The choice of the most economical way to heat the garage. Choosing a boiler for heating a garage Diesel heating boilers for a garage

We have a ready-made solution for this issue - a compact and inexpensive metal stove for heating a wood-fired garage! Agree that it is cheaper to operate a small portable stove in the garage than to heat the garage with electrical appliances. We can offer a choice of small long-burning stoves that can warm up a small space.

A garage is not only a place to park a car, but also a workshop, and often a “club of interests”. In frosty weather it is very difficult to start the car engine, sometimes it takes so much time, the trip itself becomes irrelevant.

Doing repairs and just exchanging advice is also better at a comfortable temperature. Therefore, it is clear that space heating is one of the problems that motorists solve. Heating a garage is not an easy issue, since this is not only a condition for comfortable maintenance of equipment, but rather a requirement for a normal, civilized maintenance of a car.

The simplest and fastest solution to this issue is the installation of electric heaters, fully automated and fireproof. But what to do if someone has a garage without electricity or has a desire to save money by burning various dreary things? There is a ready-made solution for a wood-burning garage oven.

As a rule, a wood-burning garage stove requires economy and reliability, ease of use, as well as operation on inexpensive fuel. All these aspects are present in a small metal stove, by the way, you can burn not only firewood in it, but also all the garbage that appears. It is not recommended to heat it with coal or peat, otherwise it will quickly burn out, since the combustion temperature of this type of fuel is too high.

Also, these stoves are indispensable for heating change houses. After all, a change house with a stove is an excellent solution for giving. Since you want to relax not only in summer but also in winter, when all the work is completed. In such a change house it is always warm and cozy.

Many stoves for change houses are equipped with a hob, which makes it easy to heat water and cook food. Especially for our customers, PechiMAKS online store offers a wide range of stoves for small spaces such as garages and change houses. As well as related products.

A garage for motorists is a personal space for doing what you love. The space is equipped for your own needs, whether it is a workshop or even a place to relax. Therefore, it is so important to come up with high-quality garage heating. We will try to find the most economical way in this review. With the right approach, the heating system in the garage will be economical and safe.

High-quality heating allows you to create comfortable conditions in any garage

If the outbuilding is located next to the main building, gas heating is often used. In this case, the heating system can be connected to an existing one in the house.

To make garage heating economically with your own hands, you can use the heating option using different options for solid fuel raw materials. As which you can use firewood, peat, coal and diesel products. At the same time, you can save on resources, but it is important to consider the storage of raw materials.

Note! A simple solution is a gas convector. In such equipment, heat circulation occurs due to convection. The device is connected to a cylinder, but it will need to be filled every few days.

What types of garage heating are there?

The most economical way to heat a garage is determined by many factors: the availability of fuel, financial capabilities, and remoteness from the main home.

Heating of the machine shelter can be carried out by such devices:

  • mobile equipment: heat guns and fans for heating;

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The advantage of such equipment is mobility. After all, they are easy enough to move where you need. How to choose the right device, and what you should pay attention to, read the article.
  • infrared heaters;
  • electric boiler is suitable for spacious rooms; stationary heaters.

High-quality heating equipment is essential for creating a favorable environment in the garage.

The benefits of heating from electricity in the garage

  • ease of installation and availability of electricity;
  • a wide range of devices of various types;
  • you can choose a device with a suitable power;
  • rapid heat dissipation.

The disadvantages of such equipment include high cost. Keep in mind that the quality of heating depends on the uninterrupted operation of the electrical network.

You can use these methods:

  • heat guns are an inexpensive option, in which air masses after heating are distributed under the influence of a fan;
  • infrared equipment heats surfaces and all kinds of objects, and they give heat. Infrared rays will not harm the painting of the car;
  • the convector warms up itself and distributes heat around. It warms the space worse than a cannon, but the heat lasts for a long time;
  • The most expensive options include inverter split systems. They save electricity.
Useful information! Thermal models are recommended for small spaces. Fan heaters and heat guns not only warm up, but also help to dry the wheels and the bottom of the car.

Water heating

If the garage is built close to the main building, then the most economical option is heating the garage with reference to the main heating system.

In this case, you do not need to install a boiler, but you will need to stretch the pipeline. This option will lead to loads and an increase in the amount of fuel. If a separate boiler is used, then full power can be used if necessary, and in other cases the equipment operates at a nominal level.

Note! To avoid defrosting, it is worth using antifreeze instead of water in the system.

Gas heating

Gas is the most efficient option. This is a good solution in cases where a gas pipeline passes nearby. To install such a heat source, it is necessary to draw up project documentation and obtain a special permit. The use of gas requires compliance with all safety measures. It is forbidden to use a homemade device, and connect any equipment.

With the help of gas, you can create a complete heating system with a boiler and pipes. It is also used for various types of heaters.

Useful information! Alternatively, you can use liquefied gas for convectors, infrared heaters or guns. When using gas burners and heat guns, do not forget to ventilate.

Solid fuel - a budget option

In the presence of solid fuel, you can even make a design for home-made heating in the garage. Coal and firewood are superior in terms of saving characteristics to other options. Various waste from production, combustible waste, as well as plant residues are used as fuel. This option does not depend on energy lines.

As a heating device, you can make a stove with your own hands from sheet material, barrels or fittings. This method of heating is more fire hazardous than the others. It is necessary to constantly maintain combustion. Some devices are not environmentally friendly.

The wood burning stove comes in a variety of options. These are potbelly stoves, long-burning devices, brick structures and pyrolysis devices. Potbelly stove is perfect for small spaces, and it also dries the air. Boilers are the safer option. They can work without the constant presence of a person.

Equipment in operation

Used oil appliances are an economical option. They are used not only in garages, but also for heating private auto repair shops. You can see how a do-it-yourself heater for heating in a garage is made in the video. For this, metal pipes, all kinds of tanks and gas cylinders are suitable. Even on the basis of the furnace, you can make a design with radiators and pipes.

Remember that such structures require good care. They need to be cleaned of soot at least once a week.

Note! To install the stove, a chimney is required, the height of which should be about 4 meters. Its installation is carried out under a certain slope.

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Overview of popular garage oven models

There are a variety of garage stove options on the market. They differ in the principle of heating and constructive solutions. Some models deserve special attention:

  • The Bullerian stove is made to run on solid fuel. The design has a convection mechanism for high-quality heating of air masses that move through pipes;
  • a durable option is the Stavr oven. It is made of cast iron, a material that can withstand high temperatures;
  • Termafor furnaces have convection pipes in their design, which are placed in the combustion chamber. Such models are designed for both standard and pyrolysis combustion;
  • Alaska stove has a stylish design and good heat dissipation. The design is equipped with a hob;
  • a cheap alternative to Buleryan is the model of the domestic manufacturer Breneran. It is able to work on wood and on the waste of the manufacturer.
ImageModelConstruction typePrice, rub
"Delta" D-81Gheat gun3930
Ballu BHDN-80Diesel indirect heating device55900
ELITECH TP ​​3GCeramic gas hob2960
Resantagas heat gun6700
Breneran AOT - 06/00wood burning stove10500

How to make garage heating with your own hands cheap and fast: choosing the right place

The place for installation of equipment is selected taking into account fire safety. Gas-fired heaters can be used in rooms with excellent ventilation. In addition, it is important to consider the chimney device. The selected device should be attached to the main wall. It is important to correctly calculate the performance of the hood. It is important to provide free access to heating equipment.

Note! When using hearths with open flames, do not close the blower until the fuel is completely burned out. Heating devices for the garage must not be forgotten to turn off at night.

Using an economical heating method will allow you to fully use the garage at any time of the year.

The most economical garage heating option (video)

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Most motorists use the garage not only for its intended purpose, but also as a place where you can take a break from household chores, do a hobby or do some household chores. In order to stay comfortable in the garage even in winter, the room must be somehow heated.

In order for heating to be economical, it is necessary to know the features of existing heating methods, since you can choose the best one for yourself only taking into account the specific situation and a number of factors: the dimensions of the room, its distance from housing, the availability of fuel consumed, the budget for providing heat to the garage, etc. d.

Heating Options for a Standard Single Car Garage

The most popular and most economical way is to heat the garage with electricity, especially if the building is located at some distance from the house, has small dimensions and is not visited often in winter.

There are several ways to heat a garage space using electricity.


Models of electric convectors for use in garages and other technical premises

A reliable and efficient device, the principle of operation of which is based on air convection initiated by heating elements - cold air enters the device from below and, heating up upon contact with a heating element, rises warm to the top.

Convectors are available in floor, wall or universal versions - on support legs, with brackets for wall mounting or equipped with both mounting options. The latter type is especially convenient, as it allows you to compactly place the heater on the wall with the possibility of quick dismantling and installation next to the car - at the place of repair.

Advantages of an electric convector:

  • fast heating to working condition;
  • heating in automatic mode - a certain temperature value is manually set, upon reaching which the device turns off and resumes heating the room only when the air environment cools by 1 degree;
  • safe operation and ease of maintenance;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of using in rooms with high humidity and pollution, since the operating elements of the device are closed by a protective case.

Disadvantages of the convector:

  • higher cost compared to some other types of electric heaters (quartz);
  • the achievement of the effect of the work of the convector in the garage occurs after at least half an hour of time;

Portable fan heater of high power floor version for household and industrial needs

Principle of operation: a heat exchanger (heating elements or a spiral) is heated by means of electricity, the air from the room is blown into the heater by a fan, passed between the heating elements and returned to the garage already hot.

Advantages of a fan heater:

  • environmental friendliness - the absence of any emissions into the surrounding space during work;
  • convenience of adjusting the intensity of heating - there are switches for heating modes (turning off part of the heating elements) and fan speed;
  • small dimensions and mobility - can be installed anywhere in the garage;
  • the possibility of focused heating of zones or objects;
  • rapid heating of the room;
  • equipment with automatic shutdown devices in case of overheating or capsizing;
  • the possibility of additional self-completion with an electromechanical thermostat for automatically maintaining the set temperature in the room;
  • low cost of electrical appliances of small and medium power;
  • ease of use and maintenance.

Like any unit The fan heater also has disadvantages. which must be taken into account:

  • heating-related decrease in air humidity in the room;
  • the presence of a dust accumulation factor on the heating elements, which is fraught with fire or, at least, an unpleasant smell in the garage;
  • noise caused by the operation of the fan;
  • increased electricity consumption.

Despite these shortcomings, the use of a fan heater is the most popular heating for a garage.

Lightweight Timberk heat gun with handle for easy portability

A compact and easy-to-use device that provides fast and efficient heating of the garage. It differs from a fan heater by several times higher power of heating elements. The device is based on electric heaters and a high-performance fan, which provides intensive air blowing of the heating elements, causing the rapid distribution of heat in the room.

Connection of heat guns of increased power requires a three-phase power supply with a voltage of 380 V, less powerful units are designed for 220 V.

In garages of a small area, the use of heat guns creates dustiness in the air, so they can be effectively used there only if the room is kept clean, including through high-quality finishing of building envelopes.

Infrared heater

Infrared heaters in various designs: tripod, wall and ceiling

The operation of the device is based on the emission of infrared rays, which, reaching the surface of objects in the path of propagation, heat them, and those, in turn, give off heat to the room. Such devices are sometimes referred to as UFO heaters, but UFO, the common Cyrillic abbreviation of the same name, has nothing to do with ultraviolet radiation.

UFO heaters are available in various sizes and capacities, they can be on a leg or designed to be mounted on a vertical or horizontal base (wall, ceiling). Provided that the housing is waterproof or placed under a canopy, infrared heaters can also be used in front of the garage on the street.

Advantages of IR heaters:

  • economical consumption of electricity;
  • ease of operation and installation;
  • reliability, safety and environmental friendliness.

The disadvantage of infrared heaters when used in a limited garage space is the effect of IR rays on a small area, which causes less heat transfer from objects into the air. But when focusing radiation in the direction of the actual zone, these heaters are quite effective.

Important! Significant heating of the body of UFO heaters during operation requires caution in handling the device in a cramped garage.

Water heating of a large capital garage

The most familiar to consumers, the use of which in spacious garages is justified by many factors, including the possibility of do-it-yourself installation. If the cost of purchasing a heating boiler, radiators and other components does not bother the owner of the garage, then water heating is the best way to heat a large garage.

  • advantages - a high level of automation of the heating system, when using natural gas - the constant availability of an energy carrier in the main, efficiency and high efficiency of gas equipment;
  • disadvantages - the presence of a risk factor for explosion, fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.

When using gas heating, the owner of the building must especially strictly observe the safety requirements in his garage.

A good option for a garage is a steam-drop type condensing automatic unit, which is up to 15% more economical than other models, as it is able to work efficiently at low gas pressure. In the heat exchanger of such a boiler, water from being heated by a gas burner turns into steam, and then again condenses into a liquid state, which is accompanied by the release of heat. Such boilers are produced in floor and wall versions. For a garage, the second option is preferable, excluding the possibility of tipping over when performing some work.


Heating with an electric boiler is a rather expensive solution to the heating problem for a garage. If there is no alternative type of fuel, then it is better to use electrical appliances (convectors, fans, heat guns, UFO heaters - described in detail above).

When using electric heating equipment indoors with an open arrangement of heating elements (spirals, heating elements), it is necessary to remove flammable and combustible materials (fuels and lubricants, solvents, paints, tow, etc.) from the garage.

Long-burning pyrolysis boiler Atmos made in the Czech Republic

Today, solid fuel boilers are in demand by homeowners and industrial buildings along with gas equipment. The fuel is coal, sawdust, firewood. This is a fairly economical heating, well providing the room with heat.

Disadvantages of heating a garage with a solid fuel boiler:

  • the need for smoke removal;
  • the need to allocate a significant area for arranging a place to store fuel, which is not always possible in a garage;
  • the danger of being in the garage of everything that can ignite from a spark when the firebox door is opened;
  • the need for regular cleaning of the furnace from ash, and pipes - from soot.

The most advanced and therefore economical type of solid fuel boiler is a pyrolysis type unit, where the fuel decomposes under the influence of high temperatures into two components - pyrolysis gas and ash, each of which is burned almost without residue in a separate chamber.

In most models of pyrolysis boilers, only wood, pellets and waste (not bulk) from the woodworking industry are used as fuel. However, universal units are also produced, also designed for the use of coal and peat briquettes. The only common condition for all models is that in order for the boiler to enter the pyrolysis mode, the moisture content of the fuel should not exceed 20%, otherwise it will work like a conventional solid fuel heater.

However, pyrolysis-type boilers are expensive equipment, and therefore not every consumer can afford to use them to heat a garage - it is really economical to heat a garage with your own hands only when all components of the process do not require significant costs.

For a better idea of ​​how to equip a garage with a stove, you can watch this video:

It is not difficult to build a stove by watching the corresponding video.

Mining as a type of fuel

There are special furnaces that are used as fuel, the consumption of which is up to 1 liter per hour.

The disadvantage of this heating method is the need to clean the oil in special installations (you can make it yourself), since burning used lubricating fluids without first adapting the fuel to the process is fraught with failure of the furnace.

Air heating system for garage

It is not as popular with garage owners as water, but with its help you can not only heat, but also ventilate the room.

The method consists in equipping the garage with an air duct with deflectors through which air is supplied, which is blown by a fan of a heat gun or fan heater and additionally passed through an air filter.

The main advantage is the rapid simultaneous drying of the entire volume, which prevents the aggressive effect of moisture on the car and other furnishings.

To reduce heating costs, the owner is recommended to insulate the outside walls and ceiling in the garage, having previously sealed all the cracks and holes. For thermal insulation of walls, you can use foam sheets, for the ceiling and floor - expanded clay. The use of mineral wool boards will require subsequent waterproofing

A correctly chosen garage heating system will not only provide a comfortable temperature in the room, protect the building envelope from dampness, but also prevent the development of corrosion on the metal parts of the car, which is detrimental to equipment.

Heating boilers for the garage must be very efficient and unpretentious. This issue is very relevant, since the warm microclimate in such a room will provide several advantages at once. Firstly, it will exclude freezing of the vehicle, which will favorably affect its service life. Secondly, it will give an excellent place to store a variety of things. Thirdly, it will make an excellent workshop for the owner out of the garage.

Diesel garage boiler

One of the most convenient and cost-effective means of maintaining the desired air temperature in an uninsulated room is a diesel heating boiler. This is due to several factors:

  • the removal of combustion products to the street allows people to be indoors during the operation of the heat generator;
  • convenient automatic control system regulates the operation, turning the unit on and off as needed;
  • no need to obtain permission from regulatory authorities makes installation low-cost.

Diesel boilers are an excellent way to heat the garage also due to their safety. The installation of heat generators is not difficult, but it is better to entrust it to a specialist: this guarantees the correct connection of communications and installation of the chimney, which directly affects the efficiency of the system.

Heating costs in the garage with a diesel boiler

To calculate the approximate consumption, you can use a simple formula, which says that in one hour a liquid-fuel apparatus burns such a mass of diesel, which will be a tenth of its power. It looks like this:

[heat source output in kW] / 10 = [fuel oil consumption in kg/h]

That is, for heating a hypothetical garage of 50 sq.m. the boiler will consume: 5.0 kW / 10 \u003d 0.5 kg / h.

Based on this, we can conclude that a heat generator needs 0.5 kg / hour * 24 hours = 12 kg of diesel per day. However, do not forget that the boiler will not work continuously. When equipped with good automation, the functioning algorithm will be built in such a way that fuel costs become minimal. A modulating burner will also be a good helper in this, allowing the equipment to operate in a wide power range (from 10% to 100%).

Of course, the price of a boiler with such equipment is higher than, for example, for simple models with a single-stage gas burner. However, it is better to buy a more expensive boiler, as its cost will quickly pay off in operating savings.

Many motorists are kind to cars, so they are ready to invest time and energy in the improvement of their garages. Often, the room performs not only its direct functions: it is used as a workshop, pantry, and even a place to relax in a male company.

If you arrange economical garage heating with your own hands, it will be comfortable to stay in it for many hours. Let's try to figure out how to properly equip garage heating and what you need to pay attention to so as not to go broke paying bills.

The garage heating system must be cheap, and this is the main requirement. The owner of the garage has to invest a lot of money in the maintenance and repair of the car, the arrangement of the premises for it. This is expensive, and it is worth using every opportunity to reduce the cost of heating.

On the other hand, the savings must be reasonable: not at the expense of the efficiency or safety of the system.

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