Hellfire is not hell, but the destruction of sinners by fire after the great judgment. Jerusalem. Gehenna fiery

Valley "Gehenna Fiery" (Jerusalem, Israel) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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In all Abrahamic religions, there is a special place where sinners go after death and pay for their atrocities, experiencing eternal suffering: they are fried in hot pans, burn in fire, suffocate from caustic and poisonous fumes, in a word, they are subjected to incredible torment. It seems that every person brought up in accordance with Christian, Islamic or Jewish canons knows this from childhood, even inveterate atheists know perfectly well what hell is. And who guesses that on Earth there is a very real prototype of it - the valley of "Gehenna Fiery" located in Jerusalem?

The area has many different names: Ginnom, Guy ben Hinom, Jahannam, Hinnomah. According to the Old Testament, before the advent of the era of the prophet Jeremiah, bloody human sacrifices were made here to the god Moloch, the antagonist of Yahweh, the gloomy king of the underworld. After the eradication of the tradition of idolatry, it was used for mass graves and the burning of the bodies of executed criminals, as well as a garbage dump.

Over time, the valley ceased to be a purely geographical concept and transformed into one of the key religious symbols, becoming a synonym for biblical hell. The word "gehenna", which has a Semitic origin, has spread in the languages ​​of a number of European countries.

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The "terrible" underworld is a deep and fairly wide crevice, lying at a depth of about 100 m and sandwiched between steep slopes. It is located between the Abu Tor area of ​​Jerusalem and Mount Zion, reaching almost 1 km in width and 2.7 km in length. In ancient times, the northern border of Judea passed here, today it is the dividing line between the Old and New City.

The valley originates in the Ezrat Israel quarter, passes through the basin of the Sultan and Mamila, capturing the Khuzot HaYetzer region and the area around Mount Zion.

It is hardly possible to see the sinister pictures of classical hell in the modern appearance of Gai ben Khin, except that, with a rich imagination, it will be possible to imagine blazing flames and “hear” the screams of the tormented wicked. Typical depression landscape - rocky slopes covered with sparse grass and coniferous vegetation, white walls low-rise buildings, the remains of old fortifications and a serpentine highway. Looking at this semi-desert landscape, it is hard to believe that bonfires once burned here.

"Gehenna Fiery" is a cult and mystical place, which has become such thanks to its chilling reputation. This is what attracts travelers who seek to look at the earthly image of the kingdom of darkness.

We have all heard of such an expression, burn you in fiery hell. This expression represents hell, the kingdom of Lucifer, Satan, in every culture this place is called differently. Do you know where this place actually is?

Hyena Fiery Israel, history, facts.
Now it is a very nice and beautiful park in the center of Jerusalem, not far from the walls of the Old City. It is called the valley of Hinnom.

According to one of the legends, this place was cleared by fire from the corpses of animals and debris. Another legend says that in ancient times there was a statue of a bull at this place, where children were sacrificed. Because human sacrifice is forbidden in Judaism; from the Hebrew Ennom (Hinnom valley) the word Gehenna arose.

The valley of Hinnom, lying south of Mount Zion, separates the old districts of Jerusalem from the modern ones. It is a peaceful green area, but it has a bad history.

The full name of the area is the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom. Nothing is known about Hinnom and his sons, it can only be assumed that the man left the local fertile lands. They were used inappropriately. It is believed that here the followers of pagan cults sacrificed their children to the gods, burning them alive. The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah cites the eloquent and dramatic words of the Lord: “…they forsook Me and made this place a stranger, and burn incense on it to other gods, whom neither they, nor their fathers, nor the kings of Judah knew; They filled this place with the blood of the innocent, and made heights for Baal, to burn their sons with fire as a burnt offering to Baal, which I did not command or say, and which did not occur to Me” (Jer 19:4-5).

So the word "gehenna" appeared as a symbol of hell. According to another version, the word arose due to the fact that during the time of the Roman Empire there was a city dump where garbage was constantly burned, as well as the corpses of executed criminals and dead animals. During excavations, no evidence was found in favor of any of these versions.

(thanks for the photo)

We stopped at the Montifiori mill. This is a view of the Christian and Armenian quarters of the Old City from there.


And to the other side

Photo 3. And what is this with the St. Andrew's cross at the top? We weren't going there but decided to go check it out.

Photo 4. This fountain is a gift from the German government to Jerusalem. It was opened in the presence of the then German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. main image sculptural composition of the fountain - a lion, a symbol of Jerusalem and Judea.

Photo 5.

Photo 6.

Photo 7.

Photo 8. And this is a terrible sculpture of the most famous haircut in the history of Samson Delilah stands at the entrance to the center of Menachem Begin, where we went

Photo 9. The center itself did not interest us very much and we walked through its territory. This church is already nearby - but there is no passage

Photo 10. But there is something else. Archaeological excavations carried out before construction
center of Begin, revealed on this site a church of the Byzantine period and numerous
cave burials dating back to the First Temple period. Burials are not
graves familiar to us, but rows of stone "beds" on which bodies were laid in a cave (the ceilings of most caves were destroyed) and common pits, where bones were subsequently thrown.
Liora's hat was blown off there, so she had to climb into an ancient grave.

Photo 11

Photo 12. Here he is.

Photo 13. At the entrance there is a memorial plaque with the inscription that “... General Edmund Allenby conquered the country during the battles with the Turkish troops and laid the foundation of the building in honor of the liberation of Jerusalem and in memory of
valiant Scots warriors who fell in battle. December 8, 1917." The church was consecrated later, in 1927, and named after St. Andrew the First-Called, the heavenly patron of Scotland.
The second name - Bruce's Church - is associated with an amazing event that really has to do with this legendary hero of Scotland: he bequeathed to bury his heart in Jerusalem, in the Holy Land. After the death of the king, his special envoy, Douglas the Black, entered into an agreement with the Moors of Andalusia, and transported to Jerusalem a special chest in which the heart of the Scottish king was located. In the floor of the church you can see a slab under which, according to legend, the heart of the greatest king of Scotland, Robert I the Bruce (1306-1329) rests.

Photo 14. View from the threshold of the church

Photo 15. I am at the entrance

Photo 16. And the entrance is closed. Apparently all because I forgot my Scottish kilt at home and they didn’t recognize me as my own

Photo 17 Because she is right below you.
The valley of Hinnom, the valley of Hinnom (Josh. 15:8; Jos. 18:16), or the valley of the sons of Hinnom (2 Kings 23:10; 2 Chron. 28:3; Jer. 7:32) (Heb. גיא בן הִנֹּם) - one of the two valleys (the other is the Kidron Valley) near the old city of Jerusalem.

Initially, the name of this place was not associated with punishment and fire. This valley was located south of Jerusalem, not far from the so-called. "Solar Gate". Eyewitnesses reported that garbage and dead animals were burned in this valley. On this basis modern dictionaries connect this territory with the place of punishment - a place of accumulation of unusable, various garbage, burned by fire. However, the symbolism of Gehenna has deeper roots. It should be remembered that in ancient cultures, almost any action was a ritual, religious and magical action. Burning garbage and dead animals is no exception. The valley of Ennom (or Hinn) was, respectively, the site of various kinds of pagan rites associated with fire. The pagan rites held here included leading children through fire (in early time no doubt human sacrifice the scorching sun). Such sacrifices were called in Phoenician molch, in Hebrew molech ... The remains of such victims were buried in special cemeteries called tofet

The prophets of the Old Testament, who threatened the valley of Hinn with God's punishment, damnation and desolation, prepared the ground for angry gospel and Koranic sermons, promising apostates and sinners eternal fiery torment.
... From the Hebrew ge Hinnom ("Valley of Hinnom") the word "Gehenna" arose.

And this building - the Jerusalem Cinema - a cinema, in other words. And all those who did not like the cinematograph are in for a fiery hell.

Photo 18. Here we are in it - how do you like it? Not scary?

Photo 19. It was not very hot that day in hell fire

Photo 20

Photo 21. See how he looks? pure demon

Photo 22. And here is the entrance. Well, you know where, right?

Photo 23

But more on that in the next episode.

Gehenna fiery

Expression " fiery hell' and simple ' Gehenna” means a place where fire burns all the time and the souls of dead sinners writhe in this fire. A visual representation of Hell, so to speak.

Gehenna Fieryor in Hebrew "Gei ben-Inom" is the name of the deepest and steepest gorge in the Jerusalem area. It starts from the central watershed of Israel, from King George Street in the city center. It goes around the walls of Old Jerusalem, crosses the entire Judean Desert and goes to the Dead Sea.

It was here, at the foot of Jerusalem, that the center of the most ardent idolatry was once located. Here the locals sacrificed their children to Moloch, the Amonean idol of the Ancient East. Jewish prophets allegedly came here to fight against idolatry. After that, they simply burned garbage in this place, burned the corpses of criminals and apostates, who could not be buried in cemeteries. There was always a fire burning and something was being burned. Therefore, the Gay Ben-Inom gorge in Christian mythology has become the personification of Hell. “Gei-ben-Inom” was transformed in Russian pronunciation into Gehenn and then the entire historical place into Gehenna Fiery. Starting from the II century. BC e. Gehenna has become a symbol of the afterlife retribution for sins.

Interestingly, in our time, the rocky cliffs of this gorge have become a local center for rock climbers. Old cemeteries and monasteries add an element of mystery to it.

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In the traditions of most peoples of the world, there is a lot of evidence of a global flood. The most famous is the biblical version of the presentation of this event, but for some reason everyone closes their eyes, does not notice (do not remember?) That, in fact, there was more than one catastrophe. The same legends tell about the second global flood, which occurred literally after the first one. Only this time it wasn't water, but fire falling from the sky. Petersburg researcher A.V. Pushkarev in his book "XV century. Khans and cataclysms." perhaps the only one who spoke most intelligibly on this topic. A.G. also spoke about this. Stepanenko, but his voice was not heard. It seems to me that this event should be told separately, because it played no less significant role in the course of human history than the flood of water.

The fiery ascension of Elijah the prophet. Pskov icon of the 16th century

Here is an incomplete list of references to the fiery catastrophe. And do not say that they would not know this:
Chinese treatise "Huainanzi": "The vault of heaven broke, the earthly scales broke off. The sky tilted to the northwest. The sun and the moon and the stars moved... the fire blazed unabated...
Bible. “The fire that engulfed the earth was not kindled by a human hand, but fell from the sky” (Pap. 2.10).
352 year. While Popes and Athenogenes with their wives and children were drinking (feasting) in the church, the fire from above fell and plunged them into the abyss.
362 year. The Temple of Apollo at Daphne, outside Antioch, is destroyed by a mysterious fire.
451 years. Fire fell in many places, and for 40 days a bright cloud like a trumpet was visible in the sky.
500 year. Heavenly fire burned Baalbek.
500 year. The fire fell on Antioch, burned the palace and did not stop for 6 months.
717 (L. M. 6210, R. H. 710). A storm from God, through the intercession of the Mother of God, overtook their fleet ... the fiery hail that fell on them brought the whole sea to a boil, and when the resin on the ships melted, they and the people sank to the bottom of the sea.
841. For three nights the fire appeared. It began to rain, which stripped the bark from the trees and brought down the stones.
1011 year. The fire fell on Antioch and burned the church of the Evangelist Luke.
1110-1111 years. In Armenia... “in the middle of the night, a mass of flame poured from the sky onto Lake Van, the waves of which emitted a terrible roar and rushed to the shore.
1110 year. At one o'clock in the morning, a "pillar of fire" appears over Kyiv and Novgorod. At the same time, lightning illuminates the whole earth, and great thunder resounds in the sky.
1187. Ipatiev Chronicle: “Darkness was all over the earth to the surprise of all people. For the sun perished, and the sky burned with fiery clouds.
1230 year. In Pereyaslavl Russian, "seated for two" the church of St. Michael, and on May 14 the sun “died”, and a fiery cloud descended from the sky and descended “over the Lybyad stream” in Kyiv.
1348. “In the east, next to Greater India, fire and stinking smoke burned all the cities”, “between China and Persia went heavy rain from fire, falling in flakes like snow, and burning mountains and valleys with all the inhabitants.
You will say: - "Well, yes ... Fires happen periodically. Here and there, something is sure to burn." Without a doubt, this is true, nevertheless, there are facts that give reason to believe that the annals do not speak of individual fires, but of a worldwide catastrophe that almost completely destroyed life on Earth.

Indirect evidence of climate change.

We do not know anything about the history of pre-Russia, not only because the Russians methodically destroyed all the facts of its existence, but also because the bulk of them were destroyed even earlier, and one of the reasons for the fall of Great Tartaria "could be a natural disaster. In the atlas of Ortelius 1562 There are such words: - "Samarkandia was once the capital of all Tartaria, now it lies in ugly ruins, mixed with many traces of antiquities." And a little earlier, in 1498, Moscow spy in Boris Odintsov reported to the Moscow prince: - "And now, Sovereign news came to Tsar Mengli - Girey from the Horde of the Shi - Akhmetovs, and they say, Sovereign, that Horde is hungry and emaciated. "The indicated dates are known to historians as the dates of great climatic shocks. Dendrochronology made it possible to identify abnormal cooling throughout the Earth, but it is especially pronounced it is precisely in the northern hemisphere, this can probably be explained by the fact that the northern hemisphere has always been the most densely populated, and the level of development of mathematics rial culture gave more chances to survive scattered fragments of authentic historical facts. From this we can conclude when exactly the ice caps appeared at the poles. They are not millions of years old, as historians and geologists say. Everyone knows that until recently, Greenland was quite comfortable for existence. There are maps of the area of ​​Greenland, lists of parishes of Greenlandic churches, names of governors have been preserved. There is evidence of an extremely developed animal husbandry on the island. Sheep, horses, cows grazed on magnificent pastures green grass, it was these pastures that gave the name to the country - Greenland - Green Land. Now there is no need to be amazed at medieval cartographers, who foolishly misled sailors by pointing non-existent lands on maps. Allegedly, they copied them from older maps. Let's leave it on the conscience of historians, and let's not believe their nonsense. Several branches of science at once irrefutably prove the cardinal cooling on the planet in the Middle Ages.
Where do you think the word "carelessness" came from in Russian? The Jew Lunacharsky tried so hard to "improve" the Russian language that many words simply lost their meaning. Until 1918, it was correct to write "safety", "unprincipledness", "lack of rights". By the way, children intuitively feel that it is necessary to write correctly, and they write correctly - "WITHOUT FUNCTION" ("truth speaks through the mouth of a baby"), careless is not a DEVIL, which is "stove", and a person without rights is not a DEVIL, which is "right", but teachers they beat the children on the hands, and force them to write original Russian words according to the rules imposed by the Jew, who does not understand anything in Russian. Why did he do this, deprived Russian words of images? And in order for the language to cease to be the bearer of true meaning, it becomes WITHOUT IMAGE. This is what enchantment is, the master of which was LunaCHARSKY. So, the true word "safe" means literally - WITHOUT A FURNACE. Those. people who lightly did not put stoves in their houses, in the hope that the cold would not return, were called careless. This gives grounds to assert that earlier, quite recently, in pre-Russian times, furnaces were not needed at all.
Dendrologists are also aware of the phenomenon of a sharp cooling in the Middle Ages. From the rings on the juniper cuts, it can be established with great accuracy that the climate changed dramatically in the Middle Ages, until the fifteenth century the annual rings were many times thicker than later.
Now let's think about the Siberian mammoths. Even in childhood
in Kolymawith my own ears I heard stories from adults about how the Yakuts and Evens in the sixties of the twentieth century handed over to shops and restaurants under the guise of moose - mammoth! Yes, these are not tales. I heard the same stories from the inhabitants of Primorye and Khabarovsk. The fact is that the carcasses of mammoths are perfectly preserved in permafrost, which indicates instant freezing, and a great many parts of animals have been preserved in this natural "freezer". It is parts, because whole carcasses are extremely rare. The bodies are torn to shreds, as if a giant was tearing huge carcasses of mammoths apart and throwing them into different sides. In addition to mammoths, frozen carcasses of other animals have been preserved in the permafrost - elk, deer, and many tigers. Dogs do not eat tiger meat, but it was to feed the dogs that the aborigines dug up mammoths. Someone came up with the idea to try "canned food" from mammoth himself. It turned out to be edible, but tasteless. The meat is very tough, like rubber, but this is not a hindrance in order to get twenty-five rubles from the director of the restaurant, for example!
In addition, there are several finds of miniatures on bone and wood, where the Yakuts and Chukchi depicted mammoths and deer together, and this suggests that people saw mammoths alive quite recently.
And now I propose to recall childhood, and try to understand why the ancient images of people seemed strange? Don't remember? I remember. I was very surprised that all the people are naked. Of the items of clothing - only a sword. Why? Were these artists of antiquity so concerned? Everything falls into place if you understand that until quite recently the climate on earth was such that clothes were simply not needed. He covered his shame with a thin cloth and went to tear his grapes, why not heavenly pleasure? A long time ago, at the institute, I asked a teacher of cultural studies: - "You used the word "antiquity" ten times today, but explain to me, the unreasonable, the meaning of this word." The teacher was no longer a young woman, but wrinkling her forehead, she honestly admitted that she herself did not know! But at the next lecture, an explanation was given especially for me, extracted from the dictionary, "antiquity" means "antiquity." At that time, I did not notice the catch, and much later I tried to verify the truth of the assertion that antiquity and antiquity are one and the same. When the Internet appeared, I literally "bathed" in dictionaries and reference books, and remembered "antiquity". I found a most curious interpretation: - "
antiquitas - events that took place before a certain moment. "And then a harmonious picture began to take shape in my head. Well, of course, it could not be otherwise. The whole history of mankind is divided into "Before" and "After" something. .H. and from R.H. So antiquity is the time before some very important event that changed the course of history. Was it the birth of a Jewish boy in Nazareth? It is highly unlikely, although in itself it could coincide in time. The answer, most likely, is precisely in the fact that there is not a single image of a person in felt boots, in a fur coat, jacket or trousers on works of art dating back to antiquity. This means antiquity big share the probabilities are times before global cooling.
An analysis of information from official history provides a less reliable starting point. According to the official chronology, we can conclude that the event that led to a sharp cooling happened in the middle of the fifteenth century. What was this event? Now many are leaning towards the meteorite (comet) version. Perhaps this is so, let's see what the evidence, scattered in time and geography, tells us.

Legends of the Sakhalin Gilyaks.

"At first there was one sun, one moon, there were many people, there were many fish,maritimethere were a lot of animals, there were many big whales in the sea. There were many trees on the mountains and on the ground. Then the weather turned bad. For one year, the weather was bad, snow fell. Resin rain poured abundantly on the ground. Then THREE suns and THREE moons were born. Three suns burned everything. It was so hot that the fish that jumped out of the water were baked outside in the sun. This Earth is all burnt, broken. There was only water. The sea was boiling, all the fish, sea animals all died. Then the earth was born from the sea. After killing the superfluous luminaries, life began to appear."
Three moons and three suns. It's funny, isn't it?

An enlarged fragment of a medieval map. This is the flag of Chin (China).

Medieval engraving.

Appearance captured on camera by an eyewitness cell phone in China.
Where else could the legends about the three luminaries be reflected? We will see:

Emblem of the Royal Swedish Air Force.

There is a country with a strange name. Russia.

Biohazard sign.

Designation on vehicle"Deaf Driver"

Banner of Tamerlane.
Remember at the same time the legends about the three-headed dragon, the trinity, Svyatovit, etc.

Traditions of the Amur Nanais.

“Instead of one heavenly body, three of them rose, people began to go blind from the light, die of thirst. The sun burned so hard that the earth burned, the water boiled in the rivers. When the fish, playing, jumped out of the water, its scales slipped. when the three suns set, three moons appeared, and the night became so bright that people could not sleep."

The Tale of Bygone Years.

“The Sun stood in a circle, and in the middle of the circle was a cross, and in the middle of the cross was the Sun, and outside the circle on both sides were two suns, and above the Sun outside the circle an arc with horns to the north; the same sign was in the Moon, of the exact same type and within three days..."

Engraving from the chronicle of Lykostenis.

It would be possible to include in this story the traditions of the Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians of the central and South America etc. In the Bible, I know at least two references to such an event - the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah and the revelations of John the theologian. I don’t see the point in unreasonably cluttering up with letters, which are already not very popular now, losing more and more pictures every year. But all legends and traditions are related by several factors:
- Three moons and three suns, though I will make a reservation, in Vietnam there were already twelve of them, and somewhere around seven.
- An unbearable heat that incinerated the whole earth, evaporated entire seas.
- Changes in the landscape, the appearance of new islands, mountains and rivers.
- Precipitation in the form of bitumen or resin, and some flakes.
- Change the calendar.
The first factor testifies to the meeting of the earth with cosmic bodies (comets, stars),
the second - explains the disappearance of huge masses of water from the planet (the strait between Asia and Europe and the Tethys Sea), the third - without comment, and it is so clear that before the catastrophe the earth had a different look,
fourth - explains why most of the antediluvian structures, which were not even flooded, are submerged in the ground (like Pompeii) by several meters,
fifth - indirectly explains several unreasonable facts.
Traditional historians claim that people of the so-called Trypillia culture burned their cities to the ground every 52 years, and along with everything that was acquired by overwork! Then they went light to a new place, and re-built concentric cities with two and three-story houses, re-weaved fabrics, produced ceramics and tools. Such they say they have a tradition - every 52 years to start everything from scratch. Herodotus also mentioned the tribes of the Pelasgians (cranes), who will live - live, and throw everything in figs, go to build new town in the middle of nowhere. All this refers to the Scythians, more precisely to their ancestors. It is noteworthy that on the ashes of the Tripoli cities (now you understand why you were so surprised by the presence of five almost Russian names on the map of North Africa - TRIPOL? One of these Tripoli is even the capital of the country of Libya.) not even a hint of a weapon was found. There was no one to fight with the people of Trypillya, and there was nothing for it, and therefore the cities were built without any defensive fortifications.

Testament of Princess Olga. 6454 from the creation of the world (946 on modern system chronology).

They say it is written on three silver plates in the Glagolitic alphabet, which was used by both the Scythians and the Pelasgians (Trypillians). Here are excerpts from the translation:
“This people drinks sorrow and its term is a thousand years. And there will be famine, wars, and worse - an abomination of the spirit. And they will, like dogs to tear apart this people, those deceitful princes in their madness changing history. Bring death to the people
too... "

“We should not deal with the unbelief of the people. Disregard for your kind will tell who has the law, and who no longer has it ... "

I have no idea how exactly our archaeologists calculated with such accuracy that exactly 52 years was the life span of one city. But I remember that the same period met me somewhere else. This "somewhere" is the calendar of the Central American Indians. They, like the Trypillians, lived in cycles of 52 years. And this Period was taken as a basis precisely because, according to the legends of the Indians, there were two fiery catastrophes with a difference of exactly 52 years. By the way, when Cristobal de Colomne (real name of Christopher Columbus) came to America to set up his column (colonize, mark the occupied land with a cross), the Indians were not at all surprised by the arrival white man, because it was just another fifty-second year, completing another cycle. They believed that at the end of the next fifty-two years, the white God, the feathered serpent Quetzatcoatl, would certainly return from Venus. For him, they took the man who went down in history under the name Columbus. But we understand that this is not a name at all, but a position. So we can assume that the memory of 52 years is not at all accidental. Probably, in fact, two fiery catastrophes happened 52 years later, one after the other. And then it's time to figure out what a YEAR (SUMMER) is.
Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that there are 365 days in a year, and no one even suggests that this was not always the case. Is it a coincidence that American Indians live according to a calendar of 365 days, but celebrate events according to a year of 280 days? What is it, a memory of the antediluvian number of days in a year, or a gift from another planet? If Quetzatcoatl is from Venus, maybe the calendar is from there? But no, there are 243 days in a Venusian year. But maybe it wasn't always like that? After all, there are serious reasons to believe that the Earth year was recently much shorter! The main argument in favor of this is the division of the circle into 360 degrees. What is a degree? This is the distance traveled by the sun in one day. Total - 360 days a year. Why now 365, and then not always? There is only one answer. The planet slows down rotation around the sun, and most likely around the axis. Then the reason for the "longevity" of biblical characters who lived for 700, 900 and even more than one thousand years becomes clear. But still, even if the year lasted 280 days, then the modern thousand years will be equal to 767 years with a year duration of 280 days. There is one more assumption.

Lunar time reckoning.

If the assumption that until 1700 in pre-Russian (and not only) in the summer was considered one lunar cycle. If this is so, then we can take a fresh look at the entire chronology. Such inexplicable things become clear. As you know, now it is 2013, which corresponds to the pre-Russian year 7521 from the creation of the world. We do not take into account 313 years, We live according to the modern Gregorian calendar. Let us take as a starting point the year of the introduction of the new calendar 1700. This is the 7208th year from the creation of the world, and if the summer was equal to one month, then the first year, the date of this significant event, from which our ancestors began the countdown of the new calendar, is 1099 - 1100 according to the accepted chronology. And what does it give us? And this gives us another independent confirmation of the correctness of Fomenko and Nosovsky. The history is lengthened precisely by 1100 years, which are attributed to the darkness of the Middle Ages, which is attributed to the fall of the world into the darkness of ignorance, after which, supposedly, the renaissance began, again everyone became smart and enlightened like their ancient ancestors. It can cause nothing but sarcasm in a healthy person. It is as if we have now returned from the era of computer science to the transmission of information using messengers and cuneiform. Is it real? Realistically, only in one case, if civilization is completely destroyed, and a handful of survivors will have to rediscover, long ago open technologies, which could also be, if the catastrophes preserved in the myths of legends are not exaggerated in their scale. But it seems to me quite logical that Peter changed the chronology along with everything that was considered pagan, beliefs, folk culture, clothing, the structure of the state, etc. Along with the substitution of the calendar, there was also a substitution of the date of the true event that went down in history as the birth of Jesus Christ.
Let's see what significant happened in that year 1100! There were quite a lot of events, but one of them just begs to take the place of one of the most important for the fate of the world. Reading "Wikipedia": - "
August 30, 1100 - the 2nd Congress of Princes was held in Vitichev Kievan Rus. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich made peace among themselves, and on August 30 the princes gathered for the trial of David Igorevich, who violated the truce established in 1097 at the 1st congress of princes in Lyubech. Davyd was deprived of the Vladimir-Volyn principality, receiving in return the towns of Buzhsky Ostrog, Duben, Chertoryysk and 400 hryvnias of silver.

Not understood? Let me explain. The listed princes concluded (created) peace among themselves! Here's another greeting from Lunacharsky. Thanks to his zeal to correct the "wrong" Russian language, such letters as i and Ї fell into disuse. Now the word "PEACE" is spelled the same way both in the meaning of "not war" and in the meaning of "peace, light." For example, the novel by L.N. Tolstoy in the original is called "War and Peace", which means "War and Light (all countries, earth)", and the absence of hostilities, mode, was indicated on the letter with the word "Mir". So even descendants of Tolstoy misunderstand the title of the novel. "War and peace" is not "war and not war" at all, but it means "War and planet Earth". Exactly the same thing happened with the substitution of the concept of "Creation of the world." This is not at all about the creation of the planet Earth, but it is specifically about the creation MiRA, but notWORLD. Those. The countdown was precisely from the adoption of the Peace Treaty, which marked the beginning of the existence of a single centralized country (confederation) of Dorossiya! Well, or Tartaria, if you like. And you can say and Russia. And it is right. Russia is the correct name of our country. So in foreign languages fixed - RUSSIA. But no Russians and no Russia. I don't like calling my country the language of the occupiers. My ancestors were RUSSIA, and their land was called RUSSIA.

I myself like the version, however ... I'm afraid that all these "scientific" data cannot be trusted. The truth, probably, is that there were two natural disasters that wiped out the previous civilization, with a difference of 52 years. First, the flood, the increase in the diameter of the Earth and the lowering of the poles, then the global fire, which explains the complete absence of organic remains of the antediluvian period. The fire caused the effect of "nuclear winter", which led to a sharp cooling of the climate, the emergence of polar ice shells and permafrost. The survivors turned out to be by no means the best part of humanity, and began to loot, to divide the remnants of their inheritance. In this massacre, the last reliable information about the past of mankind was finally destroyed. History is not just rewritten, but rewritten, which is why you should not trust what was written before 1861. Even to be absolutely certain - earlier than 1921, when the second World War, called by historians the first. In reality, the First World War began in 1853, and was called "Crimean". And she was Crimean or Roman, already a separate issue.
Confirmation of the version with "Fiery Gehenna" is also such facts as the youth of all forests on the territory of Eurasia, it is better to read about this from Alexei Artemiev

It also becomes clear where such colossal reserves of potash appeared in Russia before Peter the Great, which was the main export item (after all, potash was boiled from wood ash).
The cleansing fire actually cleansed the entire surface of the earth, freeing it from all the garbage and ashes of people, and therefore there is no gigantic number of cemeteries that, in the history of the planet, must inevitably cover most of its area.

But the most serious contradiction, which I cannot resolve, is this:
If among the remains of animals, conserved permafrost not a single humanoid creature was found, then where could the witnesses of the flood and hellfire come from? It turns out that humanity generally arrived on earth almost yesterday!
But this is another topic, and I think there are grounds for describing it.