Valeria - the meaning of the name, character and fate, name day and what suits her. The female name Valeria - which means: a description of the name. The name of the girl Valeria: mystery, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male

Synonyms for the name Lera. Valeria, Valery, Valerian, Glyceria, Cleopatra, Kaleria, Eleanor, Alera, Alara, Elara.
Origin of the name Lera The name Lera is Russian.

The name Lera is a derivative from the name Valery, which is translated from Latin as "born healthy and strong." Also, the name Lera is a short form for the names Valery, Valerian, Glyceria, Cleopatra, Kaleria, Eleanor and Alera (Alara, Elara).

Lera is a bright, courageous and rather authoritarian girl who often shows her displeasure. But it cannot be said that it is characterized by a lack of discipline and flexibility. Lera strives to succeed in life, so she can often be proud and a little withdrawn. The owner of the name Lera is self-confident, the ideas in her head are so huge and large-scale that she is sure that the whole world will be at her feet. But she is not power-hungry, although she would like to be rich.

Lera is focused on the result, although it is difficult to say about her that she is active and dynamic. Often Lera achieves results not due to the efforts spent, but due to her confidence in success, due to a strong and unbending spirit. The owners of the name Lera do not like adventure, travel, or change. Often Lera can meet such qualities as wisdom and accuracy. She may not be aware of her strengths, but she successfully uses them.

Lera is quite curious, but more in practical terms. She is more interested in how best to go on vacation, where exactly, and not which book is more interesting. Lera loves to take risks, and will prefer the risk of an ordinary and monotonous life, which will be boring for her. She loves her freedom and often manifests herself as an ardent feminist: for her, female emancipation is not just a word!

Lera is full of temptations, she has a huge appetite and taste for life. She is convinced that life is beautiful, and it is not worth spending it on boredom and routine. Lera is independent and, as a rule, does not need the support of others. She makes decisions easily and always knows what to do.

Little Lera is best brought up in strictness, since this little girl will quite skillfully be able to impose her views and desires, using all methods for this - whims, jealousy, affection. You should also teach her to get along with other children so that she does not grow up too self-centered. Little Lera does not try to be very neat, but this more than pays off with her quick wit and good memory.

Lera really wants to be in the spotlight, to impress, so she carefully monitors herself, the latest fashion trends, and is always up to date with the latest events. She has a good taste. She imagines her life partner as a partner. Family is very important to her. Lera often marries late. Lera's house is very cozy, she prefers comfort and space. Lera is quite economic, in her house, as a rule, exemplary order. She is very hospitable. Lera loves children very much, and children often love her in return.

Leroux is attracted to professions related to precision, where she could climb the career ladder. Often she becomes a financier, accountant, manager, finds work in banking, trade, medicine. Lera is not devoid of creativity and strives to realize herself in the field of an actress, singer, sculptor, architect, hairdresser, designer. Often it is these areas that become her hobby, and not her main profession.

Lera's name day

Lera does not celebrate her birthday.

Notable people named Lera

  • Lera Kondra ((born 1985) Russian singer, actress and TV presenter)
  • Lera Masskva ((born 1988), real name - Valeria Masskva, until the age of 16 she had the surname Gureeva; Russian singer, songwriter)
  • Lera Gekhner ((born 1971) jazz performer, singer, as well as an actress, director, promoter and screenwriter; creator and leader of the funk show group "Lera Gekhner band" and "NO BUDDS")
  • Lera Kudryavtseva, Valeria Kudryavtseva ((born 1971) Russian TV presenter, actress, dancer)
  • Valeria Kozlova, also known as Lera Lera, LeRa, Lera Romantika, LeRanetka ((born 1988) Russian singer, former member of the Russian girl pop group Ranetki (2005 - 2008))
  • Valeria (Lera) Averbakh (Auerbakh) ((born 1973) composer and concert pianist, poetess and writer)


Meaning: The name Valeria comes from the Latin word "valere", like its male variation, and is translated as "strong" or "good health." Considered Orthodox. At the same time, often during christening, they use the synonymous name Kaleria instead, which is also firmly established in our everyday life ...

The female name Valeria is considered both Catholic and Orthodox. It is very popular in countries with a Russian-speaking population, is found in various forms in Western countries, and promises many good qualities to the girl named by him. Today this name is considered one of the most popular female names ...

Conversational options: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya

Modern English counterparts: Valerie, Valerie

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the female name Valeria promises many important qualities to the bearers. Among them are a large number of authority, self-sufficiency, the ability to adapt, self-confidence, the ability to defend a point of view, creativity and fantasy, greed, inability to control one's own emotions, capriciousness and resentment, eloquence and talkativeness. From the bearers of this name, as a rule, excellent humanists are obtained: philologists, lawyers, lawyers, and not only. Also, Valery usually has a hidden creative potential, which is confirmed by the presence in today's stage of a huge number of famous personalities with this name.

In general, it is quite difficult to say what this or that Valeria should be, because, firstly, this name has a very unstable energy, according to experts, and secondly, astrological symbolism has too much influence on it: the sign of the Zodiac, the year according to the Eastern calendar and not only.

Advantages and positive features: sociability and sociability, justice and honesty, eloquence, imagination and creativity, initiative, diligence, the ability to notice what others do not notice, the desire to develop and improve.

Valeria treats badly people with a bad imagination, tedious, boring and sad. And Valeria also avoids communicating with people with a reputation once tarnished. If a person has already been seen once in a lie or self-interest, then she will definitely not communicate with such a person.

Interesting about the name Valery: Today the name Valery is considered one of the most popular in our country, and moreover, it is also found in Western countries and even in Central Europe, but in modified forms.

The nature of the name Valeria

The nature of the name Valery is such that throughout her life the bearer of this name bestows unpredictability in actions, restlessness, committing many rash acts and a bunch of mistakes in assessing people. The character of the lady named so is complex in all respects without exception - it may seem that behind her kindness and decency lies a vulnerable and good-natured nature, but in fact this is not so. She is capricious, does not like when something does not work out, likes to impose her opinion on others, and does not tolerate when they argue with her, such is her character.

And the nature of this name also promises many other qualities, among which is the inability to adapt to what is happening around, unwillingness to listen to other people's desires and ideas, excessive activity and the inability to convince her of anything. Although, again, this is just a theory, and it can change, depending, for example, on the season of birth of the girl named Valery's name form.

Early childhood

Valeria in early childhood is a prankster, fidget, naughty and very spoiled person. This girl, due to the impact that the value of the name has, does not have enough patience, she is always on the move, indulges, runs, moves, does not sit still, always invents things for herself, plays pranks and at the same time imposes the same behavior on everyone around. Most often, a girl named after Valery has many friends, and she herself, although she is not a clear leader, becomes a ringleader, an organizer, a person who constantly has a bunch of ideas. It is not surprising that she has the same influence on many children that her name has, and it is also not surprising that the parents of all her peers complain about her behavior. But on the other hand, Valeria has such features as resourcefulness, daydreaming, developed imagination, imagination, which can only be envied, efficiency, mobility, energy, activity and anxiety. It is usually very difficult for parents to cope with such a child - a girl named Valeria has no sense of responsibility at all, and indeed, her life, at least at the initial stage, is full of rash acts, bad behavior, pranks and parental punishment. But she is kind, fair, always ready to help a person in need - for all this, by the way, you should also thank the significance of the name itself ...


A teenage girl named Valeria is still the same spoiled child, always looking for adventure, unable to live in peace, inventing things for herself and always going against fate. Getting along with this in one team is quite simple, because she is cheerful and optimistic, and never loses heart, even in the most difficult situations. But significance here can also have a negative impact, which is noticeable by several factors - firstly, Valeria is unreliable, secondly, this girl clearly lacks important qualities, such as responsibility, diligence, and commitment, and thirdly, she too restless and mobile, which has an extremely negative effect on learning. In general, in school, girls named Valeria rarely achieve real success - well, the person named so is not capable of living by the rules, studying, concentrating at important moments and unquestioningly obeying teachers. Parents will have a very, very difficult time with her. True, already at this stage, the influence on her nature of such a factor as the value of the name will begin to subside - the influence of the patron planet, the talisman stone and other factors will become more and more manifest ...

grown woman

In the future, already at the adult stage, closer to maturity, Valeria may become a slightly different person - in the future, such traits as tranquility, kindness, justice, good nature, integrity, goodwill, integrity, friendliness, eloquence, attentiveness and regularity will give her value. However, the value here no longer plays such an important role, such as, for example, the sign of the zodiac, under the auspices of which Valeria was born, or the sign according to the Chinese calendar. As for professional activity, Leramie usually chooses paths that intertwine with the upbringing of children, with multiple contacts with people, with communication and movement. This one can never live without movement, she is an adventurer, a person “without brakes”, as they say, but systematic and following only along the path of a personally drawn up plan.

The interaction of Valery's character with the seasons

Autumn - the autumn bearer of the name Valery, under the influence of the meaning of this season, will be balanced and calm, restrained, pragmatic, reasonable and logical. No one can piss her off - in any dispute she behaves calmly and confidently, answers to the point, and adheres exclusively to her own point of view, such is her character.

Spring - brings into this world a girl capricious and spoiled by the origin of the soul, easily getting used to everything good. Parental care will turn her into a sissy who wants one thing - that everyone serves her good. Likes to be in the spotlight, that everyone took care of her and served her - this leads to a lack of friends, but to the presence of boyfriends.

Summer - in the three months of his reign, a cunning, cautious, mercantile, assertive nature is born, she has a complex character. It is impossible to be friends with such a person, it is better not to rely on reliability - he will easily betray or deceive if he sees a benefit. The thirst for profit and gain gives rise to self-interest in her - a bad quality, as for a lady.

Winter - under her patronage, Lerochka is born proud and principled, but pessimistic and emotional. Any trouble infuriates her, she cannot resist obstacles, is weak, rarely achieves her goals. Such a one needs a protector, a knight capable of protecting and enclosing her. She has a difficult personality...

The fate of the name Valery

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Valery in relationships with men, in love, in marriage, and in personal relationships, everything is complicated here. Not only is fate in this case unpredictable, as well as the nature of the bearer of this name form, plus Lera does not tolerate when they try to manipulate her, which most men actually love to do.

Another big disadvantage that fate promises is that Valeria does not know how to trust men, she does not obey them, even being married to her beloved, secretive, too distrustful, and this can annoy the opposite sex. Although, on the other hand, if someone can instill confidence in her, then she will open herself completely and completely, devote herself to that person, and moreover, she will do everything to ensure that her soulmate is happy.

And the last moment - the fate is such in this case, which implies an ambivalent attitude towards family life. For example, Valeria can become a wonderful, responsible, serious, reliable mother and faithful wife, but she will never allow her husband to put all family and household chores on her. Four walls and everyday life, this is not for her - she needs adventures, new experiences, otherwise she will begin to fade and eventually think about betrayal. Such is fate...

Love and marriage

As a rule, Valerias are in no hurry to get married and try to remain independent and free as long as possible. But the amorousness of the bearers of this name sooner or later still makes itself felt. True, there is one “but” here - according to statistics, Valeria gets married two or three times ...

Valery's marriages are destroyed, usually through their own fault. The reason lies in such traits as resentment, capriciousness, jealousy and captiousness. Valeria simply cannot help but pay attention to the sidelong glance of her man at another woman. She immediately begins to be jealous, to get to the bottom of her man, to look for a catch. Naturally, this leads to quarrels, scandals and scenes of jealousy, which not every man can endure.

But Valeria, for sure, in the future, next marriage, will take into account all her mistakes and mistakes. She will not allow herself to allow the same and will try to control herself. And if she also comes across a man who is attentive, understanding, smart and tactful, then the marriage will be absolutely successful at all. All. what the bearer of this name needs for happiness is an understanding, kind and faithful husband in whom she could be sure, if not one hundred, then at least ninety percent.

Valeria as Mother

It is difficult to say what kind of mother a woman who received the name Valeria at birth should be, because in this case everything primarily depends on upbringing and on what kind of relationship Valeria herself had with her own mother. But one thing is for sure - she simply cannot be a bad mother. Well, how can such a sociable, kind, positive and optimistic woman be a bad mother? No way!

As for the upbringing of children, she will make every effort to him. She will always help her children achieve the desired result, she will always listen and try to understand, sympathize and give advice, she will never leave in a difficult situation. But it’s better for the fathers to take care of the upbringing in children of the qualities that they will need in adulthood, because Valeria herself is not too adapted to mature life ...

Responsibility, determination, reliability, perseverance and perseverance - all these traits in children are best brought up by the father. She will take care of the rest herself. She will try to make the life of her children as happy as possible, and at the same time she will treat both her son and her daughter equally.

Horoscope named after Valery


Aries - a girl named Valeria, born under this zodiac sign, scrupulous, but charming, domineering, but eloquent. This is an excellent boss, leader, not deprived of the ability to make friends and communicate. Knows how to manipulate people. Temperamental and devoted.


Taurus - this bearer of the name Valeria is scrupulous and calm, loves a monotonous life, has a complex character, hates frequent changes, is creatively developed, creative. Any business brings to the final whistle. Closed and shy - because of this, she is not popular in society. Often lonely - she needs a companion-friend.


Gemini - this zodiac sign and its meaning give rise to a cheerful, restless, flirtatious, optimistic, striving for perfection and eternal development nature with the name Valery. She is inconstant and indecisive at the same time - this interferes with her promotion. She loves novels, but is often disappointed in her chosen ones.


Cancer is a well-mannered and graceful lady, a homebody, developed and stable, reasonable and smart. Such a first thing will weigh all the pros and cons, and then it will act. Men are crazy about her, but with a collision with her exactingness and severity, all charm disappears.

a lion

Leo is a closed, but overly envious woman, mysterious, hiding all dreams deep in her soul. Wants to lead and rule. Lack of patience and responsibility hinders life. She rarely shows sincerity and good nature - she tries to seem like a kind of vamp woman. Idealist at heart.


Virgo is gallant and balanced by nature, diligent, has creative potential, easily survives all adversity, knows how to communicate with people and ingratiate herself with trust. Compatibility only with male slaves, those who know how to indulge their ladies, obey. The ideal wife, but too domineering.


Libra is a charming lady, sociable and pleasant, enthusiastic, carefree. Minus born under this sign and named after Valeria is irresponsibility and inconstancy. Because of these qualities, a rare case can be brought to the end, lazy and impatient.


Scorpio - promises nature irritability and emotionality. This woman will always be dissatisfied with something in a relationship, and therefore compatibility is not happy with the opposite sex. But she will not be unhappy - the craving for adventure will do its job, she will not be bored.


Sagittarius - here, having received the name Valeria from birth, she will be fidgety, and in adulthood she will become passionate, passionate, dreamy, energetic and frivolous. She never admits her mistakes - she can become angry if something does not go according to her plan. It is difficult with her - her mood is too changeable.


Capricorn is a pessimist by nature, a woman who is not able to simply enjoy life. In everything she will look for a catch or betrayal, and any joke about her will be perceived as an insult. She is strong and domineering, but a pessimistic attitude repels people, including gentlemen. It is difficult to please her, or rather impossible.


Aquarius is savvy and freedom-loving, narcissistic and confident in her own deeds. People respect her for perseverance and reliability, she will complete any task to the end, but there is also a minus - she is not ready to accept outside help. As a wife, she needs an unpredictable and adventurous lover.


Pisces - this sign will make a lady named Lera talented and pleasant in communication, hardworking and purposeful, successful, original and dreamy. Only a man-mystery can interest such a man. She will be faithful to her spouse, will become an ideal mother and an excellent housewife.

Compatibility with male names

The question of the compatibility of the name Valery with male name forms is very complicated and conceals many interesting factors, some of which have long been unraveled by researchers in this field ...

It turned out that the best connection in feelings is formed in a pair with such as Akim, Ostap, Taras, Fedor, Andrey, Kazimir, Yermolai, Pankrat, Pantelei.

The strength of marriage is guaranteed with such as Abraham, David, Klim, Maxim, Prokhor.

And you should not mess with Herman, Savva, Felix, Jan and Julius.

Valeria- "healthy" (lat.)

If small Valeria I guess it's for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, but she is not in the spirit. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time it will become cheerful and affectionate, and again you should not puzzle over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

Having matured, it continues to be complex and unpredictable. She is contradictory in assessing events and people, inconsistent in her intentions, which naturally irritates those around her. However, such Valeria seems only to those who do not know her well. Relatives understand that at the heart of her some eccentricity lies vulnerability and hypersensitivity. A fleeting glance thrown by a husband at a woman passing by will not be noticed by anyone, but Valeria definitely notice. And as a consequence of this - her cool and incomprehensible act to many, a decidedly spoiled mood.

To strangers, she is most often wary and distrustful. In the harmless remarks of the mother-in-law, she will see a biased attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would react quite calmly.

Valeria a caring, economic wife, she has everything in order at home. He does not like to go to parties, to visit, he prefers home silence and communication with his family. Jealous, every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears and suspicions, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys a successfully developing marriage at first.

Predisposed to allergies, bronchitis, Valeria has an unstable nervous system.

"Winter" Valeria cutting, excitable, frequent nervous breakdowns.

"Autumn" - more balanced, but still unpredictable. Can work as a fashion designer, musicologist, guide. Suitable for patronymics: Gennadievna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Semyonovna, Glebovna, Borisovna.

"Summer" - eccentric, conflict.

"Spring" Valeria- capricious, eccentric, always dissatisfied with something. Her vocation is to be an actress, artist, singer, fashion model. The name goes well with patronymics: Ivanovna, Emilyevna, Aronovna, Denisovna, Danilovna, Matveevna.

Valeria's unstable nervous system is due to the fact that her name comes from the male Valery. I do not recommend giving girls such names.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 2

1. Personality. Singing women.

2. Character. 83%.

3. Radiation. 88%.

4. Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Blue.

6. The main features of Valeria: will - susceptibility - excitability - intuition.

7. Totem plant. Cherries.

8. Totem animal. Cicada.

10. Type. They often intrigue: you never know if they will explode or sing. From childhood, you need to keep them in your hands.

11. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move all the time, dance and sing. Valeria m lacks balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they show their anger in order to impress others. Strive for an active social life. Overconfident.

12. Will. Strong, sometimes just despotic.

13. Excitability. So strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which a long depression sets in.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Valeria very fast, especially when it comes to relatives. They are ready to defend them with teeth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

15. Field of activity. More interested in their inner world than work. The best thing for them is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, Valeria can be allowed to cook and do other housework early. Most of all, they are suitable for professions that require communication with people - in the field of catering, trade, education.

16. Intuition. associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and perfectly able to use these qualities to their advantage.

17. Intelligence. Valeria has a synthetic mindset, she has a lively, well-developed imagination and an excellent figurative memory, she remembers for a long time what struck or alarmed her.

18. Susceptibility. Although they try to keep a distance, but this hides a highly developed sensitivity and susceptibility. Too restless.

19. Morality. They are equally pleased with both their own and other people's successes.

20. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Possible disorders of the genitourinary system. You should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, play sports, especially water sports. They tend to abuse drugs, especially tranquilizers.

21. Sexuality. Strong and shows up early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than it might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to Valeria's sexual complexes.

22. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from friends, and if one of them deceives, they are able to take revenge.

23. Sociability. They love to receive guests, these are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. Valeria achieves some success not so much in the professional sphere as in the realization of his own personality.

Conclusion. These interesting women are as charming as their totem - cherry blossoms, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 3

Female name Valeria- This is a variant of the male name Valery. Unpredictable. Sometimes her behavior literally depends on which foot she got up from. If small Valeria I guess it's for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, but Valeria not in the mood.

Also, for no apparent reason, after some time she will become cheerful and affectionate, and again you should not puzzle over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

Having matured, it continues to be complex and unpredictable. Valeria contradictory in assessing events and people, inconsistent in their intentions. Naturally, such a character is not very conducive to itself. However, if you have the patience to win her favor or are just lucky to please her, you will have the most devoted friend who will stubbornly see only good in you, even if you do not deserve it. Anyone who can penetrate deeper into Valeria's character will see that Valeria's somewhat eccentric behavior is based on her vulnerability, hypersensitivity. A fleeting glance cast by Valeria's husband at a passing woman will not be noticed by anyone, but Valeria definitely take it. And the consequence of this may be an act incomprehensible to many, a decidedly spoiled mood.

Valeria has a wary and distrustful attitude towards strangers. In the harmless remarks of her mother-in-law, she can see a prejudiced attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would react to the words of her mother-in-law quite steadfastly.

A caring, economic wife, she carried everything in order at home. He does not like to go to parties, to visit, he prefers home environment and communication with his family. Jealous, every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears of suspicion, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys a successfully developing marriage at first.

Valeria with such a difficult character will suit a man named Anatoly, Matvey, Semyon, Boris, Anton. With Albert, Mark, Cyril, Peter or Vladislav, she will have a hard time.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 4

Mystery of the name Valeria- from the Latin meaning healthy, strong.

Derivatives: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya, Lerukha, Lerusha, Leka, Valya, Valeka, Valesha, Valunya, Valyusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Vaka, Vava.

Folk omens.

If this day is rich in abundant dew, wait for the hemp harvest.


Character complex, rather contradictory, painfully sensitive. Valeria unpredictable in their unexpected actions and decisions. But those who are able to understand it, patiently delve into the causes of these contradictions, acquire a true, devoted friend. The kindness and tolerance of friends help Valeria to be more trusting and even.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 5

Meaning of the name Valeria- healthy, strong (from Latin)

  • Gemini.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Color - purple.
  • Auspicious tree - fig.
  • Cherished plant - lily.
  • The patron of the name is a monitor lizard.
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate.


Nature is complex and unpredictable. Valeria contradictory in assessing events and people, inconsistent in their intentions. But those who have enough patience for her acquire a true, devoted friend.

Valeria vulnerable, acutely sensitive - this is the basis of her wary and distrustful attitude towards life and people.

The meaning of the name Valeria option 6

Valeria- A woman is unpredictable. What is called - the mood depends on which foot you got up from. She is well aware that this does not paint her, but she cannot help herself.

Surrounding has no choice but to wait out her bad mood, but then Valeria become attentive and kind. She is wary of people, with difficulty changing her first opinion about them. Most often this opinion, alas, is negative. But if she really likes someone, she will become the most devoted friend.

Valeria a good, caring wife, a wonderful, loving mother. But she is overly jealous and will always find a reason for jealousy. Valeria- a businessman, in any profession he achieves perfection. Clear, collected, strict - she demands these qualities from others.

The name Valery is known to many from the film "Accident - the daughter of a cop." The main character wanted to appear adult and independent. She was a completely naughty teenager, her mother and grandfather, a war veteran, did not put a penny.

How it all ended is hard to forget. The filmmakers did a good job of reflecting the character of a teenager.

What is the meaning of the name Valeria for a girl? Will she grow up the same as her namesake from the famous movie, or will she become a completely different person? Let's talk about it in the article.

Origin and meaning of the name

Traditionally, we begin our conversation by finding out where the name came from. What does the name Valeria mean for a girl?

It is Latin. It comes from the word valeo. It translates as "strong, strong, noble."

Diminutive forms

We figured out the decoding of the name Valery and its origin. Now let's find out what abbreviated and diminutive versions of it exist.

In Russia, especially in the cities, Lera, Lerochka, Leruska, Lerusya, Lerik, Valya, Valenka, Valyusha, Valechka, Leria, Leri, Valery took root very well.

What does Valya have to do with it, if this is an abbreviated form from Valentina? Not only. As we can see, they do not disdain to reduce Valeria to Valya. Therefore, you should not be surprised if it turns out that Valya is Valery's acquaintance from Valery's passport.

The childhood of a girl named Valeria

In the meaning of the name for the girl lies an unusual activity. This child, barely born, sets a certain life rhythm for the family. Lera is capricious, constantly whimpering. Does it on the merits or just like that. Does she want to be picked up? It is necessary to raise a cry for the whole house, and yell until the baby's desire is fulfilled.

This girl is a fidget. The older Lera, the more mobile she becomes. perseverance? No, we haven't. Lerochka is an ingot of energy.

In children's groups, she started. And he doesn’t do it on purpose, because Lera does not strive for leadership. It’s just that she’s just like that: energetic, lively, charming and cheerful. Children are charged with her optimism, and educators or teachers do not know how to stop the raging team of the younger generation.

How does Lera study? With difficulties. This child does not like to study. Someone will say that the girl is lazy, and deceive himself. The fact is that it is extremely difficult for Valeria to concentrate. Approximately sitting at a desk, listening to the material presented by the teacher is torture for a girl. Over time, she will adapt to sit out the prescribed hours. But in the lower grades, parents will have a very difficult time with Leroy.

In the team they love and stretch her. But the teachers don't treat the child very well. This is due to the fact that Valeria denies discipline and encourages others to do so.


What is the meaning of the name Valery, the characteristics of the name and the fate of its bearer? The owner of the name matures and becomes more disciplined. But perseverance and inconstancy are the eternal companions of a girl. She does not want to study at a young age. More precisely, she studies selectively. If Valeria likes discipline, she is able to focus on it. If not, then a stubborn girl cannot be forced to take up her textbooks.

As for ratings, Leray does not care much about them. The girl is fascinated by the street, and not by her own academic performance. Lerochka is the soul of the company. She is cute, knows how to behave relaxedly. Young people are drawn to Valeria, and she falls in love with them with enviable regularity.

He starts using cosmetics early, and skillfully emphasizes his advantages and masks his shortcomings. Knows how to dress well. Valeria is feminine, she has a developed sense of taste.

The young owner of the name, for all her looseness and sociability, is a sympathetic person. She is very kind and always ready to help. But it's hard to be friends with her. Lera is proud and capable of pouting over trifles. She was just laughing, and suddenly her mood changed dramatically. Now Valeria is sitting in the corner, pouting her lips, and is angry at the whole world around her.


What is hidden in you, Valeria, the characteristics of the name and its meaning, what will they give you? Emotional instability, eccentricity and mobility. Lera will carry these qualities through her whole life. Having matured, she will learn to control them. A woman is smart enough to understand that with such a character it will be very difficult for her to follow the path of life. And she tries to disguise her eccentricity and restlessness. This disguise results in constant travel. Not receiving any unloading where the life of a woman flows, she is eager for a change of scenery.

Lera has been surrounded by people all her life. And adults are no exception. Constant calls from relatives, friends and acquaintances, visits, all this is to the taste of a woman. But not her family. And when Lera notices this, she immediately moves away from her wide circle of acquaintances.

This woman is easy-going, but for the sake of her family she can imprison herself within four walls, which will negatively affect her health. After all, she has nowhere to throw out her seething energy, there is no possibility for discharge. And Lera becomes irritable, breaks down on loved ones. If the husband understands why his wife's behavior has changed, he can help her. If not, divorce is inevitable.


What is the meaning of the name Valery, the character and fate of a woman named like that? What awaits her in her career?

It is worth starting with the fact that Lera knows how to earn money. She is unpredictable, but this quality does not interfere with a woman at work. In addition, an excellent leader can come out of Valeria.

This woman, for all her eccentricity and capriciousness, is distinguished by her ability to think logically. And she gravitates toward numbers. Therefore, among the bearers of this name you can meet economists, accountants, financiers, sales managers, cashiers.


In the meaning of the name Valery, the character of its bearer is unstable. First of all, it concerns the nervous system of a woman. For Lera, nervous breakdowns are not alien. She easily becomes depressed, can become withdrawn, melancholic, or too angry and irritable.

Unfortunately, Valerias have a penchant for alcoholic beverages. They may also try drugs.

Lera has a weak stomach. Gastritis, gastroduodenitis and ulcers are not excluded. He suffers from flat feet and bladder problems. Prone to sore throats.

Relationships with men

The characterization of the name Valery reflects independence. This woman doesn't like pressure. If a man tries to control her, an explosion from Lerochka is guaranteed.

In youth, very amorous. Falls in love quickly and passionately, also instantly and cools to the chosen one. Changes young people with enviable regularity. Valeria's moral principles are weakened, for her intimate relationships with numerous lovers are in the order of things.

Growing up, he reconsiders his views on men. Lera loves children very much, strives for marriage and creating a family. Her chosen one must be a morally strong person. Life with Valeria is not easy.

Family life

What are the characteristics of the name Valery? Will she be able to marry well? He can, but whether he will save his marriage is a big question.

Why is that? After all, Lera is an economic person. She knows how to cook, life does not bother Valeria. The house is clean, there is always a new dish on the table, my husband's shirts are ironed and washed. Such women are considered ideal housewives.

This is all true, but Lera's jealousy reaches the point of absurdity. It is worth a husband to throw a fleeting glance at another woman - execution. Showdowns begin, interrogations by Lera. This is humiliating for her husband, who will never think about cheating. That is why the marriage is bursting at the seams, although everything started so well.

Valeria will be able to extinguish her jealousy, and then the marriage will be saved. If he fails, he will destroy his own family.

As for children, a woman acquires offspring quite late, having crossed the thirty-year milestone. He loves his child very much. He hasn't let go of his hands since childhood. And he keeps an eye on the younger generation with both eyes.

The child is growing, and the mother cannot come to terms with it. As a result, conflict arises. And it's good if Valeria manages to overcome this crisis. The crisis is that her baby has grown up, he already needs a wife, not a nanny. Otherwise, the woman runs the risk of being left alone: ​​the husband will leave, the child will leave the mother with her unlimited control over him at the first opportunity.

Positive character traits

What is the meaning of the name Valery for a girl, we found out. What good does it bring to its owner:

  1. Compassion. Lera is one of those people who sincerely empathize with their neighbors. And they want to help them. Is your friend's child sick? Valeria is ready to buy and bring medicines. Which is what it does. An elderly relative complains that she cannot tidy up the apartment? Lera hurries to help, shining the woman's house to a shine. Neighbor complains about constant scandals with her husband? Lera will give good advice, give the poor fellow tea, console him.
  2. Devotion. A better friend than Lera cannot be found. Friends will always receive support, help and comfort. She loves her family to the point of madness, she is devoted to them. She is able to sacrifice her interests for the sake of her neighbors.
  3. Diligence. Lera, for all her eccentricity, knows how to work. She is not afraid of work, she becomes an intelligent specialist. And management appreciates its subordinate for her intelligence. Only Lera is not always able to complete the task on time. Lacks perseverance. Because of what there are disagreements with the authorities.
  4. Sense of taste. The woman has her own style. She is not chasing fashion, but she always dresses well. Even with modest means, Valeria knows how to present herself and look great.
  5. Good hostess. Even perfect, you can safely say. Girlfriends ask her for a recipe for this or that dish, consult in the arrangement of life. Neighbors gasp, looking at the sterile cleanliness in the house. The husband is proud that his wife manages everything.

Negative Traits

In the meaning of the name Valery for a girl lies an increased emotionality. This is a significant drawback, but not the main one:

  1. Restlessness is Lera's enemy. This quality interferes with her life, Valeria herself is not happy that she is like that. And nothing can be done about it. She doesn't have the patience to get things done. It's hard for Lera to focus on just one thing. Routine in everyday life introduces a woman into a state of stupor. At work, she calmly deals with routine matters, but in life it annoys her.
  2. Jealousy. Lera is afraid of losing her husband. And a glance in the direction of another woman immediately gives rise to panic. Valeria has a lot of fears, which is why a showdown occurs.
  3. The desire for increased control. Valeria's children suffer from this, especially adults.
  4. The ability to "twist yourself". Due to emotionality, Lera is able to come up with a situation for herself, believe in it and be afraid of its outcome. She doesn't know how to solve problems as they come. Valeria often creates them on her own.
  5. Difficulties with the perception of reality. Lera can live in her own "cartoons". In other words, an illusion. She does not have an accurate understanding of herself, her worldview. Valeria tends to hide from the harsh reality in pink dreams, and imagine everything is not the way it really is.


We talked about what Valery's name hides in himself. What is the meaning of the name for the girl Valeria, what to expect from its bearer.

In principle, Lera is a kind person. There is some simplicity and warmth in it. But Valeria's resentment, her jealousy and inability to objectively look at life, makes existence next to her extremely difficult.

Valeria is a beautiful, feminine name. Widely distributed in Russia. When pronouncing the name, one hears a strong, successful strong-willed character, a purposeful representative of the fair sex. The name acquired the root from the male name Valery. Therefore, there is a bright, male charisma.

Valeria is a good, loyal friend. Betraying her once can be regretted for life. For an unfaithful friend, he will forever remain an enemy, thinking over a plan of revenge.

What does a name mean for a girl

For children, early childhood is considered an important stage in the formation of personality. A girl named Lera is capricious, self-willed, but at the same time she perceives well the teachings from her parents. From 3 to 5 years does not require a constant reminder of the instructions, as the baby grasps everything quickly.

A girl named Valeria

For Valeria, it is important that they always pay attention to her. For this reason, parents are encouraged to play regularly with the baby. Otherwise, the girl will begin to foul, to attract attention from others.

He is in no hurry to take the leading positions in the class. There are no problems with peers.

The girl is sweet and friendly. Despite this, selfish habits often appear, as the baby is not ready to share her toys with other children. It is impossible to remove greed from a girl. Better learn to compromise. Valeria is prudent, so she will give up her doll in exchange for a delicious chocolate candy.

The meaning of the name Valeria

Since childhood, Lera feels feminine, attractive in nature. She shows love for outfits, she likes to show off. From others, the girl expects praise and admiration for her talents.

Great results will be achieved in creativity. For this reason, parents should think about and give the baby to a dance, gymnastics club, pool.

You can not force a girl to play musical instruments or draw. By nature, she is a fidget, so in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bcreativity, the daughter will experience discomfort due to lack of mobility. It is worth remembering that Lera is able to achieve good results, but if she is not forced to engage in creative activities.