Structural solutions in BIM. BIM: what is commonly understood as Bim during the construction phase

Information Modeling Technologies in Moscow


Moscow will switch to BIM in the design of state order objects

The city authorities will switch to the use of BIM in the design of state order objects in three stages by the end of 2019. Mikhail Kosarev, head of the department for the implementation of information modeling technologies of the Moscow Department of Construction, spoke about this in December.

According to Kosarev, even now Moscow requires the use of BIM technologies in the design of apartment buildings, social infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, clinics) and administrative and business complexes. However, there are still a number of limitations. In particular, the OCS created in BIM should not include more than two buildings with a total area of ​​​​each no more than 50 thousand square meters. m. There are also restrictions on the built-in parking area (if any) - no more than 15 thousand square meters. m.

The second stage of transition to BIM is scheduled for July 1, 2020. From this date, the city will begin to require the use of information modeling in the design of fire stations and police departments. Also among the BIM-objects will be areal OCS engineering infrastructure. These are pumping and compressor stations, local treatment facilities, gas control points, heating points, transformer and distribution points.

The third stage is scheduled for September 1, 2020. The city authorities will also include in their requirements the BIM design of road network facilities and all engineering networks. Finally, from January 1, 2021, linear metro facilities and transport hubs will also be added to this list.


BIM technologies will be taught in Moscow colleges

For future modern designers and architects, the usual drawing board and paper drawings are no longer enough. In the last decade, all designers have switched to using computer programs. They allow us to translate into reality any wishes of the customer, to apply new trends in the design of buildings, interior decoration, landscape design.

The innovative approach will ensure the development of design thinking for students of engineering and technical areas, said Alexander Arionchik, director of the Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning.

“The presence of a 3D modeling and prototyping laboratory in a modern Moscow college allows us to achieve results at every stage of education. The involvement of students in the process allows them to effectively master new technologies and software products (specialized CAD programs) for modeling, design and engineering, carry out individual and group projects, conduct effective preparation for technical Olympiads and competitions, and easily integrate into innovative approaches to learning,” said college director.


Moscow will transfer construction expertise to BIM from 2019

In mid-October, it was reported that the city authorities approved a roadmap for the introduction of BIM technologies in the construction industry. The document outlined in detail the stages of “full-format preparation for the application of BIM” until the beginning of 2019. Moscomexpertiza has been appointed coordinator of the implementation of the plan.

“The plan creates a detailed algorithm of work in this area. We tried to foresee all the necessary measures: from the creation of a project office in the structure of the construction complex to the development of information modeling classifiers and requirements at the design and examination stages,” commented the head of the department Valery Leonov on the document.

The plan for the introduction of BIM technology in Moscow was approved

“In the short term, a number of regulations and requirements will be developed, taking into account the specifics of the capital, which will make it possible to take the first steps to introduce new technology. For 2017-2019, it is planned to launch "pilot" projects - capital construction facilities - in order to test the use of technology for capital construction facilities," the official noted.

Now the department's efforts are focused on developing a standard for the use of BIM technologies in Moscow construction sites. In the near future, according to Leonov, a number of regulations and requirements will be developed, taking into account the specifics of the capital's construction complex. After the new standard is tested on real objects, it can be recommended for use in the regions, which, in turn, will create a unified state standard for BIM in Russia, the head of Moscomexpertiza concluded.

In his opinion, only by fully transferring the state order to BIM will it be possible to create conditions for the full and effective use of this technology by all industry participants. “The practice of working together with designers and developers shows that the most advanced of them have already invested in the implementation of this technology, with the prospect of increasing their competitiveness in the market. But they cannot fully use the technology (with all the advantages), since the state customer works a little differently,” Leonov explained.

BIM in Russia


Construction will switch to BIM in 2020

The construction complex of St. Petersburg is switching to the use of BIM technologies

The Ministry of Construction will offer regions to create competence centers in BIM

On October 29, 2019, it became known that the Ministry of Construction intends to connect the authorities of the regions to the development of information modeling technologies in Russia. The ministry recommends to subjects of the Russian Federation to create competence centers in BIM, the deputy head Dmitry Volkov said. According to the Ministry of Construction, the first such centers should appear in 2020.

According to him, BIM centers should combine the relevant competencies in the field of expertise, construction supervision, as well as in the activities of regional customers of construction work. Such structures need to actively interact with educational institutions and business, the deputy head of the Ministry of Construction believes.

A number of Russian regions have already actively advanced in the field of information modeling, Volkov added. Among them, he named Yekaterinburg.

Earlier, Russian Railways announced the creation of a Competence Center for the implementation of information modeling technologies in construction. The representative of the state monopoly announced this on October 9, 2019. The purpose of creating the structure is called "improving the efficiency of infrastructure construction".

The Ministry of Construction unites the forces of the professional community to introduce BIM technologies in construction

The Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction” and the Project Technical Committee for Standardization PTK 705 “Information Modeling Technologies at All Stages of the Life Cycle of Capital Construction and Real Estate Objects” are joining forces to introduce BIM technologies in the construction industry.

Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) dated July 12, 2019 No. 1660 "On Amendments to the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 20, 2017 No. 1382 "On the organization of the activities of the technical committee for standardization "Construction" » the merger of technical committees was implemented by integrating PTK 705 into the structure of TK 465. The corresponding order is published on the Rosstandart website.

Consolidation of the forces of the professional community at the TK 465 site will create a single center of competencies necessary for effective work on the implementation of BIM technologies in construction, said Dmitry Volkov, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

“The changes made to the composition and structure of TC 465 are aimed at improving and developing standardization work in the field of construction, in particular in the field of BIM technologies. It is assumed that the full members of the disbanded PTK will be included in the profile subcommittee TK 465 - PC 5 "Life cycle management of capital construction projects". Consolidation of the forces of the professional community on one site will definitely increase the efficiency of the implementation of BIM technologies in the construction industry,” said Dmitry Volkov


According to the Deputy Minister, the unification of the forces of the professional community of the industry is an important step in the implementation of comprehensive work on the introduction of information modeling in construction.

The concept of information modeling is enshrined in the Gradcodex

The concept of information modeling is officially enshrined in the Urban Planning Code. The relevant law was signed in June 2019 by President Vladimir Putin.

According to the document, the information model of a capital construction object is “a set of interrelated information, documents and materials about a capital construction object, generated electronically at the stages of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul, operation and (or ) demolition of a capital construction object”.

According to the information on the agency’s website, work is underway to create a unified state digital platform that will be integrated with state information systems for ensuring urban planning activities of the country’s constituent entities and state information systems. A single information space will ensure the "seamlessness" of not only the technological process of creating a building, but also the regulation of the industry.

Russia does not need a 100% transition to BIM - President of RAASN

A complete transition to information modeling technologies in design and construction in Russia is not needed. This assessment was expressed by the President of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences and the former chief architect of Moscow, Alexander Kuzmin. His words are quoted in May 2019 by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

According to him, many beautiful buildings have been created in the capital with the help of traditional design technologies. Preparing architectural projects "in 2D" and with the help of all the usual drawings is not so bad, the President of the RAASN concluded.

Schneider Electric will take part in the development of national standards for BIM technologies in Russia

On April 18, 2019 it became known that the Schneider Electric company, the international leader in the field of power management and automation, signed the memorandum of cooperation with the Project technical committee on BIM technologies (PTK705).

“The bill provides the legal basis for the introduction of a unified information management system for capital construction projects through the use of information modeling throughout the entire life cycle, taking into account all business processes, public administration functions and public services in the construction industry.

The amendments introduce the concept of "Construction information classifier" into the Gradkodex. According to the document, this classifier will be designed "to provide information support for tasks related to the classification and coding of construction information in order to automate the processes of engineering surveys, investment justification, design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul, operation and demolition of capital construction projects." It is assumed that the rules for the formation and maintenance of this classifier will be established by the Ministry of Construction. And the operator of the system will be the ministry itself or its subordinate agency.

As stated in the explanatory note to the bill, the introduction of a construction information classifier will allow extracting a whole range of analytical data. Including:


Digital transformation in construction by 2024

On September 18, 2018, it became known that the digital transformation of the construction industry, which involves the adoption and updating of regulatory and technical documents on BIM, the necessary changes in legislation and the creation of an industry digital platform, should take place within 5 years. Dmitry Mikheev, Director of the FAU "Federal Center for Rationing, Standardization and Technical Conformity Assessment in Construction," subordinated to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, spoke about the mechanisms for solving this problem.

The set of measures envisaged by the Federal project "Digital Construction", the development of which was announced by the head of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Vladimir Yakushev, should ensure the digital transformation of the industry by 2024. With the transition to digital construction, it is expected that the costs and time for the construction of facilities built at the expense of the budgets of the Russian Federation at all levels will be reduced by up to 20% in 5 years. And the reduction of time from making a decision on construction to commissioning is up to 30%.

The digitalization of construction involves the automation of all stages and procedures throughout the entire life cycle of an object.

By 2020, it is planned to complete work on the all-Russian classifier of construction information and develop a standard for a digital normative and technical document in construction; documents in construction.

Putin instructed the Cabinet to ensure the transition to BIM from July 2019

Also, methods will be developed and approved for calculating, using digital technologies, the marginal costs for the performance of work and the provision of services necessary for the design, construction of facilities and operation of buildings and structures, verification of the reliability of these costs as part of the investment justification audit.

Among other things, standards for the construction of modern and efficient housing and modern real estate will be developed. In the second quarter of 2020, information on digital models of buildings and structures created as a result of the application of information modeling technologies will be classified as technological data. At the same time, the requirement to store such information on the territory of Russia will be legally fixed.

BIM technologies will become mandatory for government agencies

Also, requirements will be developed and approved for the means of calculation methods used in the interests of state bodies and state corporations, taking into account the requirements for import substitution and the availability of information for inspection bodies.

In the second quarter of 2021, a legislative obligation will be introduced for government agencies and a state corporation to independently design buildings and structures, as well as to purchase relevant works and services for the creation of construction projects only on the basis of BIM technologies. In particular, the procurement documentation will need to include the need for appropriate digital models.

Until the end of 2022, all government agencies will carry out the construction of buildings and structures using digital modeling technologies. Based on the experience of implementing construction projects with the participation of funds from the state and municipal budgets of all levels, measures will be developed and implemented to encourage developers to design, construct and operate buildings and structures, as well as purchase relevant works and services for the creation of construction projects based on the use of BIM technologies .

Thanks to the proposed measures, by the end of 2024, the share of designed real estate objects that undergo inspections for compliance with requirements and standards without human intervention will amount to 9% of the total number of designed objects. And the share of real estate objects under construction with the use of information modeling technologies will be 80% of the total number of real estate objects under construction.

Remote inspection of construction personnel

Another direction of the document is to increase the efficiency of construction and operation of buildings and structures. To this end, at the beginning of 2019, an analysis will be made of the possibilities of introducing systems for remote pre-shift inspection and remote monitoring of the health status of personnel during the construction of buildings and structures, as well as during the operation of internal infrastructure elements.

An analysis will also be made of the possibilities and effects of introducing digital systems for monitoring, analyzing and predicting breakdowns of intra-house infrastructure. By the end of 2019, a requirement will be established for the mandatory introduction of systems for remote pre-shift inspection and remote monitoring of the health status of personnel during the construction of buildings, as well as during the operation of hazardous elements of the intra-house infrastructure.

Mandatory integration of facilities under construction with Sistema-112 and KSEON

At the beginning of 2020, all developers will be required, when designing planned capital construction projects, to provide for the integration of existing regional and / or municipal solutions of the System 112 and the Integrated System for Emergency Public Alert of the Threat or the Occurrence of Emergencies (CSEON).

By the end of 2020, systems for economic monitoring, analysis and forecasting of breakdowns of building infrastructure (elevators, pipelines, etc.) for buildings built using information modeling technologies will be introduced in 10 cities. At the same time, the integration of these systems with digital platforms for managing urban resources will be ensured.

Until the end of 2021, all constructed real estate objects that are being accepted by the state commission and transferred to the balance of the state will be integrated with regional or municipal solutions of Sistema-112 and KSEA.

Thanks to the proposed measures, by the end of 2024, injuries at construction sites will be reduced by 15% compared to 2018. All housing construction projects built using information modeling technologies will be equipped with systems for monitoring, analyzing and predicting breakdowns of the intra-house infrastructure. And the share of operated real estate and housing and communal services objects that have a digital twin model will be 60% of the total number of operated objects.

Registration of real estate transactions in electronic form

The third direction of the document is to increase the transparency of the construction, rental and sale of real estate. To this end, at the beginning of 2019, an analysis of the “best world practices” in terms of obtaining a building permit and real estate transactions using digital technologies will be carried out. A regulatory possibility will also be established to check the integrity of participants in a real estate transaction in electronic form using information from state information systems.

Based on the results of the above analysis, “pilot” projects for obtaining a digital building permit will be launched in five cities. In the second quarter, a fully remote registration of temporary registration at the place of stay in electronic form will be provided.

A simplified taxation regime will also be introduced for citizens who rent out one piece of real estate (apartment) using electronic forms of interaction.

It is expected that by the end of 2020, through the use of digital technologies, the duration of permit procedures will be reduced to the level of "world's best practices" and it will be possible to obtain and use all the necessary documents and information for a real estate transaction in electronic form. And by the end of 2024, the number of transactions for the lease and sale of real estate concluded in electronic form will amount to half of the total number of transactions.

New BIM joint ventures come into force

The name of the first one: "Rules for the exchange between information models of objects and models used in software systems." The document describes the basic requirements for the creation and operation of information systems that interact with each other throughout the entire life cycle of a building or structure.

The second joint venture was called "Rules for the formation of an information model of objects at various stages of the life cycle." Basically, these rules are aimed at improving the validity and quality of design solutions, as well as the level of safety in the construction and operation of buildings and structures.

Another set of rules will come into force on June 16, NOPRIZ reminded. This is SP 328.1325800.2017 “Information modeling in construction. Rules for describing the components of the information model. The document contains requirements for the components of information models of buildings and structures, but does not apply to digital libraries of these components.

Earlier, the Ministry of Construction reported that the system of regulatory and technical documents for BIM in total will include 15 national standards (GOST R) and 10 sets of rules. Of these, 13 GOST R and 4 joint ventures will relate to the fundamental (basic) areas, the rest - to individual stages of the life cycle. At present, 7 GOSTs and 6 SPs are already operating in the field of information modeling.

2017: The government approved "road map" on BIM technologies

According to the press service of the construction department, the approved document provides for the development of national BIM standards at the stages of design, construction, operation and demolition of buildings, as well as bringing regulatory and technical documents and estimated standards used in construction in line with the classifier of building resources. The plan also provides for the expansion of the functional purpose of the federal state information pricing system in construction in the direction of operation and demolition of capital construction projects.

“The use of BIM technologies is a new era in the construction and operation of buildings. And this is not only 3D modeling, it is also a calculation of the full life cycle of a structure up to its disposal. In the BIM model of the future building, it is possible to “sew” not only the characteristics of materials and processes, but also information on procurement, supplies and the timing of future repairs,” Mikhail Men commented, adding that only at the design and construction stages, the use of BIM technologies can reduce costs by 20%.

Initially, the roadmap for BIM technologies was planned to be approved by September 1, 2016. At the same time, its latest version, discussed in February 2017 at a meeting of the Government's Expert Council, became the subject of sharp criticism from the expert community. "A feature of this version of the" road map "was that a significant place in it is given to the issues of pricing in operation (9 points out of 14) without reference to the subject of information modeling", - noted the general director of the company "Competitor" after the discussion.

According to our rough estimate, based on 20 years of practice, earthworks can "lose" up to 50-60% of the budget. On reinforced concrete and finishing, exactly 30%. On reorder errors during collisions, the cost of an engineer increases by about 10%. It is for this simple reason that when an “evil customer” introduces a BIM model of a building, wild screams and groans begin from all sides.

BIM control will now be on all government orders under the new standard, so screams and groans will be especially epic.

Here I see the trace of all systems, I can get an accurate estimate for each node: and when moving or adding an object, I will receive updates in all design and working documents at once.

What is a BIM Model? This is a three-dimensional model of the building, where all systems are docked and linked in one single plan. We put an outlet in the room - in the total estimate, a new outlet and the corresponding cable footage immediately appeared. The error of such a model for materials is 2%. On paper, a margin of 15% is usually taken, and the excess of this margin is desperately “lost”.

Let's show examples rather than talk.

Here is the main view: here you can see the building model without rendering, just at the level of engineering schemes. In the window now open in the center - a building for inspection, in the background, sections on specific systems are visible.

This is how all the engineering systems of the building “assembly” look like.

You can disable the consistent view and view only specific subsystems. For example, this one is water supply.

And this is electrical.

You can rotate and enlarge the area of ​​interest.

Switch to another system view.

View individual nodes as "bricks", that is, objects (they are then conveniently duplicated in the constructor, for example).

You can see concrete structures and their properties.

Here is closer.

And already on them to impose types of systems or individual nodes.

For the customer, we usually assemble a beautiful render (like below), and we ourselves use the view as above when designing.

About three years ago, computers started pulling BIM models of buildings. Of course, 3D buildings were designed back in the Soviet Union, but now it has become really public and easily reproducible.

Even these "bricks", that is, models of nodes, such as elevators, they are made in 3D and can be viewed from all sides. Since this is not The Witcher or Mass Effect, engine optimization is the last thing to do here, there is no special pre-render, and powerful enough machines were needed to comfortably work with the system.

How data is collected in such a model

Today, building design can go in three ways:
  1. In the old fashioned way, that is, on paper, or rather, in one of the CAD systems. There will be a bunch of different documents, which are then combined in the mind of an engineer into one common project. This is a completely normal method when qualified specialists are engaged in the work. But in reality, in the real world, anyway, someone will cross the cable channel and ventilation, if not during design, then certainly during implementation. Playing on tolerances, the difference in schemes and the lack of a single plan, you can “lose” quite a lot.
  2. Start the old fashioned way and get sketch approval the old fashioned way, and then go into BIM and design everything right away. An intermediate stage is most often needed when the general contractor decides to control the construction normally.
  3. Design directly in BIM. Then the sketch is one of the representations (just saving the model in a certain format and printing), the electrical plan is another representation, etc. All this can even be coordinated in Moscow electronically.

For our office, the slicing of which is visible above, we used both methods. More precisely, they imported old 3D models and project documentation data, and then began to support everything in BIM.

The first stage took several months for two specialists. We took the drawings from AutoCAD and imported them into the BIM environment. Some were in PDF, they had to be traced by hand. We did the architecture and construction for a month. The rest of the time - an engineer, in particular, I had to walk into the building, look at places and photographs. The most important thing that the scheme gave was the absence of system collisions. BIM-environment does not allow crossing engineering subsystems: it's like tracing a board. There are many ways to avoid this and catch bugs.

This is extremely important for the general contractor, because he pays for each such collision at the facility from his own sweat. I've built a residential complex, built a skyscraper, our team has a person who designed three metro stations from scratch, data centers and other smaller facilities - without an account at all. So, every damn time when there is no BIM, ventilation always comes to the column. Fix, move, change. Then the designer says: "It's not like that." And the rigmarole starts from the very beginning. Now we design directly in BIM, and this removes a lot of headaches.

But back to our building. After all the systems were outlined, they began to saturate the engineer and draw up the drawings correctly so that BIM had full specifications. That is, at first, for example, the switchboard was just one node, such as a material point, then there appeared a division into separate large devices and lines inside, and then it became so detailed that we already knew the serial numbers of spare parts. This design depth is called LOD: British Standard for Levels of Detail in Information Models. LOD100 and LOD200 are like in computer games when there is a certain constructor and nodes. The model can be used for analysis (based on volumes, areas and orientation by applying generalized performance criteria) and cost estimates based on estimated areas and volumes. Well, planning, of course. LOD300 is already a normal detail for issuing traditional design documentation and for various engineering calculations. There you can also count equipment, products and materials, as well as rough work. The 300th model can be used for collision analysis. LOD 400 is already the release of working documentation for carrying out various engineering calculations, for obtaining accurate data on equipment, products and materials for calculating the amount of work. This model can be used at the construction and installation stage, that is, it will serve as a direct instruction to the builders. For each jamb, you can safely ask. A meter of cable is lost - no one will notice. Lost 50 meters - immediately slept. We usually work at this level, but for our office we aim for LOD 500. This model can be used at the operational stage, consumables like lamps and their life are visible there.

The 400th LOD in the practice of construction gives a few more obvious advantages. Here is one example. A very common mistake is the incorrect calculation of capacities. This is usually done manually by comparing different plans. In BIM, it is automatically considered a system, and everything fits together as it should. Often designers calculate using different methodologies or simply do not notice some detail, and the equipment simply does not turn on in terms of power.
Going beyond the budget is usually up to 7% for reordering new units (this is even if you don’t have to change something in the layout on the fly to install new equipment).

At the 500th LOD, the technical and economic indicators of the building are already the same: it was built with all the formulas for calculating loads, power, brands of toilets, slopes and the exact amount of wire.

What's next

Further, having such a model, any automation modules are screwed to it. You can hang over the work schedule and watch. We will install automation in our building and give away part of the access to the control room in order to manage the building like in Hollywood.

It is very convenient for estimators to work with a BIM model from the 400th LOD. It is convenient for designers - they quickly print and cut into knots. This greatly reduces the time of various works. Educated BIM foremen twist and turn. Contractors at the construction site, of course, do not need this at all, all the “losses” are in plain sight, and it is very difficult to forge documentation. The entire techno-economics is being checked: the earthen mass is perfect, all the pipes, everything. Logs are written: who climbed into the model, when he climbed, what he looked at, what changed. Naturally, all these modules complicate the work in terms of training (you need at least a monthly course somewhere just to read BIM professionally), but this is already a requirement of the standards. At state competitions, everything will now be done through a BIM model. Uneducated contractors will suffer.

How much does it cost

Transferring 100 thousand square meters under LOD 400 costs approximately the same as 5-6 apartments in the center in terms of money and several months of work. Oddly enough, it still pays off well in savings on the project. However, a more correct approach is to immediately design in a BIM environment. This is longer by a month at the preparation stage, but it turns out almost free of charge in the total estimate.

More expensive automation. For example, our colleagues made a module for a stadium control system, where there are control sensors at the lower levels that check vibrations, the level of slope of walls and beams, and evaluate the appearance of defects in the metal. Simply put, they help to understand that the stadium can collapse in six months or a year during normal life, or in a few hours if it was damaged by an earthquake (but it seems to be standing). The same data is transmitted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in real time.

Here's who needs it:

Mar 9 2016 13:11

BIM technology, which until recently seemed something out of the realm of fantasy, is gradually but steadily entering our lives. Like everything new, BIM very quickly (even faster than the implementation itself) is overgrown with legends, rumors and conjectures, sometimes having nothing to do with reality. The purpose of this article is to help the reader understand all this and clearly present the main thing that makes up the essence of BIM technology.

In modern conditions of design, construction or infrastructure activities, it has become almost impossible to effectively process with the same means the huge (and steadily increasing) flow of “information for thought”, which precedes and accompanies work with “man-made” objects. And the result of this work is also saturated with information that must be stored in a form that is convenient for use.

Such an information "challenge" of the modern world around us demanded a serious response from the intellectual and technical community. And it followed in the form of the appearance of the concept building information modeling.

Initially emerging in the design environment and having received wide and very successful practical application in the creation of new objects, this concept, however, quickly stepped over the boundaries established for it, and now building information modeling means much more than just a new method in design.

Now it is also a fundamentally different approach to the construction, equipping, maintenance and repair of a building, to managing the life cycle of an object, including its economic component, to managing the man-made environment that surrounds us.

This is a changed attitude towards buildings and structures in general.

Finally, this is our new view of the world around us and a rethinking of the ways in which man influences this world.

What is meant byBIM

Building Information Modeling(from English Building Informational Modeling), abbreviated BIM is process, which results in the formation building information model(from the English Building Informational Model), also abbreviated as BIM.

Thus, at each stage of the information modeling process, we have a certain resulting information model that reflects the amount of information about the building processed at that moment.

It follows from this definition that an exhaustive information model of a building does not exist in principle, since we can always supplement the model available at some point in time with new information.

The process of information modeling, like any action carried out by a person, at each stage solves some tasks assigned to its performers. And the information model of the building every time is the result of solving these problems.

If we now turn to the internal content of the term, then today there are several of its definitions, which in their main semantic part coincide, while differing in nuances. It seems that this situation is primarily due to the fact that different specialists who contributed to the development of BIM came to the concept of building information modeling in different ways, and over a long period of time.

And building information modeling itself today is a relatively young, new and constantly evolving phenomenon. In many ways, its content is determined not by the theoretical conclusions of the chosen "gurus", but by everyday global practice. So the process of developing the BIM concept is still very far from its logical conclusion.

Until now, some understand the BIM model as performance result , for other BIM is modeling process , some define and consider BIM in terms of practical implementation factors, and some generally describe this concept through its negation, explaining in detail what “not BIM” is.

Without going into a detailed analysis, it can be noted that almost all of the listed approaches to the definition of BIM can be considered equivalent, since they consider the same phenomenon (technology) in design and construction activities.

In particular, any model assumes the presence process its creation, and in turn, any creative process involves result .

Moreover, the existing "theoretical" discrepancies in the nuances of definitions do not prevent any of the participants in the discussions around the concept of BIM from working fruitfully, as soon as it comes to its practical application.

For those interested, we can inform you that a fairly detailed analysis of various approaches to the definition of information modeling is given in the book of one of the founders of BIM, Charles Eastman and colleagues "BIM Handbook".

Now let's formulate the definitions, which, from the point of view of the author, most accurately reveal the very essence of the concept of BIM. In some ways we will repeat ourselves, but I think this will only benefit the reader.

So, building information modeling(BIM) is process, as a result of which at each stage it is created, developed and improved building information model(also BIM).

Historically, the abbreviation BIM is used in two cases at once: for the process and for the model. As a rule, there is no confusion, since there is always a context. But if the situation still becomes controversial, we must remember that the process is primary, and the model is secondary, that is, BIM is primarily a process.

Building information model(BIM) is structured information designed for solving specific problems and suitable for computer processing about a projected, existing or even lost building object, while:

  1. appropriately coordinated, harmonized and interconnected,
  2. having a geometric binding,
  3. suitable for calculations and quantitative analysis,
  4. allowing necessary updates.

If we talk about working with a building during its life cycle, then here the information model of a building is a certain database about this building, controlled using an appropriate computer program (or a set of such programs). This information is primarily intended for and may be used to:

  1. making specific design decisions,
  2. calculation of units and components of the building,
  3. predicting the performance of an object,
  4. creation of design and other documentation,
  5. preparation of estimates and construction plans,
  6. ordering and manufacturing of materials and equipment,
  7. building construction management
  8. operation management throughout the entire life cycle of the facility,
  9. building management as an object of commercial activity,
  10. design and management of the reconstruction or repair of a building,
  11. demolition and disposal of the building,
  12. other purposes related to the building.

This definition is most consistent with the current approach to the concept of BIM by many developers of computer-aided design tools based on building information modeling.

The relationship between old and new approaches in design.

The approach to the design of buildings through their information modeling involves, first of all, collection, storage and complex processing in the process of designing all architectural, design, technological, economic and other information about the building with all its interrelations and dependencies, when the building and everything related to it are considered as a single complex.

The correct definition of these relationships, as well as an accurate classification, well-thought-out and organized structuring, the relevance and reliability of the data used, convenient and effective tools for accessing and working with the available information (data management interface), the ability to transfer this information or the results of its analysis for further use in external systems are the main components that characterize building information modeling and determine its further success.

And plans, facades and sections, which previously dominated the design process, as well as all other working documentation, visual images and other types of project presentation, are now assigned only the role of private results this information modeling.

True, the results are still familiar to us, and therefore allow experienced designers to quickly assess the quality of the work done and, if necessary, make the required adjustments to the project.

One of the main advantages of information modeling is the ability to work with the entire model, using any of its types. In particular, plans, facades and sections familiar to designers are again excellent for these purposes, although a new generation of users already prefer to work in 3D right away.

Someone in such a situation can see a clear contradiction - moving away from flat projections to an information model in design, we reserve the right to form this model for flat projections.

It seems that there is no contradiction here. It is only necessary to take into account the following circumstances:

  1. Building Information Modeling is Coming not instead classical design methods, but is development the latter, therefore, it logically absorbs them, especially in the "transitional" period.
  2. Unlike the classical approach, working through flat projections is an accessible and familiar method, and therefore convenient for many. But this - not the only one method of working with the model.
  3. With the new design method, work with planar projections ceases to be "purely drawing" or "geometric", it becomes more information, since flat projections actually play the role of a kind of “window” through which we look at the model.
  4. The result of designing according to the new method is model(we can say that now this is a project), and a bunch of drawings and documentation (that is, what was previously considered a project) is now just one of the forms of representation of this model. By the way, some examination bodies, for example, Mosgosexpertiza, have already begun to accept the information model, however, so far, in addition to the classic set of paper documentation, BIM has not yet received legislative recognition in our country.

If you look closely, it is easy to see that with the concept of information modeling of buildings, the fundamental design decisions, as before, remain in the hands of a person, and the “computer” again performs only the technical function entrusted to it for searching and storing, special processing, analysis, output or the transfer of information, but at a higher level.

But there is one more, no less important difference between the new approach and the previous design methods, and it lies in the fact that the increasing volume of technical work performed by a computer is already of a fundamentally different nature - to a person himself with such a volume in the conditions of constantly decreasing time allocated for design, can no longer cope.

At the heart of the conceptBIM- unified information model.

A single model of the object under construction is the basis of BIM, which is an essential condition for any implementation of this technology. At the same time, a unified model means complete and consistent information necessary to solve a specific problem of information modeling.

Designed in a year and built in two years, the 308-meter One Island East skyscraper, which has become a world model for the use of BIM technology, was commissioned in Hong Kong in 2008 (for more details about it, see the book BIM Basics).

In particular, its unified information model was used to find all the inconsistencies and collisions that appeared during the design of this most complex building by a large team of various specialists. According to the general contractor, Swire Properties Ltd, about 2000 such errors were detected and eliminated in a timely manner during the work on the project. In the Digital Project program used then, as in the vast majority of modern BIM complexes, the search for collisions is a consequence of the consistency of information and occurs automatically, but their elimination, of course, is already the work of man.

Rice. 1. Designed in a year and built in two years, the One Island East skyscraper perfectly demonstrated another strength of BIM - cost savings. Instead of the planned 300, it cost $260 million.

It should be noted that at the design and construction stage, a single building information model, which includes architecture, structures and equipment with all the attributes, is not something particularly outstanding, but a completely normal and easily implemented phenomenon, available even at the educational level. Only a single building model can be used to carry out full calculations of its characteristics, as well as generate specifications and other necessary working documentation, plan the movement of funds and the supply of components to the construction site, manage the construction of the facility and do much more.

However, BIM technology, like everything new in general, quite naturally acquires various rumors and misconceptions, the most characteristic of which are discussed in the book. But even here, life does not stand still, and a certain part of the specialists began to have some misunderstandings about the principle of a single model, which can significantly interfere with the implementation of BIM. Sometimes, as a consequence, even thoughtful statements like: “A single model is good, but its time has not come yet!”

Of course, new rumors and misconceptions are an indicator of the increasingly active arrival of information modeling in our practice. But, pay attention, these misconceptions, distorting the essence of the new technology, can interfere with it. implementation. In those organizations where BIM is skillfully used, such “controversial” issues no longer bother anyone, everything is clear there and everything works.

Rice. 2. The intersection of load-bearing structures and air ducts is a vivid example of work without using the principle of a single model.

Today, there are three main misunderstandings or misconceptions associated with a single model, and all of them quite naturally reflect the “fears” of those who have not yet “got into BIM”.

The first misconception: some mistakenly think that a single model is one (common to all) file.

This misunderstanding often coexists with an even stronger misconception that BIM is some kind of computer program that “does everything by itself”.

In fact, a single model file or a connected set of such files is already a way of organizing work with a model in a specific BIM program or a set of such programs, which is also determined by the resources of computer technology and the peculiarities of the relationship between project executors, and the simple ability to work in the field of information modeling plays here is a very important role.

As a rule, parts of the model related to different subject areas can be stand-alone files. For example, it makes no sense for an electrician to see all the loads and connections of building structures in his file, it is enough for him to represent the structures themselves (their dimensions). In addition, large projects give rise to huge information models, working with which as a single file already presents considerable technical difficulties. In such cases, the creators of the model forcibly divide it into parts, immediately organizing them correct docking. This is a common practice for current IT technologies, due to the level of development of modern computer equipment and programs.

On the other hand, with a small volume of a single file and taking into account the specifics of the tasks being solved, there is often no need to artificially divide this file into parts. For example, in the example below, the overall file exhaustively represented a single architectural and design model of the temple, after a certain preventive cleaning it had a volume of 50 MB and was well processed on a regular computer.

Rice. 3. Evgenia Chuprina. The project of an Orthodox church in Novosibirsk. The work was done in Revit Architecture, 2011.

In other situations, on those directly related to the amount of information, the internal logic and complexity of the object force designers to have many files in a single model. For example, the following project of underground development (7 floors deep) and the general reconstruction of Sverdlov Square in Novosibirsk contained 48 files directly forming a single model, and about 800 family files inserted into this model. The division of this model into consistent logical parts also made it possible to work effectively with the project on a conventional personal computer.

Rice. 4. Sofya Kulikova, Sergey Ulrich. Project for the reconstruction of Sverdlov Square in Novosibirsk. The work was done in Revit Architecture, 2011.

As already noted, a specific technology for working with a single information model is determined both by the content and volume of the project itself, and by the software used, as well as by the user's experience, and usually allows for many options.

If everything is simple with small projects - you can work with one file (with software suitable for its versatility, of course), then large jobs, even if they are performed on the basis of one modeling program, are “doomed” first to division, and then to “stitching” » parts into a whole. Moreover, this "stitching" must be correct in order to obtain consistent information, and not a set of disparate "drawings in electronic form."

Some BIM-programs, such as Bentley AECOsim Building Designer, to solve such a problem immediately write a single model into several thematically separated associated files. Other programs leave this up to users to implement.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that in information modeling, to complete each section of the project, you need to take the program that does this section in the best way, and then somehow put it all together. Of course, it's good if, as a result of the merging, you get an information model, according to which you can at least check for collisions. But more often than not, this unsuccessful “gathering together” nullifies the entire effectiveness of information modeling - parts of the project performed in different programs may simply not be combined into one consistent model.

In order not to get into such a situation, we must remember that computer modeling, especially BIM, is like a game of chess, where you have to think a few steps ahead. In particular, when working with parts of the model, you must immediately clearly understand how it will then be assembled into a single whole. If you can't imagine it - don't think about BIM and work in AutoCAD, in the classic "computer drawing" this program has not let anyone down yet!

Those who think a few steps ahead have long since practically discovered that a single model can be assembled in many ways, and that in especially difficult cases this even highlights some specialization among employees. Moreover, the BIM theory also does not stand still - a special terminology has already appeared that explains the "origin" of a single model in cases where (for various reasons) information modeling is not single-platform.

For example, federated model(federated model). This model is created by the work of various specialists, most often in different programs with their own file formats, and the assembly of the general model is carried out in special "assembly" programs (such as Autodesk NavisWorks, Bentley Navigator or Tekla BIMsight).

In this case, the parts from which the model is assembled do not lose their independence, and changes made to them can only be carried out through the program that generated them and do not automatically lead to changes in other components of the model. The federated model can be used for general actions (visualization, specification, collision detection, etc.).

To date, the federated model is one of the fairly common options for building a single information model for complex objects. This approach characterizes the "early" period of development of BIM (according to the British classification - BIM Level 2) with work in "motley" software. I think it will go away with time.

Rice. 5. Ekaterina Pichueva. Collision checking in Autodesk NavisWorks when joining multiple parts of a model. 2013.

Another variant - integrated model(integrated model). Such a model is assembled from parts made (more precisely, saved) in open formats such as IFC. This approach is consistent with the concept of OpenBIM, but it also does not provide a high degree of association between different parts of the model.

Worth mentioning separately hybrid model(hybrid model), which combines both three-dimensional elements and 2D drawings or text documents associated with them (the latter are increasingly being replaced by web links to primary sources). The hybrid model is a very common and growing phenomenon, because it makes the modeling process, regardless of which path it takes, quite rational.

For example, if an organization has a long-developed album of typical nodes that are used in the project, then there is no need to translate all these nodes into a three-dimensional view (model) and “overload” the common file with them, it is enough to simply put a link (hyperlink) to the appropriate places in the model the desired landscape sheets (the sheets themselves can be used in vector or even raster format).

Another example is engineering equipment documentation. It is almost always a multi-page text document that cannot be "modeled", so it is simply attached with links to the corresponding elements of the main model.

Among the typical representatives of the hybrid family, one can also name models of historical and architectural monuments. For example, recently a unique work was carried out at the Department of Historical Informatics of Moscow State University on the virtual reconstruction of the appearance of the Strastnoy Monastery in Moscow ( Information modeling in this case was carried out "with a historical bias" - from the recreated external appearance of buildings, first of all, historical accuracy was required, which was confirmed by attached links to documents. At the same time, the internal filling of buildings was not the subject of research, but it can be added at the next stages of modeling if desired.

Rice. 6. The information model of the Strastnoy Monastery created at Moscow State University is a unique opportunity to compare history with our time. Recall that the monastery itself was almost completely destroyed in 1937.

  1. If the model can not be divided into parts, then it is better not to do this, but immediately work with a common file.
  2. If the division of the model cannot be avoided, then it is better to use the option of a central file and local copies for each user, thus organizing the joint work of many users on one project.
  3. If this does not work (for example, architects and electricians require different file templates), then external links should also be used.
  4. If external links in the "on-line" mode are also problematic (for example, the executors of the project parts are in different cities or work at different times), then get ready to "stitch" the model parts using specialized programs.
  5. If you can’t work at all in one software (or in a single file format), then you will also have to “stitch” parts of the model in specialized programs, and be prepared for loss when combining some of the information and its subsequent “manual” recovery.
  6. If you have reached this point, skipping the previous five as not suitable, then forget about BIM and draw in AutoCAD, or invite a few students trained in information modeling - they will do everything for you quickly and correctly.

And one more thing - we must remember that the methods for obtaining a single model are very dependent on the software that is used in the organization. And here it is necessary to give preference not to those programs in which employees are used to working, but to those that simplify the creation of a single model.

BIM technology of information modeling of objects (Building Information Modeling) is a development of the computer-aided design (CAD) system generally accepted today. The main difference from the latter, in addition to three-dimensional drawing, is that the model has a database containing detailed information about the technological, technical, architectural, engineering, construction, cost estimates, and economic characteristics of the object. Depending on the specific requirements, the database can be supplemented with legal, operational, environmental and other information.

PrinciplesBIM design

The postulates of information modeling or BIM design, which formed the basis of the modern approach to the development of project documentation, were identified and applied during the reconstruction of Heathrow Airport Terminal 3 in the late 80s by the developer of software systems for Autodesk and Bentley Systems, Robert Ash. As the basic principles of BIM, he named:

  • constructing an object in three-dimensional space;
  • the possibility of automatic issuance of drawings and specifications;
  • the presence in the model of all the design data of the object;
  • intelligent parameterization;
  • the possibility of modeling the construction process with reference to time and budgeting.

By combining all sections and decisions of the project in a single multidimensional space, the manager can see the results of construction before it starts. When talking about BIM design, along with the generally accepted term "3D visualization", "4D" and "5D" are often used. This means, in the truest sense of the word, the expansion of the number of spatial dimensions, which is provided by linking the model to the construction schedule and the estimated cost of the facility.

World development experience

As noted above, the development of information modeling systems abroad has been carried out since the 80s of the last century. One of the leaders and founders of the movement was Autodesk, whose achievements served as an impetus for the creation of an alliance for the interaction of various graphics platforms.

The Alliance of Interoperability includes 12 major software developers, including Autodesk (Revit, Autocad), Tekla, Graphisoft (Archicad), Trimble (Sketchup) and others. For correspondence between different platforms, the IFC data format with an open specification is used.

Today, almost all eminent architects and design studios work with BIM design technologies. In accordance with analytical studies, the use of modern approaches in design and construction makes it possible to achieve tangible savings in terms of construction and installation works, the cost of construction and operation of facilities.

For example, during the construction of an art museum in Denver under the project of D. Libeskind in 2006, thanks to the created model of interaction between contractors linked to a network schedule, the overall implementation time was reduced by 14 months. Significant results were achieved through the introduction of BIM in the construction of the Higher Music School in Miami, designed by Frank Gehry in 2008.

According to research data from McGraw-Hill Construction, the level of involvement of US and Canadian design bureaus in BIM technologies in 2007 was 28%, in 2009 - 49%, in 2012 - 71%. In the United States, the American National Bureau of BIM Standards, which is part of the National Institute of Buildings, is moving towards information modeling.

In many European countries, the introduction of advanced BIM technologies is carried out by purposeful actions of the authorities. In particular, in the UK back in 2010 an action plan was approved, according to which, starting from 2016, all state-funded construction projects must be developed in accordance with BIM standards. In addition, the recessionary trends in the EU economy created the conditions for design and construction organizations to search for new, more efficient approaches to the execution of work. With the forced reduction in the number of participants in the project, BIM technologies turned out to be an effective way to survive.

BIM: advantages and possibilities

So, the term BIM design today is understood as an information model of an existing or planned facility, the distinctive features of which are:

  • interconnectedness and consistency of all elements;
  • the possibility of supplementing, changing, analyzing and forecasting development;
  • binding to real time and place;
  • access for simultaneous work by specialists of various fields and the possibility of combining their technical solutions in a single space.

The main advantages of using BIM follow from this definition. Modeling benefits include:

  • the possibility of automatic creation of high quality design and estimate documentation;
  • no errors in drawings, dimensions, specifications, estimates;
  • up-to-date information on operational and cost indicators of materials;
  • visual clarity, contributing to the adoption of optimal technical solutions;
  • ease of managing the construction and operation of the facility;
  • availability of up-to-date data for the possibility of reconstruction, technical modernization and demolition of buildings and structures at the end of their life cycle.

An important component of the innovative BIM approach is the possibility of visual modeling of the construction process itself, during which each of the specialists participating in the project can track the implementation of the technical solutions laid down by him and their interaction with subcontractors. When modeling the operation of an object, it is possible to observe the operation of the equipment provided for by the project and draw conclusions about the satisfaction of its parameters.

ImplementationBIMin the domestic construction industry

Speaking about the implementation and development prospects of information modeling in Russia, it is necessary to highlight several main factors that influence this process. On the one hand, there are a number of companies interested in the development, which, by promoting BIM technologies at their facilities, strive to be at the forefront of construction technologies.

On the other hand, there are centralized programs of the authorities aimed at a phased transition to more progressive systems of design and construction. At the same time, there are certain forces and circumstances that impede these positive processes. Let's look at each of these points in more detail.

Who promotes technologyBIM designin Russia

One way or another, most designers and builders have heard at least something about information modeling. For many, BIM design is associated primarily with 3D design. At the same time, things often do not go beyond the realization that the new technology is the future. Nevertheless, there is already a core of interested companies in the domestic market that are actively promoting the introduction of innovations.

One of the pioneers in the use of BIM in Russia is the Design Bureau for High-Rise and Underground Structures (St. Petersburg). Using modeling methods, the bureau has developed over 70 objects of varying degrees of complexity. Among them are complex projects for the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre, a 120-story skyscraper in Azerbaijan, a shopping center in Minsk and others.

One of the largest domestic developers, Morton Group of Companies (Moscow) uses BIM technologies not only to optimize construction and installation works, but also to plan the entire life cycle of facilities under construction. One of the company's pilot projects was the construction of a kindergarten.

The Etalon Group of Companies (St. Petersburg) has now implemented an information modeling system at all its construction sites. Active supporters of the introduction of BIM technologies are foreign companies that have their offices in Russia. Among them are NCC (Sweden), YIT (Finland) and a number of others.

State regulation and expertise

The program for the implementation of construction information modeling was approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in December 2014. In accordance with this document, the development of technology consists of the following stages:

  • development of 23 pilot BIM projects. The models are currently under review;
  • examination of pilot projects and analysis of results. Deadline - until the end of 2015 (work in progress);
  • development of a BIM classifier containing about 70 thousand items of building materials;
  • creation of a list of the regulatory framework that needs to be adjusted when introducing information modeling by the end of 2015;
  • adjustment of building codes and regulations - during 2016;
  • starting from 2017 - a mandatory requirement for the use of BIM in the implementation of part of state orders for design;
  • starting from 2018, the Ministry of Construction will give recommendations on the use of BIM technologies by construction contractors;
  • further increase in the percentage of modeling in the design and construction of facilities.

Currently, within the framework of pilot BIM projects, interaction between their developers and experts is being adjusted. Since April 2015, the state expertise, along with the classic technical documentation in paper form, has also been accepting models of objects for consideration. For these purposes, the staff of the state structure has trained specialists, as well as equipped workplaces. The Revit Autodesk complex is currently the main tool for designers and experts.

Implementation featuresBIM design technologiesin Russia

When studying the issue of introducing BIM technologies, most often come across positive reviews and a detailed description of the benefits of a more advanced system. Nevertheless, among domestic specialists (designers and builders) there are also a sufficient number of skeptics. And there are indeed reasons for negative perception of the process.

Despite the unified approach to BIM fundamentals proclaimed by software developers and the free exchange of information between Autodesk, Bentley, Tekla, Graphisoft and others platforms, it is not possible to actually fulfill this condition without losing a significant part of the data today. In fact, a design organization that has adopted a particular software package becomes a hostage of its manufacturer.

At this stage of development, in many cases there is no established connection between the calculation systems and the visual construction of the model. Information about defects in building structures of existing buildings and structures that require repair and reinforcement is very problematic to fit into a single BIM system. Therefore, today it is not necessary to talk about a comprehensive process of modeling an object.

A certain skepticism is also caused by the assertion that the sets of working documentation are “cut” automatically from the finished model without the participation of the “human factor”, and the possibility of errors in this process is minimal. The practice of using the same Revit Autodesk indicates the need for significant "manual" revision of the drawings in terms of bringing them to the SPDS standards. Users claim that the out-of-the-box version of the software package requires a significant amount of time to customize it to suit your needs, creating your own databases, stamps and forms.

Despite the assurances of the developers, the use of BIM technology is not justified in all cases. Building an information model is a rather laborious and lengthy process that can be justified in large-scale projects. The development of the design of small objects using BIM will simply increase the time and cost of the work. Apparently, in order to justify cases of inefficient use of technology, developers are actively promoting the idea of ​​using the model at all stages of the life cycle of an object, up to its demolition.

In addition to these "pitfalls", the process of implementing BIM in domestic design and construction organizations faces the following problems:

  • high cost of transition from CAD-systems to information modeling. Often, the company's management does not realize the need to use licensed products and specialized staff training;
  • negative reaction of the company's employees when imposing additional duties. In most cases, the process of training specialists in modeling takes place after hours and at no additional charge;
  • decrease in labor productivity and loss of time when developing pilot projects in the BIM environment.

Working under sanctions and import substitution

It just so happened that in addition to the internal problems of introducing advanced technologies, today designers are also influenced by foreign policy factors. By and large, having invested a considerable amount of money and labor in its development based on imported technology, the organization may be left with nothing.

In this regard, the Ministry of Construction is considering proposals from three domestic software developers as part of an import substitution project. Requirements for potential applicants - ensuring full compatibility with the world's BIM technologies and support for the implementation of the software product in the environment of design and expert organizations.


Summarizing the above, it can be noted that:

  • the development of BIM technologies is a logical and irreversible process of evolution of design and construction technology;
  • along with unconditional advantages, the process of introducing information modeling in Russia has a number of "pitfalls", the presence of which cannot be ignored;
  • the introduction of BIM systems must be approached selectively, taking into account the specifics of a particular project. The all-or-nothing approach is not correct. In some cases, CAD systems turn out to be more effective, and the use of BIM can be carried out in a limited form (for example, three-dimensional modeling).

Methods and tools of modern design in the construction industry have long used elements of computer analysis and modeling. With the help of automated graphical and mathematical representations, it is possible to develop an individual concept for the construction of a particular object with high accuracy, taking into account the requirements for its operational characteristics and the external conditions of future use. BIM-technology has become a new stage in the development of this direction, which does not process individual parameters of the building, but considers it comprehensively and, depending on the adjustments made to certain indicators, automatically changes the properties of other components.

General information about technology

The transition from classical methods of developing design and technical solutions to analysis tools and automated documentation has been going on for more than a year, and the very idea of ​​modeling with accurate calculations without the participation of architectural services did not arise from scratch. At this stage, BIM technologies in construction make it possible to create graphic objects based on embedded data, drawings and reports.

Of course, the initial information is collected by special groups of designers, but the further development of the object model is fully entrusted to the automated BIM complex. It is important to emphasize that the system does not only perform structural calculations with subsequent presentation of a computer image. It simulates the life cycle of a building, allowing you to evaluate third-party influences on its elements, communications and equipment. Maintenance personnel also have the opportunity to experiment by making adjustments to the parameters of the object and monitoring the reaction of other components to the changes made.

Benefits of BIM technology

The fundamental difference of this approach to design is the possibility of presenting three-dimensional models of buildings. Similar information systems ensured the construction of objects in two-dimensional planes, and BIM-modeling tools make it possible to visually visualize a three-dimensional 3D image. Another benefit is variability. This means that even after the final stage of modeling, developers can apply several options for the execution of the object, adjusting it to certain characteristics. Also important is the advantage of the method as minimizing the error tolerance. The fact is that BIM technology is based on high-level machine calculations, which practically reduces the risk of incorrect calculation to zero. Ultimately, the customer also wins financially, since design automation cancels a number of stages that require considerable financial investments.

Elements of Information Modeling

At the basic level, a graphical representation of the future building is created. This fragment of the project is the backbone, built on technical calculations. In the same complex, separate blocks can be formed that are responsible for the execution of specific details - communications, structures, equipment, communication lines, etc. It should be emphasized that already in this system the interconnection between the components is organized and, depending on the nature of the interaction, they can influence each other, automatically changing their parameters. An important element is the ability to manage the aforementioned life cycle. Initially, BIM technologies in design were conceived not just as a technical tool, but also as a means of regulating the process of using an object. For example, a reconstruction is planned in an already constructed building. The program will allow you to assess how appropriate this or that tactic for implementing the project to revise the structure will be.

BIM Modeling Toolkit

All elements of creating a virtual project are carried out using powerful software. Also, sets of libraries are used, on the basis of which modeling is implemented. In turn, users control the system through GUI and API interfaces that allow them to enter initial data in a convenient format, edit them and receive materials ready for processing. It provides for BIM technology and the use of specialized systems for a narrowly focused analysis of individual qualities of a house. Some of them produce contextual modeling according to different schemes, depending on the tasks. For example, with the help of programs for determining physical parameters, it is possible to calculate the critical points of the centers of mass in a building, which will make it possible to optimize the object in terms of the risks of collapse or deformation of individual parts.

Stages of BIM modeling

The process of project implementation using the BIM system is based on three stages - the development of a technical solution, construction and operation. At the first stage, initial information is collected, processed by structural calculation tools and, if necessary, an estimate is made. In parallel with the automated procedure for the formation of the object model, the project is coordinated. At the next stage, a ready-made solution is put into practice - construction and installation operations are performed. What place can BIM-technologies occupy in construction? Using the same software, calculations are made for the use of optimal materials, installation schemes and a logistics model are formed that optimize the overall process of organizing events. At the operational stage, information modeling can be involved in choosing the most effective approaches to the reconstruction, repair or modernization of an object.

Implementation of BIM technology

Construction and design companies are integrating information modeling tools in a complex format. The implementation process involves the development and installation of targeted software, its customization for specific tasks and staff training. At the initial stage, BIM technologies are used in design as a pilot toolkit. The trial period allows you to identify errors in the work of maintenance personnel, as well as to make amendments to the methodology for the implementation of design modeling, adjusted for the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse of the system.

Application of technology

At the moment, this complex is successfully used in the construction of multi-storey buildings. Also, the industrial sector actively uses advanced computer-aided design tools. In particular, this applies to mining facilities, manufacturing industries, engineering structures and communication systems. It is worth noting the use of BIM technologies in management systems. Large companies use modeling tools to improve staff efficiency and optimize costs.


The key difference between the traditional approach to project development and the use of automated systems is the degree of accuracy, elimination of errors and flexibility in quality control. In addition, BIM information modeling technology enables large-scale design. Already today, on the basis of this concept, there are more advanced tools that allow you to combine into one structure not only the elements of one object, but, for example, several buildings. Thus, the range of coverage of the target model is expanding, which may include groups of residential and industrial buildings.