Is it worth worrying about herpes on the lip in the first trimester of pregnancy. The occurrence of herpes on the lips during pregnancy and effective ways to treat herpes in early pregnancy what to do

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is wary of any disease. This is understandable, because the development of the baby depends on her health. Throughout the entire period of gestation, the woman's immunity is in a physiologically suppressed state, so all kinds of diseases now and then cling and become aggravated. What to do if herpes appears on the lips in the early stages of pregnancy, is it worth panicking and how to be treated?

Read in this article

Reasons for the appearance

Habitual rashes on the lips are manifestations of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the first type. This is its classic habitat, but it can also exist on the genitals of a woman and a man. The second type of herpes virus also causes identical rashes, it can rarely be found on the lips, but the cervix and other genital structures are a favorite place.

According to the WHO, around the world, about 65% of people are carriers of HSV type 1, and about 15% - type 2. But if we examine immunity, then almost 100% have antibodies to this pathogen. It's all about the following.

Every person after birth at some point is faced with the herpes virus. Depending on the state of its immunity, this pathogen is either completely destroyed, or clinically the disease disappears, but the microorganism itself remains for life in the tissues, namely in the structures of the nervous system.

In the latter case, as soon as the body is in a state of immunodeficiency (including during pregnancy), the virus is activated, the clinical picture is clearly visible: bubble-like rashes appear, which are preceded by itching and burning in this place, after which crusts appear, but gradually everything passes.

However, the virus is still constantly in the nerve cells that come to this place. It is located there in an inactive state until a certain time.

In order for an infection to occur, a source of infection is needed. Primarily, the herpes virus can enter the body in the following ways:

  • The contact-household transmission mechanism involves the ingress of the virus with a towel, linen, dishes and other household items, if a person with manifestations of herpes does not have separate ones.
  • The sexual route of infection is quite common, and oral-genital contacts lead to the fact that the boundary between the habitat of HSV types 1 and 2 is blurred. That is, they can be found with equal probability both on the lips and on the genitals.
  • Airborne is not always realized, more often with close contact, for example, when talking with a sick person, viruses can get to a healthy person with droplets of saliva.
  • The vertical route of transmission is from the sick mother to the fetus. And if the herpes virus does not pose a particular danger to a woman, it can have a rather serious effect on a developing fetus. It all depends on the frequency of recurrence of the infection, the presence of concomitant pathology and many more factors.

So, during pregnancy, a woman's body experiences immunodeficiency, which is necessary in order to endure half-foreign genetic material. But on the other hand, this leads to the fact that various infections, including herpes infections, are more likely to occur at this time.

Where can it be located

Depending on the variant of the first contact with the virus, the clinical picture of the disease will depend. Most often, rashes appear in the lips, oral mucosa (soft and hard palate, gums, etc.), and it is not uncommon for herpes in the nose in early pregnancy. The eyes and other organs (lungs, bronchi, etc.) are less commonly affected. The more pronounced immunodeficiency, the more areas are affected and the more severe the infection.

During the sexual route of infection, foci appear on the mucous membrane and skin of the labia, and during the examination, pathogens are found both on the cervix and in the cervical canal.

Is herpes dangerous?

Herpes of any type and species is a rather dangerous infection. This is due to the fact that these viruses multiply and directly change the nucleus of cells, which contains genetic material. It is because of this that herpes often leads to the threat of miscarriage, non-developing pregnancy, pathology of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

The following clinical options are relevant:

  • Infrequent (every few months) herpes on the lips, oral mucosa or nose should not bring much concern to the expectant mother. The fact is that in her blood there are antibodies to this pathogen, so the immune system will immediately capture it even before it could penetrate the fetus and harm it. In this case, it will be enough to use local creams or ointments, as well as simply treat the affected area with an antiseptic.
  • Frequent herpes on the lips with the defeat of several zones should worry the expectant mother. Despite the fact that this is not even the first case of herpes, extensive lesions may indicate the presence of some kind of immunodeficiency state (the most unpleasant is HIV). Frequent relapses do not pose a significant danger to the developing embryo, but they require certain treatment with antiviral drugs, interferons, vitamins, etc. are also added.
  • Herpes on the labia is also common in pregnant women. If these are several rashes in the early stages, and the episodes no longer recur, most likely, the disease will not affect the embryo in any way. But permanent foci will lead to the spread of viruses, by ascending it can get to the baby.
  • Herpes in the cervical canal is the greatest danger to the embryo. Directly from here, it is very easy for viral elements to penetrate the placenta or amniotic fluid and directly to the developing baby.

Thus, it becomes clear how dangerous herpes is in early pregnancy. In each case, the risk is different. Definitely, the rarer the repetitions of the disease, the less likely the harmful effects.

As for the gestational age, it is dangerous to occur in the early stages, as well as on the eve of childbirth, since at this time the risk of infection of the child and the development of unpleasant consequences will be slightly higher. You should be especially careful with genital herpes, since the path to the embryo in this case is significantly reduced.

Watch the video about the disease:

Virus treatment

The most adequate treatment regimen can only be prescribed by a specialist after studying the entire clinical picture and talking with the expectant mother. Acute period, recurrence of herpes in early pregnancy or primary infection have similar principles of treatment.

The main directions of therapy are as follows:

  • Antiviral treatment- the main thing is that acyclovir is most often used for this, since its safety during pregnancy has been confirmed by many years of use in medicine in this group of patients. However, there is no reliable data, so even its appointment should be taken seriously.

Acyclovir is prescribed for the primary occurrence of herpes, in this case, the usual dose will be higher than the average, in the range of 0.4-0.8 g up to 5 times a day for 7-10 days. If this is a relapse of the disease, the amount of the drug taken is halved. Local use of the gel is popular and effective for small lesions and rare episodes of the disease.

  • Means that enhance the body's natural antiviral defenses. This includes interferon preparations and its inducers, immunomodulators, as well as drugs based on bifidobacteria. The duration of treatment with them may affect the entire period of gestation.
  • Vitamins and antioxidant complexes in courses of 10-14 days.
  • With severe pain or swelling, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, for example, ibuprofen and the like.

Treatment of herpes in early pregnancy also includes basic hygiene to prevent damage to other areas, as well as to prevent transmission of the virus to other family members. They include the following:

  • for the duration of the illness, it is better to allocate separate dishes to minimize the spread of the pathogen;
  • towels and other hygiene items must also be individual;
  • you should refrain from intimate relationships and even from kissing for the duration of treatment;
  • in no case do you need to tear off the crusts, there are still active viruses under them;
  • if a girl uses contact lenses, it is necessary to carefully handle her hands before the procedure;
  • all medicated creams and ointments should preferably be applied with a cotton swab or something similar, and not with your hands.

Prevention of reappearance

Despite the fact that this virus can have a serious impact on a developing baby only in 3 - 5% of the case, it is better if herpes and pregnancy do not meet in the early stages. For this, disease prevention should be carried out, especially in those women who are characterized by relapses, for example, on the eve of menstruation, after SARS, etc.

  • The main thing with a tendency to recurrent infection is to strengthen the immune system. This includes both hardening, regular ventilation of the premises, and the use of interferon preparations and its inducers throughout the entire period of gestation.
  • Good long-term results are obtained by laser blood irradiation, but it should be performed before pregnancy, when planning.
  • Vaccination against HSV types 1 and 2 is also effective, which will help create reliable immunity from this infection.

Herpetic infection is a serious disease that indicates a defect in some link in the immune system in case of frequent relapses. The appearance of rashes on the lips several times during pregnancy will not have a significant impact on the development of the baby.

But with frequent episodes, as well as with the location of lesions in the genital area, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist can tell how to treat herpes in the early stages of pregnancy or already in the second or third trimesters effectively and safely for mom and baby.

During the period when a woman is carrying a child, she is especially attentive to her well-being. However, not always the expectant mother manages to avoid the development of a particular pathology. This article will tell you about how herpes can occur during pregnancy (1 trimester). You will learn about the symptoms and ways to diagnose pathology. It is also worth mentioning what types the disease has. Methods of treatment and consequences will be presented to your attention.

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester): why does pathology occur?

Before you learn about the methods of treatment and the consequences of this problem, you need to understand what causes it.

Immediately after the fusion of two cells, male and female, conception occurs. The future embryo is rapidly moving towards the cavity of the reproductive organ. It is here that he will develop for many months. The body of a woman during this period is radically rebuilt. The expectant mother has a strong decrease in immunity. It is necessary so that the fetus can attach securely and not be rejected. It is against the background of reduced protection that a woman is faced with a variety of diseases. One of them is herpes. Reviews of doctors report that the pathology cannot be ignored. It is imperative to contact a specialist and get the appropriate appointments.

Varieties of herpes and its localization

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) can be of two different types: primary and secondary. The latter is often called recurrent. As many people know, the herpes virus is present in the body of 95 percent of the population of our planet. However, not everyone gets sick. Primary herpes is a pathology that appeared for the first time. A relapsing species is a disease that develops repeatedly.

Herpes has two main types: the first and second. They determine the risks of re-infection and the consequences of the disease. Outwardly, you will not be able to independently determine which type of herpes you are dealing with.

By type of localization, the first place is occupied by herpes on the lip during pregnancy. 1st trimester is the best time for this virus. Also, pathology can appear on the nose and genitals. The last type of herpes is called genital.

Symptoms of pathology

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) can have different manifestations. It all depends on the location and type of the disease. During the initial infection, a woman may feel an increase in body temperature. If the disease affects the genital area, then itching, frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen begins. Often these manifestations are confused with or its manifestations.

During pregnancy (1 trimester) has slightly different manifestations. A woman may feel itching, tension at the site of the subsequent rash. A few hours later, bubbles filled with liquid appear. With recurrent herpes, the pathology does not cause any other unpleasant signs, the condition of the expectant mother does not worsen.

Treat or ignore?

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) is very often ignored by women. Some are sure that nothing terrible will happen. Usually those representatives of the weaker sex who have already repeatedly encountered a problem think so. Indeed, the repeated manifestation of the virus is safer than the initial infection. However, it also needs to be treated.

Other representatives of the fair sex, at the first manifestation of pathology, run to the doctor for advice. This is exactly what all mothers-to-be should do. Remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the unborn child. Any infection or drugs can adversely affect the fetus.

During pregnancy (1 trimester)? In fact, the correction is in a single principle. It is necessary to overcome the virus and stop its reproduction. It is also worth affecting the immune defense of the future mother's body by increasing it. Preparations for correction can have oral, intramuscular or topical application. Sometimes the medicine is given intravenously. However, during pregnancy, this method is excluded.

Tablets for oral use

If herpes occurs during pregnancy (1 trimester), what should I do? In case of a particularly serious pathology, doctors prescribe drugs for oral administration to the expectant mother. In this way, the primary infection is corrected.

  • The most popular and long-proven medication is Acyclovir. One capsule of this medicine contains 200 to 400 milligrams of the active ingredient. This medicine is taken in an individual dosage for 5-10 days.
  • Another new drug based on acyclovir is Valtrex tablets. According to consumer reviews, this medication helps to cope with the infection in just 3-5 days. However, its cost is several times higher than that of the medication described above.
  • The drug "Farmvir" is another tool that helps to defeat herpes during pregnancy. 1 trimester is exactly the time when you should take this remedy. It contributes to the suppression of even those strains of the virus that are resistant to Acyclovir. The drug does not affect healthy cells.
  • Medicines that can defeat herpes include Cycloferon, Anaferon, Amiksin, and so on.

Tablets should never be taken on their own. Many of them can cause negative consequences for the fetus. The doctor before prescribing such drugs always compares all the pros and cons.

Medicines for topical application

Herpes on the lip and herpes on the nose during pregnancy (1st trimester) are often corrected with topical preparations. It can be a variety of pastes. They are applied directly to the affected area and the adjacent healthy area. Most of these drugs do not affect normal tissues. That is why you can not worry that the skin will be negatively affected.

Treatment of herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) is often trusted with the following medicines: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Panavir. Interferon-based formulations are also often used: Viferon, oxolinic ointment, Cycloferon. Less commonly used "Givisosh" and "Triapten". All these compounds are applied to the skin up to 6 times a day. The duration of use can be up to two weeks.

Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester): consequences of pathology

Pathology in most cases does not cause serious consequences. If the expectant mother has already sympathized with this problem, then you can calm down and direct your efforts to eliminate the relapse. Herpes during pregnancy (1 trimester) on the lips is considered less dangerous. If the problem is determined on the genitals, then doctors begin to sound the alarm, as infection of the fetus may occur. When the herpes virus appeared for the first time, it can lead to very serious consequences.

The future baby in this case becomes infected with the virus in utero. It is at this time that the formation of the systems and organs of the baby takes place. Viral often causes intrauterine growth retardation, birth defects. In the earliest stages of pregnancy, bleeding, miscarriage may begin. Sometimes the disease leads to a missed pregnancy. That is why it is so important to seek medical help in time. Only a doctor will be able to make every effort to ensure that the disease does not affect the unborn baby in any way.

Herpes in early pregnancy, what to do, is this virus dangerous for a child, can it cause malformations in him and is it worth having an abortion? And these are not all the questions that arise in a woman who was diagnosed with this diagnosis during pregnancy. To relieve stress and reassure most of our readers, we will simply and clearly talk about this viral disease.

Usually, when they talk about herpes, they mean its localization on the face (on the lips) or on the genitals, their mucosa. Treatment and prognosis in these cases are very different. So, if herpes spilled out on the lip during early pregnancy, doctors advise not to worry, this will definitely not affect the development of the child. Naturally, no abortion due to a "cold" is necessary. Herpes simplex virus on the lips in early pregnancy is a common phenomenon. It is treated with antiviral agents applied topically. They are very effective and inexpensive. Toothpaste, iodine, zinc ointment and other folk remedies should not be used for treatment.

The consequences of herpes in early pregnancy can be if it appears on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. All because of the risk of ascending infection, its penetration into the uterus. A child can easily become infected with herpes due to the fact that there is not yet a placenta that would protect him from infections. What happens if the child becomes infected? If this happens in the first trimester, then most likely a miscarriage will occur.

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The widespread spread of the herpes virus on the planet poses a threat to humanity. It is proved that in the first place it is a danger to the beautiful half.

Firstly, for some reason, the virus prefers the female body more for its habitat, and secondly, during pregnancy, it begins to threaten not so much the woman herself as her unborn child, because the placenta is not an obstacle for him.

And the passage of a child through the birth canal of a sick mother, even with an asymptomatic course, leads to infection of the baby in 75% of cases.

Why is herpes dangerous during pregnancy?

Herpes during pregnancy poses a serious threat to the developing organism in case of primary infection of the mother during this period, and the fetus can be affected in the first trimester and later.

If the infection with herpes coincided with the onset of pregnancy, then there will also be a threat of spontaneous miscarriage, which at a later date will turn into a threat of stillbirth.

In addition, the longer the gestation period, the higher the likelihood of transplacental intrauterine infection of the fetus against the background of viremia, which can lead to various undesirable consequences: spontaneous miscarriages, premature birth, the birth of a child with developmental anomalies.

In case of infection of a child during passage through the birth canal, the clinical picture of the disease may appear in the first days of a small person's life.

This is especially true for genital herpes during primary infection or during exacerbation. Its dangerous influence after the 28th week of pregnancy is somewhat reduced, and if at the 32nd week the probability of infection of the fetus by the transplacental route is 10%, then on the eve of childbirth it increases to 50-60%.

To prevent the undesirable consequences of some sexually transmitted infections, it is recommended that all women be tested for antibodies to ToRCH infections, which include herpes, when registering for pregnancy.

If this study did not reveal antibodies to the pathogen, then the expectant mother and her child do not have protection, so precautions should be strengthened.

The detection of antibodies to the virus indicates that the woman is a carrier of herpes, which can exacerbate during pregnancy, but the mother's antibodies circulating in the blood will protect the child and thereby minimize the risk of infection of the baby.

Herpes in early pregnancy

Secondary herpes at any time of pregnancy is usually accompanied by increased antibody formation directed to the virus, which will subsequently protect the newborn from primary infection. However, this is more true for the herpes virus type 1.

Genital herpes during pregnancy is considered a rather serious problem even with asymptomatic course, therefore it requires mandatory treatment at a later date, and in the early stages it is a direct indication for abortion.

The herpes virus in the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous because by the 12th week important organs and systems are laid down and, in particular, the central nervous system. The placenta in this period has not yet formed, but the virus is able to affect the chorion and cause damage to the fetus.

The negative influence of the pathogen in such cases affects the development of the child's brain and other organs, which subsequently manifests itself in various congenital malformations.

In addition, if the primary infection with herpes occurred during pregnancy and coincided with its early terms, then it should be borne in mind that infection in this period debuts against the background of some immunodeficiency and, as a rule, is accompanied by signs of intoxication. This circumstance in most cases is the cause of spontaneous miscarriage or non-developing pregnancy.

The slightest suspicion of the debut of any type (especially vaginal) of herpes in early pregnancy should be the basis for an immediate visit to the doctor and a PCR diagnosis regarding the virus itself and its activity not only in a pregnant woman, but also in her sexual partner.

Herpes recurrence during pregnancy

Medicine does not give unequivocal answers regarding recurrent genital herpes, however, in general, this form, oddly enough, is not considered such an unfavorable factor for the normal bearing of a child. However, a genital tract swab for herpes infection should be tested every month before delivery.

The presence of chronic genital herpes and pregnancy at the same time does not call into question its successful outcome, however, it retains the risk of intrauterine malformations in the first trimester from 0.02% to 1-5% (opinions of different authors differ), and exacerbation immediately before childbirth requires treatment of the mother and prevention of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

Most experts in such cases believe that caesarean section does not play a special role in terms of preventing infection of the fetus, but it is still offered to women with recurrent genital herpes. The right to choose the method of delivery (surgical intervention or the birth of a child in a natural way) remains with the woman in labor.

Recurrent herpes type 1 during pregnancy, as a rule, does not affect the fetus. Such women are accustomed to exacerbations, since rashes often occurred during hypothermia and were perceived as a manifestation of a cold.

However, such an assumption must be confirmed by analysis for the presence of circulating protective immunoglobulins, which in most cases occurs.

It is important for the woman herself to know about the presence of recurrent herpes and not to confuse it with primary infection during pregnancy, since the latter requires a very serious attitude, as it poses a real threat to the health and life of the child.

Herpes during pregnancy, how to treat it?

During pregnancy, everything should be done with caution, including the use of antiviral treatment.

Acyclovir is a good drug, but its possible effect on the fetus is taken into account, so the use of Zovirax in such a crucial period is limited. It is prescribed with extreme caution, mainly for the treatment of genital herpes during pregnancy or in the case of the birth of a child with clinical manifestations of infection (treatment of the child).

Preference in the treatment of pregnant women and the prevention of intrauterine herpes infection is given to the Russian drug Panavir, which consists of plant components and has a pronounced antiviral effect. Almost always, antiviral treatment is combined with the use of interferons and vitamin E to increase immunity.

Traditional medicine also does not stand aside and recommends its own recipes, which are generally acceptable if they do not contain allergenic products (honey, for example). Oils of fir, rosehip, sea buckthorn are successfully used for external use, calendula is used. Drinks from cranberries and viburnum help a pregnant woman to increase her own immunity and fight the virus.

In the absence of antibodies to the virus, in order to avoid harmless treatment, special attention should be paid to the prevention of genital herpes. At the very least, the use of a condom as a means of protection should be mandatory.

Herpes during pregnancy, consequences

The consequences of herpes manifest themselves during intrauterine infection of the fetus or when passing through the mother's birth canal. Their severity and the degree of danger to the life of the child depend on the gestational age in which the infection occurred.

The fact that herpes causes miscarriages, damage to the central nervous system of the fetus and stillbirth has already been said above. However, what to expect from herpes if the child was born (without taking into account the timing and methods of infection)? Intrauterine herpes infection in a newborn can cause:

  • the clinical picture of herpes with skin rashes, high fever, swollen lymph nodes, damage to internal organs and the death of the newborn as a result of this (similar events develop with the transgenital route of transmission of the virus);
  • congenital viral pneumonia;
  • severe malformations of the central nervous system and internal organs;
  • damage to the organs of hearing and vision (deafness, blindness);
  • cerebral palsy, epilepsy.

Unfortunately, such a pathology is difficult (or not subject to) correction, and, having survived, the child remains disabled for life.

You will learn about the possible complications of atypical endometrial hyperplasia from this article /giperplaziya-endometriya

Herpes during pregnancy planning

Future mothers are different: some pay little attention to the warnings of doctors about the possible consequences of intrauterine infection, while others, on the contrary, get too scared and try to find an infection where it does not exist.

As in any business, when planning a pregnancy, you should choose the golden mean, reasonably and balanced approach to the intended goal:

  • it is better to take an analysis for ToRCH infection in advance, while using PCR diagnostics for yourself and for the father of your unborn child;
  • in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, they should be cured, and if herpes is not cured, then with the help of a doctor, a course of acyclovir should bring the virus to a safe state;
  • use a program of measures aimed at increasing the body's defenses: a healthy lifestyle, a complex of vitamins with microelements, avoiding hypothermia, any stressful situations, including psycho-emotional ones.

Obviously, all these factors directly or indirectly affect the immune status of a person, because with the onset of pregnancy, women physiologically feel some immunodeficiency, which is considered quite normal for their condition.

However, to prevent a critical decrease in immunity is the task of a woman planning to give birth to a healthy child.

In addition to your own efforts in preparing for an important event, it is highly desirable to discuss all tactics with a gynecologist, because you cannot give one recommendation that is acceptable to everyone. We need an individual approach.

Of course, a woman has the main role in planning, and in bearing, and in the birth of healthy offspring. Some men easily remove their responsibility and then blame women if something goes wrong. Or they are proud of a healthy and beautiful baby, sometimes even forgetting about the work that a woman did to give the world such a miracle.

In this regard, I would very much like not only the female half to read, be treated, and plan ... After all, both the father and the mother are equally responsible for the health and life of a small person, therefore it is the duty of both to protect him until he himself can do it.

Video: "How dangerous is herpes during pregnancy?"

03.09.2016 11255

It is a common disease caused by viruses. It is unpleasant when herpes occurs on the lips during pregnancy.

The disease manifests itself in the form of blisters. The causative agent is the herpes simplex virus.

This disease affects 90% of the inhabitants of the planet. Only for many it is in a latent form.

What is herpes?

This is a hidden disease. Most often, a cold manifests itself in the nasolabial region or on the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.

Herpes on the lip is characterized by itching, sores and blisters. An additional symptom is weakness in the muscles, high fever and a feeling of fatigue.

It should be borne in mind that bursting bubbles are considered to be the distributors of this virus. In place of the wound, a crust appears, which later disappears.

The disease is exacerbated in the cold period. It is generally accepted that it has a direct relationship with cooling. But the real cause of inflammation is reduced immunity.

Herpes occurs during pregnancy. This is due to the deterioration of the functioning of the immune system during intoxication of the body in the early stages of pregnancy.

For any type of disease during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor.

The main symptoms are:

  1. The appearance of burning and itching.
  2. Redness in the inflamed area.
  3. There are sores that look like yellowish bubbles with liquid.
  4. The temperature rises and malaise appears.
  5. Also, herpes on the lips in pregnant women is characterized by chronic fatigue and drowsiness.

The disease that appears on the lips occurs due to the penetration of the first type of herpes into the body.

Causes of herpes

The main cause of the disease are HSV 1 and 2 viruses. They get on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or mouth. This damages the epithelial cells. After a certain time, symptoms of the disease appear.

After the first infection, immunity to such viruses appears, but the effects of herpes remain and periodic relapses occur.

Herpes in pregnant women occurs under the influence of various causes:

  1. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  2. Hypothermia of the body.
  3. Influence of stress, as well as physical weakness.
  4. With some medical procedures: abortion.
  5. Dieting.
  6. Various immunodeficiency states.
  7. Change in hormonal background.
  8. Intoxication.
  9. The occurrence of allergic reactions.
  10. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy appears after various diseases.

Often the disease manifests itself with a lack of vitamins. This happens in the winter or at the beginning of spring.

More than 40% of people do not have symptoms after their first infection. This is due to a strong immune system. Also, the virus does not have time to gain a foothold or passes without symptoms.

The first infection with an infection is due to the following reasons:

  • with a variety of bodily contacts: handshakes, kisses and sexual intercourse;
  • if you do not observe personal hygiene: use common utensils or household items;
  • also, the lesion occurs by airborne droplets - when coughing or sneezing;
  • herpes occurs during early pregnancy.

Danger during pregnancy

For women, the question arises: is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy? Medical studies reveal antibodies to the simple virus in 80% of patients. This worries women, but there is no danger in this result:

  1. The test detects protective antibodies, not the virus itself.
  2. The existence of such antibodies does not pose a threat to the fetus, but indicates immunity in the mother.

Herpes is dangerous in early pregnancy at the first infection.

Pregnancy in the first months with such an infection can be jeopardized. There is a risk of negative effects on the fetus.

A woman who has already had herpes and becomes ill again during pregnancy has antibodies that protect the baby.

Often, with an exacerbation of the genital form of the disease in pregnant women, a caesarean section is recommended to avoid infection of the baby during passage through the birth canal.

If a pregnant woman had herpes before pregnancy, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.

Modern is not able to provide a complete recovery. Medical measures are aimed at maintaining the immune system and suppressing the main symptoms.

If an ulcer or other manifestations of herpes appeared for the first time during pregnancy, then you should urgently visit a doctor and get tested.

With the first episode of herpes during pregnancy, the infection is transmitted through the vessels of the placenta or through the fallopian tubes.

With recurrent types of herpes, vitamins are taken, and complex treatment of the disease is also performed.


To treat herpes on the lips, especially in pregnant women, is as directed by a doctor. It is important in the diagnosis of this disease to take urgent measures to reduce the risk to the unborn fetus. It turns out whether there are concomitant diseases, for example, in the form of a cold. With this disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed. During pregnancy, herpes on the lips. In this case, the medicine is applied several times a day. It is believed that such drugs will not harm the health of the mother and baby.

Of the medical preparations, acyclovir is used, as well as tetracycline, erythromycin and oxolinic ointment for herpes.

For wound healing, cauterization of sores with interferon or vitamin E is used.

Immunoglobulins are also used.

Treatment of a cold on the lips at home is performed after consulting a doctor. There are the following remedies for illness:

  1. Propolis tincture cauterizes wounds.
  2. Used tea tree oil and fir.
  3. With numerous rashes, a composition of interferon and vitamin E is used.
  4. Lotions are made from a solution of soda.
  5. Gum resin is used to lubricate inflamed areas.
  6. Aloe juice is effective.
  7. Sometimes a mixture of ash, garlic juice and a teaspoon of honey is used.
  8. The lip is treated with a mixture of vaseline and calendula tincture.

During pregnancy, topical preparations are prescribed. An ointment for herpes such as acyclovir is used. Alternative agents are zovirax, cyclovir, and also viralex. Together with ointments, agents that activate the immune system are prescribed. Is it echinacea or ginseng.

During treatment, additional measures should be taken to increase immunity:

  • consume large amounts of liquid;
  • switch to a healthy and balanced diet;
  • observe hygiene procedures, and do not touch your face with dirty hands.

To avoid the need to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  1. Before planning pregnancy, examine the body.
  2. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system.
  3. It is worth getting rid of bad habits.
  4. It is also worth drinking multivitamin complexes and an immune booster.
  5. It is recommended to take tests for the presence of herpes.
  6. In difficult cases, plasmapheresis is used.

Self-medication is contraindicated for pregnant women. The exact diagnosis and recommendations are determined by the attending physician.