Alpine violet care at home reproduction. Alpine violet or European cyclamen: home care. Leaves are sluggish and drooping

  • alpine violet or cyclamen
  • types of cyclamen
  • alpine violet: home care
  • alpine violet: care in the garden
  • healing properties of cyclamen
  • Alpine violet: photo
  • buy alpine violet

Alpine violet or cyclamen

Cyclamen perennial tuberous plant. Historical homeland - Central and Southern Europe. This gentle and very beautiful flower able to decorate any room, as well as the garden. The most common cyclamenplanted in a pot and decorate apartments, but you can grow alpine violets in your garden. In the wild, cyclamens have small buds, indoor alpine violets delight with the larger size of their flowers. In any case, this delicate and stunning plant will delight you with its beauty, and you will definitely find a worthy place for your plant.

In nature, there are over20 kinds , which are found in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Cyclamen is also known by the same name asalpine violet, dryakva . Some species are on the verge of extinction and are listed inRed Book , it's cyclamen Kuznetsova, Colchis cyclamen and etc. Cyclamen in our conditions are grown as indoor plant, less often - as a garden. But do not forget that this plant is poisonous!

Types of cyclamen

The most common types of cyclamen:

Persian cyclamen - herbaceous plant. Has spherical compacted up to 15 cm in diameter, from the lower surface of which roots depart.Leaves heart-shaped, up to 14 cm in diameter, green below, with a gray-silver pattern with oblong-lanceolate petals 5 cm long. Slightly twisted petals are pink, white or lavendercoloration with purple spots at the base. Flowers have a pleasantaroma.

European cyclamen - evergreen tuberous . Tubers up to 10 cm in diameter, spherical or irregular shape, on the entire surface of which there are roots.Leaves leathery, heart-shaped, rounded, dark green with a silvery pattern, dark red below, 2-4 cm in medium size, about 2 cm long, pink in color and pleasant aroma.Flowering long from spring to autumn.

To date, many varieties have been bred, with large and miniature flowers of various colors, from bright red to almost black.

European cyclamen (photo):

Alpine violet: home care

You will definitely be able to grow a beautiful flower that will delight you with long flowering. We will help youproperly care behind the alpine violet.

pots with plants, keep on the east and west windows. Pots with cyclamens in the roomplace in the coolest place, such as between window frames. But it is impossible to allow direct sunlight to hit the winter keep the plants in the brightest place, with a temperature of 12-14 ° C. In warm room conditions, cyclamen for a long timewon't live.

During the flowering of the plantwater evenly, so as to prevent neither drying nor waterlogging. When watering, try not to wet the tubers. When the plant is at rest,reduce watering , water only so that the clod of earth does not dry out. Water sparingly and moderately when tubers are established. Water through the saucer, in the summer - abundantly, in the winter - moderately.Temperature water for irrigation should be 3-4 ° C below room temperature. 1-2 hours after wateringexcess water pour out from under the sweet clover to prevent rotting of the roots. Before the appearance of buds, spray the plants from time to time, as soon as the buds appear, stop spraying.

Some types, for example,European cyclamen does not have a pronounced dormant period. Atcyclamen persian dormant period is observed in summer. In early summer, the leaves turn yellow and die off, leaving only the tubers. From this periodwater the cyclamens rarely. For summer pots with tubers can be taken out to the loggia or a balcony protected from the sun and rain.At the beginning of autumn bring the tubers indoors and transplant them.For transplant use a loose soil mixture consisting of soddy, humus and leafy soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.Soil acidity pH 5.5-6. Tuber clean off damaged roots and plant, deepening 1/2 or 1/3. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. Place pots with tubers in a bright, cool place. Water occasionally until the plant is established. When the first shoots appear, water more frequently.

When and how to feed cyclamen?

As soon as the leaves grow before flowering, the plantfeed complete mineral fertilizer(1g/l) every two weeks.We do not recommend use a lot of nitrogenous fertilizers, as the roots can rot.

How to propagate cyclamen?

In a greenhouse, cyclamen propagated by seeds . Seedlings grown from seeds bloom 13-14 months after sowing. Amateur flower growers can propagate cyclamentuber division . But this is not always possible. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase tubers in the fall in flower shops.

Why do cyclamens get sick?

  • The flowers are strong and healthy, and the leaves turn yellow.What is the reason? Too warm and dry indoor air. Cyclamens cannot stand temperatures above 17°C. Perhaps the reasonyellowing leaves in insufficient watering or sunlight on the leaves.
  • Peduncles and leaf petioles becomesoft and rot . The reason is waterlogging of the soil, especially if watering is carried out from above. Try not to get water on the leaves and tubers.Water through the tray.
  • flowers quickly faded . The reason is high temperature, dry air, improper watering.
  • The leaves are deformed and curled. The reason - a pest appeared on the plants -cyclamen mite.

Alpine violet: care in the garden

In our climate zonebest to grow cyclamens in pots, but you can try to grow this gorgeous flower in open field. It is important to choose reliable and goodlanding site . Cyclamen is afraid of rain, extreme cold, wind. The best thingplant it under the canopy of a tree to protect it from excess moisture during a downpour. When planting, you need to deepen the roots well,optimal depth - up to 10 centimeters. Otherwise, your plant will freeze. The exception is if you live in a very warm climate zone. The soil should let air through.Watered very carefully, moderately, always watch the ground. Water under the root so that water does not get on the leaves. Necessarilyshelter his alpine violet for the winter, because the plant is afraid of frost. A dense layer of fallen leaves will do.

Cyclamen It is a tender plant, but proper care it can safely grow in the garden for several years. Gardeners love it not only for its beautiful flowers, but also for its decorative leaves.

The healing properties of cyclamen

Many centuries ago, cyclamen was usedin medicine . Today, this plant is popular with herbalists, healers, and also in medicine. Based on it, medicinal preparations are produced.Attention!Cyclamen is considered a poisonous plant, it should be used for treatment very carefully, but it is best to purchase sprays based on it in a pharmacy! Used for medicinal purposescyclamen juice , it is obtained from tubers. It is an excellent antiseptic as well as antiviral. Modern pharmacology uses cyclamen juice for the treatment of frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. it is included in many sprays.

I love flowers in the house - indoor in pots and in a bouquet on the table. One of my favorites is alpine violet. This is a little tender happiness on the windowsill. When the purchased flower after flowering began to grow bald and fade, I fell into despair.

But it turned out that it was completely in vain, in this way the plant rests. After a dormant period, this beautiful specimen blooms again. And the best thing is that this beauty can bloom all winter.

Alpine violet belongs to the genus perennial herbs having no relationship with violets. This is a tuberous flower from the Primrose genus, and the flower got its name for its predilection for the mountain climate. And the correct name of this plant is Cyclamen. Of the existing 22 species of this plant, many are endangered.

Cyclamen comes from the mountainous and coastal regions of the Mediterranean, you can also find it in nature in the Caspian regions and in the mountains in the northeast of the African continent.

Notable is the life cycle of the alpine violet, divided into a vegetative stage and a dormant stage. But the dormant stage of the plant falls on the summer period. During exhausting summer heat in the places of its growth, the flower sleeps, dropping foliage, and stores water for life in tubers.

Because of these tubers, the alpine violet was called bread for pigs in an 18th century book. This is because wild pigs fed on cyclamen tubers, digging juicy tubers out of the ground during their dormant period.

For some reason, the people gave this beautiful houseplant the name Dryavka. All cyclamens are descended from Cyclamen Persian, which is native to Turkey and the Middle East. All hybrids need similar growing conditions.

The growing season for alpine violets begins in the fall, and this violet will bloom from October to March - it depends on the species. There are varieties of cyclamen that bloom for several months. This quality allows blooming flower bed all year round.

Due to the habit of shedding leaves, mountain violet often scares off gardeners. Having bought a beautiful flower as a bouquet, it is thrown away with the beginning of the leaf fall period. But if you know the intricacies of caring for this beautiful plant, then you can admire its wonderful fragrant flowers more than once - after all, it is a perennial.

Many cyclamens have a delicious aroma, even used in perfume compositions. Cyclamen flower petals are amazingly similar to wings beautiful butterflies that flutter over the foliage.

And the leaves of cyclamen are very decorative: smooth, decorated with silver stripes, they are a very beautiful addition to the bright bouquet of flowering cyclamen.

In addition, mountain violet has a number of healing properties, which were known many centuries ago. Today, the plant is used by herbalists and healers. An extract from the tubers of this plant is used as part of various medicines.

Cyclamen - poisonous plant, use it as medicinal product it is necessary with great care, it is safer to purchase ready-made pharmaceutical preparations based on it.


Alpine violet began to be grown in Europe as an ornamental plant in the 19th century, with the advent of spectacularly flowering species. Later, a fascination with other, more modest varieties began.

Of the entire genus of cyclamen in home culture, purple and Persian are known.

Persian cyclamen

The roots of this herbaceous plant are in the form of tubers, up to 15 centimeters in diameter, from which the roots themselves grow from below. The leaves are heart-shaped, their diameter reaches 14 centimeters.

The leaf plate has a green color below, and is covered with a silvery pattern on top. The petals on the flowers have an oblong-lanceolate shape up to 5 centimeters long.

The species is represented by pink, white or lavender coloration with spots of a darker shade at the base.

This cyclamen has a dormant period at the beginning of summer. The leaves turn yellow and fall off, leaving only the tuber.

European cyclamen

Refers to evergreen tuberous herbaceous plants. The roots are located on the tuber from all sides. The ball-shaped tuber itself has a diameter of about 10 centimeters.

Leaf plates are heart-shaped, dark green in color, with a silvery ornament on top. The underside of the leaf is dark red.

The flowers are small, up to two centimeters in length, pale pink, with a pleasant aroma.

This species begins to bloom in spring and blooms all summer. This type of alpine violet does not have a pronounced dormant period. In addition to such popular ones, there are more rare species cyclamen.

Cyclamen intarium

This flower is of Turkish origin, it is the smallest of all varieties, its flowers are small, white in color.

Cyclamen ivy

The habitat of this species is the European territory. Roast summer time the flower becomes bald. With the advent of autumn, lovely flowers first appear on it, and only then leaves appear.

Ivy cyclamen is a centenarian, it can live up to 130 years, and the tuber grows up to 25 centimeters in diameter.

Lebanese cyclamen

As the name implies, its homeland is Lebanon. This species has the longest flowering period. It blooms with pale pink flowers with thin veins of red. The flowers are quite large for the species, up to 3 centimeters in length.


Alpine violet is as beautiful as it is capricious. And in order to admire the flowering of the Alpine princess, it is very important to take into account all the nuances of care.

Temperature and illumination

Alpine violet prefers rather cool weather. The flower will feel most comfortable at a temperature of 10-19 degrees. If the temperature rises to +25 degrees, then cyclamen will regard this as a message that the hot summer time has come, and therefore it is time to rest.

How important it is not to make a mistake with the choice of residence for the capricious alpine violet!

As long as the temperature has not dropped below +8 degrees, the flower will feel great in the shade on the loggia or on the terrace in the garden. It is the cool night temperatures that will contribute to the laying of flower buds.

And for flowering cyclamen, you should definitely find the most lit and coolest place in the house. Like other plants, blooming in winter, cyclamen requires stable lighting.

It is imperative to organize additional lighting for the plant on short winter days.

The ideal would be to find a balance between light and temperature. After all, at a fairly cool temperature, but in a gloomy room, the flowers of the alpine violet will become thinner. And if the brightness is too high lighting fixtures there will be a rapid wilting of flowers.

Moisturizing and watering

Watering for a blooming delicate beauty should be regular, otherwise the leaves and flowers begin to fade quickly. When flowering is over, the plant should be watered less and less frequently, and by the rest period, the soil should only be slightly moistened to protect the plant from drying out.

This flower can be watered by pouring water into the tray. Tender leaves do not like water on them. And if water gets on the growing point, then this can destroy a delicate flower.

Alpine violet does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, which leads to the occurrence of fungal diseases. Therefore, watering should be plentiful enough to saturate the entire earthen ball, but be sure to give it time to dry.

When caring for alpine violet, it is imperative to monitor the humidity of the air. Since the leaves do not like moisture, you can use a fine spray to spray the air around the plant.

Very good moisture will be the neighborhood with large deciduous specimens that are able to evaporate a large amount of moisture. You can put an aquarium nearby or just a jar of water.

top dressing

  • Top dressing is necessary for alpine violet only during the growing season - from October to March.
  • The frequency of top dressing is once every two weeks.
  • During dormancy, fertilizing is not performed.
  • Fertilizers are universal mixtures that contain a lot of potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen, which promotes foliage growth, can be detrimental to flowering. Types of dressings can be alternated.

Transplant and reproduction

In autumn, with the beginning of the growing season, the tuber begins to grow leaves. For a transplant, this is the best period.

  • The pot is chosen 3-4 centimeters more than the volume of the roots. big pot will prevent abundant flowering.
  • Soil composition: peat, garden soil, sand and humus, in equal parts. The soil needs loose and moisture-permeable.

When planting Persian cyclamen, the bulb is left a third above the ground. All other species must be planted, completely immersing the bulb in the ground, but not deepening very much.

At the beginning of spring, you can propagate the flower with seeds, and at the end of summer with daughter tubers.

Seeds must be soaked in Epin before planting. Sowing is carried out in a moistened peat-sand mixture, 2-3 cm apart, covered with glass and germinated at 20 degrees in a shady place.

A month later, the seedlings are determined to grow in bright but diffused light. With the advent of a pair of leaves dive into pots

Few people know that alpine violet is not only an amazingly beautiful flower, but also a chemically pure medicine for sinusitis, the raw materials for which grow in a surprisingly clean alpine valley. This article will tell you how to grow this flower at home.

Conventionally, alpine violet is classified into two types - Persian and European. In reality, there are much more of them, especially if we take into account artificially bred plants. A less common name for this violet is cyclamen. Cyclamens are characterized by leaves of a green or dark green hue on a long handle. Alpine rose inflorescences are located on the stems one by one, without forming bouquets. The color of the inflorescences is the most diverse. It happens that mountain plants bought in stores, and most of them in our apartments, refuse to bloom when moving home. The fact is that store-bought alpine saintpaulias are grown mainly in cool greenhouses, and it’s hard for them to get used to the gentle home climate.

Flowers of this variety traditionally delight their owners with delicate petals in winter season when most plants are resting, however hybrid varieties able to bloom all year round.


As already noted, the vast majority of cyclamens that can be found in our climate zone are hybrids, whose homeland has nothing to do with a real alpine valley. Below are descriptions of popular varieties of Alpine Saintpaulia:

African cyclamen (Cyclamen africanum) is a shrub rather than a flower, a very vigorous plant found in the north of Tunisia and Algeria. Differs in large, mostly green leaves, growing, like flowers from tubers. The foliage is very large, over ten centimeters, there are specimens with blue tint leaves. Flowers can take on all colors color pink.

Mountain Saintpaulia comes from Colchis, Colchis or Pontic cyclamen (Cyclamen colchicum, Cyclamen ponticum). This violet is common in the mountains of Abkhazia and, in fact, is a variety European cyclamen, only with smaller flowers and foliage without patterns.

Kos violet (Cyclamen coum Mill) is named after its homeland on the island of Kos, in the waters of the Aegean Sea near Turkey. The plant is also often found in Bulgaria, northern Syria and Iran. It happened that the Kos violet was found in the regions of the Crimea and the Caucasus. The flower has dark brown velvety tubers. Leaves spend most of the winter covered with snow. Plants native to Turkey are characterized by kidney-shaped leaves and flowers of a pale pink hue. To the east, closer to the Black Sea coast, an increase in the size of inflorescences is noted. The silvery pattern is clearly visible on the leaves. Violets with kidney-shaped leaves and small flowers are common in the Krasnodar Territory and Abkhazia.

Determine the place of distribution following colors can be from their name. We will talk about Cypriot cyclamen (Cyclamen cyprium) from the island of Cyprus, where you can find several varieties of these violets. Violet is a symbol of Cyprus, and Cypriots are promoting its virtues with might and main. Flowers growing on the island and far beyond its borders are distinguished by the presence of a purple or purple spot at the base of the petals.

Geographically close to the Cypriot violet is the distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Greek cyclamen (Cyclamen graecum). The petals of this flower are usually whimsically colored and range from pink to purple hues. The color of the leaves also pleases with its diversity.

Persian cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum Miller) came to our apartments from the northern part of the African continent and from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. This quintessentially southern flower has dark green, heart-shaped leaves streaked with silvery gray. The color of Persian violets is the most diverse. They can often be found in the home collections of our compatriots.

Finally, the parade of violet varieties is crowned by European cyclamen, or purple (Cyclamen europaeum, Cyclamen purpurascens). These are flowers as tall as two or three matchboxes, with leathery dark green leaves and flowers with a pleasant color and smell. It begins to bloom in the middle, towards the end of summer. It is found on the slopes of the Alps and in the mountain forests of Europe. Feels great in the local, not very hot climate.


When caring for Alpine Saintpaulia, it should be remembered that this indoor flower does not like drafts, but at the same time feels bad in a stagnant atmosphere. Considering the fact that cyclamens love bright lighting, we can conclude that they place on the windowsill with constant closed windows but in a regularly ventilated room.

All varieties of violets of this species are recommended to be kept at a temperature of 6-15 ° C, if the conditions are warmer, this will negatively affect appearance flowers. Periodically, it is desirable to spray the space around the plant, but not the flower itself, cyclamens do not tolerate excess moisture.

Alpine Saintpaulia should be transplanted after the flowers have rested, the main reason for transplanting is overgrown root system violets.

Cyclamen Cyclamen, dryakva, alpine violet. A plant with a tuberous-thickened rhizome and flowers of various colors with a characteristic limb of the corolla. The genus is well known for its popular houseplants that bloom in winter.


The genus name comes from the Greek word kyklos- "circle", in the form of tubers in these plants.

Types and varieties of cyclamen

The genus includes 15 species of tuberous, herbaceous perennials, common in the Mediterranean, Western Asia, and the Caucasus. The nature life cycle Cyclamens are ephemeroids. This means that they appear on the surface of the earth for a short time, for 3-4 months. The period of activity of cyclamens falls on the cold part of the year - from autumn to spring.

AT room culture two types are mainly common: cyclamen persian (Cyclamen persicum) and European cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum). Moreover, Persian cyclamen blooms in winter, and European cyclamen usually blooms smaller, but fragrant flowers from spring to autumn. The duration of flowering of one flower is up to 10 days (in a cool room). Cut flowers persist in water for a long time.

European Cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeus)

Homeland - Central and Southern Europe.

A rare plant in cultivation. It gained popularity due to its delicate pleasant aroma.

Evergreen tuberous herbaceous plant. Tubers up to 10 cm in diameter, spherical or irregular in shape, with roots located over the entire surface of the tuber, and underground stolons ending in daughter tubers. From above, the tubers bear a rosette of leaves. The leaves are leathery, dark green with a silvery pattern.

Flowers up to 2 cm long, pink, with pleasant smell. European cyclamen tubers are completely covered with earth when planting.

Persian Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum)

motherland Greece, Southwest Asia, Tunisia.

Herbaceous plant with a flattened spherical, tuberous tuber on top up to 15 cm in diameter, with roots extending from the lower surface. The leaves are heart-shaped, up to 14 cm in diameter, with a silvery pattern above, green below. Flowers about 5 cm long. Petals are oblong-lanceolate, slightly curled, recurved, pink and white with purple spots at the base, very fragrant. Blooms all winter until spring. During the dormant period sheds leaves.

In culture since 1731 Varieties and types of cyclamens from the moment of their "taming" a great variety has been bred. The size of the flowers ranges from 3 to 12 cm. Colors of various colors: white, red, pink, lilac, purple. Often there are flowers with a two-color color, simple, double, with fringed petals. Blooms in the greenhouse from September to March.

In standard varieties, the height of the flower usually does not exceed 30 cm, in medium-high ones - 22, but undersized forms are called, the height of which does not exceed 15 cm.

In cyclamen, not only flowers are decorative, but also leaves. Each cyclamen hybrid has its own unique pattern on the leaves, thanks to which they even look spectacular flowering plants.

Popular varieties of cyclamen:

Small-flowered (miniature forms, miniature cyclamen) - " Elbperle" (white), " Anneli"(white with dark eye)," Elbereshen" (pink), " Elbfire" (bright red);

large-flowered — "Goga" (white), " Lahscharlach" (bright red), " Reinrose" (lilac), " Dunkellans" (red).

Popular varieties of Persian cyclamen:

‘Scarlet Moth’- flowers of medium size are bright scarlet with a dark eye, the leaves are green, the variety is well adapted to room temperatures;

‘Spring Moth’- medium-sized flowers of delicate pink-lilac color with a dark lilac eye;

Charlie' - medium-sized variety with pure white flowers;

sylph' - large pomegranate-colored flowers with the thinnest white stripe along the edge of the petals;

Topaz’ - flowers are large monochromatic carmine;

Flamingo' - large pink-lilac flowers with a dark eye, large leaves with a marbled pattern;

Elf' - micro variety, flowers are small pink-purple with a dark eye, but in very large quantities;

Apple' - large pink-white flowers with a dark eye, patterned leaves with a marble pattern;

Striata’ - large flowers lilac-white color (colors are distributed in thin stripes);

‘Violet Cattleya’- large bright lilac flowers, light green leaves;

Victoria' - white flowers with crimson fringe;

'Kiss'- large fiery flowers with a darker eye;

Series " Rococo"- varieties of Persian cyclamen with large double flowers with a fringed edge of various colors:

‘Lila’ - purple flowers;

‘Pink’- pale pink;

'Rose' - bright pink;

‘White with an eye’- white flowers with a bright pink spot at the base;

'Dark red'- Intense red flowers.

Breeders have bred many hybrids and varieties of cyclamen that can be used to create seasonal potted compositions. Groups of differently colored flowering plants of the same species look very stylish.

Cyclamen Care

Very often, cyclamens are used only as a seasonal interior decoration (the plants are thrown away after flowering). Most often, the cause of plant death is too warm content (placement of cyclamens on the windowsill above the battery). Therefore, the key to success this is the right choice of location for the plant. Cyclamen should be placed in a cool (not higher than +18 ° C) bright place, oriental and western windows or glazed balconies. If you decide to put cyclamen on the windowsill, then it is advisable to raise the plant higher above the hot windowsill using special stands or cover the batteries with heat-retaining blankets, modern batteries just "twist" the valve or place the plant in a cool window greenhouse, fenced off from the battery and room air glass or film.

AT warm time year is a dormant period.

Blooming cyclamens need uniform watering, the drying of an earthen coma during the growth period causes premature and uneven flowering. Spraying is carried out carefully, avoiding the formation of drip moisture on the leaves. At the end of flowering, the earth is moistened after the top layer has dried, moderately. At rest, watering is greatly reduced, but do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

During the period of bud formation, fertilizing with fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen is necessary every two weeks. Old leaves and wilted flowers are carefully removed by unscrewing.

Once every 2 years in July-August, at the time the first shoots appear on the tubers, it is necessary to transplant cyclamen into a new potting soil, and the tuber should look out of the soil by a third. Only in a seedling can the onion be completely covered with earth.

A cyclamen bought already in bloom can bloom a second time. After the plant has faded, it is kept at moderate temperature without stopping watering and fertilizing. Can be transplanted into fresh soil. Used for landing soil mix, consisting of sod and leaf soil, compost, peat and sand (1: 2: 1: 1: 0.5).

Possible problems when growing cyclamen:

premature and uneven flowering , while the flowers are not located at the same level, but partially below the surface of the leaves, which reduces the decorative effect of the plant as a whole - the reason is uneven watering, periodic drying of the earthy coma;

leaf yellowing - if the leaves turn yellow, and the flowers remain strong and healthy, then the reason is warm, dry air, Cyclamen does not tolerate temperatures above +17 ° C. Other possible causes are insufficient watering and direct sunlight;

buds do not open or fall off - sharp fluctuations in temperature due to hypothermia or ventilation, perhaps too dry air, dry coma, lack of light or direct sunlight, unbalanced nutrition (excess nitrogen);

short flowering period possible causes many, most likely - too high temperature, improper watering, dry air or nutritional deficiency;

rotting of peduncles - flower stalks and leaf petioles are soft and rot from waterlogging of the soil, water ingress to growth points. Never pour water on the top of the tuber;

wilting flowers - excess nitrogen; general starvation, overdrying;

deformed small leaves - most probable cause- Cyclamen mite. In the affected plant, growth stops, the edges of the leaves curl up, the stems twist, the buds wither. Unlike the red spider mite, this pest loves wet conditions. Since temperatures above +24 ° C and high humidity are most favorable for these pests, most often mites appear in greenhouses, and not on plants that are bred on the windowsill;

- a plant with an excess of dryness and heat is affected spider mite ;

leaf fall from waterlogging of the soil.

Reproduction of cyclamen

Propagated by division of tubers during transplantation in June-July or by seeds. Seeds are first soaked for 12-14 hours in weak solution potassium permanganate, then laid out in boxes with an earthen mixture from leaf, sod land and sand (4:2:1) at a distance of 2-3 cm, sprinkle with finely sifted earth or peat and moisten intensively. The temperature is maintained within +18…+20 °С. Shoots appear in 25-30 days. Seedlings are exposed to a brighter place, and the temperature is reduced to + 15 ... + 16 ° С.

Young plants (2-3 leaves) can be planted in plastic pots for seedlings, they have thick walls, and the bottom is made big hole, there is a plate. When transplanting, the plate is easily squeezed out and the tuber, together with the ground, comes out. After closing the leaves, well-developed plants are planted in pots. The tubers are not deepened - they should rise about a quarter or a third above the ground.

Ecology of the home

Decorative and volatile plants in the interior has a beneficial effect on the body. All this contributes to the removal of physical and psychological fatigue, stressful conditions, has a healing effect. Phytoncides secreted by cyclamen can serve for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, rheumatic and allergic diseases. Place 4-5 medium-sized cyclamen in the interior on an area of ​​10-12 square meters. m and you will feel a significant improvement in well-being.

The healing properties of cyclamen

Pharmacy name: dryak's tuber - Cyclaminis rhizome(previously: Rhizoma Cyclaminis).

The first mention of the healing properties of cyclamen are found in Georgian sources of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e. Many doctors have experience in using cyclamen juice, for example, for the treatment of sinusitis. In addition, dryakva was previously used as an effective laxative.

In homeopathy, Cyclamen is used in the treatment of nervous diseases and against gout, rheumatism and various painful conditions. Cyclamens have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Extractive substances from their tubers contain biologically active components (of which the poisonous saponin cyclamine is the most studied) and have a pronounced analgesic effect. They act soothingly, have hemostatic properties.

An infusion of tubers is used for neuralgia, gynecological diseases, rheumatism, gout, renal and hepatic colic. It is very effective for cold-type headaches associated with sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. This effect is explained by the fact that cyclamine, upon contact with the mucous membrane, has an irritating effect and causes increased reflex secretion, which contributes to the natural drainage (cleansing) of the paranasal sinuses.

Energy of cyclamen

It is believed that in the flowers of cyclamen - sunlight, joy, inspiration. This plant is useful to have in those houses where emotional people with a soft, supple, changeable, weak character live or often visit. Cyclamen is very useful for managers and for everyone who works with people and is engaged in organizational activities.

Cyclamen (alpine violet) is a flower of pride and self-respect. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the spirit of a person during business turmoil. Cyclamen takes, absorbs negative energy, gives back positive energy, teaches undisciplined people to be neat and organized. Cyclamen is characterized by cloud-like energy fluctuations. A strong concentrated energy emanates from the stem of the plant in the form of a fountain, then descends and rises again. healthy plants form a cycle of energy.

Oddly enough, but cyclamens are close relatives of the well-known spring flowers of primroses. AT natural conditions cyclamens bloom in the cold part of the year - from autumn to spring. This is due to the fact that, by the nature of the life cycle, cyclamen are ephemeroids, that is, in the summer, dry period, their above-ground shoots die off, and they are at rest in the form of a tuber sleeping underground. Cyclamens appear on the surface of the earth only for a short time, when the most favorable conditions for their life are formed.

In the Mediterranean and the Middle East only on rainy days winter period there is enough moisture in the soil for their growth and flowering, and under the canopy of broad-leaved forests, where most types of cyclamen grow, it is quite light, as the trees stand without leaves. In warm areas where there is no snow cover in winter, cyclamens bloom in the middle of winter, and where snow falls, some species bloom in spring and others in autumn. Spring flowering cyclamens in natural conditions begin to bloom even before the end of the snow melt. Their delicately colored flowers have an unusual pleasant aroma.

History pages

The ancient Romans, loving and breeding cyclamens, sincerely believed that they were able to protect against evil eye and all kinds of slander, and therefore they ranked flowers as family talismans-amulets. However, their love for cyclamens came, most likely, because in folk medicine, since the time of Hippocrates, cyclamens have been treated and continue to treat many diseases. Cyclamens, along with violets and daffodils, were cultivated by the inhabitants of Ancient Hellas, and the scientific name of the flower comes from those times.

Persian cyclamen in culture since 1731. Since the second half of the 19th century. many garden forms, differing in the size and shape of flowers, their color - from bright red to almost black, but with a weaker aroma than the natural form.

Cyclamens were especially fond of in England, where late XIX in. about 200 lines of large-flowered garden cyclamens have been bred. C. Darwin described his experiments on cyclamen in the famous work “The action of cross-pollination and self-pollination in flora”, published in 1872. In his greenhouse at Downe, the scientist proved the positive effect of cross-pollination compared to self-pollination in the presence of two or more specimens of cyclamen. Nowadays, they are most intensively grown in Holland, Germany and Italy.

Perennial herbaceous plant with an underground tuber of the primrose family. Homeland - Asia Minor, Greece Southern Europe, Crimea. It grows wild in Greece, Palestine, Syria.

About 10 species are found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Delicate cyclamens with flaming flowers are sometimes called "dryakva", "pork bread", alpine violet. The leaves are entire, rounded kidney-shaped, with a heart-shaped base, on long reddish-brown petioles.

The leaf blade is dark green above, with a beautiful light pattern, reddish-purple below. The flowers are small, delicate lilac-pink in color, with a strong pleasant smell. Bright exotic flowers reminiscent of tropical butterflies. Persian cyclamen and its polyhybrid forms are cultivated in the rooms.

Cyclamen blooms profusely from early spring to late autumn.

The conditions of detention are relatively undemanding. In summer, a semi-shady place, fresh air, and abundant watering are needed. In winter - a bright, cool room and rare watering.

After rest (the dormant period is summer), leaves on long petioles grow from the tuber, flower stalks appear in late autumn, on top of which large flowers with pointed curved petals form.

The main condition for the correct maintenance of cyclamen in a room is a cold atmosphere, which can be created by placing the plant between double window frames or in a cool window greenhouse, fenced off from the battery and room air with glass or film. Flowering cyclamens should be moderately watered around the edge of the pot and fertilized.

At the end of flowering, watering should be gradually reduced, and after the leaves fall, remove the tuber for a dormant period in a dark place. The tuber needs to be moistened occasionally; in early July, watering should be increased again, in addition, cyclamen should be sprayed 2-3 times during the day.

In early September, the plant should be transferred to fresh soil or limited to extracting the earth from the surface, exposing the top of the tuber.

It is better to take the earth loose, nutritious, composed of equal parts of humus mixed with leafy, light soddy soil and sand. After transplanting, move the pots to a bright place, protecting from direct sunlight.

With proper care, cyclamen blooms well for many years. It is propagated by seeds (less often by dividing the tuber), but it is difficult to do this at room conditions, so it is recommended to purchase already flowering plants.

Transplanted before the start of growth at the end of March, at the same time separating the young bushes formed on the rhizome for propagation. Cut flowers and leaves can stand in vases with water for a long time.

European cyclamen combines a number of decorative properties: profuse flowering, grace and delicate aroma of flowers, the beauty of numerous painted leaves. This allows it to be used in interior decoration both in bloom and after flowering. Cut flowers and leaves are excellent material for miniature bouquets and flower arrangements.

They look like butterflies fluttering over the silver-green foliage. In European gardens, cyclamens are planted under big trees- they bring light and play into the shady twilight. And in our country they are often grown as indoor plants.

Some people think that they are thrown away after flowering, but this is an erroneous opinion. Cyclamen is a perennial plant, and if properly cared for, it will delight with its flowers for a long time.

The homeland of cyclamen (Cyclamen), plants of the primrose family, the closest relative of primrose, is considered the Eastern Mediterranean. In nature, there are many species that grow in the mountains along the shores of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas. Hence the second name - alpine violet. And the third, not at all a poetic name - dryakva - the plant received for its poisonous properties: some animals, after tasting it, begin to tremble and stumble.

Other types of cyclamen - Pontic (C. ponticum), Kossky (C. coum), Caucasian (C. caucasicum) - are grown as horticultural crops, which does not exclude the possibility of using them as potted plants.

Now many varieties have been bred, differing in color (from white and pink to dark red, burgundy and purple) and the shape of flowers and leaf colors. In some varieties, the petals have beautiful corrugated edges, there are terry and profusely flowering cyclamens, in which up to 35 flowers bloom at the same time, these are varieties of the Turbo line.

There are miniature forms, the height of which does not exceed 15 cm. And there are those that bloom completely without leaves - flower stalks come out straight from the ground. In room culture, Persian cyclamen (C. persicum) is most common, European cyclamen (C. europaeum), or purple (C. purpurascens) is sometimes grown.

Persians bloom mainly in autumn and winter, propagate by seeds. In European, or purple, the flowering time is spring-summer, they are propagated by both seeds and tubers. They also differ from Persian ones in that their bushes and flowers are much smaller and more tender Persian and they are evergreens, that is, these flowers do not have a dormant period, the rosette of leaves does not die off.

Alpine violet care

Cyclamen or alpine violet is a houseplant ideal for rooms with a cool microclimate. The popularity of this plant is growing year by year.

This is because cyclamen blooms in winter, when few plants can please us. bright colors in which shimmers with sunlight and just looking at them, a person is filled with joy, inspiration comes. This plant is simply indispensable in homes where bright, emotional people with a light, slightly changeable character live.

The genus includes fifteen species of tuberous herbaceous perennials distributed in the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and some areas of Asia. The name of the genus comes from the Greek word "cyklos" - a circle, according to the shape of the tubers of these plants.

In room culture, two types are common: Persian cyclamen and European cyclamen.

Persian cyclamen is perennial, forming round tubers, up to fifteen centimeters in diameter. The tuber has only one growth point, and damage to it leads to the death of the entire plant. The leaves are dark green, leathery, heart-shaped.

They are located on long (up to thirty centimeters) petioles and have a decorative grayish silver pattern. Flowers pointed, curved back. Their color can be white, pink, dark red, burgundy, purple. There are flowers with a two-color color.

Flowering continues for quite a long time, more than three months. Depending on the variety and room conditions, it can begin in October and last until April.

European cyclamen is somewhat smaller in size. Its tubers are spherical in shape, and can reach ten centimeters in diameter. Petioles of leaves no more than fifteen centimeters in length. The flowers are pink, with a pleasant smell.

Cyclamen is unpretentious: during the flowering period, it needs a bright, but not sunny, cool room. Optimum temperature in winter +15 degrees Celsius. Watering is uniform, always with soft settled water. Do not allow water to enter the middle of the rosette of leaves. The plant propagates by dividing tubers or seeds.

Bought already in bloom, cyclamen may bloom again. After the plant has faded, it is kept at a moderate temperature, without stopping watering and fertilizing. You can transplant the plant into “fresh” soil. As the old leaves die off, new ones appear, and then buds form and flowers open.

alpine violet breeding

Alpine violet is called cyclamen in his homeland. This is a primrose growing in the mountains of the Mediterranean, where in spring it forms a continuous carpet, it is also found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. In the gardens of Europe, cyclamens of various colors grow under trees with a spreading crown. In the shady twilight, the flowers look like fluttering butterflies, easily hovering over the silver-green foliage.

Cyclamens are also successfully grown as indoor plants. If you like flowering plants to surround you all year round, cyclamen is the best fit, because one plant produces up to fifty flowers with delicate curved petals during the flowering period.

Cyclamen reproduces only by seeds, its tubers do not divide, and do not succumb to the persuasion of a friend to divide the bush, no matter how big it is. This manipulation will destroy the plant, because damaged tubers quickly rot.