10 development of phonemic hearing in children. Methods for the development of phonemic hearing in preschool children. Why hearing is important from an early age

Olesya Aleksandrovna Vishnyakova
How to develop phonemic awareness in children

What phonemic awareness and how to develop it?

phonemic hearing- this is a person's ability to analyze and synthesize speech sounds, that is hearing providing perception phonemes(sounds) given language.

phonemic hearing- an important concept for mastering speech, and then writing literacy. It assumes precision auditory perception, sound discrimination, sound analysis of speech. The ability to hear each individual sound in a word, to clearly distinguish it from the adjacent one, to know what sounds the word consists of is the most important prerequisite for proper literacy training. Violation phonemic hearing prevents children from mastering the vocabulary and grammatical side of speech to the required degree, inhibits development of coherent speech.

With unformed sound discrimination, the child perceives (remember, repeat) not what he was told, but what he heard.

Thus the problem development of phonemic hearing in children is one of the most important in the preparation children to literacy.

period of greatest sensitivity to development of phonemic hearing falls on the age of 4 - 5 years.

The child is not formed or insufficient developed phonemic awareness? What to do? Like him develop? Playfully, of course! Formation work phonemic hearing includes assignments for development of auditory attention and auditory memory.

The child has develop the ability to hear the sounding word, children learn to hear the sounds that make up the word; distinguish between sounds that are close phonemes(sounds); to get acquainted with the concept of syllable, stress, sentence, text.

Children's auditory attention can be developed, I use these games:

What sounds break the silence?: be silent, listen to the sounds that surround us, and then name them (for example, the door creaked).

"Who will hear more sounds?": name as many sounds as possible that the child hears now. The competitive nature of this game is of interest to children.

"Name the sounds of the street (forests, etc.)»: the game contributes development of not only auditory attention, but also develops memory.

"Zhmurki with a bell".

For you can play with your child in such games:

A game "Echo". An adult discusses with a child what an echo is and where you can meet it. Then summarizes: invisible - the echo always repeats what he is told. And offers to play echo. First, several simple syllables, words are called in turn (ay, ay, mom, and then they move on to repeating more complex syllables: pa-ba, pa-ba-pa, ka-ha, ka-ha-ka (the child must accurately reproduce the entire syllable series). Gradually, you can move on not only to complex syllables, but also to words, poetic lines.

A game "Living alphabet". Cards with the image of letter pairs are laid out in front of the child on the table with an image up: W-W, W-C, L-R, S-C, W-S, W-S, W-W (one pair each). Items are shown on other cards. The child must choose objects whose names include one letter or another, and arrange them in piles. Having mastered "card" a set of items, you can proceed to the complicated option: search indoors (in an apartment, in a house) those items that have a given sound in their name.

A game "We carry goods". Toy trucks (or painted ones, each marked with a single letter) can only transport things that begin with the same letter. The destination must also be named with the same letter. For example, "M" transports soap or flour and takes them to the store (or to mom).

A game "Who is bigger?" Who will come up with more words for a given sound.

A game "Name the extra word". An adult and a child think of a word together, for example, "mountain". An adult will repeat this word several times, and then instead of it he will say some other word that sounds similar to it. The task of the child is to hear this other word and name it. adult speaks (speaking one word per second): Mountain, mountain, mountain, mountain, hole, mountain, mountain, mountain, mountain, time, mountain, mountain. You can choose other rows of such words, For example: Voice, voice, voice, ear, voice, voice, hair, voice, voice. Spit, braid, braid, braid, goat, braid, braid, dew, braid, braid. Frame, frame, frame, mother, frame, frame, frame, lama, frame, frame. Boxes, boxes, buns, boxes, boxes.

You can use couplets with words-paronyms.

Carp lives in the forest. A pheasant swims along the river.

The hare hid behind a barrel. Put the cucumbers in a bowl.

We put on slippers in winter. We wear hats in the apartment.

For lunch we had a delicious robe. Alyonushka has a new salad.

The polar cod flew in the clouds. There was a seagull on the table.

A game "Chain". A word is called, for example, a bus, and the child determines the last sound in the word and selects a new word that begins with this sound.

Most importantly, don't turn games into learning activities. Let it be fun and interesting! Start simple and gradually move on to more complex ones. Do not overload the child and finish the game on time. And then, besides development of phonemic hearing you will help in development of attention, as well as memory, imagination, initiative and diligence.

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Vdovenko Elena
Consultation for teachers "How to develop phonemic hearing in a preschooler"

Speech is one of the most important mental functions that influences the formation of a child's mental processes and his general development. Speech is the basis of literacy and all other disciplines. It is the main means of communication between people.

Speech plays an important role in regulating the behavior and activities of the child at all stages of his development. development. The speech of others regulates the behavior of the child, expands his horizons. Along with other factors, she develops the child's auditory attention, forms phonemic awareness, correct pronunciation, gives samples of a grammatically designed phrase, etc. By imitating the speech of others, the child learns the accuracy of expressing his thoughts, feelings, the ability to control his voice, breathing, all intonation means of the language, and correct speech behavior.

Anyone who communicates with children knows that even a one-year-old child understands a much larger number of words than he can pronounce. However, it would be wrong to assume that by the time the child has enough developed phonemic awareness and pronunciation, the process of speech formation to some extent turns out to be complete. This process is intense develops throughout preschool and school age.

auditory sphere is leading in the sense that, thanks to early the development of phonemic hearing the child hears for the first time learning to distinguish between different phonemic elements, their exact auditory representations, and becomes their regulator in his own pronunciation. But for their appearance in the speech of the child himself, except auditory representations, more articulatory skills are needed. These skills are developed later, and with their development, the sound elements enter into the child's own speech.

Development speech function is an extremely complex process, in its formation involved: auditory and speech-motor analyzers.

The ability to focus on sound is a very important feature of a person. Without it, one cannot learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate on phoneme hearing(sounds that make up our speech). This skill is called phonemic awareness. phonemic hearing is the basis for the emergence, formation and improvement of the child's speech. The better formed phonemic awareness the more perfect the child's speech.

So, phonemic awareness(phonemics) - discrimination (analysis and synthesis) sounds (phonemes) parts of speech, which is a necessary basis for understanding the meaning of what was said. With unformed speech sound discrimination, a person (child) perceives (remembers, repeats, writes) not what he was told, but what he heard. Without a full phonemic hearing the child will not master pure sound pronunciation.

Thus, in speech development of preschool children age, great importance is attached to the formation phonemic hearing.

Today we will talk about development of phonemic hearing. How to determine the level of formation child's hearing?

If a child hears how the door creaked gently, distinguishes the approaching rumble of a helicopter from the rumble of an airplane, then everything is in order with his physiological hearing

And now the child has a maracas or a tambourine in his hands, and if he does not break the rhythmic pattern of the Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field.", - he has a delightful musical hearing.

Here's a six year old preschooler decomposes pictures into two without errors stacks: in one - with the first sound [C], in the other - with the sound, - the child has a formed phonemic awareness.

When we send a child to school, we hope that he will study successfully. From children entering the first grade, not only the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is required, but also the ability to act mentally, to analyze, synthesize and generalize. The main condition for the successful mastering of the Russian language at school is the formation of phonemic hearing.

The core of the majority of students' difficulties in writing is the insufficient formation of the FS. This is manifested in specific errors in writing.

Primary phonemic hearing enough for everyday communication. But in order to master the skill of reading and writing, it is necessary for children to be able to divide the flow of speech into words, words into their constituent sounds, to establish the order of sounds in a word, that is, to analyze the sound side of a word, which most children do not know how.

Children of this category have full interaction with the outside world. violated: speech is formed with a delay, there are shortcomings in sound pronunciation, deviations in the state of the lexical and grammatical language subsystems.

These disorders are based on phonemic hearing. This leads to limited vocabulary, insufficient understanding of semantic meanings, grammatical categories.

Developed phonemic awareness child is a prerequisite for successful literacy education. Therefore, early diagnosis of formation phonemic processes is necessary to timely overcome it underdevelopment.

Conclusion: Phonemic perception is discrimination hearing speech sounds. phonemic hearing is the basis for understanding the meaning of what has been said. Indeed, by replacing even one sound in a word, we can get a completely different sound. meaning: "goat-spit", "house-tom", "barrel-kidney". And now the goat is mowing the meadow, the scythe nibbles the grass, and Misha's car turns into a mouse on the car.

Parents often complain - my child has "porridge in the mouth", it skips or replaces sounds and syllables in words - the culprit of such violations may be poor phonemic awareness.

formed phonemic perception is the key to a clear pronunciation of sounds, the correct syllabic structure of words (even without the ability to pronounce all the sounds, the child retains the structure of the word "painting" - "ti-ti-ta", the basis for the ease of mastering the grammatical structure of the language, the successful development of writing and reading

There are a variety of games and exercises


Development of phonemic hearing divided into six levels.

The first level is the recognition of non-speech sounds.

Distinguishing on hearing non-speech sounds is the foundation and basis development of phonemic hearing.

What are we playing? (music)

To play, you will need a set of items that can emit different sounds: bell, tambourine, metronome, rattle, whistle, wooden and metal spoons, etc.

From among the players, a driver is chosen, who becomes his back to the players at a distance of 2-3 meters. Multiple players (3-4) on a signal from the leader, they come closer to him and with the words "What are we playing with?" start making sounds. The driver must determine which objects make sounds.

Step - run - stop! (physical Culture)

Before the start of the game, the lead adult playing a musical instrument - and the children agree on the nature of the movements that they will perform under music: under the march - walk briskly, under the dance - run on toes, a pause in the music requires a stop of movement and complete immobility.

Count the beats (music, mathematics)

The facilitator invites the children to close their eyes and count (to themselves how many beats they will hear on a tambourine. Opening their eyes, you need to find and show a card with the corresponding number (or lay out as many chips on the table as the beats were heard) .

Hammers (music)

The facilitator invites the children to tap out in turn "hammer" (in pencil) some rhythmic pattern. For each correctly repeated rhythm, the player can receive an encouraging chip. The winner is the one who copes with the game task better than the rest, gaining the most chips

Rhythmic drawings (music, mathematics, literacy)

Before the start of the game, the facilitator explains to the children how to write down one or another rhythmic pattern with the help of signs. For example, long and short vertical sticks can indicate the volume and number of sound signals (claps, beats of a tambourine, etc.), and horizontal sticks - pauses between series of signals.

The game task is to listen to the rhythmic patterns offered by adults and draw them.

Reverse task - play (slap, slap) rhythmic pattern.

The second level is the distinction of speech sounds by timbre, strength and height.

Fast slow (physical education, music)

Under loud, rare blows to the tambourine, the children walk, imitating a bear - slowly, on the outside of the foot; under quiet, frequent blows - they run on tiptoe, like mice.

Quiet - Loud (physical Culture)

While the host quietly claps his hands, the children calmly walk around the room, when loud claps are heard - they stand frozen in place.

Who said the compliment (regime moments)

6-8 children take part in this game. A leader is selected from them, who turns his back to the players and closes his eyes. Mixed game participants (in order) give him compliments For example: "Sasha, you are very smart", "You are the most accurate", "You have beautiful hair" etc. The driver must find out by voice who said it. In the second round of the game, the rule changes - now everyone who says a compliment must change their voice at least a little.

The third level - we distinguish words that are close in sound

True False.

An adult shows the child a picture and names the object, replacing the first letter (forota, korota, morota, gate, porota, horota). The task of the child is to clap his hands when he hears the correct pronunciation.

Say a word.

An adult reads a rhyme, and a child finishes the last word that fits the meaning and rhyme:

Not a bird on the branch -

small animal,

The fur is warm, like a heating pad.

They call him. (squirrel).

Don't be afraid - it's a goose

I myself his. (afraid).

Always dirty

Helps out. (water).

The ox is afraid to enter the house:

Will sag under me. (floor).

Chizhik whistled:

Phew, wow, wow!

I am dewdrops in the morning. (drink)

Jokes are nonsense.

Exercise: the facilitator reads the poem, intentionally making mistakes in words. Name the correct words.

1. Having dropped the doll from hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There creeps green onions

With a long mustache (bug).

2. The hunter shouted: "Ouch!

The doors are chasing me!” (animals).

3. Hey, don't stand too close.

I'm a tiger cub, not a bowl (pussy).

4. Mom went with barrels

On the road along the village (daughters).

5. In front of the kids

Painters paint a rat (roof).

6. To have lunch, took Alyoshka

Right hand left leg (spoon).

7. The student finished the line

And put the barrel (dot).

8. I am sitting by the stove with a fishing rod

I can't take my eyes off the fish (rivers).

9. Russian beauty

famous for his goat (oblique).

10. A baleen whale is sitting on the stove,

Choosing a warm place (cat).

By the fourth step, the child is already prepared to learn to distinguish between syllables.

The fourth level is syllable discrimination.

Let's clap.

An adult explains to a child that there are short and long words. He pronounces them, intonation separating syllables. Pronounces words together with the child (pa-pa, lo-pa-ta, ba-le-ri-na, slapping syllables. A more difficult option is to invite the child to independently clap the number of syllables in the word. (If the child finds it difficult to count the syllables, you can offer him put your hand on your chin)

What is superfluous?

An adult pronounces a series of syllables "pa-pa-pa-ba-pa", "fa-fa-wa-fa-fa"... The child should clap when he hears an extra (another) syllable.


The adult starts, and the kid finishes the last syllable.

Ba-bo-ba - there are two tables by the road. (ba).

Za-zu-za - go home, co. (behind).

Ti-di-ti - to the moon le. (tee).

De-de-te - let's sit in the dark. (those).

Lu-lu-lu - I'm on green onions. (lu).

Fe-ve-fe - I'll sit on co. (fe).

Gradually, during this period, the child must master the ability to distinguish between all sounds: whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf, hard and soft.

The fifth level is the discrimination of sounds.

At this stage, the child learns to distinguish phonemes(native language sounds). It is necessary to start with the distinction of vowel sounds.


1. The baby has pictures of a wolf, a baby, a bird. Adult explains: "Wolf howls: oooh", "Baby crying: ah-ah-ah", "Bird sings: i-i-i". We ask the baby to raise the picture corresponding to the sound pronounced by the adult.

2. Explain to the child that words are made up of sounds. Play with sounds. The mosquito says - zzzz, the wind blows - ssss, the beetle buzzes - zhzhzhzh, the tiger growls - rrrr ...

The adult makes a sound, and the child guesses who (what) publishes it and vice versa.

The sound got lost.

Read to your child a rhyme in which the last word is rhymed, but does not correspond to the general meaning. The kid must correct it and complete the sentence with a more suitable word, determining which letter was missing.

We are dark. We ask dad

We turn on brighter la. pu (lamp).

They entered the arena. games (tigers,

We were all silent with fear.

The old k. from (mole,

He lives underground.

The sixth level - mastering the skills of analysis and synthesis.

At the final stage in the system development of phonemic hearing we teach the child to divide words into syllables, to determine the number of syllables in a word, to be able to "slap", "tap" the rhythmic pattern of two- and three-syllable words. Then we proceed to the analysis of consonants. We start by learning to highlight the last consonant sound in a word,

Not a river, but they live here

Various fishes.

Glass house.

Light. Cosiness.

And there is food - crumbs. (Aquarium)

He sighs very heavily.

So the poor thing got fat,

What a green vest

I put it on with difficulty. (Watermelon)

We will find cities, seas,

Mountains, parts of the world.

fit on it

Whole planet. (The globe)

Children, mothers, fathers

They only wear hats. (Mushrooms)

Frightened - running

Stop - tremble.


It grows in the ground

Known throughout the world.

Often on the table

Shows off in uniform. (potato)

He doesn't like daylight

Lives underground

Digs the earth, digs, digs

He builds a subway every day. (Mole)

Pointy and black

The grain is thrown into the ground.

And now over this place

The sun is a circle and two hundred grains. (Sunflower)

What kind of cloud is a trap:

The whole village hid in it. (Fog)

Looks small, but strong

Disguise too,

Just born, immediately he

Domishko broke his own. (Chick)

What to say about her? Coward.

Trying to live quietly.

Bone secure lid

Hiding since childhood. (Turtle)

Guess the word. (literacy education)

(- tka, - head, - rbuz, - kameika, autobu -, - aduga, - araban). Clearly, keeping the stress, pronounce combinations of sounds. Children raise the corresponding symbols (red or blue) and pronounce each word in its entirety, naming the first sound and the corresponding letter.

How many dots - so many sounds (mathematics, literacy)

The game requires a cube, on the sides of which there are a different number of dots (two, three, four, five, six, zero). Children take it in turns to throw a die and name words, the number of sounds in which is equal to the number of dots on the top face of the die. In the event that zero falls out, the player skips the move and passes the die to the next player. For each incorrect answer, the player pays a forfeit.

silent (mathematics, literacy, familiarization with others)

Cards with numbers 1, 2, 3 for each child. Before the start of the game, an assistant leader is selected from among the participants - "observer". Then the teacher says the word, and the children raise a card with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in a given word. (The choice of words can be both arbitrary and thematic.)

Flower shop (mathematics, getting to know the environment, learning to read and write)

Game material - postcards with the image of flowers, which are exhibited on a type-setting canvas. This is "flower shop", and colored chips in the hands of children are "money". The teacher explains that everyone can buy flowers for themselves, it is only necessary to pay the seller correctly (his role is played by teacher or one of the children, i.e. give so many chips for each flower "coins" how many syllables are in the word - the name of the flower. You need to buy flowers one by one.

Whoever succeeds wins "buy" the largest number of flowers.

Score (familiarization with the environment, literacy training)

Sound extraction games word background.

Exercise: Dunno went to the store for fruit, came to the store, but forgot the name of the fruit. Help Dunno buy fruits that have the sound [l'] in their names. Items are displayed on the typesetting canvas. Pictures: apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, lemons, grapes. Children select pictures that have the sound [l '] in the name.

To each his own place

Each player has a set of subject pictures and three cards divided into three squares. On the first card the first square is painted, on the second - the second, on the third - the third.

teacher invites players to sort the pictures by placing them under one card or another, depending on the place of the given sound in the word (beginning, middle or end). The first person to correctly place all the pictures wins.

Conclusion: This six-stage system development of speech hearing the child has a kind of foundation for good diction. Build this foundation together with your children, learn to listen and hear - then speaking will become easy and pleasant!

Paying Attention development of phonemic hearing you will facilitate the process of mastering the correct sound pronunciation, and later reading and writing. A simple system of games will allow you to independently and productively help your child master their native language, avoid possible difficulties and prevent the occurrence of speech disorders. If there is already a violation, then development of phonemic hearing will be the first step towards overcoming it.

teacher-speech therapist MOU "Secondary School No. 62", Magnitogorsk

Advice for parents: “Phonematic hearing is the basis of correct speech. Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing "

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 62"

Consultation “Phonematic hearing is the basis of correct speech. Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing "

Alieva T.K.,

teacher speech therapist

Magnitogorsk, 2019

The ability to focus on sound is a very important feature of a person.

Without it, one cannot learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate onphoneme hearing(sounds that make up our speech) . This skill is calledphonemic awareness.

A small child cannotmanage your hearing, cannot compare sounds. But it can be taught. Especially necessarydevelop phonemic awarenesschildren with speech problems. Sometimes the baby just does not notice that hemispronounces sounds.

Insufficient formationauditory perception, phonemic hearingmay causeincorrect pronunciation of sounds, words, phrases.

You need to give the child the opportunity to listen to your sample and compare with his own distorted pronunciation. In this way youdirect him auditorypay attention to these sounds, show the difference in their sound and develop an incentive to overcome the violation.

Teaching children to read anddeveloping phonemic awareness, it should be remembered what :

“Our speech consists of sentences.

A proposal is a complete thought.

Sentences are made up of words.

Words are made up of sounds.

Sound is what we hear and pronounce.

The letter is what we write and read.

The sound in the letter is indicated by the letter.

Sounds are vowels and consonants.

Vowel sounds - sounds that can be sung with a voice (higher-lower, while the air coming out of the mouth does not encounter obstacles.

Russian has six vowels sounds : A, U, O, I, E, S. In the diagrams, vowel sounds are indicated in red. Vowels - ten : six - A, U, O, I, E, Y - correspond to sounds and four - iotated, which indicate two sound: I, Yu, E, Yo, (I - YA, YU - YU, E - YE, YO - YO) at the beginning of a word (pit, spinning top); after a vowel(lighthouse, hare); after soft and hard signs(family, rise). In other cases(after consonants) iotated vowels indicate the softness of the consonant in front and the vowel sound :

I - A. Yu - U, E - E, Yo - O(birch, ball).

Consonant sounds are sounds that cannot be sung, because the air coming out of the mouth when they are pronounced meets an obstacle.

The deafness and sonority of consonant sounds are determined by the work of the vocal cords and are checked with a hand placed on throat : voiceless consonants - vocal cords do not work(neck does not tremble) : K, P, S, T, F, X, C, H, W, W; voiced consonants - vocal cords work(throat trembles) : B, C, D, D, F, 3, Y, L, M, N, R.

The hardness and softness of consonants are determined byhearing:

consonants, which can be hard and soft : B, C, D, D, 3, K, L, M, N, P, R, C, T, F, X, B, Vb, Gb, Db, Zb, Kb, L, Mb, Hb, Pb , Pb, Cb, Th, Fb, Xb;

always hard consonants: W, W, C;

always soft consonants: Y, CH, SH.

Hard consonants in the diagrams are indicated in blue, soft consonants in green.

Work on phonemic developmentperception begins on the material of non-speech sounds and gradually covers all soundsspeeches.

Exercises forbuilt on a principle from simple to complex. By identifying at what stage the child stopscope with tasksstart from this level.

FIRST LEVEL - recognition of non-speech sounds. Distinguishing onhearingnon-speech sounds is the foundation andthe basis for the development of phonemic hearing.

- A game "Guess what it sounded like" . Listen carefully with your child to the sound of water, the rustling of newspapers, the sound of spoons, the creaking of doors and other household sounds. Invite the child to close their eyes and guess what sounded now.

- A game "Noisy bags" . Together with the baby, pour cereal, buttons, paper clips into the bags. The child must guess by the sound of the shaking bag what is inside.

- A game "Zhmurki". The child is blindfolded, and he moves to the sound of a bell, a tambourine, a whistle.

- A game "Let's clap". The child repeats the rhythmic pattern of clapping. for example : two claps, pause, one clap, pause, two claps. In a more complicated version, the baby repeats the rhythm with his eyes closed.

SECOND LEVEL - Distinguishing soundsspeech by timbre, strength and height.

- A game "Know Your Voice" . Record the voices of loved ones and the voice of the child himself on the tape, and then ask him to guess who is speaking now.

- A game "Loud quiet". Agree that the baby will perform certain actions - when you say the words loudly and when you say it quietly.

THIRD LEVEL - Distinguishing similar-sounding words.

- A game "Listen and choose" . Put pictures with similar-sounding words in front of the child.(com, catfish, scrap). The adult calls the object, and the child must raise the corresponding picture.

- A game "True False" . An adult shows the baby a picture and names the object, replacing the first sound(forota, korota, morota, gate, porota, horota) . The task of the child is to clap his hands when he hearsrightpronunciation option.

FOURTH LEVEL - Discrimination of syllables.

- A game "Let's clap". An adult explains to a child that there are short and long words. He pronounces them, intonation separating syllables. Together with the child, he pronounces the words (pa-pa, lo-pa-ta, ba-le-ri-na, flapping syllables.

- A game "What's extra?"An adult pronounces a series of syllables"pa-pa-pa-ba-pa", "fa-fa-wa-fa-fa"etc. The child should clap when he hears an extra(another) syllable.

FIFTH LEVEL - discrimination of sounds. It is necessary to explain to the child that words are made up of sounds, and then play a little.

- A game "Who is it?"Komarik says"zzzz", the wind blows "ssss", the beetle is buzzing "zhzhzhzh" the tiger growls "rrrr". The adult pronounces the sound, and the child guesses who makes it.

- A game "Let's clap". An adult pronounces a series of sounds, and a child clap his hands when he hears a givenphoneme.

SIXTH LEVEL - the development of the child's skills of analysis and synthesis.

- A game "How many sounds" . The adult calls one, two, three sounds, and the childhearingdefines and names them.

- A game "Let's clap". The adult pronounces a series of words, and the child should clap when he hears a word beginning.

Games for the development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing

The purpose of gaming exercises- teach him to listen and hear. You will soon notice that the child began to hear himself, his speech, what he is trying to findcorrect sound articulation, to correctfaulty pronunciation.

work on developmentin children, the ability to distinguish sounds must begin with the recognition and discrimination of non-speech sounds(environment sounds) and development of auditory attention.

Invite the child to listen to the sounds outside the window and answer questions : What's the noise? (Trees, what's buzzing?(the car)etc. Then offer to listen carefully and determine what sounds come from the corridor, the next room, etc.

A game "Guess what it sounds like"

It is necessary to show the baby what sounds various objects make (how paper rustles, scissors cut, water pours, matches rustle in a box, a ball rolls in a glass jar; crumpled newspaper; torn thick paper, how a tambourine rings, what sound a drum makes, how a rattle sounds ). Then you need to play sounds so that the child does not see the object itself.(behind the screen). And the child should try to guess what object makes such a sound.

A game “We hear the ringing and we know where it is”

Ask the child to close their eyes and ring the bell. The child should turn to face the place where the sound is heard and, without opening his eyes, show with his handdirection.

At the second stage, children are taught to distinguish the same words, sound complexes and sounds, focusing on the height, strength and timbre of the voice.

A game "Three Bears"Tell a story with the child, highlighting the words of the bear in a low, rough voice, the words of the bear in a less rough voice, and the words of the bear cub in a high voice.

A game "Who's screaming?"Invite the child to depict domestic animals and their cubs. How a cow screams (pronounce onomatopoeia"moo"in a low voice, but like a calf (in a high voice"moo", goat and kid, pig and pig, etc.

In the lessons of the third stage, children learn to distinguish between words that are close in sound composition.

A game " Right wrong«

Show the child a piece of paper and tell : "I will call the word paper thenright, then not rightand listen carefully. As soon as I make a mistake, you clap your hands":"Paper - pumaga - pumaga - paper - pumaka - bumaka" . next word : railway carriage. Find out what it is and then play : wagon - vakon - fagon - wagon - fakon - vag.

Game "Tell me a word"

An adult reads a rhyme, and a child finishes the last word that fits the meaning and rhyme:

On the branch is not a bird -

small animal,

The fur is warm, like a heating pad.

They call him. (squirrel).

Don't be afraid - it's a goose

I myself his. (afraid)

The ox is afraid to enter the house:

- It will bend under me.(floor)

A game "What do the words sound like?"

An adult calls the words and asks the children to say how they sound : similar or different?

Mouse - bear (Seems like); cancer - poppy (Seems like); horse - cow(does not look like it); hats - paws (Seems like); table - wardrobe (does not look like it); house - com (Seems like); bowl - pussy (Seems like).

A game "Give me a word"

Read to your child a well-known poem. For example : "It's time to sleep, the bull fell asleep ..." , “They dropped the bear on the floor…” , "Our Tanya is crying loudly." ). At the same time, do not pronounce the last words in the lines. Invite the child to say the missing words.

At the fourth stage, children, being already sufficiently prepared, learn to distinguish syllables. You should start with this game. Pronounce the syllable For example : "na-na-na-Pa", and the child must determine which syllable is superfluous. Then the syllables get more complicated: "on-but-on", "ka-ka-ga-ka" etc.

The game "Identical or different"

The child is told a syllable in his ear, which he repeatsaloud, after which the adult repeats the same syllable or pronounces the opposite. The task of the child is to guess whether the same or different syllables were pronounced. It happens approximately So :

Adult whisper"pa", child - "pa", adult loud -"pa", the child is the same,

Adult whisper"ba", child - "ba", adult loud -"pa", the child is different,

Adult whisper"ka", child - "ka", adult loud -"ga", the child is different, etc.

This method helpsdevelopthe ability to distinguish sounds uttered in a whisper, which perfectly trainsauditory analyzer.

It should be remembered that at first the syllable must be pronounced in the ear of the leader, since this method, increasing the interest of children, mobilizes their attention.

Clean tongues

The adult begins, and the child finishes the last syllable.

Ba-bo-ba - there are two tables by the road.(ba).

Za-zu-za - go home, co.(behind).

Ti-di-ti - to the moon le.(tee).

De-de-te - let's sit in the dark.(those).

Lu-lu-lu - green onion I'm on.(lu).

Fe-ve-fe - I'll sit on the co.(fe).

At the fifth stage, children learn to distinguish the sounds of their native language. And you should start with the distinction of vowel sounds.

Games with sound symbols

Match the symbol with the actions of people or animals (the baby is crying"ah-ah-ah", the locomotive is humming "u-u-u", the girl groans "Ltd" the horse is screaming "i-i-i")

Make a sound with your child in front of a mirror and pay attention to the movement of your lips (when we make a sound"a"- mouth wide open when we say"about"- lips look like an oval; when pronouncing"at"- lips are folded in a tube; when pronouncing"and"lips pulled into a smile.

A game "Catch the Sound"

An adult pronounces vowel sounds, and the child must clap his hands when he hears a given sound(for example, a).

A game "Attentive Baby"

The adult calls the sound, and the child must show the corresponding symbol. Similarly, a game is played with words, where the first sound is a vowel.

A game "Who is first"

Show your child a picture of an object that starts with a vowel."a", "at", "about" or "and". The child must clearly name what is drawn in the picture, highlighting the first sound with his voice (for example,"u-u-u-duck"). Then the child must choose the appropriate symbol.

Then you should teach children the skills of elementary sound analysis : determine the presence of a given sound in a word, determine the place of a sound in a word(beginning, middle, end) . You need to start with the analysis of vowel sounds, which can be done as follows. Prepare some red circles with your child. Pronounce one, two or three vowel sounds, for example"a", "ay", "yay", "about"etc., and the child lays out such a number of circles on the table that corresponds to the number of sounds uttered.

A game "How many sounds?"

At this stage, children are able to determine the number of vowels in continuous pronunciation(one, two or three vowels sound: ah, ay, owy, aah). The child should put as many sticks on the table as he heard sounds.

A game "Encryption"

Put as many red circles as there are vowels in the word.

A game "Letters, stand in order"

Cards with letters are in front of the baby. An adult pronounces combinations of vowel sounds first in two : ay, ia, then - three each sound : aui, iau. The child lays out the letters on the table in the given order.

After the vowels, the analysis of consonants begins. At the same time, certainsubsequence: first, children learn to isolate the last consonant sound from a word. Moreover, they are most easily able to recognize deaf explosive consonants at the end of a word.(n, t, k): cat, whip. spider, skating rink, tank, poppy, beetle, bow, broom, soup, sheepskin coat, stop, etc.

A game "Learn the Word"

Say the word, omitting the last sound, For example : "tan.", "Pow.", "veni."etc. The child must add the last sound to make a word.

A game "Name the first sound in the word"

First you need to highlight the consonant before the consonant (mole, knock, dress, and then before the vowel(catfish, cat, steam).

A game "Who is bigger?"

Find objects in the room that have a sh sound in their name (or any other sound, we will call them by queues : one word is you, the other is me.

A game "Come on, guess!"

What is the same sound in all words?

Fur coat, cat, mouse(sh sound). Beetle, toad, skis - well; kettle, key, glasses - h; brush, box, sorrel - w; braid, mustache, nose - s; herring, Sima, elk - s; goat, castle, tooth - h; winter, mirror, vaseline - z; flower, egg, chicken - c; boat, chair, lamp - l; linden, forest, salt - l; fish, carpet, wing - p; rice, fortress, primer - r.

A game "Word on the Palm"

An adult comes up with a word with a given sound(for example with the sound sh) and claps the child’s hand, the child in response comes up with a word with the same sound and claps the adult’s hand, etc.

A game "Think of a Word"

Have the children name the words :

With "song of a mosquito" - umbrella, zebra, charging, vase, basket.

With "beetle song"- giraffe, acorns, toad, skis, scissors, circle, knife.

With "song of the wind" - a hat, a fur coat, a scarf, a pencil, a car, a closet, a bump, a mouse.

With "motor song" -crayfish, fish, mushrooms, cheese, frame, cake. With"pump song" - dog, fox, donkey, bag, table, chair, plane.

A game "Extreme Sounds"

Name the first and last sounds in words : stork, donkey, corner.

A game "Clap - stomp"

Task for the child: if you hear a word with the sound sh - clap your hands, and with the sound w - stomp your feet.

The words : hat, beetle, hedgehog, cat, hanger, skis, pencil, scissors, puddle, roof.

A game « fix the mistake »

Listen to the sentence, find the mistake, sayright:

The hostess welded a tooth. A scythe grazed in the meadow. The girl's soup hurt. The girl has a long goat.

A game "Find and name the right word"

Invite the child to highlight and name only those words that have the given sounds.

C - Papa bought Lena a sled. A bus is moving along the road.

Nature comes alive in spring.

Z - There is a lock on the door. Thunderclouds appeared in the sky.

Why is the dog barking

For someone you don't know?

That's why she barks

Wants to meet.

A game "The Fourth Extra"

The child repeats the words after the adult, and then names the word in which there is no sound found in others.

Bunny, squirrel, umbrella, zebra (squirrel is superfluous, there is no sound in its name"3").

Beetle, giraffe, bear, hedgehog (the bear is superfluous, there is no sound in its name"F").

Sledge, plane, mirror, sun (the mirror is superfluous, there is no sound in its name"WITH"

At the final stage in the systemdevelopment of phonemic hearingwe teach the child to divide words into syllables, to determine the number of syllables in a word, to be able to “slap”, “tap” the rhythmic pattern of two- and three-syllable words.

A game "Walk the Word"

Walk and pronounce the word syllable by syllable. Every step is a syllable.

A game "Which word is longer?"

An adult pronounces words, and a child compares them and says which word longer : house or brownie, ball or ball, table or dining room, rabbit or mole, bicycle or bike.

Data exerciseshelp the child overcome weaknessesdevelopment of phonemic hearing, will prepare for learning to read and write, will help to avoid violations of sound pronunciation.

Advice for parents: “Phonematic hearing is the basis of correct speech. Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing "

With what delight parents listen to the babbling of their baby when he is 1-2 years old! Although the set of words at this age is completely non-diverse. Gradually, the child begins to pronounce more and more sounds, put them into words, and mothers and fathers face the task of making out what their child is trying to convey. By the preschool period, the child's speech becomes more intelligible, but a number of pronunciation difficulties still persist. And so that the child does not have speech problems at school, it is necessary to develop the phonemic hearing of the baby from an early age.

Features of phonemic hearing in preschoolers

Phonemic hearing plays a key role in the formation of the correct speech of the child.

The child begins to distinguish precisely speech sounds after 1 month of life.

The development of a child's speech is a complex and long process. In addition to the fact that the baby needs to learn a huge number of words, it requires a clear and correct pronunciation of sounds. By the way, the opinion of some parents is erroneous, claiming that if the baby knows all the letters of the alphabet, then he cannot have problems with speech. The fact is that the human articulatory apparatus responsible for the speech act must be sufficiently developed to correctly and clearly pronounce sounds. This concept includes:

  • strength and accuracy of articulatory movements;
  • mobility and flexibility of the lips, lower jaw, tongue;
  • coordination of articulatory movements (that is, the rhythm and pace of pronunciation).

Formation process

The formation of phonemic hearing occurs in several stages.

The formation of phonemic hearing in children occurs gradually, and this process begins from the moment of birth.

  • First stage. In this period of development of phonemic hearing, sounds of both speech and non-speech nature (that is, the sounds of the surrounding world) are perceived.
  • The second stage is the assimilation of the rhythmic-syllabic structure of speech. Even without understanding the meaning of the words, the baby begins to associate individual words with certain associations (for example, mom says: “yum-yum”, which means you need to go to the kitchen);
  • The third stage - the longest in time - the period of sound-wearing. The child begins to imitate adults and tries to articulate certain sounds.

Separately, it should be noted that the development of speech hearing occurs gradually, and there are no clear boundaries when the baby moves from one level of formation to another - the assimilation of skills occurs in parallel. However, by the age of 2, children already completely distinguish all the features of an adult's speech, except for the perception of hissing and whistling sounds. And by preschool age, kids should comprehend these nuances.

All children under 5–6 years old have physiological tongue-tied tongue: due to the fact that the baby cannot yet control his articulatory apparatus, he utters only those sounds that are convenient for him. Therefore, separately, a child can name all the letters of the alphabet, but in words, he can still replace one sound with another. And in order to help the baby master the correct speech as quickly as possible, from 1.5–2 years old, you need to regularly develop his phonemic hearing, that is, to form the ability to isolate, distinguish and reproduce the sounds of speech. If a child at the age of 5–6 has a disorder in the formation of the pronunciation system of the native language, then problems arise not only with speaking (only parents can understand the baby, since he does not associate the concept with the sound image of the word), but also with the following processes :

  • writing (the baby repeats mistakes in speech and in written texts);
  • reading (in the mind of the child there is no exact association between the letter and its sound image, therefore, the child either does not know how to read at all, or connects the same combinations of letters into different combinations of sounds).

As a result of these developmental disorders, general problems arise, such as:

  • isolation (the child becomes uncommunicative, because peers do not understand his speech);
  • nervousness (it is difficult for the baby to find words to express his emotions, this makes him nervous);
  • decrease in academic performance (lack of elementary reading and writing skills will significantly affect the performance of a small student).

In general, the insufficient development of phonemic hearing is reflected at all levels of the formation of the child's personality.

Ways of development

The leading line of activity of the child is the game. Therefore, all exercises aimed at developing phonemic hearing should be carried out in an interesting and entertaining way. Parents are tasked with teaching their children:

  • recognize non-speech sounds (how musical instruments sound, water murmurs, forest rustles);
  • clearly pronounce vowels and consonants (exceptions are sonorous, whistling and hissing sounds);
  • to distinguish between the timbre, the height of the same sounds (for example, how a kitten and an adult cat meow);
  • distinguish the sound composition of similar words (for example, cat-mouth).

Non-verbal stage: exercises

The work on the formation of speech hearing in a baby can conditionally be divided into two stages. The first is the so-called non-speech stage, which covers the age from 1.5 to 3 years. During this period, the task of parents is to acquaint the baby with the variety of surrounding sounds. To do this, you can use exercise games. To begin with, the work is aimed at getting to know the sounds:

  • "Guess what!". We show the baby 2-3 sounding objects (telephone, bell, plastic bag), demonstrate the sounds they make, and then hide and ask the child to determine what it is by the sound.
  • "What's buzzing?" An adult stands outside the door and makes a sound that mimics a car horn. Then he enters the room and says: “What was buzzing? Machine. The same manipulations can be carried out with a toy train, steamer, etc.

The next step involves the development of auditory memory and attention. This group of activities includes such games as:

  • "What does Bunny play?" The child is shown a toy (Bunny) and two musical instruments (drum and harmonica). Be sure to allow the baby to make sounds from them. Then the instruments are closed from the crumbs and sounds are alternately extracted from them. The kid is asked the question: “What does Bunny play?” The child must guess.
  • "We jump and walk." The child is shown two sounding objects. Then it is demonstrated that you need to jump to the sound of one, and walk to the sound of the second. In the end, the baby himself needs to do a certain action to a particular sound. This exercise trains the child's auditory attention very well.
  • "Zhmurki". The kid closes his eyes, and the adult claps his hands and moves around the room. The child should turn in the direction of the sound.

Speech hearing requires constant work and improvement. Therefore, in order for the automation of sound perception and sound discrimination to be more effective, regular attention should be paid to games to consolidate skills.

  • "Catch the sound." A sound is made, the baby repeats. And then the words are spoken. The task of the little one is to clap his hands when he hears a familiar sound.
  • "Repeat". The rhythm is tapped with a pencil on the table and the child is asked to repeat the sound. Instead of a pencil, you can clap your hands. With age, the rhythmic pattern becomes more complex.

Speech period: games

Come up with productions for the stick theater - this is also very useful for the speech development of the child

The second stage - speech - aims to help the child develop phonemic hearing, auditory memory. Familiarization exercises at this stage are generally recommended for children aged 3 to 6 and include the following games:

  • "Who's at the door?" One adult stands outside the door and says, "Meow!" (you can use audio recordings of sounds). The second adult asks the child who it could be. Together they find a cat among the toys and repeat "meow-meow" again.
  • "Dogs". The child is shown two dogs - a large and a small one. The big one lives in a big house and says loudly: "Woof!", while the little one lives in a tiny house and says quietly: "Woof." Then the adult imitates sounds of different strengths, and the task of the baby is to guess which dog gave a voice.
  • "Who is speaking?". When reading a fairy tale to a child, start speaking in the voice of one or another character, and ask the child to guess who is speaking.

The ability to perceive sounds and repeat them is best trained with the help of such activities:

  • "Bring a toy." An adult asks a child: "Masha, bring the ball." The kid brings a toy and pronounces its name. So speech develops on a visual-figurative basis. The older the child, the more diverse the objects can be.
  • "Who lives in the house?" Pictures with sounding animals are laid out in front of the child. The adult pronounces a sound (for example, "quack-quack"), and the baby points to the image of a duck. The task can be complicated by asking the baby to find a sounding animal not only in the picture, but also among his toys.
  • Find pictures. Pictures are presented to the kid, a sound is pronounced, the task of the child is to select all the objects in which this sound occurs.

The exercises help to fix sound images, as well as to correlate them with letters and syllables:

  • Sound Games. Lightweight version of the game in the city. The kid must pick up a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word.
  • "Wizards". Invite the child to change in turn one letter in the word so that each time a new word is obtained (for example, a cat-whale).
  • "Find the shortest word." A series of words is pronounced, the baby must determine the shortest by ear.
  • "Correct mistakes". An adult pronounces a sentence (for example, “There is a big tooth in the forest”), the child must correct the mistake (“not a tooth, but an oak tree”).
  • "Baskets". For this exercise, you will need cards with objects in the names of which there are hard and soft pairs of consonants. The child must listen to the words, and then divide the cards into two baskets: with a hard sound and with a soft one.

In addition, there is a large selection of speech therapy games aimed at developing a child's speech hearing. Among the most effective:

  • "Speech therapy lotto" (helps teach the baby to determine the position of the sound);
  • "Journey from A to Z" (teaches to identify the first sound in a word);
  • "Are you ready for school?" (tests to determine certain sounds in words).

The development of phonemic hearing in a child is an important component of personality formation, as it forms the correct speech, as well as the ability to “listen and hear”. In addition, simple exercises for training speech hearing not only awaken the cognitive activity of the baby, but also allow you to develop a conditioned motor response to sounds. All this is the key to effective achievement of the quality of education in the future.

Greetings, dear readers! Modern, conscious parents strive to develop their children in every possible way, and from the first year of life, and rightly so! And the development of phonemic hearing should be one of the main tasks. Why? Everything is simple! Without this, the baby simply will not be able to recognize sounds in the flow of speech, and will not be able to successfully master writing and reading in the future.

That is, the development of phonemic hearing is the first step in preparing for teaching a child to read.

How to develop phonemic awareness in children? What games and activities are most effective for this? In this material, we will talk about the importance of this skill, and how it should be trained, in kids of different ages.

What is phonemic awareness? This concept has nothing to do with the question of whether the baby hears. He can hear great! But at the same time, to the horror of the parents, do not utter individual sounds, say that the mouth is “full of porridge”. Or, skip entire syllables, replace individual sounds with others, and so on. All these speech difficulties are provoked by underdeveloped hearing of the phonemic type.

Phonemic hearing helps us recognize sounds (phonemes) in speech. Therefore, it helps to distinguish between words similar in phonetics, and to understand them correctly. For example, adults will easily understand the meaning of the words house-com-scrap. Even if they are spoken quickly.

Phonemic hearing disorders

Problems with this skill provoke the following difficulties in a child:

  • he simply confuses sounds that are close in sound;
  • cannot speak coherently;
  • this creates difficulties when it comes time to learn to read and write;
  • “chews” words, does not pronounce individual sounds;
  • his speech is difficult to understand.

Does your child have similar problems, in early childhood, at 4 years old, or even later? If yes, you simply must take action! Otherwise, this defect will be fixed in him, and then it will be more and more difficult to fix it. How to overcome this problem? More on this later.

Development of phonemic awareness at an early age

It is very important here not to miss the moment, and to teach the baby to listen, to notice sounds literally from birth. Talk to him, use different sounds while playing with rattles.

Pay attention to different noises, like the sound of a truck with a louder engine. Here the tractor drove, it makes holes, the leaves rustle in the park. It started to rain - drops drip "drip-drip" and so on.

After a year, classes with musical instruments will be very useful. Take, for example, a pipe and a tambourine. Showcase sounds. Give the tools to the kid.

Let him hold them in his hands, try to play with them or even make a sound.

Now let him turn away. Shake the tambourine, let the baby guess which instrument is playing. Turning back, let him point with his finger what sounded. Gradually, you can increase the set. Add a drum, guitar, xylophone, maracas, bells, whatever is in the house. Repeat the exercise several times, every day or every other day.

From about one and a half to two years old, the baby begins to speak. And this is an amazing and very joyful event, both for him and for all those close to him.

During this period, and before that, it is extremely important to talk a lot with the child. You must pronounce the words very clearly. Pronounce the endings and prepositions just as clearly. Form very simple phrases. It is extremely important that the baby uses the words correctly from the first attempts.

Until the age of 3, it is important to develop general skills - the ability to hear speech, listen and pronounce words. There is no need for serious, daily lessons. Since it is still difficult to judge whether the crumbs will have problems with speech and hearing. There is a chance that everything will develop naturally.

Exercises and games for preschoolers

How to develop phonemic hearing if there are already violations? Next, I offer you the most effective and interesting exercises. They will help to establish this skill in a preschooler, at 4 years old or even at 5 years old. You can work out at home. An important plus - for these games-activities do not need special devices.

The task of the first lessons is to show that words consist of sounds, and can differ only in one sound, but mean different things. Here are some exercises:

  1. Invite the child to listen to how similar words differ in the rhyme. Loudly, clearly read: “Say louder the word thunder, it rumbles like thunder. Say quieter six mice, and the mice will immediately rustle. Invite the child to repeat the rhyme so that the sounds here are different and clearly audible.
  2. Prepare 2 pictures, with a bear and with a mouse. Show me the first one, with the bear. Ask who is it? Bear, he is brown, huge, lives in the forest, sleeps in a den. And this is a mouse, it is tiny, gray in color, lives in a mink. Explain that the words are similar but mean different animals. Say them, emphasize the difference. Let the baby say them too. The same - with the words tire-car, stick-jackdaw, stove-candle.
  3. And now together find words that are completely different, not similar: beetle-field, book-house, and so on.
  4. Ball games. Throw a ball to the child, offer a word. He should throw you a ball, calling a similar word. For example: rubber-basket, Christmas trees-winders, rattle-laughter and so on. Also play around, coming up with completely different words.
  5. Tell your child about long and short words. Name examples. Offer to find in the room what by name - long words. Then - what is short.
  6. Offer to play wizards who turn short words into long ones, and vice versa. For example - cat-kitten, fox-fox and so on.
  7. Now for the drawing exercises. Let him name the objects from the picture loudly, clearly and clearly. You can break words into 2 parts - gal-ka, ko-tic, shish-ka. Offer to name only the first part of the word. Then - only the second. Find longer words, try to break them into 3 parts, let the child say them out loud.

It is very important that the classes wear a game form. The child should play for pleasure, and not "work out the duty." This is the main condition, and below is a memo, it contains additional tips:

  • at 2 years old, at 3 years old, classes should be very short, not exceeding 10-15 minutes;
  • do not do it if the baby is tired, wants to sleep or eat, is in a bad mood, is sick;
  • if you see that he is a little tired, has lost interest - stop immediately;
  • use the exercises above, but change objects, pictures, rhymes, songs to make classes more varied.

History from life

My cousin's son had no speech or hearing impairments, fortunately. Perhaps because my cousin is a violinist. He teaches this instrument and also works in an orchestra.

Literally from the first days of life, the baby heard the sounds of music. Later, his father began to introduce him to the sounds of other instruments. Even later - do not take rehearsals. The result was amazing - the boy spoke perfectly at the age of two.

Pronounced sounds clearly enough. He learned to read early and excelled in school. This proves once again how important sounds, and especially the sounds of musical instruments, are for the development of children.

Don't be lazy, dear parents! Develop your children's phonemic awareness, as well as speech and other skills.

Regular classes will surely bear fruit, in the form of a smart and educated child!

Tell us about your activities with children in the comments, please! Do you have problems with speaking and listening skills? What are you doing to solve them? Be sure to subscribe to this blog if you find this material useful to you. See you soon!