Fundamentals of growing watermelons in open ground. Technology for growing watermelons in open ground, soil selection, formation and care How to plant watermelons

Today it has become popular to grow in the country or personal plot enough exotic species plants, even if you live in Central Russia. This opportunity is provided by numerous varieties of watermelons and melons, adapted to the conditions of capricious weather, sharp drops temperature, in a word to all the surprises of the zone risk farming.

Growing watermelons is quite an exciting activity, acquiring in recent times more and more fans. Getting a full-fledged watermelon in the Moscow region or in the Vologda region is not a problem today, you just need to know some rules of agricultural technology and adhere to them strictly. Let's take a step-by-step look at the entire simple watermelon planting scheme and find out what can prevent you from getting full harvest this melon culture.

The watermelon varieties offered in stores do not always meet the necessary standards for planting them in the conditions of the Middle Strip. Here you need to be guided early ripening berries, and watermelon is considered a berry, you should choose varieties that give small fruits and are resistant to various diseases.

Numerous hybrids meet these criteria. Pay attention to ultra-early varieties, they can ripen long before the onset of the first autumn frosts, and you will get the degree of sugar content of the fruit that you dreamed of. You can also advise the variety "Spark" known among avid gardeners, which is considered early. It gives very small fruits, but they are different high content sugar, can be stored for a while and are very productive.

Preparing seeds for sowing

In order for the seeds to sprout quickly and amicably, it is necessary to spend several preparatory activities: calibrate the seed material, then carry out scarification, warm the seeds and disinfect them in a special biostimulator or weak solution potassium permanganate. Despite the apparent difficulties, the processes are not complicated and even inexperienced gardeners can do it. We will analyze each of their stages separately.

  • What is calibration? This is sorting seed material in terms of size, and therefore in terms of germination. Why sort seeds? The secret is that if in one bowl there is a strong and large seed next to a small one, the first will not allow the second to develop normally, taking the lion's share of the nutrition for itself. Therefore, strong watermelon grains are planted separately from weaker or smaller seeds. In this case, the seedlings will be even and friendly.
  • Scarification is a procedure that not all gardeners do. It involves damage to the seed shell, sawing it or opening it. These actions are explained by faster germination of seedlings. Scarification can be done in this way: take a grain and rub it with a “nose” on sandpaper, so the hard layer of the peel will be erased and the sprout will be able to “jump out” faster.
  • Warming up is for watermelon seeds an obligatory step, it not only accelerates the biochemical reactions inside the grain, but also helps the fastest germination of seedlings. In order for the procedure to be performed correctly, water with a temperature of about + 50 degrees is required. It is desirable that this mode be kept for half an hour. Seeds are immersed in water and kept in it for the allotted time.
  • Disinfection is a mandatory item, it is necessary for the disinfection of seeds. They should be placed in a container of water in which not diluted a large number of potassium permanganate. It takes 20 minutes for the harmful bacteria on the surface of the seeds to die. After this procedure, watermelon seeds are dried on a battery and can be sown in separate pots or boxes.

Note! You can germinate the seeds before planting by wrapping them in gauze or cloth, moistening it with water. It is desirable that the temperature during germination be quite high, above room temperature. Batteries are used for this, but you definitely need to make sure that the fabric does not dry out. After the appearance of small white sprouts from the peel, you can safely plant the seeds in the soil.

Selection of soil and containers

It is advisable to place each future watermelon in a separate pot, the size of which should not be less than 10-12 cm in volume and height. It is advisable to fill the containers not to the very edge, but leave 3 cm each, this is necessary in order to be able to subsequently add soil.

For watermelons, it is desirable to make soil from humus or peat with humus in equal amounts. Sod land (1 part) with humus (3 parts) is also suitable. One small spoonful of superphosphate or two large spoons should be added to any of the compositions. wood ash. This amount is applied per 1 kilogram of soil mixture.

How to sow watermelon seeds

Planting watermelons on open areas possible only at the end of May, not earlier. By this time, the seedlings are already 30-35 days old from the moment of sowing, and, as a rule, they have 4 leaves. From these dates, and guided by these indicators, it is worth approximately calculating the moment of landing, that is, these days fall in the middle or end of April.

Plant two seeds in each container, planting depth of about 3 cm. After germination, the weakest is removed. Make sure that the place is not blown by a draft; a south window is suitable for this.

Seedling Care

For the germination of watermelons, a temperature of 25-30 degrees is required, if it is observed, then you can wait for the appearance of "loops" in six days. After the seedlings appear, you can limit temperature regime+18 degrees, this is necessary for the adaptation of young seedlings. Further, it is desirable to put each container in a place where again the heat of the air will be at least +22 degrees. This regime is necessary for three weeks, until the seedlings are planted in a permanent place in open beds.

Highly important points in the care of seedlings is lighting. Young growth is very susceptible to light, and if it is not enough, then the shoots will stretch and become long and weak. Additional lighting with special lamps will help to avoid this. watermelons extremely light-loving plants so make sure there is enough light.

After about two weeks, seedlings can be fed with fertilizer, which is prepared from mullein and water in proportions of 1:10. Manure should be fermented, you should not take fresh, you can burn young plants. The second portion of nutrients is introduced in a couple of weeks. This time, the nutrient mixture is prepared from mullein, to which 50 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g of ammonium sulfate are added. These components are added to 1 liter of the finished solution of water with manure.

This is all that watermelons need as additional nutrition before planting in open ground.

Landing in open ground

It is impossible to do without hardening the plants, until the moment of planting, the seedlings are taken out to a cool room, starting for an hour, then for a longer period. What you need to know about the rules for growing melons and gourds on a personal plot for each gardener:

  • Landing is done in the morning, along with pea soil, watermelons are planted in a permanent place with a distance of about 80 cm from each other. Plants are deepened to the level of cotyledon leaves. Then you need to water them and cover with a film.
  • The film can be removed only at the end of June, when the difference between night and day temperatures will noticeably decrease.
  • Watering watermelons should be plentiful and often, when the plants appear female flowers, watering is reduced, and when ovaries appear, it practically stops.
  • Pollination is an important link for the usefulness of the crop. It is possible, without waiting for the appearance of bees and other pollinating insects, to independently produce pollination. To do this, you need to touch the rest with one flower. The period of fruit ripening after pollination will come in 40-45 days.
  • Whip formation - necessary measure. If you are growing watermelons on special supports or trellises, you should leave one stem to form 4-5 fruits. After the required number of ovaries is formed, the stem is pinched, limiting its growth.
  • Watermelons need protection from diseases, especially if the weather is not pampered in the summer. Preparations: Hom, Ordan, Abiga-Peak will help prevent the development of peronosporosis, powdery mildew, aschotitosis, anthracnose. But from harmful insects it is worth stocking up with such means as: Fufanol, Fitoverm, Decis, Tantrek. They will reliably protect plants from the attack of aphids, scoops, wireworms, meadow moths.

Sowing watermelons with seeds in open ground is carried out exclusively under a film or a greenhouse, in ridges prepared in advance. In this case, the harvest can be expected much later, and the film cover is removed depending on weather conditions.

Growing watermelon is exciting activity, because not everyone succeeds in achieving the desired result, especially when it comes to the zone of risky farming. But, to satisfy their own ambitions, sometimes gardeners take on the most daring project. Just imagine that on your table at the end of the season suddenly appears grown with my own hands ripe, juicy watermelon, which, with its aroma, gathers a whole crowd of curious people around it. And, of course, it turns out to be ripe, red, sweet!

Probably, you rarely meet a person who would not like watermelons. However, not all of us have a plot to grow our favorite fruits and vegetables. This is the main reason why people are wondering how to grow watermelon at home.

Not everyone knows, but you can grow watermelons without using seedlings, but immediately on permanent place. As a rule, seedlings are used in order to later transplant plants into a greenhouse. Garden How to grow watermelon open ground

This is done so that the berry has time to ripen. And if we are talking about growing a fetus at home, then this stage can be safely skipped.

Basic steps to grow the most delicious watermelon on the planet

Should start by buying enough large capacity, because the watermelon has a branched root system. For this, a box measuring 50x50x30 cm is perfect. You can make it yourself, for example, from wooden planks. If this is not possible, then you can always take a bowl or bucket. If the selected container is transparent, then it makes sense to wrap it with a dark-colored cloth. Such a measure necessary so that the roots do not dry out and turn green. The container must be filled with fertile soil with trace elements.

You can buy it at any garden or hardware store. Fortunately, nowadays even in some supermarkets you can find such products, if, of course, there is a garden department there. Thirty days before you plan to plant a watermelon, you will need to lime the soil. This is necessary so that the acidity is about 6 pH.

Before planting the seeds, they must first be soaked for about ten minutes in water with a temperature of more than 100C. You need to keep it until the seeds begin to peck, after which they can be planted. Please note that it is impossible to separate the seeds in any case.

How many seeds to plant?

You don't need much, because they can all ascend. But three seeds will be the most the best option. Planting should be at a depth of about three centimeters. After the sprouts appear, you need to choose the strongest and leave it.

Plant placement

The best place is by the window

Not better place than a window sill. You can, of course, just put it near the window, but at the same time the plant should receive a sufficient amount of light. However, do not forget that the frame cannot be left open, otherwise there is a risk of freezing the heat-loving plant. most the best temperature for maturation is the temperature in the range from +25 to +30 degrees. Until the fruit is formed, the plant will be considered a seedling. At night time optimum temperature will be about +18 degrees. When you notice that the fruits begin to set, do not drastically lower the room temperature. Leave it also at least +25 degrees. In addition, it should be remembered that moisture for watermelons is detrimental. It must be remembered that watering should be moderate, do not pour too much.

In three months you can harvest

As a rule, if watermelons are grown in a greenhouse, then it takes about three months. If we are talking about growing watermelon at home, then most likely it will take a little longer. If we are talking about growing at a time of the year when the daylight hours are less than twelve hours, then fluorescent lamps should be used. This is necessary to highlight the watermelon. Try to keep your lighting clearly directional. Let it illuminate the plant as much as possible. In addition, special reflective surfaces should also be used. Moreover, you should place them around the watermelon.

Vitamins and minerals for the plant

Like any other living creature, watermelon needs feeding. Try to do it in a certain way. The most common method is the primary feeding with phosphorus and nitrogen. Moreover, it is done in the same quantities. After you see that the fruits are tied, you should think about using top dressing, where there is a large amount of potassium. And at this moment it is necessary to ensure that there is not so much nitrogen in the top dressing as at the initial stage.

It makes sense to install a support in the container, with which you can fix the shoots of your watermelon. The main stem, as a rule, is attached at a height of about one hundred centimeters. Lateral shoots are attached a little differently: they are pinned so that a few leaves remain above the flower with the ovary.

After you notice that the fruits have formed, you do not need to leave everything. Two is enough, all the rest need to be pinched off, because there will be no point in them. They will only take all the juices and nutrients. If you leave more than two fruits, then they will all remain small. When you see that the fetus has reached a size of about ten centimeters in diameter, then it must be placed in gauze or mesh, after which it should be tied to a support. This is done to make it more durable.

By the way, when you grow watermelon at home, you should remember that it will not reach such huge sizes as when planting in a greenhouse. However, great advantage the skin becomes thinner. Usually, growing watermelon at home, you can get a fruit weighing about a kilogram.

If you do not know which variety should be preferred, then stop at the seeds of such varieties as "Kaho", "Spark" or "Sibiryak". These varieties are the most unpretentious for growing at home.

If the first time you fail to grow the watermelon that you wanted or does not work at all, then you should not be very upset. Try again, just at the next landing you will need to take into account the mistakes made and not repeat them again. Juicy and sweet watermelons to you!

Watermelon is a favorite treat not only for children, but also for adults. The juicy pulp of this berry refreshes well and quenches thirst in summer heat. If in the South the watermelon grows without any problems, then in middle lane it is necessary to have certain knowledge in order for the plant to survive in the open field. The gourd culture reacts extremely positively to a warm climate and negatively to the cold, but first things first.

The site where you plan to grow this plant should be chosen with particular scrupulousness. There should be no shade at the site of the future plantation, the site should be as much as possible illuminated by the sun. The soil must be sandy ideal, but sandy loam is also suitable. Watermelon roots penetrate deep into the soil, from where they are saturated with moisture and saturated with sweetness, for this reason they are dense, clay soil won't fit. To make the soil the most porous, it must be dug up in the autumn. The acidity of the soil should not be higher than 7 units.

An excellent option would be to use areas where potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage or wheat used to grow. It is worth noting that growing melons in one area for the second year in a row will turn out to be a failure for you. Before planting, do not ignore the clearing of the area, the watermelon will not tolerate extraneous neighbors in the form of weeds or other vegetation.

Good time to grow

Unfortunately, if the summer turned out to be cool in the year, then no tricks will help you get juicy, and most importantly sweet watermelon. It is worth being ready for a rich harvest only when the summer turned out to be successful, with hot, sunny days.

Planting a plant should begin as early as the end of May, by this period the soil will be warmed up quite well. If planting will be carried out by seedlings, then start seed preparation from the beginning of May. However, in any case the last word remains subject to weather conditions. If at the beginning of May you only have to dream of warmth, then you should not rush into landing.

Seed preparation

Planting watermelons occurs in 2 ways - seedlings and seedless.

seedling method

The berry has dense and fairly hard seeds that require pre-soaking. Just half an hour is enough, but make sure that the water is warm. Seeds that float in water are unsuitable for planting, they can be safely disposed of. Cover the container with seeds and water with polyethylene and leave it in the sun, under its direct rays. So you create an analogue of a greenhouse. It is important that the temperature in such a greenhouse during the day does not fall below 25, and at night below 20 degrees.

After the seeds have hatched, they can be transferred to a cup with earth. Typically, this procedure can be carried out in late April or early May. When choosing a glass, remember that the root system in it should not be crowded. Damage to the roots for a watermelon will be fatal. Before planting, mix the soil with mineral composition and humus.

While the seedlings are growing, they will have to be fed for the whole process several more times. Plant several seeds at once in one glass, counting on the fact that one of them may not germinate. If both seeds give a sprout, then in the future they will simply be divided.

A sprout is healthy and suitable for transplantation, on which at least three healthy leaves have formed. Before planting, loosen the soil and add compost to it. Seedlings sit at a distance of 20 cm from each other. If you plant several sprouts in one hole, then later they should be deployed so that they grow in different sides. Recesses for seedlings should not exceed 10 cm in depth. When planting, the leaves must remain above the ground. At the end of the process, the seedlings are watered abundantly. warm water so she'll fit in better.

seedless way

If the street has already established enough warm weather, you can plant watermelons without the use of seedlings. As in the previous version, the seeds should be soaked in warm water. After the seeds have hatched, you can start planting them, but no longer in a glass, this step can be skipped. It is worth noting that the method of planting watermelons immediately in open ground is permissible only if the weather forecast unequivocally denies the sudden onset of cold weather.

Several seeds are planted in one hole, prepare the holes in advance at a distance of 25 cm from each other. For an excellent harvest, mix soil, humus and ash in a 1 to 1 ratio. In this mixture, add a few bed of mineral fertilizer. Add 1 tablespoon of this mixture to each well. Put the seeds in the holes and cover with humus on top. So you will not allow the formation of a crust in the top layer of soil.

watermelon care

Despite the fact that melons are considered unpretentious in their growth, it is worth knowing some of the nuances in order to get a rich harvest.

  1. Imitation of a greenhouse. Weak sprouts are covered with material on top to prevent them from dying and getting a ripe berry ahead of schedule. For creating makeshift greenhouse stick a few pegs along the edges and stretch tight polyethylene between them. Such a greenhouse should be maintained until the end of June. When it comes time to shoot the film, it's best if it happens on an overcast day. This will allow the plant to adapt more easily. If you choose to remove the film on a hot, sunny day, you may end up burning the sprouts.
  2. Watering. Excessive watering is unacceptable for watermelon, he prefers to eat groundwater. Powerful root system plants successfully take moisture from the lower layers of the soil. It is also impossible to overdry the watermelon, so it will not differ in its juiciness. The normal frequency of watering is several times a week.
  3. Fertilizers. Already a week after planting seedlings in open ground, it needs to be fed with ammonium nitrate. In 20 liters of water it is necessary to dissolve only 10 grams of the substance. After such top dressing, fertilizer with the usual mineral composition once every few weeks will be sufficient. In addition to fertilizers, do not forget to hill the soil. It is vital for a watermelon to have loose earth, and experienced gardeners and completely forbid walking and trampling the ground next to the watermelon planting.
  4. Molding. This part is important in the care of watermelons. If the lashes of the plant have grown very long, they can be safely tied up or nailed with earth so that the wind does not hurt. A month later, the formation of the first ovaries begins. When these ovaries reach the size of a large plum, the largest ones are left, a few pieces, the rest are removed. This procedure is called pinching. When a plant produces fruits, it provides them with all the necessary nutrients that they take from the soil. When there are too many of these fruits, they will remain small, since the plant is not able to provide them all. necessary quantity components for growth and maturation. In order for the fruits to be large and tasty, several pieces are removed at the very beginning. On one bush, usually no more than pieces of watermelons are left.

Learn more about watermelon care here:

When watermelons begin their ripening, they can be turned from side to side about 1 time in 10 days. If the soil began to rot, it is worth putting a few boards under the berry, which will reduce contact with the ground.


The harvest traditionally takes place in August. In order to determine the degree of ripening of a watermelon, it is enough to carefully examine it. A ripe fruit will have a shiny skin and a dry tail. Peduncle at ripe berries won't be hairy. If you knock on the fruit, you will hear a dull sound, it is for him that experienced gardeners understand that it is time to harvest.

Thanks to modern technologies growing berries and vegetables is no longer a fantasy. To understand how to grow watermelon at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances in advance that will allow you to harvest an ecological and tasty crop after some time.

Not every variety of watermelon can be grown at home. Seeds of delicious watermelon from the market or store are not suitable for this purpose, because this variety is grown in open areas in spring and summer. For the same reasons, they will not suitable varieties, which are grown in summer cottages.

But there are hybrids that are resistant to lack of light, early ripening, they do not require special care. The following varieties are considered excellent: Ogonyok, Kaho, Sibiryak, Volgar, Gift of the Sun. They sprout very well, are tenacious, the fruits have a sweet taste.

After the acquisition, planting material must be selected before growing watermelon at home. Small and damaged seeds are excluded immediately. Large seeds are dipped in a glass container containing a solution of table salt. It is done like this: 5 g of salt per 0.1 liter of water. Seeds that have sunk to the bottom must be removed, washed in water, and dried. It is these seeds that are needed for planting.

Then they are soaked in a solution of humate (0.5 g per 1 liter of water). This is done as follows: gauze is wetted, in which the seeds are left for a day. This will increase germination and reduce stress. You can also leave the seeds in gauze moistened with ordinary water until they begin to hatch.
Then the seeds need to be planted in small plastic cups of 4-5 seeds each, the earth should be a little tamped in them.

Watering should be carried out in such a way that the soil is always moist. For seedlings to appear, the temperature must be around 25 ° C. Then shoots will appear after 1 week. If the temperature is below 13 ° C, then seedlings can not be expected.

Cups should be in a well-lit and warm place. Drafts should not be allowed. After 2-3 weeks, 1 seedling should be left in each cup.

watermelon care

As soon as 3 leaves appear, the plants are transferred to containers, the volume of which is from 5 to 15 liters. They should have a mixture of seedling soil and perlite in a ratio of 2: 1. Water the plant often, but not abundantly so that the water does not stagnate. Every 2 weeks the soil must be fertilized. Liquid fertilizers for vegetables are suitable here. It is necessary to add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. fertilizers. This solution can only be used for 1 watering.

When 6 leaves grow, pinch the plant over 4 leaves. The plant needs enough light. If there is not enough lighting, then additional LED or energy-saving lamps will be required.

Pollination of the plant and the appearance of fruits

In most cases, watermelons begin to bloom 30-50 days after germination.

Flowers require pollination to produce an ovary.

To do this, you must first find male flowers that have a thin stem. Such flowers will need to be carefully plucked, they need to pollinate female flowers by touching the pistils with stamens.

After a certain period of time, the withering of the petals and the increase in the peduncle will be noticeable, which after a while will become a fruit. As the lashes grow, they will need to be pinched to stop their growth.

A few weeks before the full ripening of the fruit, watering should be minimized, stimulating the appearance of sugar in the berry. When the grown fruits are ripe, you can harvest.

How to grow watermelons in the country (video)

About the beneficial properties of watermelon

This berry has a lot of sugar (about 12%). It is quite easily absorbed by the body and, unlike refined sugar, benefits.

Watermelon juice has a diuretic effect, so it is able to flush the kidneys and ureters well. Thanks to him, salts dissolve and are washed out of the body. Watermelon juice is considered beneficial for people suffering from kidney disease. Watermelon juice is also useful for people who have diabetes, cystitis, atherosclerosis.

Now you know about growing watermelon at home. We wish you a good harvest!

We plant seedlings of watermelon in open ground (video)

Gallery: watermelon at home (15 photos)

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Watermelon is a melon crop. Its growth is associated with a warm climate. But at present, this crop is grown in various climatic conditions in their gardens and greenhouses. For information on when to plant watermelons so that they reach ripeness, read the article.

Description of watermelon

This plant survives due to its long stems, which from the deep layers of the soil get nutrients for the fruit. Their length reaches four meters or more. They are curly in structure. Despite the fact that the stems are thin, they are able to withstand large fruits. The leaves are egg-shaped and pubescent along the edges. They grow in length up to 10-20 cm, and in width - from 6 to 17.

The flowering period of watermelons begins in summer. Their fruits are considered berries, and this seems unusual to many people. Under a dense, thick crust contains juicy, tasty, sweet and very fragrant pulp with large quantity large seeds.

How to choose the right site and prepare the soil?

The growth and development of plants, the formation and ripening of their fruits largely depend on how to conduct preparatory work. What is needed for this?

  • To obtain good harvest watermelons, you need to create normal growing conditions for them. First of all, such a site is selected, which during the whole daylight hours will be heated by the sun's rays and not blown strong winds. It is important that there are no drafts.
  • Seedlings take root quickly and grow well in the area previously occupied by onions, alfalfa, cabbage, legumes. You do not need to plant watermelons on those beds where eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes grew before.
  • When you have decided on the site, you should start preparing the soil. Watermelons are suitable for sandy and sandy soils. While the site is free from plants, it must be fertilized with manure, potash fertilizers, superphosphate. If it turns out that the soil on the site is heavy, it must be discharged. To do this, it is enough to add fine-grained sand, otherwise the watermelons will grow poorly and bear fruit.

Preparing seeds for planting

For planting watermelons, planting material must be prepared. The steps for this procedure are:

  • First, calibration is done, for which you need to pour the seeds onto a horizontal surface and arrange them in separate piles, focusing on size. For large, medium and small seeds, containers are prepared with the appropriate parameters. This will increase their germination: large specimens will not oppress small ones. The seeds will sprout and grow evenly. Small specimens do not need to be thrown away. They are suitable for planting, only seedlings from them will bear fruit later.
  • The second step is scarification. It is optional, but desirable. It is carried out in order to make it easier for the sprout to reach the surface. To do this, just rub the "nose" of the seed sandpaper with fine texture.
  • Then the seeds are heated. To do this, you need to put them in hot water for 30 minutes. The procedure cannot be ignored, it is mandatory for watermelons.
  • After that, the seeds are disinfected, for which they are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
  • The last step is the drying of seeds. This should be done not on a battery or in an oven, but in a natural way. Seeds are laid out in one layer on a horizontal surface of a table or floor outside under a canopy. Be sure to exclude the sun and drafts.

To boost germinate. Before drying, they are wrapped in a soft cloth made of natural fibers, moistened clean water and put on a plate next to a heat source. The condition of the rag must be constantly monitored, it should not dry out. Moisturize if necessary.

How to plant watermelons in seeds?

If the cultivation of the crop will be carried out in regions where a warm climate prevails, then the seeds do not need preliminary preparation except for soaking. When the sprouts hatch, they are immediately sown in the ground. How to plant watermelon seeds, read below.

  • In the spring, when the snow melts, under the influence sun rays the soil will start to warm up. It is necessary to wait until its temperature reaches +13 ° C. Seeds should be kept in a container of water at room temperature until they germinate.
  • In the garden or in the country, a site is selected for planting. Holes are made over its entire area, their depth is 10 cm. The distance between them should be large. Approximately one metre.
  • Then, fertilizer prepared independently is poured at the bottom of each hole: humus is mixed with a tablespoon of ash and a teaspoon of ammofoska.
  • After that, the seeds are placed in the hole, covered with soil and waiting for them to sprout. This happens two weeks later or a little earlier.
  • Planting seeds in regions where cold climate carried out at other times. When to plant watermelons in this case? Taking into account climatic features, planting seeds should be carried out at the end last month spring or early summer.

When to plant watermelons for seedlings? It depends on the region of growth and the method of cultivation. If watermelons are bred in open ground, sowing seeds in pots (for example, in the Moscow climate zone) occurs at the beginning of April. When to plant watermelons for seedlings? Everyone has it climate zone The timing of sowing seeds in pots is different. This is agreed in lunar calendar.

For sowing watermelons for seedlings, small containers are used, it is better if they are peat. Soil is poured into them, but not to the very top, but three to four centimeters lower. Then proceed to sowing the seeds. Three, four or five pieces are planted in each pot. They are only four centimeters deep in the soil, no more, otherwise they will germinate for a long time.

The pots are covered with a film - it will protect the soil from drying out. Then they are transferred to a cool place with an air temperature of +17...+20 °C. It is very important that the surface of the soil in the pots is always moist. It is clearly visible through the transparent film. Before the emergence of seedlings, the film is not removed, and the crops are periodically watered with settled water at room temperature.

Shoots will appear in about seven days. If the seeds were not germinated before planting or they were deeply planted, then this will happen a little later. For pots with young plants, choose a place in the room so that it is well lit by the sun. It is important that the temperature is within the acceptable range: +16...+24 °С. In order for the seedlings to get used to the low temperature, it must be taken out into the street for a short time. When to plant watermelons? This should be done when the shoots are strong enough - then they will quickly take root in a new place.

Planting watermelon seedlings

How to plant watermelons in open ground? In order for these plants to grow comfortably in the selected area, the earth is first dug up and loosened well. Planting seedlings is recommended 30 days after sowing seeds. This time falls on the last week of May or the first decade of June. best time for landing are a.m. hours. How to plant watermelons in open ground? Landing technology is as follows:

  • Holes are dug up to a depth and diameter of up to 50 cm. Gaps of one meter are left between them. It is better to arrange the pits according to the principle of chess.
  • In each well you need to add: humus, sand, superphosphate - 5-7 liters, 3 liters and ¼ of a glass, respectively.
  • From above, the hole is covered with loose soil to form mounds. small size.
  • Holes are made to a depth of 10 cm, and 0.5 liters of water is poured into each.
  • The seedlings are taken out of the cup, lowered into the hole, covered with earth, which is well compacted. Above trunk circle plants are covered with a thick layer of sand.
  • The seedlings are watered and covered for a while to avoid direct sunlight on the leaves, otherwise they will rise for a long time.

Outdoor seedling care

Planted plants are under stress as they were placed in new environment. In order for the acclimatization process to go faster, seedlings need to be looked after.

  • thinning. This procedure is carried out with the appearance of three or four leaves. Plants are thinned out, one or two are left in the hole, all the rest are removed.
  • Weeding. Watermelons are very clean plants, they do not tolerate weeds. Therefore, they will often have to be fought, especially at the beginning of growth. Very soon, the seedlings will grow up, take the form of bushes, and then the frequency of weeding will be reduced. Weeds will no longer be able to harm mature plants.
  • Topping. This is done so that the lashes grow faster. Pinch curly shoots at the level of two or three upper leaves. At the same time, weakened lashes are removed. Three to five ovaries are left on each bush.
  • Loosening. This procedure is carried out constantly, since watermelons prefer airy soil.


When planting watermelons in the ground, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will often have to be watered, otherwise they will not draw juice well. Striped berries should be watered regularly, once a week, in hot weather- two. To do this, use a lot of water: three buckets per meter square square site. You need to moisten not only watermelon bushes, but also the free area between them. With the advent of fruits, watering decreases, and before they are harvested, it stops altogether (for two weeks).

top dressing

Plants need it already a couple of weeks after they were planted in the ground. Used as a fertilizer water solution ammonium nitrate. One bush will require two liters. The second dressing is done when the buds begin to form. Calcium chloride is added under one bush, ammonium nitrate 5 g each, superphosphate - 1 g more.

Planting watermelons in a greenhouse

Watermelons are a thermophilic culture. In the distant past, they were grown in regions corresponding to such a climate. But now there are opportunities to get tasty fruits in cold climates. Only here they do not grow in open ground, but in greenhouses. How to plant watermelons in a greenhouse?

  • First you need to plant the seeds in boxes with soil. Allocate a place for planting in the room to put containers with planting material.
  • Then prepare the beds for planting watermelons. This is done like this: the soil is removed upper layer, a trench is formed. Humus is poured into it, nitrogen fertilizers and above - the soil.
  • After that, the seedlings are transplanted into the beds (they will germinate from seeds just by this time). Landings are covered with a film of polyethylene in two layers. When to plant watermelons in a greenhouse? Optimal time for this procedure is the end of April.
  • To plant sprouts, they dig holes of small depth - from 10 to 11 cm. Between them leave gaps equal to 70-100 cm.
  • A trellis should be installed near each hole. It is needed to tie growing stems to it, as they are curly, and they need to cling to something.
  • To improve the fruiting of watermelons, you need to launch bees into the greenhouse, but not a whole swarm, but several individuals. They will pollinate the flowers.
  • When the shoots begin to sprout intensively, they should be cut off immediately, but first of all they get rid of the weak and sick.
  • In the process of growth, plants need useful supplements, so they should be fed with mullein or chicken manure.
  • A prerequisite for growing watermelons in a greenhouse is its regular airing. This should not be forgotten.

Caring for watermelons in a greenhouse

When the growing lashes begin the flowering period, watermelons must be pollinated by hand, otherwise the ovaries will not form. Each whip in greenhouse conditions can withstand a load not exceeding two fruits. But if you leave only one striped berry, it will be much larger.

Watermelons are grown using a trellis. Each fruit is wrapped to avoid contact with the ground. Watermelons growing in a greenhouse are much weaker than those growing on melons. Their lashes cannot support the weight of the fruits and fall to the ground. If not wrapped, they may rot.

If a lot of side shoots have formed and they branch in the opposite direction from the support, they are cut off. Plants need to be constantly turned towards the sun, as the lashes need good lighting otherwise, leaves and fruits will not form well.