The female name miya and its meaning. What does the beautiful name of the girl Miya mean. Marriage and relationships

Date of birth number = 4
According to Pythagoras, 4 symbolizes a solid foundation, reliable support, and therefore it is one of the most solid and significant numbers. Solidity also characterizes those who are born with the vibration of the four. This number expresses reliability, purposefulness and endurance. Carriers of the number 4 remain true to their beliefs to the end, to such an extent that their stubbornness can cost them dearly. Like 1, 4 carries creativity. But in the first case, the beginning has a positive, exalted character, and in the second, it is negative, mundane, limited in scope. Without causing a firework of original thoughts, the number 4 gives iron logic to the thoughts of an ordinary intellectual. Due to the fact that the carriers of the number 4 are more practical than representatives of other numbers, they can ultimately achieve significant success in life.

However, 4 is also an explosive number. It is known that even the strongest foundation can fail if too much pressure is applied to it. Why be surprised if the stoic calm of the typical representatives of the number 4 gives way to an outburst of anger, when, with all their restraint, they cannot otherwise let off steam in a tense situation.
Fortitude is the key word for the carriers of the number 4. Most often they are physically strong people, they have a huge potential of mind and fortitude, which allows them to successfully endure all hardships. This is the true "salt of the earth", conscientious hard workers who do everything in good faith. Frivolity They do not suffer; in their activities they are guided by common sense, which at times is illuminated by bright flashes of intuition. "Hurry, take your time" is their motto; but no matter how the circumstances develop, they go towards their goal with all determination. The strength of their conviction is such that no internal doubts, no external factors can force them to turn off the chosen path. Therefore, most likely, they will be successful. Of course, this will take time, but success and implementation cherished desires will be rewarded for long years persistent labor.

In other people, carriers of the number 4 are attracted to solid, reliable character traits - those that distinguish themselves. They have no time for frivolous, empty people. Having given love and respect to someone, they turn them into their allies. And they use it to the fullest. Moreover, being serious people, they try to educate their acquaintances in the same spirit. Ignoring those they don't like; relatives and friends are pestered with endless moralizing about how they should live. In their sermons, they certainly come from the best of intentions, but it is oh so difficult to perceive them. In life, it happens that it is better to remain silent about something. And the bearer of the number 4 should understand that he (or she) does not have the exclusive right to the truth, to the right deeds.

The tenacity with which the carriers of the number 4 try to prove to people what is good and what is bad stems from the fact that they are very often adherents of strict traditions. They like the solid foundations of the past and do not inspire confidence in everything new, not yet tested. Reliability, stability, order, fidelity to customs - these are the life criteria of most representatives of the number 4; for them, tradition is the strongest foundation upon which a stable future can be built. Whatever place these people occupy in society, they are mostly “statesmen” who feel comfortable only if the country observes established norms and laws. Carriers of the number 4 are rarely snobbish and do not go over their heads on the official or social ladder. As "traditionals", they are more likely to stay true to their "roots". If these people succeed in life, then without any pretense. This disarms many. Of particular importance for the representatives of the number 4 is their compliance with the established for themselves moral standards and rules of conduct. As soon as they deviate even slightly from them, they begin to experience remorse, shame, self-loathing. And we are determined to quickly return to the path of the righteous.

No matter how reserved the carriers of the number 4 are, they do not lack emotions. Quite, for example, they can get very upset. They want to achieve the best in all areas of life, and therefore, when everything goes well, they are sweeter than honey. But failure plunges them into despondency. And then - what there self-control! - there is an emotional explosion, at the epicenter of which even those who are not guilty of anything, and if they are guilty, then only in. that were nearby. In other words, it also happens that these decent, worthy people are seized by fits of anger (accompanied by severe abuse), with which they seem to be unable to do anything. One gets the impression that this does not fit in with the character of the people of the number 4 - such exemplary in all respects. In fact, everything happens due to the fact that, while not at all suffering from selfishness, they are nevertheless very inattentive to other people. With indescribable persistence pursuing their interests, the representatives of the number 4 do not notice how their actions affect others. If someone points out their mistakes, they consider themselves offended and go on the defensive. But then there comes a moment when they calm down, regain their cold mind > the ability to analyze what happened returns to them, and then repentance, remorse, will surely come to them, and they hasten to apologize for their tactlessness. But by that time the damage will have already been done and it will be difficult to fix anything.

Almost everyone born with the vibration of this number desires to be successful at work. The bar of their aspirations is quite high, but they are ready to make any sacrifices in order to achieve their goal. If it requires the shedding of blood, sweat, and tears, they will shed them* and in copious amounts. (True, sometimes what these people achieve does not make them happy, at least outwardly.) But that's not the point. And not even in victory for the sake of victory. And not in the elevation of one's own "I". The reason why they relentlessly strive for success lies deep in their minds: it is known that success earns respect from other people. Therefore, carriers of the number 4 want to become bosses, important people who, through hard work, have risen above mediocrity. Then they will be able to walk with their heads held high, realizing that they have achieved no less, but probably more than their rival. It is this success that they value above all.

Purposefulness and fidelity to duty also have a negative side. People charged for success often turn out to be cynical, greedy, overly materialistic. They can be quite cruel in achieving their goals, which is why other people appear selfish and carefree. However, external impressions are not always deceptive.
Like the representatives of the number 1, with whom they have much in common, the carriers of the number 4 are not sure of their success, but they make great efforts to advance in their chosen field. They demonstrate not only great hard work, but also the ability to cope with difficult situations.
These people are distinguished by an independent mindset and, like the representatives of the number 1, it is difficult to admit their mistakes. True, in contrast to the “Ones”, the “Fours” are more attentive to the opinions of others. Although initially they are always sure that it is their views that are true, and reject any proposals that contradict their position, the “Four” can often be persuaded with the help of clear argumentation -

Many carriers of the number 4 are born to be leaders. But they will lead through consultations; their main principle is to reach consensus. Such methods of leadership provide them with the support of a wide range of people. Moreover, the imposition of one's will on subordinates is excluded.
Even those representatives of the number 4 are endowed with chances to succeed. intellectual ability which are below average. But they have the ability to work hard and learn from their own mistakes. Perseverance and obsession will help them cope with any task, despite the fact that sometimes something will not go well with them. These are real fighters who do not stop fighting until they win.
Many carriers of this number excel in those forms of employment that require a practical streak. They prefer to deal with durable objects and solve solid problems. They hate to puzzle over theoretical questions. These people also cope with the clerical routine - it does not piss them off, on the contrary - they sometimes find inspiration in this work. Even in a modest post, representatives of the number 4 achieve excellent results; moreover, they never waste time, you will not see them idly hanging out or gossip in the corners of the corridors. Many of them succeed in their own business - their energy and willingness to make sacrifices are often paid back handsomely, and success in business is what most suits their desire to demonstrate their worth.

Some number 4 carriers try to prove themselves in organizations with a big name, enjoying an excellent reputation for many years. And they succeed there. But if they encounter difficulties, it is mainly due to the fact that they are poorly adapted to work in a “team”. With highly developed independence and the ability to fully devote themselves to their chosen cause, they feel more comfortable when they have the opportunity to act independently. Working in a large organization, they may come to the conclusion that their work does not find a worthy appreciation from the leaders. Frustrated with work, these people feel unhappy and lose the incentive they need to aspire to higher positions.

Such reliable people are considered a good couple when choosing a husband or wife. For all their rather cool appearance, they have great sex appeal.
Carriers of the number 4 are rarely romantics; flirting and sex as such, they are usually not interested. Only love matters, which they almost always take very seriously, considering marriage as the main goal. They go for it when their feelings are strong.

In the role of admirers, men of the number 4 are very naive and simple-minded. And this is strange, because in business and other serious matters they do not hover in the clouds, but stand firmly on the ground. In the same case, the "gentleman" is looking for an ideal "lady" as a partner. Moreover, he is not interested in a lustful beauty - a Hollywood goddess of the screen, captivating with magnificent bodies - but a kind of Lolita: equally attractive, from the point of view of sex, pure, innocent, with a medieval, monastic upbringing, and also a deeply suffering girl. Why be surprised: they rarely manage to find anything similar to the fruit of their imagination. On the contrary - they meet earthly women with flesh and blood and marry them, forgetting about their ideals. Just at the moment of breaking lifeless ideas, a woman with great sexual attractiveness and internal energy may appear on their way. Without noticing the lurking danger, a man marries such a woman and only then finds out how difficult it is to be the head of the family, although he wants to exercise “command functions”. He will try to control all aspects of her life, her every step, dictate what she can do and what not, allow or forbid meeting friends - in general, censor her entire lifestyle. If a woman turns out to be an obstinate one, an explosion cannot be avoided. Submissive, humble, but possessing colossal sexual potential, a young, innocent fairy will remain a beautiful dream.

It should be noted that there are many men with 4 as the date of birth, who "marry money", wanting to bring their goals closer. Marriage in this case can be both unhappy and happy. It all depends on whether in the relationship between a man and a woman, in addition to the main motives of marriage, there will be sexual compatibility and mutual respect when they make such an important decision - to live side by side every day.

As for women with 4 as their date of birth, they are emotionally quite tough and tend to manipulate other people both in sex and in other areas of life. They need to find men who, like themselves, have great energy potential and set high goals for themselves. Otherwise, these women will be disappointed and resentful, and their partners will face a complete moral collapse. But if the husband gets what he needs, the woman of this number will do everything in his interests. In general, the “fours” become even more beautiful over the years, physically stronger; these are imposing Women who oversee the public side of her husband's career, thereby providing him with great help.

The ideal partner for both sexes with this number is someone who has a similar character. The tension arising from the sexual and psychological contradictions between carriers of the same number may not disappear completely, but the commonality of earthly, practical interests of these people makes them twice as strong. Such a union, although not made in romantic heaven, gives them a huge advantage in achieving "what they consider the most important thing - success in all aspects of life.
If the relationship between a man and a woman of this number is not catalyzed by means of "sexual alchemy", then it is difficult to guarantee their harmony by other factors. People with 4 as their date of birth tend to bring home the problems they face from outside. As a result, quarrels and scandals arise; True, it is often "much ado about nothing", but if this is repeated often, then the family is seriously damaged. In general, the representatives of the number 4 are reliable partners who have an instinctive desire to make life happy. They sincerely love children and care for them, although sometimes other concerns come to the fore.

Almost all representatives of the number 4 are famous good health. However, even if someone does not have that physical force, which is typical for most carriers of this vibration, the main danger for them comes from overvoltage at work. They would like to give free rein to laughter from time to time to relax, but they are, as a sin, too serious. Their leisure time is extremely limited. Of all types of relaxation, these people choose reading, but they read mostly serious scientific works or "significant" romances that grab their attention, not something easy with a happy ending.

Some people may not like the carriers of the number 4 as people, no matter how much respect and honor they deserve for what they have done in life. However, of all human types defined by numbers, the representatives of the number 4 are such that the world could hardly live without them. If it were not for these people on Earth, then progress would slow down. Someone loves them, someone hates them, and someone needs them, because they give a lot to our civilization. Life does not always give them joy and happiness, but they are sure that they do not live in vain: in their opinion, they have made a significant contribution to the development of society. For many of them it is a heavy cross; but it is both their reward and salvation.


King George VI of Great Britain, Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, King Henry VIII of England

Members of the modern English royal family
Duchess of Kent, Lord Lynley, Queen Mother Elizabeth, Duchess of York

Political figures
Kenneth Baker, Alec Douglas-Home, Michael Heseltine, John Major, Robert Peel, Michael Portillo, Nicholas Ridley, Arthur Scargill, Joseph Stalin, Margaret Thatcher, Harold Wilson

Religious figure
Desmond Tutu

Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Robert Oppenheimer

Samuel Morse

Adventurers, people of action
Red Adair, Chris Bonington, Thor Heyerdahl, T. E. Lawrence

Richard Branson

W. G. Auden, Philip Larkin, John Mortimer

Henri Matisse, Anthony van Dyck

Lionel Barth, Antonin Dvorak, Yehudi Menuhin, Andre Previn. Richard Wagner

Maria Callas, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Dolly Parton, Luciano Pavarotti, Sandy Shaw

Actors and actresses
Jenny Agutter, Woody Allen, Claire Bloom, Catherine Deneuve, Clint Eastwood, Jodie Foster, Nigel Havers, Boris Karlov, Stan Laurel, Leo McKern, Robert Morley, Frank Sinatra

Media representatives
Arthur Askey, David Attenborough, Cilla Black, Alistair Cooke, Paul Daniele, Robert Day, Roy Hudd, Angela Rippon

George Best, Steve Koten, Linford Christie, Joe Frazier, Sally Gunnell, Jack Johnson, Denis Lo, Sunny Liston, Arnold Palmer, Fred Truman

Meaning of number 4 in Numerology

4 is ruled by Mercury. The whole foundation, the basis of the world, is built on this number, therefore the four is an important figure in the physical world. It symbolizes reliability, stability, earthliness, rationalization, turning plans and ideas into reality. People born with the 4th in the numerlogical horoscope are endowed with such qualities as creativity, pragmatism, a sober mind, the ability to do analytical and mental work.

It is difficult to deceive or deceive these people, because they look at the very root, sweeping away the husk from themselves. It is difficult to fool them, to drag them into scams, and they usually see through people. All information of the Four is systematized, processed and synthesized. They try to take advantage of everything, turn any circumstances to their advantage. For the Four great importance has a material world, and as a result, its fruits in the form of money, luxury goods, real estate, and so on. They try to make their lives stable, rarely take risks. When making decisions, all possible benefits are calculated, and only after that they choose the most reliable option. They do not like loneliness, but at the same time they are very selective when choosing a social circle.

Positive traits of the number 4

These are good organizers who in any activity can show their best qualities. Sociability and high intelligence allow them to fly high. And even if the Four do not take the director's chair, it means that they decided to temporarily be a gray cardinal for profit.

In the life of these people, everything is laid out on the shelves. They do not allow themselves to be confused, they do not tolerate fuss or confusion in business, personal life, at home or at work. They set high goals for themselves, and are ready to achieve them for years without turning off the chosen path. They can work hard and hard. For people under the control of the Four, work related to the organization of any processes, industries, events is well suited. There are many of them in science, the IT community, and analytical circles. Fours work in real estate, financial institutions, the state vertical. Having chosen their path in early youth, they usually remain faithful to it to the end. And they are able to work in one area all their lives, becoming highly qualified and irreplaceable workers.

In their personal lives, Fours operate in the same way as they do in their professional lives. They choose their person for a long time and carefully, checking from all sides. Since 4 are mercantile, they will pay attention to the material viability of their soulmate. People who are impractical, prone to extravagance or revelry will never interest a four person. The same applies to low-income or unpromising partners. They are faithful in marriage, they demand the same from the wife\\husband. They can flirt, but nothing more.

Negative traits of the number 4

It is very difficult for fours to relax and forget. Even while on vacation, they try to control the state of affairs at work or in the office, not letting go of the problem even mentally. Worrying about their “bright” future, Fours, with unfavorable forecasts, may become discouraged or depressed. In order for these people to be happy, they need stability, and if not prosperity now, then at least good prospects for the future.

Difficult to communicate, prone to the manifestation of pettiness, can complicate everything. They are subject to suspicions regarding their close circle, but the Fours still do not trust the distant one. They try to control everything and everyone, so it’s better not to choose partners strong people. At home and at work, Fours must slow down with their control, otherwise there is a great risk of sliding into despotism.

People around usually consider Fours to be closed, callous, pedantic and boring. However, Fours usually don’t care much about other people’s opinions, especially if those whom they consider lower than themselves undertook to express it.

Number 4 - mystical figure symbolizing absolute omnipotence. Power over space and time. The figure of the earth, justice, order.

We meet the four almost everywhere: 4 cardinal points, 4 weeks of the month, 4 ages. The number four not only creates, it can also destroy.

The number 4 feels confident in any plans, undertakings - from spiritual to material. It is the basis for the existence of all things. Able to give the raw material a finished form, like perfection.

people number 4

Number 4 individuals have a peculiar character. They are always looking for the opposite point of view. This means that in disputes they will take the side of the opposition, the minority. Although they do not like to enter into disputes and conflicts, this character trait brings them many enemies and ill-wishers.

These are rebels capable of rebelling against the legal system. Eliminating the old, they created a new one, their own system and laws.

Numerology describes such people as pessimists, with an unlimited mind. These individuals can make a dizzying career. In this they will be helped by observation and the ability to learn.

Practical Fours often succeed

These people are good workers, but still they do not put all their efforts into their work. What would happen if they gave 100 percent? They are methodical and systematic in their work. They do not like conflicts, they are distinguished by increased extravagance.

These personalities become attached to their chosen ones, trying to be faithful to their life partner. They have good sexual compatibility, and therefore they have no problems finding a partner. These people need close person able to support in difficult times.

Positive qualities: practicality, determination and concentration.

Negative qualities: stubbornness, weak imagination and fear of change.

Auspicious colors: burgundy, coffee, blue, silver, green and indigo.

Number 4 Talents

Mechanics is their calling. Numerology recommends any areas with complex mechanisms, as well as the manufacture of mechanisms.

It will be good to have a fate if these individuals go into science. He will also excel in the areas of law and order.

Love for nature will help in gardening or agriculture. Special attention can be devoted to construction.

Economics, banking, accounting - here they will feel like a fish in water. Because innate caution can help make a career in these areas. Profitable to buy - sell for them is easier than learning to drive a car.

Religious activities can also be considered by these personalities.

Good warrior, excellent commander. Military service may come up, because for the four discipline is not an empty phrase. There are talents for pranks, which can also be successfully used in life.

The value of the four in relations with other people and society

The Four can be seen as an individual who can be completely trusted. Numerology characterizes a person who wants recognition in society and achieves the goal.

activity in any public organizations, political or religious brings the four to the state that is called - she got into the stream, got the meaning of life and pleasure from the work done.

Loves family, makes many friends. Knows how to appreciate life and get all the joy from the minutes lived. Such people often go towards their relatives or close friends.

The number 4 loves reliability and security. Appreciates family comfort. Number 4 is ready to sacrifice a lot for these values.

She does not like orders much, she is more inclined towards an affectionate attitude towards her. Can be aggressive and stubborn.

Fours are peaceful but firm

Although she has a weak imagination, this does not prevent her from achieving financial success. In other cases, it surpasses people who shine with fantasy, but in the material side they sacrifice this number. What is the use of such a fantasy if it does not bring material reward?

Four in Chinese numerology

In Chinese numerology, each number refers to Yin or Yang. Four refers to Yang, here it matters - death. This is according to folk legends and beliefs. Official numerology does not recognize such statements and equates the number to a symbol of success. Numerology gives the number a meaning: success in love, material affairs, good luck in trade. Also, the number 4 can be seen as progress, although slow, but still steady progress.

The symbol of the number 4 in various teachings
  • In numerology, wealth is a stable material success.
  • In Christianity, the four is associated with the cross. The number 3 denotes everything divine, and the four is human;
  • AT Ancient Greece is a symbol of justice. Because it is easy to divide into equal parts. The Greeks loved this number, and therefore they tried to solve important matters on Thursday, April, and also on the fourth day of each month;
  • In China, this is a terrible number, which they shunned and tried to skip when numbering houses, queues or other numbering. A similar fate overtook the number 13 - because it adds up to a four;
  • In Hinduism, the four has the meaning of divine perfection. Brahma has four faces that face different parts of the world;
  • In Kabbalah, this is the unpronounceable name of God, consisting of four letters;
  • In Buddhism, four means the Tree of Life. This Tree has 4 branches, and 4 sacred rivers take their sources from the roots.

Number compatibility with other numbers

4 and 1 - poor compatibility in love relationships. Different rhythms of life, different views. The unit is active, combat, capable of instantly catching fire. The 4 doesn't like it, they don't like fast paced events. Favorable business relationships.

4 and 2 - everything can work out, you need to take a step forward. Question: who will make it? The two need love, and the four, betrayed in a relationship. Might be a good union.

4 and 3 - difficult compatibility due to dissimilarity to each other. This means that the four prevents the activity of the three. The three are spontaneous and proactive, and the four are balanced and cautious.

4 and 4 - two words: stability and reliability. But it happens, in rare cases, that two fours create a pair that is motionless. Sometimes it is difficult for them to move forward in life together.

4 and 5 are completely different, dissimilar characters. Five for change, four hate change. This can lead to misunderstanding, quarrels and conflicts.

4 and 6 - excellent compatibility. Here are the main advantages of the union: harmony in love, mutual understanding and positive emotions. In marriage, happiness is possible until the last minutes of life, as well as many children.

4 and 7 - common feature is restraint. Two numbers that can find understanding, agreement and peace. Minus - there is no passion in the pair. In general, excellent compatibility.

4 and 8 - these people will easily find mutual language. They have a lot in common, they are pleased to communicate on fascinating topics. They are for stability and material success, and together they easily achieve wealth. It is worth considering that in a pair you need to choose one leader in order to eliminate misunderstanding. Here, one partner must completely trust the other - the leader in their common union.

4 and 9 - rather incomprehensible compatibility. On the one hand, they can come together so that they never diverge. Alternatively, break up after a couple of minutes. Four is more disciplined materialist, and nine is a dreamer and idealist. Although they do get close quite often.

Here is such a mysterious four. In general, a positive figure, even despite the Chinese folk numerology. Always look for the positives, erasing the negative moments from your memory and, if possible, from your life.

The number 4 symbolizes the planet Uranus, associated with the Sun and the number 1, and is written in occultism as 4-1.

Number 4 people have a peculiar character, they look at everything from the opposite point of view. In all disputes and discussions, they take the opposite position. And although they do not want to become argumentative, they still provoke opposition and in doing so create for themselves many hidden enemies who are constantly working against them. They instinctively rebel against rules and customs. And if they manage to insist on their own, then they turn the order of things, even in society and government. Often they rebel against constitutional authority and create new rules. They are drawn to social issues and reforms of all kinds, and are very stubborn in their opinions.

The main characteristics of these people are intelligence and pessimism. These people go on to have usually brilliant academic careers. They have very keen powers of observation and good susceptibility to learning. They are very efficient and good workers, but without undue effort. The innate mind helps them to do the work systematically and methodically, without throwing. They are not quick-tempered and very rarely quarrel. They are wasteful. Money leaves them as quickly as it comes.

Emotional Features. The number 4 is not easily carried away, but if carried away, then for life. Such people are faithful not out of obligation, but because it is very difficult for them to fall in love. They have an average sexual appetite, but they can by no means be called weak. They are sexually moderate and do not experience much difficulty in finding a partner. At the same time, they are born pessimists and live in constant sadness. This is very difficult for others, because it is very difficult to be around pessimists and insecure people. These two traits lead to a very unpleasant emotion - a green-eyed monster - jealousy. Not believing too much in themselves, they need constant approval, and if they don’t get it, they become prickly and quick-tempered. With all this, they feel good if there is someone nearby who supports them.

Negative Traits. Despite many positive traits, the number 4 rarely achieves great success in life due to all-crossing out pessimism. Because of the tendency to always see dark sides and lack of confidence, they often miss out on good opportunities. Instead of trying their best and seizing the opportunity, they do nothing at all, believing that nothing will come of it anyway. They lack the strength to deal with failures, and in order not to be defeated, they prefer not to do anything.

Number 4 - Waste. They do not know how to save at all, and in times of need are extremely depressed if they cannot find funds for their expenses. This, in turn, makes them even more frustrated and their insecurities grow.

Harmonious Relations. Partners and friends of number 4 should encourage them, and they should always have someone to lean against. Deprived of support, they get lost and sink even deeper into a sea of ​​uncertainty created by themselves. Everyone around should be the embodiment of patience and strength, because it is very difficult to live with a person who constantly needs moral support. But in return, you can get impeccable devotion, because such people are very difficult to become attached, but, having become attached, they keep it forever and do not leave their partner.

related numbers – 1, 10, 15, 28; 4, 8, 17, 26.

Hostile Numbers – 3, 12, 21, 30.

bad months- January.

lucky dates – 4, 13, 22, 31.

Happy Days- Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

lucky colors- light blue or white. All bright hues, electric and gray.

lucky stones- aquamarine (white and dark sapphires that should be worn on the body).

Diseases- Kidneys, back pain and headaches. You need to beware of spicy food.




Materiality, form


What is the psychology of the number 4

The number 4 is derived from 2, so it also "lies" everywhere. It symbolizes "the whole darkness of things", or the world of formal Manifestation. The number 4 is a complex metaphysical symbol "Holder of the Key of Nature", as the Pythagoreans said. Pythagoras believed that the soul is a self-moving world, has the shape of a perfect cube and a numerical value of 4.

Unlike the dynamic integrity, symbolized by the number 3, the number 4 is an image of static integrity, an ideally stable structure (although there is a point of view according to which the trinity is interpreted as the incompleteness of the quaternary structure). Hence the use of the number 4 in myths about the creation of the Universe and orientation in it: 4 cardinal directions, 4 main directions, four gods or four-person gods (cf., for example, four Perkunases in Lithuanian folklore or gods - guardians of the 4 cardinal directions), 4 seasons, centuries (cf. the Vedic designations of 4 epochs and at the same time the terms of the game of dice), 4 elements (sometimes they correlate with 4 mythological characters), etc. 4 components are updated in those geometric shapes, which have the greatest mythopoetic significance - square, mandate, cross.

The number 4 means stability, strength, balance of the elements, living processes, objects and people. This is static and reliable as opposed to the dynamics of the three, this is the scheme of ordered space: a quadrilateral, a square, a cross.

Four is the number of cosmic elements - the creative forces of the Universe: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Four is the 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Four is 4 human temperaments: choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic.

Four is materialization, form, obstacle and development impulse.

Psychology of number 4. Four is the number of wholeness, lucky number. The sacred meaning of luck in the number four is well known, if the three previous attempts were unsuccessful.

Four symbolizes the painful state when the spirit is warm in the form. The form does not correspond to the content, the goal is unattainable by the available means. However, the Quartet is an incentive to solve the problem, and although this goal is practically unattainable, many of the Quartet's efforts turn out to be constructive. She is aggressive, able to be open-minded, often not afraid of difficulties, asocial, but with her strength and charm she carries along.

Four tests a person with limitations. She encourages him to concentrate, to establish order in his soul and in life, and through this, turn restrictions, if not into virtues, then into a fulcrum. Often the four have to be in submission, to serve other people. Struggling with restrictions is a characteristic mistake for her. We must not fight, but learn to live with them.

Vibrations of number 4


Structure, organization, reliability; service, friendship, equality, brotherhood; insights, revelations, paradoxes; neatness, practicality, thriftiness, loyalty, perseverance, diligence; patriotism, conservatism, pragmatism, practicality; majesty, patience, responsibility, economy, accuracy; seriousness, discipline, patience, hard work, diligence, directness, concentration, ability to perform routine activities, honesty, perseverance, devotion, perseverance, great capacity for work, combined with the inability to relax and rest.


Vanity, rudeness, narrowness, tactlessness, stinginess, optionality, depression, inexorability, laziness, dogmatism, conservatism, harshness.


Violence, destruction, revolution, transformation, reform, innovation, upheavals, anarchy, leaps; cruelty, jealousy, vulgarity, inhumanity.

At the beginning of our century, among the peasants of some places near the Kama River, there was a belief that a chicken could count, but only up to four.

This was based on the following observation. When a mother hen sits in her basket, then eggs can be taken out from under it, she will not notice this. But this can continue until the number of eggs remaining in the nest is less than four. As soon as the number of eggs becomes less than this, in the words of the peasants, "chicken number", the chicken begins to worry, cackle. It is enough to put the missing up to four eggs, and the chicken calms down.