How to find the area on three sides. How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle

Sometimes in life there are situations when you have to delve into your memory in search of long-forgotten school knowledge. For example, you need to determine the area of ​​​​a land plot of a triangular shape, or the turn of the next repair in an apartment or a private house has come, and you need to calculate how much material it will take for a surface with a triangular shape. There was a time when you could solve such a problem in a couple of minutes, and now you are desperately trying to remember how to determine the area of ​​a triangle?

You don't have to worry about this! After all, it is quite normal when the human brain decides to shift long-unused knowledge somewhere in a remote corner, from which it is sometimes not so easy to extract it. So that you do not have to suffer with the search for forgotten school knowledge to solve such a problem, this article contains various methods, which make it easy to find the desired area of ​​the triangle.

It is well known that a triangle is a type of polygon that is limited to the minimum possible number sides. In principle, any polygon can be divided into several triangles by connecting its vertices with segments that do not intersect its sides. Therefore, knowing the triangle, you can calculate the area of ​​almost any figure.

Among all the possible triangles that occur in life, the following particular types can be distinguished: and rectangular.

The easiest way to calculate the area of ​​a triangle is when one of its corners is right, that is, in the case of a right triangle. It is easy to see that it is half a rectangle. Therefore, its area is equal to half the product of the sides, which form a right angle between them.

If we know the height of a triangle dropped from one of its vertices to opposite side, and the length of this side, which is called the base, then the area is calculated as half the product of the height and the base. This is written using the following formula:

S = 1/2*b*h, in which

S is the desired area of ​​the triangle;

b, h - respectively, the height and base of the triangle.

It is so easy to calculate the area of ​​an isosceles triangle, since the height will bisect the opposite side, and it can be easily measured. If the area is determined, then it is convenient to take the length of one of the sides forming a right angle as the height.

All this is certainly good, but how to determine whether one of the corners of a triangle is right or not? If the size of our figure is small, then you can use a building angle, a drawing triangle, a postcard or other object with rectangular shape.

But what if we have a triangular land plot? In this case, proceed as follows: count from the top of the proposed right angle on one side, a distance multiple of 3 (30 cm, 90 cm, 3 m), and on the other side, a distance multiple of 4 (40 cm, 160 cm, 4 m) is measured in the same proportion. Now you need to measure the distance between the end points of these two segments. If the value is a multiple of 5 (50 cm, 250 cm, 5 m), then it can be argued that the angle is right.

If the value of the length of each of the three sides of our figure is known, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle can be determined using Heron's formula. In order for it to have a simpler form, a new value is used, which is called the semi-perimeter. This is the sum of all the sides of our triangle, divided in half. After the semi-perimeter is calculated, you can begin to determine the area using the formula:

S = sqrt(p(p-a)(p-b)(p-c)), where

sqrt - square root;

p is the value of the semi-perimeter (p =(a+b+c)/2);

a, b, c - edges (sides) of the triangle.

But what if the triangle has irregular shape? There are two possible ways here. The first of these is to try to divide such a figure into two right-angled triangles, the sum of the areas of which is calculated separately, and then added. Or, if the angle between the two sides and the size of these sides are known, then apply the formula:

S = 0.5 * ab * sinC, where

a,b - sides of the triangle;

c is the angle between these sides.

The latter case is rare in practice, but nevertheless, everything is possible in life, so the above formula will not be superfluous. Good luck with your calculations!

As you may remember from the school curriculum in geometry, a triangle is a figure formed from three segments connected by three points that do not lie on one straight line. The triangle forms three angles, hence the name of the figure. The definition may be different. A triangle can also be called a polygon with three corners, the answer will be just as true. Triangles are divided according to the number of equal sides and the size of the angles in the figures. So distinguish such triangles as isosceles, equilateral and scalene, as well as rectangular, acute-angled and obtuse-angled, respectively.

There are many formulas for calculating the area of ​​a triangle. Choose how to find the area of ​​a triangle, i.e. which formula to use, only you. But it is worth noting only some of the notation that is used in many formulas for calculating the area of ​​a triangle. So remember:

S is the area of ​​the triangle,

a, b, c are the sides of the triangle,

h is the height of the triangle,

R is the radius of the circumscribed circle,

p is the semi-perimeter.

Here are the basic notations that may come in handy if you have completely forgotten the course of geometry. Below are the most understandable and not complex options calculating the unknown and mysterious area of ​​a triangle. It is not difficult and will come in handy both for your household needs and for helping your children. Let's remember how to calculate the area of ​​a triangle as easy as shelling pears:

In our case, the area of ​​the triangle is: S = ½ * 2.2 cm. * 2.5 cm. = 2.75 sq. cm. Remember that area is measured in square centimeters (sqcm).

Right triangle and its area.

A right triangle is a triangle with one angle equal to 90 degrees (therefore called a right triangle). A right angle is formed by two perpendicular lines (in the case of a triangle, two perpendicular segments). AT right triangle there can be only one right angle, because the sum of all the angles of any one triangle is 180 degrees. It turns out that 2 other angles should divide the remaining 90 degrees among themselves, for example, 70 and 20, 45 and 45, etc. So, you remembered the main thing, it remains to learn how to find the area of ​​a right triangle. Imagine that we have such a right triangle in front of us, and we need to find its area S.

1. The easiest way to determine the area of ​​a right triangle is calculated using the following formula:

In our case, the area of ​​a right triangle is: S = 2.5 cm * 3 cm / 2 = 3.75 sq. cm.

In principle, it is no longer necessary to verify the area of ​​a triangle in other ways, since in everyday life it will come in handy and only this one will help. But there are also options for measuring the area of ​​a triangle through acute angles.

2. For other calculation methods, you must have a table of cosines, sines and tangents. Judge for yourself, here are some options for calculating the areas of a right-angled triangle that you can still use:

We decided to use the first formula and with small blots (we drew in a notebook and used an old ruler and protractor), but we got the right calculation:

S \u003d (2.5 * 2.5) / (2 * 0.9) \u003d (3 * 3) / (2 * 1.2). We got such results 3.6=3.7, but taking into account the cell shift, we can forgive this nuance.

Isosceles triangle and its area.

If you are faced with the task of calculating the formula of an isosceles triangle, then the easiest way is to use the main one and, as is considered the classic formula for the area of ​​a triangle.

But first, before we find the area of ​​an isosceles triangle, we will find out what kind of figure it is. An isosceles triangle is a triangle whose two sides are the same length. These two sides are called the sides, the third side is called the base. Do not confuse an isosceles triangle with an equilateral one, i.e. an equilateral triangle with all three sides equal. In such a triangle, there are no special tendencies to the angles, or rather to their size. However, the angles at the base in an isosceles triangle are equal, but different from the angle between equal sides. So, you already know the first and main formula, it remains to find out what other formulas for determining the area of ​​​​an isosceles triangle are known:

The triangle is one of the most common geometric shapes, which we are familiar with in primary school. The question of how to find the area of ​​a triangle is faced by every student in geometry lessons. So, what are the features of finding the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba given figure can be distinguished? In this article, we will consider the basic formulas necessary to complete such a task, and also analyze the types of triangles.

Types of triangles

You can absolutely find the area of ​​a triangle different ways, because in geometry there is more than one type of figure containing three angles. These types include:

  • obtuse.
  • Equilateral (correct).
  • Right triangle.
  • Isosceles.

Let's take a closer look at each of existing types triangles.

Such a geometric figure is considered the most common in solving geometric problems. When it becomes necessary to draw an arbitrary triangle, this option comes to the rescue.

In an acute triangle, as the name implies, all angles are acute and add up to 180°.

Such a triangle is also very common, but is somewhat less common than an acute-angled one. For example, when solving triangles (that is, you know several of its sides and angles and need to find the remaining elements), sometimes you need to determine whether the angle is obtuse or not. Cosine is a negative number.

In the value of one of the angles exceeds 90°, so the remaining two angles can take small values ​​(for example, 15° or even 3°).

To find the area of ​​a triangle of this type, you need to know some of the nuances, which we will talk about later.

Regular and isosceles triangles

regular polygon A figure is called a figure that includes n angles, in which all sides and angles are equal. This is the right triangle. Since the sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180°, each of the three angles is 60°.

The right triangle, due to its property, is also called an equilateral figure.

It is also worth noting that only one circle can be inscribed in a regular triangle and only one circle can be circumscribed around it, and their centers are located at one point.

In addition to the equilateral type, one can also distinguish an isosceles triangle, which differs slightly from it. In such a triangle, two sides and two angles are equal to each other, and the third side (to which equal angles adjoin) is the base.

The figure shows an isosceles triangle DEF, the angles D and F of which are equal, and DF is the base.

Right triangle

A right triangle is so named because one of its angles is a right angle, i.e. equal to 90°. The other two angles add up to 90°.

The largest side of such a triangle, lying opposite an angle of 90 °, is the hypotenuse, while the other two of its sides are the legs. For this type of triangles, the Pythagorean theorem is applicable:

The sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse.

The figure shows a right triangle BAC with hypotenuse AC and legs AB and BC.

To find the area of ​​a triangle with a right angle, you need to know the numerical values ​​of its legs.

Let's move on to the formulas for finding the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba given figure.

Basic formulas for finding the area

In geometry, two formulas can be distinguished that are suitable for finding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmost types of triangles, namely for acute-angled, obtuse-angled, regular and isosceles triangles. Let's analyze each of them.

By side and height

This formula is universal for finding the area of ​​the figure we are considering. To do this, it is enough to know the length of the side and the length of the height drawn to it. The formula itself (half the product of the base and the height) is as follows:

where A is the side of the given triangle and H is the height of the triangle.

For example, to find the area of ​​an acute-angled triangle ACB, you need to multiply its side AB by the height CD and divide the resulting value by two.

However, it is not always easy to find the area of ​​a triangle in this way. For example, to use this formula for an obtuse-angled triangle, you need to continue one of its sides and only then draw a height to it.

In practice, this formula is used more often than others.

Two sides and a corner

This formula, like the previous one, is suitable for most triangles and in its meaning is a consequence of the formula for finding the area by the side and height of a triangle. That is, the formula under consideration can be easily deduced from the previous one. Its wording looks like this:

S = ½*sinO*A*B,

where A and B are the sides of the triangle and O is the angle between sides A and B.

Recall that the sine of an angle can be viewed in a special table named after the outstanding Soviet mathematician V. M. Bradis.

And now let's move on to other formulas that are suitable only for exceptional types of triangles.

Area of ​​a right triangle

In addition to the universal formula, which includes the need to draw a height in a triangle, the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba triangle containing a right angle can be found from its legs.

So, the area of ​​a triangle containing a right angle is half the product of its legs, or:

where a and b are the legs of a right triangle.

right triangle

This type geometric figures differs in that its area can be found with the specified value of only one of its sides (since all sides of a regular triangle are equal). So, having met with the task of “find the area of ​​a triangle when the sides are equal”, you need to use the following formula:

S = A 2 *√3 / 4,

where A is the side of an equilateral triangle.

Heron's formula

The last option for finding the area of ​​a triangle is Heron's formula. In order to use it, you need to know the lengths of the three sides of the figure. Heron's formula looks like this:

S = √p (p - a) (p - b) (p - c),

where a, b and c are the sides of the given triangle.

Sometimes the task is given: "the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba regular triangle is to find the length of its side." In this case, you need to use the formula already known to us for finding the area of ​​​​a regular triangle and derive from it the value of the side (or its square):

A 2 \u003d 4S / √3.

Exam problems

There are many formulas in the tasks of the GIA in mathematics. In addition, quite often it is necessary to find the area of ​​a triangle on checkered paper.

In this case, it is most convenient to draw the height to one of the sides of the figure, determine its length by cells and use the universal formula for finding the area:

So, after studying the formulas presented in the article, you will not have problems finding the area of ​​a triangle of any kind.

Area of ​​a triangle - formulas and examples of problem solving

Below are formulas for finding the area of ​​an arbitrary triangle which are suitable for finding the area of ​​any triangle, regardless of its properties, angles or dimensions. The formulas are presented in the form of a picture, here are explanations for the application or justification of their correctness. Also in a separate figure are the correspondences letters in formulas and graphic symbols on the drawing.

Note . If the triangle has special properties (isosceles, rectangular, equilateral), you can use the formulas below, as well as additionally special formulas that are true only for triangles with these properties:

  • "Formulas for the area of ​​an equilateral triangle"

Triangle area formulas

Explanations for formulas:
a, b, c- the lengths of the sides of the triangle whose area we want to find
r- the radius of the circle inscribed in the triangle
R- the radius of the circumscribed circle around the triangle
h- the height of the triangle, lowered to the side
p- semiperimeter of a triangle, 1/2 the sum of its sides (perimeter)
α - the angle opposite side a of the triangle
β - the angle opposite side b of the triangle
γ - the angle opposite side c of the triangle
h a, h b , h c- the height of the triangle, lowered to the side a, b, c

Please note that the given notation corresponds to the figure above, so that when solving real task in geometry, it was visually easier for you to substitute the correct values ​​​​in the right places in the formula.

  • The area of ​​the triangle is half the product of the height of a triangle and the length of the side on which this height is lowered(Formula 1). The correctness of this formula can be understood logically. The height lowered to the base will split an arbitrary triangle into two rectangular ones. If we complete each of them to a rectangle with dimensions b and h, then, obviously, the area of ​​these triangles will be equal to exactly half the area of ​​the rectangle (Spr = bh)
  • The area of ​​the triangle is half the product of its two sides and the sine of the angle between them(Formula 2) (see an example of solving a problem using this formula below). Despite the fact that it seems different from the previous one, it can easily be transformed into it. If we lower the height from angle B to side b, it turns out that the product of side a and the sine of angle γ, according to the properties of the sine in a right triangle, is equal to the height of the triangle drawn by us, which will give us the previous formula
  • The area of ​​an arbitrary triangle can be found through work half the radius of a circle inscribed in it by the sum of the lengths of all its sides(Formula 3), in other words, you need to multiply the half-perimeter of the triangle by the radius of the inscribed circle (it's easier to remember this way)
  • The area of ​​an arbitrary triangle can be found by dividing the product of all its sides by 4 radii of the circle circumscribed around it (Formula 4)
  • Formula 5 is finding the area of ​​a triangle in terms of the lengths of its sides and its semi-perimeter (half the sum of all its sides)
  • Heron's formula(6) is a representation of the same formula without using the concept of a semiperimeter, only through the lengths of the sides
  • The area of ​​an arbitrary triangle is equal to the product of the square of the side of the triangle and the sines of the angles adjacent to this side divided by the double sine of the angle opposite to this side (Formula 7)
  • The area of ​​an arbitrary triangle can be found as the product of two squares of a circle circumscribed around it and the sines of each of its angles. (Formula 8)
  • If the length of one side and the magnitude of the two angles adjacent to it are known, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle can be found as the square of this side, divided by the double sum of the cotangents of these angles (Formula 9)
  • If only the length of each of the heights of a triangle is known (Formula 10), then the area of ​​such a triangle is inversely proportional to the lengths of these heights, as by Heron's Formula
  • Formula 11 allows you to calculate area of ​​a triangle according to the coordinates of its vertices, which are given as (x;y) values ​​for each of the vertices. Please note that the resulting value must be taken modulo, since the coordinates of individual (or even all) vertices can be in the area of ​​negative values

Note. The following are examples of solving problems in geometry to find the area of ​​a triangle. If you need to solve a problem in geometry, similar to which is not here - write about it in the forum. In solutions, instead of the "square root" symbol, the sqrt () function can be used, in which sqrt is the symbol square root, and in parentheses is the root expression.Sometimes the symbol can be used for simple radical expressions

A task. Find the area given two sides and the angle between them

The sides of the triangle are 5 and 6 cm. The angle between them is 60 degrees. Find the area of ​​a triangle.


To solve this problem, we use formula number two from the theoretical part of the lesson.
The area of ​​a triangle can be found through the lengths of two sides and the sine of the angle between them and will be equal to
S=1/2 ab sin γ

Since we have all the necessary data for the solution (according to the formula), we can only substitute the values ​​from the problem statement into the formula:

In the table of values trigonometric functions find and substitute in the expression the value of the sine 60 degrees. It will be equal to the root of three by two.
S = 15 √3 / 2

Answer: 7.5 √3 (depending on the requirements of the teacher, it is probably possible to leave 15 √3/2)

A task. Find the area of ​​an equilateral triangle

Find the area of ​​an equilateral triangle with a side of 3 cm.

Solution .

The area of ​​a triangle can be found using Heron's formula:

S = 1/4 sqrt((a + b + c)(b + c - a)(a + c - b)(a + b -c))

Since a \u003d b \u003d c, the formula for the area of ​​​​an equilateral triangle will take the form:

S = √3 / 4 * a2

S = √3 / 4 * 3 2

Answer: 9 √3 / 4.

A task. Change in area when changing the length of the sides

How many times will the area of ​​a triangle increase if the sides are quadrupled?


Since the dimensions of the sides of the triangle are unknown to us, to solve the problem we will assume that the lengths of the sides are respectively equal to arbitrary numbers a, b, c. Then, in order to answer the question of the problem, we find the area of ​​this triangle, and then we find the area of ​​a triangle whose sides are four times larger. The ratio of the areas of these triangles will give us the answer to the problem.

Next, we give a textual explanation of the solution of the problem in steps. However, at the very end, the same solution is presented in a graphical form that is more convenient for perception. Those who wish can immediately drop down the solution.

To solve, we use the Heron formula (see above in the theoretical part of the lesson). It looks like this:

S = 1/4 sqrt((a + b + c)(b + c - a)(a + c - b)(a + b -c))
(see the first line of the picture below)

The lengths of the sides of an arbitrary triangle are given by the variables a, b, c.
If the sides are increased by 4 times, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe new triangle c will be:

S 2 = 1/4 sqrt((4a + 4b + 4c)(4b + 4c - 4a)(4a + 4c - 4b)(4a + 4b -4c))
(see the second line in the picture below)

As you can see, 4 is a common factor that can be taken out of brackets from all four expressions according to general rules mathematics.

S 2 = 1/4 sqrt(4 * 4 * 4 * 4 (a + b + c)(b + c - a)(a + c - b)(a + b -c)) - on the third line of the picture
S 2 = 1/4 sqrt(256 (a + b + c)(b + c - a)(a + c - b)(a + b -c)) - fourth line

From the number 256, the square root is perfectly extracted, so we will take it out from under the root
S 2 = 16 * 1/4 sqrt((a + b + c)(b + c - a)(a + c - b)(a + b -c))
S 2 = 4 sqrt((a + b + c)(b + c - a)(a + c - b)(a + b -c))
(see the fifth line of the figure below)

To answer the question posed in the problem, it is enough for us to divide the area of ​​the resulting triangle by the area of ​​the original one.
We determine the area ratios by dividing the expressions into each other and reducing the resulting fraction.

Some of the tasks in geometry, or more precisely, in planimetry, require finding the area of ​​some given figure. The area of ​​any figure can be both the ultimate goal of the problem, and an intermediate calculation necessary for substitution into a more complex formula. Often in such problems they are asked to find the area of ​​a triangle. The initial data may be different. In some cases, some side of the triangle and the value of the height drawn to it are known, in others - the perimeter of the triangle, and so on.

Suppose you are asked to find the area of ​​a triangle if three sides are known. Heron's formula is used to find the area of ​​such a triangle. To determine the area using this formula, you must first calculate the semi-perimeter of the triangle (n). Knowing the meanings of all three sides, it is elementary to do this. You need to sum up all the sides of the triangle - this will be its perimeter, and then divide the resulting value by two. After that, it is necessary to subtract from the value of the semiperimeter in turn the lengths of each of the three given sides of the triangle, that is, subtract a from n, then subtract b from n, and, finally, subtract c from n.

The obtained three differences should be multiplied among themselves and this product should be multiplied again by the value of the semi-perimeter. Having carried out all the above actions and received the result of multiplication, it is necessary to extract the square root from this result. The number that will be obtained after extracting the square root will be the area of ​​the given triangle. In short, the formula for the area of ​​a triangle will be: area (S) \u003d square root of (n * (n-a) * (n-b) * (n-s)) . As can be understood from the formula, the question of finding a triangle with known values sides very easily.

For example, how to find the area of ​​a triangle if 3 sides are known: side a is 3 centimeters, side b is 4 centimeters and side c is 2 centimeters. The perimeter of this triangle will be equal to a + b + c \u003d 3 centimeters + 4 centimeters + 2 centimeters \u003d 9 cm. So the semi-perimeter is 9: 2 \u003d 4.5 centimeters We get: S \u003d square root of (4.5 centimeters * (4 .5 centimeters - 3 centimeters) * (4.5 centimeters - 4 centimeters) * (4.5 centimeters - 2 centimeters)) = 2.9 square centimeters

But what if the values ​​of the sides are not only known, but it is also indicated that they are equal according to the condition of the problem? In this case, how to find the area of ​​a triangle if all sides are known and also they are equal? You can, of course, also calculate it using the Heron formula discussed above, but why extra calculations if another formula is derived for such a triangle, which is much simpler than Heron's formula. According to this formula, you must first calculate the square root of the number 3, then raise the value of the length of the side of the triangle to the second power, multiply this value to the second power with the root of the number 3 and divide the product obtained as a result of multiplication by the number 4. You will get the area of ​​​​the given triangle . When written, this formula looks like this: S=(a^2*root(3)) /4

Let there be a triangle with the same side length equal to 3 centimeters. Using this formula, you can get the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a triangle: S \u003d (3 ^ 2 * root (3)) / 4 \u003d 3.9 square centimeters. To check whether the value of the area of ​​a particular triangle is calculated correctly or not, you can carry out additional calculations using the Heron formula and compare the results.

Semi-perimeter (p) \u003d (3 + 3 + 3) / 2 \u003d 4.5 centimeters. According to Heron's formula is: S \u003d square root of (4.5 centimeters * (4.5 centimeters - 3 centimeters) * (4.5 centimeters - 3 centimeters) * (4.5 centimeters - 3 centimeters)) \u003d 3 .9 square centimeters. Both area values ​​found from different formulas, match. So the area of ​​the triangle is correct. When solving any other problems, you should take into account the data in the condition and use the formula corresponding to these data.