Surkov rejoiced at his "mortal illness." Surkov explained what happened to him and why he lost so much weight What happened to Vladislav Surkov

"Don't cry for me, Ukraine!"

Vladislav Surkov commented on the rumors about his illness

Pravda Komsomolskaya/ Russian Look/ Global Look Press

Vladislav Surkov commented on the rumors about his illness that appeared after the publication of his new photos in the media. As political scientist Alexei Chesnakov wrote on his Facebook page, who recently met with Surkov, he is healthy and, when asked “about the strange photo and the violent reaction of the Ukrainian media, with characteristic mockery, answered:“ Don’t cry for me, Ukraine! ””

Today, the Russian Pioneer publication published an interview with Vladislav Surkov, editor-in-chief Andrei Kolesnikov, in which the presidential aide said that he was feeling well. He said that he really changed in appearance, "and that's okay." In the near future he plans to take up photography.

“Firstly, I am impressed by the scale of the funeral procession. Hundreds of thousands of Runet and Uanet users gathered to escort me on my last journey. Didn't know it was so popular. Pleasantly surprised. Secondly, and you will understand me as the editor-in-chief of a literary magazine, I received great aesthetic pleasure from reading the obituaries dedicated to me. What a lively syllable! What an abyss of taste and ingenuous folk humor! And how sometimes a deep knowledge of medicine, politics, philosophy is clearly indicated. Good, really, good,” Surkov said.

New photographs of presidential aide Vladislav Surkov were published in the Kommersant newspaper on May 2. Together with other politicians, he was present in Bocharov Ruchey before the talks between President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Vladislav Surkov, an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin who is said to be the handler of the so-called DNR and LNR terrorists, is likely to have AIDS.

Such an assumption in his blog on the "Observer" was made by Russian journalist and publicist Vladimir Golyshev.

He recalled that the other day Surkov appeared before the press during Putin's meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the appearance of the assistant to the head of the Kremlin caused considerable excitement in the media and social networks.

The other day we saw a completely changed Vladislav Surkov. These changes cannot be of a situational nature, something is clearly happening to him, both with his health and with his appearance. Surkov is a fairly young man (52 years old - ed.), and if the changes in Putin's appearance can be attributed to unsuccessful Botox injections and other anti-aging procedures, then for Surkov it all does not work. Once again I will say that he is a fairly young man and apparently he has some kind of disease.

We can only guess what exactly, because no one publishes his medical history. If we, watching Putin, found some signs of a chemotherapy session and suspected oncology (there were plenty of such reasons), then in the case of Surkov, the symptoms are completely different. But also very annoying.

Who does he look like now in his current form? Some of our stars have faded. I, rummaging through the recesses of memory, find there the great dancer Rudolf Nureyev or Freddie Mercury. Similarity with this and nothing else. Maybe someone else will see something? Many people say that Surkov has oncology, but it doesn’t look like oncology to me. As for me, Surkov has changes in the tissues themselves, something very reminiscent of the consequences of immunodeficiency, for example. This is me, but is Surkov sick with AIDS? It is quite possible to assume, looking at its external state.

This is how the stars, which we loved so much and which were very dear to us, faded away. After all, Surkov is also really a star, and what does show business have to do with it. He very passionately wanted to be a poet, a songwriter, and he aimed for outstanding prose writers. Two novels were published under his pseudonym. Such a creative nature and such a disease would suit her.

In general, the very presence of Surkov at an official event (the meeting between Merkel and Putin. - ed.) suggests that he is not allowed to go on vacation. And he oversees the Ukrainian direction, the “DNR” and “LNR”, in his hands are the threads with which the Kremlin puppeteer steers his puppets.

Considering that Merkel came and quite publicly delivered something similar to an ultimatum - to ensure the return of the Ukrainian-Russian border under the control of Kyiv, apparently some instructions in this direction will be given to Surkov.

Everything else, about the laws of karma, that nothing passes without a trace - it's all some kind of mysticism. Although if you look at all the people who were involved in the criminal policy of the Kremlin, then in general, somehow they all do not look very good. Sasha Borodai has aged 10 years and looks really bad. The same can be said about the rest.

But on the other hand, living is still good. Some, for example, explode in an elevator ... So while they are alive, it’s a sin to complain.

Vladislav Surkov, an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin who is said to be the handler of the so-called "DNR" and "LNR" terrorists, is likely to have AIDS.

Such an assumption in his blog on the "Observer" was made by Russian journalist and publicist Vladimir Golyshev.

He recalled that the other day Surkov appeared before the press during Putin's meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the appearance of the assistant to the head of the Kremlin caused considerable excitement in the media and social networks.

The other day we saw a completely changed Vladislav Surkov. These changes cannot be of a situational nature, something is clearly happening to him, both with his health and with his appearance. Surkov is a fairly young man (52 years old - ed.), and if the changes in Putin's appearance can be attributed to unsuccessful Botox injections and other anti-aging procedures, then for Surkov all this does not work. Once again I will say that he is a fairly young man and apparently he has some kind of disease.

We can only guess what exactly, because no one publishes his medical history. If we, watching Putin, found some signs of a chemotherapy session and suspected oncology (there were plenty of such reasons), then in the case of Surkov, the symptoms are completely different. But also very annoying.

Who does he look like now in his current form? Some of our stars have faded. I, rummaging through the recesses of memory, find there the great dancer Rudolf Nureyev or Freddie Mercury. Similarity with this and nothing else. Maybe someone else will see something? Many people say that Surkov has oncology, but it doesn’t look like oncology to me. As for me, Surkov has changes in the tissues themselves, something very reminiscent of the consequences of immunodeficiency, for example. This is me, but is Surkov sick with AIDS? It is quite possible to assume, looking at its external state.

This is how the stars, which we loved so much and which were very dear to us, faded away. After all, Surkov is also really a star, and what does show business have to do with it. He very passionately wanted to be a poet, a songwriter, and he aimed for outstanding prose writers. Two novels were published under his pseudonym. Such a creative nature and such a disease would suit her.

In general, the very presence of Surkov at an official event (the meeting between Merkel and Putin. - ed.) suggests that he is not allowed to go on vacation. And he oversees the Ukrainian direction, the “DNR” and “LNR”, in his hands are the threads with which the Kremlin puppeteer steers his puppets.

Considering that Merkel came and quite publicly delivered something similar to an ultimatum - to ensure the return of the Ukrainian-Russian border under the control of Kyiv, apparently some instructions in this direction will be given to Surkov.

Everything else, about the laws of karma, that nothing passes without a trace - it's all some kind of mysticism. Although if you look at all the people who were involved in the criminal policy of the Kremlin, then in general, somehow they all do not look very good. Sasha Borodai has aged 10 years and looks really bad. The same can be said about the rest.

Assistant to the President of Russia Vladislav Surkov asked not to shed tears for nothing. He is alive and well. And he wished everyone who cares to stay healthy. Later, however, he said that he did not wish everyone good health, but quickly took his words back.

Vladislav Surkov. Photo: Alexey Druzhinin / TASS

In a conversation with a Russian Pioneer correspondent, Surkov shared his state of health, which social media users were so interested in after photos from a press conference following Vladimir Putin's talks with Angela Merkel, where the politician, who is a participant in the Normandy Four talks, looks noticeably thinner and disheveled.

"I'm healthy, very healthy, and I wish the same to all those who are not indifferent. Well, maybe not to everyone. Although it's okay, everyone, God bless them," Surkov commented on his state of health.

Internet users were so shocked by the photos of the assistant to the president that they were ready to offer their help to him. They suggested that Surkov was dying of cancer. But he refused help and said that he felt good for two reasons.

“Firstly, I was impressed by the scale of the funeral procession. Hundreds of thousands of Runet and Uanet users gathered to escort me on my last journey. I didn’t suspect that it was so popular. Pleasantly surprised. Secondly,<…>received great aesthetic pleasure from reading the obituaries dedicated to me. What a lively syllable! What an abyss of taste and ingenuous folk humor! And how sometimes a deep knowledge of medicine, politics, philosophy is clearly indicated. Good, really, good," Surkov scoffed.

The president's aide reacted to his "funeral" with humor - he is, they say, flattered by such attention to his person - and noted that the main thing in the public reaction is total indifference.

"Chekhov urged to be afraid of the indifferent. And those who are not indifferent can only please. More precisely, make them laugh," Surkov advised the users of social networks who buried him.

The politician did not stir up an already keen interest in his health and spoke about the reason for such a dramatic change in appearance.

“Just as you cannot step into the same river twice, you cannot see the same person twice. I have changed, of course, and that’s normal. Walking all my life with the same facial expression is boring and unhygienic. "Pants," Surkov said, "Changes are inevitable. Including changes for the better, which need to be cultivated. I think I'm succeeding so far."

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, also commented on the changes in the appearance of the presidential aide. Under an Instagram photo posted by the secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia, he wrote that Surkov was not sick, but was losing weight.

Photo: Instagram akashevarova

Rumors about Surkov's illness were also denied by political scientist, head of the Center for Political Conjuncture Alexei Chesnakov, who personally met with him on May 3 after his trip to Sochi. On your page in

Victory. Victoria Bonya, Anna Semenovich, Irena Ponaroshku are show business stars of the second or third row, that is, they are not shown on Channel One or they are shown quite a bit, and there are no photo shoots in high-status glossy magazines - they are from somewhere in magazines like "Secrets of the Stars", "Telesem" or whatever. And in general, it is not entirely clear who they are and what they do, but at the same time everyone knows them, they have fans, they are recognized on the streets and so on. Therefore, it is difficult to get past the photos and videos on their Instagram accounts - they are posing there in military tunics from the war (and the rapper who performs with Timati, on the contrary, is in German military uniform), shouting “Ay em e soldier” and “Russian power”, and in combination with their makeup and hairstyles and in general with their appearance (roughly speaking, in the USSR in the 40s it was not customary to pump up lips) all this looks pretty wild. It is clear that "Thanks to grandfather for the victory" did not pass even this social stratum, but there is a limit to everything. The Cosmopolitan magazine says that these costumes are from the filming of the music video of the singer Yulia Parshuta “The Month of May”, dedicated to her grandmother who fought, and Yulia’s friends, dressing in old military uniforms, pay tribute to their grandmothers and great-grandmothers who fought.

And now you are looking at these girls, and such an already familiar movement of the soul requires you to grumble about them - everyone has been vulgarized, everyone has been discredited, victory frenzy as it is. But if you grumble, then the grumbling will be false and hypocritical - in fact, these girls have nothing to vulgarize and discredit. The canon of celebrating May 9 has already been created and rooted, and yes, it is like this - when a silicone breast and a fake tunic walk side by side, and a St. George ribbon is tied to a dog leash. There is no reason to swear or be indignant, there is no space for a dispute about this for a long time - yes, this canon was rudely imposed on society, but it was successfully imposed, and society accepted it, and now, apparently, we must somehow live with this, there is no getting away from it and it's time to calm down.

Odessa. In the May calendar between the first and the ninth for some time now there is a new, but at the same time quite well-established memorable date, the second number, the anniversary of the fire in the Odessa House of Trade Unions. And although this event is foreign, it can be considered significant for Russian history. Russian officials eagerly recall this date, the Russian press writes, Russian television shoots stories and films - it can be assumed that it will be in the Russian calendar for a long time or even forever.

People loyal to the Ukrainian state on both sides of the border, of course, will argue with this - they have their own version of what happened and a shameful, but seemingly convincing conclusion that on that day, with little (by the standards of the war in eastern Ukraine) Odessa avoided falling into orbit with little blood. of the Russian world”, turning into a second Donetsk or Lugansk and the misfortunes accompanying this representation. It is rarely mentioned directly, but this year text with such a message Garry Kasparov wrote - let's refer to him. But in Russia, the argument “they were burned, but Russian tanks didn’t come to the city” does not work, and the Odessa plot itself (as well as the annexation of Crimea) does not fit into the context of the Donetsk war, it stands apart from it. The fact of mass political murder in this form, devoid of any “but”, although it came in very handy for Russian propaganda, but at the same time seriously and, so to speak, quite honestly shocked Russian society. Such a stamp from interviews with Russian volunteers who went to fight in Donetsk or Luhansk: I didn’t think anything about Ukraine, but I saw Odessa and realized that I couldn’t sit at home. It is clear that Russian and Ukrainian propaganda are worth each other, but when choosing between the formula “people died, but the people’s republic did not appear” and the formula “people died, what a nightmare”, it is more reasonable and humane to choose the option without this cannibalistic “but”.

Surkov. The strange appearance of Vladislav Surkov in photographs from the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel in Sochi made a much stronger impression on many than the meeting of the Russian and German leaders itself. The Ukrainian press spit: “Surkov is dying”, Russian wise bloggers joke about cocaine. Such a new edition of caricature Kremlinology of the Soviet times with looking at the members of the Politburo on the podium of the Mausoleum - who is standing where, who has what with his face, and so on.

Surkov, of course, should be wished good health, but what is really worth gloating about - here are people sitting at the very top, climbing with difficulty, holding on with even greater difficulty so as not to fall off, and having fallen off, they climbed again. We tried, in general. And all for what? So that we guess, looking at them, is it cancer or drugs. That is literally: isolation from society is one of the foundations of the philosophy of power in Russia, it is a special class, a special life, in which, probably, the laws of physics operate differently than in our country. And at the same time, the highest Russian nomenklatura consists of very rich, but obviously unhappy people. And it doesn’t matter for what reason they are losing weight - all the same, their life consists of worries about property recorded on someone else, from strange families in which everything is also not human (imagine what it’s like to live a woman with the stigma of “alleged daughter Vladimir Putin"? This is humiliating!), strange values, strange habits. We will not feel sorry for them, of course, but it is obviously worth treating them precisely as unfortunate people.

Son of Rogozin. In January, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin proposed to Vladimir Putin that the production of Il-114 and Il-96 aircraft be restored in order to force out Boeing and Airbus, which now dominate the Russian market. More than 100 billion rubles were allocated for the revival of the Soviet Ils, but the most beautiful point in this strange plot has been set only now, when the Ilyushin aviation complex is the son of Dmitry Rogozin Alexei, that is, these hundred billion lobbied by his father, he will have to master.

The reader is already waiting for the rhyme “corruption”, but even if without it, this is some kind of reference episode of unethical behavior of the authorities, when a conflict of interest turns out to be not an accident, but a systemic property of people in high positions. It is clear that the Rogozin family is not in danger of a scandalous discussion in parliament, or indignation in the mass press, or protests from representatives of the industry, and in a situation where nothing threatens, perhaps even an angel will lose both shame and conscience. It is customary for us to laugh good-naturedly at the career fates of children of the highest Russian nomenklatura: it somehow happened that for some reason it was the sons of ministers and prosecutors who turned out to be the most talented managers and entrepreneurs, but even against what background the fate of Rogozin Jr., who became the flagship of the defense industry, is understandable it was during the years of his father's vice premiership that he made the strongest impression.