Names for girls born in August. August names for girls by day of the month. August - Orthodox names according to the calendar for girls

>>August names for girls

Names for girls born in August. August names for girls by day of the month

Distinctive character traits of girls born in August

Girls born in August are strong personalities with great charisma. Bright and confident, they attract attention. As a rule, such girls in childhood have many admirers among boys. These girls love increased attention They love being the center of attention and will do anything to get it.

Girls born in August have strong leadership qualities and may strive to lead other children. They are very independent and their own opinion is very important to them. Their self-esteem is also quite high and often unnecessarily high. Such girls can be arrogant and selfish. Their arrogance often interferes with their interactions with other children.

August girls love to be praised. For them, the recognition of other people is the highest praise. If they are allowed to be in the first roles, then they can become the most devoted friends, whom you can always rely on. As a rule, they are all honest and noble. Such, although themselves, because of their honesty and faith in people, can easily be deceived. But, despite this, they do not lose faith in people and remain kind and noble, but in nature.

Such girls love to play in public, adore public performance. They are very demanding of themselves and their appearance. After all, they should always be on top.

For girls who were born in August, you can choose almost any name. Because this is the case when not the name will paint the person, but the person - the name. At the same time, the names should be loud, sonorous. However, do not choose a name that can become a derivative for various teasing nicknames, because. they hurt the girl's pride very much and lead to the formation of various complexes in her.

How to name a girl who was born in August, according to the days of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Eugene (from the ancient Greek "noble")
  2. "joyful, cheerful")
  3. Milena (from Slavic "Darling")
  1. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2. from Latin "looking ahead" 3. from Italian "beautiful, sweet" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Alina (1. from Latin "foreign" 2. from Old Germanic "noble")
  2. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek )
  3. Magdalena (1. from the biblical "native of Magdala" 2.from Hebrew "curly hair")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. "follower of Christ")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  2. Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, hero's daughter")
  3. Eupraxia (1. from Greek "prosperous" 2.from Greek "virtue")
  4. Olympics (from the Greek "singing the sky")
  5. Raisa (1. derivative of Iraid, from Greek "hero's daughter" 2. from Arabic "leader")
  1. Praskovia (1. from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, cooking")
  2. Sylvia (from Latin "forest")
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  2. Anastasia (from the Greek "resurrected")
  3. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  1. "peaceful" Yarina "high", "enlightened")
  2. Anastasia (from the Greek "resurrected")
  3. Elena (1. from Greek "fire, torch", "sunny, shining" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3. derivative of Helios, the ancient Greek god of the Sun)
  4. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  5. Irina (from Greek )
  6. Antonina (1. from ancient Greek "opponent", "opponent" 2.from latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Anthony's daughter")
  7. Maura (from the Greek "dark, dark")
  8. Paula, Paula, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  1. "Gift of God")
  2. Seraphim (derived from the male Seraphim, from the biblical "fiery")
  3. Clara (from Latin "light, clear")
  4. "lily")
  1. Angelina (1. from Greek "messenger, messenger" 2. from Latin "like an angel")
  2. Agnia (1. from Latin "lamb" 2.from Greek "pure, innocent")
  1. Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "worshiping God")
  2. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  3. Julia (1. from Greek "curly" 2. from the Latin "July" 3. from the Hebrew "divine fire")
  4. "favor")
  5. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  6. Elina (1. from Greek "ancestor of the Hellenes" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3. derivative on behalf of Elena)
  1. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  3. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")
  4. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  5. Iya (from the Greek "violet")
  6. Daria (1. from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire" )
  7. Clara (from Latin "light, clear")
  1. Daria (1. from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  2. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  3. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  4. Nona (1. from Latin "ninth" 2.from Egyptian "dedicated to God")
  5. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  6. Ilona (1. from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative on behalf of Elena)
  7. Christina, Christina (from ancient Greek "follower of Christ")
  8. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  9. Elina (1. from the Greek "Greek woman" 2. derivative of Elena, meaning "radiant, bright")
  1. Sarah (biblical, literally "lady, noble lady")
  1. Elvira (1. from Old German "all-truthful" 2. from Arabic "patriot" 3.from latin "bright, sunny" 4.from spanish "protective")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. "pearl")
  4. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")
  5. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  6. Regina (from Latin "queen")
  1. Rose (Byzantine, literally "rose flower")
  1. Susanna, Susanna (from the Hebrew "lily")
  2. Emilia, Emily (1. from Latin "passionate, strong" 2.from latin "rival" 3.from Greek "affectionate")
  1. Arina (1. derived from Irina in ancient Greek meaning "peaceful" 2. derived from Slavic Yarina, formed on behalf of the sun god Yarila 3. derived from the Hebrew Aaron, meaning "high", "enlightened")
  2. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  3. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  4. Xenia, Xenya, Aksinya, Oksana (from the Greek "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer", "foreigner")
  1. Eve (biblical "giving life")
  2. Theodosius (from ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  3. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  4. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  5. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  6. Margarita (translated from Latin and ancient Greek "pearl")
  7. Monica (1. from Greek "only" 2.from Greek "inspiring")
  8. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  1. Sophia, Sophia (from the ancient Greek "wise")
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. Ludmila (Slavic "people dear")
  4. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. Julia (1. from Greek "curly" 2.from latin "july" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  2. "belonging to the Julius family" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  3. Jeanne (a derivative of John, descended from the male John, or Ivan, translated from Hebrew means "gifted by God")
  4. Rose (Byzantine, literally "rose flower")
  5. Vladana (Slavic "owning")
  1. Rufina (from Latin "red-haired")
  2. Ulyana, Juliana (1. from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)

Today, expectant mothers know the gender of the baby in advance. Therefore, those who are expecting a girl want to choose a suitable name before her birth. It is interesting to know what traditions are best guided by parents? How did it happen in Russia? It is believed that by naming we choose the fate of a person. We will try in the article to fully answer the question of what name to give to a girl born in August.

Russian traditions

Often in Russia still on initial stage the pregnancy of the unborn child was dedicated to a specific saint. It was to her that they prayed for a successful birth, the health of the baby, and asked that the mother have enough milk. Saints and boys were chosen in the same way. After the birth of a newborn, she was given the name of a reverend, becoming her guardian angel.

Saints are another tradition. It was for them that church names were chosen for girls born in August. If you look at their meanings, they seem to be filled with the bliss of farewell to summer, peace and tranquility. The names were selected closer to the day when the newborn was born. But it is believed that any name from the Orthodox calendar for August will be appropriate. Let's consider them in more detail.

Names according to the calendar (first half of the month)

Born on the first and second numbers, the calendar calls to call either Slavic name Militsa(sweetheart) or Latin Macrina, which means it belongs to Macru. These names are rare, so more often girls are called Jewish name Anna signifying the grace of God. In the holy calendar, it corresponds to number 3, but few adhere to a strict order. The fourth of August is the name day Mary(translated from Hebrew - "desired") and Zinaida which means "caring". The fifth number is again associated with the name Anna and also it's name day Stella(star). Next birthday suggests naming Christina(Christian).

Beautiful names for girls born in August, on the 7th, the church offers in the calendar. This is blandina, meaning "affectionate" and "daughter of Olympus" Olympics. Those born on August 8 can be called either Paraskeva(Praskovya), which means "holiday eve", or Sylvia(forest). Greek name Anfisa(blooming) corresponds to the 9th number. The Orthodox calendar proposes on August 10 to name girls with the following names: Antonina or Drosis. Translated from Latin, the first name means "entering the battle", the second - "irrigating".

Second half of the month

Girls born in August, whose names correspond to the calendar, grow up sincere, romantic and courageous. If parents want to take the Orthodox calendar as a basis for naming, for convenience, we will provide the second part of the month in the form of a table.




fiery (Heb.)

Given by God (Greek)



Innocent (Greek)

Messenger (Greek)

Light (lat.)

13 UlitaLittle Julia (lat.)
14, 16 solomoniaPeaceful (Heb.)
15 LucillaLight (lat.)

Winner (pers.)

Favor (Greek)

Calm (Greek)



Wealthy mistress (ancient German)

Desirable (Heb.)

23 RoseFlower (Greek)

Desirable (Heb.)

White Lily (Heb.)



Favor (Greek)

Calm (Greek)

Consonant (lat.)


The only one (Greek)

Life-giving (Heb.)

29 SabinaBeautiful (Greek)

Flower (Greek)


Little Julia (lat.)

Representing the genus Julius (lat.)

Born in August: characteristics

To figure out which name is suitable for a girl born in August, let's try to start with the characteristics of the month itself, which means "majestic, divine" in translation. A significant part of it passes under the sign of Leo, so it is no coincidence that people born in Augusta have an independent and proud disposition. If it were possible to characterize a person in one word, "royal" would be the most appropriate.

August people strive for leadership in any business, like to be in the spotlight, calmly accepting recognition and honor. They are distinguished by independence from the opinions of others, they always act in their own way. But it is precisely the royal character that does not allow them to stoop to pettiness and intrigue. Deeply decent and honest, they expect the same from other people. They are also distinguished by selflessness and generosity, developed intelligence.

Taking advantage of the attention of the opposite sex, they are not exchanged for momentary adventures, real family values ​​are more important for them.

Names according to character

Given the above, it is obvious that the most correct thing is to choose a bright, exotic name for the baby, corresponding to the royal person. It should also emphasize the giftedness of nature. As a recommendation, the following options are offered:

  • Helen The name is derived from Helios, the sun god of the ancient Greeks. Often associated with Helen of Troy, who started the war described by Homer. In Christianity, the name is very revered, which is associated with Helen of Constantinople, the mother of the famous Roman emperor. It was this name that Princess Olga (Kievan Rus) took for herself at baptism.
  • Anastasia Surrounding people especially note its beauty, majesty and tenderness. "Reborn", "resurrected" is a translation from Greek. In Orthodoxy, three holy martyrs bore this name, patronizing pregnant women, prisoners and livestock.
  • Angelina In translation, this is not just a "messenger", it is an "angel", which makes the name rare in terms of the beauty of its sound. It is Orthodox, for the deeds of St. Angelina of Serbia are described in Christian literature.
  • Mylene It goes back to Slavic roots. Girls born in August, names with the meaning "sweetheart" can be worn in other ways (Milica, Miloslava, Milana, Melania, Milomir). Parents can only choose.
  • Ulyan In Soviet times, the name almost fell into disuse. This is the Slavic version of Julia, meaning "descent from the Julii".

Astrology to the rescue

I want girls born in August to have beautiful names. But it is important to consider the signs of the zodiac. Then the babies will be protected from troubles and reach certain heights in life. The name should be chosen according to the most happy planet patronizing man. Until August 23, a person is born under the constellation Leo, from the 24th - Virgo. For Leo girls, consider the following options recommended by professional astrologers:

  • Alexandra, Angela, Alla, Arina, Antonina;
  • Bella, Barbara, Diana, Daria, Clara, Zhanna;
  • Love, Lolita, Lydia, Lada, Margarita;
  • Nonna, Natalia, Nadezhda, Rostislava, Regina, Rosa, Roxana;
  • Eleanor, Ulyana, Emma, ​​Elvira, Ella, Yana, Julia.

Should be paid Special attention that individual names coincide with Orthodox calendar. Girls Devs should be called like this:

  • Anita, Anastasia, Alevtina, Victoria, Valentina, Diana, Dina;
  • Zoya, Zinaida, Elizabeth, Irma, Irina, Inga, Inna, Inessa;
  • Xenia, Christina, Lydia, Rostislav, Regina, Taisiya, Tatyana, Tamara, Stanislav.

Famous Women Born in August

Parents themselves choose what name to name a girl born in August. They can be guided by any of the proposed principles. It is interesting to know which of the outstanding women have achieved a lot, while wearing beautiful name mentioned in the article? Among them are actresses: Irina Skobtseva, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Natalya Gundareva. Women who have achieved heights in other professions, journalist - Anna Politkovskaya, cosmonaut - Svetlana Savitskaya, storyteller - Anna Baryshnikova.

Esotericists and astrologers are sure that given to man at birth, the name is able to determine his fate, level of intelligence, health, morality, professional inclinations. Therefore, when naming a child, parents lay in it not only genetic factors, but also certain qualities that do not depend on them.

August is the month in which great people and true champions are born. Many celebrities were born this month - among them Napoleon, Pierre Richard, Steve Martin, Robert De Niro, David Duchovny, Barack Obama, Coco Chanel and many others. Therefore, if you intend to raise a winner, it is worth planning the birth of a baby for August. And in this article we will consider the question of how best to name a child born in August.

What does the Zodiac say?

August is the month of Leo, the majestic and very selfish representatives of the Zodiac. But it is worth noting that the Lions themselves do not consider themselves egoists at all, since they have absolutely no doubt that they are superior to everyone and in everything. They absolutely do not tolerate competition and are sure that in any business they start they must be winners.

In relations with people, Lions are extremely picky and fastidious. For them, everyone around them is divided into two groups: those close to their person, and everyone else. With the former, they are completely frank, while the latter are forced to be content with the crumbs of his attention.

Despite being selfish, Leos are very kind and noble. They are monogamous, sensitive to their family and protecting the family hearth from life's adversities. In addition, they are very honest and decent.

Leo, not praised by others and not in the spotlight, is not Leo, and that is why representatives of this zodiac sign seek respect for themselves and recognition by any means. They easily attract people and subdue them.

Lions are wonderful leaders who easily see the potential of a managed team and are able to maximize its capabilities, achieving success in the shortest possible time. Lions are generous and disinterested, they are practically incapable of being disappointed in people, regardless of how they are treated, they quickly forget small grievances, because they do not consider them. noteworthy.

Since people born in August are very decent, they are not inclined to weave intrigues and deceive, therefore they do not expect similar behavior from others. It is because of this property that Leos are often deceived. However, even after serious disappointments, they are ready to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. They tend to make good deeds without expecting anything in return.

Name selection

If you are thinking about how to name a girl or boy born in August, then there are no special recommendations for such babies. The child should have a simple but memorable name that will contribute to him all his life. For boys, it is better to choose names that sound very catchy. And girls can be pampered with a little exotic, but not too unusual names.

And the boy is the successor of the clan, who will always bear the name of his father. A correctly chosen name will help form the necessary character traits that a future man will need. And when he has his own child, the name will also become a patronymic, so it should be beautiful and harmonious.

When thinking about how to name a girl born in August, remember that in the name each letter carries a certain meaning. The predominance of growling in it, solid sounds will make her character very stubborn and inflexible, while soft, melodious sounds, on the contrary, will add tenderness.

Parents often name their babies after saints. church Saints. In this case, the baby's birthday coincides with his name day, or falls in almost the same period as the day of his guardian angel. Indeed, it may be that church name not suitable for the baby, as hopelessly outdated. In such a situation, due to unusual name the baby may have offensive nicknames in the children's society, the result of which will be low self-esteem and complexes. Therefore, choosing a name for a child in honor of his guardian angel, you need to carefully weigh everything.

Male names

If you are still in doubt about how to name a boy born in August, we offer the most suitable names: Leonid, Nikolai, Trofim, Evdokim, Gleb, Anton, Markel, Mikhail, Alexei, Nikanor, Seraphim, Savva, Yakov, David, Semyon, Yegor, Stepan, Valentin, Elizar, Konstantin, Julian, Yermolai, Boris, Makar, Miron , Fedor, Athanasius, Polycarp, Roman, Ilya, Philip, George, Clement, Naum, Yuri, Frol, Christopher, German, Grigory, Dmitry, Arkady, Pavel, Vasily, Kuzma, Evdokim, Gury, Leonty, Denis, Peter, Tikhon , Maxim, Alexander, Ivan, Prokhor, Matvey.

Women's names

Evdokia, Nonna, Svetlana, Natalia, Anna, Praskovya, Magdalena, Milena, Susanna, Catherine, Elizabeth, Maria, Christina, Ulyana, Tatyana, Valentina, Seraphim, Anita.

We have already taken care of this. Yesterday, a material was published on the site about the happiest names for August boys, and today we are telling which saints are in charge of the happiness and well-being of girls in August. And of course we offer psychological characteristics for August 2015


August 1: Evgenia
August 3rd: Anna
August 4: Maria
5th of August: Anna
August 6: Christina
August 7: Anna
8 August: Praskovya
August 10: Anastasia, Antonina, Elena, Irina,
11th August: Seraphim
12th of August: Angelina

August 13: Anna, Elizabeth
August 14: Sofia
August 17: Daria, Evdokia, Irina
August 18: Daria, Evdokia, Christina, Maria
August 22: Irina, Margarita, Maria
24 August: Maria
August, 26th: Evdokia, Xenia
August 27: Eva, Evdokia
August 29: Anna
August 30: Ulyana
August 31: Ulyana


Anna- the embodiment of good. Even with dolls, she treats them like they would with younger children, not to mention pets. Readily takes on the care of loved ones, and they often abuse this.

Anastasia- a dreamer, a dreamer and a universal favorite. Due to her tendency to soar in the clouds, she is defenseless against someone else's cunning, so parental protection is very important to her. She should be taught from infancy to homework but do it in the form of a game. Later her creative nature these skills will come in handy.

Antonina. This name has two variants: Tonya and Nina. Toninas side - friendliness, good nature and cheerful character. Nina's traits are imperiousness and commercialism. And it depends only on the parents which side the girl will develop more strongly. In particular, the choice of a home name also affects. In any case, the tendency to lead manifests itself in Antonina from childhood.

Angelina often lives in a problematic family, she has to rely only on herself in everything. This affects the character: Angelina is far from an angel. Stubborn, likes to command, competes with her mother for dominance. But she definitely goes to the goal and grows a truly strong personality.

Daria. Dasha is a leader and a ringleader in games. A smart, impulsive girl who can even fight if necessary for justice. With all the restlessness, he studies well and meaningfully. True, she does not always have enough perseverance.

Evgenia little understood by an outsider. She lives in her own world, and is addicted to completely unexpected things, sometimes too serious for her age. Growing up as an inquisitive girl, with a keen sense of justice and a desire to help. Friendship with boys is also a serious topic for her, she selects fans very meticulously.

Elena loves fairy tales and lives in a fantasy world. The girl is trusting, but if she discovers a deceit, she will not fail to punish the deceiver. Lena is kind, but only if it does not require much effort from her.

Elizabeth- fidget. Peers appreciate her cheerful disposition, and loyalty in friendship. Lisa gets carried away easily, and will be in time for all the circles that are within reach.

Evdokia- a stubborn bastard. He ignores his mother and grandmother, but infinitely respects his father. Curious and inventive, ideas are constantly gushing out of her. It is easy to learn, but restless character does not allow to achieve maximum success.

Eve often similar in character to dad. In general, this is a kind girl, but she can be quite stubborn, principled, and it can be difficult to agree with her.

Irina- an independent and determined young lady, and this manifests itself from the very kindergarten. He is more friendly with his father than with his mother. Studying is easy for her, she looks at things realistically, without romanticizing or denigrating them. At the same time, she is not at all sentimental, and even a little prone to cruelty.

Christina- mobile, bright, cheerful girl. With strangers, she can be timid and shy, but she grasps everything that happens on the fly and quickly orients herself in the situation. Sensitive to the opinions of others about themselves: from criticism it can become discouraged, and from praise it can completely melt.

The birth of a child is a real miracle that every parent looks forward to. But before the baby is born, you need to properly prepare for such a significant moment. First of all, you need to choose a beautiful and melodic name for a girl born in August. At first glance, everything is quite simple, but it is not. After all, you need to choose not just a beautiful name for the baby, but choose a name that is suitable both for the date of birth of the girl and for the sign of the zodiac.

Choosing what name to give a girl born in August, depending on the character

In August, girls are born with a bright character. They are very positive and like increased attention to their personality. In childhood, they will have many friends and admirers.

Due to their excessive increased self-esteem and selfishness, they may have problems communicating with other people. But usually girls do not care much, as they are independent and only their own opinion matters to them.

If girls are allowed to be themselves, they can become great and loyal friends. They are very loyal, so you can always rely on them.

Because of their honesty, they often face deceptions. But they still do not lose their positive attitude and faith in people. Which, of course, will help them stay in a rut, regardless of the situation.

They have strong leadership qualities and charisma, which makes them excellent leaders. Girls usually climb up quickly career ladder, so they occupy leadership positions without any problems.

Because of their love and attention, girls often go on stage. They love to play for the public, which ensures them the attention and love of the people around them. Because of this, they often set strict rules for themselves, because they always have to be on top.

Therefore, girls are very sensitive to their appearance, which will be noticeable at an early age. After all, the baby will often try to decorate her face in front of the mirror with her mother's cosmetics.

The best names for girls born in August

What is the name of a girl born in August? - this is a common question that parents face.

But this should not be a problem, since it is this month for girls that you can choose almost any name. The main difference between the August names for girls is that they should be bright and sonorous.

But with all this diversity, you should not choose a name that can be a reason for ridicule or unpleasant nicknames. After all, this can greatly hurt babies, because of which they can close in on themselves, or this can serve as a reason for the development of various phobias.

When choosing how to name a girl in August, you can also use the following options:

The following are considered lucky names for girls born in August:

  • Svetlana
  • Maria
  • Milena
  • Christina
  • Seraphim
  • Nonna
  • Ulyana

Choosing names for girls born in August on name days

August babies are very friendly and charming. In order for the name to well emphasize the character of the girl, one should carefully choose from so many options.

The name for a girl born in August should be loud and affectionate. You should not choose hard names, It may be unprofitable to highlight hard notes in the character of the baby.

How to name a girl born on August 1

On this day, kind and sweet babies are born. They love to have fun, because of which they will always have loyal and funny friends. They are also noble, so even with early age will be interested in art. And also in the future they can choose a profession related to this industry. They grow into beautiful singers with a beautiful voice.

Names for girls born on August 2

On this day, cute and generous girls are born. It is not surprising that in the future they are engaged in charity and volunteer work.

Even as a child, they may begin to bring home homeless animals.

Choosing names for girls born on August 3

Girls born on August 3 are very fond of humor. They like to entertain and make people around them laugh. They will not let you get bored, because the concept of boredom does not exist for them, babies will always find a fun activity for themselves and their friends.

How to name a girl born on August 4

On this day noble and beautiful girls. In life, family will always be a priority for them. They like home comfort and a happy big family.

Names for girls born on August 5

On August 5, kind and cheerful girls are born. They like to spend free time surrounded by your friends.

Also, the babies are very cheerful, so they can support anyone who needs it.

Names for girls born on August 6

Smart and funny girls are born on this day. They are very fond of big, noisy and funny companies. Since childhood, they will gather a lot of people around them. They like to draw attention to themselves.

How to name girls born on August 7

Girls born on this day are very kind and generous. They have great faith in people. Despite the fact that they can be easily offended, they will still forgive and give a second chance. And because of their kindness, they will help anyone who needs support or help.

Names for girls born on August 8

On August 8, very positive babies are born. For them, the word sadness does not exist. There is never a dull moment with them.

Every day they can spend as a holiday, while attracting as many friends and relatives as possible.

Choosing names for girls born on August 9

On this day, kind and peaceful girls are born. They love nature very much, so there will always be a lot of flowers in their room.

All year round they tirelessly can take care of plants. Therefore, they can often be found in warm time a year in the front garden for watering or caring for flowers.

Names for girls born on August 10

Girls born on August 10 are very modest. They can easily find an approach to any person, thanks to which they quickly make new friends in childhood. They are very kind, so they have no problems getting people to themselves.

Names for August 10 for girls: Pavel, Anna, Irina, Alena, Mavra, Arina, Anastasia, Elena, Antonina.

How to name a girl born on August 11

We can say about them that they radiate light and positive. Babies can easily cheer up any company.

Names for girls born on August 12

Girls born on August 12 are very clean. For them it is very important appearance. A large number of they can spend time taking care of themselves or in front of a mirror. Since childhood, they will borrow cosmetics from their mother and try to make up as brightly and beautifully as possible.

How to name girls born on August 13

Girls born on August 13 are very fond of attention. They are happy to go on stage and play for the audience. In the future, babies can choose a profession related to the big stage.

Choosing names for girls born on August 14

Very smart and wise girls are born on this day. In studies and at competitions, they can easily take first place.

Names for girls born on August 15

Girls born on August 15 are very brave and independent. It doesn't matter to them what other people think of them.

Next to them will always be only true and devoted friends. They easily find new and fun entertainment. Babies always try to achieve their goal, no matter what.

Choosing names for girls born on August 16

On this day, mischievous and funny babies are born. They love to have fun and walk, next to them there will always be friends. Girls can easily drive longing and boredom out of your life.

How to name a girl born on August 17

Peace-loving and noble girls are born on this day.

They are refined and modest, their opinion is always listened to. In society, they can easily establish themselves as an excellent interlocutor.

There is always something to talk about with them, because babies are excellent interlocutors and listeners.

Choosing names for girls born on August 18

On this day, stubborn and self-confident babies are born. They are purposeful and for them there is no word impossible, they always achieve their goal at any cost.

Names for girls on August 18: Evdokia, Daria, Nona, Iola, Avdotya, Elina, Ilona, ​​Tatiana, Christina.

Names for girls born on August 19

Girls born on this day love home comfort and comfort. For them, the main priority in life will always be the family, and maintaining family happiness.

They love children very much, so they try to spend as much time as possible with them.

How to name a girl born on August 20

On this day, kind and cheerful girls are born. They like someone else's attention, which is why there will always be a lot of people around them, fans.

Names for girls born on August 21

On this day, honest and fair girls are born. Babies do not like understatement or the truth hidden from them.

They are ready to defend their point of view at any cost, which often leads to quarrels between friends or relatives. Often in the future they may choose to work as a lawyer.

Choosing names for girls born on August 22

Girls born on this day are peaceful and kind. They are very gentle and graceful, their appearance is very important for them. They like to spend their free time surrounded by friends.

What to choose a name for a girl born on August 23

On this day graceful and benevolent girls are born.

It is not uncommon that they are engaged in volunteer work, it is important for them to help everyone who needs it.

We select what name to give to a girl born on August 24

Babies born on this day are self-confident. They always achieve their goals.

Girls quickly rise up the career ladder and occupy high-ranking positions.

How to name a girl born on August 25

Girls born on August 25 will be interested in art and the big stage from early childhood.

Since birth, they have many talents that she will begin to show over time, it can be like a love for drawing or singing.

Names for girls born on August 26

Babies born on this day are very inquisitive. Already from childhood, they will awaken a thirst for adventure and travel.

Therefore, in adulthood, they will travel a lot, and will try to see as many diverse and unusual places as possible.

Choosing names for girls born on August 27

Girls born on this day are very kind and confident in every howling action. They can easily inspire people to new, more confident actions.

Their positive will not let anyone lose heart, they always come to the rescue at the right time. Girls like to lead people.

Names for girls on August 27: Teresa, Eva, Monica, Feodosia, Margarita, Evdokia, Avdotya, Anfisa.

How to name a girl born on August 28

Girls born on August 28 are smart and resourceful. The little ones are true to their beliefs and will never betray their friends.

Their opinion is listened to and often asked for advice. They are very wise and can find a solution, even at first glance in a hopeless situation.

We choose what name to name the girl born on August 29

Babies born on this day are very inquisitive. Since childhood, they will be interested in how the world around them works.

Ordinary toys for girls will not be particularly interesting to them. Girls are more suitable for educational toys.

Names for girls born on August 29: Anna, Oksana, Maria, Elizabeth, Anastasia, Irina, Valentina.

Names for girls born on August 30

Girls born on August 30 are sociable and perky. They like to spend most of their time in big company friends.

Already in early childhood they will have many fans, which will undoubtedly please them, because universal attention and recognition is exactly what they love the most.

Names for a girl born on August 30: Albina, Vlad, Julia, Ulyan, Zhanna, Rosa, Evgenia, Sophia.

Choosing names for girls born on August 31

Babies born on this day are very beautiful and charming. They are smart and resourceful. They like to help other people.

Names for girls on August 31: Ulyana, Rufina, Julia, Anna, Tatiana, Lilia, Margarita, Valentina.