Combination of plants in the garden. Vegetables: the best neighbors in the garden. Unwanted neighbors in the cabbage patch

Each crop in the garden has its own characteristics. One needs enough light, the other feels comfortable in partial shade. The requirements for irrigation and the occupied area are also different. The root system of plants is also different. In some plants, it goes deep into the soil, while in others, the roots are located near the surface of the earth. In addition, some plants have a detrimental effect on one or another pest. And if you take into account all the features of garden crops and combine them during planting?

Compatibility of crops in the garden will provide an opportunity not only to rationally use the area for planting, but also to naturally protect plants from diseases and pests, to ensure proper growth and maturation of plants, thereby increasing the quality and quantity of the crop.

If you correctly place crops on your site, then even in the conditions of non-chernozem and a small area it is possible to get a decent harvest from the garden. The compatibility of crops in the garden is practiced by mixed and compacted crops. Cultures must be selected taking into account their mutual influence on each other.

Compatibility of crops in the garden

B azilic gets along well with peas and kohlrabi, but does not like the neighborhood with a cucumber.

Eggplant I agree to the neighborhood with green annual herbs, onions, beans, peppers, bush beans, spinach, thyme, amaranth. Fennel and peas are not the best neighbors for eggplant.

B oby vegetable feel great with peas, cabbage, potatoes, corn, carrots, nightshade, parsley, rhubarb, radish, cucumber, table beet, garden savory. Onions, fennel, garlic and pumpkin are incompatible with beans.

Peas will be happy to be next to white cabbage, watercress, sweet corn, potatoes, carrots, aromatic herbs, spinach and lettuce. And on the contrary, he will not be happy with onions, tomatoes, beans, garlic, zucchini.

mustard perfectly compatible with cabbage (white, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower), peas, radish. Other plants in the garden will also fit mustard as neighbors.

D aikon, for example, does not like neighbors at all and is not good for neighbors himself!

D ynya compatible with sweet corn, pumpkin, zucchini, radish. But it does not get along well with onions and potatoes.

And ssop officinalis with crops in the garden is not good friends.

To the marrow grows well next to tomato, beetroot, onion, corn, melon, pumpkin, borage, nasturtium. bad neighbors for zucchini are potatoes and white cabbage.

Cabbage white cabbage feels great next to dill, celery, onions, garlic, lettuce, potatoes, cucumber, radishes, beets, beans, spinach, mint, nasturtium, marigolds, and is not friendly with tomatoes, carrots, table beans and curly beans and peas.

Broccoli compatible with potatoes, onions, carrots, parsley, head lettuce, beetroot, celery, sage, chard, marigolds. Broccoli does not go well with tomatoes and beans.

To apusta kohlrabi will be glad to be next to onions, cucumbers, aromatic plants, radishes, lettuce, beetroot, peas, fennel, spinach. Bad neighborhood with tomato and beans.
K apusta leaf gets along well with all plants in the garden, but especially with late white cabbage and potatoes.

Savoy apusta does not get along well with all crops in the garden.

Cauliflower will feel comfortable with potatoes, cucumber, lettuce, celery, beans, beans, dill, hyssop, mint, nasturtium, sage. The neighborhood with tomato and strawberries will not work.

Potato gets along well with beans, corn, cabbage, horseradish, eggplant and onions, beans, calendula, corn, onions, radishes, radishes, garlic, but absolutely will not tolerate the neighborhood of tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, sorrel, fennel.

To the ress salad he will be happy to be next to radishes, but other plants in the garden will not interfere with him.

K ruknek and L agenaria love to grow up with loneliness.

Corn will be supportive of peas, zucchini, late white cabbage, potatoes, cucumber, pumpkin, beans, beans, lettuce. It does not get along well with table beets and fennel.

Leek a good neighbor for onions, carrots, celery.

Onion compatible with Brussels sprouts, carrots, lettuce, beetroot, cucumber, tomato, lettuce chicory, savory, potatoes, strawberries. It will feel bad next to peas, radishes, beans, beans, cabbage, radishes.

Marjoram garden compatible with carrots, but will not tolerate cucumber nearby.

Carrot good to plant next to tomatoes, peas, broccoli, leek, onion, cucumber, parsley, radish, lettuce, beetroot, sage, spinach, radish, celery. Incompatible plants for carrots are dill, anise, fennel, cabbage, beet chard.

Oh gourtsy it is very good to plant with peas or late white cabbage, sugar corn, onions, carrots, radishes, lettuce, dill, beans, garlic, fennel, but they should not be planted next to potatoes and aromatic herbs. Bad neighbors will also be tomatoes, sage, asparagus, zucchini, rhubarb, turnips, leeks.

Pasternak friendly with salad. But his friendship with onions and garlic fails.

P attison prefers loneliness, he does not like anyone's neighborhood.

Pepper compatible with eggplant, tomatoes, basil, carrots, lovage, marjoram, oregano, onions. Will not be too happy with dill, fennel, cucumber, kohlrabi.

leaf parsley with pleasure will share a bed with basil, onions, cucumber, asparagus, tomato, beans, carrots. Not too happy with a head salad.

R even makes great friends with peas, cabbage, radishes, lettuce, celery, beans and spinach. But he will not be happy with turnips, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, beets, tomatoes and onions.

R edis friends with cabbage, carrots, turnips, lettuce, tomato, beans, beans, fennel, spinach, zucchini, pumpkin. Not satisfied with his neighborhood with onions, beet chard.

D ruddy radish-beets, spinach, carrots, parsnips, cucumber, pumpkin and tomato (plant without thickening), and enemies are hyssop, onion, fennel.

R epa feels good next to onions (all types), beets, spinach, celery, lettuce, bush beans, dill. It is important to plant plants in the garden freely. Turnips will be uncomfortable next to potatoes.

With alatu suitable neighbors such as: cabbage, carrots, beets, dill.

Beet gets along well with all cabbage, onions, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, garlic, beans. Bad neighborhood with potatoes, mustard.

Celery compatible with white cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, onion, tomato, beans, cucumber, spinach. Celery is not compatible with head lettuce, potatoes.

From Parza grows well next to basil, parsley and tomato. Bad neighbors for asparagus are onions of all kinds.

Tomatoes (tomatoes) will grow well with basil, cabbage, all onions, parsley, radish, radish, lettuce, asparagus, beans, garlic, beans, corn, carrots, spinach. Bad companions for tomatoes are peas, potatoes, kohlrabi cabbage, garden quinoa, cucumbers, turnips, dill, fennel.

Pumpkin perfectly coexists with zucchini, squash, melon. Pumpkin will not be happy only with potatoes.

Beans ordinary remarkably grows next to peas, cabbage, potatoes, corn, carrots, nightshade, parsley, rhubarb, radish, cucumber, beetroot, garden savory. Onion, pumpkin, garlic, fennel do not get along well with common beans.

Bush beans compatible with cucumber, potato, cabbage, head lettuce, turnip, radish, radish, rhubarb, celery, spinach, tomato. Not a very good neighborhood will be with asparagus, curly beans, zucchini, fennel.

Horseradish goes well with potatoes.

C icorium lettuce will well accept onions, carrots, tomatoes, fennel.

H aber garden compatible with watercress, onion, parsley, tomatoes, beans, dill, spinach. Cucumber is not suitable as a neighbor.

Garlic willingly make friends with carrots, cucumber, parsley, lettuce, tomato, beets, celery, beans. Next to peas, cabbage, beans, garlic will not grow comfortably.

Spinach compatible with such crops: cabbage (all types), potatoes, carrots, turnips, garden strawberries, beets, beans, tomatoes. Zucchini, asparagus, fennel do not coexist very well with spinach.

For convenience, use the crop compatibility table in the garden:

Vegetable crop compatibility table:

Culture compatibility table

Another important aspect when selecting components for mixed crops on your site is:

The ability of some plants to repel harmful insects

Onion repellent effect on spider mites;

Machorka on a cabbage fly;

Garlic and wormwood cruciferous fleas will not like it;

tomatoes have a bad effect on tinnitus and moth;

The smell of celery repels the cabbage fly.

You can also fight harmful insects with the help of wild plants.

For this, gardeners and gardeners often use infusions.

For example:

The drug from chamomile inflorescences repels and even destroys many pests of the garden.

To prepare the drug, chamomile inflorescences are collected and dried. After that, they are ground into powder, mixed with an equal amount of road dust.

For spraying take 200 gr. powder, stir in a small amount of water and add water to the norm of 10 liters. This drug is absolutely harmless, and it can process various crops even before harvesting.

Against aphids and spider mites, which are very harmful to cucumbers and cabbage, plants are sprayed with an infusion of potato tops.

In order to prepare such an infusion, we need 1.2 kg of crushed mass. Insist 2-3 hours in 10 liters of water and filter.

For the same purpose, you can use:

Ocreature stepchildren and tops of tomatoes.

For this, green mass is taken at the rate of 40 g per 1 liter of water and, after grinding, boil over low heat for up to 30 minutes. One glass of the broth obtained in this way is enough for 1 liter of water. 30 g of soap or washing powder are added to the finished broth and the plants are sprayed.

Against aphids and mites, an infusion of onion peel, chamomile, tobacco, garlic, yarrow, horse sorrel roots and dandelion leaves also helps.

We will describe in more detail about pests and crop compatibility in further publications.

Fine( 89 ) Badly( 3 )

Proper neighborhood in the garden

In nature, everything is arranged in such a way that plants that grow side by side help each other. Or vice versa - fighting for a place in the sun. If you think that only weeds pose a danger to your garden, you are mistaken: adjacent beds with "incongruous" plants can spoil the mood of any gardener.

Beans do not like growing onions, peas, garlic, fennel, or leeks next to them. Not the best neighbors for beans and beets, kohlrabi or sunflowers ..

It is better not to sow potatoes next to tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, celery and pumpkin.

Tomatoes against the neighborhood with carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, fennel, beets and cucumbers.

Carrots pair well with onions, garlic, and leeks, as well as beans, peas, tomatoes, and lettuce. . Potatoes and beets are also good neighbors, and radishes will not protest against "cohabitation" with cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes or peas.

Potatoes can co-exist well with onions, cabbage, beans and corn, while next to beets, cucumbers, onions and beans do well.

Lettuce can be safely sown next to radishes, strawberries or cucumbers, and beds with onions will feel good near potatoes or carrots. Garlic grows better if tomatoes are grown next to it.

Cunning: garlic is strawberry's best friend. With its aroma, it repels strawberry pests. Plant garlic 40 cm from the strawberry bed. And if you plant garlic 60 cm from tomatoes, then the latter will not be attacked by rye, and scab will not attack the garlic itself. Plant garlic next to potatoes as it repels Colorado potato beetles!

Watercress grows well next to carrot-view, radish, radish and lettuce, but it is undesirable for him to be next to Asian salads and beets.

Bush beans feel great next to dill, cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, coriander, chard, radish, radish, beets, calendula, celery, sunflower, tomatoes. You should not plant it next to peas, onions and green onions, chives and fennel.

Peas tolerate the neighborhood with fen-hel, nasturtium, calendula, coriander, carrots, radishes, radishes, lettuce, celery and sunflowers. Bad neighbors for him are bush beans, watercress, green and onions, chives and tomatoes.

For cucumbers, the proximity to many garden crops is favorable: beans, peas, basil, dill, fennel, white cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, coriander, marjoram, beets, lettuce, spinach, onions, sunflower and calendula. Bad neighbors for cucumbers are tomatoes, radishes, radishes, potatoes, watercress.

Tomatoes grow well next to basil, beans, dill, watercress, green onions, carrots, radishes, radishes, lettuce, celery, chives, spinach, calendula and nasturtium. Undesirable neighbors with cucumbers, kohlrabi, fennel and sunflower.

Kohlrabi grows well next to basil, beans, dill, cucumbers, coriander, carrots, parsley, radishes, radishes, beets, lettuce, celery, spinach, tomato, marigold and nasturtium. The neighborhood with watercress, turnips and onions is unfavorable for her.

For white cabbage and broccoli, peas, dill, cucumbers, carrots, chard, beets, celery, spinach, tomatoes, calendula and nasturtium are good neighbors. Do not plant cabbage next to watercress and onions.

Coriander grows well next to cucumbers, kohlrabi, broccoli, white cabbage, carrots, parsnips, lettuce and onions. The neighborhood with watercress, fennel and parsley negatively affects the state of culture.

For green onions, the neighborhood with basil, kohlrabi, broccoli, white cabbage, turnips, carrots, parsnips, parsley, calendula, celery, spinach, tomatoes and onions is favorable. Beans, peas, watercress, chard and beets are bad neighbors for green onions.

Chives, radishes, radishes, broccoli, white cabbage, kohlrabi, watercress, peas, beans are bad neighbors for onions.

Turnip grows well next to peas, dill, marjoram, chard, parsnip, radish, radish, lettuce, celery, spinach and nasturtium. The neighborhood with tomatoes, kohlrabi and white cabbage is unfavorable for her.

For carrots, the best neighbors are beans, peas, dill, watercress, onions and green onions, marjoram, chard, parsley, radish, radish, lettuce, chives, spinach, tomatoes, sage and calendula. Unfavorable neighbors with beets.

Radishes and radishes grow well alongside watercress, chervil, nasturtium, green onions, parsley, carrots, calendula, lettuce, spinach, and tomatoes. It is undesirable to plant radishes and radishes next to cucumbers, basil, and chard.

For beets, the neighborhood with beans, dill, coriander, parsnips, lettuce, onions, zucchini, calendula and nasturtium is favorable.

Unfavorable neighborhood with green onions, chard, parsley, chives, spinach and corn.

Parsley grows well next to carrots, radishes, radishes, onions and calendula. It is undesirable to grow parsley next to chervil, watercress, coriander and nasturtium.

Leaf and head lettuces develop best next to beans, peas, dill, fennel, chervil, nasturtium, kohlrabi, white turnips, parsnips, radishes, radishes, calendula, chives, tomatoes, corn and onions bow. The neighborhood with parsley and celery is unfavorable.

Chives grow well alongside kohlrabi, carrots, parsnips, celery, spinach, tomatoes, nasturtium, and calendula. Undesirable neighborhood with beans, peas, watercress, broccoli, white cabbage, coriander and beets.

For celery, the proximity to beans, kohlrabi, broccoli, white cabbage, turnips, green onions, parsnips, tomatoes and spinach is favorable. Celery should not be planted next to watercress, corn, leaf and head lettuce.

Spinach grows well next to beans, dill, kohlrabi, broccoli, white cabbage, marjoram, radish, radish, lettuce, tomatoes. The neighborhood with watercress, chard, beets is unfavorable.

For zucchini, the neighborhood with basil, beans, turnips, chard, radishes, radishes, beets, onions, nasturtium is favorable.

It is undesirable to plant zucchini next to cucumbers.

As a rule, in mixed crops, early, medium and late-ripening species and crops are combined, and harvesting is carried out sequentially, while freeing up space for the development of the plants remaining in the garden. It is also possible to combine light-loving and shade-tolerant crops in compacted sowings.

Along with the traditional combinations of garden crops, you can try new ones. For example, plant spicy crops along the vegetable beds - dill, fennel, basil, the essential oils of which repel cabbage butterflies and carrot flies. You can prevent the invasion of nematodes in the garden by planting calendula along the beds, and get rid of aphids with the help of planting nasturtium.

Joint cultivation of onions and carrots. These cultures scare away onion and carrot flies from the beds. For joint cultivation, onion sets and early varieties of carrots are used, as well as winter onions and late varieties of carrots.

Below are other possible options for mixed crops.

  • head salad and fennel;
  • chicory and white cabbage late-ripening varieties;
  • cabbage, leek and fennel;
  • leaf lettuce and wintering onions;
  • spinach, cabbage, tomato, bush beans and table beets;
  • chard, carrots, cabbage and radishes;
  • bush beans, tomato, cucumber, white cabbage, lettuce, celery and table beet;
  • curly beans, tomato, cucumber and us-turkey;
  • fava beans, leaf lettuce and kohlrabi;
  • onions, carrots, chicorn lettuce, head lettuce, cucumber, dill and savory;
  • leeks, bush beans, cauliflower and lettuce;
  • tomato, celery, lettuce and white cabbage;
  • carrots, leeks, peas, tomato, chicorn lettuce, chives, radishes and chard;
  • beetroot, bush beans, kohl rabi, leaf lettuce, cucumber and peas;
  • cabbage, potatoes, lettuce, celery, spinach, head lettuce, leeks, and peas;
  • cucumber, beans, peas, beans, celery, corn, beetroot, lettuce, white cabbage, fennel, dill, cumin and coriander;
  • tomato, celery, parsley, lettuce, white cabbage and nasturtium;
  • potatoes, cabbage, horseradish, peas, horse beans, cumin and nasturtium.

When planting vegetables, we must not forget that among them there are both friends and enemies. So, for example, potatoes will never get along with tomatoes, but they will go well with radishes. What to plant with what? To have a clear plan, you need to familiarize yourself with the plant compatibility table in the garden in advance.

Why is it important to properly combine vegetables in the beds?

Mixed planting of vegetables in the garden makes it possible to fight pests, increase crop yields and replace one plant with another. Will bell pepper and quinoa get along in the same garden? To answer this question, the farmer will need a plant compatibility table in the garden.

For example, in organic farming, the use of pesticides and non-natural fertilizers is not allowed, high yields are achieved through a competent combination of vegetables in the garden. If you plant corn next to a pumpkin, then with the help of leaves it will protect it from overheating in the sun. Also, beans can grow on this bed, which will enrich the earth with nitrogenous compounds and fertilize it. It is to select the best neighbors that you need a plant compatibility table in the garden.

Mixed plantings will allow you to use the land wisely, saving space in the beds. This is especially important for small gardens where you need to grow a significant number of plants. Thus, you can get a high yield even on 2-3 acres. If you correctly place and alternate country crops in accordance with the plant compatibility table in the garden, then the soil will not be healthy and fertile.

What plants can be combined with hot peppers in the beds?

What can be planted next to hot peppers? Since it grows very slowly in the first months, a variety of greenery will become its best neighbor. This union will help to effectively use the entire area of ​​​​the greenhouse and get a high yield. For the neighborhood, spinach, dill, perennial onion varieties are most suitable.

Growing this vegetable is not yet very common, so many gardeners are concerned about how hot pepper combines with other crops. It is great for growing next to tomatoes, as they have similar care conditions. Also, a burning vegetable gets along well with zucchini and eggplant. What can be planted next to hot peppers? Good neighbors in the garden will be different varieties of onions, carrots, kohlrabi cabbage.

And with what is it undesirable to plant hot pepper next to it? First of all, with its sweet variety from Bulgaria, as cross-pollination by bees is possible. Also, beets are not very suitable for neighbors.

What plants can be combined with cabbage in the beds?

Cabbage has several varieties, but they are all compatible with the same plants. Most often in Russia they grow white, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts. Varieties are divided into late, mid-season and early.

What to plant next to cabbage? Any greenery will be the best neighbor. Also, late varieties are often used to compact plantings in potato fields. If celery is adjacent to cabbage, then earthen fleas will not start on the beds. Dill will save her from aphids and caterpillars, and borage grass from snails. Rosemary and mint will scare away cabbage butterflies. Onions will also become a good neighbor, which will save the vegetable from caterpillars. Experienced gardeners recommend planting garlic, beans and peas nearby.

Is it possible to plant cabbage next to tomatoes? Farmers do not recommend doing this, such a neighborhood will be unsuccessful. It is also undesirable to plant crops such as carrots and beans nearby. A bad neighbor will be strawberries, as well as strawberries.

What plants can be combined with tomatoes in the beds?

Tomatoes are individualistic plants, but many summer residents successfully combine them with other crops. What vegetables to plant nearby to benefit tomatoes and increase yields? Basil gets along well with tomatoes, which improves the taste of the fruit. You can plant garlic nearby, tomatoes will protect it from pests, which will favorably affect the crop.

Excellent neighbors for tomatoes will be: beans, all leafy greens, radishes, radishes, corn, onions, carrots and beets. Also, do not remove nettles that have grown near tomatoes, it has a beneficial effect on the taste of fruits and the duration of their storage after harvest.

Can I plant tomatoes next to cabbage? Gardeners believe that such a neighborhood is best avoided. Can I plant tomatoes next to peppers? They have similar care requirements and growing together in the same greenhouse will be beneficial.

But tomato plantings should not be placed next to potatoes, as they have common pests and the same diseases. It is also undesirable to place dill and fennel nearby.

What plants can be combined with cucumbers in the beds?

Cucumbers are grown in almost every garden. Someone plants them in greenhouses, and someone - in open ground. Unpretentious vegetables are tasty both fresh and in salads for the winter. In addition, choosing neighbors for them in the garden is very simple, because cucumbers are friendly with many garden crops.

It's a good idea to plant corn nearby, which will repel ants and protect against bacterial wilt. A radish will also become a wonderful neighbor, which will save the vegetable from cucumber beetles. The radish also protects against pests and has a beneficial effect on the taste of the fruit.

Is it possible to plant cucumbers next to zucchini? Yes, such a neighborhood is allowed. Also next to the cucumbers you can plant: beans, beans, beets, celery, onions, garlic, spinach and dill. This culture is also favorably affected by some weeds, such as quinoa or tansy. The amaranth that grew up next to cucumbers is also not removed, as it protects them from pests of the root system.

It is undesirable to grow nearby: tomatoes, potatoes and herbs.

What plants can be combined with pumpkin in the beds?

Pumpkin prefers to be the only plant in the garden. For good growth, it needs fertile land, warm weather and quality fertilizers. She does very well on compost heaps.

As neighbors, she can choose a radish that will fight pests. For the same purpose, nasturtium is planted nearby. Also favorable will be the neighborhood with corn, beans and beans. Of the weeds, a good harvest will contribute: sow thistle and gauze.

Do they plant a pumpkin next to zucchini? Experienced gardeners do not recommend doing this, as cross-pollination can occur. The result will be fruit mutations, the taste of vegetables will suffer. Also, do not plant a pumpkin next to potatoes, which will have a negative impact on its growth. For the same reasons, peppers and eggplants are undesirable in neighbors. Cucumbers and tomatoes have a bad effect on the growth of pumpkins and are also not planted nearby.

What plants can be combined with carrots in the beds?

Carrots are plants that do not require painstaking care. You can plant it almost anywhere, it will still give a harvest. This explains the love of gardeners for her. But the harvest will be rich only if you strictly follow the rules for combining neighboring plants in the garden.

A good culture that complements carrot plantings is onions. They drive away pests that are dangerous to each other. The only downside to this plant symbiosis is that these crops have different water requirements. Due to excess moisture, onions grown from sets may begin to rot. If you limit watering, then the carrot crop will not be so rich. A way out can be found in the use to protect perennial onions, thus it will be possible to save the plants and not harm them with an abundance or lack of moisture.

Garlic or radish can be an excellent neighbor. Joint planting with lettuce and spinach will also have a positive effect on the crop.

Very often in gardens you can see that dill grows next to carrots. Experienced farmers recommend abandoning such a neighborhood, because both crops have common pests and are constantly fighting for moisture and nutrients.

Also bad neighbors for carrots are: parsley, celery, anise. And if you plant it next to an apple tree, then the fruits of both the first and second will lose their taste.

What plants can be combined with potatoes in the beds?

Potatoes are grown throughout the country, but the middle lane is famous for its especially high yields of this vegetable. It rightfully has the title of second bread and is used in many dishes. There are dozens of ways to plant potatoes and grow them. The vegetable is unpretentious and does not require daily care from the gardener, which adds even more popularity to it.

Many gardeners do not plant any other crops in potato fields and in vain, as friend plants can increase yields and scare away pests. For example, beans planted between rows help in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. For the same purposes are used: nasturtium, tansy and marigolds. Spinach and coriander have proven themselves to be good neighbors of potatoes.

If you plant beans in a potato field, they will enrich the soil with nitrogen. This will result in higher yields. Some gardeners immediately, when planting potatoes, throw a couple of bean seeds into the hole, while others lay them along the edges of the field and in the aisles. To get rid of pests, it is also good to grow horseradish nearby. But you need to keep in mind that it multiplies very quickly and is difficult to remove from the site, so it is better to control its amount in the garden. High and dense thickets of horseradish can negatively affect the potato crop.

Catnip, flax, coriander are also good in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. There are also plants that can be used as pest bait. These include belladonna and datura. They are very attractive to Colorado potato beetles, which lay their larvae on them and they soon die due to the high toxicity of plants. But belladonna is also dangerous for humans, so this method is most often difficult to perform. In the role of traps, it is easier to use unnecessary eggplant seedlings, which are also extremely attractive to Colorado potato beetles. True, larvae will have to be collected from these plants manually.

To prevent damage to potatoes by phytophthora, garlic can be planted nearby. Corn, lettuce, radish and cabbage will also be good neighbors for vegetables.

Potatoes have a lot of friends, but there are also many hostile crops. Of the weeds, the most dangerous is quinoa, which will slow down the growth of tubers. A good neighbor will not come out of sunflower either, since it has a depressing effect on potatoes. It is also undesirable to grow beets nearby. Nearby raspberries, zucchini and tomatoes increase the likelihood of plant diseases with late blight. It is undesirable to plant potatoes next to an apple tree, as it slows down its growth and contributes to a decrease in yield.

What plants can be combined with beets in the beds?

The main enemy of beets is aphids, which can destroy the plant and deprive the gardener of the crop. Also, this vegetable is susceptible to flea damage. You can get rid of both the first and the second pest by choosing suitable beet neighbors in the garden. Mint and catnip can have a beneficial effect, which can be planted nearby, and a decoction can be prepared from them for sprinkling.

Beets feel good next to white cabbage, radishes and carrots. Strawberries or onions are also great as a neighbor.

It is undesirable to plant beets near potato fields, as their growth may be retarded. Also, mustard and curly beans are undesirable as neighbors.

When combining beets with other crops, it should be noted that it needs a lot of space, so it is not advisable to plant companion plants close to each other. With sufficient free space, both vegetables will give a good harvest.

What plants can be combined with bell pepper in the beds?

For pepper, the best neighbor will be basil, which has a beneficial effect on its growth. He also feels good on the same bed with okra. Pepper grows well next to onions and catnip, which help him get rid of aphids. Also successful is its combination with beets, beans and fennel.

Incompatible plants for peppers are peas and carrots. The company of beans is also undesirable to him, since they have common diseases.

What plants can be combined with onions in the beds?

Onions are included in the mandatory list of plantings for every summer resident. It is eaten as a snack and in dishes, and it is also often used as an ingredient for preparations for the winter. They plant both white onions, and red, and perennial on a feather. In recent years, gardeners have also taken a liking to the milder-tasting shallots and low-maintenance leek. But even this unpretentious vegetable needs useful neighbors in the garden.

Carrots are traditionally considered the best companion for onions, almost all gardeners place them side by side. Yes, they fight each other's pests, but different watering requirements make this alliance problematic. Onions do not need very much moisture, but carrots do. Therefore, such a neighborhood will be more favorable for perennial varieties used for feathers.

An excellent addition to the onion garden will be gourds, any kind of greens and beets. It is also suitable for the neighborhood with strawberries or tomatoes. Of the weeds, nettle and thistle will be the best addition.

A bad ally of the onion will be grapes, sage and beans. Also, this vegetable does not tolerate the neighborhood of gladioli.

What plants can be combined with garlic in the beds?

Garlic is loved by gardeners for its bright pungent taste and excellent medicinal properties. It is eaten to prevent colds, various tinctures are made from it to increase immunity. It has useful properties for the gardener: it repels caterpillars and slugs, and with a large landing area it helps to get rid of moles in the area.

Garlic feels great in the garden next to celery, carrots, radish salad. They also plant it on the sides of potato fields, as it helps fight late blight. Suitable garlic as neighbors and flowers: roses, daffodils, gladioli.

But the neighborhood with legumes is contraindicated for him. Also, as a companion, he will not fit peanuts and perennial onions.

What plants can be combined with eggplant in the beds?

Eggplants are rarely found in vegetable gardens. This low prevalence is due to the difficulties in care and cooking. If zucchini can be immediately fried or boiled, then eggplant must be soaked before being sent to the pan.

A wonderful alliance with these vegetables develops with beans, which drives away Colorado beetles from them. Favorable and thyme, which repels fleas. Eggplant feels good next to lettuce, onions and beans. Spinach, peppers or peas will also be a great neighbor.

Planting eggplant next to cucumbers is not a good idea, these vegetables negatively affect each other. And best of all, eggplants feel alone in their own individual beds.

What to plant with what? This largely depends on the owner of the garden or vegetable garden, but it is better to first familiarize yourself with the vegetable compatibility table.

A wide variety of vegetable crops are grown on the summer cottage. They belong to different families, and their planting dates do not coincide. In small gardens, compacted cultivation is used. How to ensure the compatibility of vegetable crops in one garden in a limited space?

Good Predecessors

Every year before the start of the gardening season, you should thoroughly consider the placement of plants in the garden. It is best to draw up a sowing plan that will come in handy for the coming season. Different can oppress each other or contribute to the spread of dangerous diseases. However, compatible plants, on the contrary, will promote better development and protect against pests. In order not to make a mistake, you must follow certain rules.

The plot for compacted planting provides additional nutrition to the increased volume of plants. For this, the soil must be sufficiently fertile and clean. At the beginning of the season, crop rotation is planned. Plants that were grown last year should not have the same pathogens and pests. At the same time, they should have a beneficial effect on each other, so the compatibility of plants in the garden is important. The table of the best predecessors is the instruction from which planning begins.

Analyze last year's plantings. The right choice will help to avoid many unpleasant moments when growing vegetables.

Predecessor table

When cultivating any crop, crop rotation should be observed. The information presented in the table will help to properly plan the site.

vegetable culture

The best predecessors


Legumes, cabbage, cucumbers


Onion garlic

Peas, cabbage, radish

sweet corn

Potatoes, cabbage, beans

Sweet pepper

Cucumbers, beets, carrots, rutabaga, cabbage

Table beets

Cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers


Peas, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes

Repeated cultivation of a plant in one place is also undesirable.


When cultivating vegetable crops, information is needed on their mutual influence. To avoid an unfavorable neighborhood, you need to know exactly about the characteristics of vegetable crops. Allowable growing conditions for plants to be combined should be similar. This will help to accurately plan the entire area for the garden and achieve successful cultivation of various plants in compacted beds. In addition, individual crops not only have a beneficial effect, but also repel pests. The compatibility of plants in the garden is quite important.

A detailed list of representatives of different families that coexist well in the garden contributes to the unmistakable determination of their placement. Equally important is information about plants with which co-growing is undesirable. They will oppress nearby vegetable crops.

Plant compatibility table

For the normal development of vegetables and obtaining a quality crop, they need to create favorable conditions. Proper agricultural practices combined with a successful combination of plants will contribute to the solution of many problems. The data given in the table will be useful when placing plants on the site.

Successful combinations

When planning crops, one should take into account the time of development of the usable area, the height and compatibility of plants in the garden. Carrots and onions go great together. They are placed in rows. Three rows of carrots alternate with four rows of onions. These plants favorably influence each other and at the same time protect against pests. A trio of plants will be successful. These are late white cabbage, head lettuce and spinach, which compact garden beds. You can name other examples of combinations of vegetables that have good compatibility of plants in the garden. The table will help everyone find the best pair. For example, early cabbage and celery, which have different planting dates. In early spring, seedlings of the first vegetable crop are planted. The distance when planting early cabbage can withstand at least fifty centimeters. Three weeks later, celery is added. Plants with different maturation periods are very well combined. in the garden in this case is based on the fact that early ripening crops are placed along the edge of the beds of plants, the ripening period of which is longer. For example, a combination of planting tomatoes with several rows of dill for greens and onions for feathers, as well as spinach, will not interfere with the longer development of tomato bushes. The classic combination is corn and curly beans. In this example, one plant serves as a trellis for another.

lighthouse crops

Many plants have a long seed germination period. For an earlier designation of rows, such fast-germinating and early-ripening plants are used. They allow you to start tillage and agrotechnical activities at an earlier date. An example is the joint crops of radishes and carrots. By the time the root ripens, the early and early ripening vegetable has time to ripen and free up the area. In addition to radish, lettuce, spinach and dill are used. They are sown along the edge of the beds of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.

Guardians of vegetable plantings

Do not forget the aromatic herbs. These plants are fragrant, creating an amazing atmosphere around. Nearby vegetables under the influence of volatile substances become more stable. They are able to repel pests. Medicinal plants, such as valerian and yarrow, planted along the edge of the beds, will be an excellent preventive measure that increases resistance to diseases. Lettuce and spinach are plants that can increase the activity of neighbors. They will be good companions and have excellent plant compatibility in the garden. The table of successful cultures confirms this statement. Lettuce and spinach are often recommended for co-growing with other vegetable crops.

Unfavorable Neighborhood

Most plants get along well in a limited space of beds. When placing them, the compatibility of plants in the garden is taken into account. A table of successful combinations of vegetable crops will help you distribute them correctly. However, we should not forget about the plants that will have a depressing effect on others. These include fennel and wormwood.

For these vegetable crops, it is necessary to allocate a separate corner of the garden, which will provide privacy.

Spring comes, the sun warms the earth, a hot time for the gardener comes. These days, it is very important to plan the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200byour site and distribute it under the beds occupied by various crops. Today we will try to optimize your planting together by talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Some plants, as it turns out, are friends, help each other and protect against various pests, while the latter, on the contrary, cause mutual inhibition of growth and even death. But we are primarily interested in getting an excellent harvest. So, the compatibility of vegetables in the beds is a very important and relevant issue.

Is spring site planning necessary?

Indeed, why redraw your garden every year, if you can once and for all build and plant cucumbers on one, tomatoes on the other, and so on? This is convenient, but somewhat irrational. Each plant requires its own set of microelements, and it turns out that the bed, which has been used for planting the same crop for many years, is oversaturated with unclaimed elements. Or, on the contrary, devastated by the most important to her. Therefore crop rotation is necessary. However, in a small area it is sometimes difficult to provide a full-fledged replacement, mixed plantings are forced to be used, and therefore, for their proper organization, you need to know the compatibility of vegetables in the beds.

What can be the beds

We are used to the fact that our land is divided into neat rectangles, each of which grows one crop. However, there are a lot of options, and in order for your garden to be as productive as possible, you need to know the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. These can be narrow beds according to the Mittlider, which require the application of a large amount of mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as high and multi-tiered beds. The latter are quite complex in arrangement, but they are the best suited for growing several crops. In this case, you should also be concerned about the compatibility of vegetables and flowers in the same garden, because the close proximity of plants allows them to influence each other.

compacted beds

Sowing several crops on the same bed allows you to save a lot of space and at the same time get a good result. At the same time, we must remember: it is a little easier to observe the compatibility of vegetables and flowers in one garden than to plant several fruit crops at the same time. Here it is already necessary to take into account the difference in the growing season. However, back to the bright flower-fruit beds. Why use such a technique, is it just for beauty? It turns out not. For example, marigolds planted near tomatoes perfectly protect bushes from various pests. Other flowers serve as tasty traps for insects. Plant nasturtium in the garden - all aphids will focus on it, not paying attention to garden vegetables.

and fragrant herbs

And the greenery in the beds has long been proven, they do not compete, do not interfere with each other, but at the same time you save a lot of space and get a nice variety for your table. Herbs planted next to the fruit bed will give the vegetables a delicious taste and will protect them from insects. Rosemary repels beetles that attack beans, cabbage pests do not like thyme, aphids are afraid of onions and garlic. Oregano, like marigolds, is a reliable protection of the entire fruit plot from uninvited guests.

Every gardener, even if he does not have professional knowledge, should have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the compatibility of vegetables and herbs in the beds is. For this, not so much is needed. So, fast-growing lettuce, radishes and other spring vegetables and herbs can be planted between pumpkins and melons. By the time the powerful stalks of the pumpkin have grown, the radish crop will have already been harvested. If you plan to plant shade-loving greens such as spinach, then choose tall plants that will provide reliable protection. For example, it could be corn. Sunflowers grow well next to corn, plants do not compete with each other.

We discussed general issues a little, now we will go directly to the types of garden plants. We will consider the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds. How to plant this or that species, the neighborhood with which will bring him more benefit than harm, and much more.

Favorite peas: what to plant next to

This is a plant that gardeners do not like for its creep. However, it is worth considering the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds - and the disadvantage turns into a virtue. The fact is that it gets along well with corn, and its powerful trunks will be an excellent support. Thus, you will collect two crops from one bed and save yourself the trouble of tying up tender peas. But you can go even further and unify the garden bed by planting it around the perimeter with beans or carrots, lettuce, radishes, parsnips or turnips.

What else is compatible with peas? It can be planted among cucumbers, such a neighborhood will benefit both cultures. Eggplants and melons love peas, in addition, if potatoes grow in your garden, then be sure to scatter peas over the planting, its roots will enrich the earth with essential trace elements. But onions and garlic should be planted away from peas, such a neighborhood is useless at all.

Beauty Carrot

We continue to consider the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Leading agrotechnical companies give advice to gardeners, recommending planting carrots along the edge of a bed with tomatoes and peas. It goes very well with various herbs. It's sage and rosemary. Therefore, you can make prefabricated beds with fragrant leafy greens and plant them with carrots. Or vice versa. But dill and parsley need to be moved away from carrots, such a neighborhood leads to a deterioration in the growth and development of the root crop.

Green onion

This is the first spring source of vitamins, which is loved and grown in every garden plot. However, today we are talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. The list of plants with which the onion is "friends" is quite large. These are almost all the most important garden crops: beets and bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots, lettuce and broccoli. Onions are very well compatible with spinach, potatoes and cabbage. However, for planting to please you, avoid its proximity to beans, sage and peas.

bell pepper

A capricious culture that does not grow as well in our climate zone as in more southern areas. However, this can be slightly corrected by choosing the right neighbors. First of all, you need to remember that it cannot be planted on the same bed with beans. But the neighborhood with tomatoes, on the contrary, is very well tolerated. Do not forget to plant greens and fragrant herbs in order to make the most of the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. About ten different herbs can grow in the garden at the same time. Basil and coriander, onions and spinach go well with peppers.

Lettuce, a precious source of vitamins

Another plant that eloquently shows the compatibility of vegetables can count a dozen fruit crops, which from such a neighborhood will only grow even more magnificently. These are asparagus and beets, sunflowers and tomatoes. Experienced gardeners recommend planting lettuce along with white and Brussels sprouts, carrots and corn, cucumbers. Given that lettuce grows in a low, curly carpet, it helps conserve moisture by preventing the liquid from evaporating so quickly. Cucumbers love this neighborhood very much.

There are many ways to plant different plants in the same garden. If this is an ordinary bed on a flat surface, and not a multi-tiered structure, then, in addition to interspecific competition, you need to consider the size of the plants. The central part of the garden can be occupied by sunflowers or tall tomatoes, cucumbers, then you can place onions and peas, eggplants. Or put peas on corn, and plant lettuce around. All these plants complement each other well.


Often it is this crop that occupies a significant part of the garden, which means that you need to carefully consider the compatibility of vegetables in the garden. Photos of garden plots by professional gardeners very often show the classic combination of potatoes and legumes. Indeed, beans and peas are perfectly weaving along a potato planting, primarily benefiting by enriching the earth. Although the harvest of legumes will also not be superfluous. Potatoes go well with white cabbage and broccoli, corn and eggplant, garlic, lettuce and onions.

The friendliest neighbor - eggplant

Indeed, its compatibility with other vegetables in the garden is fantastic. He has no enemies, he complements almost any culture well. However, if we talk about the health and quality of growth of the eggplant itself, then experts advise planting it next to potatoes and legumes, in particular beans and peas. Leafy vegetables are excellent neighbors for eggplant. Experienced gardeners recommend planting basil and lettuce, spinach next to the blue ones.

This begs the question: "In what order should vegetables be planted so that the garden bed is as efficient as possible?" We offer a scheme that is used by German farmers. They arrange a bed for planting root crops very wide, about 1 meter. At the same time, potatoes are located in the center (early varieties can be planted in two rows, and late ones in one). On the one hand, eggplant is planted in a line, and on the other, head lettuce, kohlrabi and cauliflower. All these vegetables can be alternated in one row. Two rows of spinach are sown along the edge of the bed, and the distance between them and other crops is sown with lettuce and radish.

Will take place as crops mature. The green umbel of lettuce appears first, it shade other slowly growing crops and save them from the scorching sun. Lettuce ripens first, then spinach, then radishes. About a month later, it's time for the head lettuce and cauliflower. Thus, the bed is gradually emptying, leaving room for the growth and development of eggplant and potatoes. Now it’s clear how to use the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds. How to plant correctly - personal experience will tell you, and for the first time, use the finished scheme.

Peanuts - exotic in our beds

Indeed, this crop is very rarely grown in the garden, but in vain. After all, agricultural technology is no more difficult than growing cucumbers, and you get a valuable and nutritious product. The compatibility of peanuts in the garden with vegetables is due to its high nutrient requirements. He gets along well with cucumbers, which also love high, warm and fertilized beds. In addition, any legumes can be planted with it.


A useful culture that is often undeservedly forgotten. However, it can serve as a natural support for trailing cucumbers, in addition, aphids do not like corn, which means that your cucumbers will be under natural protection. Curly legumes are also perfectly compatible with corn, they can be planted around the entire perimeter of the garden. These are beans and peas. She gets along well with melons and potatoes, zucchini and sunflowers. But the tomatoes are better planted away.


A bed of tomatoes is not so conducive to the neighborhood, since voluminous bushes tend to capture all the free space. But you can use different planting methods, for example, arrange a high mound in the center of the bed, on which to plant asparagus and basil, dill, lettuce, onions, parsley, spinach and thyme. Tomatoes love the neighborhood of legumes, so beans can be planted between rows. Carrots and melons will be an excellent option for planting in the nearest garden. But cabbage and corn should occupy another part of the garden.


As you already know, there are a lot of varieties of this plant, while at least white and cauliflower grow in every garden. It would seem that they can be easily planted on one bed, since you will remove the color one much earlier than its neighbor ripens. But in fact, they do not tolerate each other well, therefore, when planning a common garden bed, it is better to give preference to beans and celery, cucumbers. Fragrant herbs coexist well with cabbage, they help repel insects. These are sage and spinach, thyme, dill, onion. If the planting of white cabbage is not made too thick, then enough greens can be grown in the aisles, as well as radishes.


It does not grow well next to its closest relative, but it perfectly complements beds with beans and beets, celery and cucumbers, sage and thyme. Dislikes tomatoes and strawberries. Broccoli goes well with all of the listed plants, but it does not tolerate cauliflower at all, so you will have to create several beds for different types of cabbage. Brussels sprouts are one of the most tolerant and blend best in garden beds with other species. The only enemy is tomatoes, so tomatoes and cruciferous plants cannot be planted side by side under any circumstances. But dill and lettuce - please, you can add radishes and sage, spinach and turnips to the garden.


When planting this crop, make sure that there are no potatoes, melons and aromatic herbs nearby, it is better to plant all the greens along with cabbage. Cucumber loves a high warm bed, on which peas and beans, corn and lettuce, and radishes will grow along with it. As in the case of the previous example of a universal bed, we allocate the central strip for corn. It will become a support for cucumber, beans and peas, which can be sown not only mixed, but also together, in one hole. Along the edge of the garden bed can be planted with lettuce and radish, which will be harvested quickly enough.

How to combine incompatible

This question is especially relevant if you have a greenhouse. All vegetables love comfortable conditions, but a large greenhouse should not be empty, and it is occupied by a variety of fruit plants. To separate poorly compatible plant species, film canopies are used, which divide the greenhouse into certain sections. This helps to create a kind of microclimate.

Summing up all that has been said, I would like to note that planning mixed beds greatly helps to save space and significantly improves the quality of the crop. Soil resources are used more evenly, and the plants themselves serve as natural protection for each other from diseases and pests. It should be borne in mind that the planting pattern can be changed to suit the needs of your garden, we have given only general templates. But be sure to observe the compatibility of vegetables. This simple rule always gives excellent results and does not require any additional costs and investments. From one garden, experienced gardeners remove 11-15 kg of a variety of vegetables. Proper arrangement of plants in the garden also helps save resources, as less water and fertilizer are required. That, perhaps, is all regarding what the compatibility of vegetables in the beds is. A list of plants that are "friendly" and "not friendly" with each other is given at the beginning of our review in the form of a table. Use it - and a good harvest is guaranteed to you!