiteness is the only reliable bleach for the older generation. Of course, you can keep the traditions and use this composition today. Whiteness is reliable, copes with any dirt and stains. However, when choosing this agent, one should keep in mind: removing stains from the fabric, whiteness has a destructive effect on the structure of materials. Delicate tulle will not be able to interact with whiteness, remaining unchanged. Any careless action, a slight tension will lead to a rupture of the structure, damaged by whiteness.

Important! If you still decide to use whiteness for whitening, do not use it all the time. Optimum for the fabric will be a single application of whiteness.

Stain removers

To return the whiteness of tulle curtains, you can also use one of the modern stain removers. These compositions are designed to remove stains and dirt from various fabrics, including tulle. These chemicals must be used in strict accordance with the instructions for a particular substance. When removing stains, stain removers are applied only to problem areas, and then the entire curtain is erased. You can also bleach with a stain remover. In this case, the substance must be added to the water in which the fabric will be soaked. After soaking and subsequent washing, the tulle will become noticeably whiter.

Recommendations for bleaching different fabrics

  • Nylon fabrics are well bleached with the help of greens, salt, blue, and laundry soap dissolved in water. Hot water is undesirable for nylon, the optimum temperature should not be higher than 30 °, both hand and machine wash is possible.
  • Silk and chiffon fabrics prefer hand washing. For bleaching, it is best to add salt to the water, you can mix it with laundry soap.
  • Cotton fabrics respond well to washing in the machine, you can also soak and wash them by hand, with the addition of peroxide and ammonia.
  • Organza fabrics are best bleached using simple products (salt, brilliant green, blue), which are added to warm (not higher than 30 °) water. Stain removers, whiteness are not recommended.

Timely care and care of a proven product will help your curtains be snow-white all year round!