What rituals can be done on Ivan Kupala. Rites, omens and divination for Ivan Kupala. Divination for the future fate

The holiday of Ivan Kupala was previously celebrated on June 24, but due to the transition to a new style, it is now celebrated in July. On July 7, 2017, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates, first of all, the Nativity of the glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. However, in Russia, many holidays also include non-canonical rituals. Ivan Kupala Day- one of the most mystical folk holidays, and the night on the eve of Ivan Kupala surpasses the day itself in terms of ritual content. It should be noted that since the Middle Ages, rituals and games for Ivan Kupala were considered demonic and were forbidden by church authorities. But, despite the unambiguous condemnation of the traditions of Ivan Kupala, some of them are still alive.

Rites for Ivan Kupala

The ancient Slavs on Ivan Kupala especially revered two cleansing, protective and healing elements: Fire and Water. The energy of Fire, as a symbolic manifestation of the Sun God, was connected with the energy of Mother Water, therefore, the rites on the day of Ivan Kupala are associated with water, fire and nature.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - bonfires on Ivan Kupala

On Ivan Kupala, large bonfires were lit on the edge of the village, sparks from which were supposed to fly to the very stars. Festivities unfolded near the fires: they arranged a common meal, danced round dances, sang songs and danced.

One of the important rites for Ivan Kupala was jumping over the Kupala fire. Whoever jumps the highest will be the luckiest, healthiest and most beautiful.

Guys with girls to secure their love jumped over the fire in twos holding hands. And women who have not had children for a long time, jumped over the fire in order to be cured of infertility.

Jumping over the Kupala fire has a number of will accept Ivan Kupala:

  • if you jump three times - the year will be healthy, prosperous, happy, successful;
  • if he suddenly stumbled - to illness;
  • if the fire is turned around with his foot, troubles will come in the family.

Then you definitely need to jump over the fire 9 times, mentally forming positive images.

Slavs believed that Kupala fire destroys all evil - diseases, misfortunes, poverty. That is why on it burned old, shabby clothes. There was a custom to throw a sick child's shirt into the Kupala fire. It was believed that his illness burned with her.

Often livestock were driven through the Kupala fire to protect her from pestilence.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - Great power of water

The rituals for Ivan Kupala did not end there. Having jumped over the fire, it was necessary immediately after that to rush into the water - "ice and flame" give an amazing cleansing effect. The girls tried to jump into the water in such a way that the wreath from their heads floated on the water.. A good sign for Ivan Kupala was when the wreath did not sink, but floated, the direction of its movement indicated where the matchmakers should come from.

It can be said that mass bathing - one of the main rites of Ivanov's day. The Slavs believed that on the night before the holiday, water bodies and mermaids leave the reservoirs, so you can fearlessly swim in them until Ilyin's day.

Washing their bodies in the Kupala water, the girls sang the magic words: “The water is pure Kupail, I want to be red and sweet. Kupala water, let me wash my face with beauty! By the way, if a person refused to swim on Ivan's Day, he was suspected of witchcraft.

At dawn on Ivan Kupala it was customary to wash with dew. Women always collected Kupala dew in a bottle. She helped get rid of acne, the skin became clean and tender. "Ivanov" dew was also used for eye diseases. The walls of their house were sprinkled with the same dew in order to protect the dwelling from evil spirits and insects.

On Ivan Kupala, they always bathed in the baths. At the same time, they used brooms and water infused with Ivanovo herbs (Ivanovo herbs consecrated in churches on John the Baptist are called Ivanovo). It was believed that the bath on the day of Ivan Kupala contributed to the strengthening and restoration of vitality and health.

The custom was widespread pour water on people you meet on Midsummer Day. This was done in order to bring rain during the hot season.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - collecting herbs on Ivan Kupala

All herbs and plants on Kupala night gain supernatural power- both evil and good. A marvelous color fern blossoms on Ivan Kupala. The fern flower is also called the "fire-color" because it is. according to legend, it burns with a red flame, so bright that it becomes clear at night as during the day, and the eyes cannot bear such a blinding light. Legend has it that anyone who pick a fern flower on Ivan Kupala, will acquire magical powers, be able to predict the future, learn to understand the language of birds, plants and animals, and also gain the ability to become invisible to human eyes. Fern flower is able to open any locks, iron locks and doors, will help to find treasures buried in the ground. It's just not that easy to get it. After all, not only people follow the flower of happiness, but also evil forces that are difficult to fight. They are trying to interfere, to divert attention. If, nevertheless, it was possible to find a flower of happiness, it was necessary to hide it on the heart under the clothes. Then he should take wormwood in his left hand and draw a circle around himself with chalk - then the evil forces will not be able to do anything to the lucky one.

Medicinal plants on Ivan Kupala harvested at dawn, away from settlements and roads, always in a good mood and with prayer. In addition to healing properties, plants have significant magical powers at this time.

Especially revered on Ivan Kupala grass tirlich
. A decoction of it was made necessarily in a new pot, which was bought without bargaining. They washed themselves with this decoction to attract the attention of the chosen one, saying three times: “Tirlich, tirlich! Call my dear!" Such a ceremony on Ivan Kupala was also carried out in order for the girl to get married faster.

Another love plant is periwinkle. They used it so that the guys "creeped" to the girls. They also prepared lovage, which was popularly called the "love root". They believed: in order to always remain young, beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex, one should bathe in water with a decoction of lovage, and in order to attract love, seven rosebuds can be added to the water.

In addition, St. John's wort was collected on Ivan Kupala- all evil spirits are afraid of him as well. like sunlight. And if pick the flower of Ivan da Marya on the night of Ivan Kupala and placed in the corners of the house, the thief will not approach this dwelling: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers of the plant) will talk to each other, and it will seem to the thief that the owner is talking to the mistress. Before drying herbs from Ivan's Day, they were consecrated in churches, and then they fumigated sick people with them, used them as amulets, threw them into a melted stove during a thunderstorm so that lightning would not strike the house.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala was a special time for pregnant women and those women who were just planning to conceive a child. They collected the following herbs: nettle, chamomile, thyme, string, lovage, wormwood. When the child is born, the mother will already have Kupala charmed herbs filled with generic strength and energy. They made tea from them, insisted it and added it to the font. So from the very first days, the mother helped to find the health of the baby. If you continue to bathe the girl, using Kupala herbs, until she is three years old, she will grow up to be a beauty that everyone around will love.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - Kupala wreath

On Ivan Kupala, not only women, but also men who wanted to find a mate to their hearts, wove a Kupala wreath. It must be woven into chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle and other medicinal herbs. After Kupala, such a wreath served as a talisman all year round. It was hung over the door - so that not a single unkind look would penetrate through it. If one of the household members fell ill, the hostess plucked some grass from the wreath and threw it into the decoctions, teas. Often, by the next Kupala holiday, only the rim, which was burned in the Kupala fire.

Protective rites for Ivan Kupala

  • On the Kupala night, happiness walks the earth, but with it, evil spirits. Therefore, in order to protect two days before the holiday, plucked burdocks were placed under the roof of the house.
  • On Kupala night, the hosts did not sleep, because evil spirits can spoil a horse, a cow or worse, move into the house forever.
  • To save yourself from misfortune, put nettles on the threshold and on the windowsills.
  • Girls on Ivan Kupala wore garlic in their belts.
  • The horses were locked up so that the witches would not steal them and ride them to Bald Mountain: a horse definitely would not return alive from there!

photo by D.Frolov fotograf-frolov.com

Ivana Kupala is the day of magic, when magic reigns in the air. With its help, you can overcome any border, making your most secret dreams come true. Conspiracies on Ivan Kupala will help you with this.

What conspiracies are read on Ivan Kupala?

On this day, you can perform a variety of rituals:

  • for love;
  • to attract money;
  • for wealth;
  • for luck and luck, etc.

Conspiracy for beauty on Ivan Kupala

In order to always look good in the old days, the girls went to the field early in the morning, taking a sheet with them. They collected dew on it and then wiped their face and body with it. While saying:

“Having taken the morning dew, I want to give my face and body an unearthly beauty. I wipe my face with dew, wash off all the flaws from it. Every year I will only flourish, my beauty will never wither and fade.

A conspiracy for good luck and luck on Ivan Kupala

And if you want to bring good luck to your home, then on July 7, after six o'clock in the evening, go to the river. Having entered the water, spray yourself, while reading the plot:

After that, after leaving the water, go home without looking back. You can’t wipe your body or face with a towel, the water should dry naturally on you.

Conspiracies on Ivan Kupala (Stepanova)

Among other rituals, conspiracies on Ivan Kupala N. Stepanova are very popular among people, which you can read online on our website. And all because they are very effective. We will offer a few of them.

A conspiracy to love on Ivan Kupala

Love conspiracies for Ivan Kupala have a special power. On this day, our ancestors performed many rituals, including those to attract love.

Girls who wanted to know the name of their betrothed, on the night of Ivan Kupala, put a plantain leaf under the pillow, while saying:

“Plantain companion, you live by the road, you see the young and the old, you meet and see everyone off, you know a lot of things. Tell the plantain the name of the betrothed to me, show me him in a dream.

After that, without talking to anyone, they went to bed. The dream that I had that night was prophetic.

If you want to return the feelings and disposition of a person, some of which have been lost for some reason, this love plot will help you. You need to read it on the evening before Ivan Kupala.

Conspiracies for money on Ivan Kupala

It is believed that on this day you can get fabulously rich. To do this, you need to find a fern flower. This is not easy to do, as a magical flower blooms in the very wilderness of the forest, and even then for a few minutes. According to beliefs, it is guarded by evil spirits.

Seekers of happiness went to the forest, taking with them a tablecloth and a knife. Near the supposed place of flowering, they drew a circle, spread a tablecloth and sat on it, waiting for the fern to bloom, keeping their eyes on the plant. If you are lucky, and you will see how it blossomed, you need to quickly pick a flower and, throwing a tablecloth over your head, run home without looking back, no matter what happens.

Arriving home, you need to cut your hand with a knife and put a plucked flower on the wound. They believed that after that, all the treasures on earth would be opened to man.

If you have no desire to go in search of a fern flower, then you can perform the following simple ceremony. Tear off a branch of fern on Ivan Kupala and read such a conspiracy for money on it:

“Let the fern bloom on Ivan Kupala, attract wealth and money to me. Let money always rustle in my wallet, I will become happy and rich. I will have prosperity all year round and I will not have any troubles. Be my words strong and sculpting. Let it be so. Amen"

Now put the charmed twig in your wallet and always carry it with you. She will become your talisman to attract money.

On this day, the water in the rivers has a special magical power. If you are sick and cannot be cured in any way, having driven the disease out of your life forever, you need to perform a ritual of washing.

To do this, after sunset, swim in the river, saying at this time:

“Water-voditsa help me get rid of the disease and recover. Take away my illness forever, free me from it. Deliver me from the disease that has crippled me, give me back my former health and strength.

Once on the beach, do not rush to leave immediately. Sit by the river, imagining how the disease leaves your body, and you become healthy and strong again.

In addition to Ivan Kupala, you can wash one of your things (shirt, T-shirt) in the river. If during the year you get sick, then put on this thing and soon the disease will recede.

Money conspiracy on Ivan Kupala

Ivan Kupala's holiday (Kupala night, Ivan's day, Ivan Tsvetnoy, Ivan Herbalist, Ivan Herbal, Ivan Sorcerer, Ivan Lyubovny, Ivan Cleanly, Ivan Cheerful, Ivan Swimsuit, Ivan Lopukhovaty, Ivan Gulyashchy, Ivan Venichny, Ivan hail, Zavarkush, Yarilin day, Yarila) is celebrated from July 6 to 7 and is one of the main holidays of our ancestors, coinciding with the Nativity of John the Baptist in the Christian tradition.

This date is “according to the new calendar”, so many Slavic communities and European countries celebrate it according to the old style, on the days of the summer solstice - from June 20 to 26.

On this day, many rituals are performed for love, money, wealth, health, beauty, special conspiracies are read and special rituals are performed.

The most famous is jumping over a fire, described both in fiction and in special literature. It is believed that by jumping over the fire on this night, a person removes all sins, all dirt, all the negative accumulated over the year.

Kupala rites make up a complex ritual complex, including: collecting herbs and flowers, searching for a fern flower, weaving wreaths, decorating buildings with greenery, kindling fires, destroying a scarecrow, jumping over a fire or over bouquets of greenery, dousing with water, divination, etc.

Any rite, ritual, conspiracy, works only if you understand the circumstances and context, if you do not understand why the rite is recommended to be performed on this particular day, or why it is so, then it will not work. And this understanding can only be found in the history of the issue. So what kind of holiday is this, where did it come from and what good and useful things can be learned from it.

Since ancient times, the Kupala holiday has been one of the brightest and most revered among the Eastern Slavs. Its pagan character persisted through the ages. The Russian people, instead of attending churches, praying intensely and behaving with a sense of humility appropriate to Christians, were in revelry and outrages. This was reported in the 16th century by the hegumen of the Pskov Eleazarovsky Monastery Pamphil: “Whenever the feast comes, on that holy night, not all the city will rise up, and in the villages they will go berserk, into tambourines and sniffles and buzzing strings, splashing and dancing; to wives and girls and heads nodding, and their mouths are hostile to crying, all nasty songs, and their backbone is swaying, and their feet are jumping and trampling; that is, a man and a child a great fall, male, female and girlish whispering, a prodigal view to them and to masculine wives defilement, and to virgins corruption" (Kalinsky I.P. 1997, p. 139). The significance of the holiday was due to the fact that it was celebrated at the turn of two periods of the solar annual cycle, which was the basis of the ancient agricultural calendar. It was the time of the highest solar activity, the time when all the forces of nature, all plants, herbs, flowers and people are at the peak of their activity and filled with vitality to the maximum.

Kupala herbs:

As a talisman, they used plakun-grass (look for loosestrife in damp places along reservoirs to collect flowers and roots at dawn), capable of expelling evil spirits from everywhere, treating skin diseases and relieving hangovers and, in general, an indispensable herb for food poisoning.

Overcome grass (water lily - a plant known to everyone), helping to overcome all obstacles. With him, you can go to various judicial institutions in order to win the lawsuit, and dry the girl's heart, and save the cattle. And if you are going on the road on business or to visit your relatives, be sure to overcome the grass, stock up on it and, going beyond the threshold, protect yourself with the following spell: “I am going in an open field, and grass grows in an open field. Overcome-grass! I didn’t water you, I didn’t give birth to you: Mother Earth gave birth to you, you were watered by bare-haired girls, hand-rolled women (i.e. prophetic). Overcome-grass! Defeat the evil people: they would not have thought about us, they did not think badly: drive away the sorcerer of the tell-tale. Overcome-grass! Overcome the high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, stumps and decks ... I will hide you, overcome grass, at the zealous heart all the way and all the way. With such a spell and with a magical root, one could go without fear to any, even the most distant and difficult road. And besides, it helped overcome the grass from toothache, from poisoning.

Gap-grass (balsam, touchy, gap-grass, Vanka is wet, and the British have Lizzy's Trouble - all these are the names of the same flower), which allows you to open all the locks and doors, and elecampane to attract love.

How it works?

If it’s clear with herbs - weed is at the maximum of its useful properties, that’s why we collect it, then how is it with people? Everything is also quite simple here: a person has a maximum of strength, he is energetically filled with excess, and this excess should be directed in a peaceful direction, because there are so many rituals of conspiracy rites on this holiday, and rites and rituals for a year. Strength accumulated for the year ahead, here are the rituals for the year ahead. What happens to people who have not directed an excess of strength in a peaceful direction is also well known from everyday observations of themselves and those around them and from psychological and esoteric literature.

No, the principle “it will tear a heating pad like an ace” does not turn on here, if only in terms of health, in everything else. An excess of energy causes a stream of random events, on which this extra energy is spent, if the goals and objectives are not indicated: minor problems begin, minor troubles, something somewhere in the little things does not add up, then there is a queue at the housing office, then I was late for work and not even a month passes, as all sorts of minor difficulties and squabbles "ate" the entire excess of energy reserves.

If there is no strength and desire to ritualize rituals and conduct rituals, then there is a simple but miraculous way to fulfill desires at this time, which will direct energy into a peaceful direction and will not create any special difficulties. Our ancestors believed that if you climb into 12 other people's gardens on a Kupala evening, then any wish will come true. Difficult? Where can I get vegetable gardens?

The point is only to climb into someone else's territory 12 times: "accidentally" go behind the counter in 12 stores, etc. - yet nothing is given absolutely for free, turn on your imagination and find your 12 gardens.

Since this time is the period of the highest flowering of nature: the sun is at its zenith, vegetation is at its peak of flowering, the beginning of fruit ripening; the day is the longest of the year and the night is the shortest. In the minds of our ancestors, the magical power of fire, water, earth, vegetation was so great during this period that they were credited with protective, cleansing, producing, healing properties. Initiation to this force provided good luck for a year.

The holiday of the Sun bathing in the waters, respectively, and the elements to which our ancestors addressed the same - fire and water, hence the bonfires and the cleansing fire and bathing, whether in baths or reservoirs. In many places, it was believed that those who refuse to bathe on this day are a sorcerer!

For happiness and good luck on Ivan Kupala:

Stepanova's conspiracy for happiness and good luck on Ivan Kupala

To do this, go into a river or lake and, splashing yourself with water, read the following plot:

The first tree is Ilyin, the second tree is a viper.

The third is pretend. Submissive to the Lord God.

So that Happiness submits to me (name).

Under a pretend tree. To the Lord God obedient, The gray fern grows.

Under that dove-gray Fern Great happiness lives.

It grows, it grows up To my body, it falls white.

Who knows Ivanov's conspiracy, Nine times under Ivanov's day reads,

To the way this water, Happiness and luck stick.

I close my words, I close my deeds.

Also in running water, you can speak yourself for fame and fortune among people and for wealth.

In the old days, they read a conspiracy for fame among people on Ivan Kupala (this conspiracy helps singers, actors, and people in public professions well). To do this, enter the river (the lake will not work, since the water must be flowing) and, pouring water on yourself, read the following plot:

As the sun rises into the sky in the morning, The scarlet sunset flares up with fire.

Into the bright sky. Wide width. As God is high, So be my glory far away.

And as on the Feast of Christ the bell rings in the temple,

So let the whole People talk about me, the Servant of God (name).

The Lord God is on the Throne high, And the glory of me, God's servant (name), Be far away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever And forever and ever.

Monetary ritual on Ivan Kupala

If you want to talk yourself into wealth, then Ivan; Kupala wash yourself with silver coins and say:

How people love gold and silver,

So let the money do not forget my wallet.

They come to me, Stick and pester.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever And forever and ever.


From modern ceremonies and rituals, the most effective in our opinion is the Kupala money ritual. It is believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala, you can “order” yourself money for a year in advance, it is believed that this is a special night, namely money.

In order to fulfill the “order”, you need to put all the money in the house under the pillow before going to bed, and in the morning, waking up, get it out of there and quickly quickly wave it in front of your eyes, creating the feeling that there are very, very many of them. Unlike the search for a fern flower, a ritual that is quite accessible to any person.

Money conspiracy on Ivan Kupala

This plot should be read at midnight from July 6 to July 7, when Ivanov's day comes. Prepare for a conspiracy on Ivan Kupala three handfuls of earth, a handful of coins and some water. Exactly at midnight, pour the earth and coins into the basin, dilute with water to a state of thick mud. Start kneading the earth and say such a conspiracy to Ivan Kupala:

I don’t sleep on Ivan’s night, I don’t rest, I take the keys of gold, I unlock the earth, I let go of the dew, I add gold.

After the plot, wash your hands and put the basin on the east window. The window should be open (you can take it out to the balcony if it faces east). Leave the basin for a day, then (also at night) take the basin out into the street and shake out the earth with coins at the crossroads. Whoever does this will be lucky with money all year (until the next Ivanov's day).

For good health

It was widely believed that the bath on the day of Ivan Kupala contributed to the strengthening and restoration of vitality and health. Only the water in the bath should be on decoctions of Kupala herbs and special brooms - Kupala. In the evening, herbs were collected and brooms were prepared, and the bathhouse was heated in the morning. Which is what we recommend you do.

Girls, at dawn, performed a ritual washing with dew. To collect the dew, a tablecloth was dragged across the wet grass and then squeezed out into a bowl. It was believed that washing the face and hands with dew, thereby driving away diseases and cleansing the skin.

Washing, they sentence a conspiracy to beauty: “Royal power, earthly power! Give me endless beauty. Eternal youth."

In Siberia, "Ivan's" dew was used in case of eye disease: the eyes were washed with dew in the morning of Ivan's Day and collected in a container for further treatment.

On the Kupala night, bonfires were lit everywhere, over which one had to jump over in order to gain health and fertile strength. Therefore, both girls and adult women who wanted to give birth to a child jumped through the fire.

Stepanova's conspiracy from female diseases on Ivan Kupala

They read on the dew, which they then wipe themselves or the sick with. The spoken words are:

As fire purifies and devours everything,

So this dew would wash away and devour the whole disease.

How not to resist the flying flyer, the creeping crawler,

To the galloping steed before the great storm,

So do not resist Disease-illness Before my strong word.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For home

It was also customary to wash dishes with dew so that the food from it was more satisfying and healthier. Beds and walls of houses were sprinkled with Kupala dew so that cockroaches and bedbugs would not be found.

If on this night you pick the flower of Ivan da Marya and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not come to the house: the brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers of Ivan da Mary) will talk to each other, and it will seem to the thief that the owner is talking to hostess.

For privacy

Since ancient times, on the day of Ivan Kupala, the most free communication of the sexes was allowed, which allows us to call it "the most erotic Russian celebration", "the holiday of universal marriage." According to legend, on the Kupala night, all prohibitions on love relationships between men and women were lifted. This moment is extremely important for us, not at all because, referring to the ancestors, you can take and walk “to the left”. What is important is the fact that all prohibitions on love relationships are lifted, and therefore all the crowns of celibacy, damage to loneliness, birth curses and other greater and lesser horrors that prevent us from having a full-fledged personal life. And this should be used by everyone who is not satisfied with their personal or sexual life, to whom girlfriends, or psychologists have long been hinting at internal blockages that prevent them from creating relationships, or the presence of some energy-informational defeats. In order to remove all prohibitions on happiness in your own personal life, you can use any of the countless rituals described on the network, or in the old fashioned way, just enter into an intimate relationship. With whom? Yes, with anyone, yes, yes, AIDS does not sleep, but if you have brains, casual connections can bring tangible benefits.

To get married this year, you need to collect a bouquet of 12 different herbs before going to bed (thistle and fern are a must) and put it under your pillow.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, a special birch bath broom is also made, with which you can resurrect the departed love and rekindle the heart of your spouse. To do this, take a Kupala broom and, having come to the bath, pat yourself on your body (below the waist) with it and read the following plot:

Like a bath leaf To the body is molding and tenacious, So are you, my husband, the Servant of God (name), Be sculpted before me, Until my body is tenacious.

Lepis, be strong, Forever and ever, do not unhook.

My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.

Until the birch tree From my broom Will stand, Until then the servant of God (name) Will lie at my feet.

Key, lock, tongue.

For magic power

Kupala night (the night before Ivan Kupala, Ivan's night) is the shortest night of the year and, according to popular belief, on this night the barrier between our world, the material and subtle worlds is the thinnest.

It was on this night that those who wished could acquire magical knowledge and objects. To become a healer, it was necessary to go to the forest. Having found the place where the largest number of herbs of different varieties grows, one should have waited for midnight. “At midnight, the herbs will speak, and every herb will begin to say with its voice what disease it cures. She will say: I am flying from hoarseness, the other: I am from aches ... And conversations will go between them, conversations, every herb will begin to show off, as it were you just sit and listen" (Tobolsk; Neklepaev I.Ya. 1903, p. 202).

The fern (cupor, kochedyzhnik, kochedyzhnik) is a plant that occupies a special place in the folklore of the Ivan Kupala holiday: magical properties were attributed to its flower, which bloomed, according to legend, once a year.

The people believed that exactly at midnight a golden flower with a fiery red tint appears on the fern, blooming for only a few moments. A person who saw this flower or took possession of it gained the ability to recognize the past and look into the future, see and extract treasures hidden underground, understand the language of animals, birds and plants, open locks, become invisible; a burning flower gave power over the world.

To cleanse and get rid of unnecessary

Kupala bonfire (kupala) - a ritual fire, an indispensable component of Kupala rituals (Ivan Kupala), was the center of youth festivities on Ivan's night.

Kupala bonfires were lit on the eve of the holiday, on the night of Ivan Kupala. For the Kupala fire, old rubbish was brought and brought from houses: unnecessary harrows, brooms, wheel rims, etc. There was a custom to throw a sick child's shirt into the Kupala fire. It was believed that his illness burned with her.

It is believed that Kupala fire cannot be made on earth, so throw all unnecessary rubbish and attributes of “unnecessary” into an old barrel (unpaid bills, certificates of diagnoses, beer cans, or cigarettes, etc.) set fire to and scatter the ashes on 4 sides - a matter accessible to every summer resident, in the absence of a summer residence and a barrel, you can use a disposable brazier sold in any super-hyper-market, or something else. The main thing is to prepare in advance "shirts from a sick child" - the attributes of the unnecessary.

In the Vologda province. there was a popular belief that in order to atone for sins, you need to lie down in the thickets of ferns at midnight on Ivan Kupala.

All rituals and rituals associated with being in the forest at night require an understanding of how to protect yourself. The simplest and most accessible way for everyone is a circle - if you decide to learn the language of herbs, or go in search of a fern, a grave sin crushes your soul and you decide to lie in the thickets of a fern for deliverance - draw a circle around you with a rowan branch.

Charm for the family

Married women read a talisman for family happiness on Kupala dew (on the morning of July 7 they collect dew with their bare hands, being barefoot and simple-haired): “Father. Ivan-Tsvet, I got up today at a little light I prayed before the icon, crossed myself at the door, without drinking water, without washing my face, without untied my tongue, without tying my belt. Give me, Kupala, the strength to win. Let me collect your dew to call the heart of the servant of God (name) to love. So that he, like dew in the meadows, burns, plays, loves me and does not change, he would not forget me anywhere with anyone. He would love me now young, and in old age - gray-haired and sick. As hops curl around a fence, so it would curl around my hem. As the morning dew melts, waiting for the sun, so I would wait. the servant of God (name) was waiting for me. As a mother toils without a child, so he would toil and yearn without me, he would never forget, he would not call me a bad word, his wife, a servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen". A drop of dew is added to the drink or food of the spouse.

Conspiracy for heart disease

On Ivan Kupala they read a conspiracy from heart ailments. Tie a few birch branches with a red ribbon, saying: "Holy, holy, holy! Holy knot, holy branch, holy leaf. You have no sorrows, you have illnesses, so the heart of God’s servant (name) would not hurt and ache, stab and tingle neither at noon nor at midnight; neither in the morning nor in the evening: neither after nor before dawn: neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday, nor on Saturday, nor on the last day - Sunday. Not in January, not in February, not in March, not in April, not in May. neither in June, nor in July, nor in August, nor in September, nor in October, nor in November, nor in the last month - December. Here are my words, here are the holy images. Strengthen. Lord, the heart of the servant of God (name). Holy branches, do not untie, my words. don't interrupt. Amen. Amen. Amen" . Keep the bouquet in the eastern part of the house for a whole year. Then repeat the ritual.

A conspiracy from loneliness on Ivan Kupala

To get rid of loneliness on Kupala, light 7 church candles in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Seven-shot" and read the prayer 40 times: “O long-suffering Mother of God, having surpassed all the daughters of the earth in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings you endured on earth, accept our painful sighs and save us under the cover of your mercy. Are you not aware of any other refuge and warm intercession, but as having boldness to someone born of You, help and save us with Your prayers. May we unstumblingly reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity of the One God, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen" . You can't stop reading and get distracted.

Then say the plot three times: “The word is thin, cursed, evil, like an arrow of the enemy, struck me with loneliness! But with God's help, with the Most Holy Theotokos, I will cover myself with invincible hope, I will remove myself with a pure prayer, I will find Jesus' help. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Protection from bad dreams

Make a small bouquet of fern leaves and thistles on July 7th. Rinse the plants under running water, dry and tie with a green ribbon. Hang at the head of the bed. The bouquet will protect your sleep from evil spirits.

Rite of rejuvenation

Kupala dew will help rejuvenate. Take a natural fabric and, on the morning dawn of July 7, put it on the dew, wring it into any clean dish. Wipe yourself with the collected moisture with your left hand and say as many times as you like: “I will wash myself with dew, with girlish beauty, I will stab with stars, I will gird myself with the moon and stand in the Day of the Lord whiter than white light, more beautiful than the red sun, brighter than a clear month. As she said, so be it. Key. horn. tongue, castle Amen". Do not tell anyone about the ritual performed.

Jumping over the fire, you need to have time to make a wish until you touch the ground with your feet. Then it will come true. To get rid of problems, sitting near the Kupala fire, carefully look at the fire and mentally turn to the spirit of fire with a request to burn everything bad out of your life. Another rite - bring a handkerchief to your lips and whisper on it all the troubles that you want to get rid of. After that, throw the scarf into the fire - problems will burn with it.

Ritual for wealth and prosperity

On July 7, various rituals are usually performed for beauty, health or love. But besides this, it is worth holding a ceremony to increase wealth. You will need all the money you have in your house. Look for and get bills from wherever you can: from your wallet, stash, pockets and other places of storage. At night, put all the money in one place next to the bed (for example, on the bedside table) and go to bed.

The next morning after the holiday, without getting out of bed, take the money in your hands and start counting them. Count for as long as possible, counting over and over again so that the bills flash in your hands. This simple advice will help activate monetary energy and lure new finances. It is known for sure that those people who use this ritual every year always have money. Why don't you try it too?

Ivan Kupala is the most mystical and mysterious holiday in the folk calendar. It is believed that the rituals and ceremonies on this day are particularly powerful and effective.

Our ancestors assigned the role of the most powerful and mysterious holiday to the day of Ivan Kupala. A huge number of rites, traditions and rituals dated to this time. After all, the day of Ivan Kupala has the highest energy, which flows in tune with money and love magic. As a legacy, we inherited all-powerful conspiracies for well-being and prosperity, which allow us to use strong energy for our own benefit.

The effectiveness of conspiracies on the day of Ivan Kupala

Conspiracies on the day of Ivan Kupala, aimed at prosperity and prosperity, use the energy of the eternal elements - fire and water, which are activated during this period. These spells are based on the solid ground of the experience of ancient times. Their effectiveness has enriched more than one generation.

White conspiracies will not harm your biofield, on the contrary, the energy of this day is trying to break out and enrich every person. Our ancestors created them on the basis of observations of wildlife: they lived in harmony with the elements, which repaid them with goodness and prosperity.

These conspiracies are relevant only on the day or night of Ivan Kupala and are used only once a year. The mystery of gaining prosperity and well-being should be approached with all seriousness and rituals should not be performed for the sake of curiosity. A frivolous attitude and errors in reading can only anger the Higher powers, which will negatively affect your energy.

A strong conspiracy for prosperity, wealth and prosperity

You will need a lot of coins. It will be great if you can find silver coins. If this is not possible, ordinary modern money can be used, but beforehand, an energy purification ritual should be performed on them. Preparation for a conspiracy must be done ahead of time, not at the last minute. Wash the coins in holy or running water. Sand and laundry soap will help get rid of dirt. When everything is ready and your coins shine with cleanliness, fill them with water and leave them overnight before or after the holiday. Waking up, wash yourself with this water and read the plot:

“The bright sun will rise to the sky, it will bring me enrichment. All night the coins languished in water, charged with monetary luck. Having washed in the morning, I will attract luck to myself. May Ivan Kupala and the magic of water fulfill all my dreams. Let it be so!"

Conspiracy for well-being and good luck in money

You will need a small pile of coins, a handful of earth and a glass of water. It is necessary to perform the ritual on the night of July 7th. Place all ingredients in a deep bowl, cover with water and mix thoroughly with bare hands until smooth. Strengthen your actions with a conspiracy:

“I don’t sleep at Ivanovo night, but I attract well-being into my life. Mixing water with earth and gold, I will become rich / rich. May a higher power help me and shower me with money rain. As I said / said, so be it!

Then wash your hands and take the bowl to the balcony or open window. She must stand all night and the next day, saturated with the energy of magical time and the light of the moon and the sun. The next night, take the basin to any intersection and get rid of the contents. You can be sure that from this moment money, prosperity and prosperity will be drawn to you.

Ivan Kupala Day keeps many secrets and mysteries. Knowledge and the ability to use them will enrich your life, attracting good luck, happiness and prosperity. Conspiracies for wealth will help you get rich, because the time of this holiday is saturated with powerful energy. We wish you good luck, prosperity and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.07.2017 05:26

Housewives have been engaged in home magic since ancient times. They, like guardians of the hearth, took into their own hands ...

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is considered among the Slavs, perhaps the most mysterious and magical of the year.

The date when the ancient rites work best is July 7th. On this day, more precisely on the night of Ivan Kupala, rituals for love, health, wealth and good luck are especially effective, effective and strong.

After all, during the period of the summer solstice, to which this holiday is tied, the sun has the greatest power and energy, which people wisely used to get love, health, and good luck.

On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, rites for love are mainly conspiracies.

Ivan Kupala - rituals for love. Campfire conspiracy

The most powerful rites of love witchcraft are associated with the ritual Kupala bonfire. You can bewitch your beloved boyfriend with the help of the element of fire if you pronounce this conspiracy while looking at the flame:

The fire burns hot, the night will brightly illuminate,
The secret of love will help me to open,
(Guy's name) to bewitch.
As soon as we hold hands with him,
Let's get drunk on passionate love.
The fire will hold our love together
Will unite hearts forever!

After that, jump with him over the fire, holding hands, or invite him to a festive round dance.

Ivan Kupala - rituals for love. Conspiracy for water

On the night of Ivan Kupala, another element is activated - water. A very strong love plot uses the energy of water and ritual washing. Do you want to bewitch your loved one? Then take a dip with him that night in the river or lake, and entering the water, whisper a conspiracy:

Water, water! Wash our bodies and souls,
Heart (boyfriend's name) for love for me open,
As soon as he plunges into the water,
Will turn to me soul and body,
As we enter the water together,
So let's go through life together.

After that, swim with the chosen one in the water.

Ivan Kupala - rituals for love. Conspiracy for herbs

Kupala herbs have the greatest power, including as a love spell. Gather elecampane grass that night - it will help attract love to you.

To get married this year, on the night of Ivan Kupala, collect a bouquet of 12 different herbs (including thistle and fern), and before going to bed, put them under your pillow.

Also during this period, you can resurrect former love and return your man if for some reason you broke up, or your feelings have cooled. A birch bath broom made on the night of Ivan Kupala will help you. Going to the bath, take it with you and, patting your body with a broom, say the following conspiracy:

Like a bath leaf
To the body is molding and tenacious,
So are you, my husband (name),
Be good to me
Until my body is tenacious,
Lepis, be strong,
Forever and ever, don't give up.