Angela short name. Angela. The meaning of the name in fate. Notable people named Angela

From the owners of the name Angela, as a rule, trendsetters are obtained for narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion." The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Angela name compatibility, manifestation in love

Angela, It’s not that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first to you, and you will choose a partner, based mainly on how much they can share your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, purposefulness and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, if such happens, you will first of all appreciate in a partner the ability to be imbued with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul yearns for everything that a person can possess. And - to the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

The wishes of those around you when making a decision, if they are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to force them to “go in a water team” with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. You need assistance from outside, and above all - as a "restraining beginning." Otherwise, you may want to "turn the earth".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

Name Angela got its origin from Greek, which means - messenger.

Name Angela temperamental and to some extent even passionate. This quality is quite pronounced when she is still a teenager. Do not refuse the opportunity to scandal. Indeed, this name is so sonorous and bright that it attracts attention, this also applies to Angelica herself. Angela is characterized by developed pride, first of all, she will devote a lot of time to herself. This, in turn, can manifest itself in her touchiness, in indifference to other people's successes, since the very name pushes her to the fact that she should always be in the spotlight, and in the case when this place is already occupied by someone else, she may experience feeling of intense jealousy. It is difficult for her to find support for firmness and patience.

Due to her keen pride, she still sometimes has to pull herself together. In addition to the fact that excessive emotionality is fraught with scandals and quarrels, feelings can be reflected in appearance. Therefore, Angela should find balance in her soul, soften her pride and learn to sincerely, respect the people around her. Understanding her feelings, Angela will be able to create the necessary atmosphere for family and work.

Angela is basically quite an attractive and charming woman. But she does not rely on her beauty, she prefers knowledge and intelligence. This is a strong enough and selfish woman, able to achieve her goals.

For many men, Angela will forever remain a mystery. She will marry only for her ideal man. In marriage, she is soft and frank, to the smallest detail she will devote her husband to her experiences. But if the husband takes it all indifferently and with rudeness, then Angela can forever withdraw into herself.

Angela's character is greatly influenced by her patronymic. Vladimirovnas are stubborn and reasonable, Borisovnas are sensitive and able to empathize, Nikolaevnas are the most emotional.

The worst thing for Angela is when she hides her emotionality and pride. As a result, it is possible that her temperament will manifest itself in gossip and intrigue, and, having opened one fine day, will ruin her reputation. Trying to hide her emotions in public, she can give them an outlet in the family, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Basically, the husband tries to turn a blind eye to all this, since his wife and hostess Angela is very good.

In Bernard Harvoord's book Amazing Fates, there is a story about a certain girl named Angela, this story actually happened, all the facts are confirmed.

After Angela married the Spanish marquis, their family happiness did not last long, as soon her husband died tragically. The Marquis's family was against this marriage, so they made it clear to Angela that she would not receive any inheritance.

Angela returned home to England with no money, no job and no husband. And one day, while visiting, she met a woman who told her that there was a man behind her. This woman turned out to be a medium, and according to the description, Angela recognized her deceased husband in this man, and after a spiritualistic session, she received news from her husband. The message contained the Paris address of the bank, some number, names and addresses.

After investigation, it turned out that the address given by the late Marquis was inhabited by a person who explained to Angela that the number was a bank code, and when she opened the safe, she found in it a large amount of money, securities and jewelry, and in addition to this receipt from the garage. According to this receipt, Angela was given a brand new car, in the trunk of which there was a safe with money and a letter from her husband.

He wrote that he envisaged the behavior of his family, that Angela would not get anything, therefore, knowing about his deadly disease He left Angela a present. In the same letter, he said that he would protect her even from the next world.

Having received a large fortune, Angela moved to America, where, having invested money successfully, she became a successful businesswoman.

When communicating with Angela, you should not trust her calmness, the only exception can be if she really sincerely respects you. Also be careful with wit, as your joke can be regarded by her as a mockery of her, and in anger she can be scary.

Astrology says:

Corresponding zodiac sign: a lion

Guardian planet: Venus

Traits: Ambitious, energetic, passionate

Name colors: Black and all shades of red

Lucky Colors: Blue and all its shades

Talisman stone: Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Angela.

What does the name Angela mean?

The name Angela means messenger (Greek)

The meaning of the name Angela is character and destiny

A woman named Angela is charming, bright personality, unsophisticated in handling, like a magnet attracts people to itself, patronizes weak natures. She always has many girlfriends and friends, whose opinion she listens to, but only herself draws conclusions. It is not easy for a man to win her - you will have to be patient. She herself will appreciate the merits of the contender for her heart, since she is a good psychologist. The main thing is to be sincere with her, Angela breaks off relations with hypocrites and liars. Meanwhile, it is not easy to get rid of the spell of a woman named Angela - this proud and rather vain woman has a unique ability not to let go of what belongs to her. It is difficult to conquer it, but it is even more difficult to part with it. In marriage, Angela rarely feels happy - this is hindered by the duality of her nature. She is never satisfied with what she has achieved, she is constantly full of some obscure desires herself. A good hostess, but not always doing household chores with pleasure. A woman named Angela is highly dependent on her mood. AT good location the spirit does everything quickly and thoroughly, if the mood is bad, it can do the cleaning superficially, and not even go into the kitchen. When waiting for guests, he does not skimp on the most sophisticated treats, he likes to surprise everyone with his signature dishes. Generous and hospitable. Knows how to set the table. Angela loves children very much, she takes their upbringing seriously, trusting no one. She almost always has daughters.

The meaning of the name Angela for sex

A woman named Angela is very sexy, with a partner as temperamental as she is, sexual relations may last a long time. She loves to experiment, is free and uninhibited during intimacy. With a professional partner, she can be obedient, but with a partner who is not too experienced, she boldly takes the initiative, is not afraid to be in a dominant role. Angela needs sex like air. Only in this way can she relieve strong mental or physical stress. Sexually satisfied Angela can fly as if on wings, even if she sleeps 3-4 hours a day. She can be a wonderful lover, sensitive, inventive, passionate. Her emotions are manifested easily, naturally, she conquers a man not only with her sexuality, but also with the breadth of her soul, disinterestedness, and a noble outlook on things. A woman named Angela can, without hesitation, waste her lover's money, but in the same way, without counting, she will spend hers on him.

The nature and fate of the name Angela, taking into account the patronymic

Name Angela and patronymic ....

Angela Alekseevna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Yurievna difficult to tolerate disappointment, sentimental, good-natured. Often faced with betrayal, it would seem, the most faithful friends. Confident in her feminine charms, she does not expect a dirty trick from her relatives, but often it is they who present her with trouble. However, Angela does not regret the losses, it only hardens her. She knows how to dress, loves expensive beautiful things, exquisite jewelry.

In a relationship with her lover, a woman named Angela is jealous, sometimes to the point of aggressiveness, very passionate in sex. This is a real find for sexy man, if he can correctly evaluate it. And in marriage, a woman named Angela is truly unpredictable, the path to understanding with her husband is difficult and long.

Name Angela and patronymic ....

Angela Alexandrovna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Maksimovna, Pavlovna, Fedorovna, Eduardovna overly suspicious. Modest, has exquisite taste. Homebody. The ideal hostess, however, a spender, has a passion for beautiful things, very hospitable. Sincere with others, openly enjoys life. AT family life patient and organized. With a woman named Angela, she becomes grouchy with age, loves to impose her opinion on others, especially bothers children. Unnecessarily emotional in love, does not know how to forgive betrayal, betrayal, remembers the offenses inflicted for a long time. Angela most often gives birth to girls. And all her life she is aware of all the affairs of her daughters.

Name Angela and patronymic ....

Angela Arkadievna, Valentinovna, Vitalievna, Matveevna, Kirillovna, Nikitichna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Yakovlevna seems too strict and impregnable. She does not have much interest in men, few people even allow them to take care of themselves. However, under this mask lies a passionate and loving nature. Angela chooses a spouse for a long time, but in marriage she becomes frank, sensual. In his wife he wants to see a devoted friend and an ideal lover. The callousness and indifference of her husband may repel her, but Angela will not seek adventure on the side. She is hospitable and sociable. He likes to visit, willingly accepts friends at home. Always cheerful, brings a certain ease to any society. She loves theatre, enjoys attending movie premieres. As a rule, a girl is born to her, and she completely devotes herself to her upbringing. In his daughter he finds the most devoted and loving friend. Such relationships persist even when the daughter grows up and starts her own family.

Name Angela and patronymic ....

Angela Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna laconic, restrained in feelings. However, she is sexy enough, dreams of sincere hot love. Cautious in relationships with men, distrustful. He checks the feelings of his lover for a long time before accepting his proposal. Suspicious, believes in predictions. She painfully endures the betrayal of her spouse, however, even in such cases she does not decide on a divorce. The family life of such Angela is not always happy. She is jealous, impulsive, faithful to her husband herself, but too demanding. Has heterosexual children.

Name Angela and patronymic ....

Angela Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Semenovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna energetic, active, restless. Likes entertainment, thrills. Feelings express violently. Very sexy, has a lot of fans. She makes no distinction between love and sex. Sex for a woman named Angela is an integral part of love. She chooses strong sexual partners, she gives herself completely to relationships with them. May not get married for a long time, continuing to look for his ideal - a man who has strong character, good intelligence and sense of humor. Angela is a diligent hostess, tries to please her husband, an attentive mother. Has heterosexual children.

Name Angela and patronymic ....

Angela Bogdanovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Stanislavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna. always surrounded by handsome men, many admirers. A bright woman, she possesses good taste, excellent manners. If someone got into the network of a woman named Angela, she will never let him go. True, happiness in marriage is rather problematic for her because of her imperiousness and exactingness. Such Angela needs a patient spouse who can satisfy her moral, material and sexual needs. She is a good hostess, she likes to mess around in the kitchen, invent own recipes and make gourmet dishes out of nothing. But the spouse will have to go shopping. She hates shops and markets, does not like crowds. All this makes her very angry. She loves her children, she is attentive and affectionate with them. She can pamper them, especially if she raises them alone, without a husband. Buys them expensive toys can't refuse anything. She enjoys spending time outdoors with her children.

Full name:

Similar names: Angela, Angel, Angel, Angela, Angel, Angel, Angela, Anelya, Anelya, Aneliya, Angel, Ael

Church name: -

Meaning: angel, messenger

The meaning of the name Angela - interpretation

The female name Angela is derived from the male Angelus, the meaning of which, translated from Latin, is interpreted as "angel", "God's messenger", "messenger". Judging by Orthodox saints, our ancestors also used the masculine form of this name - Angelis or Angelius. Today in Slavic countries, as in the whole European territory, more common woman's name. AT different countries there are derivatives on behalf of Angela, which differ not only in sound and spelling, but also in stress (on the first or second syllable).

Name Angela in other languages

Angela Astrology

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Angela is most often not the only, but the last child of her parents. Although she is smart and quick-witted, she does not sit in excellent students - emotionality, inconstancy and lack of patience prevent her from concentrating on classes.

The main task of parents during this period is to gently and unobtrusively cultivate endurance and the ability to concentrate their attention in their daughter. When Angela grows up a little, she may well acquire a reputation as a brawler - touchy, not indifferent to the successes of others, very temperamental, she is able to provoke conflicts herself.

Often at school age, a more liberated and assertive friend can influence her. Little Anzhala will obediently fulfill all her whims and orders without exception.

Beautiful and charming, always brightly and stylishly dressed, Angela will never use her external advantages, because she has an extremely acute self-esteem. The girl wants to be appreciated as a person.

Still prone to impulsive actions without considering the consequences. It can do things or say all sorts of different things, which you will later have to bitterly regret.

For the owner of this name, there is a mystery that intrigues the guys. He loves to stand out free time in the company of friends. Thanks to this, we can talk about the difference between her behavior and the rest. When everyone laughs at a joke, Angela will simply smile defiantly.

The realities of adult life force Angela to calm down her explosive nature a little. Any scandals have a bad effect not only on her career and family life, but also negatively affect her appearance, which does not suit a woman at all. Is a strong, and sometimes selfish personality.

But even having matured, Angela does not cease to be in the world of her fantasies, and therefore reality (which does not coincide with dreams and dreams) often disappoints her. A woman of mystery, a woman of mystery, she almost never opens the veil of her soul. Only a true reader of souls or a loved one can understand its essence.

The lady is very attractive to the stronger sex. Angela does not seek to stand out due to her external data. Appreciates wisdom and professionalism in people. He prefers to always get his way.

Angela's character

Angela is always and everywhere capable of showing attentiveness, sympathy and pity. A woman will never forget to congratulate her family and friends on her birthday or professional holiday.

She wants to achieve everything in life herself and uses her perseverance and wealth to achieve this. Creative skills. Hypocrisy definitely does not apply to Angela's character traits - she is sincere almost always and everywhere.

Outwardly, she often looks cold and indifferent. She is overwhelmed with dreams and fantasies that are far from reality, which is an obstacle to normal relations with others (mostly with men).

Angela is often condemned for her excessive pride. Sometimes this woman is overly straightforward, so she can inadvertently offend or offend someone. However, wise people they won't hold a grudge against her for long.

Angela's fate

Throwing away sentiments and unnecessary emotions, Angela strives for her life goal. And most often she is alone on this path - if not physically, then spiritually. She has no girlfriends - only friends. Angela attracts men, but only a few are able to understand her vague desires. Perhaps that is why a woman with this name feels a slight strain, although by and large there are no major cataclysms in her fate.

There is an opinion that the middle name greatly influences the character of the owners of this name. For example, Anatolyevna, Dmitrievna or Stanislavovna are suspicious and impulsive. The girl with the middle name Igorevna, Antonovna or Semyonovna is energetic and restless. Bogdanovna or Konstantinovna is inherent in authority in relation to men, and Vladimirovna is stubborn.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Disorganization, indecisiveness in actions and jealousy for other people's successes often harm Angela in professional activity. But her remarkable intuition often rescues her. This romantic and sensual nature can achieve good results on a creative path in an acting or writing career, in a journalistic field or in the modeling business.

Angela loves money and knows how to earn it. Usually characterized as a zealous hostess. But excessive emotionality is also manifested in relation to money - at one moment she can lose all her savings, and not necessarily on herself.

Marriage and family

Angela rarely manages to achieve a complete idyll in marriage. Ideally, if a sensitive man gets into husbands, ready to listen and withstand bursts of emotions that a woman is forced to hide in public. With a callous and rude spouse, closeness will appear in her character traits.

Angela has a hard time enduring infidelity - her husband's betrayal can greatly undermine a woman's health. Angela loves her children unconditionally, she treats their upbringing responsibly. A good hostess, but her domestic activities can greatly depend on spiritual impulses.

Sex and love

In men, Angela is no longer attracted by external data, but by intelligence, enlightenment and sincerity. She is very keenly aware of falsehood and lies, and straightforwardness will not allow a woman to continue a relationship if she suspects ambiguity.

In sex, Angela is distinguished by the same passion as in life. Extremely jealous, does not share the concepts of "love" and "intimacy" - for her it is a single whole. Inventive, easily takes the initiative in their own hands. If a man comes across who is able to feel her, Angela will become a godsend for him in bed.


If the girl's parents did not pay enough attention to hardening, then Angela will often get sick. And this is not only a cold, but also other, more serious ailments.

Help to avoid health problems good rest, regular exercise (for example, swimming) and walks in the fresh air.

Interests and hobbies

The variability of views and interests does not allow Angela to concentrate her attention on one hobby. Her profession can become a real hobby - only if she chooses it correctly.

A kind of hobby for a girl can be and own house. She knows how to create comfort, likes to receive guests, is not lazy to cook and fantastically decorate gourmet dishes.

The name Angela is the Russian form of the name Angela (lat. Angela), which in turn comes from the Greek Αγγελος. Αγγελος (Angelos) is an epithet of Zeus, which means "messenger" in translation. It turns out that the meaning of the name Angela is "messenger". Related names for the name Angela are the names Angelina and Angelica. You can learn more about them by clicking on the links.

The meaning of the name Angela for a girl

Little Angela stands out from other children with her mobility and curiosity. This is a very active girl who is always busy with something. She grows up as a kind and sympathetic child. It can also be noted that Angela is a very sociable girl. She easily finds mutual language both with peers and adults. Angela is a very enthusiastic person and this is noticeable from the very beginning. early age. She is so engrossed in her own affairs that she completely forgets about everything else.

The girl studies well enough and in this she is helped by good data by nature. Angela has a good memory, which has a special effect, especially given her curiosity. Unfortunately, Angela is not distinguished by constancy in her studies in particular. This often affects academic performance in subjects in which Angela has lost interest. But Angela is not used to making efforts for the result. To teach Angela to work for some purpose will be the main pedagogical task regarding her.

Angela's health is quite unusual. The girl is prone to different age-related changes in the functioning of the immune system. It can be painful at one age and have good health in a different. No systematicity was found in these phenomena, which in principle is not uncommon. The main thing to remember is that you do not need to self-medicate, but always seek help from professionals.

Short name Angela

Angelka, Zhela, Zhelka, Angie.

Diminutive names

Anzhelochka, Anzhelushka, Anzhelonka, Angelchik, Zhelka, Zhelochka, Zhelushka, Zhelonka.

Name Angela in English

AT English language the name Angela is spelled as Angela, but is read as Angela or as Angela.

Name Angela for passport- ANZHELA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Angela into other languages

in Bulgarian - Angela
in Hungarian - Angela
Spanish - Angela
in Italian - Angela
in Latin - Angela
in German - Angela
in Polish - Angela
in Portuguese - Ângela
in Romanian - Angela
in Serbian - Anjela
in Ukrainian - Angela
in French - Angela
in Finnish - Angela
in Czech - Andela

Church name Angela(in Orthodox faith) is not certain. In the calendar there is only the masculine form of this name. This means that Angela church name will be different from the worldly.

Characteristics of the name Angela

Adult Angela is quite emotional and a person in the clouds. She often behaves impulsively and thoughtlessly, which often gives her a lot of trouble in the future. It can also be noted that Angela's disorganization is characteristic of her in childhood, remains one of the traits of her character. Same way interesting feature Angela can be called her good intuition. Often Angela, relying on intuition, takes completely unexpected decisions but over time they are perfectly true. She trusts her "inner voice".

Angela does not like to work, but she works conscientiously. The main motive for her is usually the material component. Angela loves comfort, and often gravitates towards excessive wastefulness. Naturally, such habits require appropriate material resources. But in the event that Angela can have the desired standard of living and not work, then she will certainly quit her job.

Angela's family life is rarely successful, although to many from the outside it seems almost perfect. Over time, Angela begins to be burdened by the constancy of family life, but she does not dare to break off the relationship. This of course leaves an imprint on her perception of the world and family life in particular. You can also note the jealousy of Angela. Usually, her jealousy has absolutely no reason, but this does not stop her.

The secret of the name Angela

Angela's main secret is her actions, which she does not want to remember once again. This is not surprising. Angela's impulsiveness often gives rise to situations that the owner of the name later regrets.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

totem animal- Electric Stingray.

Name color- Blue and Purple.

Wood- Aspen.

Plant- Rose.

A rock- Lapis lazuli.