Self-assessment test of volitional personality traits. Self-test questions. Willpower test questions

How strong the will is, the more fruitful our work and studies are usually. Do you want to know this about yourself? Then try to answer the proposed questions of this test with maximum frankness.

You can use three answer options: “yes” “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I don’t know”, “no”.

Willpower test questions


1. Are you able to complete work that does not interest you?

2. Do you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant?

3. When you get into conflict situation at home or at work - are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if you don’t have to?

6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming airplane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to not change your intention at the last moment?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

10. Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

11. Do you hesitate to go on a business trip (business trip) to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. Even the most interesting TV show won’t make you put off doing urgent and important work?

15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words addressed to you may seem?

Test results:

Answer “yes” - 2 points

- “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”) - 1 point

- “no” - 0 points.

Now count the results.

0-12 points. Your willpower is not going well. You simply do what is easier and more interesting, even if it may hurt you in some way. You often take your responsibilities carelessly, which can cause various troubles for you. Your position is expressed famous expression“What do I need more than anyone else?” You perceive any request, any obligation almost as physical pain. The point here is not only about weak willpower, but also about the selfishness of your personality. Try to look at yourself with this assessment in mind. Maybe this will help you change your attitude towards others and “remake” something in your character. If you succeed, you will only benefit from this.

13-21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you will take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, you will immediately use it. Don’t overdo it, but keep your word. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble. You will not take on unnecessary responsibilities of your own free will. This sometimes negatively affects the attitude of managers towards you, not with the best side characterizes in the eyes of others. If you want to achieve more in life, train your will.

22-30 points. Your willpower is fine. You can rely on you - you will not let you down. You are not afraid of new assignments, long trips, or those things that confuse others. But sometimes your firm and irreconcilable position on fundamental issues annoys those around you. Strong-willed qualities are very good, but it is also necessary to have such qualities as flexibility, forbearance, and kindness.

Equipment: questionnaire, answer sheet, pen.


You are asked to answer questions aimed at clarifying some of the features of your personality and your character. Read each statement and in the answer column put a “+” sign next to the option you choose. Answer options: “Definitely “yes”, “Rather “yes” than “no”, “Rather “no” than “yes”, “Definitely “no”.

Sincere answers will allow you to get a true picture of yourself and take into account both your weaknesses and strengths in the future. On the contrary, the desire to appear better than you really are will result in a waste of time or receiving information that does not correspond to reality.

QuestionsYesMore likely yes than noMore likely no than yesNo
1.Happiness is when you are lucky
2. My plans for the future are rarely realistic.
3. After I have already decided to do something, I usually still hesitate before starting
4. Often, due to laziness, I put off the work I started.
5. I often act on my first instinct: “It’s done and come what may.”
6. Usually without outside help I can break away from some temptation (reading interesting book, exciting TV movie, etc.) and do the right thing
7. In arguments about life, I am right more often than my friends.
8. I have already chosen a business to which I could devote my whole life.
9. I am rarely late for class.
10. I usually take too long to decide on something.
11. I strive to complete any task
12. I am more quick-tempered and irritable than others.
13. I easily get caught up in other people’s moods.
14. I usually succeed on the first try.
15. I love reading books about the lives of wonderful people.
16. I managed to get rid of some bad habits(constantly being late, smoking, etc.)
17. They may say about me that I am not a timid person.
18. I often lose interest in something that just recently seemed interesting to me.
19. When talking to someone I am shy or afraid of, I usually become so nervous that my speech changes noticeably.
20. More often than not, I need outside encouragement to finish what I started.
21. I am very familiar with the feeling of laziness.
22. I live an interesting and fulfilling life
23. Most often I manage to accomplish my daily goals.
24. I am more confident in myself
25. I have a lot of abandoned tasks
26. I have self-control and composure
27. Having listened to the arguments of one disputing side, I usually accept its point of view, and after listening to the other side I would like to accept the opposite one
28. My stubbornness sometimes gets in my way
29. My future still seems very uncertain to me.
30. Quite often I don’t do what I promise.
31. In a new and unfamiliar situation, I tend to feel lost and timid.
32. I can call myself a person of strong character.
33. Often anxious thoughts overwhelm me so much that they don’t let me fall asleep for a long time.
34. In relationships with friends, I am more often in the role of a subordinate than a boss.
35. Until now, no one has managed to get me out of patience.
36. I can classify myself as one of those people who clearly see their calling in life
37. I would like to achieve a lot in life, but I have little idea how exactly
38. When I am late for a lesson or activity, it is usually difficult for me to open the door and enter.
39. Perseverance is my character trait
40. As a rule, I am the master of my situation.
41. It’s easier for me to live when one of the adults controls every step.
42. I am completely independent of others in my actions.
43. I am interested in one thing or another in life, and it is difficult to give preference to anything
44. I really lack composure and accuracy in my affairs.
45. I often feel insecure about the success of the business I have started.
46. ​​I am more lazy than others
47. My own emotions often interfere with my life.
48. Living by the wise thoughts of others is better than by your own
49. I sometimes put off very important things I started.
50. I would like to radically change my life
51. I keep a daily routine even in my free time from school.
52. Answering all these questions, it was not difficult for me to choose between “yes” and “no”
53. I often, without finishing one thing, grab onto another, without finishing another, I grab onto a third, etc.
54. As a rule, I manage to force myself to do something unpleasant, but useful in the future.
55. I quite often do something with everyone for company, even when I wouldn’t really like to do it.
56. When I'm doing something very important, my attention can still be diverted.

Processing and interpretation of results

After filling out the questionnaire, you receive answer keys where you need to transfer your results. In the key table, the “No” sign means the number of the statement in the questionnaire.

In the key table, circle the point in the place where you put the + sign when filling out the questionnaire.

Example: to statement No. 8 you answered “more likely yes than no” and put a “+” sign in the second column in the questionnaire. This means that in the key table against No. 8, circle the number 2.

Sum up the points scored vertically separately for each column. The result is recorded at the bottom of the column. Then add up the results from the first six columns.

The amount is recorded under index B. The result of the seventh column is not included here and is considered separately.


  • C – Value-semantic organization of personality
  • O – Organization of activities
  • R – Determination
  • N – Perseverance
  • C – Self-control
  • See - Independence
  • L – Lie indicator
  • B – General indicator characterizing the volitional organization of the individual

Those of you who have an overall low score (B) or a low score on any of the individual factors (C, L, etc.) are advised to pay great attention to self-education; for those who have high these indicators, remember that without constant reinforcement and training, this quality may weaken.

Score and value

0-8 : This volitional quality needs development and training; its underdevelopment prevents a person from achieving his goals.

9-16 : This volitional quality is sufficiently developed.

17-24 : The volitional quality is highly developed and is one of the determining factors in the structure of the volitional organization of the individual. The student’s attention should be drawn to the fact that without sufficient development of other factors, setting some personal goals, ways and means of achieving them may be difficult.

Those who dialed 17-24 scores on the seventh factor (L) (false), they were not sincere enough when answering the questions, so the results obtained do not correspond to the actual state of affairs. Fill out the questionnaire again, assessing yourself more critically.

Overall indicator (B)

0-48 points– strong-willed personality traits need training and development. Serious work on self-education is recommended to you. Special attention You should focus on those factors for which you have the lowest scores.

49-96 points– the volitional qualities of the individual are sufficiently developed.

97-144 points– an indicator of a high level of volitional organization of a person, indicating the ability, with a sufficient degree of awareness and sense of reality, to determine for oneself goals, ways and means of achieving it. Remember that there is always a danger of weakening volitional qualities.

Key to the questionnaire

10123 20123 30123 40123 50123 60123 73210
83210 93210 100123 113210 120123 130123 143210
153210 160123 173210 180123 190123 203210 210123
223210 233210 243210 250123 263210 270123 280123
290123 300123 310123 323210 330123 340123 353210
363210 373210 380123 393210 403210 410123 423210
430123 440123 450123 460123 470123 480123 490123
500123 513210 523210 530123 543210 550123 560123

Methodology for studying the volitional organization of personality // Your professional career: Textbook. For 8-11 grades. general education Institutions / M.S. Gutkin, G.F. Mikhalchenko, A.V. Prudilo and others; Ed. S.N. Chistyakova, T.I. Shalavina. – M.: Education, 2000. – 191 p. – p.175-182

Indicators (evaluated parameters)


Degree of expression of the assessed quality

Possible number of points

Diagnostic methods

  1. Organizational and volitional qualities:

1 Patience


3. Self-


The ability to bear (withstand) known loads for a certain time, to overcome difficulties

Ability active

encourage yourself to

practical actions

Ability to control

blame your actions

(lead to due

your actions)

Patience is enough for less than ½ lesson;

Patience is enough for more than ½ lesson;

There is enough patience for the whole lesson;

The child's volitional efforts are stimulated from the outside;

Sometimes - by the child himself;

Always - by the child himself

The child constantly acts under the influence of external control;

Periodically controls himself;

Constantly controls himself




II. Orientation qualities:

1. Self-esteem

2. Interest in activities in the children's association

The ability to evaluate oneself adequately to real achievements

Conscious participation of the child in mastering the educational program




Interest in activities is dictated to the child from the outside;

Interest is periodically maintained by the child himself;

Constant interest

independently supported by the child



Methodology for studying the volitional qualities of a person.

Goal: to assess the level of development of one’s own volitional qualities: dedication, perseverance and perseverance, courage and determination, initiative and independence, self-control and endurance.

Each Questionnaire (there are five in this method) allows you to diagnose two parameters of the above-mentioned volitional qualities: severity and generalization.

The expression of volitional quality means the presence and stability of the manifestation of its main features.

Generalization means universality of quality, i.e. the breadth of its manifestation in various life situations and types of activities.

Instructions: Listen carefully to each judgment and think about how typical it is for you. Based on this, select the appropriate answer from the five proposed options and put its number in the answer form opposite the number of the corresponding judgment.

Possible answers:

1. It doesn’t happen that way.

2. Perhaps incorrect.

3. Maybe.

4. Probably yes.

5. I'm sure so.

Having answered the questions of the first questionnaire, we move on to the next one and so on until the end, until we fill out the entire answer form.

Answer form.




Perseverance, perseverance

Independence, initiative

Self-control, endurance

in =

in =

in =

in =

in =

B = B + 20 =

B = B + 20 =

B = B + 20 =

B = B + 20 =

B = B + 20 =

g =

g =

g =

g =

g =

G = g + 20 =

G = g + 20 =

G = g + 20 =

G = g + 20 =

G = g + 20 =


1. When starting any task, I always clearly understand what I want to achieve.

2. Failure in an exam motivates me to study with renewed vigor.

3. My interests are not stable; I cannot yet determine what I should strive for in life.

4. I have a clear idea of ​​what I want to learn in life.

5. During classes, I quickly get bored of working strictly according to the plan.

6. If I set a certain goal for myself, then I steadily strive to achieve it, no matter how difficult it is.

7. In most classes I set myself specific tasks.

8. When I fail, I am always overcome by doubts about whether it is worth continuing what I started.

9. Clear work planning is not typical for me.

10. I rarely think about how I can apply the knowledge acquired at university in future practical work.

11. I never take the initiative in setting new goals; I prefer to follow the instructions of other people.

12. Usually, under the influence of various kinds of obstacles, my desire for a goal weakens significantly.

13. I have a main goal in life.

14. After failing the exam, I can’t force myself to study at full capacity for a long time.

15. K social work I take less responsibility than academic responsibility.

16. As a rule, I outline specific tasks in advance and plan my work.

17. I constantly feel the need to set new goals for myself and achieve them.

18. When starting a new business, I don’t always have a clear idea of ​​what I should strive for; I usually hope that this will become clearer as I go along.

19. I always try to complete any assignment, including public assignments.

20. Even with failures, I remain confident that I will achieve my goal.

Courage, determination.

1. When making any decision, I always realistically assess my capabilities.

2. I am not afraid to intervene in a situation on the street if it is necessary to prevent an accident.

3. I find it difficult to keep my promises.

4. I express my opinion, despite the possibility of conflict.

5. The knowledge that the opponent is stronger is a serious obstacle for me.

6. I easily free myself from anxiety, fears and fears.

7. Having established a daily routine for myself, I strictly adhere to it.

8. I am often tormented by doubts.

9. I prefer it if others, rather than me, bear responsibility for a joint business.

10. It is unlikely that I will be able to risk preventing an accident.

11. When I analyze my actions, I often come to the conclusion that I did not think through and plan my actions well enough.

12. As a rule, I avoid risky situations.

13. I have no fear of a strong opponent.

14. Many times I decided to start from tomorrow “ new life“, but in the morning everything went as before.

15. The possibility of conflict forces me to keep my opinions to myself.

16. I usually manage to cope with my doubts easily.

17. I constantly feel responsible for my deeds and actions.

18. I have difficulty overcoming fear.

19. It is an exceptional case for me if I could not keep my word.

20. Taking risks brings me joy.

Perseverance, perseverance.

1. When starting any business, I am sure that I will do everything possible to complete it.

2. I always defend my opinion to the end if I am sure that I am right.

3. I am unable to force myself to exercise when I am tired.

4. During exams, I “struggle” with all my might until the last moment.

5. I find it difficult to complete social affairs.

6. I am characterized by planning and systematic work.

7. During class, I force myself to complete the task completely, even if I am very tired.

8. I often abandon things I started halfway through, having lost interest in them.

9. I prefer easy, even if less productive, paths to the goal.

10. I can’t force myself to study systematically throughout the semester, especially in those academic subjects that are difficult to learn.

11. Usually I don’t know if I have the desire and strength to complete the work I started.

12. I never have the desire to set myself a difficult goal.

13. Basically, I systematically prepare for my studies at the university.

14. Failures during the session sharply reduce my activity and desire to continue studying.

15. In an argument, I often give in to others.

16. I complete even boring and monotonous work to the end, if necessary.

17. I feel especially satisfied if success was achieved with great difficulty.

18. I cannot force myself to work systematically.

19. When performing public assignments, I always achieve what is necessary.

20. Quite often I feel the need to test myself in difficult matters.

Independence, initiative.

1. As a rule, everything important decisions I accept without outside help.

2. I easily manage to overcome embarrassment and be the first to start a conversation with a stranger.

3. I never own initiative I don’t take on public assignments.

4. When preparing for classes, I quite often read additional literature, not limiting myself to a lecture or textbook.

5. The lack of advice and support from the teacher significantly reduces my results in the exam.

6. Most of all I like to try my hand at creative activities.

7. I try to approach practical classes creatively.

8. I feel calm and confident if someone is in charge of me.

9. Before doing anything, I always consult with someone I know.

10. In a conversation or when making acquaintances, I strive to give the initiative to the other.

11. For me, it is most convenient to do work according to a known pattern.

12. I usually give up my plans and intentions if others find them unsuccessful.

13. I approach social work informally; I try to make it not only useful, but also interesting.

14. When studying any academic subject I do not strive to know more than is required to pass a test or exam.

15. I usually don’t think about the content. educational material, I do exactly what the teacher suggests.

16. I strive to be an organizer of new things in the team.

17. If I am sure that I am right, I always act in my own way.

18. The creative process does not attract me.

19. The results of my performances at olympiads and conferences practically do not depend on whether my teacher (supervisor) is present at them.

20. I strive to bring something new into any work, which increases my interest in it.

Self-control, endurance.

1. I can easily make myself wait a long time if necessary.

3. I can’t work out normally if something is bothering me.

4. During the entire exam, I clearly control my thoughts, feelings, actions, and behavior.

5. I absolutely cannot stand pain.

6. I manage to maintain clarity of thought even in the most difficult life situations.

7. Troubles at the university and at home do not reduce the quality of my studies.

8. Long waits are very painful for me.

9. When I am anxious, I worry and completely lose control of myself.

10. During the exam, sometimes I cannot answer even what I know.

11. I believe that self-control is not that important for a person.

12. If I'm in a bad mood, I can never hide it.

13. I always mobilize during the exam and often get a grade no lower than the one I expected.

14. I can’t restrain myself from responding to rudeness in kind.

15. I have difficulty controlling myself during the exam.

16. It’s easy for me to force myself to hold back laughter if I feel that it is inappropriate.

17. Strong excitement, as a rule, does not affect the appropriateness of my actions and behavior.

18. In a difficult situation, I usually get lost and cannot quickly make the right decision.

19. I can force myself to act, overcoming pain, if absolutely necessary.

20. I specifically learn to control myself.

Processing and interpretation of results.

Process the answers using a key that is the same for all five questionnaires.


Expressiveness of volitional quality

Generalization of volitional quality



Reply number

Judgment number

Reply number

The key identifies two groups of judgments: those diagnosing the severity of volitional qualities and diagnosing the generalization of volitional qualities.

Opposite the judgment number is the number of points (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2) that are awarded for each answer option. These marks are recorded on the answer sheet next to the answer number. Then it is calculated algebraic the sum of points separately for judgments of the severity parameter and the generalization parameter for each volitional quality. To transfer to a positive rating scale, 20 points are added to the total score and the final results are entered at the bottom of the protocol.

Next, you need to present the results obtained graphically. A circle with a diameter of 8 cm is drawn in a notebook. From its center (zero point) 5 radii are drawn, on which divisions from 0 to 40 are applied. Each radius is an indicator of the level of expression of one of the volitional qualities. Then the data from the answer sheet is transferred to the corresponding radii with divisions. Two points are plotted on each radius: the number of points for the expressiveness parameter and for the generalization parameter. The points indicating indicators of the expression of all volitional qualities are connected by one line, and the points indicating indicators of generalization are connected by another. This results in two pentagons located inside a circle (an example is shown in the figure). Based on the graphically presented results, a conclusion is made about the level of expression of each volitional quality according to the parameters of severity and generalization.

The method for processing the results is given at the end of the test.

The following points are awarded for answers to each question:

1. – it doesn’t happen like that;

2. – perhaps incorrect;

3. – maybe;

4. – probably yes;

5. – I’m sure yes.


1. The ability to set clear goals and objectives:

A – I have a clear long-term goal of professional improvement for 3-4 years in advance;

B – together with the teacher, I plan the level of achievements for the coming year; I outline specific tasks for the appropriate stages of preparation;

B – I set the next tasks for the next classes, tests, exam.

2. The ability to systematically carry out one’s activities:

A - I carry out plans for individual homework;

B – I carry out plans for speaking at tests and exams;

B – I evaluate the classes conducted, tests and exams completed; I am adjusting my plans.

3. The ability to subordinate oneself to achieving a set goal:

A – in order to achieve the goal, I follow a strict regime;

B – goals and objectives of professional growth are a powerful source of activity for me;

Q – I feel a great sense of satisfaction from the very process of my musical studies.


4. The ability to achieve the intended goal for a long time:

A – I am studying at musical instrument I regularly and strictly observe the number of hours allotted to me for classes;

B – I painstakingly and carefully try to practice the technique of game movements;

B – I persistently and consistently try to overcome the shortcomings of my professional skills.

5. Ability to overcome negative moods:

A – when a feeling of fatigue develops, I try to be patient and continue classes without reducing the intensity of my work;

B – being in bad mood, I can force myself to take action through “I don’t want” or “I can’t”;

B - patiently and for a long time, I can repeat monotonous and boring, but necessary exercises.

6. The ability to continue activities despite failures and other difficulties:

A - failure to perform a piece mobilizes me to achieve my goal - to play well;

B – in case of failure, I am inclined to increase the duration of my studies;

B – having played one piece unsuccessfully at the test, I don’t lose heart and try to play other pieces well.


7. Ability to make responsible decisions in a timely manner:

A – I can make a timely decision to perform any action, intention, deed when I cannot hesitate;

B – I can make a timely decision to implement necessary actions in conditions of risk;

B - I can make a decision in a timely manner in conditions of moral responsibility for my actions to my team (ensemble or orchestra).

8. The ability to suppress feelings of fear:

A – in the conditions of a responsible performance, I feel a desire for risk and a desire to move on to action (I can play a piece at a faster tempo at a competition);

B – in conditions of a responsible performance, I mentally disconnect from my experiences and concentrate entirely on my performing actions;

B – in an atmosphere of moral responsibility, I consciously overcome unfavorable experiences and act decisively (I can perform a part in place of a sick soloist).

9. Ability to perform without fail decisions made:

A – after making a decision to perform a responsible action (task), I certainly proceed to it practical implementation;

B – having started to play a difficult episode or piece, I continue to do it and finish it, play it to the end, even if I make mistakes;

B – failures when playing difficult things motivate you to make repeated attempts to achieve success.


10. Ability to maintain clarity of thought:

A – when playing for a test or exam, I can concentrate well, distribute and switch attention despite the exciting situation;

B – I do not allow “defeatist” thoughts and negative ideas under the influence of failures and mistakes in tests and exams;

B – In a stressful exam environment, I can act thoughtfully in accordance with what I know and can do.

11. The ability to control your feelings:

A – I can easily increase my emotional tone in a state of apathy, confusion, anxiety and restlessness;

B – I can easily reduce the level of my emotional arousal (with excitement, pain, indignation, exaggerated idea of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility);

B – in case of successful performance of a piece in class or on an exam, I do not show excessive self-confidence, carelessness and imaginary superiority over others.

12. Ability to manage your actions:

A – I can maintain control over my gaming movements even when showing feelings of fatigue, irritation, and dissatisfaction with myself;

B – despite my failures in the tests, I strive to continue speaking publicly to the best of my ability;

B – in conflict situations, I can easily restrain myself from unethical actions and actions (rude words, bickering, leaving class).


13. The ability to show independence in decisions and actions:

A - I am critical of the advice offered to me by my comrades; I am not inclined to imitate my successful comrades;

B – I like to prepare for my next classes on my own (read and take notes on the necessary books, complete the necessary tasks);

Q – After my public performances, I prefer my own analysis of what worked and what didn’t.

14. The ability to show personal initiative and innovation:

A – I like to invent technical exercises and propose original plans for performing a piece;

B – I am inclined to independently plan the stages of my professional growth;

Q – I like to look for individual ways to improve my professional skills.

15. The ability to show resourcefulness and intelligence.

A – I easily adapt to unexpected changes in the conditions of classes and exams (transfer in time and room);

B – when playing in an ensemble, I can quickly change the nature of my performance, focusing on the soloist or fellow ensemble members;

Q – I can quickly adapt my performance of works depending on the audience (composition of listeners, acoustic capabilities).

The task is performed individually or in pairs, when students evaluate each other. Evaluation of results: for each volitional quality:

36 – 45 points - high level;

26 – 35 - average;

15 – 25 - low. The results are summarized according to the following scheme:

Volitional qualities Volitional skills Trait assessments

strong-willed skills

1. Determination 1. Set clear goals A B C General

and tasks 3 5 4 12

2. Systematically 4 3 2 9



3. Submit yourself 5 5 5 15

achievement of the set


1. Persistence and 4. Long-term pursuit

persistence of the intended goal

5. Overcome painful things


6. Continue activities,

despite the failures

3. Determination and

courage. etc.

Questions for self-control

1. Describe the main volitional qualities.

2. What are the conditions for developing volitional qualities in children?

3. What is the importance of will in the activity of a musician?

Self-study questions

2. The role of self-education in a person’s life.

3. Analyze volitional action using the example of a literary work.

1. Golovakha E.I., Panina N.V. Psychology of human relationships. - K., 1989

2. Kuznetsova L.V. Harmonious development of the personality of a junior schoolchild. -M., 1988

3. Rogov E.I. General psychology. - M., 1998

4. Petrushin V.I. Musical psychology. - M., 1997

5. Selivanov V.I. Will and its education. - M., 1976

6. Feinberg S.E. Pianism as an art. - M., 1965

7. Alekseev A.V. Overcome yourself. - M., 1985

8. Tsypin G.M. Psychology of musical activity. - M., 1994

9. Questions of pedagogy and psychology of will. Ed. V.I. Selivanova. M. 1969

10. Kotyrlo V.K. Development strong-willed behavior in preschoolers. - K., 1971

How strong the will is, the more fruitful our work and studies are usually. Do you want to know this about yourself? Then try to answer the proposed questions of this test with maximum frankness.

You can use three answer options: “yes” “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I don’t know”, “no”.

Willpower test questions


1. Are you able to complete work that does not interest you?

2. Do you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation at home or at work, are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation objectively?

4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned the day before, if you don’t have to?

6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond quickly to emails?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming airplane flight or a visit to the dentist's office, will you be able to not change your intention at the last moment?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that your doctor strongly recommends?

10. Will you keep your promise in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble?

11. Do you hesitate to go on a business trip (business trip) to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to your daily routine?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. Even the most interesting TV show won’t make you put off doing urgent and important work?

15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive the words addressed to you may seem?

Test results:

Answer “yes” - 2 points

- “sometimes it happens” (“I don’t know”, “I find it difficult to answer”) - 1 point

- “no” - 0 points.

Now count the results.

0-12 points. Your willpower is not going well. You simply do what is easier and more interesting, even if it may hurt you in some way. You often take your responsibilities carelessly, which can cause various troubles for you. Your position is expressed by the well-known expression “What do I need more than anyone else?” You perceive any request, any obligation almost as physical pain. The point here is not only about weak willpower, but also about the selfishness of your personality. Try to look at yourself with this assessment in mind. Maybe this will help you change your attitude towards others and “remake” something in your character. If you succeed, you will only benefit from this.

13-21 points. Your willpower is average. If you encounter an obstacle, you will take action to overcome it. But if you see a workaround, you will immediately use it. Don’t overdo it, but keep your word. You will try to do unpleasant work, although you will grumble. You will not take on unnecessary responsibilities of your own free will. This sometimes negatively affects the attitude of managers towards you and does not characterize you from the best side in the eyes of others. If you want to achieve more in life, train your will.

22-30 points. Your willpower is fine. You can rely on you - you will not let you down. You are not afraid of new assignments, long trips, or those things that confuse others. But sometimes your firm and irreconcilable position on fundamental issues annoys those around you. Strong-willed qualities are very good, but it is also necessary to have such qualities as flexibility, forbearance, and kindness.