Conspiracies to attract love: strong rituals for creating strong relationships. How to make a strong love spell on a girl at home read How to bewitch your beloved at home

Men, admiring female beauty, experiencing an unpleasant feeling of unrequited love, make a love spell on a girl, which can be read at home, which will definitely work. The most common is a love spell on a girl, which immediately affects the object of sighing and can give a man the happiness of being near a loved one. Performing a love spell is a reliable way to tie a chosen one to yourself for many years, but at the same time you can cause irreparable harm to the health of a bewitched lady. Before turning to otherworldly forces for help, you need to give yourself an exact answer to the question “Do I really need this person?” It is recommended to be as honest with yourself as possible. Women have emotionality and hysteria.. Love spells act on them like damage, they suffer from diseases that affect the reproductive organs, become an inveterate drunkard, fall into depression, and beauty quickly disappears from this. If a man doesn’t care whether the girl will be happy next to him after the binding, or he thinks that his love is enough for two, you can start conjuring.

Love spell on a photo

You can make a love spell on a girl’s love at a distance from a photo without the use of black magic. This is an excellent option for creating a love binding, which will not entail consequences, and after its implementation, the operator will not receive any punishment from the Higher Forces. To carry out this ritual, you will need a photograph of the object of passion or a portrait drawn by hand. Those who have artistic skills can put additional energy into the created drawing, which will help to complete the witchcraft rite. To create a picture, it is better to use paints, because the water used in them allows you to save a special energy.

You need to navigate the time of the ritual according to the lunar calendar. If the earth's satellite is in the waning stage, the ritual is postponed until the beginning of its growth, so that feelings grow, and do not go away with the moon. The full moon is the ideal time for a love spell from a distance, as it is easier to work with energies during the full moon. At this magical time, they pour out in maximum quantities. Remember the overwhelming feeling when you walked under the full moon. This is how the influence of moonlight on all living things, filled with energy force, is manifested. If the phase of the moon is in the position you need, proceed to witchcraft:

  1. Take a prepared photo or a painted portrait of a girl.
  2. Light an odd number of candles to fill the space with the energy of fire, which is responsible for the roaring passion.
  3. Burning candles attract spirits that roam the earth in large numbers during the full moon and look for food in the form of energy. They will definitely be indignant to help a conjurer for a ransom.
  4. Fix your gaze on the image of a woman and imagine a mentally disturbing picture of the blood, where you are together and love each other.
  5. Imagine to such an extent until your heartbeat quickens, your cheeks flush, and your soul trembles from overflowing emotions.

In this state, cover the portrait with your left hand and say the plot:

“A man without a shadow does not walk on earth, he flies away to another world. So the Lord’s servant (name) will not endure longing without me. It will turn over through itself, it will remain with me forever. Amen!"

If you did everything right, you will soon see the first changes in the girl's daily behavior, this is a very quick love spell that will attract love into your life.

Love spell on bread

This ceremony is only suitable if you have the opportunity to dine with the chosen lady of the heart. This is an effective love spell on a woman, where all the witchcraft lies in a piece of bread that needs to be stolen from the table where she eats. The ritual is carried out only on the growing moon, otherwise all manipulations will bring little benefit. If a piece of bread is in your hands, bring it home and wait until dark. Light the candles on the windowsill, creating a magic circle with them. Place the cherished humpback on a beautiful plate and leave it in the center of this circle, after reading the spell over the bread:

“Just as bread dries up from the heat of the sun, so the Lord’s servant (name) is thrilled with love, dries out of melancholy. Amen!".

After that, complete the rite by expressing gratitude to the accompanying spirits. The operator feels their presence with goosebumps, breathing behind his back, the movement of shadows. Put out the candles and go to bed. When the bread begins to dry out, the soul of a woman will also begin to dry up for you. But there is one nuance that should be given due attention. Make sure there is no mold on the bread. Do not let pets to the treasured piece. If they try this bread, then the magic will be destroyed, and then the remains of the cracker will have to be fed to the birds so that the love spell does not turn into spoilage. If the bread dries completely, then it must be wrapped in paper and stored in a dry, dark place until the girl comes to you herself.

Effective love spell without photo

This love spell without consequences at home is quite simple and does not require special paraphernalia. You will need only two church thin candles. When the sun sets below the horizon, prepare the room, turn off all electronic items, try to stay at home without strangers and achieve the necessary peace of mind. Prepare a gypsy needle in advance. When everything is prepared, you can proceed: On one candle, write your name, and on the other the name of your chosen one, using the tip of a needle.

Hold two candles in your palms so that the material becomes soft and easy to deform, and then connect the candles, forming a spiral out of them, so that these two objects seem to be intertwined with each other. Light the wicks by saying the incantation:

“As fire burns two candles, so let passion burn two souls (your names)! Amen!".

Repeat these words at least three times in a row, focusing your emotions and thoughts on the chosen one. Extinguish the fire of the candles and inhale the resulting smoke with pleasure. Tie the rest of the candles with red thread and place under the pillow. The love spell works on the guy very quickly, after a few days you will notice the result.

Love spell on coffee

Another powerful love spell without consequences can be done with the help of coffee. This ritual is carried out without candles and without photos, it is very easy to carry out at home. The advantage of a coffee drink is its tart taste, which will 100% override the taste of other ingredients. This easy love spell can be done during a break, if your lover is part-time and your colleague. Just invite her to spend lunch time with a cup of coffee, and in the meantime, while you are brewing a drink, read the plot:

“Burn, burn, do not cool down. Come into your heart, accept me. Shout-bridge, lyukay, perelukay, love-love, do not cool down. Amen!".

After the lady of your heart finishes the drink, consider that everything has already worked. Wait for a change in her behavior towards you. Do not forget to thoroughly wash the cup after the ceremony so that no one else accidentally drinks from it.

For a successful next ritual, offer your girlfriend a coffee drink before the clock has yet to strike noon. The main factor in this matter for you will be the sun, it is very desirable that during your "operation" the sun shines brightly and is not blocked by any clouds or thunderclouds.

After preparing the coveted drink, go to the window frame or go out onto the veranda, balcony, loggia, or you can go outside, lift the container with the prepared drink and say the following text:

The sky is clear, the sun is red. I, (your name), you, (his name), are good and beautiful. Give, sun, heart (his name) with love for the girl, (your name). As people are always happy and grateful to you, so the girl (his name) would always be happy. As you, the sun, burn and blaze, so would (his name) on the narrowed one burned and blazed and never knew peace. Amen!".

After reading these words, hurry to give the victim of the love spell a sunny drink. This must be done quickly, before the solar energy has time to disappear into space. Love spells based on the energy of the sun, according to reviews, are effective rituals.

Love spell on a cigarette

This method is especially good at home if the girl smokes or at least tolerates the smell of smoke. For a love spell you will need your blood and a cigarette. These ingredients are not difficult to get, so any man can bewitch a lady without much effort. To get started you need:

  • buy a new pack of cigarettes;
  • take one piece;
  • make a puncture on the finger of the left hand;
  • write the name of your beloved with blood on a cigarette;
  • then set fire to it and smoke it to the filter, in the presence of your object of respiration.

Ancient shamans used this method, because due to the presence of smoke, which has a powerful magical effect, the ritual works quickly. The result is an instant love spell that immediately begins to manifest itself.

Similar actions can be performed without the presence of a young girl. To do this, we prepare a cigarette in the same way as in the first case. We smoke it alone, mentally approaching the object of passion, imagining its image, voice, smell. In this case, the ashes must be shaken off into your left palm. When the smoking process is over, and only the filter remains, you need to blow three times on the ashes and say:

"Like ashes on your hand, bewitch me."

Which love spell to choose is up to you to decide, but always remember that after the love ceremony, the victim of your manipulations will be strongly attached to you. A woman will constantly think about you and suffer heartache. The intervention of the spirits will be accompanied by a change in the course of all life. Therefore, be prepared to take on all the responsibility that falls on the operator after creating a love binding. Be sure to think over your decision several times before embarking on irreversible actions. It is better to resort to white conspiracies in work, asking the Higher Powers for help.

White love spell

The feeling of love, bright and intoxicating, can cause a lot of suffering and pain when a loved one does not notice you. Conspiracies and love spells for love give the desired effect, refresh feelings and strengthen family ties. Rituals with the help of magic kindle passion and fiery love in the heart of a loved one or cause slight sympathy.

Magical action, like faith, is an energy tool with which the Higher powers help when they are asked for help. The ritual carries a powerful energy verbal message. In order to call on the help of divine forces, it is necessary to acquire the habit of talking with them every day, making a place of power out of your home. Prayers, conspiracies, love spells for a happy family life, to return the wife's former love for her husband, to return the wife, you need to read as often as possible, deliberately building your marital relationship. White rituals can be done at home, but you should always go to church, where you can be heard much faster than at home.

The main components of the conspiracy are the significance of the Higher Power, the authority of the Divine and the power of your word. The white plot consists of an introduction, a middle part and a consolidation or conclusion. The introduction helps to establish a connection with the Higher power from which you ask for help. The main part of the conspiracy is a wish. The conclusion is the consolidation of everything said, which magicians call the key.

Keys are different for everyone, but standard. Someone uses the word amen, someone says the phrase: “My word is strong, my work is sculpted, key, lock, tongue. Amen". Someone is using other keys that indicate that the request has completed.

Spirits of Light and Angels help people achieve their goals. They protect and give them the power they need to do so. For white conspiracies to love a woman, pure thoughts are needed. To do this, you need to read prayers asking the Higher Powers to help you for strong female love.

The magical effects that a person produces imply that he needs help. With the help of white rituals, the operator does not force the Higher powers to give him a result at all costs. He asks the Force to lead on a path that may not be very direct, but, as a result, will lead to the fulfillment of desire.

When working with white love spells, you need to understand that turning to the Higher Power, you only tell her about your sincere desires. The operator does not have the ability to control the execution process. For every action there is the will of God, and only he decides whether the request should be fulfilled or whether it should be ignored. But any person has the right to receive Divine help if he observes the following rules:

  1. You need to have feelings for your half, imagine a joint future family life and believe that it will be so.
  2. It is important to be calm and remember that you love your chosen one.
  3. Even if you have serious problems, you are angry, angry and irritated, then you need to bring your thoughts into balance, otherwise the rite will not work, or something may not go exactly the way you wanted.
  4. There must be positive emotions, as this is white magic, which needs bright and strong feelings.
  5. It is important to choose the right time for the magical rite.
  6. All rituals are performed without electric lighting, with telephones, televisions and other transmitting devices turned off.

The result of the rituals of white magic for the love of a girl, carried out at home, depends on your strength, experience and knowledge. When pronouncing conspiracies, it is important to be able to relax, concentrate, visualize what you want. It is better to read already tested and ready-made conspiracies. With their help, you can achieve different privileges. They are read to:

  • life partner loved more;
  • there was always family happiness in the house;
  • the spouse did not change;
  • to return an ex-girlfriend to the house to get married and start a family.

A bright conspiracy aimed at a girl will help return love.

What white conspiracies can be used

By resorting to the help of the following conspiracy, a man can receive a petition for his past offenses. You need to clearly speak the words, filling them with your faith and desire. For work, get a mirror in which no one looked. Sprinkle it with salt so that it removes all the energy that will interfere with the ritual. After an hour, rinse it with running water, and carry a burning candle over it. Then blow on it. Close the cleaned mirror with a black cloth, and open it only for rituals. The rest of the time it should lie in the box, display side down. The ritual is performed before going to bed. Say three times, standing in front of a mirror:

“As it looks in a mirror, the whole Christian world admires,

all human people, look, do not indulge, look, do not see enough,

so my wife, God's servant (name), would look at me - she didn’t see enough,

I would admire - I didn’t stop admiring, rejoiced - I didn’t get enough.

As a dog does not bark, does not grumble at his master, joyfully runs towards him,

so the servant of God (name), would not grumble at me, would not scream,

and would be happy to meet me. Amen".

After a white magic ritual for love, your wife will pay more attention to the operator, and relations will begin to improve. Here is another conspiracy for the strong love of a wife for her husband. It is read for food to be fed to the wife.

“Lord, your will.

And may God's servant (name),

Loves me forever and ever.

How a baby cries without milk

So would my wife cry

Without me, God's servant (name).

I would suffer, miss

I didn't know the white light

Kissed scarlet lips

She hugged my shoulders.

Bless, Lord, her love for me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

You can use a conspiracy to love a girl on a candle to bewitch her at home. To work in the church, they buy a candle. After sunset, witchcraft begins. The candle must be lit and placed on the table. Look at the burning flames, admire the fire, and mentally imagine your beloved. Imagine how much she loves you and you love her. When her image becomes clear in your head, you must say:

“As the fire stings, blazes and burns, so the heart of the servant of God (name), according to the servant of God (his name) would burn. Amen".

For the ritual, you will need three church candles. They are lit at 12 o'clock at night. We look at the fire of the candle and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“As the flame of a candle burns with heat and glows, so let my beloved breathe love and tenderness to me. Every hour, every minute, every second. Amen".

After these words, without saying a word, we go to bed. All these rituals give a visible result within a week.

If a girl became indifferent to her boyfriend

If your girlfriend's love passion has subsided or died out completely, and in order to resume its former ardor, you can use a gypsy conspiracy. It must be read on a candle:

“As fire catches up with heat, so let my beloved (name) wish me.

It does not drive away from itself, does not return, not into the day, not into the night.

He doesn’t drive me out of his bed, but always lures me!

A water ritual can also give a result. To carry it out, it is necessary to collect water before sunrise and hide it until the evening. After everyone falls asleep, you need to read the plot 3 times in an empty room, looking at the water:

“Just as a bird cannot live without heaven, a forest animal without a forest, a wild flower without land, so let the servant of God (name) not be able to live without me, the servant of God (name). So that she would miss and grieve, she would not see the world, she could not live and be without me for an hour, a servant of God (name). Amen".

Then, in each room, sprinkle the water you have spoken. Don't forget to sprinkle your bedroom well too. Happiness does not happen much, but what if it is completely absent in your personal life? To return it, you can use another effective conspiracy carried out at home for personal happiness. To work, you need to take two threads or ropes. Read the plot three times and tie these threads with knots:

“May the servant of God (name) be with me, in sorrow and in health, in poverty and wealth. May I be a servant of God (name) with a servant of God (name), in sorrow and in health, in poverty and wealth. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the thread must be saved, it will be a family amulet from the destruction of love relationships. If you have fears that the young girl is not interested in you, and she began to look to the side, then use the conspiracy against treason, which must be read on your girlfriend's shoes. You need to take the shoes that she wears, and, wiping them with a damp cloth, pronounce the words:

“As steel is strong, so my love is strong. Let her keep the servant of God (name) near the servant of God (your name), How do these heels hold shoes. Let the shoes be worn, they remind her of me (your name). To always want one of me! She didn't want to leave me! Like shoes only look at each other, so (name) would look only at me (name). As shoes are only worn in pairs, so we would be a couple with her. The servant of God (name) would not let other men close to herself, she would only think about me. From now on and forever!”

No matter how much a guy loves his bride, it happens that he is guilty of something in front of her. And the beloved does not want to forgive in any way, no matter what the young man does for her. In such a situation, you should first read the plot in order to receive forgiveness. You can fix it by reading the conspiracy so that the guy’s girl forgives completely. Read it alone 3 times:

“Angel, with a good light, illuminate the heart of my beloved (name of the bride). May her heart be softened, may she pity me, May she forgive me all my sins, May she not bear malice towards me and come towards me with love. Please do so. Amen".

It happens that you cannot get rid of the love for an ex-girlfriend, the feelings still have not faded away. And a lot of time has already passed, and it constantly harasses you. In addition, your ex-passion is also not dating anyone. Then this conspiracy will help reunite the quarreling couple in love.

Black rituals

For a married man who decides to get a girl as a mistress, you can use both white and black rituals. It is better for him to turn to the spirits of nature or the Lower World, because the Light Forces will not approve requests that destroy marriage. You can open the window at dawn and say the following text:

“Like the sun with the moon, like the earth with water, there are always two, always there. So the servant of God (name) is with me And everything is fine with us and everything is fine with us Now and forever. Forever and ever. Amen".

If the girl has a dear friend, then the next plot will cause a strong quarrel between lovers, after which the girl will turn to the operator. Magic words are read into running water 3 times, and then they throw a few coins into the water, say the word "payback", and, without turning around, go home.

Not girded, not blessed
And without praying, I will go through an open field,
In a wide expanse
To the black forest, to the gray demon.
A river flows in that black forest,
That river has glass banks.
On this fiery river
Aspen boat floats.
The devil and the devil sit in this aspen boat.
They sit, do not look at each other,
One thought is not thought
They don't want to be together.
So they would quarrel and argue (names),
Don't sleep in the same bed
Do not rock the cradle with a child.
They would smell of each other
Dead man, shit, dead dog,
All their speeches would end in a fight.
Chur, my thoughts and words,
Stand behind each other at all times.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Drying from another guy can be done independently through the churchyard. This ritual is associated with attracting the spirits of the dead, and requires a ransom. In the cemetery they are looking for fallen flowers from a wreath and, crossing themselves, say:

You are a thing, you fell
Even the dead don't need you.
You are not friends with the living or the dead.
So that my husband is not needed (name),
So that she herself (name) was not needed by him.
My words are strong for all time.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

A black love spell is done with the help of voodoo magic. Returning a girl with a magic doll is easy. It is necessary to mold a double of the victim from clay or bread, adding her nails, hair, saliva, pieces of dead skin to the mass. Revive the chrysalis by spitting on it, blowing it, dusting it with ashes, and passing it over the fire. Call it the name of the victim and present it to the spirits, turning it to 4 cardinal directions.

After that, treat this doll like your favorite girl, put her to sleep next to you, tell her what you want her to do. All your desires, spoken aloud, will reach a live girl, and she will fulfill them as long as the doll is in the hands of the operator. If the girl finds this doll, she will be able to perform the reverse ritual and free herself from the slave binding.

Do not abuse your appeals to the Higher or Lower Powers. Any fulfillment of desire requires payment, and these are restrictions that close channels, lead to failures and illnesses. The most sincere desires are fulfilled by the Higher Powers without special recourse to witchcraft. All human life is imbued with magic, only for this you need to have a well-functioning energy and faith in tomorrow.

Today I, the magician, will tell you how to bewitch a girl at home. In ancient times, lovers, consider, were only bewitched. And today, more and more girls are engaged in love witchcraft. In reality, this is only an appearance. Guys also have a lot of opportunities to independently influence the girl or young woman they like.

I, the magician Sergey Artrgom, will offer you simple ways to bewitch a girl at home using her photo, as well as other ways of magical influence. All witchcraft rites proposed in this article work on the personal strength of the performer, and do not carry negativity and unwanted side effects.

How to bewitch a girl at home

It happens that in order to bewitch a girl on her own at home, she must first be forced to come, so that, having contact, read love plots on her. This is how they act when they want to make a witchcraft ritual for food or drink. These magical rites are simple, in most cases they work even for novice magicians. And they work quite well. And for this, you must first make sure that the Forces deliver the right person to you.

For this purpose, there are a lot of witchcraft love spells to call your girlfriend to a guy. You can practice different love spells to challenge by finding your own, which will work perfectly for you personally and without failures. Much depends on the strength of the performer magician. It is also important who the magic call is made to so that the girl sees the guy. And, in addition, the success of the work is ensured by the methodology of the witchcraft ritual for the love of a girl.

If you want to rekindle a relationship and intend to read a plot from a photo of a beloved girl to return love, keep in mind, it is very important how much time has passed since the breakup. There is a concept of time frames in black magic, as well as the concept of "there is nothing to cling to a love spell." Therefore, it makes no sense to wait for the problem to be solved by itself, that the mistress will understand everything and fall in love again.

Most young women, after breaking up with a guy, do not return on their own. In order to bewitch a girl yourself at a distance, or by contact, and return everything - affection, feelings, relationships, you need real magic, but you need to act quickly, in hot pursuit.

How to bewitch a girl on your own from a photo - a conspiracy to the Four Elements

There is a magical way to return the love of a girl. This can be done with the help of the forces of the four elements.

For a free magical rite, you will need:

  • incense
  • photo of girlfriend

They make a magical plot in the open. You need to kindle a fire. Stand in front of the flame with incense behind you, salt on the left, and water on the right. Keep the photo of your beloved in front of your eyes and read the conspiracy to love the woman in the photo 3 times:

“Fire, water, air and earth! I conjure you, bring me (name), instill in her a fiery passion for me (name), let burning love spill over her blood in rivers, let her flesh be saturated with an irresistible craving for me, and her breath will only become free when she will be me. Elemental powers! Bring my will to (name) with the sun, rain, wind and earth. Let it be so".

Throw the photo into the fire, followed by incense, salt, pour the water out of the bowl. Go home, observing the rules of witchcraft. Can be a strong magical ritual bewitch a girl by photo in phone. The phone, of course, should not be thrown into the flames, no one requires such sacrifices.

How to bewitch a girl from a photo and the consequences of witchcraft

The expediency of magical rituals and the correct compilation of the complex is one of the keys to success. A competent diagnosis, time frame and the current situation are necessarily taken into account. You can bewitch the girl you like yourself in many ways at a distance. If you are not a practicing magician, and you have little experience, it is not at all necessary to take on powerful rituals of black witchcraft, demonic and cemetery rites, in order to influence the situation.

In addition to witchcraft black rites for a woman's love, there is such a section of practical magic as natural sweeteners, rituals for harmonizing relationships, magical lure with strong working conspiracies.

Is it possible to bewitch a girl at a distance without the support of the Forces?

With good visualization, it is quite possible to do this. It is advisable for a beginner in love magic to do a home ritual not for 1 day, but for at least 3 days. Repeat an independent conspiracy at least 3 times, but it’s better, nevertheless, more - 7, 9, 12 times. This will help

  • firstly, tune in to the witchcraft rite,
  • and secondly, it will enhance the love effect.

After all, in love magic, the result is important. It's clear. It is also clear that a guy in love will take care not to harm his mistress.

How can you bewitch a girl yourself without consequences?

I will say this: without knowledge and experience, do not make real conspiracies for love from the arsenal of the Black Book. There is a high chance of harm here. Whites love spells of a beloved girl They practically do not give side effects, however, as well as negative ones too. But, the effect of such love spells on a mistress is unstable and short-lived, you need to often repeat magical rites. If you operate with real love spells on personal energy, you also need to work in a complex and according to the rules of love magic.

A strong conspiracy for the longing of a beloved woman

This conspiracy works on the personal strength of the performer. Makes a person think and see a guy in a dream. It is done independently, without the call of the Forces.

“I will get up early, go far, not by gates, not by doors, let the young woman (name) do not sleep about me, let her yearn, let (name) remember me. I wouldn’t eat my bitter anguish in food, I wouldn’t drink it in water, I wouldn’t fall asleep in a dream, I dreamed about me (name). A clear falcon flies, knocks on the portage window. Oh, you are a goy young lady (name), listen with your heart, think with your heart, I’m talking to you. The soul converges with the soul, light unites with darkness, a flower intertwines with a flower, the soul will be filled with longing, dreams will be imprinted by me (name). This is my will. My word is strong. Amen".

This homemade photo conspiracy for a woman's love should be read on the growing moon. And it’s more logical not in the evening, but at dawn, because in a love plot there is an indication of the time: "I'll get up early...". A home love plot is universal, suitable for binding, both a girl and a guy. Read, observing men's and women's days. To enhance the effect, especially beginners in love witchcraft, it is recommended to read not 1 day, but 3 or 7 days in a row. The number of repetitions of a good conspiracy to love a girl is also determined intuitively. But repeat at least 3 times.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

How to bewitch your girlfriend at home

For some, effective love spells work without weakening. But, even practicing magicians in certain situations do not neglect the methods of weakening the victim. And conjuring newcomers need to weaken their beloved girl even more so. Weakening is done by magical rituals on the waning moon. Whereas, in order to bewitch a girl on her own, a growing moon is required.

If your plans are to cast a love spell on a girl’s love yourself remotely, it doesn’t matter at all where the victim is at that moment. But, if you have conceived a black ritual for food or drink, or want to bewitch a girl for a gift, then, of course, the direct presence of the object is required. In this case, before bewitching the ex-girlfriend at a distance, you need to make her come. For this purpose, you can use a call to a burning name.

Take a strip of paper, and from top to bottom 3 times with a gap of 2-3 cm, write the name of your beloved girl.
Then set fire to the paper from the match from above, holding the sheet by the bottom edge.

While the name is burning, you need to have time to read the words of the love plot:

“As the name burns, let the heart of the slave (name) burn to my heart. So that she could neither drink, nor eat, nor sleep, but would still think of me (name), but would run in my direction. Amen".

Read a home plot for a girl's love 3 times, while each name is burning. Throw the ashes on the water. This is a simple plot to call a girl to a guy, it works for many beginners. When the girl shows up, or there is a chance encounter (this call may work to clear roads), or otherwise she makes contact, you must do everything to ensure a personal meeting, and make a love ritual through food and drink. If you find yourself visiting her, you will also have the opportunity to make a lining.

The magic ritual works well when the girl you love is in a positive mood. And if there is resentment or aggression, if the girl does not want to make contact at all, and resists challenges, then something stronger is needed. You can always find another way out, for example, to bewitch a girl through a photo from a distance. See the Four Elements love spell given above.

How to bewitch your girlfriend for free - sticking to saliva

This free independent way to bewitch a girl belongs to the category of ancient ways of magical love bindings. Spit in the palm of your hand and read a strong conspiracy on the longing of your beloved girl for saliva. With this palm, then touch or pat the woman in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart.

“I will get up, (name), and I will go out of the hut not at the door, from the courtyard not at the gate, and I will not go to the east side, but to the west side. There is a sea-ocean there, on that sea-ocean lies an oak deck, on that deck, on that oak, Fear Rakh sits. I will submit to this Fear of Rahu and pray. Give me, Fear Rakh, seventy-seven winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds, the noon wind, the midnight wind, the dry-hearted wind that dried the forests, crushed the green grasses, the fast rivers drank. And so it would dry, crash about me, (name). I will go to the western porch, through the skylight, under the rotten tree, I will not go by the road, but by the side, the mouse hole, the dog path. He comes to meet me (name), I will hit her on the zealous heart, I will spread her white chest, I will let the sadness down on her. She wouldn’t eat food, she wouldn’t drink drink, she wouldn’t think with thought. Disperse, melancholy kruchina, through a zealous heart, into hot blood. I will lock this longing with keys and locks, I will throw the keys and locks into the sea-ocean. There is a stone in the sea-ocean Alatyr. Under that stone near Alatyr there is a pike-kaluga, picked up the keys and locks, no one can catch this pike-kaluga either with nets, or nerezhka, or small traps. And wherever I go, wherever I go, whatever she, (name), would sit at the window, look at me. Be, words, strong and sculpting. As my saliva dried up, so it would dry up for me.

You can use a love plot for a woman in a different way. Read for food or drink, then give it to her to eat or drink, and thus independently bewitch the girl at home.

Magic surrounds us! Life in trees, the power of water in rivers, the light of the sun - all this is energy, the control of which is called magic. So why not use all this power for your own good?

Often a person's life seems empty. Sometimes, even if they achieve their own ambitions, high social status and sufficient material security, people never find happiness without the only really important thing - love. It is worse when the main feeling did come, but remained unanswered.

Male nature is prone to control and management, therefore it is a very rational decision to take matters into your own hands in love matters. With the right knowledge, determination and faith, anything is possible, even conquering the girl's heart who deserves to go to extremes for her sake. How to bewitch a girl at home?

To date, love spells are quite common, while magical rituals are used for each situation different. The choice of a love spell for a girl's heart should depend on the circumstances., because the goals can also be different. For married men who want to strengthen their family, one ritual will be needed, for those whom the lady of the heart has not yet noticed and appreciated - a completely different one.

In addition, before moving on to conspiracies and love spells, you should think about the possible consequences of love spells. It has long been known that magic for its help may require a certain fee, therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the options for how to bewitch a girl without consequences.

How to bewitch a girl

There are different ways to direct energy to attract the love of a girl. What are the most powerful and effective ways to fall in love or connect with your beloved?

Conducting a ritual that awakens desire

Of course, you can not make a girl fall in love with yourself and not bind her for life, because at times it is enough just to push her partner, arouse interest and desire in her, which is safer in the case of using love magic.

To awaken the sexual desire of a girl use the following ritual (such a “love spell” is done at home).

First you need to make an appointment for the chosen one, for which you should prepare in a special way. In advance, you should take care of a pinch of red pepper, a drop of your own sweat, a large deep plate with cool water and soap. It is better to take a new soap, and also make sure that it does not fall into the hands of anyone other than the owner and his chosen one in the future.

Pepper and a drop of sweat should be added to the prepared plate of water. Soap should be placed in the resulting magic solution. When the action is done, you can start reading the love spell itself, which looks like this;

“I will cool, please, burn! In my hands you will melt so that you will forget your father, and mother, and God. Key and lock!

You should read these lines over a plate of soap three times, while you need to focus on your desires. You can imagine a moment of intimacy with your beloved, focus on the pleasure that both partners will receive. It should be remembered that the more vivid visualizations a man uses, the stronger the enchanted object will act.

When the girl has already crossed the threshold of the house, she should be offered to wash her hands with the same soap.

If at the time of the ceremony the man was focused enough, confident in himself and followed all the rules, the result will not be long in coming.

White love spell on wife's love

This method of love spell for a loved one, although it is nothing supernatural and complex, is not inferior in strength to other conspiracies and rituals. In addition, its consequences are not so significant, because for the direction of love energy using white magic.

As in the previous case, success will largely depend on visualization. Accordingly, with great desire, faith and diligence, the effect of such a love spell will be really very strong.

It will not require any prayers or conspiracies to conduct it, although its effect can be enhanced with the help of additional white rituals on the wife's love for her husband.

The very principle of the ritual is to direct positive energy by visualizing and concentrating on experienced or imagined pleasant events that happened to the beloved woman. At the same time, such “imagination” practices should be given at least thirty minutes a day for a week.

It is recommended to carry out such a ritual after midnight, closer to one in the morning, when nothing prevents the flow of energy from reaching the goal and the magic is most powerful. In this case, it is worth observing the two main conditions for the action of white love magic, namely:

  • the pictures presented by a man must be clear in order for the energy to act in the right way to awaken love in the second half;
  • a man must necessarily believe in himself and in his actions, because magic does not help those who doubt it.

Subject to all conditions, the effect of a white love spell can be noticed in a couple of days.

For more desperate actions, for example, if the object of desire does not show interest in a man, a long distance interferes, or it is necessary to return the wife to the family, there is a stronger magical message.

It will take nine days to carry out such a ritual, provided that the magic words are read correctly and as many times as necessary. To enhance the effect and accelerate the impact on your beloved, you should read the plot three times a day at different times of the day.

The spell itself looks like this:

“As the Mother of God suffers for her Son, so the servant of God (name) would suffer for the servant of God (name). So that in separation from (the name of the man) she would get sick and suffer, she did not see the white light, day and night, and an hour and half an hour. She didn’t know peace, she didn’t get tired, but she kept crying and (man’s name) called. So that the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) could not live apart, spend the night and live forever. Key, lock, here is God on the threshold. Amen".

To speed up the results, you can additionally read the following conspiracy to attract the love of a woman:

“Michael, Gabriel, Rafael! Make (girl's name) love me as I love her. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Often, the girl she loves bypasses the guy, despite all his attempts to attract attention, but in this situation, magic can help. For reading strong conspiracy on the photo, you should take care of the presence of a necessarily fresh picture of your beloved. Additionally, you need a red ribbon and two candles.

The ritual should be performed at night, with the growing moon. In the room where the magic ritual is performed, there should be no one except the youngest person, no one should interfere with him. You should light candles and sit down at the table. On the back of the photo you need to draw a heart and write in it the name of your beloved and your own. It is advisable to fully focus on the object of desire and feelings for her while writing names. Then the photo should be tied with a red ribbon crosswise and tightly tied in a knot to tie the girl's feelings. When tightening the knot, they read the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as I, the Servant of God (my own name), I tightly tie this red ribbon, so I forever tie my fate to my beloved Servant of God (name of the chosen one). Love unites us and nothing can break this connection, because it is strong as a knot tied by me. Just as the knot will never be untied by anyone, so will my beloved be with me forever. Amen!".

At the end of the ritual, the picture should be hidden where a stranger cannot touch it, in order to prevent the dissipation of the effect of magic.

In the picture itself, the girl must be shown alone. These days, thanks to the photos posted by almost any girl on social networks, this will not be difficult.

A love spell for a woman that works quickly

In order to captivate a girl in the shortest possible time and make her fall in love, use the following rite.

Before bewitching a girl, you should take care of the items required for the ceremony: 12 candles (preferably red), a sheet of paper with a pencil for writing names, a small mirror.

For the ritual, you will need a table, but you can also sit on a clean floor.

The venue for the ceremony should be prepared:

  • candles should form a circle of large diameter, in the center of which are placed a sheet of paper with names, a mirror and the caster himself (if the candles are located on the table, you can read the plot outside the circle).
  • the names on the sheet should be circled in the heart with the same pencil with which they were written.

“Forces of love, I call you! Pour into the heart (name of the girl) with a stream of Light, may I become sweet and loved by her from now on. May, by the will of God, my Angels and fate, our love merge into one. I send my request to the Heavenly Office, Angels and God, may everything I dream about happen for me (name) and my beloved (name). Let it be so!".

At the end of the reading, you should begin to visualize a happy future together. The stronger the images in a man's fantasy, the faster the magic will manifest itself. Usually you don’t have to wait long, after 3-4 days the girl will show her feelings.

As for the sheet with names, it is better to keep it in a place inaccessible from prying eyes for 3-4 months, after which it must be burned in a deserted place.

How to bewitch a girl

Consequences of love spells

Before you make a love spell on a girl, you should remember that such a magical effect can lead to serious consequences.

Consequences for both parties:

  • The behavior of a bewitched girl may differ from the previous one, her love may seem too intrusive and quickly get bored. In addition, many people who have been subjected to love spells often suffer from an addiction to alcohol or drugs.
  • The man himself can suffer from such magic. Love luck can completely turn away from him.

And yet, if the feelings are strong and the man is completely confident in his actions, magic can help him win the heart of his beloved.

Attention, only TODAY!

Not only girls resort to the help of magical rituals to love a loved one. The representatives of the stronger sex also turn to white magic to learn how to bewitch a woman. Most of these love spells can be read independently at home.

A love spell will help awaken reciprocal feelings in a girl

Features of conspiracies for men

A love spell for a loved one is a kind of energy message directed towards the object of desire, and may cause interest in the performer of the ritual. Almost all love spells are carried out at a distance using elementary attributes.

A man who wants to bewitch a girl should know a few rules of this ceremony:

  1. His chosen one must be free.
  2. If this is an ex-girlfriend, then a breakup that lasted more than a year will prevent you from getting the desired result.
  3. It is necessary to contact the woman more often, to know her personally.
  4. You have to be sincere with the girl.
  5. You can't do spells for fun.
  6. Its effectiveness depends on the willpower of the object. The energy of some women can resist imposed desires. In this case, a positive result will have to wait a long time, or it will not follow at all.
  7. You need to read the words clearly, without being distracted by anything.
  8. It is better to know the text by heart. You can rewrite it on a white sheet, but do not print it.

Experienced magicians are advised to perform the ceremony on Friday. On this day, the result will be more effective. All actions of the rituals must be performed strictly according to the rules in order to avoid unnecessary consequences.

ancient rite

This strong love spell has been used since ancient times. It is necessary to pronounce a conspiracy for love at 12 at night, on each side of the world. There are 4 readings in total. The ritual is carried out in clean clothes, after taking a shower.

The ritual must be performed after taking a shower

The love spell will work stronger if there is some thing beloved. Bowing a little, you should say to her:

“On the lands of the Basurman and Russian, the fiery prince dried up rivers, seas and shallow springs, so it would dry up for the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name), on the young and re-cut, so that she could not live, not be without me, at seventy joints, in 77 veins and in a secret vein. In an open field, a black-black falcon. I will order him to fly into an open field, into dark forests, into a blue sea, into steep mountains, and ask the prince to give him help to go to a slave, a girl in a tower, sit on a white chest, on a zealous heart, on a hot liver and put to the girl (name), so that she could not live, eat, drink without the servant of God (name).

Amen, Amen, Amen."

Photo Conspiracy

Photography is a frequent attribute in carrying out such rituals that are carried out at home. You need to take a fresh picture of the girl, two candles and a red ribbon. After waiting for the growing moon, close alone at night in a room and light candles.

Sitting at the table, you need to write your name and the name of your beloved on the back of the picture. Draw a heart around the names, as if enclosing them there. Then the photo is tied with a ribbon crosswise, forming a knot. After these steps, you need to say:

“Just as I, the Servant of God (my own name), I tightly tie this red ribbon, so I forever tie my fate to my beloved Servant of God (name of the chosen one). Love will be with us and nothing will destroy a strong spiritual connection. As the knot will never be untied, so will my beloved be with me forever. Amen!".

After that, the photograph is removed to a secret place. Until the other person takes it, the love spell will work. The results will appear soon. The photograph must be taken such that the girl is depicted on it alone. If there are her friends in the picture, this can cause unexpected consequences.

Sweet love spell

The next conspiracy is pronounced for any sweets. Usually candy is used.

With a sweet love spell, candy is usually spoken.

It is necessary to pronounce the words to it:

“This candy is sweet and tasty, she is pleasant to you, my chosen one (name of the chosen one). So I (proper name) will become pleasant to you and you will like me very much. Amen".

Then you should treat the woman with this sweetness. The love conspiracy will work after the candy is eaten by the chosen one.

Another conspiracy is pronounced over food and drinks. After that, the object of desires is treated with food or drink. The words are as follows:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, and go out into an open field. Sitting in this open field is the Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos. As she creaks and hurts for Her Son, so the servant of God (the name of her beloved) creaked and hurt, and burned in the fire, she could neither be, nor live, nor eat, nor drink. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with candles

This love spell of a woman is one of the effective rituals. Its effectiveness is due to the presence of the unique power of church candles and their fire. Thanks to this, a man can attract a lady to him at a distance in a fairly short time at home.

It is necessary to buy three church candles in the temple. One of them needs to be set for your health in order to reduce the number of negative consequences. Then, at 12 at night on the growing moon, you need to stay alone in the room, light the remaining candles and sit in silence for a while, thinking about your beloved girl, imagining her. This should take about 10 minutes. Then you should clearly say the words:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), I light church candles. The holy fire burns and burns brightly. As the flame flares up, so let the love for me flare up in the heart of the Servant of God (name of the chosen one). Let her feelings not go out, let her yearn for me and miss me. So that the Servant of God (the name of the chosen one) would not eat or drink without me, and would not live without me at all. The flame of candles is bright, and my words are strong. It will only be this way and not otherwise, I conjure. Amen".

After the ritual, you must go to bed

Put out the candles and go to bed. In the morning, the cinders are wrapped in a white sheet and put away in a secluded place so that no one will ever find them.

Simple conspiracies

There are love spells that act at a distance and do not require complex manipulations. They are carried out independently at home. To return your beloved girl, you need to say every day before going to bed for a week:

“Michael, Gabriel, Rafael! Make sure that (girl's name) loves me as I love her. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A strong love spell can help to bewitch a girl at a distance. You need to read the following text:

“On the sea, on the ocean, on the island on Buyan, longing lies, longing beats, longing is killed. From the shore into the water, from the water into the frying pan, from the frying pan, a satan ran out and shouted loudly:

“Pavushka Romanea, run as soon as possible, blow the slave (name) on the lips, ears, eyes, white body, scarlet blood, zealous heart, liver and lung, so that she, the slave (name), yearns and grieves every minute, day and night, I would eat - I wouldn’t eat, I would drink - I wouldn’t drink, I would sleep - I wouldn’t fall asleep, but I would still yearn for me, a good fellow (his name); so that I would love her better than any other young man, closer than my own father, sweeter than my own mother, better than the clan of the tribe.

I close my plot with seventy-seven strong locks, seventy-seven rattling chains, I throw the keys into the ocean-sea, under the white-combustible stone Alatyr. Whoever is more mad than me will be exacted, who drags sand from all over the sea, he will drive away melancholy.

Conspiracy for clothes

To return the love of a wife or girl, you need to utter a special conspiracy on her favorite piece of clothing.

The ritual can be performed on any beloved thing of the beloved

It can be a dress, a jacket and even slippers. The beloved should not know about the ritual. You need to put the thing in front of you and say:

“How this thing is loved and dear to my (girl, wife) (Name) So let me for my wife (girl’s name) be loved forever, endlessly, Like a child without mother’s milk cannot, cries, so my wife (girl’s name ) she won’t be able to do without me, What would she suffer without me, miss me, grieve, Didn’t know the white light, Loved, wished, hugged, kissed. How will she wear this dress (or the thing on which you are reciting a conspiracy), so she will immediately remember me. From now on and forever. Let it be, as I want."

Then the clothes are tightly pressed to themselves and say:

"So be it, so be it, so be it!"

The item will need to be discreetly put back.

A conspiracy on a woman's hair

For this rite, you will need to get hair from the head of your beloved woman.

To conduct the ceremony, you will need to take the hair of your beloved

They wind it on a comb and say:

“I call the swamp mud, thick cobwebs, forest twigs. I wind hot love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. As the hair of a slave (the name of a beloved girl) with the hair of a slave (her name) is tightly intertwined, but not tangled, so the love of a slave (the name of a beloved girl) for a slave (her name) stretches, winds and grows.

When reading, you need to focus on the desired goal, and then comb your hair with this comb. The ritual is carried out at home, regardless of time.

Powerful love spell

To fall in love with a woman or bring back old feelings in a short time, a young man can use a strong love conspiracy. At 12 at night on a waning moon, you should turn your face to the side where your beloved girl lives and say:

“The evening dawn came through the dark gate, brought me, the servant of God (my name), to the bank of the wide and deep river. In the middle of that river there is a white stone, a servant of God (the name of the beloved girl) sits on it and sheds tears. A father is walking along the bank of that river, but he does not see his daughter. A mother walks along the shore, but does not see her dear child. As the month-moon wanes, so let the love of the faithful servant of God (the name of the beloved girl) for the parents wanes. And to me, the servant of God (her name), let her love grow and arrive. As I take off a girl from a stone and caress her, comfort her, so let her heart immediately turn to me. Amen".

The consequences of a love spell on a woman

Any love spell on a woman has its consequences for both the performer and the object, whether it is the help of a magician or a love spell at home.

This happens due to the fact that the ritual is performed against the will of the victim. If the ceremony was carried out through a magician, then the customer will suffer. The performer may experience the following consequences:

  • problems with potency (the most common occurrence);
  • deterioration in physical condition;
  • mental disorders.

The object of love spell also has negative consequences:

As a result of a love spell, a woman's health can deteriorate significantly.

  • bad feeling;
  • mental disorder;
  • change of consciousness;
  • social degradation;
  • unreasonable aggression.

There are times when a bewitched woman begins to behave immorally. This is due to the suppression of her will. She can find a way out in alcohol or drugs to drown out what is happening in the soul. The woman is out of control. The use of black magic leads to even more serious consequences:

  • psychical deviations;
  • serious illness;
  • disruption of social ties.

The action of a strong love spell can spread to the children and loved ones of the customer, as well as the one who was bewitched. If you suddenly want to remove it, then it will be almost impossible to do this.

The performer and the victim of the love spell will no longer be able to meet true love. After all, both will fall into dependence on each other and will not be able to sincerely love a worthy person. Therefore, before making a love spell, you need to think about what the consequences might be, what price you have to pay for a person’s love.

Sometimes it's worth thinking about starting a new life, meeting a good girl and letting go of old love and relationships. A love spell is a harmless occupation and an extreme case that you should not resort to so as not to be responsible for the terrible consequences in the future.

In any case, if a man is unrequitedly in love, cannot return his beloved and suffers greatly, he himself has the right to choose what to do with these feelings, how to bewitch a woman and whether he needs it.

Love spell for a girl or woman

How to get a girl's attention? Beloved, the only, the most wonderful, the one you dream of? Especially if she doesn't want to see you?

Or, even worse, treats him like a friend? Passion sometimes comes out of hatred, but making a beloved out of a friend is much more difficult.

And then many guys wonder how to bewitch a girl? This is quite unusual, men rarely resort to divination or witchcraft at the behest of their hearts, but what can you not do for love?

A love spell on a girl's love is a delicate process, here you need to be careful and follow some rules. Firstly, all magical actions in order to get your beloved must be taken on Friday - the so-called "Venus Day". The strongest love spell of a girl is Friday.

Do not confuse love with sex - formulate your desires accurately and choose the appropriate rite - otherwise problems cannot be avoided! When making a love spell on a girl from a photo, select a picture in which she is captured alone, without her friends - also in order to avoid unexpected and not always pleasant consequences.

You need to read the words provided for this or that type of love spell quietly, but firmly and confidently, concentrating your thoughts on the girl, imagining a situation in which the goal of the love spell is achieved. It is better to learn words by heart, and practice reading them.

A love spell on a girl's love is an extreme measure, a way for a desperate guy.

If you can approach her and talk to her (a psychologist helps some people gain self-confidence) - half the battle is already done. If you have something to talk about - consider that you are ready to conquer a girl's heart. It is not so important for girls how a fan looks, men take it with their charm, brutality, inner strength and confidence, which psychologists around the world do not get tired of repeating. This is especially important in our progressive age, when the image of a refined, effeminate youth has replaced the harsh macho. At the same time, women's need for protection has not gone away.

In any case, if a person is nothing and cannot even talk to a girl he likes, a love spell will not help. She will not be able to leave, but there will be no happiness in this. Being close to a hated person whom you cannot leave is the worst punishment. Think about it, are you ready to condemn your beloved to this? And is it love?

How to make a love spell on a girl is a rare request in a search engine, but folk wisdom in matters of love spells also took care of the guys. There are many ways to perform such a ceremony, and you just need to choose the one that suits you - based on the availability of the necessary items, the compliance of the method with your moral and aesthetic principles, and other criteria.

A love spell of a girl from a photo is a very common way of getting love in the modern world. Social networks and a color printer will help you in this matter. Before dawn, put nine candles in a circle, light them clockwise and place a photograph of your beloved in the center of the circle.

With the right heel, you need to step on the girl's face, and at the same time read the words of the love spell three times.

By conducting such a ritual for three nights in a row, you can achieve a significant relationship with a girl - in every sense. The love spell of a girl from the photo is an easy, so-called "white" love spell.

If you see a girl often enough and know her personally, you can try to make a love spell on her hair. To do this, you need the girl's hair, your hair and a wax candle. At midnight, mix your hair together (this should be done in silence and solitude, by candlelight). Fill them with wax, roll into a ball, and continue pouring wax until the hair is completely hidden by it. At the same time, read the words of the love spell continuously.

Wear the ball for a day next to the body, and then throw it into the fire, imagining how the smoke blowing into the sky conveys your feelings to your loved one. If the love spell was successful - you yourself will understand this by the changed behavior of the object.

In the end, you can just buy cream buns (or open cakes), add your sperm to cream or icing, read the plot and treat your girlfriend - the result is guaranteed!

Experts in the field of esotericism argue about the method of adding sperm - to collect it beforehand and then add it, or to ejaculate directly on the confection. It's a matter of taste, but taste shouldn't be a problem. If a girl finds out about your extravagant display of tenderness, the love spell will not work. And you will gain a reputation as a pervert.

Any love spell (including on a girl) is evil, and its consequences are always deplorable. There is no division into black and white love spells - it is conditional, but responsibility cannot be avoided. White spells are those spells that have a weaker effect on the victim, but they also do not hit the spellcaster as powerfully as black ones. Love spells with any biomaterials are definitely black, they greatly suppress the will of a person, it is difficult to fight them, and, therefore, the retribution for using this method to attract a loved one will be quick and disproportionate.

Negative consequences arise for all sides of the love spell - even if the man was afraid to read the terrible words himself and ordered a love spell to the magician.

Such a coward responds as a "spell orderer" and may lose sleep, acquire alcohol, drug, toxic addiction, and chronic depression. Depending on the method of love spell, it can turn into nightmares, loss of appetite, various health problems for the customer and the performer in one person and the victim.

Think a thousand times - is the game worth the candle? Isn't it better to try to earn true love, and not be content with a "surrogate" of feelings?

A love spell on a girl's love that will definitely work: we read at home

In modern society, men are still perceived as earners. It is believed that "running" for girls below manhood and long courtship is a delay in the inevitable rejection. However, such an approach is destructive from all sides, because true love is given to a person to experience only once. That is why, if you are sure that this or that woman is your soul mate, it is important to do everything possible to achieve her, even a love spell that will definitely work.

The choice of bouquets, the difficulty in choosing topics for conversation during a date, the painful attempts to consider the presence of sympathy in the eyes - all this is sheer nonsense. The real problems begin when the girl completely refuses to reciprocate, explaining this with a thousand reasons, to figure out the truth among which is not an occupation for the faint of heart.

There are cases when such difficulties can be solved by a reassessment of values ​​​​and a revision of the line of behavior. If you understand that a potential partner is not satisfied in a particular relationship, and eliminate these shortcomings, then the situation will resolve itself. But alas, this method does not always work, and rational thinking fails. It is replaced by non-standard solutions, and with them magic.

Carrying out magical rites is a rather specific process. It requires not only certain knowledge and willpower, but also the presence of innate abilities. Such a love spell on a girl can be read at home, without turning to magicians and sorcerers for help.

How to make a love spell on a girl that will definitely work?

Men who do not have much practice in magical matters should turn to conspiracies and village magic, which does not require anything from the practitioner except awareness. It is considered the least strong, soft and relatively safe. The most popular love spell on a girl - according to the photo. For him, any corresponding conspiracy is taken, which is read out exactly 4 times to all cardinal points. At the same time, you need to hold a photograph of your beloved in your hands, turning counterclockwise with it.

In general, any love spells on things are very effective. They will definitely work quickly and efficiently, only if the item taken was really important for the girl. Exactly the same principle of love spell works with conspiracies on hair and favorite treats - they are all common and well-known.

Turning to magic, it is important to know: the situation can turn against the fortune-teller. Being interested in the consequences of love spells, one can find cases when the “victims”, complete with the obsession with a specific person, received a whole bunch of illnesses and personal troubles. If the basic rules are violated, the consequences can be very different.

Ensuring the safety of both parties is an important part of preparing for any of the above rituals. As you take care of yourself and your loved one, remember:

  • you can not resort to "black" magic. It is very easy to recognize her: in such conspiracies we are talking about the death or withering of a girl in the event of a break in relations (“she will die, wither, dry up” - and everything like that);
  • you should not resort to love spells, whose action should be carried out in a cemetery. The resting place of the dead has a very strong energy field, but it cannot be called clean

Two texts of powerful love spells of a girl

You will need 9 church thin candles and a photograph of your beloved. Before dawn, a circle is made of candles, then the candles are lit and a photograph is placed face up in the center. They step on the photo with their right heel and say the plot three times:

“As my heel presses you hard, so let you be drawn to me. It is gratifying with me, it is hard without me. Sim words lock, and the key - the fish in the mouth. Amen".

The ceremony is held 3 nights in a row.

Looking into your eyes

Midnight ritual. A man picks up a photo of his beloved, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the love spell 7 times:

“As I love you, God's servant (girl's name), so you cannot do without me, God's servant (your name). So be it. My words are law. Amen".

After the conspiracy, the picture must be hidden in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

  1. Rites performed by men should be performed during the day. The ideal time is just before sunset. The place for this should be chosen appropriately. Of the criteria for it: privacy, silence and the presence of open space. Magic, as an extremely thin matter, does not accept unnecessary witnesses.
  2. You can tell fortunes only on certain days of the week. For men it is Tuesday, Monday and Thursday.
  3. When uttering a spell, repetition will not be superfluous. Duplication of own words is akin to glue - the more it is, the more correct the result. At the same time, reading the text on a piece of paper is the last thing. Words must be learned by heart.
  4. A man who resorts to a love spell should look good. We are talking about clean clothes, a clean body and clean thoughts. In a person, everything should be harmonious and holistic.
  5. And the last thing that should never be forgotten: do not start conjuring without learning how to defend yourself. Find ways to back off (if there are any), learn how to block and recognize danger. This is the only way to save both yourself and your loved one from possible difficulties.

Reading such love spells at home, you must understand that you are taking on a huge responsibility. If everything works out, then it will be impossible to turn the dry.

Taking into account all the above methods, it must be said: no divination guarantees the successful development of interpersonal relationships. A love spell causes a person to have a powerful attraction to the initiator, but does not change his character, habits or behavior. Mutual understanding will have to be achieved in the simplest, universal ways. All in your hands!

A few words about the love spells of girls from a famous parapsychologist:

Love spell on a girl that will definitely work

The friendly period in relations of opposite sexes ends sooner or later and the turn of such an intriguing question as “Does she love me?” If a man immediately receives the desired answer, he rejoices and continues to court the girl with great trepidation. But what to do if the chosen one says “no” and you can’t achieve her favor with flowers, words of love, or expensive gifts? A love spell on a girl will come to the rescue of the stronger sex, which you can read at home and know that it will definitely work.

Love spell for a girl who likes you

Mediums say that it is most effective to read love spells for a girl using a variety of household items on special days. These are the "men's" days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Compliance with the subtleties of magical action will not keep you waiting long. Beloved will inflame with mutual feelings and will follow you, even to the ends of the world.

Preparation for the event

We give you a strong love spell for a girl, available for reading to any man who is confident in his feelings. But we hasten to warn you: the success of the magical sacrament directly depends on how possible the connection with the beauty you like is. If a guy is nice to a girl, magic will help strengthen friendship and move relations to a new level. When the connection does not go well initially, witchcraft leads to unpredictable consequences. The love spell recommended by us is completely safe for a girl. Its effect will be positive.

Order of conduct

Stock up on a dozen candles (buy 12 from the church), a mirror, a pencil, and a piece of paper. Perform the sacrament on a table or a perfectly clean floor.

  1. Place the candles in a circle with a diameter of about 70 cm.
  2. Place the mirror in the center and sit opposite.
  3. Place a sheet in front of the mirror with the inscription of the full names - the beloved and yours just below.

Say the following text:

“I call on cosmic energy, the power of nature, goodness and love to help. I love this girl with all my heart and wish our unity forever. As an inseparable whole, we will do good and be honest with each other. For my part, I promise to love only her and improve further. I let go of my vices for the sake of great pure love and hope for reciprocity. Universe, unite our names in space now and forever!”

Extinguish the cinders and hide with the "named" piece of paper. Burn the bundle after 3 months.

Love spell on a photo

Read this love spell on Friday night on the eve of the full moon or any day of the week in the late evening. In addition to the photograph, you will also need some of the girl's hair, a round mirror, 8 candles and a white cloth.

Use items like this:

  1. Lay out the white cloth on the table.
  2. Arrange the candles in a circle and light.
  3. Place a mirror in the circle of fire and sit so that the nearest flame is reflected in front of you.
  4. Move your palms over the fire three times and burn your hair on the nearby candle.
  5. Say: “Once this girl is mine, I will love and cherish her so that not a single hair falls from her beloved’s head. I promise to be protection and support at all times for her.
  6. Position the photo so that the head in the picture turns towards you.
  7. Looking at the reflection of the face of your beloved, say: “I love you, and I will not refuse until the end of my days. The light forces of the universe will build our relationship, and you will always be mine.
  8. Lean the photo against the mirror and pass it over the fire in a circle 3 times.
  9. Hide the photo in an envelope and wait for the result. It will appear in 1-2 weeks.

Love spell of a beloved girl at a distance

The method refers to black magic. Works even if the couple is separated by a long distance. Use a black love spell in extreme cases.

Getting ready for

Wait until the waxing moon enters phases 2-3. The best day for black rituals is Friday, the 13th. But guessing the coincidence of several conditions is difficult, so you can limit yourself to any Friday close to the full moon.

What will you need

  • dense matter
  • Spool of black thread
  • Photo of a girl
  • black coal
  • New needles - 13 pcs.
  • Fresh beeswax
  • Thin black candles - 13 pcs.

Preparation note

A piece of wax, if absent, can be replaced with sweet dough. Instead of a photograph, use a sheet of paper on which, in black block letters, write the full name of your loved one. And draw next to the sign with which your love is associated. When creating a picture, mentally keep your favorite image in front of you. If you managed to get the girl's hair, insert it into the hole pierced in the paper.

Instructions for conducting a love spell

  1. Spread the fabric and outline it with charcoal on the table top.
  2. Put all the attributes in the center, except for the candles.
  3. Place candles around the perimeter of the impromptu circle and light.
  4. Set fire to the photo from the candle and say: “Burn, zealous heart of your beloved, burn with love for me. Servant of God (name), be passionate and passionate with me, a servant of God (such and such).
  5. All material is for informational purposes only provided by our visitors! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be careful not to fall for the bait of scammers.

Today I will talk about such a little covered topic in the modern magical Internet, how to bewitch a girl to a girl. And from experience, I know that the vast majority of our domestic magicians and witches do not even want to hear about magical help for representatives of sexual minorities, believing that they, for reasons completely unknown to me, deserve neither love nor happiness.

But the truth and I will say that those who would like to order such a love spell from me (and I own sects, how to bewitch a girl through food or bewitch a girl with words to another girl), cannot count on 100% my consent. First, I always reserve the right to decline any request for help. And secondly, before taking on such extraordinary cases, I simply have to conduct a magical diagnosis, on the basis of which I can say whether I am allowed to help you specifically.

And any girl in love, before bewitching a girl to choose a spell, and even more so to apply, must understand that the Higher Forces, to whom she turns for help, are not some kind of bureau of good offices. In love spells, they help only those who:

- really sincerely loves;

- will be able to make his partner happy;

- will not cause her harm or harm;

- and certainly will not take the place of a person who is assigned to the victim of a love spell by fate.

It is in order to find out the answers to all these questions that magical diagnostics are carried out before bewitching a girl to a girl. Without it, it is difficult to understand whether you will give happiness to another person if you cast a love spell on him. And it will not turn out that you will take someone else's place, and thereby change (and, perhaps, not for the better) the fate of two people at once.

But carried out before bewitching a girl through food, the diagnosis will answer other questions. That is why I so insist that it must be carried out in any case - and before you order a love spell from me, or turn to other agamas for help. And before you bewitch the girl, you will cast the spell yourself, performing some kind of home love spell.

Girl how to bewitch a girl spell

Well, now about how a girl can bewitch a girl with words. Firstly, before you bewitch a girl to a girl, you need to carefully check yourself to find out the state of your energies. A fairly large number of articles have already been published on my site, allowing you to find out if you can practice a ritual, how to bewitch a girl through food, or allow you to bewitch a girl with words. Therefore, let me not waste time repeating this information, but immediately continue.

And so - the second - buy four candles. Candles must be cast from white wax. Light one of them. On its fire, heat the other two and bend slightly in the middle. Dripping wax (but there should be no soot or soot in the drops of wax), attach them to the fourth candle so that the design of three candles resembles a childbearing womb.

Quarters of a candle, without extinguishing, attach at the base of this design. On it and lean the photo of the one you are casting a love spell on. And the photo should stay in your apartment before you cast a spell on the girl, at least 6 days!

Now the magic words that you also need to learn before you bewitch a girl to a girl:

"From the bottom of my belly,

My love rises.

Rises to heart and soul

Because you are nice to me.

You live in my heart!

You burn my bosom with fire!

You're drying up my mind!

And you don't share my love!

Share my feeling, please!

I'm burning a candle for you!

I open my bosom towards you,

I completely accept you (name of the girl)!

You will now be in me!

Be faithful and devoted to me!

You will love just as much

How I love you!

My love and your love will be one!

After that, you need to carefully remove the burning candle from the structure, and drip wax into all four corners of the photo. The photo should be hidden. After a day or two, the girl on whom you cast a love spell will begin to reach out to you, unable to resist the effects of the induced witchcraft.

And now about how you can bewitch a girl through food.

How else can a girl bewitch a girl with words for food

I bring, continuing to tell how to bewitch a girl, a spell that should be cast on food. And before you bewitch a girl through food, you must bake an even number of pies with any fresh red pitted berries. Having selected from the baking sheet (at first visually) 3 of the most beautiful pies, take them one at a time, reading a spell for each, which allows you to bewitch the girl with words for food:

“I only bake for you!

I wish you one!

I love you alone!

Mother (name) taught me,

Yes, out of love for you (name)

Didn't protect!

But I won't listen to my mother!
I (your name) will bake a pie,

So that you (name) can eat!

The pie is sweet!

Love is strong!
You will love me!

How warm are the pies!

So our love is strong!

fluffy pie,

With fragrant stuffing

Bring (name) to me!

They told me (name) to love her!

I didn't find the pie!

I baked it myself!

Therefore, when (name) will you eat!

And you will listen to my will-order!
You can't give up!
So you (name) should be my soul mate!

Only after that put the selected and charmed pie on a clean towel. Having wrapped all three pies in it, immediately bring them to the girl you are bewitching. Let her eat at least one, and then the love spell will begin to affect her.

It is very important before you bewitch a girl to a girl with a similar method, to find the “right” towel. And its presence is sometimes much more important than a spell that helps how to bewitch a girl. The towel should be:

- homespun;

- hand-embroidered by you;

- never unwashed;

- and never used.

Only in this case will you be able to bewitch the girl very strongly with words for food, in the way that I, the magician Maxim, described a little earlier, and which any girl can use to kindle strong love in a person of her gender.