Why a cat lies on a person: hypotheses and signs. Why does a cat like to lie on a person? The cat lies on its stomach and purrs

Everyone knows that cats love to sleep in front of people, but not everyone thinks why they do it. Reflections on this topic and some facts allow us to identify 5 visible, and one additional reason for this behavior.

Cat lovers do not see anything strange in the manners of their wards. Cats are individual, some of them are very people to sit on their hands or knees, and you will not wait for attention from others. Interestingly, even the grouches of the feline world stealthily sneak into bed and sleep on their owners.

There is a downside - the owners themselves. Many people say that they are more comfortable sleeping with a cat. In winter, a “live heating pad” is simply irreplaceable, some are calmed by the peaceful purring of their wards. If you think about it, this is not about the manners of the tailed one, but about the mutual dependence of a person and a cat..

We will not delve into human psychology. In the end, each person can answer the question for himself why he loves cats and their company. The behavior of tetrapods is more difficult to interpret, since the study of animal psychology is based solely on observation.

So, the first and obvious reason is that a cat sleeps on a person because it is warmer. Think about it and you will quickly conclude that your pet is very partial to heat sources. The cat welcomes the dawn with joy, as the sun's rays bring warmth. The pet with bliss stretches on the windowsill, exposing its sides to the sun's rays, this happens even in summer. With the onset of cold weather and the heating season, the four-legged with great tenacity occupies all heating radiators suitable for sleep. Moreover, you can’t force a four-legged to lie under the battery, she definitely needs to climb up, where it’s warmer.

The human body has a fairly high temperature, and if you lie under a blanket, then the heat is retained. A cat stubbornly pushing its way into your bed is looking for warmth and comfort. Some four-legged animals are very proud, they wait until the owner falls asleep and even then they get under the covers. Whether a cat will sleep on a person or lie down next to it depends on its need for comfort.

Note! Cats sleep in public when they are bored, so they both keep warm and compensate for their need for close contact with the owner.

The next reason is convenience.. Cats are picky about sleeping conditions. Naturally, having no alternatives, the four-legged will sleep in the corner and on the bare floor, but when there is a choice. Where only the owners do not find their pets, in boxes with clean towels, in laundry baskets or in the "bowels" of a casually thrown jacket. All hot spots are united by a common feature - the softness of the surface. How soft and warm is it to sleep on a person's stomach? By cat standards, it's just bliss.

Lack of attention or communication, the cat seeks affection by any means. Pets purr, gently trample the owner with their paws and try in every possible way to be in close contact. While a person is standing or walking, the tailed meows, runs after him and rubs against his legs. Such behavior can also be considered a compensation for communication, even if the ward interferes with you in some way. How many times have you tried to kick a cat out of bed and it comes back again and again? If this happens, it is worth considering whether you are paying enough attention to your pet. Cats are not known for being obtrusive, and even if they come to sleep on you, after that, they lay down next to you or go to the sunbed.

Important! Lack of attention and communication adversely affects the psyche of a cat. When an animal feels abandoned, it falls into. If life circumstances force you to be away for a long time, consider getting a second cat or taking a pet with you (on trips, business trips, vacations).

All cats, even those whose character is sometimes unbearable, love their owners. Attachment is genetically determined, as caudates and humans have lived side by side for centuries. By laying down on your lap, the ward demonstrates his love and trust. Cats do not eat, do not sleep and do not take a nap where it is dangerous.

From the above, the following reason follows - need for security. The desire for peace is one of the three unconditioned reflexes transmitted to all living beings from ancient ancestors. Just as reflexively, a cat considers a person a strong predator, a leader, a daredevil and a protector. The pet knows that the owner will not let her offend and falls asleep in his arms without fear.

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Most cats enter a new home as babies. Some kittens are artificially fed and they consider the human savior "mother" all their lives. Adult cats who have grown up with relatives strive in every possible way, to rub everywhere and leave their scent markers.

Animals raised without a mother or transferred to a new home too small are less concerned about their smells. For them, the smell of the owner is a symbol of safety, care and comfort. Thus, falling asleep in her arms, the cat falls into a state of boundless peace.

Note! Sexually mature cats are not indifferent to the smell of human sweat and may try to lie down on the chest or under the arm of the owner, as they like the scent.

Some pets like to sleep on the owner's chest and there is a reason for this too - heartbeat sound. Even people notice that there is something hypnotic and soothing in the measured beat of the heart. Young kittens tend to sleep on the owner's chest as they are used to hearing their mother's heartbeat and many animals retain this need into adulthood.

If you love cats, you must have heard, or maybe even encountered, temperamental four-legged animals. Such pets behave like leaders, protect their owners and children. Brave quadrupeds are capable of unexpected actions, they rush into battle without hesitation or even guard the house. A special temperament is due to the dominant position in the family, that is, your pet feels like the head of the pride.

Many admire lions and are surprised at the same time, because if you watch programs about wild cats, you get the impression that the king of beasts is a lazy person and a dictator. Indeed, the lion sleeps most of the day, eats what the lionesses have got and always gets the first piece. He decides who will be in the pack and who will leave, which lioness will have offspring, and who will remain on errands. All this is true, but when the pride is in danger, only the lion is responsible for everything.

He guards the territory, he enters into deadly fights, he is the last to leave the sights of poachers, he does everything to save the lives of lionesses and cubs. Of course, domesticated cats have gone through many stages of evolution and have lost some of their skills, but respect for the pride hierarchy lives on in them to this day.

Not only a person can take care of the health of his pet, but vice versa

Cats delight us not only with their beauty and communication. In families where there are animals, people get sick less, the moral climate is better, and the relationship between households is more cordial. Cats calm us down, bring warmth, comfort, beauty to our home, distract us from everyday worries with their gentle purring.

It has long been proven that cat owners are 3 times less likely to suffer from heart disease, they have a 30% lower risk of cancer compared to those who do not have pets. This pattern is explained by their increased immunity, which helps to resist various ailments.

Children who are brought up in a family with animals are much less likely to get sick, as they are more resistant to various infections.

Sometimes the knowledge that someone needs a person can save his life. For many elderly people who do not leave the house, the cat literally becomes the only companion, giving not only love and communication, but also the feeling that you can be useful to someone, which means that life is not without meaning.

Stroking a cat relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, improves well-being. In medical institutions, employees found that their wards improved in physical condition and mood, and sleep was normal without sleeping pills after a cat was brought to visit them.

Studies confirm that a person receives positive emotions not only from the process of communicating with cats, but also from the process of creating figurines and drawing pictures of cats. Therefore, it is very useful to draw and photograph cats for those who suffer from stress, who have complaints of poor memory and hand tremors.

Cat home doctor

Cats seem to be aware of their role and know who needs attention or displays of love - this is their sixth sense.

Our fluffy pets have a wonderful ability to normalize human energy metabolism. They are very fond of warmth and well distinguish the difference in temperature even by half a degree, so if, for example, your knee is inflamed and hurts, she will gladly lie down with a warm stomach on the inflamed joint. Living warmth is very effective in soothing this kind of pain, and you and your cat will both be happy. So any cat can be said to be a “medical breed”.

If you want to always be healthy, then carefully look at the behavior of the cat. If your cat often clings to you, lies on your chest or legs, then you may be in danger of exacerbating a chronic disease.

A cat heals you when it licks or licks your ear, because there are many acupuncture points on the ear. By acting on them, a cat can even prevent a heart attack or a nervous breakdown.

If you feel tired, deprived of vitality, then you definitely need to get a cat and take it in your arms more often. And it is better to do this after the cat sleeps and gains strength.

If you often have irritability, you cannot calm down, then this indicates an excess of energy. And this leads to neurasthenia, kidney and heart failure, arthritis and hypotension. In this case, a sleepy cat will help you - keep it on your lap more often and you will forget about such problems.

For those who are bothered by hypertension and osteochondrosis, a “cat collar” will come to the rescue - put the cat on your neck and let it stay on it for 3-4 minutes. Do this more often and you will immediately feel relief.

Pets have a harmonizing property, put in order the psycho-emotional state of their owner, but their main effect is imperceptible, delicate and vital for a person in modern conditions.

The pet "turns on" in the energy field of the owner and his family and acts in several guises at once: "battery", energy shield and "fuse".

There is a constant and powerful exchange of subtle energies between living organisms. The result is almost always positive and very beneficial to the person. Unfortunately, the animals themselves often get sick with about the same ailments that their owners suffer from.

You to me, I to you

But does the consumption of the vital energy of our pets take place unilaterally? This is wrong. Firstly We feed them, take care of them. Secondly, they give us mainly physical energy, and we give them spiritual energy. The exchange takes place only voluntarily, and the more the beast loves us, the more energy it gives us. If we are imbued with love for an animal, then the animal responds to our message. It will not work to deceive: the process takes place at the level of the unconscious, and the subconscious cannot be carried out.
When communicating with a person, pets become personalities, this happens due to the “connection” to the human spirit. In close interaction with a person, the animal helps its owner to follow the path of fate, often giving his life. The evolution of the soul of the animal takes place. Therefore, very often animals and their owners become similar in appearance to each other. What can you do - a common biofield. The same phenomenon of bioenergetic interaction is associated with the custom of honoring a totem animal among ancient tribes, which gives more opportunities for survival in harsh conditions. Ancient people were by no means as primitive as we think.

From long-term observations, certain conclusions can be drawn.

Firstly, healthy people tend to have healthy animals. Secondly, the owner's concern for his physical and spiritual health allows him to have healthy pets. Third If you treat an animal, then you should not forget about its owner, who is often the main source of the disease in his pet.

The very behavior of pets, often causing irritation in the owners, can be quite reasonable.

For example, when a cat urinates in the wrong places on things, then pay attention: most often, she does this on the things of people with problematic energy. The animal thus levels the energy of the place, neutralizing negative radiation. A cat can wrinkle its paws or lie on a sore spot of a person, sometimes just sit next to it. At this time, excess energy is discharged and negative energy is received for processing.

Quite often, the animal dies, completely giving itself to the good of the owner. This is especially clearly observed when a person is sick, when during the period of exacerbation of the disease a similar condition occurs in his animal, and the person becomes better. At the same time, strong attachment in cats can overpower the sense of self-preservation. As a result, the animal gives itself without a trace.

I don't know about one such case. In our veterinary clinic, a cat was treated, the owner of which suddenly discovered severe diabetes mellitus. She ended up in the hospital with frightening test results. What was the surprise of the doctors when suddenly the woman became much better, the test results approached the norm. But her cat, as they say, "fell down overnight." When she went to the clinic, the level of sugar in her blood just went off scale. The whole family was very kind to the "savior", doing everything necessary for her recovery.

Or: a completely healthy young cat suddenly begins to urinate blood from the very hour that the kidney of his owner is opened on the operating table, and spontaneously heals as soon as the person improves. There was no direct physical contact, but some kind of connection between the animal and the person was and was preserved at a distance. We can say that this is a mere coincidence, but when such coincidences occur all the time, one has to think, but are they coincidences? There are many such examples. Any veterinarian will probably remember a couple of such cases.

That's how .

Animals help not only people, but also each other. If there is more than one animal in the house, then they sympathize with each other when one of them is sick. The cat sits for hours next to the sick dog, which before, she did not care. The dog seeks to protect the sick cat, carefully looks after her.

In cats, the time of energy exposure is usually strictly limited for each case. Usually it depends both on the state of human health and on the well-being of the animal itself.

The use of animals to treat humans is fairly well known. It has been scientifically proven that pets can have an incredibly powerful therapeutic effect. They, as it were, project the problems of the owners onto themselves, thus allowing, through love and care, to restore human health. On the basis of this amazing phenomenon, a whole science arose -animal therapy , that is, the treatment of people through their interaction with animals.

From time immemorial, pets have accompanied a person, experiencing with him the grief and joy of life, including pregnancy. The owner of the purr, most likely, wondered: “The cat lies on my stomach. Does he know about the baby? »

Of course, it has not been officially proven that mustaches feel, and indeed have an idea about human pregnancy. However, there are many examples that speak and confirm this fact. Cats, however, like dogs, can catch the slightest changes in the behavior, mood, and hormonal background of the owner. They are great at reading and understanding body language.

Cautious movements, a decrease in the activity of a woman, can give the pet a sign that something is happening. Changes in the usual way of life (for example, less attention is paid to a mustachioed pet) is also a bright sign of impending change.

Some people do not believe that cats feel pregnancy, because they are not so strongly attached to the owner. But if you find out the opinion of a female owner of a cat who was pregnant, she will unequivocally answer that yes, the purr paid special attention to her stomach, very often lay down on it. In some cases, a cat can calm a raging baby with its paw, gently stroking its stomach.

There are even cases when a feline representative predicted pregnancy. This, as a rule, is expressed in the fact that the animal begins to constantly lie down on the hostess's stomach, sleep on it, or simply be near it. Some women did not even have an idea about the miracle that had happened, but their pets were already “communicating” with the baby.

Although not everything can be so good. A negative development of the situation is also possible. Some cats, feeling the hostess's pregnancy, begin to behave aggressively, throwing themselves on the stomach, scratching it and even biting, and also begin to shit where it is not supposed to. Most likely, they know in advance that their place in the family will soon become secondary.

Based on the foregoing, a pregnant woman should make a very serious decision: keep a pet or give it away. After all, it is quite difficult to predict behavior, and plus, doctors often have a negative attitude towards living a pregnant woman and a newborn with a mustachioed one. The reason for this is toxoplasmosis. You can get it by cleaning the cat litter or kissing an animal.

Although, scientists say that if a woman had contact with cats at an early age, she develops immunity. But, nevertheless, if you don’t want to give your pet to strangers, you should follow some rules:

  • a pregnant woman should not clean the tray;
  • be sure to wash your hands after each contact with the cat;
  • raw meat and fish should be excluded from the pet's diet.

It is worth saying, if you are careful, then cats and the hostess's pregnancy are compatible. After all, these fluffy lumps bring so much joy that it has a very positive effect on the mood of a woman, and therefore on the whole pregnancy.

To believe or not whether cats feel the hostess's pregnancy is a purely personal matter, but the slightest changes in the pet's behavior can say a lot. The main thing in combining pregnancy and living purrs is hygiene.

Cats are perhaps the main four-legged "heroes" of most lullabies. From time immemorial, while rocking their babies, mothers asked the mustachioed for help - they called them to shake the cradle and bring naps for their son or daughter. All this, of course, is no coincidence. Cats have been sleeping next to humans since they became pets from walkers in their own right.

And this despite the fact that during wakefulness, many of them diligently protect their independence, do not go into their hands and generally look down on their owners. I wonder why cats like to sleep in front of people?

Does a cat sleep with a human for comfort?

The simplest explanation seems to be the most plausible. Cats are very fond of comfort, and the master's bed, to be honest, is the best place in the house. A sleeping person, moreover, is safe - he will not climb with tenderness.

As a heating pad, it is simply irreplaceable: cats, whose normal body temperature is 2-3 degrees higher than ours, find it difficult to warm themselves. By the way, during the heating season, the tailed ones often “cheat” us with batteries, which are unlike warmer than people. True, they are somewhat harsh, and therefore the mustachioed sissies have to return to the master's bed after a while.

Another plus in favor of a person is safety. The predatory nature of cats makes them on their guard all the time. And under the protection of a large two-legged creature, you can relax a little.

In short, the master's bed is comfortable, warm and safe - that's why the cat sleeps next to the person.

If we are talking about a cat baby, he has an additional argument in favor of co-sleeping with a person. Newborn kittens sleep in a big company - with their mother, brothers and sisters. When you take a mustache home, you automatically replace everyone with it and, looking for a family, naturally, the kitten sleeps on a person.

If a cat sleeps on a person, does it mean that it considers it its own?

But they just know very well how the “native” person smells, and this smell for them is one of the signs of peace and stability. A kind of sedative that makes sleep so deep and sweet. Some tailed "gourmets" may also find the fragrance of the shampoo, shower gel or deodorant used by the owner attractive. So pussy combines pleasant with pleasant - a restful sleep with "aromatherapy".

Why do cats come to sleep with a person: I sleep and purr - I want to treat you

If not every first, then every second cat owner, answering the question why a cat or a cat lies on a person, will definitely say that the animal is treating the owner. And let there be no official confirmation of this phenomenon, but there are no denials either.

There are hundreds and even thousands of cases when, according to cat breeders, pets made “diagnoses” for them, going to bed on the same sore spot day after day. Skeptics say that cats sleep on humans because the temperature of the diseased organ is usually higher than the temperature of the rest of the body, and the animal simply warms up there.

But those who believe in feline superpowers are firmly convinced that the mustachioed feel places with bad energy and can neutralize it. But since none of these "believers" can say exactly what bad energy is and what physical process is behind it, then these statements should not be taken as true.

To believe or not to believe in the feline talent to heal in a dream is a personal matter for everyone. The main thing is that this belief does not go beyond common sense and does not replace going to the doctor. By the way, no one has yet canceled the placebo effect.

There is another version of why cats love to sleep on humans. They do it because the owners like it. After all, no matter how our pets swagger, no matter how independent they take on, we still know that they love us. They just don't want to admit it.

The most common home "healers" are cats. If the owner manages to establish a trusting relationship with them, then the cats are able to find and treat the sore spots of their owner.

They lie down on this place, purr, warm it with their warmth - and the pain recedes. In a serious situation, the cat may not leave the patient for several hours. According to statistics, cat lovers go to doctors almost 5 times less often than those who do not have them.

1. With cardiovascular diseases

There are many stories about how cats saved people from a heart attack and a hypertensive crisis. The cat may even warn of a possible attack. Cat owners know that their pets sometimes begin to flirt when their owner is very irritated or stressed.

A cat in the house reduces the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction. In a person who has recently had an attack, blood pressure and pulse normalize after he strokes his beloved cat for several minutes.

2. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Stroking cats is also good for digestion. Short-haired or hairless cats (Sphinxes, Siamese, Oriental, Abyssinian, Tonkin, Korats, Egyptian Mau) are usually better than other breeds in treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

3. With stress and fatigue

Cats are able to relieve fatigue, stress, migraine, lower blood pressure, normalize the pulse. Long-haired cats - Siberian, Angora, Persian, Burmese, Norwegian forest cats are considered to be excellent psychotherapists and neuropathologists, which help people suffering from insomnia, irritability, and depression.

Black cats take twice as much negative energy from a person as cats of other colors. Red cats themselves give off positive energy. Cream-colored cats “tone up” our energy, while gray-blue ones calm us down. White cats are unsurpassed healers in terms of performance.

4. To improve immunity

If you listen to a cat's purr every day, performed at a frequency of 4 - 16 Hz, this will have a positive effect on immunity. Scientists suggest that purring is similar to ultrasound treatment, which accelerates wound healing, growth and strengthening of bones. Persian cats are able to relieve joint pain and symptoms of osteochondrosis.

5. To increase life expectancy

Scientists at the Institute of Gerontology studied the effect of cats on the life expectancy of their owners and came to the conclusion that people who kept a cat in their house all their lives live an average of 10.3 years longer than those who did not have a cat. Cat owners had better blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels were lower.

6 Acupuncturist Cats

Cats are also able to act as an "acupuncturist": when they climb onto the owner and, purring, release their claws, they irritate the reflexogenic zones, as in a real acupuncture session. This method of treatment has long been used in folk medicine.

7. Cats as an energy information device

Bioenergetics believe that a cat is a real energy-information device. According to them, if a cat often lies on his owner's head, he most likely has hypertension or a tendency to headaches. If the pet lies on the left shoulder blade or shoulder, this indicates heart problems. The cat lies on the lower back if it "feels" problems with the kidneys, on its feet - if the owner suffers from low blood pressure or often catches a cold. published