The influence of indoor plants and flowers on the energy of the house and people. Indoor plants: vampires and donors Flower from negative energy

What indoor flowers should you have at home?

Properly selected flowers improve not only the energy of the home, but also the life of the owners themselves. Improves their spiritual and physical well-being.

According to Feng Shui, the following have positive energy: potted plants: amaryllis, hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybrids), orange or lemon tree (various types Citrus), (Begonia spp.), geraniums (Pelargonium hybrids), dracaena (Dracaena), camellia (Camelia spp.), Chinese rose or “flower of love” (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), butterfly orchid (Oncidium papilla), ivy (Hedera helix), crassula arborescens, ficus (Ficus lyrata), bush and potted chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp.), cyclamen, alpine violet(Cyclamen spp.).

Azalea maintains the vigor of the owners, strengthens positive energy Houses.

Amaryllis - donor flower. All you have to do is sit comfortably next to it, leisurely stroke its leaves, and soon your strength and good mood will definitely return to you.

Ivy - an excellent stimulator of positive energy, helps to find balance and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Primrose - the flower is balanced, and therefore perfectly neutralizes negative emotions.

Rose opens hearts. Of course! After all, it has the finest and highest vibration of all plants. Especially during flowering. Also, the Queen of Flowers stimulates love for the world, promotes romantic and friendly relationships.

Rosemary promotes good sleep, helps the body rest and relax, relieves fatigue, removes feelings of anxiety and fear.

Geranium - An excellent means of energy correction. It gives a person endurance, helps to overcome obstacles that stand in the way, and quickly achieve the desired goal.

It also improves the energy background of the room. It is enough to stay near this plant for 10 minutes, and you will gain energy and strength.

Tradescantia - an indicator of the energy well-being of the home. In a place where the energy is negative, the plant begins to turn yellow and shed its leaves.

Violet does not tolerate scandals. In addition, she is an excellent children's therapist, capable of extinguishing aggression.

Ficus creates a favorable, calm atmosphere. Quarrels, irritability, showdowns are not to the liking of the ficus, he will take care to rid the owners of them.

Cyclamen creates harmony and energetic order in the house

There are a number of plants that have both positive and negative effects, depending on how and where they are placed:

Ekhmeya emits energy pulses similar to arrows. Can be stimulating. At the same time, it is an excellent assistant for people who do not know how to defend themselves.

The longer and sharper the spines of cacti, the more aggressive the energy of the plants. Cacti perfectly repel attacks from the outside. Place them on a windowsill or balcony and they will protect your home from uninvited guests.

It is undesirable to place cacti near people, as well as in the southwestern part, which is responsible for your relationships with others. After all, by doing this you will scare your friends away from your home, and “drive” your potential clients out of the office.

The positive thing about cacti is that, having strong energy, they are able not only to “vampire”, but also to “take away” heavy negative energy.

Neoregelia with its thorns it incites aggression, but when directed from your apartment it helps to keep people who are negatively disposed towards you at a distance.

Yucca brings tension to relationships between people. But as soon as you take it outside the threshold, the yucca immediately becomes a vigilant guard, protecting the house from uninvited intrusions.

Cholerics should be especially careful with yucca. They are not allowed to be near this plant at home or in the office. After all, yucca can lead them to a nervous breakdown.

By the way, as for people different temperaments, That...

. Melancholic and phlegmatic people It is wise to place plants with bright red, orange, and yellow flowers in your apartment.

. Choleric and sanguine people Flowers of bluish, purple, white tones and delicate greenery are more suitable.

You should be careful with climbing wall plants. They should not be placed in the matrimonial bedroom. This may affect your love relationships! Yes and in other rooms climbing plants It's better to point up. In this way, they will be able to provide growth energy, and will bring peace and harmony into your relationships (especially climbing plants with oval leaves!).

Sometimes you can even allow climbing plants to hang down, especially ivy and bindweed. But this is subject to the correction of protruding corners of walls and furniture.

Plants with sharp, elongated leaves can also be placed in niches, corners, and areas of stagnant energy. But not in places where people stay for a long time.

Conifers, as well as plants with reddish, purple foliage, with bright red flowers, with leaves that look like triangles or flames, can be placed in the south (support for the Fire sector).

Place white flowers in the west. Plants with white leaf edges and silvery spots (for example, begonia) are also suitable here.

By the way, so popular lately orchids “vampire” your energy, which is especially dangerous for weak and indecisive people.

Absorb energy and ferns , but unlike orchids, they absorb negative energy well.

Indoor plants help improve the climate in the room, purify the air and reduce the effects of electromagnetic field. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to place pots of cacti near computers. But many psychics insist that some plants can influence the biofield and change a person’s life.

Psychics believe that some plants absorb negative energy. In addition, certain cultures are able to transform negative energy into positive energy.

Mandatory plants that should be in the house:

  • Geranium
  • Chlorophytum crested

According to psychics, it is these colors that have a strong energy field and are able to neutralize anger and negative thoughts. Therefore, it is recommended to place pots of these crops at home.

It is very useful to install flowerpots at home with flowers that emit negative ions. They absorb anger and nervous excitability. Such plants are simply necessary for residents of large cities.

Many plants have positive energy.

List of plants with good energy:

  • Begonia. This culture is different beneficial influence on the body. It is recommended to place begonia in the room of children and elderly people. It helps restore the immune and nervous systems. A pleasant aroma cures depression.
  • Lemon. It is a symbol of friendship and cheerfulness. Thanks to this plant you can lift your mood and increase your vitality.
  • Hyacinth. This plant fills the house with emotions. With its help you can improve your well-being and achieve harmony. In addition, it will be possible to improve relationships between family members.
  • Hibiscus. This is one of the varieties of rose. With its help, you can restore your old relationship with your other half. Place a flowerpot with a plant in the matrimonial bedroom.
  • Cyclamen. This plant disciplines and teaches order. Culture enhances creativity.
  • Dracaena. This plant has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt. Culture improves memory and helps get rid of depression.

In general, there are no bad plants. But there are crops that are recommended to be installed in some rooms and not in others. Mostly such plants include vampires, that is, crops that absorb energy.

List of vampire plants:

  • Monstera. This is a culture that absorbs active energy and negative emotions. That is why flowerpots with flowers are placed in reception areas and offices. Monstera will help defuse the situation in the room and prevent quarrels. But you can’t put a pot of culture in a room with elderly people and children.
  • Epipremnum. This plant is called "devil's ivy". In addition, the plant is called muzhegontsem. That is why culture is recommended for Virgos; it enhances their energy and increases their vitality.
  • Chlorrophytum. This plant absorbs energy, but not positive, but negative. That is why pots are placed in offices and public spaces.
  • Orchid. A very beautiful flower that actively absorbs energy at night. That is why the culture should not be planted in the bedroom. The ideal place is an office, living room, business room.

Below are the characteristics of some indoor plants:

  • Ficus. An excellent plant that is created for a home with a large family. It helps to calm down and improve relationships. Childless couples will be able to have offspring. But unmarried women should not keep culture in their home. He drives away the suitors.
  • Bougainvillea. According to Feng Shui, bougainvillea in the home is considered an auspicious sign; it attracts energies that promote good luck and financial prosperity.
  • Aloe. This healing plant helps restore the aura in the home. Accordingly, it is worth planting the crop in houses where they often quarrel.
  • Spathiphyllum. The energy of spathiphyllum is arrow-shaped and directed upward. Spathiphyllum has the ability to normalize extreme energy fluctuations. And it gives everyone peace of mind, wise calm.
  • Cyclamen. The plant can restore balance in the house. It improves energy and brings the occupants of the home together. Therefore, household members quarrel less often.
  • Spurge. The plant should be planted only in houses where wealthy families live. Otherwise, the culture fades.
  • Gloxinia. This is a neutral plant, it cannot be classified as a vampire or donor. Most energy is released during flowering. Gloxinia can push for changes in life.

  • Guzmania. This is also a neutral plant. To achieve success at work, the plant should be placed on the east side.
  • Primrose. Brings joy and happiness to the home. Helps close people make peace.
  • Calathea- a symbol of happiness created by a family, it is believed to bring calm and peace to the home as it can absorb aggressive energy, and because of this it can be called one of the best flowers for the home.
  • Begonia. It is recommended to place flowerpots in the room of unbalanced people. It helps to find harmony and calm down.
  • Kalanchoe. This culture brings material well-being to housing. Helps eliminate financial difficulties.
  • Clivia. The flower improves heart function and helps remove negative energy from the home.

  • Artificial plants. According to Feng Shui, all artificial flowers should be thrown away. They make the aura in the house heavier and can provoke a number of diseases.
  • Zamioculcas. This plant should not be kept in a house with lonely people. Culture brings celibacy.
  • Monstera. This is a culture that absorbs active energy and negative emotions. That is why flowerpots with flowers are placed in reception areas and offices. But you can’t put a pot of culture in a room with elderly people and children.
  • Dieffenbachia. The plant drives men out of the house. Therefore, married women should not grow the plant.
  • Orchid. The plant belongs to muzhegons. Unmarried ladies should not grow it.
  • Sansevieria. This plant is called "mother-in-law's tongue." It should not be placed in children's rooms or bedrooms. The plant has strong energy. The ideal place for growing is the living room, offices.
  • Croton. The plant makes sure that people with bad and negative thoughts do not come into the house.

  • Chlorophytum. Improves energy in the house, prevents quarrels and swearing.
  • Peperomia. It will be necessary in the society of those people who always complain about their troubles, failures and declines. It will help set these people on a positive wave and increase their self-esteem.
  • Philodendron. Helps overcome difficulties, improves resistance to troubles. Increases durability.
  • Thuja. There are many signs associated with this tree. It is believed to be a cemetery culture that brings death and celibacy.
  • Tradescantia. A positive culture that develops a sense of humor. In addition, the plant maintains a friendly atmosphere in the house.
  • Eucharis. Culture gives vigor and activity. This great flower for a children's room. It will help develop perseverance and attentiveness in the baby.
  • Geranium. The plant brings happiness and money to the home. This is an excellent culture for strengthening family happiness.

  • Hamedorea. Belongs to the palm family. Such flowers can be considered a source of energy and vigor.
  • Ehmeya. If you are often in a sad state or people who like to cry come to you, you need striped aechmea. It prevents the sad mood from spreading throughout the house and merging with the atmosphere.
  • Ivy. The bindweed, familiar to everyone, brings health to the house. It helps bones heal faster.
  • Cactus. Opinions differ regarding the plant. Many people consider the cactus to be a magnetic field absorber. As for the effect on humans, the cactus will be useful for hot-tempered people.
  • Money tree. Almost everyone knows about the energy of this culture. The plant helps improve your financial situation.
  • Dracaena. This is also a palm tree that increases vitality, improves mood and helps cope with depression.
  • Myrtle. The plant preserves love and mutual understanding. In a house where there is frequent quarrel, the plant may dry out.

  • Fuchsia. This is a plant that does not like conservatism. Therefore, it is recommended to plant the crop in a house where conservatives live.
  • Gardenia. It is better to plant the plant in the bedroom, as it gives mutual understanding, love and tranquility.
  • Hoya. The plant gives harmony and comfort. It is recommended to plant for newlyweds. This will allow partners to get used to each other faster.
  • Violet. It is better not to have a violet for an unbalanced person, and even one suffering from periodic depression. If the plant has to constantly balance out your mood swings without having time to replenish its energy reserves, then it risks dying.

  • Pike tail. This plant should not be grown at home. It is believed that this is like letting your mother-in-law into the door. There will be quarrels and misunderstandings in the house.
  • Anthurium. This flower is called “male happiness.” The plant is believed to bring success to a man.
  • Laurel. This culture has been used for purification since ancient times. If guests often come to your home, place a pot of a plant in the hall. This will help transform negative energy into positive energy.
  • Pakhira. Feng Shui masters believe that this miniature baobab tree brings success and health to the home.
  • Aglaonema. The plant is best grown in an office or study. It will help you concentrate and get your work done faster.

Any plant purifies the air in the room and saturates it with oxygen. But in addition, the right culture will help achieve harmony in the family.

VIDEO: Plant energy

Popular wisdom says: “Whoever you mess with, you’ll get along with…”. We influence the world around us, and the world influences us, with its biofield, thoughts, behavior of others, etc.

A plant is also a living organism, with its own individuality. They influence the world around them, but in their own way, they have different methods and capabilities. Plants also have a biofield, as proven by scientists, which influences the surrounding space. The shape and appearance of the plant itself also cannot but cause a response in people, women are especially sensitive to this, they adore flowers and are very indifferent to them. And this changes their emotional background.

There is another important “tool” with which plants influence insects, animals, people, etc., these are phytoncides ( volatile substances or essential oils). Phytoncides are biological active substances, they can suppress or destroy the growth and development of bacteria, fungi, etc., they essentially form plant immunity. This feature is actively used in folk medicine and aromatherapy.

With the help of phytoncides, plants attract some insects for pollination, while others, on the contrary, repel others. In people, phytoncides change the psycho-emotional state, and sometimes introduce an altered state of consciousness, which ultimately leads to changes at the physical level. After all, remember when jasmine, lavender, lilac, bird cherry, sakura and many other plants bloom - it causes a lot of stress for everyone positive emotions, and some sensitive people even euphoria.

As for indoor plants and flowers, they are all taken from wildlife and planted in pots. But, nevertheless, this does not prevent them from influencing the surrounding space, participating in the formation of the energy of the house: purifying the air and saturating it with oxygen, filling it with their phytoncides, changing the energy of the space around in one direction or another.

Having observed plants for many centuries, people have already accumulated some experience, compiled the characteristics of the most commonly used plants and flowers, their influence on human energy, and their participation in shaping the energy of the home.

For example, violets (synpoly) have a calming effect, protect the family from conflicts, and promote communication. Violets are pure female plants, they grow well and bloom profusely among thrifty women who show sincere love and care for all household members. They encourage people to be active, expel negative energy, and harmonize relationships between people. Violets bring peace, joy and happiness to the home. It is advisable to have violets of different types and colors at home, this will help harmonize different areas of life.

Aloe arborescens protects space from pathogenic infections and negative energies, cleanses and strengthens the energy of space. Aloe is good to have for those who are often sick; it will support the body both on the physical level (the plant can be used for medicinal purposes) and on the energy level. Aloe also promotes creativity in children.

Geranium (pelargonium, kalachik) - serves as a “fire extinguisher” for negative emotions and energies. Emotions of anger are one of the most dangerous; they act destructively. Geranium softens this energy. The aroma of geranium induces tenderness, calms children, develops a sense of humor and lifts their spirits.

Red geranium radiates vitality, pink geranium helps in love affairs, and white geranium protects against negativity and promotes the birth of children.

There is an opinion that a person will recover faster if a flower with a bright red geranium is placed next to it. The phytoncides released by geranium disinfect and deodorize the air. This prevents the occurrence of pulmonary and other diseases, improves metabolism, etc.

Ficus - “housewife's joy”: he feels very good with caring and hospitable housewives. He loves light, it is often placed in the kitchen, where intimate conversations are held, family, with friends or loved ones. And it is believed that the thicker the ficus, the more pleasant and interesting life in the house will be. It promotes harmony in communication and opens up spiritual impulses.

cacti , although there are many varieties of them, they serve approximately the same way - like a lightning rod, they attract and neutralize negative energies (hatred, anger, irritation, etc.), purifying space. It is recommended to place cacti near a window, on window sills, or opposite front door as home protection. And besides, the cacti bloom very beautifully.

money tree (fat woman) - it is kept in the house to attract wealth to the family. And when planting in a pot, add another coin along with the soil. Caring for the fat plant is simple - water it rarely, the lighting should be good, but not the scorching sun, sometimes give it a “shower”, spray it with water to wash off the dust.

Sansevieria - cleanses the room of negative energy. It is especially useful to have at work, where there is a lot of different people. At home, this plant will also be beneficial; it increases attention, improves thought processes, and, as mentioned above, protects against negativity.

Fern - a plant that harmonizes the internal and external world of a person, balances these two energy vectors, leading to a golden mean. Fern will also contribute to the manifestation of paranormal abilities and the awakening of human hidden powers. This plant leads people to compromise and creates a sense of proportion around the space.

Spathiphyllum also called “women’s happiness.” This plant helps to achieve family happiness and contributes to this in every possible way. A flower loves light and moderate watering, and it is believed that if it grows quickly and blooms profusely, it means that happiness is already close, and the woman will be loved and desired!

Azalea It creates energy for vivacity, helps to concentrate on the main thing and not pay attention to the little things. Azalea protects against gossip, lies and vanity, uncertainty and nervousness.

Calla - as a talisman for a home where there is no agreement and common opinion, where spouses cannot find common language. Calla brings opposing energies to the golden mean, transforms them into a single stream of joy. The energy of calla lilies resists vibrations of sadness, pessimism, melancholy, sadness, depression and depression. Calla increases resistance against emotional exhaustion and stress, filling the atmosphere of the home with joy and cheerfulness.

Lemon - good for stimulating mental activity, showing curiosity and perseverance. It is useful to place a pot with a lemon tree in a children's room.

Cyclamen . It is useful to have this flower in an apartment or house where weak-willed people live, with changeable moods, highly dependent on the opinions of others. Or, if there is fear in the household due to their lack of confidence in own strength, depression. Cyclamen liberates the constrained capabilities of a person, brings inspiration and creative enthusiasm to the energy of space. It takes away frustration. Cyclamen influences those around you, lifts your spirits and makes you want to do something.

Cypress - you can’t put it in the bedroom, because it has strong phytoncides, it will feel good on the balcony, where it is ventilated. This plant is a vampire, absorbing both negative and positive energy.

Very useful around the house chlorophytum , per day it is able to purify the air in a room with a volume of 10-12 square meters. meters by 80%.

As you can see, indoor flowers and plants are different in their influence, they are very desirable in the house, both for health (neutralizing the influence household appliances, synthetic materials indoors, destroy infections, etc.), and to harmonize the psycho-emotional background in the house. Flowers also help develop creativity. But, you need to select and arrange them in an apartment or house based on individual characteristics each of the household members.

And also, we must remember that you need to take care of indoor flowers and plants, care for them properly, do it with love, only then will they “open up” to the maximum and thank you with reliable protection from many of life’s adversities. So, take plants as your “friends”, you won’t regret it...

All living organisms on earth emit and absorb energy, have a biofield, and exchange information with the external environment. Part of this energy goes to interact with people. Plants have powerful energy - you can feel it in the forest without any instruments. If a plant releases energy that affects a person, then this plant is a donor; if it absorbs someone else’s energy, then it is a vampire. Houseplants are no exception. Let's figure out which plants are vampires and which are donors, how they affect us and who to be friends with and who to avoid.

Vampire plants

Among the vampire indoor plants, Monstera is the brightest. It is no coincidence that it grows magnificently in the premises of public buildings, but in apartments, even large ones, it is not possible to get lush plants, because it needs a powerful energy supply.
There are people who are frightened by the monstera by its very appearance, because it is not for nothing that it is called “monstera”, i.e. "monster". Monstera needs to evoke fear, shock, and attract attention. She simply “feeds” on strong emotions. The plant itself is useful: it perfectly cleans the air of dust and carbon dioxide, and releases oxygen. Monstera neutralizes not only air pollution, but also the dirty energy of the room. It is recommended to keep it in the living room and other rooms where people communicate, sometimes in raised voices. It has been noticed that if you remove the monstera from the apartment, scandals begin in the family, because... Negative emotions accumulate and spill out among household members on each other.
Does the monstera feed on positive emotions? Yes, he eats. She not only frightens but also delights. Therefore, Monstera is simply necessary for phlegmatic and melancholic people to “shake up”. Temperamental choleric people next to a monstera, on the contrary, lose their ability to splash out energy on others. And for impressionable and sick people it is better to keep other plants at home.

Scindapsus (epipremnum)
Scindapsus (epipremnum) is a vampire plant, unfairly accused by people of “sodomy.” It is not the plant that is to blame, but the owner. Scindapsus feels best with people who express their emotions to others. For calm, kind owners it will be an ordinary vine, but for those who like to sort things out, it will grow into a lush jungle. Having absorbed the negative energy of an aggressive family member, scindapsus seems to protect the health and nerves of all other household members. In Great Britain, the plant is called “devil’s ivy” and is credited with the property of protecting against evil spirits, because it is known that evil spirits are drawn to places where emotions are not in order, but in a house already cleansed by the plant, devilry has nothing to do.
Astrologers consider scindapsus to be a Virgo plant. His presence nearby harmonizes people of this sign, encouraging Virgos to splash out energy, become more active, and overcome laziness and passivity. In a room where there are no people splashing out aggression, the scindapsus will definitely find a way to get nourishment, but will do it for the benefit of everyone. Liana encourages those around her to generate bright creative ideas, overcome timidity, patronizes eloquence, singing, philosophical debate - all manifestations of a bright emotional outburst, creativity, and pedagogical talent.

Chlorophytum is a vampire plant; it is a frequent guest in apartments and public buildings because it has the ability to purify the air and improve the indoor microclimate. Chlorophyte also cleanses the apartment of negative energy, so the best place for it is the hallway, hall, offices for receiving visitors, flights of stairs. It is not recommended to grow it in bedrooms and children's rooms. But short-term communication with a plant is useful, sometimes even necessary. Chlorophytum does an excellent job of neutralizing negative emotions associated with problems at work, financial difficulties and fatigue after visiting supermarkets, and emotions after watching TV. After communicating with peers, it is also useful for children to devote half an hour to chlorophytum: water it, loosen the soil, remove old leaves, acquire the skills of replanting an adult specimen and planting young plant. It has been proven that chronic diseases are acquired due to, among other things, constant depression and neuroses. Chlorophytum is an excellent cure for these problems. Elderly people benefit from variegated chlorophytum, because... it not only takes away negative energy, but also has a calming effect, almost like valerian drops.

Ferns are classic vampire plants. Indoor ferns- mostly “guests” from tropical countries. These beautiful plants with feathery leaves have gained many fans in our latitudes, which is not surprising. Ferns are the strongest energy absorbers. They are not just one of ancient plants planets that have existed for 70 million years, they have survived in the conditions of fierce competition with higher plants. The struggle for well-being is waged among ferns at all levels of energy absorption. When there's not enough solar energy, then the alternative is used. This property of ferns is successfully used in rooms with a large splash of energy: offices, theater foyers, home living rooms with a TV. In order for the fern to neutralize as much as possible negative energy, provide him with a comfortable place: with diffused light, next to the source of the energy surge (TV, large electrical appliances, meeting table, next to noisy employees). The plant will receive the necessary energy, and you will receive a calm and clean environment.

Orchids have recently become popular indoor plants. But few people know that these graceful flowers- pronounced vampire plants. Blooming orchids are most active at night, so they are not recommended for growing in the bedroom. The place of orchids is in rooms where people communicate, argue, express emotions, i.e.: living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens. Orchids play a big role in ending heated disputes, passions, and console those who cry. Looking at this beauty, you involuntarily think about the beauty of the world, about what is eternal and what comes and is superfluous. Beautiful flowers “bathe” in your emotions, ready to show you their beauty “for an encore”. Therefore, orchids are excellent friends of people with choleric temperament, good neighbors for girls and women entering new stages of age, when emotions go off scale and changes hormonal background. This is a plant for men of active age. Orchid collectors are usually strong personalities, with an excess of internal energy and clearly expressing their feelings. Therefore, if you know that orchids are your flowers, you feel good and comfortable next to them, then you are a brave, emotional and active person. Orchids will take away the excess of your emotions, leaving only the productive, rational part of them. If you are preparing for a speech, a conversation, or going for an interview, then “communicate” first with orchids and, discarding unnecessary emotions, act boldly.

Hibiscus is considered a vampire plant, although it releases energy as easily as it consumes it. Hibiscus grows quickly, forms a lush crown and good care blooms continuously. It is not surprising that with such activity, recharge is needed at all levels. At the moment of flowering, hibiscus consumes maximum energy, so a bright place in the room together with a large number of electrical appliances will be just the most best condition habitat. Do we remember that vampire indoor plants primarily take away the negative energy of emotions and electromagnetic radiation, that they never harm people and animals? Therefore, the place of hibiscus is in living rooms, dining rooms and other places where many people stay. I have two hibiscus: scarlet and pink that live perfectly next to the huge TV. If there is not enough negative energy, then the plant will try to make you bright emotions: first of all admiration. With its beautiful flowers, hibiscus will definitely attract the attention of everyone around you, and will begin to throw out more and more buds. Therefore, the flowering of hibiscus is an indicator that everything is harmonious with you; if the hibiscus does not bloom, then in addition to the wrong content, there are too many unkind thoughts and feelings, then it’s time to establish peace in the family or

Schefflera is a very curious vampire plant. Schefflera is a battery plant. The fact is that its green, juicy leaves do not need constant energy replenishment. And the leaves do not absorb this energy immediately, but save it for “hard times.” But with good care, unfavorable conditions do not occur, so the owner of the plant can use the energy accumulated by the cheflera. Schefflera is very useful in those rooms where mental and creative work is in full swing; the plant promotes cooperation, inspiration and learning activities. During the period of accumulation, the plant absorbs the excess energy of its owners well, so when working next to the shefflera, it is good to focus on the main thoughts, concentrate attention, and not be distracted by unimportant things. And the already accumulated energy will help the thought process become more active. It is clear that the cheflera - good neighbor schoolchildren and students, especially those who are absent-minded and restless. It is very useful to make friends with a plant, teach him how to care for it, wipe the leaves, and loosen the top layer of soil. In addition to its beneficial energy properties, the plant perfectly cleans the air of dust and carbon dioxide and produces a lot of oxygen.

Asparagus is a plant that absorbs energetic manifestations of weakness, indecision, lack of will, and laziness. Vampire asparagus is necessary for people whose profession is related to any type of business, creativity and sports. Therefore, it is good for offices, offices, workshops, gyms. If you are purposeful and active, then asparagus will help you stay in good shape. The plant is also an excellent protector. Helps neutralize the words and thoughts of those people in the room who show weakness and despondency. Asparagus great helper housewives. Routine work evokes not very pleasant thoughts. These thoughts are successfully neutralized by this handsome indoor plant with a lush crown. Its small needle-like leaves seem to cut through and dispel all negativity into dust. It is also useful for women expecting a child, allowing expectant mothers to focus their thoughts only on positive expectations, cutting off fears and anxieties. The plant feeds on the energy of the weak in spirit, so in the Middle Ages it was used by healers to treat melancholy. In addition, asparagus perfectly purifies the air from bacteria, dust particles and carbon dioxide, so its presence is desirable in rooms where long negotiations, meetings take place and in houses where people prone to pulmonary diseases live.

Cyperus is a plant native to the tropical swamps of Africa, Madagascar, and grows along river banks. Like most swamp plants, for successful survival, Cyperus is fueled by all types of energy. His vampire essence has been known for a long time. The image of cyperus is found on ancient amulets, which means that the plant was considered a protector, an absorber of hostile energies. Cyperus is exactly the plant that needs to be kept next to household appliances - sources of electromagnetic radiation. The plant is especially relevant in our time, when cities are permeated with radiation from cellular communications and wi-fi. Cyperus works best in conjunction with a home fountain. Placed side by side, they purify the atmosphere of the apartment. Best place for tsiperus - living room and kitchen. It is not recommended to grow it in the bedroom. In the summer it can be planted in the countryside, next to a pond, stream, or swimming pool. The plant perfectly neutralizes negative thoughts and eliminates fatigue. Cyperus is an excellent plant for the foyer of public buildings, shopping centers. If you are tired while shopping, sit down to rest next to a flowerpot with cyperrus - you will immediately feel better. Healers recommend keeping a dried sprig of this plant between the pages of books about evil spirits, sorcerers, and the like. A branch of protection for the library owner from the negative energy of the book. Take a sprig of the plant to a meeting with a “difficult” person. She will protect you from unwanted energy impact and will not allow you to make hasty, rash decisions.

Thuja is a popular indoor and garden plant. It is considered a vampire plant with a very strong effect on others. Thuja not only perfectly cleans the air of dust and harmful impurities, but also releases many phytoncides, which is why it is planted in sanatorium and resort areas. The effect of the plant is so powerful that people walking along the alley of these plants, in the very first minutes, get rid of all the anxieties and memories of everyday life and completely relax. The benefits of this plant are undeniable, but not in small living spaces. In the room, thuja absorbs not only all air pollutants, but also all energy. Moreover, it is so powerful that it can cause fatigue and drowsiness. Therefore, it is best to keep thuja where large spaces: in large public rooms, winter gardens, on the site. Thuja is good in those non-residential premises where there is a lot of working equipment, poor ventilation, and crowded offices. If you are irritated, your emotions are “overflowing,” then spend fifteen minutes alone with the thuja. This is enough to calm down. Negative emotions They will leave faster if you stroke the thuja and tell her about the “painful problem.” It is good to plant thuja on the site next to beautifully flowering plants, because it also neutralizes the bad thoughts of envious passers-by. The thuja hedge is especially good. Such a natural fence is not only beautiful, but also reliably delays and neutralizes all external negative

Sansevieria, or " pike tail» is a champion in indoor air purification. It is difficult to find a more unpretentious indoor plant, which is why Sansevieria is popular in both homes and offices. Considered a vampire plant for its ability to absorb energy. In fact, the plant prefers to “feed” on energy of a different order. Sansevieria thrives in a field of strong electromagnetic radiation; rooms with a lot of household or office equipment are perfect for it. Piketail will never absorb subtle energies, so you should not expect the plant to relieve fatigue or calm you down. Sansevieria is most likely neutral in relation to humans, but it should not be placed in the bedroom, nursery or recreation room. It grows well next to a computer, TV or microwave oven, so there is no doubt about choosing a place in the house. In houses, the “pike tail” is best placed on stairs or in corridors with natural light, where energy flows “crossroads”. And in cramped apartments, the plant will help clear the atmosphere in the kitchen or living room. As for public buildings, it is better not to place your workplace next to a lush “pike tail”, because the plant is an excellent indicator of the concentration of strong radiation fields. But it is useful to keep Sansevieria in sight in the office, because... This discreet plant does not distract from work, but allows the eyes to rest after strain.

Rosemary is a New Year's plant from which wreaths, garlands are made, decorated on the table and added to dishes. Rosemary has a pine scent and vaguely resembles a Christmas tree. But not only these properties made the plant a symbol New Year's holidays, its purpose is to scare away “evil spirits”. Rosemary is considered a plant that neutralizes the “evil eye,” envy and bad thoughts. Its small leaves dispel all negative energy, both human and “demonic.” This is exactly what the inhabitants of European countries thought, so rosemary was a mandatory attribute of Christmas. It is also believed that living rosemary in a pot helps get rid of despondency, bad plans and anger towards household members. Therefore, long before the holiday, he settled in the kitchen, “helping” female half at home, shake off all gloomy thoughts from your soul, prepare holiday dishes with " clear conscience"Bunches of rosemary were placed in children's cribs and cradles to protect against the evil eye; the plant was supposed to neutralize all evil, after which the dry branches were burned.

Donor plants

The strongest donor plant is geranium. It is not for nothing that they call it “grandmother’s geranium”, because elderly and lonely people love it for a reason. Geranium releases a huge amount of positive energy, such that it completely replaces communication with pets. It’s not for nothing that geranium has been the most popular indoor plant for several centuries. Even in the poorest peasant hut, she was given a place and time.
The plant loves daily care and, as it were, calls and attracts its owners. Geranium is a useful and positive plant in all its manifestations: it releases healing essential oils and oxygen, repels insects, neutralizes people with bad thoughts. Her energy is not aggressive, she does not force it on anyone, she only gives it voluntarily.
I noticed that geraniums with different colors of flowers highlight and different quantities energy: the paler the color of the flower, the stronger the effect on a person. Geranium doesn’t care how many people and animals live in the same room with her, she loves everyone. It's also a plant successful people. Geranium helps people gain confidence and find their “I”. This plant for newlyweds and experienced spouses increases sensuality and sexuality. Is a talisman against evil spirits, from evil eye. Communication with her is useful for physically sick and spiritually weakened people.

Callisia (golden mustache)
A striking representative of donor plants is golden mustache (callissia, homemade ginseng). This medicinal plant not only heals damage to the skin and mucous membranes, but also heals “spiritual wounds.” It’s not for nothing that it’s popular and loved by “autumn” women. After 50 years, women experience physiological changes that affect their character and mood. This is where the golden mustache comes to the rescue. Its energy helps women with loss of strength, malaise and simply the blues. The little plant is ready to be nourished and supported. His energy is so powerful that it is enough for everyone. The plant contacts in a similar way with men “in the prime of life,” giving them confidence and maintaining strength. It is good to keep a golden mustache in an apartment not only for fifty-year-olds, but also for the older generation. Highlighting large number phytoncides, golden mustache cleans the air from pathogenic microflora, stimulates the respiratory system. It is not surprising that in the room where this green assistant lives, you want to sing, play the musical instruments, do exercises, yoga, breathing exercises. In astrology, the golden mustache is considered a plant of Gemini and brings any sign of the Zodiac a feeling of joy, develops a light, cheerful character, a sense of humor, and helps to look at difficulties with a smile.

Indoor violet (Saintpaulia)
Indoor violet (Saintpaulia) is a donor plant. It’s not for nothing that these flowers are so loved by single women and those who lack love and attention. The plant also has the ability to absorb energy, but releases it in much greater quantities. This is a plant for the bedroom and kitchen, a neighbor to the coffee table and sofa for reading. You cannot place a violet next to the TV - it cannot tolerate the release of alien energy, it needs silence, peace and a loving owner. It is to its owner that the violet gives love and gives only her the beauty of delicate flowers. It is very useful for children to communicate with sepolia, but it is precisely to communicate, and not to care for it, the flower does not like frequent touching and other physical influence. It gives children an energy boost for creativity, develops a taste for beauty and extinguishes aggressive behavior. You can tell a lot about the energy of violets, because... Its activities in this direction are varied and great. She also has her own secrets. Although it is a favorite of women, it has a strange attachment: it is also known to grow well with very masculine men. Incident? No. It is courageous (and not rude) men who are able to feel this plant; only real men will give the violet its energy and affection.

Cacti are the strongest donor plants. There is a myth that they absorb electromagnetic radiation from household appliances, but this is not entirely true. Continuous accumulation of energy is advisable in conditions of fierce competition, and cacti, as a rule, are the only plants in harsh deserts, so they have enough energy, but there are many who want to take advantage of their energy reserves. Cacti have spines that protect them from the hostile world, incl. creating its own energetic protective “cocoon” around the plant, in which only those who crave protection are comfortable. Therefore, to neutralize energies better nearby Place vampire plants with appliances. But a person needs a cactus for other purposes. This is a friend and “interlocutor”. And they put it in front of the computer for something else: to concentrate thoughts, work out new ideas, and recharge with creative energy. Cacti are good not only in offices and study rooms, but also in children's rooms, bedrooms, creative living rooms and workshops. No other plant can provide such an influx of beneficial energy. In the cozy, energetic world of cacti, you work better and relax more comfortably. Your defenders will create for you such conditions for the world of thoughts that it would be a sin not to take advantage of them. He is not just a prickly protector, he is an assistant and accomplice. If a cactus blooms, then the productive energy emanating from it intensifies. Take advantage of this period to make long-term plans, evaluate and re-evaluate your abilities and capabilities, think about new directions for improving yourself and your talents. Feel free to tell the blooming cactus your ideas, read your thoughts out loud: this will help you understand the right decisions faster.

Tradescantia has long taken root in our apartments. She is inconspicuous, friendly, unobtrusive, and ready to put up with some inconveniences. If you love her, then Tradescantia will teach you how to do it correctly. Many people mistakenly classify Tradescantia as vampires, but this is not so. Plants both absorb and release energy, but the main thing is how the pet interacts with people. Tradescantia prefers to receive energy from “natural” sources: stones, sun, streams. She does the same thing in an apartment, which is why she is often called the “room attendant.” But she gives her excess energy to animals and people. Tradescantia is a hanging plant, its rope-like vines cope well with energy flows, and the small, inconspicuous leaves are therefore inconspicuous, so as not to evoke unnecessary emotions in people, and soothe with their uncomplicated simplicity. The modest Tradescantia looks like a girl with wavy hair, on the stream of the stream, on the evening cirrus clouds. If you are an active, bright and emotional person, then Tradescantia will be a neutral plant for you. But if you are phlegmatic, melancholic or very balanced, if you are a dreamer, a poet, or maybe just tired, then Tradescantia will help you. Therefore, when you found inspiration, were saturated with pure, calm thoughts, bright memories washed over you, remembered your youth and first love - these subtle energy rays of Tradescantia touched you.

Amaryllis has recently become a fashionable indoor plant, which is not surprising given such a selection variety of flower colors. But if hibiscus blooms in order to evoke emotions of admiration and feed on them, then amaryllis blooms when its energy is maximum and it is necessary to “reset” it in order to begin to be physically nourished in order to form a bulb. Therefore, there is no better donor for weakened and tired people than plants of this family. Amaryllis is a plant for the bedroom, office, library, bathrooms (of course, if there is natural light), massage salons and spas. The plant is useful for people who have lost relatives and friends, after parting with grown-up children and with other changes in their usual social circle and residence. Ammarilis are useful for patients after discharge from the hospital for faster restoration of physical and mental health. This flower is successfully used to correct children after intense study or sports. Ammarilis is exactly the houseplant that is recommended for school-age children to buy as their first pet. self-care. But it is not advisable for small children to communicate with him on their own, without the presence of adults, because... bulbs contain irritants (stems and flowers are safe). Ammarilises are also valuable because all the shades of their flowers, their combinations, are useful for tired eyes. Therefore, several copies different varieties- great company on your windowsill.

Indoor citrus plants(lemon, tangerine, bergamot, etc.) can be classified as donor plants. Citrus fruits are very well adapted to survival, so they actively use the energy of the sun, water, soil, they have enough strength to absorb all this, and there is still a surplus left. Only during a short flowering period, when there is a lack of nutrition, the plant may need additional energy, but it will most likely be accumulated from physical sources. Then comes the period of fruiting, when the plant begins to shed excess energy and store only nutrients. Thus, citrus fruits have two periods: growth of green mass and fruiting, when the plant is energetically active. What are the benefits of citrus fruits? Citrus thorns protect the space in the house from negative energy. The energy of these plants promotes family stability, unity, and like-mindedness. Conflicts become rare in the house, all issues are resolved constructively. Citrus fruits are very useful where sick people live, in apartments where family members often have colds. The plant helps not only in terms of energy, but also successfully cleans the air and suppresses pathogenic microorganisms with its phytoncides. A indoor lemon It also has the property of reducing migraines. Do not forget that citrus plants need to be regularly wiped from dust, because... clean leaves release more phytoncides.

Aloe in astrology is considered a plant of Cancer and Scorpio. People of these two signs are the most active, so aloe is suitable for them as an additional source of energy, precisely that which these zodiac signs sometimes lack, because they are flighty and amorous. Aloe is a donor plant. The energy it releases creates in the room an atmosphere of love, friendship, unity, and a desire to take care of loved ones. Aloe has long been considered a home plant-amulet, keeper of the hearth, family values ​​and traditions. It used to be customary to bring aloe to the house where the newlyweds settled. The plant was cherished and used for illnesses; it was believed that it protected against the evil eye and brought prosperity. If there is this plant in the house, then there will be harmony, peace and harmony. Everyone knows the healing properties of aloe juice, it is a healer of wounds on the body, it is also a healer of the soul. In a residential building, the plant can be grown in any room, but it does best in the kitchen. After all, right here, behind homework, the owners remember family problems, and here they try to express complaints to each other, talk about painful things. The energy of aloe will come in handy, it will not allow you to quarrel, it will set you up for reconciliation. Therefore, if there is to unpleasant conversation spouses, go to the kitchen together, pour some chamomile tea and settle everything peacefully. Remember that aloe helps you and takes care of everyone in your household.

Krasula (money tree)
Krasula, Crassula, money tree, tree of happiness or monkey tree - these are all names of one indoor plant. Krasula is a donor plant. It’s not for nothing that they believe that it brings money into the house. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but what is really true is that the plant gives its owners a powerful flow of energy. The plant shares its energy with everyone around it, gives a charge of vigor, encourages active action, and activates brain activity. Maybe that's why the owners money tree They can and do know how to earn money, relax, and have hobbies and interests. Do you feel exhausted, tired of everything, haunted by failures? Look at the beauty. Its plump leaves contain the secret of well-being: they are compact, elastic, there is nothing superfluous in the plant, everything is harmonious, durable and radiates confidence and stability. Krasula can be kept in any room; it will be useful to everyone and for any type of activity. In the office next to her it is comfortable to read, write, and create. Good in the nursery, in the kitchen, in the common room, in winter garden and even indoors for sports activities. In astrology, it is considered a plant of Capricorn, a green talisman not only for people of this zodiac sign, but also for other signs of the Earth element. This plant is respected by everyone for its unpretentiousness, grace and ideal beauty; it is everyone’s favorite, almost a member of the family.

The ficus family includes a large variety of plants that are different from each other both externally and energetically. Today we will talk about that same “grandmother’s ficus,” a plant with large, smooth and shiny leaves. It is the size and appearance leaves is a reflection of the energetic essence of the plant. In addition to the rubber ficus, other species also have similar energy: sacred ficus (banyan), lyre-shaped, Bengal, etc. It’s all about the large leathery leaves. It is through them that the plant releases excess energy. Glossy, juicy, dark green, and in some varieties variegated leaves, attract the eye and evoke admiration. Ficus is considered a symbol of family comfort. It not only visually creates an atmosphere of inviolability and eternity of the home, but also feeds all family members with the energy of kindness and complicity, radiates confidence and calmness, unites and unites spouses. A tub of ficus is good to place in the interior next to portraits of relatives, family heirlooms, and handicrafts. This combination will further enhance the positive influence of ficus on the “weather in the house.” Don't forget that ficus also needs care. It is necessary to regularly wipe the dust from the leaves with a damp sponge and remove dried and diseased ones.

Indoor pomegranate
Indoor pomegranate is energetically neutral, but its positive effect on humans allows us to talk about it as a donor plant. Its many small leaves simultaneously dissipate negative energies and release positive energies. What are these “positive energies”? Pomegranate is considered the plant of poets, artists and lovers. Keep a pomegranate at home, you will have your own personal “muse”! When a tree blooms in abundance scarlet flowers, then few people can resist writing poetry, drawing or photography. It is no coincidence that in many cultures, the pomegranate tree is a symbol of life and immortality, it is the tree of knowledge and the embodiment of the sun. In the house, pomegranates can be placed anywhere, as long as the plant is comfortable. Pomegranate also helps sick people; it is a wonderful incentive to life and recovery. Pomegranate has another wonderful property: the plant helps women increase their attractiveness. The tree “charges” the fair sex with sexual energy, liberates, and releases emotions. It has been noticed that the owners of the pomegranate tree are doing well “on the personal front”: men notice them, their husbands idolize them, they have many real friends and good relationships with all family members. The energy of pomegranate also encourages “everyday” creativity: in apartments there is comfort, order, the desire to surround oneself with beautiful and bright things, to create more light in the room, clean air and wonderful music.

If rosemary were to absorb everything negative manifestations, then another New Year's flower was created to bring joy, prosperity and kindness. This is a poinsettia or Christmas star. This is what the beautiful spurge is called. Poinsettia blooms in December, so it is customary to give it for Christmas. In fact, the energy of this flower is rather neutral, but as a gift this beautifully flowering plant will certainly become a source of positive emotions. Bright flowers of various shades, lush greenery amid the snowy winter is a strong source of positivity. Poinsettia flowers look like stylized images of stars, hence the name "Christmas star".

Houseplants have been living next to humans for hundreds of years. They all passed the test of being a good neighbor. It doesn’t matter whether the donor is a flower or a vampire, its energy will always benefit the owner. In a human-plant pair, leadership always goes to the person; the main thing is to be able to benefit from everything. A good owner does not have bad pets, but only friends and employees.

Plants are not only an oxygen bomb that purifies the air, they are also a powerful energy magnet. Thanks to some house plants we cleanse the aura and attract positive energy to home and family.

For example, if you notice that aloe vera suddenly began to die, this means that it has absorbed bad energy, thereby protecting the person and his family members from it.

The following 10 plants are the best energy magnets you can imagine.

Cacti are very beautiful and very original plants. They add a special decorative touch to the interior of our office or home.

However, the cactus not only cleanses the room well electromagnetic waves, which emit household appliances, but also attracts positive energy. This is a plant that requires special care. Experts say that cacti have the ability to repel envy and remove the evil eye of ill-wishers. In a word, the cactus can be safely called an absorbent of all negative things.
2. Mint

Mint has a huge amount of beneficial microelements necessary for health.

This is a plant with valuable medicinal properties, which we can use as a preventive measure for various ailments. Having this plant at home not only guarantees your well-being, but also promotes positive waves in any area.

Mint effectively fights bad vibrations and helps overcome insomnia. It also improves communication between family members living in the house. However, in addition to these benefits, the plant is also used to protect against witchcraft and the envy of others.

Mint is a plant for your well-being. Those who have fresh mint growing in their home are believed to attract economic well-being and prosperity to their home.

3. Bamboo

Recently, bamboo has become quite a fashionable home decoration. This plant is used in living room decoration.

However, not everyone knows that in addition to its aesthetic value, bamboo has powerful positive energy.

They say that bamboo, when it appears in the house, brings purity, transparency and beauty to a person’s life. Having this plant in your home will give you a feeling of comfort, calm, security and silence. Bamboo is also good for preventing the evil eye.

4. Jasmine

Jasmine is known as a couple's plant. This flower benefits relationships by developing the spiritual sphere of both partners.

It is recommended to keep the plant in the bedroom, lounge or any other place where the couple spends a lot of time together. Jasmine will attract positive energy, which will strengthen relationships and create a romantic mood.

5. Rosemary

Rosemary is a plant with many medicinal elements.

This benefit has been used since ancient times by many cultures. On a spiritual level, this plant is known to attract genuine love and happiness into the home. In addition to the benefits of planting fresh rosemary plants at home, it is also recommended to place a few sprigs of rosemary in cloth bags and place them in different rooms throughout the house. In this way, you will attract loyalty and devotion to your family.

6. Thyme

Thyme is a plant that has been used since ancient times to remove negative vibrations in the air.

This plant is considered cleansing because it fights negative energy, prevents nightmares and helps improve self-esteem. Having thyme in your home provides protection for the home and its occupants.

7. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are known for their beauty. However, in addition to their aesthetic value, these flowers have another benefit: they bring a sense of well-being to the home.

Chrysanthemum promotes happiness and good mood, so it is recommended to place these flowers in places where you feel tension. Chrysanthemums will bring calm and relaxation into the life of its owner.

8. Eucalyptus

This plant has the ability to combat unfavorable vibrations and prevent negative consequences the evil eye of envious people.

Eucalyptus is also recommended for use in businesses or in workrooms and offices, as the plant attracts prosperity and financial well-being. This is also ideal remedy to improve sleep and to free the room from negative energy.

9. Aloe vera

This plant was widely used in various rituals against bad luck and the envy of ill-wishers; it is considered an effective and reliable remedy against negative vibrations.

Aloe vera is known for attracting prosperity and positive energy wherever it is found.

When aloe vera grows, it is believed to attract good luck, success and happiness. If the plant begins to die, it is because it has absorbed negative energy, thus protecting you from the naked waves.

10. Spathiphyllum

This plant is known as "Women's Happiness". If the owner of such a plant is alone in the house, then soon he will definitely meet his soul mate.

It is especially worth paying attention to this flower for childless couples who dream of offspring. It is believed that by bringing spathiphyllum into the house, the couple dooms themselves to real family happiness surrounded by children.

This plant brings mutual understanding, grace and happiness to the home.