How to clean an old sofa. How to clean a bright sofa without streaks at home? Wet cleaning sofas at home

Getting rid of stains on upholstered furniture is not always possible. However, dry cleaners still somehow cope with them. Is it possible to remove complex contaminants without streaks by returning original view upholstery?

Under the outer decorative coating there is a multilayer "pie" made of foam rubber, felt, fiberboard and plywood. Any liquid that has penetrated through the fabric is absorbed by deep layers and turns into stubborn dirt. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately collect spilled drinks, urine, blood with paper napkins, talcum powder, salt or microfiber. The faster the excess moisture is collected, the easier it will be to remove the stain.

Avoiding divorce is easy. After treating the stains, it is enough to walk with a wet cloth over the entire surface of the sofa and let it dry without using a hair dryer.

Greasy areas and fat

The armrests, seats and shoulder area are most often covered with a layer of dirt, consisting of a mixture of sweat, grease and dust. Human skin constantly produces an emollient that keeps it soft and supple. Sebum is gradually rubbed into the upholstery, mixed with dust in the air and turns into an ugly gray-black coating.

The basic principle of working with such contaminants is the breakdown of fat and its removal from the surface. Any alkaline solutions can easily cope with this task.

For cleaning, you can take a strong solution of soda, diluted washing powder or liquid dishwashing detergent. The good old laundry soap should also not be discounted, because. it is produced on an alkaline basis. The soiled area should be wiped with a damp sponge soaked in a cleaning agent. Strongly wet the fabric is not worth it, so that there are no streaks left.

Fluffy fabrics with slight contamination can be sprinkled with talc or potato starch. The powder will absorb grease and dust. To do this, let him lie on the surface for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to thoroughly vacuum the treated surface.

Grease stains are removed with an ordinary dishwasher. Apply dishwashing gel to the stain, let it work for a couple of minutes and rinse clean water using a napkin.

The smell of dust

Accumulates under upholstery over time a large number of dust and bed mites. You can get rid of them:

  1. With a vacuum cleaner with a deep cleaning function.
  2. With the help of a sheet. Take an old sheet, moisten it with water, wring it out well and cover the sofa. Then, with a special clapperboard or just with your hand, carefully and conscientiously knock it out. A wet sheet will prevent dust from flying up into a cloud and settling in the room. If you add a little salt to the water, you get a weak electrolyte, which will better hold the dust particles on the fabric. After processing, the sofa remains to be vacuumed or to collect dust from its surface with a soft, slightly damp washcloth.

How to get rid of urine smell

Regardless of the cause of a nasty puddle on your sofa, there are several effective ways to get rid of stains and stubborn stains. bad smell. The procedure is quite simple.

  1. Dry the upholstery surface with paper towels or towels. Try to get as much liquid as possible from the underlying layers to prevent it from being deeply absorbed.
  2. Dilute a small amount of shampoo in water. It does not leave a residue after drying, like soap or powder. Treat the stain with the resulting solution. Apply the product with a soft sponge, moving from the edge to the center of the stain.
  3. Dry the surface. To avoid leaving streaks, blot the treated area with napkins, and then let it dry naturally.
  4. Enter alcohol into the filler (for light sofas) or manganese solution (for dark models). A weak solution of iodine, which kills all pathogenic microflora, will help get rid of the pungent odor. The latter method is good for dark fabrics.

beer stains

If someone spills beer on your sofa, don't despair, but rather grab dry wipes and soak the drink out of the upholstery until it's eaten into the fabric. Dry the surface and treat the stain with a weak solution of vinegar (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). The vinegar will help with the dark beer stain and neutralize the odor.


Don't wait for the stain to dry. Rinse it right away cold water. Once the stain has lightened, treat it with soap. Let the product work for a couple of minutes, then gently wash off the soap suds with a napkin. To avoid streaks, go over the entire surface of the sofa with a wet cloth and let it dry.

Dried spots can be removed with three aspirin tablets diluted in a glass of water.

Juices and wine

Task number 1 is to collect the drink until it has soaked the filler.

To do this, use napkins. When the wine no longer leaves a mark on the paper, generously sprinkle the stain with salt. It will pull the rest of the drink out of the casing. Let stand for 15 minutes and remove the salt. After that, moisten a cloth with alcohol and wipe the stain. If the juice left a persistent mark, in no case do not use vinegar. It fixes the dye well on the fabric. It is better to use strong soapy foam. On light-colored sofas, you can use ammonia or soda diluted with water to a slurry state.


They are well removed with DURU laundry soap or 9% vinegar solution. Soap is applied to the ink mark, left for 20 minutes, and then washed off with water.

Soak the stain with vinegar and cover for 4 hours with a napkin soaked in acetic acid. Then rinse well with water and treat with detergent or soap.

Chewing gum

Well behind the fabric in the frozen state. To harden it, put an ice pack on top of it. After that, it can be easily removed.

Velor, velvet and suede

Delicate fabrics require a special approach. When cleaning the sofa, always move in the direction of the pile. Use a soft brush instead of a washcloth. For cleaning use shampoo instead of soap. It will not leave a trace and does not require such a thorough rinsing.

Leather and leatherette

Genuine leather becomes covered with small cracks over time. Its artificial counterpart sometimes suffers from the same ailment. To help grief will help the usual baby cream. It should be applied once a month to the entire surface of the sofa. After processing, let the cream absorb, and remove the excess paper napkin. After an hour, wipe the sofa with a cloth moistened with soapy water or a leather care product.

Heavy artillery

Vanish and other specialized sofa care products deal with serious soiling and help maintain an attractive appearance of upholstered furniture.

As a rule, they are diluted with water according to the instructions, whipped into a strong foam, which is applied to the upholstery. Active agents lift dirt to the surface and bind dust and dirt particles. After the foam has completely dried, it is enough to vacuum the sofa, and it will again delight you with cleanliness and a pleasant smell.

If the special equipment turned out to be powerless against some kind of pollution, the best way out would be to call the cleaning center. Masters of cleanliness and order will dry-clean upholstered furniture at your home, as well as make a deep cleaning of all deep layers of the filler using professional equipment.

As you can see, most of the pollution can be dealt with on your own with the help of simple improvised means.

Jul 10, 2017 Werri

Upholstered furniture is an integral part of every modern apartment.

No matter how hard we try to preserve its original appearance, it still gets dirty. The question arises of how to clean the sofa from stains, dirt and odors at home quickly, efficiently and without streaks with your own hands. This article contains cleaning tips. different types upholstery. Independently, without contacting specialized firms and using expensive funds. Only what is in the house of every hostess. Accordingly, a situation that is too neglected cannot be saved in this way. Here you can not do without the help of specialists.

The first step is to determine what type of fabric is on your headset. To understand how she will react to this or that method of cleaning. Plush, velor and velvet, when treated with soapy water, lose their original appearance. From some components of the paint fade and discolor. When using a large amount of water, the furniture does not have time to dry. Excessive moisture that has got inside contributes to the formation of mold and a musty smell. To avoid possible trouble, before cleaning, test the reaction of the upholstery by treating small plot, in a place that is not conspicuous.

Second important factor- what needs to be cleared. The type of pollution affects the choice of means, how you can wash or clean the fabric from stains at home. Remember, a fresh stain is always easier to treat than an old one. Therefore, carefully monitor the cleanliness, and do not postpone the removal of the resulting salting for later.

Simple rules for preventive care

  • When buying, try to pick up a set with upholstery, the care of which does not create unnecessary trouble.
  • To make furniture less dirty, cover it with a blanket or cover with a special cover.
  • Avoid eating on chairs and couches. Food particles lead to the formation of the most difficult to remove impurities.
  • Regular grooming doesn't take long. And the general condition of the headset is much better.

Soft upholstery made of flock, velour, chenille is pleasant to look at and to the touch. But they also tend to collect as much dust as Stuffed Toys, which means that washing the sofa at home is a must. Do not bring to a state where, sitting down to rest, you immediately want to sneeze. It is better to try to clean the furniture from dust at least once every six months. This can be done in several ways.


Using a special nozzle, it is necessary to thoroughly vacuum all surfaces, not forgetting to climb into hard-to-reach places- corners and joints. It is undesirable to use a conventional brush head for such purposes. In the absence of an optimal one, it is better to walk without any nozzle, with an open hose. At the same time, turn on the operating mode to maximum power.

Alternative method - knocking out

Sometimes it is possible to replace vacuuming with wet cleaning. You will need to wet and wring out the sheet. Cover the soft parts of the pillows with it and walk with a carpet beater. All dust will thus be collected on a damp cloth, which will then need to be washed. If necessary, the process can be repeated. The only inconvenience of this method is that until the upholstery dries out, it is not recommended to cover it with a cover and sit on the sofa. But you can always find something to do at this time - for example, wipe and tidy up the handles from the sofa and armchairs.

Most stains can be removed with a mild stain remover. It is used instead washing powder, diluted in a ratio of 1:9 with water. Beat until foamy and cover the stain with it. Then gently wipe this place with a soft brush. Wait 15 minutes and then wash everything off.

Drink marks

Unpleasant stains on the upholstery left different drinks you can try to remove using a piece laundry soap or soapy water. wet surface rub with a regular soap bar. Using a soft-bristled brush, lather thoroughly, making circular motions over the contaminated part. And leave it like this for 10 minutes. Then remove the dirt with a damp sponge. If after cleaning up the spilled, an unpleasant odor remains, it will be neutralized by treatment with vinegar.

When it is impossible to remove stains from drinks from the sofa with soap, ammonia or ammonia can be used at home. This method is relevant for spilled wine. Lay a napkin over freshly spilled wine to soak and prevent the alcohol from dripping. Then sprinkle it with salt - it will remove the remaining moisture. After 15 minutes, sweep the salt with a brush, and wipe the residual trace with ammonia. After this treatment, let the upholstery dry and after another half an hour, in order to avoid the formation of stains, wash this place with soapy water.

Treatment of blood stains

You can only delete them fresh condition. Dried dirt is almost impossible to clean completely. Before the blood dries, coat it with talcum powder mixed with water. But remember that you can only use cold, otherwise the coagulation process will accelerate. Using a sponge, wipe the area of ​​contamination in the direction from the edges to the center. If the upholstery is light, you can add a little vinegar to the composition. After, wash everything with laundry soap and rinse well after 10 minutes. But do not spend a large amount of liquid on this procedure or use a hairdryer to dry it.

Removing urine stains

A similar problem occurs in families with small children and animals. Even if the trace itself is not always noticeable, an unpleasant smell is felt throughout the room. In such a situation, at home, such a sofa can be cleaned of dirt and odor with both soda or vinegar, and a light solution of potassium permanganate.

The stain must be dried before treatment. Then treat it with soapy water or any detergent composition from powder, shampoo. A mixture of a liter of water, a spoonful of soda and the same amount of detergent with vinegar has proven itself well. Mix everything thoroughly. Use a brush to clean dirty areas with this composition and dry again. Next, prepare a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and disinfect the upholstery. If the fabric light colors, you can try to remove the foreign smell with vinegar or by sprinkling soda on the wet area.

Fat spots

Sprinkle such a stain first with chalk, salt, starch or talc. Leave it like this for a couple of hours, then sweep it with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Cover the contamination with the same composition again and wipe it with a sponge and soapy water. Rinse off any remaining dirt with warm water.

Marks from ink and ballpoint pens

In this case, most likely, you will have to call the masters of the cleaning office. They have enough powerful means for such a case. It is impossible to remove such stains from the sofa at home somehow differently. To discolor them, you will have to use acetone or hydrogen peroxide. But these compounds will also affect the dye of the fabric.

Removing chewing gum

The gum can be removed when it hardens. Cover it with ice cubes for a few minutes. When it is completely hardened, carefully cut it off. sharp knife. Another effective method removal is associated with the risk of further contaminating the upholstery. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only on leather surfaces or wooden armrests. Coat the gum with plain Vaseline. After an hour, it will completely crumble, and it will not be difficult to remove it. After, wipe everything with a damp sponge or cloth.

Removal of old deposits

If you do not clean upholstered furniture for a long time, then the upholstery darkens, takes on a neglected look. It is easy to remove such raids from leather and leatherette. Simply wipe with a damp cloth. With a textile coating, everything is much more complicated. How to wash the sofa from stains of old dirt, wear and greasy at home depends on the type of fabric.


Soap solution is ideal. Moisten the dirty surface with it and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with clean water and pat dry with a dry cloth. It is advisable to repeat the same action with the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, but rinse immediately, without exposure. This will help make the washed area stand out from the rest of the upholstery.

Hairy surfaces

When cleaning such fabrics, a foam rubber sponge and dish detergent are used. But it must be borne in mind that light-colored products will have to be washed entirely. And it is unacceptable to use electrical appliances for zone drying. Divorces may appear, which will be very difficult to remove.

Leather cleaning

In case of slight contamination, it is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth with the addition of vinegar. If not all stains are removed, try moistening them with soapy or detergent solution and wiping after a couple of minutes. Do not leave for a long time, whitish spots may appear from the paint eating away. Another very convenient tool, how and how you can wash the upholstery of a leather sofa from dirt at home, is ordinary petroleum jelly or baby oil. They not only cleanse and soften the skin, but also prevent it from drying out and cracking. After, thoroughly wipe the entire surface from excess fat.

Caring for wood finishes

Very often in the design of upholstered furniture are used wooden details. We must not forget about them when cleaning the fabric. Dirt is easily washed off with a damp cloth ammonia. small cracks in varnish, traces on it, left by mugs with hot - all this is perfectly removed with oil or vaseline. Apply it with a cloth to the entire surface of the part. Wipe dry after 15 minutes. White spots will disappear completely in a few hours.

Rules of care or how to give upholstered furniture freshness

If you do not want to go to dry cleaning, do not forget to regularly care for the surface, clean with a vacuum cleaner. Apply available detergents for cleaning the upholstery of the sofa at home from dirt, sweat, traces of animals and food debris. For such procedures indispensable assistant turns out to be a household steam generator. By passing the steamer over the fabric elements, you will not only clean them of dirt, but also destroy germs and insects. You will update the entire thread structure. Just be sure to let the upholstery dry before use.

You can remove extraneous odors by airing all parts of the sofa in disassembled form. Or try sprinkling silica gel filler on the fabric to cat litter. Leaving it in this form for an hour, sweep or collect everything with a vacuum cleaner.

With all these simple tricks, your furniture will last much longer, while remaining clean and well-groomed.

Professional dry cleaning of furniture is not affordable for everyone, although sometimes you simply cannot do without it. But in most cases, the hostess is able to independently remove some types of pollution. With the help of home remedies, you can clean upholstered furniture with your own hands without involving professionals.

Before you start removing dirt, stains or dust, you should pay attention to the upholstery, because for each type upholstery material there is a cleaning option and means.

Let's take a closer look:

Each fabric is capricious in its own way, and to remove dirt, you just need to choose the right method and tool.

How to clean furniture folk remedies

If it is not possible to wash furniture with special cleaning products due to their high cost, or if there are small children in the house who are strictly forbidden to breathe harmful fumes, old and proven methods will come to the rescue.

We clean the sofa at home - video:

You can wash the upholstery of upholstered furniture yourself, using proven home methods over the years. However, before using them, it is recommended to test the product on an inconspicuous small plot and look at the reaction of the tissue. If discoloration, darkening or other violations of the upholstery structure have not occurred, then you can safely proceed to cleaning.

Methods for cleaning folk remedies:

  1. Soap . It is recommended to use both laundry and any other soap. In order to clean furniture from dirt, you should grate a small piece of soap and dissolve in warm water. Soak a clean towel in the resulting solution and lather the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.
  2. Salt and table vinegar. This is an effective mixture that is prepared very quickly and at any time you can quickly help clean furniture from dust and dirt. Stir 1 tbsp. l. salt in a glass of vinegar, soak a cotton cloth in the resulting solution and remove contamination.
  3. Baking soda, powder and vinegar. Using this method at home will remove any kind of stain. Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of warm water. salt, 1 tsp. powder and add 1 tsp. vinegar. Stir and apply to a soiled sofa, chair or armchair. Rub and rinse with a clean cloth. If the fabric gets very wet during the procedure, it is recommended to dry it with a hair dryer so that the fungus does not appear in the future.
  4. Vodka or alcohol solution. This is effective remedy, which will remove any type of pollution, the main thing is to react in time. This option is suitable to clean both white and dark furniture. The procedure is as follows: moisten a clean towel in vodka and rub over the dirt. You can also pour a little funds on the fabric and wash with a sponge. This method is also a kind of upholstery disinfection.
  5. Linseed oil and vinegar. This composition will help remove fat from the surface of the kitchen chair or soft corner. Mix 50 ml of oil and 1 tsp. vinegar. Boil the mixture and cool. Apply with a brush to the contaminated area of ​​the upholstery and wipe with a damp cloth after 4 hours.

Recommendation! If it was not possible to remove the stain with one of the selected options, do not despair - you just need to choose another method. But it is worth remembering that the interval between procedures should be at least 3-4 hours.

Sometimes you need to dry clean before removing the stain, let's figure out how to properly clean the upholstery on upholstered furniture in this way.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is carried out with the most common vacuum cleaner. This will remove dirt, debris, dust from furniture. Especially often in need of such cleaning Kitchen Area or chairs that get dirty daily.

Dry dust removal:

  1. On the vacuum cleaner, you should put on a special nozzle for cleaning upholstered furniture. In most cases, nozzles in comes with two. The first is superficial, the second is slotted.
  2. The vacuum cleaner must be turned on at minimum power during cleaning so that it does not damage the upholstery.
  3. At the end of the process, it is recommended to use a steam cleaner in order to disinfect the surface.

Important! Sometimes dry cleaning at home involves the use of foam and powders, but the foam must be dense to prevent the material from getting wet. You can remove it from the fabric with a dry cloth.

Removing stains from upholstered furniture with home remedies

Not always soapy water or soda cope with all types of pollution. By using one or the other folk recipe you can easily remove the stain.

We remove stains from a very dirty sofa - video:

Let's consider in more detail:

  • wine stains. Washing such a stain should begin immediately. Salt is recommended for this type of pollution. Sprinkle a handful of salt on freshly spilled red wine and wait a bit for the product to absorb the liquid. Wipe off with a cloth soaked in alcohol.
  • Fruit juice . Here the following mixture will help to remove the stain with your own hands: mix 1 tbsp. l. alcohol, 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. purified water. Apply to dirty stain and let dry. After 40-50 minutes, wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Blood . It is necessary to react quickly to such a stain on the upholstery, since dried blood is very difficult to wash off. So how to proceed? You need to quickly wipe with water, in which an aspirin tablet is dissolved, a kitchenette, a sofa or an armchair. Then clean with a dry cotton towel.
  • Coffee Tea . You can clean the stain with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water. In order for the procedure to go without streaks, you should carefully clean the material with a slightly damp cloth until the moisture is removed.
  • Beer . In order to get rid of the stain, you can use the most common soap solution, but to remove the smell, it is recommended to wipe the area on the fabric with a solution of vinegar. A chair or kitchenette will be like new.
  • Felt pens or ballpoint pen. Such traces can be washed off with acetone. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in the indicated solution, apply to the upholstery and let it dry a little. Then wipe with a damp cloth and dry.
  • Gum . Sticky chewing gum fabric upholstery can be removed after freezing. To do this, attach a bag of products from the freezer (in order not to stain the fabric, wrap it in a clean plastic bag) and, as soon as the chewing gum freezes, remove it with a ruler or other blunt object.
  • Urine. Here too, you need to respond as soon as possible. First of all, you should collect urine with a napkin, and then wash the furniture with soapy water.

Advice! If the stain has had time to dry, then it should be cleaned only after pre-soaking with warm water.

In order to remove a stain from white upholstery, not all of the above options are suitable. white furniture requires special care. It is best, of course, not to subject light-colored upholstery to serious pollution, only in this way can its long service life be achieved.

As practice shows, professional dry cleaning is not always necessary when the sofa is dirty. Most often, you can do it yourself and clean the furniture from stains at home. To do this, you need to know some subtleties, for example, why the pollution appeared and what kind of upholstery the sofa has. The wrong approach will lead to the fact that the stain may not only not disappear, but also become larger, and it will no longer be possible to remove it. Of course, any cushioned furniture loses its original appearance over time, but there are some preventive measures, prolonging the service life and aesthetics of the product:

  • choosing a sofa with easy-to-clean upholstery (this will ensure that the surface is quickly cleaned of dust and animal hair);
  • the use of special bedspreads for upholstered furniture, which is used most often in the house;
  • the use of interior items for their intended purpose (for example, it is better not to eat or drink brightly colored drinks while sitting on the couch);
  • tracking the condition of products and timely care for upholstered furniture (it is necessary to vacuum, beat out the dust and wash the outer covers).

However, if dirt still appears on the sofa, then it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible, because this not only spoils it appearance, but also creates a favorable environment for reproduction various microorganisms. Let's take a closer look at how you can quickly clean the sofa at home.

How to clean upholstered furniture

The method of cleaning the sofa depends on how heavily soiled the product. For example, when dusting, it will be enough to moisten gauze or cloth in water, spread it over the entire surface of the sofa and pat it lightly. So, all the dust accumulated during operation will be absorbed into the wet material. This method suitable for cleaning sofas with a velvet or velor surface.

For other materials, a simpler method is suitable. The gauze soaked in salt water is attached to the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner and the entire accessible surface is cleaned. After such a reception, the colors of the upholstery become richer, and the upholstered furniture is noticeably updated.

What other ways are there to clean sofas? As a rule, they all come down to finding the optimal remedy for various types of pollution and stains.

Let us dwell on the most commonly used substances for cleaning furniture.

Sofa cleaners

It should be borne in mind that a separate agent is intended for cleansing certain surfaces and materials. To clean the sofa from stains and dirt at home, the following compositions are most often used:

  • warm soapy water(used to clean the sofa from greasy and small dirt);
  • special chemicals with strong foam(the diluted substance is applied to the dirty area, left to dry completely, then the dried foam is carefully removed with a vacuum cleaner);
  • ammonia and vinegar (effective remedy, however, this method may change the color of the material);
  • alcohol solutions and acetone(used when removing stains of any nature);
  • lemon juice and soda(discolor dirty spots upholstery);
  • petrolatum(used when cleaning leather coverings, wooden armrests);
  • laundry soap(well removes stains from wine and other brightly colored drinks);
  • shaving foam(well cleans the upholstery of ink and greasy stains).

It is often necessary to mix the above remedies in order to achieve maximum effect. For example, if you dilute soda and a little detergent in 1 liter of warm water, you get a fairly effective remedy for cleaning even hard-to-remove dirt. But even here a measure is needed, in no case should the sofa be wetted strongly, otherwise it will not dry out and an unpleasant smell will appear over time.

In any case, in this issue important to be aware of possible ways cleaning the sofa, which can be found on the upholstery label or on a sticker under the sofa. Usually the manufacturer indicates what impacts the material is able to endure, and what is better not to do so as not to spoil it. And, of course, you should carefully read the composition and instructions for the chemicals used when it becomes necessary to clean the sofa at home.

Furniture cleaning instructions

Before you can effectively clean the sofa at home, you must perform several steps to prevent damage to the product:

  • test the cleaner on the part of the sofa hidden from the eyes, if no changes have occurred, you can safely proceed to the treatment of the contaminated surface;
  • smooth out fuzzy upholstery in one direction with a soft brush, do not use alcohol solutions to clean this material:
  • purify microfiber sofa can only be dry, in extreme cases, with severe contamination, solutions can be used, but this threatens to change the appearance of the product:
  • use as handy material only white napkins, especially in the case of a light sofa upholstery, otherwise a bright fabric treated with chemicals may leave unwanted stains:
  • do not use concentrated vinegar and strong bleaches for any materials.

So, what tools will you need to clean the sofa:

  • sponges for washing dishes;
  • napkins;
  • brushes with different bristles;
  • detergent container;
  • vacuum cleaner with special nozzles for upholstered furniture;
  • gloves if aggressive agents are used.

To remove light dirt, napkins or sponges are enough, but for a dried old stain, brushes with stiff bristles will come in handy.

Now we will sequentially consider the stages of furniture cleaning:

  • wash pillows and removable covers from the sofa in advance in the delicate wash mode;
  • the place around the sofa must be covered with polyethylene so as not to contaminate anything during cleaning;
  • a product requiring thorough care must first be cleaned of dust, crumbs, adhering wool and hair with a vacuum cleaner, carefully going through all corners and joints;
  • gently scrape off solid dirt with a knife or spatula (here is a caveat: it is better to wet the fleecy upholstery before that);
  • treat stained areas with a cleaning solution, starting from the backs and ending with the bottom of the sofa, as a rule, ordinary soap solution or special agent(you need to apply the funds carefully, brushing one place for about 30 seconds);
  • leave the foam on the contaminated surface for about 15 minutes, then it is necessary to cleanly wash off its remnants from the upholstery of the sofa;
  • dried pieces of foam along with dirt can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

If the stain still remains, you can use a vinegar solution or a mixture of shampoo and ammonia (about 10 drops) diluted in warm water.

Cleaning a sofa with fabric upholstery

Owners often ask themselves: how to clean a fabric sofa at home? It all depends on the upholstery material:

  • tapestry (only a dry cleaning method is suitable, in extreme cases, you can use whipped foam);
  • velor and flock (dirt can be removed with a special cloth soaked in soapy water, a sofa with such a coating is cleaned in the direction of the pile, in addition, you can simply use a steam generator);
  • velvet and plush (the danger of caring for upholstered furniture made of these materials is that they easily discolor and shed).

Cleaning a sofa with leather upholstery

A distinctive feature of sofas with such a coating is their easy care. Dust and animal hair usually do not stick to the skin, and liquid is not absorbed into it. Most often, it is enough to simply periodically wipe the surface with a damp cloth and treat it a little with Vaseline for shine. But sometimes there are some nuances when cleaning, depending on the type of leather from which the upholstery is made:

  • leather and its substitutes (it is not recommended to wet the surface heavily when caring for upholstered furniture, you also can’t use a steam generator, a special cleaner for leather coverings or whipped leather is best egg white);
  • nubuck (a brush with rubber bristles is best, such material can be gently steamed);
  • suede (this coating collects dust and dirt, usually a special brush is used when cleaning, but if the stains are strong, then you can take alcohol or a solution of table salt).

For smooth skin, you can also use a weak solution of vinegar.

Cleaning upholstered furniture depending on the types of stains

As mentioned above, it will be possible to effectively clean the sofa only if you determine exactly which cleaning agent you need to use. For this, in turn, you need to know what stains are rubbed off with. various origins. Let's take a look at how to deal with various pollution upholstered furniture:

  • tea stains: laundry soap is suitable, they need to rub the damaged place, after wetting the upholstery with water, and then rinse well with a sponge;
  • blood stains: this species pollution is difficult to influence, however, if you try to clean it right away, there is a chance to remove it without a trace. To do this, the area must be thoroughly rinsed. ice water, then rub with laundry soap and rinse again. What if the blood got on the upholstery a long time ago? For this case, there is also a way out: dilute 2 aspirin tablets in 250 ml of water and rinse the contamination. Salt solution or vinegar (1 tablespoon of 9% acid per glass of water) also helps to remove dried blood.
  • urine stain: if the stain is fresh, then first it must be blotted with napkins, then treated with soapy water (a regular shampoo diluted in warm water will do), rinse well and dry with a hairdryer;
  • wine: As with any type of pollution, it is better to get rid of wine stains as soon as it is spilled on the sofa. First you need to absorb all the moisture as quickly as possible to prevent it from spreading over the upholstery, then sprinkle the place with salt and leave for a while, rinse everything well with soapy water and dry.
  • beer stains: pollution is removed similarly to the previous methods - blot moisture, dry with a hairdryer, treat with acetic solution and rinse with water;
  • greasy spots: Sufficiently difficult to remove pollution, however, it is quite possible to remove it. First, sprinkle the place with salt and leave for 20 minutes, at this time prepare a washing solution (dilute the dishwashing liquid to a thick foam), then rinse the greasy stains thoroughly until they disappear completely.
  • ink: a fairly common type of pollution, can be easily removed with alcohol or any other solvent.

How to get rid of odors

To remove odors from food or drinks, you can use special shampoos for cleaning upholstered furniture. The product must be diluted according to the instructions and rinsed upholstery. However, in some cases, the smell is not so easy to get rid of. In particular, urine and beer are very persistently eaten into the sofa. The smell of beer is easily removed with a solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). The unpleasant smell of urine is more difficult to remove, there are several folk remedies:

  • tincture of iodine (20 drops per 1 liter of water);
  • vinegar solution with lemon juice;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • vinegar 9% in water (1:3), then treat the place with soda and spray with hydrogen peroxide, leave it for a while, dry with a hairdryer.

But it is worthwhile to understand that the smell of urine from upholstered furniture does not go away immediately, sometimes it is necessary to repeat the cleaning procedure several times so that it completely disappears.

Professional dry cleaning

No matter how hard the owners try to clean the sofa from pollution at home, this is not always possible to achieve. At the very bad deal furniture loses its aesthetic appearance. Therefore, if you have a question about how to effectively clean a sofa from stains without streaks, it is better to entrust this task to professionals. Dry cleaners use special chemicals, dry and wet ways cleaning. This not only returns the original look of the sofa, but also increases its lifespan.

Bringing upholstered furniture back to life is a simple task, and you can do it yourself without resorting to the help of professionals. Cleaning a fabric sofa from greasy helps as household chemicals, and folk remedies. But such a procedure should be started only armed with the necessary information so as not to aggravate the situation.

How to clean a greasy sofa

Upholstered furniture is prone to dirt, especially if it white color. Therefore, after buying a sofa, it is better to immediately acquire special covers. They are made from a material that can be easily washed with any detergent.

If a person did not suspect the existence of such capes, and the furniture was already covered with an unpleasant coating, then it means it's time to clean the upholstery of the sofa. Before the main wash:

  1. Vacuum the sofa to collect all the crumbs, debris and dust. You should immediately carry out a thorough cleaning, and do not forget to look into hard-to-reach places.
  2. After that, you need to take an unnecessary sheet, moisten it with weak solution vinegar (1 tbsp. substance per 5 liters of water), and cover the sofa. Next, you need to take a stick and knock out the product well.
  3. If the upholstered furniture is in a neglected state, then you should sprinkle especially greasy areas with salt and leave for 3-4 hours. During this time, she will have time to absorb maximum amount fat.

Grease can be removed with glycerin. To do this, it is necessary to moisten a cosmetic disc in the substance and walk it over the upholstery.

If the sofa is in light colors, then it is worth acting in the same way, only instead of glycerin you need to use milk or chalk, having previously dissolved it in water.

Laundry soap is a true friend of a housewife, as it is able to cope with almost any pollution. To use it to bring the sofa into a decent look, you should:

  • Grate 1 bar of laundry soap on a coarse grater;
  • add shavings in 5 l. warm water and mix until a light foam is formed;
  • moisten a soft sponge in the solution, treat the entire surface of the sofa and leave for 1-2 minutes;
  • then rinse the soap thoroughly and let the sofa dry.

A solution of ammonia will help clean a greasy sofa. To prepare it, mix the substance with water in equal amounts and mix. Soak a cotton pad or soft cloth in the product and remove the fat with blotting movements until it completely disappears. After that, the upholstery should be wiped with a clean cloth, and let the sofa dry.

If the furniture has a special greasy spot, and the described procedure is powerless against him, then you need to take a soft brush and rub the greasy area.

Plain fabrics should be treated with cosmetic discs or wipes, while fleecy materials can be washed with sponges or brushes.

Another effective cleaning method is soda slurry. She fights not only with greasiness, but also with stains from tea, coffee and dirty footprints. It is necessary to mix soda with water (1: 1), but if the slurry turns out to be excessively liquid, then it is better to pour more substances to make it thicker. After that, you should distribute the mixture over the entire surface of the upholstery, and rub the soda with a brush. Leave the substance on the sofa for 1-2 hours so that it has time to dry completely.

Soda combined with alcohol will help remove a greasy stain from the sofa, but it is better to use them for fresh dirt. Necessary:

  • pour a thick layer of soda on a greasy stain and leave for 1 hour;
  • after 60 minutes, collect soda, and pour fresh in its place, and leave for another 40 minutes;
  • after the specified time, the substance should be collected with a vacuum cleaner;
  • the remnants of the stain must be treated with a cotton pad and medical alcohol.

All of these methods are quite effective, but if the sofa has not been cleaned for years, then you should not expect quick results. It is possible that processing will have to be carried out far more than once.

How to avoid streaks on upholstery

Smudges can be formed both from the use of professional foam formulations and from home remedies. The reason for this is the use of excessive amounts of water, improperly selected products and insufficient rinsing.

In order not to face such a problem, it is necessary to use as little water as possible, and carefully collect all the foam with napkins. First, treat the sofa with a damp cloth, and then with a dry one.

If any detergents have been used that produce a large amount of foam, then a good rinsing will be required. But here it is important to try not to flood the sofa, and after the procedure, try to dry it as quickly as possible.

The sofa should dry on its own, but if it is too wet, then it will be useful to resort to forced drying. To do this, you can use a fan or a hair dryer, which has a cold air supply mode.

Do not dry furniture near heating pipes, or near various electrical appliances.

When it was not possible to avoid the appearance of stains, they still cannot be left on the upholstery, since such areas get dirty much faster. It is necessary to take a brush of medium hardness and carefully rub the smudges, and then suck out the remnants of the substance from the sofa with a vacuum cleaner. It is worth using such a not too sparing method if the sofa is no longer new and there is no fear of damaging the upholstery.