The meaning of the name Zinaida, the origin, character and fate of the name Zinaida. Zinaida - a beautiful name and a bright personality

The name Zinaida has not one, but many meanings of the name. The meaning of the name naturally depends on its origin, and therefore we will touch on this aspect as well. About the meanings of the name Zinaida, its origin and much more, in our review article.

The most popular version is the Greek origin of the name. According to this version Zinaida's name means "from the family of Zeus". True, it must be clarified that in Greek it sounded like Zenais (Ζηναϊς). It is also worth noting that the version is the most popular on a global scale, although other versions are more popular in many countries.

In Arabic, there is a name very consonant with the name Zinaida. To be more precise, this is the name Zina. True, it is only consonant, but comes from Arabic name Zeenat (زينة). In this case Zina's name means "decoration", after all, this is the meaning of the original name.

Another version of the European origin of the name Zinaida is the Latin version. Fans of this version claim that the name Zinaida means "caring". It is believed that it comes from the Latin word sinus.

The meaning of the name Zinaida for a girl

Little Zina is a complex and conflicted child whose upbringing is very not an easy task. Parents, and indeed everyone around, will not be easy. She reacts very painfully to criticism, and usually does it too aggressively. The girl is too self-centered and vain, and this becomes noticeable already in preschool age. If you do not pay enough attention to the correction of these character traits, then she will grow up as a completely unbearable person. It is worth noting that with sufficient diligence, these features can be significantly leveled.

Zinaida usually studies well. Like most owners of this nature, Zinaida does not have a particular craving for knowledge, but wants to be the best in the class, including in her studies. It is worth noting that praise has a very positive effect on Zina's zeal. She loves to be praised and it is worth taking teachers into service.

Zinaida's health cannot be called strong, but you cannot call it weak either. It is rather at an average level, although Zina gets sick quite often. Most often this refers to the cold season, because colds are the main problem of Zina's health. But more serious diseases for the owner of the name a rarity. In this regard, she was lucky.

Abbreviated name Zinaida

Zinaidka, Zina, Zinka.

Diminutive names

Zinaidochka, Zinaidushka, Zinaidonka, Zinochka, Zinushka, Zinonka, Zinulya, Zinulka, Zinusya, Zinusha.

Name Zinaida in English

AT English language there is no name Zinaida, which means you need to use the transliteration - Zinaida.

Name Zinaida for a passport- ZINAIDA.

Translation of the name Zinaida into other languages

in Belarusian - Zinaida and Zina
in Bulgarian - Zinaida and Zina
in Greek - Ζηναΐδα
in Ukrainian - Zinaida and Zina

Church name Zinaida(in Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Zinaida. It is also revered in the Catholic denomination.

Characteristics of the name Zinaida

Adult Zinaida is much calmer compared to childhood. She is certainly impulsive and prone to unexpected actions, but all this is much more peaceful. Zinaida is even popular with others, because she is a very extraordinary person. She often does those things that everyone dreams of, but is afraid of the consequences. In addition, Zinaida will learn to feel the line where it is better to contain her emotions. She has a wide circle of friends, but few friends. She doesn't like to let strangers into her inner world. It is worth noting that Zinaida is a very reliable and devoted friend. You can rely on her even in the most difficult situation.

Zinaida can work in absolutely any industry, but most often her position is related to document management, reports, etc. This may be the work of an accountant, a merchandiser, various positions in a bank. In the end, the main thing is that she successfully finds use for her strong character traits. She is distinguished by special attentiveness and scrupulousness, which will definitely be noticed and in demand.

Zinaida's family life is usually successful, the key to which is her serious attitude towards marriage. This is surprising, because Zina is a very amorous nature, but this does not apply to the issue of family formation. Here she will spare no time for a serious check of the future spouse. You can also note some deceit of Zinaida. She very carefully hides all her shortcomings from her chosen one, and it comes off too late. True, over time, her husband will certainly understand who he lives with, but this rarely becomes a problem.

The secret of the name Zinaida

The secret of Zinaida is her true character. If in childhood everything is completely clear, then the adult Zinaida becomes, in fact, a professional actress. Few people see Zina not in the image, but the real one. Often, having come home, Zina comes to her senses for some time. Only when completely relaxed does she become herself.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

totem animal- Scorpion.

Name color- Green.

Wood- Pine.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

A rock- Emerald.

Belonging to Zeus - this is exactly the meaning of the name Zinaida. According to one version, the name comes from male name Zenais, which was especially popular in ancient Greece. In Latin, the name means “caring”, in Arabic it means “beautiful”. In short, affectionately, Zinaida is often called Zina, Zinulya, Zinusya, Zisha, Ina. AT Orthodox saints there is a record of two saints with this name.

Orthodox name day at Zinaida

According to church calendar, where two names appear - Zinaida and Zina, people with these names celebrate name days several times a year.

  • On October 24, Christians commemorate the martyr Zinaida of Tarsia, who, together with her sister Philonola, converted to Christianity and spread the Gospel in different cities.

Renouncing luxury and wealth, they helped the suffering, healed bodies and souls. The pagans, who hated them for this, made their way under the cover of darkness to their dwellings and threw stones at them.

  • Unfortunately, there is no information left about the holy martyr Zinaida the Wonderworker, only that she died a martyr's death along with other Christian women.

The church name day of Zinaida, whose patroness is the Miracle Worker, is celebrated on June 20. To date, it is not included in the church calendar.

Angel Day, like the name day for Zinaid, falls on June 20 and October 24. In addition, Zinaids celebrate name days on January 17, July 5 and October 10.


Zinaida is a strong and persistent personality. As a rule, the bearers of this name have high intelligence, amaze with strength of character. Many of Zinaida's character traits resemble a predator, so they rarely see obstacles to achieving their goal. The owner of such a name thinks through every step before doing something.

Often, they are driven by vanity and a desire for superiority. Zinaida is very easy to offend, but to make her forget the offense is an impossible mission. They can remember all their lives even the trifles from childhood that you inflicted on them.

As a child, Zinaida surprises those around her with her childlike seriousness. Easily find a language with older people and can support any topic. Their unusual thinking and erudition attracts their attention. At school, the girl shows great diligence in her studies, which deserves the patronage of teachers. You won't see her playing with other kids, she usually keeps her distance. Already at this age, she determines life goals and systematically achieves them.

Often, the bearers of this name do not differ in their bright appearance. But this does not prevent them from being popular among men. She is always in shape and always keeps her manners, it is difficult to see her in a dressing gown, overweight or without make-up. Zinaida, even in her youth, understands how men are afraid of strong women. Therefore, she masterfully hides it, demonstrating only what they are pleased to see in her.

In married life, Zinaida is a tyrant. She demands complete and unconditional submission from a man, wanting to be the only leader in the relationship. If a man has the will to resist her, then a loud scandal cannot be avoided.

Mystery of the name

The patroness of the name is Venus. Zinaida is naturally endowed with sensuality and a desire to love and be loved. Despite all the external rigidity, the bearer of this name has a well-developed artistic flair, an understanding of beauty and harmony. Zinaids are beautifully built, have a beautiful voice and natural grace. They have a highly developed intuition, on which they rely more often than on the advice of others.

This rare, original, bright and attractive female name has big impact to your owner. Already with early childhood the main meaning of the name Zinaida- striving for leadership. Leadership qualities are torn out - the girl literally terrorizes her parents, not accepting refusals. Grandfather and grandmother are subjected to special tyranny, who take care of the little princess in every possible way.

origin of the name Zinaida

The name Zinaida has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Zinaida is derived from the name Zenais, which is translated as “from the family of Zeus, Zeus”, “belonging to Zeus”. AT Ancient Greece this name was masculine, but in recent times became feminine.

The nature of the name Zinaida

Girls bearing the name Zinaida, abbreviated as Zina, have a clear assertiveness and sharpness. Although they are not alien to romanticism and dreaminess, which, however, will not always be visible at first sight.

Zinaida is a sonorous name, reminiscent of a victory song, but at the same time it may seem simple and devoid of mystery to someone.

Zinaida will grow up as a somewhat arrogant and cold girl. She respects strength and authority, so at school she strives to be the first student, teacher's assistant, and fawns a little on the elders.

If Zina is cited as an example to other students, she is unlikely to be able to hide her joy. In general, ambition is highly developed in Zinaida. She knows exactly what she wants and knows how to achieve it.

The main thing is that over the years this quality does not develop to the point that Zina begins to think that everyone around should live as she sees fit.

Zina is charming, but you can't call her a beauty. But Zina knows how to present herself effectively and profitably. In addition, girls with this name are very passionate natures. So Zinaida will not be deprived of the attention of men. More soft temper at Zin, born in summer.

Zinaida is not averse to gossip. It's not worth arguing with Zinaida. Differences that arise are best resolved by compromise, yielding in something, not forgetting to remind you that you are striving to maintain good relations with her.

A young person is rarely beautiful, but this does not mean the absence of admirers. The young lady has a special attraction and charm that can interest and captivate men.

It has a lot of fans who clearly express their sympathy to the girl. Male attention has great importance for a young person. Soft and feminine on the outside despotic character, which begins to manifest itself only in marriage.

Zina is a passionate and skillful lover. Ability to diversify intimate life, but not by the number of sexual partners, but by openness to sexual experiments.


A woman is a skilled housewife, a real keeper of the hearth, she pays attention to comfort. Uses rationally family budget, which often denotes some stinginess and stinginess. However, he will not spare money for children or for high-quality attributes of a home interior.

Cooks well. Proper nutrition household for Zina is of paramount importance. Masterfully prepares homemade liqueurs and liquors, he will not refuse to drink, sometimes he can “sip” too much.

Strict with children, teaches them with early age to discipline and independence. He pays a lot of attention and importance to the upbringing of his children, sparing neither time nor effort.

In relations with her husband, she often dominates. A man must either come to terms with this state of affairs, or in the first year family life, show who is the boss in the house, and make them respect themselves with their actions and deeds. Of paramount importance in a relationship with a spouse is complete trust for a girl.

Business and career

A woman knows how to achieve her goals, which means she easily makes business connections and converges with people. Discipline, professionalism and a clear statement of the issue are distinctive positive features ladies. If the work has lost interest and significance, then the girl will leave it without any regret.

Thanks to his leadership qualities, he becomes an excellent leader, the paramount importance of which is work for results. Can become an excellent diplomat, chief physician, lawyer. Will reach heights in trade, finance, pharmaceuticals.

The woman is so energetic that she has time everywhere - both in the professional field and in the household.

She is a smart and attractive woman. She is a leader by nature, but she knows how to skillfully hide this fact in order to appear as a weak woman. True, Zinaida demonstrates such tenderness only at the beginning. love relationships, and after marriage becomes a real tyrant.

Because of this, there are constant scandals and conflicts in her family if the husband cannot understand the woman or insist on his own at the beginning of family life.

By nature, Zinaida is a pedant who is engaged in the improvement of her home. She is somewhat stingy, but loves to acquire beautiful and expensive things. She is a real hostess who skillfully creates interesting and unusual dishes. Some Zinaids tend to overuse alcohol.

Zinaida becomes good teachers, pharmacists and accountants.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Zinaida

3 - all-round defense of the "I" from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich, hiding his head in the sand.
H- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
And- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
D- thinking, thinking before starting a business, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes capriciousness. Often - the ability of a psychic.
BUT- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Sexuality of the name Zinaida

She is rarely a beauty, but she is charming, knows how to present herself profitably and effectively. If we add to this that Zinaida is almost always a passionate person, then we can understand why she does not complain about the lack of attention to her person from men.

Smart; leader in psychological warehouse, but skillfully hides it, demonstrating subordination to the man. Later, when she is already bound to him by marriage, the despot hiding in her breaks out.

The husband must agree with this, otherwise the family will face protracted quarrels and ongoing scandals; or, on the contrary, he must at once decisively insist on his own.

Zinaida herself is in charge of the family finances, but she always knows best of all what in certain situations it is necessary for both her husband and children to do, how exactly they should act and what to say.

Her character is both prickly and affectionate at the same time. It is sometimes very difficult to get rid of her benevolence.

The influence of the name Zinaida on fate

Zinaida is one of those people whom the goddess of love Venus especially notes at birth: she radiates sensuality, it is important for her to be loved and love.

There is a sense of beauty, an understanding of the harmony and beauty of nature. Has a rich imagination. In appearance Zinaida has a beautiful physique, a pleasant timbre of voice, and smooth movements.

She may become interested in occult knowledge, read horoscopes, try to restore her family tree. He has extrasensory abilities. She trusts her intuition, she never fails Zina.

But her subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness and peacefulness are often masked by a critical mind, a rebellious character, a desire not to accept the existing without a detailed analysis.

Zinaida appreciates comfort, especially in the second half of her life, she spends a lot of time on its arrangement. She is not busy with activity, she is eager to start and carry out great things.

If Zinaida follows her passions, she can slide into gluttony, sybarism and laziness, deftly disguising negative traits ostentatious intelligence and politeness.

Excellent oratorical skills, perseverance of convictions. Zina rarely changes her attachments, she is faithful, constant, reliable. In certain situations, she is able to lead a team.

The key to communication with Zinaida

Zinaida is a lively, direct person in communication, and although some arrogance is inherent in her, one can find with her mutual language. But if you do not want your secret to become known to everyone, do not tell it to Zina, she loves gossip.

Zinaida is cheerful and cheerful, charming and coquettish. Knows how to hide negative traits of his character, such as conflict and intractability, manage his feelings and emotions. He also knows his own virtues and presents them favorably.

Vulnerable, picks up friends for a long time. enjoys increased attention men - she seems mysterious and passionate to them. He reads a lot, loves historical and romance novels. Careerist, but because of the complex nature of the service, she is moving slowly.

Zinaida is smart, a leader by nature, but if necessary, completely obeys a man. After marriage, he can show his character, but knowing the measure. As a husband, she chooses a complaisant man who can put up with her leadership in the family.

Otherwise, the spouses will face frequent quarrels and violent scandals. If a man is able to tame her temper, then he must do it in the very first days living together otherwise the marriage will fall apart.

Zinaida is a diligent hostess, skillfully manages all family members, knows how to create comfort in the house, and is happy to improve the apartment. A little stingy, but the real thing will not regret the money. Practical - there are no useless things in her house.

She cooks well, loves to come up with new recipes, makes liqueurs, homemade wines, liqueurs well. She gives birth to children of different sexes, who are closer to their father in terms of their mental disposition.

The meaning of the name Zinaida for sex

AT sexual relations not too passionate, but always tries to please her partner, especially if she loves him. Can take the initiative and try to surprise him with something. He never refuses his spouse in intimacy, he is afraid to offend him.

If she herself is attracted, then in a matter of minutes she can excite her husband, showing maximum tenderness and persistent caress. "December" Zinaida is highly temperamental, willingly having sex at any time of the day, but only with her loved one.

Jealous, does not forgive betrayal. At the slightest suspicion of infidelity, it can break off relations, go for a divorce.

Positive traits of the name

Activity, generosity, the ability to great feeling. As a rule, with a fragile appearance, Zinaida is distinguished by a special hardness of character. She knows what she needs in life, she has no doubts about the correctness of her choice and follows her goal. Little Zinaida is a cheerful singer, a joker, and her father's favorite.

At school age, she can seriously get carried away with philosophy, is capable of studying foreign languages. She openly expresses her opinion, is not afraid to enter into discussions. With age, Zinaida hides her straightforwardness and firmness, she knows how to look elegant, spectacular, but the strength of character is manifested in everything.

Negative traits of the name

Name psychology

Zinaida loves fun, holidays, parties, discos. She despises weak and stupid people, can harshly respond to a sharp joke.

Little Zinaida needs to be taught to respect others. In her passionate desires, it is better not to contradict her. She tends to subconsciously create in Everyday life some sharp, dramatic situations in which he plays the “leading role”. In any case, Zinaida knows what she is doing.

This rare, original, bright and attractive female name has a great impact on its owner. From early childhood, the main meaning of the name Zinaida is manifested - the desire for leadership. Leadership qualities are torn out - the girl literally terrorizes her parents, not accepting refusals. Grandfather and grandmother are subjected to special tyranny, who take care of the little princess in every possible way.

She is cold and arrogant with her peers, she is often in a strained relationship with her girlfriends, striving to be the first in everything. Often fawns over elders. At school, he strives to become right hand teachers, carrying out any assignments, are often the headman. She gets real satisfaction when she is held up as an example to other students. He studies well, basically graduating from basic school with a gold medal.

At this age, the meaning of the name Zinaida for a child is revealed in the girl's attempts to grow up as soon as possible and start an independent life. The young lady does not like to spend time with peers, she is more attracted to communication with undergraduates and teachers. Bows before power and influence.

At a young age, the girl's character changes a little. During this period, the meaning of the name Zinaida for a girl is characterized by the disclosure of the feminine qualities of a young person, the desire to please the opposite sex, the ability to flirt and flirt.

The girl has an innate sense of beauty and elegance. He knows the measure in clothes, so there are no revealing and flashy outfits in the wardrobe of a young person. The young lady begins to monitor her appearance early, moderately use cosmetics. Likes to visit clubs and discos. Able to impress, charming, flirtatious and playful.

At a conscious age, the interpretation of the name predicts the young lady's ability to present herself, energy and some eccentricity of character. Capable of reckless extravagant acts. Likes to gossip in the circle of close people. He has his own opinion on everything and will prove his case to the opponent to the last. He will never give up his own interests, but he does not intentionally wish harm to others either.


A young person is rarely beautiful, but this does not mean the absence of admirers. The young lady has a special attraction and charm that can interest and captivate men. It has a lot of fans who clearly express their sympathy to the girl. Male attention is of great importance for a young person. Soft and feminine on the outside, it has a despotic character that begins to manifest itself only in marriage.

Zina is a passionate and skillful lover. He knows how to diversify his intimate life, but not by the number of sexual partners, but by his openness to sexual experiments.


A woman is a skilled housewife, a real keeper of the hearth, she pays attention to comfort. Rationally uses the family budget, which often means some stinginess and stinginess. However, he will not spare money for children or for high-quality attributes of a home interior.

Cooks well. Proper nutrition of the household for Zina is of paramount importance. Masterfully prepares homemade liqueurs and liquors, he will not refuse to drink, sometimes he can “sip” too much.

Strict with children, teaches them from an early age to discipline and independence. He pays a lot of attention and importance to the upbringing of his children, sparing neither time nor effort.

In relations with her husband, she often dominates. A man must either come to terms with this state of affairs, or in the first year of family life, show who is the boss in the house, and make him respect himself with his actions and deeds. Of paramount importance in a relationship with a spouse is complete trust for a girl.

Business and career

A woman knows how to achieve her goals, which means she easily makes business connections and converges with people. Discipline, professionalism and a clear statement of the issue are the distinctive positive features of the young lady. If the work has lost interest and significance, then the girl will leave it without any regret.

Thanks to his leadership qualities, he becomes an excellent leader, the paramount importance of which is work for results. Can become an excellent diplomat, chief physician, lawyer. Will reach heights in trade, finance, pharmaceuticals.

The woman is so energetic that she has time everywhere - both in the professional field and in the household.

origin of the name Zinaida

Zinaida, whose name is borrowed from Greek, became known in history even before the birth of Christianity in Russia. Considering where the naming came from, etymology indicates that the origin of the name Zinaida was formed as a result of a combination of the words "Xena" (from the name of the ancient god Zeus) and "idos" (descendant), which means "descendant of Zeus" or "from the family of Zeus."

The secret of the name reveals the ability of its bearer to take initiative, creative development and infectious optimism. He has a strong, often difficult character, thanks to which he can reach great heights in his chosen field.

Characteristics of the name Zinaida

The characterization of the name Zinaida reveals the obvious arrogance and stinginess of her mistress. For relatives and close people, she spares nothing, is neat and creative in everyday life, loves to preen her family nest.

The combination of pluses and minuses of character causes some imbalance in the behavior of the girl. It has a rather "prickly" disposition, but it is very affectionate, which is why it is not at all easy to get rid of the goodwill of the young lady. Capricious and impatient, but seemingly calm and docile.

Mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone - emerald, malachite.
  • Name day - June 20, October 24.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Scorpio.
  • The ruling planet is Pluto.
  • Favorable color is green dark shades blue, brown, red.
  • The spirit animal is the scorpion.
  • Cherished plant - chrysanthemum, pine.

Famous people

  • Zinaida Likhacheva (1975) is a Ukrainian artist and fashion designer.
  • Zinaida Linden (1963) is a Finnish writer of Russian origin. Her works are published in Croatian, Finnish and Russian, and the writer does the translation of her prose on her own.
  • Zinaida Gioare (1977) - Commercial Director Moldovan football club"Dacia".

Different languages

On the different languages the translation of the name Zinaida in pronunciation and spelling is similar to the Russian analogue of the name. In English, Polish, Italian, Spanish and Turkish, the name is spelled the same Zinaida. In German, the name is translated as - Sinaida, in French - Zinaida, in Ukrainian - Zinaida.

In Chinese, the name will sound like 季娜依达 (jìnàyīdá), in Japanese - Kamigauma (神が生ま), which means born of God.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Zinaida.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Zinovya, Zina, Zinochka, Zinulya, Zinusya, Zinusik, Zinulik, Zinulichka, Zinasha, Zinya, Zisha, Zinusha.
  • Declension of the name - Zinaida - Zinaida.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Zinaida.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Daughter of Zeus" (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: In terms of its energy, the name has a significant sharpness and assertiveness. Perhaps in it one can catch some hint of dreaminess and romanticism, but if it is, it is thoroughly drowned out by the sonority of the word. You can even say that the name Zinaida sounds like a victorious marching song, or rather, like the beginning of her melody. Of course, one way or another, all this should be reflected in the character of Zina herself.

Another aspect is the apparent simplicity of the name, its commonness, while many girls, especially in adolescence, dream of beautiful and mysterious names. It is possible that Zina in her youth will aspire to some semi-elite companies, but usually this passes with age, and sober calculation prevails, and not ambitious thoughts.

Usually a girl with that name from childhood knows what she wants, and knows how to very persistently achieve what she wants. It probably doesn’t hurt for parents to pay attention to this, since such a quality over the years can develop to egocentrism, to the point that Zina can be convinced that everyone around should live exactly as she sees fit. However, life usually significantly corrects such ideas, sometimes quite painfully, and therefore, most likely, Zinaida will learn to hide this quality of hers from others, and then it will fully manifest itself in her family and subordinates at work. If Zina's husband also turns out to be a person with character, then trouble and a family tragedy cannot be avoided. It is unlikely that this can be called a normal relationship, because even if Zina manages to drive her husband "under the heel", it is unlikely that she herself will become at least a little easier. Unless there will be another reason for dissatisfaction, this time already with the results of their own efforts. If Zinaida wants to live in a full-fledged family, she should be guided not only by her mind, but also respect the opinions of others. Yes, and there will be fewer errors.

However, the most important qualities of Zinaida are her sober mind and penetrating abilities. With age, she begins to understand perfectly when to be silent, and when you can scream. You can be sure that she will do everything not to miss her profit, and gradually turn the house into a full bowl. Her energy at work can cause surprise and even envy, while usually she still has the strength to lead household. The only pity is that happiness requires not only abundance, on the contrary, more often complete mutual understanding and sincere love are much more important for him.

Secrets of communication: You should not once again cross Zinaida's road, but if this has already happened, then the dispute that has arisen can only be resolved by compromise. In the end, having infringed on her, even if unwittingly, in one, try to yield in something else. And don't forget to emphasize this if you want to keep a relationship with her.

The trace of a name in history:

Zinaida Volkonskaya

One of the most beautiful, educated, active women of her time was Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya (1792-1862), and this was recognized by everyone who saw her at least once. A passionate and enthusiastic nature, unable to do anything halfway, the princess all her life moved from one subject of study to another, putting her soul into everything, no matter what she took on.

For some time after her marriage, she lived in St. Petersburg, but soon she got bored with court life, and, having traveled abroad, the princess moved to live in Moscow, where she seriously studied Russian folk songs, fairy tales and customs. Thanks to her light disposition, fatal appearance and extraordinary mind, Zinaida Volkonskaya soon became the center of a circle attended by the most prominent people of her time.

Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Baratynsky, Zhukovsky and many others enjoyed long conversations with the outstanding beauty, and many of their poems were inspired by her bright image. However, Zinaida Volkonskaya did not fascinate the color of Moscow youth for long - just five years after her arrival in Moscow, after five years of fuss about arranging folk antiquity monuments and studying Russian literature, she becomes bored again. The Russian flavor lost its charm of novelty for her, and her fickle nature began to be drawn to something new. So at the age of thirty-eight, the beauty moves to Rome, where she remains forever, replacing the study of the customs of the Russian hinterland with a fierce upholding of the positions of Catholicism.

According to Mendelev

Bright, bright, cheerful and strong name. Attention is drawn to the presence of two seemingly contradictory signs: “strong”, in contrast to “weak”, and “frail”, in contrast to “powerful”. Obviously, this is a nature with a strong will, but she sets goals for herself that are insignificant and mundane (a sign of “low” in a diminutive name).

In the sea of ​​life, Zinaida is like a fish in water. She is resolute and even reckless, will not give up her interests, but does not wish harm to anyone and will not, flattering her eyes, defame him in the absence of her interlocutor. She is not capable of vile deeds, and if she scandalizes, then she quickly cools down over trifles. She knows and appreciates her work, but if she gets bored, she quits without hesitation. Her character is both prickly and affectionate: getting rid of her benevolence is sometimes not at all easy.

Zina is somewhat more feminine, but her character is also more complicated. At school, she succeeds at first in many subjects, and then only in those that seem interesting to her and, most importantly, not boring. Can get involved in any dubious, but unusual undertaking,

not commensurate their capabilities and strengths with what is to be done, and is often punished for this.

In marriage, she is restless and unstable, especially in early youth. Then the family absorbs all her interests, she becomes less sociable, her circle of interests gradually narrows, although at any age the originality of her nature remains and is well felt by others.

Zinaida's colors are dark blue and deep red.

According to Popov

Knows the duty of each to society, to himself and, of course, to her personally. And no matter how much the unfortunate man tries to consign his debts to oblivion, Zinaida will find an opportunity to recall them.

By Higiru

Ancient Greek origin, means: born of Zeus, from the genus of Zeus.

Somewhat arrogant, coldish girl. Often quarrels with girlfriends, likes to be the first in everything. Tyrannizes parents, especially grandparents, does not tolerate refusals in anything. At school, he strives to be the right hand of the teacher, fawns somewhat on the elders, respects strength. Don't hesitate to gossip. She studies well, cannot hide her joy when she is cited as an example to other students.

Having matured, she discovers a good taste, she develops coquetry, the lability of the psyche allows her to hide sharp corners character. At this age, Zinaida is a frequenter of dance and discos evenings. Rarely is she beautiful. But she is charming and knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. If we add to this that Zinaids are almost always passionate natures, then we can understand why they do not complain about the lack of attention of men to them. Zinaida is smart. The leader in the warehouse of the psyche, she skillfully hides this, demonstrates, on the contrary, subordination to a man; later, when she is already bound to him by marriage, the despot hiding in her breaks out. The husband must agree with this, otherwise the family will face protracted quarrels and unrelenting scandals, or, on the contrary, immediately decisively insist on his own. In the family, she is in charge of finances and always knows best of all what to do for her husband and children, how they should act and what to say.

Zinaida is meticulously engaged in landscaping the apartment, somewhat stingy, but, seeing beautiful thing, money will not spare. He perfectly prepares all sorts of homemade liqueurs, liquors and wines, on occasion he will not refuse to drink, sometimes he shows a noticeable tendency to drink.

Good accountants and pharmacists come out of Zinaida. Zinaida teachers stand out for their pickiness.

"Summer" Zinaida have a softer character, and Zinaida with patronymics Olegovna, Aleksandrovna, Stanislavovna, Karlovna and Semyonovna are natures with a complex character.

There are great chances for a successful marriage with Stepan, Yuri, Vladimir, Pavel, Efim. Marriages with Ivan, Stanislav, Dmitry, Denis, Peter, Taras are less favorable.