Love novels download Russian. Genre: Contemporary Romance. Distinctive features of books in the genre of modern romance novels

Accidentally came across this book. I just wanted to kill time, but in the end I got a storm of emotions and impressions. I did not expect such interest from myself.
I think it’s not worth talking about how subtly the moments of spiritual and physical closeness are spelled out here, this is already so obvious.
I would like to talk about each character separately

It is very contradictory, according to the general impression, there is more “bad” in it than “good”. But despite this, I want to get to know her more and more. Sometimes it causes pity, sometimes anger, and at some moments you see your reflection in it. A very detailed and versatile character. Basically, interest in the work is fueled by its intrapersonal conflicts. And her alluring charm? You see what kind of men she attracts to her. Problems with drugs slightly spoiled her image, but, on the other hand, what strength of personality must be in order to refuse them! How to describe Alexis Rendall in one word? This is definitely EXCITING!

As for our "bad boy", I didn't see any negative traits in him. Although there was an attempt to hook them: the moment in the hotel before the wedding, when he got drunk and hit on Lexie. But in general, a very positive character, a little lack of realism. One thought did not leave me throughout the reading: how did Tyler Stone manage to gain so much sexual experience by the age of 18. I always had the feeling that the guys are 25 at least. As a rule, such a developed sensuality and level of awareness in sex are not characteristic of adolescents. Perhaps this is one of the few things that made me doubt the realism of the work, although it added hot peppercorns to it.

The voice of wisdom in the book. If not for this ardent girl, how many more mistakes this couple would have made. Nora is the person whose development path seemed to me the most interesting. Being a very frivolous person in her youth, eager to get all the pleasure from life, which is possible, she goes through a difficult path of becoming. The point of no return for her is an unexpected pregnancy, after which her life changes dramatically. From an immature girl, she turns into a wise woman. Which we observe for most of the book. For me, Nora has become one of the most complete characters in the novel.

In general, the heroine is also too positive. But unlike Tyler, she did not particularly need negative qualities. Otherwise, she would have lost against his background. The reader should understand his dilemma about choosing between two girls who love him. If Meg had as many contradictory qualities as Lexie, she would clearly have succumbed to her. The cancer that overtook her in the final chapters of the book became a cruel joke of fate. She was so eager to help those in need, but in the end she herself found herself in a hopeless situation. During this period of their life with Tyler, I wanted to know what was going on between them. Too many questions remain: did she find out about the betrayal, about Tyler's endless love for Lexi, why did she ask to marry her? In a word, I was a little lacking in details.

His character didn't seem very believable to me. But there was no more desire to know him. The main contradiction: politicians, in my opinion, do not treat their reputation so connivingly. Maybe, of course, he competently manipulates Lexi's feelings when he says that her past does not matter to him, but only she matters. But a New York City senator from a wealthy family cannot beso careless. There must be a file on Alexis Rendall in his desk. If not from the moment they met, then before he decided on the proposal for sure. And, judging by his surprise at the moment of Alex's revelation, he knew absolutely nothing about her past.

  • And finally, DANIEL

  • The embodiment of vice, from him throws you into the cold, then into the heat. Lexi herself demonstrates this more than once. Apparently, the author had a plan to present him as a snake-tempter. And at some point it succeeded, but! After Lexie's tantrum when she tries to sleep with Daniel, but he acts like a pure gentleman, the image is destroyed. I look at his character as a frank, passionate and purposeful man. And it becomes incomprehensible to me how he could offer drugs to Lexi ... I see Lexi's sincere love and inspiration in his actions. I can't wrap my head around how he could do this to her. Therefore, if he had reasons for such behavior, they remained incomprehensible to me. If the emphasis was placed on the fact that the relationship of the main characters was destroyed with the participation of Daniel, then I expected that this character would be revealed in more detail.

Overall, the book has a pleasant aftertaste. Throughout the novel, I wanted to cry and laugh, emotions overflowed, I wanted to empathize and support the characters. The Epilogue left a pleasant impression: after all the dramas that Tyler and Lexi had to endure, they no longer believed in a happy ending! Heck! These guys just attract trouble. But their measured and happy life over the years refuted these fears and gave integrity to the novel.
Therefore, my thanks to the author for the quality work, I enjoyed your book!

Warning for fans of the genre and neutral curious: The text contains scenes of an erotic nature. Claims for moral damage are not accepted.

annotation: Love is a game of chance, and the winner in it goes to the careless, not the prudent. But, if you are not ready to take big risks, this game is not for you.

Adam Eddington is young, rich, successful and incredibly handsome. Girls are ready to do anything to be close to him. However, any relationship for Adam is just a game that ends sooner or later. Only he knows the rules, only he can control what is happening. But can it play against him? Can the new "victim" of his game turn his life upside down?

When Ash Carpenter imagines a schoolgirl, the image in his mind is not true. She wears a long, old-fashioned skirt that hides her dainty legs. Her oversized sweaters hide her curvaceous curves and her hair is always tied in a bun. Her tennis shoes or combat boots are very worn. She wears thick warm pantyhose. Her dark-rimmed glasses obscure part of her face...but not all of it. Because he saw those light blue eyes, and they pierced him to the marrow of his bones. She walked past his office every day, and finally he had enough information to get a girl in his bed. Ash decides he's tired of waiting and it's time to take back what should only be his. She will be with him because she has no other choice. She will pay off her father's debt in whatever way Ash sees fit. Author's warning: Dear ones! This story is pretty messy. If your subtle sensitive nature can't handle a messy life story, then don't read it, but yield it to those of us who can. This is a short story, but it's just the right length if you know what I mean. So let's read...

He is someone everyone in their town knows. She is a first-year student at the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies. He got what he wanted at the snap of his fingers. She worked at night to earn a living. He wanted her friend, but by mistake he has her.

My name is Agnes Hoggart, and what has always been my goal? Become an exemplary, well-mannered, promising daughter to her parents, and an impeccable exemplary college student. And I did it. The goal is complete, so I need to move on to the next task. An internship offer in a city close to where I grew up seemed like the perfect fit. The new city, of course, as I found out, is not perfect ... But it was a very right decision this summer to train in a place where I can learn a lot of new things for myself. It was wonderful of my family to provide that in the new place I will be able to do the same as before, dancing, without which I cannot live. But it was so foolish and arrogant to think that my sister, who is the complete opposite of me, did not leave her marks in this city during the time she enjoyed the hospitality of our glorious aunt a few months ago. Briefly about how she hurt me: - ruined my reputation; - complicated my stay here (and I will have to stay for at least two months); - and most importantly - the "golden guy" of this small town, Aaron, his mother, Gallagher, is now turned against me ... He will do everything to ruin my life. He doesn't seem to care that I'm not my sister. He is going to destroy all my plans, trample on all my possibilities, turn into dust all my desires in order to simply take revenge on my little sister. I don't know what she did to him, but Aaron hates me even more than I thought. And the most amazing thing about this whole story is that I'm going to fight him back, although I have absolutely no idea what it's like to fight someone ...

Christa Parker lived a quiet, humble life until one "beautiful" day she met Adrian Johnson. Owner of their small town. He wanted her at first sight, she didn't want to know him. He does not know the word - no, she is alien to submission. Their meeting has become a curse that does not bode well for both.

SHE is frightened by life and its sharp turns. Time after time, troubles and problems fall upon her. She is afraid of everything. Everything and everyone. And ITS more than the rest. But HE wants her. And will achieve. Necessarily. But at what cost? What will SHE have to go through so that HE understands what he himself is afraid of? ..

She wasn't looking for love, not at all. He is used to the fact that everyone sees a god in him, and sooner or later falls at his feet. One chance meeting, a night spent together, and now the hero is ready to send everything to hell so that the modest Snezhana is there, only fate has its own whims. Will the heroes be able to overcome their fears and be together?

Contemporary romance novels

Romantic books about love are one of the favorite genres for women. Despite the fact that romance novels are criticized for their primitiveness and negative influence, books are swept from the shelves of bookstores. Who reads love fiction and why?

Modern romance novels tend to be short in length. It takes several hours to read one novel. Sequel books are especially popular these days. After reading one book quickly, the readers, in anticipation of the continuation of the love story, buy the next book in the series.

Accessibility, escape from reality, entertainment - these qualities appealed to both young readers and mature ladies. We have answered the first part of the question. But why do people continue to read modern romance novels?

First of all, because many women have unfulfilled dreams of love. In books, they experience feelings and emotions that are not always the case in real life.

The female body especially feels the need to read about love when everything is standard in the family: laundry, cleaning, the legal husband does not pay any attention to her.

Modern romance novels are able to replace gray dull everyday life for women with a beautiful, albeit fabulous world, where they are the most beautiful, desired and loved!

History of romance novels

The prototype of modern love stories can be considered chivalric novels, where the image of the Beautiful Lady was widely cultivated. Renaissance writers sang of love, but preference was given not to feelings, but to honor and duty. Their novels ended mostly not in favor of lovers.

Lope de Vega (The Dog in the Manger) and Tirso de Molina (The Pious Martha) should be given their due, where they made the readers happy with the family union of the main characters. In the 17th century pastoral novels were read in secular salons.

The action in such books took place in some fictional countries, and the heroes were idealized shepherds and modest shepherds. They flirted with each other, allowing frivolity, which is why society ladies fainted when reading.

The founder of the first romance novels can be considered Samuel Richardson. His books: "Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded", "Clarissa, or the Story of a Young Lady", as they would say now, have become mega-popular.

His heroines were young beauties, whose beauty was coveted by not quite young experienced men. Because of their obscene attention, an avalanche of disaster and suffering fell upon the girls. Their resilience and chastity were rewarded with a happy ending.

The female audience was waiting for the continuation of love stories. On his own head, Richardson wrote the novel Clarissa, where an innocent girl was kidnapped and dishonored by Robert Lovelace. The girl died. The public demanded that the book be rewritten. Everyone wanted a beautiful love story, not death!.

In the next book, Richardson again brought out his hero Robert Lovelace. To please the public, he "kills" the hero in a duel. The name of this dissolute hero has become a household name. Since then, romance novels end only with a happy ending.

Jane Austen also read the novels of Samuel Richardson. In her books, she added a parody of sentimental prose, the sanity of the main characters and the catchy characters.

It is worth paying tribute to this writer in that she did not idealize the main characters, but showed how decent people with their own advantages and disadvantages . In our library, read popular modern novels online:

  • Martyanova Xenia.
  • Tudor Anastasia.
  • Panchenko Julia.
  • Frantseva Elina.
  • Volkova Anastasia and much more.

But otherwise opens secret... (A. Akhmatova) Who says we will die? - Leave these Judgments in yourselves - Falsehood twists in them: We have been living in the world for many centuries And we will have to live for many centuries. We are part of Nature, We are part of the Universe, part of the world - Specifically, everyone! We were already breathing billions of years ago, I don’t know what, I don’t know how, But it was the case. The universe arose, We didn’t interfere with it, We did who, what could In other limits. And billions of years will pass - In the corona of the Sun The weary Earth will burn In its greatness, We will not burn! We will return to another life, We will return to ourselves In a different guise! I tell you: a person does not disappear! I tell you: a person is invested in immortality! But we still don’t know the evidence, And we can’t confirm immortality yet. But after a few years Oblivion weights We will throw off our memory And boldly remember: Why did we end up here - In the sublunar world? Why immortality is given to us And what to do with it? Everything that we will do in an hour, In a week and even a year, All this is not far from us In its own world lives. many floors, In one - we are going to Mars, In the other - we have already flown. Awards, praise and more ranks are waiting for us, lining up, And with them - our slaps in the neighboring worlds are burning. We think: life in hundreds of years This is God he knows: where? And it is nearby - the invisible light of those years is scattered everywhere. Try to pierce the Moon with your finger! It won’t work - the hand is short, It’s even more difficult to touch the country, Abandoned for centuries. But it’s so arranged: every moment From the streets, offices and apartments We move with the whole world To the real neighboring world. Wandering through space with the Earth With ideas fresh and old, We are new time - layer by layer - We rent from the world. And we are not in a hurry to live on loan, We do not speed up the year, We know with a distant memory, That we have come to life forever. That our borders are not in milkiness, That our era is not an hour, In stock We have infinity, and Eternity is in store for us. And as on an excursion - only forward, Encrypting and theorem days, The Universe leads us by the hand Along the corridor of time. Turn on the light in the past and future! And you will see with a new vision how the city, which does not yet exist, is already appearing in time. In the future time, where so far only clouds of our hopes and our dreams float almost without color and outline. the pulp of the blue life smiled at the warmth and light, turning on the lighting, you will meet a hedge that no longer exists. Don't worry, you haven't lost your mind now, having seen this - everything is preserved in space, and the degree keeps calm until time. But everything comes to life ahead of time, suddenly, when eccentrics in a good mood turn on the sound in the past and future, turn on the light in the future and the past .And life, as if circles on water, knits links for thousands of years, and there are no dead people anywhere, there are only those who fell asleep for a moment. Peace is only temporary silt. People are eternal! Look at their faces on each page - in the past and in the future - the same faces. There are no other people in nature, and the same people walk in circles of past and future squares, grinding stones with an elastic step. Turn on the light in the past and future, and you will see doubts instead, that in the future, where you are not yet, a place has already been prepared for you.;book=1#1

Modern romance novels are considered one of the most popular genres. Today, many representatives of the beautiful article prefer to "run away from reality" with the help of these creations. Let the ladies understand that everything described in the book is fiction, the romance and sophistication of what is happening on the pages is fascinating. Many of the bestsellers of our time are written in a competent and beautiful language that allows you to "savor" every page. Foreign authors are now betting on modern romance novels, realizing that this direction is more relevant than ever. A striking example of this are certain erotic and romantic books, whose popularity and recognition by millions of readers contributed to the creation of adaptations that turned out to be no less successful than their literary originals.

Often the events in such women's love stories take place in the modern world, somewhere near the reader. Writers use modern slang in books, titles of popular films, cultural objects and other details that can create a comic effect and cheer up. In most cases, the emphasis is on the heroes, and on the male character. Therefore, there are many books on the market today that feature passionate Greek millionaires, and since the story of Cinderella has always been and will be relevant, in modern romance novels such hot guys lose their heads from ordinary women and young female students, which are many readers. Thanks to this technique, everyone can identify themselves with the main character and feel the storm of emotions that boils in the chest of a female book character.

Moreover, today writers also use bad guys as the main characters, who so beckon the beautiful half of humanity and allow them to taste the forbidden fruit. The best novelties of the genre contain not only the main love line, but also allow you to become part of the action and dangerous adventures. Of course, each writer sees the ideal modern women's novel in her own way, so the choice is incredible, from romantic creations to books with action and detective elements.

Recently, short Russian romance novels have become especially popular. The writers are well aware of what domestic women need, therefore they create on the pages exactly those pictures that allow readers to receive complete moral satisfaction. People today read in the subway, on the street or right in the parks. Thanks to the huge variety of books presented for review, it has become very fashionable to read romance novels, because this type of leisure allows you not only to have a good time, but also to learn important information that is useful for general development.

If a person has special devices for reading electronic versions of literary works, then one can enjoy modern romance novels anytime and anywhere without having to spend money on buying books. What is this about? About the ability to read online or download for free without registration any novel that interested in its description. Moreover, you can download in a wide variety of formats, including epub, fb2, pdf, rtf, txt and others. Thanks to this availability, it is not difficult to choose exactly the option that will be displayed on the device screen without any problems. You can spend a few minutes downloading and then enjoy the rest of the time on the road to enjoy a modern romance novel, completely disconnected from all everyday worries and forgetting about the troubles at work. With the help of such an uncomplicated method, each person receives the necessary dose of relaxation and emotional relief. Moreover, it is charged with a romantic mood, which, accordingly, increases the level of endorphins in the blood and makes the reader happier.

Good books about love perform a difficult function. They relieve stress after a hard day's work, give room for fantasy, cheer up and help readers get away from reality, plunging into the world of ideal relationships.

It's great that readers understand the discrepancies between reality and what is written in modern novels.. This is purely entertaining literature aimed at a pleasant pastime. You should not look for the “prince on a white horse”, take a closer look at the men who are next to us.

Distinctive features of books in the genre of modern romance novels

Women like to dream a little, so most modern writers adapt to their desire and write about what is in demand. Men in such works are divided mainly into two categories. The first type is macho.

The macho protagonist is usually over 30 years old, does not always shine with beauty, but is always smart and charismatic. He solves any problems of his beloved with enviable composure. There was some kind of tragedy in his life, so he is in no hurry to start a relationship.

The second type of modern romance novels is bohemian youth . He is very handsome, tall, athletic and super sexy. Outwardly frivolous, but inside a solid rock. He has already been burned in relationships with women, so he is disappointed in them and is no longer waiting for a new love that will strike him like a bolt from the blue.

The heroines of modern romance novels can also be divided into two types. The first option is a business woman immersed in work and a modern Cinderella who has made her way to the crest of a successful life on her own.. In any case, they are used to achieving their goals.

Why do so many people like to read modern romance novels?

There are several reasons for this, to name just a few.

With the help of such works, young women get acquainted with the unknown world of love relationships. They learn more about the problems of relationships between the sexes and learn to express feelings. For some girls, books about love become in some way even a visual aid in love sacraments.

married ladies When I read modern romance novels, I again experience adrenaline, empathizing with the main characters. In addition, books about strong love distract from everyday worries. The main thing, in this case, is not to compare yourself with literary heroes.

single women while reading books about love, they also experience strong emotions, identifying themselves with the main character. There are no romantic relationships in her life, so such readers compensate for the lack of attention to their person.

What books of this genre can be read on our site?

The electronic online library of the all-library website has a huge selection of literature about love, which you can read online for free. Modern romance novels are especially popular. For example:

Victoria Svobodina;
Anna Nevskaya;
Anna Dark;
Oksana Sergeeva;
Penelope Douglas and more.

So, if you don't take modern romance novels seriously and treat them as just another way to have a good time, then these books are the perfect opportunity for you! Delightful dreams, heroic adventures, unrealistic events await you in modern books about love!