Determination of the quantity and cost of materials obtained during the dismantling of building structures and engineering equipment return of material. Snir disassembly of structures

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Table 46-06-001

Disassembly of the above-ground part

Scope of work:

01. Dismantling of buildings using construction machines and mechanisms.

02. Sampling of good materials with cleaning and stacking (standards 1-3).

03. Transportation of materials obtained from dismantling to an intermediate warehouse (norms 1-3).

Dismantling of the above-ground part with the preservation of suitable materials:

Table 46-06-003

Dismantling of sanitary systems

Scope of work:

01. Dismantling of sanitary systems.

02. Transportation of scrap metal by trucks with loading and unloading.

Meter: 10 m3 building volume

Dismantling of sanitary systems:

Resource IDUnit meas.46-06-003-1 46-06-003-2 46-06-003-3
1 man-hour1,29 5,42 7,04
1.1 Average work grade 3,7 4,6 4
2 Machinist labor costsman-hour0,05 0,34 0,35
021141 mash.-h0,02 0,13 0,13
400001 mash.-h0,03 0,21 0,22
040504 Apparatus for gas welding and cuttingmash.-h0,27 0,27 -
101-0324 Oxygen technical gaseousm30,3 0,3 -
101-1602 Acetylene gaseous technicalm30,039 0,039 -

Table 46-06-004

Dismantling of the foundations of residential buildings from rubble stone

Scope of work:

01. Dismantling of the foundations of residential buildings from rubble stone.

Meter: 10 m2 building area

Resource IDName of cost elementsUnit meas.46-06- 004-1
1 Labor costs of construction workersman-hour24,32
1.1 Average work grade 3,8
2 Machinist labor costsman-hour2,08
060247 mash.-h0,65
330804 mash.-h5,72
050102 mash.-h1,43

Table 46-06-005

Dismantling the stairs of the underground part of residential buildings

Scope of work:

01. Dismantling the stairs of the underground part of residential buildings.

Meter: 10 m2 horizontal projection

Resource IDName of cost elementsUnit Out-of-measures46-06-005-1
1 Labor costs of construction workersman-hour5,22
1.1 Average work grade 3,8
2 Machinist labor costsman-hour0,07
060247 Single-bucket diesel excavators on caterpillar tracks when working on other types of construction (except for water management) 0.5 m3mash.-h0,05
330804 Pneumatic jackhammersmash.-h0,04
050102 Mobile compressors with motor internal combustion pressure up to 686 kPa (7 atm) 5 m3/minmash.-h0,02

Table 46-06-006

Dismantling of floors with the foundation of the underground part of residential buildings

Scope of work:

01. Dismantling of floors with the foundation of the underground part of residential buildings.

Meter: 10 m2

Resource IDName of cost elementsUnit meas.46-06-006-1
1 Labor costs of construction workersman-hour6,89
1.1 Average work grade 3,8
2 Machinist labor costsman-hour0,45
060247 Single-bucket diesel excavators on caterpillar tracks when working on other types of construction (except for water management) 0.5 m3mash.-h0,38
330804 Pneumatic jackhammersmash.-h0,14
050102 Mobile compressors with internal combustion engine pressure up to 686 kPa (7 atm) 5 m3/minmash.-h0,07

Table 46-06-007

Dismantling of brick walls of the underground part of residential buildings

Scope of work:

01. Dismantling brick walls of the underground part of residential buildings.

Meter: 10 m3 building volume

Resource IDName of cost elementsUnit meas.46-06-007-1
1 Labor costs of construction workersman-hour22,79
1.1 Average work grade 3,8
2 Machinist labor costsman-hour1,01
060247 Single-bucket diesel excavators on caterpillar tracks when working on other types of construction (except for water management) 0.5 m3mash.-h0,85
330804 Pneumatic jackhammersmash.-h0,32
050102 Mobile compressors with internal combustion engine pressure up to 686 kPa (7 atm) 5 m3/minmash.-h0,16

Table 46-06-008

Disassembly of individual metal garages with pickup

Scope of work:

01. Dismantling of individual metal garages with removal.

Meter: 1 garage

mash.-h0,10 060339 Single-bucket diesel excavators on pneumatic wheels when working on other types of construction (except for water management) 0.5 m3mash.-h0,14 400001 Cars onboard with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tonsmash.-h1,53

Table 46-06-009

Complex dismantling of buildings

Scope of work:

01. Full complex dismantling of buildings, including foundations, using construction machines and mechanisms.

02. Sampling of suitable materials with cleaning and stacking (norms 4, 5).

03. Transportation of materials obtained from dismantling to an intermediate warehouse (norms 4, 5).

Meter: 100 m3 building volume, including basement

Demolition of buildings by collapse method:

46-06-009-4 46-06-009-5 1 Labor costs of construction workersman-hour32,84 23,10 15,51 405,50 38,29 1.1 Average work grade 3 3 3 3 3 2 Machinist labor costsman-hour31,54 31,54 12,37 28,74 8,70 3 MACHINES AND MECHANISMS 070148 Bulldozers when working on other types of construction (except for water management) 59 (80) kW (hp)mash.-h0,56 0,56 0,28 - 1,75 021141 Truck-mounted cranes when working on other types of construction (except main pipelines) 10tmash.-h2,1 2,1 1,05 18,56 1,85 060250 Single-bucket diesel excavators on caterpillar tracks when working on other types of construction (except for water management) 1.25 m3mash.-h12,54 12,54 4,72 - 1,75 400001 Cars onboard with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tonsmash.-h3,8 3,8 1,6 3,8 1,6 330804 Pneumatic jackhammersmash.-h- - - 25,52 - 050102 Mobile compressors with internal combustion engine pressure up to 686 kPa (7 atm) 5 m3/minmash.-h- - - 6,38 -

1.1. These resource estimates (RSN) are designed to determine the need for resources (labor costs of workers, construction machines and mechanisms, materials) when performing work on the installation of foundations during the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures and for calculation based on them estimated cost the cost of producing the specified work in basic and current prices.

1.2. When developing the RSN, the supporting materials for the collection of SNIR 52 "Foundations" were used.

When compiling the RSN, the requirements of Part 3 of the SNIP "Organization, production and acceptance of work" and the safety rules for the production of work, as well as cost estimates and regulatory documents recommended for use in a market economy by the Ministry of Construction of Russia and TsNIIEUS of the Ministry of Construction of Russia in 1991-1996, were taken into account.

1.3. This collection contains norms for work on strengthening foundation foundations, repairing stone foundations with re-laying of individual sections, replacing wooden columnar foundations for brick and concrete, the installation of new stone foundations for the walls provided for by the new layout of the premises, etc., as well as for waterproofing foundations and basement walls.

1.4. The norms of the collection take into account the specific conditions of repair and construction production (complicated conditions for the performance of work due to constraint construction sites, the impossibility of using high-performance mechanization tools, the dispersal of the scope of work, etc.) and do not take into account the conditions complicated by external factors (gas contamination, waterlessness, high altitude, location near objects under high voltage etc.).

1.5. The norms of the collection for the dismantling of foundations take into account the dismantling of individual elements(bricks, boards, etc.). Dismantling of structures by felling or collapsing them is not provided for by the norms.

1.6. The norms of the collection for dismantling foundations, punching and sealing holes, nests and furrows are not subject to adjustment depending on the brand of concrete, the type of brick and the brand of mortar in the structures.

1.7. The norms of the collection take into account the costs of related and auxiliary work performed during the repair and installation of foundations: cleaning the formwork and reinforcement from dirt and debris; fencing installation, provided by the rules work performance and safety; cleaning of materials, waste and garbage received from dismantling; sorting and stacking of materials obtained from dismantling and suitable for further use, etc.

1.8. In the reinforcement consumption rates, the average consumption is given, based on total weight all types of reinforcement (frames, meshes, individual rods). When applying the norms, the consumption of reinforcement and the class of steel are taken according to the design data without adjusting the labor costs and the time of use of the machines.

1.9. The norms of the collection do not take into account the costs of performing earthworks, with the exception of the norms of the table. 7 and 16.

1.10. In the rules of the table. 8 when performing work using formwork, the consumption rates of wrapped timber are given taking into account their return after each disassembly and additional expense materials to restore losses.

1.11. In the norms of the collection for the performance of work using wooden structures or timber, their protection against decay in conditions with a normal humid environment is taken into account.

1.12. Table norms. 7, 9, 13 and 15 provides for the use of standard ceramic bricks single sized 250×120×65 mm.

1.13. Table norms. 13 and 15 for the repair of stone foundations and the replacement of wooden columnar foundations with brick and concrete ones, the preparation of mortars by masons is taken into account. The rest of the standards for work requiring the use of solutions take into account the use of ready-made solutions.

1.14. The norms of the collection provide for the laying of the basement under the usual plaster.

1.15. The rates do not include shipping costs. construction debris. The consumption of construction waste and the mass of returnable materials in the norms are given for reference.

1.16. The “up to” dimensions listed in this collection include these dimensions.

Return Material Yields

At present, new standards for the release of returnable materials have been prepared as part of the SNIR Collection "Dismantling of Structures" (section "Estimated Standards and Prices").

A feature of the new standards for the release of returnable materials is a significant increase in the number of standards due to disassembly work building structures and equipment industrial buildings and linking the output rates to the structural elements of buildings and structures, and not to the estimated repair and construction work, as in the previous estimated and regulatory bases of 1984 and 1991. , and the issues of the formation and transport of returnable materials and construction waste at repair sites were not considered.

Replacing the rationing meter for the output of returnable materials allows you to document the separation of the calculations of the number of returnable materials, the determination of returnable amounts and the calculations of the estimated cost of repairs. Additionally new format material yield rates allows you to adjust the standard volume of receipt of returnable materials at specific facilities, depending on technical condition collapsible structures, physical wear and tear return materials and the planned technology for element-by-element dismantling of building structures and engineering equipment.

The norms for the release of materials and products from the dismantling of structures and dismantling of equipment have been developed for works in which materials are formed reuse, secondary raw materials and construction waste. Separate standards for the release of materials from disassembly refer to several estimates, estimate tables or a group of tables in the collections of elemental estimate norms for repair and construction work for all current estimate and regulatory bases.

The design of the output rates of returnable materials in the Collection of SNIR "Dismantling of Structures" was carried out by the calculation and analytical method using the results of methodological and practical developments on this issue. The data on the amount of return by source of initial information are taken as expert estimates, according to which, based on analysis and standard calculation, estimated rates of output of materials from the dismantling of building structures and engineering equipment are designed.

Output standards are developed according to the types of structural elements of buildings and take into account optimal amount returnable materials obtained from disassembly with the accepted technology of element-by-element dismantling of structures and equipment, and modern level organization of repair and construction production. The normative indicators for the output of returnable materials are 20–50% of the amount of a similar material in the composition of a disassembled structure that is in good technical condition.

In total, in the estimate and information base of the SNIR "Dismantling of Structures", the norms for the release of returnable materials for more than 600 types of structural elements and engineering equipment of buildings and structures for housing, civil and industrial purposes have been developed.

The output rates of returnable materials take into account the element-by-element disassembly of structures (according to the technology adopted in the production standards of 1987.

  • collection of ENiR No. 20 repair and construction work, issue 1 - buildings and industrial facilities), with primary cleaning and storage of return materials and secondary raw materials at the workplace.
In addition to determining the theoretically possible yield of returnable materials for disassembly work (development of norms for the release of materials from dismantling), it is necessary to establish a mechanism for calculating the actual yield of returnable materials for any structural element of a building at a particular facility. The determination of the actual volume of output is carried out by introducing into the calculation the “utilization factor”, which reflects the technical condition (wear and tear) of the returnable materials and the possibility of their reuse.

The coefficient of use of returnable materials (Ki) is an assessment of the technical condition of materials of a dismantled structure in terms of their reuse according to the main consumer properties. The coefficient K and is taken in the range from 1 to 0:

  • K and = 1 - the technical condition of the materials of the dismantled structure is good and all returnable materials received after disassembly can be reused. The volume of receipt of returnable materials per unit of the dismantled structure is equal to the standard output of returnable materials.

  • K and = 0 - the technical condition of the dismantled structure is unsatisfactory, returnable materials are not formed during disassembly, and the entire volume of output is construction waste. The amount of construction waste per unit of the dismantled structure is equal to the sum of the indicators in the lines: - the mass of returnable materials and the mass of construction waste.
For any value of Ki in the range from 0 to 1, the volume of output of returnable materials and construction waste per unit of the dismantled structure is determined by the formulas:

  • for each returnable material - O vm \u003d N vm x K and; (1)

  • for the mass of returnable materials - O mvm \u003d N mvm x K and; (2)

  • for construction debris - O cm \u003d N cm + N mvm (1 - K and); (3)
where: About vm; About mvm; About cm - the amount of receipt, respectively: returnable materials; mass of returnable materials; the mass of construction debris per unit of the dismantled structure;
H vm; H mvm; N cm - norms for the release of returnable materials in the SNIR "dismantling of structures";
K and - the coefficient of use of returnable materials.

The coefficient of use of returnable materials is determined visually, by instrumental examination or opening of structures. The coefficient (K and) is defined as part of the structural element (equipment) of the building, materials, from the disassembly of which can be used for their intended purpose in similar or other structures at the same or any other construction and repair facility.

The coefficient of use of returnable materials is determined on the basis of an expert assessment of the technical condition of the disassembled structures, established by the design organization in the process of pre-project surveys (or by a special commission for technical survey object). The utilization rate of returnable materials is adjusted and agreed upon by the customer and the contractor at the conclusion of the contract and can be set uniformly for the entire facility or separately for each structural element, and if necessary, for individual dismantling works or for a specific returnable material. In all cases, the agreed rates for the use of returnable materials are fixed in the text of the construction contract for the reconstruction, overhaul or demolition of a building.

If, when developing the estimate documentation for the repair object, the utilization rate of returnable materials is not set, then it is assumed to be (0) by default, i.e. when dismantling structures and dismantling equipment, only construction waste is generated.

Options for determining the quantity of returnable materials by estimated norms output of the Collection of SNIR "Dismantling of structures" are presented on the example: - Dismantling of floors according to wooden beams in brick walls, the scope of work is 100 sq.m.

Name of resources

Resource code


Output rate

Calculation formula

Output volume at:

K u \u003d 1

K and \u003d 0.3

K u \u003d 0

Logs - return


cubic meters





Boards - return


cubic meters







cubic meters





Weight of returned materials







Mass of construction debris








In the estimates of the output of returnable materials and construction waste, the following indicators of bulk density are accepted different types construction waste:

  • when dismantling stone, concrete, reinforced concrete structures and plaster beating - 1.8 t / m3;

  • when dismantling wooden, frame-backfill structures - 0.6 t / m3;

  • when performing other dismantling works - 1.2 t / m3.