We build a metal garage with our own hands. Metal garage: types of structures and installation features. Advantages of iron garages

To build such a structure, you will need a minimum of money and time. You can build such a structure in a few days. But if you have absolutely no experience in construction, in order to build a metal garage with your own hands, it will take more time, somewhere within a month. During operation, the garage does not require much attention. With proper and high-quality primary treatment with anti-corrosion materials, such a structure can last a long time.

Do-it-yourself frame metal garage is a fairly strong and reliable structure. The first step from which it is necessary to begin the construction of any structure is planning, sketching drawings. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the place of the future construction and the size of the building. To determine what size a metal garage should be, you need to measure the car in length and width with your own hands. Add space for tools and other purposes to the resulting numbers.

Many people prefer that the garage housed: a desktop, tool shelves, a rack for winter and summer tires. All this requires space and, accordingly, an increase in the size of a metal garage. Similar garages made of corrugated board are made 6 m long, 4 wide and 2.5 m high.

Base for iron garage

When you have decided on the size of the future building, and put rough sketches on paper, you can proceed to the next step. This stage is the most important, since the strength and durability of a garage built with your own hands from corrugated board depends on it. This very important stage of construction is the foundation. To build a garage with your own hands from a metal profile, you can use a tape, slab or columnar base.

The slab foundation is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab for the entire garage area. It will require large volumes of concrete and a huge amount of reinforcement. Therefore, this option is the most expensive and time-consuming. Also, for frame buildings, a columnar foundation is used. For these types of foundations, it will be necessary to drill or dig holes along all the walls, into which reinforcement frames are placed, and then concrete is poured. This option is simple and cheap.

To save time on constructing the foundation, building foundation blocks can be purchased. They will need to be placed around the perimeter of the future garage. After that, you can begin to build the frame of a metal structure. But the use of building foundation blocks requires the use of heavy equipment, an assembly crane. If there is not enough space on the site to move such equipment, then it is better to use other types of foundations.

The most common is the strip foundation. Due to the fact that the metal profile garage has a relatively small weight, a shallow version of such a base can be used. To do this, you need to take several steps.

How to make a base for an iron garage - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Marking and Digging a Trench

The building site needs to be levelled. Dig a ditch 50 deep and 40–50 cm wide along the previously marked line.

Step 3: Framing and Concreting

When the formwork is installed and securely fixed, it is possible to form a pillow under the base. To do this, coarse gravel and sand are poured into 20 cm. After that, the reinforcement is laid, which must be connected to each other. When the frame is formed, proceed to pour concrete. For faster and more convenient mixing, it is better to use a concrete mixer. When the concrete solution has hardened and become solid, you can begin to dismantle the formwork structure. After that, it is desirable to let the foundation stand and gain strength. As a rule, it takes 1-2 weeks. If an inspection hole is needed inside the garage from corrugated board, then it must be made in the length of the car, and the width, as a rule, is 80–100 cm. The depth depends on your height. You will need a margin 20–30 cm deep. This level is necessary for filling sand with gravel (10–20 cm) to the bottom and creating a screed (10–15 cm). After the floor of the viewing hole is ready, you can begin to lay out the brick walls.

Metal profile garage - frame formation

When the foundation has gained strength, you can proceed with the installation of the garage frame from the metal profile. To do this, you need metal corners of 2 mm. You need to start by laying around the perimeter of the foundation. These corners are welded to the anchors by spot welding. After creating the bottom frame, proceed to install the racks with an outward angle. We advise you to install them every 2 meters around the perimeter of the metal profile garage. You should always start from the corner of the structure.

Racks are welded to the anchors and the lower horizontal frame. After these works, begin to form the upper frame. Upon completion, you will additionally need to create a horizontal belt at a height of 125–150 cm, which must be welded. This will give more structural strength. When the main frame of the metal profile garage is designed, we proceed to the installation of the roof rafters. To do this, you must first cut the corners and weld them to the racks. To strengthen the rafters, you will need to weld horizontal metal slats to them.

After all these activities, we can say that it is formed from a metal profile. Now start covering the walls. This can be done in two ways. The first is welding 2 mm metal sheets to the frame. This must be done by placing the sheets back to back. The second option is fastening the corrugated board with metal screws. Decking is recommended to be installed vertically. It is necessary to start fastening it with the lower wave to the extreme rack. Sheets must be overlapped. This will contribute to better water flow.

In order for the corrugated board to hold more firmly, a metal profile of smaller thickness (0.5–1 mm) must be fixed between the vertical posts. It is necessary to calculate that the distance between the vertical profiles is 50 cm.

It is better to cut sheets of corrugated board to certain sizes in the factory. This will reduce labor costs and increase the durability of the material itself. This is due to the fact that at the factory all sections are covered with a zinc layer, and painting is carried out with polymer paint. In addition to wall cladding, roofing can also be covered with corrugated board.

Metal garage - we insulate with our own hands

After the walls are already sheathed on the outside, we recommend that you insulate the “car house”. For this, solid basalt insulation is best suited, it will not settle over time. This material is good because it does not burn and does not support combustion. When exposed to fire, it does not emit acrid, life-threatening smoke.

After the insulation materials are installed, you can begin to sheathe the internal walls of the garage. To do this, you can use both moisture-resistant gypsum boards, and oriented strand or chipboard.

For many car owners, the problem of car safety remains relevant. If there is no personal covered space, they leave it right outside the house on the street or drive it to a paid parking lot. The second option is at least a little better: safety from theft and theft is guaranteed, but you can’t protect yourself from weather whims in this way. Even if there is a place to build your own garage, many are afraid of the complexity of the work and the high cost of building a building out of bricks or blocks.

On sale there are metal containers equipped for car storage. A more or less decent box, which barely fits a car, costs over 100 thousand rubles, and better quality and larger sizes - at least 150. Many people can’t afford it, but there is a way out: build an iron garage with your own hands. There is nothing complicated about this - studying step-by-step instructions, photos, videos will help you understand all the nuances. The material is freely sold, the tools are ordinary.

Reasons for choosing metal

Car houses are built from any materials: bricks, blocks, wood. Their construction is quite complex and time-consuming, at least minimal knowledge and skills are required. In time, the process is long, because you can’t do without a foundation, you need to create a reliable roof. In this respect, the structure for the machine made of iron wins: the creation is simple and much faster. In addition, protection against burglars is more secure - they cannot do without special tools.

And one more significant plus: a mobile garage without a foundation is not included in the list of capital buildings, so it does not need permits. But if the issue with them is resolved, then a more solid structure with a concrete base can be made. The whole structure rests on a metal frame made of rectangular pipes. For sheathing, profiled sheets are used, which are reliable and durable, look beautiful. The structure is collapsible, if required, it can be easily dismantled and reassembled.

To make the construction cheap, they buy thin sheet iron, but it requires corrosion protection work. But you can do without a frame: with a sufficient thickness of the metal (2–3 mm), the garage is assembled by welding. It will be more expensive than corrugated board. Such structures are very durable, but if necessary, you will have to hire a crane and a truck to move to another place. Whichever method is chosen, accuracy of calculations and execution is required. If a mistake is made, it is quite difficult to correct it.

One of the objections of opponents of a metal garage is the assertion that it is cold in winter and hot in summer. That's right, if you don't insulate from the inside. Large expenses are not required, but the benefit is obvious - the temperature is always acceptable, the walls do not freeze through and do not heat up.

Another question - to buy a factory garage kit with all the parts to assemble or to assemble a little by yourself? The first option is good because if you come across a quality product, then with one or two assistants, the work is done in a few days using locksmith tools. The set is accompanied by detailed instructions, you can make an order for your own project.

That's just the price is equal to the cost of a used domestic car. For many, this desire disappears. Thinking about finding used garages. There are plenty of ads for sale, prices are reasonable, but you should be aware of the pitfalls of such a deal. Quite often it is required to dismantle the structure. Sometimes this is not easy: the bolts and nuts are rusted, it is impossible to unscrew, you have to cut. Assembly is not easier: the parts deformed over time, the holes do not match.

Making a new metal garage with your own hands is the most acceptable option when choosing just such building materials. If funds allow, buy a factory set of good quality with precise sizing. When finances are not very good, they acquire what can be called a semi-finished product, and they themselves mark, cut, drill. There is a lot of room for savings here: something can be found on the farm, at points for buying scrap metal at a bargain price.

Preparing for construction - do I need a foundation?

The beginning of any construction is a project. It is not necessary to have many sheets with a thorough study of each node. A simple hand-drawn sketch with dimensions is sufficient. The purpose of the garage has a decisive influence on the dimensions: it will serve exclusively for parking a car or repairs are planned. They consider the need for a viewing hole, racks for storing spare parts, tools and the like. Make a calculation and make a list of necessary materials.

Based on all conditions, they are determined with dimensions. If this is a tight narrow box, to drive the car and get out from behind the wheel, 3 × 4 meters is enough. Many drivers prefer the garage to serve as a workshop at the same time - in this case, space is required, the optimal dimensions are 4 × 6 meters. This is for an average car, with large dimensions, amendments are made. We should not forget about the possible prospect of acquiring a larger car and immediately foresee it.

Then the drawing is transferred to the area. They take pegs 40 cm long, a 10-meter tape measure and a skein of nylon cord. The building can be adjacent to another building or stand alone. In any case, they choose a site on a hill, which is not heated by melt and rain waters, and has a convenient exit. After clearing the site and making a breakdown. First, mark one corner, then the rest, pull the rope.

Now the question arises of the need for a foundation for an iron garage. There are three possible options here:

  • build a lightweight strip foundation;
  • lay a concrete slab;
  • make skids from metal pipes.

Most prefer the first method: you need to dig a pit 20 cm deep, raise the base to the same height. The load is not very large, a simple construction of rubble stone and cement-sand mortar will withstand it. When the garage is erected, it is possible to make an inspection hole or even a cellar inside, and already on top of the floor. With other options, this is unrealistic.

Another fairly commonly used method is the stove. It is poured on its own or used ready-made. It serves as the basis for a garage structure, while simultaneously performing the functions of a subfloor. The surface layer is optional, the car can stand on this. Regardless of the type of concrete foundation, it is carefully leveled in a horizontal plane, which facilitates the assembly of a metal structure. Filling is carried out at a time, achieving solidity.

It is very important to install and immure embedded parts in a timely manner. Use reinforcement with a diameter of 16 mm, which is released 15–20 cm above the foundation, or use anchors with threads in the upper part. Then the lower trim of the frame is attached to them. Minimum quantity: four in the corners, if necessary - additional along the walls. It is required to very accurately align the location so that there are no problems with the distortions of the garage.

Another option does not provide for the creation of a foundation. The design is installed on wide skids from a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more. Bends are made on both sides, welding a short segment at an angle. This design allows you to move the structure over short distances. The garage is placed on any flat area, sprinkled with gravel. Inside, they make a thick wooden floor that will support the weight of the car. Equip the entrance, because the threshold is quite high.

Building a garage - two options

Possible ways - installation of sheathing on the frame or without it. In the first case, a U-shaped profile fastened with self-tapping screws or rectangular pipes is used, which provides greater strength and reliability. Fixation by bolts or welding - then the structure will be non-separable. They are assembled on the foundation: first they make the strapping, and then the walls are attached to it. Thick metal is welded to protruding reinforcement or mounted on anchors through threads. The profile is fastened with self-tapping screws.

Watch a video about the construction of a frame garage from corrugated board.

Step-by-step instructions will tell you about the procedure for doing the work yourself:

  1. 1. The parts are cut to size, the sidewalls are laid out on a flat area and the elements are connected. Racks for profiled sheets are placed at intervals of 50 cm. Compare the diagonals of the corners to make sure that the frame has the correct shape.
  2. 2. The first node serves as a model for the second. It is assembled by laying the blanks on top of the already assembled product, slightly shortening in height if the roof is flat.
  3. 3. The back wall is made depending on the shape of the roof. If it is single-pitched, then it is a rectangle; for a gable, a pediment is attached.
  4. 4. Rafters are installed for it in an amount equal to the number of vertical racks. They have the shape of a triangle, additionally reinforced with slopes.
  5. 5. There is a gate in the front. For manufacturing, a metal corner is used. Installed on a reinforced frame with welded hinges.
  6. 6. Sheets of corrugated board are attached to the fully assembled sheathing with self-tapping screws. Roofs with overhangs up to 20 cm are made from the same material.

A metal garage needs insulation, otherwise condensation will constantly collect. The cheapest and easiest to install polystyrene foam boards. The second popular heat insulator is mineral wool. For fastening indoors, wooden bars are installed between the racks and rafters. Styrofoam can be plastered and painted, and mineral wool can be closed with moisture-resistant drywall.

A collapsible metal garage is a constructor, which consists of parts of various sizes and assembled together with the help of additional fasteners or with the help of non-separable joints such as welding. The main details are wall and roof panels.

Depending on the model, a metal garage may have different designs and sizes of parts. For example, a roof can be flat or gable, collapsible or non-collapsible.

In such a garage, there may be a metal floor, which is part of the structure, or the floor can be made before or after installation, and the owner can choose the material from which to make it.

The floor of a metal garage can be made of:

  • wooden boards;
  • monolithic reinforced concrete;
  • asphalt;
  • reinforced concrete slabs;
  • bulk rubble;
  • paving stones or concrete tiles.

In some cases, the garage can be installed directly on the ground. This is true for situations where the garage is installed temporarily.

Each of the walls can consist of one single piece, which can only be mounted using special equipment, or several small and light ones that are installed manually.

An integral part of a metal garage are connecting elements, fixing bolts, washers and nuts.

The design of the garage must have a gate. They can be all-metal swing or folding. Also, their role can be played by a metal roller shutter with an electric or manual drive. There are frame or frameless structures of metal garages, which can also be collapsible.

With the help of a special tool, you can disassemble any metal garage, no matter what size and design it is, and this is its undeniable advantage.

Disassembled transportation

In order to bring the garage disassembled, you will need transport, the capacity of which depends on the size and weight of the structural parts. In some cases, a Gazelle-type truck with a carrying capacity of up to 1.5 tons is sufficient for transportation, and heavier vehicles with a larger body area may be required. Loading also depends entirely on the size and weight.

If the parts are small and weigh no more than 100 kg each, then loading can be done manually, with heavier structures, a crane is required.

For the transportation of a collapsible garage, the parts of which cannot be loaded manually, it is advantageous to use the services of carriers whose cars are equipped with manipulators.

Particular attention must be paid to preparation for transportation, namely disassembly. If there is no drawing or any other documentation for the garage with which you can determine the position of the panels during assembly, then at the disassembly stage you need to mark each of the parts, take photographs of the assembled structure.

Assembly order

The photo below shows an example of how to assemble a used metal garage. with your own hands, it is better to buy such a garage "during the next demolition" of illegal buildings. People are trying to get rid of this problem, they are selling such garages for cheap, used prices. garages start at 8,000 rubles.

Depending on the design of the metal garage, the assembly process may vary slightly. A garage made of solid wall panels is assembled according to the following scheme.

  1. panels are laid out around the perimeter of the installation;
  2. the lower part of each of the walls is aligned to the internal dimensions;
  3. the rear wall and any of the side walls rise and are fixed together first;
  4. the second wall rises and fastens.
At the next stage, the structure is aligned along the diagonals and the front edge. This is necessary in order to properly install the roof of a metal garage in the future.

After the garage is leveled, gates or lintels can be installed along the front edge, and after them the roller shutter is already mounted. At the last stage, the roof of the garage is assembled.

A garage made of small panels is assembled in a similar way, only first, you need to assemble the walls themselves. If the garage is assembled by welding, then in order to be able to regulate it, you do not need to immediately completely weld the seams, it is enough to make tacks in several places, at each junction of parts. Such a scheme will allow, if necessary, to disassemble or adjust the garage. After all the parts are installed in their places and the structure is leveled, you can completely weld the joints of the parts.

base for garage

One of the topics that are actively discussed before buying and installing a metal collapsible garage on your own is the preparation of its foundation and whether it is needed at all. There are several options for the base, we will figure out whether it is necessary and which one is better to choose.

What is the basis for

  1. The first reason why a metal garage should be installed on a base is moisture. The garage, installed directly on the ground, almost immediately begins to be exposed to moisture, which will certainly cause corrosion. Thus, in just a few years, the lower part of the walls can rot. The base allows you to raise the metal garage and limit the access of moisture, as a result of which the life of the building will significantly increase.
  2. The second reason is security. A properly made base will allow you to securely fix the garage and protect it from penetration methods such as lifting a metal garage with a jack or winch.
  3. The third reason is the possibility of using the base as a floor. Actual for those structures that are planned to be installed for a long time.

Foundation types

The most common base for a metal garage is a rubble embankment.

There are several reasons:

  1. The cheapest option.
  2. The fastest possible organization.
  3. Good waterproofing (moisture quickly leaves the soil from the crushed stone pillow).

The crushed stone base can later be poured with concrete, rolled up with asphalt or laid paving slabs on it.

The disadvantage of this design is the low level of security. The garage is easy to lift, because it is practically not fixed.

The next option is the base in the form of a tape shallowly buried foundation.

The benefits are:

  1. Safety, since the bottom of the structure is attached to concrete, and in some cases the lower part of the walls is immured in concrete.
  2. High degree of protection against moisture, with proper organization of waterproofing.
  3. A guarantee against distortions of the structure, which often occur due to subsidence of the soil.

The disadvantage of the concrete foundation is its high cost and the complexity of the construction process. In the process of organizing a strip foundation, it is necessary to prepare a trench, assemble the formwork, prepare and pour the mortar. But despite all the difficulties, the concrete foundation ranks second in popularity.

A slab foundation is also often used when installing a metal garage.

Its advantages are the following:

  1. Security.
  2. Reliability and waterproofing.
  3. Construction speed.

The disadvantages include its final cost, since the plates are not cheap, plus it is necessary to pay for the work of equipment and specialists (the weight of the plates does not allow them to be installed manually).

Another option that is popular due to the fact that it can be additionally insulated and used as a floor is the organization of a foundation from a monolithic slab. In fact, this is the same design that is used in individual construction and is called USHP (insulated Swedish plate).

The main advantages of UWB are the possibility of organizing a warm foundation in the area where the soil is characterized by high heaving. It is used mainly for the capital installation of an insulated collapsible metal garage.

Cons, high cost and laboriousness of the process.

If it is necessary to install a garage on a slope, then a pile-screw structure can be used as a base.

The difference between a metal garage and an ordinary barn

Many people have a question: Why is a metal garage better than an ordinary barn and can it replace it?

In order to answer it, you need to compare these two buildings.

  • a metal garage is several times superior to a wooden shed in terms of safety (we will assume that an ordinary shed is wooden);
  • the construction of the garage is easier and faster to assemble, unlike the construction of a barn;
  • a metal garage is a mobile structure that, if necessary, can be moved to any place on the plot, while the barn is installed permanently;
  • metal is less susceptible to corrosion and is able to last longer than a wooden structure;

As for the use of a metal garage as a barn, it is quite possible. In the garage, you can organize a rabbitry, a chicken coop, or a room for keeping cattle. If necessary, a metal garage can be insulated and contain heat-loving animals, such as pigs.

It is very popular to use metal garages as a storage room for firewood or coal, as well as a warehouse for building materials in areas where individual housing is being built.

A metal garage is a universal building, which, if necessary, can serve as any building, including a temporary residence (change houses).

Savings when buying a collapsible metal garage

People are trying to save money by buying a used metal garage and installing it themselves on the site. Of course, it turns out a little cheaper, but the garage is no longer new and the process of disassembling, transporting and assembling it is troublesome and requires a lot of time and effort.

Also, when assembling a garage on your own, you will need to have the necessary tools and skills of a builder, because with the apparent simplicity of assembly, situations may arise during the process that require knowledge and experience to solve.

It is much easier to buy a metal collapsible garage with delivery and installation, while paying a little more, but getting a new garage and its high-quality assembly by specialists.


A metal garage is not only a place to store a car; if necessary, it can be used for other purposes. You can install a garage on the site yourself if the design consists of small parts. A large garage, the walls of which are made in the form of a single panel, cannot be installed independently, since it will require the involvement of special equipment to assemble it.

The structure of the garage is mobile and does not require a mandatory base, but installed on concrete or rubble embankment will last much longer and be better protected from penetration.

When choosing from whom to buy a metal garage, you should give preference to those sellers who will deliver and install it themselves.

Before you start building a shelter for your car, you should decide what material you will build it from. There are many options, and a brick garage is no exception. But in this article, I would like to focus on one simple and cheap option, which is quite reliable and looks quite aesthetically acceptable - we will talk about a metal garage. Such a structure has its pros and cons, and everyone can decide which of the garages to build for themselves.

The advantages of a do-it-yourself metal garage are the ease of transportation to the site, and if it is being built, then the ease of installation. The welded structure also allows you to move the garage to another place, and transportation is carried out by a manipulator and a truck. Therefore, the convenience of such a garage is definable for people who often change their place of residence.

In addition to mobility, a do-it-yourself metal garage is quite inexpensive. The car will be near the house in a protected area, and the metal is very durable. A metal garage does not need finishing and pouring a concrete floor. All parts of the garage are made of sheets of steel; you don’t have to cover the roof in special ways either. Creating a metal garage with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, stock up on materials and tools, and then start work, however, it is worth considering that according to the preliminary plan, construction work is carried out much better and faster.

Necessary materials and tools

The first thing to do before starting work is to draw a drawing, where you can get acquainted with all the necessary dimensions. Dimensions must be adjusted to the operating conditions of the future structure. If it is built only for a car, the width should be the same as for a car with open doors. If you plan to equip the building with a rack for tools, store spare parts, you should definitely expand the dimensions.

Also inside the garage you can carry out repair work and maintenance of the car. Toolboxes, a workbench, shelves with a rack and everything you need should fit inside. What tools and materials do you need to prepare to get started?

  1. concrete and rebar;
  2. ready-made concrete blocks;
  3. metal pipe 10-15 centimeters in diameter for skids;
  4. corner metal fifty-millimeter;
  5. metal in sheets, its thickness is from two to two and a half millimeters;
  6. electrodes and welding machine;
  7. grinding wheel, cutting for the grinder and the grinder itself;
  8. lock, bolt and hinges for the gate;
  9. floor boards, if the foundation is tape or on skids;
  10. paint and primer.

step by step technology

Each work includes certain stages. The process of building a metal garage with your own hands consists of the following stages of work:

  • foundation construction;
  • installation of the frame for the room;
  • installation of sheathing, or the creation of walls;
  • warming for the winter.

Each of the stages needs a specific action plan, and each stage will be considered separately.

First, the area is marked. The land plot must be modified in accordance with the requirements of the foundation. For the foundation on the skids - the fertile layer is removed. By filling the site with sand, you will raise and secure the coating under the foundation from heaving during frosts. Sand is able to drain water.

Marking is done with a peg, twine, tape measure and square. The formwork from the boards, or rather, its ground part, should be 30-40 centimeters above ground level.


The foundation is the basis of the whole structure. There are several types of such a foundation, including:

  • tape;
  • columnar;
  • tiled.

The tape version is very common, for its installation it is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter of the future structure. The depth is determined by the parameter of soil freezing, but most often one meter is enough. The width must be greater than the thickness of future walls.

Any foundation must be reinforced. The frame for reinforcement is created from steel rods with a thickness of 10-12 centimeters in diameter. The rods are connected with wire, but it is not advisable to weld them - overstressing the foundation can destroy the structure.

For a concrete mix, we need sand, cement M-500 or M-400, crushed stone, not very large. Using the materials described, the foundation can be quite inexpensive. Ready-made concrete can also be bought, although it is a little more expensive than making it yourself, you will save a lot of time. Half of the required strength can be achieved in six or eight days. After this time, you can safely prepare and lay the frame.


A frame for installing a metal garage with your own hands does not always require serious expenses of money and effort. Today, ready-assembled frames are sold, and even delivery / installation can be free.

Garage frames can be made of wood or metal. Iron frames are fireproof, strong and durable. The metal can withstand even gusts of hurricane wind, which will reliably protect your car. For the frame you will need:

  1. metal profile 10x10 for rafters and floors;
  2. smaller profile for the crate;
  3. self-tapping screws.

The design is assembled according to the drawing, the blanks are interconnected by self-tapping screws and bolts.


The walls are made up of frame cladding. Among the available types of sheathing, steel and corrugated board can be noted. The material for the walls should be chosen for a long time, so that you do not have to overpay for repairs.

Most experts suggest prefabricated garages made of sheet steel or corrugated board as the best option, all of these materials are attached to a previously prepared frame. Garage kits are inexpensive and very quick and easy to install. The disadvantages of materials are: poor thermal insulation, sometimes fire safety.


Warming becomes necessary with the onset of winter. How to do this if your garage is metal? The answer is simple - in the same way as all other types of buildings. Both glass wool and polystyrene can come to the rescue in this case. Any available insulation can be mounted on the walls from the inside. And you can cover them with anything that will please the eye and create a beautiful and unique design.

How to mount foam or glass wool? You can fasten them with wooden or transverse bars, which will be located between the racks.

Painting and locks

From the inside, the coating can be plastered, painted. Painting the garage from the outside is a must. Before the procedure, rust is removed from the metal, covered with an anti-corrosion primer, dried and only then covered with paint. The paint must be special, for metal.

A metal garage for a car is a relatively cheap and quick solution to the parking problem, and its design is quite simple, so you can build a metal garage with your own hands. The design and dimensions of a metal garage can be completely different, from capital to a mobile metal garage on skids, which can be moved if necessary without dismantling.

Advantages of metal garages:

  • Construction takes no more than a month;
  • The price is much lower than that of a capital building made of blocks or bricks;
  • The ease of construction compared to a brick or block garage significantly saves money on building a foundation;
  • Metal is a durable material that requires minimal maintenance.

The design of a metal garage is usually simple: a frame made of a metal corner to which sheets of iron are welded. As a base, a slab or strip foundation can be made, as well as metal skids, if the garage is supposed to be moved. A metal garage can be insulated with foam, sheathed with wood or sheet metal from the inside, and even heating, stove or electric, can be installed.

Required materials and tools

To build a metal garage with your own hands, you must first draw a drawing indicating all dimensions. The dimensions of the garage should take into account the conditions of its operation: in order to simply park and store the car, the width of the car with open doors is enough; if it is planned to store spare parts and carry out maintenance of the car in the garage, it is necessary to expand its dimensions so that a workbench, shelves and storage boxes enter the garage tools and other necessary items.

Of the materials and tools you will need:

  • Concrete and reinforcing bars or ready-made concrete blocks for a capital foundation or a metal pipe with a diameter of 10-15 cm to make skids;
  • Metal corner 50 mm;
  • Sheet metal 2-2.5 mm thick;
  • Welding machine and electrodes;
  • Bulgarian, cutting and grinding wheels;
  • Hinges, bolts and gate lock;
  • Boards for flooring and exit in the case of a strip foundation or a garage on skids;
  • Primer and paint for metal structures.

Construction technology of a metal garage

  1. In accordance with the drawing, the site is marked. If the garage is on metal skids, it is enough to cut off the fertile layer on the site to avoid decay of organic matter under the garage floor. To build a capital foundation, you need to remove the top layer of soil by 40-60 cm and fill the site with coarse sand, this will help to avoid frost heaving of the soil under the garage. In addition, sand well removes water from the foundation.
  2. Perform the foundation: mark the area for the strip foundation with the help of pegs, twine, tape measure and square. Formwork is made of boards, while the above-ground part of the foundation should be 30-40 cm above the ground level. A waterproofing film is placed in the formwork, ordinary polyethylene can be used for these purposes. Two rows of reinforcement are laid from a bar with a diameter of 8-10 mm, tying them together with the help of transverse and vertical segments of the bar and annealed wire. Anchors are made from a 16 mm bar in the corners - the garage frame will be attached to them. The height of the anchors is at least 30 cm from the top edge of the foundation.

  3. Concrete is prepared from cement, sand and gravel with a ratio of 1:2:2. Formwork is filled with concrete, leveled and left until completely set. After setting, you can start welding the frame, however, concrete will acquire industrial strength no earlier than after 28 days.

  4. If metal skids are used as the base, then two pipe sections with a diameter of 10-15 cm are cut along the length of the garage, with one cut being made at a right angle, and the second at an angle of about 45 degrees. A small piece of pipe is welded to the second corner so that an upward bend is formed, like a sledge runner. The ends of the pipes are welded, the skids themselves are covered with bituminous waterproofing for corrosion protection.
  5. The floor in the garage, standing on a solid foundation, can be concrete or wooden; for a garage on skids, the floor is made only of boards. The concrete formwork is poured in the following way: the sand with which the site is covered is leveled and rammed, a layer of waterproofing, for example, a plastic film, is laid on it. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top. The floor is poured with M300 concrete, leveled with beacons and waiting for it to harden and mature for about one week. The wooden floor is laid on wooden logs laid on the lower frame. Boards must be treated with an antiseptic for wood operated in contact with the ground. The exit from the garage door is also made of boards.

  6. The frame of the garage is made from a metal corner. First of all, the lower frame is welded along the perimeter of the foundation and welded to the anchors by spot welding. After that, racks from the corner are installed in the corners, angled outward, they are welded to the lower frame and anchors, and the upper frame is made, which will serve as a support for the ceiling and roof. If the length and width of the garage are significant, then additional racks are welded at a distance of about a meter from each other. Stiffeners are fastened from a reinforcing bar, welding it diagonally across the walls crosswise. A gable roof frame is made from a corner: rafters are cut, welded at the rack installation sites. The ridge is reinforced with a ridge beam from the corner.

  7. It is better to start sheathing the garage with metal after the concrete has matured, since the weight of the building will then increase significantly. The metal is cut with a grinder to the size of the walls and roof and welded to the corner and screeds by spot welding. After fixing all the sheets, weld the seams.
  8. The frame of the garage door is welded from a corner, additionally fastening the structure with diagonally welded reinforcement or sheet metal corners. The hinges are attached to the gate by welding. To prevent the gate leaves from bending, you can strengthen the frame with wooden bars. Sheathe the gate from the outside with sheet metal, welding it to the frame.

  9. Metal garage can be insulated. The easiest way to do this is with foam or polystyrene plates, securing them with wooden cross bars between the wall studs. On the inside, the insulation can be plastered and painted.
  10. From the outside, the garage must be painted. Before painting, it is necessary to clean the metal from rust, apply a layer of anti-corrosion primer, dry it, and then cover it with any enamel or paint for metal structures.

A metal garage is a fairly heavy structure, and its manufacture requires the use of welding and some skills. If you want to build a lighter structure without using a welding machine, you can build.