Kitchen set with built-in appliances - types and selection rules. Calculation of the box for the oven and hob Kitchen cabinet for household appliances

Recently I picked up a cabinet-table for built-in household appliances, or rather a cabinet for a built-in oven. It turned out to be not as easy as it seems at first. And all because of the lack of truthful information about the dimensions of built-in ovens. I’ll tell you what I managed to find out and how not to make a mistake with the installation of the oven.

Table size is not niche size

It so happened that I needed a separate lower cabinet (table) for a built-in oven. Moreover, the depth of the cabinet should not exceed 550 mm. As it turned out, it's not that easy.

In the Stolplit store, similar cabinets turned out to be a little larger, their depth is 563 mm, which did not suit me.

Found a table at the Hoff store. There are similar tables for the oven with a depth of 510 or 550 mm. Size (WxHxD): 600x820x510 mm. The niche of this cabinet is 60x56.8x51 (HxWxD), although the depth of the table for embedding does not matter (more on that below).

We consider the size of the niche from the size of the furniture

So, a standard cabinet-table for built-in appliances has a standard width, in terms of dimensions, of 600 mm. The depth of the cabinets is different, 563 mm, 550 mm, 540 mm, there are even cabinets with a depth of 450 mm.

The overall dimension of the width is 600 mm, which does not mean that this is the width of the cabinet niche. It will be less than two cabinet wall thicknesses.

This means that the front panel of the oven will fit perfectly when built into the walls of a cabinet-table with a width of 600 mm.

In the photo I showed the name of this oven. And instead of a conclusion, do not believe everything that they write, even check the store consultant, better with your own tape measure.

An example of attaching an oven to a cabinet

Other sizes of built-in ovens for information

I picked up several instructions where the dimensions of the built-in ovens and the dimensions of the required niches for these ovens are perfectly indicated.

Bosch oven hbg672bb1f vs
Ovens zanussi series zbq 631, zbq 861
oven ELECTROLUx 53410AK
ELECTROLUX oven niche dimensions

When planning the interior of the kitchen, they take into account not only the technical features of the room and its area. It is necessary to organically fit furniture and equipment into the overall stylistic picture of the house. The appliances built into the kitchen in the headset will help to make the small space of a small room ergonomic and comfortable. The possibilities of embedding equipment and small appliances in spacious rooms are unlimited: even the chef of the capital's restaurant will envy a technically perfect kitchen.

Built-in kitchen appliances functionally do not differ from classic samples installed separately. Additional features may be added to the standard features by the manufacturer. Built-in appliances are fundamentally different only in dimensions, the absence of external decorative side and rear panels, and equipment for fixing inside headsets.

Equipment set

Features of embedded technology: advantages and disadvantages of using

Can built-in kitchen appliances really save space in a cramped room? In fact, the dimensions of the devices range from ultra-compact to much larger than standard sizes. Advantages:

  • Save space by separating hobs and ovens.

Ergonomics in a compact space

  • Aesthetics and solidity of the kitchen interior.
  • Huge selection of front panel designs.

Solutions for every style

  • Compact models are suitable for installation in non-standard headsets with reduced depth.

There is only one drawback of the equipment: after installation, it is no longer possible to change the configuration and arrangement of equipment and furniture. The cabinet for built-in appliances in the kitchen will have to be completely redone, including replacing the facade.

Front panels to match the front of the furniture

Naturally, the price for individuality is high. A set of built-in cooking appliances will cost more than a gas or electric stove with a similar set of functions.

Large and small kitchen appliances: what can be built into the set

The number of devices that can be hidden behind furniture facades depends only on the budget for equipment and the dimensions of the room. The most popular equipment:

  • A hob whose dimensions are determined by the number of burners.
  • Oven to be installed under the hob or in a tall cabinet.
  • Hood, disguised by the cabinet of the upper tier.

Classic set of built-in appliances

In tiny kitchens, you can free up another meter of space if, instead of a classic refrigerator, 2 separate refrigerators are built into the set: a freezer and a storage area with a temperature of about 0 o.

An oven and a microwave can be built into the cabinet for kitchen appliances at the same time - you don’t have to look for a place for a microwave on the countertop.

Manufacturers of small kitchen appliances offer built-in models for all popular appliances. Bread makers, coffee machines, mixers and combines find their place inside the drawers, behind the facades, in the cabinets.

How to choose the best set: mini or maxi equipment

Before you go to the store, clearly define your own needs for technology. After talking with managers, you will want to buy a lot of extra stuff. Agree, it makes no sense to fix the equipment inside the furniture, which is used every few months.

Larger kitchens have more room for appliances

Choose the dimensions and functionality of the selected equipment based on the standard list of dishes that are cooked regularly. Determine the volume of the oven, the internal refrigerator, taking into account the number of family members: why overpay for a roomy freezer that will be half empty? Remember that cabinets for kitchen appliances take up usable space from drawers for storing utensils.

The minimum set of equipment for compact kitchens in apartments:

  • Oven and hob.
  • Microwave.
  • Fridge.

Dishwasher disguised in cabinet

If the size of the room allows, it is advisable to install a dishwasher, especially if a family of 3 to 4 people regularly gather at the table. A useful device that is installed in the sink is a waste chopper. In addition to disposing of food residues that fall into the sink, the equipment will save the kitchen from the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the siphon.

In small city apartments, it often becomes necessary to install a washing machine in the kitchen - built-in models are ideal.

A washing machine can also be found in a cramped kitchen

Coffee lovers will be happy to complement the kit with a built-in espresso and latte machine: the coffee maker does not take up much space.

Ovens for kitchen sets: selection and installation

The first task is to determine how and at what points the oven and hob will be installed. There are independent products that can be installed separately, and dependent ones. In dependent kits, the equipment control unit is located on the front panel of the hob. The most popular and convenient option is an independent set of gas hob and electric oven.

How it works: types of ovens

Ovens installed in cabinets for built-in kitchen appliances are produced in 2 types - gas and electric. The cost of gas is lower than electric. Saving is not worth it. An oven with an electric heater is more convenient: the temperature remains stable, does not deviate from the set value, the entire inner surface warms up evenly, without “cold” areas. It is almost impossible to set up the ideal operation of a gas oven.

Gas cabinet with mechanical adjustment

The side surfaces of the equipment are carefully insulated to protect adjacent surfaces from overheating. Pay attention to the front surface and the way the door opens. The standard option is a hinged door. It is much more convenient to use an oven with a sliding door: a baking sheet is removed from the chamber along with the door, and it is impossible to burn your hand when taking pastries from a hot cabinet.

The surface of the front door must be made of heat-resistant laminated glass - the temperature of the front panel during cabinet operation cannot exceed 40°C. Design options are numerous.

In classic kitchens, enameled surfaces with transparent glass and decor, copper fittings, retro ceramic rotary knobs look great. A modern interior will be decorated with an oven with black glass on the door or a textured metal door with dark glass and touch controls.

Design for classic and retro kitchens

Functionality and dimensions: the complexity of choice

The size of the oven can be selected individually. The depth of the devices varies from 55 to 60 cm - this is the standard depth of the lower tier of the headset. Super compact models are produced with a depth of 50 cm.

The width and height of standard ovens is 60 cm. For small kitchens and low cabinets, choose models 45 cm high. Despite the loss of internal volume, a standard wide baking sheet enters the oven, and two dishes are rarely cooked at the same time.

For non-standard and limited spaces, manufacturers offer models with a width of 45 cm and a classic height of 60 cm. In such cabinets, you can bake in two tiers on narrow baking sheets. Depending on the dimensions of the built-in oven, the internal volume can be from 35 to 65 liters.

Be sure to think about the layout before choosing an appliance: built-in ovens in standard sizes are much cheaper.

Oven sizes: all available options

The functional advantages of electric ovens are in a large number of programmable operating modes. Even budget devices have at least 5-8 factory programs. In addition to baking modes, there are programs for grilling, convection, drying and cooking complex dishes.

A useful feature is the self-cleaning of the inner chamber. Such ovens do not need to be washed. Cleaning is carried out according to the catalytic or pyrolytic principle.

Installation: calculation of the insertion point and installation

Installing a built-in oven begins with choosing a place for installation. If an independent set of appliances is chosen, it is better to build the oven at a higher height from the floor. In this case, you do not have to bend down to check the readiness of the dish or get pastries.

At what height should the oven be installed? The choice of mounting height depends on the height of the hostess. It is necessary to choose a place of installation so that you do not have to raise your hands above chest level to remove the baking sheet. The best option is to build the equipment into a high pencil case at a height of 40 to 80 cm above the floor.

Before installing the oven, it is necessary to check that the wiring and sockets are suitable for the conditions of increased load. An electrician should carry out the check: some models with a power of more than 3.5 kW require connection through a wire with an increased cross-sectional area. Sockets for connecting equipment are installed with mandatory grounding. Additionally, they mount automation for emergency shutdown of the current supply.

Installation and connection diagram

The installation of equipment in the cabinet is carried out by specialists who assemble the headset. The oven is installed in a niche. Manufacturers must indicate in the instructions the minimum gaps between the oven panels and the walls of the niche - free space is necessary for air circulation.

The cabinet is fixed in a niche with factory fasteners.

Do-it-yourself installation is undesirable. In the event that the equipment fails due to incorrect connection, use of inappropriate electrical wiring, the warranty does not apply.

Cooktops for compact and large kitchens

A real salvation for small kitchens and decoration for spacious kitchen-dining rooms are hobs. The dimensions of the surfaces range from compact, for 2 burners, to large panels for 6 - 8 burners.

Types of heating elements of built-in panels

Main types of panels:

  • Gas.
  • Electrical.
  • Combined.

Gas panels are connected to a gas pipe outlet. The number of burners - from two. An excellent choice for small kitchens where food is prepared for 1 - 2 people. The minimum width is only 28 cm. Such narrow plates are suitable for headsets with reduced depth and length, which are made to order. Alternatively, you can build in 2 hobs in series with minimal dimensions - the number of burners will double.

Narrow glass-ceramic stove with gas burners

The cost of panels with gas burners depends on the materials of manufacture of the grate, burners and coating. Saving is not worth it. Choose devices with massive gratings made of cast iron or durable steel. Thin rods of a budget grill are deformed in a few months, and it is difficult to buy a grill for a non-standard plate separately. Most gas surfaces are covered with an enameled decorative layer. Among the popular models are stainless steel metal panels.

Irregular Shape Touch Control Electrical Panel

Electric stoves come in more design options. The top panel can be made of tempered glass or glass-ceramic. The advantage of glass surfaces is their impeccable appearance and ease of cleaning.

Features of electrical panels:

  1. It is necessary to use dishes with a perfectly flat bottom.
  1. The surface must be protected from impacts and falling sharp objects.
  1. Liquid spilled on the panel must be immediately cleaned up - sugar leaves indelible marks on the surface of glass and glass ceramics.

Induction hob always stays cold

The most expensive and modern are induction panels. When the heating is on, the surface of the panel remains cold, and only the dishes are heated. True, for cooking on such a stove, you will have to use special dishes.

Standard electrical panels are also equipped with zone heating. The surface is heated only along the radius of the heating element, the rest of the panel area remains cold.

Basic installation rules

The installation of gas or electric hobs begins with the selection of dimensions. The standard countertop is 60 cm wide. Almost any model can be built in with your own hands.

Manufacturers complete the equipment with a stencil template for marking the surface for the tie-in. It is enough to circle the outline with a marker. You can cut a hole in a chipboard or MDF plate with a jigsaw.

The gas panel is connected to the gas pipe outlet. Use of flexible gas pipes is allowed. The joints must be sealed with sealing tape and checked for gas leaks.

Electrical panels are connected to the mains. Depending on the power, a wire with an optimal cross section is selected. Grounded outlets are used.

After checking the connection, you can fix the panel in the tabletop. Additionally, it is recommended to strengthen the fixation with a sealant.

Refrigeration equipment: is it worth hiding a freezer in the closet

The choice of refrigeration equipment is huge. Solo models on the market can be selected for any interior and room size. For small kitchens, choose a built-in refrigerator in the kitchen set. There is only one limitation associated with the installation technology: first, the equipment is chosen, and furniture is made according to its size. Why is that? There are 2 types of built-in refrigeration equipment:

  1. Fully embedded.
  1. Partially embedded.

With partial installation, the side and rear panels are hidden in a niche, and the doors are left open. It is possible to build in a refrigerator with standard dimensions and a height of up to 2.1 m. This solution is suitable for medium and spacious rooms.

In small kitchens, space is often limited: you have to separately install a freezer and a refrigerator. Fully built-in appliances are invisible: the doors are hidden behind the facade of the headset. How to embed a compact refrigerator in a kitchen set? Masters calculate the dimensions of the niche with an accuracy of up to a millimeter. The refrigerator doors are equipped with guides that are attached to the inner surface of the cabinet door. When you open the cabinet, the refrigerator also opens.

Compact appliances under the worktop

Advantages of built-in technology:

  • Refrigerator and freezer can be installed in different places.
  • Compact models are ideal for small city kitchens.
  • A monolithic surface of the headset is created, which visually enlarges the room.

Partially built-in two-door refrigerator

Built-in microwave ovens for cabinets

The standard size of a microwave oven is unified with the dimensions of ovens for embedding in kitchen cabinets. The volume of classic models is from 28 liters. Dimensions:

  • Microwave height standard - 45 cm.
  • Width - 60 cm.
  • Depth - up to 50 cm.

Mounting the standard model above the oven

Standardized dimensions allow you to install the oven and microwave in one cabinet, placing the equipment vertically. The disadvantage of such a mounting scheme is the need for an accurate calculation of the mounting height. The oven is installed below, at a height of 30 - 40 cm from the floor, above it - a microwave oven. Be sure to ensure that the height of the installation of the microwave allows you to get a plate without raising your hands.

Mounting above the worktop in a hanging cabinet

The functionality of different models differs dramatically. To the basic functions - heating and defrosting - manufacturers add baking, convection, grill modes. Does it make sense to pay extra for the functionality that is already in the oven? Definitely not. Models with an extended set of operating modes will be useful to those who decide not to install a full-fledged oven. In this case, it is better to choose a product with an increased camera size. The maximum internal volume is up to 40 liters.

Video: self-installation of the oven

A video tutorial for those who decide to build an oven under the hob with their own hands.

An important point: when choosing equipment, focus on the average price category. It is not advisable to save money by buying equipment from unknown manufacturers. In addition to the fact that the equipment will have to be dismantled in order to be taken for repair, it may turn out that it is impossible to buy replacement parts.

Pay attention to the warranty period - the longer the period of free maintenance, the more reliable the equipment. Large manufacturers usually have representative offices and service centers in all cities. This means that you can find the part and carry out repairs as quickly as possible.

The sequence of work when replacing furniture and appliances: first choose a set of appliances, and only after that order a set with cabinets. Be sure to give the masters the instructions and technical data sheets of the devices. Do not experiment with self-installation of electrical equipment - specialists will do everything much better and faster.

For every housewife, the kitchen is a special place in an apartment or house. Culinary delights come to life in the kitchen, so it is very important that it is practical and comfortable. Choosing a headset, we rarely think about it. More often we are interested in the aesthetic side. But in vain. be convenient and multifunctional, and only then you will want to cook and spend most of your time on it. for the kitchen looks monolithic with the interior.

Today they are very popular. This concept is understood as capable of organically accommodating all household appliances. In other words, the kitchen is located in specially designated places in the suite, which creates the impression of a built-in one. It does not stand out from the general level due to integration. Thanks to this, the kitchen becomes more comfortable, and the space increases.


Built-in kitchens are popularly called architectural kitchens. They look attractive and unobtrusive. Working in such a kitchen, there is no feeling of “excess” of appliances, as they are organically built into the main set.

Today, headsets of various configurations are sold. They differ in design, color and set of devices. But regardless, each headset has:

  1. Built-in oven.
  2. Fridge.
  3. Plate.
  4. Dishwashing machine.
  5. Hood.

You can hide any equipment in the headset

You can't do without this minimal set in the kitchen. But for many this is not enough, so they additionally build in the following technique:

  • Food processor.
  • Built-in microwave
  • Deep frying.
  • Machine for making coffee.
  • Chest.
  • Toaster.

This is not a definitive list. The number of built-in appliances is not limited. It all depends on the wishes of the person and his needs.

For the kitchen is placed throughout the headset. Refrigerator, washing machine and other heavy equipment is located in the bottom row. And items such as a built-in microwave, TV or coffee maker can be placed on the upper shelves. Placement depends on the weight of the item and the need for its use.

Built-in appliances for the kitchen allow you to free up space, rational use of space. She looks elegant and stylish.

And tabletops. The erroneous opinion that the built-in kitchen is not functional. Optionally, sliding tables that serve as work surfaces, built-in ovens, cabinets and shelves fit into such a set.

Varieties of built-in headsets

The corner option will save space and be very practical.

The architectural kitchen is good because the built-in appliances for the kitchen are not “striking”. Such kitchens are convenient both in small rooms and in large rooms. Depending on the area, the type of headset is also selected:

  1. Angular.
  2. Single row.
  3. Double row.
  4. Rounded.

The corner set organically looks in the combined kitchens - living rooms. But they are also suitable for small spaces. In such designs, cabinets for dishes are placed in the corner area at the top, and the sink is at the bottom. The main built-in appliances for the kitchen are placed on both sides for symmetry.

Single-row headsets are convenient for large rooms. This kitchen set with built-in appliances allows you to expand the dining area. The sink is located in the middle of the structure, a refrigerator and a cabinet for the built-in oven on the sides. These two items cannot be placed side by side. When working, they interfere with each other: the oven radiates heat, so the refrigerator works harder and vice versa.

In two-row sets, the freezer or refrigerator is placed parallel to the sink and hob.

A rounded headset is considered the most comfortable. But in order for it to be so, it is worth remembering that the rear panel of the structure must be more than 2.5 m, and the side panels must be at least 1.5 m.

Rounded stylish design can be combined in any interior

The original design solution is a set with an "island". An “island” refers to an object that serves as a work or dining place. Such kitchens are often installed in large rooms in order to zone the space. "Island" is a delimiting design element that helps to divide the space into zones. Often, a bar counter acts as an "island". Many models of "islands" provide for an additional retractable countertop for cutting products. If necessary, the tabletop slides in and is invisible to the eye. Such "islands" can easily accommodate built-in coffee makers, toasters and other small household appliances.

Disadvantages and advantages

Advantages of built-in furniture:

  1. Single set. There are no cracks or gaps between the construction objects.
  2. Replacing a standard gas or electric stove with a hob. This is a huge plus. Not everyone uses ovens, so this space is used at will.
  3. Design decision. Built-in furniture is made to order. Therefore, it will clearly fit into the parameters and design of the room. A well-chosen built-in appliances in the kitchen complements the style of the interior.
  4. Attractive appearance. Appliances and furniture located on the same level look perfect.
  5. Convenience. This applies to both cooking and cleaning or washing furniture. Dirt does not get into the cracks, you do not have to lift furniture under the built-in appliances for washing the floor, move the microwave and much more.
  6. The built-in kitchen is ergonomic. The space not cluttered with household appliances allows you to cook more conveniently and calmly. A rational placement of equipment saves time.

Household appliances and furniture - an organic whole

In order to avoid disappointment regarding such a headset, all the details of placement and layout are thought out in advance, because then you can’t change them.


  1. Moving a household appliance to another place will not work if a desire arises. This will leave empty space in the furniture.
  2. Such headsets and built-in appliances are expensive. Their cost is higher than ordinary kitchen furniture, so not everyone can afford to buy them.
  3. Built-in kitchen furniture is difficult to repair. If one of the structures breaks down, you will have to unscrew half of the headset for replacement. And to replace broken appliances, you will have to unscrew the built-in tables for the kitchen and shelves.
  4. Difficulty in replacing a similar item of construction. If a piece of furniture breaks, it will have to be replaced with a similar piece. Replacement will have to be made to order based on the design parameters.

Purchase of built-in furniture

There are two options to become the owner of a built-in headset:

  1. Order the production of premises and wishes.
  2. Buy a standard headset.

Order or ready-made - it's up to you

If everything is clear with custom-made furniture, then when buying a standard headset, we pay attention to:

  • No need to buy furniture and household appliances separately. The latter may not fit. Before choosing, we measure the parameters of the technique and compare them with niches in furniture.
  • We determine the necessary household appliances.
  • Choose appliances according to the design of the headset. Multi-colored appliances and a textured set do not look very harmonious, so it is advisable to select devices in the same color scheme.

When making furniture to order, it is worth considering not only the parameters of the room, but also other aspects. Here are some tips to help you design your built-in furniture the right way.

  1. An additional countertop is installed between the hob and the refrigerator.
  2. For convenience, a microwave and an oven are installed in the upper cabinets, and a washing machine in the lower cabinets.
  3. The place for the oven is located at eye level.

When choosing a headset, we take into account the number of people living in the family and the expected processes. Clearly define the intended purpose of each of the household appliances.


Buying a "ready" built-in kitchen is not worth it. It's better to order. So a person will have the opportunity to determine the size of the future headset, choose the color and design, choose the equipment and harmoniously combine the decoration of the room with the built-in furniture.


For built-in furniture, it is better to select an electric hob. This reduces the risk of melting nearby countertops.

A couple of decades ago, built-in appliances were considered a rather unusual, even exotic solution in the interior.

However, over time, it has become widely used due to the ability to increase the space of the room and make its interior more stylish and harmonious. For embedding appliances use special furniture.

Built-in kitchen - features and benefits

A kitchen set with built-in appliances is a composition of several modules, some of which are designed specifically to accommodate household appliances.

These can be various appliances: washing machines and dishwashers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, hobs, ovens and even exhaust systems.

The advantages of cabinets for appliances include:

  • saving usable space in the kitchen;
  • convenience - household appliances can be arranged with the maximum consideration of the needs of the owners of the house;
  • high functionality - such cabinets can be used in several directions at once. For example, for embedding appliances and as a work surface;
  • spectacular appearance and the ability to hide equipment that is not suitable for the overall interior design.

Despite all the positive aspects, before buying furniture for appliances, consider the following features:

  • the price of built-in appliances is usually higher than traditional ones;
  • if you want to make a rearrangement, it may be difficult to transfer communications;
  • if the device completely fails, most likely it will have to be changed along with the cabinet, since it is difficult to find equipment that exactly matches certain sizes of furniture.

Types of cabinets for built-in appliances by purpose

The design should be selected for a certain type of technology. The most popular cabinets for:

  • hobs;
  • ovens;
  • dishwashers;
  • refrigerators;
  • exhaust systems.

Cabinet for built-in hob

In a classic interior, the hob is part of the stove and combined with the oven.

In a modern kitchen, it can be built into a special cabinet in two ways:

  • flush - in this case, the height of the panel and the countertop are the same;
  • raised - the panel rises slightly above the surface of the cabinet - no more than 2-4 mm.

For a built-in hob, a worktop made of practical and heat-resistant material - chipboard, artificial stone or concrete is suitable.

Typical dimensions of the lower cabinets for the hob are:

  • height - 70-85 cm;
  • depth - not less than 55 cm;
  • width - 60-120 cm.

Pay attention to the thickness of the countertop - for safety reasons, it should be sufficient - from 30 to 50 mm.

Cabinets for built-in ovens

As a rule, the oven is placed under the hob. But not all hostesses are comfortable with this option. Therefore, for embedding the oven, both low floor structures and kitchen cabinets are used, in which appliances can be installed at any convenient height.

The location of the oven furniture depends on the availability of the socket. It is desirable that it be away from the rear surface of the structure.

The standard dimensions of the kitchen cabinet for the oven are as follows:

  • height - from 80 to 180 cm (pencil cases);
  • depth - not less than 55 cm;
  • width - 60-90 cm.

When buying an oven, pay attention to how tightly its doors fit to the body. If there is a gap, hot air can damage the facade of the furniture.

Built-in dishwasher cabinets

The cabinet for the dishwasher should be positioned so that behind its back wall or above it there is a node for connecting communications.

There are three options for embedding such equipment:

  • under the sink - that is, in the sink;
  • in a separate closet. This is the most convenient and rational option;
  • in a wall cabinet above the sink - suitable for lightweight structures designed for 5-6 sets of dishes.

The size of a dishwasher cabinet is usually from 40x60 to 60x100 cm.

Refrigerator cabinet

The built-in refrigerator is not only stylish, but also practical. Tall refrigerators are built into kitchen cabinets, pencil cases, and small structures - under the countertop.

At the same time, the appliances can be either top-coated with a material similar to the panels of a kitchen set, or remain in the factory design.

Typical dimensions of cabinets for refrigerators are:

  • height - from 160 to 220 cm, for mini models - 80-100 cm;
  • depth - not less than 50 cm;
  • width - 40-60 cm.

Cabinet for built-in hood

Built-in hoods combine elegant appearance and high functionality.

The basis for their installation is usually the upper modules of the kitchen set. At the same time, they should be at a height of at least 65 cm from the stove. If it is gas, then it increases to 75 cm.

But there are also lift hoods located in the countertop right behind the hob.

The dimensions of the wall cabinets for the hood are:

  • height - from 40 to 60 cm;
  • depth - from 40 to 50 cm;
  • width - from 40 to 100 cm.

Please note that the size of the hood itself should not be smaller than the size of the hob, otherwise the ventilation will not be effective.

Types of designs of kitchen cabinets for built-in appliances

Modern furniture manufacturers offer many pieces of furniture for embedding appliances of various shapes and designs.

In order to correctly choose a cabinet for the kitchen for built-in appliances, you need to decide what kind of appliances will be placed there and where they will be installed.

There are three main types of kitchen cabinets for appliances:

  • cabinets of the lower row;
  • top row cabinets;
  • pencil cases.

Cabinets of the lower row of the kitchen set for built-in appliances

Bottom cabinets for built-in appliances are floor structures, the body of which is designed to accommodate a household appliance, and the upper surface is made in the form of a table top.

They are suitable for installing almost any appliance: ovens, washing machines and dishwashers and mini-refrigerators.

There is another version of this design - these are curbstones for hobs. In them, on the contrary, the tabletop serves as a place to place equipment, and the case can be used as a storage system.

Top wall cabinets for built-in appliances

The upper modules of the kitchen set are mounted on the walls. They are used to install oversized and not too massive equipment. These are hoods, microwave ovens, double boilers, multicookers.

It is important that the hinged structure is made of durable material and has strong fasteners.

Upper cabinets can be made in the form of:

  • exhaust module;
  • closed structure;
  • open shelves for oversized equipment - for example, microwave ovens.

Cupboard for built-in kitchen appliances

The cabinet-pencil case is a structure, the height of which significantly exceeds the width. Most often it is used for embedding a refrigerator.

But due to the fact that it can accommodate equipment at any convenient height, it is also used to install other equipment - ovens, microwave ovens, double boilers, multicookers, coffee machines and other appliances.

Using a cabinet-pencil case for embedding appliances at an average height is ideal for people who, due to their physical characteristics, find it difficult to bend over.

The dimensions of standard cabinets for appliances are as follows:

  • height - 150 - 220 cm;
  • width - 40-50 cm;
  • depth - 40 - 65 cm.

Rules for choosing the material for the manufacture of a kitchen cabinet for built-in appliances

In pursuit of functionality and stylish design, one should not forget that appliances built into furniture should be safe first of all.

Therefore, when buying furniture, make sure that it meets the following requirements:

  • cabinets must be made of heat-resistant material that is not prone to instantaneous ignition;
  • in the material itself, as well as in its coating, the content of toxic synthetic compounds is not allowed - when heated, their vapors can cause serious poisoning;
  • all surfaces of the product must be smooth, and the support must be stable, otherwise the design will not withstand the vibrations of the equipment;
  • furniture should not be deafly locked; its design must have ventilation holes for appliances.

For the production of modules for embedding household appliances, the following materials are used:

  • Chipboard is the cheapest option. Chipboard is obtained by processing sawmill waste. Since formaldehyde resins are used for gluing substances, furniture made of this material must necessarily have a thermal protective coating that prevents them from igniting and escaping harmful fumes;
  • MDF is a more environmentally friendly and functional material. Products made from it will last much longer, they are not afraid of moisture and are not subject to deformation under the influence of high temperatures;
  • natural wood - used for the production of furniture for appliances is extremely rare, it is expensive and requires special processing.

For the manufacture of rear walls and bent elements of the facade, fiberboard can be used.

If you doubt the quality and safety of the material, ask the seller to present a certificate. In its absence, it is better to refuse the purchase.

If you choose a cabinet with a countertop, pay attention to its material. Artificial stone and laminated chipboard have the best performance properties.

Products made of natural wood or stone are too heavy, so they are practically not used for furniture for appliances,

Types of facades of kitchen sets for built-in appliances and their features

It is important not only to correctly choose a cabinet for the kitchen for built-in appliances in terms of its design, but also to think about how it will fit into the overall interior design.

The external attractiveness of the built-in appliances depends on the facade of the furniture - its front part.

He can be:

  • open - the front of the device remains fully visible;
  • closed - the technique is masked by the door.

The closed facade can be attached to the cabinet body - this option is suitable if you need to disguise equipment with a non-standard door. For example, a washing machine. Or it can be connected to the facade of the device itself - then its front part itself looks like an ordinary furniture facade.

Please note that in order to implement the latter method, the design of the equipment must provide for the possibility of attaching a decorative facade to it.

For finishing the front panels of kitchen furniture use:

  • laminated surfaces - it can be chipboard, MDF, plywood. They are quite practical - they are not afraid of scratches and household chemicals;
  • heat-resistant glass - elements of this material look stylish and modern;
  • veneer - used for wood-like furniture, but due to its impracticality, it is mainly suitable for upper kitchen cabinets;
  • plastic - allows you to create a bright interior, does not fade in the sun and does not require special care;
  • metal - stainless steel inserts refresh the interior of the kitchen.

Photo of kitchen sets with built-in appliances

A kitchen with built-in appliances is no longer a luxury. A huge selection of furniture sets and individual designs for embedding household appliances will allow the hostess not only to equip the kitchen with maximum comfort, but also to bring to life original design ideas and solutions.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us by e-mail: [email protected] website
P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what happens and navigate in the choice.

By mounting the oven above the usual level, the cooking process becomes much more comfortable. In our article, you will see different options for oven cases and find out what sizes experts recommend for creating a module.

Two high modules are designed for mounting equipment. One cabinet fills the refrigerator and a storage shelf, the second has a built-in oven at the level of the countertop and roomy shelves that cover the facades.

Pencil case dimensions

Approximate dimensions of the canister (HxWxD): 2040x600x550 mm.

The area of ​​​​the room and design features make adjustments to the overall dimensions of the cabinet.

Embedding dimensions. Gorenje ovens are purchased complete with a similar installation manual. The graphical example shows the Gorenje B2000Р2 model.

1. Wardrobe to order

This option is most popular among buyers, since the master takes into account all the details of the layout in the process of making the kitchen. The main thing is to choose the equipment in advance and provide accurate data on the dimensions to the specialist.

Modern headset without technology. All sockets for appliances are pre-displayed. The next stage is installation.

The combination of beige color and wood texture in the corner kitchen. In one pencil case, a built-in oven and a microwave oven were placed on a separate shelf.

White kitchen in minimalist style. A microwave oven and an oven are built into a tall cabinet that completes the composition of the headset.

Bright turquoise corner furniture. The independent oven set was set to a comfortable height level.

Strict interior, minimum details. For such a kitchen, it is better to choose built-in appliances.

The cabinet with the oven is located next to the hob, so the cooking area is concentrated in one part, and a large working area remains.

2. Factory pencil cases

Kitchen manufacturers offer customers ready-made furniture options for built-in appliances. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the dimensions for embedding coincide with the actual dimensions of the furniture. That is, you will have to act from the opposite - choose an oven for certain parameters, or adjust the furniture during installation.

Remember, the control panel must be above the level of the belt, and the installation height of the oven must not exceed the level of your eyes, otherwise the operation of the appliance during cooking will not be comfortable.

A single style and competent layout allows this kitchen to look organic, despite the high module for appliances and the variety of colors in the headset area. A refrigerator and a pencil case close the furniture on both sides, forming a complete image in the kitchen design.

Photo: website,,,,,,