How to wash a high-quality acrylic bath. How to clean an acrylic bathtub from various contaminants? Water stone fight

How to wash an acrylic bath so that it does not change its appearance, serves for a long time and pleases the eye with its unsurpassed appearance. In view of the fact that acrylic bathtubs appeared on our market quite recently, many people ask themselves the question - what means to wash such bathtubs and how to properly handle them. There are no big difficulties in the procedure for washing an acrylic bath. The main thing here is to follow the rules of cleaning.

We are all accustomed to bulky and heavy cast iron bathtubs, and acrylic bathtubs, which are elegant in their shape and quite light, at first glance seem fragile and impractical. That is why, many are wary of plumbing, which is made of acrylic.

Features of washing and caring for an acrylic bath

Unfortunately, many do not yet know the basic rules for the care of acrylic. It is worth noting that the surface of an acrylic bathtub requires more careful maintenance and therefore you should familiarize yourself with a number of rules for the care of this material. By following the basic care rules, you will be able to extend the flawless appearance of your bath.

Acrylic is a durable material. Its surface has a dirt-repellent effect, due to which microorganisms do not develop on it. In addition, the acrylic bathtub is not afraid of impacts, but it is easily scratched.

Features of washing an acrylic bath. The main thing is to be careful and careful when washing an acrylic bath. It is not recommended to use powdered and abrasive products as a washing agent, as well as paste containing chlorine, acid, alkali, and ammonia. Such substances contribute to the appearance of scratches on the surface, and also lead to the loss of natural color. Always carefully read the ingredients of the cleaning agent you use before cleaning your acrylic bathtub. Do not use metal and hard brushes - such brushes violate the integrity of the acrylic coating.

It is also not recommended to bathe your pets in an acrylic bathtub, put metal basins and buckets in them. Never put various objects in the bathroom - stools, metal basins and objects, as well as any other household utensils.

What improvised means can be used to wash an acrylic bath

To properly care for an acrylic bathtub, you must use a liquid with a cleansing effect as a washing agent. Dishwashing liquid, liquid soap, shower gel, etc. are excellent for this purpose.

If you find lime streaks on the surface of the bathroom, then it is not necessary to wash the entire container completely. It is enough to take a soft cloth, soak it in lemon juice or table vinegar and wipe the surface.

If you notice that some areas of the bathroom surface begin to darken, then it is enough to rinse the container with running water and wipe it with a dry and soft cloth.

If minor scratches occur in the acrylic bath, then its surface can be treated with a polishing material, in particular, it can be ordinary mastic. Furniture polish or car polish is often used for this purpose.

Special products for washing acrylic baths

The current level of development of the chemical industry has made it possible to develop special tools, thanks to which an acrylic bath can retain its original appearance for a long time. At the same time, with such means, any acrylic container is washed quickly and safely. I would especially like to highlight such funds as Acrylan, Cillit, Sarma, Acryl-Net, Star-Acrylat.

These cream-gels are specially designed for washing acrylic surfaces. The agent is applied to a napkin and only after that to the surface of the bath. The entire surface of the container is wiped with a napkin and left for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the product should be washed off well with warm water and wiped dry with a cloth.

To wash acrylic bathtubs, you can use universal products. The most popular all-purpose cleaner for acrylic surfaces is Ravak. It was developed using a special technology and is intended for washing acrylic surfaces.

In order to qualitatively get rid of the appearance of rust, it is recommended to use products that are designed to combat rust specifically from acrylic surfaces.

In any case, when choosing a product for washing an acrylic bathtub, always give preference to special products. Such products will not only gently clean the surface, but also give it shine and protection, in the form of a thin waterproof film. Now you already know how to wash the acrylic surface and you can provide it with proper care and increase its service life.

How to wash an acrylic bath - tips for washing with improvised and special means Video

How to wash an acrylic bath so that it remains snow-white for as long as possible and does not change its appearance. About various tips and intricacies of caring for an acrylic bathroom and will be discussed in this article.

How and what is the best way to wash an acrylic bath at home?

Acrylic bathtubs have won the love of hostesses all over the world with their smooth surface, glossy sheen and flawless whiteness. Lighter, plastic models of various shapes and sizes have successfully replaced clumsy cast-iron washing containers.

Happy owners of acrylic sanitary ware often wonder how to wash the font in order to preserve the original appearance of the product for a long time. In fact, care should be taken in this matter, since not every detergent is suitable for mechanically fragile plastic. In this article, we will tell you how to care for an acrylic bathtub so as not to spoil it.

Advantages of acrylic

Many homeowners are concerned about how to clean an acrylic bathtub, as they have heard about the capriciousness of plumbing fixtures made from this material. In fact, acrylic products are much easier to care for than steel or cast iron wash basins.

Ease of cleaning is due to the following properties of the polymer:

  • Low porosity. There are practically no pores on the acrylic surface, so it does not absorb dirt, but repels them, so that daily cleaning of the acrylic bath can be done simply with warm water and a soft cloth.
  • High smoothness. The smooth surface of acrylic does not allow dirt and harmful microorganisms to clog into the structure of the material, so it is easy to clean the bowl even without the use of abrasive detergents.

Note! Manufacturers often talk about the "self-cleaning effect" that high-quality acrylic products have. This term means that their ugly surface repels dirt, so you have to clean the bath less often. In most cases, you can wash the acrylic bath with warm water or soapy water.

Typical pollution

Since polymer plumbing fixtures have replaced cast-iron and steel ones relatively recently, the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home is relevant for many responsible housewives. Acrylic products repel dirt, however, intensive use of the device leaves its mark, which worsens the appearance and hygiene of the wash container. Most often in the process of using the bath, the following pollution occurs:

  1. Yellowness. Acrylic, unlike the enamel of steel plumbing fixtures, does not turn yellow over time. However, what if the acrylic bath turned yellow? The answer is simple - wash the bowl using a special product, as well as improve the quality of tap water, since most often this is the problem.

Important! Properly caring for plumbing so that old stains do not appear on it is much easier than washing an acrylic bathtub. Therefore, it is important to regularly rinse the inside of the bowl with running warm water, and then wipe it dry with a soft cloth after each use.

Many housewives do not know how to clean an acrylic bath, so they use completely inappropriate products that corrode, scratch or otherwise damage the product. Improper care is the most common cause of premature wear of acrylic sanitary ware. Manufacturers recommend that you refrain from using powders for cleaning such bathtubs, instead it is better to use a delicate, gentle washing gel or cream. To care for acrylic sanitary ware, 4 categories of cleaning products are used:

  • Cleansing gel. These products are used to wash the acrylic bath from yellowness, limescale, rust and other deep contaminants. The packaging must contain information that the composition of the gel is suitable for acrylic. Such brands as Akrilan, Mister Chister, Ravak have proven themselves well.

Please note that if you are not sure how to wash an acrylic bathtub, it is better not to risk it in vain. It is better to try what effect the composition will have on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface, and only after that continue cleaning the product.

"Forbidden" tricks

High quality acrylic plumbing is just a godsend for modern housewives who save time on everything they can. With proper use, it retains whiteness and shine even without the use of special tools. However, washing an acrylic bathtub with the wrong household chemicals can ruin the product. Manufacturers recommend not to use for care:

  • Hard brushes. Brushes with metal elements or hard bristles leave scratches on the soft acrylic surface, which significantly spoil the appearance of the font, and also cause further destruction.


An important measure to combat contamination on the surface of acrylic hot tubs is proper care in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Properly using the product is much easier than washing an acrylic bath at home. Compliance with these 4 simple rules will significantly shed the life of plumbing:

Remember that using a low-quality or inappropriate acrylic bath cleaner, you are not getting rid of pollution, but of expensive plumbing!

How and how to clean an acrylic bath at home

What is the best way to clean an acrylic bathtub at home and not damage it? Typical stains, recommended products, “forbidden” cleaning methods, prevention.

How to clean an acrylic bath, by what means?

Acrylic bathtubs have recently become popular and have taken the place of the previously widely used cast-iron structures. Such a product captivates with its lightness, as well as its sophisticated forms. But at the same time, quite often the owners of such plumbing do not know how to clean an acrylic bathtub so as not to harm its appearance.

What is acrylic?

For the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs, plastic is used, which is characterized by significant hardness and wear resistance. The surface of such products has a dirt-repellent effect, which prevents the development of harmful microorganisms. This material has been widely used in the field of dentistry in the past. Thanks to new technologies, its price has dropped significantly. Therefore, the material began to be actively used in the production of sanitary ware.

Acrylic bathtubs are resistant to impact, but are subject to small and minor scratches. Their high-quality cleaning depends not only on which cleaning agent was chosen, but also on compliance with the basic recommendations for the care of acrylic. In order for the bath to serve for a long time and not lose its whiteness and integrity, you should not bathe pets in it, as well as arrange a warehouse of basins and buckets. Metal objects and other utensils can damage its surface, leaving noticeable scratches.

Acrylic Bathtub Daily Care

Acrylic bathtub does not require special care. It is enough to rinse it after each use with clean running water, without using aggressive cleaning agents. For acrylic baths, you can purchase special "chemistry". Of course, they also effectively fight pollution, but they are not cheap. In addition, it is not recommended to constantly expose the acrylic surface to chemical cleaning.

Many do not know how to clean an acrylic bath. It turns out that to carry out such cleaning, it is enough to purchase a soft cloth or sponge. It is also necessary to use soap or a special detergent for acrylic products. For daily care, it is enough to clean the surface of the bathtub with a soapy sponge to remove possible contamination. You can even just rinse it with clean running water and completely remove moisture. With such care, no traces of rust or plaque will appear on the surface.

If such pollution nevertheless takes place, then how to clean the acrylic bath in this case? If the usual methods do not help, you need to choose special cleaning products.

What care products to use?

Before we tell you how to clean an acrylic bath at home, we note that you need to remember some important rules. It is important to observe accuracy and discretion in the process of processing the product. Avoid using cleaners that contain abrasive elements, as well as pastes and powders with the presence of ammonia compounds, chlorine, alkali and acid. You need to be aware that such substances can damage the outer coating of the acrylic tank, cause small cracks and scratches, and provoke discoloration. Therefore, before deciding how to clean an acrylic bath, you should carefully read the composition of the powder or paste. Avoid using metal brushes. Cleaning tools that are too hard cause scratches and damage the finish.

Overview of cleaning products

Every hostess thinks about how to clean an acrylic bath. Luckily, there are a lot of special tools out there. "Acrilan" is a cleaning foam that easily removes various types of dirt (soap stains, limescale, rust). The tool can easily cope with all types of stains. The advantage of this product is the formation of a protective film on the acrylic surface, which prevents further accumulation of plaque. But never leave the foam to dry completely on the surface of acrylic products, and do not mix it with other products. Use gloves during cleaning. Keep away from children.

Cif is the optimal cleaning agent that is suitable for the care of all plumbing items. The composition does not contain abrasive substances. Therefore, the acrylic surface is not threatened by the loss of gloss and integrity. The tool is available in several forms - cream, paste, spray.

Bass is a liquid for cleaning sanitary ware in the bathroom. Suitable for daily use.

Tim-Profi is a detergent designed for cleaning acrylic surfaces. Among the main advantages are environmental friendliness, the ability to destroy unpleasant odors, and the removal of significant contaminants. The agent gives the cleaned surface shine, and also forms a special protective layer.

"Cinderella" is an effective preparation for cleaning acrylic products. An ideal option for those who cannot decide how to clean an acrylic bath. Among the shortcomings is a pungent odor that appears directly when sprayed. In the process of processing, it is recommended to use not only gloves, but also a mask. The product must be sprayed onto the surface of the acrylic bath and left for 7 minutes. After the specified time, rinse the preparation with running water, wipe the bath with a soft cloth.

"Chister" - a cleaner for acrylic baths, which is also suitable for other plumbing items. Ideally removes limescale, rust, grease stains and soap stains, gently cleans the surface without causing mechanical damage. The composition of the drug includes an acrylic polymer, which acts as a barrier to further adhesion of dirt to the bath. The product protects against the appearance of fungi and bacteria. The bath will please the owners with cleanliness in a couple of minutes.

So, we discussed how to clean an acrylic bath. Let's talk about possible ways to use detergents. Familiarize yourself with the basic rules for using cleansers. Usually the manufacturer places recommendations directly on the packaging. The basic rules of application are as follows:

Folk remedies for the care of acrylic bathtubs

If there are no detergents, and you don’t know how to clean an acrylic bath at home, feel free to trust people’s advice. Such funds do not have negative properties and do not harm health:

What do the owners of this kind of plumbing say? How to clean an acrylic bath? Reviews on this subject are very different. However, regardless of whether you read a positive or negative comment, you should know that all products correspond to the qualities declared by the manufacturer. It is important to choose the optimal detergent that is suitable for your bath, taking into account the characteristics and characteristics of the water. The effectiveness of the tool depends on the frequency of use. For example, with heavy contamination, it may be necessary to use the product twice to achieve a perfectly clean surface. Taking into account all the above information, you can easily determine how to clean the acrylic bath so that the product lasts a long time.

How to clean an acrylic bath, by what means?

Acrylic bathtubs have recently become popular and have taken the place of the previously widely used cast-iron structures. Such a product captivates with its lightness, as well as its sophisticated forms. But at the same time, quite often the owners of such plumbing do not know how to clean an acrylic bathtub so as not to harm its appearance.

How to wash an acrylic bath at home: TOP 5 ways to clean, which brushes and sponges to use

Often, housewives are faced with the problem of how to wash an acrylic bath at home? The walls and bottom are sensitive to abrasive substances, so a product chosen at random will not work. The purpose of the article is to talk about the basic rules and methods of cleaning, to give practical advice and recommendations:

  • characteristics of cleaning products, their features;
  • cleaning options - what are the main differences;
  • Tips for taking care of and extending the life of your bathtub.

Acrylic is a wear-resistant material, a type of plastic derived from a group of synthetic derivatives of one of the unsaturated organic acids.

What you need to know about the characteristics of acrylic bathtubs before cleaning them?

Before answering the question of how and how to wash an acrylic bath, let's talk about the material of manufacture. Acrylic has a dirt-repellent effect: microorganisms, bacteria and fungi do not develop in the bath. The material is durable and impact resistant. A noticeable minus is that it is easily scratched and subject to wear.

The main difference is exposure to abrasive and chemically active components. Like plastic, substances with high alkalinity or acidity lead to degradation of the structure, and abrasives scratch the surface, leaving deep grooves.

When washing, it is important to be careful. Do not buy abrasive compounds, pastes with ammonia, chlorine, acids and alkalis. Powdered products are harmful, leaving damage and scratches. Brushes (metal and hard bristles) are contraindicated for use.

Which brushes and sponges to use

For cleaning use soft cloths or sponges. Use and tissue napkins. They are moistened in special solutions (we will talk about them later). After washing, it is wiped dry and polished.

If there is no opportunity to buy a special sponge, use rags with soft pile, for example, from microfiber. If necessary, use a regular cloth - the main thing is that there are no abrasive agents on the surface.

How to clean an acrylic bath at home: TOP 5 ways

For you, we have selected several options for how to clean an acrylic bath at home:


An adequate and simple way is the use of special detergents. Their cost rarely exceeds reasonable limits. For proper selection, make sure that there are no abrasives. Often on the packaging of goods indicate the composition, or make special notes.

Acrylic bath cleaner used for small and large cleaning volumes. Spots that appear are removed with:

  • cif- for baths, sinks, tiles and toilets. The composition does not contain abrasives, which is safe for acrylic. An acceptable price and a variety of types of composition (spray, paste, cream) make it a popular product among buyers. After cleaning, a film appears that protects it from further formation of limescale.
  • Acrylan- foam for bathtubs and showers. When using, leave only until completely dry, without rinsing.
  • Bass- Cleaning agent, used daily. Sold in liquid form.
  • Team Pro- an environmentally friendly product, helps to fight unpleasant odors, is effective for severe pollution.
  • Cinderella- a popular substance, emits a pungent odor, therefore, when spraying (sold as a spray), wear gloves and a special mask.
  • Chister- composition for quick removal of dirt, promotes the decomposition of divorces and fatty contaminants. Consists of a polymer that protects against fungi.

In addition to those listed, allowed Use of the following is at your own risk:

Citric acid solution

Citric acid refers to organic acids with a relatively high pH - an indicator of the solution. Materials perfectly clean off plaque, grease and other contaminants. Organic acid is especially effective on ordinary substances, therefore it is easy to clean off fat with its help. In its pure form, it adversely affects acrylic, because mix into solution:

  1. ⅔ fill with warm water;
  2. Pour out half a liter of acid;
  3. Stir the consistency and leave overnight;

The method is effective, but aggressive towards acrylic, and it is not recommended to carry it out more often than 0.5 years.

After standing for about 12 hours, the solution descends. It is worth stirring citric acid more thoroughly than vinegar - completely dissolve it for further precipitation. At the end, the structure is washed with a stream of water from the shower and wiped with a soft cloth. Rub for extra shine.

Apple vinegar

A practical substance, but it does not always have a positive effect on acrylic. The main feature is a low pH and high acidity. For the material, this factor is critical, especially in the presence of scratches. You must work quickly and accurately. The recommended method is to moisten a cloth abundantly in the solution, attach it to the pollution and pour water over it.

We recommend using the method at least once every six months.

Plaque removes ordinary soda. The composition has a high alkaline environment that breaks down fats and strong compounds. In most products, it is present in the form of compounds or in the usual form. There are two types: food and calcined.

Use the method every 3-5 months.

Baking soda is a weak alkali, soda ash is strong, with a powerful abrasive effect. Use only baking soda.

  • Pour 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a bowl;
  • Fill with a glass of water;
  • Dampen the soft side of the sponge with the solution;
  • Apply the mixture by blotting rather than rubbing;
  • Rinse with water after 15 minutes and clean with a cloth.

Never use undiluted baking soda! It has a strong abrasive effect and will damage the case.

If you need to leave the surface in its original form, take distilled or filtered water. In some cities, tap water contains a large amount of calcium, which reacts with soda, which forms fine crumbs, similar to sand. Using water will get rid of it. The advice is also relevant for other cleaning methods associated with the use of chemically active substances.


Acrylic came to plumbing from dentistry - it was used to line denture frames and make crowns, so cleaning the bathtub with toothpaste is quite acceptable.

The procedure should not be carried out more than once every two months.

Buy non-abrasive paste. The manufacturer may not indicate this on the packaging. Abrasive particles are like small grains of sand that clean plaque from teeth, but they will greatly damage the surface of the bath. Before use, squeeze a small amount of paste onto your finger and rub it - the sand is immediately noticeable.

How and how to wash an acrylic bath: TOP 5 methods!

How to clean an acrylic bath at home: the best ways, what tools and brushes to use, what not to use.

Over time, the appearance of yellowish streaks on their surface is inevitable. It's all about ordinary tap water. The impurities of chlorine and heavy metals contained in it have a detrimental effect even on high-tech chemicals. Therefore, the periodic elimination of yellowness will not only return a hygienic appearance, but also significantly increase the service life of plumbing.

Cleanliness in the bathroom

The desire to use household chemicals of recognizable brands often does not meet the expectations of consumers.

Moreover, such products contain the highest concentration of brutal chemical compounds, the incorrect use of which leads to irreversible damage to the topcoat. A worthy candidate for commercial cleaning products are improvised household tools.

Available in every home, they are no worse than professionally managed with the problem of yellowish streaks on the surface of the bathtub and toilet bowl. The most popular ones that can quickly and perfectly eliminate yellowness are citric acid, baking soda and vinegar.

In other embodiments, the auxiliary component is ammonia.

Important! To avoid the brutal action of the components on the skin of the hands, when using both chemical and folk remedies, you need to work with gloves.

Cleaning products

Baking soda is the most common cleaning agent. With a small degree of damage to the surface, with the help of a soft lip, it is useful to grind a sufficient amount of the substance and leave it for 50-60 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. In the case of old yellowish stains, ammonia is added to it. After mixing both components until a viscous mass is formed, the last one is applied to the yellowed area for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the consistency is rinsed with water.

The soda effect will be noticeable after the first application. At the same time, damage to the enamel is completely excluded.

Vinegar fights the problem of yellowish streaks no less well. In addition to cleaning, he owns a massive antiseptic. property. All you need is to apply it on the surface of the plumbing and leave for 1 hour. The pungent smell inherent in it will evenly disappear after rinsing with water. In addition to vinegar, you can use pre-soaked paper towels.

So, having covered them with a bath or toilet, an hour after rinsing, the absence of pollution is guaranteed.

Citric acid can have a similar effect, which can be consumed in the following way. In the hot water previously collected in the bathroom, two 100 gram packs of citric acid are added. In this state, the solution is left overnight.

In the morning, the final step of the cleaning procedure is carried out in the usual way, namely with the help of sponges. It is better if there are several of them, since this substance actively dissolves fat.

In order for the bathroom and toilet to always remain clean and not subject to mechanical damage, certain rules should be followed:

  1. Even if the degree of pollution is powerful, only soft lips are used for plumbing. Hard brushes quickly damage the enamel, resulting in cracks.
  2. Do not allow sharp contrasting water temperatures. This has a detrimental effect on the enamel of plumbing.
  3. Avoid soaking laundry in the bathroom.

    Washing powders corrode any bathroom coating.

With any kind of pollution, it is purposeful to fight at the stage of their appearance. It is enough to pay due attention to cleaning plumbing once a week in order to forever forget about the dilemma of yellowish streaks.

Acrylic bath care: how to keep white and get rid of dirt

A snow-white acrylic bathtub is a cheap and extremely pretty option that virtually everyone looked at when planning a renovation.

Acrylic sanitary ware looks great, does not corrode, but requires constant and extremely careful maintenance.

If you follow all the tips for cleaning products from this, even the most affordable acrylic bathtub will last a long time, while maintaining its original appearance.

Experienced housewives who are familiar with this confirm the usual, albeit difficult, rule: if you wipe the bath with warm water and a soft cloth after each use, you can minimize the need for household chemicals.

But it is extremely difficult to maintain a bathtub in perfect condition; there is not always time and energy for everyday cleaning.

When caring for an acrylic bathroom, you should keep in mind a few basic rules:

  • acrylic is extremely sensitive to mechanical damage, the most common of which are scratches during cleaning. Therefore, the sponge that you use for cleaning must be devoid of the abrasive side. You can clean the bath only with a soft sponge or cloth. Modern acrylic sanitary ware is the least fragile, but some care must be taken;
  • bath made of extruded acrylic (the frame of similar plumbing fixtures is made of fiberglass, epoxy resins and others to give the bath rigidity) are more fragile than cast acrylic, they must be handled as carefully as possible (plus extruded acrylic compared to cast - a significantly lower price) ;
  • in an acrylic bathroom, you can’t soak clothes forever, this spoils the appearance of plumbing;
  • Not all household chemicals are safe for acrylic.

    Special cleaners can be extremely expensive. If you can’t take them all the time, use folk remedies or remedies with a mild chemical composition. To correctly choose how to clean an acrylic bath, carefully study the composition;

  • another prohibition is bathing pets, cleaning dishes and all objects with sharpened corners in the bathroom;
  • you should not go too far and clean with the use of household chemicals more often than once every two weeks, otherwise the surface will quickly lose its impeccable appearance due to frequent interaction with cleaning products.

All these inconveniences are an inevitable price to pay for impeccable whiteness, resistance to corrosion and other advantages of acrylic.

Therefore, before buying, scroll through the question of daily care in your head, if the acrylic bath is not properly cleaned, it will quickly lose its “presentation”.

As we have already noted, the sponge must be soft. With household chemicals suitable for acrylic, everything is a little more complicated:

  • Special cleaners have a label that says they are safe for acrylic sanitary ware. The minus of special household chemicals is the rather high cost. But in stores you can also look for relatively cheap domestic substitutes for imported products (300-500 rubles);
  • some all-purpose cleaners can be used for acrylic sanitary ware.

    But it is worth keeping in mind that the cleaning agent does not have to contain such brutal substances as alcohol, acetone, ammonia, acids. Chif, Bass and almost all the others have proven themselves well, they are easy to purchase in a nearby store;

  • a cheaper analogue is folk remedies. Slight stains can be removed with ordinary laundry or baby soap and a soft cloth, the candidate is washing powder, perfectly diluted in warm water. They also use lemon juice and wine vinegar - these remedies are excellent for yellowness;
  • another gentle procedure is to fill the bathroom with warm water, add a small amount of ordinary cleaning agent to it, then rinse and wipe the bathroom with a lip or a rag;
  • a more expensive, but effective way is to order professional steam treatment from time to time.

    It also allows you to disinfect the bath.

It is necessary to clean the bathroom often, once every two weeks, with a cleaning agent and, as necessary, without it. Also, once a year you need to disinfect the bath: draw water, add a special disinfectant suitable for acrylic, stir well and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then the surface of the bathroom must be treated with clean warm water and a soft cloth.

An alternative option is to add one and a half liters of citric acid (7%) to the collected bath, leave for 12 hours, then rinse well with warm water and wipe with a soft cloth. This method is unsurpassed in helping to maintain the attractive appearance of plumbing and against limescale due to very hard water.

A separate problem is how to clean an acrylic bathtub with hydromassage.

It is virtually insoluble if powerful pollution has already arisen. It is much more effective to apply preventive measures: before each bath, draw water, turn on the hydromassage for a couple of minutes. Once a month, the same function must be repeated, increasing the time of the hydromassage to 10-15 minutes and adding a cleaning agent to the water. Then the water is combined, and the "light" care procedure is repeated without the introduction of a cleaning agent.

This is a fairly effective way to prevent contamination of the thin tubes of the hydromassage system.

If you have a small child who takes water procedures in an ordinary bath, the question arises: how to clean the acrylic bath before bathing the baby. Folk remedies are better suited for this - ordinary soap and warm water, if the plumbing is in good condition and does not require harsh reading.

Acrylic with sufficient care is completely safe for the baby.

There are several types of pollution that are difficult to cope with ordinary means. This is primarily rust, limescale, scratches and stubborn stains. The strategy for dealing with the cleanliness of the house depends on the type and severity of pollution.

  • How to clean an acrylic bathtub from rust is a difficult question. Rust stains are not actually removed from acrylic, so it's best to keep a close eye on the condition of the faucets. If rust nevertheless arose, the quickest way would be to carry out a severe repair - the stain is rubbed with soft sandpaper, then it is treated with a special or ordinary polish.

    The function should be carried out as carefully as possible, otherwise there is a risk of only aggravating the situation;

  • another problem - how to clean the acrylic bath from limescale. It is necessary to apply a special agent to the surface of the plumbing for 20 minutes (folk methods and cheap all-suitable substitutes will most likely not be very effective), then rinse well with warm water;
  • small scratches, formed due to improper care or for other reasons, can be rubbed out in the same way as rust or powerful stains;
  • if the condition of the plumbing requires severe cleaning (there are deep scratches or stubborn stains on the surface that cannot be removed by ordinary methods), the development of filling the damage with watery acrylic or acrylic inserts is used.

    The color must be extremely accurately matched to the color of the plumbing, and - purchased in a special market, working with watery acrylic is not particularly difficult.

Caring for acrylic is not the most common task even for a completely neat housewife. But almost everyone thinks that the perfect plumbing look that this gives is worth all the effort. The main rule, which you should tune in to even before equipping the bathroom: cleaning must be constant, and the household chemicals used should be treated as carefully as possible.

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How and how to wash an acrylic bath

Acrylic bathtubs have a number of advantages, thanks to which they have taken a strong position in the sanitary ware market.

They are long-lasting, lightweight, retain heat well and, with proper care, have a beautiful and discreet spring appearance. But it is extremely affectionate, therefore it is possible to clean an acrylic bathtub far from any means. How to clean an acrylic bath so that it lasts a long time and looks like new? This question should be asked immediately after the purchase, without waiting until the plumbing turns yellow and covered with rusty stains.

Read this article for us:

Household chemicals and acrylic

When choosing products for cleaning the bath, you must carefully familiarize yourself with their composition.

  • Abrasive (small solid particles found in powders);
  • Chlorine;
  • Acetone;
  • Ammonia;
  • Formaldehydes.

All these components scratch or corrode acrylic. And in small scratches and pores dirt and bacteria constantly accumulate. Naturally, you can reduce the harm to "no", but this requires a complete polishing of the bath, which requires a lot of time and effort.

If you're unsure if a cleaner will work, use it on a small area. A small area can be quickly polished with ordinary felt, microfiber or special wax.

Most sanitary wares have special markings that you can use to find out if they are suitable for acrylic bathtubs.

Almost all well-known manufacturers produce a special series of gentle cleaning gels or sprays. Such an assortment will not only remove old rust spots or limestone deposits, but also cope with bacteria.

In the instructions for use, some manufacturers also list detergents and cleaning products that are recommended for home bathroom care. Pay attention to the full name of the cleaner. For example, Sif contains chlorine, and Sif-cream is a product that should be used to wash an acrylic bath.

Daily cleaning

It is not necessary to clean the acrylic bath from yellowness, plaque or mold, if after each use it is washed with warm water and a soft sponge.

You can lather the bath after bathing with dishwashing detergent (making sure in advance that there are no contraindications), shampoo or watery soap.

It is imperative to wash off the foam only with warm water, since extremely hot and cool can have a bad effect on integrity.

After you “wash” the bath, it is necessary to dry it thoroughly by wiping and polishing it with a soft rag or felt.

Mechanical damage: scratches, cracks, holes

Small scratches (no deeper than a millimeter) can be removed immediately by polishing with felt or small sandpaper. As for the deepest cracks, it is worth using watery acrylic, after which it is polished with the same felt.

This is one of the advantages of acrylic bathtubs - scratches can be removed extremely quickly and without a trace. And it is recommended to do this as soon as possible, because dirt begins to accumulate in the cracks, which is difficult to remove. Some cleaning products are poorly washed out and can remain in cracks, which in turn can lead to irritation on the skin after another aqua procedure, therefore, before washing an acrylic bath with a strong agent, it is worth polishing the most noticeable cracks. Rinse off the cleaner with plenty of warm water.

Periodically, as a preventive measure, you can completely polish the bath with a special wax. This procedure will not only help get rid of scratches, but also give the acrylic shine. But before the procedure, it is necessary to go over especially noticeable scratches with a small sandpaper. Do not overdo it, as acrylic is extremely easy to wipe almost through. Such damage is also not a problem in the presence of watery acrylic: the outer side is temporarily closed with electrical tape or tape, and the recess is evenly filled with acrylic.

Stubborn dirt: rust, limescale

Some types of pollution are difficult to avoid. For example, rust spots are caused by a leaky faucet or a leaky pipe, while limescale is common in hard water apartments. But you can get rid of all stains either with the help of special cleaning products, or folk methods. For example, the consistency of lemon juice and vinegar in proportions of 1 to 1 will perfectly be able to clean the acrylic bath from limescale and stubborn rust.

It is enough to wipe the stain with a soft sponge soaked in the substance.

This consistency is good not only for topical application. She will easily return the whiteness to the bath after the “soaking” procedure: for 12 hours, the bath filled with water with the addition of a glass of vinegar and lemon juice is left to bleach. Such a "bleach" is painstakingly washed off with warm or cold water and the surface is polished with a rag. In some recipes, it is recommended to increase the dose of vinegar to 0.5 liters, but the method using such a consistency is considered quite solid, therefore it is better to start with the smallest doses and refine it by other means.

It is better to use this method of cleaning no more than 1 time in six months.

If for some reason there is no ability to fill the bath with water, then you can bleach it with ordinary napkins, previously soaked in vinegar. Put them on the entire surface of the bath and leave for 30 minutes, then remove the residue and wash with warm water.

How to clean an acrylic bath from various contaminants?

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Acrylic bathtubs are now on sale more often than products made of cast iron or steel.

Light weight and relatively low cost make them popular among buyers. But at the same time, acrylic is quite capricious, requiring painstaking and careful care.

Standard pollution

Modern acrylic has dirt-repellent qualities. But in the process of active exploitation by households, sooner or later, the bathroom “acquires” stains, its appearance and hygiene deteriorate significantly. Therefore, many housewives are thinking about the question of how to clean an acrylic bath at home?

The most common contamination for such products are as follows:

Forbidden tricks

Before you start cleaning similar products, it is important to understand what cannot be used in such work. Unnecessary include subsequent means and improvised

  • abrasive detergents are powders containing crystals. They can scratch the sensitive surface, which will spoil not only the appearance of the product, but will become a breeding ground for microbes that can easily get into microcracks.

    In addition, the shine will leave the acrylic surface, it will become dull and ugly. Abrasives include not only purchased products, but also improvised ones. For example, baking soda or citric acid undiluted in water, tooth powder, etc.;

  • chlorine or products containing it. Under its action, the acrylic surface may darken and swell, due to the destruction of the polymer structure, pores will appear on it. The same applies to substances such as ammonia, acetone and various formaldehydes;
  • hard brushes, lips, washcloths. An impeccable candidate for similar items is a soft cloth;
  • very hot water. It is no less terrible for an acrylic surface than acetone or a solvent.

    Under the influence of high temperatures, the surface of the bath can be deformed.

Methods for certain types of pollution

Before using one or another means for removing various kinds of pollution (purchased or folk), you need to test it on a site hidden from prying eyes. So it will be possible to preserve the appearance of the product, for that option, if the cleaning composition is too aggressive.

How to wash an acrylic bath if there is no ability to purchase purchased cleaners?

The most common and universal remedy is ordinary menthol toothpaste. The composition is applied to dirty areas with a soft toothbrush and gently rubbed into the surface. After that, wash off with clean water.


Rusty stains from the surface of acrylic can be removed by several folk methods. For example:

Important! Any abrasive should be applied to the acrylic surface very carefully. Otherwise, you will have to solve another problem: how to remove scratches from the surface of the bath.


You can clean the acrylic bath from yellowish spots with products that are sold in household chemical stores.

They are designed specifically for acrylic coatings. For example, "Acrilan" or "Tim-Profi". These compositions can bring even very neglected plumbing products to their original form. Among other things, such products will disinfect the surface. But don't overuse them. The very highest efficiency is associated with the huge amount of various chemical compounds and substances in these products that harm not only the acrylic surface, but also the health of family members.

Therefore, it is enough to use them for general cleaning of the bath (1-2 times a month).

An acrylic bath from yellowness can be washed using folk methods and available components that are used by almost all housewives. These include:

1. Table salt and wine vinegar. You need to act as follows:

  • in a glass container, mix wine vinegar and salt in a ratio of 2: 1;
  • heat the purchased solution in the microwave to a temperature of 70 degrees;
  • moisten a soft cloth in water and wipe dirty places;
  • leave for 30 minutes.

Do not overexpose the solution, otherwise it will damage the surface.

2. Citric acid. Dissolve 20 grams of lemon in one glass of water. The resulting composition is moderately distributed over the surface of the product with a rag and kept for 30-40 minutes. After that, wash with warm water. The bath after such a procedure will acquire an initial white color.


Limescale on an acrylic bath will remove citric acid or table vinegar. The bath must be filled to the top with warm water (35-40 degrees).

Pour in 0.5 liters of table vinegar or pour 50 grams of lemon. Leave for 12 hours, after which drain the water and wash the bath with clean water.

It is better not to use these two remedies at the same time. Vinegar can react with baking soda and corrode the surface.

See also: how to clean the shower head from limescale?

How to wash an acrylic bath?

In modern apartments, practical and durable acrylic bathtubs are often installed, but the polymer quickly loses its appearance with improper care. To maintain a sparkling whiteness and prevent cracks and scratches, it is necessary to properly care for an acrylic bath.


Caring for modern plumbing differs from the usual washing of metal and iron bathtubs.

With a careful attitude, acrylic products amuse their owners for at least 3 10 years. They favorably differ from the old massive baths in their lightness, variety of models, sparkling whiteness of the coating, the ability to retain heat for a long time, resistance to corrosion, and the absence of mold and fungus.


Acrylic can be scratched while bathing pets. Iron buckets and basins, hard brushes and washcloths will damage the polished surface. The use of detergents with abrasives and chlorine also negatively affects the quality of the acrylic coating: it becomes matte, loses its pretty shine.

Attempts to wash the bath with gels containing solvents and ammonia will result in damage to the top layer: at first it will become cloudy, and with frequent and prolonged contact with these substances it will deform.

The capricious polymer does not even tolerate soaking laundry. Powder, stain removers used in washing are harmful to a fragile white bath.

Microcracks resulting from improper operation and maintenance are not only unaesthetic, but also contribute to the upcoming destruction of the bath coating. Plastic does not tolerate high temperatures.

Cleaning products

In order for the acrylic-covered bathtub to remain white, you need to properly clean it every day, do not neglect the prevention of pollution. The smooth surface of the polymer does not absorb dirt, so it is enough to wash it with a soft sponge with soap and rinse under running water. So that drops of water, drying, do not leave marks, it is necessary to wipe the coating with a dry cloth. If there was no time for these ordinary actions, and yellowness and limescale still appeared on the surface of the bathtub, it is worth using products designed specifically for cleaning acrylic bathtubs.

The quality of funds from recognizable manufacturers is beyond doubt:

  • "Ravak" - a line of products designed for cleaning, disinfection, elimination of especially powerful pollution, restoration of the protection layer.
  • "Acrilan", gently acting on the surface, removes soap and lime deposits, rust and mold, and also forms a protective film, giving extra shine.
  • "Tim Profi" unsurpassedly copes even with chronic pollution, restores radiance and radiance, fights nasty odors. In addition, it is needed to care for a bath with a hydromassage. In order for the mechanism to work for a long time, it must be cleaned on time and perfectly.
  • Bass is great for cleaning acrylic bathtubs and showers.
  • Cif universal cream is also suitable for cleaning acrylic products.

    With it, you can get rid of yellowish plaque, rust, and lime deposits.

  • "Acryl Polish" - a line of products for the care, repair and polishing of acrylic coatings.
  • "Mr. Cleaner" is an excellent economical option that not only copes with various kinds of pollution and fights germs perfectly, but also protects the top layer of the bath from fungus. It coats the surface, thereby preventing dirt from accumulating on the acrylic. After the introduction of "Mr. Chistera", the bathtub remains white forever and retains its own luster.
  • Bon Professional has similar qualities.

    It also forms a special film that prevents dirt from settling on the tub.

Liquid detergents are applied with a soft sponge, sprays are sprayed over the surface of the bath. After a certain period of time specified in the instructions for use (usually from 5 to 20 minutes), the agent is washed off with water. Some gels and waters for washing acrylic bathtubs can also be used to disinfect them (for example, Team Pro, Ravak Desinfectant). After filling the bath with water and adding a disinfectant, you must wait about 10 minutes, then drain the water, thoroughly wash the bowl.

For everyday cleaning, ordinary dishwashing gel is also completely suitable, and old limescale will have to be managed with the help of gels and creams specially designed for this purpose: Sanfor, Gel WC 5+, Ravak Turbocleaner.

Folk remedies

To wash an acrylic bath at home, some folk methods will help:

  • An indispensable assistant in the removal of limescale is citric acid.

    The bath must be filled with hot water, add a couple of bags of this product. After a few hours, the acrylic surface should be washed with running water, wiped with a soft cloth. Cleaning with citric acid should not be repeated often, rather 1-2 times a year.

  • An ordinary toothpaste with a whitening effect can remove stains from acrylic.
  • A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide helps get rid of yellowness.
  • A slurry of soda and water can clean off rusty spots. It is enough to apply it on pollution, then gently rinse. Keep in mind that rubbing the surface of this polymer is strictly prohibited.
  • Table vinegar copes with almost all types of pollution.

    1 liter of the product is poured into a bath filled with warm water. During the day, it is painstakingly washed with a soft sponge, rinsed under running water and wiped dry.

  • If a decent layer of limescale and water stone has formed on the surface of the bath, then a slurry of washing powder, water, 2 tablespoons of Whiteness and a tablespoon of vinegar will help remove it. Apply the composition for 20 minutes, then wash the surface with a soft cloth or sponge, gently pressing.

    At the end of the cleaning, the area to be cleaned must be thoroughly washed under running water.

Cleaning after repair

Sometimes the need to wipe stains from plastic arises specifically after the installation of plumbing or after repairs in the bathroom. To wipe off the sealant, you need efficiency. Until it hardens, it can be removed with a rag and washed with a detergent. If the silicone layer has already hardened, it is better to give up trying to remove it with various solvents and acetone, unsafe for acrylic.

Dried sealant must be very carefully removed mechanically: with a blade, clerical or construction knife.

It is also not easy to remove the primer from the polymer surface, especially without the help of chemical agents harmful to it, such as white spirit and acetone.

One option is to try to remove the stain mechanically, after softening it. Hot water is poured into the bath, after a quarter of an hour it is combined. This function must be repeated several times. As a result, the primer softens a little, and you can try to wipe it off with a blade or a clerical knife.

You need to be very careful, as the risk of destroying plastic is very high. Acrylic can lose its own luster, become matte.

Cleaning chemicals

Tool name

Mode of application

The method of implementation depends on the mixture of the agent. It can be in the form of a cream, spray and paste. The spray should be sprayed on the surface of the bath, and the cream and paste should be spread on problem areas.

It is necessary to throw the product for the amount of time indicated in the annotation, after which rinse it off with a huge amount of water and wipe the surface dry. Such a tool to clean the bath is extremely effective.

Apply foam to the problem area and leave for a while, then wash well with warm water and wipe dry. Do not let the product dry and do not mix it with other products.

Acrylan perfectly fights all types of plaque and mold formation, and also helps to prevent their reappearance.

The agent is sprayed onto the bath and washed off with a huge amount of water after the time indicated on the package has elapsed.

Apply the product to the surface, leave for seven minutes, then rinse it off with plenty of water.

When using, it is better to wear rubber gloves and a face mask, as the product has a rather pungent odor.

This product must be applied to the problem area and after the time indicated on the package, washed with water. It perfectly fights with soap stains, deposits and corrosion, and also prevents their reappearance.

Spray or spread on the acrylic coating, leave for the time indicated on the package.

Then rinse well with running water.

Team Pro

Apply to the surface of the bath, after the amount of time indicated on the package, thoroughly rinse with water. The product actively fights nasty odors, helps restore the radiance of the bath and prevent further pollution.

The list of household chemicals indicated in this table is far from final, because at the moment there are 10 different products for the care of acrylic bathrooms.

You can find for yourself which one suits you best, but before that, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the folk methods for cleaning acrylic bathtubs.

Acrylic bathtubs

Containers from this are made by extrusion and casting. In the first case, fiberglass and epoxy resin are added for structural rigidity, and such a bathtub is installed without fail on an iron or water-resistant wood frame.

Cast bathtubs can be placed immediately on legs, so that they are significantly the hardest and strongest.

This strength gives resistance to mechanical damage, therefore it is much easier to clean such a container, because there is no need to constantly be afraid of damaging it.

Maintenance of an acrylic bathtub is simplified by the fact that additives are included in the manufacture to prevent the growth of fungus, microbes and mold on the surface. Acrylic is also not subject to any kind of corrosion.

How to wash an acrylic bath? Most of the dirt can be simply washed off the surface of the bath with ordinary water and a sponge without the use of cleaning agents.

Since it scratches quite easily, the products used for cleaning should not be abrasive, i.e.

How often to wash?

The more often you clean your acrylic bathtub, the better. After all, it is even easier to wash off small stains often than to try to clean and wipe off deeply stubborn stains later. After each use, it is recommended to rinse the bath with water and a mild detergent, for example, watery soap, and then wipe it dry with a rag or an old towel.

It is recommended to clean the bath at home with the most active substances every 2-3 weeks. The agent must be applied to the entire surface, let it stand for some time, and then carefully rinse off.

So that yellowness does not appear on the bathtub from constantly dripping water, you need to monitor the serviceability of the taps and repair them just right.

If the surface has already turned yellow, then the rust should be cleaned with special products designed to remove it.

Removal of deposits

If tap water is quite hard, then deposits often appear on the acrylic bath - the so-called aqua stone. To remove it, you can use the proper cleaning products or the simplest folk methods - for example, at times make a weak acid solution.

  1. Fill the tub with water at room temperature.
  2. Add 1-2 liters of a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid and stir it thoroughly.
  3. Leave for 12 hours.
  4. Drain the water, rinse the tub thoroughly and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

If you need to disinfect the bath at home, then the procedure is no different, you just need to add disinfectants.

What means to use?

Acrylic bath care is best done with the use of mild detergents, such as those used for washing dishes.

Liquid and ordinary soaps are also excellent. To clean the bath, you can rinse out an old bottle of finished shampoo or shower gel, because they traditionally still have a lot of money left on the walls. Such mild compositions can be left on the surface of the bath forever without the slightest risk of damage.

How to clean an acrylic bath if it has faded and turned yellow? To restore her radiance, after washing, she is lubricated with polishing compounds.

Powders like "Pemolux", "Biolan" and Comet, which are cleaned specifically due to mechanical friction, are not recommended.

Then the question arises: is it safe to clean an acrylic bathtub? The action of watery and pasty products is more based on the chemical removal of contaminants, therefore they can be used without the risk of destroying the surface. But traditionally they contain substances that are quite brutal for the skin, causing irritation and allergies, so it is better to clean the bathtub with rubber gloves.

So, how to wash an acrylic bath if preference is given to factory products?

  1. Bass is a liquid cleaner used to clean bathtubs and showers at home.
  2. Cif is a universal product for all surfaces in the bathroom.
  3. "Acrilan" - as the name implies, this is a special tool for acrylic bathtubs and other similar surfaces. It is produced in the form of foam and copes unsurpassedly with mechanical, chemical and bio pollution and yellowness.

What means definitely should not be cleaned:

  • abrasive substances;
  • hard metal brushes;
  • means with a huge amount of ammonia, bleach, acetone or formaldehyde.

What is acrylic

Knowing the features will help you choose the right tools.

Acrylic is a hard plastic, formerly used in the manufacture of dentures, and now also used in the manufacture of sanitary ware. The first standards of such baths were expensive, therefore a number of improvements were carried out, which made the cheapest, and the standards of them affordable. To date, two types of acrylic bathtubs are produced:

  1. extruded.
  2. Cast.

The difference between them lies in the formation of the frame, but the care is similar, since the surface is in any case made of the same one. It is important to know what can be used to clean such bathtubs, and what should never be done.

How not to clean an acrylic bath

It is not permissible to clean an acrylic bathtub with powdered substances, as over time they will become a prerequisite for tarnishing.

Abrasive compositions are also inapplicable - always use watery products without alcohol, acetone and ammonia (these components will harm the structure of acrylic, which will lead to cracks and scuffs). Standards with formic acid and formaldehyde are also prohibited.

You cannot clean an acrylic bathtub with hard metal and plastic brushes, even if you choose the right product, but using the wrong cleaning tools will simply ruin the outer surface of the bathtub.

Only soft fabrics are allowed.

Chemical cleaning

Cleaning an acrylic bath with the use of modern tools is not difficult. Manufacturing companies provide a wide range of commercial formulations that are perfectly suitable for acrylic. Before the product is released for sale, it is constantly tested in practice, because its use will help keep the bathtub clean and retain its original appearance. In this case, the cleaning process takes not enough time and effort.

Among the more popular compositions are:

  • Acrylan;
  • Silit;
  • Sarma;
  • Acrylic-No;
  • Star Acrylat.

These gels should not be immediately poured onto the bath, first on a soft cloth, and only later on the surface.

Gently wipe off dirt with a tissue and leave for 5 minutes. After that, rinse well with water and be sure to wipe with a dry cloth.

It is possible to use universal means, for example, from the company Ravak. They are also intended for acrylic plumbing items, while they are able to fight not only with ordinary types of dirt, but also with rust or limescale. If you did not find these compositions on sale, choose the rest, but only those suitable for acrylic.

Cleaning folk remedies

Methods proven in practice by housewives will also help to clean the acrylic bath.

At home, it is easy to find citric acid, vinegar, laundry soap and other products that can be perfectly used in cleaning acrylic surfaces. Let's look at them in more detail in the fight against different types of pollution.

How to get rid of yellowish spots

Remove yellowness simply with folk remedies, for example, using bleaching compounds.

  1. Lemon juice or acid are natural remedies that have the property of safely bleaching various. Squeeze lemon juice or dilute the acid powder in water (until completely dissolved) and apply to the yellowed areas of the acrylic bath. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.
  2. Vinegar - this product is effective, but you can only clean an acrylic bath with it in a diluted form.

    Always use aqueous solutions with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Application is carried out in the same way as in the case of lemon juice. In addition to the bleaching effect, vinegar has antiseptic properties.

  3. Toothpaste whitening is also excellent, cleans the yellowness. Squeeze a small amount onto a tissue and gently spread it over problem areas. After 10 minutes, you can wash off the composition.

How to get rid of rust

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent corrosion remover for acrylic baths.

It must be applied to rusty marks with a cloth and left for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with a soapy substance.

You should not use whiteness or bleach, as you can spoil the integrity of the acrylic or its luster.

If hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice could not dissolve corrosive stains, then it is better to use special industrial products. Homemade recipes can only remove the freshest rust marks, and old ones are best dealt with differently. In addition, experts say that it is easier to prevent rust on acrylic than to try to wipe it off later.

How to get rid of limescale

Baking soda, vinegar, and bleach are great for removing hard water build-up on an acrylic bath.

First, make a paste of baking soda and water, rub the surface of the tub with it. While the composition is in action, make a solution of vinegar, water and bleach (all components in one part). An acetic bleaching agent is applied to the soda layer, after which you need to leave the solution for half an hour. Finally, just rinse everything with water and dry the surface with a dry cloth.

You can also moisten napkins or sheets with vinegar and water. Strongly without twisting them, cover them with a bath and leave for half an hour. During this time, the composition will act, due to which the limescale will simply be washed off with the usual washing method.

A solution of soda and soap removes non-old plaque - combine 200 gr.

the first component and 100 gr. grated soap or 100 ml watery. In the first case, you need to add a small amount of water to make a paste. Apply the solution to the wet surface of the acrylic bath and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with plain water.


Acrylic bathtubs have won the love of hostesses all over the world with their smooth surface, glossy sheen and flawless whiteness. Lighter, plastic models of various shapes and sizes have successfully replaced clumsy cast-iron washing containers.

Happy owners of acrylic sanitary ware often wonder how to wash the font in order to preserve the original appearance of the product for a long time. In fact, care should be taken in this matter, since not every detergent is suitable for mechanically fragile plastic. In this article, we will tell you how to care for an acrylic bathtub so as not to spoil it.

Advantages of acrylic

Many homeowners are concerned about how to clean an acrylic bathtub, as they have heard about the capriciousness of plumbing fixtures made from this material. In fact, acrylic products are much easier to care for than steel or cast iron wash basins.

Ease of cleaning is due to the following properties of the polymer:

  • Low porosity. There are practically no pores on the acrylic surface, so it does not absorb dirt, but repels them, so that daily cleaning of the acrylic bath can be done simply with warm water and a soft cloth.
  • High smoothness. The smooth surface of acrylic does not allow dirt and harmful microorganisms to clog into the structure of the material, so it is easy to clean the bowl even without the use of abrasive detergents.

Note! Manufacturers often talk about the "self-cleaning effect" that high-quality acrylic products have. This term means that their ugly surface repels dirt, so you have to clean the bath less often. In most cases, you can wash the acrylic bath with warm water or soapy water.

Typical pollution

Since polymer plumbing fixtures have replaced cast-iron and steel ones relatively recently, the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home is relevant for many responsible housewives. Acrylic products repel dirt, however, intensive use of the device leaves its mark, which worsens the appearance and hygiene of the wash container. Most often in the process of using the bath, the following pollution occurs:

Important! Properly caring for plumbing so that old stains do not appear on it is much easier than washing an acrylic bathtub. Therefore, it is important to regularly rinse the inside of the bowl with running warm water, and then wipe it dry with a soft cloth after each use.

Many housewives do not know how to clean an acrylic bath, so they use completely inappropriate products that corrode, scratch or otherwise damage the product. Improper care is the most common cause of premature wear of acrylic sanitary ware. Manufacturers recommend that you refrain from using powders for cleaning such bathtubs, instead it is better to use a delicate, gentle washing gel or cream. To care for acrylic sanitary ware, 4 categories of cleaning products are used:

Please note that if you are not sure how to wash an acrylic bathtub, it is better not to risk it in vain. It is better to try what effect the composition will have on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface, and only after that continue cleaning the product.

"Forbidden" tricks

High quality acrylic plumbing is just a godsend for modern housewives who save time on everything they can. With proper use, it retains whiteness and shine even without the use of special tools. However, washing an acrylic bathtub with the wrong household chemicals can ruin the product. Manufacturers recommend not to use for care:


An important measure to combat contamination on the surface of acrylic hot tubs is proper care in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Properly using the product is much easier than washing an acrylic bath at home. Compliance with these 4 simple rules will significantly shed the life of plumbing:

Remember that using a low-quality or inappropriate acrylic bath cleaner, you are not getting rid of pollution, but of expensive plumbing!

Video instruction

Acrylic bathtubs are increasingly being chosen by consumers to replace worn-out steel and heavy cast iron bathtubs. Indeed, such plumbing fixtures are characterized by a very attractive, neat appearance, they are light in weight and exceptionally white. In addition, they are presented in a very wide variety of shapes and sizes.

In addition, acrylic products have a number of other advantages, one of which is complete inertness to corrosion. However, this does not relieve the owners of the obligation to regularly clean surfaces. And in general - taking care of an acrylic bathtub at home should be systematic - only in this case it will retain its original novelty for many years. By the way, similar rules should be followed by those homeowners who have updated old steel or cast-iron bathtubs with acrylic tabs.

Properties of acrylic bathtub surface

In the production of acrylic sanitary ware accessories, a special polymer is used, which is characterized by sufficient hardness and wear resistance. But it is impossible to consider it devoid of shortcomings.

Since the "pros" and "cons" of acrylic products directly affect both the rules for their operation and recommendations for regular care, it makes sense to list them briefly.

First - about virtues :

  • Such baths retain the heat of the water collected in them much better and longer. For this reason, it is more comfortable to take procedures in them.
  • The vulnerable point of cast iron and steel bathtubs is always the enamel layer. In the case of even a small cleavage, a corrosion center is formed. With acrylics, there is no such danger.
  • Acrylic bathtubs have dirt-repellent properties. This prevents the formation of a favorable environment for the development of microflora in the pores of the material, which is especially important under conditions of constant humidity and elevated temperature.
  • In continuation of the previous paragraph - the surface of the acrylic bathtub is easily cleaned of dirty deposits (unless, of course, it is not running at all) .
  • The lightness of the products greatly simplifies both transportation and installation.
  • Finally, the manufacturing technology of such bathtubs allows the production of products of various designs - in shape, size, color, equipment. That is, the proposed choice of models is incomparably wider than steel or cast iron.

But limitations There are also, and - very significant:

  • The material is resistant to high temperatures. It is clear that the critical threshold of 160 ℃, which causes acrylic to melt, is impossible even theoretically in a bathroom, but even very hot water, combined with mechanical stress, sometimes leads to deformations. Especially if the bath is from the category of inexpensive, thin-walled ones.
  • The strength qualities of many acrylic products cannot be called outstanding. Often you can clearly feel the deflection of the bottom of the bath under your feet, which already causes a certain psychological discomfort. In addition, along with such plasticity, fragility is also noted - the instability of the walls to accentuated mechanical loads - shocks. Often this ends with the formation of a crack.
  • Acrylic is still quite sensitive to household chemicals. That is, it is unacceptable to use recklessly any detergents and cleaning products, since you can hopelessly ruin the bath.

The disadvantages include the rather high cost of acrylic bathtubs. And also the fact that the market is flooded with low-quality, handicraft products, which, however, with the “naked eye” are difficult to distinguish from those worthy of attention. But such a bath will definitely not serve for a long time.

Basic rules for the care of acrylic surfaces

Owners who are well versed in caring for them will confirm that keeping them in proper condition is quite easy, although this will take some time. It is enough to wipe the inner surface of the bath with a soft cloth dipped in warm water after each intake of water procedures, and then it is advisable to wipe it dry. In this case, the best solution can be considered to reduce to a possible minimum the use of chemicals for cleaning acrylic. The complexity of maintaining accessories made of this material lies only in the fact that sometimes there is not enough time and effort for daily cleaning.

  • It has already been noted that acrylic surfaces are not sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress. And, by the way, most often scratches on bathtubs appear precisely in the process of cleaning them. Therefore, sponges with an abrasive surface should be categorically excluded from use. Only soft sponges or cloths are suitable for cleaning.
  • Modern models of acrylic bathtubs are more durable than those that appeared at the dawn of the spread of this technology. However, some care must be taken when using them. Acrylic chips can appear as a result of various metal or sharp objects, glass, porcelain or earthenware falling into the bathtub, so you can not store this on shelves located above the bathtub.

  • You should know that there are two types of acrylic products made using different technologies - these are cast and reinforced bathtubs. Their surface care is the same, but they differ in mechanical resistance.

Reinforced products consist of several layers, the middle of which is fiberglass with the addition of epoxy resins. Reinforcement makes the container more durable, but at the same time increases the risk of chipping. When heavy objects fall on such a surface, part of the outer acrylic layer may peel off and break off.

Cersanit acrylic bath prices

Cersanit acrylic bathtub

Cast containers are more susceptible to damage in the form of scratches. But sometimes, especially if the frame is not properly installed under the bath, it can simply split.

  • It is not recommended to soak laundry in an acrylic container. The fact is that prolonged exposure of this material to an aqueous solution of powder, as well as contaminants separating from the fabric, negatively affects the surface of the material. The bath will quickly lose its whiteness and smoothness of the walls.

  • If it is fashionable to clean sanitary ware with most of the usual detergents, then special compositions should be chosen for acrylic. In the same case, when it is not possible to purchase them constantly, you can use home remedies with a mild cleaning effect. When choosing a ready-made composition for washing an acrylic surface, you should carefully study its packaging, which indicates the ingredients, as well as its purpose.
  • If it is decided to use ready-made chemical compositions for cleaning the bath, it should be remembered that they are recommended to be used no more than once every 10-14 days. Otherwise, the surface will lose its smoothness and whiteness. In the period between “general” cleanings, it is necessary to use only a damp sponge or napkin.
  • It is impossible to use ordinary powder, liquid or pasty detergent compositions with abrasive inclusions for washing polymer plumbing. They are able not only to leave scratches on the surface, but also to make it completely matte. And this will lead to the fact that the mud particles will linger on the walls of the bath. Getting rid of such a stubborn plaque is already much more difficult.
  • It is unacceptable to clean bathtubs made of acrylic with products containing oxalic acid, alcohol-containing solvents, and acetone. These substances can not only destroy the gloss, but also deform the polymer product. Cleaning agents containing chlorine can also damage the surface of the material.
  • It is impossible to bathe pets in acrylic or acrylic-coated bathtubs, as they can scratch the surface of various depths with their claws. If it is necessary to carry out such measures, the bottom, as well as the walls of the container, should be secured by covering them, for example, with old towels.
  • Do not clean dishes in the bath, as well as objects made of any material that have sharp corners that can damage the surface.
  • The bath will lose its original aesthetic appearance if it is filled with boiling water or water heated to a temperature exceeding 65 degrees. Under the influence of high temperature, acrylic will not only lose its smoothness, but may also deform.
  • It is unacceptable to clean the inner surface with hard brushes.

All of the above precautions are necessary to keep the tub in its original white and smooth condition. Therefore, when purchasing an acrylic product or producing it, it is necessary to take into account all the indicated points.

What compositions can be used for acrylic plumbing?

It should be told in more detail about ready-made detergents suitable for cleaning polymer baths - what you need to pay attention to when choosing them.

  • The packaging of specialized compounds should indicate that they are safe for sanitary accessories made of acrylic.
  • In addition to specially designed acrylic cleaning compounds, some universal solutions are also suitable, but they should not contain aggressive ingredients, such as certain types of acids, acetone, alcohol and ammonia.

The disadvantage of ready-made detergents for acrylic products is their high price, as well as the fact that their use must be strictly dosed. It should be noted that domestic cleaning solutions have a more affordable price, although they often have a completely similar effect to imported compositions.

Ready-to-use proprietary acrylic care products

The advantage of ready-made chemical-based cleaners is that they not only remove dirt, limescale, rust and yellowness from acrylic, but also create a protective, visually imperceptible film on its surface.

So, among all the existing compositions for cleaning acrylic, the following compositions can be distinguished, which have earned positive user reviews:

IllustrationName and brief characteristics of the detergent
"Acrilan" - this composition is a cleaning foam designed to eliminate contaminants such as limescale, soap streaks and rust.
The tool easily copes with different types of stains. After washing off the foam, a protective film remains on the surface of the acrylic, which prevents the accumulation of dirt in the pores of the material.
For the composition to be effective, it should be used in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. It is very important not to leave the foam applied on the surface until completely dry. In addition, it is unacceptable to mix "Acrilan" with other detergents.
"DEC" - this product is produced in the form of a cream and is intended for cleaning not only acrylic sanitary ware, but also tiles, chrome and other surfaces.
The composition includes antiseptic additives that prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungal growths in hard-to-reach places of plumbing accessories.
Along the way, when flushing, the product perfectly cleans the sewer system. It has a beneficial effect on the metal parts of hydromassage bath models.
"Triton" is a fairly popular product for cleaning acrylic bathtubs, which can be sold as a concentrate or a ready-to-use solution.
The concentrate is sold in large containers and is intended for the active fight against serious pollution and for large-scale sanitization from the spread of bacteria.
The solution is usually packaged in a spray bottle, used to remove limescale and grease stains, as well as disinfect the bathtub.
"Mr. Chister" - is used not only to tidy up acrylic bathtubs, but also metal plumbing accessories.
The product perfectly copes with rust, limescale, grease stains and soap stains, while being gentle on surfaces and not causing them mechanical damage.
The composition of "Chister" includes a polymer additive that creates a film on the surfaces that prevents the formation of dirt deposits. Antiseptic additives protect bathtubs or sinks from the growth of bacteria and fungal colonies.
The tool works quickly, so you do not have to wait a long time for its effect on the material being cleaned.
"Cif" - this tool familiar to all Russians has several lines, some of them are also suitable for cleaning acrylic accessories.
Cif is produced in the form of a cream and spray, which are used mainly for preventive measures. Thanks to this composition, acrylic more effectively resists adhesion and penetration of mud deposits into the pores of the material.
However, with strong pollution, limy deposits and a mold of "Cif" does not cope.
"Meine Liebe" goes on sale in the form of a spray. Shows high efficiency in the fight against rust spots, mold and limescale, and also removes unpleasant odors.
The product has a fruity aroma, and it contains citric acid, which is the main active ingredient.
"Meine Liebe" creates a protective film on the surfaces, thanks to which the bath will remain clean for much longer.
The spray is quite economical, so one bottle lasts for a long time, and it is also environmentally friendly, as it does not contain toxic ingredients.
"UNICUM" is produced in the form of a spray designed to clean acrylic from mold, lime and rust.
Thanks to the release form, the agent can be applied to the most contaminated areas of the bath. After 15 ÷ 20 seconds, the spray is rubbed with a soft cloth, and then washed off with warm water, along with which the impurities are also removed.
"UNICUM" takes care of the cleaned materials, while producing high-quality cleaning with low consumption of detergent. After washing off the cleaning composition, a protective film remains on the acrylic.
"Sanfor Acrylight" - this composition is intended for major cleaning, disinfection, as well as updating acrylic bathtubs and shower trays. In addition, the product effectively cleans the whirlpool systems.
With the help of "Acrylight" even the most chronic pollution, limestone and soap deposits are removed.
At the same time, the composition works effectively, creating a protective film on the surfaces, extending the service life of accessories, facilitating their care, and also giving gloss for a long time.
"Cinderella" is an effective cleaner for acrylic products, which can be an ideal option for those who have not yet decided which of the compositions to choose.
It perfectly copes with all the pollution that occurs on acrylic. However, "Cinderella" has one significant drawback - it is a pungent odor that appears during cleaning. Therefore, for work, it is recommended to wear protective gloves on your hands, and to protect the respiratory tract with a mask.
The applied agent is left for seven to ten minutes, and then washed off with warm running water, after which the surface is wiped with a soft cloth.

We should never forget that chemicals can become both a reliable assistant in removing contaminants, and a "pest" that will completely ruin the acrylic surface. Therefore, they should be used no more than once or twice a month. For more frequent cleaning of acrylic products, less aggressive compounds should be used.

If one of the chemicals is chosen for cleaning the bath, then before applying it to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe container, it is recommended to use it on a small, not too noticeable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface. If acrylic does not show a negative reaction, then you can proceed to "full-scale events."

Available means for cleaning acrylic

Substances that can be found in any kitchen or in a home first aid kit are not so aggressive. They have a softer effect on acrylic, and at the same time, they do a pretty good job with most contaminants.

These products include citric acid, baking soda, vinegar, laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate. They can be applied once to twice a week without affecting the material.

  • Citric acid must be dissolved in warm water, after which the solution is applied to the contaminated areas of the bath. For the manufacture of this composition will require 250 ml of water and 100 grams of crystalline acid.
  • Baking soda (2 ÷ 3 tablespoons) must be poured with 500 ml of hot water, which will extinguish and dissolve it. After the reaction is over, 500 ml of cold water must be added to the solution. The warm composition is applied to the walls and bottom of the bath for 10-15 minutes. After that, the container is rinsed with warm water.
  • Laundry soap (15 g) must be grated on a coarse grater, pour 500 ml of hot water and, stirring, achieve complete dissolution. Then one tablespoon of soda is added to the soap solution. The resulting mixture is applied to the walls of the bath and left for about half an hour. After that, rinse with warm water, while wiping with a clean cloth.

If we talk about pollution of a certain nature, then the following recipes are used to remove them:

  • A not too thick layer of limescale can be removed with citric acid or concentrated lemon juice. To do this, the bath must be filled with hot water, the temperature of which should not exceed 60 degrees. Then 100÷150 g of citric acid is poured there and mixed well. You can pre-make a saturated solution of acid, which will disperse faster in a large volume of the bath. Drain the water into the sewer after two to three hours after filling the bath, after which it must be rinsed with warm running water.

  • If limescale has already formed a rather thick layer due to an oversight, then you can try to cope with it by treating it with soda and then with vinegar. To do this, a soda solution is applied to the surface (1000 ml of water and 100 g of soda), on top of it is an acetic composition (water and 9% vinegar, taken in a 1: 1 ratio). A reaction should occur between soda and vinegar, which lasts about 5 ÷ 7 minutes. Upon completion, the surfaces are washed with water. If necessary, this cleaning process should be repeated.
  • Yellow spots and rust that has not eaten into the pores of the polymer must be treated with soda or hydrogen peroxide. The compositions are applied and left for 15–20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.
  • Not very deeply ingrained stains, mainly appearing on the sealant around the perimeter of the bath, can be removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Rust most often appears on the surface of bathtubs due to a leaking faucet. If the stain is ingrained, and none of the ready-made or improvised compositions no longer acts on it, then it should be carefully rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper. After that, the cleaned place must be treated with a special compound - polish for acrylic. It is necessary to act very carefully, otherwise you can only worsen the situation.

Daily bathroom care

As mentioned above, in order to avoid lengthy procedures for cleaning complex stubborn stains and streaks, it is advisable to at least lightly wash the bathtub after each water treatment. Such a process will not take much time, as it consists of very simple manipulations:

  • The sponge is lathered with any soap, and to speed up the procedure, it is better to use liquid types of soap.
  • Then all the surfaces of the bath are rubbed with this sponge.
  • After that, the container is rinsed abundantly with warm water.
  • The final obligatory action is to dry the bathtub with a cloth that absorbs moisture well.

Such actions will prevent the appearance of stains and plaque, and, most likely, completely eliminate the need to use chemical detergents. Thanks to this, the bath will last much longer without losing its original fresh look.

Find out and also get acquainted with ready-made compositions and folk remedies from our new article on our portal.

Features of the care of the bath with hydromassage

Daily cleaning of a bathtub equipped with a hydromassage is carried out in much the same way as a regular acrylic tank. However, with a certain regularity (once a week or once a month, depending on the frequency of use of the bath), it is necessary to carry out a more extensive cleaning, including several specific operations.

  • The bathtub is filled with warm water so that it covers all hydromassage nozzles.
  • Then concentrated lemon juice (100 g) or a solution of citric acid prepared from 100 g of crystals dissolved in 200 ml of warm water is poured into the water.
  • The bath is left with water for 2÷3 hours, after which the water is drained.
  • From the bottom of the bathtub, the rest of the solution is collected with a sponge, and its walls are again wiped with it.
  • Next, cotton swabs are taken - they will be required to clean the holes of the nozzles of the hydromassage system. The stick is moistened with hydrogen peroxide and penetrated as far as possible into the holes, thus cleaning them from limescale.
  • The final step is rinsing the entire bath with warm water and wiping it dry with a soft cloth.

This process will not only clean the acrylic surfaces, keep the walls and metal parts looking fresh, but will also help ensure long-term efficient operation of the hydromassage system.

In order to prevent contamination of the hydromassage tubes, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures, consisting of the following actions:

  • Before taking a bath, it is filled with water, and the hydromassage system is turned on for 5÷7 minutes, even if it was not planned to be used. In this way, stagnation of water in the internal channels, which often results in lime deposits, can be prevented.
  • Once a month, a more intensive cleaning procedure should be carried out. To do this, the bathtub is filled with water, to which a special cleaning agent is added, and in this switched on state it is left for 10÷20 minutes. After that, the water is drained, the bath is rinsed and wiped dry.

How to get rid of minor scratches and other damage?

Even with the most careful use of acrylic sanitary ware, it is often impossible to avoid scratches on their surface. Lime and rust deposits can accumulate in such damage, which immediately visually distinguish these areas from the general background. To get rid of scratches, you can use one of the existing methods for removing them.

  • Superficial scratches can be removed in the same way as single rust spots by treating the surface with fine-grained (P240÷P280) sandpaper. After that, the leveled area is polished with a polish specially designed for acrylic.

  • Sometimes it is enough to apply only polish to scratches, without the use of a preliminary abrasive effect. The polishing paste is applied and intensively rubbed into the surface with a piece of felt in a circular motion. The process is continued until the scratches and the applied composition are maximally smoothed.

  • If deep damage occurs, a repair kit for acrylic plumbing accessories will help. It is recommended to purchase it together with the bathroom in order to immediately select the closest shade of color - it will be much more difficult to do this later. The kit includes a paste-like acrylic compound that hardens when applied to the bathtub surfaces. The paste is filled into scratches and rubbed in a circular motion with the help of felt until it becomes smooth.

  • Acrylic paste can even be used to repair through holes in a cast bathtub model that may also be formed for one reason or another. To perform this procedure, the area to be repaired must first be cleaned. Further, several layers of high-quality waterproof adhesive tape are glued on the outside of the bath, which will become a barrier for the paste. Then the resulting hole is filled with liquid acrylic and leveled with a plastic spatula. After that, the patch must be left until the paste hardens for two to three hours. Next, the acrylic is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper and polished with a piece of felt.
  • The method of filling with acrylic can also be used when it is necessary to remove deeply ingrained stains, after the elimination of which, depressions remain on the surfaces.
  • Another option for sealing through holes in the bath involves the use of polymer putty. It fills the resulting hole and waits for it to dry completely. After that, acrylic paste is applied on top of the putty and leveled with a spatula. The dried paste is processed with fine-grained emery, then, if necessary, painted, and the final step is the final polishing of the area to a perfectly smooth state.

It is quite obvious that, if desired, the owners can not only carry out ordinary cleaning, but also restore damaged areas of acrylic bathtubs without resorting to the help of a master.

Prices for popular acrylic bathtubs

In conclusion of the publication, summing up all that has been said above, we can repeat ourselves somewhat, highlighting the key points that are important to consider when caring for acrylic plumbing fixtures:

  • In order not to engage in a very laborious, time-consuming and effort-consuming job of cleaning a heavily polluted bath, it is recommended to wash it regularly, after each intake of water procedures.
  • It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of the water taps and the shower - there should not even be signs of water leaks anywhere. All faucets should be tightly closed after each use. This way you can avoid the appearance of stubborn yellow rust spots on the surface of the bowl.
  • It is recommended to rinse the bathtub with hot water, which will make the acrylic shine.
  • Before choosing and applying a new detergent, you should carefully study its composition and method of application. It is better to test it on an inconspicuous small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface.
  • It is necessary to protect acrylic surfaces from mechanical influences, from contact with sharp objects, as well as from the claws of animals.
  • Do not place a stool on the bottom of the bathtub, using it, for example, as a basin support during hand washing. The point pressure of its legs will certainly damage the acrylic surface.
  • In case of contact with the surface of coloring substances, they should be removed immediately, preventing them from soaking into the pores of the polymer. Stubborn stains will be very difficult to remove.
  • It is recommended to keep the bath in a dry state, so it is advisable to wipe it after each use and cleaning with a soft, well-absorbing cloth.

* * * * * * *

If you understand well all the nuances of the care of acrylic baths and their minor repairs, it will be easier to deal with both prevention and cleaning. The main thing is not to make hard-to-correct mistakes in this matter. In addition, who knows, it is possible that, after reading the information, some homeowners who are thinking of replacing their steel or cast iron model with a fashionable acrylic model will completely abandon this idea.

In conclusion - an informative video dedicated to the care of an acrylic bath.

Video: How to get rid of yellowness in an acrylic bath

Often, housewives are faced with the problem of how to wash an acrylic bath at home? The walls and bottom are sensitive to abrasive substances, so a product chosen at random will not work. The purpose of the article is to talk about the basic rules and methods of cleaning, to give practical advice and recommendations:

  • characteristics of cleaning products, their features;
  • cleaning options - what are the main differences;
  • Tips for taking care of and extending the life of your bathtub.
Acrylic is a wear-resistant material, a type of plastic derived from a group of synthetic derivatives of one of the unsaturated organic acids.

What you need to know about the characteristics of acrylic bathtubs before cleaning them?

Before answering the question of how and how to wash an acrylic bath, let's talk about the material of manufacture. Acrylic has a dirt-repellent effect: microorganisms, bacteria and fungi do not develop in the bath. The material is durable and impact resistant. A noticeable minus is that it is easily scratched and subject to wear.

The main difference is exposure to abrasive and chemically active components. Like plastic, substances with high alkalinity or acidity lead to degradation of the structure, and abrasives scratch the surface, leaving deep grooves.

When washing, it is important to be careful. Do not buy abrasive compounds, pastes with ammonia, chlorine, acids and alkalis. Powdered products are harmful, leaving damage and scratches. Brushes (metal and hard bristles) are contraindicated for use.

Which brushes and sponges to use

For cleaning use soft cloths or sponges. Use and tissue napkins. They are moistened in special solutions (we will talk about them later). After washing, it is wiped dry and polished.

If there is no opportunity to buy a special sponge, use rags with soft pile, for example, from microfiber. If necessary, use a regular cloth - the main thing is that there are no abrasive agents on the surface.

How to clean an acrylic bath at home: TOP 5 ways

For you, we have selected several options for how to clean an acrylic bath at home:

  • detergent;
  • lemon acid solution;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • toothpaste.


An adequate and simple way is the use of special detergents. Their cost rarely exceeds reasonable limits. For proper selection, make sure that there are no abrasives. Often on the packaging of goods indicate the composition, or make special notes.

Acrylic bath cleaner used for small and large cleaning volumes. Spots that appear are removed with:

  • cif- for baths, sinks, tiles and toilets. The composition does not contain abrasives, which is safe for acrylic. An acceptable price and a variety of types of composition (spray, paste, cream) make it a popular product among buyers. After cleaning, a film appears that protects it from further formation of limescale.
  • Acrylan- foam for bathtubs and showers. When using, leave only until completely dry, without rinsing.
  • Bass- Cleaning agent, used daily. Sold in liquid form.
  • Team Pro- an environmentally friendly product, helps to fight unpleasant odors, is effective for severe pollution.
  • Cinderella- a popular substance, emits a pungent odor, therefore, when spraying (sold as a spray), wear gloves and a special mask.
  • Chister- composition for quick removal of dirt, promotes the decomposition of divorces and fatty contaminants. Consists of a polymer that protects against fungi.

In addition to those listed, allowed Use of the following is at your own risk:

  • Sarma;
  • SanClean;
  • Luxus professional;
  • L. O. C. Plus;
  • Cillit;
  • Acryl-Net;
  • Star-Acrylat;
  • Triton;
  • RAVA K;
  • Panny.

Citric acid solution

Citric acid refers to organic acids with a relatively high pH - an indicator of the solution. Materials perfectly clean off plaque, grease and other contaminants. Organic acid is especially effective on ordinary substances, therefore it is easy to clean off fat with its help. In its pure form, it adversely affects acrylic, because mix into solution:

  1. ⅔ fill with warm water;
  2. Pour out half a liter of acid;
  3. Stir the consistency and leave overnight;

The method is effective, but aggressive towards acrylic, and it is not recommended to carry it out more often than 0.5 years.

After standing for about 12 hours, the solution descends. It is worth stirring citric acid more thoroughly than vinegar - completely dissolve it for further precipitation. At the end, the structure is washed with a stream of water from the shower and wiped with a soft cloth. Rub for extra shine.

Apple vinegar

A practical substance, but it does not always have a positive effect on acrylic. The main feature is a low pH and high acidity. For the material, this factor is critical, especially in the presence of scratches. You must work quickly and accurately. The recommended method is to moisten a cloth abundantly in the solution, attach it to the pollution and pour water over it.

We recommend using the method at least once every six months.

For severe pollution:

  • Prepare 9% vinegar in an amount of 1 liter;
  • Fill two-thirds with hot water;
  • Pour out the vinegar;
  • Wait for the night;
  • Rinse and wipe


Plaque removes ordinary soda. The composition has a high alkaline environment that breaks down fats and strong compounds. In most products, it is present in the form of compounds or in the usual form. There are two types: food and calcined.

Use the method every 3-5 months.

Baking soda is a weak alkali, soda ash is strong, with a powerful abrasive effect. Use only baking soda.

  • Pour 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a bowl;
  • Fill with a glass of water;
  • Dampen the soft side of the sponge with the solution;
  • Apply the mixture by blotting rather than rubbing;
  • Rinse with water after 15 minutes and clean with a cloth.

Never use undiluted baking soda! It has a strong abrasive effect and will damage the case.

If you need to leave the surface in its original form, take distilled or filtered water. In some cities, tap water contains a large amount of calcium, which reacts with soda, which forms fine crumbs, similar to sand. Using water will get rid of it. The advice is also relevant for other cleaning methods associated with the use of chemically active substances.


Acrylic came to plumbing from dentistry - it was used to line denture frames and make crowns, so cleaning the bathtub with toothpaste is quite acceptable.

The procedure should not be carried out more than once every two months.

Buy non-abrasive paste. The manufacturer may not indicate this on the packaging. Abrasive particles are like small grains of sand that clean plaque from teeth, but they will greatly damage the surface of the bath. Before use, squeeze a small amount of paste onto your finger and rub it - the sand is immediately noticeable.

  • Apply the paste to a sponge or cloth;
  • Wipe dirty surface;
  • Clean with water;
  • Grate to shine

Video: how to wash an acrylic bath

The video below provides detailed tips on how to wash an acrylic bath.

Consider the main ways to clean an acrylic bath:

Contraindications: what not to use when cleaning

A few words about how you can not clean an acrylic bath at home. We do not recommend using:

  • Acetone- corrodes plastic, contributes to the appearance of holes.
  • Abrasives- spoil the surface, leaving scratches and reducing the thickness of the enamel.
  • A mixture of several components- creates the opposite effect, scratching the walls.

The appearance of acetone in the room should be completely excluded. The element is chemically active and acts as a solvent. Enough 10-20 ml for a dent on the surface of the structure.

Rinse off chemicals with cold water. High temperature increases the rate of reaction and damage to the surface will occur more quickly.

Detergent compatibility with acrylic surface

Is it possible to wash an acrylic bathtub with domestos or a mixture of substances? It is undesirable to mix with:

  • Formaldehyde- they are not compatible with acrylic.
  • Chlorine- its use forms pores, shortening the life of the product.
  • Acetone, ammonia- corrode the walls.

Domestos, Sanox, Pemolux and Selit contain hydrochloric acid that destroys protection. Initially, it is bleached, but after it absorbs plaque, it gets dirty faster. Therefore, such detergents cannot be used.

White disinfection

An acrylic bath is a way to forget about the fungus forever, but it is not perfect either. The fungus does not appear on the material, but easily multiplies on plaque, fats and other organic substances with nutritious microflora. It is necessary to prevent the long appearance of pollution, and if they appear, periodically carry out a complete disinfection.

Fill the tub with water at room temperature;

  • Add 2 liters of whiteness (7%);
  • Do not touch for 10-15 minutes;
  • Rinse off the water and dial again;
  • Remove the remaining whiteness and drain the water;
  • Wipe dry with a cloth.

Rules for proper operation

The bath does not require serious maintenance, but it is still necessary to follow the rules.

  1. Periodic bringing plumbing in a decent condition in 5 minutes - after water procedures rinse with clean water. Acrylic does not absorb dirt, so this washing is enough.
  2. Wipe down bath after use sponge with soapy water. Then dry to avoid streaks.
  3. To remove scratches, there are restoration kits- They are sold in hardware stores.