Steam heating without pump. Heating without a pump. Scheme of a gravity heating system

Using heating systems with natural circulation goes back many decades. Their introduction began almost simultaneously with the advent of steam heating. There are several current heating schemes with natural circulation for a private home, and each of them can be successfully used in high efficiency in the most comfortable conditions for her.

Design features

The main difference between the gravity heating scheme is that in the circuit through which the coolant moves, there is no circulation pump that forces the water.

Popular arguments given in favor of a gravity heating system are the following:

  • complete independence from the availability of electricity in the room;
  • high degree inertia, which minimizes the impact of external factors on heat redistribution.

It must be taken into account that increasing the diameter of the heating pipes in such a situation has a positive effect on the operation of the system. However, it is worth adhering to certain restrictions in dimensions.

Operating principle

During heating operation with natural circulation, physical principles are used in which the warmer liquid rises, moving from the highest point along the installation slope created for it from the main pipes.

  1. With this scheme, it is necessary to install the boiler below the level of the sections with radiators.
  2. When moving from the top point, water moves towards the sections. The pipes connecting the radiators to the main line should be significantly smaller in diameter than the main line. In demand this scheme heating a private house with natural circulation will be with the top type of distribution.
  3. For lower distribution, you will need to provide some kind of acceleration circuit. It is formed during the installation of a pipeline going up to the expansion tank installed there. After this, the window is lowered horizontally, from which further wiring is carried out.

Heating systems without a pump have reduced efficiency in rooms with low ceilings, since it is advisable to route the pipe with the highest point of the system main 1.5-1.6 m above the boiler, and an expansion tank should also be mounted above it.

Due to the fact that movement in heating is carried out without a pump, during the time it reaches distant sections of the main line, the coolant manages to release a sufficient amount of thermal energy. This principle of operation involves working in small spaces. It is believed that for highways with a circuit length of more than 30 m, a scheme with a gravity heating system for a private house loses its effectiveness.

VIDEO: Calculation of heating with natural circulation

Installation features

Boilers with natural circulation can have two types of mains connections:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

Both wiring options have individual installation features, but in terms of efficiency of use with a gravity heating system, they differ slightly. It is important to observe the slope of the heating pipes during natural circulation to ensure uninterrupted movement and the absence of airy areas. IN open systems The release of gas formations occurs naturally through the expansion tank.

When installing heating lines with natural circulation with your own hands, a slope is maintained, ensuring a drop in height of 5-10 mm for every meter of length.

The hydrodynamic forces developed under system conditions, which determine the speed of flow movement, directly depend on the level of lift of the circuit. It is important to install radiators above the boiler installation level, and the pipeline resistance depends on the diameters of the lines.

When the installation of a heating system with natural circulation is carried out with numerous branches and frequent refractions, this helps to increase the hydraulic resistance. In addition, an unreasonably high number of installed shut-off valves also increases this value. Minimizing such areas plus increasing the reasonable diameter of the lines helps to increase the pressure in the system.

Installation of a two-pipe system

Natural circulation in the heating system can be provided in two-pipe circuits. The first pipe (supply) directs the flow of hot coolant from the boiler, and the second pipe (cold) returns cooled water to the boiler. During installation, the following actions are carried out:

  • a branch is drawn upward from the heat generator, which goes to the expansion tank;
  • installation of the barrel can be carried out both under the ceiling and at the level of the insulated attic;
  • a pipeline is mounted to the bottom of the tank, going into the room, descending to a level of 2/3 of the height from the ceiling;
  • wiring is carried out to the nearest section of radiators;
  • the second branch pipe of the section is mounted to the return;
  • The return line is mounted parallel to the supply, but the slope is provided towards the boiler.

How to determine the volume of the expansion tank

Volume expansion tank open type is determined very simply - 10% of the total volume of coolant circulating through the water circuit. Determining the tenth part is considered a universal way to calculate the volume of the expansion chamber at which it works ideally.

Determining the volume of the tank closed type It’s a little more difficult, but it’s also quite easy for a non-specialist to overcome. To calculate, you need to know the following input data:

  • percentage increase in coolant volume when heated (HW) - standard 5% for water and 10% for antifreeze;
  • the total amount of water or antifreeze in the water circuit (WC) - if there is no such data, you will have to drain all the coolant and measure it with buckets or other devices. The task is to determine the most accurate volume;
  • circuit and boiler pressure (DC) - this information is reflected in the technical passport for the boiler. If it is not there, the Internet will save you;
  • maximum pressure in the expansion chamber (BP) - all information is also reflected in the technical passport.

We apply the formula:

OV x VK x (DK + 1) / DK - DB

We round the resulting value to a whole number and obtain the estimated volume of the expansion tank.

This value is always greater than the “by eye - 10%” method, but this is not a violation. If the volume of the expansion tank is larger than required for the water circuit, it must be configured correctly.

Installation of a one-pipe system

This type The circulation of water in the heating system, in contrast to the two-pipe scheme, does not depend on the level of location of the radiator sections. The expansion barrel is selected with a volume of 25-32 liters. Its filling should be 2/3 of the volume.

The location of the boiler, just like in a single-pipe boiler, should be below the level of the radiators to ensure natural outflow. An installation slope for highways of 5-70 is provided. Radiators are powered by pipes with a diameter of at least 32 mm. Preferred material for wiring there is a polymer pipeline. For connections to the radiator pipes, pipe diameters of up to 20 mm are used.

If the diameters are selected correctly, then balancing is not required. However, it is advisable to install shut-off valves on the coolant inlet/outlet to the radiators. This will ensure ease of dismantling the sections for maintenance or repair work.

Two-pipe system costs more, since you have to use double the highway. In this regard, it is often for small rooms with natural heating supply it is important to use single-pipe schemes.

VIDEO: Heating scheme with natural circulation

Having built country house or a dacha, every person thinks about how to heat their home as efficiently as possible. Today there are many types of heating, and sometimes it is very difficult to choose a specific heating option.

We strongly recommend that you pay attention to the heating design with natural coolant circulation. To understand the essence of the issue, we will describe this type of room heating in more detail, and also indicate it different properties, and we will also tell you about the installation of the system.

Interesting to know!The operating principle of a heating system without a pump is based on the movement of fluid under hydrostatic pressure. In other words, a liquid in a heated state has a lower density than a cooled one, so the top rises, thus facilitating the circulation of coolant in the system.

When heating without a pump is possible.

As a rule, heating with natural circulation is installed in country cottages and country houses. This is due to the fact that in such residential premises there are very often interruptions in electricity, or even no electricity at all, as a result of which it is impossible to install heating with forced circulation.
Distinctive feature This heating system is that it is very convenient to use, and you can install it yourself.

Types and design of heating systems with natural circulation.

Each heating design without a pump consists of the following main elements:

  • heat source, which can be represented in the form of a heating boiler with various types fuel;
  • expansion tank, which serves to stabilize the pressure in the system;
  • pipelines for coolant circulation;
  • radiators that provide heating for living spaces.

For clarity, the location of the heating elements is shown in the following figure.

Depending on the type of coolant, natural circulation systems are usually divided into the following two types:

Let us consider in more detail all the characteristics of these two types of residential heating systems.

Water heating with natural circulation.

Heating water systems without a pump are usually classified according to certain characteristic criteria that reflect their functionality.
Depending on the type of expansion tank, heating with natural circulation is usually divided into the following types:

  • Open heating system. With this design, the expansion tank is located as high as possible in order to create excess pressure and also remove air. In this case, the tank also serves to add fluid to the system.
  • Closed heating system with natural circulation differs in that instead of an expansion tank, a membrane hydraulic storage cylinder is installed, with the help of which an additional pressure of no more than 1.5 atm is created. To ensure safety, a block with a pressure gauge is built into the design of the system, which regulates the internal pressure.

Also heating structures with natural circulation are divided depending on the connection method heating elements. According to this classification, there are the following types of heating:

  • Single pipe heating system. The operating principle of this type of heating is that everything heating devices are connected to the system in series, in other words, the coolant circulates from one element to another. The installation of connecting radiators to the main pipe can be clearly seen in Fig. 5.

The undoubted advantage of this type of heating is that installation is quite simple and requires a minimum of materials.

  • Two-pipe heating system with natural circulation. In this heating design, the heating elements are connected to the main pipe in parallel. In other words, the coolant enters each device at the same temperature, and the cooled liquid returns to the boiler through a pipe, which is commonly called “return”. A diagram of connecting heating devices to the system can be seen in Fig. 6.

Such heating circuit is the most optimal for heating living spaces. The only drawback is that the installation of such heating requires a large number of pipes and other plumbing fittings.

Advice!When choosing a heating system for your home, be sure to consider your options when purchasing all consumables for heating installation!

Steam heating without pump.

Sometimes steam heating is associated with water heating structures for a room. And there is actually no mistake here, but there is one nuance: steam is water heated to boiling.

Thus, the principle of operation of a steam heating system is that the water in the boiler is heated to form steam, and then this coolant flows through pipes into the heating elements.

As can be seen from the schematic drawing, the heating system with coolant in the form of steam consists of the following structural elements:

  • a heat generator, presented in the form of a boiler, which heats water and accumulates steam;
  • an outlet valve that controls the flow of steam into the system;
  • main pipes;
  • heating radiators.

As for the classification of steam heating, it is absolutely similar to water heating systems.

Important to know!During installation steam design heating, the use of plastic pipes is strictly prohibited!

How to make heating without a pump.

In order to implement high-quality installation heating with natural coolant circulation, the following important steps must be taken:

  • Heating radiators should be placed preferably under windows and at the same level.
  • Install a heating boiler.
  • Secure the expansion tank.
  • Connect the installed elements using pipes.
  • Introduce coolant into the heating system and check all components for leaks.
  • Start the boiler and start enjoying comfortable warmth your home.


  • The boiler should be positioned as low as possible.
  • Pipes must be installed with a slope towards the return line.
  • It is advisable to avoid in the system large quantities turns.
  • Use large diameter pipes.

We hope that we have covered all aspects of a natural circulation heating system that will help in heating your home.

Heating, water supply, boiler room:

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Qualitatively according to the contract, guarantee:
Heating system without pump

We will professionally perform:

  • installation of a heating system;
  • installation of autonomous water supply;
  • boiler equipment maintenance;
  • repair, replacement and restoration of the pipeline.

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Skhodnenskoe highway Novoshodnenskoe highway Lotoshinskoe highway Rublevskoe highway Ilinskoe highway Uspenskoe highway

Until the 90s of the last century, heating a house without a pump was the only option available, since the direction of manufacturing circulation pumps and promoting them to the masses was not developed. Thus, owners and developers of private houses were forced to install heating in their houses without a pump.

But when good boiler equipment, pipes and compact circulation pumps began to be brought to the CIS in the 90s, the situation changed dramatically. Everyone started installing the machines, which don’t work without a pump. They began to forget about gravity systems. But today the situation is changing. Developers of private houses are once again thinking about heating a house without pumps. Since interruptions and shortages of electricity, which is so necessary for the operation of the circulation pump, can be traced everywhere.

The issue of quality and quantity of electricity supply is especially acute in new buildings.

That is why today, more than ever, one proverb comes to mind: “Everything new is well-forgotten old!” This proverb is very relevant today for heating a house without a pump.

For example, previously only steel pipes, homemade boilers and open expansion tanks. The boilers had low efficiency, steel pipes were bulky, and it was not recommended to hide them in walls.

Heating residential premises is one of the main components of comfort and coziness in the home. Planning your installation heating equipment, many homeowners prefer the Leningradka heating system, which has a number of advantages over other heating schemes. Due to its low cost and ease of installation, it is available for DIY installation.

The Leningrad heating system is a scheme for apartment-by-apartment piping, in which the coolant is sequentially supplied from one radiator to another. Leningradka is also known as a single-pipe scheme because the radiator inlet pipe is the outlet pipe for the next battery installed in series.

Main varieties

According to the method of laying the pipeline, the heating circuit is divided into varieties.


Vertical type heating is used for heating multi-storey buildings with a series connection of radiators located on different floors of the building. This vertical placement of heating radiators is known as a “riser” and is known to the majority of the country’s population by standard projects panel apartment buildings.


Another type of pipelines made according to the Leningradka scheme is the horizontal arrangement of pipes. This type of wiring is suitable for heating a private house, when the pipe connects in series several radiators located in rooms on the same floor.


The schemes described above can also be used in combined version heating a building, when the coolant passes through a horizontal section of series-connected radiators, after which it is supplied along a vertical section to the lower floor of the house. Wiring of this type is installed during the construction of a private house, usually two-story. In this case, Leningrad allows you to save a significant part of the funds for the purchase of pipeline elements when installing a heating system.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Heating made according to the “Leningradka” scheme has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages are the low cost of installation and further operation, due to lower material consumption compared to other types of pipelines.

The single-pipe system is not without its drawbacks, the main ones being: the need to increase the number of sections for batteries installed at the end heating circuit, as well as the impossibility of installing heated floors in one of the rooms of an apartment or house.


Heating of the “Leningradka” type is installed using special tool and equipment, the composition of which depends on the choice of pipeline material. The heat source for a private house is a heating boiler, and for an apartment house - a heat exchanger, in which the internal circuit coolant is heated from water supplied through the central line.

First, the pipes are inserted, after which they are laid main pipeline, at the beginning of which the booster pump is installed, and at the end an expansion tank is installed.

Diagram of the Leningradka heating system.

Heating radiators are connected to the pipeline in two ways - by connecting to the lower pipes, or to the lower and upper pipes located diagonally. The second method provides faster heating of the room, but involves increased material consumption during installation.

Heating is a very expensive life support system for a residential building, requiring significant material costs during installation. Installation without the use of a booster pump in the circuit is more profitable than a circuit with forced circulation.

If it is possible to install heating with natural circulation of coolant, it is considered as the preferred scheme.

Installation without the use of a booster pump in the circuit is more profitable than a circuit with forced circulation. If it is possible to install heating with natural circulation of coolant, it is considered as the preferred scheme.

Features of installing a horizontal system

There are two ways to install horizontal single pipe systems. The first method involves laying pipelines over the floor surface. This type of installation is easy to do with your own hands and also involves quick replacement of components during future repairs. This is an option for laying open pipes.

Another type of pipe arrangement involves laying them under the floor. This method has improved appearance, but involves a larger amount of work, which includes, in particular, laying thermal insulation. Due to its complexity, installation of closed heating systems has not become widespread.

Features of installing a vertical system

The main feature of installing heating pipelines vertically is the need to install a booster pump. In some buildings, usually of a two-story type, pipelines are installed with natural pumping, as a result of the action of gravity.

The most common option is a vertical scheme, in which the coolant is supplied to the roof of the house using a pump, after which it is distributed by gravity among consumers.

The nature of coolant circulation determines the nominal diameter size of the pipelines used during installation. The movement of liquid by gravity involves larger size cross-section of the pipeline than its forced movement.

Self-installation of the system

Before you begin installing a heating system with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with training materials, including videos, step-by-step instructions and manuals for installing and operating heating equipment.

Considering the area of ​​heated premises, climatic conditions, number of floors of the building, natural possibility or necessity forced circulation coolant and other factors, pipes are selected and pipeline fittings, as well as the model of the booster pump.

It is possible to insert other devices into the circuit, for example, radiator thermostatic heads with and without a thermostat, ball valves and balancing valves. This will allow you to replace the radiator without turning off the power supply to the riser, which is important when repairing old heating systems.

Leningradka, assembled by the owner of a house or apartment independently, will provide the proper level of warmth and comfort, and will also allow significant savings.

Having built a country house or dacha, every person thinks about how to heat their home as efficiently as possible. Today there are many types of heating, and sometimes it is very difficult to choose a specific heating option.

We strongly recommend that you pay attention to the heating design without natural coolant circulation. To understand the essence of the issue, we will describe this type of room heating in more detail, indicate its various properties, and also tell you about the installation of the system.

When not to use the pump

The operating principle of a heating system without a pump is based on the movement of fluid under hydrostatic pressure. In other words, a liquid in a heated state has a lower density than a cooled one, so the top rises, thus facilitating the circulation of coolant in the system.

As a rule, heating with natural circulation is installed in country cottages and country houses. This is due to the fact that in such residential premises there are very often interruptions in electricity, or even no electricity at all, as a result of which it is impossible to install heating with forced circulation.

A distinctive feature of this heating system is that it is very convenient to use, and you can install it yourself.

Types and design of heating systems with natural circulation

Each heating design without a pump consists of the following main elements:

  • a heat source, which can be presented in the form of a heating boiler with various types of fuel;
  • expansion tank, which serves to stabilize the pressure in the system;
  • pipelines for coolant circulation;
  • radiators that provide heating for living spaces.

Depending on the type of coolant, natural circulation systems are usually divided into the following two types:

  • water heating;
  • steam heating.

Let us consider in more detail all the characteristics of these two types of residential heating systems.

Water heating with natural circulation

Heating water systems without a pump are usually classified according to certain characteristic criteria that reflect their functionality.

Depending on the type of expansion tank, heating with natural circulation is usually divided into the following types:

  1. Open heating system. With this design, the expansion tank is located as high as possible in order to create excess pressure and also to remove air. In this case, the tank also serves to add fluid to the system.
  2. A closed heating system with natural circulation is distinguished by the fact that instead of an expansion tank, a membrane hydraulic storage cylinder is installed, with the help of which an additional pressure of no more than 1.5 atm is created. To ensure safety, a block with a pressure gauge is built into the design of the system, which regulates the internal pressure.

Also, heating structures with natural circulation are divided depending on the method of connecting the heating elements. According to this classification, there are the following types of heating:

  1. Single pipe heating system. The operating principle of this type of heating is that all heating devices are connected to the system in series, in other words, the coolant circulates from one element to another. The undoubted advantage of this type of heating is that installation is quite simple and requires a minimum of materials.
  2. Two-pipe heating system with natural circulation. In this heating design, the heating elements are connected to the main pipe in parallel. In other words, the coolant enters each device at the same temperature, and the cooled liquid returns to the boiler through a pipe, which is commonly called “return”.

This heating scheme is the most optimal for heating a living space. The only drawback is that the installation of such heating requires a large number of pipes and other plumbing fittings.

Builder's advice: Having chosen a heating system for your home, be sure to consider your options when purchasing all consumables for heating installation.

Steam heating

Sometimes steam heating is associated with water heating structures for a room. And there is actually no mistake here, but there is one nuance: steam is water heated to boiling.

Thus, the principle of operation of a steam heating system is that the water in the boiler is heated to form steam, and then this coolant flows through pipes into the heating elements.

The heating system with coolant in the form of steam consists of the following structural elements:

  • a heat generator, presented in the form of a boiler, which heats water and accumulates steam;
  • an outlet valve that controls the flow of steam into the system;
  • main pipes;
  • heating radiators.

Important to know: When installing a steam heating structure, the use of plastic pipes is strictly prohibited.

As for the classification of steam heating, it is absolutely similar to water heating systems.

Basic installation rules

In order to carry out high-quality installation of heating with natural circulation of coolant, it is necessary to perform the following important steps:

  1. Heating radiators should be placed preferably under windows and at the same level.
  2. Install a heating boiler.
  3. Secure the expansion tank.
  4. Connect the installed elements using pipes.
  5. Introduce coolant into the heating system and check all components for leaks.
  6. Start the boiler and start enjoying the comfortable warmth of your home.

Important tips for installers:

  1. The boiler should be positioned as low as possible.
  2. Pipes must be installed with a slope towards the return line.
  3. It is advisable to avoid a large number of turns in the system.
  4. Use large diameter pipes.

We hope that we have revealed all the nuances of a heating system without a pump, which will help when equipping the heating of your home.

How to install a heating system without a pump, see the explanation of the gravity system diagram in the following video: