Design of a small balcony: interesting ideas, photos. What are the rules for the design of a small balcony The interior of a small loggia

In our country, the problem of the old housing stock, obsolete, remains relevant. The so-called Khrushchevs alone make up 10% of Russia's housing stock. And in subsequent eras, a choir for the citizens of the country was not erected. The construction of new houses on the site of the Khrushchevs is far from the pace that was announced by the authorities. There are serious and largely objective reasons for this, but small kitchens, bathrooms, and balconies remain an everyday reality for many families.

Let's talk about what can be done with a small balcony. Of course, it is good to live in a modern spacious apartment with a huge loggia. And even with two. But is everything so tragic if the balcony is small? Until you have another, put your hands on and turn the "ugly duckling"

if not a beautiful swan, then something cozy and comfortable. In the end, rich is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who has enough of it!

Putting in order

We don’t even start with repairs, we start with an examination of the balcony slab. Without understanding what condition it is in and how much more it will “stretch”, it is dangerous to put a load on the old balcony.

Very important! The main task for you is high-quality insulation and glazing of the balcony. Without completing this task, nothing will work. The possibilities for using an unglazed balcony in our climate are much less.

Start with glazing. You can do the glazing yourself, but it is better to turn to professionals. The technology of glazing small balconies from specialized construction companies has long been worked out, and you can choose the option that suits you. Choose a double-glazed window with a thickness of at least 32 mm.

Some companies offer a glazing option with the removal of frames beyond the perimeter of the balcony slab. The area of ​​the balcony will not decrease even after its insulation.

Do not like plastic windows - order or install wooden frames with your own hands. Get a great design in the style of "country".

On three sides of the perimeter, your balcony will be insulated with sandwich panels, which the builders will mount during glazing. The ceiling will also be insulated. Material for insulation must be agreed immediately before signing the contract.

You will need to insulate the floor. A proven way is to lay out penofol-type material on a balcony slab. The most budget option has only foil on one side. Foil up penofol and unfolds. We lay it end-to-end, glue the seams with aluminum tape.

A frame made of timber is arranged on top of the penofol layer, foam plastic of the required thickness is laid in the cells of the frame.

The top layer of the structure is OSB boards, moisture-resistant plywood or floorboard. Floor covering of your choice. Ideal floor insulation will be obtained when using a film underfloor heating. A warm floor of this type is laid out according to the instructions directly on plywood or OSB, contacts are connected, covered with plastic wrap or a substrate to protect it from damage when laying the flooring, and laminate can be laid on it.

Ideas for decoration

After glazing and insulation, your balcony has turned into a small loggia. It's time to live it up. There is not a lot of space, every centimeter must be used rationally, but its appearance is already pleasing!

Advice. Hang blinds on balcony windows, preferably horizontal ones. So you can use the balcony at any time of the day, covering the blinds in the bright sun or at night from prying eyes.


For flower lovers, we are turning the renovated balcony into a charming greenhouse. Agree with a company that makes glazing on the installation of a wide window sill. In addition, ask to make mortgages from timber in the side deaf plastic panels. Then you can hang planters and shelves for pots with plants and various cute knick-knacks on the side walls. The photo below shows an interesting idea for placing shelves at 45°.

Blinds will close your pets from direct sunlight.

Tired of white plastic panels? Look at the options for decorating with plastic and panels under natural stone. Even moss grows on old masonry! And the load on the balcony slab practically does not increase. Today on the market you can buy finishing materials that will turn your idea of ​​​​the possibilities of the same plastic in the design of the room.

Part of the outer wall of the house, which turned out to be “inside” the glazed balcony, is finished in accordance with the general design of the greenhouse. In this case, you do not have to worry about the weight of the wall covering (tile, stone, decorative plaster).

Rest zone

The main problem when designing a recreation area on a small balcony will be the size of the furniture. Can't find the right size items? Make them with your own hands. Like this comfortable ottoman for relaxing. Two sheets of plywood are laid on the posts of timber. Calculate the height so that two drawers for storing things or a drawer with a pull-out table fit from the end. We throw a mattress with pillows on plywood, and a wonderful place to relax and sleep is ready.

A simpler option is almost "eastern". Spread pillows on the floor and relax.

Instead of an ottoman, you can assemble a small bench. Make the seat folding, you get a box for storing all sorts of things. And to make it softer to sit, we upholster the back and seat with soft material.

Do not forget about the design techniques of visual expansion of space. We use light colors in the decoration, enlivening the design with bright color spots. Don't like the view from your window? We make the side walls deaf and glue beautiful photo wallpapers on one of them.

Why don't we have a cup of coffee?

Placing a recreation area on a small balcony, it is easy to arrange a place where you can enjoy a cup of coffee. For this you need only a folding table. A diagram of how to make such a table with your own hands, and a few photos are given below.

The problem of limited square meters of housing is familiar to many firsthand; a good half of the country lives in old Khrushchev houses. A small balcony serves as an annex to a compact apartment. Take it as a tragedy and wring your hands is not worth it. It is better to roll up your sleeves and beautifully equip a small area, since there are plenty of opportunities for decoration. A wide selection of building materials, interesting furniture designs and a lot of tempting decorating ideas will help transform a balcony in Khrushchev beyond recognition. And the recommendations of experts will give the right direction for activity.

Deciding on style

The question of how to equip a small balcony is relevant even before the start of repairs. Before proceeding with the purchase of finishing materials, you should decide on the style of a small balcony. This will largely determine the need for certain products. There are many design options, the main thing is to take into account your own inclinations and preferences. The following ideas for a small balcony are original:

Photo examples of small rooms will give an idea of ​​​​the options for how to equip the original interior on your own territory.

Carry out surface finishing

When the decision on the style of the interior is made, you can proceed to the examination of a small balcony.

Attention! The key point is the condition of the balcony slab. The installation of double-glazed windows is invariably associated with the weighting of a small structure, so it is important to assess whether the balcony slab is able to withstand the additional load.

The climate in our open spaces is quite harsh, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to equip a balcony without glazing and insulation. The design of a small area can be done independently, but it is better to entrust the process to specialists. The proven technology will allow you to equip a balcony with a small area in the shortest possible time. A double-glazed window with a glass thickness of more than 32 mm is the best choice for decorating loggias and balconies. The option is practical if you equip a small balcony area in Khrushchev with remote frames.

In some cases, equipping the structure with plastic double-glazed windows is unacceptable. The installation of wooden frames allows you to maintain the concept of eco-style or country design. After glazing, they proceed to the external and internal decoration of a small balcony or loggia. In addition to the decorative sheathing of the fence, attention is also paid to the insulation of the ceiling.

A small room needs full insulation, for this you will need to equip a warm floor. One of the technologies for warming is proposed below:

  • The function of a heat-insulating material for the floor of a small balcony is performed by foil foam.
  • During installation, the foil layer is on top, the material is laid end-to-end and glued with aluminum tape.
  • On top of the penofol, it is necessary to equip a frame made of timber. The cells of the structure are filled with foam plastic of the appropriate thickness.
  • Completes the process of warming a small balcony OSB slab or floorboard.

A small area can be equipped with various decorative coatings. Organically in the interior of the balcony looks:

  • linoleum;
  • laminated board;
  • ceramic tile.

The latter option eliminates the efforts for warming. The floor surface of a small balcony can be equipped with a film underfloor heating. After that, they go directly to the formation of the interior.

Design Ideas

The arrangement of the balcony in Khrushchev is largely determined by the proximity of the rooms:

  • If the balcony door borders on the hall or living room, a small area can be turned into a miniature greenhouse or office.
  • When the exit to the apartment is in the bedroom, it is optimal to equip another seating area in the additional space or make the balcony a place to store things.
  • If the kitchen is located through the wall, you can equip an exquisite coffee shop on a small balcony.

The proposed options are not a postulate, apartment owners independently determine how best to equip modest square meters.

Khrushchev residents suffer not only from a compact balcony, a lack of free space is observed throughout the apartment. Particularly acute is the issue of designing the kitchen space. Small kitchen design ideas often contain tips for dismantling the wall between the balcony and the main area. The decision is accompanied by a large amount of work, which is preceded by a complex procedure for preparing technical documentation.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to equip a common room between a small balcony and a room without an assessment and a permissive signature of a specialist.

Mini greenhouse

A small space is used in a variety of ways, but always with benefit. Lovers of flowers and any greenery will like the idea of ​​​​arranging their own mini greenhouse or winter garden. The following recommendations will help to translate the plan into reality:

  • High-quality thermal insulation of a small room is an indispensable condition for the full development of vegetation. You will also need to equip heating to save the plantings in the winter.
  • Artificial heating often reduces the level of humidity, this issue is also resolved at the stage of arranging a small balcony.
  • To prevent the scorching rays of the summer sun from harming pets, windows are decorated with blinds or other protective equipment.
  • It is easy to equip flower stands with the installation of embedded bars at the stage of installation of double-glazed windows of a small balcony.

It is necessary to equip the outer side of the main wall in accordance with the general design concept of the balcony. It can be plastic, wood panels, decorative plaster or tiles. The weight of the material does not matter, the color palette deserves attention. It is preferable to equip a small area with a plain finish in light colors.

Place for relaxation

It is very difficult to find a place for solitude in Khrushchev. It is possible to change the situation if you equip an additional place of rest. To leaf through a magazine or listen to music, just talk on the phone without unnecessary witnesses, it is enough to complement the interior with a comfortable ottoman, sofa or sofa. If you can’t find furniture that is suitable in size for a small area, you can always equip it with your own hands.

Lots of solutions. It is enough to find a wooden beam, lay a chipboard and put a comfortable mattress. Making a mini sofa will be a little more difficult, but still doable. And if the design of the balcony has an oriental flavor, then colorful pillows can be placed directly on the soft carpet of a small space.

Comment! Practicality is the decision to equip a bench, under the seat of which there are boxes for storing things.

The place of relaxation is characterized by a chamber atmosphere, so glazing on the sides of a small space will be redundant. Deaf panels can be arranged in different ways: a picture, a poster or flowers are quite relevant design designs.

An oasis for coffee lovers or lovers of tea ceremonies

The interior of the kitchens in Khrushchev has a minimal set of furnishings, the reason is banal - there is not enough space. The design of the balcony will provide a change in the bored picture, where it is convenient to drink a cup of your favorite drink. The problem of small space is solved in various ways. The most popular idea is to install a folding table. A place for tea drinking can also be equipped with folding seats, which, when folded, do not interfere with moving around a small room.

Creative people will appreciate the idea of ​​an unusual table, where functionality is combined with compactness and decorativeness.

Work zone

A small balcony is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​​​arranging a workplace. It would be unfair to call a corner a study, but it will work out calmly in solitude. Basic design steps:

  • installation of a functional table and a comfortable chair;
  • arrange lighting;
  • make the right number of shelves.

When there is no desire to convert a small balcony into a functional room, the installation of storage cabinets will help to use additional square meters of Khrushchev. The interior of the apartment will only benefit from such a decision, because extra items quickly clutter up a small area.

The nuances of choosing furniture

Regardless of the decision on how best to equip a small balcony in Khrushchev, there are several nuances in the selection of furniture. Compliance with the recommendations will help to avoid the problem of cluttering up a small space and equip the interior with maximum functionality:

  • Massive furniture has no place on a small balcony. It is optimal to equip a compact area with folding structures.
  • The option of installing a small table with a round top on one leg looks elegant.
  • On a small balcony, it is practical to equip a wide window sill that will serve as a table. The interior is optimally complemented by bar stools.
  • A wide window sill is also used to place flowers, if the main purpose of a small balcony is to decorate a greenhouse.

Advice! It is better to arrange a sofa for reading and relaxing on your own. A simple wooden structure is complemented by a mattress and decorative pillows, the lower part of the structure is reserved for storage.

Important little things

Balcony lighting is an equally important part of arranging a small space. Particular attention is paid to the issue of installing lighting fixtures if it is planned to equip a winter garden. The workplace or recreation area also needs additional lighting in the evening. It is preferable to equip the work table with a lamp with a rotary mechanism.

In a relaxation zone or a place for tea drinking, spotlights have proven themselves perfectly, the horns of which are able to change direction. Experts agree that for a small space it is effective to equip general and spot lighting. Additional light sources will eliminate the presence of dark areas on a small balcony and visually increase the space.

You can solve the problem of an overabundance of natural light in the summer heat by equipping the windows of a small balcony with blinds.

Interior decoration options depend on the purpose of a small room, but a few flower pots, soft pillows in practical covers and an original picture will be appropriate in any design.

A modern balcony is more than just a couple of square meters outside the room. It has long ceased to be a place for storing unnecessary things, where it is difficult to turn around due to tightness and fear of breaking something.

Today, even a super-small balcony can be turned into a cozy corner, made into a mini-study, boudoir, resting place and even a winter garden. When it can become a comfortable, beautiful, and most importantly, practical and functional part of the apartment.

Even a small balcony can be very functional

Where does the arrangement of the balcony begin?

Usually a small balcony area is the lot of old houses in which residents have lived for decades. It is now that architects give these premises 5 or more square meters, and before they were generous with only two or three, maximum four. Therefore, the arrangement of the balcony must begin with the removal of rubbish from it.. It is different in different apartments - bicycles, old books and banks, baby carriages and building materials left after more than one repair. Something that is unlikely to be useful, but it is a pity to throw it away.

Cozy sofa and folding table

Balcony Purpose Ideas

Having freed up the area, you can already think about what to use it for. - then its continuation will be justified: a couple of hanging cabinets and a small hanging table will make the balcony convenient for storing kitchen utensils and home preservation, as well as a place where you can not only drink a cup of coffee, but even dine with a small company.

Workplace on the balcony

If the balcony is in the children's room, then from it - with proper insulation - you will get a play or study corner. A desk and a computer will not require a large area, but they will save space in the room. It will be much more convenient for a child to solve problems and write essays on the balcony - there will be enough daylight and nothing can distract the young child prodigy from his studies.

Breakfast place on a small balcony

The balcony in the bedroom is suitable for a small boudoir- here you can fit several small lockers for clothes. Or make a rest room out of it by placing one or two chairs and a small table. And if you want to always be in sportswear - equip a mini-gym by installing a treadmill or a bicycle. The balcony in the hall is the best place for creative fantasies - here you can equip a place of rest, a winter garden or a library.

A place to relax - the entire balcony is occupied by a soft mattress

Insulate and glaze

Before you make a functional room out of a balcony, it must be well insulated. If this is a loggia, less work will be required, if a hinged balcony is a hassle, more building materials and costs will be needed. For insulation, you need to choose hygroscopic materials that will withstand rain, frost and summer heat. And at the same time, the room will be comfortable.

The walls are usually insulated with sandwich panels. . After insulation, it is necessary to decide whether the balcony will be open or closed: to glaze it or not. The second option is rarely chosen, since extra meters of area are needed in winter.

Material selection

For the design of the balcony, various finishing materials are used:

  • lining - wooden and plastic;
  • tile;
  • frost-resistant plastic panels;
  • siding;
  • plaster and paint;
  • wallpaper;
  • MDF and chipboard;
  • bamboo and cork lining;
  • drywall.

High-quality finishing of a balcony with a wooden clapboard

If the balcony is well insulated and glazed, any finishing materials for interior work will do. If the indoor temperature drops below zero in winter, it is better to think about materials for outdoor decoration.

Advice. When using wood, do not forget to impregnate it with moisture-repellent and fire-resistant materials, as well as antiseptics. Otherwise, it will be dangerous to leave the windows on the balcony open in the absence of the owners' house: there is a possibility of rain or a neighbor's cigarette butt.

How to choose a color

Today, the market has a large selection of colors and quality of finishing materials. But not everyone is suitable for a small balcony. It is better to choose a light color - in a small room it will look more natural, visually increasing the area. More often, designers prefer warm pastel colors - if the balcony is on the shady side, and cold light shades - if it is sunny.

Finishing the walls of the balcony in the color of the room

Beige, light green, blue, pink, yellowish and light metallic on small balconies look harmonious. Especially - if the shade matches the main color of the next room. So the room will look like a single, with a functional division into zones.

Advice. Materials for finishing the balcony should be selected taking into account the size of the space.

A tree that gives coziness to a room is not always justified in a very small area, since it will visually reduce it. But if, nevertheless, the choice fell on him, then it is better to choose a light color. Amber shades look good. But it is worth remembering that after a few years the wooden lining will darken slightly.

Balcony decoration with decorative stone

The same applies to the choice of stone or decorative plaster - they should not be dark and too textured so as not to “eat” even a couple of centimeters of a scarce area. The combination of these materials on the balcony looks very effective.

How to "enlarge" a balcony

There are several secret design tricks that help visually enlarge small balcony meters:

  • To focus not on one of the walls - this will create an optical expansion of the area. To do this, you can use a different color or finishing material from the general one. This technique is especially suitable for narrow balconies.
  • On a narrow balcony, one of the end walls can be decorated with a panel with flowers - a lot of small bright flowerpots will add harmony to the area.
  • Wall decoration with flower panel

  • Also, an end cabinet or cabinet is suitable for a narrow room, especially if it is finished with bamboo or gloss.
  • Use glossy and mirror surfaces. To visually increase the width, you can decorate the end wall with glossy PVC, or even easier - hang a mirror.
  • To increase the height of the balcony, the use of vertical lines is suitable - you can pick up tiles or striped wallpaper.
  • So that the irregular shape of the room does not visually reduce it, it can be “leveled” with the right finishing materials. The corners on the balcony in the form of an iron or a boat can be decorated with stone.
  • Lounge sofa on the balcony

  • In the corners of irregularly shaped balconies, you can focus on some piece of furniture - hang a locker there or put a large planter: this way the area will not seem ridiculous.
  • Photowall-paper, art painting, frescoes and fashionable today 3D-decoration visually enlarge a small space. Modern technologies make it possible to embody any design pattern: walls can be painted by hand or pasted over with a patterned canvas. It will turn out a cozy and slightly virtual shade of design.
  • In the case of a hinged balcony, you should think about moving windows beyond the perimeter of the walls in order to win several tens of square centimeters. But the design will require additional insulation.
  • What style to choose for a balcony

    The interior of the balcony should be a continuation of the room, so the style in its design must also be taken into account. Any room needs not only a good repair, but also the right design, because it should be pleasant and comfortable to be in it.

    European style balcony decoration

    The choice of style depends only on the preferences of the owners. But if they love classicism, then it is better to refuse it on a small balcony - massiveness, gilding and silk will look ridiculous here. But Rococo or Baroque is very suitable - due to its lightness and airiness. The main color is always light.

    Provence and Mediterranean style

    Provence or Mediterranean style looks harmonious on a small balcony. They are suitable for relaxing - with a cup of coffee and reading an interesting book in a rocking chair. As the main color for them, blue, light turquoise, sand, cream are chosen. For furniture, tables and chairs made of wicker or rattan are suitable, but all wickerwork must be moisture resistant.

    Wicker furniture on the balcony in Provence style

    A Provence-style balcony can be successfully finished with textured plaster or light stone, even a brick of not too bright shades will do. From furniture it is better to give preference to forged racks and cabinets. If space does not allow - just place a beautiful flower stand. One or two sconces will successfully fit into the interior, especially if they are with elaborate metal trim. Roller blinds in pastel colors are suitable for curtaining windows.

    White main background with bright objects

    Provence and the Mediterranean style necessarily involve a lot of indoor plants - the light color of the walls can be combined with bright flowerpots of the same color scheme: blue flowerpots are suitable for blue walls, chocolate ones for beige, and the color of bright lemon will look great on light yellow. If the area of ​​​​the balcony is only a couple of meters, you can generally not clutter it up with furniture and arrange a small winter garden or greenhouse here. Or even a greenhouse - for a couple of bushes of tomato, cucumbers and herbs, even on a very small balcony there is always enough space.

    Country and oriental style

    This rustic style is perfect for a balcony, especially a kitchen one. Country is the most versatile style, it is suitable for economical design budgets and for quite generous ones. Pastel shades are also chosen for the walls, but for bright “spots”, crimson, terracotta and deep blue are suitable for them. Such bright points can be small light bulbs, flower vases, photographs.

    Finishing the walls with a dark clapboard, and the floor with a terrace board

    Furniture should be only wooden - this is the "chip" of the country. If the area allows, then you can hang one or two cabinets or install a cabinet. If there is a deficit in meters, come up with a folding table and a couple of beautiful stools or chairs. The table can even be made hinged and attached to the wall, and laid out only when necessary. If the balcony is square, you can install a wooden bench along one of the walls and even put a rustic chest. It can be used for storing fruits and vegetables and for sitting.

    Country style on a small balcony

    Ideally, window frames should also be wooden; country music will not accept modern plastic. But if you still have to put it up, it’s better to choose the color of wood and with a wide window sill, on which you can place a lot of cozy “rustic” little things - ceramic pots, wicker baskets and bright flowerpots.

    Balcony interior with oriental motifs

    Textiles must match the style: for country, these will be chintz or linen curtains in a box or in a flower. The tablecloth on the table and a couple of pillows on the bench should be the same. Modern options for plastic blinds for such a balcony would be inappropriate. On the floor, woven multi-colored rugs will look good - like in the village with my grandmother.

    Decoration in oriental style

    Oriental style is not often chosen: it is justified for a balcony in the bedroom of a teenage girl or a married couple. In this case, the walls should be painted with intricate patterns, put a trestle bed or a lounger, and cover it with an oriental bedspread. Bright decorative pillows will also fit well into the interior. And light curtains with oriental patterns.

The balcony is a part of the house that is too often underestimated, filled up with various rubbish and not paying due attention to its repair. It stores old furniture, worn shoes, empty cans and cleaning equipment. Where a cozy office or a comfortable seating area could be located, linen is dried and a forgotten bicycle gathers dust. This situation needs to be corrected.

Nowadays, balconies have long been turned into a place for relaxation or a work area, instead of storage for various things, in which wet laundry was hung.

Throw away all unnecessary items from the balcony. Get rid of boldly, do not spare the trash. Usually things that are not used for more than a year are never remembered.

After the balcony is cleared of debris, you can begin to repair and design.

First of all, check the condition of the balcony slab, make sure that it is able to withstand the load. If the situation is deplorable, then it is better to refuse to use the balcony as part of the living quarters.

Design ideas for a loggia in an apartment can also be very diverse.

A few simple, but not always obvious tips for insulating a balcony:

What to insulate How to insulate
  • Recommended minimum: 2 chambers, thickness from 32 mm
  • To save space, order frames that extend beyond the perimeter of the balcony
  • Wooden windows are suitable for loft, country, shabby chic interiors.
  • Before insulating, make sure that the ceiling does not leak
  • When choosing a material, remember that foam is better than foam, but it is much more expensive.
  • Foil expanded polystyrene and mineral wool are used only as an intermediate insulation
Floor It's pretty easy to do it yourself:
  1. Lay the penofol foil up over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony.
  2. Seal the joints with aluminum tape.
  3. Install a wooden frame.
  4. Lay foam sheets in the frame.
  5. OSB boards, moisture resistant plywood or floorboard are used as the top layer.

Even a small loggia can be made stylish and comfortable, as well as put things in order and coziness so that this room is convenient for operation.

We develop the design of the room

Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to make a choice of how the interior of the balcony will resonate with the overall style of the apartment. There are two options here.

  1. Match it and adapt to the interior of the house.
  2. To be an independent object: an oasis in the middle of a city apartment.

For wall decoration, both paper wallpapers and decorative plaster or natural stone can be suitable.

Having decided on this, think over the idea: do you want to make a relaxation area or study out of the balcony, what functions it will perform, in what style it will be decorated.

A small or narrow space should not be overloaded with unnecessary interior elements and it is better to use light pastel shades to visually expand the area.

For the interior of a small balcony, choose compact and functional furniture, make the room as light and spacious as possible, abandoning dark finishes and bulky heavy curtains.

Today, even a super-small balcony can be turned into a cozy corner, made into a mini-study, boudoir, resting place and even a winter garden.

Use heat-resistant materials, as in the warm season on the balcony they will be subjected to quite severe tests. Siding and plastic panels are suitable for modern style, wood - for country, decorative plaster - for classics and romanticism, decorative tiles and stone - for eco style.

With the right design, a balcony can become a comfortable, beautiful, and most importantly, practical and functional part of the apartment.

Improving storage systems

Choose storage systems depending on the type of balcony. Add charisma to the interior of a closed balcony with artificially aged wooden shelves located at the ends.

In the design of an open balcony, stop at openwork metal structures.

Make full use of the height of the balcony. So you save space, and the cabinets do not have to be increased in depth. In order to get things from the upper tiers, use the ottoman. It is much more mobile and functional than a ladder. Ladder is rarely needed, pouf - every day.

The first enemy of a small balcony is bulky cabinets. We will abandon them and free up interior space.

Create a greenhouse

To create a greenhouse, a spacious, bright loggia is ideal, but you can also equip a fairly small balcony under it.

For flower lovers, we are turning the renovated balcony into a charming greenhouse.

For this you will need

  1. Wide window sill. Discuss its installation with the company involved in the glazing of your balcony.
  2. Blinds on the windows. They will allow you to adjust the level of illumination and protect the flowers from direct sunlight.
  3. Shelves on the walls. It will be possible to put pots, planters and souvenirs on them.
  4. Natural stone effect finish. Due to the light weight of plastic, it can be used for the design of all balcony walls.

Blinds will close your pets from direct sunlight.

Arranging a recreation area

In the conditions of a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small balcony, it can be quite difficult to sit comfortably, and even more so to relax. To do this, pick up compact ergonomic furniture or make it yourself.

The main problem when designing a recreation area on a small balcony will be the size of the furniture.

Plywood ottoman

The first idea that comes to mind, which almost everyone can bring to life, is a small couch made of plywood sheets. Install several columns of timber, place a couple of plywood sheets on them. Ideally, its height should be such that drawers or a table are placed under the ottoman.

Calculate the height so that two drawers for storing things or a drawer with a pull-out table fit from the end.

One plywood for convenience will be clearly not enough, so cover it with a mattress on top. For absolute comfort, add some pillows.

The most upholstered furniture

A great idea for relaxing on the balcony is a pear chair.

This unusual furniture has a lot of advantages, making it an ideal option for such a recreation area.

  • Comfort. It completely adapts to the person, taking his form, due to which it is incredibly convenient.
  • Mobility. Due to its lightness, the pear chair can move to another room at any time and make room on the balcony for something more important.
  • Compactness. This furniture does not take up much space and easily fits in any corner of even the narrowest balcony.
  • Profitability. Such a chair is pleasantly different in price from its wooden counterparts. And on the Internet you can even find a master class on sewing it with your own hands.
  • Stylish design. The choice of materials is huge and allows you to fit the pear chair into almost any interior.

An alternative to a pear chair is casually scattered pillows on the floor, which can also be used as a place to relax.

small table

An integral attribute of any tea party is a small table. This detail will make your leisure time on the balcony even more enjoyable.

Placing a recreation area on a small balcony, it is easy to arrange a place where you can enjoy a cup of coffee.

For a narrow balcony, folding models are perfect. You can create such furniture yourself. Special skills are not required for this.

Another idea is a portable table, convenient in that it can be moved from place to place.

We turn the balcony into an office

One of the most popular ideas for the practical use of a small balcony is to create a study based on it. Even a very narrow balcony is suitable for this purpose.

You can also place a workplace on a small balcony.

In design, you can use the following ways to save space:

  • A deep tabletop that compensates for the lack of width. At the same time, no less things can fit in it.
  • Armchair that slides completely under the table.
  • Hanging shelves for books and small things.
  • Built-in wall cabinets.

When organizing your workplace, take care of the lighting.

Usually use wall and table lamps of a concise form.

We organize a creative studio

The beautiful view from the balcony serves as a source of inspiration and awakens creativity. Therefore, this room is perfect for adapting its design to a small studio.

In order to save space, it makes sense to abandon the table.

To do this, first of all, fence off the end part of the balcony. Install a countertop, some shelves, and drawers that will hold supplies.

The table can be replaced with a bookcase or a sketchbook. If the artist is fond of, for example, sketching, they will not be required either. In this case, a comfortable chair and the same folding table will suffice.

To make the atmosphere even more inspiring, add some decorative elements to the design of a small balcony: figurines, paintings, lamps.

A balcony is not a useless room, suitable only for storing unnecessary things. It is comparable to a blank sheet on which a skilled artist will embody any idea. Adjusting to your desires, a narrow small balcony will become a stylish study, a cozy seating area or a stunning greenhouse.

As you can see, a small balcony can be transformed into zones that are very different in terms of their functionality.

You can decorate it in any style and color scheme. We have suggested several ways to design this space, but there are many more.

Think about what your balcony can turn into after repair?

VIDEO: Interesting ideas for a small balcony.

Previously, the balcony was used exclusively as a place to store unnecessary materials. Today, only a few square meters can be arranged to your taste. A balcony or a loggia often becomes a place for a pleasant pastime, work or entertainment.

We develop a design project

A small balcony can be used for various purposes. Usually such a balcony can be found in the "Khrushchev", it has up to 3 square meters. m. However, it can be easily turned into a cozy, stylish and useful area.

When choosing the design of a small balcony or loggia, you should first decide on the functional purpose, since a lot will depend on this - the style direction, color schemes, choice of furniture, and so on.

Basic ideas for creating stylish design projects:

  • A place to have a good time. If you create all the conditions for relaxation on a small loggia or balcony, then this place will be ideal for relaxation. Cozy furniture should be placed on the balcony - for example, a small table. You can purchase a folding table with chairs or a soft sofa with spacious drawers, which are ideal for storing things. Pillows will bring coziness and comfort to the interior.
  • Workplace. A small loggia or balcony can be arranged for work. There is enough space for a computer desk and a comfortable chair. If you are working on a laptop, then a small folding table will suffice, which can also be used for relaxation, and an easy chair or sofa.
  • Dining or tea area. This option is perfect if the loggia is small, but wide. On summer days, you can comfortably sit at the dining table. Two or three people can accommodate quite comfortably.
  • Winter Garden. If you organize a beautiful garden on the loggia, then you can enjoy flowering plants even in the winter season. You can equip the walls with special racks or shelves for pots. On the windowsill you can place pallets with flowers. Some prefer the greenhouse.
  • Gym. A small space can be equipped as a small gym. On it you can put a simulator or sports equipment. On hot days, you will be able to exercise outdoors, and there will also be more free space in the room.
  • Expanding the room with a balcony. This process is rather difficult, since it is necessary to get rid of the door and window frame. In some cases, it is even necessary to transfer the battery. In this case, the balcony is already becoming part of the room. If it is combined with a kitchen, then it can be equipped as a dining area, place household appliances or put a bar counter. If the balcony is combined with the bedroom, then it can be used as a workplace.

The choice of project is completely individual. If you do not need a functional area, then it can be equipped for storage.

Color solutions

The choice of color versions of various finishing materials is very large. You can find a decent option for everyone. However, it is worth remembering that not all materials are suitable for finishing a small balcony or loggia.

It is worth giving preference to light shades. They will help to visually increase the area of ​​​​the room. Designers often offer warm pastel colors for rooms that are on the shady side. If the balcony or loggia is located on the sunny side, then materials of cold light colors will be an excellent choice.

Pink, light green, yellowish, beige, blue tones look very beautiful and impressive, and you can also use light metallic. The color scheme for the balcony will look harmonious if it is combined with the color scheme of the next room. Such a solution will create a single room, but with a division into functional zones.

When choosing color schemes for materials that will be required for finishing the room, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the space. For small balconies, wood is not always the best solution as it makes the space look smaller. If you still decide to use wood in the decoration, then you need to find light shades. Amber tones are a good choice. Over time, wooden materials darken a little.

When choosing decorative plaster and stone, you should give preference to not very textured and not too dark options. Then a small area will not visually decrease. The combination of stone and plaster looks impressive and fashionable.


Each room should be properly decorated, then it will be comfortable and pleasant to be in it. When choosing a style direction, personal preferences should be taken into account.

On a small balcony, gilding, silk and massiveness will look ridiculous. It is better to opt for the Rococo or Baroque style. Lightness and airiness are the main advantages of these styles.

A small loggia or balcony can be decorated in a Mediterranean or Provence style. This style solution is ideal for a recreation area.

When choosing a base color, you can use trim or furniture in cream, light turquoise, blue or sand tones. It is worth picking up wooden chairs and tables made of wicker or rattan. Wicker furniture must be moisture resistant.

If you have chosen the Provence style, you can use textured plaster to decorate the walls or brick in restrained tones. Forged shelving and cabinets fit perfectly into the chosen style. If there is no place for such furniture on the loggia, you can simply put an exquisite flower stand. Pastel shutters on the windows will perfectly complement the stylish interior.

Mediterranean style requires a lot of plants. Walls in light colors look great with bright flowerpots. Beige walls are ideally accentuated by chocolate-colored flowers, blue flowers are suitable for blue walls. The design of light yellow tones looks spectacular with bright lemon-colored plants.

For lovers of rustic decor, you should choose oriental or country style. It can be equipped for kitchen purposes. Country allows you to create both spectacular and budget options for interiors.

When choosing colors for the walls, you can give preference to pastel shades. You can create bright elements with a rich blue color, purple or terracotta are good options. It can be photographs, light bulbs or pots for flowerpots.

For country style, it is worth choosing furniture made of wood, because this is the highlight of this style direction. You can install a cabinet or a small cabinet. If there is very little space on the balcony, then a folding table and chairs are ideal. To place a square shape, you can use a wooden bench (or even an original chest).

It will be better if the window frames are also wooden. Modern plastic does not fit into this style. If there is no other choice, then the plastic should be matched to the color of the tree, and you also need to take care of a wide window sill.

Another popular style direction for decorating small balconies and loggias is minimalism, which does not require a lot of furniture and interior elements. Everything should be in moderation. Delicate pastel colors will do. It is worth using natural finishing materials - wood, brick or plaster. It is necessary to apply simple forms, without using decor on walls and windows.

We select furniture

The choice of furniture plays a rather important role in the implementation of a specific design idea for a small balcony or loggia. This room is small, so it should not be overloaded with large furniture. It is worth paying attention to folding options for chairs and a table.

A good choice would be "air" items. You can purchase a wicker table or chair. They will perform their functions - and at the same time it will be spacious on the balcony.

Do not overload the interior with a large number of shelves. Their presence can visually reduce the area of ​​​​an already small room. In terms of lighting, spots will be an excellent solution.