Purchase and installation of energy efficient equipment. Engineering equipment: how to choose energy efficient? Equipment energy efficiency label


The energy strategy of modern civilization provides for an increase in the energy supply of the economy while curbing the cost of fuel and energy resources and the associated environmental damage. The basic element in solving this controversial problem is energy saving.

Equipment energy efficiency label

A. L. Naumov, Vice-President of NP ABOK, Gen. Director of NPO TERMEK LLC

The energy strategy of modern civilization provides for an increase in the energy supply of the economy while curbing the cost of fuel and energy resources and the associated environmental damage. The basic element in solving this controversial problem is energy saving.

In addition to the traditional areas of energy conservation, which were developed after the energy crisis of the 1970s, in last years another direction has been formed - energy efficiency labeling of equipment and products. The essence of the labeling is that, based on the analysis and testing of energy consumption in a group of products, each of them is assigned a certain energy efficiency index, fixed in technical documentation. In addition, this index is applied to the product in the form of a colorful label.

For the purpose of unification, the energy efficiency scale for all groups of labeled products is divided into several classes.

In particular, in the EU countries there are 7 energy efficiency groups with letter indices from A (the most energy efficient class) to G (the most high level energy consumption).

The appearance of the energy efficiency label is shown in the figure.

The introduction of the energy efficiency label is mandatory requirement in EU countries and regulated by Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament.

Marking has already been introduced in many countries: USA, Australia, Japan, South Korea, China, a number of countries Latin America, Africa.

As experience and information is gained, everyone is involved in energy efficiency labeling. large quantity equipment, products and materials.

Labeling began in the 1990s with household appliances. The results of improving the energy efficiency of domestic refrigerators and freezers have exceeded all expectations. In countries belonging to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 1990, 315 million refrigerators and 91 million freezers were in operation, which consumed 335.3 billion kWh per year, by 2000 their number increased by 1, 25 times, and energy consumption decreased to 314.6 billion kWh per year.

For comparison, savings on household refrigerators energy in the IEA countries exceeds the energy consumption of the entire Moscow region.

Following refrigerators, washing and dishwashers, water heaters, domestic air conditioners, lighting.

Currently, there is a struggle to increase the share of energy-saving lighting lamps (fluorescent lamps consume 5-6 times less electricity than incandescent lamps). The potential for energy savings in lighting technologies in the IEA countries is estimated at 150–200 billion kWh per year.

So far, the volume of use of energy-saving lamps is estimated at different countries from 1 to 5%.

After household appliances some countries are switching to energy efficiency labeling of industrial equipment (pumps, chillers, heat exchangers, electric motors, generators, etc.) and road transport. There is the first experience of energy efficiency labeling in construction. The value of a building for sale in Austria is highly dependent on its energy performance index.

An energy-efficient product is often much more expensive than a conventional one. What makes and encourages the consumer to post additional funds, and the manufacturer to produce new equipment?

Summarizing the experience of different countries using energy efficiency labeling of products, we can single out the following areas for promoting energy-saving products:

– mandatory labeling of energy-consuming equipment and products;

– directive restrictions on the production and sale of energy-intensive equipment;

– import restrictions: for example, the import of products of energy efficiency classes F and G is prohibited in the EU countries;

– information and promotional measures explaining the economic benefits of energy efficient equipment during operation, its environmental efficiency.

However, in a number of countries, directive methods are combined with a system of voluntary certification of equipment for energy efficiency. Leading Western manufacturers reacted with understanding and interest to the requirements of energy efficiency of products, and at present the energy efficiency brand is just as significant characteristic competitiveness of the goods, such as quality, reliability, design. It can be considered that in the EU the modernization of equipment in terms of energy efficiency is one of the first places. The same trend is observed in changing the priorities of consumer properties of goods and among buyers.

How objective is the energy efficiency label information of the product we buy in the store? After all, even in one group of products there is big variety properties that affect energy consumption: dimensions, power, operating modes, etc.

Criteria and regulations for testing the energy consumption of various similar groups of products have been developed. In most cases, test results are processed in relative terms, for example, the ratio of consumed electrical power to the useful cooling capacity of the air conditioner. The entire range of energy consumption characteristics of similar products on the EU market, from the most advanced to the most energy-consuming, is divided into 7 groups according to energy efficiency classes from A to G with a fixed range of relative indicators in each group.

The procedure for identifying the energy efficiency of a product varies from country to country. Tests can be carried out in state certification centers, in independent accredited laboratories or directly by the manufacturer.

The developed methodology for labeling the energy efficiency of products is quite universal and clear. It is enough to see the label with the letter A on the refrigerator, air conditioner or car to be sure that this product belongs to upper class energy efficiency.

What is the state of energy efficiency in Russia? Do we need an international energy labeling system for products?

The Law "On Technical Regulation" establishes the obligation to comply with the requirements of "protection environment” and “prevention of actions that mislead purchasers”. A number of GOSTs have been developed that define the requirements for the energy efficiency of products, including GOST R 51388–99 “Informing consumers about the energy efficiency of household and utility products”.

According to the results of surveys on the priorities of consumer properties (price, brand, design, etc.), our customers note energy efficiency in one of the last places.

Unfortunately, the current normative base in the field of energy efficiency in our country does not have a significant impact on energy saving. So, in Moscow there are territorial building codes MGSN 2.010-99 "Energy saving in buildings". Mosgorekspertiza requires development within the framework of construction projects the Energy Efficiency section.

But, despite the efforts of the Moscow authorities, mass construction includes energy-wasting solutions for direct transformation electrical energy in thermal in thermal air curtains, floor heating systems, ramps, open areas and transitions; often one has to deal with the use of electric heaters in air conditioning and ventilation systems, with the use of imperfect fixtures with incandescent lamps, with inefficient refrigeration machines, fans, pumps.

In our opinion, energy efficiency labeling can become an effective tool for developing an energy saving strategy in construction.

Already at the stage of the technical assignment for the design, requirements for the energy efficiency of the entire building and its individual engineering systems, equipment, products and materials that provide a given level of energy saving.

Russia has acceded to the Kyoto Protocol, is preparing to join the WTO, the country has a huge potential for energy saving, the economy has taken a course towards the priority development of high-tech industries. Of course, we need to integrate into the international energy efficiency labeling system, and such a project is being prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with the support of the United Nations Development Program and the Global Environment Facility.

The implementation of the project in our country is associated with the need to solve enough difficult problems. Our country has unique reserves of fuel and energy resources, and domestic energy prices have always been significantly lower than world prices. To a certain extent, this predetermined the energy consumption of our economy. The energy intensity of our GDP exceeds the level of EU countries by 2.0–3 times.

In conditions of low energy operating costs, the energy efficiency of products and equipment is not a priority for either manufacturers or consumers.

Objectively, an energy-efficient addition to the price of a refrigerator due to operating costs in the EU countries pays off in 3-5 years, in our country in 10-15 years.

On the other hand, to date, in most regions of the country, the trend towards an increase in the shortage of energy capacities is progressing. Thus, the investment component of connection for the consumer of an additional 1 kW of electricity in the Moscow region is estimated at 45,000 rubles.

To release this kilowatt of electricity from the consumer by replacing conventional incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps will cost only 2,000–3,000 rubles, with an increase in their service life by 3–5 times.

Or another example: to generate 1,000 kWh of refrigeration in air conditioning systems, traditional machines based on reciprocating compressors with an electricity consumption of 400 kWh can be used, or more expensive cars with a screw compressor and an electricity consumption of 200 kWh. The investment difference in the supply of electricity will be 9 million rubles, which is much higher than the cost of the most expensive refrigeration machines, not to mention the operating savings of at least 0.5 million rubles a year.

Energy efficiency labeling can be a good help in implementing an energy saving program in the areas of construction, operation public buildings(schools, hospitals, clinics, sports complexes, administrative institutions, etc.), public procurement for ministries and departments (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Culture, etc.). It is in these areas that voluntary and directive directions for the implementation of energy efficient technologies can be rationally combined.

A more complex and longer path should be foreseen for the involvement in energy saving through energy efficiency labeling for households and commercial structures. The emphasis in this work will be on the information and propaganda direction.

Another major problem is the modernization of technology domestic productions. Everyone understands that in the conditions of international integration and the declared course for the role of the leading energy power, a radical update of the technologies for the production of energy and energy-consuming equipment and products is necessary. The formal simultaneous introduction of international requirements for the energy efficiency of equipment and products will put most of the domestic industries on the verge of bankruptcy.

We need a sufficiently long period and effective state support for the modernization of our plants.

Domestic power engineering has already lost its positions in a number of positions. Many of our developments are inferior to the technologies of power engineering of European, American, southeastern countries(firms "Siemens", "Hitachi", "Toshiba", etc.). Markets for energy-consuming household equipment are largely monopolized by imports ( domestic air conditioners, electric radiators, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines etc.).

Our regulatory and legislative framework in the field of energy saving is largely declarative in nature and is not focused on supporting the improvement of the energy efficiency of our factories' products.

The tasks facing the energy efficiency labeling project in our country are primarily aimed at promoting the energy efficiency of our economy, integrating advanced domestic and foreign energy-saving technologies, their full-scale implementation, improving the regulatory and legislative framework in the field of energy efficiency, promoting the environment and a thrifty attitude to energy resources of the widest segments of the population.

The project is open for participation in it by qualified interested organizations and specialists in the field of energy-consuming engineering equipment, which are the majority of NP ABOK members.

Issue #30

New energy efficient equipment for various types of elevators

Concern "RUSELPROM" started industrial production new energy efficient equipment for conventional and high-speed elevators. Expanding its product line, the concern introduced the first Russian gearless drive to the market - an innovation that can reduce dependence on foreign manufacturers and help in the modernization of housing and communal services.

Equipment energy efficiency label

In addition to traditional destinations energy saving, developed after energy crisis of the 1970s, in recent years another direction has been formed - labeling energy efficiency equipment and products. The essence of labeling is that, based on analysis and testing energy consumption in a group of products, each of them is assigned a certain index energy efficiency fixed in the technical documentation. In addition, this index is applied to the product in the form of a colorful label.

Energy efficiency - at the head of the boiler

In Russia, a very short summer, and the end of another heating season always sharply raises the problems of repair, modernization and renewal of the boiler equipment. Fuel is becoming more expensive every year, therefore, when designing and completing a boiler room energy saving aspects that are inextricably linked with the parameters energy efficiency basicequipment, get all greater value. Efficiency - nothing, TK - everything?

3D model of a biogas plant

Energy efficiency of the company's equipment

In countries EU energy saving equipment based on analysis and testing, one of the 7 indices energy efficiency With letters from A(most energy efficient class) up to G(highest level power consumption).

Energy efficient equipment for heat and water supply

AT recent times not only large enterprises, but also private consumers are more than ever interested in reducing energy costs, therefore, all technical innovations and rationalization ideas in this area are of great interest. At the specialized exhibition "Stroyexpo-2003" in the section " Energy- and resource saving” was represented by more than 30 participating companies. One of the represented firms, LLC “Triaterm”, held a seminar on the topic “Modern energy efficient equipment for heat and water supply”.

Energy from Waste (Philippines)

Energy-efficient equipment "Schneider Electric" is installed in the central heating points of Chelyabinsk

The use of modern energy efficient equipment "Schneider Electric" in the central heating station is designed to significantly reduce the cost of city residents for thermal energy, improve the reliability of heat supply in the region and extend the life of energy systems. Thanks to the automation of all central heating stations, it is planned to minimize the human factor by providing centralized control of the system on the basis of a single control room.

Read Energy efficient equipment in heating points

Created a chip for portable technology that saves energy

Thanks to the use of a new chip efficiency energy use can be increased by 10 times compared to the solutions used today.

The hard way to save

The Russian market of climate systems aboundsenergy efficient equipment , but this does not compensate for the backlog in business energy and resource saving. In 70% of cases, the customer, out of a desire to reduce capital expenditures underestimates or miss the opportunity to save on energy saving . An integrated approach to building design based on results energy saving several times superior to projects where one or more energy efficient engineering systems.

Created a new power plant in the toilet

We have previously heard about the development energy from Wastewater, so to speak, about "toilet-power plants", only at that time they were projects of bacterial fuel cells that generate current due to the decomposition of organic matter in such a stream.

Solar trees will light European streets

The idea of ​​using stored solar energy to light city streets is becoming more and more popular. This has become possible thanks to technological breakthroughs in several directions at once: effective Solar cells, compact and durable rechargeable batteries, and of course, LED light sources, which are very low energy consumption. We recently wrote about the American experience in this area, today we will talk about the European project.

Companies using energy efficient equipment will pay less taxes

Companies that buy new energy efficient equipment, in the first year of its operation will not pay property tax. This was announced today at an innovation forum in Tomsk by the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina. She explained that the department will soon complete the development of the relevant bill.

Experience in implementing energy efficiency requirements for electrical equipment

Years of investment in capacity building in IEA member countries have provided most of them with solid foundation to introduce minimum standards energy efficiency(MEEE) and mandatory energy labels that are the cornerstone of national strategies energy efficiency.

AT Russian conditions it is not easy to achieve the introduction of only energy-efficient equipment, since a private user cannot always save resources, this is not in his power. You can talk about saving resources with the owner of a private house, but only if the organization serving the village behaves correctly and decently.

If the cost of various losses energy in settlement networks will be large, then the savings of an individual user may be too small. In this case, the organizational problems of network maintenance, the problems of old networks and other similar unsolvable communal issues will become much more important. In new urban-type settlements, there are usually fewer communal problems, the owners of private houses can be more free in choosing equipment. No one is more interested in the energy efficiency of their home than a private owner. The quality of the equipment and its lifespan is also a private choice, so the private owner can save energy resources without fear that all his savings may be nullified by the need to replace a bad meter or a low-quality pump installed by a service organization.

The use of only high-quality and most durable energy-efficient equipment, it seems, should not raise questions. However, these energy efficiency issues arise in places where there are plenty of other resource-saving opportunities. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all losses due to the normal aging of equipment. This is not a problem in new homes, but not everyone can use the most energy-efficient equipment, as it costs more. The question arises of the return on investment in energy-efficient equipment. In some cases, houses are built for sale, so the most expensive and energy-efficient equipment is not always installed in them. On the contrary, they are looking for a way to supply the oldest and cheapest equipment that comes from abroad. Therefore, the number of people who can take full advantage of technical progress, not so great. These are people who build a "house for themselves" and want to operate it as cheaply as possible. To do this, they need to supply the most expensive and energy-efficient equipment, incur the largest one-time costs. Here the question of the choice of equipment, its necessary and sufficient functionality is very important. Quality is very important construction works, quality and execution of engineering projects.

When choosing an energy efficient gas condensing boiler, it is important to understand that all other resource saving possibilities have been exhausted. There are savings opportunities that most people don't even know about. For example, the work optimization method may not be exhausted. heating system due to the even distribution of heat. Such a situation in which the heating system works extremely unevenly occurs quite often. In this case, even with thermostats, it is impossible to achieve the desired temperature in the premises of the house. To correct this situation, it is necessary to put balancing valves. The valve regulates the volume of coolant that passes through each heating circuit or through each heater. Direct savings in resources when installing valves - up to 40%, while the use of a condensing gas boiler can not save more than 35%. The procedure for setting up the heating system does not cost more than 1% of total cost the entire heating system of the house.

Savings on balancing the system are not exhausted by this. The fact is that when balancing the system, all heating equipment (boiler, radiators and pipes with fittings) work in best conditions which affects their durability. Nevertheless, it is necessary to strive to optimize costs at the expense of the modern equipment, it quickly pays off. "Smart", intellectual properties of the heating gas boiler allow you to adjust the gas flow in direct proportion to the need for heat. Boiler automation (AUTO function) maintains the temperature of the water in the heating circuit. The INFO TOP function makes it possible to control the operation of the boiler, its modes. The display reflects all values ​​on the screen. COMFORT function reduces waiting time for arrival hot water into the faucet mixer. Water flows in 5 seconds. A private homeowner can achieve for himself such operating conditions of the equipment so that not a single calorie of heat is wasted. The use of battery thermostats can save 20% of energy in the heating system.

Savings occur due to the fact that the individual temperature is set in each room. It is no longer necessary to open and close the vents to control the temperature in the rooms. Modern thermostats can set the temperature in the range of 6-26 degrees. For example, you can lower the temperature in rooms that are not in use or turn off the heating at night. Energy savings can be achieved through the use of energy-efficient pumps that operate in heating systems. Energy efficient pumps save about 30% of all the electricity that goes to maintain the operation of the pumps in the system individual heating at home.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the technical devices that save energy, heat and water in the premises. Installing this equipment in educational institutions, you will find solutions to energy efficiency problems. Simple, like school "twice two." But they are the key to savings.

5 types of energy-saving equipment

Before we talk about these important devices in terms of energy saving, a few words about meters. After all, they can rightfully be considered one of the specific measures to improve energy efficiency. Educational institutions will benefit a lot if they put water, electricity, heat and gas savings on the meter. With their help, excess energy resources are not spent, and you will have to pay less for what you use. Each meter is beneficial from the standpoint of savings - utility bills are reduced by at least three times. And that's without considering important fact that any meter installed in an educational institution quickly pays off.

Window. We insulate and install double-glazed windows

Energy-saving glass is the first and, perhaps, the main protection against heat loss. A special thin coating on the glass transmits visible light and retains thermal radiation. Energy-saving double-glazed windows have many undeniable advantages:

  • single-chamber double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass in comparison with conventional ones double-glazed windows demonstrate better thermal insulation;
  • provide a comfortable microclimate, create convenient conditions for work (maintain a temperature of +20°C in the room at -20°C outside the window).

Radiators. Set up heating and keep warm

Heating equipment also contributes to energy saving. The latest in this respect are bimetal radiators which effectively replace the old cast iron batteries not amenable to cleaning. Such radiators are durable and tight. Strengths such heaters are obvious:

  • they combine the advantages of steel and aluminum radiators;
  • have high energy efficiency in heat transfer;
  • thanks to the properties of aluminum, the radiator heats the air in the room 5 times faster than conventional batteries;
  • their installation is beneficial at least because the guarantee of the use of radiators is 15 years.

Energy saved, but how to increase it? When the temperature outside the window is below -20C, then you can not do without electric radiators. Here are their compelling benefits:

  • independence from central heating and autonomy;
  • automatic or manual control room temperature;
  • strength, mobility, reliability and safety in operation.

Lamps. We give the room natural light, and people - health

Replacing incandescent bulbs with fluorescent and LED lighting fixtures saves an average of about $5,000 per year for conventional lighting. high school. In addition to such significant energy saving indicators, another factor of this the latest equipment. Modern lighting devices protect our health.

Engineering solutions for new lighting equipment are simple and do not require high costs, they quickly pay for themselves thanks to a reduction in energy consumption by 30-80%.

Let us dwell in more detail on the properties and advantages of lighting energy saving equipment- in particular fluorescent lamps:

  • allow you to have excellent light output and color rendering, which is important for working indoors;
  • provide soft light
  • consume little energy (85% less than obsolete lamps), while having a long service life.

However, after such a lamp burns out, it should never be broken or thrown away. A huge disadvantage of fluorescent lamps is their additional disposal after the end of their life, because. they contain mercury.

LED lighting is the most promising light source in the world. this moment, thanks in large part to its energy efficiency and other strengths:

  • LEDs are economical - they operate from low voltage and do not require large amounts of energy (up to 75% savings);
  • have an almost eternal life - up to 100,000 hours of burning (when working 8 hours a day, the lamp will last 35 years)!
  • durable and less susceptible mechanical impact, because they do not have spirals and electrodes that can be damaged;
  • different in shades of color, shapes and power, which, of course, expands the possibilities of their use.

Relay. We regulate the voltage

The use of a whole army of electrical appliances in educational institutions leads to network overloads, which can cause short circuits. The rules for installing electrical wiring are outdated, and the time has come for the installation of a modern protective equipment. The solution is simple - the reconstruction of electrical distribution networks is being carried out and their capacity is increasing.

Modern relays save energy by allowing you to use multiple electrical appliances and not create loads. The principle of operation of such a relay is straightforward. When the total power of the electrical appliances used exceeds the standard, one or more non-priority appliances are turned off. For example, if it is important to use sockets to power computers, then other devices will automatically turn off and on. At the same time, we will not feel discomfort and insure the network from loads.

Faucets. Save water

Energy saving includes not only the preservation of heat, but also water, because a lot of electricity is spent on its delivery. A photocell faucet is the best thing people have come up with to save water today. With a touchless faucet, compared to a traditional faucet, 6 times less water is used. It does not have a valve, but the mixer works regardless of this when hands are brought to it. A source of infrared radiation and a photocell that receives the beam are "hidden" in the case. We bring our hands to the tap, and they fall into the field of "vision" of the photocell. That's why electronic device instantly "reacts" and turns on the water. Economical, convenient and hygienic.