Names for girls born in August. August names for girls by day of the month

August 1 - Varlaam, Grigory, Dmitry, Mitrofan, Roman, Seraphim, Stepan, Tikhon.

August 3 - Anna, Georgy, Eugene, Ivan, Peter, Semyon, Fedor.

August 4 - Alexei, Korney, Cornelius, Maria, Mikhail, Foka.

August 5 - Anna, Andrey, Apollo, Vitaly, Trofim, Fedor

August 6 - Anatoly, Athanasius, Boris, Gleb, David, Ivan, Hilarion, Christina, Nikolai, Polycarp, Roman, Christina.

August 7 - Alexander, Anna, Iraida, Makar, Olympics.

August 9 - Anfisa, German, Clement, Naum, Nikolai, Panteleimon, Savva.

August 10 - Anastasia, Antonina, Vasily, Elena, Efim, Ivan, Irina, Mavra, Moses, Nikanor, Nikolai, Pavel, Prokhor, Julian.

August 11 - Alexei, Kuzma, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikolai, Roman, Seraphim, Seraphim, Theodosius.

August 12 - Agnia, Anatoly, Angelina, Apollo, Valentin, German, Ivan, Luka, Maxim, Pavel.

August 13 - Anna, Anton, Arseny, Vasily, Veniamin, Vladimir, Georgy, Evdokim, Elizabeth, Ivan, Joseph, Konstantin, Maxim, Nikolai, Sergey, Stepan, Yuri.

August 17 - Anton, Denis, Evdokia, Ivan, Konstantin, Maximilian.

August 18 - Daria, Evdokia, Efim, Ivan, Christina, Maximilian, Maria, Nonna, Simon, Christina.

August 20 - Alexander, Alexei, Anton, Athanasius, Vasily, Dmitry, Ivan, Mitrofan, Narkiss, Mikhail, Nikanor, Peter, Theodosius.

August 21 - German, Grigory, Emelyan, Joseph, Leonid, Miron, Moses, Nicodemus. Nikolai, Savva, Fedor.

August 22 - Alexey, Anton, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Irina, Leonty, Makar, Margarita, Maria, Matvey, Peter, Samuil, Julian, Yakov.

August 23 - Athanasius, Vyacheslav, Lavr, Lavrenty, Roman, Savva.

August 24 - Alexander, Vasily, Donat, Claudius, Lilia, Makar, Maxim, Maria, Mark, Martin, Susanna, Fedor.

August 25 - Alexander, Alexei, Anton, Arkady, Varlaam, Vasily, Vissarion, Vyacheslav, German, Dmitry, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor, Fotiy, Yakov .

August 26 - Alexei, Vasily, Evdokia, Ivan, Ippolit, Konstantin, Xenia, Maxim, Nikolai, Seraphim, Tikhon, Yakov.

August 27 - Alexander, Alexei, Arkady, Vasily, Vladimir, Eva, Evdokia, Matvey, Nikolai, Semyon, Fedor, Theodosius.

August 29 - Akim, Alexander, Anna, Lavrenty, Nicodemus, Nil, Stepan, Yakov.

August 30 - Alexey, Dmitry, Ilya, Miron, Pavel, Pimen, Ulyana, Philip.

August 31 - George, Grigory, Denis, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ivan, Hilarion, John, Lavr, Leo, Luka, Makar, Mikhail, Sofron, Ulyana, Frol.


August 2014

August 1 (July 19 old style)

Rev. Macrina, sisters of St. Basil the Great (380). Rev. Diya (c. 430). Finding the relics of St. Seraphim, Wonderworker of Sarov (1903). Cathedral of the Kursk Saints.
Blgv. book. Roman (Olegovich) of Ryazan (1270). Rev. Paisius of the Caves, in the Far Caves (XIV). Blzh. Stefan (1427) and his mother Milica (1405), Serbian.
Morning - Matthew, 43 credits, XI, 27-30. Lit. - Prop.: Gal., 213 credits, V, 22 - VI, 2. Luke, 24 credits, VI, 17-23.

August 2 (July 20 old style)

Prophet Elijah(IX century BC).
Rev. Avramy of Galich, Chukhlomsky (1375). Finding the relics of Prmch. Athanasius of Brest (1649).
Shmch. Konstantin Slovtsov (1918); ssmhh. Alexander Arkhangelsky, Georgy Nikitin, John Steblin-Kamensky, Sergius Gortinsky and Theodore Yakovlev presbyters, prmch. Tikhon Krechkov, Georgy Pozharov, Kosma Vyaznikov and mchch. Evfimy Grebenshchikov and Petr Vyaznikov (1930); ssmch. Alexy Znamensky presbyter (1938); prmch. Feodora Abrosimov (1941).
Chukhloma, or Galich (1350), Abalatskaya ("Sign") (1637) and Orsha (1631) icons of the Mother of God.
Morning - Lk., 14 credits, IV, 22-30. Lit. - Prop.: James, 57 credits, V, 10-20. Lk., 14 credits, IV, 22-30. Row: Rom., 111 credits, XIII, 1–10. Matt., 47 credits, XII, 30-37.
In the morning, magnification: “We magnify thee, the holy prophet of God Elijah, and honor the hedgehog on the fiery chariot of your glorious ascent.”

August 3 (July 21 old style)

8th week after Pentecost. Voice 7th.
Prophet Ezekiel (VI century BC). Prpp. Simeon, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, and John, his companion (c. 590).
Prpp. Onuphrius the Silent and Onesimus the Recluse, Caves, in the Near Caves (XII-XIII). Cathedral of the Smolensk Saints (movable celebration on the Sunday before July 28).
Shmch. Peter Golubev presbyter (1938). Finding the relics of St. Roman Medved, Spanish, presbyter (1999).
Morning – Ev. 8th, John, 64 credits, XX, 11–18. Lit. - 1 Cor., 124 credits, I, 10-18. Matt., 58 credits, XIV, 14-22.

August 4 (July 22 old style)

9th week after Pentecost. Myrrhbearers Equal to App. Mary Magdalene(I). Transfer of relics ssmch. Phocas (403-404).
Rev. Cornelius Pereyaslavsky (1693).
Shmch. Mikhail Nakaryakov presbyter (1918); ssmch. Alexy Ilyinsky presbyter (1931).
1 Cor., 150 credits, XI, 31 - XII, 6. Matt., 74 credits, XVIII, 1-11. Equal to ap.: 1 Cor., 141 credits, IX, 2–12. Lk., 34 credits, VIII, 1-3.

August 5 (July 23 old style)

Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God(1675). Mchch. Trofim, Theophilus and with them 13 martyrs (284-305). Right. warrior Theodore Ushakov (glorification 2001).
Shmch. Apollinaria, Ep. Ravenna (c. 75).
Shmch. Michael the Trinity Presbyter and Martyr. Andrey Argunov (1938).
Icon of the Mother of God, called "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (with pennies) (1888).
Morning – Lk., 4 credits, I, 39–49, 56. Lit. - 1 Cor., 152 credits, XII, 12-26. Matt., 76 credits, XVIII, 18-22; XIX, 1-2, 13-15. Mother of God: Heb., 320 credits, IX, 1-7. Lk., 54 credits, X, 38-42; XI, 27-28.

August 6 (July 24 old style)

Mts. Christina (c. 300). Mchch. blgvv. kn. Boris and Gleb, in the Holy Baptism of Roman and David (1015).
Rev. Polycarp, archim. Caves (1182). Finding the relics of St. Dalmat Isetsky (1994)*.
Shmch. Alpheus of the Korban Deacon (1937); Sts. Nikolai Pongilsky (1942) and John Kalinin (1951) Spanish, presbyters.
Morning - Lk., 106 credits, XXI, 12-19. Lit. - 1 Cor., 154 credits, XIII, 4 - XIV, 5. Matthew, 80 credits, XX, 1-16. Blgvv. book: Rome., 99 credits, VIII, 28–39. John, 52 credits, XV, 17 - XVI, 2. Mts.: 2 Cor., 181 credits, VI, 1-10. Lk., 33 credits, VII, 36-50**.
* The celebration is included in the calendar based on the decision of the Bishops' Council in 2013.
** Reading mts. Christina is read if she is served.

August 7 (July 25 old style)

Assumption of rights. Anna, mother Holy Mother of God. Sts. wives of Olympias the deaconess (409) and Eupraxia the virgin of Tavenna (413). Rev. Macarius Zheltovodsky, Unzhensky (1444).
Commemoration of the V Ecumenical Council (553).
Shmch. Nikolai Udintsev presbyter (1918); ssmch. Alexander Sakharov presbyter (1927); St. Iraida Tikhova isp. (1967).
1 Cor., 155 credits, XIV, 6-19. Matt., 81 credits, XX, 17-28. Right. Anna: Gal., 210 credits. (from the floor), IV, 22–31. Lk., 36 credits, VIII, 16-21.

August 8 (July 26 old style)

Sshmchch. Ermolai, Hermipp and Hermocrates, priests of Nicomedia (c. 305).
Rev. Moses Ugrin, Caves, in the Near Caves (c. 1043). Prmc. Paraskeva (138-161).
Shmch. Sergius Strelnikov presbyter (1937).
1 Cor., 157 credits, XIV, 26-40. Matt., 83 credits, XXI, 12–14, 17–20, and for Saturday: Rom., 113 credits, XIV, 6–9. Matt., 64 credits, XV, 32-39. Prop.: Gal., 213 credits, V, 22 - VI, 2. Luke, 24 credits, VI, 17-23 *.
* Readings of St. Moses Ugrin are read if a service is performed to him.

August 9 (July 27 old style)

Vmch. and healer Panteleimon(305). Rev. Herman of Alaska (1837).
Blzh. Nikolai Kochanov, Christ for the Holy Fool, Novgorod (1392). St. Joasaph, Met. Moscow and all Russia (1555). Rev. Anfisa Spanish, abbess, and 90 sisters of her (VIII). Equal app. Clement, Ep. Ohrid (916) *, Naum, Savva, Gorazd and Angelyar (Bolg.).
Sshmchch. Ambrose, Ep. Sarapulsky, Platon Gorny and Panteleimon Epiphany presbyters (1918); ssmch. John Solovyov Presbyter (1941).
Morning - Lk., 106 credits, XXI, 12-19. Lit. - Vmch.: 2 Tim., 292 credits, II, 1–10. John, 52 credits, XV, 17 - XVI, 2.
* The Bulgarian Orthodox Church commemorates Equal to the Apostles. Clement twice a year: July 27 (the day of his blessed death) and November 25 (old style).

August 10 (July 28 old style)

9th week after Pentecost. Voice 8th.
Smolensk icon Mother of God, called "Hodegetria"(Guidebook) (brought from Constantinople in 1046). App. from 70 Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon and Parmen deacons (I). St. Pitirim, Ep. Tambovsky (1698). Cathedral of the Tambov Saints.
Rev. Moses, wonderworker of the Caves, in the Far Caves (XIII-XIV). Mchch. Juliana (II), Eustathius (c. 316) and Akakios (c. 321). Rev. Paul of Xiropotamus (820).
Shmch. Nikolai Ponomarev deacon (1918); prmch. Vasily Erekaev, Prmc. Anastasia Kamaeva and Elena Astashkina, mch. Arethas Eremkin, John Lomakin, John Selmanov, John Mileshkin and mts. Moors of Moses (1937).
Grebnevskaya (1380), Kostroma (1672) and "Tenderness" Seraphim-Diveevskaya (1885) icons of the Mother of God. Honored lists from the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God: Ustyuzhenskaya (1290), Vydropusskaya (XV), Voroninskaya (1524), Khristoforovskaya (XVI), Supraslskaya (XVI), Yugskaya (1615), Igritskaya (1624), Shuiskaya (1654–1655), Sedmiezernaya (XVII), Sergievskaya (in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra) (1730).
Morning – Ev. 9th, In., 65 credits, XX, 19–31. Lit. - 1 Cor., 128 credits, III, 9-17. Matt., 59 credits, XIV, 22-34. Mother of God: Philp., 240 credits, II, 5–11. Lk., 54 credits, X, 38-42; XI, 27-28.

August 11 (July 29 old style)

10th week after Pentecost. Mch. Callinica (III–IV).
Prpp. Konstantin and Kosma Kosinsky, Starorussky (XIII). Mts. Seraphim virgins (117-138). Mts. Theodotia and her three children (304). Prmch. Michael (IX). Mch. Eustathius of Mtskheta (589) (Georgian).
Prmchch. Seraphim Bogoslovsky and Feognost Pivovarov (1921); prmch. Anatoly Smirnov (after 1930); ssmch. Alexy Krasnovsky Presbyter and Fr. Pachomia Rusina (1938).
1 Cor., 159 credits, XV, 12-19. Matt., 84 credits, XXI, 18–22.

August 12 (July 30 old style)

App. from 70 Strength, Siluan, Kriskent, Epenet and Andronicus (I). Mch. John the Warrior (IV). Rev. Anatoly Optinsky, the Younger (1922).
Finding the relics of St. German of Solovetsky (1484). Mchch. Polychrony, Ep. Presbyters of Babylon, Parmenius, Elima and Chrysotel, deacons Luke and Muko, Abdon and Sennis, princes of Persia, and martyrs. Olympia and Maximus (c. 251). Shmch. Valentine (Valentina) Bishop and three disciples of his martyr. Proculus, Ephibe and Apollonius and right. Avundia (c. 273). Cathedral of Samara Saints.
Shmch. John Plotnikov deacon (1918).
1 Cor., 161 credits, XV, 29-38. Matt., 85 credits, XXI, 23–27. Martyr: Rome., 116 credits, XV, 1–7. Matt., 69 credits, XVI, 24-28 *.
Conspiracy for the Dormition Fast.
* If a polyeleic service is performed martyr. John the Warrior, then in the morning the Gospel of John, 51 credits, XV, 9-16 is read.

August 13 (July 31 old style)

Prefeast of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Right. Evdokim the Cappadocian (IX).
Mts. Julittas (304–305). Prmch. Dionysius of Vatopedi (1822).
Shmch. Benjamin, Mr. Petrogradsky, and with him prmch. Sergiy Shein and mchch. Yuri Novitsky and Ioann Kovsharov(1922); mch. Maxim Rumyantsev (1928); ssmch. Vladimir Kholodkovskiy presbyter (1937); ssmch. John Rumyantsev Presbyter, St. Konstantin Razumov Spanish, presbyter, mts. Anna Serova and St. Elisaveta Rumyantseva isp. (after 1937).
1 Cor., 165 credits, XVI, 4-12. Matt., 86 credits, XXI, 28-32, and for Thursday (under the beginning): 2 Cor., 167 credits, I, 1-7. Matt., 88 credits, XXI, 43-46. Right: Gal., 213 credits, V, 22 - VI, 2. Matt., 43 credits, XI, 27-30 *.
* If the schmch service is being performed. Benjamin, Mr. Petrogradsky, then at the liturgy of the reading of the day, for Thursday (before conception) and the Hieromartyr: Rom., 99 credits, VIII, 28-39. Lk., 106 credits, XXI, 12–19.

August 14 (August 1 old style)

The origin (wearing) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos (1164). The Seven Martyrs of the Maccabees: Abima, Antonina, Guriy, Eleazar, Evsevon, Alim and Markella, their mother Solomon and their teacher Eleazar (166 B.C.).
Finding the relics of St. Sophia of Suzdal (1995). Mchch. in Perga of Pamphylia: Leontius, Attia, Alexander, Kindei, Minsitheus, Cyriacus, Mineon, Katun and Eucleias (III).
Shmch. Demetrius of Pava presbyter (1937).
Cross: 1 Cor., 125 credits, I, 18-24. John, 60 credits, XIX, 6–11, 13–20, 25–28, 30–35. Martyr: Heb., 330 credits, XI, 33 - XII, 2. Matt., 38 credits, X, 32-36; XI, 1. At the consecration of water: Heb., 306 credits, II, 11-18. John, credits 14, V, 1–4.
Beginning of the Dormition Fast.
In the morning after the great doxology - the removal of the Cross and veneration of it according to the order of the Week of the Cross.
The Trisagion is sung at the Liturgy.
A small consecration of water is performed.
The cross is taken to the altar in the evening after Vespers.
From this day until the giving of the Exaltation (except for the after-feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the pre-feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the feast of the Assumption itself, its after-feast and giving away) in the morning, when the great doxology is sung, the katavasia "Having drawn the Cross ...".

August 15 (August 2 old style)

Transfer from Jerusalem to Constantinople of the relics of the First. Archdeacon Stephen (c. 428) and the acquisition of the relics of the righteous. Nicodemus, Gamaliel and his son Aviv. Blzh. Basil, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow miracle worker (1557).
Blzh. Vasily Spaso-Kubensky (XV). Shmch. Stephen, Pope of Rome, and others like him (257).
Prmch. Platon Kolegov (1937).
Achair Icon of the Mother of God (XXI).
2 Cor., 169 credits, I, 12-20. Matt., 91 credits, XXII, 23-33. Blzh. (under the beginning): Gal., 213 credits, V, 22 - VI, 2. Matt., 43 credits, XI, 27-30 *. Pervom.: Acts, 17 credits, VI, 8 - VII, 5, 47-60. Matt., 87 credits, XXI, 33-42.
* Readings blzh. Basil are read if a service is performed to him.

August 16 (August 3 old style)

Prpp. Isaac, Dalmatia and Faustus (IV-V). Rev. Anthony the Roman, Wonderworker of Novgorod (1147).
Mch. Razhden Persian (457) (Georgian). Rev. Hermit's Cosmas (VI).
Shmch. Vyacheslav Lukanin deacon (1918); ssmch. Nikolai Pomerantsev presbyter (1938).
Prop.: Gal., 213 credits, V, 22 - VI, 2. Luke, 24 credits, VI, 17-23 *. Series: Rom., 119 credits, XV, 30–33. Matt., 73 credits, XVII, 24 - XVIII, 4.
* Readings of St. Anthony are read if a service is performed to him.

August 17 (August 4 old style)

10th week after Pentecost. Voice 1st.
Seven youths, like in Ephesus: Maximilian, Iamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine) and Antoninus (c. 250). Finding the relics of rights. Alexy Bortsurmansky (2000).
Prmc. Eudoxia (362-364). Mch. Eleutheria (IV).
Prmch. Mikhail Zhuk, mchch. Simeon Vorobyov and Dimitri Vorobyov (1937).
Penza-Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (1717).
Morning – Ev. 10th, In., 66 credits, XXI, 1–14. Lit. - 1 Cor., 131 credits, IV, 9-16. Matt., 72 credits, XVII, 14-23.

August 18 (August 5 old style)

11th week after Pentecost. Prefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Mch. Eusignia (362).
Rev. Job Ushchelsky (1628). Sshmchch. Anfira (236) and Favia (250), popes. Mch. Pontius the Roman (c. 257). Mchch. Cantidia, Cantidia and Sivela, in Egypt. Right. Nonna, mother of St. Gregory the Theologian (374).
Shmch. Stefan Khitrov presbyter (1918); mcc. Evdokia Sheikova, Daria Ulybina, Daria Timagina and Maria Neizvestnaya (1919); ssmch. Simone, Ep. Ufimsky (1921); ssmch. John Smirnov deacon (1939).
2 Cor., 171 credits, II, 3-15. Matthew, 94 credits, XXIII, 13-22, and for Tuesday (under the beginning): 2 Cor., 172 credits, II, 14 - III, 3. Matthew, 95 credits, XXIII, 23-28.
From this day until the giving of the Dormition, on weekly days, the service is performed only according to the Menaion.

August 19 (August 6 old style)

Morning - Lk., 45 credits, IX, 28-36. Lit. - 2 Pet., 65 credits, I, 10-19. Matt., 70 credits, XVII, 1-9.
Fish is allowed at the meal.
All holiday service. At the great vespers, "Blessed is the husband" is not sung.
In the morning, magnification: “We magnify Thee, the Life-Giver of Christ, and honor the Most Pure Flesh of Thy glorious transfiguration.” Catavasia "Having drawn the Cross ..." (also in celebration of the holiday). We don’t sing the “most honest” one, but we sing the refrain of the holiday: “Magnify, my soul, on Tabor the transfigured Lord.”
At the liturgy, the antiphons of the feast. Entrance verse: “Lord, send Your light and Your truth, guide me and lead me into Your holy mountain.” Instead of “Worthy” - “Magnify, my soul ... Thy Nativity appear incorruptibly ...” (before giving). Grapes and fruits are consecrated.
In the evening on the feast, a great vespers is performed with an entrance and a great prokeimon.
From this day until the giving of the Transfiguration at the liturgy at the entrance (on weekly days): “Come, let us worship ... Save us, Son of God, transfigured on the mountain ...”. Katavasia in the afterfeast (except for the first day of the holiday and its giving away): "Persons of Israelites ...".

August 20 (August 7 old style)

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Prmch. Dometius the Persian and two of his disciples (363). Finding the relics of St. Mitrofan, ep. Voronezh(1832). Rev. Anthony of Optinsky (1865).
Rev. Pimen the Painful, Caves, in the Near Caves (1110). Rev. Pimen, a faster of the Caves, in the Far Caves (XIII-XIV). Rev. Mercury of the Caves, bishop. Smolensky, in the Near Caves (1239). Mchch. Marina and Asteria (260). Rev. Ora (c. 390). Prmc. Potamia of the miracle worker. Rev. Theodosius the New (IX-X). St. Hierotheus of Hungary (X). St. Stephen I, King of Hungary (1038).
Sshmchch. Alexander Khotovitsky, Pyotr Tokarev, Mikhail Plyshevsky, John Voronets, Presbyters Dimitry Milovidov and Alexy Vorobyov, Elisha Stolder, deacon and primarch. Afanasia Egorova (1937); ssmch. Vasily Amenitsky presbyter (1938).
Morning - John, 35 credits. (from the floor), X, 1–9*. Lit. - 2 Cor., 173 credits, III, 4-11. Matt., 96 credits, XXIII, 29-39. St.: Heb., 318 credits, VII, 26 - VIII, 2. John, 36 credits, X, 9-16, or prim.: Eph., 233 credits, VI, 10-17. John, 52 credits, XV, 17 - XVI, 2**.
* Readings of St. Mitrofan (at matins and liturgy) are read if a service is performed for him.
** Readings prmch. Dometia are read if a service is performed to him.

August 21 (August 8 old style)

St. Emilian Spanish, Bishop Cyzic (815–820).
Rev. Gregory, icon painter of the Caves, in the Near Caves (XII). Transfer of the relics of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky(1566). The second transfer of the relics of St. Zosima, Savvaty and Herman Solovetsky (1992). St. Myron the Wonderworker, Bishop Cretan (c. 350). Mchch. Eleutheria and Leonidas. Rev. Gregory of Sinai (XIV).
Prmch. Joseph Baranov (1918); ssmch. Nikolai Shumkov presbyter (1937); ssmch. Nicodemus, Archbishop Kostromsky (1938).
Icon of the Mother of God of Tolga (1314).
2 Cor., 175 credits, IV, 1-6. Matt., 99 credits, XXIV, 13–28*.
* If the service is performed prpp. Zosimas and Savvatius, then in the morning the Gospel of Matthew, 43 credits, XI, 27-30 is read, and at the liturgy - the day and the monks: Gal., 213 credits, V, 22 - VI, 2. Luke, 24 credits ., VI, 17–23.

August 22 (August 9 old style)

Apostle Matthias(c. 63). Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints.
Mch. Anthony of Alexandria. Rev. Psoy of Egypt (IV). Mchch. Julian, Marcian, John, James, Alexy, Demetrius, Photius, Peter, Leontius, Mary patricia and others (730).
Prmc. Margarita Gunaronulo (1918).
Morning – In., 67 credits, XXI, 15–25. Lit. - 2 Cor., 177 credits, IV, 13-18. Matt., 100 credits, XXIV, 27–33, 42–51. Ap.: Acts, 2 credits, I, 12–17, 21–26. Lk., 40 credits, IX, 1-6.

August 23 (August 10 old style)

Mchch. Archdeacon Lawrence, Pope Sixtus, Felicissimus and Agapitus deacons, Roman, Roman (258). Blzh. Lawrence, Christ for the Holy Fool, Kaluga (1515).
The second acquisition and transfer of the relics of St. Savva Storozhevsky, Zvenigorodsky (1998).
Shmch. Vyacheslav Zakedsky presbyter (1918); ssmch. Presbyter Athanasius Kislov (1937).
1 Cor., 123 credits, I, 3-9. Matt., 78 credits, XIX, 3-12.

August 24 (August 11 old style)

11th week after Pentecost. Voice 2.
Mch. Archdeacon Euplas (304).
Prmchch. Theodore and Vasily Pechersky, in the Near Caves (1098). Rev. Theodora, Prince Ostrozhsky, Pechersky, in the Far Caves (c. 1483). Mts. Sosannas of the Virgin and with her Gaius, Pope of Rome, Gavinius the Presbyter, Claudius, Maximus, Prepedigny, Alexander and Keffiy (295-296).
Morning – Ev. 11th, In., 67 credits, XXI, 15–25. Lit. - 1 Cor., 141 credits, IX, 2-12. Matt., 77 credits, XVIII, 23-35.

August 25 (August 12 old style)

12th week after Pentecost. Mchch. Photius and Anikita and many with them (305-306).
Shmch. Alexandra, Ep. Komansky (III). Mchch. Pamphilus and Capito.
Prmchch. Belogorskikh: Varlaam Konoplev, Antony Arapov, Sergius Vershinin, Ilia Popov, Vyacheslav Kosozhilin, Ioasaf Sabantsev, Ioann Novoselov, Vissarion Okulov, Mikhei Podkorytov, Matthew Bannikov, Evfimy Korotkov, Varnava Nadezhdin, Germogen Boyaryshnev, Arkady Noskov, Evfimiya Sharshilov, Markella Shavrina, Ioann Rotnov, Sergiy Samatov, Dimitry Sozinov, Savva Kolmogorov, Yakov Startsev, Pyotr Rochev, Yakov Danilov, Alexander Arapov, Feodor Belkin, Alexy Korotkov and Peter (1918); ssmch. Vasily Infantiev presbyter (1918); ssmhh. Leonid Biryukovich, John Nikolsky and Nikolai Dobroumov presbyters (1937).
2 Cor., 179 credits, V, 10–15. Mk., 2 credits, I, 9–15*.
On this day, from Tuesday, August 13, the service may be rescheduled St. Tikhon Zadonsky.
* If the polyeleos service of St. Tikhon (from August 13), then at matins the Gospel of John, 36 credits, X, 9-16 is read, and at the liturgy - the day and the saint: Heb., 318 credits, VII, 26 - VIII, 2. Matt. , 11 credits, V, 14–19.

August 26 (August 13 old style)

Commemoration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Repose (662), transfer of the relics of St. Maximus the Confessor. Finding the relics of bl. Maxim, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow (c. 1547). The Repose (1783), the second finding of relics (1991) of St. Tikhon, Ep. Voronezh, Zadonsk miracle worker.
Mchch. Hippolyta, Irenaeus, Avundia and mts. Concordia, in Rome (258).
Sshmchch. John Shishev, Joasaph Panov and Konstantin Popov presbyters (1918); ssmhh. Seraphim, Ep. Dmitrovsky, Nikolai Orlov, presbyters Jacob Arkhipov and Alexy Vvedensky deacon (1937); mch. Vasily Alexandrina (1942).
Icons of the Mother of God: Minsk (1500) and called "Seven-shot" (1830) and "Passionate" (1641).
Morning – John, 36 credits, X, 9–16*. Lit. - 2 Cor., 180 credits, V, 15-21. Mk., 3 credits, I, 16–22. St.: Heb., 318 credits, VII, 26 - VIII, 2. Matt., 11 credits, V, 14-19.
During the service of St. Tikhon on this day should be guided by the 1st Markov chapter of the Typicon under May 25: “Is it possible that the Finding of the head of the Forerunner ... in return for the Ascension ...” will happen.
In the morning, there was a ruckus "Having drawn the Cross ...". We don’t sing the “most honest” one, but we sing the refrain of the holiday.
* Readings of St. Tikhon (at matins and liturgy) are read if a service is performed for him.

August 27 (August 14 old style)

Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Prop. Micah (of the 12 prophets) (VIII century BC). Transfer of the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caves (1091).
Rev. Arkady Novotorzhsky (XI). Shmch. Markella, Ep. Apamean (c. 389).
Shmch. Basil, archbishop Chernigov, and with him prmch. Matthew Pomerantsev and martyr. Alexy Zverev (1918); ssmch. Vladimir Tsedrinskiy presbyter (1918); ssmhh. Vladimir Smirnov and Nikolai Tolgsky presbyters, prmch. Eleutheria Pechennikova, Prmc. Eva Pavlova abbess, Evdokia Perevoznikova and martyr. Feodora Zakharov (1937); Rev. Alexandra Urodova isp. (1961).
Icons of the Mother of God, called "Besednaya" (1383), and Narva (1558).
2 Cor., 182 credits, VI, 11-16. Mk., 4 credits, I, 23–28, and for Thursday (beginning): 2 Cor., 183 credits, VII, 1–10. Mk., 5 credits, I, 29–35. Prop.: Gal., 213 credits, V, 22 - VI, 2. Luke, 24 credits, VI, 17-23.
From this day until the giving of the Dormition, in the morning, when the great doxology is sung, the katavasia "Decorated with Divine glory ...".

August 28 (August 15 old style)

Icons of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Novgorod). Revered icons of the Assumption of the Mother of God: Kiev-Pechersk (1073), Ovinovskaya (1425), Pskov-Pechersk (1472), Seven-City (XV) and Pyukhtitskaya (XVI). Icons of the Mother of God: Mozdokskaya (XIII), Atskurskaya (I), Tsilkanskaya (IV), Vlakhernskaya (Georgian), Vladimirskaya-Rostovskaya (XII), Gaenatskaya (XIII), Bakhchisarai, Chukhlomskaya (1350), Surdegskaya (1530) and Tupichevskaya (XVII).
Morning – Lk., 4 credits, I, 39–49, 56. Lit. - Phlp., 240 credits, II, 5–11. Lk., 54 credits, X, 38-42; XI, 27-28.
In the morning, magnification: “We magnify Thee, Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, and gloriously glorify Thy Assumption.” We don’t sing the “most honest” one, but we sing the refrains of the holiday. 1st refrain: "Angels, having seen the Assumption of the Most Pure One, were surprised how the Virgin rises from earth to Heaven."
At the liturgy, instead of “Worthy” - “Angels, dormition ... The charters of nature are defeated ...” (before giving).

August 29 (August 16 old style)

Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ(944). Mch. Physician's Diomede (298). Mchch. 33 Palestinian.
Rev. Herimon of Egypt (IV).
Shmch. Alexander Sokolov presbyter, rec. Anna Yezhova, mch. Jacob Gortynsky (1937).
Feodorovskaya (1239) and "The Triumph of the Most Holy Theotokos" (Port Arthur) (1904) icons of the Mother of God.
Image: Col., 250 credits, I, 12–18. Lk., 48 credits. (from the floor), IX, 51–56; X, 22–24*. Row: 2 Cor., 184 credits, VII, 10-16. Mk., 9 credits, II, 18–22.
* If the vigil service of the Transference of the Image Not Made by Hands is performed, then the Gospel of Luke, 48 credits is read in the morning. (from the floor), IX, 51–56; X, 22–24. Magnification: “We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor all of Your Most Pure Face, the most glorious image.”

August 30 (August 17 old style)

Mch. Myron presbyter (250). Rev. Pimen Ugreshsky (1880).
Rev. Alipy, the icon painter of the Caves, in the Near Caves (c. 1114). Mchch. Paul, Juliana and others (c. 273). Mchch. Firs, Leukia, Coronata and their squads (249-251). Mch. Patroclus (270-275). Mchch. Strato, Philip, Eutychian and Cyprian (c. 303).
Shmch. Alexy Velikoselsky presbyter (1918); ssmch. Presbyter Dimitry Ostroumov (1937).
Svenskaya (Pechersk) Icon of the Mother of God (1288).
1 Cor., 125 credits. (from semi), I, 26–29. Matt., 82 credits, XX, 29-34.

August 31 (August 18 old style)

12th week after Pentecost. Voice 3rd.
Mchch. Flora and Lavra (II).
Mchch. Hermas, Serapion and Polien (II). Shmch. Bishop Emilian and with him Hilarion, Dionysius and Ermipp (c. 300). svtt. John (674) and George (683), Patriarchs of Constantinople. Rev. Macarius, abbot of Pelikitsky (c. 830). Rev. John of Rylsky (946). Cathedral of the Kemerovo Saints (movable celebration on the Sunday before * August 18).
Shmch. Gregory Bronnikov presbyter and martyr. Evgeny Dmitrev and Mikhail Eregodsky (1937).
Icon of the Mother of God, called "The Tsaritsa".
Morning – Ev. 1st, Matt., 116 credits, XXVIII, 16-20. Lit. - 1 Cor., 158 credits, XV, 1-11. Matt., 79 credits, XIX, 16-26. Martyr: Eph., 233 credits, VI, 10–17. Lk., 63 credits, XII, 2-12.
* The celebration takes place on August 18 (if this date coincides with Sunday).

Knowing the names in the calendar in August or in any other month - why is it so important? On the eve of the birth of a baby, parents face one of the most difficult questions: Recently, more and more mothers and fathers began to pay attention to Tanyusha and Seryozha, still popular a couple of decades ago, faded into the background, they were replaced by Julians and Alberts. Everything more people when choosing a name, they turn to the church calendar, because for each month you can find names in the calendar: in August, February or May - it doesn’t matter when the baby was born, there will always be a name for him. It is believed that with the name of a saint, his qualities also pass to the child. Let's turn to the calendar and consider the names of the saints born in the last summer month.

Names of girls according to the calendar

August is rich in beautiful names, but usually the child is called by the name that appears on that particular day or one or two days later. Now we will look at the days of the month.

1 - Sophia, which in Greek means wise;

4 - Evdokia (Oia), from the Greek "favor";

5 - Daria, from Persian "strong"; Mary, which in Hebrew means "lady, hope"; Nonna - pure, holy;

7 - Marina - sea;

11 - Sossanna, or the more familiar option for us - Susanna, Suzanna;

13 - Irina (from the male Irenaeus - peaceful);

14 - Eve - giving light;

15 - Mary;

16 - Anna - grace, mercy;

17 - Ulyana, Juliana - Roman name;

21 - Martha - mistress, mistress (from Greek);

26 - Maria, Natalia - native from Latin;

27 - Anfisa - blooming from Greek;

Names of boys according to the calendar

August gives male children many different names. Consider the most popular of them, familiar to our ear.

1 - Alexander, Dmitry, Anthony, Leonty (Leonid);

2 - Vasily, Plato, Stefan (Stepan);

3 - Nikolai, Vyacheslav, Anthony;

4 - Anthony, Dionysius, Dmitry, Konstantin, John (Ivan), Semion (Semyon);

5 - Jonah, Semion;

7 - Alexander, Alexei, Anthony, Dmitry, Vasily, John, Peter, Mikhail;

8 - German, Grigory, Leonid, Nikolai;

9 - Alexey, Peter, Dmitry, Anthony;

10 - Roman, Vyacheslav;

11 - Arkady, Alexei, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Leonid, Vasily, Peter, Nikolai, Sergius;

12 - Alexander, Arkady, Dmitry, Ilya, Nikolai, Sergius, Peter;

13 - Alexei, Vasily, John, Konstantin, Nikolai, Maxim;

14 - Alexander, Alexy, Arkady, Vasily, Vladimir, Nikolai, Theodore;

16 - Alexander, Jacob;

17 - Alexey, Dmitry, Pavel;

18 - Gregory, Dionysius, Eugene, George, Michael;

19 - Timofey, Andrei, Nikolai;

20 - Vladimir;

21 - Alexander, Pavel;

22 - Vasily, John, Michael;

23 - John, Paul, Nicholas;

24 - Arseny, Peter, George;

25 - Vladimir;

26 - Adrian, Dmitry, George, Victor, Peter, Roman;

27 - Vladimir, Dmitry, Alexander, Mikhail;

28 - Anatoly, Arseny. George, Vasily, Dionysius, Sergius, Leonty, John, Fedor;

29 - John;

30 - Alexander, Daniel, Gregory, Arseny, Ignatius, Peter, Pavel;

31 - Mikhail, Gennady, Dmitry, Alexander, Vladimir.

Choose a name with love

As you can see, women's names in the holy calendar in August are not found every day. Therefore, it is possible to give girls names derived from male ones. In this case, the saint in whose honor they are named will become their patron. And the derivatives can be as follows: Vasilisa, Alexandra, Vitalina, Ivanna, and so on. But basically, the names in the calendar in August are numerous, parents can always choose to their taste, and the child will be favored by a saint born on the same day as him.

Many parents know that a name is a kind of identifier for a person. At the same time, a lot depends on the name: character traits, behavior, and even, to some extent, the fate of a person. That is why people approach this matter responsibly, carefully choosing a name for the boy. There are several ways to choose names for children. You can choose a name for a boy, for example, by the meaning of names, by sound and by the church calendar. And if you wish, you can combine all these methods of selecting names.

So, we choose the names of the boys according to the Saints: August

If you choose names from a huge list of names, then most likely it is impossible to make a choice in favor of a name in one day, or even in a week. After all, at least two people participate in such an exciting process (future dad and mom), and sometimes four more are added to these two in the form of grandparents. On such family council As a rule, heated disputes flare up, disagreements arise. It is much easier to use the 3 above methods in a combined form and choose the appropriate name for the child.

In this regard, it was much easier for our ancestors, they called the children according to the Saints. The boy was given the name of the Saint, on the day of which he was born or baptized. There are a lot of Greek and Latin names in the Saints, but many of them have been modified over time, so they have become similar to native Russian names.

There was a very long month good helper when choosing names, until the era of the USSR came. At that time, the authorities forbade the use of church names, and instead of them new neologism names appeared, more often complexly abbreviated derivatives from the slogans of that time. There are neologisms that sound beautiful and unusual, but there are also absurd options. For example, the name Ninel (reverse from Lenin) is beautiful and unusual, but the name Dazdraperma (Long live May Day!) is a quiet horror, the same applies to the name Kukutsapol (Corn is the queen of the fields). At the same time, each time has its own unusual names. But what to do now, how to choose names these days?

A very popular method for this moment you can call the choice of name according to the Saints. For this you need to Orthodox calendar find the date of birth of the child and write down all available names on that day (you can also take the next days after the date of birth until the eighth day from the date of birth). For example, your child was born on August 16th. On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of memory of such Saints as: Anton, Vyacheslav, Nikolai. But you can take, for example, the name from August 17: Maxim, Ivan, Denis, Konstantin, Mikhail, Dmitry, or August 18 - Semyon, Ivan. You can safely choose your favorite name among the proposed options.

Names of boys according to the Saints: August

1. Roman, Seraphim

3. Ivan, Semyon

4. Cornelius

6. Gleb, Boris, Roman, David

8. Ermolai, Moses

9. German, Clement, Nikolai, Savely

10. Prokhor, Nikanor, Pitirim, Nikolai, Vasily, Ivan, Moses, Julian, Eustathius, Akaki

11. Seraphim, Anatoly, Pahom, Konstantin, Mikhail

12. Ivan, Anatoly, Herman, Luka, Maxim, Valentin

13. Evdokim, Veniamin, Sergei, Yuri, Ivan, Maxim, Konstantin, Nikolai, Vasily

14. Anton, Gury, Eleazar, Dmitry, Leonty, Alexander

15. Stepan, Nicodemus, Vasily, Plato

16. Anton, Vyacheslav, Nikolai

17. Maxim, Ivan, Denis, Konstantin, Mikhail, Dmitry

18. Semyon, Ivan

20. Mitrofan, Anton, Alexander, Peter, Mikhail, Ivan, Dmitry, Alexei, Elisha, Athanasius, Vasily

21. Joseph, Nicholas, Nicodemus, Gregory, Zosima, Savva, Herman, Miron, Leonid

22. Matvey, Anton, Julian, Mark, Ivan, Yakov, Alexei, Dmitry, Photius, Peter, Leonty

23. Lawrence, Roman, Vyacheslav, Athanasius

24. Fedor, Vasily, Maxim, Alexander

25. Sergei, Ilya, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Anton, Vissarion, Matvey, Efim, Dmitry, Savva, Arkady, Yakov, Peter, Alexander, Fedor, Alexei, Vasily, Leonid, Nikolai

26. Maxim, Tikhon, Ivan, Konstantin, Seraphim, Nikolai, Yakov, Alexei, Vasily, Ippolit

27. Mikhey, Vasily, Matvey, Alexey, Vladimir, Nikolai, Fedor, Alexander, Arkady

29. Yakov, Stepan

30. Miron, Alexey, Dmitry, Pavel, Philip

31. Frol, Lavr, Grigory, Evgeny, Mikhail, Denis, Ivan, Georgy, Makar

Strong personalities are born in August, as well as charismatic leaders. August girls are surrounded by everyone's attention and love it. In childhood, crowds of boys circle around them, at a more mature age - true friends and comrades. Girls born in August really appreciate the attention of others and consider others to take care of themselves as the highest praise. The name for them should be chosen extraordinary and creative, since life path these girls may intersect with acting careers.

How to name a girl born in August - astrology

Names will help maintain a keen sense of justice, enthusiasm and creative growth:

  • Tatiana,
  • Alina,
  • Anastasia,
  • Evdokia,
  • Victoria,
  • christina,
  • seraphim,
  • Natalia,
  • Alina,
  • Ulyana,
  • Svetlana,
  • Irina,
  • Arina,
  • Antonina,
  • Juliana.

The names Zhanna and Yaroslav should be abandoned, as they are able to bring internal dissonance into emotional calm. august girl.

How to name a girl born in August - church names

The ideal solution would be the coincidence of the church and astrological name. Have a look at some meanings and translations of August female names:

  • August 1 - Eugene, which roughly translates from ancient Greek "nobility."
    Euphrosyne, from the same ancient Greek language “joy, fun”.
    Milena, which literally means "pretty".
  • August 7 - Iraida, which is translated from ancient Greek as "daughter of a great hero."
    Eupraxia - “prosperous”, “virtue”.
    Olympias, from the Greek literally "singing the sky",
    formed from the famous Mount Olympus, where all the gods lived according to myths.
    Raisa, a name derived from Iraida - “daughter of a hero”.
  • August 11 - Theodosius, which can mean "divine gift."
    Seraphim is a biblical name.
    Clara - "bright sky, clear."
    Susanna or Susanna, translated from the Hebrew language, means a lily flower.
  • August 18 - Daria, literally from the Slavic “gift from above”, and from the Greek “giving good”.
    Nona is the "ninth child".
    Christina or Christina - "in the name of Christ."
    Tatiana is a Latin name derived from the name of King Tatius.
    Elina - "shine".
  • August 27 - Eve, which is from the biblical "giving life."
    Monica, derived from the Greek "one", "inspiration".
    Teresa, biblical name.
  • August 30 - Julia, translated from the Greek "curly".
    Ulyana or Yuliana.
    Jeanne, literally - "endowed with the power of God."

First of all, pay attention to the surname and patronymic of the girl, because the name should come first of all to them. If you want to take a church or astrological name, then try substituting it in full name, which will be called the girl in the future.

In addition, many people name the child after a relative or respected person. In August, there are many memorable dates dedicated to great women, for example:

  • You can give the girl the name Ada on the first day of August, as this is the birthday of the honored film actress Ada Wojtsk. Valentina and Lydia are also suitable.
  • August 5 is a famous day for admirers of the art of cinema, as Vera Kholodnaya was born.
  • On August 11, pay attention to the name of the Saint - Clara of Assisi, also Alice, Vanga, Barbara.
  • August 16 - Margaret, Madonna or Louise.
  • On the 21st, the names of famous artists and actresses will do - Viya, Kim, Valentina.
  • August 27 was born Faina Ranevskaya, skier Lyubov Baranova, Natalia Sats and, no less famous, Ira Levin.

If you have a revered and respected relative, then using his name will draw the attention of the little August girl to his merits, achievements throughout his life. So you submit good example and an object for imitation in childhood, but you should not remind the child of this too often, since every person wants to feel like an individual and original person.


  • 1 august thu Gregory Dmitry Evgenia

    The girl Zhenya invents her own world, which is difficult for an outsider to understand, it has its own laws and rules. At a time when children are fond of Little Red Riding Hood, Zhenya may show interest in religion, and she will read the Bible with interest ...

    Mitrofan Novel Stepan Tikhon
  • 2 august fri Alexander Alexei Athanasius George Yefim Ivan Ilya Konstantin Kuzma Leonty Nicholas Peter Sergey Tikhon

    Tisha is a healthy, calm, obedient child, very similar to his mother. He starts reading early, has a passion for adventure literature, imagining himself either as a noble robber or as a scout. However, this boy, surrounded by m...

  • 3 august sat Anna George

    AT childhood Georgy keeps somewhat aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understand this as arrogance. George does not reach the line, after which opposition to his comrades begins. Able to listen...

    Evgeniy Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are located at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he may have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and...

    Semyon Fedor

    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. He will always have things in in perfect order, ...

  • 4 august sun Alexei

    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    Very collected and purposeful, Cornelius knows exactly what he needs from life and from the people who surround him. Does not recognize the fact that there are insurmountable obstacles. It's good if victories depend only on him, but if others interfere with him, it's better ...

    Maria Michael
  • 5 august mon Andrew Anna

    in Anna with early childhood her main quality is manifested - kindness. She happily takes care of kittens, puppies, birds. Playing with his dolls, he treats them as if they were younger children. At an older age, she is able to provide serious ...


    Little Vitaly is a typical "sissy". He is an affectionate and obedient boy, always trying to be closer to his mother. If he is the youngest in the family, then he is wary of older brothers and sisters. In a society younger in age than himself, u...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports with his friends and sing in the children's choir. Michael has a logical mindset...


    Little Trofim is a child like a child: moderately capricious, moderately restless and disobedient, perhaps lazy more noticeable than other children. With age, its character changes, and in those born in winter it is far from the same as in those born in autumn. At "winter...


    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 6 august tue Anatoly Athanasius

    This is a born explorer. With an expression of sly simplicity, not yet able to walk, he will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cupboards. In adulthood, he can be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, retelling stories to friends from ...


    Boris from childhood gets used to order and accuracy. He takes care of books and things, never scatters his clothes anywhere. First of all, he will try to do his homework and run errands around the house, and only after that he will run to play on ...


    Gleb has a calm and serious character from early childhood. He gives the impression of a somewhat gloomy boy, looks older than his age. After a closer acquaintance, you can see a good-natured person in Gleb. If Gleb become...


    The character is proud, persistent, pragmatic. Davids are sociable, surrounded by friends, but it is because of them that they have a lot of trouble. Look like mother. They have remarkable physical strength. They can’t stand lies, they can flare up, but they immediately quickly move away, there’s no harm ...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...

    Hilarion Kristina Nicholas

    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...


    As a child, Roman often gets sick, even unwanted complications are possible, so parents need to monitor the boy's health. Due to frequent absences from classes, Roman may not be doing well at school, here, too, he may need help...

  • 7 august wed Alexander

    In childhood, Alexanders often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. Alexandra stubbornly achieve their goal. They can lead the team...


    In Anna, from early childhood, her main quality is manifested - kindness. She happily takes care of kittens, puppies, birds. Playing with his dolls, he treats them as if they were younger children. At an older age, she is able to provide serious ...


    As a child, Iraida is often mischievous, brash, and rebellious. True, a girl usually studies well, even excellently, but often out of a desire to be the first. Peers do not like Iraida for her arrogance. She does little to help her parents around the house. After school, he tries to...

    Makar Nicholas

    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...

  • 8 august thu Ignatius

    Ignatius is wayward. Seemingly simple and unsophisticated, he can puzzle a friend with an attempt at blackmail, though still innocent. Somewhat cheeky. Teachers respect him for his erudition and erudition. Comrades dislike all leaders for their greed and desire...

    Moses Praskovya

    Praskovya is an affectionate and gentle girl. She is always faithful to her beloved, vulnerable and touchy, but quickly forgets the disappointments caused to her. She is selfless and kind to people. She grows up as an unusually sociable girl, willingly plays with children, but often...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergey prefers vigorously...


    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 9 august fri Anfisa

    As a child, Anfisa is a calm, shy, sickly girl. She resembles her father both externally and in character. With age, the character of Anfisa changes. She becomes more determined and stubborn. Very often, Anfisa grows up in a wealthy family, does not know anything about ...

    Hermann Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...

    Kirill Clement

    In early childhood, this is a calm child who does not cause problems to parents. He likes to draw, loves to be read about animals and taken to the zoo. At school, such boys study well, have many friends, are fond of adventure literature and tech...


    In childhood, very timid, constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require considerable effort from Konstantin, and will cost his parents a lot of worries. From to...


    In childhood, they often suffer from respiratory diseases, they have weak lungs. Protective and kind. Look like mother. At school they are given more math. "Winter" - hardworking and impulsive, often say one thing and do another. However, they are kind and...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...

  • 10 august sat Anastasia

    Nastenka ( pet name from Anastasia) - the most common name of the heroines of Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is destined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender. She is everyone's favorite and will never disappoint good expectations.A...


    This name contains, as it were, two names: Tonya and Nina. Naming the child Tonya, parents instill in her friendliness, cheerfulness, good nature. But the older she gets, the stronger the second part of the name - Nina - manifests itself: bearing authority and prudently ...

    Basil Elena

    Little Elena loves fairy tales. He keeps a little closed, lives in his inner world. She is very trusting, but if someone takes advantage of this quality of hers and deceives her, then Elena will certainly punish the deceiver, while showing extraordinary ingenuity. ...


    Outwardly, Yefim looks like a mother. He has a sensitive nervous system - a dog suddenly jumping out from behind a corner barking can cause him to stutter or have a nervous tic. Also prone to disease digestive system. Yefim's parents need to keep an eye on him...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...

    Irina Moses

    The character in early childhood is calm, the boy does not cause trouble to either relatives or teachers. He is surrounded by friends, studies well at school, plays music, reads a lot. Moses are often born in big family and grow up independent and kind, always remember...

    Nikanor Nicholas

    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...

    Paul Prokhor

    Prokhor is not a very sociable person, he gets irritated over trifles. "Winter" - stubborn, persistent. These are typical truth-seekers and often bruise themselves in this field. Very active, but not careerists. Everything that they are entrusted with, they do thoroughly. ...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergey prefers vigorously...

  • 11 august sun Alexander

    In childhood, Alexanders often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. Alexandra stubbornly achieve their goal. They can lead the team...


    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    In childhood, being under the strong influence of his mother, Anatoly is often withdrawn and shy, and therefore, when reading adventure literature, he often imagines himself in the place of the heroes of novels. Over time, Anatoly gets rid of the excessive influence of his mother, but...

    Benjamin Konstantin

    In childhood, very timid, constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require considerable effort from Konstantin, and will cost his parents a lot of worries. From to...


    Kuzma is a sonorous and mobile name, but, perhaps, he is somewhat lacking in firmness. Alas, this fact cannot be called positive, especially considering the images and associations associated with it. Perhaps the only salvation for Kuzma can be ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports with his friends and sing in the children's choir. Michael has a logical mindset...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...


    As a child, Roman often gets sick, even unwanted complications are possible, so parents need to monitor the boy's health. Due to frequent absences from classes, Roman may not be doing well at school, here, too, he may need help...


    She is very stubborn and assiduous, incapable of a violent manifestation of feelings and does not expect this from others. Sometimes she is very talented - and in the field of art she can be completely different than in everyday life. Appreciates the family, she is a strict but fair mother and...

  • 12 august mon Anatoly

    In childhood, being under the strong influence of his mother, Anatoly is often withdrawn and shy, and therefore, when reading adventure literature, he often imagines himself in the place of the heroes of novels. Over time, Anatoly gets rid of the excessive influence of his mother, but...


    The literal meaning of the name does not reflect the essence of the nature of his mistress. Often born in a family where parents do not get along with each other and often diverge. To some extent, this leaves an imprint on the character of the girl, more like the character of the mother ...


    Valentin is an obedient and diligent child. He has many friends at school. Valentine is a good friend you can always rely on. Protects girls from offenders. Not deprived volitional qualities. He likes to observe the behavior of animals and birds. Serious...


    Outwardly similar to his mother, Herman is often charming, women like him. But marriage with him is difficult - this is an unreliable husband, and the children whom he does not really love are not able to tie him to the family. Meanwhile, the Germans, as a rule, make a good career, occupying ...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...

    Maksim Paul

    Pavel is a kind and sympathetic child. With great desire, he will help his mother take care of his younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. As Paul gets older...

  • 13 august tue Anna

    In Anna, from early childhood, her main quality is manifested - kindness. She happily takes care of kittens, puppies, birds. Playing with his dolls, he treats them as if they were younger children. At an older age, she is able to provide serious ...

    Anton Arseniy

    Kind by nature, these boys do not cause trouble to their parents. They study well, have little conflict with their peers. Sociable, but not everyone will be called a friend. Vulnerable and sensitive. They are engaged in music, but under pressure from their parents. They love animals, keep...


    As a child, Vasily loves to mess with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of peers. Communication with friends at Vasily in the first place. He m...


    In childhood, it is important to notice the giftedness of Benjamin. Parents and teachers need to special attention treat the boy's talent and create for him the necessary conditions for development. Benjamin is persistent in achieving his goals and therefore often achieves ...

    Vladimir George

    In childhood, Georgy keeps a little aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understand this as arrogance. George does not reach the line, after which opposition to his comrades begins. Able to listen...


    They are born weak children, but their development occurs without deviations. They are musical and rhythmic. They are similar in character to their mother, just as kind and accommodating. In school years, the character of the boys changes somewhat, becomes more emotional. Do foot...


    Elizabeth is a playful and restless child, she cannot sit quietly even for one minute. She wants to be in time everywhere, to know everything. Classmates love her for her cheerful nature, true friendship. He strives to attend all needlework circles that are possible ...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...

    Joseph Konstantin

    In childhood, very timid, constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require considerable effort from Konstantin, and will cost his parents a lot of worries. From to...


    As a child, Maxim does not give parents and teachers any trouble. He studies well, he has normal relations with peers. He reads different books, and he develops a rich imagination. She enjoys going to the theater for children's performances. ...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergey prefers vigorously...


    Little Stepan is a playful and restless boy, he loves a wide variety of games. Talking to him is easy and fun. Stepan is very mobile, and it is difficult for him to sit behind textbooks. But, having a good memory, he quickly grasps desired material, easy e...


    Yuri is calm, focused on his inner world human. As a child, he likes to look at the clouds passing through the sky. Touchingly treats animals, can pick up a stray dog ​​and take care of it. Its appearance is in...

  • 14 august wed Alexander

    In childhood, Alexanders often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. Alexandra stubbornly achieve their goal. They can lead the team...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will be ill with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...


    Since childhood, they are stubborn, although their parents do not have any particular problems with them. In communication, they are quite difficult, choosing their friends, they pursue a certain benefit. Greedy, not devoid of careerism, people are treated with arrogance. They are very similar to their mother. Learn a variety of...


    Little Sophia is a gentle, kind girl. In relationship with strangers shy and not distinguished by excessive gullibility. At the same time, she is able to show sympathy for a weak and defenseless creature and provide all possible assistance to a person, but...


    Timothy is going through a difficult childhood because the power of his mother was too strong in the family, and the boy, even having a father, did not receive a male upbringing. Having become an adult, but never escaping from maternal care, the young man finds himself in another w...


    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 15 august thu Basil

    As a child, Vasily loves to mess with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of peers. Communication with friends at Vasily in the first place. He m...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    Little Cyril is very inquisitive. He is interested in literally everything: why planes fly, where children come from, why sparrows chirp. He starts reading early and quickly swallows all the books available in the house, sometimes not understanding the content at all. Possess...


    The type of these people is difficult to determine unambiguously. In childhood, they are stubborn and cocky, developed beyond their years, perhaps that is why they are so attracted to the society of elders. They can be prudent and at the same time disinterested, arrogant and, at the same time, charming ...


    As a child, Roman often gets sick, even unwanted complications are possible, so parents need to monitor the boy's health. Due to frequent absences from classes, Roman may not be doing well at school, here, too, he may need help...


    Little Stepan is a playful and restless boy, he loves a wide variety of games. Talking to him is easy and fun. Stepan is very mobile, and it is difficult for him to sit behind textbooks. But, having a good memory, he quickly grasps the necessary material, easily e...


    Taras in childhood is mobile and stubborn. He will always act in his own way, so it is better not to waste time on explanations and instructions - he will listen silently, maybe even nod his head in agreement, but will stubbornly move towards his goal. Among the Taras...


    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 16 august fri Anton

    As a small child, Anton is charming and immediately endearing. These qualities remain with him for life. The main character traits of Anton are in many ways similar to the character of his mother, but his father is his support in childhood. Anton relates to parents ...

    Vyacheslav Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    The boy is phlegmatic, patient, smiling and friendly. Quiet at school, studies well, loves to read, collects books. He enjoys authority among classmates, although he does not like to draw attention to himself. Even as a child, he looks quite mature ...


    Kuzma is a sonorous and mobile name, but, perhaps, he is somewhat lacking in firmness. Alas, this fact cannot be called positive, especially considering the images and associations associated with it. Perhaps the only salvation for Kuzma can be ...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...

  • 17 august sat Alexei

    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    From childhood, Andrei has a rich imagination. His favorite toys are all kinds of constructors. He can portray a car and a racer at the same time, rush around the apartment and make the whole gamut of sounds - from the rumbling of the engine to the creak ...

    Daria Denis Dmitry

    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will be ill with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...

    Evdokia Ivan

    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    In childhood, Irina is independent and decisive. Strives to be more in the company of the father than the mother. She has good abilities, and studying does not require much effort from her. Able to really approach the assessment of the reality surrounding her. Love ...

    And I

    As a child, he eschews his peers, he treats studies without enthusiasm. Adult, radically changed. She hides a surprisingly strong will. She always suffers because of her straightforwardness and does not tolerate deception, such is her upbringing. She always makes...


    In childhood, very timid, constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require considerable effort from Konstantin, and will cost his parents a lot of worries. From to...


    Kuzma is a sonorous and mobile name, but, perhaps, he is somewhat lacking in firmness. Alas, this fact cannot be called positive, especially considering the images and associations associated with it. Perhaps the only salvation for Kuzma can be ...

    Maximilian Martha

    It has long been believed that a girl named Martha is simple-minded and sweet. She is not characterized by cunning and malice, she is pleasant and easy to communicate with. Good-natured, ready to help, benevolent and undemanding - such is the bearer of the name Marfa. ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports with his friends and sing in the children's choir. Michael has a logical mindset...


    Young people and men named Semyon are advised to treat themselves with a certain amount of humor - it is this approach that will allow him to avoid many problems in life. By the way, even in childhood, Semyon often resorts to humor and jokes in order to ...

  • 18 august sun Vincent

    Vincent is quiet, calm, shy, but at the same time incredibly stubborn, meticulous. Having set a goal, he will slowly but surely move towards its achievement. He does not like to talk a lot and talkative people. In love, he is more often true to himself than a woman ...


    Girl Dasha in childhood often commands her peers in games. She is smart, impulsive in her actions. Can quickly restore order among children and even fight with bullies. Cannot stand loneliness, loves noisy and funny Games. But Daria spends ...


    In early childhood, Evdokia is mischievous and stubborn; she usually does not obey her mother and grandmother, only her father, whom she fears and respects. This girl is easily offended, capricious, and it is difficult to calm her down. Little Evdokia is very inquisitive, even curious, ...


    Outwardly, Yefim looks like a mother. He has a sensitive nervous system - a dog suddenly jumping out from behind a corner barking can cause him to stutter or have a nervous tic. It is also susceptible to diseases of the digestive system. Yefim's parents need to keep an eye on him...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    Mobile, quick-witted, cheerful girl, has an excellent memory. She comes across as shy, even shy, but in reality, Christina just watches, listens and remembers everything. She is not very mobile, she needs time to...


    They develop like all children. Thoughtful, persistent and very hardworking. Outwardly similar to the mother, in character - to the father. Industriousness is inherited from the father, intelligence is inherited from the mother. They do well in school and have many friends. They are affectionate and kind, but stubborn in their actions...


    Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Her favorite pastime is to be a nanny for small children. Very vulnerable, hard going through even a small remark addressed to her. At the same time, in her character there is firmness, dignity, a way ...


    A fair, honest, reliable and devoted girl, she is calm, charming, cheerful and friendly. Nonna is too demanding of herself and condescending to others. Honesty is the principle of her life. Super strong personality, but easy to communicate with...

  • 20 august tue Alexander

    In childhood, Alexanders often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. Alexandra stubbornly achieve their goal. They can lead the team...


    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    As a small child, Anton is charming and immediately endearing. These qualities remain with him for life. The main character traits of Anton are in many ways similar to the character of his mother, but his father is his support in childhood. Anton relates to parents ...


    This is a born explorer. With an expression of sly simplicity, not yet able to walk, he will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cupboards. In adulthood, he can be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, retelling stories to friends from ...


    As a child, Vasily loves to mess with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of peers. Communication with friends at Vasily in the first place. He m...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will be ill with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    Mitrofanushka is very sensitive and touchy in childhood, parents often see a sadly twisted mouth. It is necessary to encourage him more often with affection and attention. The family for him for a long time personifies the whole world. Parents' quarrels, family dramas lower his life...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports with his friends and sing in the children's choir. Michael has a logical mindset...


    The owner of this name is characterized by the qualities of an excellent strategist and the gift of charging people with his idea. Phlegmatic character. Has a wild imagination, lives a rich inner life. Proud, a little timid, flexible. He has great intuition...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are located at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he may have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and...

  • 21 august wed Hermann

    Outwardly similar to his mother, Herman is often charming, women like him. But marriage with him is difficult - this is an unreliable husband, and the children whom he does not really love are not able to tie him to the family. Meanwhile, the Germans, as a rule, make a good career, occupying ...


    Boy Gregory tries to be good child. But the restless nature constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Gregory will definitely return with knocked-down knees, soiled clothes. Especially likes to launch boats in puddles...

    Emelyan Joseph

    In early childhood, Joseph is irritable. This boy is hard to please: either the porridge is not the same, or the toy is not the same as he saw in the shop window. By school age, this quality goes unnoticed. Compliant, kind, ser...

    Leonid Myron Moses

    The character in early childhood is calm, the boy does not cause trouble to either relatives or teachers. He is surrounded by friends, studies well at school, plays music, reads a lot. Moses are often born into a large family and grow up independent and kind, always...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...


    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 22 august thu Alexei

    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    As a small child, Anton is charming and immediately endearing. These qualities remain with him for life. The main character traits of Anton are in many ways similar to the character of his mother, but his father is his support in childhood. Anton relates to parents ...


    The boy Gregory tries to be a good child. But the restless nature constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Gregory will definitely return with knocked-down knees, soiled clothes. Especially likes to launch boats in puddles...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will be ill with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    In childhood, Irina is independent and decisive. Strives to be more in the company of the father than the mother. She has good abilities, and studying does not require much effort from her. Able to really approach the assessment of the reality surrounding her. Love ...


    Since childhood, they are stubborn, although their parents do not have any particular problems with them. In communication, they are quite difficult, choosing their friends, they pursue a certain benefit. Greedy, not devoid of careerism, people are treated with arrogance. They are very similar to their mother. Learn a variety of...


    Makaram from birth is given a lot of things that others have been dreaming of for many years. Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. These are capable and at the same time stubborn children with ...


    Margarita has been independent since childhood and has her own opinion on any issue. Unnecessarily straightforward - she can say whatever she thinks, which sometimes embarrasses her father and mother. These qualities will remain with Margarita for ...


    Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Her favorite pastime is to be a nanny for small children. Very vulnerable, hard going through even a small remark addressed to her. At the same time, in her character there is firmness, dignity, a way ...

    Matvey Peter

    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are located at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he may have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and...


    As a child, Samuel is unlikely to be distinguished by perseverance, he loves all kinds of games, and his interests are usually so wide that it is difficult for him to give preference to any one business. It is possible that he will have problems with his studies at school, but his l...


    Little Yulik has weak lungs, an unstable nervous system, he always catches a cold - in a word, his parents have a lot of trouble with him. Nevertheless, the boy studies well, friends always curl around him, and, despite his poor health, he is able to stand ...

  • 23 august fri Athanasius

    This is a born explorer. With an expression of sly simplicity, not yet able to walk, he will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cupboards. In adulthood, he can be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, retelling stories to friends from ...


    Vyacheslavs are strong boys, they have endurance and good willpower. Parents need to give Vyacheslav to sports section. Possessing physical strength, he will always fight injustice, protect the weak. Vyacheslav is quick-tempered, maybe for a moment ...


    As a child, Roman often gets sick, even unwanted complications are possible, so parents need to monitor the boy's health. Due to frequent absences from classes, Roman may not be doing well at school, here, too, he may need help...

  • 24 august sat Alexander

    In childhood, Alexanders often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. Alexandra stubbornly achieve their goal. They can lead the team...


    As a child, Vasily loves to mess with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of peers. Communication with friends at Vasily in the first place. He m...


    Makaram from birth is given a lot of things that others have been dreaming of for many years. Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. These are capable and at the same time stubborn children with ...


    As a child, Maxim does not give parents and teachers any trouble. He studies well, he has normal relations with peers. He reads different books, and he develops a rich imagination. She enjoys going to the theater for children's performances. ...


    Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. Her favorite pastime is to be a nanny for small children. Very vulnerable, hard going through even a small remark addressed to her. At the same time, in her character there is firmness, dignity, a way ...


    Mark is self-centered, and this trait, which later, in adulthood, will be successfully masked by a charming smile, emphasized by politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice, can be easily discerned in early childhood. Mark does everything to ensure that moms...


    Even in childhood, boys with this name surprise with one quality: they are very obligatory and finish everything they start, although many of them are closed, indecisive and timid. By nature, they are homebodies, always busy with housework. They love fishing ...


    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 25 august sun Alexander

    In childhood, Alexanders often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. Alexandra stubbornly achieve their goal. They can lead the team...


    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    As a small child, Anton is charming and immediately endearing. These qualities remain with him for life. The main character traits of Anton are in many ways similar to the character of his mother, but his father is his support in childhood. Anton relates to parents ...

    Arkady Basil

    As a child, Vasily loves to mess with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of peers. Communication with friends at Vasily in the first place. He m...


    People with a very complex character are stubborn in achieving their goals. Look like mother. Kind and at the same time, without the slightest regret, they can break off all relationships. Very inquisitive. Read historical novels. They don't like to repeat themselves. Always looking for new...


    Vyacheslavs are strong boys, they have endurance and good willpower. Parents need to give Vyacheslav to the sports section. Possessing physical strength, he will always fight injustice, protect the weak. Vyacheslav is quick-tempered, maybe for a moment ...


    Outwardly similar to his mother, Herman is often charming, women like him. But marriage with him is difficult - this is an unreliable husband, and the children whom he does not really love are not able to tie him to the family. Meanwhile, the Germans, as a rule, make a good career, occupying ...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will be ill with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...


    Outwardly, Yefim looks like a mother. He has a sensitive nervous system - a dog suddenly jumping out from behind a corner barking can cause him to stutter or have a nervous tic. It is also susceptible to diseases of the digestive system. Yefim's parents need to keep an eye on him...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    Ilya is a very economic person. From childhood, he learns to help his father and mother in all household chores and masters a variety of skills. Ilya can participate in construction work on the suburban area, to breed chickens and rabbits ...


    From childhood, Leonid learns to carefully monitor his health. Demanding in the choice of food. A small abrasion will definitely be smeared with iodine and a bandage will be made. Even at a low temperature, he will definitely adhere to bed rest.His...


    He grows up as a strong, healthy boy, does not bother anyone with his whims, you will not see him in the yard fighting with the boys or squelching with pleasure in the mud. Matyusha is honesty itself: if he was sent to the store, be sure that he will return the change ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports with his friends and sing in the children's choir. Michael has a logical mindset...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...


    The owners of this pretty rare name They are distinguished by sociability and cheerful easy disposition. Pamphils, as a rule, do not remember grievances and try to prevent a quarrel. Truthful, believes in justice, does not like compromises. Loyal to friends, painfully...


    He is interested in everything: why birds build nests, where trams are located at night, how the alarm clock works. Little Peter is musically gifted, he may have a good voice. It would be nice for parents to arrange their son in a music school. Peter learns easily and...


    As a child, Sergei is a weak and sickly boy who gives his parents a lot of trouble. With age, he becomes stronger, begins to play sports. In his character, courageous traits are increasingly manifested. Sergey prefers vigorously...


    Little Stepan is a playful and restless boy, he loves a wide variety of games. Talking to him is easy and fun. Stepan is very mobile, and it is difficult for him to sit behind textbooks. But, having a good memory, he quickly grasps the necessary material, easily e...


    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. His things will always be in perfect order, ...


    Yasha is one of the practical, prudent children. He is a little slow-witted, has to get used to the new situation and new people. He always prefers old, trusted friends. He easily develops respiratory diseases. Loves adventure...

  • 26 august mon Alexei

    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    As a child, Vasily loves to mess with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of peers. Communication with friends at Vasily in the first place. He m...


    In early childhood, Evdokia is mischievous and stubborn; she usually does not obey her mother and grandmother, only her father, whom she fears and respects. This girl is easily offended, capricious, and it is difficult to calm her down. Little Evdokia is very inquisitive, even curious, ...


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    In childhood, very timid, constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require considerable effort from Konstantin, and will cost his parents a lot of worries. From to...


    This girl has been kind since childhood. Sensitive, tender. Her honesty towards people amazes others. She is always happy to help her neighbor in need. Ksenia is a sweet, calm and obedient child. She is a good student, not lazy, neat and...


    As a child, Maxim does not give parents and teachers any trouble. He studies well, he has normal relations with peers. He reads different books, and he develops a rich imagination. She enjoys going to the theater for children's performances. ...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...


    As a rule, these are somewhat sickly and stubborn children, they do not study well at school, they like to sleep in the morning. In everything they look like their mother. They are sociable and always surrounded by friends. Adult Paramons are serious, solid and reasonable people. Not devoid of talent...


    Tisha is a healthy, calm, obedient child, very similar to his mother. He starts reading early, has a passion for adventure literature, imagining himself either as a noble robber or as a scout. However, this boy, surrounded by m...


    Yasha is one of the practical, prudent children. He is a little slow-witted, has to get used to the new situation and new people. He always prefers old, trusted friends. He easily develops respiratory diseases. Loves adventure...

  • 27 august tue Alexander

    In childhood, Alexanders often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. Alexandra stubbornly achieve their goal. They can lead the team...


    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    As a child, Arkady was everyone's favorite. Grandparents do not have a soul in it. For parents, he is the greatest joy in the family. Arkady will have to feel the delight and tenderness of all his closest relatives. But don't spoil the atmosphere of universal worship...


    As a child, Vasily loves to mess with animals and birds, he will never offend a defenseless creature. Vasya is a favorite of grandparents. He constantly needs to be in the company of peers. Communication with friends at Vasily in the first place. He m...


    From early childhood, Vladimir shows curiosity and seeks to test his knowledge in practice. He is prone to risk and to some extent even to adventures. Strives to take a leading position in the company of peers. Heeds advice from parents...


    With a good character, little Eva went to her father, although she inherited stubbornness from her mother. Perseverance, adherence to principles distinguish the adult Eve. But main feature Eve, which distinguishes her from many other women, is sensuality, she is predetermined and ...


    In early childhood, Evdokia is mischievous and stubborn; she usually does not obey her mother and grandmother, only her father, whom she fears and respects. This girl is easily offended, capricious, and it is difficult to calm her down. Little Evdokia is very inquisitive, even curious, ...


    He grows up as a strong, healthy boy, does not bother anyone with his whims, you will not see him in the yard fighting with the boys or squelching with pleasure in the mud. Matyusha is honesty itself: if he was sent to the store, be sure that he will return the change ...


    Nikolai has been growing strong and healthy since childhood, rarely gets sick. He does not pester his parents with whims, which is probably why they do not always devote enough time to Nikolai. Studying well in all subjects. Among his peers, he is distinguished by strength, activity and a...


    Young people and men named Semyon are advised to treat themselves with a certain amount of humor - it is this approach that will allow him to avoid many problems in life. By the way, even in childhood, Semyon often resorts to humor and jokes in order to ...


    Fedor in childhood is a little gloomy, silent and stubborn. He never acts as the ringleader of children's games and is sometimes away from his peers. Parents and teachers will especially like Fedor's accuracy. His things will always be in perfect order, ...

  • 29 august thu Alexander

    In childhood, Alexanders often get sick, but if teenagers begin to harden and exercise, then strong and persistent men grow out of them. Alexandra stubbornly achieve their goal. They can lead the team...


    In Anna, from early childhood, her main quality is manifested - kindness. She happily takes care of kittens, puppies, birds. Playing with his dolls, he treats them as if they were younger children. At an older age, she is able to provide serious ...


    Gerasim loves quiet games, he can sculpt or draw for hours, he loves when books are read to him, he is ready to listen to fairy tales all day long. At school, Gerasim is very worried if he gets a bad mark. Executive and obligatory, always doing his homework...


    Little Stepan is a playful and restless boy, he loves a wide variety of games. Talking to him is easy and fun. Stepan is very mobile, and it is difficult for him to sit behind textbooks. But, having a good memory, he quickly grasps the necessary material, easily e...


    Yasha is one of the practical, prudent children. He is a little slow-witted, has to get used to the new situation and new people. He always prefers old, trusted friends. He easily develops respiratory diseases. Loves adventure...

  • 30 august fri Alexei

    This name will be given to the son by a calm and quiet woman. Although from childhood Alexei is very attached to his mother and is in many ways similar to her, he immediately begins to feel like a protector of his mother, and at a more mature age he can become a protector for other women. Al...


    Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will be ill with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of ...


    Ilya is a very economic person. From childhood, he learns to help his father and mother in all household chores and masters a variety of skills. Ilya can participate in construction work at their summer cottage, breed chickens and rabbits...


    Miron is a very kind, flexible and hardworking person. The latter quality distinguishes him even in childhood. He looks like his mother and treats her with great warmth. Honesty, commitment, fidelity to the word - these features characteristic of Miron always attract people ...


    Pavel is a kind and sympathetic child. With great desire, he will help his mother take care of his younger brother or sister. He will never violate the prohibitions of adults and will convince his friends not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted. As Paul gets older...

    Ulyana Philip

    Philip is not prone to aggression, so in childhood he tries to hide his grievances and feelings from the gaze of others. But, it is possible that he will find a way out of grievances in communication with relatives and close people. I recommend Philip's parents...

  • 31 august sat George

    In childhood, Georgy keeps a little aloof from his peers, but not to such an extent that they understand this as arrogance. George does not reach the line, after which opposition to his comrades begins. Able to listen...


    The boy Gregory tries to be a good child. But the restless nature constantly prevents him from being calm. Having gone for a walk, Gregory will definitely return with knocked-down knees, soiled clothes. Especially likes to launch boats in puddles...


    Denis grows up as a very sociable boy. His best friends are not only the children in the neighborhood, but also the neighbor's dogs, whom he feeds sandwiches on the way to school. It would be nice to buy a puppy for the boy. It would help to educate such...


    Little Eugene will start reading and writing early. He also develops an early propensity for a rich fantasy. He will be good at solving problems that require a certain ingenuity. Eugene will be easy to give foreign languages. He is friendly with peers, enjoys...


    Emelyan is constant and principled. He is very stubborn, sometimes it hurts him. Emelyan does not like haste, fuss, plans all his affairs in advance. He prefers to have a few acquaintances, one or two best friends, and rarely when the composition is "approx.


    Boys with such a common name can have a very different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness ...


    Hilarion has enviable qualities: a sense of humor, honesty, and sociability. People love him for his ability to listen, give advice, support. Because of their ability to take everything to heart, they often end up in stories. Modest and indecisive...

    a lion

    As a child, Leo is a calm and even somewhat phlegmatic boy. He does not cry over trifles, but if he is greatly offended, then his sobs will be inconsolable. Among his peers, he does not bully, but he can hit back at anyone. Likes to swim, go to l...


    Makaram from birth is given a lot of things that others have been dreaming of for many years. Unfortunately, not all Makars are able to appreciate this gift, so it is often wasted. These are capable and at the same time stubborn children with ...


    As a rule, teachers and parents do not have problems with the boy Mikhail. He tries to do everything well and on time. Can participate in sports with his friends and sing in the children's choir. Michael has a logical mindset...


    In girls named Ulyana, the features of an addicted person begin to appear from childhood. It is possible that with age such a girl will develop a sense of understanding of beauty, and she, feeling love for various fields of art, will strive to develop ...

  • August