Apartment heating system. Apartment heating. Individual heating of apartments. Features of apartment heating in Russia


Systems used in high-rise buildings can be divided into vertical (riser) and horizontal (apartment, floor wiring). Both of them have both a number of advantages and disadvantages. Vertical (riser) wiring, as a rule, is used in buildings with a single heat consumption accounting (only house accounting).

Experience in the design and operation of apartment heating systems for high-rise residential buildings

Scheme of the floor node for connecting apartment heating and water supply systems to vertical risers

Advantages of apartment heating systems

Compared to vertical riser heating systems, horizontal two-pipe floor-wired apartment heating systems have a number of advantages, mainly from the point of view of the operator and apartment owners.

The apartment system allows the maintenance service to turn off only one apartment, for example, in the event of an accident or if it is necessary to repair or replace heating devices. The heating system of a single apartment can be easily adjusted independently of other apartments. In addition, as noted above, this scheme is not critical to the problem of unauthorized reconstruction of heating systems inside apartments (replacement of appliances and thermostats). The independence of the wiring from other apartments implies the possibility of individual design of heating for each apartment, depending on the wishes of the owner of this apartment. The apartment heating system, if necessary, can be easily equipped with apartment heat meters, which makes it possible to switch to payment for the actually consumed heat energy according to the readings of these heat meters. By itself, the installation of heat meters is not an energy-saving measure, however, payment for the actually consumed heat energy is a powerful incentive that forces residents to carry out such measures in the apartment and set the most economical microclimate parameters. For example, during a long absence, it is possible to lower the air temperature in the premises to a certain minimum value by means of thermostats on heating devices. In the current situation, when the cost of heat energy is included in the rent, the owner of the apartment is not interested in saving energy; if the apartment is very hot, the window will be open, but the thermostat will never be closed. The use of apartment heating systems, in comparison with vertical ones, leads to a reduction in the length of main pipes, which always have the largest diameter (the most expensive), a decrease in heat loss in unheated premises where pipelines are laid, and simplification of the floor-by-floor and section-by-section commissioning of the building. The cost of installing an apartment heating system, based on the experience of designing a number of objects, is not much higher than the cost of standard schemes with vertical risers, however, the service life of an apartment heating system is about two times higher due to the use of pipes made of heat-resistant polymer materials, thus, the use of this scheme is economically more expedient.

Features of the use of pipes made of heat-resistant polymer materials

Regulatory documents declare the use of apartment heating systems in residential buildings. At the same time, it is allowed to use pipes made of heat-resistant polymeric materials. These can be pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, polypropylene, fiberglass, metal-polymer, copper, etc. The following requirements are imposed on heating systems with pipes made of such materials:

Apartment heating systems in buildings should be designed as two-pipe systems, while providing for the installation of devices for regulating, monitoring and recording heat consumption for each apartment.

Pipelines of heating systems should be designed from steel, copper, brass pipes, heat-resistant pipes made of polymeric materials (including metal-polymer and fiberglass), approved for use in construction. Complete with plastic pipes, fittings and products corresponding to the type of pipes used should be used.

The parameters of the coolant (temperature, pressure) in heating systems with pipes made of heat-resistant polymeric materials should not exceed the maximum allowable values ​​specified in the regulatory documentation for their manufacture, but not more than 90 ° C and 1.0 MPa.

Pipes made of polymeric materials used in heating systems together with metal pipes or with instruments and equipment, including in external heat supply systems that have restrictions on the content of dissolved oxygen in the coolant, must have an anti-diffusion layer.

The last statement, in our opinion, is rather controversial, since it is difficult to imagine the diffusion of oxygen inside a pipe in which the medium is under pressure much greater than atmospheric pressure (6–8 atmospheres).

In the apartment heating systems of the objects under consideration (with the exception of the building at 32 Marshala Biryuzova Street, in which polypropylene pipes are used), pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) were used. Based on design experience, we can recommend the widespread use of such pipes in mass high-rise construction.

The technology for the production of pipes from cross-linked polyethylene began to spread about thirty years ago. To date, more than 5 billion m of PEX pipes (all types of crosslinking) have already been installed in Europe alone, they account for over 50% of the total market for polymer pipes for plumbing and hot water supply (DHW). The main advantages of using pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are as follows:

The homogeneity of the wall and the strength characteristics of the material, allowing the installation of water supply and heating systems, including central heating, in high-rise buildings with an estimated service life of at least 50 years, which allows the use of hidden wiring and, in turn, meets modern aesthetic requirements.

The ability to recreate the shape, "molecular memory", allowing to restore the pipeline after a "break" (excessive bending), as well as to operate the system after defrosting.

Reliability of connection of a pipe and a fitting.

A variety of types and a large range of fittings, combined with flexibility and long winding lengths of coils, to minimize the number of connections and pipe waste.

Maintainability of the system: hidden laying of the pipeline in the corrugation (channel), in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, will allow, if necessary, to replace the damaged section of the pipe without opening the wall or floor structure.

Smooth inner surface, which does not allow solid particles to "stick" to the walls - pipes "do not overgrow", maintaining the internal section; the coefficient of hydraulic resistance decreases in comparison with steel pipes by 25–30%.

It can also be noted that the time and complexity of installation and the number of people employed are much lower than when using steel pipes, the systems are very easy to operate, and their installation does not require specialists of such high qualification as welders.

There are three most common methods for manufacturing modified polyethylene: peroxide (PEX-a), silane (PEX-b), radiation (PEX-c).

The first manufacturer of such pipes, the Swedish company Wirsbo (since 1988 - part of the Uponor concern), entered the market with peroxide technology in 1972, and to date, this company alone has produced 1.2 billion m of PEX-a pipes.

Types of pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, presented on the domestic market, some manufacturers and a short list of objects in Moscow, in the heating system of which these pipes are used, are presented in Table. one.

Table 1
Types of XLPE pipes, some manufacturers and examples of objects
pipe type from
Object examples
PEX-a Wirsbo Multi-storey residential building on the street. Flotskoy, residential buildings on Michurinsky pr., vl. 6 (14 floors), st. Davydkovskaya, ow. 3 (43 floors), st. New Cheryomushki, 22 (18 floors), etc.
PEX-a rehau Complexes "Olympia", "Golden Keys", objects considered in the article
PEX-b Beerpex The Edelweiss high-rise residential building, a residential building on Karamyshevskaya Embankment, a number of DON-Stroy facilities, typical residential buildings in the Moscow Region (Lyubertsy, etc.), etc.
PEX-c KAN Residential complexes "Korona", "Nauka", 11 microdistrict Kurkino, etc.

It should be noted that a major role in promoting the use of XLPE pipes in our country was played by the creation of training centers where special seminars were held for designers. Such centers have been organized by all the leading manufacturers of PEX pipes. In addition, manufacturers offer special software, usually free of charge, that allows you to calculate heat losses and quickly select the necessary equipment and design a system.

The difference in crosslinking methods leads to differences in thermomechanical properties. In general, a higher density of the mesh structure, while increasing strength, simultaneously increases the rigidity of the material, making pipes less elastic. The most durable construction is provided by the silane manufacturing method, and at the present time one can note a trend of a steady increase in the market share of pipes manufactured using PEX-b technology. In addition, these pipes are distinguished by a lower price, since they are produced in our country by domestic manufacturers.

The velocity of the heat carrier in the pipes of apartment heating systems made of cross-linked polyethylene is usually taken at the level of values ​​corresponding to economical hydraulic resistances (R = 150–250 Pa/m). At the same time, approximately for the selection of pipe diameters in an apartment heating system with horizontal wiring, it is possible to take the values ​​​​of the speed of the coolant and, accordingly, the heat load at a temperature difference in the supply and return pipelines of 20 ° C, indicated in Table. 2.

It was mentioned above that, according to the requirements of SNiP, the coolant pressure in heating systems with pipes made of heat-resistant polymeric materials should not exceed 1.0 MPa. Theoretically, such a limiting pressure makes it possible to increase the height of the zone. However, XLPE pipes are not designed for such pressure (for example, PEX-a pipes at 90 °C are designed for a maximum pressure of 8.6 atmospheres). For these reasons, apartment heating systems are also zoned vertically, while the height of the zone, as a rule, is limited to 50-60 meters. Most of the facilities described in this article used pipes made of PEX-a manufactured by Rehau, however, the possibilities of using pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene made using other technologies are now being considered, in particular, facilities have already been built that use pipes made of PEX-b, manufactured by Birpex Corporation. The reason for choosing PEX-a for the first objects was their guaranteed reliability and durability: the first buildings with such pipes were built back in 1972, and thus we can say that at least thirty years of service life is confirmed by real operation experience. The limitation of the use of PEX pipes lies in the limited combinations of working pressure and temperature.

I would like to draw the attention of designers to the correct selection of pipes in terms of permissible operating pressures and temperatures. As noted above, according to the requirements of SNiP, the pressure and temperature of the coolant in heating systems with pipes made of heat-resistant polymer materials should not exceed 1.0 MPa and 90 °C, respectively. The allowable pressure in the pipe depends, among other things, on the operating temperature and on the diameter of the pipe: for example, pipes 18 x 2 and 18 x 2.5 mm can be offered by the manufacturer, and at the same temperature the first pipe is designed for a pressure of 6 atmospheres , and the second - by 10 atmospheres.

It often happens that after the development of the heating system project, the investor decides to increase the height of the building by several floors, as a result of which the maximum hydrostatic pressure may exceed the allowable one. For example, PEX-a pipes at 90 °C are designed for 8.4 atm, which means the maximum height of the system is 80 m (theoretically, the height of the system could be made higher, since the fittings are designed for 10 atm, and the heaters for 16–25 atm ). Therefore, for reliability, in order to avoid exceeding the limiting hydrostatic pressure, it is better to provide an “extra” zone in the building.

Do not overestimate the operating temperature. If the building is designed for 95 ° C, PEX pipes cannot be used in the heating system, since they are designed for a maximum of 90 ° C (the same temperature is indicated in SNiP). Some designers, however, motivate the possibility of using a PEX pipe in this case by the fact that the heat supply schedule is almost never maintained, and this temperature (95 ° C) will never be reached. In our opinion, this opinion is erroneous, and overestimation of the operating temperature should in no case be allowed. When using systems with XLPE pipes, it can be recommended to adhere to the temperature schedule of 90–70 °С, 90–65 °С, since a further decrease in temperature will lead to a significant increase in the surface of heating devices, which is not welcomed by investors due to the increase in the cost of systems.

Due to differences in the temperature of the heat carrier supplied to the building from urban heating networks, significant foreign experience in operating systems with XLPE pipes can be used in our country to a very limited extent. In countries such as Holland, Denmark, Germany, the coolant is supplied to buildings with a temperature of 70–75 °C. At the facilities under consideration, the condition of cross-linked polyethylene pipes is closely monitored, however, the experience already gained allows us to say that during the installation and operation of PEX-pipe systems in buildings connected to networks through central heating, there are much fewer problems than for systems with pipes made of other materials.

Another advantage of PEX pipes is the possibility of embedding them in concrete. SNiP allows inextricable connections to be monolithic in concrete. The PEX pipe tension fitting system refers specifically to inextricable connections, unlike other systems: for example, metal-plastic pipes are connected by means of union nuts, so the monolithic installation of such pipes is a violation of SNiP.

The experience of using metal-plastic pipes in heating systems was recognized as unsuccessful, and at present, the use of these pipes in these systems is prohibited by the operation service. During operation, it was found that as a result of aging, the adhesive layer is destroyed and the inner layer of such a pipe “collapses”, as a result of which the flow area changes, and the heating system stops working normally. Such a place is very difficult to detect, usually in this case the fault is looked for in thermostats, pumps, etc. To detect the fault, a special method was developed in which a water meter was placed in the line, according to the readings of which it was possible to localize the place of "collapse". In addition to "collapse", in heating systems made of metal-plastic pipes, there have been cases of loss of tightness of union threaded connections due to aging of rubber seals.

One of the significant advantages of XLPE pipes compared to steel pipes is the absence of threaded connections, which significantly increases the reliability of the system. Due to the absence of threaded connections, the number of centers of mechanical stress that appear in threaded connections during heating and cooling of the system is significantly reduced. There are cases when, when the hot water supply was stopped for the summer, the pipes began to break along the threaded connections. In systems with pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, the centers of mechanical stress are evenly distributed along the entire length of the pipes. The factor that plays a role here is that these pipes are supplied in the form of bays, and thus the length of the pipeline without any connections can reach a significant value (for example, 200 m).

It should be noted that the pipes themselves are completely insufficient for installing a heating or water supply system. The system can only be built if the pipe is provided with the necessary assortment of fittings. Not all manufacturers offer a full range of fittings, which forces them to be purchased on the side. This is quite expensive, and, in addition, the fittings of one manufacturer may not match the pipes of another manufacturer, despite the fact that pipe sizes are standardized for all manufacturers. The use of fittings and pipes that do not match each other leads to leaks in the connections, as a result of which leaks may appear in the heating system during operation.

The service life of PEX pipes depends on the temperature of the coolant - the lower this temperature, the longer the service life of the pipe. As noted above, the first such pipes began to be used more than 30 years ago and are currently being successfully operated. Manufacturers indicate the service life of pipes depending on temperature - from 25 to 50 years. These are the minimum figures, in our opinion, the actual service life can be much higher. The inner surface of pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene is always clean, unlike steel pipes, rust, scale, etc. do not accumulate there. Aging of the material of such pipes occurs only as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Since at the objects under consideration all pipes are protected from sunlight - they are laid in the corrugation, in the floor screed, in the space of the hemmed ceiling, in the grooves - aging and destruction of these pipes does not occur. Heating appliances are connected either through a special socket installed in the wall, or through a standardized metal connection from below.

Types of apartment heating systems

Piping in the heating system of an apartment can be carried out either in the floor or in the space of a false ceiling. At the objects under consideration, as a rule, piping in the floor is used. Since electrical wiring and various low-voltage lines can also be located in the floor structure, it is necessary to route the pipes in such a way that intersections are avoided as much as possible.

Horizontal apartment heating systems are radiant, perimeter and mixed. In municipal residential buildings, the area of ​​​​one apartment is relatively small. On the other hand, the enclosing structures of modern buildings are distinguished by good thermal protection. Heat losses of apartments are small. In this regard, the heating system is designed for a small heat load, which allows the use of pipes of small diameters. For example, with a thermal load of up to 7 kW, it is sufficient to use a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm. In this case, the apartment wiring is connected directly to the vertical riser in the stair-elevator hall, without any intermediate cabinets, and inside the apartment, perimeter or mixed wiring is used.

In residential buildings of the elite class, the apartments are usually very large. Stained-glass windows are often used, winter gardens are arranged. Despite good thermal protection, the heat loss of apartments is quite large. Due to the significant heat load in such apartments, it is not always possible to use even pipes with a diameter of 25 mm. In this regard, in residential buildings of an elite class, at the entrance to the apartment of pipes of the heating system, an intermediate distribution cabinet is installed, in which stop valves and air vents are located.

The supply of apartment lockers is provided from distribution manifolds installed in dedicated places of the stair-elevator unit, usually this place is equipped with doors, the key to which is only at the maintenance service. In the same place, as a rule, apartments are connected to water supply systems, and heat and water meters are also installed. Now models of heat meters are offered, the input of which can be given an impulse from water meters, thus reducing the cost of the dispatching system. Even if heat and water meters are not installed, a place is provided for their placement, as well as for laying an information bus.

Inside the apartment, the wiring of heating systems is carried out in the floor, as a rule, according to a beam pattern, although a perimeter one can also be used. These two schemes, radial and perimeter, are generally equivalent. Operating experience has shown that both of them work very well, but still the use of a beam scheme is preferable, especially for large apartments. One of the advantages of beam wiring is the use of smaller diameter pipes. For a large apartment with a perimeter heating system, a pipe with a diameter of 25 or 32 mm is required. In this case, firstly, the preparation of the floor is increased. Secondly, this increases the cost of the necessary materials (a large-diameter tee is commensurate in price with the pipe itself). It is much more profitable in such cases, using beam wiring, to increase the number of pipes while reducing their diameter. In this case, since instead of noise-absorbing expanded clay backfill, modern sound-absorbing materials of small thickness are used, the floor screed is thinner, which allows you to win in the height of the ceilings and the volume of apartments (in modern apartments of the "elite" class, this circumstance is quite significant, since it affects the commercial value of the apartment ). The system with beam wiring is easier to install and very convenient to use.

You can easily change the heating device of this beam without turning off the other devices. In case of any manipulations with the heating device, for example, during repairs or in the event of an accident, unlike the perimeter wiring, there is no need to stop heating the entire apartment, as a result of which the apartment cools down in winter. With beam wiring, there is no need to make holes in the load-bearing walls. When redevelopment of an apartment, the walls can be moved to another place, and the heating lines as well.

If in the process of redevelopment or repair the floor material is attached around the perimeter of the room, damage to the pipes of the perimeter wiring is possible (such cases were noted during the operation of the building at Marshal Biryuzova St., 32, in which an apartment heating system was used, made according to the perimeter scheme of polypropylene pipes) . On the other hand, if parquet is laid in the apartment, then plywood preparation is used, which is fastened with a large number of “nails” driven into the screed. In this case, the beam scheme is more vulnerable than the perimeter one. In addition, there were cases when, during the repair process, with the heaters removed, mortars got into the pipes, which led to their clogging and turning off the heating of the entire apartment. In such cases, it is rather difficult to localize the places of blockages; for this purpose, the maintenance service purchased a set of heating systems. High-altitude zone equipment. To eliminate blockage during perimeter wiring, it is required to turn off the entire apartment. When using beam wiring in such cases, only the branch in which the blockage has occurred is turned off, while it is very easy to detect the blockage site. In the said building, the vertical risers of the heating system are located inside the apartments. These risers were equipped with balance pairs, the system was adjusted, however, the experience of building operation showed that with such an arrangement of risers in the event of an accident it is often difficult to get into the apartment to minimize damage. Based on this, at all new facilities, at present, vertical risers of heating and hot water supply systems with the necessary shut-off valves are located in the stair-lift hall, where they can be accessed by employees of the maintenance service.

The heaters require individual manual or automatic air vent valves, which are also mounted on the distributor.

Hot water system with horizontal apartment wiring

In addition to the heating system, according to such a scheme (with horizontal apartment wiring), hot water supply of a separate apartment can also be organized. This scheme has been successfully implemented, for example, in the Vorobyovy Gory and Triumph Palace high-rise residential complexes.

In this case, the risers of the water supply system are laid in the stair-lift hall, from where hot and cold water pipelines are brought into the apartment. The system is equipped with hot and cold water meters, which, together with filters and pressure regulators, are installed in distribution cabinets in the stair-lift hall. Calculation for actually consumed resources is carried out according to meter readings. This solution allows, if necessary, to cut off one of the consumers, check the pressure, adjust the consumers. The localization of the damaged area allows minimizing the damage from the accident, while the water supply to neighboring apartments does not stop.

In order to avoid the overflow of water from the cold mains to the hot one, resulting from the improper operation of some types of plumbing equipment, check valves are installed at the inlets to the apartments of hot and cold water supply systems. The installation of restrictive pressure regulators of 4 bar is envisaged (for more details, see the article “Experience in designing and operating engineering systems of new high-rise residential complexes in Moscow”, “AVOK”, 2005, No. 2, pp. 8–18).

The wiring to the apartments and in the apartment is carried out, as for the heating system, from PEX pipes, placed, as a rule, behind a false ceiling (maybe in the floor). Since the wiring from the disconnecting to the water fittings is carried out without breaks, “with one pipe”, this scheme is very reliable and resistant to leaks. In turn, the smooth inner surface of the cross-linked polyethylene pipe makes it possible to avoid “overgrowth” of the pipe even in the case of very hard water. The water supply system is also divided into zones by height, and in the systems described, the risers of the systems are laid in parallel in the above niches of the stair-lift assembly, they have convenient access for maintenance and repair. By analogy with heating systems, all DHW risers are equipped with compensators and fixed supports. The design circulation is set using control and balancing valves. The use of modern regulators makes it possible to use one group of DHW heat exchangers for 2-3 zones in ITP, which is successfully implemented at facilities built according to our projects.

Automatic balancing valves in heating systems

Modern building heating systems are systems that place high demands on reliability and controllability, especially in high-rise and extended buildings. Under such conditions, ensuring hydraulic stability is the main task of both the design and operation of the heating system. Systems must be manageable in all modes and not go beyond effective operation. Traditionally, such controllability is achieved by increasing the resistance of the units of heating devices (radiator and thermostat) and hydraulic balancing of the circulation rings. For this purpose, Danfoss RTD-N radiator thermostats with increased hydraulic resistance are used at the facilities at the piping of heating devices, and on risers or instrument branches of the system, automatic balancing valves of the ASV-P (PV and PV Plus) and ASV-M series ( I). The question arises - how justified is the use of automatic balancing valves in a two-pipe heating system, because manual balancing valves are cheaper. This is not entirely true. In fact, this approach does not take into account the costs that are necessary for setting up and launching a two-pipe heating system with manual balancing valves. Adjustment of systems with manual balancing valves, as a rule, is carried out according to one of the three most common methods: proportional, compensation or computer (using a specialized device PFM 3 000). The description of these methods is a topic for a separate article, and in this case it is necessary to touch only on the preparatory stage, which is the same for all methods. Before setting up the system, it is necessary to carry out the following measures: test the system for tightness, rinse and clean the filters, remove air from the system, put the pump into operation (100% load). Set all thermostatic valves to the position corresponding to the design setting (this is the only way to determine overheating and underheating of the premises). To do this, the cap of the thermostatic valve must not rest against the stem. Caps protect the stem from dirt and breakage. Replacement of caps with thermostatic elements is carried out only after completion of adjustment. Carrying out all these activities is possible, in fact, only when adjusting the heating system of a new uninhabited house. After settling, when certain alterations significantly change the hydraulics of the system, even preparatory measures can be significantly hampered.

And one more fact - on average, it takes 20 minutes to adjust one balancing valve. Thus, in branched heating systems of high-rise buildings, adjustment of only one zone can take up to 12 hours. At the same time, when using the first two methods (proportional and compensation), two PFM 3 000 devices are required. Heating systems with radiator thermostats are systems with variable hydraulic characteristics, the resistances of the circulation rings are constantly changing in them. Designed based on 100% system load, manual balancing valves are simply not capable of responding to changes in hydraulic parameters when flow rates decrease. This leads to noise on radiator thermostats, lack of thermal comfort in the premises, and an increase in heat consumption. The operation of thermostats can be transformed from smooth regulation into two-position. The cause of all these problems is the resulting excessive pressure drops in the individual rings and risers of the system, which can differ to a large extent from the calculated ones. Radiator thermostats are often simply not designed for such excessive pressure drops. In addition, a large number of linkage steps of the heating system significantly affects its controllability.

The ASV-P or ASV-PV valves installed in the return pipeline are connected via an impulse tube to the ASV-M valves installed in the supply line and form a differential pressure regulator (direct acting), or together with the ASV-I valve, a differential pressure regulator with the ability to limit spending.

Automatic balancing valves divide the heating system into several independent subsystems. Subsystems can be floor, apartment branches or risers. In the subsystem, a hydraulic regime peculiar only to it is formed, within which hydraulic stability should be ensured. The number of steps for linking the circulation rings in this case depends on the installation location of the automatic differential pressure regulator and the branching of the system section regulated by it. The closer the automatic balancing valve is to the radiators, the easier the hydraulic balancing of the system. The absence of a large number of manual balancing valves reduces the hydraulic resistance of the system and saves energy costs for pumping the coolant and improves thermal comfort in the room. In the presence of automatic differential pressure regulators on unbranched branches, linking circulation rings is reduced to a one-step procedure. The number of circulation rings in such a subsystem is equal to the number of heaters.

For apartment-by-apartment wiring, the best solution is to use automatic balancing valves ASV-P (PV) on the return pipeline and shut-off and measuring valves ASV-I on the supply pipeline. The use of this particular pair of valves makes it possible not only to compensate for the influence of the gravitational component, but also to limit the flow to each apartment in accordance with the design parameters.

Valves are usually selected according to the diameter of the pipelines and adjusted to maintain a pressure drop of 10 kPa. This valve setting value is selected based on the required pressure loss on the radiator thermostats to ensure their optimal operation.

The flow limit per apartment is set by the setting on the ASV-I valves. Moreover, it should be taken into account that in this case, the pressure losses on these valves must be included in the pressure drop maintained by the ASV-PV regulator.

Based on all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The horizontal apartment wiring of a two-pipe heating system is:

The most protected from unauthorized alterations;

Convenient in terms of operation;

Optimal for organizing commercial metering of heat energy consumption.

Automatic balancing valves:

Divide the heating system into independent subsystems with a stabilized pressure drop;

Eliminate the influence of natural pressure up to the regulated area;

Stabilize the system for a long time;

Provide optimal operating conditions for thermostats;

Simplify the hydraulic calculations of the heating system;

Do not require expensive system adjustment;

Prevent noise generation;

Allows you to gradually start the heating system.

I would like to hope that the materials of this article will contribute to the transition to apartment heating systems, new materials and equipment. Ready to answer any questions on this topic.

1 See the articles "Engineering solutions for a high-rise residential complex", "ABOK", 2004, No. 5, p. 12–18, and “Experience in the design and operation of engineering systems of new high-rise residential complexes in Moscow”, ABOK, 2005, No. 2, p. 8–18.

Apartment heating or individual heating of apartments in multi-storey buildings has been gaining great popularity in recent years. Developers and residents are attracted by the opportunity to create an individual and independent microclimate in their apartment.

Especially for individual heating of apartments, the German engineers of Vaillant developed a boiler. This is a quiet, reliable and, importantly, inexpensive and economical boiler.

Consider the option of creating heating on the example of a real house in the city of Kostroma (Russia) with gas boilers installed in it


Apartment heating gives residents freedom and independence in creating the microclimate of their own housing. The situation known to all residents of multi-storey buildings, autumn, it is already cold outside, and heating will be turned on only after a week. In apartments with individual heating systems, this simply cannot be. In an apartment with a separate gas boiler, the heating season begins when the owners themselves simply press the button to turn on the boiler. Temperature control in each room is also in the hands of residents. You can raise the heating temperature when it gets colder and lower it when it's warm outside.

Another important advantage of apartment heating is the possibility of saving money when paying for heating and hot water supply. If the apartment is connected to the central heating system, the tenants are forced to pay not only for the heat they consume, but also for its losses through the main pipes, for the maintenance and repair of the common boiler house and heating mains, the work of the boiler house employees, the gas surcharge for boiler houses.

Apartment heating also simplifies the calculation of heat consumption. When using such a scheme, it is not necessary to install an individual heat and hot water meter for each apartment. In fact, only accounting for the consumption of gas, cold water and electricity is required. As a result, residents are confident that they pay only for those resources that are spent on their personal needs, and it is convenient for them to make calculations.

It is also beneficial for developers to support the development of apartment heating. Firstly, in such houses there is no need to lay heating mains and hot water systems. Secondly, the installation of engineering systems with this type of heating takes less time, which reduces construction costs.


The object under consideration is a three-story multi-apartment building made of sand-lime brick, located at ul. Tereshkova, 48a in Kostroma. The house has 12 apartments - one-, two- and three-room apartments ranging from 43 to 86 m2 and with a ceiling height of 2.8 m. The building is connected to the power supply line, gas line, cold water supply line, and sewerage. The house is a new building, from the very beginning it was planned to use apartment heating in it, which was implemented. The installation of individual boilers made it possible to do without connecting the building to the DHW main and the heating main, since the heating of the heat carrier and water for DHW takes place directly in the apartments themselves.

To provide apartment building systems with heat, compact wall-mounted gas boilers were chosen, including all the components necessary for the functioning of the heating and water supply system. Unlike large private houses, the apartment does not require the generation of large thermal power, therefore, in the building under consideration, medium-power boilers from the model range - 24 kW are installed per apartment. Such performance is more than enough to cover all the needs for heating and hot water supply of the apartment. In total, 12 boilers were installed in the building - one in each apartment.

Separately, it is worth talking about the Lynx models. In the market of boiler equipment, they have been known for a long time. First, the Lynx with a bithermic heat exchanger was introduced in the Protherm line. Then, in 2010, it was replaced by a new "Lynx" - a modern double-circuit gas wall-mounted boiler with separate heat exchangers. The model is unpretentious in operation and easy to maintain. The Protherm brand belongs to the large German concern Vaillant Group. The equipment of trademarks belonging to the Vaillant group has been widely used in Russia for a long time. To support it, a developed network of service centers has been created, so components for the Rys boilers are easy to find in the regions of the Russian Federation.

A gas wall mounted boiler is installed in the kitchen. From above, pipes of an air duct equipped with thermal insulation and a chimney are connected to the boiler. The chimney is led into a separate channel leading to the roof. From below, a gas pipe is connected to the boiler (in the center), pipes of the water supply circuit (to the right and left of the gas supply) and a heating system (extreme pipes to the right and left)

The boiler is controlled from a small panel with two handles, which is located at the bottom of the body. The panel is equipped with an LCD display, which simplifies the process of setting the parameters of the boiler. Aluminum radiators are installed in the heated rooms. They are connected in a bottom-down pattern, chosen for this project for aesthetic reasons. On the roof of the house there is a brick channel 1.8 m high. Chimneys of boilers installed in the apartments are laid in it.

Heating system with boiler Protherm Lynx.

The apartments have a simple scheme for organizing heating and water supply, which has been time-tested since the era of the spread of gas water heaters in domestic residential buildings. According to this diagram, the boiler is installed in the kitchen. A gas pipeline passes here, from which gas comes to power the stove and boiler. The boiler is connected to three different networks - a cold water supply system, a gas pipeline and an electrical network.

"Lynx" NK 24 is a model with low power consumption, it consumes 98 watts. To protect the device from power surges, it is powered through a voltage stabilizer. The water entering the boiler does not undergo any special treatment or purification, with the exception of primary mechanical cleaning with a strainer.

In the primary circuit of the boiler, water is heated for the heating system. The system is closed, two-pipe, that is, the coolant is supplied to the heating devices from one distributing pipe, and the cooled coolant enters the collecting pipe. The system is assembled from reinforced polypropylene pipes PN 25, resistant to high temperatures. Sectional aluminum radiators were chosen as heating devices. Since apartment heating allows you to set the desired coolant temperature for a given apartment, the radiators are connected without thermostatic fittings. Since the operating rules for aluminum radiators prescribe to bleed the gases accumulating in them for at least the first year after installation, each appliance is equipped with a manual air vent. The devices are connected according to the "bottom-down" scheme.

In its current version, the heating system regulates the power depending on the temperature of the coolant. Nevertheless, the Rys NK 24 heat generators provide for the possibility of installing optional room thermostats with air temperature sensors. In this case, the boiler will be able to maintain a comfortable climate, based on the data on the temperature in the room itself. This will allow it to work even more efficiently and reduce fuel costs. The manufacturer estimates that the use of room thermostats can save 15–25% of energy compared to systems without thermostats. And if we take into account that the energy efficiency of apartment heating is already high, in total, when using an individual boiler with a thermostat, savings in comparison with energy costs for residents of houses with central heating can reach 70%. Therefore, the owners of apartments in this building will have the opportunity not only to use the already installed good equipment, but also to improve its functions, making it even more economical.

Each apartment has two points of water intake: one - in the kitchen to provide hot and cold water to the sink faucet, the second - in the bathroom, for shower and mixing equipment. The cold water supply system is made of PN 20 polypropylene pipes, the DHW is made of PN 25 polypropylene pipes. Water for the DHW system is prepared in the secondary circuit of the boiler. Here, cold water entering the apartment from the main water supply enters the stainless steel plate heat exchanger. This is the so-called fast heat exchanger, which allows you to heat the water flowing through it in real time and not use storage tanks. The performance of the boiler (about 10.7 l / min) is enough to provide hot water to both the kitchen and the bathroom. The DHW support function is a priority for the boiler. This means that when the water in the mixers is turned on, the boiler directs all the power to the preparation of hot water for domestic needs, but when the mixers are closed, it operates in the mode of heating the heat carrier of the heating system.

In accordance with building codes, the house has a ventilation system. It solves the problem of supplying fresh air and removing exhaust air from the premises, but its work is not related to the operation of boilers. Each boiler in the house has its own autonomous air intake system from the street - through an air duct leading through the wall in the kitchen. It is made of stainless steel round tube with a diameter of 80 mm. From the outside, the air intake is closed with a protective grill that protects the channel from accidental entry of birds, animals, large objects, etc. A stainless steel pipe is also used to remove combustion products. From each heat generator, a separate chimney is laid on the roof, not connected to other chimneys. Therefore, the efficiency of gas removal from the boiler is not affected by the simultaneous operation of other boilers in the building. Chimneys are laid inside a brick channel that rises 1.8 m above the house.

Boilers in apartments will require periodic maintenance. It is recommended once a year, before the start of the heating season, to inspect, clean the boilers, check the gas pressure on the burners, etc. After installation, the boiler will be assigned to the installation company for two years. After this period, the residents of the apartments have the right to either extend the contract with this organization, or transfer the care of the boiler to another company.

The apartment system is as follows. In a special shaft or a specially enclosed room of common corridors or staircase halls, supply and return vertical risers-highways, from which horizontal wiring of the supply and return pipelines to the heating devices of each apartment is made. Those. each apartment has one input of supply and return pipelines, to which all the heating devices of the apartment are connected.

On the landing, apartment inputs are located in built-in installation cabinets, where apartment heat meters, filters, balancing valves, shutoff valves, water drain taps are located.

2 Two-pipe radial and perimeter piping

Apartment heating systems can be performed according to the following schemes:

- two-pipe horizontal (dead-end or associated); two-pipe beam; single-pipe horizontal with closing sections and serial connection of heating devices; floor with laying heating coils from pipes in the floor structure.

Figure - Two-pipe perimeter dead-end heating system

Figure - Two-pipe radiant heating system

1 Apartment inputs

Each apartment has one input of supply and return pipelines, to which all heating devices of the apartment are connected. On the landing, apartment inputs are located in built-in installation cabinets, where apartment heat meters, filters, balancing valves, shutoff valves, water drain taps are located.

1 - shut-off ball valve; 2 - mesh filter; 3 - apartment heat meter with a flow meter and temperature sensors; 4 - stop valve ASV-M; 5 – balancing valve ASV-P; 6 - tap for draining water

Figure - Scheme of the entrance node to the apartment

"Automated heating systems".

1 General information

In modern times, when energy reduction problems are particularly acute, heating systems must work so that the amount of heat supplied to each room is determined by the current need in accordance with the wishes of consumers. To do this, regulation and accounting of heat consumption must be ensured.

SNiP 41-01-2003 states that t The heat supply of the building should be designed, as a rule, to take into account the heat consumption and automatically control the temperature of the heat carrier for the internal heat supply systems of the building according to the temperature schedule, depending on the change in the outside air temperature.

Heating of residential buildings should be designed, ensuring the regulation and accounting of heat consumption for heating by each apartment, groups of public and other premises located in the house, as well as the building as a whole.

This can only be fully automated heating systems equipped with heat consumption meters.

Integrated automation of the heating system includes:

Local regulation of the parameters of the heat carrier in the heat point;

Individual control of the heat supply from the heating devices of the system;

Automatic maintenance of hydraulic regimes in the pipeline network.

In modern automated systems heating for individual regulation of heat transfer of heating devices are used automatic radiator thermostats ( abbreviated thermostats).

2 Radiator thermostats (thermostats)

A radiator thermostat is a direct-acting automatic regulator designed to maintain the air temperature in a room at a given level by changing the heat output of the heater installed in it.

The Danfoss RTD type thermostat consists of two parts connected together - a thermostatic head and a thermostatic valve, which are delimited respectively by arrows a and b on the image. The main element of the thermostatic head is the sensor. It monitors the air temperature in the room and reacts to its changes. It is a closed thin-walled cylindrical shell with a longitudinal corrugated side surface, called a bellows. The bellows are filled with an exclusive substance. In response to changes in air temperature, it expands and contracts (like a spring). Through the push pin, it acts on the valve stem and plug. The shutter closes the passage to the coolant, carrying out quantitative regulation of the heat flow of the heat exchange device. A distinctive feature of Danfoss thermostats is that the bellows are filled with a gas condensate mixture. Since the heat capacity of the gas is lower than that of substances in a different state of aggregation, this makes the thermostat with an unsurpassed response to changes in temperature. The pressure of the gas-condensate mixture inside the bellows is adjusted during filling and balanced by the elastic force of the adjusting spring. As the air temperature around the sensor increases, the condensate changes into a gaseous state. The pressure in the bellows increases and it moves the stem. When the air temperature drops, the bellows contracts and the stem rises.

Danfoss thermostats are equipped with regulators of various designs. The choice is made depending on the type of room, the location of the heat exchanger, the type of microclimate system and the degree of its automation.

a- regulator (thermostatic head):

1- restrictive rings; 2- thermostatic sensor (sensor); 3- bellows; 4- tuning scale; 5- tuning spring; 6- push pin; 7- sealing ring;

b-thermostatic valve:

8- stock; 9- throttle; 10- valve cone (shutter); 11- valve body; 12- flow stabilizer; 13- union nut; 14 - branch pipe (shank).

Figure - Temperature controller with built-in sensor

Radiator thermostatic valves of the RTD series are divided into two types: RTD-N (for two-pipe pump heating systems) and RTD-G (for one-pipe pump and two-pipe gravity systems).

2 Balancing valves

The control of the hydraulic operating modes of the heating system is carried out, as a rule, automatic balancing valves, installed on risers or horizontal branches of the system. These valves ensure the calculated flow distribution over the risers of the heating system, regardless of pressure fluctuations in the distribution pipelines, the operation of radiator thermostats in the optimal mode and exclude the possibility of noise generation.

Balancing valves are divided into automatic, maintaining a constant differential pressure in the risers of two-pipe heating systems (ASV-P / ASV-M (I), ASV-PV (PV Plus) / ASV-M (I) or a constant flow in the risers of one-pipe systems (AV-QM), and manual(MSV-C, MSV-F, USV-I and MSV-I), which are used in place of control diaphragms.

Automatic balancing valves type ASV-P, (PV, PV Plus) two-pipe heating systems in order to stabilize the pressure drop in them at the level required for optimal operation of automatic radiator thermostats. The valve is a constant differential pressure regulator, to the control membrane of which a positive impulse is supplied through a 1.5 m long impulse tube from the system supply riser and a negative impulse is fed from the return riser through the internal channels of the valve. The impulse tube is connected to the supply riser through the ASV-M shut-off valve or the ASV-1 shut-off and balancing valve. The factory-set ASV-P maintains a differential pressure of 10,000 Pa across the riser.

The figure shows examples of the placement of automatic balancing valves on two-pipe risers and branches of the heating system.

A) riser at the lower location of the highways; B) - riser at the top location of the supply line; C) - a horizontal branch with a versatile connection to the highways

Figure - Examples of placement of automatic balancing

valves on two-pipe risers and branches of the heating system

Automatic balancing valves type AB-QM installed on risers or horizontal branches single-pipe heating systems in order to maintain a constant coolant flow in them. It is also a locking device at the same time.

Manual balancing valves- these are valve-type devices with fixing the position of its adjustment to the required throughput.

Manual valves MSV-S, MSV-F are usually used for single installation on the mains of the heating system, and a set of valves MSV-I and MSV-M - on risers.

Topic: " Heating devices.

1 Requirements for heating appliances, supplement and clarify the requirements for the heating system.

1.Sanitary and hygienic:

The temperature of the heat-releasing surface of the heater must comply with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards: for residential and administrative buildings the maximum temperature is 95 0 С, for hospitals - 85 0 С,

for industrial premises - up to 150 0 С;

Reduction of horizontal surfaces to reduce dust deposits;

Accessibility and convenience of dust cleaning of devices and the space around them;

2.Economic requirements:

The minimum cost of the device;

The minimum consumption of metal, providing an increase in the thermal stress of the metal;

Thermal stress index of metal M, W / (kg 0 C), is the ratio of the heat flux of the device Q pr at ∆t \u003d 1 ° C to the mass of metal of the device G m

where ∆ t- the difference between the average temperature of the coolant and

ambient air temperature;

The more M, the better, i.e. less metal is spent on the device without reducing its heat flux. For cast iron radiators M=0.2, for concrete panels M=1.32.

3. Architectural and construction:

Compliance of the appearance of devices with the interior of the premises;

Reduction of the occupied area.

4. Production and installation:

Maximum mechanization of manufacturing and installation;

Mass production;

Ease of transportation;

Sufficient mechanical strength;

Connecting the device should be simple, without unnecessary fittings.

5. Operational requirements:

Controllability of heat transfer;

Waterproof at working hydrostatic pressure inside


Heating appliances are also subject to thermal requirement, i.e., this is heat transfer from the coolant to the room through a unit area of ​​the greatest heat flux, all other things being equal (flow rate and temperature of the coolant, air temperature, method of installing the device, etc.). That is, the device must have the highest possible heat transfer coefficient..

2 Classification of heating appliances

1. According to the predominant method of heat transfer, devices are divided into:

- radiation- devices transmitting at least 50% of the total heat flux by radiation (ceiling heating panels, ceiling ceramic gas emitters of infrared radiation, wall and ceiling electric heating panels based on carbon composite).

- convective-radiation- devices that transmit by convection from 50% to 75% of the total heat flow (radiators; smooth-tube devices - smooth-tube registers and smooth-tube radiators; floor heating panels).

- convective- devices that transmit by convection at least 75% of the total heat flux (convectors and finned tubes)

2. By used material distinguish:

Metal (steel, cast iron, aluminum, bimetallic


Non-metallic (concrete panels with polymer pipes, ceramic

mic, from composite mixtures;

Combined (concrete panels embedded in them

metal pipes, polymeric, ceramic).

3. By altitude vertical heaters are divided into:

High (height>650mm);

Medium (400 - 650mm);

Low (200 - 400mm);

Skirting (≤ 200mm).

4. By depth installation (taking into account the distance from the device to the wall):

Shallow depth devices (up to 120mm);

Medium (from 120 to 200mm);

Large depth (>200mm).

5. By size thermal inertia:

Devices of low thermal inertia (devices of small mass and containing a small mass of water, for example, convectors. They have heating pipes of small diameter, and they quickly change heat transfer when the amount of water changes;

Devices of high thermal inertia. These are massive appliances that hold a large amount of water, such as cast iron radiators.

Today, for consumers of utilities, due to the increase in their cost, apartment heating in an apartment building is becoming more and more relevant. Such heat supply differs from centralized and saves money. In the field of providing heat to residents of multi-storey buildings, certain standards and regulations apply. At the same time, experts note that centralized and apartment heating methods have their own nuances, advantages and disadvantages. The centralized system for supplying coolant and hot water is considered to be predominant, but it has serious disadvantages:

  • a specific consumer of a thermal resource (an apartment owner) is not interested in its economical use and does not have the technical capabilities for this;
  • transportation of the coolant from the heat source to the final consumer is carried out over long distances and at this stage large heat losses occur.

At the same time, the apartment heating system has the following advantages:
  • there is no need to build expensive heating mains;
  • the coolant from the place of production to the consumer is delivered without energy loss;
  • each apartment owner has the opportunity to use the amount of heat he needs.

Arrangement of apartment heating system

The apartment heating system consists of:
  • heat generator, it is also a source of heat supply;
  • hot water supply pipelines with water fittings;
  • heating pipelines together with heating appliances.

A heat generator room is a public space or a separate room in an apartment for placing a heat generator and other equipment.

The system of apartment heating allows at the national level to save money that needs to be raised for the construction and repair of heating mains. At the same time, each owner of the heating boiler has the opportunity to personally regulate the heat in his apartment without paying fixed prices charged monthly with a centralized system. It is clear that the owner of the living space in warm weather will not turn on the heating.

In addition, central heating, which rises in price from year to year, does not always provide a comfortable temperature in the apartment in cold weather. There may be several reasons for this: an accident on an old worn-out heating main or the heating season, the regional administration decided to start later.

When there is an apartment heating system, in order to set the required temperature for different times of the day, a programmer is used that is connected to modern heating boilers. For example, if the owner
from morning to evening is at work, and there will be no other family members at home, then there is no need to maintain a high temperature in the apartment. The boiler will automatically provide the temperature set at, for example, 18 degrees.

Combined heating system, detailed video:

If we consider the existing types of heating in an apartment, it should be noted that individual apartment heating is a material incentive aimed at saving heat. For many years, consumers have been told that it is necessary to insulate apartments and windows, and not heat the street. But the exhortations of public utilities remain ineffectual. Now, if available, the amount of payments for gas depends on the degree of insulation of the apartment. Thus, for the owner of living space, a reduction in utility bills becomes a material incentive.

If you have your own double-circuit boiler, usually used when apartment-by-apartment horizontal heating is created in an apartment, residents are provided with both heating and hot water (read also: ""). As a result, when switching to an individual heat supply system, consumers are not threatened with hot water shutdown in the summer, which is so familiar to many residents of large cities.

The transition to apartment heating systems is increasingly typical for new buildings. However, even with centralized heating, new houses are also being built enough. This article is addressed to those who are now looking at new housing and are considering which option is better to stay.

What is this about

The basic idea is clear: the new house is not connected to centralized heating. What is the result?

  1. The developer, thus, saves on the wiring of communications and the installation of heating appliances; in addition, complex calculations and countless agreements with heat energy suppliers are not required.
  2. The fact that they do not sell housing with an already concluded contract for the supply of thermal energy should also be beneficial for a potential buyer of an apartment. At a minimum, he himself can choose the source of heat and the temperature regime of heating.

However: in practice, most of the new buildings are rented with pre-installed double-circuit gas boilers. It is clear that their price is included in the cost of housing.

Apartments with connected communications, but without a pre-installed heating system of any type, however, can also be seen for sale. Let's look at both cases.

Gas boiler

It should be said right away: gas REALLY is the cheapest source of heat for heating. At least for now. Let's weigh the pros and cons of this scenario.


Practice shows that the difference in payment between centralized heating and autonomous heating, using gas, ranges from 2 to 3 times with the same temperature regime.

Why is DH so expensive?

It is clear that the first, already almost unconditional reflex is to blame the greedy officials for everything. However, the tariffs for heat housing and communal services have, in addition to someone's evil will, and quite sound justification.

  • Gas, which is used for the production of heat by boiler houses and thermal power plants, they pay at a higher rate than private individuals.
  • Depreciation of equipment has not been canceled. Boilers need periodic repair and maintenance; in addition, the tariffs are forced to include the planned replacement of equipment.
  • Annual repairs and planned replacement of heating mains also put a burden on your pocket.
  • Your heating system needs to be serviced. This expense item includes the planned replacement and repair of risers, the elimination of radiator leaks, the revision and replacement of valves in the elevator assembly, the verification and boring of the nozzle, the control of the temperature regime of the elevator, and a hundred other works that we often do not notice.
  • Finally, all heat losses: on a heating main with torn off thermal insulation, in an open entrance, even in the CHP plant itself, you pay ... that's right, you too.

Another important advantage that an apartment heating system has is independence. It seems that anyone had to freeze at home waiting for the heating to start and suffer from stuffiness on a hot April day. implies that you provide at any time the temperature regime you need, in accordance with ONLY with your own comfort.


Of course, not without them.

  • Using the removal of combustion products through a coaxial duct to the facade of the house means that it is better not to open the windows once again. The soot that is inevitable during the combustion of gas will get inside the premises.

However: in houses, the design of which was initially optimized for individual heating, a more complex scheme of boiler operation is often found: air is taken from the facade, and combustion products are discharged into the ventilation duct, the throughput of which allows all boilers in the riser to operate at full capacity simultaneously.

The photo shows the new building. The façade has air intake ducts.

  • Gas consumption in the corner and middle apartments of the house will vary. In the case of central heating, this, albeit somewhat comical, problem of social inequality is solved by the same amount of payment for heat.
  • The greater the total amount of gas equipment in the building, the greater the likelihood of a gas leak with the corresponding consequences. Yes, modern boilers are much safer than Soviet-style gas stoves; however, in general, the gas is still explosive.

Apartment without heating equipment: solving the problem of heating

Well, what options are possible when buying an apartment without a pre-installed boiler? Are there heating schemes that are at least close to gas in terms of convenience and efficiency?

Actually, the choice is small. Most of the heat sources in a city apartment are not applicable.

  • Solid fuel boilers disappear not even because of the need for frequent maintenance, but because there is no place to store firewood and coal in the apartment.
  • Solara is VERY loud burner noise and a capacity of at least a couple of cubes. And then, imagine the process of filling it in an apartment building ...
  • Heating with electricity (more precisely, direct heating with its help) is very expensive. All energy-saving technologies (heat-insulated floors, infrared radiators, and even more so a variety of electric radiators and others like them) can, at best, reduce costs by a couple of tens of percent. The costs will still be 6-8 times higher than the cost of gas heating.

What remains? Actually, only heat pumps. And only two types - air-air and air-water.

It is easy to estimate the costs in the budget version: for example, for a two-room apartment with an area of ​​​​60 square meters, two household heat pumps C [email protected] Nordic CH-S09FTXN worth 22,000 rubles each. It was this model that was chosen not only for its low price, but also for its excellent energy efficiency in combination with a large operating temperature range for heating (up to -25C).

Let's try to estimate the costs in this case. Do-it-yourself calculations are more than easy:

  • According to SNiP, heating 10 m2 requires one kilowatt of thermal power.

Please note: new houses are being built with the active use of energy-saving technologies, so in practice this value can be safely divided by two. However, we will proceed from the worst-case scenario.

  • For an apartment of 60 M2, therefore, 6 kilowatts will be required. The rated power of one CH-S09FTXN is 3600 watts; however, the inverter control technology allows flexible power adjustment without stopping and restarting the compressor.
  • The C.O.P. parameter, which means the ratio of effective thermal power and electrical power, for our air conditioners is 4.2. In order to provide a rated power of 6 kW, they will have to continuously spend 6 / 4.2 = 1.43 kilowatts.

Let us dwell on this value: on the one hand, as practice shows, with a correctly calculated heat output, the AVERAGE power consumption for the heating season does not exceed half of the nominal value, on the other hand, the efficiency of heat pumps depends on the street temperature.

It is clear that at +15 and at -25 per kilowatt-hour of heat taken from the atmospheric air, the cost of electricity will be different.

  • At the current cost of a kilowatt-hour, a day of heating will cost 1.43 kW * 4 r / kW / h * 24 hours = 137 rubles. The month is in 4110.

Is it a lot or a little?

On the one hand, the costs seem to be comparable to the costs of central heating. From other sides:

  • In reality, in a house with an insulated facade, the costs will be MUCH less.
  • The heating season starts when it suits you.
  • It is worth considering the future prospects. It is not difficult to predict the exponential rise in fossil fuel prices in the coming years. But electricity prices will grow much more slowly: the energy industry of all countries is switching to renewable sources.

Which heating scheme is better to stop on is, of course, up to you to decide.

How to switch to autonomous heating

Is there an instruction for documenting the transition to autonomous heating for houses with central heating?

Here is an example procedure.

  1. The owner of the apartment clarifies the technical possibility of disconnecting the apartment from the central heating. You will have to communicate either with the housing organization, or, which is more reasonable, directly with the heat supplier. The current communal legislation provides for the theoretical possibility of switching to individual heating.
  2. Technical conditions for the installation of gas equipment are being prepared - consumption calculation, gas supply drawings, etc. Of course, if you switch to gas. When using electric heating of any type, your path lies to Energosbyt.
  3. The act of fire supervision is being prepared. In city apartments, the walls are usually made of non-combustible material, so there should not be any obstacles.
  4. If you plan to use a coaxial duct with an outlet to the facade of the building, you will need permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  5. Next, you need to contact a licensed installation company and prepare a package of documents: certificates for the equipment to be installed, installation instructions, a copy of the installers' license, and a service agreement.
  6. After the complete installation of the gas heating system, you will have to invite a gas service specialist to connect and start the boiler for the first time. In the case of heat pumps, this, of course, is not necessary.
  7. It remains to put the boiler for service and inform the gas service about the transition to autonomous heating.

However: under certain circumstances, the costs and terms of preparing documentation may turn out to be such that a reasonable question arises: is it not easier to exchange an apartment for a cottage?


You can learn a little more about how individual heating can be implemented in an apartment building from the video attached to the article.