Daria (Dasha): the meaning of the name, character, compatibility, talismans. Daria name meaning - character and fate The meaning of the name Dasha for a girl

The meaning of the name Daria is easy to find out, you just need to plunge a little into the history of the origin of this name. It is believed that it came to the Russian language from Persia. In Persian, Daria is written as داریوش‎, but reads as "Darayavush". This is a two-part name, where "dara" means possessing, and "vaush" means good. Possessing good or endowed with good, that's what the name Daria means.

Whether the name Daria had circulation in Kievan Rus, we do not know for sure. However, it is known for certain that it became popular after the adoption of Christianity by Russia. This is due to the fact that the name Daria was already revered in the Orthodox Church then.

The meaning of the name Daria for a girl

Dasha is usually an active girl in her childhood. She is restless and loves moving, active games more. Dasha needs other children and she goes to kindergarten and school with pleasure. Even if someone offends her, Dasha usually hits back.

At school, restlessness can make itself felt. Those subjects where you need to make great strong-willed efforts to study will be a burden to her. However, Daria's resourcefulness and her memory can only be envied. This will often save her during her school years.

The health of the girl in childhood is not very strong. The main problem can be called the respiratory system. Frequent bronchitis in childhood is a common thing for Dasha. It is often more from non-compliance with the thermal regime. Either he will forget to wear a hat, then mittens. It is also worth paying attention to the education of strong-willed qualities, otherwise it will not be easy for her in adulthood.

Abbreviated name Daria

Dasha, Dasha, Daria, Dara, Danya, Dashukha, Daryokha, Daryukha, Dashura, Dashuta.

Diminutive names

Dashenka, Dashunya, Dashulya, Daryushka, Daryusha, Darena, Darina, Darunya.

Name Daria in English

In English, the name Daria is spelled Daria. This name is also written in most of the Romano-Germanic language group.

Name Daria for a passport- DARIIA. This is the correct transliteration of the name according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Daria into other languages

in Belarusian - Dar "I
in Bulgarian - Daria
in Hungarian - Dária, Dára, Darina, Darinka
in Italian - Daria
in Chinese - 达丽娅
in German - Daria
in Persian - دریا‎
in Polish - Daria
in Romanian - Daria
in Serbian - Darija
in Slovenian - Darija, Darja
in Ukrainian - Daria, Darina, Dar "ya
in French - Daria
in Finnish - Tarja
in Croatian - Daria, Darija
in Czech - Darja, Daria, Darya
in Japanese - 大火子

Church name Daria(in the Orthodox faith) - Darius.

Characteristics of the name Daria

Dasha can be characterized by the word "fast". She is active in life, makes decisions easily and does not like long thoughts. This sometimes hurts her, because Dasha often speaks first, and only then thinks. Daria can be harsh in expressions - this is like another feature of her speed.

Dasha does her job well, although she rarely loves her job. She is very worried if they make comments to her and in every possible way tries to avoid this. Criticism will only confuse Dasha, so it’s better not to motivate Dasha in this way. He tries to create a company of people who love to relax and think less. Casual fun and laughter are the hallmark of her company.

The family for Daria is an important component of life, but she is in no hurry with this. Dasha loves flirting without obligation, which often turns men against herself. Usually, even when she is married, it is difficult for her to get rid of this, which upsets her husband. But this character of behavior has been instilled in Dasha since childhood, and it is hard for her to fight it.

The secret of the name Daria

Daria's secret can be called her mental laziness. She, like most people, tries to look smart, although she does not like to strain her brains at all. Making Dasha think is not an easy task. Dasha has a very highly developed intuition and, when making decisions, she often relies on her intuition than on the arguments of reason.

Guardian angel named Daria and his patron can be found in the article "Patron named after Daria". To do this, it is advisable for you to know Dasha's date of birth.

Daria as a name for her daughter will seem to many too simple an appeal, but only until the parents read its interpretation. “Conquering”, “possessing wealth”, “strong”, “great fire” - all this is about her.

Name origin

According to the main version, the name was formed from the male ancient Persian name Darius, which at one time was obtained by reducing the Greek Dareiros (V century BC).

Another version says that the nickname originally appeared in Greek, and was formed from the Persian royal name Darayavaush.

It is possible that the female form "Daria" is of primordially Slavic origin, which is an abbreviation of the old Russian names Darin and Daren. Hence the interpretation of the meaning of the name - “bestowed”, “gift”.

general characteristics

Dasha is growing up as a smart girl, before other children she starts talking, walking, learning to read. In games, he always tries to show leadership, and if one of his friends tries to drag the blanket over himself, he can defend his rights by using force. This little hooligan cannot stand loneliness, if she goes out for a walk, she invariably gathers many children around.

Usually a girl is her mother's favorite, and due to being spoiled, she is not accustomed to order and housework until adulthood. However, inherent in the owner of the name, the innate desire for accuracy and cleanliness will later smooth out this missed moment in education.

At school, the girl studies diligently, although not for one five. Dasha is kind and sympathetic, always comes to the rescue of her peers.

Positive character traits

Daria is a temperamental and perky girl, it is never boring with her. In any noisy company, at any holiday, she is like a fish in water. Dasha's ability to adapt to any situation plays a significant role.

In building a career, the bearer of the royal nickname is facilitated by such personal qualities as the ability to analyze and make quick decisions, quick wit and complete dedication to work.

Negative character traits

Being a quick-tempered nature, Dasha often fights with her peers, trying to prove her superiority.

Attempts in childhood to lead the guys in the yard can turn into commanding manners in adulthood, so parents should monitor their daughter and stop such behavior.

Daria is inherent in maximalism, and with her straightforwardness and rigidity she is able to offend the interlocutor, without herself realizing it.

Zodiac sign

For such a straightforward and stubborn person as Dasha, the sign of Aries is ideal.
The patron of the name is Mars, endowing with the desire for victory, energy and courage.
The color associated with luck in life is scarlet, and the talisman stone is bloodstone.


Dasha, Dashenka, Dashulya, Dashunya, Daryushka, Dashuta, Darena - all these variants of the name will please the girl.

Name Variations

Germans, Czechs and Romanians have Darius, in Spanish and Italian there is Dario, in Portugal there is Dario.

Historical figures

  • 1767 - 1842 - the wife of the poet Gabriel Derzhavin, Daria Derzhavina.
  • 1785 - 1857 - socialite and secret agent of the Russian government in Paris and London Daria Lieven.
  • 1804 - 1863 - Kutuzov's granddaughter, Daria Fikelmon.
  • 1822 - 1892 - the heroine of the defense of the city of Sevastopol and the first sister of mercy Dasha Mikhailova.
  • 1901 - 1982 - dramatic actress Daria Zerkalova.
  • 1907 - 1982 - Ukrainian writer Daria Polotnyuk.

Our days: writer Daria Dontsova, Swiss athlete Daria Nauer, Belarusian biathlete Daria Domracheva, opera singer Daria Zykova.

name day


  1. V. A. Nikonov (V. A. Nikonov). "Looking for a name" (Looking at a name). Ed. "Soviet Russia". Moscow, 1988. ISBN
  2. N. A. Petrovsky (N. A. Petrovsky). "Dictionary of Russian personal names" (Dictionary of Russian names). LLC Publishing house "AST". Moscow, 2005.

The name Daria has ancient Greek roots, and comes from the male name Darios. The masculine version of the name literally means "great fire." The name Darios, in turn, comes from the ancient Persian name Darayavush, which means “possessing good”. The resulting female form - the name Daria, is translated from ancient Greek as "good owner." Historians believe that all these names were given only to royalty.

Daria is a sonorous and beautiful name with strong energy. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the name was distributed mainly among peasants and merchants, but after the revolution the name lost its popularity and was almost forgotten - it was considered a petty-bourgeois relic. Since the 70s of the last century, the name Daria has become fashionable again, and today is one of the most popular names for girls.

Name days and patron saints for Daria

The patroness of all women named Daria is the Great Martyr Daria of Rome. She came from a pagan family and was a very beautiful girl. Daria fell in love with the Christian Chrysanthus, and, having married him, accepted Christianity with all her heart. The young couple decided to lead a sinless life and remain virgins, they went to spread the word of God to the people.

Daria and Chrysanthos were captured by pagans and tortured. The woman was given to a brothel, but there she was guarded by a lion sent by God - he did not kill anyone, but he did not let anyone close to Daria either. The man was thrown into a pit of sewage, but heavenly light descended on him, and the foul pit was filled with fragrance. After torture and torture, the couple did not renounce Christ, and were buried alive in the ground in 283.

Characteristics of the name Daria

Daria is a sensitive and slightly infantile person who has good adaptability to any life situation. She has a very flexible psyche, so Dasha is rarely discouraged and depressed. Not possessing special perseverance and diligence, she successfully builds her life, with dignity getting out of any troubles.

She has an impulsive character - all emotions are expressed brightly and violently, her face is an open book, according to which everything can be read and understood. But at the same time, Daria’s recklessness is completely uncharacteristic, since she has an innate ability to soberly assess the situation. Daria is a pragmatist, she is always guided only by firm calculation and restraint.

Daria has an excellent memory and analytical mind since early childhood, but she rarely uses her natural talents to their full potential. In addition, she is not at all inquisitive and inquisitive. Inflated self-esteem also does not contribute to success in business. The only thing that can make her move forward is a sense of duty. But, nevertheless, Daria knows how to admit her mistakes and shortcomings, and correctly set life priorities.

Daria is a little unsure of herself, she gets lost at the slightest criticism, begins to doubt and acquire complexes. Daria is suspicious and touchy, and she, like no one else, needs encouragement and love. Outwardly strong and independent, she goes through life with her head held high, in fact, Dasha is very loving and vulnerable.

Daria's narcissism can develop into a real passion - she will spare no time and money to improve her appearance and satisfy her whims. First of all, he looks for the cause of his failures in others, and not in himself. She tries to surround herself only with people who give her pleasure. It is not easy to win her trust, but if this happens, Daria can become a good friend or girlfriend.

A small child will always sit in an adult Daria, she will be at the same time capricious, vulnerable, touchy and even rude, but at the same time pleasant and easy to communicate, non-conflict and kind.

The character of Daria largely depends on the time of birth. If girl born in winter, then she will grow up as a calm and balanced woman who avoids any conflicts. But, despite outward calmness, winter Dasha takes any troubles in life very close to her heart.

Spring Daria- a sociable person who has many friends and girlfriends. Behind the mask of cheerfulness and carelessness, she skillfully hides all her problems, which very few people know about.

Daria, born in summer, from childhood is distinguished by sentimentality and adventurism. She loves traveling and meeting new people and really doesn't like to stay at home. In addition, Dasha is a big dreamer. As she gets older, she can settle down and become a respected person.

Daria autumn- a powerful woman, a born leader. At the same time, she is not devoid of generosity, so the boss from her will not turn out to be despotic at all, but, on the contrary, fair and responsible.

Among famous personalities named Daria there are many actresses, writers and athletes. Such as popular actresses Daria Sagalova and Daria Melnikova, writers Daria Dontsova and Daria Kropotova, sportswoman Daria Domracheva, TV presenter Daria Subbotina.

Daria in childhood

Little Dasha is a noisy and energetic child who loves outdoor games in the company of her peers. She knows how to defend her interests, if necessary, she can use her fists.

He studies averagely at school, tries not to take part in public life. Teachers and peers love her for her easy nature and sense of humor. Dasha has good abilities in music, foreign languages ​​and humanitarian subjects. Despite average abilities, an innate sense of responsibility will not allow Dasha to sink to poor grades at school.

Parents need to make sure that the passion for boys does not affect their daughter's studies and behavior, which may well happen. From childhood, a girl needs to be instilled with organization, which in the future will help to defeat natural laziness. Daria responds well to education, therefore, it largely depends on the parents what kind of person their daughter will grow up to be.

Since the name Dasha comes from a male name, it is better not to give it to girls born in December, February and November, as male character traits will prevail in them and there will be no femininity and tenderness at all. It is also undesirable to give this name in honor of the mother and grandmother.

Daria's sexuality

Daria is very amorous, and she needs love like air. Therefore, in her youth, Dasha is known as a coquette, and, becoming older, the feeling of love becomes a necessary need for her, otherwise it can come to a mental disorder. The constant search for a beloved man may suggest promiscuity and lack of moral principles, but this is absolutely not the case. Daria is a very loyal person, but she is not always lucky in love.

Despite external attractiveness, Daria is not at all confident in her feminine charms. A break with a loved one can be a real tragedy for her. Sometimes it is difficult for her to draw the line between friendship and attraction, so she often suffers from unrequited love.

In relations with men, Daria is domineering and jealous, she seeks to completely take over both the partner’s body and his soul, but she herself is ready to completely dissolve in him. In sex, Daria is passionate and liberated, loves to whisper love words to her partner and wants to hear the same from him.

Daria may well do without the traditional candy-bouquet period, for her the main thing is extreme, complete looseness of feelings, she loves spontaneous or even extreme sex. She may well be attracted to a weak or handicapped man who will serve as a kind of sexual irritant.

Daria married, compatibility

Daria is a pragmatic person, therefore, despite her love passions, she will choose her husband wisely. No love and passion will force her to link her fate with a penniless man. She firmly believes that a man should be able to provide his family with everything necessary. They usually get married once and at a fairly mature age.

Having married, Daria can leave her job and devote herself to her husband and children, but at the same time she will never turn into a dull housewife, if only because she always pays great attention to her appearance.

Daria will treat her husband with respect, she will never take out dirty linen in public. She will also attach great importance to her own authority, demanding respect from her husband and children. Natural sociability will help to establish good relations with her husband's relatives.

Daria will become a good hostess, comfort and tranquility reign in her house. All kinds of homemade preparations are her passion, she cooks well, needleworks with pleasure. Dasha will keep housekeeping prudently, but she will shift the financial support of the family to her husband.

With children, Dasha can be domineering and harsh, just like with her husband, but at the same time she will always be a devoted wife and loving mother.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Alexander, Anton, Ivan, Eugene, Sergey and Yuri. Marriage with men named Oleg, Semyon, Fedor, Philip and Alexei should be avoided.

Daria's health

Newborn Dasha is usually a restless child who gives a lot of trouble to her mother. A girl of childhood will have a tendency to pulmonary diseases and bronchitis, so in adulthood she should never start smoking.

Gastrointestinal disorders can lead to constipation and hemorrhoids. From early childhood, Daria is prone to injuries, so she needs to be careful, especially when driving. Dasha has a weak nervous system, is prone to depression and nervous breakdowns.

Career and business

Daria will always be more interested in the arrangement of her personal life than career and business. Dasha is not afraid of change, so she often changes jobs. But she may well reach the heights in her profession if the business she is engaged in will captivate her. In addition, conscientiousness and a sense of duty will not allow her to work "sloppy".

Daria can make both a good performer and an organizer of work, but it is preferable to make a choice in favor of a creative profession. She will make a good TV presenter, stewardess, journalist, writer, artist or fashion designer.

Daria can build her own business, and she will most likely be lucky. She is not inclined to make spontaneous decisions, is not prone to adventures and risk, so she will conduct business measuredly and thoughtfully, without getting involved in risky ventures. Her moral principles and imperious character allow her to build a business tough, like a man.

Talismans for Daria

  • Daria's lucky zodiac sign is Aries and Virgo.
  • The patron planet is Mars, the element is fire.
  • The most successful time of the year is spring, the most favorable day is Wednesday, the most unfortunate day is Friday.
  • Lucky colors are red and brown.
  • Totem animal - giraffe and mosquito. The giraffe symbolizes kindness and care, brings happiness and prosperity. The mosquito is a symbol of perseverance and scrupulousness.
  • Totem plant - mountain ash, considered a symbol of fertility and productivity. Since ancient times, mountain ash has been used as a talisman against dark forces and the evil eye.
  • The talisman stone is bloodstone, hematite. It is a brilliant dark-colored stone, symbolizing wisdom and courage. In the old days, it was believed that the bloodstone could heal wounds, stop bleeding and heal from the evil eye.

Horoscope for Daria

Aries- a straightforward and principled person, unrestrained in language, prone to rash acts. She is self-confident and sincerely believes that the whole world should revolve around her. Often falls in love, and each time it seems to her that this is forever.

Taurus- stubborn, but sincere and easy to communicate Daria, charming and sexy. She has many fans, she flirts and collects compliments, but if she has a loved one, she will not go further than flirting, as she is able to remain faithful to this man.

Twins- An energetic and inquisitive nature who hates routine and monotony. She often changes her place of residence, work, profession and men. Such inconstancy leads to the fact that Dasha-Gemini cannot fully realize himself either in the profession or in his personal life.

Cancer- a melancholic and apathetic woman, always going with the flow. She never does anything voluntarily, she needs to be asked and reminded of everything. In her personal life, she is often unhappy, as she marries the first person she meets and then all her life she cannot decide on a divorce. She tries to find her happiness in children, but she does not command respect from them either.

a lion- a bright and catchy personality, very sincere and devoid of any coquetry. She does not expect gifts from life, she tries to achieve everything with her own work. He never flirts with men, he cannot stand empty flirting, as well as empty promises. But to a loved one he will give all his unspent love and devotion.

Virgo- pedantic and scrupulous nature, an excellent worker and performer. She approaches any case very carefully, for her there are no trifles. She also chooses her husband thoroughly, so she is usually successful in marriage. But her loved one and children will always be a little lacking in warmth and tenderness.

Scales- This is a hardworking person who can qualitatively perform several tasks at the same time. Her driving motive is often passion. Daria has many friends and admirers, she is not at all greedy and open person. She will give her husband all her love and devotion, but he will have to come to terms with the fact that there will always be a lot of people in their house.

Scorpion- nature is unpredictable and impulsive. She loves to make and receive surprises, she can suddenly and radically change her appearance, image, for no apparent reason, change her place of work or profession. She attracts men with her appearance and sensuality, but she needs to marry a pragmatist who will hold her back a little.

Sagittarius- an imperious person with the gift of suggestion and subjugation of people. A born business woman, she is usually lonely in her personal life, so men are afraid of her. But if there is still a daredevil, then Daria will become his most devoted wife.

Capricorn- outwardly cold and restrained, but very emotional and worried in her soul. She deeply experiences any failure, reacts very hard to criticism and rudeness in her address, always blames only herself for everything. For her, someone else's opinion is of great importance. Her chosen one will have to stock up on patience, affectionate words and praises - this is the only way he can give her confidence and peace of mind.

Aquarius- a dreamer and dreamer, prone to idealization. She wants to see perfection in everything, so big and small disappointments often happen in her life. She does not know how to understand people at all, as a life partner she needs a man without “rose-colored glasses”, who is firmly on his feet.

Fish- this is the embodiment of femininity, which can not stand violence, arrogance and aggression. She is respected in society for her intelligence, innate delicacy and easy character. Having a cheerful character, she walks through life easily and naturally.

Temperamental Rectilinear Soft

Daria Dontsova, Russian writer and TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Daria mean?

The meaning of the name Daria is translated from ancient Persian as “powerful”, “victorious”. Daria is a strong personality, but she is often overly emotional and contradictory, and does not always control herself.

There is another version of the origin of the name, not so common, but more fully reflecting the character. "Big River" - that's what the name Daria means according to this version.

This phrase gives the owners of the name softness and femininity, and also, like a true river, allows you to always find a way out of any, the most difficult situation.

Dasha will achieve the greatest success, whose middle name is Leonidovna, Vladimirovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna, Egorovna, Kirillovna, Glebovna, Georgievna, Robertovna.

Would you name your child by this name?

It is believed that "Daria" came from the name of the Persian king Darius. Initially, the male name affects the personality of the owner, therefore the characteristic of the name Daria is “non-female”. Hence the strength, and a sharp mind, and luck, and logic, and sadly, the complete lack of intuition.

The second version of the origin of the name Daria is from the name of the pagan god Dar, who introduced the words “gift”, “gift” into the modern language.

The bearers of the name fully justify its meaning. They can be anything, but invisible - never. It is not surprising that today there are many parents who choose this name for their daughters.

Church teaching mentions the holy martyr Daria. The story goes that she was converted to Christianity and, together with her fiancé, the holy martyr Chrysanthos, was tortured and executed. Her memory is honored on April 7, which is also considered the day of the name day of all her namesakes, whom she invisibly patronizes.

Name Forms

Simple: Dasha Full: Daria Ancient: DariaAffectionate: Dashenka

By nature, Daria was given a lot: the ability to think logically, a sharp mind, a strong character, the ability to lead people. All of the above fully illustrates her inner world and the course of life.

As a powerful full-flowing river, the Darya can overcome a long life path, easily bypassing obstacles. Having all the data for building a dizzying career: purposefulness, leadership skills, communication skills, often left behind simply because she was not passionate enough about her work.

The task may remain only half completed if she loses self-confidence, because she does not perceive criticism at all.

This description does not mean at all that Daria, as an employee, can be put an end to. On the contrary, she has a strong sense of duty, she does not want to let her colleagues down. In addition, Dasha is very organized and accurate, this can more than compensate for laziness.

Daria does not have a golden mean - she is like a swinging pendulum. External arrogance often hides self-doubt, the need for approval from loved ones.

Despite the ostentatious bravado, Daria, like no one else, is dependent on others, their support. Without a firm conviction that she is loved, she is needed, she may not be able to cope even with the most trifling task.

The innermost secret of the name Daria, her main purpose is to find a delicate balance between her male and female "I", accepting herself as a person and understanding her true essence. After all, it is not at all easy to understand Daria, even for those closest to her.

Having a strong character, she can both build an ideal world for herself, where everyone will be comfortable, and turn her life and the lives of others into hell.

What will be the life of Daria - depends only on herself. The only thing that is required from friends and family is to convince her of your love.

Character traits











Being friends with Daria and even more so living next to her is not easy. She can drive you crazy with unexpected mood swings, turning from an affectionate kitty into an angry fury or a capricious crybaby.

Daria is sociable, flirtatious and emotional. Sometimes her novels lack passion and sexual tension. A partner will never be sure whether his beloved intimacy wants him or not, whether she feels good with him.

If Daria chooses a mate for herself, she will give her chosen one all of herself. Without hesitation, obeying a single momentary impulse. And the decision will not change.

A man will have to faithfully remain faithful to his wife, since she is unlikely to be able and will want to forgive betrayal. But Daria will definitely become an excellent wife. He will take care of all household chores, loves to cook, sew, knit. He will not ask about previous connections, preferring to build the future from scratch.

In addition, Daria will not compete with her husband for leadership in the family, on the contrary, she will willingly give up the role of leader. This is a real woman - capricious, unpredictable, and at the same time wise.

For affection and care, he will thank a hundredfold, because, the main thing that the name Daria means is "a gift, a gift from heaven."

The meaning of the name Daria for a girl

Bearers of the name are their own company. And you don't need to entertain them, it's better to leave them alone. And give me that book. And close the door!

If you gave the baby the name Dasha, get ready for the fact that her independence will sometimes even irritate. But no hassle.

Little Dasha is organized, neat, quick-witted, but lazy. As a rule, he studies well. The child is quick-tempered, but quickly departs, you just need to give her the opportunity to cool down.

Only having learned to realize herself as a person, Dasha begins to show leadership habits.

What will Daria achieve success in?

She loves to win, she will be happy to go to dances, to the sports section, to martial arts.

Dasha will succeed in music, drawing, modeling. May be interested in "male" hobbies, such as wood burning.

Encouragement is very important for a girl, your attention will raise her self-esteem and add self-confidence.

It is worth being careful - Daria reads a lot, so it is important to teach her to distinguish her own fantasies from reality.

May start a sexual life early, because he does not understand the difference between attraction and love. And love is very important to her. But a wise, calm and benevolent mother-friend can easily prevent this.

What games will Daria like?

Little Dashi bring mother and father more joy than worries. Lively, artistic, charming, intelligent - they fill life with laughter and meaning. Come up with games for the child where she is in the spotlight: let her be an actress, a star, show herself in all her glory.

And, most importantly, give her love, especially when Daria herself is not very pleased with herself. But this does not mean that the child should be spoiled too much. Leave this honor to grandparents.

Daria is a very beautiful, cheerful and sonorous name. It has a powerful energy, charging sociability and optimism. Included in the top three most popular, according to statistics from 2010-2018.

The name Dasha significantly affects the character. Most often, women are distinguished by sensuality and slowness. They try to surround themselves with nice people, are very sociable and adapt well to any situation in life.

Girl character

A child with this name is kind and honest. The girl is the favorite of her parents, who pamper her and allow everything. Love for cleanliness, order comes to her only over the years, which is associated with excessive care from mom and dad.

She is a real fighter for justice, and if the situation requires it, she can use force.

The girl does not like to be alone, so she is often in the company of friends or relatives. She is not capricious, does not throw tantrums, however, if a new baby appears in the house, she is very worried and tries to attract more attention to herself. She does not require toys, the main thing is that she always has someone to spend time with.

The name Daria for a girl symbolizes straightforwardness and impulsiveness.

From childhood, the child commands other children, even boys. Over time, the character softens. The girl's health is good, parents note the stability of the psyche and emotional resistance to stressful situations.

What does a name mean for a woman

With age, the girl becomes more active, the energy seems to flow from her like a river. Her main goal is to live a full life and not return to an unpleasant past. Despite this, colleagues and friends note her tendency to touchiness, a woman does not forgive betrayal or disrespectful attitude towards herself.

Dasha tries to cope with all the problems on her own, but deep down she needs strong support.

She gives herself completely to her husband and children after marriage. Best of all, a woman manifests herself in such professions as a manager, journalist, artist or writer, but in order to save her family at any time she will give up even the most successful career. There is a tendency to develop allergic reactions. In addition, attention should be paid to the state of the respiratory system.

Name days according to the church calendar

The days of the name Dasha fall in spring and summer. On the first day of April, a woman celebrates a name day, as her heavenly patroness, the Roman martyr, died after converting to the Christian faith.

Other holidays in the Orthodox faith:

  • March - 14;
  • April - 4;
  • June - 30;
  • August - 17, 18.

Dasha compatibility - suitable male names

The maximum strength of feelings is noted with the following men: Anton, Alexander, Leonid, Evgeny, Nikita, Andrey, Dmitry and Yuri. Stability and harmony in marriage - with Valery, Kirill, Sergey, Nikolai and Artem. Relations with Alexei, Vladimir, Denis, Semyon, Yaroslav and Oleg may develop unsuccessfully.

Dasha and Alexander

The excellent compatibility of Daria and Alexander is explained by the ability of partners to discover something new in each other every time. Over time, lovers only strengthen and improve their relationship. The main thing is to spend every free minute together.

Dasha and Maxim

This couple has a high chance of creating an exemplary family, furnishing a great house and having many children. Lovers trust each other, are gentle and caring. Support in everything is the main thing for each of the partners.

Daria and Dmitry

Good compatibility is based on the similarity of the interests of a man and a woman. Fun and bright feelings reign in their lives. However, emotional relationships need to be constantly nurtured.

Daria and Andrey

A man and a woman from this tandem get what they want: a cozy home, wonderful children, warmth in relationships. It is positive that lovers find compromises together in a peaceful way, they do not single out the main and subordinate in a pair.