Study of hormonal levels: normal and pathological. Hormone tests: TSH, T4, AT to TPO. What tests do not need to be taken? Converter ng ml to mme l

Obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist

Hello, Olga

Laboratories may report hCG test results during pregnancy in different units of measurement, for example, mIU/ml, mIU/ml, mIU/ml, ng/ml and others.

Typically, hCG levels are measured in special units - mIU/ml- milli international units in 1 milliliter (in international designation - mIU/ml- milli-international units per millimeter).

honey/ml means the same as mIU/ml, only U are just units, and IU are international. That is, 1 mIU/ml = 1 mIU/ml

ng/ml (ng/ml)- these are nanograms per milliliter.

ng/ml x 21.28 = honey/mL or mIU/ml

mIU/ml or honey/m l / 21, 28 = ng/ml

Different laboratories report different hCG levels, depending on the units of measurement and the sensitivity of the methods used to determine hCG levels. When assessing the results of an analysis, you must rely only on the standards of the laboratory performing the analysis!


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The information presented in this message should not be considered medical advice and cannot replace the advice of a physician. This message was written exclusively for the “Women’s Health” forum of the CIR Clinics and Laboratories website and is not intended for copying or distribution in any form without the written permission of the author. The author does not bear any responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of the information contained in this message.

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1 nanogram [ng] = 1E-06 milligram [mg]

Initial value

Converted value

kilogram gram exagram petagram teragram gigagram megagram hectogram decagram decigram centigram milligram microgram nanogram picogram femtogram attogram dalton, atomic mass unit kilogram-force square. sec./meter kilopound kilopound (kip) slug pound-force square. sec/foot pound troy pound ounce troy ounce metric ounce short ton long (English) ton assay ton (US) assay ton (Imperial) ton (metric) kiloton (metric) quintal (metric) quintal American quintal British quarter (US) quarter (British) stone (USA) stone (British) ton pennyweight scruple carat gran gamma talent (Dr. Israel) mina (Dr. Israel) shekel (Dr. Israel) bekan (Dr. Israel) gera (Dr. Israel) talent (Ancient Greece) mina (Ancient Greece) tetradrachm (Ancient Greece) didrachm (Ancient Greece) drachma (Ancient Greece) denarius (Ancient Rome) ass (Ancient Rome) codrant (Ancient Rome) lepton ( Dr. Rome) Planck mass atomic mass unit rest mass of an electron rest mass of a muon proton mass neutron mass deuteron mass mass of the Earth mass of the Sun Berkovets pud Pound lot spool share quintal livre

More about mass

General information

Mass is the property of physical bodies to resist acceleration. Mass, unlike weight, does not change depending on the environment and does not depend on the gravitational force of the planet on which this body is located. Mass m determined using Newton's second law, according to the formula: F = ma, Where F- this is strength, and a- acceleration.

Mass and weight

The word “weight” is often used in everyday life when people talk about mass. In physics, weight, in contrast to mass, is a force acting on a body due to the attraction between bodies and planets. Weight can also be calculated using Newton's second law: P= mg, Where m is the mass, and g- free fall acceleration. This acceleration occurs due to the gravitational force of the planet near which the body is located, and its magnitude also depends on this force. The acceleration of free fall on Earth is 9.80665 meters per second, and on the Moon it is approximately six times less - 1.63 meters per second. Thus, a body weighing one kilogram weighs 9.8 newtons on Earth and 1.63 newtons on the Moon.

Gravitational mass

Gravitational mass shows what gravitational force acts on a body (passive mass) and what gravitational force the body acts on other bodies (active mass). When increasing active gravitational mass body, its force of attraction also increases. It is this force that controls the movement and location of stars, planets and other astronomical objects in the universe. Tides are also caused by the gravitational forces of the Earth and Moon.

With increase passive gravitational mass the force with which the gravitational fields of other bodies act on this body also increases.

Inert mass

Inertial mass is the property of a body to resist movement. It is precisely because a body has mass that a certain force must be applied to move the body from its place or change the direction or speed of its movement. The greater the inertial mass, the greater the force required to achieve this. Mass in Newton's second law is precisely inertial mass. The gravitational and inertial masses are equal in magnitude.

Mass and relativity

According to the theory of relativity, gravitating mass changes the curvature of the space-time continuum. The greater the mass of a body, the stronger the curvature around this body, therefore, near bodies of large mass, such as stars, the trajectory of light rays is bent. This effect in astronomy is called gravitational lenses. On the contrary, far from large astronomical objects (massive stars or their clusters called galaxies), the movement of light rays is linear.

The main postulate of the theory of relativity is the postulate about the finiteness of the speed of propagation of light. Several interesting consequences follow from this. Firstly, one can imagine the existence of objects with such a large mass that the second cosmic velocity of such a body will be equal to the speed of light, i.e. no information from this object will be able to reach the outside world. Such cosmic objects in the general theory of relativity are called “black holes” and their existence has been experimentally proven by scientists. Secondly, when an object moves at near-light speed, its inertial mass increases so much that local time inside the object slows down compared to time. measured by stationary clocks on Earth. This paradox is known as the “twin paradox”: one of them goes into space flight at near-light speed, the other remains on Earth. Upon returning from the flight twenty years later, it turns out that the twin astronaut is biologically younger than his brother!



In the SI system, mass is expressed in kilograms. The kilogram is determined based on the exact numerical value of Planck's constant h, equal to 6.62607015×10⁻³⁴, expressed in J s, which is equal to kg m² s⁻¹, with the second and meter being determined by exact values c and Δ ν Cs. The mass of one liter of water can be approximately considered equal to one kilogram. The derivatives kilogram, gram (1/1000 of a kilogram) and ton (1000 kilograms) are not SI units, but are widely used.


Electronvolt is a unit for measuring energy. It is usually used in the theory of relativity, and energy is calculated using the formula E=mc², where E- this is energy, m- mass, and c- speed of light. According to the principle of equivalence of mass and energy, the electronvolt is also a unit of mass in the system of natural units, where c is equal to unity, which means mass equals energy. Electrovolts are mainly used in nuclear and atomic physics.

Atomic mass unit

Atomic mass unit ( A. e.m.) is intended for masses of molecules, atoms, and other particles. One a. e.m. is equal to 1/12 the mass of a carbon nuclide atom, ¹²C. This is approximately 1.66 × 10 ⁻²⁷ kilograms.


Slugs are used primarily in the British Imperial system in Great Britain and some other countries. One slug is equal to the mass of a body that moves with an acceleration of one foot per second per second when a force of one pound-force is applied to it. This is approximately 14.59 kilograms.

Solar mass

Solar mass is a measure of mass used in astronomy to measure stars, planets and galaxies. One solar mass is equal to the mass of the Sun, that is, 2 × 10³⁰ kilograms. The mass of the Earth is approximately 333,000 times less.


Carats measure the weight of precious stones and metals in jewelry. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. The name and the size itself are associated with the seeds of the carob tree (in English: carob, pronounced “carob”). One carat used to be equal to the weight of the seed of this tree, and buyers carried their seeds with them to check whether they were being deceived by sellers of precious metals and stones. The weight of a gold coin in Ancient Rome was equal to 24 carob seeds, and therefore carats began to be used to indicate the amount of gold in the alloy. 24 carat is pure gold, 12 carat is half gold alloy, and so on.


The grain was used as a measure of weight in many countries before the Renaissance. It was based on the weight of grains, mainly barley, and other popular crops at the time. One grain is equal to about 65 milligrams. This is a little more than a quarter of a carat. Until carats became widespread, grains were used in jewelry. This measure of weight is still used to this day to measure the mass of gunpowder, bullets, arrows, and gold foil in dentistry.

Other units of mass

In countries where the metric system is not adopted, the British Imperial system is used. For example, in the UK, USA and Canada, pounds, stones and ounces are widely used. One pound is equal to 453.6 grams. Stones are used mainly only to measure human body weight. One stone is approximately 6.35 kilograms or exactly 14 pounds. Ounces are primarily used in cooking recipes, especially for foods in small portions. One ounce is 1/16 of a pound, or approximately 28.35 grams. In Canada, which formally adopted the metric system in the 1970s, many products are sold in rounded imperial units, such as one pound or 14 fluid ounces, but are labeled with weight or volume in metric units. In English, such a system is called “soft metric” (English). soft metric), in contrast to the “rigid metric” system (eng. hard metric), in which the rounded weight in metric units is indicated on the package. This image shows "soft metric" food packaging, showing weight in metric units only and volume in both metric and imperial units.

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nanomoles per liter


Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations. Academician 2015.

See what “nmol/l” is in other dictionaries:

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Testosterone – a hormone that plays a critical role in male sexual development and regulation of their ability to produce viable offspring. Violation of its quantitative indication usually indicates the development of various pathologies, especially of an endocrine nature, in the testes (for example, with a tumor of these glands).

Meaning of the term

Initially, it should be noted that this indicator is calculated. It is obtained from a percentage comparison of data on total testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in the blood.

Total testosterone is distinguished by a combination of three conditions. One fraction of it is associated with albumin (23-63%), the second with globulin (33-73%) and the third, the smallest (1-2%), the so-called free testosterone or active androgen, which is produced in male testes and not reacts with proteins.

Free androgen, although present in small quantities, is its role in the male body is very important, it:

  • affects the maturation and production of reproductive parts;
  • regulates spermatogenesis;
  • affects sexual desire;
  • helps build muscle tissue;
  • prevents the accumulation of fat deposits;
  • normalizes the exchange of phosphorus and nitrogen.

Individually, free testosterone cannot be isolated. It is defined as the difference between the total androgen and protein-bound hormone levels. It is this residue that is called the “free testosterone index”.

It is calculated as a percentage. But to do this, a study is first carried out to determine the presence of the amounts of the above hormones. As a result of their comparison, this index is determined.

IMPORTANT! The transformation of testosterone into the appropriate form occurs under the influence of certain chemical influences in which various enzymes take part. In the absence of at least one of them, incomplete maturation of the reproductive organs occurs.

Index calculation method

So, from the above it is already known that the free testosterone index is determined as a percentage. Such a calculation is indicated in connection with obvious clinical signs of a violation of the level of glucocorticoids produced by the sex secretion glands, in one direction or another. Moreover, the amount of the hormone in this case may remain normal.

The index is calculated as follows: the total androgen indicator is divided by the amount of SHBG, and the resulting result is multiplied by 100. The calculator for calculating active hormones is widely used in medical institutions; it is easy to find on the relevant Internet sites.

How is the analysis done?

Diagnosis is carried out for certain indications:

The analysis is done in special centers or laboratories. First, blood serum is obtained using centrifuges, which is then studied.

Preliminary preparation for such a study is necessary.:

  1. before the analysis you cannot eat (the last meal is allowed 8 hours before taking it), you are only allowed to drink water;
  2. since you cannot take medications before taking blood, and this procedure should be carried out 1-2 weeks after stopping them, this issue requires agreement with the treating doctor;
  3. the day before the study, you need to give up fatty foods, fried foods, alcohol, and give up excessive physical activity;
  4. The reason for refusing the analysis may be the previous day of X-ray, fluorographic examinations, ultrasound, or physiotherapeutic interventions.

IMPORTANT! In order for the test results to be accurate and reflect the true picture, you should prepare for their delivery with all responsibility. You should not rely on your own interpretation of the results; only an endocrinologist can accurately decipher them and determine an accurate diagnosis.

Blood is drawn from a patient's vein by a knowledgeable healthcare professional. This procedure is usually well tolerated, because the amount of material required is insignificant.

The timing of the analysis is also important. Usually this should be in the morning, before 11 o'clock. Violation of all these recommendations may affect the results of the study. Naturally, the indicators may be incorrect.

Taking the test requires mandatory registration of the patient. Therefore, you should take your passport with you.

In a day, when the result is usually ready, a laboratory employee will describe it, where he will clarify the identified deviations from standard indicators.

Representatives of the stronger sex need to monitor the level of free testosterone during each period of their sexual development. For young men who have not reached full puberty, this is important for determining true and false hermaphroditism. For men, this type of study is indicated when symptoms of a certain illness appear.

Normal values ​​in nmol/l, ng/ml, pg/ml

Recognition of research results always involves comparing the results obtained with established indicators. It should be noted right away that the units of research in medical institutions and laboratories may not be the same: nmol/l, ng/ml, pg/ml. This is not a problem, because the forms with final indices also indicate standard indicators in the units that were used. Based on this, it is not difficult to determine the results of the test yourself.

However in case of deviations from normal values, the patient should not make sudden conclusions. After all, such numbers may not always indicate pathological changes in the body. For example, the maximum amount of testosterone is usually observed in the morning. Then its level gradually begins to decrease and reaches its minimum in the evening.

If the androgen deviates from acceptable values, it can be adjusted. At the same time, the doctor does not eliminate this imbalance, but treats the cause of its occurrence. For this purpose, drug treatment is mainly used.

This hormone is also synthesized depending on the time of year. So, in spring it is greatest, and in winter it is smallest. Androgen surges, which are short-term in nature, also depend on depression, stress, etc.

Testosterone in blood serum in accordance with age development is determined in the following proportions (nmol/l):

  • boys and men under 18 years of age – 0.2-37.67;
  • men from 18 to 50 years old – 5.76-30.43;
  • men over 50 years old – 5.41-19.54.

The norm of free androgen in representatives of the stronger sex is 4.5-42 pg/ml. It depends on age, and, as mentioned above, time of day. Its highest level is observed before the age of 30.

But if this indicator deviates upward, one can judge about liver damage, prostate cancer, excessive and rapid increase in adrenal cell tissue, pituitary tumors and other ailments.

A decrease in testosterone may indicate aging of the body, this is justified. If this indicator decreases for a certain age group, it may suggest the presence of such ailments as;

  1. liver cirrhosis, diabetes;
  2. hormonal disorders;
  3. failures in the functional development of male gonads, etc.

Typically, androgen deficiency is characteristic of patients:

  • with Down syndrome;
  • for obesity;
  • dysfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Bad habits also reduce this indicator.

Exactly a blood test for testosterone levels is an accurate diagnostic method, allowing the doctor to identify the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.

You can learn about the norms of free testosterone in this video:


In the human body, as in nature in general, everything is balanced. Therefore, a change in this balance is the main sign of a health problem. In addition, a lack or excess of such an important hormone as testosterone can also seriously spoil it.

If this condition is not diagnosed, the disease will become active., which will entail many other complications. Therefore, at the first signs listed in this material, rush to see an endocrinologist. Self-medication for hormonal diseases is unacceptable, because it is fraught with serious consequences.

– a very important female sex hormone. It is produced by the corpus luteum and in the adrenal glands (in small quantities).

The role of progesterone in a woman’s body is great – it is on it that the conception and bearing of a child depends. From the moment of ovulation, the production of this hormone begins to increase, thanks to it the walls of the uterus become looser, the number of contractions decreases so that the egg has the opportunity to attach. Further production of the hormone by the corpus luteum is necessary to perform other, no less important, functions:

  • influence on the endometrium, which supports the embryo;
  • prevents the onset of menstruation;
  • stimulates the development of mammary gland structures that will produce milk;
  • influences the psycho-emotional state of a woman, develops the so-called maternal instinct.

In addition to its important role in female reproductive function, progesterone affects the body as a whole:

  • prevents the formation of fibrous cysts;
  • reduces blood viscosity;
  • controls sugar levels;
  • participates in fat metabolism.

The corpus luteum, which directly produces progesterone, is formed after the egg matures and leaves the follicle. The remaining membrane of the follicle is called the corpus luteum. Thus, progesterone begins to be produced on days 12–17 of the cycle. This time is called ovulation, which lasts only 24 hours. If the egg is not fertilized, it dies.

After ovulation, the luteal phase begins, at this time progesterone is produced up to 56 ng/ml - this is its maximum level, then if fertilization does not occur, it decreases.

If conception has occurred, the production of the hormone continues and rapidly increases - several hundred times.

This scheme works for natural fertilization; if the ECHO method is used, then in this case the woman does not form a corpus luteum, and accordingly, there is no required level of hormones. In this case, hormone therapy is prescribed until the progesterone level is reached and further throughout pregnancy.

Norm of progesterone by day of the cycle

In women, the rate of progesterone is determined depending on the day of the menstrual cycle. Each phase has its own value. Progesterone in the luteal phase reaches its maximum values ​​- this indicates the beginning of ovulation and the preparation of the uterus for egg implantation. If during this period the hormone level is low and fertilization has occurred, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur. That is why women planning pregnancy should control the amount of progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

A blood test is prescribed on day 22, but for a more detailed picture, doctors recommend taking it several times in a row to track the dynamics. What level of progesterone is considered normal? It should be noted that in women who take hormonal contraceptives, the indicators will differ significantly. The table presents standard indicators for each stage of the cycle:

If a woman is postmenopausal, then her hormone level should be from 0.32 to 2.51 nmol/l.

If conception occurs, then a rapid increase in the hormone occurs, and the pregnant woman will have the following indicators:

Two days before birth, the hormone level decreases sharply - to 2.3 nmol/l. This is necessary so that the uterus can contract and, thereby, stimulate labor. However, the amount of progesterone remains high - it is involved in stimulating milk production.

What is the effect of decreased and increased progesterone levels in women?

Lack of hormone levels primarily affects a woman’s reproductive system.

If the level of progesterone in the luteal phase is reduced, then the fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus, dies and is released naturally along with the endometrium - this is menstruation.

If the amount of the hormone is reduced in the first trimester of pregnancy, a miscarriage occurs because the uterus contracts intensively and the endometrium is not sufficiently prepared to retain the amniotic egg. But if the problem is only in progesterone, then it can be solved with special drugs prescribed by the gynecologist.

The level of the hormone decreases due to the presence of the following problems in the body:

  • chronic stage of ovarian inflammation;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • irregular monthly cycle;
  • dysfunction of the corpus luteum;
  • adrenal gland diseases.

If the amount of progesterone decreases, this affects the level of estrogen - it increases and as a result the woman experiences:

  • sweating;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weight gain;
  • swelling;
  • convulsions.

The estrogen level should be in the range from 11 to 191 pg/ml. In women during menopause – from 5 to 90 pg/ml.

An increase in progesterone levels in the body can be caused by the following reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • deviations in the development of the placenta;
  • due to the formation of a cyst in the corpus luteum;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands.

The influence of a woman's age on progesterone levels

With age, women's hormonal levels change completely - the production of some hormones, including progesterone, decreases, while others increase. With the onset of menopause, the ratio of estrogen and progesterone changes. Estrogen stimulates the activity of various body systems, and progesterone seems to restrain it. If an imbalance occurs, women experience so-called hot flashes. In this case, the condition is characterized by:

  • increased excitability;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • disruption of the sweat glands;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • weight gain.

The production of hormones decreases during menopause due to the attenuation of ovarian function. Fewer and fewer eggs mature, there is no ovulation, and progesterone is not produced. But this does not mean that its level in the blood decreases to zero - the required amount is produced by the adrenal glands if their function is not impaired.

How to take a progesterone test

To determine your progesterone level, you need to take a blood test. But before taking the test, you need to consult a gynecologist - he will tell you how to choose the right day. Many people prescribe analysis on the 20th day of the cycle, but this is not entirely true, because the following points need to be taken into account:

  • the onset of the ovulation phase. If the menstrual cycle is normal, then it begins on the 15th day, counting from the first day of the onset of menstruation, and if the cycle is unstable, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature. Every day the temperature in the rectum is recorded, and when a sharp decrease is noted, and the next day an increase, this indicates the onset of ovulation;
  • You can take the test 4 days after ovulation;
  • it is better to record the dynamics of changes in indicators - take several days in a row, starting from 15 to 23. This is the only way to record the phase growth of hormone production and compare the results with the normative ones;
  • take it in the morning, on an empty stomach, and it is better not to eat at all for 12 hours before the expected time of blood sampling.

It must be remembered that if during the period of testing you feel unwell and are treated with various drugs, the results may be unreliable. In this case, they should be retaken a month later or after the end of treatment.

How to decipher the analysis results

Levels of the hormone progesterone are measured in nanograms (0.000001 milligrams) in one milliliter of blood. According to another system, nmol is nanomole (10 -9 mol) per liter. Standard indicators are most often given in nmol/l. Therefore, the question often arises about how to convert ng/ml to nmol/l. It's not difficult at all, you just need to use the formula:

1 ng/ml * 3.18 = 1 nmol/l.

For example, a patient’s test result showed a hormone level in the blood of 22.4 ng/ml. Substituting the result into the formula, you get:

22.4 ng/ml * 3.18 = 71.23 nmol/l.

Considering that blood sampling is carried out during the luteal phase, and the progesterone norm on day 21 of the cycle is 16.2–85.9, this result may indicate normal function of the corpus luteum and ovaries - there are no deviations.


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