What is needed for the installation of a "wet facade"? What is a wet facade - installation technology, material characteristics Painting a wet facade

The facade cladding is usually combined with its insulation, since up to 40% of the heat leaves the house through the walls. A common technology that allows you to combine thermal insulation with finishing is a wet facade, insulation in combination with plaster.

This technology owes much of its popularity to its cheapness, but this is not the only reason, there are others. For example, due to the diversity finishing the building can be given an individual look. Consider the types of wet-type facades.

Types of wet facade depending on the insulation

Such a facade is a layered structure. The materials are in the following order:

  • heat-insulating layer;
  • reinforcing layer. Provides strength and high-quality adhesion of the insulation to the lining;
  • priming;
  • plaster. It has two functions: decorative and protective (protects the insulation from ultraviolet rays and precipitation).

Types of the wet facade of the building differ primarily in thermal insulation:

  • polystyrene foam. PPS - porous organic material;
  • mineral wool - the material consists of basalt fibers;
  • combined.

PPS features:

  • combustibility. Decreases with the addition of a fire retardant during the manufacturing process, but does not completely disappear. Manufacturers offer self-extinguishing grades as heaters;
  • combustion toxicity;
  • vapor tightness;
  • non-hygroscopicity;
  • low density, low weight.

Features of mineral wool:

  • non-flammability, non-combustibility (NG group);
  • vapor permeability;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • environmental friendliness (artificial ingredients in the manufacture, as a rule, are not used);
  • mass is greater than that of PPS.

Types of finishing of wet facades

In addition to thermal insulation, the types of wet facades of houses differ in plaster. All recommended formulations are divided into several groups according to the type of binder:

  • mineral, binder - cement. Dry mix, diluted with water. Good vapor permeability, incombustibility, the lowest price;

  • silicate - potassium liquid glass. Released in ready-made. Good vapor permeability, compatibility with many materials. Relatively high price, limited color range. Only silicate primer can be used with this plaster;

  • silicone - silicone resin. Released in finished form, you can put on any basis. The most expensive, the most durable. Vapor impermeability, non-hygroscopicity, dirt-repellent properties. Only silicone primer is suitable.

Combination of thermal insulation with outer coating not arbitrary: the finished wet façade system consists of materials adapted to each other with a high level of adhesion. Wherein:

  • expanded polystyrene is used in combination with organic or silicone compounds;
  • mineral wool - with mineral or silicate plaster;
  • combined systems - also usually with a mineral composition.

Types of finishes for houses with a wet facade depend on the design solution:

  • "bark beetle" (Reibeputs);

  • "fur coat" (Rollputz);

  • "Lamb" (Kratzputs);

  • plaster paint (Streichputs), etc.

The finished coating differs in texture, which depends on the size of the filler grain, application methods, and the tool used.


Exclusive, unique views of wet facades of private houses are obtained due to the different composition of plasters and various techniques finishing.

For example, the technique of applying prints to the laid plaster is popular. Any fairly solid object can be a template for a print.

The composition of the solution includes various pigments, chips, mother-of-pearl. As a result, the finished surface can imitate anything: marble, any ornamental stone, brick, even cork and wood.

More simple and cheap way finishing - painting. Another option is wall cladding with ceramic tiles.

"Heavy" and "light" types of wet facades of houses

Another classification. In it, the types of wet facades of buildings differ in the technology of fastening the insulation.

The "hard" way

"Heavy" method (some experts call it "floating", by analogy with laying floors with a glueless method). At the stage of installation of the insulation, glue (or cement mortar) is not used: dowels with hooks are driven into the base, insulation is placed on them, the mesh is fixed with pressure plates. And only after that they proceed to plastering.

With this method, the base and heat-insulating plates function as if separately, which helps to compensate for their deformations, incl. essential.

The method is called heavy, not because of the hardware used for fastening, but because a thick plaster layer, 2-4 centimeters, is needed to cover the grid.

The advantage of this technology is that there are no high requirements for the preparation of the base, the disadvantage is that it is more expensive. It can only be used with durable wall materials that can withstand heavy loads: brick, expanded clay concrete, cellular concrete, etc. It is used on moving soils, in seismically hazardous areas, at critical facilities, in poor climatic conditions.

"Light" type of wet facade

Usually when people talk about a wet facade, they mean the “light” type. He is more widely known. Insulation plates are planted on a special glue with cement in the composition, fixed with mushroom-shaped dowels.


This option is inexpensive and versatile: you can even make such a facade on OSB or moisture-resistant plywood of a frame house.

Mineral wool with a density of 150 kilograms per cube or PPS of at least 35 is used as a heater. Covering plaster is no thicker than 8 millimeters, the entire facade does not exceed 1 cm in thickness. The mineral wool facade is slightly larger in weight, but has an advantage over PPS - it "breathes".

The cost of the "light" option is much lower than the "heavy" one, but it requires careful surface removal.

The cost of various types of wet facades

The cost of the finished facade depends on:

  • from the material of the insulation and its brand;
  • on the type of plaster;
  • on the technology used;
  • on the complexity of the terrain facade walls and scope of work.

A plus additional work– delivery of materials, preparation of the foundation, erection of scaffolding, etc.

An approximate order of prices for the main types of turnkey wet facade:

  • with mineral wool - from 1.7 thousand per square;
  • with expanded polystyrene - from 1.9 thousand rubles.

Breakdown by type of work (approximately):

  • soil - from 60 rubles / m2;
  • fixing a heat insulator - from 470 rubles / m2;
  • reinforcement - from 350 rubles / m2;
  • plaster - from 410 rubles / m2.

The "wet facade" system is a popular technology for arranging and insulating facade walls. It is used in private and high-rise housing construction, in the construction of new and reconstruction of old buildings. The main advantages are ease of manufacture and good thermal insulation and strength characteristics.

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Price for "wet facade"

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Wet turnkey facade: composition and stages of creation

Wet facade cladding includes the following layers:

  • thermal insulation pad. Is it mineral wool high density, or polystyrene 50–100 mm thick. The difference between one insulation and another is in the price per meter and some parameters. foam boards cheaper, easy to install, have low thermal conductivity. Mineral wool is more difficult to process, but their vapor permeability coefficient is much higher, and therefore the walls "breathe";
  • reinforcing layer. Typically, this is a special building mesh which is supplied in rolls 1 meter wide. Thanks to such a grid, a plaster mortar can be fixed on the insulation;
  • adhesive composition for fastening the heat insulator and reinforcing mesh. When installing a wet facade, the insulation and mesh are first mounted on the wall with glue. For this, universal and specialized adhesives are used. The former are suitable for the installation of thermal insulation materials and reinforcing mesh. The second - only for reinforcing the insulation.
  • mechanical fastening for thermal insulation boards. In this layer, umbrella-type fasteners are used - plastic dowels with a wide hat. About 5 pieces of fasteners go to one section of the insulation. The purpose of the "umbrella" is to additionally fix the material when arranging a wet facade.

Used for finishing Decoration Materials. Traditionally, these are decorative facade plasters.


The arrangement of walls using this technology includes the following steps:

  1. Measurement of wall curvature. At the preliminary stage of construction of a wet facade, the degree of surface curvature is determined. To do this, plumb lines are hung out and horizontal threads are pulled, which serve as beacons. When the system moves along the wall, the space for insulation and glue is measured.
  2. Fixing the insulation with glue. The binder composition is applied to the foam or mineral slab in small slides in the middle and along the edges. After that, the material is glued to the wall. When constructing a wet facade, it is advisable to fix the foam plastic on the wall apart, the joints should be small in length. The seams are filled with glue immediately in the process of laying the insulation.
  3. Installation of mechanical fasteners. At this stage, plastic umbrellas are mounted. Holes are made in the wall with a perforator, dowels are hammered with a hammer. It is important to correctly position the fasteners. According to technology, they do this: one dowel is in the middle of the plate, and the other four are in the corners. To save on the cost of the facade, you can drive an "umbrella" into the seam between the insulation boards.
  4. Reinforcement. The mesh is glued to the foam or mineral boards by pressing into the adhesive. The binder composition is applied to the insulation, after which a mesh is placed on top and pressed down. Residues of glue are removed with a spatula.
  5. Applying plaster. The final stage of arranging a wet facade is plastering the surface. Often rough finish applied in several layers to carefully level the wall. After the putty has dried, the finish can be applied.

The walls of houses built of bricks, various wall blocks, and even more so - representing reinforced concrete structure, in most cases do not meet the requirements for regulatory thermal insulation. In a word - such houses need additional insulation to prevent significant heat loss through the enclosing elements of the building.

There are many different approaches to . But if the owners prefer exterior finish of your home, made of decorative plaster, in a "pure" form or with the use of facade paints, then the best choice is the wet facade insulation technology. In this publication, it will be considered how difficult such work is, what is required to carry it out, and how all this can be done on our own.

What is meant by "wet facade" insulation system?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the terminology - what is the “wet facade” technology, and how does it differ from, say, ordinary wall cladding insulation materials with further decorative trim wall panels(siding, block house, etc.)

The hint lies in the name itself - all stages of work are carried out using construction compounds and solutions that are diluted with water. The final stage is the plastering of already insulated walls, so that the thermally insulated walls become completely indistinguishable from ordinary ones covered with decorative plaster. As a result, two most important tasks are solved at once - ensuring reliable insulation of wall structures and high-quality facade design.

An approximate scheme of insulation using the "wet facade" technology is shown in the figure:

Schematic diagram of insulation using the "wet facade" technology

1 - insulated facade wall of the building.

2 - a layer of building adhesive mixture.

3 – insulation boards synthetic (of one type or another) or mineral (basalt wool) origin.

4 - additional mechanical fastening of the thermal insulation layer - dowel-"fungus".

5 - protective and leveling plaster layer, mesh reinforced(pos. 6).

Such a system of complete thermal insulation and facade finishing has a number of significant advantages:

  • It does not require a very material-intensive installation of a frame structure.
  • The system is quite easy. And it can be successfully used on most facade walls.
  • The frameless system predetermines the almost complete absence of "cold bridges" - the insulation layer turns out to be monolithic over the entire surface of the facade.
  • Facade walls receive, in addition to insulation, an excellent soundproof barrier, which helps to reduce both airborne and impact noise.
  • With the correct calculation of the insulation layer, the “dew point” is completely removed from the wall structure and taken out. It excludes the possibility of wetting the wall and the appearance of colonies of mold or fungus in it.
  • The outer plaster layer is characterized by good resistance to mechanical stress, to atmospheric action.
  • In principle, the technology is simple, and with strict adherence to the rules, any homeowner can handle it.

  • With high-quality performance of work, such an insulated facade will not require repairs for at least 20 years. However, if there is a desire to update the finish, then this can be easily done without violating the integrity of the thermal insulation structure.

The disadvantages of this method of insulation include:

  • Seasonality of work - they can only be carried out at positive (at least + 5 ° C) temperatures, and in stable good weather. It is undesirable to carry out work in windy weather, at too high (over + 30 ° C) air temperatures, on the sunny side without providing protection from direct rays.
  • Increased demand and high quality materials, and to exact observance technological recommendations. Violation of the rules makes the system very vulnerable to cracking or even detachment of large fragments of insulation and trim.

As a heater, as already mentioned, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene can be used. Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages, but still, for a “wet facade”, high-quality mineral wool looks preferable. With approximately equal values ​​​​of thermal conductivity, mineral wool has a significant advantage - vapor permeability. Excess free moisture will find its way out of the premises through wall structure and escape into the atmosphere. It is more difficult with polystyrene foam - its vapor permeability is low, and in some types it generally tends to zero. Thus, the accumulation of moisture between the wall material and the insulation layer is not excluded. This is not good in itself, but at abnormally low winter temperatures cracking and even "shooting" of large areas of insulation occur along with finishing layers.

There are special topics for expanded polystyrene - with a perforated structure, in which this issue is resolved to a certain extent. But basalt wool has another important advantage - absolute incombustibility, which polystyrene foam cannot boast of in any way. And for facade walls, this is a serious issue. And in this article, the best option will be considered - the “wet facade” insulation technology using mineral wool.

How to choose a heater?

Which mineral wool is suitable for a "wet facade"?

As is already clear from circuit diagram"wet facade", the insulation must, on one side, be mounted on an adhesive solution, and on the other, it must withstand a considerable load of the plaster layer. Thus, thermal insulation boards must meet certain requirements in terms of density, in terms of the ability to withstand loads - both for crushing (compression) and for breaking their fiber structure (stratification).

Naturally, not any insulation that belongs to the category of mineral wool is suitable for these purposes. Glass wool and slag wool are completely excluded. Only slabs of basalt fibers produced using a special technology are applicable - with increased rigidity and density of the material.

Leading manufacturers of insulation based on basalt fibers in their product range provide for the production of boards specially designed for thermal insulation of walls with subsequent finishing with plaster, that is, for a “wet facade”. Characteristics of several of the most popular types are shown in the table below:

Name of parameters"ROCKWOOL FACADE BATTS""Baswool Facade""Izovol F-120""TechnoNIKOL Technofas"
Material density, kg/m³ 130 135-175 120 136-159
Tensile strength, kPa, not less than
- for compression at 10% deformation45 45 42 45
- for stratification15 15 17 15
Thermal conductivity coefficient (W/m×°С):
- calculated at t = 10 °С0,037 0,038 0,034 0,037
- calculated at t = 25 °С0,039 0,040 0,036 0,038
- operational under conditions "A"0,040 0,045 0,038 0,040
- operational under conditions "B"0,042 0,048 0,040 0,042
Flammability group NGNGNGNG
Fire safety class KM0- - -
Vapor permeability (mg/(m×h×Pa), not less than 0,3 0,31 0,3 0,3
Moisture absorption by volume at partial immersion no more than 1%no more than 1%no more than 1%no more than 1%
Plate dimensions, mm
- length and width1000×6001200×6001000×6001000×500
- plate thickness25, 30 to 180from 40 to 160from 40 to 200from 40 to 150

Experimenting with lighter and cheaper types of basalt wool is not worth it, since such a “wet facade” will probably not last long.

How to determine the required thickness of insulation?

As can be seen from the table, manufacturers offer a wide range of insulation thicknesses for the "wet facade", from 25 to 200 mm, usually in 10 mm increments.

What thickness to choose? This is by no means an idle question, since system being created"wet facade" should provide high-quality thermal insulation of the walls. At the same time, excessive thickness is an extra cost, and in addition, excessive insulation can even be harmful in terms of maintaining an optimal temperature and humidity balance.

Usually, specialists calculate the optimal thickness of insulation. But it is quite possible to do this yourself, using the calculation algorithm presented below.

So, the insulated wall must have a total resistance to heat transfer not lower than the standard value determined for the given region. This parameter is tabular, it is in reference books, known in local construction companies, and in addition, for convenience, you can use the map-diagram below.

A wall is a multilayer structure, each layer of which has its own thermophysical characteristics. If the thickness and material of each layer, already existing or planned (the wall itself, internal and exterior finish etc.), then it is easy to calculate their total resistance, compare with normative value to get the difference that needs to be "covered" by additional thermal insulation.

It will not bore the reader with formulas, but we will immediately suggest using a calculation calculator that will quickly and with a minimum error calculate the required thickness of insulation with basalt wool intended for facade work.

Calculator for calculating the thickness of the insulation of the "wet facade" system

The calculation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Determine the normalized value of heat transfer resistance for walls from the map-scheme for your region (purple numbers).
  • Specify the material of the wall itself and its thickness.
  • Decide on the thickness and material interior decoration walls.

External thickness plaster finish the walls are already taken into account in the calculator, and it will not be required.

  • Enter the requested values ​​and get the result. It can be rounded up to the standard thickness of manufactured insulation boards.

If suddenly received negative meaning- Wall insulation is not required.

At the mention of the term “wet facade”, the image of a facade abundantly moistened with water immediately arises in the imagination. But in fact, this way of finishing, of course, has nothing to do with such an association.

This phrase is just one of the attributes of figurative folk speech and cannot be found in textbooks. The question "what is a wet facade?" will be detailed in the material below.

What it is?

This is the latest building technique used as a method of finishing and insulating the exterior walls of a house.

This name was assigned to her because application of liquid or semi-liquid adhesive solutions when installing materials included in the composition of the finishing coating.

Technology provides protection for the home from the occurrence of a dew point, which, as a result of the construction of a wet facade, is carried out.

Even with significant sharp changes and contrast of external and internal temperatures the occurrence of condensation in the room will be completely excluded.

Pros and cons

The main advantage of using this technology is combination of decoration and thermal insulation functions.

To this one can also add a number of positives:

Now for the disadvantages:

  • the main disadvantage is that insulation work can not be performed at air temperatures below 5 ° C, in case of emergency, when warming during the cold period, heat guns and scaffolding hung with polyethylene should be used;
  • it is not necessary to carry out installation work at high humidity - the “wet facade” does not tolerate such conditions;
  • the plastered surface needs to be protected from the wind, since when dust and dirt settle on a fresh finish, the appearance of the coating can be significantly affected.

When choosing a material can be guided by four main criteria:

  1. Price. In this regard, the foam wins, as it is a cheaper material.
  2. Vapor permeability. This property is inherent in mineral wool, which allows the walls of the house to "breathe". Styrofoam does not have this quality.
  3. The complexity of the work. Styrofoam is the easiest to work with due to the higher rigidity of the material.
  4. Fire hazard. Foam boards are flammable, so they need to be treated with fire retardants. Basalt wool does not burn and is able to withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

The device of a wet facade "Cerezit" on a heater with your own hands

Ceresit system("Ceresit") is constructed on the basis of materials of the well-known manufacturer of the same name, which include a primer, putty and plaster.

This approach makes it possible to achieve high level thermal conductivity and waterproofing. Installation of the system consists of several stages, which should be considered in detail.

Wall preparation

During this procedure eliminates all existing flaws on the wall. Cracks must be sealed with a solution, after which the surface is cleaned of contaminants.

Further the surface should be checked for strength. This can be done using pieces of foam that are glued to the wall in different places. If the glued pieces are difficult to tear off after the glue has completely dried, then the surface is ready for painting. further work and it can be treated with a primer.

Plinth profile installation

This procedure is necessary in order to thermal insulation material did not slip during installation. The profile is fixed on the border of the facade and the plinth and must be installed in a strictly horizontal position.

Fixed to the wall with dowels. After that, you can start laying the insulation.

Installation of mineral wool

Mineral wool slabs are mounted on the wall with glue. Laying material starts from the corner at home. One side of the plate is smeared around the perimeter with a layer of adhesive mixture about 10 cm wide. Glue is also applied to the middle of the material, but pointwise.

Plates are stacked end-to-end (see photo), excess adhesive is removed. The seams between the plates of each row should not match.

After the installation of the insulation you need to give the glue three days to dry, after which the material should be additionally fixed with dowels "fungi".

Laying reinforcing mesh

Reinforcing mesh serves as the basis for the next layer of the facade and provides a good grip.

To perform this procedure correctly the following rules must be followed:

  • the layer must be at least 0.5 cm thick;
  • the composition of the reinforcing layer should include two adhesive layers, between which the mesh is laid;
  • lay the mesh and apply the second layer of glue before the first layer dries;
  • the frozen surface is covered with two layers of soil.


After complete drying of the reinforcing layer (3-7 days) applied decorative coating.

The application of a thin layer of putty is carried out evenly with the help of a semi-trailer, which is held at an angle.

The applied mixture is further smoothed. Dried plaster after half an hour processed with a plastic grater giving the surface the desired texture.

This procedure is the final step in the construction of a wet facade.

Wet facade device: video instruction.

I wrote about the wet facade technology 3 times already, after I experienced the work of insulating a house using the VWS system (expanded polystyrene) of one Astrakhan specialist “from the company” with a Ceresit certificate. I had to delve into, so as not to fill up the sowing from the word "absolutely". To make it more convenient to find information, below is a list of posts with an analysis of the wet facade technology:

  • what insulation to use for a wet facade foam or mineral wool, what reinforcing mesh to choose, etc., then you can read about all this;
  • what thickness of insulation to choose 50 or 100mm, read;
  • how to perform a smooth finish on a wet facade, read;

Since there is never too much good information, and even more so on works that are sensitive to compliance with the technology, which is the wet facade insulation technology. I decided that the reproduction of good information would be in the hands of everyone. Moreover, the author does not mind.

General appearance, wet facade according to the system VWS Ceresit/ (c) Ceresit

Some points are highlighted by me to draw attention to themselves. Critical information is highlighted in red. Yellow requiring attention, blue general meaning.

Regulations for works on insulation and finishing of facades according to the Ceresit system

Let's designate the main stages of production of works:

  1. Installation scaffolding.
  2. Preparation of walls for gluing insulation, treatment with antifungal agents and primers.
  3. Hanging the facade with laces, determining the actual thicknesses of the insulation on different areas facade. Installation of a temporary start profile to start gluing insulation.
  4. Installation of adjoining elements on blocks of window and doorways.
  5. Bonding insulation with simultaneous alignment of the planes of the facade on polymer cement or polyurethane adhesive Ceresit.
  6. Caulking of cracks between sheets of insulation with strips of insulation, foaming of seams between sheets of expanded polystyrene with high-quality mounting foam.
  7. Sanding of insulation planes under a 3-meter rule.
  8. Installation of dowels.
  9. Installation of diagonal and internal scarves, corners, droppers using Ceresit polymer cement adhesive.
  10. Arrangement of a base reinforcing layer on the main planes of the facade using Ceresit polymer-cement adhesive and facade fiberglass mesh.
  11. Application of quartz primer Ceresit ST 16.
  12. Application of decorative plaster Ceresit.
  13. Dismantling of scaffolding.

1. Installation of scaffolding

Before starting work, you must correctly install scaffolding.

Scaffolding should be installed at a distance from the outer wall equal to the thickness of the insulation plus 45 cm.

For anchoring scaffolding, it is necessary to use effectively balcony slabs and other structures that reduce the number of attachment points passing through the thermal insulation system being installed. In places where it is necessary to provide direct fastening of scaffolding to outer wall, fixing anchors should be installed with a slight downward slope. This will prevent rainwater from getting inside the thermal insulation layer. For ease of installation of thermal insulation systems, scaffolding should be installed with a launch around the corners of the building at a distance of at least 2 m.

2. Preparation of walls for gluing insulation, treatment with antifungal agents and primers

Training building foundation should include the following operations:

  • mechanical cleaning of the base from mortar residues, dirt (dust, chalk, etc.)
  • mechanical removal of fungi, lichens, mosses, blue-green algae, mold and subsequent treatment of affected areas antifungal agent Ceresit CT99, perform work in accordance with the work schedule indicated on the Ceresit CT 99 bank;
  • checking the bearing capacity of the base;
  • removal of crumbling and fragile areas of the base;
  • filling defects in the surface of the base with a depth of more than 10 mm with repair plaster Ceresit CT 24, Ceresit CT 29;
  • base treatment with universal primer Ceresit CT 17 (when working with cellular concrete, silicate and red bricks, multi-slotted blocks, expanded clay concrete and other bases, priming should be done with a primer diluted with water in three passes 1x6, 1x4, 1x2;
  • mechanical application of a primer with a device:

Mechanical application of the primer Ceresit CT 16.

  • rust removal and anti-corrosion primer treatment metal parts closed by a thermal insulation system;

3. Hanging the facade with laces, determining the actual thickness of the insulation in different parts of the facade. Setting a temporary start profile.

The suspension of the facade is necessary in order to determine the actual deviations of the facade plane from flatness and to choose the thickness of the insulation for its alignment.

In the four extreme corners of the facade plane, trimmings of 12mm-14mm reinforcement are clogged, two on top and two on the bottom. Laces are tied to the upper fittings on the right and left at a distance equal to the thickness of the insulation plus 5-10 mm. At the same distance, the laces are tied to the lower pieces of reinforcement.

Next, the parallelism of the laces installed relative to each other is checked. They can be installed vertically, they can be installed with a deviation from the vertical in one direction or another, but always parallel to each other in order to create a plane. A sliding cord is installed on the laces on the paper clips.

A final check of the plane is made, an executive diagram of the actual deviations of the original plane is made. AT different points facade with a tape measure, the actual distance from the laces to the insulated surface is measured and entered into the diagram.

This scheme is presented to the Customer.

After that, the analysis of the results obtained is carried out, if necessary, in some places the insulation will be cut in thickness during gluing, in others a thicker insulation will be used. The thickness of the insulation in these places should be selected according to the formula:


After hanging the facade with laces, a temporary starting profile. This is a board or bar with an even upper edge 40-50 mm thick, so that the first row of heat-insulating boards glued to the facade rests on it. It is usually installed under the first row of "L"-shaped insulation sheets under the lower row of windows.

A temporary start profile is set.

4. Installation of adjoining elements on blocks of window and door openings

During insulation, the insulation should go on the window frame at least 15-20 mm to prevent cold bridges. The junction element with mesh is glued to the window frame with three parties, top, right and left.

5. Gluing insulation with simultaneous alignment of the facade planes on polymer-cement or polyurethane adhesive Ceresit.

Insulation is glued to cement or polyurethane foam glue, glue-foam.

As practice shows, gluing on Ceresit CT 84 adhesive foam is faster and more convenient. Note Andrew.

Application of Ceresit CT 83 / CT 85 cement adhesive

The application of cement adhesive CeresitCT 83, CeresitCT 85 on expanded polystyrene is carried out as follows, the application of slips and edging around the perimeter:

After installing the heat-insulating plate in the design position, the adhesive contact area must be at least 40% of the bonded surface.


Why it is impossible to stick polystyrene on slippers, see below.

Application of Ceresit CT 83 adhesive with a 10-12 mm comb:

Application of adhesive foam Ceresit CT 84

The application of polyurethane foam adhesive, Ceresit CT 84 adhesive foam is carried out as follows, also with the formation CLOSED LOOP:

Video gluing insulation on foam Ceresit Ct 84

Applying cement adhesive to mineral wool board

The surface of the mineral wool board is preliminarily primed with Ceresit CT 180, Ceresit CT 190 glue, the adhesive is pressed into the surface of the mineral wool board with force:

or by the edging method with Easter cakes (bloopers), NOTE for a note after the photos.

Applying glue only with blunders (Easter cakes) is flagrant violation technology. Since it turns out a ventilated facade of insulation. AT this case, air, does not play the role of a heater. Mentioned this You can also watch the video right here:

If you are glued to blunders and they say “everything will be fine”, drive such people in the neck specialists, but better discuss this in advance.

Strive to ensure that the gluing is on a comb, i.e. care should be taken to ensure that the facade is evenly plastered before starting work on the insulation of the facade.

During gluing, the insulation boards are trimmed from the side adjacent to the facade, on which the adhesive will be applied. Trimming of polystyrene foam is carried out using a bow saw - in the people this tool is called the "Goat". cutting edge from nichrome thread 0.7-1.2 mm, transformer 220/24 Volt, power 250-400 watts.

Video of cutting a sheet of expanded polystyrene in thickness, the shooting was made during the training of the customer's work team:

Video of cutting a foam sheet in thickness using a "goat".

It is also possible to trim the insulation with specialized knives, bread knives with teeth, a hacksaw with a fine tooth, and sand it with an emery grater.

Gluing expanded polystyrene on Ceresit CT 83 / CT 85 glue

Whole sheets of insulation are installed at the corners of window and door openings, since they are stress concentrators, this allows you to avoid the appearance of cracks on the facade in the future.

Gluing usually starts from the bottom "G"-shki.

The minimum step for the G-shki is 200mm.

During gluing, vertical and sliding laces are used, a three-meter rule.

Gluing polystyrene foam on CeresitCT 84 foam

Gluing on CeresitCT 84 adhesive foam is carried out using the rule. At the initial moment, Ceresit CT 84 glue has zero adhesion, in fact, gluing occurs in 7-12 minutes, depending on temperature, humidity and pressure. Two hours after gluing, you can proceed to the device of the base reinforcing layer.

6. Caulking the cracks between the insulation sheets with insulation strips, foaming the seams between the expanded polystyrene sheets with high-quality mounting foam

After gluing, after 72 hours on cement-containing adhesives Ceresit CT 83, Ceresit CT 85, Ceresit CT 180, Ceresit CT 190, you can start caulking the gaps between the sheets. To do this, you can use wedge strips cut from insulation. It is better to foam the gaps between the sheets of expanded polystyrene with high-quality mounting homogeneous foam such as Ceresit TS 52, Ceresit TS 62, Ceresit TS 65, Ceresit TS 66. For this, the seam is pierced mounting gun to the very base, to the wall, the trigger is pressed and at the same time the gun is removed. Punctures of seams and joints between sheets of expanded polystyrene are made in increments of approximately 50 mm.

Permissible slot width up to 12mm (The figure is not accurate, subject to verification, who knows, write in the comments!)

Foaming seams and joints between sheets on a construction site

As a result, all seams are thoroughly foamed, Ceresit foam reliably glues polystyrene foam sheets together, creating a monolithic structure.

7. Sanding the planes of the insulation under the three-meter rule

Sanding is done using a plywood grater measuring 400 x 600 mm, 500 x 700 mm with a skin glued to it with a coarse grain of 100 microns (1 mm). Such sanding allows you to even out small irregularities that occurred when gluing the insulation due to initial deviations in the geometry of the sheets to be glued and due to errors during gluing. graters small size it is absolutely impossible to use it on large planes, since small graters form bumps and depressions when sanding.

Video sanding planes under the three-meter rule.

Video final alignment of the facade.

8. Installation of dowels

Dowels additionally fasten the insulation sheets to the facade, they are installed either in accordance with the official recommendations of the system holders, two in the middle of the plate and the rest at the joints of the plate with neighboring plates.

Or with a “star” one in the middle and four dowels in the body of the insulation closer to the edges:

  • Installation of dowels according to the scheme. The "correct" dowel with a metal core. Photo 6.
  • Installation of dowels according to the scheme. The "correct" dowel with a metal core. Photo 7.

If the insulated wall is made of monolithic reinforced concrete, solid brick, expanded clay concrete, then the spacer zone of the dowel should be 50 mm, the total length of the dowel is approximately the thickness of the insulation + 50 mm.

If the insulated wall is made of foam concrete, aerated concrete, slotted bricks, multi-slotted blocks, warm ceramics, then the spacer zone is 100 mm, the total length of the dowel is approximately the thickness of the insulation +100 mm.

On top of the dowel, you need to carefully cover with Ceresit CT 85 or CT 190 glue, the lubrication is done after the final sanding of the planes under the three-meter rule.

Video installation of dowels.

9. Installation of diagonal and internal scarves, corners, drips using Ceresit polymer cement adhesive

The device of the base reinforcing layer begins with the installation of diagonal and internal scarves at the corners of window and door openings. It must be remembered that before the installation of the base reinforcing layer, the surface of the mineral wool board must be primed with CeresitCT 190 glue, pressing the glue into the surface of the mineral wool with force.

Then the base reinforcing layer is made on the decorative elements of the facade, made of expanded polystyrene

10. The device of the base reinforcing layer on the main planes of the facade.

The base reinforcing layer is performed using polymer-cement adhesive Ceresit CT 85, Ceresit CT 190 and facade fiberglass mesh 165 g/m2, cell size 5 x 5 mm.

After installing the scarves, a base reinforcing layer is made on the main planes. CeresitST 85 glue is applied to the surface of expanded polystyrene with a metal float, a facade fiberglass mesh is applied, then it is sunk into the glue, the excess is removed into a bucket. The minimum overlap of a roll on a roll is 100 mm, the rolls are installed vertically.

After drying, a puttying is done, this is done in order to even out the bumps and hide the mesh in the Ceresit ST 85 glue layer.

Similarly, the device of the base reinforcing layer with a mineral wool board is made.

Before work, we re-check the mineral wool surface for the presence of "corklets" - inclusions from pieces of metal and binder droplets. All "kings" must be removed. In the presence of kings big size sections of the mineral wool board are cut out and replaced with new ones.

After that, we proceed to the priming of the mineral wool plate. cement glue Ceresit CT 190. The surface of the mineral wool board is primed with Ceresit CT 190 glue, the glue is applied with a metal trowel, pressed into the structure of the mineral wool, and the excess is peeled off. After we wait for the complete drying of the glue and carry out an audit of the surface. In some places where mineral wool board turned out to be inhomogeneous, we will see the pimple of the primer layer, it moves away from the base, grabbing in heterogeneous fibers of mineral wool. In these metas, we remove the heterogeneity and repeat the operation - again let the primer layer dry completely, if necessary, repeat again.


Next is the base reinforcing layer. CeresitCT 190 glue is applied to the surface primed with glue, and the front fiberglass mesh is embedded into it. The overlap of the roll on the roll is not less than 100 mm. There are appropriate marks on the rolls of Facade fiberglass mesh, which make it easy to track.

The overlap of the fiberglass mesh can be more than 100 mm, but cannot be less!

After drying, the base is reupholstered with liquid glue to remove small irregularities in order to completely hide the texture of the fiberglass mesh.

Application of quartz primer Ceresit ST 16

When the base reinforcing layer is completely dry, at least 72 hours after the last reupholstering, you can start applying Ceresit ST 16 quartz primer. Ceresit ST 16 primer is applied with a brush, wide brush, flute. The primer can be a white, non-tinted base, or it can be painted to match the color of the future Ceresit decorative plaster.

Application of decorative plaster Ceresit

Decorative Ceresit plaster is applied with a metal one, and rubbed with a plastic float. This applies to decorative plasters of bark beetle texture CeresitCT 64, CeresitCT 63, CeresitCT 175, Ceresit CT 35 and pebble texture Ceresit CT 60, Ceresit CT 174, Ceresit CT 137.

On the decorative elements pebble decorative plaster Textures Ceresit CT 60, Ceresit CT 174, Ceresit CT 137 can be applied by spraying with a tarcret gun, or by hand.

The final appearance of houses insulated using VWS / WM technology (wet facade) Ceresit

As a result, we get beautiful, reliable facades Ceresit, warm, economical and comfortable for living at home.

  • Appearance finished facade according to the VWS / WM Ceresit system. Photo 1.
  • Appearance of the finished facade according to the VWS / WM Ceresit system. Photo 2.
  • Appearance of the finished facade according to the VWS / WM Ceresit system. Photo 3.
  • Appearance of the finished facade according to the VWS / WM Ceresit system. Photo 4.
  • Appearance of the finished facade according to the VWS / WM Ceresit system. Photo 5.
  • Appearance of the finished facade according to the VWS / WM Ceresit system. Photo 6.
  • Appearance of the finished facade according to the VWS / WM Ceresit system. Photo 7.

The article is based on the materials of the ForumHouse user with the nickname Reliable. Perhaps, someone will say, he lobbies the interests of Ceresit and sells their goods. Firstly, it is not a sin to observe technology and trade in quality goods; secondly, the technology will be almost 1-in-1 for any wet facade system, be it Kraisel or something else.